#ryen in la!
kithtaehyung · 1 year
cutest moment of the tour award😭 | 230514 LA
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
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completely forgot to post these but look who i met (and got matching fisherman rj plushies with) this past weekend!!! that’s right it’s the one and only ryen @kithtaehyung!!! 🥹💗
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myfreakingbooks · 2 years
2022: #25 - PUNK 57
"Somos todos feios. A única diferença é que alguns escondem a feiura e outros a usam."
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Aconteceu. Depois de pegar o ebook na Amazon, descartar quando o booktt diz que é problemático e é daqueles que esconde suas merdas por trás do título de "dark romance", Paulo Ratz decide fazer um vídeo lendo a sinopse e a trouxa aqui achou interessante e resolveu ler. Por quê????????
Tudo começou bem, um primeiro capítulo super ok, embora já tenhamos visto um Misha meio mé julgando a Ryen. Plot twist com a irmã? Abrupto, mas esperado.
E assim começam os problemas do primo malvado de "Para todos os garotos que já amei", já que a partir dali vimos um personagem completamente diferente. Não era um adolescente lidando com a perda, era uma nova pessoa facilmente criada pela autora para levar a história aonde ela queria. "Ah mas é dark romance, vai ter problemáticas" só que é muito fácil se esconder atrás desse gênero para ter seu personagem literalmente cometendo crimes, ou vocês acham normal invadir a casa da pessoa tu ama, esperar por ela no estilo nate jacobs, jogar a menina contra a cama, a encurralando, pegar uma tesoura e cortar o cabelo dela? Depois disso, o Misha poderia ressuscitar Jesus de novo e eu ainda não gostaria dele, simplesmente não da pra ignorar que ele fez isso com ela e, na época, a Ryen nem sabia quem ele era, então ela teve um estranho a fazendo de refém e a ameaçando no próprio quarto!
Mas a autora realmente tentou fazer com que entendessemos o problemático favorito dela, mas eu simplesmente não conseguia ignorar os defeitos e abraçar a história, não é como "Mil beijos de garoto" que tu pode ignorar porque ninguém está ferido. Aqui é só uma tentativa desesperada de fazer Misha o dono da razão. Ele, em seu lugar de hetero, branco e riquíssimo, acha que é melhor que todos e pode ditar como a Ryen vive, que pode chamá-la de covarde, insultar e humilhar porque ela não atendeu as expectativas dele, porque nada é mais grave que omitir informações do precioso Misha Lare Grayson. Aí ele mete o louco na vida da guria e não aceita não ser perdoado imediatamente, porque ELE AMA ELA, então não mede as consequências de seus atos porque sabe que vai se safar de tudo. E foi o que aconteceu, porque do nada a Ryen resolve que transar com ele é importante demais e isso repara todo dano que ele causou. Fora a maneira que ele fala dela, que eu acho muito desrespeitoso, ainda mais se referindo a alguém que tu ama.
E aí entramos na questão do hot. Eu não gosto de sexo em histórias porque nunca agrega em nada e esse é apenas mais um exemplo disso, e de autoras que acham que transar cura trauma. Independente de eu gostar ou não, o hot tava ali e, no momento em que começou, não parou mais, fica claro que todos os 10 capítulos anteriores é só uma desculpa para quando começa a sacanagem, aí ela tá liberada e é só isso que importa até o fim.
Quanto à Ryen, eu vou defende-la. Ela fez o que precisou fazer para se proteger, se perdeu no caminho, mas todos nós não fizemos isso? Claro que ela também fez muita coisa e deixou outras acontecerem, mas acho que foi um problema de tradução não termos a gravidade dos atos dela, sinceramente. De qualquer forma, eu gosto dela, embora eu acho que ela poderia ter se esforçado um pouco mais pra saber quem é Misha/Masen. A autora precisou deixar a menina sem graça para que o homem pudesse brilhar.
Todos os outros personagens são unilaterais. Por que é tão confortável para autora escrever um personagem masculino ameaçando estuprar meninas por aí?
E por que todos tem nomes tão parecidos??? Ten e Trey??? Ao menos se esforce!
O plot final poderia ter sido mais dramático, faltou uma construção bacana pro mistério funcionar e na hora da revelação, o queixo de todos caírem. O mesmo vale pro embate entre Misha e Ryen, que deveria ser o grande momento, a revelação, o livro te leva até esse grande momento e eu estava ansiosa, mas não teve nem metade da emoção que merecia.
O livro teria sido um sólido 3 estrelas se não fosse toda questão do Misha ser um manipulador babaca. Aí cai pra 2, porque não posso fechar os olhos para as coisas que estava vendo. Nem mesmo a construção do Misha é bem feita, na minha opinião, porque no momento em que a Ryen descobre a verdade, ele volta pra skin de soft boy. Fora que ele tem um momento palestrinha de falar alguma coisa madura e inteligente, o que é meio fora de personagem pra mim kkkkkkk maduro demais pra idade dele, ainda mais pro bebê que nunca teve que pensar demais na vida.
O que me preocupa é que esse é o livro favorito de algumas pessoas, elas estão bem???
A história poderia ser uma denúncia massa de bullying nas escolas e a influência da internet nisso, mas falha miseravelmente porque machucar os outros é apenas uma ferramente pros protagonistas terem algum desenvolvimento e encher linguiça no plot. Ah, o título! Eu entendo o punk e, olhando por esse lado, faz sentido usar esses dois elementos, mas… O 57 era tão importante assim na história???? E o que é esse 57? Poderia ter sido o tempo que eles passaram sem se falar, mas 3 meses tem mais de 57 dias… Mas acho que já estou esperando demais.
*p.s.: na Internet rola uma onda de defender livros problemáticos porque é "dark romance" como se assim estivesse liberado fazer as piores coisas do mundo. Não caiam nessa. Nesse, autora a diz que é só romance, então tudo só piora.
Para ler minhas marcações e comentários só ir em @ careisreading no instagram
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learnfrenchwithgladys · 7 months
Basic Conversational French Building Blocks for Effective Communication
Introduction (50 words): Learning a new language can be a rewarding and enriching experience. French, often regarded as one of the world's most romantic languages, is no exception. In this article, we will explore the basics of conversational French, equipping you with essential vocabulary and phrases to kickstart your journey toward effective communication in this beautiful language.
Greetings and Pleasantries (100 words):
Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) - Good morning.
Bonsoir (bohn-swahr) - Good evening.
Bonne nuit (bohn nwit) - Good night.
Salut (sa-loo) - Hi/Hello (informal).
Comment ça va ? (koh-mah sah vah) - How are you?
Ça va bien (sah vah byen) - I'm doing well.
Merci (mehr-see) - Thank you.
De rien (duh ryen) - You're welcome.
Introductions (100 words):
Je m'appelle [Your Name] (zhuh mah-pehl [Your Name]) - My name is [Your Name].
Enchanté(e) (ahn-shahn-tey) - Nice to meet you (for males/females).
Voici [Name] (vwah-see [Name]) - This is [Name].
Comment t'appelles-tu ? (koh-mah tah-pel too?) - What's your name?
Basic Questions and Responses (100 words):
Oui (wee) - Yes.
Non (noh) - No.
Parlez-vous anglais ? (par-lei vooz ahn-glay?) - Do you speak English?
Je parle un peu de français (zhuh parl uhn peuh duh frahn-say) - I speak a little French.
Combien ça coûte ? (kohm-byen sah koot?) - How much does it cost?
Où est la toilette ? (oo eh lah twah-let?) - Where is the restroom?
Quelle heure est-il ? (kel eur eh-teel?) - What time is it?
Common Phrases for Getting Around (100 words):
Où est la gare ? (oo eh lah gahr?) - Where is the train station?
Je voudrais un billet pour [Destination] (zhuh voo-dray uhn bee-yeh poor [Destination]) - I would like a ticket to [Destination].
À quelle heure part le train ? (ah kel eur par luh trahn?) - What time does the train depart?
Où se trouve [Place] ? (oo suh truv [Place]?) - Where is [Place] located?
Je cherche un restaurant (zhuh shairsh uhn reh-stoh-rahn) - I'm looking for a restaurant.
L'addition, s'il vous plaît (la-dee-syon, seel voo pleh) - The check, please.
Eating Out (100 words):
Une table pour deux, s'il vous plaît (u-nuh tahbl poor duh, seel voo pleh) - A table for two, please.
Je voudrais le menu, s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo-dray luh muh-nyoo, seel voo pleh) - I would like the menu, please.
L'eau (loh) - Water.
L'entrée (la-an-trey) - Appetizer.
Le plat principal (luh pla maan-syahl) - Main course.
Dessert (day-zair) - Dessert.
L'addition, s'il vous plaît (la-dee-syon, seel voo pleh) - The check, please.
Cultural Discussions
French Book Club
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lizainthegarden · 1 year
Caro Misha, Mas. Que. Merda. É. Essa? Sim, você me ouviu. Acabei de dizer isso. Também digo que talvez esta seja minha última carta, mas sei que não é verdade. Não vou desistir de você. Você me fez prometer isso, então aqui estou eu. Continuo sendo a “porra da moça fiel” depois de três meses sem nenhuma palavra sua. Espero que esteja se divertindo, onde quer que esteja, babaca. (Mas sério, não esteja morto, tá?) Você tem as anotações das letras que enviei nas cartas anteriores. Queria as ter anotado em algum lugar agora, já que tenho a impressão de que você desapareceu para sempre, mas pra quê? Aquelas palavras são para você e só para você, e mesmo que não esteja lendo as letras ou até mesmo as recebendo, preciso enviá-las. Gosto de saber que elas estão à sua procura. Sobre as novidades, entrei na faculdade. Bem, algumas, na verdade. É engraçado. Faz tanto tempo que queria que tudo mudasse na minha vida e quando finalmente está pra acontecer, meu desejo de fugir diminui. Acho que é por isso que as pessoas ficam infelizes durante muito tempo, sabe? Triste ou não, é mais fácil ficar com o que é familiar. Já percebeu isso, também? Como todos nós só queremos que a vida passe o mais rápido e facilmente possível? E mesmo sabendo que sem risco não há recompensa, ainda sentimos muito medo de arriscar? Eu tenho medo, sendo bem sincera. Continuo pensando que as coisas não serão diferentes na faculdade. Ainda não sei o que quero fazer. Não ficarei mais confiante ou segura das minhas decisões. Ainda vou escolher os amigos errados e sair com os caras ruins. Então, é isso aí. Adoraria ouvir notícias suas. Diz pra mim que está ocupado demais para continuar com isso ou que estamos ficando muito velhos para sermos amigos por correspondência, mas apenas me diga uma última vez que acredita em mim e que tudo ficará bem. Porcaria sempre soa melhor vindo de você.  Não sinto sua falta, nem um pouquinho, Ryen PS: Se eu descobrir que está me dispensando por um carro, uma garota ou pela última versão lançada do GTA, vou zoar o quadro de mensagens do “Walking Dead” com o seu nome.
Punk 57
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imissgrantland · 2 years
The NBA Trade Value List (Summer Edition) With Ryen Russillo
The NBA Trade Value List (Summer Edition) With Ryen Russillo
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo for their final Sunday night podcast together to reveal Bill’s NBA trade value list. They run through Bill’s top 64 NBA players as well as some honorable mentions (4:01), before discussing Ryen’s experience at NBA Summer League in Las Vegas (1:32:56).Host:… Source: The NBA Trade Value List (Summer Edition) With Ryen Russillo
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
Sensualidad (JHS x F!Reader)
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Ay baby tu sensualidad, 
Me tiene al borde de la locura,
Y esto no es casualidad Te beso y sube la temperatura
Bad Bunny, J Balvin, Prince Royce - Sensualidad
rating: 18+ pairing: brother’s best friend Hoseok! x reader (feat. bro Namjoon and the boyz) genre(s): fluff, angst, smut au(s): rebound au word count: 8.8k warnings: broken enagagement, heartbreak, feelings of self doubt, drinking, swearing, brief mention of drugs, lots of hurt/comfort moments, toxic ex (J*e slander - he deserves it tho), lotsa cute fluffy moments, mutual pining, HOSEOK CAN SPEAK SPANISH, smut warnings: nudity, accidental voyeurism, grinding, breath play, hickeys, panty-ripping, fingering, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, Dom!Hoseok, finger sucking, spit play, squirting
summary: Left heartbroken after your fiancé vanishes on your wedding day, your brother and his friends hatch a plan to accompany you on the honeymoon of a lifetime. But along the way, one of them catches your eye - and steals your heart.
a/n: happy birthday Hoseok! this is a fic idea I’ve had for him since before I started writing, so I’m so glad to be able to put our birthday boy’s story in words. Fair warning: this was supposed to be wayyy more smutty but it’s soft as shit. Also dhwhkjfbcdhjksc it’s not my best work - but I just wanted to finish it bc i’ve been in and out of the doctor’s office over the past two weeks and otherwise it would’ve never seen the light of day. I may go back and edit later! Also, thank you to Ryen @kithtaehyung​ for letting me use her name!
tagging: @augustbutwinter​ (bc you asked)
listen to the playlist!
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Looking at the woman that stands before you in the mirror, you do a double-take. The dress is perfectly fitted to every curve and dip of your body, and you can’t help but admire the way it flares out into a dramatic train. You pin a few loose strands of hair back, pursing your lip to check for any damage to your makeup. Seeing none, you smooth down the skirt of your dress one last time. That’s when the butterflies set in.
In less than ten minutes, you’d be making your way down the aisle, ready to make the vows that promised you to the love of your life. After so many years of being single and looking for the perfect person, you’d met Jae on a blind date set up by your brother Namjoon. The two of them had known each other through works, and needless to say, you’d hit it off with him, dating him for two years before Jae had gotten down on one knee, asking you to be his forever.
Now, the moment you’d finally been waiting for had arrived. You look around the room anxiously, savoring your last few moments as a single woman. Namjoon would be up to collect you at any moment, ready to walk you down the aisle so he could give you away. Spinning around in your dress, you giggle, your heart fluttering at the prospect of marrying the man you loved soon. Everything was perfect.
Breathing heavily, you’re surprised to hear a knock on the door behind you. Namjoon had texted you that he’d be up soon, and you feel your heartbeat pound in your ears as you rush to the door. It was finally time.
Opening the door, you extend your arm out, ready to offer it to your brother. But it’s not Namjoon who greets you on the other end. Jung Hoseok, your brother’s best friend, is standing on the other side, face flushed and panting as though he’d run a marathon. His glassy eyes lock with yours, and you furrow your brows, silently pleading him to reveal what’s going on. Where was Namjoon? Was everything alright?
“___,” Hoseok breathes out, a hand reaching out to steady you. “It’s Jae. He’s gone. I’m so sorry.”
Your knees buckle, and the last thing you remember is Hoseok’s arms closing around you as you collapse against him, breathing in his earthy scent, before everything around you fades to black.
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“Forreal ____ just give me one reason why we shouldn’t turn this car around right now and run that motherfucker into the ground,” Namjoon seethes, hands gripping the steering wheel.
“Because,” you groan. “We dished out a couple thousand dollars for this honeymoon. Even if my heart hurts, I’m not gonna let my wallet hurt along with it.”
Namjoon looks away from the road for a brief moment, eyes scanning your figure. The waver in your voice hadn’t been lost on him, but as soon as he’d heard it, it was gone, and you remained stone-faced, staring ahead.
“You know,” he reassures you. “The other guys don’t have to join us. You could just spend the trip relaxing, getting in some much-needed self-care. I want you to have a good time.”
“Joonie,” you pat your little brother’s shoulder. “You know I love the boys. I can’t wait to party it up with all of you,get lit, as you guys say!”
Namjoon scrunches his nose at your forced enthusiasm.
“First of all, don’t ever say lit like that again, you lame-o. If you’re hanging with us, you gotta keep it cool, ow-!”
Namjoon winces as you jab him playfully in the arm, before smiling deeply at you, bent over in laughter. The past few weeks had been full of so many tears, so much self-doubt for you. It hurt him more than he cared to admit. He hoped this trip would be a good one, one you’d never forget.
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“AYYYYY, there’s our VIP!” Taehyung screams as the two of you exit the cool, air-conditioned, airport and make your way out into Cartagena’s balmy, tropical climate. Your heart feels full as six wide-eyed men greet you with mad shouts and hollers, crushing you against their chests and fighting over who’d drive you to the hotel.
“Don’t roll with Tae,” Yoongi quips, ruffling your hair. “The feds will pull you over before you can make it five miles.”
“Yah!-” Taehyung argues in the background, and you smile widely. Leave it to the boys to lighten your mood instantly.
“Listen up losers,” Namjoon declares. “Since I don’t trust any of you around my sister now that she’s single, she’s riding with me and Hoseok.”
“Namjoon-!” you whine, rolling your eyes at him, but he cuts you off with a finger to his lips. Not even within two weeks of your wedding that never was, and he was already asserting his protectiveness. You soften, offering him a weak smile. He meant well, even if he couldn’t have protected you from your inevitable heartbreak.
As the boys crowd around you, fighting over who carries your luggage, you feel your heart drop a little. While you’d been grateful for the distraction, your mind flits back to Jae, and how he’d left so easily without a trace. Just like that, two years were gone. Two years where you’d been happy, shared your life together, made plans for the next chapter. And now, no more concert dates, no more cooking each other dinner, no more talking about adopting a cat together. Mind running a thousand miles a minute, you try to wonder where everything went wrong, what made him run. What made him not even respond to the fifty-plus text messages you’d sent after everything had ended. Tears prick your eyelashes.
“___?” a gentle voice asks, and you look up to see Hoseok looking at you concernedly. “Ready to go?”
Swallowing, you blink a few times, willing yourself to keep the tears at bay. Hoseok’s eyes never leave yours, even as you give him a shaky nod.
The car ride to the city center is short, less than 20 minutes, but it feels like forever as you watch the colorful walls of the city pass by, reminiscing on all the hopes and dreams you’d had for this new chapter of your life, and how it had all come crashing down.
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“Last one to the pool buys drinks!” Jin shouts, dodging a frantic Jungkook as the two of them run up the hotel stairs, desperate to get the fun started. Namjoon and Hoseok race behind them, followed by a leisurely Taehyung and Yoongi.
Jimin offers you a sympathetic smile, holding out your room key, as he walks with you to the elevators, mumbling about how the rest of the gang would be tuckered out by the fifth floor. You’re grateful for him as he keeps the conversation running in the elevator, talking about his job at the dance studio and even joking that he’d teach you a few moves. Although you’re unable to respond, a sense of dread setting in as the two of you make your way down the hallway, you appreciate it anyway.
Setting down your stuff in the room, he excuses himself politely, leaving you alone. Left to ponder the vastness of the room you were supposed to spend your honeymoon in. Namjoon had insisted you keep the room for yourself, but everything around you felt lonely without Jae there, from the ice bucket filled with champagne, to the rose petals scattered on the bed. The hotel hadn’t known any better. Nor did you want their pity, knowing it would do nothing but make you feel worse.
You walk to the window, peering out at the sea of blue that stretches on for miles and miles beyond the horizon. Gaze dropping down to the poolside that backs up onto the beach, you watch the people from above in your frigid suite. In the corner, one man applies sunscreen to a woman’s back, both of them lounging on the pool chairs. Further away, another couple walks with their toddler, swinging their hands back and forth while the child squeals with uncontrollable glee. The scene below is full of so much life, and yet your heart feels more alone than ever.
The buzzing of your phone interrupts your stupor, a text from Namjoon lighting up the screen. He asks if you’ve settled in, inquiring whether you’d be joining them at the poolside bar in fifteen minutes.
“It’s okay to say no,” the text from your brother reads. And you feel guiltier than ever, bringing down everyone’s spirit with your gloom. Shooting him a quick text back, you confirm you’ll be there.
Your legs feel heavy, filled with lead, as you lift yourself up and set about getting ready for the pool. Throwing open your suitcase, a colorful mound of patterned outfits greets you. Your eyes flit among the options, pausing on a tiny yellow bikini patterned with sunflowers. A surprise last minute purchase, you’d bought the revealing set on a whim to surprise Jae during the honeymoon.
Looking at it now, your brain decides to say, fuck it, and you grab it from the stack. You quickly dispose of your clothes, slipping on the bottoms and securing the ties against your hips. Arms outstretched, you examine the tiny top, shuddering as you wonder how the small triangles will even manage to cover your chest.
The door creaks open behind you, and a pair of footsteps are heard against the marble floors. Jumping, you drop the offending article with a shriek, turning around and coming face to face with the intruder.
“Hey, ___, Namjoon was just wondering where you were, oh fuck,” Hoseok groans, his eyes immediately dropping to your exposed chest, nipples hardened in the cool air. A blush colors his face before he looks away quickly.
Face burning, you wrap your arms around your chest, turning away from him.
“I’ll be down in a few,” you breathe out shakily.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry,” Hoseok apologizes, unable to figure out why he remains stuck, both his feet and his brain caught in a lag when he should be running out of the room.
Silence falls in between you two, the sound of Hoseok’s heavy breaths barely discernible. Your mind is running a thousand miles a minute.
“I’ll go.”
“I think you should.”
His brown eyes meet yours nervously before he turns on his heels and walks out, and a pit forms in your stomach, unable to find out why he’d lingered for so long, and why you didn’t mind at all.
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“You know ___,” Seokjin drawls, swimming up to you. “Let a handsome guy like me buy you a drink and all the men in this hotel will be falling over you in five seconds.”
His proposition brings a wide smile to your face, and you playfully shove him away, dunking his head underneath the water.
“She doesn’t want anything to do with you, old man,” Jungkook snickers as he resurfaces, sopping wet bangs covering his eyes. A moment later, Jungkook is shoved backward, tackled by Seokjin as the two of them drift away, taking turns splashing each other back and forth.
You swing your feet back and forth, loving the way the cool water feels beneath your toes. Despite what had happened earlier with Hoseok, the cool summer breeze and fresh air aid your mind in feeling less clouded and confused. There was no use in pondering over the look in his eyes when he’d caught you earlier. It had been a simple mistake.
“You look like you could use a drink.”
Speak of the devil. A blinding heart-shaped smile is the first thing you see before Hoseok plops down next to you at the edge of the pool. You look away, flushing at his lithe body clad in a pair of red swim trunks.
Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you peer back, meeting Hoseok’s broad grin as he offers you a
ruby-red drink in a cocktail glass.
“The daiquiris here are supposedly bomb,” he grins. “I wanted to apologize for earlier. Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.:
His lazy smile makes your heart flutter, and you wonder how you’d never noticed it before. Right. You’d been too caught up in Jae.
“It’s all good,” you respond, accepting the drink. “I should’ve locked the door, it was my bad.”
Taking a sip of the sweet liquid, you nearly moan in delight at the cold refreshment it provides. Hoseok takes the opportunity to gaze over your figure, clad in the tiniest bikini he’d ever seen. Drinking in the sight of your glowing, tan legs as they kick around the water, he feels himself stir underneath his pants, masking his discomfort with an abrupt cough.
“Everything alright?” you look over, only to find a worrisome tension set into his face. Strange. He seemed alright a few moments ago.
“Yeah, fine,” he grumbles, quickly scrambling to his feet. “I, uh, forgot something upstairs. I’ll be back.”
And with that, he patters away, wet feet slapping against the tile. Leaving you to wonder just what had happened to make him change so fast.
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“Hey,” Namjoon whispers, knocking gently on your door. “Can I come in?”
You mumble out a weak “yes”, perched on your bed. Ever the insightful brother, he plops down next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to him.
“Did you have fun today?” he asks. Not wanting to upset him, you nod, but he can tell there’s something wrong.
“I’m sorry if it all feels like too much,” he rambles.
Cutting him off, you shake your head furiously. None of this was his fault, or any of the boys’. They were doing their best to live happily, to move on. Life stretched out for them into an endless sea of opportunities filled with people to meet, people to love. You thought Jae had been it for you.
“It’s okay Namjoon, you shouldn’t worry,” you reassure him with a gentle smile. “It just hasn’t been that long, so honestly, I don’t know how to feel. Being here, walking around and seeing the places we planned to go together, the views we were meant to see. Everything just feels so hollow without him.”
The last word ends on a sob, and Namjoon hugs you tightly against his chest, whispering into your hair that it’s okay to let it all out. Minutes that feel like hours passed before you feel the tears dry up.
“It was supposed to be my happy ending,” you sniffle, and Namjoon’s heart breaks. Unable to bear seeing the one person he loved more than anything cry like this. Growing up, you’d always been the kindest person, always giving to others and never taking time out for yourself. He’d watched you smile through every major milestone of his, whether it was graduating college, getting his first kiss, renting his first apartment. And you’d done the same for his friends too.
That’s why he’d been so excited when you met Jae. Excited that you could finally have those moments of happiness for your own. That the spotlight would finally be yours. But of course, that fucker had to go and ruin everything.
“You know ___,” Namjoon chuckles. “Believe it or not, Hoseok always says there are no such things as happy endings. Only happy beginning, that optimistic little shit.”
“He does?” you ask, peering up into Namjoon’s eyes. It seemed like he was everywhere today.
“Yeah,” Namjoon affirms. “No matter what happened in the past with Jae, you’ll always have tomorrow to look forward to. And that tomorrow will be full of more promise than you realize. So take it easy sis, and just enjoy yourself, no expectations, no worries. We’ll all be here to take care of ya.”
“Thanks Joon,” you respond. “You always know the right thing to say.”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
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A day later, and Namjoon’s encouragement to be optimistic might just come back to bite you. The eight of you slip in among the crowd, the younger ones jumping excitedly at the pounding bass and flashing lights. However, you know all too well that you’ll need copious amounts of alcohol to handle this. From wall to wall, you push against the others, following the flash of Yoongi’s silver hair as you make a bee line for the bar.
“Arghhh,” you groan. “Why are they playing EDM?”
“People will get drunk and grind to anything these days,” Yoongi smirks, ushering over the bartender with a wave.
“Whiskey on the rocks for me,” he rumbles. “And a Midori sour for my lady friend.”
Jabbing him in the arm, he yelps before smiling at you again.
“I can pay for my own drinks, you know that, right?”
“I know,” he says. “But I don’t want you to have to.”
“A charmer as always, Yoongs,” you giggle. “What would your girlfriend say?”
“I assure you,” he counters. “I’ve given her no reason to be dissatisfied.”
Rolling your eyes at the smug expression on his face, you take a sip of the drink, relishing the sweetness that bursts across your tongue. Moments later, you pucker your lips at the lemony hit, lost deep in contemplation with Yoongi at the bar while the other boys are who knows where.
“Hyung! ___! There you guys are! Been looking for you everywhere,” a booming voice causes you to jump, even amidst the crazy cacophony of the club.
“Hoseok, where is everyone?” you mutter nervously, unsure why your heart begins racing. Clad in a simple black button-down with short sleeves, your eyes are drawn to the heavy chains that decorate his slender neck, glinting amongst the low lights.
“Well, Tae and Jimin are off who knows where getting high, Jungkook and Jin-Hyung are trying to see who can pick up more girls, and Namjoon…” he pauses, looking at your nervously, before pointing to the corner.
Eyes following his arm, you gaze to the corner he’s pointing at, barely able to make out the tall figure of your brother amongst the throng. Except he’s not alone. He currently has his arms wrapped around a very pretty girl, who seems to be attacking him with her lips.
“Ew,” you groan, Yoongi snickering in the background behind you. “Tell him to stop before I vomit.”
“Please,” Hoseok grins. “They’ll be out of here before you know it.”
“Lovely,” you mumble, and Hoseok’s deep, mischievous dimples make an appearance once again.
“Say ____,” he begins, eyes flitting over to Yoongi, leant back against the bar with a lazy but amused smirk on his face. “I haven’t seen you out on the floor all night. What do you say?”
His question is accompanied with an outstretched arm, and all of a sudden, your stomach flutters with a feeling that you hadn’t felt for the past two years. His sparkling eyes meet yours, locking you in a trance, and you nervously accept his offer.
Hoseok drags you through the crowd, heat radiating from where his palm meets yours. The lights seem too bright all of a sudden, and a bead of sweat trickles down your back. The fluttering in your stomach grows as the rhythm of the current EDM song fades away into a slower, more sensual one.
“Hey,” he says gently. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
You pause, wondering how exactly he could sense the anxiety coursing through your veins. The change in beat had brought a new, exciting proximity between the two of you, one that made your heart lurch. Taking a deep breath, your gaze narrows, focusing only on the feel of Hoseok’s hand in yours.
Suddenly, the rooms spins, and you find yourself twirled around, back meeting Hoseok’s front. Shivers run up your spine when he leans in, chuckling in your ear.
“Don’t focus on me. Just let go.”
Even amongst the loud music, his low voice rings in your ears, and everything around you fades as you begin to move together. Hips swaying side to side, you gasp when Hoseok’s palms settle on your waist. Even though you’re turned away, you  can feel his smirk in your ear, and everything feels too hot, too sudden. And yet you don’t want it to stop.
His movements are rough, yet fluid, guiding you to move with him, and you relish in the felling of losing control, surrendering completely to the here and now. So different from the months before, which had been filled with meticulous planning and rigidity. Right now, your future is murky, and everything seems unclear, but Hoseok is there behind you, leaving goosebumps wherever he touches.
The haze lifts with one particular thrust of his hips into you. A small moan leaves your mouth, and everything clears, and your heart begins to race. You were enjoying this. And evidenced by the hardness that pushed against you, so was he. Shakily, your eyes met Hoseok’s, surprised to find his usual sparkling ones blown out in deep pools of lust.
“I-,” you struggle, seeking brief respite from the emotions coursing through you, but not wanting the moment to end.
“Don’t,” he growls, hand coming up to brush the sweaty tendrils of hair from your neck. “Don’t apologize.”
The adrenaline returns, accompanied by his longing gaze, and you feel yourself throb underneath your skirt. Unable to wrestle with your feelings any longer, your heated gaze drops to his lips, mirroring his own hungry gaze. Heavy breaths fill the space between you, and you’re certain it’s no longer from the physical exertion.
Lips ghosting over yours, he teases you, never fully committing, and you decide you’ve had enough. You reach out, and his lips part in a surprised “oh”, dragging him by his biceps through the crowd that continues to grind, oblivious to the explosive vibe between you. Scanning the crowd nervously, you hope no one else can see you.
As you approach the fringe of the club-goers, you let out a surprised yelp as Hoseok pushes you through the door to the restroom. Stumbling backwards, he cages you against the sink, finally enveloping his lips with your own in a rough kiss. Biting back a moan, you feel yourself clench as he nips your bottom lip.
The sound stirs him, and with a hard squeeze to your thigh, he coaxes you to jump, strong arms lifting you and placing you on the counter. Heart pounding, the look in his eyes is dangerous, sending chills down your spine.
“Let me help you forget,” he breathes against your forehead. “Let me make you feel good.”
Unable to do anything but whine in response, he pushes your head back against the glass of the mirror, thumb and ring finger settling on either side of your throat as he peppers rough kisses down your throat and into your cleavage, leaving splotches of crimson and violet as he grazes his teeth in every spot his lips meet.
Dropping to his knees, he hikes your skirt up, eyes darkening at the black lace thong you chose to wear. In a split second, the scrap of lace is gone, torn to shreds on the floor as his hot breath ghosts over your clenching core.
“Tell me you want this,” he asks, eyes searching yours.
“Yes,” you mewl, head swimming. “I want this, want to feel you, please-”
Your pleas are cut off swiftly as he slips two fingers inside of you, dragging them against your walls with a low sigh.
“Fucking hell, your pussy is so wet. Is this all for me?”
“Only for you, yours-” you whine, grinding your hips against him, completely lost to what is coming out of your mouth.
“I know that’s right,” Hoseok hisses when you gush around him, arousal dripping down his wrist. “That motherfucker could never get you wet like this. I feel sorry for him, he’s missing out.”
You feel yourself flutter at his words, throwing your head back while reaching over to swipe your fingers through his sweaty hair.
“No touching, babygirl. This is all about you,” he says, before diving in and licking a long stripe up your slit.
Your knees buckle around him as he works you with his tongue, never ceasing the movement of his fingers inside of you. Feeling a harsh suck to your clit, you moan loudly, sure that anyone who’s outside can hear you. But you don’t care, revelling in what it means to let go, if only for tonight.
Just as you’re about to let go and surrender yourself completely, Hoseok’s fingers retreat, leaving you clenching around nothing. You open your lips, ready to protest, but Hoseok cuts you off, stuffing his fingers inside your mouth.
“Suck,” he commands, and you’re left breathless, unable to do anything but comply while wetting the digits, tasting yourself.
Hoseok doesn’t cease below, continuing to lick and suck, depraved eyes loving the sight of you falling apart for him, and nobody else. Pulling away, he lets a glob of saliva drip from his lips down onto your pussy, loving the way it mixes with the glistening juices from your cunt.
The bathroom is filled with silence, and nothing but the lewd wet sounds of Hoseok’s tongue can be heard against the pounding bass from the club in the background. The lights in the restroom have gone out, the dim glow of the mirror painting a sinful portrait of the two of you.
“Cum for me ____,” he breathes against your aching core. “I want to see how gorgeous you look, want to lick you clean.”
That’s what does it, pushing you overboard, wetness gushing from you as you scream his name, soaking the chains of his bracelets and dripping down his arm.
“Holy fuck,” Hoseok looks at his glistening hand, studying it. “That was so hot, shit. Have you ever done that before?”
Turning your head to the side, you shyly nod “no”, brain still clouded as you come down from your high. A new sensation sparks deep in your belly, the reality of the situation dawning on you - your little brother’s best friend had just given you the best orgasm of your life in a club bathroom, mere weeks after being left by the man you thought would be your forever.
“Oh my god,” you pant, anxiety settling in. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean, I mean, you didn’t have to, fuck.”
“Hey,” Hoseok tilts your head back towards him, the dark look replaced by his signature smile. “It’s cool. I wanted to make you feel better. It worked, didn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you smile back. “It did.”
Hoseok helps you as you wobble to your feet, ears reddening at the sight of your torn panties on the bathroom floor. He doesn’t take your hand in his again, instead opening the door to let you walk out first, and you feel your heart drop.
“___,” Hoseok mutters, and you turn behind you. “For what it’s worth, Jae was a complete idiot.”
And then he walks away, disappearing into the crowd.
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"Damn girl,” Jimin muses as you slip into the spot next to him. “You look rough. Did you get pounded good last night?”
You feel the blood in your veins freeze, wondering what gives you away. Was it the messy braids, or the dark circles under your eyes. Shit. You shouldn’t have skipped out on the concealer.
“Shut it, Park,” Namjoon quips, snickering as he hands you a bowl of fruit. “No joking about my sister’s sex life. Anyways, she still looks better than you.”
Breathing a huge sigh of relief, you realize none of them have caught on, and your shoulders drop, releasing the tension within. Chewing your lip, you skim over the boys’ tired figures at the breakfast table, clad in cosy hoodies, when you realize one of them is missing. Hoseok.
The chatter around you fades as your thoughts flash back to last night. For as long as you’d known him, Hoseok had never even shown any signs of acknowledging you as anything but Namjoon’s sister. Sure, he’d always been kind and welcoming, but he was like that with anyone. The Hoseok you’d seen last night had been different. Darker, more dangerous. Remembering the look in his eyes, your heart begins to speed up. What did it all mean?
“Sorry I’m late!” a loud laugh can be heard, and you feel someone slide into the spot next to you. Looking up, your eyes lock with Hoseok’s and you quickly look away.
“Did you have fun on the dancefloor last night, ___?” Yoongi asks, looking in between you and Hoseok. His eyes are glimmering with unrevealed knowledge.
“____has the craziest moves!” Hoseok chuckles. “Y’all should’ve seen her.”
Swinging your legs underneath the table, you can’t decide whether you’re thankful that he isn’t making what happened last night obvious, or hurt that he’s just brushing it off.
Clearing your throat, you decide to speak up.
“Hobi has some pretty crazy moves too. Wild, actually.”
Feeling him stiffen next to you, you shoot him a smug smirk, before the conversation thankfully shifts to a spat between Jin and Jungkook arguing about who actually picked up the most people last night.
“What about you, Joon,” Hobi snickers. “We all saw you getting cosy last night.”
“Aish,” Namjoon reaches over, ruffling the hair on his neck. Blushing, he seems embarrassed that everyone, including you, had caught him in the act. “It was nothing.”
“Didn’t seem like nothing to me,” you mutter under your breath.
“Anywayyy,” Jungkook declares. “So are we hitting the shops today or what? Gotta grab those sick souvenirs.”
The table nods in agreement, everyone rising and making their way upstairs, preparing for the bright sunny day that lies ahead.
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The afternoon sun beats down, casting shadows across the winding alleyways of the city center, the eight of you perusing the various shops and vendors. Jin in the first to split off, eyeing a coffee stand, while Namjoon and Yoongi catch their eyes on a few sellers down the road stacked with bottles of aquardiente.
The rest of you make your way through the stalls, the giggles and jokes of the younger ones a stark contrast to the silence that falls between you and Hoseok. He walks a few steps ahead of you, observing the bright patterned stalls with various wares, while you drag your feet behind him. Before you know it, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung have left down the road, leaving the two of you alone.
“You know,” you break the silence. “You can buy whatever you want. You don’t have to wait for me.”
His eyes soften, and he winks at you.
“I’m looking. I gotta find stuff that matches my vibe. There’s a whole process in my head whenever I go shopping for anything.”
“You’re cool,” you blurt out, flushing. “I mean, your style is pretty cool. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s so different.”
He beams at your compliment, and your heart flutters. Deep down, you meant it. Hoseok was one of the coolest people. All of you were lucky to know him.
“Aish, really? Tell that to all my exes,” he laughs.
“They were missing out,” you respond quickly, watching his throat bob as he swallows. You’d thrown what he’d said last night right back into his face.
He leans closer to you, until your hands are barely brushing.
“What about you?” he says. “Anything catch your eye?”
Pausing, your eyes flicker over to stall that’s selling jewelry, the bright stone glinting underneath the sunlight. Hoseok’s eyes flit to the stall, and then back to you, watching you gaze linger sadly on your empty ring finger. He wraps his hand up in yours, ignoring your surprise as he drags you with him to the stall.
“Try them on!” he says excitedly, dispelling the somber mood.
“Oh,” you say quietly. “No, I couldn’t–..”
“C’mon,” he pouts. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
Eyes roving over the pretty green stones, your gaze falls on an emerald necklace, the large stones nestled in between delicately engraved patterns.
“___,” Jae says, twisting your hand in his as he leads you away from the jewelry store. “We don’t have time for this.”
“I was just looking,” you mumble quietly, ashamed at the impatient look on his face.
“Don’t you have enough things to wear already?” he quips jokingly, yet you feel a stab through your heart. “I thought that’s what the whole fucking wedding shit was for anyway.”
Your face heats at his teasing, and you feel tears prick the corner of your eyelids. He was probably right. You had gotten so many pretty things for the wedding - clothes, and makeup, and jewelry. It was probably greedy to buy something else.
“Hey, babe,” Jae says, wiping a stray tear from your face. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad at all. I just meant that we have each other, and a wedding to look forward to? That’s enough, right?”
You nod, unable to say anything. The nagging feeling in your heart remains.
Hoseok feels your body go rigid beside him, a dark look crossing your face. Lost in thought, you gaze at the necklace, your eyes swimming with tears.
“Hey,” he brushes a hand against your shoulder. “You okay?”
Jolting at his touching, you wipe your eyes, not wanting him to see the tears fall.
“I’m fine,” you garble. “We should probably head back, and find the others.”
Turning on your heel, you begin to walk away, but Hoseok catches your hand in his, spinning you back towards him. You land against his chest with a thud, and he chuckles.
“Nosotros tomaremos ese collar,” he say confidently to the shopowner, pointing to the necklace that’d caught your eye. You gape at him in shock.
“Hobi,” you say, the nickname causing him to grin. “I can’t.”
“Yes you can,” he says. Walking behind you, you feel his light touch sweep the hair from the back of your neck, fingers delicately clasping the necklace around you.
“You deserve it ___,” he breathes against your neck. “You deserve to feel special.”
Spinning on your heels, your glassy eyes lock with his warm ones. Throwing your arms around his neck, you tackle him in a hug, pulling his body close. After a few seconds of being caught off guard, he reciprocates, sighing as he holds you against him, stroking your hair.
The sunlight continues to beat down on you both, but it’s now accompanied by a gentle breeze, one that lifts your heart up on its wings and sweeps it away, floating on the wings of a zephyr.
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The moonlight filters in through the window, casting an eerie glow over your hotel room. The boys had retired long ago, tuckered out from a day of shopping. Sitting cross-legged on your bed, you delicate run your fingers over the pretty engravings in the emerald necklace, smiling to yourself. You hadn’t taken it off since you’d gotten it. Honestly, you doubted you’d ever take it off, the memory of Hoseok’s firm arms wrapping around you too fond to bear letting go of.
Gulping, you muse on the strange fluttering in your chest that hasn’t ceased since the whole trip began. Nearly a month ago, you’d been crumpled over in another hotel room, heart shredding into a thousand pieces when you learned Jae wasn’t coming back. Of course, the pain of your broken engagement still lingered, picking the worst times to come back and jab you in the side, reminding you that no matter how nice every said you were, it was never enough for them to stay.
Yet right now, your heart no longer felt as empty as it did before. While the stabbing pain left scars, the fresh sea air, the love from your brother and his friends, it was enough to begin to heal the cracks in your heart. To smooth them over, filling the missing spaces with golden memories. A tear trickles down your face, and you’re shocked that it’s no longer brought on by extreme sadness. Rather, you sob with joy, knowing that no matter how much it hurts, you’ll be okay.
A sharp knock on the door interrupts you, and you jump, quickly wiping the tears from your face. The lock clicks open, and Hoseok is who greets you, nervously tapping his foot. Frowning, you wonder what he was doing here. Hadn’t he gone to bed long ago?
“Oh good, you’re awake,” he says, pausing when he sees the glistening streams that run down your face. “You’ve been crying.”
“I’m fine,” you manage to muster, not wanting to worry him. “What are you doing here anyway?”
His face lights up, reaching behind his back to pull out a wicker basket, blanket tucked into the top.
“I’m starving,” he smiles. “Wanna go on a picnic?”
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“You’re insane,” you whisper behind him, the two of you stumbling onto the beach in a fit of giggles, ice cream cones in hand. “I thought you brought real food.”
“Nahhh,” he drawls. “I forgot. But we have ice cream, so it’s all good.”
The waves crash as the two of you walk along the shore, taking in the serene landscape, not a soul to be found outside at this time. The ice cream tastes sweet on your tongue, and joy bubbles in your heart at how free, how unbothered you feel, all thanks to the man next to you.
Ahead, Hoseok’s eyes scan the beach for the perfect spot, stopping by a cluster of large, flat rocks. He turns to you, smile wide, before laying down the blanket, beckoning you to sit with him.
The wind whips through your hair, and you shudder at the cool night air. Seeing your bare shoulders, Hoseok sheds his leather bomber, wrapping it around you. You eyes give him silent thanks, nestling into the jacket, relishing in his fresh, clean scent.
“What brought this on?” you ask him. “And why wasn’t anyone else invited?”
“C’mon, can you really see Jin-hyung out on a moonlit stroll? We’d be able to hear his laughter all the way back out at the hotel,” Hoseok chuckles, and you smile.
“I did this for you,” he admits, and you feel your breath catch in your throat. “Wanted to make sure you were having fun.”
“I am,” you reassure him. “It’s been great, you’ve all been so great. I don’t deserve all this.”
“You never really talk about him,” he whispers, a far-off look in his eyes. “Jae.”
Sadness washes over you in waves at the mention of his name, and you look off into the vast distance. A crippling fear settles in your spine. What if you never talked to him again? What if you never found out the reason he left?
“What is there to talk about?” The words come out in a sob. “He left me. He broke my heart.”
Turning to Hoseok, your eyes glimmer.
“My entire life, I’ve always been the person who took care of others. Namjoon, my friends, you guys. I’d always be there, on the sidelines, cheering you on. Watching you move through life, move forward, grow up, fall in love. I never thought that would happen for me. I never thought I was special enough for it.”
Hoseok’s features twist into a pained frown, but he remains silent, letting you continue.
“And then I met him, and it seemed like everything fell into place. I finally had what everyone was talking about, I could finally have those experiences and relate. The rest of my life was waiting for me. He made me feel special. He made me feel like I was someone worth falling for. But then he was gone. And I realized none of that was true.”
Tears stream down your face as you choke out the words, hugging your knees tightly to you chest as you rock back and forth gently.
“That’s bullshit.”
Hoseok’s declaration echoes amongst the crashing of the waves.
“None of that is true,” he says resoundingly. “You’re one of the most special people I’ve ever met. Do you remember the day of my senior showcase?”
You blink, the memory returning to you.
“____,” Hoseok says, tapping his foot nervously against the hardwood floors of the foyer. “I think I’m gonna throw up. What if I mess up?”
You look at the nervous boy, hair gelled back and polished shoes gleaming, and offer him a sympathetic smile.
“You’re gonna kill it Hobi,” you reassure him. “You’re a damn good dancer, and you’ve worked so hard for this. Don’t let your head get to you. You’re more than enough.”
Reaching behind your back, you pull out a smiley face shaped balloon and a powder-blue horse plush, much to Hoseok’s surprise.
“I was saving these for after your performance,” you sigh. “But you look like you could use it now. This is Mang. I pawned him from some thrift store, but I figured you could keep him on your shelf. You know, along with the first place trophy you’ll win.”
Hoseok says nothing, and you feel your cheeks heat.
“Sorry if it’s lame,” you mumble, eyes downcast.
“It’s not lame,” Hoseok breathes out, taking the plush from you and hugging it tightly. The simple action makes you smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“____,” Hoseok’s voice echoes, bringing you back to the present. “You’re enough, just as you are. And you don’t need anyone else, anything else to prove that. Regardless of what happened, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved.”
Looking at him, his voice is firm and resolute, urging you to believe in yourself.
“But what if I never find it again? Love. What if that was my one chance?” your voice is small, and your figure shrinks into itself.
Hoseok reaches over, brushing his thumb against your cheek, and you feel your skin heat at the contact. Warmth blooms in your chest as he leans in, capturing your soft lips with his own. His breath comes out in pants, tickling your skin. Tongue slipping in between your own, the smell of his jacket and the warmth of his palm against his cheek makes you feel dizzy, head swimming as he takes time, drawing out soft moans and whimpers with each touch.
Pulling away, he leans in, pressing his forehead to your own with a heavy sigh.
“You’ll find it again.”
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The rest of the days in Cartagena blend together, filled with sunshine and hope, and lots of jokes with the boys. You spend hours together lounging by the poolside, playing volleyball on the beach, getting drunk at every bar possible. Yet, Hoseok is avoiding you. It became apparent the day after he’d kissed you on the beach, leaving you giddy and unable to sleep that night.
Then the next day came, and he stalked down to breakfast, taking the seat all the way down the table from you. Shoulders slumped, his entire demeanor screamed defeated, and you were left confused as to why. The kiss had been mutual, with you enjoying it as much as he had. Although there was no confession between you, you were unable to deny the spark between you two. A spark, that for the first time since the wedding, had made you feel hopeful for the future.
Which is why it hurt so much when Hoseok shut it all down. Barely attempting to make conversation besides the normal “hey”, lingering around Namjoon and Yoongi instead of back with you like he’d always done.
Letting out a deep sigh, you watch the sun set on your time here, and your heart drops. The blazing of the setting sun paints the room in golds and oranges, reminding you of Hoseok and his infectious energy. Looks like you’d be returning from this trip the same way you’d left it. Alone and unwanted.
“___?” Namjoon raps on your door. “You ready to go?”
Turning to your brother, you can’t help the few tears that slip down your face.
“Hey hey hey,” Namjoon jumps to your side. “What’s going on?”
“I fucked up Joonie,” you sob, watching his brows furrow. “I fucked up and now I’m gonna be alone forever.”
“What do you mean?” he wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. “Is this about Jae?”
Breath hitching, you realize you can’t be truthful with him. You can’t be honest and tell him that your ex-fiancé has ceased to cross your mind during this entire vacation. Instead, the person that torments your soul, the one you’d fallen for, is his best friend. His best friend who didn’t feel the same way.
“I just want everything to go back to normal,” you lie. “Before I met him.”
Wiping your tears softly, Namjoon looks at you, searching your eyes for further explanation. But he finds none, your walls coming up to guard the deepest parts of your heart.
“Hey,” he says. “Let’s go out, have one last night of fun together. And then, when we get back, we can figure this out, okay? I’m here for you, sis. Take as much time as you need.”
Offering him a weak smile, you take his extended hand, rising to stand with him.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
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A cool breeze caresses the bare skin of your arms, the square bustling with activity despite the darkness outside. The clinking of glasses can be heard at the bar, laughter exchanged between the patrons chattering about their days. The lilting melody of a face paced salsa beat is heard in the background, the lyrics speaking of longing a stark contrast to the rhythm.
Namjoon stands on the other side of the square, hand clasped in a familiar one. The girl from the club, now laughing alongside him. Ryen. He’d introduced her to you all earlier in the week, with a shy smile. She wasn’t much better off, swooning over his dimples, yet fitting right into your intimate group. Barring the other boys taking every opportunity to clown their friend.
You wonder if they’d talk after the flight home. Maybe, maybe not. But what mattered was that now, in the moment, your brother was taking a chance. Regardless of the risks. Your thoughts drift back to Hoseok, standing a few feet away, eyes trained on the intricate footwork of the couples dancing.
The beat changes to a slower one, notes floating in the wind. The air sparkles with romance, the moonlight shining down on the crowd. You smile to yourself seeing Namjoon move awkwardly among them, spinning Ryen back and forth.
Eyes flitting back to Hoseok, his lonely, beautiful figure makes your heart race. Tan skin glowing against a simple white button down, he looks ethereal. A sun among the moonlight. Sighing, you take another sip of your drink. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be.
“Noona?” you turn to the side, seeing Jungkook eye you curiously. “Why aren’t you dancing?”
“I’m okay Kookie,” you reassure him. “Just tired.”
“Is it because of Hoseok-hyung?” he inquires, doe eyes going wide when he realizes the two of you are the only ones not waltzing through the square.
“N-no,” you cut him off. How had he known? “Why would you think that?”
“Because,” Jungkook affirms. “You two look at each other in the exact same way.”
He pushes himself off the bar, not daring to elaborate. But you know he’s said everything he needed to say.
Shuffling your feet, the mere feet you walk over to Hoseok stretch out before you like a thousand miles. Lost in a desert of doubt, you walk. Seeking him as a refuge, whether he knows it or not.
“Hobi,” you breathe out, watching his head turn to you sharply.
Gulping, you feel all your emotions caught in your throat, rendering you unable to speak.
“Dance?” you ask him, extending out your hand.
His eyes widen in surprise at your offer. You’d never been the one to initiate. It had always been him, holding you up, keeping you from crashing. But you didn’t need help anymore.
Now, you asked him to dance as an equal, no longer wanting to forget, but to make new memories.
Swirling through the crowd with your hand in his, your eyes remain locked, in a dance of their own. No words are exchanged when he wraps his arm around your wrist, pulling your closer, or you reach up to brush the soft hair at the back of his neck. Only movement exists: left, right, back and forth.
A spin here, a dip there. And suddenly, Hoseok’s face is inches from yours, breath melting onto your lips.
“Bonita,” he smiles. You don’t need Spanish lessons to know what this means. “Bonita como la luz de la luna.”
Heart racing, you pull him aside, underneath the colorful awning of a shop. His hand remains enclosed in yours, sparks shooting up your skin.
“Why do all this?” you ask. “Why help me forget everything that happened, when all it did would make me remember you more?”
“You have to know,” he says, eyes refusing to meet your own, the moonlight reflected in their glimmering depths.
You knew. But you needed to hear him say it.
“I’m in love with you,” Hoseok admits. “I’ve loved you for the longest time. I want to be your sun, the endless source of light in your life. Because you deserve it. You deserve to be loved, you deserve to smile every day.”
“And I know,” he continues. “I know it’s too soon, and you may not be ready to move on. And that’s okay. But you deserve to leave here knowing you are more than enough. That your life is beautiful and perfect as it already is.”
By now, you’re sure you can feel the boys eyes on you, Namjoon and Ryen paused in the middle of their dance, jaws gaping and focus trained on you and Hoseok locked in an embrace. A small smile crosses your face, knowing they won’t be upset, or angry. All your friends wanted was for you to find happiness, to have an unforgettable time. And so you had.
Arching forward, your lips mould against Hoseok’s own, catching him by surprise as he nearly topples backwards. You kiss for what feels like an eternity, all your love and healing meeting his years of pining in a passionate blaze. When you finally break apart, Hoseok’s smile is the widest you’ve ever seen, and you can’t help but break out into one of your own.
“No more waiting,” you say. “You’re right, my life may be beautiful enough as it is, but it’d only be even more so with you in it.”
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The car rolls along the rough pavement, the scenery of your neighborhood passing you by. Not long ago, you’d been ready to confine yourself to these streets, these neighborhoods, trapped in the shadow of a man who’d left at a moment’s notice. Now, you return, horizons broadened, sun-kissed and glowing with a tan to match. All thanks to the man next to you.
“Ew, could you guys like stop being so in love for five seconds?” Namjoon groans from the driver’s seat.
“Looking who’s talking bro,” Hoseok smirks. “How’s Ryen?”
Namjoon ducks out of your view, but you catch the faint hint of a blush on his cheeks.
“Hob-ah,” Namjoon warns, voice dropping. “You break her heart, and I’ll kill you.”
“Never,” Hoseok tightens his hold on your hand, letting you know he’ll always be here, that he’ll always be safe.
“And please, for the love of god,” Namjoon snickers. “If I ever hear you two having sex—”
“You’ll keep your mouth shut about it,” you say sweetly, watching Namjoon roll his eyes.
Turning the bend, Namjoon pulls onto your street, parking in the driveway. As the three of you exit the car, you gasp, seeing a lone figure sitting on the steps. Jae.
You feel your throat constrict, heart pounding at his sudden appearance. You don’t want to talk. You just want to forget.
“Hey motherfucker,” Hoseok snarls. “What do you think you were doing, hurting my girlfriend like that?”
He stalks towards Jae, shooting you a wink. You watch the man’s eyes widen in fear, the look on Hoseok’s face enough to have him scampering away, yelling he’d call you later.
“He won’t call,” Hoseok smirks. “I’ll cut his phone line before he can even try.”
“Damn sis,” Namjoon chuckles. “Hobi’s got you. You sure you’re ready for this?”
Giving him a playful shove, you grab Hoseok’s hand again, leading him inside, where your parents await.
“Ready as ever.”
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A/N pt. 2: I feel like I dropped the ball at the end, but oh well. Still pretty happy with this! Thanks for reading! As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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luanweee · 5 years
Ultimamente, as lágrimas pareciam pairar na superfície e, qualquer golpe, por menor que fosse, tinha o poder de trazê-las, como quando numa súbita explosão de riso ou medo fosse difícil segurar a bexiga, especialmente se ela estivesse segurando por um longo tempo como era o caso agora”.
- Pay it Forward, Catherine Ryen Hyde
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kithtaehyung · 11 months
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🔥💨‼️ | 230514 LA
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taboohqs · 3 years
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stop what you’re doing! i just saw GINGER GALSYTAN leaving ( OZ ) after their shift, i think they are a FORTY YEAR OLD — CLUB MANAGER ( OZ ). word around town is they’re from LAS VEGAS, but made themselves at home here in MIAMI.
condo complex or gated community: ( parkline miami. )
status: ( vet. )
alias: ( gi gi. )
instagram notifications: ( myfabolouslife sent a message: i know you see me callin yo fuckin phone.. )
text notifications: ( 8 missed calls from ryen's fathere. )
last played song: ( lost you x. snoh aalegra. )
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Punk 57 - Penelope Douglas (2016) [En Español]
Éramos perfectos juntos. Hasta que nos conocimos. Misha No puedo evitar sonreír ante las palabras en su carta. Ella me extraña. En quinto grado, mi profesora nos juntó con amigos por correspondencia de una escuela diferente. Pensando que yo era una niña, con un nombre como Misha, el otro profesor me juntó con su alumna, Ryen. Mi profesora, creyendo que Ryen era un chico como yo, aceptó. No nos…
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wordsofbooksblog · 4 years
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🌿 “Insieme siamo perfetti” di Penelope Douglas Ormai ve l’ho annunciato e quest’anno è l’anno di questa autrice. Sempre seguendo i consigli di @silvyinwonderland ho letto questo auto conclusivo. E direi che ho fatto super bene a darle retta come sempre. ⠀ Sinceramente non sapevo cosa aspettarmi dalla lettura, essendomi approcciata a questa autrice con un genere che non faceva per me, ero curiosa di riscoprirla in un nuovo romanzo. "Insieme siamo perfetti", mi è piaciuto davvero molto, è una storia che ti scorre fra le dita e i due protagonisti sono davvero ben delineati. ⠀ Misha inizialmente non mi ha fatto una buonissima impressione ma ha saputo riprendersi alla grande ♥♥ Anche se a crescere di più durante la storia, secondo me, è Ryen. ⠀ Questa volta la storia era molto più nelle mie corde e ho apprezzato come l’autrice sia riuscita a trattare temi come il bullismo e il lutto. Assolutamente un romanzo da leggere, e se siete al primo approccio con questa autrice potreste cominciare proprio con questo!! ⠀ #qotd ❓ Lo avete letto? Cosa ne pensate? ⠀ #recensionidiwb #bookaholic #penelopedouglas #insiemesiamoperfetti #newtoncomptoneditori #lovereading #bookaddicted #ilibridiwb #thunderbay (presso Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B73zCN_oHwp/?igshid=1dp6m024ecluh
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Insieme siamo perfetti di Penelope Douglas
In quinta elementare a ciascuno di noi venne assegnato un amico di penna tra i ragazzini di un’altra scuola. Mi chiamo Misha, e pensando che fossi una femmina, l’altro insegnante mi mise in coppia con una sua allieva, Ryen; la mia maestra, credendo che Ryen fosse un maschio come me, non obiettò.
Dal primo momento in cui io e Ryen abbiamo iniziato a scriverci, abbiamo litigato su tutto. E le cose non sono cambiate in questi sette anni. Le sue lettere sono sempre scritte in inchiostro argento su carta nera.
A volte ne arriva una alla settimana, altre volte tre nello stesso giorno, ma sento che ormai sono diventate una necessità per me.
Lei è l’unica che mi aiuta a tenere la rotta, l’unica che mi accetta per come sono. Abbiamo solo tre regole fra di noi. Niente social media, niente numeri di telefono, niente foto.
Fino a quando, in rete, sono incappato nella foto di una ragazza di nome Ryen, che ama la pizza di Gallo, e adora il suo iPhone. Quante possibilità c’erano che fosse lei? Accidenti! Dovevo incontrarla. Certo non potevo immaginare che avrei detestato ciò che stavo per scoprire.
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imissgrantland · 2 years
The NBA Trade Value List (Summer Edition) With Ryen Russillo
The NBA Trade Value List (Summer Edition) With Ryen Russillo
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo for their final Sunday night podcast together to reveal Bill’s NBA trade value list. They run through Bill’s top 64 NBA players as well as some honorable mentions (4:01), before discussing Ryen’s experience at NBA Summer League in Las Vegas (1:32:56).Host:… Source: The NBA Trade Value List (Summer Edition) With Ryen Russillo
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dailyvideovault · 6 years
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New video posted on: https://dailyvideovault.com/lebron-james-not-attracting-next-generation-of-talent-to-l-a-ryen-russillo-sc-with-svp/
LeBron James not attracting next generation of talent to L.A. - Ryen Russillo | SC with SVP
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