romance-coffee · 1 month
Probablemente habrá pasado mucho tiempo que no escribo, no hay rimas que sueltan mis labios, me encanto mucho haber escrito por un corto-largo tiempo (según yo), sentía demasiado, no sabia donde dejarlo, lo hice aquí. Si contigo que no te conocía, contigo que quería compartir una parte de cuando era un –mi– .Cosas que leo, no las siento como yo, palabras rebotaron salieron del guion, me encuentro muy feliz por lo que me hizo tanta ilusión, escribir de manera anónima. Fue real si lo sentí ¿no?
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lizaluvsthis · 3 months
These gay cafe boys are testing out glow in the dark paints!
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CNB BR anyone??? :))
(Quick doodle and testing some other fine brushes I could find)
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merp0515 · 4 months
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It was after hours of 3's Coffee N Bombs and the boys had just finished up cleaning up the place. he coffee shop was empty, excluding the two meme guardians and their children that are enjoying their play day together! Soft calming music was playing in the background as they were finishing cleaning up the place ready to call it a night. SMG4 sighed in relief as he was turning around to retrieve the two empty cups that SMG3 and himself drank after a long day of coffee shop chaos. He was about to hold the cup and plate sets, to get them to the back and get them cleaned up when he felt someone eyeing him from behind. He turned around to see SMG3 with his hair down, leaning backwards at the counter behind him staring at him intensely. It felt like the stare was eternal. Four was about to say something until he felt his hand gently pushing his hair at the side, staring at him in a way that he could feel his body get chills by the touch and the way his warm ruby eyes pierced through his blue eyes.
Four had never seen Three react and stare at him with such fixation before. It was as if he was lost in his own thoughts, internally debating to either ask or make an intimate move that could change their lives. While entangled in this tension, he also was lost in thought and seeing small details about Three that he never noticed before. He loved the way his raven like long hair made him look very handsome, the way his battle scar made him look badass, and the way his hand, after setting his hair to the side felt on his face. He can feel the heat of Three's hand through his soft gloves, almost leaning into his former enemy's hand by instinct. Four , slowly ventured towards his lips that remained shut but held a powerful hold on his soul. He couldn't help but stare at them for a moment, thinking about what would happen if they made such contact with each other. SMG4's eyes widen, blushing at his thought of actually moving closer to SMG3, feeling their bodies, and heartbeats connecting their lips together as both men continued staring at each other in silence, the soft music, and both of their breaths being the only thing that can be heard in the empty shop.
Well new art out along with a failed attempt at making mini fic about the art! Lol I love this AU a lot. XD Outfit design done by @lizaluvsthis and AU done by @shygirl4991!
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reallyraw · 3 months
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IG: @vaanessamk
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shygirl4991 · 4 months
can i say brewing romance has got to be my fav fic of yours i think it has to be cause its going to be chapters of gay panic and i cant wait for it xD
oh yes i have planned to put these boys through the best gay panics
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ness-rangel · 2 months
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recoveringpornblog · 2 months
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Felt sappy today
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flumet · 4 months
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Workplace Romance (Tony Stark/Phil Coulson)
Phil was always the first one in the office and the last one to leave, and Tony couldn't help but admire his dedication. But it wasn't until they were both working late one night that Tony realized he was more than just impressed. As the days went by, he found himself looking forward to their shared coffee breaks and lingering touches.
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atarexiam · 1 year
A pesar de todo lo que nunca comenzó o pudimos haber comenzado, ¿será posible comenzarlo en algún futuro?
Y si es que existiera la mínima posibilidad de que tuviéramos algún futuro juntos, estaré esperando a que este, esté más cerca que lejos, pero sin dudarlo, será incierto.
¿Que qué sentí al enterarme de la existencia de 𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂? Realmente no lo sé, todavía no sé lo que siento.
—Es linda.
La miré y me dije a mi misma. Pensé en que no merecías menos.
—Se llevan bien.
Los miré y me dije a mi misma. Pensé en que era bueno, definitivamente deberías llevarte bien con la persona que amaras.
—Cada vez se tienen más confianza.
Me fijé y me dije a mi misma. Pensé en que era fantástico, podrías desahogarte y contarle todos tus problemas sin tener miedo.
—Últimamente se ríen mucho juntos.
Los escuché y me dije a mi misma. Pensé en que era(s) lindo, me gusta verte sonreír y ser feliz.
—Se apoya en su hombro.
Te miré y me dije a mi misma.
Pensé en ojalá ser 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎, ojalá verme igual de linda en tus ojos, ojalá podamos llevarnos bien siempre, ojalá podamos tenernos confianza y puedas contarme todo lo que desees, ojalá podamos reírnos juntos por horas, ojalá puedas apoyarte en mi hombro y cerrar tus ojos para descansar plácidamente unos minutos.
Intentando asimilar todo esto en unos pocos días, es entonces cuando me surgen las dudas:
¿Llegará el día en el que yo pueda ser 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 en tu vida?
¿Llegará el día en que dejemos de solo mirarnos fugazmente y podamos conversar como buenos amigos?
¿Realmente podremos ser buenos amigos sin que me duela el pecho cada vez que te vea siendo feliz con 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎, y por 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎?
¿Estoy siendo muy egoísta al no querer compartir mis sentimientos hacia ti con 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎?
¿Podré dejar de pensar que tus ojos verdes son los más bonitos que he visto, sabiendo que la tienes a 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎, y que nunca tus ojos mirarán los míos como miras los de 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎?
¿Está bien que reprima mis sentimientos solo por el miedo a hablarte?
Las respuestas siguen y seguirán siendo inciertas.
Las palabras del mes, o quizás desde abril de este año: "incertidumbre" y "ójalá"
Bueno, supongo que tenemos un café pendiente, con un sabor algo incierto, deseando a que ojalá este sea más dulce que amargo, en fin, te seguiré esperando.
Leí este poema y pensé en ti, en nosotros (como si existiera(mos)).
Algún día tomemos café juntos, ¿por favor? (D)
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autumn2may · 2 years
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Today John Kang reviews Travis Baldree's Legends & Lattes! 🐉
"[A] sapphic cozy high fantasy…a feel-good found family story."
Background image by Yosep Sugiarto.
[ID: Unbaked cinnamon rolls sit on a butcher block counter top. At the top of the image is the book cover. It features a muscular green skinned and beautiful orc holding a tin coffee pot in one hand and a teacup in the other. She is standing back to back with a shorter, and just as beautiful, devilish pink baker with pink horns and a pink tail. The baker is holding yellow frosted bread on a platter, similar to the ones on the counter in front of the two women. They are in an old fashioned coffee shop and are both smiling at the viewer. Below the image is the quote from the above written in matching pink font with "-JC Kang, Fantasy-Faction" written below it in matching green.]
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romance-coffee · 2 years
Escribo un poema
por qué ya no canto
no busco,
He aquí otra vez
varada en el semáforo
ojalá salga luz amarilla
para pensar un tanto
¿Y ahora dónde voy?
-Cuando marque verde
¿A quién recurro?
-Cuando no quiero a nadie
crisis después del supuesto
(Progreso) o eso diría yo
¿Se siente así?
El saber qué si huyo
espero a alguien buscándome
–Crisis inrremediable–
Saber qué si me voy unos instantes
alguien se detendrá a pensarme
-Siento frío
Esta vez lo confirmo...
tengo miedo a perderme
sea el pensamiento hacia ti o hacia él
tengo miedo a quererte
¿Qué estoy haciendo?
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lizaluvsthis · 3 months
I was convinced by my friend to draw these gays in a reference of...
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Four huggn our Three is soo precious! My heart can't take it! 🥹
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COUGH- ERM... YEP- we're not forgetting BR here! No yalls we got that in our brain!
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merp0515 · 3 months
“You're so handsome like this…”
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I just wanna be your favorite (I just wanna be your favorite)
Pretty boy (pretty boy)
I get a rush when I make you blush
So I got no choice (so I got no choice)
I just wanna be your favorite (I just wanna be your favorite)
Handsome man (handsome man
)Big and strong, don't care how long
Don't got no plan (don't got no plan)
I just wanna be your fav (be your fav)
Pretty boy (pretty boy)
Or studly guy,
Just let me try to bring you joy (to bring you joy) - "Pretty Boy" by Naethan Apollo
Based on Brewing Romance's latest chapter! Pj design by @lizaluvsthis and AU by @shygirl4991 !
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chrissmou · 3 months
My January 2024 Reads
Hi everyone, as every month I would like to review the books I read this month was such a fun one because it had everything from demigods and monsters to fantasy stories and romances and I liked most of them. Also, I finally found two books of one of my favorite series I read last year and I am very excited to talk about them here. There are nine of them so let’s start I will leave also the Goodreads link for you to check them out if you want.
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1) (Rick Riordan): I started reading because I started watching the amazing Disney adaptation of it and it was so worth it. The plot was amazing and had adventure, suspense, and everything. I loved the mythology of it. I liked the characters of the gods and the heroes, especially the three protagonists. I also liked learning about the world of the books. It was an enjoyable and entertaining read.
Percy Jackson’s Gods (Rick Riordan): I love Greek mythology and knew all of these stories as I read books about and attended a classroom as a child.  I liked Percy’s versions and I loved the writing, how it was from Percy’s point of view and his perception of the gods. It was hilarious. I love that the main Olympians started from the ladies to the men with Zeus in the last place. I liked the illustrations in the electronic version I read too, they were really good. If it were a younger person reading it, the illustrations would carefully capture its attention.
The Wicked Prince (Once Upon A Prince #4) (Celest Baxendell): I loved the story of Robin Hood since I was a little girl and saw Disney’s version of the story as a child. It was a retelling of itself with animals as the characters and I loved it so much that I have seen it, plenty of times since. I liked this once, even if it was very different with the Rodin as a woman and Prince John as her suitor, and not as bad as all the other versions.  I liked the protagonists' characters and backstories, especially how Robin went from Roberta to Robin and started poaching. I liked that John was caring and did so much for her like the painting of her parents. I would likely recommend it to someone to give it a try.
The Queen of the Sea (The Wheel of the Crowns #5) (Brandi Elledge): I liked this one as much as I liked most books in this series. They are fantasy, and romance books with a lot of action and plot twists. They have enjoyable characters, action scenes, and many fantasy elements; this was the same in all these departments. I liked Malakian and Sasha and their friends to lovers’ story as it was different from the rest of the series. It still had the keys and the portals but had a different kind of lore that I greatly enjoyed.
The Doomsayer Queen (The Wheel of the Crowns #6) (Brandi Elledge): I loved the last book of this series! I loved the protagonists and Jo was always one of my favorite characters. I also liked that I saw all of my favorite couples in the last chapters of this book, especially as they came together to help Jo who had helped them in all the other books and gave them their love stories. I found pretty funny the fact that she helped everyone else to find their mate and, in the end, she did not recognize he own. I also liked the last vision of the two children, I love the couple that has a child, Tamara, the Zombie Queen, and the Death, Wes, and also another woman that Jo helped. It was a good ending to the series and worth reading.
Spellbound in the Stacks (K. Iwancio): I liked this paranormal romance about a witch, who is a bookstore owner, and if in three weeks she doesn’t find her true love, she will become a cat for the rest of her life. It was a really funny book and it had great characters especially Faeline and Hera, her mother was really good as I had a very strenuous relationship. I loved Aidan too, the firefighter with the nerdy side to him, who is the love interest and hottie you don’t expect from his first appearance in the books, which is very grumpy.  It was worth a read for someone who wants a new romantic fantasy to read.
Love at First Sip (The Coffee Loft #1) (Amy Stephens): It was a short story with not much of a plot about a small-town coffee shop owner and her former high school sweetheart. It had a cat that was in a funny scene and funny characters as the employees of the coffee who I would like to know more about if the book wasn’t so short. It was a good story to read if you want a non-complicated one with a happy ending.
The Midnight Prince (Once Upon A Prince #5) (Angie Grigaliunas): I loved this book so much that I finished it in one day. I loved the characters and the magic elements of the story. I loved the Cinderella retelling of it as it had the magic of the fairy godmother in the friend of Allia, but I also liked the mystery and the plot twists of the story that helped me not want to stop. I loved the fae magic, especially as it gave of the world building and to the story. It was a very enjoyable read.
The Naughty Donkey (Agatha Christie): I liked this retelling of a bible story with the donkey that had a character and then helped Jesus Christ. It has meaning to help people to see religion from a different point of view. It is a point that people that you don’t get with a Christie story.
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mychemicalissuues · 4 months
Trashy lil vamp gee
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Drawn on a paper bag
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readersmagnet · 1 year
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Divine Romance & Perfect Partnership by Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff
“Divine Romance & Perfect Partnership ~: The Immortal Principles and Powers of Divine Love!” gives advice on preparing for, recognizing, and attracting your perfect eternal mate and how to keep your relationship going forever. It also teaches how to renew all relationships and lift all in your world to the Highest level, leading to greater fulfillment, bliss, and attainment.
For more of Rev. Dr. Linda De Coff and her books, go to www.revdrlindadecoff.com.
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