jenukiart · 10 months
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OC Stuff - BKW - Kisyku & Roombot
This is Kisyku!! (That's "Kiss-eye-coo" ^^,)
He's my main OC for a space story I've been working on, Bodacious Kisyku World (BKW for short). I've had this character for like.. 7-8 years now?? He's gone through so many changes and iterations, but I'm really happy with where he is now. ^^
Kisyku is a Celestial! They're a powerful species with the ability to channel something called "Cosmic Energy," which is sort of this universe's like "energy" you know the whole shonen thing
Cosmic Energy
Cosmic Energy is channeling the vacuum of space into a combustible dense "liquid" like blob. Think of their appearance like the dream blocks from Celeste, except you can sling it. Kisyku's main form of attack involves slinging this explosive space jelly around. CE also is used to sponge damage to his body among other things.
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Channeling and using Cosmic Energy is incredibly dangerous though, so not many people can use it (like humans can't at all for example), so it's a pretty forgotten/unknown thing in the present day.
But Celestials are VERY good at it, like dangerously so.. the story mainly revolves around Kisyku's usage of it, and how he tends to push the limits to dangerous degrees..
Okay NOW Kisyku and Roombot!!
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Yeah so Kisyku is a Celestial!! They're a pretty complicated species.. supposedly they can just take on any form they'd like, but Kisyku likes to keep it simple and just appear as human.
I think he messed up a few things though, like he's got pointy Hylian-like ears for one. Just a couple of small quirks like that. So he's not 100% human, but that's ok I still love him, he's doing his best.
I think it's very important to mention that he just has this transmasc energy to him though, I don't really know how to describe it. In earlier versions of the story, when he was just a normal human, he actually was trans. I wanted to keep that element of him in the modern story, by having the transness be more metaphorical through the way Celestials work. That will probably make more sense when I eventually get the official story rolling, but for now just know that he's this transmasc-energy little gremlin.
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Despite his size (an outstanding 5'3"!!) Kisyku is a pretty loud, active, and rambunctious character. He's a little scrunkly who can get kinda cocky at times, but overall his heart is in the right place. He can be rather sweet at times, as long as you aren't trying to pick a fight with him.. or commenting on his height.
He also is totally that kind of person who will steal snacks from your fridge, i wouldn't be surprised if he does that a lot with the Brigade
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Kisk spends most of his time chilling on Earth. He resides on the dock of a small n' quiet beach-side town. He also enjoys bothering his rent-debt collector, Emily. I'll share more about her and Earth another time though. All you need to know is that he's constantly in debt to her.
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He really enjoys watching the waves of the shore sway, among other things as he explores more of the town and it's boardwalk and stuff. It's nice after all to have some quiet time in between the crazy action and antics he gets himself into.
Speaking of...
Outside of Earth-rest stuff, Kisyku likes going out into space and raiding the Cosmos. I like to call these hit and runs of his "rampages," as he seems to have this goal to cause as much destruction to the Cosmos as possible.
The animatic above is a little outdated with the Cosmo designs, but it gives you a good idea of the rush Kisyku throws himself into. In the animatic, they appear as this evil Star Wars-like space empire, but in the current story, Cosmos are very much different. Now they're kind of a secret "shadow police" that only Kisyku really knows about...
He seems to have beef with them, and they don't really like him either... maybe one day you'll learn about why...
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But yeah finally, his little companion pal: Roombot. They're like an actual cat.. if it were a roomba.. and can fly.
It's kinda bitchy, sometimes snarky towards Kisyku. You won't really be able to hear their vulgar language though, since they speak in R2-D2 beep boops and whirrs.
Kisyku talks to them a lot though, and sometimes Roomboot puts the snark aside to really listen to him, especially for more emotional moments. They're kind of who Kisyku comes to the most about his problems in the early parts of the story.
Yeah, Roombot is rather silly. They can also float, and Kisyku can grab onto them to get some extra height. Kisyku also sometimes uses them as a stepping stool, but I don't think they really like it when he does.
Holding Roombot feels very buoyant, like as if you were holding onto a paddle board in a pool y'know? That kinda vibe. Despite not always enjoying it, they're always there to help Kisyku out in a pickle!!
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But uhhh yeah!! That's Kisyku (and Roombot)!! Kisk really means a lot to me, since he's been around for so so long in my life now. I hope that someday I can really get his story out there for you all to enjoy haha.. but until then, I hope you enjoy the drawings I make of him and his world!!
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pekoeboo · 1 month
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just a fun lil thing based on a situation that happened while @cookieg122 and I were playing Minecraft!! we found a Roomba-esque robot dude that was trapped in a big research facility, so we rescued it and decided to incorporate that concept into our characters' adventures as well :'D (got a video recording of the actual "rescue" itself over on my other blog: [link])
Aya is absolutely smitten with the robot and thinks its the cutest thing Ever, and at first Khalan wasn't really sure about bringing it home, but it quickly grew on him when he realized that it could help him keep the house clean, lol! seems like technology really IS useful, after all xD
Aya Armas belongs to @cookieg122. please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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villianblr · 11 months
Fellow villain do you think I have Megamind vibes or was Civ just being nice? Either way I've sent Shogun his direction with cookies, so.
I think deep down we all have megamind vibes.
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hoodie-prince-kid · 10 months
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Artemis icon sketch :)
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mouse-drawings · 2 years
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That’s her own motobug. She calls it Roombot (previously Roomba) and she stole it from one of Eggman’s old hideouts.
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nextdaydonut · 2 years
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Karamel Zeezout Mini Stroopwafels from Roomboter
Soft and mildly sweet. Chewy but not gummy or hard to bite in to. Not very prominent saltiness though.
30 July 2022
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soilem · 15 days
Hi, what’s your favourite kind of robot?
why??? 🥲 now i have to choose… (im just kidding it’s all good and fun, thanks for the ask :D)
well, if i have to choose a robot from the whole concept of robots, which includes fictional ones, it would be Baymax! I want real a Baymax, and everywhere :) He’s cute! He’s good! He helps! A lot! i just love the idea
if it is a real life robot, on the big scale, I’d say those dog-looking robots, that are taught how to walk in many different ways and in many different circumstances. They’re cool, even if a part of teaching them is making it hard for them to walk and it makes me sad. I really want the technology to spread tho because they’d be great for rescue, i think
if it is a kind robot that you can see in daily life it is roombas :) or, well, robot vacuum cleaner :) they’re funny, and helpful, and cute, and real, and treated well (i hope). i don’t have one tho, i just would like to have one
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dutchjan · 1 year
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February 03, 2023
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ethernitty · 1 year
hehehe i get to use the good butter
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indianguru · 2 years
When most people hear about Artificial Intelligence, otherwise known as AI, they think about movies such as Terminator or The Matrix, where AI technology takes over the world.
Well, in a sense it is taking over the world, but positively.
AI is increasingly being used to make tasks easier in everyday life. Think about a vacuum cleaner which is referred to as old technology and the AI-powered Room Cleaning Robot or Roombot.
With the Roombot, cleaning homes has become very easy. The robot powers on automatically and cleans the room without any supervision.
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villainessblr · 10 months
Gee, Roombot. I'm feeling real down. 😔
I can send email.
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LMAO okay yeah this makes a lot of sense, I also had no clue it was roombEter until the second paragraph. I just automatically read it as roombOter in the photo, title and first paragraph.
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lgbt-tree · 3 months
For a bit of context, Artemis (🔪💜) has two robot henchmen. One is a rebuilt roomba with a tv head (Roombot), the other is a modified fanservice animatronic (Shogun). They argue constantly and would kill for her, just as she would kill for them. Shes only 19 and neither of them are human but they're basically her sons djjdndbfbd
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jenukiart · 9 months
Hey!!! I updated Kisyku's bio page so now you can learn a lot more about him!! go check that out uwow!!
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Zo daar ben ik weer! Vol spanning ging ik vanochtend op de weegschaal staan na 6 dagen Las Vegas. Ik heb best wel opgelet met eten, maar helemaal New Fysic is moeilijk en dat wilde ik ook niet. En vliegtuig voedsel is ook niet echt NF proof.
We kwamen om 12 uur aan op Schiphol. Bij aankomst thuis stond ook de Paasbrunch al klaar met de (klein)kinderen. Het croissantje heb ik overgeslagen maar wel 1 kleine matse met roomboter en suiker gegeten, 1 stukje krentenbrood met boter en een hardgekookt ei. Maarten had nog een cheesecake Moldava gemaakt. Een puntje geproefd, lekker maar heel erg machtig.
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Maar goed, tijd om op de weegschaal te staan. En wat blijkt, ik ben toch nog een halve ons lichter dan de ochtend waarop ik vertrok. Wat ben ik daar blij mee 🎉
Gisteravond heb ik spruitjes met taugé en omelet gegeten. Ik heb een dubbele portie gemaakt dus ook voor vanavond heb ik nog een bordje.
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Ik moest vandaag weer werken en ik moet ook naar kantoor komen. Beetje jammer, maar ja. Vooral vanochtend had ik het zwaar want ik zit natuurlijk toch met een jetlag van 10 uur. Ik heb gelukkig wel de hele nacht geslapen.
Ik had al mijn eten weer geprept voor vandaag en ook weer netjes mijn waterfles bij me. Ik heb inmiddels alweer 2 liter water achter de kiezen en op kantoor heb ik 2 kiwi’s, 1 zakje yoghurt, een paar ongebrande amandelen en een maaltijdsalade gegeten.
Ik heb nu net mijn avondeten op en mijn cappuccino gedronken. Ik ga dus weer netjes met mijn dieet verder. Nog 10 - 12 kg en dan ga ik van de regular fase naar de balans fase. Ik ben benieuwd of het nog lukt voor 6 juli, de datum van ons verjaardagsfeest. Zo niet, vind ik het ook goed.
Ik ga nu nog even koken voor morgenavond: boboti en spinazie ovenschotel. Marcel past morgen op bij Koen en Hannah thuis omdat Manuel de waterpokken heeft. Ik heb om 10 uur een afspraak bij de pedicure en daarna komt Ryan om op te passen en om 14.15 komt Ivy erbij. Kortom druk genoeg dus het scheelt weer als ik nu alvast ga koken. En dan maar weer op tijd naar bed want ik heb best wel moeie oogjes.
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polldermodel · 2 months
Wat is het lekkerste om in te frituren?
(plantaardig) frituurvet, (plantaardig) frituurolie, ossewit (rundervet), roomboter, zonnebloemolie, olijfolie, iets anders (noem in tags!)
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