#rwby song analysis
chatterkat · 9 months
Saw you in a dream
Are you who you seem?
Was it always in the cards for me to be aimless?
No direction
Nothing pulling me down from the sky
It seems like I always get too high
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Ruby in a bit of shock from the vision she got from her mother, questions who she really was. She lied, she wasn’t perfect. Ruby’s been idealizing her mother her whole life , and been trying to be just like her, but Ruby has also struggled with what that means for a long time as well. She thought she needed to be like her mom, but how she doesn’t know what to think.
Oh, the air is cold
I don't know how to breathe
I'm begging, can you
Guide my way out
Of this place?
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Ruby wants answers, but she isn’t going to get them from the person she most wants them from.
Red like roses fills my dreams
Calling back to the previous red like roses, we know that this refers to Ruby’s nightmares of her mother’s bloody demise. However it’s also again just representing the nightmare that is Ruby’s struggle with her own identity.
Open wide
You were born to hypnotize them all
They said their prayers
(Can you, can you)
Can you hear me up there?
Now this is interesting! It sounds like a response from Summer. Much like how she responses in Red like Roses II. In that song it’s unclear whether it’s a Summer from elsewhere feeling those regrets (I think there is surely a good chance she had become like the hound) or if it was an imagined response by Ruby. It was almost ghostly, like the dead trying to answer the living but unable to actually communicate with each other.
It’s possible it is Ruby still in this lyric since the can you hear me up there part, might make sense from Ruby having fallen down though the world talking back up towards Remnant. However the other lyrics in this section don’t make sense as much sense then. I think it could easily be Summer again speaking from wherever she is dead or alive? Perhaps she is part of the tree and that is what she means by up there.
Open wide might be a reference to Sky is Falling(as it may be a song for the hound) as the opposite of what the song there says which is to “close your eyes my friend” (and the hound is a SEW so…)
Anyway the usage of the word hypnotize is interesting. It’s not just their silver eyes that hypnotize, it’s their whole self. They may hypnotize their enemies(“they said their prayers”), but also If it’s indeed Summer talking about Ruby, then she has certainly hypnotized the world with her message given what we see in Vacuo. Ruby has that spark that charisma that gets people to follow her. It works too if it were a Ruby to Summer lyric in the sense it could represent Ruby’s idealization of Summer, but again it makes more sense IMO to be from Summer to Ruby.
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Alternatively it’s Ruby talking about herself trying to hype herself up. She could be saying “can you hear me up there” as a threat to the cat or to Salem, that’s she’s gonna get them, but it seems too early in the song for that confident conclusion about herself
What survives
After all the dust is gone?
Were you there 'til the end?
(The end)
Were you at least called a friend?
These seem to directly call back to the volume 7 song Until the End which seems to be about Ruby(either from her POV or Summer’s) declaring she would be there until the end. It seems to refer to Ruby giving up briefly this volume with the tea. Would she be called a friend by others after giving up?
Or it could be Ruby questioning if her mom was there until the end, if she was a good person a friend in the end?
Did you mean to make me half or whole?
Will I ever be
When will I become all of me?
This is obviously back to Ruby’s perspective, as she questions whether she can ever truly be herself or always in her mother’s shadow. Ruby questions “otherside” and I’m unclear if that mean the otherside where her mother is or if otherside refers to the Ever After. Where the Ever After has both broken her and pushed her to become something new.
Guide my way out
Of this place
I can't define
Would it even be enough
To change my mind?
Your memory everlasting
At war with my foolish pride
What is left?
I know it's you and I
When I look inside
I'll be who you were
And I'll be even more
Ruby looks into herself and now realizes her idolization of her mother doesn’t gel with reality and her “foolish pride” of trying to live up to a standard that more illusion than reality. Interestingly she realizes she still carries this will or memory of her mother, but she no longer wants to be just like her, but rather both her and something greater…herself. She chooses herself.
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A moment of quiet is all it takes
To reclaim a life and a promise made
I am the reflection of who prevails
I'm what inspired the fairytale
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The emblem symbolizes the promise made, which Ruby never said what it was when she traded it away, but I have the feeling she thought it was a promise to come back, but in reality it was “I love you, just the way you are” Ruby reclaims the promise, hearing that echoed again from her mom is what let her finally be able to to choose herself. So Ruby also reclaims the emblem when she returns from the tree. I also think it symbolizes that part where she is who her mom was but more. Summer surrenders the emblem, and Ruby is truly defining it as hers now.
A moment of quiet is all it takes
To reclaim a life and a promise made
I am the reflection of who prevails
I'm what inspired the fairytale
(I'm what inspired the fairytale)
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I think what is meant by this like is that Ruby is now being the one that would inspire a fairytale, she is being who she wants to be finally, and defining her own story her own fairytale instead of just living through others(her Moms, Alex’s)
Guide my way out
(I'll be free)
Of this place
(I'll escape it, I will guide my way out)
Guide my way out
Of this place
In the end Ruby will guide herself out, with this new understanding of herself and her mother. Her mother still helped guide her in the end with her promise and her truth that broke Ruby’s image of her, but now Ruby is breaking away from that and doing it her way.
If you got his far thanks for reading my analysis. Let me know what you think! I’ll be doing a rewatch soon if the series and hopefully more song analysis so stay tuned!
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anthurak · 1 year
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I’ve talked before about my theories about the full potential of Ruby’s semblance. That being, Ruby’s ability to deconstruct and reconstruct herself at a molecular level has some pretty wild applications.
Among others, the ones I think are the most interesting are Ruby effectively being able to shapeshift, ie; she can reconstruct her body, her clothing and Crescent Rose into entirely new shapes and forms. And on top of that, Ruby’s ability to reconstruct herself would potential allow to recover from just about any injury. Whether it be losing a limb, being impaled, cut to pieces or even EXPLODED, one activation of her semblance later and Ruby is back to normal. Effectively giving a ‘healing factor’ on par with Salem’s immortality.
And the thing is, I think abilities like these are thematically perfect for Ruby.
You know how there’s been a lot of discussion on how it seems like every character’s semblance seems to represent the major flaw/problem that character has spent the show grappling with in some way or another? Often in some dramatically ironic way? Like how Weiss is a girl who has been working so hard to separate herself from the baggage and burden of her family’s responsibility and legacy, yet has what seems to be the ONLY fully-hereditary semblance in existence? And in Ruby’s case, of course the girl who has spent the entire show, and likely much of her life running away from her pain and trauma has a speed semblance.
But the funny thing is, for Ruby it’s pretty clear that the show has already started building to a big subversion of this idea. In Volume 7 we see that while Ruby has always thought she had a speed semblance, Harriet voices that it’s probably something else.
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And in Volume 8, Penny outright confirms that Ruby’s semblance ISN’T ‘speed’, but rather the ability to deconstruct and reconstruct herself at a molecular level.
It turns out that Ruby was wrong about what her semblance actually did. And through that, it turns out that this idea of Ruby’s semblance representing her attempts to run away from her pain are likewise flawed.
And now that we are in a Volume set to explore themes of transformation and our characters discovering who they might truly be, I think this is going to be the perfect time for Ruby, and the narrative, to reevaluate just what it is her semblance represents.
Because whereas Ruby’s Petal Burst simply being speed represented Ruby’s fixation on running away from her pain, Petal Burst being molecular deconstruction/reconstruction can instead represent Ruby’s unshakable idealism fully realized.
Now there is no obstacle that can stop her, because there is nothing she cannot move around or through. There is no challenge she cannot find a solution for, because she is infinitely adaptable. And there is NOTHING that can truly break her for good, because she can ALWAYS build herself back up from her literal molecules.
In other words, Ruby’s body may be weak and breakable, but her spirit is INDOMITABLE.
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chaikachi · 1 year
Treasure is a Rosegarden Song
HEAR ME OUT OKAY. I've known for a while it could be sort of linked back to them, but it felt easier to brush it off as a general whole team reunion song... Until today's new episode.
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We got a very big win today with the Bees, they even got a whole new song that Casey has confirmed is bmblb part 2 (check her twitter, i'm not linking it lol). Which... really makes you wonder if they'd have that many Bees songs back to back, right? An argument can surely be made for it being a song about Yang and Ruby as that's the first reunion in Ultimatum that we see, but the lyrics don't really imply a sisterly bond. It could be Renora as the other couple that had a hint of a reunion that scene... but they didn't have a proper one. We got it and their confession in the following episode.
Which leaves the only other focused relationship dynamic in that moment: Ruby and Oscar
And why would it be an RG song? Well, they're the only 'pair' that got separated in v8 that didn't end the volume together. The teams were split down the middle with very clear foils:
Yang to Blake Ren to Nora Weiss to Jaune Ruby to Oscar (Also Ruby to Yang but this ain't about them)
But when Atlas fell, Ren and Nora were together in Vacuo. The bees made it to Ever After. Jaune and Weiss did too... but Oscar and Ruby? They're the only ones that are still apart. And this song is one about absence of another and awaiting a reunion. So lets dive into the lyrics proper, shall we?
Night and day, I've waited
For starters, the sun and moon symbolism that's been thrown around for them since their introductions. Yes, the Bees also have a celestial union going on, but again please bare with me.
All alone in crowded rooms I'm incomplete, my life is paused When you're not here
This is the longest portion of the analysis as the line "all alone in crowded rooms" is so heavy.
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It gets tricky when we can't see Oscar's state rn (i will come back to him in a minute tho), but we do know Ruby's. We know that she is preoccupied with a lot of things. She's weighed down by Penny's death, by the internalized expectations she has to be just like Summer, this perfect hero from a fairytale, and is alone in her burdens as a leader. Romance is likely the last thing on her mind. But she is feeling loneliness, isolation, and left behind. We can see that in all past volume examples quite literally (like the above photo, the dance, Brunswick farms, her team not wanting to explore Atlas after their first mission, etc.), but it's really being driven home in recent episodes between the Blacksmith (Carpenter?) and Ruby's reaction to the Bees.
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"You're doing this all alone?"
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Also just... the way they're all positioned in this scene is so intentional. Yang and Blake are together and they are warm by the fire. Weiss is drinking some piping tea and smiling at them. And Ruby is sitting alone at a table with an empty chair, draped in a teal/green cloth, furthest from the fire. Remember the song "Cold" and how it's used as a metaphor for loss, loneliness, and grief throughout the show? Yeahhhh.
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Recognizing Ruby is alone in crowded rooms begs the question of who in the cast makes her not feel that way. Well, anyone that's spent any amount of time looking at RG knows their entire dynamic is built on relating to and respecting each other for their similar positions. That out of everyone, Oscar has been the one to see through Ruby's mask and got her to actually open up about her grief. On the opposite side, Ruby helps Oscar in much the same ways he does her. By constantly watching his back, standing up for him, and reassuring him that despite the merge he is his own person... but he is also someone familiar with this feeling.
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By virtue of being an Oz, he's already alienated. He joined the party late and doesn't know everyone as well as the others. He's also the youngest of the bunch and that's a lot of pressure that Ruby is familiar with.
So out of every pairing in the cast, these two are the ones that feel the most alone in crowded rooms and, by extension, less alone when they are together.
Though I walk this world I am nowhere to be found Every thought's of you And for now, you're not around
The singer here is saying that they don't feel present or grounded because of the absence of someone else. Their thoughts are with the person they are missing... but the wording about 'walking this world' is so specific when RG is the only pair split between worlds.
If this is from Oscar's POV, then he isn't found on Remnant. He's found in Ever After because that's where Ruby, and therefore his thoughts, are. The reverse POV also works, but in Ruby being very prioritized with the state they left Remnant in and her team consistently trying to pull her back to what's happening right in front of them.
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But that's alright I'll be just fine I'm not concerned With sands of time
Sands of time is another very specific wording choice. Hourglass being associated with time is a give-in... but knowing what we know now it could be a lot of things. The Ever After is messy with time; we're seeing that firsthand with Jaune. But with Ruby and Oscar being the only ones still separated, there is an anticipation and a 'waiting' happening.
Beyond sands of time, Oscar - who has clock gears as a constant motif for his character design - is surrounded by sand as far as the eye can see in the deserts of Vacuo.
If forever comes and goes, I won't pay it no mind
Oscar is Oscar, do not misconstrue me here. But who, out of everyone in the cast aside from Salem, is most familiar with the concept of 'forever'? The one currently merging with a man who's lived a thousand lifetimes.
Hour after hour, I spend Dreaming that your voice will wake My slumbering ear Numb and lost I wander with No place to go, just aimless 'til You reappear
This is much like the earlier verse talking about loss and being directionless without their light to guide them. This song has some parallels to a few others, but for now I want to talk about Sky is Falling, which we know is an Oscar song:
Our world, lost without a soul Losing all control, not getting closer Every day is just another dose of torture (Torture) Now we pay the cost, the race is lost This nightmare's our real life
This can easily be linked back to wanting to wake from a bad dream and feeling lost without a (smaller more honest) soul being present. Later in that same song:
Lost all my hopes and dreams
Being numb and lost without hope. Ruby being the embodiment of hope.
Watch my life flash by in scenes And it seems there's no soul on the video screen
I am aggressively reminded of Arkos and Jaune watching Pyrrha's training video on a loop. Would bet actual money Oscar is doing the same of Ruby's broadcast back in Vacuo... because he was the only big name in the cast that wasn't shown watching that video when it went live.
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Cold soaked as I'm standin' in rain Feelin' nothin' but pain until I see you again
Once again tying into feeling lost without the other.
Back to Treasure:
'Til you come in view I keep watch with these sore eyes Looking through the tears As the days creep slowly by
Emphasis on seeing each other again which can also be linked to the above stanza from Sky is Falling as well as Until the End with rain and tears being almost synonymous. (Until the End and Treasure have SO many parallels that I can't talk about all of them here without it becoming a whole separate post. Maybe later tho!)
Nothing's gonna shake my faith I know you're coming back real soon to my embrace
The emphasis on embrace when RG was the only pair that didn't get a hug.
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Though time goes by so slow I'm never letting go I won't give up, if I spend my life I know
The time motif again followed by "I won't give up" paralleled to Ruby's line in her broadcast where she says "Even if Atlas falls, you can't give up."
"Atlas" also meaning Ruby. "You" being Oscar and the rest of the people still fighting. Oscar, who took up her mantle of leadership in a way through his costume change and actions in v6 after Ruby stepped into Oz's role.
And then lastly, the song's namesake:
'Cause the treasure of my life Is being by your side
Treasure, by definition, has two different meanings.
noun 1. a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects. verb 1. keep carefully (a valuable or valued item).
The song at face value is talking about treasure as the verb. The act of treasuring or cherishing something precious. But much like some other double meanings in this song, a very strong argument can be made for the noun definition as well.
Ruby, who's first name literally means 'precious red gemstone'. Ruby, who's eyes are Silver and how that has tied into Rosegarden since their very first meeting. Oscar, who's eyes glow Gold with his own magic. Who's first name can also be easily associated with the colour by way of the award show statues of the same name.
If those are symbolisms associated with Oscar and Ruby, while Yang and Blake get a song called bmblb for being the same colour as bees and having a confession in a garden... then I think there is no other duo that the song Treasure can be about.
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alullinchaos · 9 months
interesting thing i just noticed, triumph's chorus says "we'll be the ones to touch the sun" and then the very NEXT opening, rising, says "we're rising like the moon!" .... hm
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Volume 4's characters all having "doing what needs to be done but not quite the right thing" is strangely comforting, because it's also possible to interpret the theme as being
"You have to start from somewhere to get better.
It won't be perfect.
It won't always fit what others expect or want (both literally and in meta, given how people thought parts of it could be seen as poor representation).
You could possibly be making a mistake now or further down the line.
But at least you'll be able to get going. And that's better than not going anywhere at all."
I never realized it, but yeah, that's exactly it. Not all growth is for the better, but no growth is a waste. You stumble on the path, but you are still walking it.
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housewife-hannibal · 1 month
okay okay entirely out of self indulgence, i am going to do an in depth, unscripted lyric analysis of Trapdoor and how i relate it to Oz so YIPEE let’s go thank you if you read (it’s 4 am this is going to be very rough but i may elaborate again)
also want to disclose once again i don’t want to take away the fact that this is a Ruby Rose song in the Ruby Rose Volume, but music is subjective and all and this is just an alternate take i have 💚
- “A beat, a step, is all you need to walk away.”
The many moments in Oz’s lifetime where he considers quitting, and ultimately does so for the first time in who knows how many years in v6 when he vanishes into the depths of Oscar’s mind
- “A beat, a step, is all you need to find the urge to stay!”
Only deciding at the very last moment that he needs to finish what he (accidentally) started, help Oscar, and finally try once again to stop Salem.
- “You don’t need me anymore, no you don’t see me anymore, I try my best to leave the floor, but I can’t get past the door.”
During Ozpin’s era, Oz mainly operated in the shadows, seemingly as peaceful as possible, yet really he was plotting the entire time. Also perhaps the moment that he realised that RWBY&Co knows what they are doing, enough so to take the reigns, despite the fact that for all these years he has specifically tried to not share his burden (even though he has done so before, in ‘The Infinite Man’ which ended pretty terribly) [I actually have many thoughts about this part, I may come back later]
- “I am alone in this war, I am a trapdoor!”
In his past, possibly the majority of it, Oz has tried to keep the situation to himself as much as he possibly could. Some exceptions like The Infinite Man and The Four Maidens, but it wasn’t until he reincarnated into Ozpin that he truly started to include his friends in the mission (Glynda, Qrow, Ironwood)
- “The pain, it keeps invading, it’s showing all over my face, though I try to keep the hope alive; after all the things I’ve said and done, I don’t feel like the chosen one. How would they see me if I lose my faith?”
After finally blowing up at QRWBY, everything comes crashing down. Venting about the fact that no one has ever been truly loyal, it is revealed that he has not had hope for the situation in a very long time, and he really has no plan at all. The curtain has fallen and the lie has been revealed. Not to forget, Ozma created this situation entirely by accident. The only intention was to selflessly save Salem from her cruel father, but it has now turned him into a false prophet with a practically impossible mission.
- “Watch it all unfold as I cascade, frozen in the darkest moment, I can’t bear the weight I hold.”
Another example of the moment he finally decided to step back into play as Oscar plummeted from Atlas to Mantle. Regardless of the fact that he is so tired of this fight, his exhaustion does not put Salem’s wrath on hold.
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blakistan · 6 months
wait wait wait wait wait was Sacrifice foreshadowing the fall of fucking Atlas??? "Pierce the sky escape your fate/ more you try the more you'll just breed hate (and lies)..." Like I know this song has a long history of disagreement over what it means and who's POV it belongs to but afaik it's largely settled on being a big bowl of Salem exposition and foreshadowing
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I always wanted to do a deep dive on Summer & Raven’s characters, and after that finale I think it’s time. So as we all know RWBY characters are based on fairy tales & stories of real life. I want to dissect the inspirations for Summer & Raven & analyze why it’s so interesting that these two are paired together.
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So Summer’s base allusion is from the poem The Last Rose of Summer. Her grave has lines from the poem, her name, etc. The actual poem is an allegory for death & the acceptance of it. “Thus Kindly I Scatter” refers to the act of peacefully dying and being returned to the universe, not to mention her intentional ghost like appearance.
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As for her secondary allusion, well, she basically fills all the remaining roles in Little Red Riding Hood. She’s the (grand)mother Ruby visits, the wolf with the shiny big eyes, & the brave huntsman with the ax. This telling of Little Red is a lot more Grimm than the original, pining Summer with a not so happy ending.
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Now onto Raven. A lot of people think her base allusion is Huginn, one of Odin’s all-seeing ravens. Although this is true, it is not her base allusion, but her secondary. Secondary allusions only work when another character is involved. She can’t be Huginn without Munnin (Qrow) or Odin (Oz). Odin’s ravens were meant to represent his eyes, so when Huginn left, he lost one of his eyes. Similar to how Cinder’s lost eye was revealed after her fight with Raven.
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Her real base allusion is of the poem The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. The poem is about a talking Raven consulting a man about losing his loved one. Both of Raven’s allusions come full circle within her fight against Cinder in Volume 5. Cinder’s theme song has been teased since her introduction & it ended up being a diss track about her downfall and telling her to accept her death. The entire scenario played out as if this was Cinder’s final fight. And of course, Raven was there. And you know who else died there? Vernal. Raven officiated her passing by closing her eyes for her, one again linking Raven with death, just like the poem.
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Now, we have a theme here. Both Summer & Raven take cues from poems about death & passing & acceptance. With all of this information, rewatch their scene again. Raven, the death doula, is sending Summer, the Last Rose, to her death, and Summer is accepting it. That’s why she left the rose pendant with Ruby. Deep down she knew there was a major chance that she wouldn’t come back. But she accepted that fact. She then traveled with Raven to hopefully put an end to Salem, but this is where both of their stories come to a plot hole.
How can someone accept death if they can’t die??
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bestworstcase · 2 months
Something I've been chewing on that I do wonder if you have any thoughts on. What is the intended characterization/symbolism of Yang's semblance. Jaune is a healer/support. Ren learned to control his emotions and then grew empathetic. Qrow has his bad luck which is probably a defense mechanism with consequences from the bandits that raised him and Raven. Taiyang's description of Yang's semblance is the closest to an analysis the audience has gotten and that is - "basically a Temper Tantrum". Very interestingly the narrative has so far let that description stand uncontested. And I believe you were the one that did the analysis that Yang's problem was overly depending upon her semblance as a finisher. Also fun to consider how one of the ways that Yang has her parallel with Cinder is with the fire association... which for Yang is just actually her preferred ammunition and the go to imagery for her songs that I can recall off the top of my head except for temper metaphors.
that was me yeah
a core theme of yang’s character is that she’s made of contradictions and cannot be easily defined or fit into a single box. this is true of every character in rwby—there’s always more than meets the eye, complexity beneath the surface—but yang as a character is subject to other characters’ struggle to parse who she is. tai sees a temper tantrum, ruby sees invulnerability, blake has been on an emotional journey spanning six volumes of just learning to see and love yang’s whole, complete self. yang is raven’s daughter, after all—but she’s also summer’s daughter so much that the resemblance screams itself out of the screen.
so. her semblance.
in the story, it’s been described three different times by three different characters:
ruby: “every hit makes her stronger, and she uses that to fight back. that’s what makes her special”
tai: “basically a temper tantrum, great in a bind, but it won’t always save you”
blake: “his semblance is like yours, he absorbs energy through his sword, stores it up and sends it back when he’s ready” (+ yang feeling it’s “cheap” that he “gets to dish out damage without feeling it”)
<- three bears.
in goldilocks terms, yang’s semblance is “too strong” (ruby sees her as invulnerable), “too weak” (tai sees the power it grants her as essentially hollow, false) and “just right” (yang is neither invulnerable nor fragile and her semblance is just a part of her). i also think that what yang says of adam’s semblance is more revealing of her own self-perception than necessarily being meant as an objective critique of adam—it’s not “cheap” to parry/riposte and in fact yang’s growth as a combatant post-beacon looks like learning to fight more defensively and evasively, less reliant on soaking up damage/power for explosive finishers.
insofar as there’s a meaningful difference between adam needing to block hits vs yang not it’s that yang’s semblance gives her a bit of a cushion—she can still riposte even if she misses the parry—and in all honesty i think probably comes down to their kit. yang is a hand-to-hand fighter. she’s blocking hits with her forearms and, gauntlets or not, she’s going to feel that. the specific damage-absorption mechanics of their semblances cater to their fighting styles.
but, yang feels that it’s “cheap” for adam to absorb energy through his sword rather than his own body, because yang takes a certain pride in being able to get back up after being knocked down. her idea that she must take damage before she can deal it back twice as hard is probably not a real, immutable characteristic of her semblance but something that developed in response to how yang herself copes with trauma—it’s a way of, i think, regaining a sense of control and security by telling herself that it’s okay if bad things happen because it will just make her stronger in the end.
the narrative challenges this way of thinking post-beacon—losing her arm and being left behind did not make yang stronger, receiving support from trusted adults like oobleck and port and reuniting with her friends/family is what made her stronger. learning to accept help and treat herself with more compassion is making her stronger. exploring who she is apart from ruby is making her stronger. this is the direction she’s growing in emotionally—that being hurt doesn’t make her strong, healing makes her strong—and her use of her semblance is shifting in tandem with that (still pops it as a finisher quite often but it is pretty rare since v6 that yang uses it to gain the upper hand in fights she’s at risk of losing, bc these days she’s more focused on evasion/outmaneuvering opponents to create openings for her semblance to end the fight)
and then it’s connected to yang’s anger (and fear, as when she gets between neo and ruby) because both the feelings and the semblance are in essence a self-protective response—yang gets angry when she or someone she cares about is hurt and uses that anger to protect herself and/or the person she loves. her semblance is about taking painful things that happen to her and transmuting that into the power to defend herself. same thing.
i don’t actually think that her semblance is hooked into her anger in the, like, mechanical sense (we’ve definitely seen her pop the semblance in context where she’s having a GREAT time, for one)—the correlation arises from yang’s anger being motivated by protectiveness and a desire to not be hurt, which is also what manifests in her semblance.
i would argue that “basically a temper tantrum” is meant to be read in context with ruby’s “that’s what makes her special” and then both those extremes are brought to a resolution by blake’s neutral description of what burn is, mechanically; in that sense i don’t think that tai’s analysis has been left uncontested except insofar as yang didn’t argue with him—but conversely, tai more or less tells her to think of her semblance as a risky weapon of last resort and yang went “k” and started using her semblance more, so i think it’s less that yang takes his advice at face value than it is yang recognizing that tai raises a generally good point [being creative and flexible is valuable] and thinking okay, i can probably get more out of my semblance if i try new things.
her position is that burn is normal (“how is me using my semblance different from someone else using theirs?”), and the way she takes this advice on board reflects that—if someone else relied on their semblance for just one specific tactic and nothing else, what advice would they be getting from their instructors? push yourself further, test the limits of what you think you can do, get out of your comfort zone. that’s what winter tells weiss when she’s struggling! that’s how RNJR are taught in v5! tai views burn as fundamentally different from other semblances, and his advice really comes down to “don’t rely on it, you don’t need it.” but yang disregards that part of what he tells her entirely. she quietly sorts through what tai tells her and only keeps what she thinks will actually help her improve—which is, in itself, of a piece with her semblance. she takes the ‘hit’—the harsh and rather unfair criticism—and then filters/converts it into something more constructive.
(there is also some interesting subtext here with the protective/self-protective drive behind both yang’s anger and her semblance and tai’s perception that the semblance is a “temper tantrum”—which aside from framing burn itself as abnormal also casts yang’s anger as irrational, childish, out-of-control. given the dynamic of yang’s childhood situation, the parentification and leaving yang and ruby alone at home for extended periods of time and over-identification of yang with raven plus favoritism toward ruby… and factoring in tai referring to yang’s anxiety and post-traumatic depression as “moping” well. across the board he seems either unwilling or unable to seriously/genuinely engage with yang’s feelings so how much of his perception that yang has “temper tantrums” follows from outbursts she had when overwhelmed as a child or young teen that tai didn’t take seriously or chose to ignore rather than deal with the root cause of neglect/trauma?)
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aspoonofsugar · 6 months
Hi Sugar!
I was reading your analysis of the five couples you see as endgame (this one here) and I really enjoyed it! But I was wondering; how do you think that Pyrrha plays a role in Jaune and Weiss's relationship? Is it something like Cinder or something unique, or maybe nothing at all?
thank you so much for this ask! I really really love White Knight, so asks on its structure and thematic meaning are welcome!
So, Pyrrha is 100% important, as it is Ruby. They both are key for Weiss and Jaune's relationship. Of course, I am headcanoning WK is gonna be endgame. However, even if this isn't the case, I think many of the things below will still hold true in a platonic sense :)
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Let's consider these two scenes:
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What do they have in common?
They focus on Weiss and Jaune
They involve a dynamic among three characters
They deal with the choice of a partner
Both Jaune and Weiss have a specific partner in mind. Jaune wants Weiss, while Weiss wants Pyrrha. However, the end results are different from what they expect. Weiss finds Ruby, while Jaune is chosen by Pyrrha.
Why is that so? It is a case of want vs need. Here is an extract from the above linked meta:
By this point Weiss and Jaune are pursuing a superficial dream of heroes and monsters. They figure their most perfected selves beside the "right" patner.
On the one hand Weiss wants Pyrrha to be the "knight" to her "princess":
Weiss: This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable!
She wants someone strong (body) that complements her intelligence (mind). She thinks that in this way she can't fail.
On the other hand Jaune wants Weiss to be the "princess" to his "knight":
Jaune: Don't worry! No need to be embarrassed! So, been hearing rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one! What do you say?
He wants someone who is beautiful and looks frail, so he can protect her. He thinks in this way he can appear strong.
Both are wrong obviously. This is why they end up with respectively Ruby and Pyrrha as partners.
Weiss needs to realize what complements mind is not body, but heart. This is why she is paired with Ruby, who lacks physical strength, but has more than enough heart to guide Weiss. Throughout the initiation, Weiss herself has to act as a Knight by saving Ruby from the Nevermore. And later on, she needs to follow Ruby's plan (so Ruby's mind) to take down the Grimm and pass the trial.
Jaune needs to realize a real knight is not physically strong, but is wise (mind) and brave (heart). This is why he ends up with Pyrrha, who is both and challenges him in two different ways. She doesn't fit feminine stereotypes and sees Jaune's value not in his superficial traits, but rather in his willingness to help. Throughout the initiation, Jaune shows this by staying behind to lead others into kiling the Grimm.
In short, Jaune wants Weiss, but needs Pyrrha, while Weiss wants Pyrrha, but needs Ruby. Let's make two considerations:
1- WK is built on "triangles". A triangle is a trope where one character wants another, but this other wants a third person, who is instead interested in the first. This is obvious in Weiss, Jaune and Pyrrha's dynamic. Weiss wants Pyrrha, who wants Jaune, who wants Weiss. The song Dream Come True strengthens this idea, as Pyrrha sings to Jaune, while throwing shades at Weiss.
Obviously, the triangle is quickly solved. Weiss warms up to Ruby as her partner and Jaune gives up on Weiss and falls for Pyrrha.
Still, this early setting is important. As a matter of fact RWBY plays with romantic archetypes in its ships. Two examples:
Renora deconstructs and reconstructs the childhood friend to lover trope. Usually, there is a character, who falls first and supports the other, until their love is reciprocated. Here, though, Nora eventually realizes that to stay with Ren, she needs to grow as her own person. Both partners need to change, so that their dynamic can transform.
Bumbleby uses a harem to explore Blake's developing interiority and animus. Each one of Blake's love interests tie into her sexuality, inner maturity and fairy tale symbolism. By going through Blake's "harem", we get many different relationships that help Blake explore herself, until she is ready for Yang.
In short, RWBY gets inspiration from love tropes, but it makes them thematic. The same can be said about WK and triangles. The point isn't that W,J and P or W, J and R are in romantic triangles, but rather that these characters make 2 thematic trios. In other words, Pyrrha and Ruby foil Weiss and Jaune and are both important for their relationship. Similarly, Weiss and Jaune's bond is key for their respective dynamics with Ruby and Pyrrha.
2- Weiss and Jaune's want vs need struggle applies to more than just the choice of a partner. It actually defines their whole arcs.
Weiss wants to honor her family legacy, but needs to define herself outside the Schnees. Jaune wants to be a strong hero, but needs to love himself for who he is. That said, Weiss and Jaune will both realize their early want. Weiss is gonna define a new legacy for the Schnee Family. It is just that the SDC is no more a part of it. Jaune is gonna bloom into a hero. It is just that true heroes are not always the strongest. Both are getting their want, but in an unforeseen way.
The same holds true for their preferred partners. Weiss is getting Pyrrha (yes, really) and Jaune is getting Weiss. Confused? No worries, it will all be clear in a minute ;) For now, let's analyze both Whiterose and Arkos and what they mean for White Knight.
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Weiss and Ruby are each other's "hunting" partners. They fight side by side to save lives and pursue the same dream of becoming Huntresses. This is the thematic heart of their relationship, which is mirrored in their intertwined allusions. As a matter of fact there is a Hunter in both Snowhite and Little Red Riding Hood.
On the one hand Snowhite's Hunter is weak. He wants to help Snowhite, but all he can do is not to kill the princess and to leave her alone in the woods. On the other hand Little Red Riding Hood's Hunter is the hero of the fairy tale. He kills the wolf and saves the protagonist and her grandmother. What does it mean for Whiterose?
It ties in how Ruby inspires Weiss. Let's consider this scene:
Ruby: Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armor underneath...
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In the fairy tale, the Hunter kills a boar to help Snowhite. It is his one good deed. Similarly, Weiss kills a Boarbatusk with Ruby's help to act as a true Huntress. This is why the Grimm later on becomes an avatar symbolic of Weiss's Huntress side:
Port after Weiss kills the Boarbatusk: Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training!
Weiss in the aftermath of the party where she summons the Boarbatusk for the first time: The Schnee family legacy isn't yours to leave. It's mine, and I'll do it as a Huntress.
The metaphor is clear. Ruby (LRRH's Hunter) inspires Weiss (SW's Hunter) to grow into a hero. She leads Weiss towards a better version of herself:
Weiss: Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have!
This is the perfect set-up for Weiss to eventually inspire Ruby back. For her to become the Huntress who saves Little Red Riding Hood:
Weiss: I don’t know who you think you are, but let me tell you who I am: I am the granddaughter of a hero and a child of a villain. I am a citizen of a fallen Kingdom and an heir to nothing. I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it. I am Weiss Schnee, and I am a Huntress!
Past Ruby: So, are you a Huntress? Like the ones you read about in books? Ruby: I… I don’t know…
Volume 9 offers Weiss a perfect chance. Ruby is lost and is eventually eaten by two Big Bad Wolves (Neo and the Curious Cat). However, Weiss fails:
Ruby: Don’t worry. We’ll find a way outta here and we’ll go back home. Weiss? Weiss: It's… It’s all gone… There’s nothing left for me to go back to… Just like Beacon… Ruby: You did the best you could for Atlas, Weiss. Weiss: But it wasn't enough! We hatched a crazy plan that put a whole kingdom at risk, and we don't even know if we saved the Relics from… Maybe… Jaune and Winter were able to get them out, despite… everything… despite us…
Several times Ruby notices Weiss's pain and tries to comfort her. Several times Ruby is similarly struggling, but Weiss can't support her. Weiss herself explains why:
Weiss: Maybe she didn’t feel like she could… Ruby has always been the one to get us through the hard times. We say things like “We believe in you”, “We can count on you”. I know we mean well, but…
Weiss idealizes Ruby too much and downgrades herself. She thinks Ruby can lead them all, but Weiss has actually grown enough to guide others too. She shows it by helping Jaune:
Weiss: I think you’re asking too much of yourself. We’ve been telling ourselves that failing means we’re no good. But I can guarantee even the best Huntsmen in history… they’ve all lost. But they were still incredibly brave… and good.
Weiss's speech here is an inversion of her initial dialogue with Ruby. There she feels her best is not enough and she drowns in self-hate. Here, she realizes that even if she and her friends lose, they are still good people.
It is a game of mirrors. She fails to see Ruby because she can't help herself. She sees Jaune and saves herself by helping him.
In short, Weiss fails with Ruby, but succeeds with Jaune. I think this is key for Weiss, Ruby and Jaune's dynamic.
At Beacon, Weiss is too immature for Pyrrha and doesn't see Jaune as a romantic partner. She needs Ruby to grow as a person.
In the Ever After, Weiss depends on Ruby too much and needs Jaune (who is Pyrrha's legacy) to develop.
So, she grows with Ruby until she and Jaune are ready for each other. Now, her bond with Jaune is helping her to bloom in the friend Ruby needs. It is a virtuous cycle where both Ruby and Jaune help Weiss mature, so that she can be the best partner ever. Platonic for Ruby and romantic for Jaune (imo).
If this turns out true, then Weiss's Nevermore might be tied to both Ruby and Jaune (other than to her team and family).
It is already strongly associated with Ruby, as team RWBY killed the Grimm together. Moreover, Weiss first tries to summon it to save her partner:
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Later on, she materializes its wings while fighting with her team minus Ruby:
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And eventually conjures the whole thing, as Ruby comes back:
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It is possible the Nevetrmore will be linked to Jaune, as well. After all, he is the one who calls Weiss "Snow Angel". The Grimm is meant to show that Weiss can indeed be an angel to others:
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Ruby and Jaune are equally important for Weiss. She needs Ruby to end up with Jaune and she needs Jaune to be the Huntress Ruby deserves. At the same time, Ruby and Jaune represent two sides of Pyrrha, the partner Weiss initially wants.
I usually don't use spinoffs, but I think Ice Queendom makes it pretty clear:
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Weiss looks at Pyrrha in awe, but the ones she needs are Ruby and Jaune.
Ruby is a paragon, just like Pyrrha. She has both mind and heart, like our Achilles. The main difference is that Ruby is younger, so she lacks experience and fighting prowess. Weiss needs Ruby for 2 reasons:
She needs to reconcile with her inner-child that has been suppressed by Jacques's abuse:
Weiss: I always wanted bunk beds as a kid.
She needs to see what's important is the heart (Ruby's idealism) and not the body (Pyrrha's fighting skills).
What about Jaune? In which way is he Weiss's Pyrrha? Let's discover it.
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Pyrrha is Jaune's partner and his love interest. She is also the key character of Jaune's story, as his allusion makes clear. Jeanne d'Arc is a maid whose actions are inspired by God. Similarly, Jaune is a knight able to perform miracles:
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Whose hands and resolve are guided by his Goddess:
Jaune: No. I don't think I'm healing her. Our Aura heals our bodies. It feels… it feels more like I'm using my Aura to amplify hers! Nora: Wait, aren't you worried about running out? Jaune: Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her.
Pyrrha is Jaune's deity and inspiration:
Pyrrha: For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.
So, Jaune's arc is about:
becoming like Pyrrha
overcoming Pyrrha's death
Still, how can Jaune become like Pyrrha, while leaving her behind? Aren't these 2 objectives contradictory? Only superficially. What Jaune must do is to integrate with his anima. In Jungian Psychology, the anima is the feminine part of a man. It is a side, which is often suppressed, but that needs to come to light for the man to truly mature into a balanced person. A person, who can have positive and healthy romantic relationships.
This is the crux of Jaune's character. He is inspired by Jeanne because she is both maid and knight. Similarly, Jaune must transform into a knight, who is also a maiden. A hero who overcomes his toxic masculinity by accepting his feminine parts. The only way for him to succeed is to integrate with his anima, who is represented by Pyrrha. From the first meta linked:
Jaune's journey through the anima is well conveyed through 4 stages, which stand for archetypical female figures. Each one represents a different level of maturity:
Eve is the mother - The boy has no romantic attachment and sees the woman as a source of protection and nourishment
Helen is the seductress - The boy feels romantic attraction and sees the woman as a talented individual, but pays no attention to her spiritual or inner life
Mary is the virgin - The boy feels mature love and sees the woman as a paragon of virtue, but pays no attention to her negative traits
Sophia is wisdom - The boy is ready for a relationship with a woman as an equal partner and sees the feminine as a source of wisdom with no need to objectify the woman anymore
These phases describe Jaune's general approach to women and how it changes. He arrives at Beacon looking for a girlfriend because that is what a man should do, which in itself is a very childish behavior. Then he grows to see the girls around him as powerful individuals, but he can't go behind the surface. This is true for Weiss, but also for Pyrrha, whose struggles he ignores. After her death, Pyrrha becomes an ideal, but she isn't the only one. For example, Jaune believes Weiss and Ruby can save Pyrrha from Cinder and later on he keeps idealizing them. In volume 9, he learns to let go of his idealization and to see others as their own people. He is stepping into Sophia (wisdom).
Pyrrha is Jaune's anima in the sense she represents the feminine side Jaune needs to acquire. At the same time, the way Jaune's relationship with Pyrrha changes highlights the boy's maturation:
Eve > Jaune is nurtered and protected by Pyrrha to the point he even compares her to his mother:
Jaune: Bring it on, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told that I am a natural born leader! Weiss: By who? Your mother? Jaune: A-and Pyrrha! Pyrrha: Hello again!
He feels no attraction towards her.
Hellen > Jaune grows attracted to Pyrrha, but struggles to understand her interiority. For example, he is unable to see her feelings for him or to fully grasp her inner conflict about the Maiden powers:
Pyrrha: I don't know if I can do it. Jaune: Of course you can. The Pyrrha Nikos I know would never back down from a challenge. And if you really believe it's your destiny to save the world… you can't let anything stand in your way. Despite Jaune's intentions, this doesn't bring relief. Instead, Pyrrha looks absolutely shattered, covering her mouth as she begins to sob.
Mary > Jaune idealizes Pyrrha and sees her as a paragon of heroism and virtue. He tries to emulate her and to become a hero like her:
Jaune: I think… I think she knew she wasn't going to win. That she might not come out alive. But… she also knew she was the only one that could try. Ren: So she did. Nora: Maybe we should too. Jaune: Yeah, we should.
This idealization is heartwarming, but it's what's keeping Jaune stuck. He can never overcome Pyrrha's death if he transforms her into an idol. Not only that, but it is something Pyrrha herself would not have wanted:
Pyrrha: I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities. I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise, but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. Everyone assumes I'm too good for them. That I'm on a level they simply can't attain. It's become impossible to form any sort of meaningful relationship with people. That's what I like about you. When we met, you didn't even know my name. You treated me just like anyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime. I guess, you're the kind of guy I wish I was here with. Someone who just saw me for me.
Pyrrha is drawn to Jaune because he is the only one who does not put her on a pedestal. However, after her death, this is what our Knight does to an extent. So, a good resolutioin would be for Jaune to see Pyrrha for who she is. A brave girl Jaune loves and who dies too soon. This is the only way Jaune can forgive both Pyrrha and himself. This is where Weiss (Sophia or Wisdom) steps in:
Curious Cat: I am talking about you, Wise Huntress.
Let's compare these 2 scenes:
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Both have Jaune struggling with grief and self-hate. In the first one, he has just lashed out at Oscar out of anger for Pyrrha's death. In the second one, he has just lashed out at Ruby out of anger for the paper pleasers ascending. Both times, he is doubting himself. Both times, a woman comes and reassures him. The first time, Pyrrha's mother/ghost/vision encourages him to keep going. The second time, Weiss encourages him to let go. Both scenes end with a family like re-union (team JNR and team RWBY).
Not to count there are mystical leaves flying around:
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Someone coming back in an unexpected form:
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And a giant stone:
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Both situations emphasize that even the best heroes fail. Still, they give this lesson a different spin. Pyrrha teaches Jaune the importance of going on despite the risk of failure. Weiss teaches Jaune the necessity of forgiving one-self for failure. Pyrrha acts as Mary and guides Jaune towards an ideal. Weiss acts as Sophia and leads Jaune towards his real self.
The final stage of the anima is about seeing one-self and the other clearly, both strengths and weaknesses. The romantic partner stops being objectified and is simply accepted as their own person. So, Jaune's final step towards self-actualization will be to let go of Pyrrha's idealized memory and to embrace Weiss, for whom she really is. This conclusion would be perfect for his bond with both girls:
Jaune would overcome Pyrrha's death by stopping his idealization of her. He would put Pyrrha down from her pedestal and love the girl in all her beauty and contradictions. He would finally be able to understand her fully, which is what he fails to do at Beacon.
Jaune would love Weiss for her true self, instead than her superficial beauty. He would appreciate the girl because she shares some of Pyrrha's best qualities, like her bravery and her heart, which is that of a Huntress. He would accept some of Weiss's most masculine traits, that he initially ignores.
In other words:
Jaune needs to mature by Pyrrha's side to be ready for Weiss
Jaune needs Weiss's help to face the memory of Pyrrha properly
As a matter of fact only by seeing Pyrrha clearly, Jaune can fully integrate with her, which means he can fully bloom into a hero like Pyrrha. Not only that, but he can succeed, where Pyrrha fails. What are Pyrrha's 2 objectives?
Pyrrha: I've always felt as though I was destined to become a Huntress - to protect the world
Nothing, even death Could separate our souls 'Cause you're my final goal
Pyrrha's 2 destinies are to be a hero and to be in love. She fulfills them both tragically. Jaune will fulfill them both in a more positive way.
He is guiding Cinder towards her destiny, by conveying the meaning of Pyrrha's words (heroism)
He is getting his happily ever after with Weiss (love)
In other words, Jaune is fulfilling Pyrrha's legacy thanks to Weiss and is ending up with Weiss thanks to Pyrrha.
Let's summarize Weiss and Jaune's arcs.
Weiss's story is about overcoming her father's abuse. This starts with her affirming who she is outside her surname, goes on with her healing her family and it ends with a new legacy and a new romantic interest. The Schnee name is dirtied when Willow is caught in an abusive relationship with Jacques. Their marriage twists Weiss's perception of romantic relationships:
Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name.
So, it would be the cherry on top of Weiss's arc for her family to be reborn together with a new love. A bond with someone who genuinelly likes Weiss:
Jaune: It's Weiss. I'm completely head-over-heels for her, and she won't even give me a chance. She's cold, but she's also incredible. She's smart, and graceful, and talented. I mean, have you heard her sing? I-I just wish she's take me seriously, y'know? I wish I could tell her how I feel without messing it all up.
Jaune's story is about loving himself for who he is, as a whole. Strength and weakness. Masculine and feminine traits alike. The path to do so is to integrate with Pyrrha and become the hero she was. At the same time, he needs to work through his grief over Pyrrha's death. Both goals can be celebrated with the beginning of a fresh relationship. A bond with someone Jaune has always admired. That would be Pyrrha's final gift to him:
Pyrrha: Then do it. Tell her exactly what you said. No ridiculous schemes, no pick-up lines. Just… be honest. You can't get it wrong if it's the truth.
This is why I personally don't believe either Weiss or Jaune ending up single fits their stories. Weiss deserves a romantic partner who loves her, so she can write a story different from her parents'. Jaune needs a new relationship to give both himself and Pyrrha closure.
In conclusion, I personally think both Whiterose and Arkos are intertwined with White Knight.
Arkos especially is a part of White Knight. White Knight would not be possible without Arkos. At the same time, Arkos would lack a powerful catharsis without White Knight. They are 2 bonds that are bound to grow and develop thanks to each other.
Thank you for the ask! I hope my rambling made sense :)
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lovingdabeessss · 3 months
i have a feeling i already know this answer, but… WHATS UR FAVORITE BUMBLEBY MOMENT??? IM CURIOUS TO KNOWWW 🖤💛
It’s actually not the kiss if that’s what you were thinking obviously I LOVED the kiss scene but it’s not my favorite
That’s actually a super hard question
Like there’s the scene where you see the shadow of Blake go by knowing she’s watching Yang pre getting with her as a partner which implies a TON about Blake’s character SPECIFICALLY the original intention of that scene if anyone’s seen that it’s amazing
All that matters the song is my favorite thing that’s ever happened in Rwby but that’s not necessarily a moment
Every moment in volume 6 where Blake’s trying to get Yang to like her again after they reunite is just so amazing and fun and compelling and their dynamic in volume 6 is my favourite it’s so so so interesting I think about it non stop oh my god it’s definitely my favorite thing about bumbleby just because my little character analysis brain goes crazy over it
But I think my most rewatched individual moment had neither of them actually in it
Just Nora and ren using them to argue was so mind blowing to me when it happened like????? That’s so cannon??? That’s so confirming the characters in universe see them as in love??? That’s crazy It was amazing I watched it over and over cause there was no way to interpret that as not explicitly romantic
I’m curious tho if it wasn’t the kiss you were referring to what did you think was my favorite
Also what’s everyone else’s favorite and why
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howlingday · 8 days
Honestly, i'm kinda disappointed in how WBYJ kinda brushed off Ruby and her issues throughout V9. So, I have taken matters into my own hands to look for a song to cheer up Ruby, and I have found it!
I now pass this song on to you to post, as I am both very unskilled a writing and very lazy. The song is Tom Cardy's H.S, and a link will be given to a tumblr post within this ask. Wether WBYJ sing it to Ruby or Jaune shares it with her as a ln apology is up to you.
If an outside link is needed, I am willing to give the link to the YouTube video.
Sing a-long!
"Now and then, we all get a thought that stops us in our track. Am I living to my full potential, or am I holding myself back?" Jaune spins Ruby around, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You've gotta stop with that shit, 'cause you're P-P-PERFECT~!" He slid from his seat, walking away to the bookshelf. "Check out that analysis paralysis!"
"Paralysis~!" Ruby's team added, crooning from the hallway.
"If you need some help to see, take a lesson from me!" Jaune spun around, opening a book to the story of the Rusted Knight. "They say that I'm not a huntsman. Do you think that I really give a shit?" He tossed the book aside, causing Blake to jump in the air to save the spine from being ruined. "You know we're not gonna quit, 'cause we know we can take a hit, and we know what we is, and we know we is-"
Jaune spun around, tearing off his armor to reveal a pair of yellow spandex covering his body. He pointed his finger to the sky in his declaration.
"HOT SHIT~! And you know that we know it! We might never get registered, but it don't matter 'cause we know that we're still-"
"HOT SHIT~!" Team RWBY sang without their leader.
"Yeah, you're hot shit, too, so get out of your brain and do what you're 'born 'sposed to do!"
"HOT SHIT~!" WBY chimed in. "You know that we know it! Expect some real magic from us real huntress! HOT SHIT~!"
"And you're hot shit, too," Jaune pointed at Ruby, his finger inches from her face, "so get out of your way and just do what you were born to do!"
Before Ruby could argue, Jaune sat down next to her. "Before I got wise and said "gosh dangit," it's true that I was jealous of the big other huntress." He pulled out his scroll, opening to a news article published by various journalism sites. "But did you know that Winter, the biggest to you, was jealous 'cause Atlas would call her a rebel, too." He swiped to the photo album, featuring a familiar face to the red huntress. "The huntsman she was jealous of was your Uncle Qrow, who had self-comsuming thoughts that he would never become-!"
"SUMMER ROSE!" Yang held out a picture as Weiss and Blake sang with her.
"He was constantly chasing the dream that he would be so big that he'd be a legend!" Jaune left Ruby's side and stared out the window. "But trillions miles away that even Summer didn't see was a big guy strong enough to lift reality." He drew a signature S shape on the wall in chalk. "He turned his gaze into our world to see "There's a girl with a beret who's cooler than me!"
A new voice joined the choir as a woman with a black beret and dark shades entered. "But the most super awesome, coolest huntress to ever exist is probably at Vacuo saying "Now I'm seeing shit!" Coco lowered her sunglasses at the youngest leader. "I've seen a fight with a camera, I've even seen a memory lapse, but I've never seen a red huntress KICK SO MUCH ASS!"
"HOT SHIT~!" Everyone in the room was singing now. "And you know that we know it!"
Ruby stood from her seat. "I don't need to be a hero because I know that I'm still worth it, baby~!
And you're hot shit, too!" Jaune wrapped an arm over Ruby's shoulder. "So stop doubting yourself and feel this huntress groove~!
"HOT SHIT~!" It seemed like everyone in Vacuo was feeling it, as singing came from down the halls in chorus. Was everyone in on this?! "And you know Ruby knows it! Expect some fucking stories from this red hoodie~! HOT SHIT~!"
"And you're hot shit, too," Jaune led Ruby out the doors, past the crowds, "so look out to the world, because we're all waiting for you~!"
Ruby stepped away from Jaune, looking down as she walked away. "Now and then, I get the thoughts that stop me in my tracks. Should I really be a huntress? Or should I just cut back?" The world held their breath as Ruby asked, fearing the worst had happened to her. "...I've got to stop with that shit 'cause I'm P-P-PERFECT!" Ruby roared to anyone who would spare the time to listen to her. "My life is fucking cool and so are you, if you only let me tell the rest of my story with yoooooooooou~!
"HOT SHIT~!" The world answered.
"And you know that I know it~!" She answered back to the world. "I might never get my register, but I'm still awesome as a leader~!
"And you're hot shit, too, so let's shoot for the stars 'til we break through the mooooooooooon~!" Ruby pointed to the sky, heedless of whether the moon was above or shattered or not or neither.
"Do you like my space metaphor~?" Jaune asked.
"Would you like to know what I use it for? To prove to you that you are hot shit, too, now stay out of my room and show Remnant what hot shit do~!"
"HOT SHIT~!" Ruby jumped through the air, cheering until she landed flat on her face. "Whuh? What just happened?"
"Emmy! You dropped it too soon!"
"Sorry, I couldn't hold it any longer."
Ruby looked up to see Jaune still sitting on his bed, patting Emerald's hand as she panted in a nearby chair. Nora loomed over her, barely held back by Lie Ren. To the other side of the room, she saw her team looking at her with mixtures of concern and worry. A gloved hand reached down to help her up, which she forgo to address the whole room and not just Oscar.
"What just happened?" Ruby asked.
"No more musical numbers." Emerald groaned.
"We... I was worried about how you were feeling since coming back from the Ever After and getting registered again, so I talked with your team and my team and, well..." Jaune shrugged. "Jaunty musical number?"
"Dude..." Ruby grumbled. "I don't care if it was your musical number or mine or Oscar's. Tricking me to sing is not cool."
"Don't blame 'em, kid." Coco said, leaning on the doorframe. "You were pretty jittery since you came back, so we all talked it over. The musical number was actually my idea, but unfortunately, I can't sing."
"Because you're too cool to sing?"
"Nah. Court order."
As Ruby balked, she looked to her team, who still didn't drop their looks of concern. As much as she wanted to be mad at being tricked into singing, she knew neither her team nor Jaune's would do this without some merit to their concern. So she relaxed a bit and sighed.
"Nobody recorded me, did they?"
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etincelleart · 1 year
Penny Polendina’s theme in V8 and V9 (RWBY)
Heyo !! I wrote this long analysis about Penny on Twitter and thought I could share it here as well o/
So this is a little silly analysis of mine about my feeling about how Penny was depicted in V8 and V9 :]
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NOTE : 1) Don't take all of that really seriously, this is simply a "fun" little analysis and my OWN view on the subject. This is just how I feel considering the infos we got on Penny during V9 !
2) This is also probably delusional AND I know it
3) So there's not need to come and tell me "shE Ain'T ComInG bAck >:[[[[[[", we can disagree but please give me your opinion and arguments if you'd like to discuss about it ♥
Anyway, for 2 years after V8 finale I felt probably like most people :  "Penny is gone for good, she ain't coming back, this is gonna be a big deal for Ruby in V9 but I guess that's it". I knew that Penny's 2nd death was going to be a big thing for Ruby and I expected it like everyone.
I rewatched Penny's death at the end of V8 and it truly felt like a farewell, a goodbye forever, I mean she got stabby stab from Cinder and chose to ask Jaune to kill her to give the powers to Winter. To me there wasn't any going back after that :[
And even when I'm writing it rn I feel like this thread is probably useless as I can feel how much of a goodbye it felt, and even more with the song "Friend" adding more pain :]] Especially with these lines :
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And with Penny's soul linked to the Winter Maiden powers, now linked to Winter's soul, I guess it felt like a point of no return. It *still* feels like it tbh.
But Volume 9 changed my view on all of that and that's not because I'm an Nuts and Dolts shipper aha. I'm truly trying to speak objectively and to take out my ship glasses-
I expected Penny's theme to be huge for Ruby, but I didn't expect it to be THAT huge and present throughout the entiere volume. Almost every chapter we got a reference, an allusion, an element linked to Penny, a vision, and finally an illusion made by Neo.
I'll try to list all of them :
Chapter 1 - It was pretty much expected, but Ruby learned Penny's 2nd death a this moment. The start of her true breakdown I guess-
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Chapter 2 - Basically the 1st Nuts and Dolts chapter of this volume lmao One of the main key of this episode was Ruby finding Penny's sword, which added to her pain even if she tried to move on pretty fast after.
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Chapter 3 - The guards tell about the swords, the Red Prince ditch the sword and Ruby's not okay with that-
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No mention of her during Chapter 4, so Chapter 5 - Ruby finds Penny's sword at the Blacksmith, and there's this weird line and moment I'll talk about later 
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Chapter 6 - Penny's reflection in the water, related to Jaune's guilt and trauma over her fate
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Chapter 7 - Ruby's PTSD striking while the Jabberwalker attacks her, and she sees a vision of Penny hacked at the Schnee manor, right before they helped her and executed their plan for her and Atlas (also, Jaune talked about his feelings about what happened with her)
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Chapter 8 - Penny illusion made by Neo, attacking and talking to Ruby And no mention of her in Chapters 9 and 10. So except for Chapters 4, 9 and 10, Penny was mentioned EVERY chapter.
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Now I know what some of you might think, this was mostly to set up Ruby's breakdown and make her spiralling because it's such a big deal for her, and you're totally right. Penny was used mostly to accentuate Ruby's pain.
And I know that I said (in another Twitter thread) that I wasn't fully satisfied with the finale because of that theme not being addressed after having her presence throughout the whole volume, I think I needed a reminder about production and budget. I think I'll feel satisfied with V9 finale if Penny's theme have some closure in V10 or V11 with Ruby, Pietro, Jaune and Winter in Vacuo. I imagine that with V9 finale this isn't just “everyone is so happy”, this is just the beginning of healing.
Anyway, if we don't have any closure in the next volumes THEN I'll say that I'm disappointed, but I doubt this wouldn't be addressed at all after such a volume and how much V8 finale was. But yeah, V9 finale had to focus on Ruby.
So, even if Penny's presence throughout V9 is mostly to add some layers on Ruby and Jaune's pain and trauma/breakown, I truly feel like the message from this volume is still in complete opposition with stuff we knew so far.
Tbh until V9 I really thought one of the main message of RWBY was that life AND death were important, and that death was inevitable and couldn't be avoided, like in our world. That death can be cruel and happen anytime to even the most precious souls. And it is in fact, keep moving forward aren't just some cute words, it's a true motto of the show. But the thing is that for Pyrrha, I never felt we had any hope or confirmation that she could come back, and we had a closure for her in Volume 6 with the scene at the statue. And by learning about the Gods in V6 as well, I thought that no one in this show was probably going to be back (except fo Ozma who reincarnates). 
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The thing with V9 is that we discover that the “Gods”, who set up their rules of life and death without any reincarnation and no dead can come back, aren't actually Gods but made by the REAL RWBY God, in a world where reincarnation is THE thing. 🫠
And again, I know that the theme of rebirth was focused on Ruby this volume, that she had to go through that journey to understand that she's human, she's not perfect, she's enough just as she is and can do her best.
But Penny's theme this volume still kinda unsettled me as I didn't expect it to be so present. Truly when you rewatch the Volume idk if it's because I'm biased or something but I see it everywhere. The thing again is that we didn't get any closure for her. We got so much references and scenes for her, and no closure (idk if it's because of budget or intentional tho).
There are a few moments that also seem pretty weird/confusing to me :
1) It was confirmed by the script that when Ruby wakes up on the Ever After, it was Penny's voices calling her 3 times. But those screams are different from the one when Penny and Blake see Ruby falling in V8 finale. I listened again and while one of them seems similar, the others are different. So are those screams we didn't hear as a viewer ? But it still feels weird to add them as if she remembered them when we never heard them. Maybe those screams were just Ruby waking up and her mind mixing everything, but it's still kinda odd to me.
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2) Another weird scene and probably the one that interests me the most, is when Ruby meets the Blacksmith in Chapter 5. I still don't really know how to fully analyse or understand this scene tbh-
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We know the Blacksmith is a "representation of the Tree", so why does she have Penny's sword ? How does she even have Summer's weapon ? Why does Penny's blade turn into Alyx' dagger ? Why does Penny's reflection seem real and Ruby actually sees it, meaning it's not just an effect to tell us that this sword reminds Ruby or her ? And most importantly, when Ruby asks her how she got Penny's blade, the Blacksmith answers : 
Why does Penny's reflection seem real and Ruby actually sees it, meaning it's not just an effect to tell us that this sword reminds Ruby or her ? And most importantly, when Ruby asks her how she got Penny's blade, the Blacksmith answers : "nothing, no one, is ever truly lost". Truly as a viewer and even when trying not to be a Penny or NND stan, I can't help but think that this opens a lot of doors for interpretation. What does that mean exactly ?
Knowing the nature of the Ever After, does she mean that literally ? That Penny's not lost as we all thought in V8 finale ? Or is that metaphorical ? She then says "And you, are you lost ?" so it feels like the first answer wasn't supposed to be about Ruby but about Penny's sword. Before the Blacksmith asks Ruby if she's lost, Ruby looks at the sword in a pensive expression and she sees Penny's reflection. Almost as if she was thinking about what the Blacksmith just said.
But what is the use of these reflections ? If it's not just an effect for the viewer but also something Ruby can see, what does that mean ? There is obviously a link between weapons and identity/characters here
Another thing that confuses me too is the fact that Penny's sword is changed into Alyx' dagger. So were these weapons only illusions ? Does the Blacksmith really have Penny's sword, of even Summer's axe ?
3) Another thing more subtle that apparently not everyone catched, is the leitmotiv from Ruby's talk about Penny in Chapter 2 that comes back during the finale when Ruby choses herself. I edited the 2 scenes so people can hear it and compare, here’s the link to the video on Twitter :
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Why this OST in particular ? We know that Penny is linked to the themes of hope but also choice/freedom. Maybe this is how it is supposed to be a parallel for Ruby choosing to keep her hope and to do her best. But I can't help but think that it is still a bit sus to hear this leitmotiv again in such a big moment during the finale. Especially when we got no mention or vision of her for the last two chapters.
We also had themes that are related to her a lot such a friendship and kindness with Little, souls moving on to their next life (Penny has a soul, "her soul is who she is"). 
I just have this feeling that so much is related to Penny this volume, it feels like it's on purpose so the viewer is grieving her as much as Ruby does :')) But nothing really felt "conclusive" in the end. Again maybe this conclusion will be for later, once Ruby is able to talk with Pietro, since we know he most likely got to Vacuo with Maria as Amity appeared to be fixed and floating in the sky at the end of V9.
But again it links with other thread I've done about Pietro (I’ll probably post it here too on Tumblr) : what about him ? Would he be able to grieve Penny a second time ? How would he handle the 2nd time losing Penny ?
I'm not necessarily saying that Penny will come back blablabla ‘(still praying and high on hope and copium tho), but it's STILL a feeling and I hope that I get after watching Volume 9 when I basically accepted the fact that she was dead in V8 :'))
After V8 I was (and I'm still in someway) part of those who thought that she shouldn't come back a 3rd time, her arc was completed, her death made sense, she made a choice. Truly I couldn't see how her being back would be a good thing. Most importantly, I was scared that her being back again would invalidate everything that happened during V8 and the fact that she chose for herself. It's still one of the reasons for why I'm conflicted about this whole thing :')) 
Depending on how it's done with the writing, NOW that we know what we know about the RWBY lore, the origins, the Tree, the Ever After, the Blacksmith, Ascension, I *could* see it happen. Of course my fan side is like omg yes I'd like her back please please. My writer side before V9 was like "no I love her but it's a bad move". Now I'm more like depending on how it's executed, I might accept it.
I mean, her being back in V7 didn't erase all the pain, suffering and mourning we (as viewers) had to go through with Ruby and other characters. It worked and kept intact all the time we spent asking if she was going to be back or not.
 Knowing how much the theme or reincarnation/rebirth is everywhere in the Ever After, it changes my view on the RWBY universe because life and death aren't just the only options there. There are different rules
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She might come back, she might not come back, I just wanted to express how this volume made me feel about this specific theme. It gives us such a different message compared to Penny's death in V8 :']]
I mean of course this volume is brighter than V8 but after a volume where a character just can't escape death even after fighting for SO LONG, we finally have some light and hope about a possibility of MAYBE her being alive could happen.
(Just my own feelings again) From the start during her Atlas arc, Penny :
 - got framed
- was forced to take the Winter Maiden powers she didn't want
- was attacked by Cinder
- was forced to leave her friends to do things she didn't want to
- was hacked by Watts
- was killed again
Her ENTIERE ARC was tragic and even if Penny's character is optimistic, joyful, friendly, she's a fighter and she has hope, she sees beauty in a lot of things, she *still* never got the chance to truly live the life she wanted to live. So with what we got from V9, I see only two options :
- she's revived SOMEHOW and finally get the chance to live as it was kinda implied in V9
- she stays dead and her character stays so tragic and painful aaaah-
As for *how* she could come back at some point, I have my few ideas but I don't really want to get into that rn, it was mostly about how everything about her felt odd in V9 compared to V8 truly.
To finish on a hopeful and delusional word : "things always come in threes" :p
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squaric-acid · 1 year
A Comparison and Analysis of RWBY Vol3-4 and Vol8-9
I will start this post with the caveat that I have only seen clips and parts of Volume 9, I am not caught up (but I do have pretty good idea of what has been happening). I’m sure someone else has talked about this same topic before so if I missed anything, please let my know in the notes. These are just my own observations.
First, I’ll discuss the overarching situation:
Volume 3 ended with the fall of Beacon and the death of one of the major leaders of Remnant, Ozpin. We also ended this volume with the transfer of the Fall Maiden powers to a villain, Cinder. Volume 8 ended similarly with the fall of Atlas (literally) and the assumed death of Ironwood. The Winter Maiden powers were similarly transferred but to Winter Schnee instead. Additionally, both volumes ended with lots of collateral damage. In Volume 3 Remnant-wide communications were lost and in Volume 8 Atlas and Mantle were both lost as well as any assets that were left there.
The major difference here is that Salem did not acquire the relic from Beacon but she did acquire the relic from Atlas. We are not really shown what state Beacon was in after Volume 3 so I would surmise that it was not a total loss. If it were Salam would likely have used her resources to acquire Beacon’s relic.
Next, the status of the protagonists:
Volume 3 ended with Pyrrha’s death and volume 4 showed our protagonists split up. Team RNJR (Ruby, Nora, Jaune, and Ren) heading to Haven and Weiss, Blake, and Yang spread across Remnant. 
Volume 8 ended Penny’s death (she also died in volume 3 but her death felt more final in volume 8). Our protagonists were similarly split up in Volume 9, with Team RWBY and Jaune falling into Ever After and Team NERO (Nora, Emerald, Ren, and Oscar) in Vacuo with Winter.
The differences here are simply that there are two groups instead of a group and scattered individuals. 
In volume 4 we gained a new protagonist, Oscar, as the reincarnation of Ozpin. in volume 8 Emerald defected from Salem’s forces and joined Team RWBY-JNR+O.
I will also point out that the timeline of team RWBY finding Jaune during volume 9, in a somewhat familiar way to how Team RNJR was introduced to Oscar in volume 4.
In both volume 4 and volume 9, all of the main characters are shown to be suffering some form of survivor’s guilt and/or trauma from the events of volume 3 and volume 8. For volumes 3-4 that was notably Jaune (and Yang) and for volumes 8-9 that is Ruby. 
That brings me to the opening themes for volumes 4 and 9:
The opening for volume 4, “Let’s Just Live,” is more upbeat and lighter-hearted.  But it also signifies that the protagonists have all had the revelation that their lives (reality) are not the fairytales they thought they were. 
The opening for volume 9 is a bit more intense. As I’m sure most of you know or suspect, volume 9 concerns Team RWBY and Jaune literally being dropped into a fairytale. The lyrics of “Inside” reflect as much. 
I think we all can agree that the lyrics of “Inside” are most specifically about Ruby and her character growth. However, both songs are heavy-handed in their message about moving on from grief and the burdens of the past. 
In volume 4 Jaune was dealing with the grief of Pyrrha’s death and Nora and Ren were dealing with events from their past. 
I hypothesize (reasonably so) that Ruby will undergo some sort of transformation in volume 9 that will allow her to come to terms with all the grief and burdens she is carrying. She is the last of the main cast to do so. 
With that in mind, I cannot help but wonder if volume 10 will be mainly focused solely on Team NERO and Winter with Team RWBY and Jaune (possibly) returning from the Ever After near the end of the volume. This would allow for Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Emerald to undergo the rest of their character development so that all of the main characters are at their fullest potential for the last volume(s) which will undoubtedly concern the final battle against Salem and the fate of Remnant. 
The final volume(s) have a high likely hood of occurring at Beacon for a couple reasons. Beacon’s relic is still there, as I stated earlier, Salem has yet to acquire it. But most importantly, it would allow RWBY’s narrative to be cyclical and poetic by ending where it started.
Thanks for reading through to the end! I’m sure I’ve missed things and oversimplified others but these are just things I’ve had thoughts about. 
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chatterkat · 1 year
Hey RWBY fans, does anyone out there have a lot up to date list(at least up to vol 8) on RWBY songs and what characters they are about? Confirmed would be ideal, but common speculation is also welcome. Obviously some songs are pretty blatant, but some seem like they could be about multiple characters. I wanna do more analysis of songs and what it means for the characters they are for.
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hamliet · 2 years
How can I discern the themes of a story? I've been trying story analysis since coming across your blog, because I found it very fascinating how you could predict things I never saw coming. I think I've got better at it but I still miss so much, then I hear someone else point it out and my brain goes of course! How could I possibly not make that connection? I think it's mainly because I can't reach the themes.
Hi! Good question! (And funny you should ask because I legit JUST wrote an article about this for my day job, like, two days ago.)
Honestly, themes are just like... the main ideas of a story. They are ideas the writer wants you to think about. It's not necessarily the same things as a moral message. It can be a moral message. But it can also be a question in more complex works. And the longer a work is, the more likely it is to have multiple themes, too!
A question theme doesn't always have an answer, either. For example, one of Lord of the Rings' themes is that it asks us how we can recover from a lot of hardship. The answer's different for every character. Sam marries and has a dozen kids. Frodo leaves Middle-earth.
If you're not sure what the theme is, here are some ideas to jump-start your thoughts!
Questions To Ask Yourself:
What do you like about the story? It's probably not just set design! What appeals to you about the characters, or what pisses you off? If you talk about stories with other people, what do you talk about?
Questions To Ask (About) The Characters:
What do the characters want/what's their goal? What do they say they want? What obstacles stand in the way of getting what they want? Here's an example of me breaking this down in HxH.
A hint: in more mature works, a common obstacle is some part of the character themselves, the human heart at war with itself. (For example, in Attack on Titan, Eren wants to save the world. He also wants to be strong on his own, and he's not actually all that strong. To save the world, then, he'll need other people... but that makes him feel weak.)
Questions To Ask About The World-Building:
Yes, world-building is very relevant. Think of A Song of Ice and Fire. In the story, if characters make mistakes, they tend to die for them--even if they're right. It literally opens in the first chapter with a man seeing the Others, telling our protagonist that he saw them, and getting executed for it. He's right, but he still dies for it. Thus, you can expect consequences along the same lines for the rest of the story--ASOIAF, SnK, etc. are not forgiving worlds. The characters who mess up, no matter how well-intentioned, are probably doomed. In a fairy tale or superhero story, like RWBY or BNHA, there's a lot more room for a character to survive.
This pattern of actions-consequences will tell you the genre, which will help you with expectations! (Genre can be very relevant for tragedies, deconstructions, etc.)
So, ask yourself: if a character dies, but he's right, then should he have done what he did? Does the author think this is bad? (Often, no!) Why does an author punish rightness with death? Is it an indictment of the character or the world? Is death a punishment at all in this story?
Questions To Ask About Framing:
Framing just tells us how to view certain events. For example, Ned Stark dies in ASOIAF, right? But did he do anything wrong? Or is it rather that the world is messed up? Some combination?
Ned does mess up. But, he also acts in a kind way that we don't see literally any other character acting with. He's concerned for innocent children, even those conceived from incest, which is very much not how the rest of the world treats kids in the story (think of how the story again opens with a child being attempted-murdered). So, he's not framed as a bad guy we should be pleased gets put down.
So, ask yourself: why did he die, then? What does this tell me about the world? About the characters? What about one similar event is different from this similar event?
Questions To Ask About The Writing:
What do the characters keep repeating throughout the story?
MHA: "I want to save people!" "I want to be a hero!" Conclusion: heroes save people.
SnK: "The world is cruel, but the world is also beautiful."
The Witcher: "destiny." (The story explores what destiny is.)
Tokyo Ghoul: "live, even if it's not stylish."
If it's repeated, that means the author wants you to think about this idea. Which means it's probs a theme.
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