#roman and remus are a human and demon! but not in the way you think
asksuccubussides · 9 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn’t that be fucked up or what Chapter 2
Masterpost of chapters
“La di daaaaa! I am RoooMaaan! Reeally obviousllyyyy masculine and niiiiceee! la di dada!” Roman sang song to himself while strolling down the street.
Just before he’d looked at some ancient ruins in Europe and had made sure to take pictures of them so he could show them to Remy and Emile later and joke that the ruins were just as old as them. Remy always protested that they weren’t a day over 140.
It’d been a good busy morning. He’d started out with a dip in the caribbean seas followed by feeding off of a man he’d meet on the beach before pretending to drink some coffee to enjoy the music at a jazz cafe and then he’d come to look at the ruins. A bag of souvenirs swung from his tail while he continued to sing to himself. If everything continued as planned he would go to a renaissance fair tomorrow (one of his favorite historical times!!) and hopefully add another sword to his collection.
It took a while until he found a door and he made sure to check so no humans were around so they wouldn’t get confused when he uttered the phrase that opened the door to hell.The door turned ajar and he walked through it into the door interway that was located the middle hallway of the succubi’s sleeping chambers.
It was usually as busy as the elevator interway in a big hotel but now it was just Roman and a few others. She waved hi to one of them but the succubi just hurried away without acknowleding her. She huffed and told herself that the other succubi had simply been too stunned by her sheer coolness to dare respond.
“So here I am, walking bravely all on my own down this dark mysterious hallways” Roman started to narrate to herself, she did that quite often “I would have stayed on earth for the night, tis it was not for the monthly meeting with the manager! Hah! But I need not worry for I am thee greatest demon in my squadron...NO! in the entirety of hell!!”
He had a smug self assured smile on his face as he swaggered through the hallways. He could feel that his twin was also in hell, he couldn’t explain it he just always sort of knew in his gut kind of where his headache of a twin was.
From barely any other demons being around her it shifted to more and more swarming all around her. Every one of them were half running in the same direction and when Roman turned the corner she saw a big cluster of succubi all gathering around the entrance to one of the rooms typically used for the manager meetings. Some were standing on their toes to see while others had extended their wings to get a few feet up in the air.
A sinking feeling fell through Roman as he paled. he tried to shake the feeling off and hoped it wasn’t anything to serious. Instead he forced a laugh and said to the closest demon “Haha a bit crowded here today, am I right?”
The demon looked at her with an excited smile “Yeah duh, I heard a succubi from one of the lower squadrons is getting Punished!”
The horns on Roman’s head started to pulse a darker red as she gulped. She closed her eyes and tried to feel where her brother was but all she could feel was that he was in hell somewhere. There was so much stupid shit Remus did all the stupid shitty time all she could do was close her eyes even tighter and hope he hadn’t done something so unrepentable he’d end up getting Punished like this.
After a deep breathe he opened his eyes and hurried over to the group of demons scrambling to try and catch any sight of the punishment. Hushed whispers buzzed through the evergrowing group.
“Who is it?” “Does anyone know what they did?” “I think he was in the squadron under me” “Did he do a patton?” “Ouugh! it would be so exciting if he did a patton” “What if it’s just a mistake? I hope he’s okay” “I’m betting he killed a human”
Roman could hear the faint sound of a manager’s voice coming from inside the room. The hoarse tone making way for booming words.
“See no evil”
Just hearing those words from the manager made the crowd of succubi turn so quiet a pin dropping would have been heard. A guttural scream followed. It was quick and sharp before slowly morphing into whimpers until it went silent again.
Roman felt sick to his stomach. It was like someone had torn half of him away and all he could do was wait with baited breathe to see if it was his brother or not.
Eventually two guards came out with the punished succubi dragging behind them. Blood was still dripping from the hands of the succubi, smelling like the way only human blood could. Their eyes were open wide but unseeing. The irises had turned completely white as soon as the manager had taken away their sight. Lost in their newly given blindness the succubi shook their head around and let out scream after scream as they heard the crowd around them. They started to scream for the crowd to help them get away before they got sent to heaven. Until they were sobbing that please please they didn’t want to go to heaven.
It wasn’t Remus. 
Roman let out a shaky sigh and turned around to hurry back to their sleeping hall. He didn’t have to see the punished succubi being sent away to heaven, he’d already seen everything he had to.
One time when he was younger he’d asked Emile why they didn’t just send the demons away to heaven immediately if they’d broken the rules so badly to be killed. Why was the taking of the senses necessary. He’d answered that it was just a scare tactic. All the other demons had to see what could happen to them.
As soon as she’d found her way out of the crowd she started to run towards their squadron’s sleeping quarter. She sprinted so fast her lungs burned by the end of it. but it was worth it when she got into the room and saw her brother standing. next to Remy’s and Emile’s bed. 
A wave of relief ran over her giving her the last energy to run up to Remus pull him into such a tight hug that she lifted him off the ground.
Remus squinted at her but let her hug him for a little bit before poking his fingers into her rib and when that didn’t get her to let go he blew his breathe stench right into her face. She let go of him and kicked him in the knee before whispering
“Someone was Punished”
In turn her brother glanced over to the bed where Remy was sitting and  answered “Yeah, We know. Remy is-” Roman shushed him before he could talk his mouth off.
“You’re such a rotting piece of shit asshole!” Roman was on the brink of yelling it out “I thought it was gonna be you again! I always think it’s gonna be you! Because youre such a- a- Urgh!”
“I wouldn’t be punished, I could destroy all my senses in much funner ways than the managers ever could imagine”
Roman hit his shoulder in response.
He looked away from Remus and turned to his friends. Remy was covering their ears with their hands while staring nearly unblinkingly down into the floor. Their body was completely frozen aside from their chest slightly rising and lowering.
Emile was sitting beside them with his arm pulled around their waist. His fingers were idly stroking up and down their side. When his lover suddenly drew in a sharp breathe he murmured sweet nothings to calm them down.
“Did you see which manager gone and fucked that succubi up?” Remus asked.
“Don’t think it was our”
“Good. I don’t need Orange to be any more of an asshat than usual”
“Not his name! We should probably go now if we don’t want to be late to the meeting....” Roman grimaced at his own words while glancing to Remy.
“Nah nah. It’ll be fine. What’ll he do if we’re late? Chop our genitals off? We need those. Our fingers? That’d be fun. I’ve alwaysw ondered what happens if we lose limbs. Like do they grow back? Can we reattach those fuckers” He gasped “What if it’s like lizard tails and it will make way to even cooler limbs”
“It’s common courtesy to not be ass-late dukey”
“Courtesy aint gonna do anything for you. It’s not even gonna kill your enemies for you!”
“We can go” Remy interrupted. “Girlies I can’t even read your lips from here and I can still see you’re like bickering”
Remy gave a last little hug to Emile and he in return whispered “I’ll be here when you get back honey”
‘Alright. C’mon sluts. Meeting time’
The rest of their squadron were already lining up in the meeting room when the three of them arrived. It was about 30 demons in total and while obviously they all knew the names of each other most of the others didn’t talk that much to Remy or Remus. It was like a school class, some people were just closer to others. Besides most didn’t know how to communicate with Remy and Remus was....Remus. Roman could fit in quite well with the others if he tried but he prefered spending time on earth.
Remus noticed some of the succubi went from speaking normally to whispering as soon as he entered the room. He thought about whether sprinting up to them or barking would scare them the most but his twin dragged him over to stand in line before he could do anything.
He shifted his weight and bounced on his heels while waiting for the meeting to start. Remy signed a dirty joke that made him laugh and he was in the middle of signing back when the door opened and their managaer stepped in.
At once the room turned dead silent and all of the succubi stood perfectly still. Their manager wore a well ironed orange suit but looked far less human than any of the succubi for the simple reason that he was a Dominion instead of a succubi. It also meant he was automatically higher ranked than them. His horns were so long they wrapped themself around each other and his limbs were stretched out with his waist being long and slender to fit his organs. His hands tore out into long thin fingers that ended in yellowing claws.
The manager stopped in the middle of the room and clicked his heels together before looking over at the group of succubi. “Good evening. As I’m sure you’re all aware there was a Punishing earlier today so I’ll keep this short since I am certain you all want to go back to sulking or raving or whatever you succubi do after a Punishing” he pointed at the succubi standing at one end of the line “Please list the number of humans you’ve seduced this month”
“21 humans″
Remus and Remy kept signing back and forth while Roman signed for them to shut up which just made Remy sign that he was licking boots while Remus mimicked jerking off before puking.
“18 humans″
It went on demon after demon.
“25 humans″ “19 humans and uh a half maybe. It depends how you count it” “24 humans″
It became Roman’s turn.
“27 humans″
Remus’ let up into a grin of nerves when he realized it was his turn. He steeled himself and boasted up his chest because the last thing he was gonna do was not look confident.
“3! 3 entire humans! The most epic 3 fucks ever witnessed!”
He let out an overly loud laugh while the rest of the room stayed silent and stared at him. Someone let out an awkward cough. Roman signed to Remy that it was their turn. As soon as people stopped looking at his brother the better.
“17 humans″
All of the succubi let out a breathe of relief since Remy was the last in line, hopefully the manager would let them go now. Their hope was in vain as the manager took long dragged out steps towards Remy until he was standing so close they could feel his breathe pressing down against their head.
They held their head high with their eyes staring up at the ceiling while their hands and tail stayed behind their back like they were supposed to. They picked at their nails, a bad habit, and stared. But they couldn’t see the manager’s face, it was all blurry skin at the edges of their eyes and blindingly bright white ceiling.
“Could you repeat the number of humans you have seduced this month” The manager ordered.
Remy didn’t respond because obviously they were deaf so they couldn’t hear if he’d said anything.
“I asked you a question” The manager continued.
“Sir if you are trying to speak to me we both know I have to read your lips” Remy said, trying to keep their voice steady. It wasn’t the first time this had happened.
“How dare you! You may not look in my face! You are far below me!”
“Sir if you are trying to-”
The manager pushed Remy to the ground. A crack echoed through the room as their back slammed into the marble floor.
Some of the succubi tensed up. Others, even those who weren’t close to Remy, looked like they were ready to throw hands. Remus was just about ready to pounce on the manager if Roman hadn’t held him back, and if Remy hadn’t quickly signed for him to calm down.
The manager looked down on Remy and for a second their eyes met. None of the others in the room were able to see what was said between them in that moment, in that look. All they saw was that Remy stayed on the ground and the manager said
“Meeting dismissed”
Roman kept his head down to the floor as he helped Remy up on their feet. The rest of the succubi hurried out of the room, some of them whispering if Remy was okay or saying niceties to Roman in hope she would forward it to them.
'Don't tell Emile' Remy Signed.
'Whatever you say sleeping beauty' Roman Signed back.
Remus tried to disappear into the group of succubi and walk out without being noticed, but just when he was about to step into the hallway-
"Twin 2 stay behind. I have some things to say to you" The managers dry voice called out.
Roman gave her brother a look of pity while closing the door behind her. Remus closed his eyes and imagined pretty thoughts of blood veins exploding to calm himself down before turning towards the manager.
“Didn’t I tell you to increase your human per month capita”
“Well yeah but you see I am actually a total sex machine, sir, It’s just that I got terrible luck okay!?” Remus exclaimed “Like for example I was about to go down on this guy but then a tiger came and ate him! Or I would have had a classic plane orgy but then the plane uh crashed! OOPS!”
The manager grimaced at him “You must understand that the better numbers your squadron has the better it will be for all of you, and me”
Remus didn’t really respond he just picked his nose.
“And there are only so much space here in the lust realm. If you can not meet the demands of your job we might just have to send you to heaven”
“That’s fine with me! Send me up there fucker! I’ve always wanted to try killing some angels anyway! bash their heads in and-”
“You and the other twin are a sort of package deal. You understand, don’t you? If you get sent away, he does too”
“....Yeah....Yes I understand sir”
“Good. You may leave”
Remus didn’t say anything more. He just walked out of the room as fast as he could. A tiny group of his squadron coworkers swarmed him almost immediately.
“Hi R. We’ve been talking a bit between us and we know some easy humans to seduce. We can help you y’know?” One of the succubi suggested.
“Yeah. I mean we get it. Some people are just late bloomers and you’re like a super late bloomer but we don’t judge”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of”
“Exactly! i know some humans got this concept of shame around like sex and seducing but R you don’t have to mimic them! You silly goose!”
“I’m actually allergic to shame” Remus replied. “ Shame makes my whole face explodes with muckus, like with a nut allergy”
“Girlies don’t bother him. He just gotta find his kink goblin dick pig mode” Remy interrupted “Leave him to me”
One of the succubi turned to Remus and said “Tell Remy to have a good day” before all of them walked away.
‘Girls coulda just said it to me’ They signed and rolled their eyes before turning to Remus. They moved their tail to play with his beard while asking ‘Manager say the same like always?’
‘He got some new threats. You okay or should i kill him with a chainsaw?’
‘its like literally fine girl. he aint getting to me. thaankkkss’ They mimicked the sound of dragging the word out by repeating the motion of the sign.
‘well im getting to him. with these SWEET GUNS’ Remus flexed his arms in the most cursed ways until Remy laughed.
“REMUS! HONEYBUN! HI!” They could see Emile running towards them closely followed by Roman.
Emile and Remy met in a kiss before having a conversation in sign language with such quick signs that even the twins couldn’t follow. It looked like one of the lovers signed something to the twins but Remus’ eyes had turned into a dizzy blur. He squinted and tried to make something out but all he could think about was human flesh.
“Hey. Hey. Stinkey” Roman snapped his fingers in front of her twin’s face “Look at me. You need to feed”
“I need to go to the hospital to look at some wounds. Need to look at some brain surgeries and shit”
“Bro you’re coming with me to earth. I got a meet up with this guy in Tianjin and he’s gonna take me out to the local theater. Perfect time for me to work on my mandarin. And you are gonna come with”
‘Girl me and Em can like help’
“Of course! I’m sure we can help find some lonely soul”
“.....Fine sure. But one of the nights this week I will sneak into one of y’alls beds and fill it with the most horrible of smells and I won’t tell where I found them or how I got them there”
“Sounds  great in your lovely Remus way!”
Emile moved his arm around Remus to push him along while his tail intertwined with Remy’s. Roman was the one to open the door to earth and held it open while the other’s got through. She left soon afterwards to meet up with the guy.
‘I can at least slaughter- Oop, I obviously mean feed off a human all on my own’ Remus said.
“You sure Rembem?” Emile replied “The buddy system always works!”
‘Like especially during sex. Buddy system tots works’ Remy added.
“Oh shush hun. You know I didn’t mean it like that” He blew a raspberry against his partner’s cheek making them smile softly “But Rem if that helps we can do it!”
“I’m still thinking about wounds”
“So you sure about being alone?”
“Yeah. Like a nearly extinct animal. yeah”
Emile and Remy turned to each other, one of them happy wiggled his arms around while the other stretched their wrists and cracked their neck.
“EARTH TIME!” They yelled in unison.
Though they weren’t as much of fans of earth as Roman (few was) they still had a soft spot for it since they had originally met on earth.
‘Well girl I got to choose what we like did last time-’
‘Oh but honey I really enjoyed that mall concert! You can choose again’
‘Shut it slut, it’s your turn’
“Well I know there should be a collgage-”
“Colegaga campus nearby, maybe they have someone speaking on psychology- OH but I also know there’s lots of cute adorable fantastic animated mascots around this part of earth. We can have a little windowlicking”
They played Cliff, fire, scissor to decide. The mascot windowshopping won. Remy stretched a bit more before taking their jacket off to which their lover immediately held it for them.
“Please DON’T” Remus interrupted.
“Oh girl I am soooo gonna do it bitch”
They took a deep breathe before letting their wings out. The sharp jagged lines of the wing structure grew out of the bones on their back and their skin stretched out to fill the space between. They strained their body to force the final part of the wings out until sweat dripped down the back of their neck.
“Gross gross gross” Remus stuck his tongue out at them “And not in the good way. Wings is some angel shit dude!”
“I like angels! They’re cute!”
Emile happily held up their arms and let their lover hold onto him tightly. Remy checked to see so they weren’t gonna fall before flapping their wings. “See you later Rembem. Good luck!” Emile waved goodbye.
Remus wrought his tail around nervously in his hands while looking up at the grey brick buildings around him. "I don't get how Ro can love this. Their homes are boring rectangles and murder is like 100% illegal" He had as much of a habit of talking to himself as his brother.
Earth smelled like gas and cigarettes, two smells he would normally like if it didn’t have the slight human smell as well. A car drove past and he barked at it. When a human walked by and accidentally knocked into his shoulder he barked at them as well.
All of a sudden he stopped and sniffed in the air. “ANGEL FUCKER!” He yelled as he saw one flying past him up above. It had big white wings and a shining halo. Remus picked up stones from the ground and tried to throw it at the angel to which the angel gave him a disappointed look while waging it's finger. He stuck out his tongue and gave it the double bird.
It flied away and Remus was left alone with his ribs aching from how hungry he was. He could feel his fangs rotting away slowly from the lack of feeding and his tail dragged behind him on the side walk. But hey who needs teeth anyway.
Eventually he ended up in a bar. A tiny one with mostly people sitting alone or tiny groups scrunched together around a table. When the bartender wasn’t looking he stole a shot and enjoyed the feeling of his throat burning. Succubi could control if substances affected them or not, he'd once seen a succubi snort an entire line of off a guys cock and just continue like nothing, but he prefered to let it affect him.
"HEY. does anyone wanna fuck me?" He yelled loud enough so the entire bar could hear. Very subtle.
When no one seemed to care he threw the shot glass down into the floor and grinned as pieces of glass burst around his feet. He threw more glasses and a bottle and a few toothpicks just to be extra until the bar owner shouted at him and pressed him up against the wall. Remus laughed right into his face and threw the closest thing he could grasp onto the floor.
Oh how he wished he could have been a demon of the rage circle. He would have made an extraordinary one.
The feeling of a human beating him was one of his favorite. Any kind of pain was already something he loved. When it left bruises or blood he could stare at it for hours. But sadly the humans at the bar threw him out after only a few punches.
He let himself lay in a pile of dirt and mud right outside and lapped the mud up like it was a fine glass of wine. Predictably enough one of the humans from the bar came out soon after and stood down on their knees in the mud next to the demon. Something was uttered in a language Remus didn’t know but it was probably a declaration of sudden love at first sight or an invitation to have sex. That type of short term infatuation tended to happen to humans when they saw a succubi.
It didn’t matter if Remus knew very well he was something akin to a man nor that he felt nothing close to attraction, his body changed into whatever the human wanted anyway. He had to desperately feed anyhow. This was what he wanted. This was what he had to do to survive. And he couldn’t die in such a lame way as starvation. If he was gonna die it was gonna be at his own extremly epic hands.
In his mind Remus started to recite every organ he knew of, even the ones that weren’t human, as he let the human lead him into the back alley. It wasn’t the nicest but in a way he liked the dirt, grime and piles of trash bags in the alleyway rather than a hotel room or some car.
His hands and chest got pressed against the rough concrete wall and he tried to count how many stains he could see before trying to decipher if there was more of a lingering smell of piss or vomit.
The feeling of feeding hit him like a freight train. The lust forced itself down his mouth into his organs and gave his body life far too suddenly. He repeated the organs in his mind quicker and quicker. Starting over from the beginning if he forgot one.
The sudden lack of hunger made him delirious. It was like all his senses stopped working except for the immense feeling of fullness. It was heavy like a rock while Remus had always been the type to prefer sprinting light and quick. It was like a coat that was too tight when Remus had always been a bit of a nudist. It wasn’t over. The human had more lust to give.
All of a frog’s organs were held in it’s abdominal captivity. Cows have four distinct parts of it’s stomach. Octopuses have 3 hearts and blue blood. Humans have about 34 main veins. Horses have 205 bones.
It was over. The warmth of the human’s skin went away and the touch of their hands stopped grabbing at him. Maybe the human said something before leaving but Remus was still repeating organs to himself.
He stuck his fingernails under his other nails until blood started to pool out from under the sharp edges to try and connect to his body again. He grabbed at his cheeks until the red of his eyes showed and he could touch the veins making blood flow in his face. He bit at his knees and plucked at his teeth and tasted his own snot until his body felt like his own again. Until he could feel the earth under him again.
And then he screamed. He had to fill the silence with something. He screamed because he loved how his lungs started to burn and his mouth tried to close but he wouldn’t let it.
At least he had energy now. So much energy he could fill a church. He just knew he was always meant to have this type of energy. He was just stuck in his own starvation most of the time.
To both celebrate his energy and forget the feeding he decided to do some of his favorite things. First of he found a baseball bat and a random human’s car and smashed it to pieces. Secondly he got into a packed elevator and started jumping up and down until the entire elevator shook and an old lady fell over. Thirdly he waited until the night and walked omniously out onto the roads right when a lone car was about to pass by.
This continued until he had used up all of his energy. It was always like this. Sudden feeding followed by a binge of all the activities he had fantasised about for the past weeks. Until he passed out in a ditch somewhere.
“Bro? Stinky bitch? I could feel you bitching yourself over all the way from my date” Roman’s voice brought him back from sleep.
When he squinted up all he saw was a dark sky lined with trees. he didn’t recognise where he was or how he’d gotten there but his stomach panged with hunger once more.
“I fed” Remus wheezed out “I crashed a car too...or maybe like smashed it...or both”
“Whatever you say bro” Roman slung her brother’s arm around her shoulder and forced him up on his feet. Remus felt heavy like a corpse and his head lolled to the side as she walked him back to hell. 
He kept mumbling out half sentences of what he’d done mixed in with pure nonsense before restorting to nibbling on his brother’s hair and pretending to eat it. Roman let out a heavy sigh and just kept walking. 
He was too tired to notice but she lightly patted his hand that was slung close to her chest almost the entire way home and far after he had fallen asleep again she tucked him into their shared bed.
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mango back at it again with a new ✨monsterboy/fantasy AU✨ because they have ✨✨✨no self control✨✨✨
Patton and Virgil are selkie best friends!
They met as lil children when both were captured to be part of a zoo/aquarium, and ended up escaping together!
They were kept in separate but parallel enclosures because they expected Virgil (a leopard seal, who was slighly older) to attempt to eat Patton (a bearded seal) as he got older, as leopard seals often eat other seals and Virgil even at a young age was unusually violent
Patton was the mastermind behind their escape and getting rid of their tracking devices, which they both have vicious scars on their backs to show for
They escaped into the Hudson Bay, where they now live, and Pat fed their trackers to some polar bears so that their old keepers (who were Distressed at how much trouble they would get into for losing a LEOPARD SEAL into a huge bay full of smaller seals) wouldn’t look for them, but neither of them know if the scientists actually bought that
They spend a lot of their time disguised as humans because it makes it easier for them (especially Virgil) to eat the proper amount, as selkies need A LOT OF FOOD to sustain themselves
They both have slightly webbed hands and sharp teeth, which they try to hide and/or play off as “just a little quirk totally normal and genetic” as much as possible
When they first shed their seal skins they appear much like cloaks made of animal hide, proportionate to the seals they had been (Virgil’s is huge because he’s like twice Patton’s size in seal shape) but they can use their magic to obscure them into the shape of any jacket/cloak/sweater/poncho-like garment shape they please
They can also use magic in seal form, mostly to manipulate the water around them, but they can’t do the water-bending type stuff in human shape.
In human shape Patton is about 5′9, and Virgil is around 6′6. They’re both unusually strong for a human, but Virgil MUCH more so.
At least one month every year must be spent for them to molt, during which time their “jacket/cardigan” looks really ratty and gross as a newer, cleaner-looking coat emerges from beneath it like a cocoon.
Neither are sure where their families are or if they’re alive, but they’ve both made peace with the fact that they’ll probably never see them again, and they’re more than happy sticking together :)
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Begone, Bitch
Prompts: Hi ! I just wanted to say that i love your stories and the way you write the characters ! If you want, could you write about Virgil being comforted by the other sides, or him getting hurt while protecting the others ? - anon
I am beyond grateful for every fic you write, you are so good at pushing all the right emotional buttons to just make my entire day. I don't want to be greedy since you already make so much good content, but in 'Lie to Me' there was that little one off scene in the kitchen where Virgil pushes Janus behind him to 'protect ' him from Roman and I *cannot* stop thinking about it. I would die for a whole fic of Virgil protecting Janus(and the others, but mostly Janus, I like when people are sweet to the snake boy) from danger by physically shielding him with his body. Overprotective Virgil is my favorite. So this is a prompt/request but only if you really really want to <3 And thank you for writing such wonderful fic. - awitchbravestheverge
Ah yes more opportunities to write in Virgil's narration style.
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none, not really. Some creepy shadow shit from the Subconcious and Virgil gets a little hurt but nothing graphic
Pairings: platonic found family babey
Word Count: 4504
The Subconscious is a nasty piece of work. It’s not quite powerful enough to overtake the Mindscape by itself, Roman and Remus do too good of a job holding the barriers in the Imagination, but that doesn’t mean little shits don’t worm their way through every now and then. Guess who gets the fantastic job of being alert to each and every single one of them?
No fucking prizes for guessing who.
The Subconscious is a nasty piece of work. It’s not quite powerful enough to overtake the Mindscape by itself, Roman and Remus do too good of a job holding the barriers in the Imagination, but that doesn’t mean little shits don’t worm their way through every now and then. Guess who gets the fantastic job of being alert to each and every single one of them?
No fucking prizes for guessing who.
For the most part, Virgil’s able to work undetected. Or, well, no, the others will see him doing shit but they don’t know that’s what he’s doing. He just has to stand between them and whatever gross slimy black thing has crawled its way up from the depths of the Subconscious and it’ll get absorbed. Part of Thomas’s background anxiety until he can banish back to the hellhole from whence it came.
That doesn’t always mean it’s…painless.
Some of them are fine. Some of them are like little misty bits that just putter around where they’re not fucking supposed to be and Virgil can just pluck them out of the air and stuff them into the pockets of his hoodie and wait. These ones really like to bother Patton, for some reason.
Patton’s baking today, cinnamon sugar muffins. He’s humming to himself as he bustles about the kitchen with that weird boundless energy of his that makes everyone want to think about nothing but sunshine. Ruins the hell out of Virgil’s gloomy emo image but hey, fresh muffins. Sacrifices must be made somewhere.
“Did you want to help, Virgil, or are you fine with just sitting there?”
Virgil blinks, having zoned out after the third time watching one of the containers almost fall over. “Nah, I’m good.”
Patton shrugs. “If you change your mind…”
“I won’t, Pat, I’m good. You’re doing great.”
“Aw, thanks!”
Virgil opens his mouth to say something else when he sees a little grey thing twisting in the air next to Patton’s head. He suppresses a sigh and reaches out, careful to make sure Patton’s back is turned as he snags the pesky little thing and whips it away. He stuffs his hand in his pocket as soon as Patton turns around.
“What was that?”
“What was what,” Virgil asks, blinking innocently as he squeezes the icy thing in his pocket, “what’re you talking about?”
Ah, it’s the hands-on-the-hips dad pose today. “I saw you reach for something, mister, now what did you do?”
“Don’t worry about it.” The misty little shit shrivels and disappears, leaving an ice-cold sting on his hand out of sight. “It’s fine.”
“Show me your hands.”
“Show me your hands, Virgil.”
Virgil sighs and pulls the unstung hand out of his pocket. “See,” he says, waving it for good measure, “nothing to see here.”
Patton just raises an eyebrow. “And what about the other one?”
“C’mon, Pat—“ he sighs when both of Patton’s eyebrows go up— “fine, here.”
Patton’s eyes widen when he sees the mark on Virgil’s palm. He rushes forward instantly, cradling the injured hand and reaching for a towel. Conveniently, he gets one that was quite near where the misty thing had been floating.
“You could’ve told me you were hurt,” he says softly, tending to the sting with such tenderness that Virgil almost believes it’s something to worry about, “I would’ve helped.”
“But it’s fine, Pat,” Virgil sighs, “I could’ve dealt with it.”
“I know, I know.” Patton gives the hand one last dab with the towel before pronouncing it good enough. “But it’s never a crime to let us help you, kiddo.”
The corner of Virgil’s mouth tugs up. “Thanks, Pat.”
“Oh, of course, kiddo. Now you sit tight, the muffins won’t be another ten minutes.”
“Can’t wait.”
Sometimes the Subconscious decides it’s bored of letting just the little misty bastards out and lets out the fucking ooze.
Have you ever seen Venom? Know how the symbioses move and how weird it is to look at?
Yeah, it kinda looks like that, just without the gay domesticity and mutual pining.
Nah, this ooze is mindless, just wants to—well, it doesn’t want anything, it just gets fucking everywhere. Makes it real hard to think sometimes, messes everything up.
Really likes fucking with Logan. Which first off, is not allowed. Don’t fuck with Logan. Don’t fuck with any of them, Virgil can and will kick your ass, but especially don’t fuck with Logan. Remus will tear you apart and no one will stop him. Except for Logan. Maybe. ‘Cause he’s nice like that.
Anyway, Virgil gets a weird tingle between his shoulders when there’s an oozy bitch up and about. He’s sitting on the couch, minding his own damn business, but then there’s that itch between his shoulders and he perks his head up.
Logan sits in a chair, alternating between scrolling on his laptop and making notes in one of his many notebooks. Virgil frowns, looking around, seeing if there’s any goo to keep track of, only to come up with nothing. Huh.
Logan tilts his head, concerned. “Are you alright? You look worried.”
He shakes his head, still squinting around the room. “Weird feeling, that’s it.”
“Will you let me know if it gets unbearable?” Virgil nods. “Thank you. Well, I’m going to get some more coffee, would you like any?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, L, that’d be great.”
Logan nods and stands, going to the kitchen. Leaving his laptop unattended on the coffee table.
Virgil watches as a truly massive ooze slides out from between the couch cushions and toward the laptop.
Not today you slimy bastard.
Unfortunately, he’s just a second too slow as a tendril from the ooze touches the laptop and yanks, pulling the laptop off the coffee table and sending it hurtling toward the floor. Virgil bites back a curse and lunges. His hand grabs the ooze just as his arm catches the laptop.
“Get back here, you little shit,” he grunts, opening his hand and using his power to suck the frothing fucker into his arm where it can go the fuck back to the Subconscious.
“Virgil, you—“
Virgil looks up, a little guilty, as Logan comes back around the corner holding two coffee mugs. He looks down and raises an eyebrow.
“You…saved my laptop?”
“It was falling,” Virgil mutters, setting the precious cargo back on the coffee table, “didn’t want it to.”
“Ah. Well, thank you. I appreciate it.” Logan sets one of the coffee mugs down and reaches out a hand to help him up. “Though I assure you it is not the first time that laptop has been dropped.”
“What do you do with your stuff, Lo, I swear you make more cryptic remarks about it than J.”
“It’s all part of the experiment.”
“See, there you go again!”
And then, then sometimes the Subconscious decides oh, it wants to get inventive and spawn this horrific little ooze-demons. Goat head, four legs, runs about like a creepy little horror game creature, they’re fucking awful. They don’t all look the same but they’re always running and climbing about like some gross as hellcat gremlins. Their nails are so sharp.
These fuckers really like messing with Janus. He’s got too many fun things to pull on, too many heavy clothes for them to pull and make him trip, and they like scurrying up his staff too much. They’re absolute fucking nightmares.
The good news is they’re by far the most obvious of the obnoxious little shits that manage to slip through the barriers of the Subconscious. Virgil hears a weird skittering in his ears and knows that one of the little monsters is loose again. Given how they all flock to Janus like he’s some fucking homing beacon, it’s easy to find them.
Janus is pacing back and forth, yanking angrily at the end of his clothes like they’re about to snag on something, his staff clutched in his hand. His head is down, muttering to himself as Virgil walks up.
His head whips around. “Oh. Virgil. Certainly expected to see you here.”
“That’s me, always turning up where I’m not wanted.”
“I didn’t say that,” Janus mumbles, resuming his pacing, “though I didn’t mean to summon you. You can go.”
“You didn’t summon me, J,” Virgil says, leaning against the wall and looking around for wherever the bastards are, “I’m here of my own free will.”
“Free will,” Janus scoffs, turning around, “what the hell even is that?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Virgil spots movement.
“It’s not like there’s some master document of humans where free will is written into it.”
Slowly, Virgil raises his hand toward the spot, not tearing his eyes off it.
“And the belief that animals don’t have it! Ha, some of them exhibit characteristics of choice much more than we do.”
The little fucker snaps at his fingers as he makes a grab for it. He snags it by the scruff of the beck and yanks.
“And what is this about it being provable? Show me one scientific theory that has space in it for free will. Do it, I dare you.”
Virgil bites back a curse as he wrests the pesky shit around the middle, ignoring the way it chomps and snarls at him.
“Just because you have or don’t have free will doesn’t make you exempt from the constraints of society. Even if you aren’t making your own choices that doesn’t mean you’re the exception to the consequences.”
The teeth that sink into the sleeve of his hoodie are the last to vanish as Virgil breathes out, watching the last of it fade as Janus turns around.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, tugging his hat and gloves, “haven’t been…”
“S’okay, J,” Virgil waves with the hoodie sleeve that isn’t ripped, “you’re good. Come on, let’s go eat something.”
“Sure thing, danger noodle.”
“Ugh, I take it back.”
“Whatever you say, hazard macaroni.”
“I’m taller than you!”
It makes sense that the Subconscious decides to send the most insidious shit after the twins. They’re the reason the pieces of shit monsters can’t make it up to the rest of them. And for the most part, they know what to look for. They don’t have the same awareness of all the little idiosyncrasies that Virgil does, but they beat back a fair number of them on their own.
Which is why the ones they can’t are tricky.
Remus is Dark Creativity, he lives in the muck with the monsters. Thrives in it. Loves the way the gross and the unwanted and the sickening twist and turn about his realm, thrills in the horrified swoop in his stomach when something truly gruesome rears its ugly fuckin’ head.
What he can’t deal with is the fog.
The first time Virgil saw it, he honestly thought it was smoke. He thought Remus had set something on fire and panicked, reaching through to try and find the blaze, find Remus, find a goddamn fire extinguisher, but it was cold.
Like…really cold.
You know how when the air is really humid it feels like it has a weight to it? Like it hangs over you like a wet rag that you just can’t shake off?
Imagine that but cold.
Virgil shivers and reaches forward, trying to find Remus. He’s still never gotten used to it, even though he’s seen it so many times now. Remus doesn’t make it out of his room when the fog comes. He blames it on creative block but Janus always hisses gently when he says that.
“Remus? Remus,” Virgil calls using his tempest tongue, “where are you, buddy?”
He can’t see Remus yet, but the call did its work. The fog ripples in front of him, almost shying away from the sound waves as he moves. He keeps calling, keeps watching the fog almost flinch as it recedes from him. His voice grows louder, louder. The fog begins to retreat in earnest.
Finally, he sees Remus, curled up on his bed, staring at the wall. Virgil muffles a curse as he strides forward, crooning as softly as he can in tempest tongue while glaring furiously at the fog as it sheepishly retreats. As the last of it fizzles, Remus’s head comes to flop on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Hey, spider-ling,” he mumbles, “when’d you show up?”
“A few minutes ago.” Virgil brushes Remus’s hair off his forehead. “You looked upset, bud, wanted to come check on you.”
“Fucking fine,” comes the slur, signifying that Remus is anything but, “I’m fucking fine, babe.”
“You’re exhausted and cold.” Virgil scoops him up into his arms. “Come on. Let’s go find J. He’ll spoil you.”
Sure enough, as soon as Janus sees Remus lying in Virgil’s arms, he jumps up with a coo and takes the other side from him, lying him down on something warm and promising to get him something warm to drink. No, Remus, not engine fuel. Something safer, at least for right now.
Virgil stands at the door, waiting.
There’s an itch between his shoulders and another chill down his spine.
A cloud of fog emerges from down the hallway. From it, three shadow gremlins canter toward him.
He grits his teeth and braces.
The first one collides with his shoulder and he grabs it, squeezing until the shadow folds in on itself. The second hits his shin and he punts it into a wall, scooping the remnants and absorbing them. The third one vanishes in a quick shout of tempest tongue.
You’re not gonna get them, he thinks as he shouts the fog away, not on my goddamn watch.
The worst part of the Subconscious is the shadows.
Because they all have shadows. They all do. That’s just the nature of being an opaque thing and existing in proximity near light sources. Shadows are a natural by-product of blocking light, that’s it.
Wow, he’s been spending more time with Logan than he thought. Sweet.
But the Subconscious shadows are different. There’s no such thing as dark. Only an absence of light. There is no substance known as ‘dark,’ sure there’s dark energy or dark matter if you go the physics route, but there isn’t a thing ‘dark’ the way there’s a thing ‘light.’
If you looked at the Subconscious shadows, you’d believe otherwise.
They look normal. They look just like normal shadows. Something resting against the wall casts a shadow. Something moving in front of a window casts a shadow. Something sitting on the edge of the desk casts a shadow.
But these shadows move.
You have to pay such close attention to even catch them. You have to know precisely what on your desk is casting what part of the shadow when—hold on, what is that? Is it the water bottle? No, you pick up the water bottle and the cylinder two spaces across move. So you pick up the lamp and no, that’s not it either. You move your hand—your hand’s shadow is easy to track—and you move it to where it should be overlapping with whatever’s casting that shadow. You look closer. But there’s nothing blocking the light where your hand is, nothing between the light and the wall.
You stare at the shadow.
And then it moves.
See? They’re fucking terrifying. Like some Peter Pan gone wrong shit. Creepy, sinister, innocuous-looking, you’ve got to be constantly on guard to catch them. You have to be smart. These ones, out of all the Subconscious monsters, feel the most spiteful. Like they’re doing this on purpose, to terrorize the Mindscape.
That’s probably why they go for Roman.
Roman holds the barriers the most. Remus pushes them to reinforce them, but Roman draws the lines in the sand. Roman is responsible for keeping Thomas safe from the barriers breaking, is largely responsible for Thomas being able to see the Sides at all.
So of course the Subconscious hates him.
Roman is the only one who will summon Virgil when he thinks there’s something wrong. Sure, it’s never been quite as simple as Virgil showing up and Roman telling him he’s scared, he thinks something just moved. They used to just throw barbs at each other until Roman was distracted enough for Virgil to suck up the shadow, or fight until Virgil pointed out where it was and Roman said it was just a test, but they’re better now.
Virgil appears in Roman’s room and immediately looks around. Roman sits on the bed, his hands folded primly over the sword in his lap, polishing the pommel with forced calm.
“There are at least three,” he says, his voice perfectly even, “I can’t keep track of them anymore.”
“It’s okay, Princey,” Virgil says softly, turning and turning to try and catch them, “I’m here now. You did a good thing calling me. Are you alright?”
“I’m here,” Roman says, forcing a little false cheer into it, “not the biggest fan of what’s happening, but I’m here.”
Virgil smiles at him briefly before he sees the flicker.
“Roman,” he says calmly, “I need you to go stand by the window.”
Roman gets up and walks to the window, sitting under the sill and closing his eyes. Virgil grits his teeth and makes his shadow overlap with the one on the wall.
It burns as he starts to absorb it, writhing in protest and screeching silently for the others to come help. Sweat begins to bead on Virgil’s forehead as two move shadows race to enlarge his silhouette. Goddamn, they’re vicious tonight. What the hell would they have done to Roman if he hadn’t called?
Not on my goddamn watch.
He’s panting by the time they’re gone, but he’s alright. He’s good. They’re gone. Roman is safe. He turns and opens his arms, letting Roman come and bury his face in the crook of his neck.
“Thank you,” Roman murmurs quietly, “sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, Princey, this is my job.” He claps Roman on the shoulder. “You did good too.”
Roman huffs. “I sat in the corner. That’s not much.”
“And you did great. Now come on, Pat’s making cookies.”
“Oh, right, is it Remus’s night to help?”
“Hmmm…maybe we should swing by and warn Logan first.”
“Good idea.”
Nothing’s happened in a while and Virgil is getting worried.
Normally the longest they go without an incident is a month, maybe, and then it’s normally back-to-back nonsense for like a week.
But it’s been three months. And nothing. No misty tendrils, no puddles of ooze, no snapping gremlins, no fog, no shadows. Virgil’s just about on the verge of running a round-the-clock patrol of the damn place just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything.
As it turns out, he needn’t have bothered.
Stupid, stupid. Idiot.
He fucking missed it. He fucking missed it.
All the other Sides had monsters that went after them specifically. Why should Virgil get left out?
The Subconscious hadn’t been stopping, or slowing down, no. It had been biding its fucking time.
And now…
Virgil scrambles backward, trying to keep himself between the door to the Imagination and the figure in front of him. They slash at him again and he dodges just in the nick of time. He winces, claps a hand to his chest, and literally feels his heart skip a beat as his hand passes right through.
He’s being absorbed.
The figure raises a dripping, shadowy arm and brings the weapon down again. Virgil can’t stop dodging long enough to get a good look at it. He only knows that it fucking hurts and that it’s draining him. Draining him back into the Subconscious.
If he can just keep it here, if he can just hold off long enough to figure out what to do—
Another slash comes down on his arm and he yells, tempest tongue dying in his throat. That one fucking hurt.
He throws a handful of dirt up just to see if maybe it will blind them or give them a moment’s pause but no. The dirt just sinks into it like some fucking nightmare vacuum. The next strike collides.
“Virgil? Virgil?”
“What the fuck is that thing?”
“It’s draining him, move!”
“Hang on, Virgil, we’re coming!”
“Don’t you fucking dare hit him again!”
The figure turns, only to jump out of the way when Remus’s Morningstar smashes into the ground where they had been standing. Remus growls, ripping it out of the soil and swinging again. The figure parries the blow only to let out an inhuman wail as Roman’s sword slices its arm.
“Get the fuck away from him,” Remus snarls.
“Back!” Roman swings again, driving them away from Virgil. “Back, foul beast!”
“Don’t insult them by comparing the beasts to whatever the fuck this is.”
Logan rushes up before Virgil can open his mouth to ask what the fuck is going on, dropping to his knees and pressing something warm to Virgil’s chest.
“Virge? Virge, stay with me,” he calls softly, “come on, it’s alright, we’re here now.”
“How—“ Virgil gasps as his chest starts to…resolidify? “How did you—what? How?”
“Oh, Virgil,” Logan murmurs, rubbing whatever the miracle thing on his chest is in small circles, “did you really think we never noticed that you were trying to fight them by yourself?”
Oh, fuck.
“Shh,” he soothes, helping Virgil up into a seated position, “it’s okay. We’re not mad. Just worried. You’re hurt.”
“Just stab them, Ro.”
“I’m trying!”
Despite himself, Virgil huffs a laugh as he leans against Logan. “Are they—we should help.”
“You,” Logan says sternly, “will sit here and let me finish making sure you won’t be drained. The twins can handle themselves.”
Still, Virgil’s heart stays in his throat until he spies something else running up the hill. A shadow beast, a massive one.
“Logan, look out—”
Logan turns and—
Who the fuck gave Logan a gun?
The shadow beast has flopped over onto its side and dissipated, Logan already back to tending to Virgil’s wound but the time Virgil’s dizzy, half-drained brain figures out what just happened.
“You…you shot it.”
Logan quirks an eyebrow. “You sound surprised.”
“Get back!”
“What the hell is it doing?”
“It’s growing, shit, Ro, we gotta fall back.”
“Guard Logan, check on Virgil, I’m right behind you!”
The twins rush up and form a guard around Logan and Virgil as the shadow figure swells. Virgil’s eyes widen as it growls, growing larger and larger and larger still until the shadows look strapped at the seams, fit to burst. It grows claws. It grows teeth. It grows more limbs than he can count.
It leers down at them and opens a gaping, black maw.
Roman crouches down to shield him as dirt flies up around them. Logan bends in too as something equally massive soars overhead. Virgil manages to peek between Roman and Remus to see a blur of green tackle the monster.
“Is that…is that Patton?”
“I believe it’s ‘Lily Pad-ton,’” Logan corrects wryly as the twins snicker, “but…yes.”
Judging by the roar of the monster, he’s doing something.
“Where’s Janus,” he hears Roman hiss, “he should’ve been here by now.”
Remus points and Virgil spots a fucking enormous yellow snake unhinging its jaw. The monster howls as it starts to vanish down the snake’s gullet.
“Holy fuck.”
“I think Janny’s hungry.”
“Pissed off, more like.” Roman lays a hand protectively on Virgil’s shoulder, squeezing encouragingly as Virgil gasps at the contact. “Whatever that thing is hurt Virgil.”
Remus growls in assent.
The thing in Virgil’s chest starts to burn hotter. Logan shushes him gently as he whines in pain.
“It’s alright, Virgil, you’re almost done. We’re right here, just breathe.”
“You’re safe, sweetheart,” Roman murmurs as he starts to list side to side, “we’ve got you.”
“Nothing’s gonna fucking touch you,” he hears Remus snarl as he passes out, “promise.”
He comes to an indeterminate amount of time later, laid out on the couch, his head in Patton’s lap. He blinks.
“Hey, kiddo,” Patton murmurs, stroking his hair, “you feel any better?”
“Um, yeah,” he mumbles, turning a little and wincing at the pull in his chest, “what…what happened?”
“We won.” Roman pats his arm. “All safe now. You did great.”
“All I did was lie there.”
“Yeah, and you did great.” He winks.
Virgil’s gaze rolls around to catch Logan setting down a glass of water and crouching by his head.
“You’re all better physically,” Logan says softly, “but it might take some time for you to feel like it. Just take it easy for a while.”
“And that means,” comes Remus’s voice from over the couch, “you gotta let us help defend you too.”
Virgil flushes. “But it’s not your job.”
“Are you insinuating that our job is not to take care of you?” Roman holds his hand to his chest in a mock gasp. “Because that is rude.”
Patton gives his hair a gentle tug. “We’re gonna look after you, kiddo, you deserve it.”
“I—um…” Virgil swallows heavily. “But if I dealt with it properly you wouldn’t have to.”
A soft hiss comes from the chair. Virgil looks and sees Janus sitting there, one leg crossed over the other. He smiles softly.
“You can let us help you, sweetie,” he murmurs, “rest for a little. Don’t try and take on the Subconscious by yourself.”
“…okay.” He squints. “Wait, why are you all the way over there?”
“Digesting,” Janus says, completely dignified.
Virgil snorts. “I’m just sad I missed it.”
“Oh, it was fucking epic.”
“Language, kiddo.”
“Oh, come on, you were great—“
Logan chuckles next to his head as Virgil drifts back off to sleep with a smile on his face.
…he is gonna ask who gave Logan a gun after he wakes up properly.
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max-nico · 3 years
SanderSides Fic I Never Wrote but You Can Have the Idea
Logan is the only human in a house of mythical creatures who are all trying to hide that they are mythical creatures. He creates a journal where he writes about all the weird shit his friends do. His journal is called "Scientific Research About My Friends Because They Are Truly Enigmas". They all have a crush on him.
Roman is a kitsune. Logan often documents about how hot Roman is all . the . time . Not like constantly sweating? It's just whenever he touches Roman he almost feels like his hand is burning. He's like "why?? Why is this man not sick but always running a fever??" Roman sheds even when he's not in his full kitsune form. Logan is confused because they don't own cats. Patton is allergic. Who is hiding a cat?? Why is Patton not sneezing?? Virgil uses Roman as a personal heater.
Patton is fae (though I know not much about fae). He has a gift with plants and there's a group of people who are just terrified of this man. Logan is confused because Patton is a sweet man who would never hurt a fly. Why do the strangers run?? Patton's room is also covered in plants, they grow so long that they wind around his desk and flow out the window, but these plants aren't meant to grow this big.
(Logan, with a recorder: "Patton how do your plants get this big?!"
Patton: "Homemade fertilizer !!"
Logan, excited for some answers: "What's it made out of?"
Patton, sweating: "Just the normal stuff and... stuff")
Virgil is a ghost who is only corporeal 50% of the time. Logan just thinks he leaves the house a lot. He sometimes catches him sitting on high places he shouldn't be able to reach because What There Is No Logical Way To Get Up There How!? And Virgil is just staring into space (where are his pupils??) Virgil tends to avoid touch and Logan just assumes he doesn't like it. Logan is just ever so slightly afraid of and for Virgil, Virgil thinks this is comedy gold.
Remus is this demon imp thing, nobody is quite sure what he is. He just kinda appears at the house and Logan has stopped questioning it. Logan has also stopped questioning why Remus always wears that weird headband with horns on it. (Hint, its not a headband) Wow Remus You're So Flexible How Did You Learn To Contort Your Body That Way =0 !!! Remus and Virgil are best friends
Janus is the magic guy (necromancer? Witch? Haven't decided) who summoned the the Hell Spawn. Wow Janus it is so cool how you know all those poems in that weird book of yours, says Logan the oblivious. He thinks Janus is a mixologist because that was the logical conclusion, but it does not explain the cauldron in his room. He thinks Janus knows Latin just because and not for any other reason at all. Ah, the scales on your face is a skin disorder and not a curse, because curses don't exist
Logan confides in his friend Thomas, who is a bit younger than Logan, but acts older. Thomas is also a vampire. "You are just cold because that is how you are. You act this way because of trauma that is all. You are just pale because. Man, I've never seen someone like fruit punch this much. You don't like pictures which is okay because I don't either. I've never seen you eat are you okay?" -Logan, the smartest dumbass you'll ever meet
Patton ends up accidentally spilling the secret and they explain it to Logan who takes it as well as expected.
The boys: Surprise, we could kill you and no one could say shit about it. We have covered up crimes and faked our deaths enough to not let anyone think anything is wrong. We could slaughter your whole family and you would never even know.
Logan: what.
The boys: We Like You So Its Fine.
Logan: what.
Maybe they become boyfriends later or something idk but they are all very protective of their human so maybe I'll write that but I really doubt it
Based off of this post
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aidensm8 · 4 years
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Random vampire AU ramble just cause it was too tempting
All the light sides are vampires, the dark sides are hunters
Patton is head of his own vampire manor
Remus and Roman were born human twins (still a prince and a duke)
Janus is a shapeshifter who became a hunter to protect his friend from a demon that friend made a deal with
Logan is the average working human
Virgil is also a normal human who wanted to make a legacy and so he ran away and became a hunter
Patton’s is a pureblooded vampire who owns his own manor, he has gargoyles and other newer vampires to serve him
Logan is a regular human who was stressed about work, he one day runs into the dark woods in a fit of anger when his boss and coworkers piss him off
Logan cools down but then realizes he’s lost
A creature finds Logan, severely injuring him
Patton is out on a hunt when he stumbles into Logan. He feels pity and asks Logan if he can try to save him
Logan says “I doubt there’s anything you can do to save me but yes…” while hoping the stranger meant giving him a merciful death
Logan is surprised when he awakens in a fancy room, his wounds seemingly gone. He feels a huge wave of relief that he’s alive but is now anxious of what to do when he goes back home. He’s panicking but tries to calm down to figure out his situation
Studying his surroundings, he notices that the room has no mirrors
His thoughts are interrupted when one of Patton’s “servants” come to check on him. They give him spare clothes and tell Logan that they’ll inform the master that he’s awake
When Patton enters the room, Logan’s worries are calmed. He recognizes Patton as the stranger who saved him and asks him what he did
Patton apologizes profusely and tells Logan that he is a vampire now
Logan is shocked but now trying to figure what to do, how his job would react
Patton offers to let Logan stay with him, to be his advisor or keeper of the archives
Logan takes a moment to think, he has no friends nor attachments to his human life. He has a chance to feel happy, but knows the feeling of guilt from “running away” from his duties will haunt him
Patton reads his emotions, sensing the guilt, and assures Logan that he’s free to start over, to choose what’s best
Patton gets up to leave since he has duties to attend to, but will return to check on Logan later
As time goes on, Logan is feeling settled in his new role in the manor, doing an excellent job at maintaining the archives
Patton regularly checks on Logan to see how he’s doing until one checkup, Logan asks why Patton cares so much about him, why he saved him
Patton’s response brings Logan to tears. Patton holds Logan close, giving him words of assurance and love, and at that moment, Logan silently vows to himself that he will protect Patton with the 2nd chance of life he has given him
Moving on to the twins’ side of the story, Roman and Remus are still prince and duke
Roman is crowned prince but recently, discourse has happened and their father, King Creativity, had made some mistakes to warrant the people wanting the royalty removed
The king makes the mistake of pissing off a vampire, who vows revenge against King
King is immediately worried and gets more security on himself
He made the mistake of letting the twins wander alone in the back gardens, where the vampire attacks them
Remus was the intended target since he was the dark duke, seeming to be a perfect addition to the vampires
But Roman draws his silver sword and intervenes
In a moment of spite, the vampire takes Roman with him to the woods, dropping his sword
Remus chases after them, now wielding the sword, and when he finds the vampire leaning over the unconcious form of his brother
Remus fights off the vampire. As they leave, they mockingly laugh at Remus, asking him “Who will take the throne now? Surely, they wouldn’t want a bloodsucker on it”
Remus looks over Roman, realizing that he had changed
Roman wakes up, and now they’re both worried on what to do next. Either way, this was a loss for their lineage
Patton was on his own hunt when he runs into the twins
Noting Remus’s sword, he asks from a distance what was wrong
Patton felt a wave of protectiveness on him, seeing a vampire so close to a weapon that could harm them
Remus is poised to defend Roman, asking Patton what he wants
Patton tries to calm him down to let him know that he just wants to help and explains to them that from what he sees, Roman was a vampire
Roman is panicked at this, but Patton offers to take in the prince
Remus tries to stop this, but Patton argues that Roman needs someone to help him figure out this new life
Roman is also hesitant, but knows that only tragedy awaits them if they return home. He asks “what about my brother?”
Remus withdraws, realizing Patton is right, but knows he can’t return home either so Remus decides that he’s going to pursue being a vampire hunter to protect his brother from other vampires and hunters
Roman is worried about this but Remus assures him that he’ll find a way, as he always does
Patton takes Roman home with him, and Remus takes his leave to begin a new journey of hunting evils, he will be the evil they fear
Years pass, and Patton is very protective of Roman as he is like a son to him
Logan also views Roman as a son, and is protective of him, but is more protective of Patton
Remus meets Janus during one of his missions, and they quickly became hunting buddies
Remus figured Janus wasn’t human, and Janus admits
Janus suspects Remus isn’t just a messy hobo, as he noticed that Remus had some grace in his gestures and way of speaking, seeming like he is very much educated though his usual manner of speaking seems like the opposite
Virgil and Janus were old friends
Virgil finds that Remus does have features that seem very much royal, but brushes it off since Remus acted so weird
Virgil doesn’t agree with Remus’s messy methods, but stays nice for Janus’s sake
Virgil wanted to be bold, and so he tries to go on a mission alone
Virgil meets Roman, and is entranced by the vampiric prince
He realizes how much he looked like Remus
He can’t find it in him to attack Roman, and Roman, smelling Remus’s scent on Virgil, cautiously asks him who he is, using his vampiric power of persuasion
Virgil tells him that he’s a hunter who wants to make a legacy for himself
Roman tells him that not all legacies end welp (such as his and Remus’s), and leaves
Virgil takes in Roman’s words, realizing he had a point. He decides to try to find Roman again just so he can talk to him, but for now, he returns to the inn where he meets up with Janus and Remus
He tells him about meeting a vampire and wanting to deal with it alone
Remus wants to come, but Virgil insists not to
Janus convinces Remus to just let Virgil do as he wants, and they leave
After a while, Virgil finally finds Patton’s manor
The servants are alert and attack him until Roman pops in, seeing Virgil, and asks them to let Virgil be
He asks Virgil to leave, but Virgil doesn’t want to lose Roman again
“You can’t lose what you never had”
Virgil looks defeated, but Roman gives him a forhead kiss, “but perhaps one day, we’ll have each other”
Virgil blushes, but is now outside. He leaves, but he finds Roman waiting for him where they first met, and they start slow with small conversations which escalate to “May I hold your hand?” then to “May I kiss you?”
Virgil realizes maybe he doesn’t want to be a hunter anymore. He tells Janus about his thoughts of wanting to settle down, which Janus finds suspicious
So when Virgil meets with Roman, he says he has a surprise for later, giving Roman a quick kiss before leaving
Roman is confused but watches as Virgil heads to the direction of the manor
He is about to follow him but Janus pins him down by surprise, thinking Roman may be a shapeshifter since he looked just like Remus but cleaner
Janus tells Remus to help him but when Remus recognizes who Janus is holding, he attacks Janus to get him off his brother
“Remus, what the fuck, that shifter is using your face”
Remus stands protectively in front of Roman
Remus explains that the vampire was his brother and the reason why he became a hunter
Janus is shocked at this, but calms down as he realizes that this may be a revelation for Remus’s background and motives
Roman and Remus hug as they tell each other how much they missed the other, telling stories of what had happened
Janus is just there, until Remus remembers and introduces him as his boyfriend, joking about the whole “in-laws sure do love attacking each other lmao”
Roman is shocked, but is open to meet the person who had been taking care of his brother in his absence
Meanwhile, Virgil had asked to meet with Patton
Patton agrees and Virgil now sits in his office/grand hall
Virgil explains that he wants Patton to turn him into a vampire
Patton agrees and Virgil becomes a vampire himself
Remus, Roman, and Janus had decided to go back to the town so the brothers can catch up since Roman was very excited about seeing Remus again
Later that night, Remus fell asleep first and Janus and Roman get to talk. It’s a bit tense since their first interaction was a fight
They apologize about the fight before and they find they have many interests in the same field, even having near equal acting prowess
Janus then moves the conversation along to ask for Roman’s blessing in proposing to Remus
Roman is happy for his brother and agrees
Roman is happy to stay the night so he can have more time with his brother
Virgil was waiting for Roman to return at the manor, and when he didn’t return, he got worried. Patton tries to assure him that Roman tends to have little misadventures that last a few days, but Virgil was still anxious
In the morning, he decides to return to the inn to pick up his stuff
Janus and Remus woke up before Roman did and Janus gets to talking about them, and how much he looks forward to Roman being his immortal brother-in-law
Virgil returns and seeing upon seeing Remus and Janus hovering over an unconcious Roman, has his anxieties assuming the worst and he goes feral protective
Caught off-guard, Remus and Janus didn’t stand much of a chance. When Janus tries to ask Virgil what he’s done to himself, Virgil doesn’t respond, carrying Roman back to the manor
Uh…. fuck, this ramble got long o_o
So I’ll pause now, thanks for taking the time to read if you made it down here. I may consider making a part 2 (for when Logan meets Remus, Virgil and Janus making up, Patton being a dad to all of them, etc) but anyways, that’s all for this post
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aimasup · 4 years
Maybe i'm late but, did anyone, like actually have left remus in a small place (for his claustrophobia) for like 4 hours or something just because he did something bad? If yes did anyone just stayed here and heard him suffer? Or actually tried to help him out in secret? Sorry if it is long ^^'
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Deceit’s smarmy snake grin never left his confident face. Oh god, Remus was giving him the look. No one ever liked being given the look, something that no Side should ever be subject to, carrying the promise of your emotional vulnerability, a sackful of seeing through your bullshit and a dash of demented purity rivaled only by Patton. And Vir
Deceit cleared his throat, loudly and with purpose. “Well? Go on, Remus.”
Remus rolled his eyes, a childish staple of his that always looked comical. “Oh come on, Nope Rope, you and I both know you spout more shit than a bull with diarrhea after one of your nightmares. So you might as well follow it up with some tea.”
So much wrong had just come out of Remus’ mouth. The man smelled like tonsil stones on a good day yet he still managed to surprise the Sides with horrifying bouts of intellect every now and then. The slimy little bugger.
"Clearly you've remembered what I told you about calling me names."
Remus leaned happily. "Nakey Snakey."
"Boop Noodle!"
"Dangle Fangle!"
"Remus! Shut up!"
Remus feigned offense. "I'm trying out ones that start with a D!"
"That's not my point! Now distract me with musical ditties as you were instructed, you foul wretch!"
"Slithervester Stallone-!" Remus had time to squeal before Deceit squashed his face with a pillow and snatched the remote. The game was on as if by instinct and Remus tackled him from under the pillow, shrieking muffled. Deceit whacked him on the head, hard, with the remote. Remus was distracted momentarily, so Deceit took the chance and shoved him off of him with more force than necessary, insulting him all the while.
"-you nitwit, you just can't listen, can you, you moron, you bitch, you're so thick-headed, do that again and I swear-"
"You'll what, you'll lock me in the closet?"
All of a sudden, it was like an invisible giant had drowned the room in heavy syrup. The tightness from before returned and Deceit, still breathing hard, glared at Remus with gritted teeth and panicked eyes. The Side was below him, pillow on his chest, grin gone and singlet askew.
That one sentence, although it needed no context to tell who had been on the receiving end of it, brought more distress to the deceitful side than it did to the other, strangely enough. They kept their eyes trained on each other. Neither would admit that they felt like they were breathing molasses and it wasn't sweet. The television had long ago blacked out, a deafening silence following its rather meek departure.
Remus' eyes didn't stop glowing. Deceit's didn't either. None were good signs, but Remus still said, in the rare soft tone his voice could manage at times, "That's the problem, isn't it?"
Deceit swallowed. He turned away and stared at the floor, eyes narrowed to slits. He had put down the remote with controlled harshness on the sofa. He exhaled through his nose and never made eye contact with Remus.
Everyone had their little tics. Remus hated being called scary. Roman was a compulsive perfectionist. Patton had a repression habit. And Thomas didn't want to be a bad person.
Neither did Deceit.
"You know I'm over that, right?"
"... obviously."
That could mean anything, and that wasn't even getting to which part of the question he was answering. Remus bit his tongue. His canines dug into the muscle, and he pulled them out again, breathing in the scent of his own blood. Feeling a bit better, he turned away from Deceit and stared at the black screen of the TV.
"No, really you don't have to worry about it. You worrying about it pisses me off."
Still no response.
"Deceit?" Remus couldn't help but feel a bit concerned at this exchange.
"Who--who are you?" Fun blurbled at the figure on all fours before him. Fresh tear stains still stained his cheeks, an ear-to-ear smile etched below his eyes.
Something was off. Heart had run away with someone who looked like him, and had left him alone. He'd never do that. He'd always stuck with him through anything, no matter what he said or did. But the look Heart had given him... it was as if he didn't know what to make of him all of a sudden. Less than that, even.
The figure, still cautious and poised to pounce, didn't answer. Its impossibly wide reptilian eyes glowed bright in the dark, illuminating nothing on its entirely pitch black body, and Fun could make out nothing but a few familiar features.
"Are you a--a Side too?"It flinched and hissed at him. Fun found that he didn't duck away from the grotesque mouth that opened too wide. Or more like, there wasn't anything in his head that told him it was gross. He found it cute because it was gross, in fact.
When the brown-rimmed mouth closed, it was as if it was never there. It glared at him through narrowed eyes and spat at his feet.
With all the pure spite radiating off of the thing, it still approached, walking perfectly on its hands and legs. It didn't look clumsy moving like that, and Fun suspected it had always been that way.
"Wh--what are you doing?"Fun tried not to find this tiny demonic thing adorable. Didn't help matters when it planted its face on his sticky, black knee (... huh.) and walked off.
Before Fun could process what just happened, it turned around with the calmest expression and stared. And waited. It wanted him to follow.
As adorable as the thing was, Fun still had his doubts. He didn't want to leave. This was where his friends were. Curious little Learning, sweet as sugar Heart, cowardly yet caring Careful. But he had a feeling they didn't want to see him again.
It broke his heart.
So with a greasy squelch, Fun struggled to his feet and went with the creature.
"Deceit, you need to stop holding yourself over that. We can't be like the Others."
The further lack of response frustrated Remus. He probably should be trying to comfort Deceit, but that wasn't his type. Tough lo--learning would have to do, it was how it always went. They couldn't afford to be wishy-washy with stuff like feelings.
"Deceit, if you don't stop feeling bad about it I'm gonna smack the shit out of you. With my bare hands. And this morning star."
"Aren't you trying too hard not to be Roman?"
Remus slammed his weapon into the pillow. "Well I think you're trying too hard to be Patton!"
"Wouldn't you think Virgil would have wanted that?" Deceit was weary. Remus breathed in sharply through his teeth and stuttered.
"It's clear we weren't the best to him. It's not his fault he left. It was for the best. He needs better than us. He deserves better than us."
"What the fuck!" Remus threw up his hands. "What the fuck, Deceit! What happened to being your own person? What happened to not giving a shit about living up to anyone's standards?! You don't know what you're talking about, because you're tired, and you're just a hypocrite who was never able to see past your own horseshit!"
"I know."
Remus wanted to rip his hair out. Deceit's or his own, he didn't really care. "Jesus Christ! Ugh!"
He flumped into a pillow and screamed into it.
Deceit watched him.
"You know, it's kinda weird how you don't wanna be called a Side, you know? Like, you look like Heart, and we all know that Heart looks the most like Thomas. So you gotta be pretty important. If you look the most like Thomas. Next to Heart. You know what I'm saying?"
It was still silent. The quiet walk down the tattered corridor had been awkward, and now that they were up the stairs and in some padded room that was probably the creature's, Fun tried to fill the silence as the creature studied him. It prowled around Fun as he sat cross legged on the floor, leaking tar all over the place.
"And, well, Learning is super important too. And Careful. We're all super important." It brushed by his shoulder and stared at his back with interest for a good two seconds before sitting back on its haunches.
"But Learning only looks the second most like Thomas. Careful just likes his hair to be all dangly. Though he clips it back sometimes to fit in? I think? I dunno."
"Anyways, I just thought that maybe once we're done here, with." Fun looked at the creature. "Whatever this is. I could bring you back with me to the others! I just got rid of the bad stuff in me, and once I get all cleaned up, and you too, we'll be all okay again!"
The creature stopped prodding at his back and he could feel it staring into nothing. Fun couldn't help but note the lack of breath on his neck. Either it gave up trying to appear human a long time ago or it was just that short. He giggled at the thought.
But that faded away when he started feeling slight concern. It was too silent. He hated silence. Fun turned to look over his shoulder, then shuffled his body around to peer at the creature, who was now deep in thought.
"Hey bud? What's wrong with ya? Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled. "I've heard that from Learning and Heart a lot. You're gonna love em. They'll help you lighten up! Trust me, we've been through lots together, they'll like you too!"
It lifted its head up and fixated him with the saddest stare anyone could give a Side. Fun felt his excitement at meeting a new friend weather away when he felt that something was terribly, terribly wrong.
A thin line of brown appeared, and widened. It's eyes darted here and there with consideration. It was choosing its words. Fun titled his head as it strained to force out words.
"Uh. Huh? You can talk!"
"Wait, what are you saying?"
It bounced in place with clear frustration. After clutching its head and shaking it, it tried again.
"You. Not." It tried once more. "You. Not! You! Not! Fun!"
Fun withered under its glare, a little hurt. "I'm not fun to be with? I'm sorry, uh-"
Fun's heart ached for the thing, confused and intrigued. All of them learned how to speak along with Thomas. How was it that this Side didn't?
"Fun. Gone."
"I really don't understand."
"Fun." It drew a capital F in the air. He nodded, a little less lost. It nodded too.
"Fun. Split. Gone. You. Green. Half. Heart. You. Red. Half. You." It was closer now. It stuck a finger onto Fun's chest, sorrowful expression looking like it was supposed to be welling up with tears. Its jaw trembled. "Half. Bad. Half."
"Not. Their. Fun."
Fun wasn't so sure about anything anymore. He understood it perfectly, he just really didn't want to. "You can't be serious."
It was. It looked as if it has never been more certain of anything in its life. It lowered its head.
Panic gripped him like no other and his mind began racing. He gestured wildly.
"Then--then who's that other half?! They can't go on without Fun! Thomas can't go on without Fun!" The partial emptiness that he'd been trying to ignore a long time ago had grown more apparent as he ranted. "I can't let that happen! What will they do?"
Half. Bad. Half.
It struck. 'Fun' felt his chest drop to his stomach. "They. I'm the bad half."
The creature was still as a statue."They--they think--they think the red me is--is Fun, they, Learning, Careful, H-Heart--they don't know me."
The black and green outfitted grease blob blubbered on. "It's--it's not fair! I know them! I drew pictures with Thomas, I came up with our names, I--I'm--I know what Fun knows!"
He desperately turned to the creature in front of him. "They can't do this! I-if the other me is Fun, then I'm Fun too! I'm still Fun! I still know them! I still love them! At the very least, I'm still one of Thomas' Sides!" The creature silently stared as he kept talking, as his words blurred together with cries of anguish, as he put his forehead to the floor, bunching his sash in his hands. All tears had run out earlier, and there were only bawls of despair that dissolved into whimpers.
The humanoid grease blob didn't know what to call himself anymore. But it still wasn't fair at all. The truth was that. They thought that their Fun had returned from the battle, sword held high and rid of the beast. To them, Fun was better than ever.
But what was he?
"When you explained in your dumb loophole way that my stupid ass brother wasn't me, it was the first time you had advice you didn't follow, did you?"
"Remus, you can't pretend you don't feel the same."
"Fuck off!" Remus groaned. "I'm not pretending for anything, Dee, I've said it multiple times, I have nothing I want to hide! But you can't be serious about wanting to be like Patton!"
Deceit pondered his answer. "I may or may not have considered it."
Remus let go of Deceit's shirt slowly. He still fixated him with fierce angry eyes as his fingers loosened, setting the smaller Side down a little. So he didn't actually think it. Just a passing thought. Okay then.
Deceit straightened his collar and smoothed out the wrinkles in his outfit. And he was back to looking sullenly at the a spot on the carpet.
Remus swallowed. God, this was harder than it needed to be. He wondered if this was how Deceit felt when he was younger, rawer in his state, unable to speak in anything but opposites. He didn't have to teach Deceit how to not speak in opposites, because the more they raised each other, the more Deceit's black scales had resided and his speech freedom loosened up.
They always talked it out, they always had to stick close. So why was it so hard now?
The squeal of unbridled joy when it was introduced to noir films, the long bath chases, the practice with his creations and tentacles, the nights spent splayed out messily on the same bed after a nightmare. It was simple. So simple.
Deceit could feel the stare from Remus leaving him. God, if that moron tried to comfort him now he was going to explode. His eye would leak tears like a broken faucet and he would be a pathetic blubbering mess, and Remus would have blackmail until the day Thomas finally died.
He swore he could feel the long exhale and mutterings as Remus thought on what to say. He really didn't care, in the end. Deceit wanted nothing more than to do his job and think nothing of anything ever again. He didnt--
"Virgil's gone, and there's nothing we can or could do about it. Because of how we are. It's jackshit to say we can change our nature. Nothing. Nada. Zero." Firm hands with black acrylics gripped his shoulder and turned his tired eyes onto Remus' own.
"Feeling sorry for yourself won't change anything. Things happen, jackoff."
Deceit's breath hitched, but he didn't quite feel like crying, oddly enough. Strange that through gritted teeth and eyes that could gleam death to anyone who doesn't know Remus well, he felt more clarification than all his thoughts combined. His mind had chanted a mantra of things his whole life, and what Remus said was only one of them. Deceit had been hoping to finally hear them from an outside source. But somehow, someway, Remus had found a way to make this line of reasoning sound less harsh.
Unpredictable as always.
"Remus. I.."
He placed his hands gently on Remus' wrists, patted twice. Remus let go and studied him, an air of sternness and also nervousness apparent in his face. They simmered in the unsaid apology, sitting on the couch in their lonely, mangy living room, like it was a vague yet satisfactory ending to a movie. That was how all their arguments would usually end, but it was rarely in any way fulfilling.
Deceit thought on it. Swallowing the hard lump in his throat, he choked out a laugh. "God, we're such a mess."
Glad the tension was broken, Remus smiled, ugly shark teeth in full view. "Yeah we are. We're the Mindscape's dumpster fires."
They were delirious with more emotion than they experienced on a daily basis, and they both chortle along to Remus' weak joke. Jesus, if you could lose fat due to mental work as well as physical, Thomas would be underweight by now.
Remus shook his head. "Honestly, you can't think too much about it. Just think of all the times we battered each other in this place, and you'll feel better about the closet thing."
Deceit snorted. "How is it that I'm more affected by it than you? Like all the times you ripped out my hair."
"Or all the times you silenced us whenever you felt like it."
"Or all those times you slammed me in to a hard surface."
"Remember that one time you left me in the closet for a week?"
"I still remember how I silenced Virgil for a month."
Remus snapped his fingers. "Yeah, Virgil, I remember how many times he gave us hallucinations. Sometimes he'd give us panic attacks for the hell of it!" He laughed.
"He was always quite the hothead."
"That's not even counting his stabs. Not just with a knife."
"Knowing you, that could mean anything."
Remus swooshed his hands in a rainbow-shaped gesture gleefully."Oooooh, whatever you want it to mean!" The joke was lacking and childish, but Remus' delivery was so goofy.
Deceit chuckled, back of his hand pressed daintily to his mouth as always. Remus giggled in short bursts of high-pitched derangement along with him.
Then it dissolved into awkward silence as they pondered their situation, up at ass o' clock in the morning, sprawled over the couch in undignified manners, dim light flickering because they were too depressed to fix it, talking about unreasonable hostile behavior so casually like they were fond memories of family vacations.
"... let's go make breakfast."
"Okay, Caution Ramen."
"I'm sorry?"
"Hazard Spaghetti. Murder Spagurder."
"Judgemental Shoelace."
"Oh, shut the fuck up."
"No! Get away!" The sobbing figure cowered away from the green and yellow-tinted Sides, if you could call them that.
Bad Thoughts put his hands out. "Woah, woah, hey, we won't hurt you! Much."
Deceit slapped Bad Thoughts as the Side, who was slowly fading into a full black and purple from the legs up, put his hands in his hair and screamed louder. "Shut up! Go away! I'm sorry! Please! I hate you! Go away!"
"Well that's a lot of mixed signals." Bad Thoughts muttered. Careful looked a lot different from what he had remembered. He was seeming more tired and grievous. A faint spark of recognition flashed across Careful's eyes when he peeked up at him, but ducked away when Bad Thoughts stretched the arm with his morning star.
Without a word, Deceit knelt down and wrapped his arms around Careful. He flinched, but he stopped sobbing at least. He was still breathing hard when BT decided to join in, planting himself as softly as he knew how to on Caution.
"You're okay," Deceit murmured. "You're alright. You won't hurt anyone. You won't do that."
Caution hiccupped, staring at the ceiling, eyes brimming with angry tears. He hissed though gritted teeth."How--how do you know? You don't understand, I cause so many problems--"
"Yeah, we do. We know that. But that's you." Remus said. "Who cares if you do? Causing problems is what we do around here. You can't blame yourself for doing what you do best."
Caution was still dubious. He was sniffling. Slowly, he put his arms on Deceit's back. "I don't want to make more trouble."
Deceit lowered his head onto his shoulder. "Just come with us. We cause trouble, but whether you want to do that is up to you."
The black was receding, but the purple still lingered a little. All four of Caution's eyes blinked.
Remus pulled away, leaving only his hand on Careful's shoulder. His old friend, who didn't know who he was, who was meeting him for the first time. "Besides, I don't think you meant to cause that breakdown."
Caution finally turned and looked, actually looked at him for the first time since they were children. "You don't?"
The purple color was down to his knees again. The black was gone.
"But," Caution started, both Sides pulling back to give him space. "But, it was so unnecessary, and--and the whole damn class was watching, and the other sides were freaked out-"
"Yeah, so? It was cool! Don't you think it's some way of letting everyone know that Thomas was upset? Things were getting hairy and you pulled it off perfectly." Remus gave an exaggerated chef's kiss in the air.
"That power is something only you hold, storm cloud." Deceit said. "Like Remus said, it's who you are. It was quite the display."
Caution eyed them suspiciously. "Yeah, well, you guys would think so."
"Don't you see? If you come with us, you can learn to control that! You can choose your own rules, you can choose when you want to have influence over Thomas!" Deceit lowered his voice. "You can protect Thomas by forcing the others to hear how much you try."
Caution didn't make eye contact, finding it difficult when two people stared at once. But he was thinking about it, clearly. The others had been trying to ignore him lately, and no one had to be a genius to figure that out. The rise and fall of his chest grew a little quicker as he realized how unfair it was that he was just trying to be a Side, and Thomas didn't care. The spite and betrayal was evident in his eyes, the same that had plagued Bad Thoughts and Deceit so many times in their childhood.
It was decided.
He looked up with grim determination. "C-call me Fear."
Previous parts here and here
Claustrophobic Remus post here
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U!patton and Remus for the Remus prompt. my friend and I had an idea where Patton forces Remus to wear a muzzle so he can’t talk
Okay, I don't know how to write short prompts so I went a little overboard on this. I also threw in some protective Janus just for fun. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! <3
Pure Thoughts
Description: Remus makes his way over to the light side of the Mindscape to patch up his relationship with Virgil, but he doesn't quite make it to his friend.
Characters: Remus, Patton, Janus, Virgil and Logan Mentioned Pairings: Platonic Dukeciet Word Count: 3256 Warnings: Remus-Type Content (Sexual Innuendo, Somewhat Graphic Descriptions, Etc), Threats, Attempted Erasing of a Side, Swearing, Death mention, Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/Comfort, Unsympathetic Patton (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Remus poked his head into the dim, empty corridor of the mindscape, pausing to check for the other sides before tiptoeing around the corner. Any other night, he'd be making his way down the hall with cymbals on the feet and a kazoo in his mouth, but tonight was the night to be covert. For once, he was actually trying not to be noticed, and notably, he was succeeding. Which was as perfectly satisfying as his pet eldritch demon's tentacle slime, because the last time he'd made one of his more spectacular entrances in their shared spaces, the Microsoft Nerd™ had nearly blown a gasket.
He'd lectured Remus for nearly forty-five minutes about ‘optimal sleep schedules’ and ‘the importance of brushing your teeth’ or whatever the dork had been saying. Quite frankly, Remus hadn't been listening. Learning from his mistakes wasn't exactly his jam, and if nerdy Wolverine’s brain was too full of Crofter’s to have realized that, that seemed like a him problem.
Besides, that was the past. Right now, the future seemed so much juicer. His fabulously favorite emo had eased up on his prickly sarcasm enough to give him a chance to talk things out, and as ambivalent as he may pretend to be, he wasn’t going to pass on the opportunity to make amends with his old friend. He wanted to salvage any small piece of their damaged relationship, so here he was, sneaking into the light sides' half of the mindscape to duke it out with his anxious nightmare.
The only challenge left was passing the other light sides’ rooms. Virgil's room of course had of course moved to the farthest corner of their space, making it the most difficult to reach without being noticed. Of course, he could make it easy if he cut across the common room. That way,  he'd miss Roman’s room entirely and the only one he'd have to worry about was—
“Hey, kiddo.”
Remus head spun on his shoulder to the sound of Patton’s voice. The usually friendly father figure's familiar voice filled the room with a soft kind of seriousness that sent shivers down Remus' spine. The chill in Patton's voice was new and unsettling, but still, Remus cracked a cocky grin as he stared into the shadows and waited for Patton's lecture. After a moment, the lamp on the far side of the room clicked on to reveal a seriously scary looking frown on Patton’s face. Remus straightened upright as a tingling of fear crept up his arms. The creep factor of the amber lighting alone would have put Remus' own efforts to shame, but this was Patton.
Pun-loving, puppy cuddling Patton.
Patty boy’s harmless.
Remus swallowed nervously before summoning up his usual carefree front and staggering across the soft carpet. “Hey, Padre. Sorry, if you were looking for a late night suck, but I'm actually in a bit of a hurry. Maybe later—”
“Language, Remus.”
Remus stalled at the coldness in Patton’s tone. He licked his lips. The hostility in the air was nearly palpable as Remus stared across the room, trying to get a gauge on this new side Patton. It wasn't often one of the other sides left Remus speechless, but he was unsure of how to react to such an open display of hostility, especially from the side whose entire being was rigged toward being nurturing. Oh, well. There wasn't much else for him to do and he was on a schedule tonight. Remus let out a breath, falling back on familiar habits as an attempt to cover his exit. “Don't get your panties in a bunch, Patty daddy. I know you’re not the type blow and go without a sticky emotional mess, but you don’t have to worry—”
“You’re not going, Remus.”
Remus’ grin faltered at the finality in Patton’s voice, biting his lip as he eyed the direction of Virgil's room. “Um, what?”
“Virgil’s been doing so good.” Patton growled as he rose to his feet. Remus' feet felt like lead holding him in place while Patton moved to block his way. “I finally got my kiddo realizing how toxic you are to him and I’m not going to let you play with him anymore.”
Remus' mustache twitched with displeasure at the insinuation, though a part of him wasn't denying Patton's brusque statement. “Listen, Pattycake. As well as you play the daddy dom role, Virgil asked for me to come and I don’t see where this is your business, so I'll just be—"
“Virgil needs help knowing what's good for him.” Patton continued as a deep hatred started to burn in his eyes. “and that isn't you, Remus.”
Remus brushed him off, starting towards the door. He'd only made it a few steps before Patton waved his hand the door disappeared. Defensiveness turned to frustration as he reeled on Patton. “You can't just—”
“Go back to the whole where you belong before force you into your place.”
Remus froze as Patton's stomp connected with the ground, sending a shiver across his skin as the particles of his body destabilized. A choking breath caught in his throat and his hands shot to his chest in a manic frenzy as his body solidified again. He glanced up at the dangerous sparkle in Patton's eye. Remus was alive for now, but he got the feeling Patton wasn’t done with him yet.
“Hold on, Pat. Let's talk about this—” A bead of sweat dripped down Remus temple as he began stepping away from the door. His hands lingered in the air as he tried to reason with Patton. “—I thought we were good. The human pocket protector told you it was best to play nice with me. I get you don't like me, and it don’t have to be an orgy or nothing, but you can't just piss all over the nerd's hypoth—”
“Shut up.”
Remus sucked in a sharp breath as a black, leather muzzle appeared over his face. The leather molded to his skin as his hands shot to his face in a sudden manic moment of fear. Desperately, he pulled at the leather with all the force he could muster as the glowing rage in Patton’s eyes slowly backed him into a corner.
“I'm sick of you bullying Logan and dragging Virgil down.” The lights in the room flickered as Patton cried out and shoved Remus to the ground. “I don't care what Thomas says or Logan thinks. You don’t deserve to stay. Thomas is better off without you."
Remus hesitated. His hands lingered on the muzzle as his eyes flitted the door back to his own room. He knew he could retreat to his own room, but the idea of letting Virgil think he’d stood him up gave him pause. The choice was made for him a moment later when  Patton’s power vibrated in the air and Remus let out a muffled cry as he felt his being wavering. The particles of his body began to weaken and fade as his resistance crumbled. He was unable to push back or even speak as Patton started to force him into the subconscious.
“Virgil will be disappointed when he realizes you forgot about him,” Patton whispered as Remus tipped his head up to meet the horrifying smile spread across Patton's face. “but he'll understand once you’re gone. I'll make sure he knows how bad you really are.”
Panic shot to Remus’ heart as he clutched at his fading body, choking as the muzzle as it grew tighter on his lips.
“I should have put that muzzle on you years ago." Patton’s laugh cracked in his ear. “Your silence is music to my ears. Finally, we can be good. Thomas can be good without you hear to ruin—"
“Is everything okay in here?”
Remus let out a heaving breath as his body hit the ground. He clutched his hands to his body, feeling around to make sure he was still fully there as Patton's grip loosened on him.
“Mind your own business, Janus.”
“Remus is my business. You made it clear years ago that he is my responsibility.” A flicker of worry flashed over Janus' eyes as Remus glanced up to him, but his gaze remained cold and distant as he maintained eye contact with Patton. “In fact, I think I'll be taking him now.”
Remus fingers raised to his lips as Patton’s muzzle fell away at Janus’ snap. His body was numb as Janus moved between him and Patton, extending a hand down to him. Remus swayed, staring at the fury in Patton's eyes as Janus pulled him to his feet.
“You have no right—”
“I think you'll find that I'm quite within my rights to do as I please.” Janus muttered as he absently brushed the dust from Remus’ shirt and shot a deathly glare at Patton. "but if you want to test that theory, I have no problem getting Thomas involved.”
Patton growled his discontent as Janus stepped forward to shield Remus from Patton's gaze. The silence hung over them, weighing heavy on Remus' shaking body, until the air shifted and Patton took a step back. “Keep him away from Virgil or I may not be so forgiving next time.”
“Don’t worry. You've won this battle, Morality, but I hope you know that Virgil will start to question your iron grip on him eventually. I taught him better than to simply follow others.” Janus muttered bitterly. His head bowed in reluctant acceptance of Patton's good grace, though his voice remained rebellious as their eyes remained locked together. “ He will not accept your word on blind faith.”
“Virgil will learn not to question me when he realizes how toxic you are to him. He can be molded into something better, unlike the cretin you're using so much of your dwindling energy to protect.” Patton spat as he turned to the door. “Now, go back to your hole before I change my mind."
“Remus, go.” Janus shoved him to the door.
“For once in your life, don’t argue with me.” Janus muttered as he guided the shell-shocked Remus back to the dark sides' hallway. His voice dropped after a few steps and he glanced down at Remus. “Not a single word until he can't hear us. Got it?”
Remus nodded, still numb as Janus dragged him toward his own room. He could hear Janus’ breathing become heavy as he guided Remus through the narrowing hallways with an unnatural speed, not stopping until they reached Remus' black door at the end of the hallway.
“Not yet, Re.” Janus whispered as he cast one last suspicious glance down the empty hallway before shoving Remus inside the narrow door frame.
“Janus, what the h—”
Remus' diatribe was knocked out of him as Janus' body slammed into his chest. He froze as Janus' arms curled around him, unsure of how to process the man's tight grip. He tensed, ready to struggle when he realized Janus was actually hugging him.
“Are you hurt?”
“What? No—” Remus whispered. His body went limp as released him enough to look him up and down. “I'm—I'm fine, Jan.”
“I'm going kill that self-righteous bastard.” Janus seethed. His grip on Remus' shoulders tightened as he stared past Remus to the closed door. “How dare he threaten you—”
“—and especially when you were actually working to make things right with Virgil—"
“I don’t—” Remus blinked as Janus' words registered in his mind. "Wait, how did you know that's what I was—"
“I mean, where does he even get off thinking he can control Virgil's life without his input anyway?" Janus growled, gesturing abruptly to the door. "Virgil isn’t some helpless child. He’s able to make his own decisions—"
“Am I on fucking mute or something?”
“—and you!” Janus spat, gesturing towards the Remus. Remus immediately flinched at Janus' anger, though he wasn’t sure what he'd done to deserve the lying side's ire. “He could have killed you—”
"What?" Remus flailed as Janus grabbed the collar of his shirt like a disobedient child. “Hey, that's not fair! I didn’t know that Pattoncake was secretly a sadist—”
“You should have been more careful—"
Remus' head reeled as Janus spun him around, but he managed to stifle his nausea long enough to shout at Janus. “Jan—For fuck's sake, either fuck me or take my head off your fucking chopping block—”
Janus blinked, finally taking in Remus' red face as he swayed uneasily in Janus' grip. “What?”
"Listen, I like it rough and all but if I knew that you could manhandle me like that—" Remus blinked blearily as Janus loosened his grip. "Fuck the possibilities are endless, but—"
"Remus, I'm really not in the mood for your games tonight—"
“I'm not playing—Just ignore all of that. I needed to get your attention because you wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise. ” Remus muttered, waving his hands as he found his bearings. “Jan, you—you frickin' saved me.”
"Now is the time you decide to censor yourself?"
"I'm trying to give you a compliment, Janus." Remus cut him off with a wave of his arms. "Hello, I wasn't expecting to become a damsel in distress but you make a hell of a knight in shining armor to have actually stepped in to save me.
“Of course, I saved you." Janus muttered after a moment, dipping his head in embarrassment. "I felt Patton’s emotions start to well up. I knew he was going to cause trouble and I wasn't about to leave you to his mercy.”
“What so you mean you felt him?” Remus mouth dropped in confusion.
Janus shrugged as his gaze dropped to the ground, still agitated. “I feel a lot of things Patton does.”
“But why?” Remus growled angrily as Janus clammed up. "Just spit it out already, Jan—"
“Because he's Thomas’ biggest lie.” Janus blurted out without thinking, gesturing to the door.
“What?” Remus whispered as he watched Janus begin to pace the room.
“The source of Thomas’ morality is corrupt.” Janus yelled, though he was quickly losing steam. “Not Thomas himself. God, not Thomas. But his insistence on clinging to his purity complex and thinking he can please everyone if he just tries hard enough—It's the most insidious evil that's ever taken root in him.
Remus went quiet as Janus explained and everything suddenly began to click into place.
“Thomas can't just turn his attention away from every reality he doesn't like.” Janus shrugged as he looked up at Remus. “Trying to eliminate anything uncomfortable or unpleasant in his life is a slippery slope to much more dangerous ideas.”
“Okay,sure, but this is still happy pappy, sunshine-coming-out-of-his-ass Patton. You sure you don't got a screw loose in that big brain of yours?” Remus managed to blurt out in exasperation. The scene had just played out before his own eyes,  but he couldn't help that his brain turned to fuzz every time he attempted to process it. “Ya know? Maybe, we’re in a some sort of shared delusion.  I mean, I know he's cute and all but now's not the time to think with your other head—”
"Remus," Janus let out an exasperated sigh as he glared at Remus. “I know you can’t help it but I would strongly prefer you think before you speak, like a normal person—”
“But, Jan. Come on—"
“His perceived innocence is part of the ruse, Remus. Why do you think Thomas' Logic is blind to his actions?” Janus muttered as his voice became nearly manic. "Why do you think his Creativity fawns over him and his Anxiety is soothed by him?"
Remus giggled as the human side of Janus' face became a brilliant shade of red. "Couldn't just be that he's just more personable than you, Janus?"
"Remus, I swear I'll strangle you myself—"
“Ya know, it's not often I'm the one fighting to talk over you.” Remus interrupted as he giggled and leaned into Janus' fury with a crooked grin. “If I knew you'd get all hot and bothered by Patty getting rough with me, I would’ve shoved my—"
“If you value your life, you will not finish that thought.” Janus muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “This is serious, Remus. You—You could have died.”
“Everything’s always serious, Jan-Jan. You should give yourself a break.” Remus grinned, gesturing up and down at himself. "Do I look dead to you?"
“I know, but—”
Remus' grin widened as he rambled. “I mean, I've got a plan for when the heart attack kills you and all, but I'm not like dying to use it.”
“That's not the—Wait, you do?”
“Well, yeah. I wouldn't let you go out without a bang." Remus' grin widened as Janus turned up him curiously. "Figured I'd have some fun with it and put your head under someone’s covers. It’s very Godfather-esque.”
“Huh—" Janus leaned back, suddenly contemplative to Remus' proposal. "To whom would you do this?”
“Well, not Pattycake anymore.” Remus laughed, patting Janus on the back. “Maybe, Roman though. He needs good jolt every once in a while.”
“He certainly could stand to come down a few notches on his ego.” Janus sighed, rolling his eyes. He paused, finally taking a breath as he stared at Remus unfaltering smile. “I have no idea how you're managing to stay calm after what just happened."
“Well, that's easy." Remus purred with cocky smile as he leaned into Janus. “I got my big, bad protector here with me.”
"I got lucky, Remus." Janus huffed. “If I hadn't have been paying attention to Patton's power flaring up,  you would've—”
“Whatever, you felt that Patty boy was about to turn me to dust and you showed up.” Remus brushed off Janus' excuses. “That means something, Jan—Means a lot to me actually.”
Janus blinked as he looked up to the suddenly serious expression on Remus' face.
“The deadly dad freaked me out and I have to admit he had me kinda buying the story that I'm not that great of an influence on Virgil—” Remus sighed as he let his grin dropped away. “— or Thomas even, but I figure if you saved me, I can’t actually be all bad.”
“You’re not bad, Remus.”
“Yeah, well, even I need a reminder of that every once in a while.” Remus smiled. He shifted on his feet as he looked up at Janus. “So, thanks.”
“Anytime, Re.” Janus smirked at Remus' sincere smile. "I've always got your back."
“I know you do.” Remus breathed with a worried glance back at his door. “Saving me might have been the easy part though, Jan. Patton didn't seem like he was gonna let our Stormy Nightmare go.”
“Virgil will see through his lies,” Janus breathed as tasted the air. “The power's shifting and he can't hold me back forever. We aren't going down without a fight, and once Thomas sees his true nature, the game's over for Morality.”
“Well, better get cracking then,” Remus grinned. “before Patton finishes brainwashing 'em all.”
Janus nodded with a glance at the wall as a sudden chill ran up his spine. He could feel someone watching, but he supposed it didn’t matter. There was no turning back now. “Yes, Remus. I think it’s time to start pushing back.”
@justanotherhumanstuff @im-an-anxious-wreck @shadowyplaidpurseegg
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mycatshuman · 3 years
Castle of Devils
Chapter 13: Remus is the Worst Wing Man
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Tw: Remus being Remus, swearing
I have a more detailed note at the end, but I just wanted to apologize for how long in between the last update this was, I'm so sorry.
When Virgil got home, he found Janus rolling through the air whole clutching his stomach as his laughter rang out loudly. Virgil was still reeling from his encounter with Patton and he found himself freezing in the doorway as he stared at the ghost floating in his living room. He blinked. "What?" 
Janus turned to face the vampire, his laugh subdued to giggles. "You never told me-" he cut off once again in a fit of laughter made Virgil even more confused. 
"What? What's so funny?" 
"You never told me that you sparkled!" 
Virgil took a moment to process the sentence before his face dropped into the most annoyed expression anyone could muster. 
Janus crackled joyfully. "They said vampires fucking sparkled in the sun and now I can't stop thinking about you sparkling!" Virgil huffed as he moved to the kitchen and dropped the box of blood bags on the counter. He ignored Janus' loud laughter as he pulled out the blood bags and placed them in an opaque mini container in the back of the fridge. Once he finished he broke up the cardboard box that had been used to hold his blood bags and dropped it behind the recycling bin. Then he stayed quiet for a few moments. 
The ghosts' laughter still rang loudly and Virgil frowned. "Are you done yet?" He yelled. This only resulted in a new explosion of laughter as Janus looked at Virgil and imagined him sparkling all over again. Virgil groaned and let his face drop onto the counter. A thunk could be heard as his head made contact with the harsh surface but Virgil was too annoyed to care. "I should have never let you use my laptop." 
"No! No!" Janus laughed as he floated into the room, face still twisted in amusement as he fought to control his giggles. "I'm done now." 
The vampire mumbled into the counter, not even bothering to lift his head. "I met one of Roman's friends today." 
Janus's amused expression quickly slipped off his face as he moved closer to Virgil. "What happened? Is everything okay?" 
Virgil sighed and dragged himself back up into a standing position. "Yeah, he said his name is Patton and he actually was the blood supplier." The vampire nibbled at his lip anxiously. "He's, uh, planning to open a blood bank for vampires." 
Janus blinked. "What?" 
"Yeah. He's human, got a husband and they're both friends with Roman. Apparently he told them what happened." 
Janus suddenly grew very angry. "Well what the fuck! Why did he run when you told him?"
Virgil stared pointedly at the spirit in front of him. "Probably because Patton might not have told him. Or maybe it's because he saw me kill a man." 
Instantly, Janus's anger gave way to guilt. "I-" he swallowed past the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I should have let you tell him." 
Virgil hummed. "Yeah, you shouldn't have done it but I don't think I would ever be able to work up the courage to tell him myself." The vampire yawned. "I forgive you. I'm going to bed now, see you tomorrow." 
Janus nodded faintly. He watched as Virgil climbed into the bed and crawled under the covers. Janus stayed there for a while after the vampire had fallen asleep until he heard a light knock on the door downstairs. The ghost frowned and sunk down through the floor and glided over to the door. He waited a few moments before he pushed his face through the door and yelped. Janus flung himself back through the door and placed a hand to his chest and took a deep breath to calm his nerves before he phased through the door with a scowl. "What are you doing here, Remus?"  
Remus had been standing creepily close to the door with a broad grin on his face and wide unblinking eyes when Janus looked out the door, scaring the crap out of the ghost. Now he was vibrating in place as he looked at Janus with a mischievous grin. "I have the best idea!" 
Janus raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You do, do you?" 
Remus nodded rapidly and grabbed Janus's form causing the other to gasp. Warmth spread across his being from Remus' hand. It was the first time in a long time that he had felt warmth. God, he craved it. 
Remus dragged Janus to his car and showed a poster board with hastily glued on pictures and messy words littering the surface. The human let go of Janus, missing the quiet whine the ghost let out at the loss of the warmth, and gestured to the display. "I call it operation date night! I'm going to convince Roman to invite Virgil over as a "apology dinner" so he can pretend to apologize and he'll make stuff with "super garlic" in it that will be sure to "kill" a vampire and then when he finds out that it's not killing Virgil, he'll be so mad that he shoves the table out of the way and engage in hot angry sex and then my brother will finally have been laid and I won't have to deal with his sexual frustration anymore!" 
Janus blinked. "I- what? Virgil isn't going to have sex with Roman so soon."
Remus frowned. "Damnit." He stayed silent for a few minutes and Janus found himself wanting to fix the disappointed look in the humans eyes. 
"But, that could actually work to get them to reconcile." 
Remus's eyes lit up. "Yes! And then I can bully them with sex jokes!" Janus bit his lip, both incredibly amused and slightly disturbed. Remus turned to Janus. "Thank you Janus the ghost with the best di-" 
"Remus!" Janus shrieked, flushing red, embarrassed. 
Remus cackled. "Anyway," he started once he settled down. "I'm gonna head home. I'll talk to Roman about it tomorrow. You just have to make sure Virgil accepts." Remus smacked his lips against the ghosts cheek before climbing into his car. "Once this is done, you better be ready for a storm of flirty from me!" And with that final sentence, Remus turned on the car and drove off into the night. 
Janus hovered over the ground for a moment before choosing to ignore that last bit. "I think it's a little unfair that he gets to convince Roman to have this thing while I'm stuck trying to convince an immovable rock to go to this dinner party." He let his head drop to his chest with a sigh before lifting his head up and turning back to the house. "I guess all I have to do now is to wait." 
Roman was suspicious of his brother. Recently, he had been on his laptop laughing maniacally every hour as if he was plotting. Remus usually was plotting something but this one felt a little different. Normally, his brother would brag to him about his plans, but this one he was working on, he hadn't. Which meant it probably had something to do with him. 
It was a bit alarming. Remus's plots could range from mild inconvenience to complete and utter embarrassment. Neither of which was something Roman wanted to deal with at the moment. After all, he still had the vampire to worry about. 
Speaking of the vampire, as time went on and as often as Roman found himself left alone with his thoughts, he discovered his feelings concerning the vampire and the entire situation becoming more and more complex as time went on. In his mind, he knew vampires were dangerous and a threat to humans. But at the same time, his heart was crying for Virgil. For the creative little emo that had stolen his heart in under a month. 
And his heart knew, it knew that Virgil would never hurt him. Or anyone if he didn't have to. The Virgil he saw in that nightmare and the Virgil he had come to know were different people. Virgil had changed, that he knew. In his heart of course. Roman's heart truly knew that Virgil was a complex person and he knew that he was a good person. 
His mind, however, had other things to say. His mind knew of the capabilities of a vampire and its strength and its powers. His mind believed it knew all the facts there were to know about a vampire. In fact, Roman's mind was the reason he wasn't listening to his heart. It had suppressed his feelings so strongly that Roman was living in denial. 
Remus knew this, of course. It was one of the reasons why he was pushing so hard to get Virgil and Roman together. A reason that he told no one. He had a reputation to uphold after all. Thankfully, he would soon be taking care of it. At least that was his plan. 
"Say, Roman?" Remus called out as he lounged upside down on the couch. 
Roman looked up from the book he was reading. It was the third book on vampires that week. The older of the two had taken to reading everything that had ever mentioned vampires in an attempt to find a way he could fight Virgil. It was a bit of a dramatic reaction but that was Roman for you. "Yeah?"
If you really want to kill Virgil-" Roman flinched but Remus pushed forward. He knew calling the vampire by his name would eventually make his brother see that it was still the man he fell for just with some enhanced abilities and a weird appetite. "Why don't you just take him on a date, pretend you've seen the error of your ways but order him something with a lot of garlic?"
Roman blinked. He had….never thought about that. He hummed thoughtfully. "I suppose that could work." 
"Or if you want you could just invite him over and make something with a lot of garlic. Then when he eats it, it'll weaken him and then you can stab him with a stake." 
Roman stared in horrific awe of his brother. "I can't believe something that would have horrified me before is so sensible now." He slouched in his chair and placed a hand over his face. "My brother is making sense, the world's gone mad." 
Remus chuckled. "Or if you want you can just get your freak on with Virgil instead of trying to kill him. Maybe you have a biting kink?" 
Roman flushed scarlet and threw his book at his brother. "SHUT UP YOU DEMON!" 
Remus only snorted as he slid down off the couch. "I'm just saying, it's an option." 
Roman only groaned in response.
Roman had to admit his brother's idea was a pretty good one. The, inviting the vampire to dinner to poison him one, not the other one. It would hopefully lower the vampires' guard and maybe, just maybe, he could pull it off without the vampire noticing. 
So, without any other options, Roman set about making up a perfect dinner. Roasted garlic potatoes? Check! Chicken alfredo, rich with garlic seasoning? Check! Holy water for a drink? Check! And all that was left for him to do was to invite the vampire over, cook, and set up the scene. What could go wrong? 
Heyyyyy, so it's been a bit, a hot minute if you will, I'm sorry this is so short I just wanted to get something out and this has been just sitting in my drafts for months now. So i added a few sentences and here we go a short chapter but a chapter nonetheless I promise I'm trying to work on more. Thank you for reading and Happy first day of Halloween to those who celebrate it!
Taglist: @misery-killed-me @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @alias290 @odette-ssbu @ray-does-stuff
COD taglist: @kittycake574 @rainbow-Roman @icequeenoriginal @ilovemygaydad @comicsimpson @notalwaysthebadguy @iloveyatothemoonandback @hitmewiththatfanart33
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rebloged-content · 3 years
Recommended Sanders Sides creators
Marry Christmas, everyone! And a wonderful December day to all of you who don’t celebrate Christmas, too. Let’s be honest right off the bat, though: I’m only using the date as an excuse to do this list anyways.
So. Throughout the time I’ve spent as a part of this wonderful corner of the sanders sides fandom over here on tumblr, I’ve often found a new creator and wished I’d found them sooner. It kind of makes me wonder who else I might miss. If you do to, here are a few creators I’d love for you to check out. You’ll probably recognize some of the names, if not all, but maybe you’ll find a new favorite creator here?
And to the creators in question, I really love your content. If you’ve made it onto this list, you’ve definitely cause one or two sleepless nights of reading for me, because who needs sleep if I can have this, right? XD Whatever you’ll find written next to your name is the impression you’ve left on me and… Well, just know that you’ve made some days of my life at least a little happier, all of you. And I hope to repay the favor by telling you how much I appreciate you releasing your content into this world… Well, repay the favor at least a little, I suppose.
Let’s begin, then, shall we?
@5am-the-foxing-hour Because this? This is who you go to if you want to read good Janus-content. You are in a mood to read sympathetic Janus? Wanna see the danger noodle just casually interact with other sides? Go to their short stories. I mean, “the cult”? Prime example of how to tell a story with impact in just a few words. 8 paragraphs, but boy did I read that one on repeat. Or “water spray bottle”, this one is fun, short and will make you laugh. An energy drink for the fander heart, so to say.
Then there’s their mafia-au, “there’s more in me than precious metals”. Six are out so far, and I adore every single word of every single part of this. Protective Remus, sassy Janus, angst, comedy relief, destruction, Roman-Remus-sibling-rivalry, braincell Logan, survival instinct Virgil, working together over a common enemy… This fic has it all, believe me. Take your time and read it, because you will read the entire thing in one go once you start. At least I did, and I didn’t even notice.
And their advent writings? Those had me squealing and jumping around in a way I will deny if anyone ever sees it. I don’t even know what else to say, they are fucking fantastic and that’s that.
So, yeah. Go check them out, before I start fangirling about them even more. You know my personal favorites now, so just go there. You won’t regret it.
Next up is @coconut-cluster. Ah, yes, Lexi. Lexi, whose uni-AU started as self indulgent and has become the loceit story on tumblr. We all know her, or at least most of us do, and we all love her too. And while I also drop everything I do at any point of time I possibly can once I realize the uni-au has any form of new addition, there are a lot of other fics created by her that you should check out as well.
Did you, for example, ever want a sappy prinxiety one-shot with the sappiness only being implied, a mutual understanding of “we’re-not-saying-we-care-but-we-both-know-we-do” born from joking reassurances and a not-a-date-nope-only-a-break? While that may seem to be a tall order, that is exactly what “before the sun goes down” is. Plus there’s ice cream. Or maybe you’re more of a logince fan? Do you want a fic where Roman isn’t the prince but serves His Highness? Do you like sincere talks while you’re procrastinating showing your face to the subjects you don’t really want to rule over? In that case, you really should read “Viva la Vida”. Careful, though, this one is so sweet you’ll probably get a toothache… There also is an analogical fic that I’ve enjoyed very much: “Cracks in the Ceiling”. I love it, because it’s just calm. Fears creeping up on you, thrown away by a trusted friend with a few words, just by being there and playing into the metaphors you head created this time around. It’s calm, and there’s not really a climax or anything, but it doesn’t need one. Because it’s just a glance into everyday life. It’s beautiful in its own right, really.
What I’m saying is, Lexi has a lot more wonderful stories to tell than the uni-au. It’s the most popular one, sure, and it’s one of her best works. But you really should check out her other fics as well. Lexi herself once said that she writs fics she’d like to read. I would figure it’s because of this, but her stories are mostly things you don’t really find anywhere else. Dynamics, stories, world building, all of those are aspects you may find somewhere else. But Lexi is just one of those people who see what they miss in a fandom and create it themselves, and among these creators Lexi is my favorite. She just has that certain skill that makes that approach to writing result in the most enjoyable reading experiences. Lexi’s fics are special, because they’re different, because they are authentic and you can feel that when you’re reading her work.
@djpurple3 is another talented individual I want to talk about. I have to confess, DJ is, as far as original content goes, almost exclusively locked in my brain with the fiction “I just keep loosing my beat”. 23 Chapters so far, one better than the last. It’s a bitter-sweet story following Remus and his children, after the bitch of a mother has been brought behind bars. Abusive piece of shit. Yeah, I don’t like her much. But the story is so full of love and support, everyone trying their best, everyone seeing how much the others deserve the world and wishing they could give it to them… Roman and Remus have a sibling-dynamic I would die for here, too. Patton is just the most adorable friend to Deceit - here Damion - Virgil is a precious bean, Logan is cute and the teacher we all wish he’d had ourselves and… god, I could keep gushing about this fic forever. I’ll stop now, though, before I’ll start spoiler things. Wouldn’t want to do that, especially since I really, really, really want more people to give this a go. It’s not underrated, I just think everyone who doesn’t is missing out by a lot, so… Go over there and read DJ’s fic right fucking now, if you haven’t already read it at least once. Thank you.
@delimeful​, our wonderful lime-friend with a cute cat making a terrifying face in his header. First of all, there is the WIBAR universe, short for “Watch it burn and rust”. 5 chapters in act one, 4 intermissions (one of those with three chapters), one chapter of act two, as well as three extras and an au of this au called “the end of being alone”, and I’ve lost count of how many nights I spent reading those instead of sleeping like I should. (Or interacting with family. Or being productive. Or… It’s really a good story, okay?!) WIBAR is a deathworlder au. So a space au in which humans are regarded as dangerous deathworlders who can survive on a deathworld like earth. In other words, Virgil is the only human, and boy does that scare everyone around him. And the best part? You can feel the development, the shift in mentality regarding Virgil, feel the moment approach in which he isn’t a threat but a companion instead.
And, apart from the fic that inspired me enough to start writing “TINND!R?” over on my writing blog, there are a lot more amazing fics to read on lime’s blog. He wrote “How easy you are to need”, for example. It’s soft, it pulls at just the right heartstrings, it’s achingly hopeful and, god, the ending still has me in tears, even after the fifth - ? sixth? something among those lines - reread. This one’s a werewolf au, actually. Virgil is the werewolf, Logan, Patton and Roman are the humans.
Do you want yourself some of that pre-AA dynamic? I’d recommend “to taste your beating heart”. In this, Virgil gets separated from the rest of his group of vampire hunters and gets turned into a vampire himself, loosing his memories. And he’s “Anx” now, not “Virgil”, goddamnit! He isn’t their friend anymore, why don’t they understand that? Well, probably because they can still see Virgil’s old habits shining through. There’s a lot of tension, a lot of angst and a whole lot of frustration involved in this.
He also wrote some amazing one-shots. They’re mostly so well written that I’m almost sad not to be waiting on a continuation. There’s “the littlest mermaid”, in which Virgil goes to investigate a noise, finding a scared, tiny mermaid in need of help. In “community gardens” we have Remus being Remus, gaining the interest and friendship of the forest’s giant Logan. “Magical mutualism” tells the tale of a witch and a demon making a pact beneficial to both parties and opening the doors neither could have gone beyond alone. The way we’re all confused about our ships not actually having set sail yet comes to a hight in Virgil in regards to his friends in “amateur matchmakers”. And this is the point at witch I stop talking before I actually recommend every single one of lime’s fics instead of just my favorites as I had planed because I started to gush too much… XD
Let’s move on to @muppenthings​. Mupp is an amazing artist and she created a giant mermaid au. There’s this one orca who’s just… We love her, but I actually don’t think she’s the brightest. I really, really love her, though. Virgil himself is being a little protective over his human friends and casually so. I love this comic series for the art style, but I also love the way it makes me crack a laugh at least once per work. Or appeal to my mother-instincts, if it’s about baby Virgil. Too cute for his own good, I tell ya! And the facial expressions! The detail, the jokes, everything about this is wonderful. You should at least take a look.
@whenisitenoughtrees​. Cat got me with “This cup of yours tastes holy (This lie is dead)”. “A slow voice on a wave of phase” was next, later “Infinity and beyond”, “we are not alone in the dark with out demons” and “changing of the guard”. And then, suddenly, the night was over. I’ve read almost all of the fics in one go, and I’ve been semi-frequently visiting her master post ever since. When “There’s an endless road to rediscover” came out just a little while back, that lead to me re-reading through almost the entire list. I don’t regret it, my plans for that weekend would like to disagree.
These six fics I mentioned here are, by no means, the only ones I enjoyed. Those are just the ones I’ve found myself opening up again and again in sleepless nights. Those are the ones that pop up in my head and have me smiling to myself in the middle of god-knows-whatever-I’ve-been-doing-at-the-time.
Angst, fluff, hurt-comfort, you’ll find everything in that list. And something I’ve grown to like about Cat’s fics even more than anything else is the quick change between feeling perplexed, a startled laugh at certain wordings (you’ll know what I’m talking about when you see it) and apprehension. These fics will have you at the edge of you seat, swooping you away on an emotional roller coaster. And, god, the way Cat writes from Remus’ perspective? The introductions of her stories and the way she redirects to the main topic after going into detail on something? I saved a few paragraphs as screenshots on my phone because I love them and I want to read them again when I’m down. I just… Cat’s great.
Next up is @eliemo. Because Elias Virgil is the royalty of Virgil angst. From the touch-starved Virgil we’ve all had a head cannon of at one point in “Heart of Ice”, over ace Virgil panicking over telling his boyfriends that he his ace and didn’t think to tell them before in “Love our way” to so, so much more.
Mostly EV follows the story arc of an underlying feeling of dread at the beginning, which slowly grows into panic, exploding in a storm of angst and concludes in everyone, or at least whoever is around, coming to the rescue and helping to calm down, with the end being the hope for getting better in the future. They always manage to convey the confusion, fear or just the general thought process so well that you can’t help but get absorbed in the story. They know exactly what to say and what to leave between the lines to get the maximum effect. And, your heart will definitely be shattered after their angst. Still, the way the sides comfort each other and support each other so well every time is just… I love their stories, a lot.
I want to make two more suggestions if you want to check out this creator. A Janus angst fic, which can only be described as “ouch” you’ll find under the name “snake bite”. It hurts in the best way possible, because Janus gets the comfort he deserves.
The other suggestion gets a lot darker. It’s about Virgil having been abused by the “others” before he got accepted into the light side. The others are shocked to find out what has gone on behind their backs and they help Virgil in every way they can to recover. Of cause it’s a rocky path, though. This would be “Learned Behavior”. The series/au has twelve stories so far, one of which has two parts. You’ll find the master post for this pinned to the top on their blog.
If you like angst, you should also give @maybedefinitely404​ a look. Ly has a soulmate-au going, in which they use the concept of “you hear the music your soulmate listens to”. "Music in my head” is a prinxiety fic, but the two of them have yet to meet. Four chapters and two mini-fics in. The reason I mentioned angst is because in this - spoiler alert for the first few chapters here - , Virgil gets put through conversion therapy. Luckily Janus and Logan are better foster parents than the ones who did that to him.
They also have a master list for all their soulmate stories, featuring different ships. Apparently they participated in soulmate month, if I understood that correctly. And to be honest, that was how I even found their account. I absolutely adore their anxceit fic, which takes place in a human au. It’s starting off pretty sad, but the bonding moments are absolutely wonderful. It’s a lovely story, and the ending is one of the best ones I’ve yet to read. Their logince fic took my breath away, too. A flower shop/tattoo artist au, and Logan is the tattoo artist. Stunning writing, wonderful world building, just the right amount of backstory to have everything make sense without overwhelming/drowning the reader in unnecessary details. Their moxceit fiction… Well, this one had me in tears within the first few paragraphs. It’s terrible and you feel for Janus, whose perspective this is written from. The ending, though… Gods! The ending was so indescribably cute. To be honest, all of the soulmate stories are great, these three are just my personal favorites.
Concerning their one shots, you’ll probably have to figure it out on your own concerning this. I haven’t been able to read all of them yet, as sad as that makes me. Definitely palling on doing it in the future, though. I did read two of them, though. “Pippity poppity” really was amusing, and I am so looking forward to the second part of “The Boy who sings next door”. The way they write the dynamics between the sides? I live for that.
Another creator I would like to recommend is @maybe-im-tired.They don’t have a master post, as far as I could see, but they only post their content anyways, so… “Can’t take my eyes off of you” is my favorite out of their fics so far. I mean, the way they managed to fit the sheer chaos that is intrulogical into this one short fic is amazing. And you could take about two thirds of what Remus said and put it up on your wall as out-of-contexts-quotes. Don’t worry, he says them out of context anyways, and they will definitely make you laugh. 
The series of short stories for the human au that starts with “Glowing stars” is another au by them that you will almost certainly like. We have Logan and Virgil as kids (about 7 I think), Remus and Patton as single parents, Roman as the most adoring uncle, Emile as babysitter and Remy as his amazing partner. Remus is a great father, wonderfully chaotic as well. And a teacher! Imagine that, Remus as your teacher... He’s great with kids though, as long as they aren’t entitled villains come to make his precious Virgil feel bad, that is.
They also wrote a bunch of “random one shots”. They are all amazing, but my favorite has to be this one. It’s a logince one, once again human au. Patton may or may not tell his big brother’s crush about the feelings he wasn’t prepared to share yet. You know, as small kids do. It’s soft, it will make you smile as much as Logan does, and I love Remus in it. I generally like how they write Remus, okay? I know how much I’ve said it, but I’m not even exaggerating. They always write him differently, and all versions they write him as are so, so lovable and just… I wanna hug the life out of all Remus versions they wrote, okay? Take a look, you’ll know why.
Anyways. Let’s continue with @figurative-siren-song. This is the last account I’ve followed and I’m still sad about it having taken me this long to find them. Little salty, to be honest. (I’ll stick to they/them because they said just not to use she/her, and, well… consistency, you know? Don’t have much, so I have to get what I can XD). When I finally did find them, I went through their entire master list (at least all of the ships with characters I actually know. I’m kinda bad with the shorts characters, so I usually just… avoid them? Idk. Personal preference, I guess), and, well… I would honestly recommend every single fic on that list. They call themself “Repair Fluff King™️” and they deserve that title. But when they warn you that a fic will be angsty, it will be angsty.
I found them through the anxceit fic “A Deal”. Well, through an animatic by their friend on youtube that had linked the fic, but details. I’ve been reading this fic up and down again and again. It’s just so good! And when they talk in the second part and Janus explains why he proposed that deal. Or in the continuation, which i can’t talk about because I will probably spoiler things! So wholesome!
 Also, their losleepxeity fic “We’re worth it”. So soft! The nicknames, the plot, the everything. It’s softer than clouds look, and we all know that means something.
But, really. Everyone will find something for them by this creator. So many ships, all incredibly well written, and soft and fluffy without getting boring in the slightest. It’s as energizing as coffee, actually. And, let’s be honest, this whole fandom drowns itself in angst most of the time. Take a break from that, repair your broken hearts with goof fluffy content that you’ll want to read over and over again. Go check this creator out. You will love them. 
Last but not least… @myfriendsasthesides​ A blog by a creator who just takes the wonderfully chaotic dynamics of a friend group and using that to give us content of incorrect sides quotes. Maybe it doesn’t fit with me going on and on about fics here. I don’t care. Follow them and turn on those notifications, please, because seeing even one post of theirs on your dashboard will make your day. It’s funny, it’s absurd, it’s chaotic, it’s making you jealous of them for having friends like that. Believe me, you will want to see those posts. It’s just… the random shots of serotonin and dopamine out generation needs really fucking desperately 100% of the time. 
That’s it with the list! Eleven creators I absolutely adore, and I’m sorry I was babbling so much all the way through, but… Well, actually I’m not sorry. And actually, half of the reason I even made this post is to tell them how much I love them and fangirl about them a bit. So… Yeah. Well.I love you guys and hope you’ll have a wonderful day! And to everyone else reading this: I hope this helped you ind some new creators you can enjoy. And a good day to you too, of cause.
Sincerely, Joy 🖤
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mimssides · 3 years
Never Met You
Chapter 11: Love
You gave me a crown and a title. You accepted me with flaws and all. You gave me power over you and I gave you power over me in the most vulnerable way I know. I didn’t expect love to come for me anymore, but there you came and made my world bright and beautiful and worthwhile. Thank you, my agent of chaos.
The scream in the heart of the Theanan castle rang through the air. A veil was lifted and at once commoners as well as nobility realized what they had forgotten. The servants in the castle, the soldiers and weavers now realized who that weird new guard had been. They realized that they had joked, eaten and lived with their king.
Outside the Theanan boarders, three courts got in motion and the king in the North called for his older brother to immediately be brought to him.
But within the stone walls of the castle Logan didn’t pay any mind to these things. No, he ran. He ran back through the tunnel, threw his jacket off, didn’t turn around when he lost his crown. The backroom, the halls, the gate to the inner courtyard and finally the tents with the hurt soldiers. They all passed by him in a blur.
But the moment Logan entered the tent where his Remus was in, everything became painfully clear again. On a cot between four other men lay the king in a white robe. His hair was sticking to his forehead from sweat and his eyes were closed.
Everyone, except for another man sleeping on the bed to Remus’s right, was looking at Remus and Logan felt his legs give in. Hastily he stumbled forwards and just managed to kneel down to the side of Remus’s bed before he would have fallen without any control over it. And as Logan knelt and watched Remus’s face for the first time which felt like an eternity, tears welled up in his eyes. There he was, the man he adored, he loved, he had married.
Suppressing a whimper Logan looked through the room, searching for a physician or nurse. He spotted a woman next to the door, her eyes wide as plates and her face unspeakably pale.
“How is he?” Logan managed to say despite his voice cracking.
The nurse bowed her head and gulped before daring to say: “He- His Majesty is stable. The wound seems to be healing well and miraculously no vitals were severely damaged through the attack. I will get his physician, who will be able to tell you more, Your Majesty.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much,” Logan said under tears and the nurse left the tent in a hurry to find the physician who had treated Remus.
In the meantime, Logan gingerly took Remus’s left hand with his own left. Something made a small clacking sound as they touched and Logan looked down on his hand. His ring was back again and so was Remus’s.
More and more all what had happened sunk in and Logan started to cry. He tried to be quiet to not disturb the other soldiers but all of it came down on him and it felt like it was tearing him apart from the inside. By the time Roman, Janus and Virgil finally entered the tent, Logan was positively sobbing.
Roman joined by his side mere moments later. Hushed whispers came up around them, the presence of both kings and the prince in a tiny tent being too unordinary for no one to not say anything about it. Usually, Janus would have stopped the talking with a single glare, but in the face of everything he could not bother himself to scold them. It was hard enough for himself to not break down at the sight of his oldest friend lying motionlessly in a bed because he had let him become the guard of his own husband. And so, Janus told Virgil to sit with them and waited for the either a nurse or a physician to return shortly.
In the next half hour Janus eventually got an update of Remus’s state, which was everything considered much better than Janus could have hoped, had both Roman and Logan calmed down and gotten them up from the floor where they had been kneeling. Now he stood with Virgil at the entrance of the tent, Roman sitting on the bed close to Remus’s feet and Logan sat on a stool still holding his husband’s hand.
Virgil shot Janus a look. He simply shook his head. No, he wasn’t fine but there was no time for him now. Logan was one of the hardest people to crack but being together with Remus for ten years, being married to the man for eight and then suddenly being cut off him without even knowing it, had done the trick. And he didn’t even want to think about how terrible all of this had to be for Roman. No, just looking at the prince gave him enough of an idea what was going on in his head.
It was time for Janus to get his mind off all of this. He needed to find out how the other courts reacted, what George was doing now and who the fuck had made a deal with a demon. He just had to leave the tent. Which was easy. Virgil could protect them. No one should come for them now.
“What do you need?”
Janus flinched and looked up to Virgil.
“What do you mean?”
Virgil shook his head and looked over to the bed and then back to Janus as he put his hand on his shoulder.
“You’re trying to convince yourself to get out of here and I think it’s stupid. The king is important to you. Just as important as Ro or I are. Just stay. Tell me what you need and I’ll go get it.”
No time to be emotional. No time to feel guilty. It was enough that Logan as well as Roman were out of order. He couldn’t slack off now.
But if he would let Remus out of his sight me might break out in tears.
The decision was made for him.
Logan held Remus’s hand tightly but not too tight. His other hand was resting on his stomach. Thoughts were flooding his mind and new tears formed once more in eyes despite his best efforts to stop them from running. He barely registered Virgil’s voice in the background, nor how Roman slid towards him to put his hand comfortingly on his back.
Movement from beneath his hand sent a shiver up his spine. He looked from his hand to Remus’s face and found his eyelids twitch slightly. He squeezed his hand in reflex and Remus squeezed back. Green eyes flickered open and before truly seeing what was in front of him his eyes already darted towards Logan.
“Your Ma-” Remus slurred but was cut off.
The name came out with panic and relief and adoration. Logan didn’t know what to feel, how to express it and what to do but it all became clear just after a few moments. A few moments, which Remus needed to understand where he was, to realize that this indeed was Logan crying over him and that he had just heard his actual name for the first time in months.
“Oh, my brilliant bastard,” Remus said fondly and reached with his free hand for Logan’s face.
Finally, he got to smile the too wide and too inappropriate smile of his again. Finally, he could see Logan eye to eye again. Finally, he had his life back.
And to celebrate this he put his other hand on Logan’s shoulder and pulled him with all the dizzy might he had in a kiss. Logan reciprocated sloppily and after a few seconds broke away as giggles and hiccups shook through him. Remus didn’t mind and pulled him close. Under his breath he cursed as he realized how sore and aching he felt and just then Logan helped him lay down with gentle hands.
As Remus’s head was resting on the pillow again, he whispered to Logan: “You’re too kind. I’m not made of glass, you know?”
“I’ve gathered,” Logan hiccupped quietly. “Any other human being would have died of such a wound. What on earth were you thinking? What did she-”
“Wait a sec, darling,” Remus interrupted and blinked.
The longest thirty seconds of silence passed. Just that it wasn’t silent exactly. And that was what Remus had been listening for.
With a spark of mischief but mostly fondness Remus asked Logan: “Could you look under my bed?”
Logan looked like a third eye had just sprouted on Remus’s forehead.
“Come on! Humour me,” Remus pouted.
Usually, Logan would not have humoured Remus’s silly request. Not in front of his solider, even less in the presence of Janus. But today he would let it slide. Shooting Remus a stink-eye he pushed himself back from the bed and lifted the sheet, which was dangling over the side of the bed, hiding what was underneath it. He blinked. And then he smiled.
Gently Logan pushed his chair back further, shared a short glance with Remus and crouched. He lowered his head and looked under the shabby cot.
“And there I thought that monsters wouldn’t live under beds,” Logan said softly. “What a scary little monster you are. You were trying to get to our king, weren’t you?”
And then there was a pause where the whole room heard a little sniffle and how something shuffled under the bed. Perplexed they all stared as Logan crouched down further and stretched his hand under the bed.
“There, there. No need to feel afraid. No one is mad. Would you do me the favour and show me your scary face, little monster?”
And after a few seconds they watched as little hands grabbed Logan’s arm and the king pulled a little boy with curly hair out from under the bed. Roman gaped from the end of the bed and little Patton grappled Logan’s arm even closer as he heard the noise. Parentally Logan shooed him and quickly checked if he could see anything out of the ordinary with him but luckily found nothing. With his free hand Logan took a clean handkerchief from his pocket and began to wipe Patton’s face down. Patton tried to duck out from it and stopped to sniffle but Logan was persistent and eventually had been able to clean his face up.
“Now you look like a dashing monster. Much better, isn’t it?” Logan asked with a grin.
Patton pouted but a little smile broke through when he heard the voice from behind him.
“Hey, there Pat. Did you want to check on me?” Remus said and promptly had the little boy sitting directly in front of his face as he jumped up on the bed.
With some struggle Remus sat up again, mindful of the bandages and the pain from below his ribs. He didn’t want to tear anything but he really wanted to see eye to eye with Patton. And as he finally sat with his eyes glued to the floor, Patton nodded his head fiercely but kept his lips shut close as if he was afraid to speak.
“Patton, what is it? Why aren’t you looking at me?” Remus asked and tried to catch Patton’s gaze.
Patton’s eyes were red and puffy but he managed to get himself to look up. And yet despite his sad look and uncertainty, Remus saw something mighty shine within him.
With a tiny voice Patton asked: “Do you still want me now? I’m just a little kid. Why would you want me?”
How well Remus understood that question. How well he could feel the pain and doubt in it. He knew that he had to and would destroy that doubt, no matter how. He tapped on Patton’s cheek and made a funny face, which made his little boy smile.
“Well, for starters,” Remus said next, “I promised you to give you a soft bed in our home and goodnight stories and kisses every night. And that’s a lot easier now because I won’t have to ask JJ to give me a raise to buy a bed. And more importantly, me not wanting you? Very unlikely. So, so very unlikely. I mean who would turn down a kid, who is kind and brave like you? Who would turn down a kid who says hello to the most feared guard of Prince Roman? Who would turn down a kid who has broken into castle for snacks and to check on his friend? And who would turn down a kid who has taught a king how to clean a pan and how to use the public bathhouse?”
Remus pulled Patton into a hug. Patton’s tears sank into Remus’s shirt but he didn’t mind. He just held him and looked to Roman at the foot of the bed with a gentle pledge in his eyes to wait just a moment longer. He had to take care of his boy first.
“Oh Pat, how could I turn you down when you are the reason why I have stayed here? Because I planned on leaving the castle that day when we met. I planned on leaving all behind because it hurt so much that they didn’t remember me. Because of you I stayed. Because of you I got everything back and even more.”
Remus exchanged look with Logan. He nodded with tears in his eyes. Carefully, Remus pulled Patton back and ran his finger over his wet cheek, feeling himself tearing up.
“I’ve got you. I’ve got a son.”
And there the tear dropped.
“If you want to us to be your dads, of course.”
“I get both of you?!” Patton shouted excitedly and looked from Remus to Logan.
“We are kind of a package deal,” Logan said and pointed to his ring finger, “so yes. If you wish so we can become your parents.”
“Yes, please! And I don’t even have to make you become a couple!” Patton cried joyously and jumped around Logan’s neck who barely managed to catch him in time.
Remus shot Logan a pointed look but didn’t ask what that statement had been about. Soothingly Logan picked Patton up, explained to him that they had to let the physicians and nurses do their job and let them take care of Remus. Patton barely resisted. He had been hiding under Remus’s bed for a long while and it had exhausted him quite a bit. When Logan stood face to face with Janus, told him to stay with Remus while he would see what he needed to attend to, Patton had fallen asleep in his arms.
“You’re sure he’s not overworking himself?” Remus asked as he shifted in his bed.
After months of sleeping in a hard uncomfortable bed, his own matrass had felt foreign. But with Logan by his side, despite them not being able to cuddle, since Remus had still to heal quite a bit, things had been bearable.
Roman was sitting on the edge of his bed and rolled his eyes at Remus’s question as he said: “As if we would let him do that. I promise we won’t let him do anything too taxing. He's been with Pat for most of the time actually. I’ve done most of the work with Jan’s help.”
Remus pursed his lips and Roman sighed.
“It’s been a day since we remembered. You need to give him time. Jan feels like he’s failed you and you know what happened the last time his family ‘failed’.”
“I was a kid!” Remus grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest. “Our parents had just died and I just wanted something to make sense. I know Jove hasn’t been responsible for any of this. He didn’t break his oath... Neither did Jan.”
Roman nodded and took his hand. Remus let him and watched Roman for a few minutes. They had spoken a bit after Logan had left but there were still many questions that needed to be addressed.
“They’ll ask at some point why I knew how to fight,” Remus began unusually subdued.
Roman shot him a glance. He shook his head.
“Don’t be like that. It was my idea, so I’ll take the blame. Mom didn’t want us to learn how to fight because of me, and you just had to follow through to not make me suspicious. But frankly, at this point I don’t even know if I can fall into a blood rage. I mean, I sat in our parents' blood and it didn’t happen.”
“Still makes me a demon, I know. Don’t remind me.”
Remus snickered and slapped Roman’s arm.
“I didn’t even say anything, but I guess that happens with an identical twin...”
Roman mused over the next words for a while. He knew had gotten the better deal in the end. The younger brother. The spare. Being a demon had always frightened him but with Remus by his side everything had seemed easier. Janus helped him figuring his powers and strengths out and was also a pillar of support in his youth.
A deep inhale. Roman caught Remus’s eyes. He pressed his lips together and nodded.
“I think it’s time we tell them,” Roman finally said.
Remus sunk deeper into his pillow and grimaced. He had expected that Roman would want to take that step. They both had wanted to take that step for a long while but Janus had told them to hold back.
A thread of humour pulled at the corner of Remus’s mouth and he said: “I wanted to for a while. But now would be a good time. Especially since the curse was the Dragon Witch’s doing. It will be easier to explain to them why she did what she did to me. Still don’t know how Virgil hadn’t figured you out. Like, has he his eyes closed in the bedroom or does he have a fetish for blindfolds?”
“No, you dumbass! He thinks they’re tattoos!” Roman whined.
“Tattoos? That’s hilarious! How did he get that idea?”
“I don’t know man! He just assumed and it’s not like everyone knows what demon marks look like. It’s a fair guess from him. Don’t make fun of it!”
Remus continued to laugh as Roman whined and hit him once more in the arm. It didn’t do anything to stop Remus from teasing but at least Roman felt like he had at least tried to defend his partner’s honour. But after a while Remus finally had laughed his last laugh and the twins sat there in silence. There was another thing that was weighing down on Remus’s chest and he wasn’t sure how he should breach the topic.
“Pat will be in good hands. You’re just as good as dad was.”
Remus’s heart stopped beating. Roman looked at him fondly, like Remus never could.
“I’ve noticed when you came to protect me. You’ll do well. Pat’s lucky and so are we. Finally, his wish is going to be fulfilled; no more demons on the throne. With us this chapter will be finally over,” Roman said and laid his arm around Remus’s shoulder.
For the remaining time Roman stayed in Remus’s room, the brothers just held onto each other. It was scary for them to let go of their secret but at the same time both of them looked forward to it. They wanted to be seen. Wanted to be free of their past and somehow, through this tragedy they have gotten a chance they never could have dreamt of.
The war had officially been called off. King George had sent an official apology to Theana, promised a relief fund and had backed out of the alliance talks between the four kingdoms for the time being. In a letter directed at Remus and Logan he relied that Jean had been responsible for what had happened to Remus. He had fallen into madness and was beyond reason, which was why he had him removed from his position and thrown him into the dungeon. There was going to be a trial when they had more evidence for his treacherous alliance with the Dragon Witch. But if they wished they could weigh into the sentence, since they had been the most affected by his actions.
It had been Janus who responded to George’s letters. Remus was still resting for the week, and while he had read the letter, he did not feel up for making a decision over a life sentence. And while Logan was more than willing to speak a few words with the king they had decided together that they should give George a bit of rest as well. He had been a friend for a long time and while Jean was a terrible person, he was the remainder of George’s family and that was a hard truth to come back from.
And so, Janus had answered, that they thanked him for his information and offer but would for the time being hold off with a comment, since the royal couple was still recovering from the past months before they would decide on such a difficult topic.
But this was not the only thing which had kept Janus busy. He had to redo all of the warding symbols around the castle, had to answer messages from Scites and Kainen, had to keep the court in order, had to get the papers ready for Patton’s adoption. There was no time for him to sit around and chat. There was certainly no time to visit Remus now that he was supposed to be resting. Indeed, it was his duty to not disturb him to guarantee a quick recovery and-
“Hey JanJan.”
Janus jumped around. In a white nightgown stood Remus in front of him. Janus looked around, making sure that his head was not playing any tricks with his mind. But no, this was Remus standing behind him even though there was no way that he could have approached him from the direction he had been coming from.
“The secret passages pretty practical for getting around quickly. I found them when we were 10 or so. Dad said to keep them secret,” he explained a little sheepish and scratched the back of his neck.
Janus scoffed and wiped away some non existing dust from his sleeves. He would not give Remus the satisfaction of having startled him. Thank you very much.
“Come on! I didn't mean to startle you!”
“You should be in bed.”
Janus tried to turn around and walk away. Emphasis on tried. Despite everything Remus managed to close the distance between them and grabbed him by the arm. Viciously he charged towards him and lost all his vigour the second he saw his best friend’s sad look.
“Jan, please stop avoiding me!”
Angrily Janus pursed his lips and yanked his arm away from Remus’s grasp but didn’t attempt to flee anymore. He didn’t want to leave Remus. And so he stood and glanced up to Remus with and expectant look and a seemingly cold expression, Remus knew was as fake as the smile on Logan’s face when he had to listen and gossip with nobility over other nobles.
“I know it’s been a lot on you and I absolutely get that you are stressed but -” Remus voice cracked and he continued quietly – “I don’t wanna be without my best friend any longer! Ro ’s my heart, Lo ’s my lifeline but they’re nothing without you… I’m nothing without you. You’re my bestest friend, and I didn’t get the chance to talk with you about the fact that I’ll be a dad soon! A dad! And you’ll be an uncle and help me not spoil the cute little brat rotten and-”
A cracked whine cut Remus of and without thinking he pulled Janus in a hug. They quickly shuffled into Janus’s office and finally took the time to address what had been bothering them. Janus confessed his regret and shame of distrusting Remus and making him work so hard, even though it was his job to take care of him and protecting him. Remus listened and admitted that it had stung at first but he understood Janus’s dedication to his position and thanked him for keeping Logan safe during his absence. He thanked him for being there for him despite not knowing it was him and swore that he was not angry with him at all for doing his job.
And finally, Remus could tell somebody how much it hurt to be so close with all of them without being able to tell them who he was. He told how much it cost him to restrain himself, how much he hated every second of it, how Patton had been the only one to keep him from turning crazy. The longer he talked the more he marvelled over the boy and Janus found himself smiling at his adoration. It was the same passion and love he had seen in Aneas and Rhea’s parenting of the twins and Janus knew that Remus would do well as a father.
Eventually, Janus got reminded of the time and the two got to up for dinner. With sparkling eyes Logan greeted Remus and Patton tackled in a hug. Excitedly he told Remus that he and Daddy had gone to the physician and showed off the glasses he had been given. Remus smiled at every word and just waved at Roman and Virgil when they joined for dinner.
This felt like things had finally fallen into place.
That same evening Patton had convinced Remus that he should be allowed to sleep in ins dads’ bed this evening because it was a very special day. When Remus asked what was so special about today Patton had simply said: “It’s today and it’s only once today, and it’s also the fourth night that I have two dads and it’s very special to me!”
To that Remus had no objections and helped Patton get into his pyjamas and tucked him into their bed after he had gotten ready himself. Animatedly he told Patton a goodnight story and watched as he fell asleep despite his best efforts to stay awake.
A few moments passed and Remus heard the door to the bathroom opening and turned around. There was his Logan, in all his beauty. His long hair was hanging down to his midback for once, the dark blue nightgown falling gently down his sides. He was breathtakingly beautiful.
“You’re beautiful,” Remus whispered.
A smile broad and wobbly spread on Logan’s lips. With happy and big steps, he walked towards his husband and took him by the hands. Squeezed them and twirled the two of them in a circle before he stopped and kissed Remus on the forehead.
This was odd. Amazing but odd. Logan didn’t do sweet and mushy stuff usually.
“What is up, my bug? Just happy to see me?” Remus said with a suggestive lilt in his voice.
Logan snorted, pushed his glasses up and rubbed his eyes. Now Remus was beginning to worry and his found himself cupping Logan’s cheeks and quietly shooing his husband tears away. But Logan smiled and took Remus’s hand and pressed his palm against his lip. He kissed it gently and shook his head with a serene expression.
“I am more than happy, my star. What I am feeling is beyond words and beyond everything I could ever imagine, my love,” Logan said and guided Remus’s hands down to his waist.
Remus held him and looked at him with a worried frown but Logan kept on grinning.
“You brought us home a son. After five years we finally get to be parents. And of such a wonderful boy. Who would dare to wish for more?”
Remus relaxed and said in a breath: “Yeah, who would? It’s unbelievable.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Logan bit his lips. A teary laugh shook him.
“What if we’d be blessed with a second one after trying so long?”
Remus’s mind blanked. His eyes went wide and his hands tightened around Logan’s waist. He opened his mouth but the words escaped him.
To his luck his husband knew exactly what he wanted to ask.
“I had my suspicions when we got our memories back and today finally got to see my gynaecologist when I went to the court physician with Patton. And she said I’m along the 12th to 14th week. And that the baby seems to be okay so far.”
Had Remus been uninjured he would have lifted Logan from the ground and spun him around in circles. Instead, he kissed him. Kissed him deeply and passionately before they broke off with delirious laughs on their lips and pulled each other towards the bed. They sat down and looked to the sleeping Patton thinking about how he would hopefully be excited to be a big brother.
They looked into each other’s’ eyes for a moment, before Logan broke the eye contact and took Remus’s hand. Gently, he laid it on his belly. He wasn’t showing much yet. This was his first child and he didn’t gain too much weight over the last months but there had grown a little round line over the last two weeks and finally he had an answer to as why. A wonderful answer.
Logan watched Remus look at his middle in awe and then look back at him with this look of absolute and utter adoration. Logan could only hope that his own gaze reflected the same.
“You’re wonderful,” Remus whispered.
He leaned forwards and Logan met him in the middle, their foreheads touching lightly.
And Logan answered finally after so many days: “And you’re ridiculously breathtaking, my agent of chaos.”
Link for AO3, Taglist, Masterlist, and next Chapters are in my first reblog!  
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asksuccubussides · 3 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what Chapter 11
Masterpost of chapters
Authors note: Hello. I've been stuck in a horrible writer's block for over a month now and though I had more planned for this chapter I realized I wouldn't finish this any time soon if i kept forcing myself through. If the ending is abrupt for this chapter that's why. I am posting this without proof reading it. I hope by next chapter I'll be back to normal
In his dreams Remus could speak again. He could screach, sing and slobber. In his dreams he saw his brother again but Roman never spoke to him no matter how much he yelled for her. In his dreams The Manager was always right at the edge of his view.
He woke up through a flinch as he felt hands against his shoulder. Even though he quite quickly realized it was Janus his heart still continued to race. Janus lowered his hands and let his arms fall around Remus' chest while pressing his cheek lightly against the demon's. He stood leaned over the back of the chair Remus had been sleeping on and when he spoke he was so close the demon could feel his words reverberating into his skin.
"Such a wise decision to wait out my entire shift in the library. You totally couldn't have gone and done something actually productive.
Remus rubbed his eyes "Naah. I had to bite some Zs in the butt anyway"
"Aww darling, your eyebags are indeed looking deep enough to fit a pop up store" He ran his finger right under the demon's eye "Ready to do whatever I want you to do?"
"Ay ay captain sir!" Remus grinned up at him "And then you not be mad at me anymore??"
"You're in unending servitude now but sure yes"
The two of them went on a quite lenghty walk from the college campus to the outer limits of the city. During the walk Janus read up prompts from his murder mystery app and the two of them tried to solve them even though Remus kept getting distracted by coming up with better ways to dispose of the bodies and weapons instead.
"We've arrived" Janus said as they stopped outside an alternative clothing store.
Remus looked at him with huge puppy eyes "YOU'RE PUTTING ME UP FOR ADOPTATION??! TO BECOME A VIRGIL!?" He put his thumbs under his eyes to mimick the emo's eyeshadow.
"Maybe. Be a sweetie and wait outside will you"
Remus sat down on the sidewalk and threw rocks at cars passing by while waiting. He leant his head back and took in the vast view of the sky that was slowly changing to dark navy before taking in a deep breathe. It was a good thing Janus was an orphan, it meant less people would be saddened once he was killed.
The manager would probably send him to heaven even if he managed to kill Janus, Remus thought, but at least killing him would mean Roman got his voice back.
The door plinging as it opened pulled him back to the present and he waved to Janus who was carrying a tiny plastic bag. The human motioned with his finger for the Demon to stand up and Remus complied. He did a half hearted attempt at peeking inside the bag just to annoy Jan. In response he got a soft smack on the nose.
"Don't make a sex joke" Was all Janus said before pulling a thick limegreen choker out from the bag. It looked more similar to a dog collar than anything found in a hot topic.
"Knock Knock. Who's there. Penis" Remus blurted out.
"....What was that?"
"You said don't make sex joke so I had to! Is that for me?!"
"No it's for Bill Clinton. Obviously it's for you"
"Who's Bill Klinkong?"
Janus pressed his finger against Remus' lip and shushed him before moving his hand to the back of his neck to make him lean forward slightly. The demon closed his eyes but smiled so all of his sharp teeth stuck out as Janus moved the choker around his neck and fumbled to close the clasp.
"I think-" "Ouch J-anus" Both of them sputtered out as a a piece of Remus' hair got stuck in the clasp. Janus tried to lean up on the tips of the toes to get a better look but he moved at the same time as the demon making their foreheads bonk into each other and made Janus sneeze from getting a noseful of the other man's mustache.
Without thinking Remus reached out his tail and wrapped it around Janus' waist to stop him from stumbling back while laughing. He quickly realized his mistake and moved his arms around his waist instead.
"I think it's on" He rattled his neck around to see if the choker would fall off.
"Curses. I meant to do that in an incredible suave and cool way" Janus dragged his finger along the choker "Again it's not a sex thing, it's a safety check. I'm making you wear something embarsingly noteciable every time you're with me and therefore if you're here to fuck with me you will be too embarased to do so" He added an evil laugh afterwatds while twidling his fingers like a villain.
"Can I get a bell added?"
"No.....Maybe...I might have bought a matching leash"
"REALLY?!?" Remus jumped forward to try and reach into the bag Janus was holding but Janus held it just outside his grasp.
"No peaking! It's Schrodingers leash! Is it real? Is it not? Mayhaps you will find out one day!"
Remus pouted before making his legs go jelly so Janus had to hold him up "Booorrriing. Mean Boring J-Anus!"
As promised Remus showed up at Janus' dorm an hour before the local production of Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf was going to start. Just like in the movies he'd found a chocolate box in a garbage can and had put a little bow on it to make it all pretty for Janus. His feet were tapping into the ground and his tail wagging back and forth as he knocned on the dorm door. To his displeasure Virgil was the one who opened.
He wasn't wearing any eyeliner today and instead of a baggy hoodie he had a baggy uniform on. He blared up and down Remus before grabbing the chocolate box.
"I'll be taking this" Virgil glanced back into the room to say "He's here! Call if you need me" He walked past the demon and intentionally knocked his shoulder against his "You were so close to disapearing out of our life. I think you should have stayed out"
Remus gnarled at him as he walked away to which Virgil spun around mid walk just to hiss back at him. The demon flipped him the double bird before slapping his cheeks to get back into seducing mode. The door had been left half open so he stepped in to see Janus dragging himself up to a sitting position in bed. He was still wearing his pyjamas.
"Hi darling" He did the gayest handwave imagnable.
"Ah HAH! I get it!!" Remus pointed at him "The play was a trap to ensnare me into your dorm and now you're gonna kidnap and sell my organs on the black market! JOKEs on YOU! BITCH! My organs are already so filled with dirt and bacteria no ones gonna want me!! I WIN!"
"You caught me. I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you and your concerning organs"
Remus twirled a bit of his hair between his fingers "...Can you do the laugh too?"
Janus rolled his eyes before doing his evil laugh which turned into a genuine laugh when Remus tried to mimick it to horrible effect.
The demon jumped onto the end of the bed and bounced up and down so even janus who had slumped back to laying on his back bounced along "You ready? For the Theathrreee??? The drama! MURDER! intrugie"
"Do I look ready?"
"....you are more dressed than me"
"Everyones more dressed than you"
The human put his hand against his forehead and did a dramatic sigh "My spine has been killing me yesterday and today. I tried to get ready but alas...I am graciously in pain and unfit for the theatre" His voice lowered as he added "I really was looking forward to watching it with you"
"Like is your spine trying to burst out?? I saw that in movie yesterday but with stomach"
Janus let up into a laugh before holding out his hand and moving his finger to tell the other man to get closer. Remus dropped to his kness with his legs on either side of Jan's ankles. The human let his finger up to the choker around Remus' neck and pulled at it to make him lean even closer.
"I like seeing that on you" Janus murmured.
The demon's palms were pressed against the bedsheets right along Janus' waist to keep himself somewhat upright but the human reached out and touched his wrist. He let his arms go soft and felt the warmth of Janus' body against. He counted the layers of clothes between them.
"You're not that heavy" He assured "Even if we can't catch the show would you still like to say?"
The thought of leaving hadn't even crossed Remus' mind if anything it made him let out a breathe of relief as he nuzzled his nose against Janus' cheek. "I don't like being only with me"
"Good. Then you can give me a massage because my back is totally not killing me"
The human pushed Remus so he rolled off of his body so he could turn around to lay on his stomach. He cozied himself up against the pillow and waited for the demon to ease his back pain. Instead he felt a solid fistpunch blow right into his back muscle.
"Did you just punch my back???"
Remus shrugged "Massage?!"
"That's not how-....Wait actually my back doesn feel slightly more at ease......You might be onto something"
While massaging Remus glanced around the room but noticed a lot more boxes than last time he was there. The trashbin was overflowing with notebooks that had been crammed into it and there were marks left on Virgil's side of the room where posters used to hang.
"If we not going we can have room tour?? I wanna see what secret organs and skeletons you have hidden around! Now that the grumpy crypt keeper not here!" Remus suggested.
"No reason. Me and the crypt keeper are moving in a few weeks"
Janus snorted "Yes we are moving to hell. We've found an apartment right next to the busy train terminal. We are going to only have the finest of beauty sleeps"
"ANd I can see you still???"
"What is with you and Virgil and thinking I will disappear out of your lives if I move places. Obviously you'll still see me! You have a silly collar on from me and everything! Darling you two are far too similar"
Remus stopped massaging and sunk his forehead against the other man's shoulder while letting out a sigh of relief. His whole body had tensed up without him realizing it. "I'm happy" He pressed a kiss against the nape of Janus' neck "I need to see you"
"Let's not get too hasty here. You don't Need me....unless I am the physical embodiment of bath, then you really Really need me"
It wasn't like Remus could tell him he needed to keep contact him so he could murder him eventually. Instead he srunched his nose "HEY! DID you say me and bitchgrump Similar!? RUDE! RUDE! I am FUN! He is BORING! Big difference! HUGE! Huge like penis or monster fish!"
"...Hmmmmm...Let me think dear........Sorry. Seems to me that the only slight difference between you two is that Vivzie would try to keep me out of legal trouble while you would bring me into it"
"That is very sexy trait of mine"
"Yes indeed"
"Is massage sexy trait of me too? Am I good?"
"No dear you are frankly kind of horrible"
"ooooOkay then we can" Remus wanted to say find carcasses by the side of the road and perform amateur autopsises and order the guts by size and taste. Instead he gritted his teeth and suggested "We can do other sexy uhm stuff things shit and fuck?"
Janus rolled back over onto his back and hit his gloved finger against his lip as if thinking for a moment before moving the covers aside to give space for Remus.
"Perhaps we can just cuddle" Janus gauged the other man's reaction before grabbing him by the collar again and dragging him closer "Forget me putting that like a question dear, obviously since you do whatever I say you now have to cuddle"
"Oh woe bitch! Guess I gotta!"
Remus slid down under the covers but simply stayed there laying motionless on his back. He tried to go through all of the movies he'd seen and think of how the romantic humans cuddled but at this point he'd completely lost focus of romance movies and all he could think about was slasher villains jumping in through windows and murdering teen couples losing their virginity. He thought about Carrie and the bucket of pig blood and how he would drink the entire bucket if he was in that situation.
"Darling you're looking like a deer in headlights" Janus said with half a smile. He'd propped his head up against his chin so he could lay on his side and still look at Remus.
"I know how to bite you but I uhh I am not much of cuddler. Mostly sometimes laid on top of my brother or near suffocate my friend. Not cuddle"
"I believe I can fix that"
Janus inched closer to him and rested his head against the nape of Remus' neck even though he could feel the top bits of his spine jam against his cheek. He laid his arm around the demon's waist as his toes curdled up in his socks and someting between a hiss and a purr left his lips.
The demon liked the feeling of the other man's stomach all pressed up against his back and his hands against his skin but he hope they didn't go further down. Janus' fingers were casually playing with the end of Remus' tank top, letting one of his finger wander up under the fabric. He could feel the slightest of bumps as he grazed against the liver spots littered across Remus' skin.
"I'm shocked you haven't cuddled more with your job in mind" Janus mused "Personally if I would hypothetically pay for a sex worker's time spooning would be my second request....right after getting to test if I could slay in those heels"
"It's more of me getting heck out quick. If I don't leave I start Biting as I¨m saying! I love biting dick and cock and clit! Is true! Tear and maim and bite!"
"Are you trying to make me buy a matching muzzle too" He teased which made Remus let out a high pitched giggle. "By the way, and this is only because I am a curious bitch and you don't have to answer, but do you still work?"
Remus thought back to the human at the club "Yeah" His stomach grumbled "...But not much as before. My brother too"
Janus burst out into a laugh. His hands shaked up and down Remus' tummy as the laughter reverberated through his body. He could feel the hot burst of air from his breathe against the end of his neck.
"Excuse me. Excuse me" Janus continued between chuckles "I am truthfully not laughing at you. I am just imagining a mob fmaily but instead of all being in the mafia all of them are sex workers" He burst out into another laugh attack. Remus loved how loud and dramatic his laugh always was "Instead of sleeping with the fishes they¨re sleeping with the-"
"With the cocks. Just a sea of cut off blood cocks penis"
"That's not even funny darling! wHy am I still laughing" Janus got out between giggles.
Remus turned his head slightly so he could get a look of the human's face, eyes half closed, mouth wide and cheeks rosey red.
"You know my name actually stands for Really Enourmous Massive Ultimate Schlong!"
"Shut your stupid mouth"
Remus laughed as Janus blindly moved his hand up to the demon's mouth to try and shush him but he ended up his pressing his fingers along his cheek and smoshing his nose instead.
They stayed spooning for a long time and eventually Janus asked what films Remus liked since he tended to mention them so much. He was surprised when he started to explain the gore special effects he'd seen recently and the english words came easy to him. It was the first topic he'd learnt about in english first instead of in his native tongue.
He turned to lay on his back so he could look at Janus while talking but stayed close enough so his skin still touched against the human's pjama shirt. As he explained the behind the scenes footage he'd seen of alien vore, lighting tricks to make blood look good and how when an actor was to adorn a full body flesh suit they had to cut a hole in it so the actor could pee Janus kept trailing his finger up and down Remus' chest.
Sometimes he tapped his fingers against his chest until Remus eventually mimicked the tapping and tapped his finger right against Janus' forehead while chuckling.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Reciting ancient spells to concentrate better on whatever nonsense you are saying darling" Janus replied while continuing to tap.
Remus snickered "Awww you wanna hear my musclebloodmucuspuke facts sooo bad"
"No. Keep going. Stupid bitch" A good example of janus' classic compliment sandwich. The opposite of an insult sandwich. "What's the time anyway. You have a real talent for talking for egreouis amounts of time"
Janus stretched out his arm and moved away from the cuddle to check the clock. Instantly the gap left between their bodies made them both feel a sudden chill of cold shiver along their skin.
"Well we have definitely missed the play but" Janus reached a little further to pull up the poster Remus' had given him containing all of the plays the local theatre was putting on "We might be able to catch the second showing"
"Aww you kept that. You didn't even take a bite out of it. You able to go without dying and exploding into gook?"
"Well luckily theathre isn't a physical activity. If we take your car there I might be able to as long as I take some painkillers first"
Remus' grin turned stale "Right. Me car... Yeah. That I got" He had crashed the last car he'd used. All of a sudden he fumbled his way out of the bed and stood up "While you take painkillers I go get car. Okay? Okay!"
The demon sprinted to the parking lot and pried open car door after car door until he found one he could hijack. He threw the trash laying on the passenger seat into the back and geared the car up to wait right outside the college dorm entrance.
They arrived well in time for the second performance and sat close to the back so they weren't far from the exit in case Janus couldn't stomach the pain of sitting. Remus leaned over and whispered a joke about how the seats felt like car seats and jokingly asked if they were about to blast off right before the curtains opened. Lights dimmed, scene started.
A middle aged couple stumbled into a living room, the woman already halfway through a cigarette. "What a dump!" She let out as she closely mimicked the voice of Betty Davis, a reference that flew over Remus' head.
Every now and then he looked over to see Janus' reaction to which he always had a slight smirk on his lips as if he was in on a joke Remus wasn't. Though he couldn't follow the story, especially not when a younger couple joined in as well, he still got sucked in somehow. A thought kept repeating in his mind at how Real it was. If he wanted to he could stand up and walk a few feet and him too stand on the stage. He could reach out and touch the characters.
He wondered if Roman had also had these thoughts the many times he had seen plays and musicals. If this was why he loved them so much. Remus wondered if Patton had ever had these thoughts, if this was why the traitorous demon fell in love with humanity, and why he ended up swallowing the humans he loved.
An idea entered Remus mind, if maybe Janus would be happier if Remus ate his corpse after he murdered him. If they could stay together forever through the physical reality of having another inside him.
During the intermission Janus and Remus hunkered together by a table in the corner. The demon didn't like the feeling of slight lust coming from the people staring at him from around the room so he tried to snuggle closer to the human.
Janus explained the plot to him as best as he could so that Remus didn't feel completely out of the loop. Though he added in some of his usual sarcasm he made sure to thank him for bringing himself to go to such a language centric event together with him.
The thank landed against Remus' ears like a comforting kiss. He wished he could keep Janus with him forever. Maybe he could keep a body part of his in a little locket around his neck once he went back to hell, then the parts of humanity he liked could continue with him without anyone knowing.
In the car on the way home Remus took winding tiny roads to make the evening last longer, so he didn't have to say goodbye to Janus so soon. He listened as Janus explained the themes of the play and how the themes of lies and reality blended beautifully together with it's exploration of modernism writing and in detail went on about what the name of the play meant.
Until all of a sudden Janus' hand felt against Remus' for a moment to make sure the demon was listening "You haven't started planning what to do next month have you?"
"Next month? Uhhh Murder and experimantation in how far human body can go. Why?"
"Oh no reason. No dear, none at all. it's just about to be july. The gay month. Nothing special about it at all" Janus let up into an unusually bright smile "You don't happen to want to go to pride with me darling?"
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read more anon inspired me to read three minutes less too, and yea. christ, that was good.
there's one scene that i wanna pay extra attention to, which was when janus realized that remus was draining his years (or minutes) on purpose. obviously that's an emotional and shattering scene because of what's going on, but it definitely wouldn't have been as effective if it hadn't been written as well as it was. janus' desperation felt so real and so jarring because we had originally learned to know him as an immortal demon that doesn't care about humans, not because he's malicious, but because human lives simply aren't such a hugely important or impactful thing in his life. until now, when he spends so long with just this one specific human, he's bound to get just a little attached, and absolutely boggled about why he's doing this. which we can see gradually happening, until it reaches its peak in that scene. and i dunno, it just worked really well. and it felt like for a moment the reader got to stand in janus' shoes, i definitely felt like i was realizing remus' intentions in time and in sync with janus, and felt that same shock and bafflement as him. it just worked really well, i really liked that scene.
also, slightly wondering: did you know from the beginning that eventually everyone would survive? because at the point where logan, patton, and virgil found remus, and still when they saved his life, i thought roman was going to stay dead and they couldn't save him. and i was wondering if you were considering making it that way at any point, or was it just me. i mean i in the past have written a longer fanfic (for a different fandom) where i was planning on having a major character die in the end (in a way that contributed to the plot and theme!), but changed my mind because it would just be too sad, and i replaced it with a "fantasy coma" (the character was kinda like a robot, so i don't know how to describe it)
sorry for the long ask lol, i guess your writing just has a tendency to make me think a lot
Oh please never apologize for long asks or comments or anything of the sort, they’re my favorite thing in the world.
I’m so glad you liked that realization scene, because it was one of my favorites to write too. And as to your question, this story was one I went into without a perfectly clear plan at first, and I kind of discovered the story as I went along, so I honestly wasn’t sure whether or not Roman was going to live from the start. I’m glad he did, though, I would have been very sad if I ended up killing him XD
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dinosaurs-last-day · 3 years
Of Witches and Long Lost Families
This is my gift for @because-were-fam-ily for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange 2020!
Their prompt that I used was magic au, and I also added an nonbinary character since another one of their prompts was nonbinary coming out. 
Relationships: platonic dukeceit, eventual romantic intrulogical, familial dukexiety and familial ancxeit. 
word count: 5004
warnings: ask to tag
Witches, demons, angels, elves, fairies. All considered mythical creatures to humans, all very real. Most of them live in hiding, unwilling to prove their existence to the non-magical humans, sometimes even fearful of what people would do if they found out the truth. 
Janus was one of these magical beings, they were a witch. Like many magical and mythical beings, they preferred to avoid humans, opting to live in the woods that were deemed “haunted.” Because so many magical beings lived in those woods, humans tended to stay away, which led to it being a magical paradise. 
Janus lived by themself, spending most of their time perfecting potions and magical spells. When they weren’t working, they were often with their best friend, Remus. 
Remus was a demon, a cruel and vulgar species. Remus didn’t live in the forest, he chose to live in the pits of hell, which suited him just fine. Everything about Remus was crazy, from his wild sense of clothing (billowing black shirts with tight leather pants) to his wild purple makeup and dark green demon horns. Remus’ favorite pastime was coming up from Hell to terrorize humans in the village closest to the forest. 
Janus was almost the exact opposite. They were calm and careful, full of grace and poise. Janus dressed with elegance, wearing long cloaks and flowing skirts that were practical but still had that dramatic flair that Janus was known for. They wore satin yellow gloves, which served no practical purpose, the gloves were purely because Janus liked them. 
Together, the two friends were a force to behold. Remus’ chaotic whimsy and Janus’ calculated cunning worked together better than most people would expect. Most of the time, their schemes were directed at humans who had wandered into the forest or offended the magic folk. Janus insisted on using their powers for protective purposes only, but Remus was known to convince them on pulling a cruel prank every once and awhile. If the two weren’t terrorizing humans, they were probably terrorizing Remus’ rival and brother, the angel Roman. 
On the particular morning our story starts, Remus had crawled up from Hell, bored and hoping that Janus could entertain him somehow. He wanted to go and trick his brother or his brother’s friend, but Janus insisted that he was too busy working to go do any of Remus’ crazy ideas. So Remus just sat around Janus’ cabin, moping, complaining and summoning hellhounds to keep him entertained. 
“Janny! Why must you insist on being so serious! We’re occult beings damn it! If we want to have a little fun, we should be allowed to have fun!” Remus draped himself across Janus’ couch dramatically, trying to tear Janus away from their work. Janus rolled their eyes and continued to stir the bubbling brew in their cauldron. 
“I’m sorry Remus, but I am working. I have to get this potion ready for Logan.” 
Remus perked up. “Logan the elf?” Janus nodded. It was common knowledge that Remus was romantically interested in the elven man for a long time. Logan himself was the only one who seemed unaware, but he wasn’t known for being the best at reading social cues. He was the most socially awkward elf that Janus had ever seen, which was saying something since elves were known for being an incredibly social race. 
“Are you delivering the potion today?” Remus asked. Janus nodded once again. 
“You can tag along if you promise to behave,” Janus told their friend. Remus agreed wholeheartedly that as long as they were going to visit Logan, he would stay out of trouble, specifically, he would refrain from terrorizing Roman. 
“Well then let’s go!” Remus was ready to bounce out the door but Janus held him back, reminding him that they had to wait for the potion to be done first. Remus sighed and flopped down on Janus’ couch, waiting impatiently as he summoned another hellhound and began to play with the giant demon dog. 
“It’s done,” Janus called, watching as Remus zoomed towards the door and out into the open air. Janus laughed and followed their friend outside, smiling as the sun peeked through the trees. 
“Let us be off!” Remus cried dramatically, leading the way. The two headed through the woods towards the more populated area, where Logan lived. They were still a ways away from the town when they heard a rustling in the bushes.
Janus stopped to listen, expecting some sort of rabbit or little fairy to pop out of the brush, but nothing appeared. Remus was starting to get bored, so he began to pull Janus down along the path. 
The moment Janus’ back was turned towards the bush, more rustling came and out appeared a young teenager. He was tall and skinny, his vivid violet eyes hidden by the hood he wore over his head. The boy froze when he saw Janus and Remus. 
Remus was the first to move, diving for the boy. The boy screamed and held out his hands to keep Remus from flying straight into him. 
“Remus no!” Janus yelled. Remus stopped mid flight, suspended in the air as he stared at Janus. The boy went to run away but Janus muttered a spell to immobilize the boy. The boy struggled against the magic for a moment before seeming to give up. Janus walked forward, motioning for Remus to come and stand on the ground. 
“What are you doing in the forest, dear boy?” Janus asked, standing in front of the boy. The teenager’s skin was a tan color, partly from being out in the sun and partly because of its natural shade. 
“I was running away,” the boy said through gritted teeth. He was glaring at the two mythical beings in front of him, shifting his eyes between the two, unsure of who was the bigger threat. 
“Janny, I wanna feed him to my hellhound!” Remus whined, tugging at the witch’s arm. 
Janus shook their head. “No, we’re not killing him.” Both Remus and the boy seemed shocked. 
“Why aren’t you going to kill me?” The boy asked. “Not that I don’t appreciate it or anything, but he’s a demon,” his glance flicked over to Remus for a moment before returning to Janus. “And I’m assuming you’re a witch. And I’m in your forest.” 
“Correct, Remus here is a demon, an annoying one too. And yes, I am a witch. My name is Janus. 
“Now, as for why we aren’t going to kill you, even though you are in our forest. I guess you spark my curiosity. You said that you were running away, why?” 
The boy looked at the ground for a moment, seeming to consider if he should tell his captors.
“Be honest now, or I’ll let Remus do as he pleases with you. I won’t stop him if he tries to feed you to his army of hellhounds.” Remus clapped his hand in excitement. The boy gulped and looked up.
“I hated it there, the village I mean. I don’t have a family and basically the only reason they kept me around was for working. I don’t know where I’m going, just not there.” 
Janus thought for a moment. 
“What’s your name kid?” The boy seemed surprised that Janus had even cared to ask, but Janus just stared at him. 
“Um, it’s Virgil.” 
“Well Virgil, if you don’t know where you’re going, how do you feel about becoming a witch? Having an apprentice would be nice, an extra set of hands and commany for when Remus is too busy terrorizing someone.” 
Remus gasped from behind Janus, but they focused on Virgil, waiting for a response. Virgil gulped and nodded.
"I'll become your apprentice. Anything to not be fed to a demon's pet dog." Remus growled, but Janus ignored him. With a few words in an ancient language, Virgil was released from the spell and collapsed to the ground.
"Remus, I'd like you to make the delivery for me. I'll be walking Virgil back to my cabin. We can't have anyone else see a human in our forest." Janus commanded, handing Remus the potion. “And please don’t make Logan uncomfortable, he is a valued customer.” 
“Fine, but only because you asked so politely,” Remus said, running down the path, glass vial in hand. Janus sighed, they knew that it was highly unlikely that Remus would actually respect Logan’s boundaries, that’s just how Remus was. 
They turned back to the teen who was still sitting on the ground. Virgil was staring up at Janus, his face expressionless. 
“Why did you save me?” He asked.
“I have no idea what you are talking about. Now follow me.” Janus headed back towards their cabin, allowing Virgil to follow just a few steps behind him.
“You offered me the option to live. I’m human, why would you do that?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“You don’t know?”
“No, I don’t know. Something about you draws me in, interests me. But I’ve yet to put my finger on what that something is. I intend to find out though.” 
“So I’m some sort of experiment?” 
“If you insist on looking at it that way, then sure. But I think of it as an assistant with an interesting past that I intend to find out. Why do you keep asking, would you prefer death? It can be arranged.” 
Virgil stopped in his tracks. “No, I prefer this.” Janus turned around, facing the boy. 
“Then follow me and stop asking so many silly questions. Questions are for learning.” They turned back around and listened to the sound of Virgil’s feet hitting the dirt path as the boy followed along.
They approached Janus’ cabin, Virgil silently taking in the entire forest. When the two walked through the front door, Janus allowed Virgil to walk around and look at everything. They noticed how Virgil seemed to hang around the storage closet where Janus kept most of their potion ingredients. Virgil was inspecting the different labels, sometimes silently mouthing the names of the different herbs. 
Remus came storming into the building right as Virgil was settling down on the couch next to Janus. 
“I’m back!” He yelled in a sing-song voice. “Did ya miss me? How’s our new friend doing?” 
Janus looked to Virgil, who seemed surprised that he was expected to answer.
“Um, I’m doing fine I guess. As fine as a dude can be in this situation.” 
“You going to lay down some ground rules for him, Janny? So if he breaks them, I can feed him to my hellhounds?” Virgil visibly paled at the mention of the demon’s dogs, but neither of the adults paid him any attention.
“Yes, ground rules. First of all, don’t touch anything without permission. We don’t want you to accidentally cause an explosion. Second of all, you can’t leave my property without one of us, that’s for your safety. My garden is open to you whenever you want but outside my fence, if we aren’t there, we can’t protect you from any magical being you stumble across. And lastly, if I happen to have a customer over, it’s probably best that you stay upstairs. Again, this is for your own safety.” Virgil seemed to relax when he realized that the rules weren’t as bad as he originally thought. Remus pouted a little, realizing that he couldn’t actually feed the teenager to the hellhounds with these rules, but he knew better than to argue with Janus. 
“So I’m not a prisoner?” Virgil asked. 
Janus shook their head. “We’ve already discussed this, you are an assistant. And I’d like to make it clear that if you decide that magic isn’t your thing, you’re free to leave, go wherever you want. But I will not protect you.” 
“If you want to leave Jan’s boring potion making lessons, feel free to join me,” Remus said, sliding next to Virgil. Virgil laughed awkwardly.
“Join you?” 
“Gimme your soul and you’ll have everything that I have! Become a demon! It’s lots of fun, I promise.” 
“No trying to convert my assistant Remus. I doubt the boy is ready to give up his soul just yet.” 
“Yeah, I think I’ll keep my soul for now. I kind of like it.” 
Janus showed Virgil to the room that he would be staying in and told him that they would begin his lessons in witchcraft first thing in the morning. Right now, Virgil needed sleep. Janus insisted that it had been a very busy afternoon and that practicing magic while not being fully rested was a dangerous game. 
The next few weeks went by in a blur to Janus. What stood out to them about living with Virgil was how easily the teen picked up magic. It was like a second nature to him, Janus couldn’t help but wonder if Virgil actually had some mythical ancestry in his past that maybe, he didn’t know about. 
Virgil seemed to enjoy learning magic too, he was constantly asking questions about whatever Janus was working on and reading some of Janus’ old spell books in his free time. Remus wouldn’t stop bothering him about selling his soul, but now it was more of a joke, the subject didn’t bother Virgil as much.
And Virgil was really good at following Janus’ rules. He never went past the gates, which he claimed the very idea of heading out alone made him extremely anxious, and he always stayed in his room when there was a visitor, who was usually Logan. Virgil did spend a lot of time in the garden, choosing to read in the sun and warmth of the forest. 
One day, while Virgil was off somewhere reading and Janus was busy finishing a potion for Patton the fae, Remus slammed open the door.
“I’m home!” Janus rolled their eyes, used to the demon’s antics. “I brought company!” Remus dragged another person into the cabin. Janus immediately stood up.
“Logan! Hello. Did you come with another potion order?” 
Logan, the elf that Remus had been crushing on, was a very serious and simple person. He tended to stick to simple, practical clothes. A fitted navy blue tunic with pants and a half cape that didn’t get in his way. He wore glasses that matched his simple style. Even his accent, a traditional elven dialect, was crisp and simple. 
“I’m afraid not Janus. You see, I came here upon Remus’ request.” Janus turned and raised an eyebrow at Remus, who was bouncing up and down on his toes. 
“I convinced him to date me!” Remus said, holding onto Logan’s hands. 
Janus turned to Logan. “Blink twice if he threatened you into this.” Logan shook his head.
“There was no such threatening. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we’ve been spending more time around each other and I do not find Remus unbearable as others do. Quite the opposite actually, I find him quite enjoyable. He has a lot of interesting things to say and knows many things about topics I’ve never looked into.”
“You hear that, Janny? I have a boyfriend! I can’t wait for us to do things together! We can go on adventures together, create cool things, teach Virgil how to-” Remus cut himself off, realizing his mistake too late.
“Virgil?” Logan asked. “Who is Virgil?” 
“Virgil is no one, Remus is just being silly,” Janus lied, hoping that Logan would believe them. 
“I heard my name, is everything okay?” Virgil said, walking in from the garden, carrying an old spell book. He froze in his tracks when he saw Logan. Janus could see the anxiety rise up inside Virgil, knew that Virgil would probably have a panic attack any second now if this situation wasn’t taken care of immediately. But they didn’t know what to do. 
“Are you a human?” Logan asked, stepping forward. Virgil immediately took two steps backward, remaining silent. Logan didn’t seem to realize how scared Virgil was, continuing to walk towards him, backing Virgil into a wall as he examined the boy. “Goodness, you are human. How interesting.” 
Remus was the first one to truly react. “That’s actually one of my little demons in training! Not a human at all!” Remus had always been the worst liar that Janus had ever seen. 
“No, this boy is human, and quite an interesting one at that,” Logan mused, continuing to study Virgil. He noticed the book that Virgil was clutching to his chest.
“Can you read that? Understand it?” He asked. Unsure of what to do, Virgil nodded. His breathing was becoming rapid. 
“Fascinating. Can you brew potions, perform simple spells?” Another nod. Janus moved, slipping in between Logan and Virgil, motioning for Virgil to go outside. The teen obeyed immediately, sitting in the grass, out of sight of Logan. He focused on steadying his breathing. Janus would take care of this. 
“You can’t tell anyone he’s here. You know what some of them would do if they found out,” Janus pleaded.
“Don’t be ridiculous, he has just as much a right to live in this forest, just like every other mythical creature here.” 
Janus raised an eyebrow as the three adults moved to the couch. “What do you mean?” 
“Don’t you think it’s funny that a human boy can perform magic? And did you see what he was reading, those weren’t simple spells that he was studying. I think it’s more than safe to say he has witches’ blood. How ever did you find him?” 
Janus and Remus worked together to tell the story of how they found Virgil and brought him back to the cabin. Logan listened in rapt attention and thought a few minutes after they had finished telling the story.
“Did you ever figure out what drew you to him?” Logan finally asked Janus.
“No. For all I know, it was just chance,” they said. 
“I want to do some research back at my library, but I’m almost 100% sure that boy has witch’s blood in his veins. That would explain everything. Why he was drawn to this forest, why you decided to help him, why he’s so good at magic. I’m sure if you asked him, that would even explain why he decided to leave his home.” 
"So, Virgil can stay?" Remus asked. Logan nodded and Remus immediately moved so that he was sitting next to his boyfriend, as if he had kept space between them in case Logan said that Virgil had to leave. 
Logan left, insisting that he had to start immediately on his research into Virgil’s family history, leaving Janus and Remus alone. The moment that they were sure that Logan was gone, Janus ran into the garden, followed by Remus. 
The two adults found Virgil under a tree, tearing at the grass as if that would calm him down. He looked up when he heard them running towards him. Janus could still see panic in the teenager’s eyes. 
“I’m going to have to leave, aren’t I?” The sentence was like being stabbed through the heart with a sharp sword, Janus felt so much pain over it. Remus practically threw himself on the ground, pulling Virgil into a hug and holding him close. Janus joined the hug, keeping his own sobs at bay.
“You aren’t going to leave,” Remus said. Out of all of them, Remus was definitely the calmest in the moment, which was very strange. But Janus couldn’t focus on it at the moment. “If Janus tries to kick you out, I’ll feed them to my hellhounds and you’ll come with me.” 
“Of course I’m not going to kick you out or make you leave. If you want to stay, then I’d be more than happy to let you. You’re family by now.” Janus reached over and wiped a tear off of Virgil’s cheek. Virgil sniffled, trying to pull himself together. 
“But what about that elf?” Virgil asked between sniffles. “Won’t he try to get rid of me?” 
“Logan? He would never.” Remus looked slightly offended on his boyfriend’s behalf, but only slightly. 
Janus smiled. “He thinks that you’re like me. He thinks that you’re actually a witch.” 
Virgil’s jaw dropped a few inches. “But I’m human!”
“Virgil, do you know anything about your family? You never talk about them.” Janus knew that Virgil’s answer to this question could tell them more than all of Logan’s research put together.
Virgil shook his head solemnly. “I don’t know.” 
“Then I think it’s safe to say that the odds that one of your ancestors was a witch is very possible. Virgil, you’re the best student I’ve ever seen. You pick up concepts and skills quicker than anyone I know.”
“So I’m a witch?” Virgil looked at the spell book lying on the ground next to him with a new found appreciation.
“Quite possibly.” 
“Logan is looking into it right now,” Remus said. “He has a whole library full of books and he thinks one might contain a family tree that you should be a part of, if you aren’t already.” 
“So I can stay?” 
“Yes, of course you can stay.” 
“I’d like to see Virgil.” 
Janus looked up from their work, and made eye contact with Logan, who was standing in the front doorway. 
“Well hello to you too Logan. It’s a pleasure to see you in my house.” 
“This is important. I want to speak to Virgil. I think I may have found his family.” 
Janus dropped what they were doing, and immediately walked over to Logan. 
“You think so? Wow, that’s amazing.” 
“So can I see him?” Logan seemed slightly impatient, not unusual to him. Logan liked to know things, and not knowing things made him uncomfortable. Janus could tell that this was one of those moments where he didn’t know something and he expected Virgil to have the answers.
“I’m afraid that Virgil isn’t home right now. Remus took him down to hell to see the new hellhound puppies. I don’t know exactly when they’ll be back, but you’re welcome to wait here until them.” 
Logan nodded and thanked Janus before sitting down on the couch. Janus watched the elf for a minute, noting how his leg bounced in anticipation. For Logan’s sake, they hoped that Remus and Virgil would be back soon. 
The sound of two people shouting excitedly was what alerted Logan and Janus that Remus and Virgil had returned. Logan had been waiting on Janus’ couch for nearly an hour, sitting in silence with his leg bouncing. When he heard them, Logan practically leaped off the couch. 
Remus kicked the door open, floating inside. Virgil followed, excitedly explaining something to Remus, his hands waving around his head as he talked. He immediately stopped talking when he saw Logan.
“Lolo!” Remus said, throwing himself at his boyfriend. Logan kissed Remus quickly before turning back to Virgil.
“I’m sorry to spoil your conversation Virgil but do you have a moment? I’d like to talk to you, in private.” Virgil’s glance immediately shot to Janus, looking for an answer as to what was going on. Janus mouthed the word family and Virgil seemed to understand.
“Sure, yeah, would you like to walk in the garden or talk in my room?” Virgil asked Logan. Logan fidgeted with his glasses. 
“The garden is fine. This will only take a minute.” Janus and Remus watched as Logan followed Virgil out the door into the back garden. The moment that they were out of sight, Remus turned on his heels and demanded an explanation from Janus.
“Logan showed up to speak to Virgil about an hour ago,” They explained. “Said it had to do with his family. I can only hope that it's good news.” 
“Jan,” Remus sat down on the couch, his voice soft as if he was afraid to say what he was about to say. “What if Virgil finds his family? What if they’re nearby and he wants to live with them?”
Janus hadn’t even thought about this, but it made sense that Virgil would want to live with his real family, not with Janus and Remus. They sat down next to Remus, resting their head on the demon’s shoulder.
“I guess all we can do is support him. It’s his family, we don’t get to claim that title. He’ll probably still want to spend time with us.”
“And if he doesn’t? What if he prefers his new family, his real family, to us and never wants to speak to us again?” It was rare for Remus to worry about something, which indicated to Janus how much this was bugging Remus.
“Well, then we’ll just have to accept that. There’s nothing we can do.” 
They sat in silence for a minute, letting the thought of losing Virgil settle in their minds. When Virgil and Logan walked in the house, they both jumped up to greet them. Logan stood near the door in silence while Virgil walked over to the two adults.
“So, do you know who your family is?” Remus asked, hovering a few inches over Virgil. The teenager nodded. Remus sank down to the floor, leaning on Janus for support.
“Are you going to stay with them?” Janus asked softly. 
“My family was a line of powerful witches, but Logan says that nobody knows what happened to them. They don’t live in the forest anymore.” Remus stood a little straighter, hope glimmered in his eyes. 
“So that means you’re staying?” He asked. Janus tried not to smile, but he felt just as hopeful as Remus looked.
“I wouldn’t know where to start looking for my family. Besides, you guys are my real family now and I could never leave you.” Virgil wrapped his arms around both Janus and Remus, holding them close in a tight group hug. They hugged him back, both feeling full of joy and gratefulness. Remus looked up and motioned for Logan to join the hug, who agreed slightly reluctantly. The four of them were a family. An odd family, but a family nonetheless. 
“Virgil, if you don’t stir that right now, it’s going to explode!” Janus shouted, watching in horror as Virgil stood over the cauldron. Sure enough, the liquid in the pot let out a great popping noise as the room was enveloped in smoke and the two stood coughing. When the smoke cleared, the cauldron was empty, with a burnt smell coming from the bottom. 
“Sorry,” Virgil said, immediately going to clean up. He was laughing slightly at his mistake. Janus couldn’t help but smile, mistakes were rare with Virgil, he was so good at witchcraft. 
“Don’t tell Remus, he’ll be praising you for trying to kill us both and I don’t think I can live with that,” they joked, helping Virgil clean up. 
“Don’t worry. You know what Logan would say if he heard that I made such a rookie mistake? I’d never hear the end of it!” 
“Roman stopped by the other day, while you were out with Logan. He said that you and Remus were causing problems again.” Janus watched as the teen’s face turned a bright pink. Pranking with Remus had become a common pastime for the young boy, but Janus never found the heart to tell him to stop. Often, they found the silly tricks funny and couldn’t help but laugh at how Remus’ brother always reacted. Roman was quite a dramatic angel. If him and Remus got along, they would be quite a force to be reckoned with. 
“It’s not my fault! Remus was upset at something Roman said and he had the perfect revenge plan! I only used one spell and it wasn’t even that powerful!” Virgil defended himself but stopped when he saw that Janus wasn’t angry. 
“Just don’t get caught next time,” they warned Virgil. “I’ll have to tell the same thing to Remus. I swear, the two of you together are like two small children. I don’t know how Logan doesn’t go insane dating that menace.” 
“Did someone say menace?” Remus asked, popping his head through the front door. 
“Yes, we were just talking about you,” Janus said. 
“I knew it! I am the most menacing menace this forest has ever seen you know!” Remus floated into the house, followed by Logan, who was rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s absurdity. 
“Are you all prepared for the family picnic?” Logan asked. Janus nodded, grabbing the large basket of food that they had prepared from the counter. 
“I’ll carry that!” Virgil said, grabbing the heavy basket before Janus could object. He had to adjust his hold on it a few times before he was comfortable carrying it, leading the way out the back door through the gardens. 
They set up the picnic under a large tree that was older than all of them put together. Logan took a few moments to tell Virgil about the tree’s magical properties, who listened in rapt attention. Janus would have listened, but he was busy stopping Remus from eating all the mini pies.
“You know, I’m glad I didn’t feed you to my hellhounds,” Remus told Virgil. “You’re a good kid.” 
“You could never feed me to them anyways, I’m too powerful and besides, they like me more than they like you.” Remus let out a dramatic gasp, offended. Virgil smirked, continuing to mock Remus. 
“You guys ready for lunch?” Janus asked. Everybody sat down and waited. Janus smiled at their friends gathered around on the blanket. He thought of how close they had grown, how many memories they had made. 
Janus held up a drink, indicating that they wanted to make a toast. The others followed suit. 
“To family, however strange we may be.” The others repeated the words and dug in. Once, Virgil looked up and smiled at Janus. Janus was sure that they would be speaking for everyone under that tree when they said that family was the best thing to ever happen to them. The odd, mixed family, with all of it’s magic, was probably the greatest thing in the world.
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and-it-freezes-me · 3 years
Accidents Happen -  On Demons And Angels
Summary: Roman believes that the accident wasn’t entirely Remus’ fault, and begins his investigation into Janus’ part in it. Part 1 of ?
Content: disaster humans, brief discussions of injuries, brief fire mention, brief bugs mention; Remus is implied to be cruel but isn’t, really
Words: 3,845
{Part 2}
‘In every set of twins, there is an angel and a demon.’
At least, that was what it had said in a book Roman had read once. He couldn’t even remember what it was called, let alone what the context for such a condemning statement had been, but those words had stuck with him from the moment his eyes had found them on the page. Maybe it was because he had been reading it around the time that Remus had started acting out properly, and because the only thing he could come up with to explain it was that Remus was just naturally bad. They had the same parents, after all, the same upbringing, the same neighbours and peers - they should have turned out the same. It had made plenty of sense to his twelve-year-old self: he was the angel, and Remus was the demon.
Now, however? He was pretty sure that it was the other way around.
Or maybe it wasn’t true at all. Because whilst an angel didn’t get their twin kicked out of the house or blamed for the dog going missing, he was fairly certain that an angel wouldn’t end up in prison, either.
Maybe they were both demons, only he was better at hiding it. Everybody else certainly took him to be an angel, after all: when they compared Roman: a straight A student, head of the theatre club, volunteering twice a week, heading to a prestigious university to study classics in the fall; to Remus, who hadn’t scored well in an exam since he was eight, who was always in dirty, ripped clothes and smelled of bonfires and booze, who had once pushed a kid down two flights of stairs (Patton had been fine in the end, but still…), what were they supposed to think? 
“At least one of your boys will amount to something,” somebody had said once. “At least Roman’s going somewhere,” they had said. And then, “isn’t your son talented!” and “you must be so proud of your boy,” as though Remus didn’t exist at all anymore. And Roman had let it happen, because he had loved the praise, because he had loved being the golden boy, the one that could do nothing wrong. He loved being the example, being allowed to stay home alone a whole two years before Remus even though they were the same age, being allowed to go to see his friends at any hour of the day or night as long as he texted to say when he would be home. Next to Remus, who had once procured a dead snake and wrapped it up as a Mother’s Day gift, he could do no wrong.
And so when things went slightly wrong, it didn’t matter if he blamed Remus. They were still friends - they were twins, of course they were friends - and Remus never seemed to care. When Roman had spilled candle wax all over the floor when they were thirteen and their parents had asked what had happened, the words had just slipped out: “Remus was playing with the candles earlier.” Six hours later, they had all been woken by the smell of smoke to find that Remus had set the living room curtains on fire, and two hours after that, Roman had slipped into his brother’s bedroom and thanked him for covering for him.
“That’s what I’m here for, Ro-Ro,” he had said, grinning at the glo-stars tacked to the ceiling in the shape of a monstrous grin. “We’ve gotta stick together, you ‘n me. I’ve got your back.”
Remus never asked anything from him.
He didn’t ask for a return favour when they were fourteen and Roman had failed an exam, stole Remus’ clothes while his twin was in gym, re-sat the paper as Remus but wrote his own name on the top, and then blamed the original failed paper on his brother trying to fuck with him.
He didn’t make Roman own up when he had taken their father’s car out to a party when they were sixteen, gotten slightly tipsy, and managed to throw up all over the seats and leave a massive scratch all down one side, ruining the paintwork. His parents were already inclined to blame their problem child, and all Roman had to say was, “I thought I heard the car while I was studying last night.” Remus not only took the punishment for him, but went as far as to key their mother’s car the next night.
When they were seventeen, they had gotten a puppy. It was supposedly for everyone, a family pet, but everybody knew that it was really a reward for Roman landing the lead role in the theatre club’s production of ‘Bugsy Malone’. Two months later, the twins had been home alone (their parents had gone out together, and Remus wasn’t allowed to be alone in the house anymore and hadn’t been since The Microwave Incident, so Roman had to stay in with him) and Roman had left the back door open when he went outside. The dog - Filo, after the pastry - had charged out after him, been spooked by something, and dashed through the fence. Roman had followed her into the woods, fallen into a creek, and had to hobble home on a twisted ankle. He was a good actor; it didn’t take much to call up some tears, and explain how he had been trying to catch Filo after Remus had let her out by mistake. Remus never asked for Roman’s help with the hours and hours he had searched through that forest, every day after school for months, until he finally came home to get a spade and returned with Filo’s collar some time later.
There were other things, too, things that had actually been Remus, things that Roman had had nothing to do with. Most of the things were like that, really. And when Roman made mistakes, he usually owned up to them - he wasn’t a bad person. It was only the few times that he had ducked out of the way and allowed Remus to take the punishment for him.
He wouldn’t have done it if he’d have known how it was going to end. Sure, Remus was a disaster, Remus was strange and already on first-name basis with a few of the police officers around their town, Remus was awkward in conversation and quite frankly an embarrassment to be related to, but he was still his brother, and he did still love him. So if he had known that his parents would kick Remus out for it, Roman never would have claimed that he had never seen the ziploc bag of weed, or that Remus must have hidden it in his room. And by the time he heard the yelling, by the time he tried to take it back, it was too late. His parents saw his desperate pleas that it was his as generosity, as self-sacrifice, as trying to stick up for his brother, and had calmly explained that it wasn’t just this, that this was just the latest in the longest line of things, and that it was sweet of him to try to look out for his twin.
So yeah, maybe Roman wasn’t the valiant prince he had always thought he was.
He had given Remus the keys to his car, a gorgeous red thing his parents had bought him for his eighteenth. Remus couldn’t drive, of course (after the Scratch’n’Vom Incident, they had stopped his lessons, and he didn’t the funds to pay for them himself) (Remus hadn’t had pocket money since they were ten), but he could sleep in the thing for as long as he wanted, and Roman said would let him into the house to use the shower and stuff when their parents were out. He had parked the car around the corner, out of view of their house, because their parents had explicitly banned him from helping him, and brought Remus some extra blankets. It was the least he could do.
But Remus, of course, couldn’t let it go. Ask anybody: he had to top Roman’s latest disaster with an even more spectacular one of his own, and Roman was awoken at around four in the morning by a uniformed officer informing his parents that there had been an accident, and that they would have the opportunity to appoint a lawyer for Remus before questioning started the following morning, and would they like to come down to the station to see him now? (They hadn’t wanted to do either of those things).
How foul-mouthed, crude, angry Remus had persuaded the golden-eyed, silver-tongued captain of the debate team to get into the car with him after midnight was anyone’s guess. Roman hadn’t even thought that Remus knew Janus, let alone was on midnight-joyride terms with him. Janus’ parents insisted that Remus must have kidnapped their son. Janus stayed quiet, although that wasn’t surprising given the fresh burn scars down his once-flawless face and neck and the smoke damage to his throat; instead of speaking, he submitted a written statement to the effect that he had gotten a lift from Remus, who had been drunk - although he hadn't known it - and that Remus had gotten distracted and driven them off the road. He didn't want to press charges; his parents forced him to. Remus made no move to confirm or deny this. His lawyer, one provided by the state, had pleaded guilty.
Remus got eight months.
Roman should have been pleased. Not that his brother was in prison, but that it hadn't been worse. Janus could have died, landing Remus in even more trouble. Remus could have died.
Instead, he was furious. None of it made sense. (Well, it did, a little, but not as much as everybody seemed to think it did!) Why would Janus have been out that late? It had been a school night, there was no reason for him to be… Well, anywhere other than at home. Had it been anybody else, this would be a stupid argument to make, but this was Janus Sinclaire, practically the most perfect student to exist. Why would he accept a lift from Remus, of all people? Most people Roman knew seemed to agree that it was safer to be on the streets alone than in a car with Remus.
Even if he took Janus' story as true (which he didn't), there were other things that didn't make sense. There hadn't been any alcohol in the car - Roman wasn't stupid, he didn't keep booze in his car - and Remus didn't have his wallet on him when he left, so how could Remus have been drunk? And the most important problem of all: if Remus had been planning on doing something big to make a spectacle of himself again, he wouldn't have been driving around town picking up other students like a freebie taxi service. He would have driven directly to the lake and sunk the car, or gone to the edge of town and torched the thing. Roman was pretty sure that nobody else would make this distinction, but he knew his twin (kinda).
In short? Not only had Roman gotten his brother kicked out of the house, but now Remus was serving time on a statement with more holes than a sieve.
It would be unsporting to disbelieve the victim in a case like this. It would be about as far from angelic as he could get, Roman reflected, tapping a pen against the bulleted list in the notebook in front of him. But that was okay. He had already proven that he wasn't an angel.
Not a good driver - nobody would trust him to take them home
Promised he wouldn't go anywhere - are Remus promises worth much? Unsure.
Tends to immediate chaos & destruction - why driving?
No alcohol in car + no wallet for Remus 
What was Janus doing at 2am?
Does Janus trust Remus enough to take a lift at 2am? Fuck no
Janus lies - known fact
Remus doesn’t hurt other people - Patton, me, random scraps
Remus doesn’t plan on hurting other people - luring Janus into my car would take planning
Janus lies. That was the point he kept coming back to, no matter how many times he told himself that he could only put it down once, that Janus had no reason to lie here, that only a monster would start trying to push a horribly scarred guy about what must have been a traumatic experience.
But Remus deserved better than this, didn’t he?
No matter how much of an asshole he could be, no matter what kind of freaky things he did for fun, just for once Remus deserved somebody to stick up for him. Besides, Roman owed him - big time - and maybe he should finally start paying in his debts. It was the princely thing to do, after all. And the ends justified the means, so if he had to do some slightly dodgy things to discover the truth, that wasn’t a problem.
Maybe it was just time to accept that he had more than just a little of the demon twin in himself.
It was another week before Janus returned to school - just in time for the end of year finals, although it was common knowledge that he had been given a pass not to sit them. He sat them anyway. Roman was certain that he only sat them to maintain his reputation, because there was no way the faculty was going to give him anything less than a perfect grade even if he didn’t.
Despite his scars and the new hoarse quality to his voice, Janus didn’t seem to act as though anything was different. Roman was actively watching him now, waiting for an opportunity to get close to him, for a crack in his golden façade that would allow him to break him open and pry at his secrets until he discovered exactly what had happened the night Remus had been kicked out; surely this lack of reaction was suspicious? Janus still arrived at exactly the same time every morning, dropped off by his parents in a ridiculously shiny silver car; he still went to every class and hosted debate team rehearsals in his lunch breaks; he still went straight home after school, again in that gorgeous silver machine, and sat in his room for hours, reading or studying. (Roman had found a tree across the street, one leafy enough that he could sit in it with a pair of binoculars for hours without being seen). (Yes, this was not princely behaviour). 
Roman had gotten his information about what was ‘normal’ for Janus to do from Virgil Spince, who always seemed to know people’s routines. He had explained his curiosity away by saying that he wanted to apologise for his brother’s behaviour - something Virgil thoroughly approved of, given how badly his best friend had been hurt in the past - but was too anxious about it to just approach him. If there was something he understood, Virgil had said, it was anxiety. He had handed over Janus’ timetable without much more of a fuss, and Roman hadn’t asked how he knew what Janus did at home.
Roman had pushed down the guilt that rose in his chest with each lie he told, taken the scrawled list of times and places (Virgil had surprisingly cute handwriting, who knew?) and left.
It was another week before he found the courage to actually approach Janus. It wasn't as though there was an obvious change in his routine - other than the Thursday therapy trip, which Roman couldn't really see as suspicious - so it wasn't as though Roman could just accost him in the middle of something illegal. That made talking to him much harder, because it meant that he was going to have to be nice. Nice, to somebody that had gotten his brother locked up. The jumpsuit really didn't suit Remus.
Fortunately, Roman was a very good actor.
He did it at lunchtime, reasoning that that was the least suspicious time to talk to another 'victim' of his brother the natural disaster. Sliding into the seat across from where Janus was poking at a flask of what had to be maggots (or maybe it really was only noodles and Roman was still thinking about that film he had watched last night), he pulled his own lunchbox from his bag and set it down decisively, then just stared at it.
His nervousness was, for the most part, an act. Although his head was tilted toward the box of rice balls in front of him, Roman’s eyes were on Janus - and he was sure that something had flickered across his face when he had sat down. What it was, he couldn’t say, but it had definitely been… Something. Guilt? Did Janus feel guilty? Roman hoped so. If he didn’t yet, then he would make sure that he did eventually.
After a brief count of thirty-nine (thrice thirteen. Thrice, because three times was traditionally lucky; thirteen because it was Remus’ lucky number), Roman Wang raised his head and stared directly into the pale, now-quizzical eyes before him. The left eye (Roman’s left, he wasn’t sure why the distinction was important but it was) was just the same as ever; the right was rimmed with angry, swollen skin, and looked painful to open. He buried the stab of guilt for what he was about to do, reminded himself that Remus was his priority, and allowed his tongue to dart briefly over his upper lip before speaking. “I’m… Sorry about what happened. For Remus. I’m sorry for what Remus did to you, Janus. I never thought he’d do anything like that…”
There was silence as Janus regarded him, then the sound of a fork scraping against the metal of his flask as he raised another twist of maggots to his lips. Maybe they’d eat him from the inside out. Wow - these thoughts were a lot more befitting of Remus than of him. Maybe admitting one might be part demon unlocked a whole new category of twisted imaginings right from day one. Or day sixteen, as the case may be. Finally, Roman watched the bob of Janus’ throat as he swallowed, winced, and then spoke in that same husky, hoarse voice that would be more at home in a horror film than in a canteen. (No, that wasn’t fair. Not a princely thought at all. Since when had Roman made fun of people for injuries they couldn’t help?) (Since now, apparently). “You didn’t?”
“Didn’t think Remus would do something like this.”
“What? Of course not!” Janus just stared at him, and Roman made a valiant effort to lower his voice so that his next words would be more civil. “He’s not - I didn’t think he would be this… Cruel. You shouldn’t have gotten hurt.”
“Interesting.” Somehow, Janus managed to draw the word out, to turn it into a condescending drawl even with his new chainsaw-murderer voice. “Even after what he did to Patton Grace? What happened to Logan Ahmed?” 
Roman gaped at the other man. What had happened to Logan? He couldn’t remember. Either way, Janus had a point: Remus did have a track record for hurting people. He had even written that down in his notebook earlier that week. Shaking his head briefly, Roman pulled the chopsticks from the lid of his lunchbox and started picking at his rice. “Sorry. I guess I’m just… Shocked. I was just trying to… You know. Apologise. Ask if you were okay. If you needed to borrow any notes from the weeks you missed. That stuff.”
He was fairly certain that somebody else would already have given Janus notes, but it sounded good to offer; after another moment of silence, Janus shrugged. “Fine.”
“Apology accepted. I’ll take the notes, too. You take AP Spanish, right?”
“There are eight of us in that class, Janus. You know I take AP Spanish. We’ve mostly just been doing conversational skills - Señor Puentes said a large part of our final would be verbal.” Roman allowed himself a little drama there, rolling his eyes in an exaggerated fashion, and Janus actually gave him a very faint smile. “You need my notes for that? I can help you revise, if you like.”
This time, Janus’ smile was wider, but thinner, too. “Coming from anybody else, that would sound as though you were just trying to get free tutoring.” He screwed the lid back onto his flask and bent to return it to his satchel (most people would get the crap kicked out of them by some netheranderal for carrying a satchel to school. Janus not only got away with it, but managed to make it look good, too). He straightened up with a water bottle and a blister pack of what Roman assumed were painkillers and swallowed two of them before washing them down with something that was probably the blood of some innocent goats. Or raspberry juice. One of the two.
Then Janus looked up to see what Roman hoped was a confused expression and not a hateful one, and rolled his eyes. “Yes, we can study together. Friday, half four. My place - I’ll give you my address.”
Roman had to restrain himself from saying something stupid, like “Don’t worry, I know where you live.” That wouldn’t sound dodgy at all. Instead, he thanked Janus as he scribbled an address on a scrap of notepaper and pushed it across the table with a scarred hand.
Janus got up to leave a few seconds later, making some comment about checking books out of the library, and Roman ate the rest of his lunch in silence, Janus’ address burning a hole in his pocket. That had been… Easy. Reassuringly so. It shouldn’t take long to squeeze the truth out of that snake if he just accepted what Roman had said so easily.
Of course, maybe Janus really didn’t have anything to hide. If he had taken Roman’s words for granted so easily, what was to say that he hadn’t done the exact same thing for Remus? If that was the case, then Roman would be manipulating just another victim, collateral of the swathes of destruction that Remus left in his wake. The guilt that rose in his stomach at this thought felt a lot like nausea, and he pushed the lid back onto his barely-touched lunch.
There was no point thinking like this. He had started on this path, and he would get to the bottom of this mystery no matter how ill it made him feel.
Besides, if he found out the truth and was able to bring it to light, to see that Janus got what he deserved for landing his brother in prison, maybe things would go back to normal. Remus could be the grubby, disturbing, mostly harmless demon, and he could go back to his happy, perfect life as the angel twin.
Even avenging angels had to get their hands dirty sometimes, right?
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princpiration · 4 years
Kingdom of Losers
A Creativitwins Oneshot
Word count: 2,065
Summary: Remus finds something unexpected in his side of the Imagination
Warnings: mention of injury, blood, disturbing imagery, Remus being Remus, alcohol mention, self deprecation, Roman angst, morally grey Remus (he’s not very empathetic and maybe even a little mean? But in a way that siblings tend to be imo), if there’s something you want tagged feel free to ask me 
A/N:This has been in my drafts forever, I wrote it basically as practice and it’s the first fanfic I’ve ever completed. I had fun while writing it but I’m honestly not sure how I feel about it now? I might as well publish it anyway as a rite of passage, critique is welcome? (Set after POF but doesn’t reference it directly (Please don’t tag as r//mr//m))
Remus was in the Imagination, doing cartwheels on a trail of broken glass through a dank forest when he found something he didn’t recall having made.
That in and of itself wasn’t particularly strange, as most of his creations were done spontaneously in a frenzy of inspiration and then quickly forgotten about as he inevitably got distracted by something else.
But the thing-he-didn’t-remember-making stood out enough to catch him off-guard, and he stumbled, falling face first into the broken glass and sliding a few yards, leaving a messy trail of blood and teeth behind him. He lifted his head, blinked the shards out of his eyes, and looked at the thing.
It was a castle, or the ruined remains of one at least, surrounded by thorns and brambles. There was a distinct lack of entrails and body parts skewered on the foliage, and no blood or ichor seeping from the castle walls, so it couldn’t be one of Remus’ creations.
Must be Roman’s, he thought to himself, face splitting into a manic grin. He jumped to his feet, wiped his bloody hands on his pants, and his bloody face with his sleeve as he began to look for a way in.
The two Creativities tended to keep to their own parts of the Imagination, Roman especially preferring to stay as far away as possible from his twin’s domain, so seeing him essentially trespassing like this was exceedingly intriguing.  
As well as a rare opportunity for some brotherly bonding, though the Duke’s idea of it usually included a lot more violence. Or maybe not that much more violence, sibling-relationships were weird like that.
He circled the structure twice but was unable to find an entrance, so he shrugged his shoulders and just dove straight into the thorny vines, using them as a makeshift ladder to climb the castle wall.
Prince Philip ain’t got nothing on me! he snickered to himself as he flung himself on top of the wall, perching like a gargoyle statue upon it and surveying the area.
The roof was completely gone, as were most of the inner walls. The floor was covered in fallen leaves and there was this pristine gloominess that permeated the place, like something from a gothic romance novel.
Remus scrunched his nose and stuck out his tongue at it, thinking Yeah, this place could definitely use a few mutilated corpses.
Something caught his eye then, in the middle of what seemed to have once been a throne room.
Was that … a Chaise Lounge?
It was. In the middle of the ruined throne room, standing on the leaf-covered floor, was a single maroon-colored Chaise Lounge. And lying recumbent upon it was Prince Roman, wine glass in hand and gaze pointed up at the grey skies above him.
Normally Remus would’ve launched himself from the wall by now, screeching like a demon as he descended upon his unsuspecting brother to try and claw his eyes out. You know, as one usually does when finding their sibling trespassing in their domain.
But something about the way that Roman was just lying there, still as a statue, made Remus hesitate.
He blinked once, then slithered down the wall and proceeded to sneak into the throne room, unheeded by his brother who kept his gaze locked at the cloud-covered sky. As he got closer he could see the dark crescents under the Prince’s eyes, and the dull, faraway look in them as well. The Duke contemplated the best way to get his twin’s attention, settling for the most straightforward one.
“INTRUDER!” Remus shrieked, startling Roman and making him nearly drop his wineglass. He shot up and looked around frantically before spotting his brother. He rolled his eyes, slumped back into the sofa and let out a deep sigh.
“Announcing yourself now, Remus?” he muttered, taking a minuscule sip of his beverage. “What are you even doing here?” he asked, giving his twin a tired look. Remus blinked back at him.
“What am I doing here?” he replied, pointing to himself with all fingers. “I’m the one who should be asking you that! In fact, I think I will! What are you doing here Pecorino Romano?” Remus asked, pointing at his twin. Roman stared at his brother perplexedly.
“What do you mean? This is my castle,” he said and looked around, “or what’s left of it anyway…”
“I know that, Roma-nobody-likes-you! I meant what are you and your once-cast-ler doing in my side of the Imagination?” Remus shot back, seeing Roman wince at the nickname. Remus mentally pumped his fist in victory, he had to remember that one for later.
Roman frowned and swirled his glass, watching the red liquid slosh around as he seemed to mull over the question. “I…” he started, clearing his throat, “I hadn’t realized I’d gotten this close to the border, I guess…” he finished, eyes downcast.
Remus perched himself on one of the armrests, leaning his head in one hand, and Roman silently adjusted his position to make room for him, or at least get his legs out of the way of any Duke related mischiefs.
“Border, huh?” Remus thought out loud, picking his nose and relishing in the disgusted look Roman gave him. “I guess the divide was blurrier than we thought,” he cocked his head and stared at his twin, who hummed noncommittally. 
“Guess so,” Roman replied, tracing the rim of his wineglass with his finger, producing a single note he unconsciously began to harmonize with.
Remus’s eyes started to twitch and he closed them, sliding himself down the armrest to properly slouch on the sofa, finger still buried in his nostril. “So technically we’re in neither’s domain, a no-man’s-land of the Imagination! A Kingdom of Losers!” he hollered proudly. “Guess I don’t need to kill you for trespassing then!”
He flicked his booger at his brother, who managed to dodge it despite his reclined position. It landed on the floor and bounced several feet before disappearing amongst the leaves.
Pity, Remus thought, but it was worth it for the absolute scandalized look that graced Roman’s features. The Duke leaned back in his seat, putting both of his hands behind his head as he squinted at the Prince.
“I could still do it though, for fun. Killing you, that is,” he added, looking up at the sky. “You wish,” Roman scoffed back. Remus flipped him off, not taking his eyes from the clouds, and they lapsed into silence halfway between awkward and comfortable, both brothers gazing at the grey above.
What if it started raining blood and teeth?
The Duke grinned as he saw, and felt, the tell-tale signs of blood-rain (or hemo-rain if you will) mixed with human teeth. Unfortunately, his prissy brother kept it from hitting either him or the furniture, which was pretty lame and boring if you asked him (no one ever did).
The pitter-patter of the hemo-rain faded, leaving only the sound of Roman tapping his nails against his glass.
“What’s in that glass of yours anyway?” Remus asked, spreading his arms behind the back of the sofa. “Gatorade? Soup? Blood?”
“It’s a Cabernet Sauvignon, thank you very much,” Roman replied haughtily.
“Sounds fake.”
“It is not! It’s one of the most widely used grapes for red wine!”
Remus tapped a finger against his chin. “So, it sounds super fancy and shit, but it’s actually pretty basic? Fits you perfectly then!” he cackled, casting a sidelong glance at Roman.
Said Side lifted his hand, finger pointing upwards like he was about to come up with a witty retort when he suddenly froze. The fire in his eyes died out, replaced by that same dull faraway look from before. He let his hand fall limp to his side, as he all but collapsed back into the sofa. He let out a long, beleaguered sigh, and his eyelids fell shut.
“Yeah, maybe it does…” he murmured, voice small and quiet.
Remus frowned. Well, that was no fun. He tilted his head and looked at Roman, who still held the wineglass loosely in his grip.
“Didn’t take you for a wine drinker, honestly,” he stated simply, sniffing loudly. Roman let out a breath that had the shape of a laugh but not the joy of one.
“I’m not, really, it’s just been…” he let out another sigh, “…a day,” he finished flatly.
Yeesh, Remus did not like this version of Roman, he was way too boring. He was about to tell him just that but got cut off by his brother blurting out:
“Do you ever wonder what it was like?”
The Duke blinked one eye at a time. “Like what?”
“You know, back then, before the uhm,” Roman waved his hand aimlessly, “before the… split,” he finished, curling his index- and middle-finger halfheartedly on the last word.
“You mean when Thomas had just one Creativity?” Remus questioned, and Roman nodded.
Huh. Hm. Remus scratched his head, dandruff falling from it like snow.
If he was honest, there was a lot about the whole split-thing that was a bit hazy, as it ostensibly happened before any of them had a physical form, let alone awareness of their own existence.
How had four-eyes put it? They had been like an ovum, or zygote or whatever, split in the middle, two not-so-identical halves of an alleged whole.
It was stupid. As far as Remus was concerned, he had always been Remus, and Roman had always been Roman, and that was that. He made a fart noise with his mouth.
“Nope!” he said easily, crossing one leg over the other, dangling his foot. Roman looked up at him, surprise painting his otherwise blank expression.
“Why not?” he asked, sitting up slightly. “You mean you never feel incomplete-” he started, but flinched at his choice of word. Roman looked up at his brother, eyes glassy and unfocused.
“Don’t you want to be… whole again?” he all but whispered and looked away. Remus pretended to think for a second.
“Hell no!” he exclaimed, putting his hands back behind his head. Roman whipped his head around to stare at his twin brother incredulously. Remus gave him his smuggest smile.
“Full offense, but you’re kinda lame Ro,” he said, stretching languidly on the Chaise Lounge, “and it would totally ruin my whole vibe if we became one Creativity again or whatever, so no thanks, I’m good! Or, well, you know what I mean!” He winked at Roman, who just stared back at him with a blank face.  
“There’s no going back to what was before, Bro-man, sucks for you maybe, but I happen to like being myself!” he finished, gesturing one hand over his reclined form.
He expected Roman to roll his eyes at his antics, to frown at his insults or sigh dramatically.
He did not expect the slight curl to the side of Roman’s mouth, his face lighting up in a tiny smile.
“That’s… good,” he said softly, tilting his wineglass to his lips, “that’s good to hear.”
He took a swig of his wine, the small smile still there on his face, looking happier than he’d been for a long time.
Remus gagged. “Ugh. If you’re gonna be this gross about it then I’m out!” he announced, sprang up from the sofa and began strutting out of the room with his hands in the air.
“See you around, Prince of Losers!” he shouted, his voice echoing in the throne room. 
“I sincerely hope not, Duke of Losers!” came Romans reply, sounding a bit more like his usual pompous self. 
Remus gave his brother a backward-double-bird-salute as he rounded the corner.
As soon as he was out of sight he took a running start, hurled himself onto the wall, and scrambled up it like a human-sized gecko. When he was about to leap off the top and back into the dank woods on his part of the Imagination, he hesitated again and turned back to look at his twin.
Roman was still lying in his Chaise Lounge, wineglass in his hand. But he wasn’t looking at the grey sky above him anymore, he was looking at Remus, his twin, his brother, his co-ruler of this Kingdom of Losers.
The Duke pulled a face on the Prince and blew a raspberry before he jumped off the castle walls and scurried on all fours back into the forest.
Thank you for reading!
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death-himself · 3 years
I don't know if you do prompts, but if you do, I was wondering if you'd ever consider adding a part in the Bogeyman!Virgil verse where the family has a fight.
Kids at that age are so temperamental, and they say things they don't mean to their family when they're so young, expressing hatred a lot. It's bound to happen, and siblings especially fight so often.
I could imagine one of the kids screaming at Virgil that he's a monster, not their real brother, that they hate him, that they hope they never see him again. It's pretty standard for a child, but I doubt Virgil would know that, and with his past of being unloved, I could see him immediately being heartbroken and devastated.
Love your work!
Sorry it took so long to get to this anon! The one-shot I wrote for this one actually ended up being like twice as long as usual :) I can imagine all of the kids, especially Roman or Patton getting upset with him pretty easily. And maybe this would also work for Thomas, I mean a single father of four kids would probably end up getting mad at them and hurting their feelings unintentionally every once in a while.
Anyway here’s the fic, I added Remus and Emile in just because (warnings for angst, fear, and Roman being an asshole at the beginning)
It was an accident. He didn’t mean to break it. He would’ve never broken one of their toys on purpose. He stared blankly at Roman’s plastic sword, the blade bent at a very noticeable angle. Roman’s eyes widened as he gazed at the damage, snatching the sword from Virgil’s hands to get a closer look. His eyes filled with tears instantly, big drops falling onto his broken weapon.
Virgil bit at his lip, guilt filling his stomach as he crouched down in front of him. He put a hand on Roman’s shoulder in an attempt to calm him. “I’m sorry Ro, I didn’t mean—” Roman shoved his hand away with a whimper, smacking him as hard as he could with his sword. Virgil flinched, despite the kid’s blow not causing him any pain. “I’m sorry, okay? We can get you a new one.”
“No! I liked this one!”
“Well...then maybe we could—”
“No!” Roman shrieked. “Go away! I hate you!” Virgil’s heart sunk into his stomach.
“Y-You don’t mean that Ro.” Virgil tried to put his hand back on Roman’s shoulder, but only got another smack from his toy sword.
“My sword was broken by a meanie monster.” Roman muttered angrily. As he stomped out of the bedroom and down the stairs, Virgil stayed crouched, watching him leave with glazed over eyes. It had been so long since he had been called a monster, he had forgotten how much it stung. And now it hurt much, much more.
He took a shaky breath, gaze shifting to the ground. Roman did tell him to go away...
Okay. He’ll go away.
Thomas had heard Roman screaming and ran to the stairs, just in time to see the kid in question storming down with tearful eyes, and Virgil melting into the shadows and leaving. In Roman’s hands was his favorite toy sword, now bent beyond usable. “Oh Roman, what happened?”
“Virgil broke it! He’s a big meanie!” Thomas glanced up the stairs, where Virgil had disappeared. Not hearing Patton talking to him in the living room or Logan asking him questions in Virgil’s room meant he probably wasn’t anywhere in the house. Of course of all the sons to disappear after an emotional outburst it just had to be the one who could teleport.
“Were you two playing and it broke, or was he mad and broke it?”
“We were playing, and he was holdin’ it, and then he smacked it against the wall and it broke!”
“Do you think he meant to break it?” Roman huffed, wiping at his eyes before crossing his arms.
“...No, but he still broke it.” A bit of relief filled Thomas at that, but he would never tell Roman. Son or not, he wasn’t sure if we would know how to calm down an angry bogeyman that intentionally breaks his adopted brother’s toys.
“Do you know where Virgil went?” Roman blinked, the question breaking him out of his anger for a moment. He looked back up the stairs, eyes glancing around for a moment, surprised at Virgil’s absence, before huffing and turning back around.
“...No, but good riddance! He broke my sword!” Thomas took a deep breath. Okay, so Virgil could be anywhere. Now he just had to hope he was somewhere with a stable connection; maybe he could call him. If not, he might’ve just lost a son. His heart began to pound at that, but he hid his worry before Roman could see.
Right, he had to deal with Roman first. He slowly took the broken sword from Roman’s hands, rubbing gentle circles into his back. “I’ll see if I can fix this. If it can bend without breaking, I might be able to bend it back. Why don’t you watch some cartoons with Patton while I give that a try?”
“But what if you end up breaking it more?”
“Then I can get you a new one. We might even be able to get you a new one today if you want.”
Roman whimpered. “But I like mine.”
“I know you do, bud. But sometimes...things break and have to be replaced. Nothing lasts forever.” Thomas glanced up the stairs, hoping to see Virgil returning. Still missing. “I’ll need you to apologize to Virgil later, okay? You said a lot of mean things to him, and probably made him feel really bad. And he’ll have to apologize for breaking your toy. Sound good?” 
Roman was still clearly upset, but he nodded anyway, staring down at his feet as he thought. Thomas ushered him into the living room to distract him with the TV, then sent a text to Virgil’s phone, hoping he would get it.
Virgil had gone back to his cave. After officially moving in with his dad and brothers, he had expected to never want to—or feel the need to—come back here. But it was just as cold as he remembered. He sat with his back against the wall, staring through unfocused eyes as the shadows on the other side of the cave seemed to taunt him.
Maybe they were. Maybe they were thinking “what an idiot, caring for humans. It’d never work out in the end. Something always goes wrong.” At least that was what he was thinking. He knew how quickly humans could turn on other humans, it would make sense for them to turn on him much quicker.
His body was still weighed down by guilt. He broke Roman’s favorite toy, of course he would be mad. Virgil knew if one of them had broken something of his, he would probably be pretty upset. His words still rang in his ears, though.
He’d stay in the cave until things might have settled down. Then maybe he’d go back and talk to Dad.
Virgil was gone for two days by the time Roman felt just as much guilt and fear as the bogeyman himself was feeling. Thomas was trying his best to stay calm, knowing Virgil was fully capable of taking care of himself, but that fatherly panic was beginning to take over.
Virgil had told him about the cave he used to live in, and Thomas assumed that he had gone to stay there. But he had no clue where it was. As far as he knew, Virgil could be in some sort of Floridian cave less than a mile away or a cave all the way in Australia. He kept texting and calling in hopes that he would answer, but the chances of him having wi-fi in a cave was slim to nil.
He told Remus about Virgil’s disappearance, hoping that the only other person with demon children would know where his cave was. What he got as his answer was Remus putting him on hold for a whole hour, then coming back to say a terrifyingly serious “I’m on the case” before being hung up on. Whatever Remus was up to only made him more worried.
Virgil hadn’t expected to start his third day in his cave being tackled by two other bogeymen. He let out a startled curse as the two slammed into him and shoved him into the shadows, taking him with them back to their home. He growled, glaring at the two kids and preparing to fight back, before realizing where he was.
Remus bopped his head with a rolled-up newspaper, Emile grinning eagerly behind him. “Hey there Vee!” Virgil sighed, his heart rate beginning to drop back to normal.
“Uncle Thomas has been real worried about you.” Remus spoke, looking the newspaper over in his hands as if it were a weapon.
“He has?” Virgil tried to keep the hopeful tone out of his voice.
“Well fuckin’ duh! He wouldn’t have called me of all people if he wasn’t!”
“Did he ask you to get your kids to kidnap me?”
“No, that was my idea.” Emile responded happily, bringing Virgil over to the couch and giving him a cup of hot chocolate. “I thought it’d be funny. Sorry if it scared you.”
“It’s fine, I guess.” Virgil watched as Janus stuck his tongue out at him, a grin on his face as he ran off down to his bedroom, Remy following soon after. Remus kicked his feet up on the coffee table, looking at him expectantly.
“So you gonna teleport back home, or do ya want one of us to drive you there like a human?” Virgil couldn’t answer. It was nice to hear that Dad was worried, but he was more concerned about how Roman felt. Emile seemed to sense his unease, ruffling his hair a bit.
“Thomas told us what happened, and Roman’s really sorry. This sort of thing just sort of happens with kids. Kids as old as your brothers get upset really easily and say things they don’t mean.” A warm smile spread across his face, slowing Virgil’s skipping heart and steadying his constantly anxious mind.
“Roman doesn’t actually hate you, especially not because of just one mess-up. Kids’ brains aren’t exactly developed enough to properly respond to things that upset them, anyway, so this is pretty normal.” Virgil nodded slowly, staring down at the hot chocolate in his hands.
Remus giggled excitedly, saying in the most affectionate voice Virgil had ever heard “I bet you could destroy the world with those smarts, Lilo and Switch.” Emile’s cheeks turned red, and his smile was redirected at his boyfriend.
“It’s just basic developmental psychology, nothing but fifteen minutes of googling will tell you this much.” Remus just hummed happily. Emile turned his attention back to Virgil. “So what do you say? You wanna go back now, or wait a bit?” Virgil pulled his jacket tighter around himself. He did miss the house...and his room...and his family.
He sighed, his anxiety failing as he placed down the cup of hot chocolate, stood up, and without another word dropped into the shadows.
Virgil appeared in his room, relieved (and for whatever reason a bit upset) that no one was there. He gulped, debating whether it would be more awkward to walk out and find the others or just wait there until someone comes in. But Dad decided that for him, singing a song from a musical he hadn’t shown Virgil yet as he went about cleaning the house.
Dad stared up at him, expression blank as his brain tried to figure out what was going on. The memory of their first time seeing each other face-to-face played in Virgil’s head—and wow, he looked just as confused as he did back then.
The lightbulb went off in his brain and his eyes widened, dropping his cleaning supplies and pulling him into a hug, letting out a relieved, almost delirious laugh. “Oh thank goodness you’re okay!” Warmth filled Virgil’s heart as he hugged back as best he could, his arms pinned to his sides by Dad’s tight grip. “You were at your cave, right? I really need to figure out where that place is.”
“Janus and Remy know, Emile sent them to kidnap me and bring me to their place.”
Dad pulled away, eyes wide. “They kidnapped—” He stumbled over his words, sounding both alarmed and confused, before going silent. “You know what, I’m not even surprised.”
“Yeah, those guys are weird.”
“How did those kids know where the cave was, though?” Virgil shrugged.
“I think all three of us were formed there, they just never actually lived there. That’s my best guess at least.”
“Well...I’m just glad they found you. We’ve all been really worried.” Virgil heard four small feet running up the stairs and over to his door, two faces peering in. Smiles spread across Logan and Patton’s faces as they practically tackled Virgil to the ground, clinging onto him as if he’d disappear if they let go. Virgil hugged them back, just happy to see them again.
Then he heard another pair of feet run up the stairs, and Roman appeared in the doorway. Virgil gave him an uneasy smile. “I’m...sorry for breaking your toy, Ro, I didn’t mean—”
Roman’s lip began to quiver and tears streamed down his cheeks as he ran to hug Virgil, clinging on tightly as he babbled out apologies until his words were completely unintelligible. Virgil awkwardly hushed him, running a hand through his hair as his incoherent babbling began to die down. “It’s fine, Ro, I’m okay.”
“It’s not fine!” Roman whined. “You disappeared for two days and I was really mean to you and I thought you’d never come back and I’m sorry!” Virgil looked to Dad, hoping he would be able to help. Dad came over and gently shushed Roman, saying “Virgil’s here now, he’s not gonna leave, we’re all gonna be okay, bud.”
Roman slowly calmed down, tears no longer falling from his eyes and breathing beginning to steady. Dad asked Logan and Patton to go back downstairs while he talked with Roman and Virgil. He had to make sure his two oldest kids would be okay.
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