#rose g
17isrighthere · 7 months
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ch3rrycokel0vr · 9 days
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i 🩵 her
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seldompathic · 2 months
"Did you see him at all..before..?"
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Delivering the news that Tails was gone was never going to be easy, but Amy still felt wildly unprepared for the way those emerald eyes all but shattered.
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pdouwes · 6 months
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Like a handprint on my heart.
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reegis · 8 months
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Happily Ever [ERROR]
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palepaintersweets · 2 months
Happy Birthday, Weirdozjunkary! 🎁
I spent a really long time to draw these pictures. Here they are, Your very own MVA coloring pages, based on your au story and monsters vs aliens coloring pages.
If you like to redraw them, that's fine. I'm sure you can do better.
You see, I'm giving you credit on every page.
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Here's an extra page 😉
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uldren-sov · 7 months
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When it comes to erasing the past, it looks like you missed a spot~
just saw the meme and thought of THEM lolol and some awkward moments that come from untangling yourself from a long-term relationship and going back to basics: waiting around for Lucy Duckstein to save them from situations
I commissioned the lovely bestie @artofzofia for this, thank you sm!!!
Starring Camy (Camila) Rose (oc) Seven Lawless from @infamous-if
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girlsonic · 10 months
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short thing abt silver having asthma :] set in 06 so if the characters are a bit odd it's bc nobody in that game acts nromal . happy disability pride i love you
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lurkinggirlie · 1 month
Elain & Azriel are EndGame
Azriel’s bonus chapter: semi-essay on my thoughts
This post will be a long one. The shipwar has been going on for far too long, and there's a possiblity that we'll be getting closure soon. So, I want to put my thoughts out there. For Obvious reasons, I could be very wrong, but this is what I think based on canon text: (Ignore any errors..I haven't edited this, and I'm sure there are many posts like this that are way more articulate)
Elriel are endgame. If they’re not then Azriel is kinda pathetic and having him end-up with anyone else is bad writing and character assassination. (Which we sadly won’t put past sjm but I don’t think she would..at least I hope)
1- Elain has no other love interest. Yes, Lucien is her mate but we have hinted at a broken/rejected mating bond for the longest time when it comes to these two so having them accept it eventually is going to be quite underwhelming, repetitive and boring. Even Lucien seems to have given up/isn’t interested in bridging that gap between them, which we’re told in both acofas and acosf. Unless you want to count the longing pointed out by Cassian, although Cassian also pointed out that Lucien was also uncomfortable when he mentioned his mate. To add on, there is no sexual tension between the two, and we know how important that is for sjm’s couple. You can't keep whining "but Elain isn't giving him a chance, if only she gave him a chance, then maybe this and maybe that" Elain is not a seprate entity, she is what SJM writes, Sjm could have written that but she did not yet and I'm not sure if she will. It feels too late at this point, she had already shown us that Elain has feelings for someone else aka Azriel. The author doesn't have to spell everything out for us to understand to what's going on. Sarah usually makes it clear who's endgame. and she literally is. So, it would be very sudden and out of the blue if Lucien and Elain were to end up together when she had never shown it before. When even Azriel pointed this out “I think Lucien will never be good enough for her, and she has no interest in him, anyway” people can say Rhys killed elriel, that the bonus chapter ended them. But this line right here tells us otherwise! First we know Azriel and Elain can read each other so well that they don’t need words, and then Azriel tells us this. He’s literally telling us that Elain does not want Lucien.
We also cannot compare elucien to Feysand or Nessian in the “enemies to lovers" department, because these two seem to hardly care about each other. For obvious reasons she wouldn’t accept or reject Lucien in a book that isn’t hers. But if they do end up together I’d feel robbed that she had more sexual tension with Azriel than she did with Lucien. And we know that Nessian and Feysand had sexual tension before getting together. Most of what we got from Elain and Lucien was awkwardness, and discomfort. Not a single spark. Furthermore, it would feel like Azriel was just leading Elain own. Plus their romance (Lucien and Elain)  would not feel organic, only getting with Lucien because she felt rejected by Azriel, which doesn’t give epic romance no matter how sjm tries to spin it. It would always make Lucien seem like the second choice.
2- Azriel regifting the necklace was a dickhead move, and offensive to both girls. Anyone thinking the regifting of the necklace ended elriel or started gwynriel is delusional and clearly doesn’t know how the romance genre works. (should’ve thrown the gift in the Sidra like Cassain did) I can’t believe Rhys isn’t paying Azriel enough that he felt the need to return the necklace to the shop instead of throwing it. Senstive Illyrian baby indeed. 
3- Rhys saying stay away from Elain (can we take a moment to appreciate how sexy Rhys was for pulling rank, he really made the ship more interesting now) and Azriel actually listening to him?? When he told him you can’t order me to do that. shit would be underwhelming if Azriel actually stayed away? Hello? Secret relationship potential ? Hello? Forbidden romance potential  ??? The tropes would be epic. Sjm had never done that. And I’m not saying she will, but this is how I see it playing out. + Azriel saying it was a mistake to Elain, and Elain apologizing?? The fact she was confused/hurt and probably thought she misunderstood the whole situation? SHE IS BABYGIRL?? Regardless, Azriel saying it was a mistake and it being a mistake is NOT it. This is not how romance works most of the time. This is such a basic romantic trope, why are a lot of people misinterepting it? Elain deserves better, and sjm isn’t about to hurt Elain’s feelings without making it up to her. And she’s definitely not making Azriel end up with another girl before he fixes that shit. I will be needing a proper apology to Elain.  
4- Whenever people think of the bonus chapter they weigh in Azriel’s feelings far more than Elain’s. It’s clear that Elain and Azriel’s feelings are MUTUAL, ignore the bonus chapter and it’s right there in the actual book. I don’t think Elain got the memo that Azriel had  a conversation with another girl after he hurt her feelings which made him realize he’s in love all of a sudden. *sarcasm*  that would be very out of character for Azriel. 
5- His chest sparkling at the thought of Gwyn getting the necklace was so??? I have been saying he’s for the streets and yes this was out of pocket. So, I understand people shipping them. However it could mean anything really, you can't continue saying that Gwyn in the bonus has to mean something, and that that spark must mean somethig but continue to disreagrd every single Elriel interaction like they mean nothing. Because for it to be taken as romance we’d have to ignore the beginning of the bonus, the feysand’s bonus acosf/acomaf/acowar and acofas. + we could easily take this in a platonic way, which is how I viewed it when I read the bonus. Not everything has to be romantic. And sjm will NOT introduce a new guy to make him end up with Elain since we already established Elain doesn’t want Lucien and Lucien doesn’t want her either. 
6- I know that a lot of people have theories about Gwyn being a lightsinger and all of this happening because of her powers (While I do think this is very smart, it wasn’t something I thought of so I won’t talk about it). I do think it’s possible, and all the theories I saw were really cool but idk where sjm is going with this, so to make it simple I do think it could be because she’s his student, she went through a lot it could simply be platonic happiness that a girl who went through so much is going to be happy about something. Even if it was a secondhand necklace specifically picked with ANOTHER girl in mind PLUS I do think sjm wanted drama, and for people to doubt elriel cuz now they have all these obstacles, so Gwyn would be the easy choice, but the second choice regardless. The relationship would feel icky and I genuinely cannot see the potential gwynriels keep talking about. I would take the ship a lot more seriously if a) he didn’t regift her another girl’s necklace b) there was more to them in the actual book. c) he wasn’t still upset about it 3 days later… 
7- There’s a high possibility Gwyn never even got the necklace..
He gave it to Clotho not Gwyn, he didn’t want his name mentioned, and then said if any other girl would like it to give it to them: the aim was to get rid of Elain’s necklace. It’s sort of a parallel with Cassain throwing away Nesta’s present.
I think it’s possible that Azriel went there because he knows how much the girls in the library have suffered, especially since his mom did too, it's possible he thought "okay this is a pretty necklace, I don't want to hold onto the reminder of what could've been, so instead of throwing it let another girl be happy about it. At least it won’t go to waste”
Clotho could tell there was something wrong, like maybe she sensed the energy and decided ayeee let me keep this aside for him, he might come back and ask for it. 
The bonus did not happen at the end of the book 
If Azriel was truly in love with Gwyn now /or he wanted her/ or more between them was going to happen/ or they were mates according to some theories we could have AT LEAST gotten more after the bonus. 
We know the bonus happened after solstice.
Nesta mentions that Azriel was stone-faced and more aloof than usual, he wouldn’t even give her a smile. That was 3 days after the necklace situation. I think it would’ve been a great opportunity to highlight any attraction between Azriel and Gwyn.
Maybe he sees the necklace around her neck, maybe Nesta and Emerie compliment Gwyn’s necklace, or Gwyn telling them she doesn’t know who it’s from, maybe they tease her that someone might have a crush on her. Nesta could’ve pointed out that Azriel was looking at Gwyn’s necklace.or looking at Gwyn in some sort of way. Literally anything. 
Anyone pointing out the way Azriel and Gwyn looked at each other. A charged glance perhaps. Literally ANYTHING. We only got him looking at her with admiration which is very teacher coded. 
If sjm hadn’t made Nesta realize Azriel had a thing for Elain then maybe gwnyriel would’ve been more appealing to me. But no, Nesta noticed. This doesn’t mean nothing people.
aside from that we got nothing romantic, but a part of the fandom still acts like we need to exile Elain because she’s coming between Gwyn and Azriel’s epic love story.
Not everyone has access to the bonus.  
The Azriel chapter was only in ONE store in the US, but Feysand’s bonus chapter was in 3 stores in the US and UK. I don't know but something tells me it’s more important.  Soooo if SJM would do a love interest switch she would not do it in a bonus chapter, and wouldn’t be highlighting the Az/Elain interactions in ACOSF as much as she did. 
Feyre’s chapter focuses on Elain, it literally tells us Elain is next once we’re done helping Nesta. EASY MATH. and the Azriel bonus also focuses on elriel/Azriel’s feelings. ENDGAME MATERIAL RIGHT HERE. 
But the girls swear up and down that Gwyn and Azriel’s book is next because of a secondhand necklace. 
Let’s assume elriels are the delusional ones (like so many of them say), how do we explain these. 
Casual readers who usually read books and aren’t on the internet and aren’t looking for bonus content (wish that was me)  (lord knows I skipped every bonus chapter in throne of glass and crescent city and I wasn’t confused about anything. Not even once) so they’d expect answers for 
The Charged glance between Azriel and Elain
Azriel following the sound of Elain’s laughter. 
Elain looking away when Azriel smiled at her during family dinner, Cassian god bless him that idiot could NOT piece all of that together. BUT it was still highlighted through his POV ???
His secret to tell never hers (and we do learn of that secret in the bonus but people who didn’t read it could only guess so they’d want a confirmation) and sjm did say in one of her lives that Nesta learns of one of Azriel’s secrets (she looked all giddy about it)... and that Azriel is going through some shit right now…and we learn why from the bonus chapter. 
Cassian being confused that it seems like Azriel moved on from Mor
Nesta pointing out that Elain moved on from Graysen
Cassian wondering why Elain is lying about where she’s going. (I viewed this as her avoiding Azriel but idk) 
Azriel’s protectiveness of Elain. He gives mate behavior without the mate part. (I will hit him on the head though omg let my girl do something)
Elain willing to look for the troves even when Nesta wasn’t, the girl wants to do something  (her journey is coming next) 
Nesta wondering if Elain is training with Azriel or the twins (who are spies that were trained by Azriel !!!) 
Feyre telling Azriel that Elain got him beat for secret keeping. Sure it might sound delusional but Elain keeps being compared to Az/being a spy and maybe this could be a thing. 
Elain speaking back to her sisters about them treating her like a child?? Hello finally 
The way Elain’s mother only treated her like a pretty doll which shaped up Elain’s whole life??? I want this from Elain’s POV sooo bad 
In conclusion, we’re not pausing Elain’s story so Azriel can end up with a side character in a spinoff about an og side character, we’re sticking to our og side characters for now.
Azriel being over Mor because of Elain, and Elain moving on from Graysen because of Azriel only for Elain to get over Azriel to be with Lucien (who we got nothing from aside a mating bond..) and for Az to get over Elain and questioning fate for her…only to end up with gwyn…like I don’t think anyone could take Azriel’s feelings seriously if this happens. Shit will be too goofy.  Because if he ends up with Gwyn who says he won’t move on to the next pretty girl he sees afterwards.
To add to that, what plot would we have for Azriel and Gwyn. We'll get more Valkyries training, more healing journey so the plot would have to be paused for this. Nesta’s book was mostly about her healing journey and friendship, while it was nice I don’t want a repeat for the next book. Especially since we know the Rite took a toll on Gwyn, she went back to the library, wasn’t even sure she would make it to Nessian’s mating ceremony. This doesn’t give the protagonist of the next book to me. Or "I thought it was pretty obvious"
Elain’s healing journey had started in ACOWAR, she got her friends in ACOWAR. Now is their TIME to do something!! She is next. 
Closing thoughts on what I think would happen based off each ship happening: 
If elriel happens = new sjm couple dynamic/interesting plot. Fresh sjm protagonist that is unlike sjm's others + we don’t ignore all the foreshadowing and hints. We follow the love triangle we set up in the og trilogy + finally get a rejected mating bond. And instead of warrior training we might get spy training and instead of physical power (as far as we know) we get something more mental. Again this is very new for sjm + there’s a lot to Elain’s power that we don’t know and since Azriel was the one who found out what she was, I think it would make more sense for him to know how to help her. Imagine the sexual tension during training..yes please. I hope sjm doesn’t rob me. Elain is really mysterious, we got Nesta’s inner thoughts before her book but we still haven't gotten a peep about Elain’s inner thoughts and I’m just dying to know more. AND THE STAKES!
1) Rhys forbidding Azriel from Elain, 2) Elain’s mating bond,3) Azriel’s self doubt and how he doesn’t think he’s good enough. 4) The blood duel and the political mess we could get into. (Lucien probs won't but what if Beron would, the breeding potential, A seer must be a powerful thing she can see things others can't and I think that’s valuable. If Eris thought Nesta was valuable as cauldron made and there was no potential there, so The Autumn court probably feels even more entitled to Elain) We have high inner and outer stakes. I have a feeling SJM will fumble all this potential but a girl can dream 
If elucien happens = another successful mating bond + “enemies”  to lovers sort of but they won’t ever be mean to each other so maybe not enemies, just dislike and awkwardness to friends to lovers?  We ignore the hints about a rejected bond and in mating bonds we trust. We also ignore all the elriel hints, and their mutual feelings. We follow the love triangle set up in the og trilogy. I don’t think Lucien could train her in anything? Maybe self defense, Idk Sarah could pull something, but I don’t see Elain leaving her circle of friends but neither do I see Lucien settling in the night court and leaving his own friends. There are no stakes but Elain’s and Lucien’s awkwardness around each other + Elain’s feelings for Azriel. Elain’s and Lucien’s plot connects though so at least there’s that, SJM could ship them off on a mission together and make them get closer. Forced proximity sort of thing. 
If gwynriel happens then = we lost the whole plot, ignored the foreshadowing and hints found in the actual book. Mentor to lovers, civil with each other. Azriel has to move on from Elain first though and that could be icky. Healing journey, more Valkyries training. So we pick up from where we left off in acosf, and we’d see Azriel trying to get her to come out of the Library, or he goes to visit her there until she agrees to come out again. Maybe if Gwyn is a lightsinger then idk more training with Azriel? Again, no stakes but Gwyn’s trauma and Azriel’s self doubt oh and also his feelings for Elain. But that’s it, Gwyn as of now does not connect to the overall plot with the troves (she’s not made therefore she can’t use them) or koschei. So I don’t see us making her go on a mission like that. I’ve seen a lot of gwynriles saying Gwyn has spy potential idk where, but she could barely keep a secret for Nesta so I highly doubt she’d be keeping secrets for the IC. 
Ps: the original koschei plot is 3 sisters marrying 3 very powerful wizards and like idk 3 sisters 3 brothers…we can have a retelling ya know 
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yujinslovr · 8 months
no bc dom bp makes my head spin???? espec dom!chaennie??? like imagine jennie (from ur prev jennie ask) bringing u around for her friends to use😰😰😰
her introducing you to them as her personal toy!;?;!;!($?’f aghshhshs she’d force you to wear the skimpiest outfit ever. like her telling them about how you tried to resist her but a slut like you obviously couldn’t resist for long SAYING THIS IN FRONT OF YOU?!(?;;!!;! you couldn’t do anything but keep your head low, wondering how it even got to this point.
her all of a sudden yanking your hair to have you look her in the eyes. tears forming at your water line due to the pain of her grip😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 her forcing you onto chaes lap, talking to rosé about you as if you were nothing but an object.
“use her however you want, just no hickies. only i can mark her.”
you couldn’t help the tears, realizing that a stranger was about to fuck you. you violently shaking your head trying to stand, but chae obvi couldn’t let you go just like that. she would take what she was promised.
“calm down baby, i’ll make sure you feel good”
HER WHISPERING IT INTO YOUR EAR?!?(!!;!;! her setting you aside to take out her cock and then immediately ripping off your tiny skirt. even if she hadn’t taken it off, it wouldn’t have made a difference since that skirt covered nothing. your eyes widening when you caught sight of her massive cock. IDCIDC CHAE HAS A MASSIVE DICK!!!
“it wont fit”
“i’ll make it fit”
SKDJSKSKD IM SUCH A SLUT BRO!?&;)?!(! i feel like chae would be big on foreplay though. her fondling your boobs, licking one of your nipples while twisting the other. when you were with jennie, it was all about her getting off. with chae it was like she enjoyed stimulating you.
at first you tried to resist, act like you didn’t want this, but as time went on you felt the act slowly dropping. you couldn’t hold back your sweet moans. her starting off slow but then like as time goes on she looses control. how could she not? with you moaning like a bitch, it was only natural for her to start going rough.
it feeling like your getting split open, her cock is just too big for you :(( IDK BUT I FEEL LIKE SHE’D EDGE YOU SM🤭🤭 like her knowing that you were about to come and then stopping and pulling out for that reason. she’d def wait for it to fully die down and then push herself back in, continuing the torture.
shed edge you for hours if she could. the way your face scrunched up when you felt you orgasm arriving, the way you’d start crying and hitting her chest when she eventually took it all away. how could she not repeat it?
tbh unlike jennie i think rosé would def do aftercare. like jennie would js leave you on the bed, maybe on a good day clean you up. but chaes def the type to like run you a warm bath and praise you afterwards.
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amelia-yap · 1 year
Have you considered drawing a WR/Mioletta outfit swap?
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murk888 · 2 months
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(the original image is down there ⇩)
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ze-ppe-li · 15 days
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...🇪​🇳​🇬​🇱​🇮​🇸​🇭​ 🇮​🇸​🇳​·🇹​ 🇲​🇾​ 🇫​🇮​🇷​🇸​🇹​ 🇱​🇦​🇳​🇬​🇺​🇦​🇬​🇪​ 🇦​🇳​🇾​🇼​🇦​🇾​
Gangbang, G!P Blackpink, sub! reader fifth member! reader, blowjob (jisoo and rosé), cunnilingus (r), brief daddy kink, anal sex, deepthroating, triple penetration, ass to mouth, bukkake, dp in one hole.
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The five women gathered together after a triumphant performance, celebrating their victory against the screaming crowd. Their energy was high, fueled by the roars of approval from thousands of devoted fans. As they exited the stadium doors, a buzz still lingered within the air, a testament to their magnetic stage presence.
Once inside the hotel room, the girls finally had some privacy away from the prying eyes of adoring fans. Rosé quickly mixed them all drinks before flopping onto one of the plush sofas. "This feels like such a rare moment," she sighed dreamily.
"Indeed it does." Jisoo agreed. "But I must say, we could use something stronger than these drinks if tonight's going to end like our last gathering!" Her flirtatious tone caused everyone else to laugh and take off their clothes. 
It wasn't long until they were all standing naked except for the glittery accessories they hadn't taken off yet. Rosé took a seat, crossing her legs provocatively. "Let me introduce you all" she smiled, grabbing each girl's hand gently. 
"This is my sweet little Jennie, her dick will surely make you beg for mercy"
Jennie stepped forward, flashing her figure. She approached Lisa slowly, admiring her curvaceous beauty, taking her time to explore every inch of Lisa's delicious body.
Meanwhile, you couldn't help but feel aroused watching them both, especially when Lisa began unzipping Jennie's pants, exposing her throbbing cock. It seemed almost surreal seeing these two powerful females getting intimate with each other. Furthermore, you were the only member with a vagina.
As you turned towards Jisoo, who was already undressed, ready to ravage you with her expert touch, you noticed Rosé kneeling down beside you, her hands moving seductively across your thighs.
She whispered into your ear, "Remember, I am here for you too... don't forget about me..."
Her words sent shivers down your spine, making you want her just as badly as the rest.
Without further delay, Jisoo pushed you onto the bed, climbing on top of you. Her soft lips met yours passionately, sending waves of desire coursing through your veins. 
Your mind raced with anticipation, wondering which position would bring out the most pleasure. Your unnie eagerly awaited her turn, her breath coming in short bursts. With a devious grin, she pulled you closer, allowing her fingers to tease your sensitive skin.
As you felt the warmth of her lips brushing against yours, your heart raced faster. This was unlike anything you ever experienced, the thrill of having four beautiful women surround you, each craving their share of passionate embrace.
Without warning, Jennie grasped your head firmly, guiding you towards her hardened member. You couldn't resist its allure, leaning forward to taste her. Her moans filled the room as you caressed her soft skin, feeling her excitement grow with each passing second. 
At that moment, Lisa, who was masturbating, approached both of you and saw you; you swallowing Jennie's cock and Jennie. She also needed to taste your throat at the same time as Jennie. Seeing you there, choking a little, she was excited by the idea that she would provoke the same reflex in you, just as Jennie was doing.
At first she wanted to fuck your face, then slowly withdraw her cock while you choke with Jennie's one, now it became clear to her that she didn't need to do any of this, because you did that perfectly yourself. So you were completely alone in front of four hot women who are giving you what you can't get enough. And since all four are equally desirable, your options for getting pleasure have multiplied.
Now with both cocks in your mouth, you were able to go up and down without much problem, licking, sucking, kissing and licking again, in no particular order, tasting and playing with different flavors. You had always loved giving blowjobs but now it's even better, the sense of satisfaction never been so complete. Jennie enjoyed it too, as she was pushing her cum in your mouth, so you could swallow it and enjoy the rich taste. On the other hand, with Lisa, the more you sucked, the more she got excited. Also, you never imagined it could be such an awesome feeling being completely submissive, knowing you were only useful for fulfilling sexual desires.
While your tongue was quickly working on your unnies' dicks, two other tongues were on you, one on your clit and the other inside you sweet hole; Jisoo and Rosé were clearly enjoying you as much as you liked them, you felt incredibly sexy with them tonguing at you. While the blonde was sucking on your clit, the oldest was exploring your walls with her tongue, making sure she got every inch of you. They went on like this for a while until Jennie lost control and grabbed your head, holding it tightly, keeping you still while she unleashed her orgasm. The sweetest taste of cum flooded your mouth and you tried to catch as much as you could but some escaped from your open mouth.
Lisa, feeling the cum of her unnie mixing with her meat and your throat's juice, could no longer hold back and moaned with pure joy. At that moment, your throat was invaded by that white liquid again and your eyes closed with ecstasy as you were pleasured with the thick cream of both girls, forcing you to drink the load of them
Now your tongue and her shafts made contact, both retreating from your mouth with an audible "pop!" After licking off their cum, you moaned sluttily, since the activity had not ended there; Rosé and Jisoo were between your legs, eating you out. Their warm breath on your crotch made your knees tremble and your heart race, causing Lisa to make another pass with her tongue and eat you some more, so now all three tongues were lapping away at your snatch, creating an ocean of sensations inside you.
Feeling Lisa's finger slide inside you, it was then you realized how you had neglected your own pleasure all the time. In fact, Lisa showed you what a girl's tongue feels like inside you , how much it would excite you when another woman licked it, while another slides her finger in you. That feeling of wetness and relaxation while she plays with your walls made you moan loudly, unable to contain yourself. She inserted her middle finger deeper and twirled it around, applying gentle pressure to your G-spot, while the tip of Jisoo's index finger continued to stimulate your clit, spreading you wider and opening you up.
Suddenly Rosé and Jisoo were pulled away, leaving only Lisa's finger buried deep in you. At first she withdrew it, licking the fluid oozing out, making you want more. But Lisa quickly brought it back and slid it all the way in, making you squirm and whine. Your moans were loud, filling the room, drawing everyone's attention towards you.
With that last stroke, Lisa stopped, removed her fingers, covered them with your juices, then placed them on your lips and pushed them in, cleaning herself off. This action, followed by Jennie's breath on your neck, told you they were close, and you knew that soon you would feel their big cocks inside you.
In an instant, you found yourself with Rosé behind you, while Jennie stood in front of you. Your body quivered as you felt Rosé's cold, lubed fingers tracing circles along your back entrance, causing waves of delightful sensations to course through your veins.
In response, you reached out and cupped Jennie's breasts tenderly, letting your fingertips glide across the smooth texture of her nipples. She let out a sharp intake of breath, unable to hide her arousal any longer. Desire danced in her eyes as she stuck her head out passing your shoulder, meeting Rosé's expectant gaze. Both of them shared a silent understanding; this night was meant to break boundaries, to push limits beyond what they thought possible.
Before either of them could react, Lisa took hold of the situation, slinking gracefully to her side. With calculated movements, she eased her way between Jennie and Rosé, placing a kiss on each of their lips simultaneously.
She stood behind you, next to Rosé, both looked at each other and smiled at each other triumphantly, since they shared the same purpose; to totally gape your little hole.
Meanwhile, Jisoo was stroking herself at your side, her member was dangerously close to your face.
She chuckled and looked down at you "Be a good girl and take my cock"
You allowed Jisoo to push her hard and deep into your mouth. With each thrust of Jisoo's cock, her entire shaft slid down your throat. When it finally hit the back of your mouth, the tip met the back of your throat. As you kept pumping Jisoo's cock in and out of your mouth, Jennie entered your pussy, slamming her hips into you. You turned your head, watching Rosé and Lisa continue to pound your ass with their full cocks. You felt incredible stretched out by two cocks inside your butt at once.
The sensations of your three holes being pounded by these powerful cocks had been building for days. Each thrust sent jolts of pain and bliss to your insides, making you want them to go harder, faster. While both Lisa and Rosé's cocks poked in and out of your anus, Jennie took her time slowly entering your pussy, just enough for your muscles to relax, giving her better access. She started pulling out almost all the way, stopping just short of where you had been fucked before.
This motion put added pressure onto your swollen clit. Every time Jennie withdrew, the throbbing sensation returned and became even stronger, but just as fast as she penetrated you, she retreated again. It was driving you crazy, wanting Jennie to push deeper and deeper. It didn't help that Jisoo's massive dick rubbed against your throat each time it was forced into your mouth. Her deep breathing, mixed with her heavy breathing, drove you crazy as you struggled not to gag on her hard shaft.
After spending too long under the combined stimulation, your orgasm started to build, swelling until it exploded inside you. You couldn't stop it; you let out a scream of release. Your walls squeezed Jennie's dick, making her thrust harder and deeper into you.
Finally, she gave one final shove and came inside you. You could feel every drop running out of you. When you finally calmed down, she stepped back, freeing you from the stimulation. But still, you had two cocks inside your gaping hole, which made you feel even hornier than before. Lisa leaned over and you turned your head back, offering you her warm tongue, which you eagerly sucked, flicking it against your roof of your mouth as you tasted her essence.
Finally, Rosé stopped thrusting into you, crying out her orgasm as she filled you up with cum. Lisa's strokes slowed as well. After a minute or so, she let the spunk fill you too, Slowly, she retracted her hard cock from your asshole, releasing her from its warmth and delicious tightness. Cum leaked out of your hole and pooled around your puckered asshole, creating a sticky mess.
Rosé stood next to you, abandoning your gaped hole. Her wet, leaking penis was now in front of you, it was getting harder and bigger by the second. A shiver went down your spine as you realized how much of a challenge Rosé was about to pose.
With an eager grin, you wrapped your hand around Rosé's engorged member and pulled it towards your mouth. Before you knew it, you were sucking and licking Rosé's fat, sensitive dick. The taste was salty and slightly bitter, it had become more pleasurable after several minutes. Rosé moaned louder, reaching for your head, holding you down as she thrusted into your mouth.
"You look so good sucking daddy's cock"
You turned to see who had said that and it was Jisoo, who, although you had not noticed it at that moment, was already behind you pounding your loosened ass.
Jennie and Lisa were masturbating, seeing how Rosé and Jisoo used you and desecrate you in those ways. Their hardened members were pointing straight at you, and that only meant one thing; absolutely your entire body would be marked with their sperm.
While you continued deepthroating Rosé and your unnie continued to fuck your ass, Jennie and Lisa approached your tits, squeezing them roughly. They tore at your nipples, biting and pulling them while Rosé fucked your throat.
It was vital that you came again, but despite your best efforts, the intense pleasure simply wouldn't fade away. The four girls were already about to came when you managed to come a third time. Now it was all a race to see who would be the first to take a load from you. Rosé knew what she was doing, grinding her cock into your mouth like a bull ramming a matador, trying to force her seed down your throat. Jisoo followed suit, thrusting forcefully into your sore ass, bringing herself to orgasm. Then Jennie and Lisa, desperately pumping their softening cocks.
As the splatters of Rosé's seed landed down your throat, Jisoo pulled her cock out of your gaped anus, pointing all its essence at your back and ass crack. JenLisa came right on your face, pushing all their sperm in your body. Their hot cum dripped down your tits, staining them white.
As they looked down at you covered in all this filth, Jennie gave you a sweet kiss on your lips, then Lisa gave you another one. Out of nowhere, the four girls were hugging you, they didn't care that your whole body was full of their cum, both inside and out.
Your group spent the rest of the night laughing and telling dirty jokes. Everyone was having fun. And although you all promised to keep things discreet, you could already tell that you had formed something deeper than friends, deeper than bandmates, you all loved each other deeply.
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pdouwes · 6 months
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Don't be offended by my frank analysis, think of it as personality dialysis. Now that I've chosen to become a pal, a sister and advisor, there's nobody wiser!
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ch3rrycokel0vr · 11 days
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sk1nny friends ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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kydoesthings1 · 1 year
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someone said sulemio was whiterose flavored at the beginning of wfm s1 and it’s been on my mind ever since
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