#rouring 40s
ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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In the Roaring Forties on the Deck of a Four-Masted Bark, by Jack L. Gray (1927-1981)
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jaumesclub · 10 months
🎵#Tocamela #186 REBENTEM audiències de matinada! Cantarella sense fi! 3 ... Nou show musical!!! 00:00:00 Ja comença!!! (Presentació + intro + comentaris inicials) 00:11:21 Ricchi e Poveri: Serà perchè ti amo! (Serà perquè t'estimo) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 00:21:45 Els Pets: Ulls de color mel (Adaptació catalana de Van Morrison, Brown eyed girl). (Cover) 00:27:20 La mosca tsé-tsé: Para no verte más. (Per no veure't mai més)  (adapt. catalana by Jau) 00:34:39 La comic people (lletra d'en Jau amb la base de: Common people, de Pulp). 00:41:40 Quimi Portet: La rambla (Cover) 00:48:30 Tomeu Penya: Illes dins un riu (Cover) 00:56:18 Sangtraït: El vol de l'home ocell (Cover) 01:01:05 Rick Astley: Never gonna give you up (Mai no et deixaré)  (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:05:45 Marta Roure: Jugarem a estimar-nos (Cover) 01:10:23 Becky G & Natti Natasha: Sin pijama (Sense pijama) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:16:50 Sonia & Selena: Yo quiero bailar (Jo la vull ballar) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:23:00 Àlex Casademunt & Bustamante: Dos hombres y un destino (Dos homes i un destí)  (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:27:50 Betty Missiego: Su canción (La seva cançó) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:31:35 Bola de drac GT: Et dono la mà (Cover) 01:35:20 Oasis: Supersonic (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:41:15 Lleis absurdes dels EEUU (Nova lletra d'en Jau amb la base de "Born in the USA" de Bruce Springsteen). 01:47:00 Elvin Bishop: Fooled around and fell in love (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:52:00 Karol G: Provenza (adapt. catalana by Jau) 01:56:00 Elvis Presley: Are you lonesome tonight? (Estàs sola en la nit?) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 02:00:00 Johnny Cash: Hurt (Mal) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 02:16:30 Twitch materialista (Nova lletra d'en Jau amb la base de "Material Girl" de Madonna) 02:21:10 Supersticions i maníes (Nova lletra d'en Jau amb la base de "Rasputín" de Boney M) 02:26:45: Quentin Tarantino (Nova lletra d'en Jau amb base de "Girl, you'll be a woman soon" d'Urge Overkill) 02:31:10 Slim Dusty: Waltzing Matilda (Dançaràs valsos Matilda amb mi) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 02:35:40 Soft Cell: Tainted love 02:39:00 The Police: Every breath you take (Cada alé que prens) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 02:44:40 Julieta Venegas: Lento (adapt. catalana by Mononokkeee & Jau) 02:49:45 Kenny Rogers: The gambler (El jugador) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 02:54:45 Hombres G: Indiana (adapt. catalana by Jau) 02:59:25 U2: With or without you (Amb tu o sense) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 03:04:05 Frank Sinatra: Fly me to the moon (Puja'm a la lluna) (adapt. catalana by Jau) 03:09:30 Cake: I will survive (adapt. catalana by Jau) 03:14:00 El doctor Slump!!! 03:15:35 Els barrufets!! 03:17:00 Fly!!! (i comiat) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nezARNBFVIo
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claudehenrion · 3 years
Vacances n°6 -- Noël en juillet : le Messi est parmi nous...
 Plusieurs lecteurs s'étonnent (?) que je ne me sois pas précipité pour consacrer un bon nombre de ''billets'' à ce formidable événement planétaire qu'est l'arrivée sur le sol de France de Sa Majesté (poil au nez) le Roi (poil au foie) incontesté du ballon rond (poil aux yeux !), le Prince des ‘’dribbles’’ diaboliques et des ‘’petits-ponts’’ de l'Ascension, le maître ès-chèques en fin de mois... je veux parler, bien sûr, de notre nouveau roi-mage, du second Pape argentin, notre nouveau père de la Nation, que dis-je, le Messie tant attendu... Messi, en un mot comme en 40 millions d'euros.
                                                                                                                                        C'est bien simple : depuis qu'a circulé en coulisses le non-secret très savamment ébruité d'une possible signature (on m'a assuré qu'il sait écrire son nom !) au Péhessegeai --qui, du coup, se retrouve paré des plumes du péon-- du plus grand homme de tous les temps (1m69 après, dit-on, le plein  d'hormones de croissance. C'est tout-de-même plus que... moins), cette nouvelle bouleversante (j'ai du mal à me concentrer sur mon sujet, ce soir, c'est tout dire !) a été de taille à faire passer en seconde place dans les JT l'insupportable ostension bi-quotidienne de bras-anonymes-piqués-en-direct-pour-sauver-l'humanité-de-l'horreur-covidistique ! (NDLR : et si c'était là qu'était le vrai remède contre le SRAS-cov II : avoir enfin quelque chose à dire qui soit différent de ce qui a été dit, redit, reredit et ainsi de suite, dans les 100 fois par jour depuis début mars 2020, au préjudice de toute information, au détriment de tout ce qui se passe sur Terre et aux dépens de l'information, qui est la seule mission connue des chaînes de radio-télévision ?).
Le PSG, embourbé dans sa folie des grandes heures, a donc rendu officielle mardi dernier la capitulation de Paris sous conditions (40 briques/an), Paris outragée, Paris confinée, Paris ''pass''-isée, mais... Paris... messisée'' aurait déclamé De Gaulle, c'est certain, Paris ville ouverte devant le Messi, comme Jérusalem devant le Christ le jour des Rameaux (''Et la foule l’acclamait à son entrée dans la ville. Elle a tapissé le sol de manteaux et de rameaux verts, formant comme un chemin royal en son honneur; brandissant des branches de palmiers. Ils sortirent à sa rencontre, et ils criaient : Hosanna ! Béni soit celui qui vient au nom du Seigneur !’’). On y est !
 Le meilleur joueur du monde (c'est un des nombreux titres de noblesse de cet aristocrate d''un monde sans foi ni Roi. Le très britannique David Beckham, lui, au moins, avait été fait ''Sir'' par leur Queen Elisabeth II --pas le transatlantique, la Reine--, avant d'épouser, récompense suprême de volaille, la sémillante et spicy Lady Victoria. Ça, ça avait de la gueule !) débarque dans une Ligue 1 transformée en anti-chambre du tapis rouge du Festival de Cannes. La venue sur l'Aventin de l'Argentin aux pieds d'or (20 millions chacun, par an, pour être précis), dont le départ du FC Barcelone a été surjoué jeudi dernier dans des larmes de façade et de crocodile, a un retentissement sans précédent pour et dans le football français, espagnol, argentin, monténégrin, yougo-slovaque, zimbabwéen, andorran, ossète, transnistre, kirghize et que sais je encore... Le coronavirus, bien que couronné, lui, n'a qu'à bien se tenir : il va voir combien de buts il va en encaisser, ce prétentieux !
En plein milieu d'une période ravagée par la crise sanitaire et l'éclatement de la société française entre les ''pros'' et les ''cons'', où le réchauffement du Giec nous a fait grelotter tout l'été, en cette époque de merde dans laquelle on bosse tant mal que mal entre deux interdictions inutiles mais gouvernementales à 45 000€ et 3 ans de prison l'une (NB : à l'exception, comme toujours, des dealers, confinés dans leurs quartiers réservés et protégés par des armadas de guetteurs --les ''choufs'', petits boulots grassement rémunérés pour étudiants illettrés : ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font, et sont donc pardonnés, même quand ils déciment un clergé pourtant déjà en mal de recrutement : même l'ANPE ne trouve pas de candidats), bref, en des jours où  on ne sait plus trop le goût des choses, la joie du farniente sur des plages fermées ou le bonheur d'un ''petit noir'' pris avec tous ses copains, même ceux qui ne sont pas encore devenus complètement piqués... cette breaking news stupéfiante nous fait l'effet d'un bouquet de roses ou de crevettes (''des goûts et des couleurs, il ne faut pas discuter'', dit le proverbe) : Lionel Messi joue désormais au Paris Saint Germain. Vous avez bien lu (n'hésitez pas à le relire : ça fait vraiment du bien) : LIONEL MESSI JOUE AU PARIS SAINT GERMAIN, cons se le disent !
''Dans vingt ans, on parlera de lui comme on parle aujourd'hui de Maradona'', commentait sur une chaîne officielle un adorateur anonyme à court d'arguments convaincants mais arborant son ''Q à l'air code'' si envié.  Car il existe des esprits corrosifs, malintentionnés, pervers (et même mère verte) qui voient là un coup de marketing sportif sans équivalent (pour sûr, ce sont des complotistes et des ''antivax'', ça c'est certain !). Mais non, braves gens qui me lisez ! Nous parlons en ce moment du joueur de tous les superlatifs, du cador des tas d'or, du plus grand de tous les temps, tout simplement. Ce type-là est capable de jouer au football comme Chateaubriand savait écrire aux pommes, a un pied gauche comparable à un Stradivarius et un talent aussi haut que son centre de gravité est bas lorsqu'il court. Enfin... quand il court... Car il se dit sous cape qu'il arrive fréquemment à ce génie d'un mètre soixante-neuf de fonctionner sur courant alternatif... Pour vous donner une idée, quand un joueur lambda termine les matchs en ayant cavalé onze ou douze kilomètres, il n'est pas rare que notre lutin-à-butin hors normes, lui, n'en fasse que sept, et toujours dans le même sens. Mais après tout qu'importe : même si Messi ne joue pas la moitié du temps, c'est l'autre moitié qui nous intéresse.
Car trêve de mauvais esprit : Lionel Messi est capable de tout sur un terrain de foot. De marquer, énormément (759 buts en 961 matches) et aussi de faire marquer les autres, énormément aussi (315 passes ''décisives''), d'improviser par cœur, de dribbler trois joueurs dans une cabine téléphonique ou d'empiler les ''penalties'' perforants imparables.  Lionel Messi c'est  6 Ballons d'Or, 4 Ligues des Champions, 10 championnats d'Espagne, 10 coupes d'Espagne, une Copa America, une médaille d'or Olympique... Ce joueur capable de passer un coup d'inspirateur à n'importe quel moment de n'importe quel match, a déjà mis la postérité au pas : on ne sait pas qui pourrait l'égaler, mais on sait déjà qu'il est inégalable à jamais.
 Évidemment, quand on est forcé de quitter son club de toujours, le FC Barcelone, parce que celui-ci n'est plus capable de vous suivre financièrement, et qu'on débarque au PSG parce que c'est le seul à pouvoir s'acheter vos services (en ryials qataris), on ne le fait pas pour des clopinettes. Aussi, juste avant la divulgation des chiffres en euros qui vont suivre, j'invite tout lecteur à s'asseoir : cela pourrait engendrer chez lui une légère ankylose du cerveau, temporaire mais gênante. Pour pouvoir bénéficier des dribbles de sa star, le PSG déboursera donc très grosso et un peu modo 40 millions d'euros par an, nous l'avons dit, déjà. Ça fait tout de même 3,3 millions d'euros par mois, 109 000 euros par jour, 4 500 euros par heure, 76 euros par minute et 1,26 euro / seconde, quasiment un SMIC annuel toutes les 4 heures, jour et nuit, dimanches et fêtes carillonnées ou pas, compris ! Et vous ? 
Ah ! Suis-je bête ! J'avais oublié de vous dire que tous ces chiffres étaient à prendre et à comprendre ''nets'', sans vous méprendre ni vous surprendre : quelqu'un d'autre --je dirais... un prince qatari, comme ça...-- se chargera de payer ses impôts... Mon rêve depuis tant d'années... Depuis que je sais ça, je chante, sans désem ni parer, la mélopée napolitaine ''Qatari, Qatari...'' mais seul m'entend un ''cuore ingrato'' (italien : cœur ingrat) ! N'est pas messie qui veut ou en rêve !
 À de telles altitudes, les chiffres ne parlent plus, ils interpellent. Pensez que 4 clubs du championnat de France (i.e. Angers, Brest, Troyes et Clermont), ont un budget inférieur aux seuls émoluments annuels du Messi, ce qui donne une petite idée du déséquilibre des forces en présence... Mais au PSG-Q, on ne radine pas avec l'amour... Dans l'autre plateau, pour contre-balancer l'indécence de ces chiffres, il y a la part du rêve... Car quel amateur de football, à part moi, ne rêve de voir jouer une attaque ‘’Messi + Neymar + Mbappé’’ ? Quel passionné du ballon rond ne fantasme pas à l'idée des scores que pourraient produire ces trois hommes-canon à répétition ? Il y a là un champ de possibles encore plus excitant que les pires délires masturbatoires, plus fort même que se faire piquer le bras, c'est tout dire !
 L'arrivée du génial petit argentin au PSG donnera inévitablement un coup de projecteur à un championnat de France de foot emberlificoté dans une crise qui saigne tous les clubs sauf un, juste après le fiasco ''Médiapro'' qui a privé le foot professionnel français d'un cadeau-Bonux annuel de 795 millions d’euros pour la Ligue 1 et de 34 millions pour la Ligue 2. (NDLR : le contrat signé avec ce groupe espagnol devait catapulter les droits télé hexagonaux à la hauteur --inimaginable, donc non-atteinte-- de 1,153 milliard d’euros par an sur la période 2020-2024 ... à ceci près que ce vaisseau de l’amiral Jaume Roures n’est jamais arrivé à bon port). 
 Si on ajoute les arrivées d'Hakimi, de Wijnaldum, de Ramos, de Donnaruma et de Messi à un effectif déjà empêtré par le nombre de ses stars, le PSG-Q (''Q'' pour qatari, bien sûr) fera figure de favori quelle que soit la compétition dans laquelle il s'alignera. Bien entendu, la chose n'ira pas sans une énorme pression et sans une obligation de résultat pour les nantis parisiens, joueurs et encadrement : il n'y a pas si longtemps, on a connu des Galactiques du Real-Madrid a qui la chose n'a pas totalement réussi... La situation actuelle d'un PSG doté --mais encombré, aussi-- du Messie Messi (mais non ?), avait été envisagée et résumée par Louis de Funès dans "La folie des grandeurs" : "Les pauvres, c'est fait pour être très pauvres ! Et les riches très, très riches !" . Bienvenue en France, cher Messi. Mais si, mais si...
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huariqueje · 4 years
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Festa , Party  -    Jaume Roure
Oil on cardboard, 29,1 × 40 cm.  
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mexicaneurolover · 5 years
Eurovision 2004 my top 36 (WOW)
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of this ESC top series, and for the first time ever I go to two different dates: May 12 and May 15, 2004, when the 49th edition took place in Istanbul, Turkey, after Sertab Erener’s victory in Riga last year. This year was the first one to have a semifinal round to accommodate the growing number of participating countries, which was of 36 this year. While Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Switzerland and Monaco returned to the competition, we said hello to Belarus, Albania, Andorra and Serbia & Montenegro. From the semifinal qualified 10 countries added to the 14 automatically qualified countries from 2003. The contest was won by Ukraine and Ruslana with the song Wild Dances, making this their 1st win and they won the year after they debuted. And now, let’s start this kinda long list. Also, this year is the worst one in terms of sound quality, most of the songs sound cheap and there are a lot of mic fails. 
1st Place: SERBIA & MONTENEGRO/Zeljko Joksimović & Ad Hoc Orchestra-Lane moje (Real Placing: 2nd-263 points)
At first I was bored of this song, but then I listened to it and I was amazed by how beautiful is this song. His voice is stunning, the music is mesmerizing and wow... I don’t know what else to say, this takes my breath away and my senses fly to another place.  
2nd Place: UKRAINE/Ruslana-Wild dances (Real Placing: 1st-280 points)
HELL YEAH THIS SONG!!!! I was, and still I’m obsessed with this song, it’s so energizing, powerful, epic, and makes me feel good, Ruslana is such a perfect singer and what a voice does she has. Of course this is a worthy winner and what a winner! Also when I was playing GTA 4 this song appeared and I was like ASKJFKLDLK and Ruslana was the DJ, and it was one of the best moments of my life. 
3rd Place: CYPRUS/Lisa Andreas-Stronger every minute (Real Placing: =5th-170 points)
Again a cute ballad with a very young singer, and I found it very lovely, the lyrics are cute and the music is so wonderful. I’m so moved by this song every time I listen to this. Surely this song deserved so much more than it got. 
4th Place: SPAIN/Ramón-Para llenarme de ti (Real Placing: 10th-87 points)
Oh a song with a very salsa touch to it, Ramón’s voice is very good and suits this song perfectly, the music is so catchy and the lyrics are good. AY QUE CANCIÓN TAN BUENA. I love it. 
5th Place: SWEDEN/Lena Philipsson-It hurts (Real Placing: =5th-170 points) 
LENA <3 I LOVE YOU, the song is so good, her voice is stunning, as always, and she has such a stage presence with this song, and the microphone stand is a nice touch to this one, I like more the Swedish version but this is very good as well. Hurts oh it hurts really hurts in the middle on the night... 
6th Place: BELARUS/Aleksandra and Konstantin-My Galileo (Real Placing: =19th SF-10 points)
This song is very good, has a nice feeling to it, I love the music and maybe the problem here is her voice, but anyway I always enjoy this entry so much and the performance is nice for this song, a nice debut for Belarus too.  
7th Place: ALBANIA/Anjeza Shahini-The image of you (Real Placing: 7th-106 points)
Another cute song, the music is so good and her voice is stunning, also I’m in love with her and overall this entry makes me feel so happy, the performance is very effective and what a debut for Albania, well done.  
8th Place: GERMANY/Max-Can’t wait until tonight (Real Placing: 8th-93 points)
This song is brilliant, the music is so calms and the lyrics are nice, his voice is so perfect and suits this song so well, I always sing along to this one and I love the part in which he sings in Turkish, a nice detail there. Wow... no more words to describe this wonderful song. 
9th Place: GREECE/Sakis Rouvas-Shake it (Real Placing: 3rd-252 points)
If you asked me 2 years ago, I would’ve said that this was in my top 3, but later I discovered 8 songs I like more than this one, still Sakis is very hot, the performance is perfect, I enjoy the music and his voice here was a bit shaky but I like it. I’m in love with this men and with the song as well, what was Greece planning for 2005? 
10th Place: FRANCE/Jonatan Cerrada-À chaque pas (Real Placing: 15th-40 points)
What a nice song, I enjoy this ballad so much and his voice is perfect and I love the last part because it’s in Spanish. The performance was a bit too much but it captures the essence of this song. What a beautiful song! 
11th Place: ANDORRA/Marta Roure-Jugarem a estimar-nos (Real Placing: 18th SF-12 points)
Awwww a song in Catalan <3 and I love this, her voice could’ve been better but still this works, the music is so 2004 and I’m so crazy about it, this is such a wonderful debut and I enjoy this entry so much. 
12th Place: MALTA/Julie & Ludwig-On again... off again (Real Placing: =12th-50 points)
I’m crazy about this song, I love their voices and the music is very schlagery but it works for me, the chorus is so catchy and I like the whole atmosphere in this song. 
13th Place: TURKEY/Athena-For real (Real Placing: 4th-195 points)
Again this song is so epic and I love it, this has a nice chorus and the verses are very good, this is something I’ve absolutely would’ve heard in 2004, because it’s awesome. 
14th Place: BELGIUM/Xandee-1 life (Real Placing: =22nd-7 points)
Why this finished so low in the final? THIS IS WONDERFUL AND EPIC, she sings so well and the music is amazing, I’m amazed by this one and since I heard it I fell in love with this song. Certainly deserved so much more than it got. 
15th Place: ISRAEL/David D’Or-Leha’amin (Real Placing: =11th SF-57 points)
OH WHAT A VOICE, the music is very nice and the performance is perfect, I’m in love with this song and he sings like an angel. I’m so amazed by this song, and it deserved the final.  
16th Place: ESTONIA/Neiokõsõ-Tii (Real Placing: =11th SF-57 points)
I’m in love with this song because it’s very interesting, the music is hypnotic and they sing quite bad but I enjoy this entry so much, and the language is very interesting. I like their dresses though. 
17th Place: CROATIA/Ivan Mikulić-You are the only one (Real Placing: =12th-50 points)
Before Sergey Lazarev, there was Ivan Mikulić, and this song is lovely, even if it reminds me of another song from Mexico, his voice is so good and the music is pretty and enjoyable, but maybe in Croatian this would’ve been so much better.  
18th Place: ICELAND/Jónsi-Heaven (Real Placing: 19th-16 points) 
This ballad is nice, but maybe he was nervous because his voice sounds a bit bad here, the music is so brilliant and I enjoy the key change at the end of the song. Overall a nice average song. 
19th Place: LATVIA/Fomins & Kleins-Dziesma par laimi (Real Placing: 17th SF-23 points)
Oh a song that makes me feel free, and I enjoy the music so much. Also the fact that this the only song that has been in Latvian it’s nice. I enjoy their voices but here the sound ruins everything. 
20th Place: UNITED KINGDOM/James Fox-Hold on to our love (Real Placing: 16th-29 points)
This song is great as well, the music is so enjoyable and perfect, his voice is on point and overall this entry is very cute, I’m in love with this one, a nice song for me. 
21st Place: IRELAND/Chris Doran-If my world stop turning (Real Placing: =22nd-7 points)
Oh another lovely Irish ballad, the music is so cute and his voice is very good. The chorus is so nice and here he unleashes his voice. This entry is vey nice and yeah, I like it. 
22nd Place: FYR MACEDONIA/Toše Proeski-Life (Real Placing: 14th-47 points)
I’m just in love with his voice, it’s so amazing, but this song isn’t good, sounds kinda cheap and doesn’t grace his voice. I love the performance though and his voice makes this better.  
23rd Place: NORWAY/Knut Anders Sørum-High (Real Placing: 24th-3 points/last)
Awww HOW THIS FINISHED LAST IN THE FINAL, this song is so cute, the music is so fresh and I love his voice, this song also has a very catchy chorus, this song didn’t deserve last place in the final. 
24th Place: PORTUGAL/Sofia Vitória-Foi magia (Real Placing: 15th SF-38 points)
This song is very good, the music is so catchy and I remember the chorus because it’s memorable, her dress is awful and maybe the performance was poor but I love this song. Her voice is so nice to listen.  
25th Place: MONACO/Maryon-Notre planète (Real Placing: =19th SF-10 points)
Oh this is such an adorable song, her voice is very good and I enjoy the music because it’s very good, this was very underrated and this was the comeback of Monaco, with a song that IMO deserved more. 
26th Place: DENMARK/Tomas Thordarson-Shame on you (Real Placing: 13th SF-56 points)
This song is enjoyable and nice, he has a nice voice but maybe the performance was too red and too bad, overall this song is good but I need more oomph to this one. 
27th Place: FINLAND/Jari Sillanpää-Takes 2 to tango (Real Placing: 14th SF-51 points)
I like the tango sounds on this song, his voice is good and the music is enjoyable and catchy, but I think this song needed a bit more to reach the perfection, also, Jari is such a charming singer. 
28th Place: BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA/Deen-In the disco (Real Placing: 9th-91 points)
This reminds me of Hot Stuff from Donna Summer, and it works a bit for me, I like this one but I think there are better songs this year. I always dance to this one but maybe it’s a bit crazy for me, even I usually like this kind of songs. 
29th Place: AUSTRIA/Tie Break-Du bist (Real Placing: 21st-9 points)
Another cute song, but sadly this fails to impress me and it’s kinda boring, the chorus kinda saves this one but this doesn’t go anywhere, they sing okay. Not a great effort. 
30th Place: ROMANIA/Sanda-I admit (Real Placing: 18th-18 points)
I must admit that I love the music because it has potential, but her voice was a bit bad and the performance isn’t great, the dress is horrible and they killed their own song, sadly. 
31st Place: THE NETHERLANDS/Re-Union-Without you (Real Placing: 20th-11 points)
This is lovely, but I must say that this song after it ends I don’t remember it, the atmosphere is cute but maybe this didn’t stood out in a quite strong final, also the running order killed it. 
32nd Place: POLAND/Blue Café-Love song (Real Placing: 17th-27 points)
This song isn’t so bad but I don’t like her voice, is so weird because I usually like those voices. The music is good but sadly this song passes by and doesn’t say anything to me. 
33rd Place: LITHUANIA/Linas and Simona-What’s happened to our love? (Real Placing: 16th SF-26 points)
Okay this song is also very annoying, this only repeats the chorus and it turns boring, the music is kinda nice but sadly this song doesn’t goes anywhere. 
34th Place: RUSSIA/Julia Savicheva-Believe me (Real Placing: 11th-67 points)
This song is incredibly boring for me, it’s uninteresting, the performance is horrible, what’s going on with those dances, her voice isn’t good, this song is one of the worst Russia has sent to the contest.  
35th Place: SLOVENIA/Platin-Stay forever (Real Placing: 21st SF-5 points)
Another boring and plain song, I’m not so fond of her voice and the music is very flat, not a brilliant effort. 
36th Place: SWITZERLAND/Piero Esteriore & The MusicStars-Celebrate (Real Placing: 22nd SF-0 points/last)
No... just no Switzerland... this is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard, no more comments. 
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hispaniamagna · 3 years
Marcos de Quinto y sus socios pueden dejar a Roures fuera de la TDT
Marcos de Quinto y sus socios pueden dejar a Roures fuera de la TDT
Los responsables de este nuevo proyecto televisivo han tanteado a Unidad Editorial para comprar o alquilar una de sus dos licencias de televisión en abierto. El negocio de la televisión comercial ha caído más de un 40% desde 2008. Fue el año en que arreció la ‘gran recesión’ y en el que los anunciantes realizaron un recorte en su aportación a este medio de comunicación que nunca se ha recuperado.…
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malaltsdevi · 4 years
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Celler Terra Remota @terraremota de la @do_emporda a la Exposició Universal dels millors Vins de Tramuntana a Barcelona. . Haviem tastat algun vi d’aquest celler, però a la fira els hem pogut tastar tots, i comfirmem que es tracta d’un celler de gran nivell. . 1️⃣ Camínito 2018 Rosat 100% garnatxa blanca. 6 mesos de criança sobre les mares . 2️⃣ Tan Natural 2018 Vi negre sense sulfits, envellit 5 mesos en inox. 60% garnatxa i 40% ull de llebre . 3️⃣ Camino 2016 30% Syrah 32% garnatxa 27% cabernet i 5% ull de llebre. Envellit 12 mesos en botes de 500 l. . 4️⃣ Clos Adrien 2015 90% Syrah 10 % garnatxa, envellit 24 mesos en bota de roure francès . 5️⃣ Usted 2014 Vi negre de 65% garnatxa i 65 % Syrah envellit 36 mesos en bota de roure. . Si Camino ja ens havia enamorat, la resta de vins no es queden enrere. Del magnífic rosat Caminito al seu vi top Usted, tots a un gran nivell! . 🍇🍷💕🍇💕🍷💕🍇💕 #terratemota #doEmporda #vinsdetramuntana #winelovers #winelover #winestagram #wineporn #winelife #winetime #wineday #winetour #wine #vino #vi #vinho #vin #winetasting #instafood #instagood #instawine 🍇🍷💕🍇🍷💕🍇 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/322i8gU
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eljoan · 5 years
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40 años! #amessagetoyourudy (en Camping Els Roures (página oficial)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3jcmrnIOT-/?igshid=aymn96k8oi1x
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lifewithfamily · 5 years
At the Farm
Going to “The Farm” was where all the Cullen family reunions took place on Labor day, every year in the little town of Willis, MI. This is where my grandma grew up and lived the similar life of the character “half pint” from the series “Little House on the Prairie”. And when driving to the farm, we knew we were near when we hit a gravel road while driving until you saw a 2 story old white farm house and people galour all outside doing various things, with cars park all over the grass in no particular order by the side of the barn. And there was always some car getting there close about the same time, even though I don't know if there really was a certain time? And they love to socialize anyways so they weren't in a big hurry to bring everything out of the car. Hey cousin, Peggy right?" said Edd, as us 4 sisters would laugh at his mistake. We would all bring our own picnic baskets and fill the property with blankets everywhere of a hundred people or more. And as a kid there was plenty of activities for us to keep busy and happy. One of my favorite activities was playing hide and seek in the corn fields and eventually taking a opstacle course walk to the stream through all the heavy brush. We kids also loved exploring the barn by checking out the old farming equipment and old cars, meanwhile getting a tour of each section from a few of my Barlage cousins that actually lived on the farm. Sometimes in the barn we would see an owl looking down at us from the loft. But that didn’t stop us kids from climbing up there to be able to swing off the rope. Although rumor had it that one year an owl actually flew down and pooped in my Aunt Peg’s hair. I remember us cousins liking to play in the front of the old 1800’s house too. Where there was a wrap around cobblestone porch facing the dusty gravel road. And on the wide cement steps of the porch we used to play school. And if you answered a question right by whoever was the pretend teacher at the time, you could move up a step. We also liked to climb up the high porch walls and use the cement top as a balance beam, and then eventually we would dare each other to jump off unto the grass. Though us cousins were never at a loss for playing games such as, “Green Light, Red Light”, “Statue” or “Red Rover”. We kids also, were always fascinated to see to see the trap door that led to the old Michigan basement. The low and slanted wooden door protruding from the side of the house, always reminded us where Auntie Emm and the rest of Dorothy’s family, went to escape a terrifying tornado from the “Wizard of Oz”. The farm sure was a busy place everywhere you looked. Baseball and football games were always taking place if you were a boy at that time with my cousin David in charge. Horseshoes were played by my dad and uncles along with their long neck bottles of beer, with the sound of an occasional train rouring down the track, in that corner of the lawn. Women gathered in the kitchen with my Aunt Margaret and daughters, who lived in the house with my Uncle Ed and the rest of their large family. It wasn’t unusual to find my Uncle Ed in the front room voicing his opinion to the Tiger Game and my cousin Donna walking around with a bag of candy. It was very difficult to get my dad to leave toward the end since he was having too good of time with his brothers. You could always tell too, they were having a lot of fun by how they tried to ous sing each other to prove they were the better singer. But mostly they sang a lot of romantic songs from the 40's, to reminance those days when they were courting their wives. Meanwhile us kids gave up waiting for our fathers to drive us all home so we would check out the upstairs that had a scary stairway. The stairs were steep and ended against a wall so that you had to take a challenging right step up with fear of falling. Eventually we would be in the car ready to go home with somebody driving us besides my dad, haha.
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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Awash - Barque Europa in the Southern Ocean
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batandcrown · 7 years
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Celler Del Roure, DO Valencia. Celler del Roure was created in 1995 as a family estate by Pablo Calatayud. Based in the village of Moixent, the property is committed to nurturing and championing the wines and indigenous varietals of the region, most notably the Mando grape. Celler del Roure began with 20 ha of vineyards in Moixent, and have since expanded with the purchase of a new 40 ha estate in the valley of Les Alcusses (Serra Grossa), below the Iberian settlement "La Bastide Les Alcusses" (hence the label of the second wine Les Alcusses). This is where the new winery was built with stainless steel tanks, a pneumatic press and in general facilities that were a significant improvement on the old winery, which was temporarily located at the beginning of the project in the furniture factory owned by the family Calatayud. The three estates into which the property is divided are approximately 550m above sea level, with very varied soils characterized by both sandy loam textures and clay-limestone. In keeping with the traditional wine making of the region, Celler del Roure use amphorae to age their wines.
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unpensadoranonimo · 4 years
Noticias sobre las corruptelas españolas (25/5/2020)
Caso Canal Isabel II
Imputados en 'Lezo' se escudan en la covid-19 para intentar anular su procesamiento
Caso Formación
De denunciar las facturas de UGT-A, a ser el primer condenado: "Es esperpéntico"
Caso Gürtel
El policía de la caja B del PP asciende y sale de una brigada anticorrupción sin medios y desmoralizada
Caso Palau
Sant Cugat reclama a JxCAT el dinero que robó CDC y el Parlament le saca los colores
Caso Papeles de Panamá
Ábalos obligó a Interior a comprar mascarillas al empresario vinculado a los 'Papeles de Panamá'
El proveedor de confianza de Ábalos pasa de facturar 100.000 euros en un año a 40 millones gracias al Gobierno
Interior da otro contrato millonario al empresario vinculado a los 'Papeles de Panamá'
Caso Pujol
La familia Pujol alega que no tiene más patrimonio oculto en el extranjero que el de Andorra
Caso Rosell
El escándalo de Sandro Rosell con Roures apunta a otra reprobación del director de TV3
Escándalo en TV3: el "caso Rosell"
Caso Sarasola
Albert Rivera (Ciudadanos) vivió casi dos años en un piso de 300 metros cuadrados cedido por Kike Sarasola
El Código Ético de Ciudadanos impedía recibir regalos cuando Rivera vivía en el apartamento de Sarasola que no aclara quién pagaba
Caso Tandem
El juez deja sin la condición de "perjudicado" y "ofendido" a Pablo Iglesias en el 'caso Villarejo'
El juez protege bajo "secreto oficial" tres informes que tenía Villarejo sobre Cataluña
La Fiscalía pide al juez que retire a Iglesias la condición de víctima en el 'caso Villarejo'
Una exasesora de Podemos desmonta la tesis de las ‘cloacas’ e implica a Iglesias en el 'caso Villarejo'
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martimcribeiro01 · 4 years
Escolas do Recanto das Emas são reformadas
Salas de aula revitalizadas fazem parte das obras nas escolas, que também foram beneficiadas com outros reparos | Fotos: Renato Araújo / Agência Brasília
As aulas nas 29 escolas do Recanto das Emas começam em 10 de fevereiro. Bem antes do início do ano letivo, porém, uma força-tarefa composta pela Coordenação Regional de Ensino (CRE), diretores, apoio administrativo e operários trabalhou incansavelmente para preparar o ambiente que receberá os alunos.
Enquanto a comunidade estudantil aproveitava as férias, foram trocados telhados, pisos de quadras poliesportivas e rede elétrica, durante uma ação que também reformou salas e cozinhas das unidades escolares. O GDF investiu aproximadamente R$ 400 mil em serviços estruturais nas escolas do Recanto das Emas.
A verba veio de duas fontes: o Programa de Descentralização Financeira e Orçamentária (Pdaf) e emendas parlamentares elaboradas pelos deputados distritais e pagas com recursos do GDF.
Menos burocracia
Muitos diretores usaram o contrato de manutenção para fazer reposição de equipamentos e pequenos reparos, o que aumenta a lista de escolas que, de uma forma ou outra, tiveram melhorias em sua estrutura durante as férias dos estudantes. O coordenador da Regional de Ensino do Recanto das Emas, Leandro Freire, destaca que essa forma de utilizar o recurso é menos burocrática.
Foi o que fez o diretor do Centro de Ensino Fundamental 101, Paulo Roberto Cruz. Ele usou o contrato de manutenção para trocar a caixa d´água e remontar parte da rede elétrica. A escola que dirige também foi uma das contempladas pela ampla reforma que o GDF vem promovendo na cidade. A biblioteca, que antes se resumia a 21 metros quadrados, agora aumentou consideravelmente e tem 64m2. “Agora, faltam livros para preencher tantos espaços”, brincou o diretor.
Alunos especiais
O Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI) da 304 recebe estudantes com necessidades especiais, além de alunos regulares. Lá é desenvolvida a chamada educação precoce. As aulas têm o reforço de um educador físico e outro pedagógico para ajudar esses alunos especiais.
A escola possui 27 salas. Vai da educação precoce ao segundo período – antigo jardim de infância. Por meio de recursos do Pdaf, foram reformados o parquinho e a cozinha, com verba de R$ 30 mil oriunda de uma emenda do presidente da Câmara, deputado Rafael Prudente.
A principal reforma dessa escola, porém, foi feita na quadra poliesportiva, que ganhará novo piso. Fazia 15 anos que o espaço não passava por melhorias. O custo da obra ficou em R$ 40 mil, obtidos com recursos da Secretaria de Educação (SEE). Para a diretora, Eneida Pessoa, a quadra foi um presente dado pelos professores aos alunos. “Nós cedemos o estacionamento dos nossos carros para ela”, conta.
As benfeitorias e o estado de conservação do colégio foram determinantes para que a dona de casa Luciana Araújo, 26 anos, matriculasse na unidade seu filho Lucas Ricardo Araújo, 4. “Eu estudei aqui quando criança e quero que meu filho siga meu caminho”, contou.
Luciana Araújo foi conferir as reformas no CEI 304 e aproveitou para matricular o pequeno Lucas: “Eu estudei aqui quando criança e quero que meu filho siga meu caminho” | Foto: Renato Araújo / Agência Brasília
Mais reformas
Outra escola que teve modificações na quadra poliesportiva foi o Centro de Ensino Fundamental (CEF) 306, que oferece ensinamentos do primeiro ao quinto ano. A troca do piso, que custou R$ 70 mil, foi bancada por verbas do contrato de manutenção. Também as instalações da cozinha ganharam melhorias, que demandaram recursos de R$ 40 mil. “Agora temos muito espaço para acondicionar os alimentos”, comemora a diretora Bruna Magalhães.
O CEF 306 é um verdadeiro canteiro de obras. Além de pintura, os cem alunos de ensino integral terão uma sala maior para desenvolver suas atividades extracurriculares. O ex-deputado Wasny de Roure destinou R$ 30 mil para a obra.
As reformas e melhorias nas escolas do Recanto das Emas também alcançaram as unidades da zona rural. Construído em 1958, o Centro Educacional Myriam Ervilha fica a 17 km do Recanto e tem 1,8 mil alunos matriculados. Além da pintura, a escola ganhou nova cobertura da praça de esportes. O problema de alagamento foi resolvido com a instalação de canaletas de concreto, obra orçada em R$ 18 mil e executada por meio de recursos da SEE.
Outro problema de infiltração de água, no caso do telhado, também foi solucionado, com a troca das telhas de sete salas de aula que precisavam ser interditadas quando choviam. “Agora, pode chover à vontade”, comemora o diretor, José Aldias Serra. A obra foi concluída com um custo de R$ 35 mil, também oriundo de recursos da SEE.
Mesmo com tantas benfeitorias nas escolas de sua regional de ensino, o coordenador Leandro Freire disse que não vai parar por aí. Ele pretende anunciar novas reformas ao longo do ano. “Vamos deixar as unidades um belo lugar para os estudantes estudarem”, afirma.
Arte: Agência Brasília
Escolas do Recanto das Emas são reformadas publicado primeiro em https://www.agenciabrasilia.df.gov.br
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itrnews · 5 years
Hebdo du vendredi 21 juin 2019 from ITRtv on Vimeo.
Cette semaine une édition très spéciale filmée en direct sur l’Alsoday 6, l’événement annuel du grossiste Also qui réunit tout son écosystème. Avec 500 participants autour de 40 exposants, une Harley Davidson gagnée par un revendeur et une soirée animée par l’humoriste Jérôme Commandeur, la journée se déroule à L’Usine, proche de Paris juste à côté du Stade de France.
C’est l’occasion pour Also d’affirmer l’importance de l’humain dans son approche de la distribution. Les interviews de Guillaume du Roure pour la stratégie, Bruno Barat sur les aspects commerciaux, Virginie Omar de Cisco, Hervé Berrebi pour Lenovo, Erwan Le Guen DG de Be IP ou Claire Palassin-Faust de Computacenter sont prévues pour être diffusées sur ITRtv.com
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universallyladybear · 5 years
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Mini Occasion Bmw De votre bmw ou curieux de les découvrir nous serons comblés de pouvoir vous présenter ces machines d’exception dans notre show-room mary moto de...
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Football fifty most influential persons ESPN FC 2017 countdown
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/football-fifty-most-influential-persons-espn-fc-2017-countdown/
Football fifty most influential persons ESPN FC 2017 countdown
ESPN FC’s Gab Marcotti breaks down the at any time-transforming leading fifty most influential persons in soccer.
Gab Marcotti delves into ESPN FC’s leading fifty most influential persons in soccer, pinpointing No. 16’s “John” from Football Leaks.
Football is major business enterprise — a world wide activity with several leagues and groups and global competitions all vying for your consideration (and dollars). But who wields the most impact in the sport, all those guys and women who have some mixture of dollars, authority and energy to shape the activity? 
As we did in 2015 with our inaugural record, ESPN FC has rated the leading fifty movers and shakers in the sport, from FIFA president Gianni Infantino to Cristiano Ronaldo to the mystery human being (or persons) powering Football Leaks.
We’ve also expanded our method this time close to by ranking the Major ten influencers in the critical areas of earth soccer (Europe, South America, North America, Africa and Asia) with the support of our industry experts in each individual location.
fifty. David Chung
49. Bridget Rohde
forty eight. Charlie Stilitano
47. Tite
46. Kwesi Nyantakyi
forty five. Gordon Taylor
44. Marina Granovskaya
forty three. Nelio Lucas
forty two. Kia Joorabchian
forty one. David Elleray
40. Michael Lauber
39. Fatma Samoura
38. Jorge Sampaoli
37. Jack Ma
36. Alexei Miller
35. Philippe Blatter
34. Ahmad Ahmad
33. Roman Abramovich
32. Theo Theodoridis
31. Alejandro Dominguez
thirty. Victor Montagliani
29. Zhang Jindong
28. Hasan Al Thawadi
27. Sheikh Salman
26. Wang Jianlin
twenty five. Christian Seifert
24. Jaume Roures
23. Ed Woodward
22. Javier Tebas
21. Paul Pogba
20. Nasser Al Khelaifi
19. Vitaly Mutko
18. Neymar
17. Pierluigi Collina
sixteen. “John” (Football Leaks)
15. Jose Mourinho
14. Andrea Agnelli
13. Zvonimir Boban
12. Sunil Gulati
eleven. David Gill
ten. Cristiano Ronaldo
9. Pep Guardiola
8. Mino Raiola
7. Lionel Messi
6. Florentino Perez
5. Jorge Mendes
4. Richard Scudamore
three. Aleksander Ceferin
2. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge
1. Gianni Infantino
What do you assume of this year’s countdown? Who is far too superior? Who is far too reduced? Did we pass up anybody? And who should not be on the record at all? Remark down below or get in touch with us on Twitter @ESPNFC.
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