smimon · 2 months
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Obiecane rysunki na 200 followersów dla @silwer999 , pierwszej i najlepszej z nich wszystkich 🙌 prosiłaś o Sylwa i Podkopa i/lub sleep pile tych dobrych z ryjkaczy dla odmiany więc oto proszę 😁 mam nadzieję, że się podoba i dziękuję 🥺
Now same in English: my bestie could have asked for any character in the world yet chose my original characters anyway, because she is the best friend and I am crying now. Thank you 😭
Detail of the king beacuse he's sparklative ✨
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smimon · 1 year
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Trendy oversized sweater
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smimon · 10 months
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Brzeszczot co rano się robi. Zakłada te wielkie czarne soczewki, blachę na czoło, skleja włosy w kolce itd. itp. Bez tego wyglądałby jak typowy bisz.
I skoro nikt nie wie, jak by wyglądał bez charakteryzacji, to może dość łatwo przejść na incognito... Wystarczy, że nic nie będzie robił...
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smimon · 2 years
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Nie ma co się bać, nie ma co się bać
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smimon · 2 years
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oh lawd he comin
10 frames at 7fps
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smimon · 2 years
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King of my castle... freeing my trapped soul
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smimon · 2 years
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Discovered Pencil2D. Currently trying to figure out a walk cycle :3
8 frames, 6 fps
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smimon · 2 years
Writing my underground setting I realized there are basically three types of underground cities in popular fiction, and none of that is what I'd like to see:
City built in a vast cave. This is no different from regular cities on the surface, except it doesn't rain here. Changes to the microclimate caused by presence of a big number of humans doesn't seem to have any negative effect on the cave's condition.
Subway tunnels, military bunkers etc. This is a bit better but still they are always very recent constructions and I want to depict a civilization that lived underground for thousands of years.
A network of simple tunnels that might have existed for centuries. The problem of ground movement and stress is never touched upon. The tunnels are always in a good enough condition to be passable, despite no maintenance service around and witout even a simple support construction.
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smimon · 2 years
Update #4
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Yes, you read that right! After exactly eleven months I'm back on track with a new episode of Obligatory Turn of the Year Original Characters Party 2020/2021, babey! Big shoutout to my friend @silwer999​​ for all the support, you have no idea. [Read the newest update here] or [start from the beginning]
In other words: Join the train! Be our guest!
The story continues as usual with another filler. I'll let you know when the real stuff starts.
Read more for trivia (spoilers)
Character debuts:
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Ona - another property owner in the imaginary land of Roadless; laid-back, lazy and always ready to join an adventure
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Zwęglacz, Żarzak, Spala and others - ryjkacze from the Fire tribe who all possess the elemental power of Fire, which is of course necessary to make your chocolate really hot.
References and trivia:
This update has what might be the most ambitious illustration in the entire story. Not only I've put a few dozen characters on it, I also had to learn perspective drawing for this. Big thanks to my friend Silwer who encouraged me to use a placeholder WIP version of the illustration, otherwise there would be no update in probably ten years or so. Placeholder will stay until I get enough energy to finish the drawing.
It seems that in the meantime tumblr changed their subpage editor a bit to make it more inconvenient. I have to hurry up or I'm afraid subpage editor will be deleted for good lol
Next update planned to arrive in one month exactly, let's make this a regular schedule
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smimon · 2 years
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Droplets of burning regret
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smimon · 2 years
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Selfishness is self-hatred.
If as a kid you were told that you don't matter, if you were harshly punished for every mistake, shown that you deserve hatred, you might have rebelled by doing the opposite, by demanding all the attention and care and praise from everyone you meet. But this way, you are perpetuating the thought implanted in your mind: that you are so important that everyone should focus on you. You were taught to maniacally focus on yourself every second, on every little thing you do. The only difference is, in the past everyone seemed to focus on your flaws, and now you want everyone to focus on your good side instead. Don't be fooled: this is still the same thing. You need to see that this mindset won't make you happy, because its origin is wrong. You did not deserve that abuse; you were abused because you just happened to be there. Only if you manage to see the truth you will be able to stop focusing on yourself the way your abusers were, step back, and become a complete person in your own right.
(From left to right - Rajmund throughout the years: little kid, who just discovered his call; slightly older kid, fiddling with machinery when parents aren't looking; teenager, casually constructing quality-of-life contraptions; young adult, freshly enrolled first-year university student; and middle-aged experienced doctor technicae, member of innovations team at university, ready to get involved with the main storyline)
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smimon · 2 years
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Look how happy they are in the afterstory uwu
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smimon · 2 years
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Pocky game turned into a staring contest
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That's also not how you play it
(They use Beskidzkie paluszki w czekoladzie because they taste so much better than pocky)
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smimon · 2 years
Gotowe! Komiks już jest. Geneza Rajmunda. Pod spodem. Gdyby ktoś się zastanawiał, jak to możliwe, że ktoś tak głęboko gardzący ryjkaczami zgodził się dla jednego z nich pracować. Skąd to przywiązanie do pieniędzy przezwyciężające wszelkie przekonania.
Końcówka trochę cienkawa, ale to nie jest komiks z puentą. Lepiej czytać powoli.
(dla najlepszej czytelności, w Kokpicie otwórz każdy panel w nowej karcie)
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smimon · 2 years
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I see parallels, I draw cosplay
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smimon · 2 years
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Jak mówiłam, mam zamiar wrzucić genezę wszystkich czemprędzej. Jakby kończył mi się czas. Na początek Rajmund. To będzie komiks na siedem stron. Narysowanie samego szkicu zajęło mi dziś wiele godzin i boję się, że nie zdążę tego nigdy skończyć, więc mam zamiar rysować byle jak, byle szybko. A już pierwszy rysunek tak mi się podoba, że muszę go natychmiast wrzucić. Nie będzie kolorów, możliwe że nawet nie będzie twarzy gdzieniegdzie. Ja tylko chcę to skończyć.
Ta historyjka nie znajdzie się w głównej historii, jest tylko dla chętnych. I zakłada, że czytelnik wie, kim jest Rajmund w głównej historii. A z komiksu czytelnik się dowie, kim jest Rajmund w... no, kim był wcześniej. Jak się nie wie, kim jest w głównej, to ta geneza chyba nie będzie mieć sensu, tak podejrzewam.
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