strawberry-seal77 · 9 months
Sasha and her cup of dirt
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if you get this reference I will give you a single atom of mountain dew
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het-field · 5 months
J A M E S H E T F I E L D #2
• James is a 59 years old rock star, front man of one of the biggest metal bands of all time.
• He lives in Colorado for a few 4 years now, finding a peaceful and more reasonable life there after difficult times in California. Ex alcoholic, he divorced 5 years ago after a second marriage. He has no children. Married life wasn't really what he expected. He wants to be a rockstar and a husband at the same time, needing some space and liberty to be happy in a relationship.
• When he's not touring or rehearsing with his band mates, he loves to walk through the mountains, go hunting or do some handywork in his garage.
• He loves smoking cigars, maybe a bit too much. He's passionate, kind and patient.
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yurimpala · 1 year
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Toca-discos Gradiente RP-II à venda. Definitivamente o melhor toca-discos que a Gradiente fabricou. Aclamado por audiófilos por seu desempenho e qualidade. De R$ 4000,00 por R$ 2550,00. . . #tocadiscos #tocadisco #turntable #platerspieler #giradiscos #giradishi #receiver #loucosporreceiver #gradiente #gradienterpii #rpii #gradienterp2 #rp2 #tecnotronic #tecnotronicvintageaudio #vintage #audio #mococa #saopaulo #sãopaulo (em Tecnotronic Vintage Audio - Floripa) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn6uZLsODia/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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snarktheater · 2 years
holy shit you weren't kidding about the Darkness Outside Us. Finished it in less than 6 hours and it's just sunk itself inside my brain
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bantennewscoid-blog · 3 months
Akibat Gagal Lelang Proyek Pembangunan Alun-alun Ciledug Kota Tangerang Rp2 Miliar Batal
TANGERANG – Proyek pembangunan lanjutan Alun-alun Ciledug harus terhenti. Ini lantaran proyek pembangunan ruang terbuka publik (RTP) tersebut mengalami gagal lelang. Dilihat Pada Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) Kota Tangerang, Jumat (2/2/2024), tercatat bahwa pembangunan lanjutan Alun-alun Ciledug tersebut dianggarkan sekitar Rp2 miliar melalui Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD)…
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merchantservices444 · 3 months
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kbanews · 1 year
Sanjung Anies Soal PBB, Pakar Kebijakan Publik: Berikan Perlindungan Pada Masyarakat
JAKARTA | KBA – Saat jadi Gubernur, Anies Baswedan menerbitkan Pergub No. 23/2022 yang mengatur soal gratis Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) untuk rumah dengan NJOP di bawah Rp 2 miliar. Pergub ini bertujuan menghadirkan keadilan dan kesetaraan untuk masyarakat melalui kebijakan pajak yang adil dan merata bagi seluruh warga Jakarta. Pakar Kebijakan Publik Universitas Nasional (Unas) Dr. Chazali…
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madseance · 1 year
I have resumed doing my Ready Player One recaps because I haven't suffered enough. I am on chapters 12–14 this week, but you can also catch up here.
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risiblesamours · 2 years
                                                          ✩ ○.⋆☽ ⋆.○ ✩
Et malgré qu’elle nie le fait d’avoir souvent eu les oreilles trainantes, un coté curieux sur ce que pouvait dire son frère ou faire en dehors de leur lien unique tu décides de lui offrir ce souvenir qui si soudainement te revient à l’esprit. C’est juste une bribe, un éclat d’une demi-journée parmi des tas d’autres que tu lui décris tout en continuant de marcher dans ces allées ou la paix et le silence de mort règne. Tu feras peut-être sourire les habitants des lieux, ceux qu’on a oublié et qui depuis trop longtemps maintenant n’ont pas entendu une histoire neuve.
Peut-être que tu la feras sourire elle, 
Ne sait-on jamais, sur un coup de chance que ça lui fasse du bien.
Toi-même tu te fais du bien en lui parlant de tout ceci, en te remémorant ce moment qui pendant longtemps fut votre secret ultime. Tu vous revois un brin plus jeune – à peine la majorité, t’avais encore ton ancienne coupe et lui était encore trop mince. C’était tout juste avant que vous partiez faire le service militaire si tes souvenirs sont bons. Tu te rappelles avoir tanner Woosung pour voir cet atelier, te moquant de sa sœur et de son talent imaginaire. Il voulait juste te prouver qu’elle gérait la peinture, savait y faire. Il voulait te montrer le plus de toile possible mais en touchant trop de chose, mettant ses doigts de partout il a fini par faire une connerie. Et toi, en voulant l’aider tu n’as fait qu’empirer la situation.
T’es finalement bon qu’à ça Hyujin, enfoncer les gens.
Comme tu l’imaginais, tu vois un sourire se dessiner sur ce visage constamment fermé – détruit par le chagrin. Et t’aurais pu t’arrêter là dans ton récit Hyujin, c’était déjà suffisant mais dans l’espoir de la rendre encore plus heureuse – toujours plus avide d’une réaction de sa part tu décides de lui avouer où se cache la fameuse toile que vous avez abimés, lui confie que celle-ci est au fin fond du dressing de son frère jumeau. Tu pensais voir un éclat de joie éclairer son visage mais soudainement elle arrête de sourire Yuna, s’arrête de marcher aussi. Et tu la toise curieux, ne comprends pas tout de suite qu’elle a tellement besoin d’une quelconque nouveauté concernant son frère qu’elle va te lâcher plus tôt que prévue.
- Le tableau, il est dans son dressing j’crois au niveau de ses costumes �� Si il a pas bougé de place les choses entre temps.
Que tu lui répètes sur un ton clair et précis histoire qu’elle assimile l’information. T’es quasi certain qu’il n’a pas bougé, tu ne vois pas pourquoi il aurait changé de place si soudainement le tableau Woosung et t’oses espérer que personne est venu fouiller et faire du tri dans ses affaires si rapidement. Et à peine les mots répétés que la tornade Yuna te dit qu’elle doit y aller, doit retrouver son chauffeur. Elle est pressée la brune, se met à marcher rapidement. T’ouvres un instant la bouche Hyu mais t’as finalement rien à ajouter. Alors t’abandonne l’idée, la regarde quitter le cimetière sans forcément prendre son rythme de marche, sans l’empêcher de s’en aller rejoindre ce dressing, cette toile abandonnée. Et quand t’arrive à la sortie du cimetière elle n’est plus là Yuna, elle s’en est déjà aller.
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bogorone · 2 years
Satgas BLBI Sita Aset Milik PT Bogor Raya Development Senilai Rp2 Triliun
Satgas BLBI Sita Aset Milik PT Bogor Raya Development Senilai Rp2 Triliun
BogorOne.co.id | Kabupaten Bogor – Akibat ngemplang dana Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (BLBI), aset berupa lahan, hotel hingga lapangan golf milik PT Bogor Raya Development senilai Rp2 Triliun disita pemerintah. Penyitaan tersebut dipimpin langsung Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik Hukum dan Keamanan (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD. Menurut dia, penyitaan aset tersebut terkait obligor Bank Asia…
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callmearcturus · 2 years
the best handheld gaming options today
ohyesididnotjustdothat: Idk if u were serious or if this is even a good time, but that rec list for handhelds sounds like it'd be baller ngl
yeah sure, i like to do the research so others don't have to. it's turning into my gimmick
Let's do this by
Best Starter Device
Best Midtier Device
"But What About Sony" Device
Best Thing If You Don't Want To Invest In A Steam Deck
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Best Starter Device/Low Budget: Miyoo Mini
as soon as this fucking thing came out, everyone was talking about it and I can see why. This thing is adorable, it's sturdy, it is the most pocketable device in the space, and it reliably plays anything up to the PSX generation. It has shoulder buttons on the back, comes with a very decent user interface out of the box, and that screen is both gorgeous and it has extra lamination so it's well protected.
And it sells for less than 70$. There's a very loving fanbase around the Miyoo Mini with people pushing the hardware to its limits and supporting it, so it's a good pick.
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Best Midtier Device: Retroid Pocket 2+
the + is important, this is a refresh and update to the original RP2 with a lot of improvements.
Full disclosure, I wanted to get myself a Powkiddy RGB10 Max 2 (a mouthful) because it has super good ergonomics and a huge screen. But its not about the screen, it's what you do with it, and RP2+ is just head and shoulders above the competition and tends to be priced at 99$, which is cheaper than the competition as well. That this thing exists while the Ambernick RG552 has the audacity to ask for 225$ is staggering.
This fucking thing will play SNES, GBA, PSX, sure. But thanks to its chipset, it'll also play N64, Nintendo DS, Dreamcast. There is a community-maintained GDoc with testing of the device with advice on how to wring the best results out of the RP2+. Also its one of the only devices where the manufacturer lets you buy spare parts if something breaks, which is something more folks should do. Also this thing is getting active updates both officially and from the community. Like.... it's a good fucking purchase.
This is what I'm getting and I'm planning to explore the NDS and Dreamcast libraries for the first time.
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"But I want to play PSP as well as older generations!": CFW PS Vita
This was my first foray into the space and I fucking love it. The amount of shit you can do with a custom firmware (CFW) Vita is mind boggling. I just downloaded a free port of Fallout 2 from the Homebrew Browser that's runs on the Vita itself. Last night, I opened Adrenaline, which is Sony's own PSP emulation software and booted up Chrono Cross. There is a very sneaky little app I won't name that literally just lets you directly, cleanly download any PS Vita game onto the device.
The screen is fucking beautiful, the device feels luxury, it's got bluetooth, it can run older libraries all the way up to N64 (though it chugs on some GBA games for some reason).
And while a lot of other custom handhelds are trying to get PSP games to run, this is the device that was BUILT to run them, and it cannot be beat. No fucking with settings, no swapping cores in hopes another will run better. It just works for that amazing fucking library. And setting up the CFW is very fun and has a great step by step guide online.
Honorable Mention: CFW 3DS/3DS XL
One of the things these handhelds struggle with is emulation of the dual screen Nintendo devices. It's super easy to emulate the top screen, and for many games the bottom screen isn't actually necessary to play. But for the ones where it is, there are few viable handhelds you can really use.
But much like the Vita, the 3DS has a vibrant and thriving mod community. Once you have it set up, it's the most reliable avenue for the Nintendo catalog, and with Nintendo shutting down support for it, that's two generations of extremely large catalogs at risk of disappearing.
Also, once you've got it set up, you can go to hshop, pick the game you want to play, scan a QR code with your 3DS, and just install it. The pirate game is so fucking advanced. The only reason I don't play mine more is the battery life bugs me. If I put my vita to sleep, in a month it'll still have power. If I put my 3DS to sleep, it's dead in 2 days.
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The "I Don't Mind Spending For the Best Option That Is Fully Futureproofed" Option: The AYN Odin
Starting price 230$ before shipping and you'll be waiting at minimum 3 months for it to arrive.
This will play everything. This is right now the only device to reliably run the PS2/PSP generation. It will also flawlessly stream Game Pass, PS Now (or whatever they're calling it these days), Stadia, Moonlight, Parsec, and Nvidia's service I forget the name of. If you're daring, you can sideload windows and play a respectable amount of full PC games. It has very good controls, super nice shoulder buttons, a turbo mode with a cooling fan, and that enormous fucking screen.
This is the device every motherfucker wants but you will be paying and you will be waiting to get your hands on it. It's the best device you can get without investing in a Steam Deck. (Also you can very easily get away with the Odin Lite over the Odin Base or Pro unless you are planning to sideload Windows, just FYI.)
Final Thoughts: There's a lot of good options out there and a lot of people covering them, but I personally like Retro Game Corps the most. He has in depth reviews of goddamn everything as well as video guides to setting up specific devices, learning Retroarch, exploring firmware options as they release, and WRITTEN GUIDES to everything on his site. Dude is a marvel. I would watch his stuff to see what sounds good, then watch other reviews for the same device. (This is what talked me out of the Powkiddy and into the RP2+.)
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thydungeongal · 12 hours
Hi! I'm trying to figure out what a necromancer in classic Rolemaster would/should look like. I see that there's a necromancy list for the evil cleric, but then also a necromancer profession in the second companion that doesn't include that list. But then other companions have professions that are listed as variants of the necromancer, like the macabre, but that have the evil cleric's necromancy spell list and none of the RP2 necromancer's spell lists. How should I make sense of this?
So, the Necromancer in Rolemaster Companion II has its own spell lists that allow it to fulfill the role of a classic necromancer. I think the best way to contextualize it is that while you can play an Evil Cleric as a Necromancer a Necromancer (a hybrid Channeling/Essence user) will be a more "classic" flavor of Necromancer while also being more versatile.
Why are Evil Clerics better at Necromancy than, say, Evil Magicians? Because Rolemaster was very much in conversation with early D&D and in early D&D (and in fact all the way up to D&D 3e) Clerics made better necromancers than Magic-Users/Wizards for some reason.
(Worth mentioning: in Rolemaster Unified Evil Magicians do get access to a bunch of Necromantic spell lists, so this isn't even consistent within Rolemaster.)
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yurimpala · 2 years
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Lindo Toca-discos Gradiente RP-II R$ 4000,00 . . #tocadiscos #tocadisco #turntable #platerspieler #giradiscos #giradishi #receiver #loucosporreceiver #gradiente #gradienterpii #rpii #gradienterp2 #rp2 #tecnotronic #tecnotronicvintageaudio #vintage #audio #mococa #saopaulo #sãopaulo (em Tecnotronic Vintage Audio - Floripa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeBw2ozOOAu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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talorashadowmourn · 7 months
Sweet goddess, but Trix looked so good between her thighs. She bit her lip as he gripped her thighs and then up to her waist, his hands holding her down over him so that he could start devouring her. She wanted to say something else to him, maybe in response to what he had said, but how could she think about anything other than the feel of his lips on her sex?
She gripped his horns, rocking her hips against his face as she threw her head back to moan. The way he used his tongue and the way his lips felt against her core had her entire body twitching as she rubbed herself against him. Her eyes were already rolled back and closed as her brows furrowed, her mouth open on a moan. "You feel so good, Trix, how am I supposed to survive this?"
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eopederson · 1 day
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Carreteras: Cruce de RP1 y RP2, Península Valdés, Chubut, 2022.
The second lowest dry land point (-40 m) in the Western Hemisphere is just outside the photo, the middle of a peninsula surrounded by the Atlantic!
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asknarashikari · 9 months
(Detective Conan xover;  context, Sato-keiji and Keiwa are acquaintances since before Keiwa’s parents died and Keiwa’s luck at solving crimes unintentionally gave him some infamy among the force, but his situation is unlike Conan who seems to attract a myriad of murder cases)
Sato: Ara, Keiwa-kun!
Keiwa: Sato-keiji!
Sato: Are trying to shop for your girlfriend?
Sato: I see you asked out Neon-chan.
Keiwa: N-no, Sato-keiji, Neon-chan’s a friend.
Keiwa: We’re just here to meet some friends.
Keiwa: *whispers* and please don’t call me because I’m meeting the Ukiyo Ace, so we don’t want to be mobbed.
Sato: Oh, you’re dating the Star of the Stars of the Stars?
Keiwa: It’s not like that, Sato-keiji!
Ace: What’s going on?
Neon: People are panicking.
Keiwa: Let’s go check.
---they see people investigating a cordoned off area.
Keiwa: Another case…
Sato: Looks like it’s a suicide case this time, Keiwa-kun.
Sato: Normally I’d blame your presence but there’s someone else inside the mall and murder cases just seem to happen wherever he is.
Keiwa: Eh? But why would you think of me?
Sato: Don’t you remember? You were able to solve some cases yourself, Keiwa-kun.
Keiwa: I wasn’t even trying to solve anything tho.
Sato: That’s why it isn’t on record.
Ace: Eh? The Tyco- *gets hit with Neon’s elbow* Keiwa’s been solving crimes?
Keiwa: It’s not like that.
Conan: Are re re, there’s some weird marks on the man’s hand.
Ran: Conan-kun! How many times do we have to tell you not to bother the investigators.
Keiwa: Is he the one you’re talking about, Sato-keiji? Isn’t he just a kid.
Sato: A really smart kid, assists detectives to solve the cases.
Ace: Awfully young to be helping the investigation, especially around dead bodies.
Sato: We just thought it was the child’s quirkiness.
Keiwa: Ah, that reminds me, say Ace, when was the water-soluble threads invented again?
Ace: The material for those threads were discovered in the 1920s and its was first commercialized in the 1950s.
Ace: Why do you ask?
Keiwa: It was part of the screening process for one of the jobs that I applied to, so I wanted to know if I had answered correctly.
Ace: And you thought I would know the answer.
Keiwa: Of course, knowing how much of a star you are.
-Suddenly a spool of the said material fell on top Keiwa’s head.-
Random person1: Sorry about that, we were playing with my friends.
RP2: Sorry about that.
RP1: What would you do if you had thrown it a container of warm liquid!
Sato: Move along, we don’t want anyone to disturb the crime scene.
RP1: Hai!
Takagi: Of course!
Sato: What is it, Takagi-kun?
Takagi: The culprit must have used those water-solluble threads and made it look like a suicide.
Sato: Hmmm
Sato: Ne, Keiwa-kun, could the thread be used like that.
Keiwa: *looks at Ace and Neon*
Keiwa: Theoretically, yes, but, the whole rope wouldn’t just disappeared if you’re thinking that ropes that tied his hands, because it will only loosen the rope and not dissolve the entire thing.
Sato: That is true…
Keiwa: Not unless a majority of it was inside a glass of warm water and the entire thing dissolved and the remaining part was just conveniently thrown out the window.
----- long story short, Conan wanted to use Keiwa as his sleeping detective but wasn’t able to because he kept on unintentionally dodging the darts and he ended up solving the crime on his own---
Sato: Thanks again, Keiwa-kun.
Keiwa: Like I said, I wasn’t even trying to solve the crime, was just a mere spectator.
Sato: Right, like the other times you’ve been involved.
Geats cast react after the fact?
(sidenote: thinking up of a case for this Detective Conan crossover was hard, like I’m not intelligent enough to make up Detective Conan’s myriad of elaborate cases)
Here we go again with the water soluble threads... why can't it just be fishing line like in that case Heiji first appeared in -_-
As for this whole scenario, I think that the Geats would be partly in awe that Keiwa could solve cases almost entirely by accident... and partly terrified that he's been involved in enough cases that the police are quite familiar with him XD
Also, let's just say that one of Sato and Takagi's officemates does a spectacular spittake when they overhear them contemplating putting Keiwa's name in the case file as a key witness/co-investigator
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