#running errands
beserkerhealer · 2 months
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thinkpink212 · 9 months
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—Running errands
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diaryafterdark · 23 days
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Today is a gloomy day
Free nudes to whoever wants to clean my car for me 💘
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cosmeme-collective · 2 years
My friend was running errands this morning and found this:
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Where in the Cosmere is Hoid?
Walmart, apparently.
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thisisdore · 8 months
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Honestly think this heat is melting what’s left of my brain. Anyway, woke up and started reading this book - and had to take a break when that plot twist hit. Walked my dog, came back home and finished my book and I just!!!!!!!. Then had to run some errands (featuring my horrific tan line). Once back home I crashed because this heat is awful. Currently trying to work out what to read next because none of the books I have lined up tickle my fancy - might reread something instead.
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vs-girl-1985 · 11 months
Just in love with her style 🖤🖤🖤
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babiedeer · 1 year
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Already at my breaking point and it's not even 8am on a Tuesday.
There's no end in sight to this routine.
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wensdaiambrose · 8 months
Running errands that include getting a Sushi Bagel and buying more plants and soil, so not a bad day.
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100dayproductivity · 6 months
Ahh! All the 🤬ing things. I'm starting to get overwhelmed again by all the things. I find that I'm using this blog as a way to get my thoughts organized and less overwhelming. What about you? Does blogging help you? Do you have another place you write stuff down to organize your thoughts?
Right. So further to yesterday's exciting job-related events, I did meet with the contact about a job a mutual friend recommended me for. But I won't be taking it. Basically it pays too little for too many hours too far away to make it worth my while. Given my current hourly rate and schedule, it doesn't make sense for me to take the job. So that's that. On the bright side, my resume is all up-to-date and looks pretty fantastic if I do say so myself. And now I know for sure the opportunity was not a good fit for me and not kicking myself with "what-if"s.
Day before yesterday's to-do list, with updates:
Figure out what healthy and nutritious food I will consume today ✓
So I did manage to make myself a healthy and nutritious meal two days ago, as well as yesterday, but guess what? I need to make myself a healthy and nutritious meal again today. 😮‍💨 For my kid too, actually. So I'll need to get some fresh produce today.
Wash bed cover my cat puked on 😿🤦🏻‍♀️ ✓
I did wash it AND I even put it in the dryer but omg I again forgot all about it. Have not checked if it dried completely. Hopefully it hasn't been sitting damp in the dryer for the past two days 😮‍💨
Do up invoices! ✓
I did this! Even sent them! Now I just need to remember to remind people to remember to pay me 😮‍💨
Deal with dishes. ✓
Did it. Need to do it again today. Rinse. Repeat.
Deposit cheque.
Roll out knots in leg muscle. ✓
Did it. A lot. But still have massive tight knots all up my leg so need to continue doing this.
Pick up paint primer.
So actually, someone has some leftover primer they can give me for free. I sourced it from our local Buy Nothing group. Do you have one of those where you live? It's a Facebook group for neighbours to exchange unwanted items for free. If there isn't one where you live, I highly recommend you consider starting one. It is a fabulous way to give items a second life and keep things out of the landfill. Be part of the solution!
Do Sun Salutation x10
Did not do this. Not even once.
Take inhaler
I remembered to do this! But I've still got stuff in my lungs so should keep this on the list for a while.
Ok, let's update this Bad Boy.
Take bed cover out of dryer.
Deposit cheque. ✓
Pick up paint primer. ✓
Pick up produce, bread, milk, butter, sandwich stuff. ✓
Roll out knots in leg muscle.
Do Sun Salutation x10
Take inhaler
Let's do this! 💪
Back from errands, I'm so tired and sleepy now. My plantar fasciitis is flaring up too. I've iced it, now applying heat. I feel like just napping 😴 But I've set the timer for 20 minutes, then I need to:
Clean up disaster in kitchen: empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, clear off table.
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honeycombhank · 8 months
Nelly Noodles went on a bunch of errands today with me and my dad and she got pooped out
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frenchtoastcomix · 4 months
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seriouslynatural · 8 months
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thisisdore · 3 months
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Today has been a long and exhausting one, but also something really exciting happened!!
Long story short, after 8+ months of having issues, I’ve now finally got the keys to my (our) new home!!!! There’s so much work to do in such a short amount of time, but I’m really hoping it’ll all work out. Other than doing a few house related things, I also had to pick up a few bits from the shops, as dad and I will now be surviving off of snacks and quick meals for the next few weeks.
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vs-girl-1985 · 10 months
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