#rwby 8x14
sapphic-yang · 3 years
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Ruby was a STONE COLD BADASS staring down death like this...
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rwbythroughtheyears · 3 years
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Jaune Arc - Landing strategy
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neopoliitan · 3 years
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RWBY Volume 8 Finale + Onion Headlines
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rwby-everywhere · 3 years
(Finale spoilers ahead!)
So I’ve already seen people mention that there’s definitely gonna be conflict/tension between Ruby and Jaune in VoidHell because at one point Penny asked them both to kill her and Ruby refused while Jaune (devastatingly, reluctantly) complied.
I’d love to hear people’s opinions on Jaune’s decision!! But this is also mostly to discuss Penny’s decision.
My quick personal take: I think that while Ruby will (understandably) compare their decisions, her and Jaune had different scenarios that really affected it. Not even going into their individual personalities that would influence the decision, Ruby was surrounded by her friends and allies and still had time to think and strategize and plan. Jaune was alone and with basically zero time to think of other options cuz shit was going down and the enemy was literally right on top of them. In the end, as much as I hated that it happened at all, I think Jaune was right to respect Penny’s choice.
Because at the end of the day, this was the first time Penny finally finally got to choose something for herself!
I mean, Penny didn’t even choose to be the Winter maiden in the first place!! She was stuck in a situation where there was really no other option, and you can see from the very moment that she receives the powers, she’s not really happy with it.
Now don’t get me wrong, I was excited as HELL when Penny got the Winter maiden powers last season! I loved that it proved her to be ‘a real girl’ and it’s been awesome seeing her kick ass and use those powers to help her friends. Winter maiden Penny has been fantastic.
But now as I look back at this season, it seems pretty apparent that Penny never enjoyed being the Winter maiden. It wasn’t something she chose for herself to start with, and then it ends up being the reason she’s constantly pushed one way or the other, still never getting to make her own decisions.
In fact, it actively kept her from the things she chose for herself— the biggest example being when she really wanted help her friends protect Mantle but instead was convinced to go up with Amity so that the Winter maiden powers (and thus the Creation staff) would be out of Salem’s reach.
Penny spends the entire volume being forced into decisions and responsibilities and actions because she has the maiden powers which both antagonists (Salem and Ironwood) are currently after. She basically never got any input on anything because she had this giant target/responsibility now.
So that’s why I think that it’s good that Penny finally chose something for herself. As absolutely fucking devastated and heartbroken as I am, Penny chose this for herself, and in that transfer moment with Winter, it genuinely feels like she’s so relieved and at peace with what happened, because for once, it was her decision and no one else’s.
(Although I’m fucking upset as hell that it had to be Jaune. Poor guy can’t catch a break, STOP HURTING MY BOY!!!! We all know the guilt is gonna eat him alive I can’t-)
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110-animoo-011 · 3 years
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I don’t usually post, but this has been living rent free my head for like the last week and I just had to make it lolol. Meme by me, thought I’d just leave this here for anyone who wants it. 
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localboop · 3 years
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arceus-ex-machina · 3 years
The Final Word: Checkmate.
The Final Word, counting the song: Alive.
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nightlilly0110 · 3 years
If we count it, the potential final words of Volume 8 are:
Cinder saying “checkmate.”
Qrow mouthing “Ruby.”
The last word in the end credit song (Penny’s theme), “alive”.
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iconicsurferdude · 3 years
why did cinder say 'It figures that a Schnee would be the last one standing, letting all her friends die first.' ? i know she said it to get under weiss's skin but it just seems to me like a weird thing to say. she has fought both winter and weiss before, but in those fights they didn't wait for everyone else to be beaten before joining in, they joined in from the start. so where did cinder pick up the idea of the schnees being selfish? is it based on what she has heard about jacques? or is it just because of her general hatred for the Atlas elite? or is there something i am missing?
i am new to the show and i did binge watch the first 7 volumes in about a month so maybe i am just missing something here
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nitro502 · 3 years
Does Weiss even know how Penny died? Obviously she knows that Penny is gone either way because she saw Winter with the maiden powers. But did she actually see Penny die? She was busy fighting Cinder and everything happened so fast… I suspect that if she didn’t see it, she might be able to put two and two together. But might not let herself fully believe it until she hears Jaune say it himself.
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casscainsshoelace · 3 years
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why the fuck did they fall into Pokémon Sword/Shield
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sapphic-yang · 3 years
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animebunni182 · 3 years
Rwby Volume 8
Alright everyone for those who have watched the RWBY series I think we can agree volume 8 was the most dramatic, action pack, hints of romance and most charater developed season yet.
This said can we agree Cinder is in for a world of hurt not just from Ruby or Winter but Salem. I say this because you don't go lying to a immortal goddess/ monster about who used the relic of knowledge and for removing more or less all of Salem's lieutenants or aids. All I'm saying is there better be one hell of an ass kicking scene for this woman when the truth comes out.
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strayvisitor · 3 years
Let's talk about who lives, who dies, who tells the story
Winter and Ironwood. How are they still both alive in the end. Or I mean, are they? If Ironwood somehow survives, is he going to be relevant to the plot again someday? Or are they just going to leave his fate open with "yea, maybe he drowned or whatever".
Ace-ops and the birds. I guess to surprise of many, Marrow is still alive. But one of them has to go, right? There's no way we can have them all survive. I don't feel much for losing Vine, but he seemed like a good guy, sure will be missed. But man do I feel bad for Qrow, as they all witness the fall of Atlas and no one is reasponding to his communication. He didn't even need to be at the void to get to assume he lost his girls.
Team RWBY. They're all dead. Rename the show.
Team JNPR. It must have been fricking hard for Jaune and Nora to watch RWBY fight and fail, and yet they had to follow through with their plan and stick to their roles. I wonder what went through Nora's mind when she thought she's going to get some help from Vacuo and then stepped into the sandstorm and pure chaos that awaited her on the other side, also quickly finding out she can't go back. And unlike anyone else there, she knew exactly what was going on in the portals. But I'm more than glad all of them are still alive, I was starting to be genuinely concerned about them. I did not expect Jaune to end up on the detour with RWBY, but I like his add to the mix. I wonder how Ren and Nora are going to cope with this loss, cuz as far as they are concerned, they are the only ones left out of the Beacon squad now.
Team RWBY. I was kidding, okay? But damn, imagine being this long lasting friend of them, fighting side by side with them and then watching them fall one by one. Poor Nora and Jaune, poor Penny, poor Weiss (she was keeping her cool for so long and suddenly she stood there all alone damnit girl). And now they are all gone and Nora knows and Winter knows and just how are they going to pursue without the girls that started it all, with half the gang they were, before they entered the portals. This is going to be so much to take in for all these people they left behind when they fell.
Cinder. Cinder is frickin playing Salem like wow? Actual wow? She's either very self-conscious or hella crazy for trying to trick Salem and damn I'm sure it's both of these. But this is where she gets interesting for me. Does she really believe she can be more than Salem one day? Oh girl... well, at least you have something more to offer when you decided not to die today. Is she convinced Ruby and the rest are dead tho? Most likely so. Oh I can't wait to see her face when they return. xD
Neo. Did she really, truly, for even a split of a second, believed, that Cinder is gonna pull her up? I always thought she's the one least foolish of them all and here we are. It's not like she didn't know she couldn't count on the grimm lady from the start. But well, now she's in the void with RWBY, and I wonder how this is going to play out. My mind is screaming don't redeem her, don't redeem her, she's not redeemable character, but she doesn't need to be to still be able to pull a good fight for the good guys againts Cinder, who's probably very high on her kill-to list by now. Also, I just find it hard to imagine team RWBY forgiving her after she was about to kill Ruby without a blink of an eye and was the direct reason for Yang's "death". But whatever happens with her and the gang in the void is sure bound to be interesting and I'm here for it.
Penny. Fricking Penny. Remember, when people though she's the new P in JNPR? Good times. I'm sorry, but was this really necessary? I suppose it counts as a surprise move, cuz who would expect they would go though so much trouble to keep her around only to kill her anyway (AGAIN). I loved this girl, she grew on me. I was so pumped to see more of human Penny around, exploring what it really meant to be alive alive, and now we're not getting that and it just doesn't feel right, she deserved so much more. Personal feelings aside, I'm still not happy. She didn't just die, she sacrificed herself. And Jaune was the one who went though with it. Just imagine him having to tell Ruby. Penny is gone, and he was the one who made the final move. He went through with something Ruby refused to do a few hours ago. Seriously, this talk is not going to be pretty.
They lost a lot of people that day, and it's gonna get to them.
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daos5 · 3 years
He visto muchos posts de gente diciendo que la muerte de Penny fue simplemente una forma de desarrollar a Jaune haciendolo sufrir o una mierda asi...
Estan idiotas?
See a Jaune le va a doler el haber tenido que hacerlo pero literalmente fue algo que Penny le pidio, fue la decision de penny el que su viva terminara asi al igual que fue decision de Pyrrha el enfrentar a Cinder sola o morir intentandolo.
Para mi esto solo demuestra que Jaune ya no se culpa a si mismo por la muerte de Pyrrha. Por lo que si seguramente sufra por haber tenido que hacerle eso a una amiga pero el sabe que era algo necesario y al final del dia era la desicion de penny y él lo aceptara como eso.
La muerte de Penny es mas para el desarrollo de Ruby, despues de todo es ella la que se paso toda la temporada negandole esa desicion a Penny, tratando de hacer todo lo posible para evitar lo que termino sucediendo y eso... eso la va a romper.
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rubyrose-isms · 3 years
Its been a week and the one thing I definitely still think is that the whole business with jaune and penny is still dumb. I just feel like she deserved better and arc wise it was just strange
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