#sagittarius jupiter
icanseethefuture333 Ā· 1 year
I just realized that since Jupiter "expands" that those with a Cancer, Libra, or Sagittarius could have large boobs, hips, and butt. Or a curvier body overall.
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Cancer Jupiter ā™‹ļø
Rules the breasts šŸŒ•šŸŒ•
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Libra Jupiter ā™Žļø
Rules the lower back, hips, & butt šŸ‘
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Sagittarius Jupiter ā™ļø
Rules the thighs & legs šŸ¦µšŸ½
Other Jupiter signs
Scorpio Jupiter: big genitals...šŸ†
Capricorn Jupiter: Large bones or prominent bone structure šŸ¦“
Leo Jupiter: Wide shoulders or a toned upper back šŸ’ŖšŸ½
Gemini Jupiter: big hands šŸ–šŸ½
Pisces Jupiter: big feet šŸ¦¶šŸ½
Taurus Jupiter: a thick neck or prominent Adam's apple šŸŽ
Aquarius Jupiter: Thick calves or strong ankles šŸ¦©
Aries Jupiter: A big head, ears, or facial features (eyes, nose, or lips) šŸ‘„
Virgo Jupiter: Killer abs or a big belly šŸ« (Channing Tatum has this placement and he's famous for his abs lol)
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journalofanoldsoul Ā· 8 months
Words Of Wisdom (Jupiter Edition)
Jupiter represents knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Its placement in a chart can indicate a person's natural ability to learn, their willingness to seek out new experiences and ideas, and their ability to integrate different perspectives and worldviews.
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Here are some iconic book quotes that I feel represent the energy of someone Jupiter placements (sign or house) in their natal chart.
Jupiter in Aries or 1st House: "It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do that is the secret of happiness." - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan. This quote represents the enthusiasm and energy of Jupiter in Aries/1st House, which encourages a sense of self-discovery and taking bold action. It emphasizes that happiness comes from finding joy and fulfillment in one's pursuits rather than simply pursuing pleasure.
Jupiter in Taurus or 2nd House: "The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." - Bertrand Russell, Mysticism and Logic. This quote reflects the practical and grounded nature of Jupiter in Taurus/2nd House, which values stability, material security, and the power of the senses. It encourages a slow and steady approach to expanding one's horizons and appreciating the beauty of the world around us.
Jupiter in Gemini or 3rd House: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. This quote represents the curiosity and communicative nature of Jupiter in Gemini/3rd House, which is all about gathering information, sharing ideas, and engaging with the world around us. It highlights the power of words and conversation in shaping our perceptions and relationships.
Jupiter in Cancer or 4th House: "Home is behind, the world ahead, And there are many paths to tread Through shadows to the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. This quote reflects the emotional depth and nurturing nature of Jupiter in Cancer/4th House, which is all about finding a sense of belonging and security in our homes, families, and traditions. It emphasizes the importance of finding our own path in life and the power of imagination to guide us on our journey.
Jupiter in Leo or 5th House: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." - William Shakespeare, As You Like It. This quote represents the creative and theatrical nature of Jupiter in Leo/5th House, which encourages us to express ourselves boldly and authentically. It highlights the power of play, drama, and self-expression in shaping our identities and leaving a lasting impact on the world.
Jupiter in Virgo or 6th House: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love. This quote reflects the analytical and service-oriented nature of Jupiter in Virgo/6th House, which is all about finding practical solutions to problems and improving the world around us through diligent effort. It emphasizes the power of empathy, compassion, and collaboration in achieving our goals and making a difference in the world.
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Jupiter in Libra or 7th House: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This quote represents the social and diplomatic nature of Jupiter in Libra/7th House, which values harmony, justice, and balance in our relationships and interactions with others. It emphasizes the importance of taking action and finding a healthy balance between our ideals and the realities of our lives.
Jupiter in Scorpio or 8th House: "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom. This quote reflects the transformative and intense nature of Jupiter in Scorpio/8th House, which is all about confronting our fears, embracing change, and gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. It emphasizes the power of resilience, determination, and the willingness to learn from our mistakes in achieving personal growth and success.
Jupiter in Sagittarius or 9th House: "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. This quote represents the adventurous and expansive nature of Jupiter in Sagittarius/9th House, which values freedom, exploration, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. It encourages us to embrace the unknown, take risks, and follow our dreams, trusting that the journey itself will lead us to new discoveries and experiences.
Jupiter in Capricorn or 10th House: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius, The Analects. This quote reflects the disciplined and ambitious nature of Jupiter in Capricorn/10th House, which is all about achieving success and recognition through hard work, perseverance, and strategic planning. It emphasizes the importance of patience, determination, and the willingness to overcome obstacles and setbacks in achieving our goals.
Jupiter in Aquarius or 11th House: "Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi. This quote represents the progressive and innovative nature of Jupiter in Aquarius/11th House, which values individuality, freedom, and the power of collective action to create positive change in the world. It encourages us to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and work together to make the world a better place.
Jupiter in Pisces or 12th House: "I have been bent and broken, but I hope, into a better shape." - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations. This quote reflects the compassionate and spiritual nature of Jupiter in Pisces/12th House, which values empathy, intuition, and the power of imagination to transcend boundaries and connect us to the divine. It emphasizes the importance of embracing our vulnerabilities and flaws, trusting in the power of redemption and renewal to guide us towards a brighter future.
Stay tune for more astro postsā€¦
xoxo J.
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starseed-twenty Ā· 2 years
šŸ’« Jupiter in the signs šŸŖ
Not enough people talk about how Jupiter is special in describing the kind of life you want and your version of success in this world. Jupiter is all about the bigger picture, so the sign you have in Jupiter can weigh heavy on the kind of life you want for yourself to feel fulfilled, because it is the larger picture, the bigger image, the story of your life that you see. And your approach to that can be determined by the sign Jupiter in.
You grab life by the balls and run with what you have in mind. You decide on what you want and live by that. This can then make life easy for you in terms of decisions. You're decisive because of your fierce and daring nature. This can make people intimidate by you (and not like you because you make even come across as selfish). Or love you for your honesty. At the end of the day, you'll stay being resilient to what you have in mind for your life.
Your image of success is being able to browse through life doing exactly what you want to do and not what anyone else tells you to do, or if they do tell you, it should be something that makes and comes from an authoritative figure, not someone similar to you (by age and circumstance) or younger.
The things you usually need and want to feel fulfilled vary, but they always stand on one ground: that they need to be true to who you are. The image you want to set up for the picture of your life, the true story of your life. So you rarely oblige by living out what people want from you. You don't care. And you never will. [If you do care though, it was probably a matter of life or death].
You're probably the most peace-loving being in your circle or with people that know you. And I don't mean you always seek peace and are a peace-giver or people-pleaser. I mean peace is just the theme of how you go about life, you get bored by up & down and in & out theatrics. You like relaxation.
Your version of success is most likely being surround by your favourite things (and perhaps looking like a million bucks is an added bonus). You want luxury and you want comfort. You don't want to ever feel discomfort or tension or hardships in your life, you like the finer things and you appreciate the finer things.
Things you usually go for in order to feel fulfilled are then anything that makes you feel comfortable and make you think 'Ah, this is plush. This is nice'. And most likely, the things you seek and desire are always things that connect with your five sense. A delicious taste, a pleasant smell, a soft touch or nice grip, an aesthetic view or a beautiful sound. These things fulfill your life's desire [comfort].
You go through life in a happy go lucky way, so much so that you actually get confused sometimes about what to really do and which path of fun to take. Because there's so much to do and you want to be busy at it all. You just wish you split yourself in two (or three or four) and do it all at once. Butā€¦ you end up just moving in little steps and dabbling in a bit of everything.
Your version of success is having a bunch of achievements under your name, small and big, and then feeling fulfilled that you enjoyed the journey. Because life for you is pretty much learning and exploring and talking about everything there is to life (and I mean everything), you don't have this whole big, grand idea about life or about yourself, you just take little steps and walks in everything and call it 'part of the journey'.
Things you like and want to feel fulfilled are most likely things that are just easily obtainable for the moment you need them. For example, a camera to start or continue your YouTube channel, or a waist trainer to motivate your physical health journey, etc. These useful things leave you content enough to feel fulfilled and lively.
The angelic energy swoops in the minute you think about life in the bigger sense. You seem like a sincere and pure figure of art. Down under? You're boiling with so many plans on what you want to do on life. And you act on them day by day. You want it all to be taken care of. But not with a rush. Steadily, and always in a manner where you care about others as well.
Your version of success is pretty similar to Taurus where you want comfort, but the kind of comfort you envision isn't really about having plush things that meet the eye like Taurus, but that meet the heart as well. And success for you is knowing that you touched people's hearts as well. In whatever way, you just had some kind of beautiful impact on them.
Things you need and want to feel fulfilled are pretty much things that bring out the softness in you. That allow you to feel good inside. You want to be surrounded by an energy that feels like home; a house that feels like home, a job that feels like home, a partner that feels like home, etc. These are things that most likely make you feel fulfilled and satisfied in life.
You go about life with a 'king' or 'queen' mindset. And I don't mean you are cocky or think you're the best (which you may be, but just not in a bad way). I mean that you love yourself and think of yourself in a respectable way, so it's more of a deeper energy. You have a dignified and gracious way of thinking of yourself and your life + the bigger picture of it.
Your version of success is most probably having things people can envy. It doesn't have to be material things, but it can be as well (like a luxury house, car, beautiful body, etc). It could also be attributes like just being an amazing person, a grounded yet confident person, a person who can you use their heart and their mind well, a person who's humble but also a king/queen. You aspire to be what people can aspire to be.
Things you need and desire to be fulfilled are things that reach the level of greatness you have in mind for you and your life. People that are great, a body that is great, a car/house that is great. You don't want to feel like you're settling. You see yourself as amazing, so it's only right to be surrounded by such as well.
The way you go through life is very interesting. It's a beautiful mix of both organized and chaotic. You have number things you see for yourself and try to handle, which gives your life a bit of a chaotic feel to it, but what makes it organized is the way you try to put things into a smaller perspective that's easier to handle, and you through life that way.
Your version of success isā€¦ A clean image. And I don't mean your life is perfect and you don't have any wrongs that have happened or are happening. But that you can handle all of them, and you handle them with grace. The emphasis here is that you handle it all with grace. So to you, being successful is being an image of grace and having things under control.
Things you look for and want in order to feel fulfilled are things that you can really build from and work through, whether it be objects that help you out with your career, or connections with people for the life you want to create. You want things to make sense, so your reality must be one where there are substantial things and substantial connections with people.
You are the definition of 'they are goals' and you understand that. It's what you pretty much live by, subconsciously and consciously. And when I tell you this placement births so many stars, I mean that. This placement is a priceless treasure. In whatever field of work you choose (art, sport, business, etc), success follows you.
Your version of success is being literally being successful. You are a visionary and have a lot of talent and ideas (being an air sign), and one by one you conquer them because of your cardinal and Venusian combo. That bold energy of being a cardinal sign as well as the nature of beauty & peace that Venus brings, you're just naturally a loveable character.
Things you desire and need to feel fulfilled are pretty much things that bring you peace. Anything that brings you peace. And you want joy, peace and beauty to be your niche as well, so looking good and being good to people leave you satisfied. You see life in the lens of beauty, so you don't desire anything else other than beauty and good energy.
'There's not enough to know, to think about, to create, to personify, to dig deep on' are words you most probably relate to more than others as a Scorpio Jupiter. Life doesn't end at just A and B. There's more to it and your walk through life consists of you trying to find more and do more, but all of this really is just for internal storage, it rarely actually ever leaves the inside - to the world.
Your version of success is.. put simply, power. Power being at play is what gives you a sense of drive and energy. That power could be one that's shown off or one that's hidden, but if it's there, it's what subconsciously translates as success to you. And so if you get put or put yourself in a position of power, you're most comfortable there and try to get the most out of it.
Things that you want and need to feel fulfilled are things that aren't really easily obtainable or that even meet the eyes. Anything that's kind of out of reach, or that's a little mysteriousā€¦ you feel more satisfication in diving deep in those areas. And you may also want to look like the image of mystery or the unattainable; that can fulfill you sometimes.
Okay well this is obviously the best sign for Jupiter to be in, because well, Jupiter rules Sagittarius. So having this placement, you're living in the best state and alignment to what Jupiter wants: exploring the wonders of life, looking at life in an abundance mindset, trying to gain and give the wisdom life has to offer, etc.
Your version of success is becoming a master. I was going to say become a master at very specific things like the composition of music, or crafting images with sand, or of the making of wine, etc. But honestly, it's being a master at everything and having the highest knowledge (and knowledge you think is right. Don't know why you guys never think you're wrong lmao)
The things you need and want in order to feel fulfilled? I mean obviously everything. There's no limit to what can make you feel happy; from the little things to the big things. Deep down though, it is actually energy that feels good (and has fun in it too as a bonus). That's what brings out the best in you and what you truly desire to feel fulfilled.
I'm sure giving and receiving a lot of respect from many people is a major theme for you. Because the way you go through life and handle things isn't easy for you, but you still choose to show up and shine each time. You conquer and defeat, even if the odds where against you. Simply because, you're strong. And your strength is extremely admirable to many.
Your version of success is a well planned out life, and these plans coming into fruition. That's really all you ever want and see as success. You probably also think a lot of times about what you want and what can be the picture or trajectory of your life. The story you want told and how much hard work you put into creating this story, these are important to you. And no should disrespect you in those aspects.
There are probably a number of things you want and need to feel fulfilled, ranging from deep and wholesome things like a nice family with your nice partner, or tangible things like a grand house in a certain state with a luxurious car to suit it, but at the end of it all, it should all come from a place of 'this story is being written well'. You're just writing your story of life your way.
This is where Jupiter comes to play here. The cool, quirky, friendly energy of Aquarius really allows Jupiter to blend in well and make for a charismatic and diplomatic journey through life, where pretty much you think in free ways and don't give much attachment and depth to everything, but just simply have fun. And have everyone feel the joy and cool vibes.
Your version of success is most likely when you are able to see everyone eat because of you. I mean that probably sounds selfless (when in essence you're probably selfish sometimes), but the bigger picture for you is just really that you want people to either receive a piece of the friendly love you can give or at least become inspired by you. That is success to you.
Things that you yourself need and want to feel fulfilled (besides wanting to see everyone eat) are most probably things that just allow you to build a greater life for you and close ones. A connection to a place that makes money, or a tool that helps you get to making money. These are things you prioritize for fulfillment of life.
Your journey through life is met with a lot of sentimental moments and a fluctuating energy to so many things, like, "So many things matter. But when you think deep enough as well, nothing matters and life should just be lived however." You see and think things like that. And that pretty much becomes the story of your life. You value a lot, but you also think deep enough to just let it all go and let be.
Your version of success is then constantly throwing yourself in spaces of joy. That's it. Joy and happiness are all you seek and simply the energy you want to lay in. Though when times get tough, emotions hit like a hurricane, but you rise above it all swiftly, because you always choose joy (or perhaps because you're okay with sweeping it all under the rug).
Things you desire and need to make you feel fulfilled are actually things that can't even be described. It's little things, like that good morning text from your s/o or that one time a stranger gave you a hug when you needed it. As well as vague things, like idea of going through life with this one person or the idea of travelling to a specific place and what it will be like. Little things just somehow keep you fulfilled.
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rendezvouz-fling Ā· 1 year
Astro Observations #22
Jupiter edition!šŸ’˜
ā€¢ Yes having a Leo/5H Jupiter can indicate fame but why arenā€™t people talking about Libra/7H Jupiter? Both Michael Jackson AND Prince had Libra Jupiters. Jimi Hendrix had a 7H Jupiter. Madonna, BeyoncĆ©, Rami Malek, Miranda Cosgrove also have Libra Jupiters & the list goes onā€¦šŸ™ƒ
ā€¢ Iā€™ve also some noticed women tend to marry men whoā€™s sun sign is their Jupiter sign. E.g. Lisa Marie Presley was a Virgo Jupiter and Michael Jackson was a Virgo sun. Manuela Testolini is a Gemini Jupiter and Prince was a Gemini sun.
ā€¢ And some men tend to go for/marry women whoā€™s moon sign is their Jupiter sign. E.g. Rick James was a Sagittarius Jupiter and his famous ex girlfriendā€”singer, Teena Marie was a Sagittarius moon. Bobby DeBarge was a Leo Jupiter and his wife Teri is a Leo moon.
ā€¢ This can also apply to women too though! E.g. La Toya Jackson has her Jupiter in Leo at 24 degree in the 9H and she dated famous R&B singer Bobby DeBarge who was a Pisces sun/Sagittarius moon and his dominant sign was Leo!
ā€¢ And Iā€™ve noticed your Jupiter placement can also indicate your future kidā€™s big 3! E.g. Madonna is a Libra Jupiter and her daughter Lourdes is a Libra sun. Jay-Z has his Jupiter at 27 degree in the 2H and Rumi & Sir Carter are Gemini suns/risings at Taurus degree. Michael Jackson had a Libra Jupiter at 28 degree in the 8H and Bigi Jackson is a Libra rising, Paris Jackson is a Cancer moon and Prince Jackson is a Scorpio rising!!āœØ
ā€¢ Concluding, your partnerā€™s inner planets might be in the degree your Jupiter is in, especially their luminaries! E.g. Manuela Testolini has her Jupiter at 1st degree and Prince had his moon at 1st degree.
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k-rising Ā· 2 years
Jupiter signs
Whatā€™s Jupiter?: Jupiter is a planet which tells us in which stage of our life we have a tendency to expand. It also tells us how and where we will have the most luck in life. This planet is ruled by Sagittarius, which means that this planet has the same characteristics as this sign. Jupiter represents religion, philosophy, and ethics.
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These individuals inspire others to take a leadership position. Aries Jupiter have the talent to attract many things at a young age and they do well when they can make new innovations. They are straightforward, impulsive, dynamic and like to be independent. They are not afraid to use a bit of aggression to get what they want and can be overconfident or careless with their finances. If they learn to control themselves, they can greatly increase their good fortune. These people love challenges that others think are impossible to accomplish. They are good at creating their own opportunities and they always think big. They are reliable, optimistic and like to improve. When they work on themselves, they increase their luckā€¦ however, when they are out of control, they can feel superior to others.
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Taurus Jupiter attracts good luck when they are generous and patient. They are practical, demanding and don't like to take risks, but they do appreciate hard work. They work better when they have a clear objective and goals. These individuals enjoy spending time with children and animals. They are also artistically very talented! They love luxuries, and they seek comfort and security in abundance. They have a great sense of humor, they don't like to be forced to fulfill their obligations and they are good in business. They can be a bit stubborn, but they have the ability to see the bigger picture. The safer they feel, the luckier they are. They usually use their money to benefit others as well as themselves. They should learn not to be too indulgent if they want their luck to be on their side.
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These people are open-minded, they love to learn new things and travel. They are usually very good at both writing and speaking. These individuals thrive in changing environments where they can share their ideas and teach others their wisdom. Gemini Jupiters are intelligent, versatile, restless and are usually very good with languages. They have the ability to absorb a lot of information and find it difficult to concentrate on any task for a long time. They are curious, resourceful and find it easy to make new contacts that can benefit them in the future. To be even more lucky, they should learn to value the physical and emotional needs of themselves and those around them.
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Cancer Jupiter attract good luck when they are charitable and friendly. These people are usually very good at cooking and taking care of others. They are intuitive, and if they let these feelings guide them, they will attract many opportunities. When they share their ideas, it's usually a mix of their philosophies with their own personal experiences. They are artistic, ambitious and have a very good memory. They want to feel safe all the time, so that means they are afraid of change. These people have the gift of making people feel good. Using their imagination will bring them even more luck in life.
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These individuals attract good luck when they are generous and inspire others. They are good at creating their own opportunities and do it best when they take risks with confidence. They love to show off their status and wealth, and are attracted to interesting people. Leo Jupiter are sincere, optimistic, extravagant, self-centered and honest. They can be a bit melodramatic and tend to exaggerate. They thrive when they are creative or when working with children. They shine when they are the center of attention and their charisma brings them luck. They have a good sense of humor, as well as strong opinions and beliefs. They are self-sufficient, courageous and full of vitality. They may take offense if they don't receive the respect and admiration they feel they deserve. Social status means a lot to them, they are open to exploring new things, people trust them and they can take it personally when others disagree with them. The enthusiasm they show attracts success and attention wherever they go. These people should try not to let their ego get in their way.
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Virgo Jupiters are good at analyzing problems and like to help others improve their lives. They are disciplined, realistic, perfectionistic and cautious. They are lucky when they are honest, helpful, practical, tidy and pay attention to all the details. They tend to do well in areas of health, service, literature, science, and technical skills. They can become overly critical and have very high standards for themselves. They don't like to take risks, they love to investigate and they work hard. They make great developments when sticking to their morals and values, and they need to visualize the results to be motivated to go after them.
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Libra Jupiters have a strong sense of justice and are very considerate of others. They are lucky when they are fair and treat others equally. Pairing up with like-minded people can enhance their opportunities and good fortune. These individuals can make everything harmonious. Their diplomacy allows them to interact with others and solve problems. They work better as a team and like things around them to be aesthetically pleasing. They are open-minded, impartial and persuasive. They are good for entertainment, fashion, writing, public relations, and interior design.
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Scorpio Jupiters are smart, cunning, and may want to control others. This position makes good engineers, researchers, police officers, scientists, and healthcare workers. These people attract opportunities to learn business and money skills. They should know the truth about anything that interests them. They may become philosophical or involved in the occult. They are passionate and intense. They don't like superficial things, they should learn to accept criticism and be more open minded. They are willing to dig and get to the heart of a project, and this helps them succeed. They know how to be reborn like the phoenix and are gifted at helping others through those difficult transitions. Using their innate intuition, imagination, and compassion, they are able to attract good fortune. They can be very serious and reserved at times. They know how to read between the lines and can also handle bad energy and turn it into a healing force instead of a destructive force.
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These individuals attract good luck as long as they are generous, tolerant and practice what they preach. They can be very inspiring, they just need to believe in themselves and their goals. Travel and education provide them big opportunities. Sagittarius Jupiters are easygoing and outgoing. These people enjoy making life better for others. They appreciate philosophy, religion and social issues. They have strong convictions and they should learn both to see the big picture and to challenge them physically and intellectually. They don't like routines, but they are always thinking about what they will do tomorrow. They are interested in sports, editing, education, travel and foreign cultures. They are good at creating their own opportunities.
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These people have the talent to make the best of a difficult situation. They tend to do well in areas such as architecture, planning, politics, finance, medicine, and the environment. Capricorn Jupiters are determined workers and are often on the cusp of industrial, business, or political success. They have a strong drive for power, status, and dignity. They attract good fortune when they are ethical, mature and act with integrity. They are organized, practical and disciplined. They have high standards and believe in tradition.
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Aquarius Jupiters attract good luck when they are cooperative, impartial and inventive. They are good at breaking the rules and work best when they are free to choose what to do and how to do it. They are original, rebellious and unconventional. They are sociable and love to share their ideas. They excel in areas such as activism, arts, music, science, technology, and the occult. These people attract good luck when they are visionary and innovative, but they should learn to compromise. They know how to work well in groups and are not afraid to try new things. These individuals are independent, eccentric, and humanitarian. They want to make a better world and are usually quite popular.
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These people attract good luck when devoted, generous and compassionate. They have a talent for connecting with others and often have psychic abilities as well. They are very kind, sensitive, empathetic, good listeners, creative and idealistic. However, they are easy to manipulate, since they often don't know what is right and what is wrong. They have to learn to set some limits in their life. Pisces Jupiters like to take care of others, but they don't have consistency. They like to work alone.
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schtrawberry Ā· 23 days
which signs and placements might also indicate foreign partner in a birth chart? thank you in advance!
i would also look into jupiter in sagittarius and jupiter in the 9th house as an indication of a foreign partner/s. jupiter in particular as it can symbolize growth and expansion; which can exacerbate the energy of the sign and house it is in (aka the fondness of sagittarius for travel, foreign experiences, unfamiliar cultures, and their ability to easily attract such things into their life), esp because jupiter is exalted in both this sign and house as well. not too sure about other placements, but this is one i can attest to seeing happen irl w a friend (jupiter in sagittarius) that constantly attracts foreigners online over dudes from our same cultural background!
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ophelyia Ā· 11 months
Growth and expansion
Jupiter in Sagittarius
You are big-hearted, idealistic, loyal, generous, humane, broad-minded, philosophical and tolerant. There may be interest in religion, law, higher education or anything abstract. You may be prophetic and inspirational and you can inspire trust in other people. They are attracted to your sense of honor and integrity. You have a strong desire to help others and you have an ability to inspire them to help themselves. You may be in a position of power and prestige or work in the professions. You tend to be conservative because of a desire for people to like you. You must watch a tendency to justify yourself by rationalization. On the negative side, you may be too fond of sport or gambling, fond of cheap or extravagant display, self-righteous, narrow-minded, intolerant, dogmatic and atheistic.
Jupiter in 8th House
You are optimistic, tolerant, broad-minded, considerate and maybe a little bit fanatical. You may be prophetic, having strong intuition, good judgment and vivid dreams. You may be interested in law, religion and philosophies. You have the ability to guide and inspire others as to what the future might bring and to promote your own thoughts, ideas and ideals. You may benefit from travels and dealings with foreigners. Your accomplishments may not be recognized until the latter part of your life. On the negative side you may be quite dogmatic in your beliefs. Some experience a total absence of faith.
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ev3rythingbootifvl Ā· 1 year
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Jupiter and abundance part 5
Sag & Capricorn
Source: Facebook (astropieces astrology)
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bratzinmoodboards Ā· 29 days
Hey, I'm Luna. can I also request a mood board pls?
Gemini: Sun
Cancer: Moon
Aries: Mars
Leo: Rising
Cancer: mercury
Saggitarius: Jupiter
Leo: Saturn
Aquarius: Neptune
Saggitarius: Pluto
Pisces: Uranus
Thank you!!
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yet-another-leo Ā· 1 year
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"there is peaceful. there is wild. i am both at the same time." - nayyirah waheed
happy sagittarius season <3
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hellofanappetite Ā· 2 years
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Yes, iā€™m into that astrology shit, Brent :)
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Brent is a Leo risingā€”ā€”his appearance shines bright like the sun and he currently has his hair that stands out like a lionā€™s mane
Apollo is Jupiter's son and an important asteroid in your personal birth chart, or as a factor in the horoscope 'weather' in your life as he passes through. Son of Jupiter Optimus Maximus (the greatest and best of Roman gods), Apollo was associated with the Sun.
More sun symbolism with asteroid ā€œApolloā€ on the Ascendant
Leo is ruled by the Sun so Brentā€™s chart ruler is chilling in his 3rd house of technical skills/communication/writing
Brent identifies himself as a creative song writer
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Moon in Cancer or moon in its domicileā€”it operates well here, the only catch is that it resides in the 12th house of imprisonment.
Brent Faiyaz feels misunderstood when it comes to his inner self
He may feel lost often
Brentā€™s feelings, emotional responses, and habitual patterns are best expressed through ending old cycles and preparing for the new
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Sun in Virgo at the 25Ā°
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is Virgo 25: A FLAG AT HALF MAST IN FRONT OF A PUBLIC BUILDING ā€“ this can speak of letting something go from your life ā€“ it can be a release of something, an abandonment, a death, moving on, feeling free to finally mourn, etc. It can also show a desire to do something really significant in the world ā€“ to have a mission.
Virgo is the analytical one, ruled by mercury the planet of communication.
Brent thrives when he is communicatingā€”whether is through his music or through his writing!
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Mercury in Libra in the 3rd house
Brent has the planet of communication in the house of communication, what are the odds?
Libra represents the lover, artist, and peacemaker
Brent Faiyaz is known for writing the most controversial lyrics but with an angelic voice.
Thatā€™s due to Libra being about balanceā€”the ā€œtoxicā€ lyrics are balanced out with a beautiful voice
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Libra Venus: Libra is the domicile of Venus
meaning, Libra is ruled by Venus and she is comfortable here.
Venus is the planet of love, pleasure, satisfaction, beauty, desire, artistic expression, etc.
Venus in the 3rd house:
In the area of life that represents technical skills, networking, learning & exchanging information, & ones immediate environment
Basically, Brent radiates beauty through his words.
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Mars in Scorpio: Mars rules over scorpioā€”itā€™s comfortable here.
Scorpio is about deep, soul-level transformation. Scorpio is passionate, intense and perceptive.
In the 4th house of family, upbringing, roots, and heritage
Brent is part Dominican, btw
Faiyaz, whose father is part Dominican, chose Puerto Plata in an attempt to get acquainted with his roots. ā€œIā€™m mad disconnected. I donā€™t speak no Spanish, none of that,ā€ he admitted.
ā€œThe rampant poverty Faiyaz witnessed was a culture shock.ā€
Brent needs to feel deeply connected (Scorpio) to his heritage, family, & upbringing thatā€™s why he put energy (mars) into getting familiar with his roots (4th house)
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Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 5th house
The planet of luck, abundance, & expansion in the area of life described by good fortune, entertainment, & creativity
Brent is destined to be someone who is fortunate when it comes to writing & creating in a way that is aligned with his philosophies
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astro-sunflower Ā· 2 years
į“Šį“œį“˜ÉŖį“›į“‡Ź€ źœ±ÉŖɢɓźœ±
moodboards for each jupiter sign
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*in progress*
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journalofanoldsoul Ā· 1 year
Mother Nature's Calling (Natal Chart)
A deep connection to nature can be indicated in a natal chart through several astrological factors. Here are some of the key indicators:
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Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Earth signs are closely associated with the natural world, and people with strong placements in these signs are often deeply connected to nature. The Sun, Moon, or Rising sign in an Earth sign can indicate a person who finds solace and peace in the natural world.
Moon in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): The Moon represents our emotions, and people with the Moon in a Water sign often have a deep emotional connection to nature. They may feel a sense of comfort and belonging when surrounded by natural beauty, and may be drawn to water-related environments like oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign in the 12th house: The 12th house is often associated with spirituality and transcendence, and people with strong placements in this house may feel a deep spiritual connection to the natural world. They may find that spending time in nature helps them connect with their higher selves and find a sense of inner peace.
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Venus in Taurus: Venus represents our aesthetic preferences, and people with Venus in Taurus are often drawn to the natural beauty of the world around them. They may have a particular affinity for flowers, plants, and other natural materials, and may find that spending time in nature enhances their sense of well-being.
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Jupiter represents our sense of purpose and direction, and people with Jupiter in Sagittarius may feel a calling to explore the natural world. They may be drawn to travel and adventure, and may seek out experiences that allow them to connect with the natural beauty of different parts of the world.
Neptune in Pisces: Neptune represents our connection to the divine, and people with Neptune in Pisces may feel a deep spiritual connection to nature. They may see the natural world as a manifestation of the divine, and may seek out opportunities to connect with this energy through practices like meditation or spending time in nature.
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Stay tune for more astro posts...
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cosmicpuzzle Ā· 4 months
How to attract the right Man?
Mars, Sun and Jupiter signify the men in your life.
Sun is your father and elderly males like your Boss, Mars is your brother/boyfriend/male colleagues while Jupiter exclusively stands for your husband i.e. with whom you will co create.
Based on the houses Jupiter rules, you should prefer males with such Jupiter.
Apply this in tropical or sidereal but if it does not work in Tropical try sidereal signs.
Aries Rising: Jupiter rules 9th and 12th houses hence men with Sagittarius Jupiter and/or Pisces Jupiter will be right for you.
Taurus Rising: Jupiter rules 8th and 11th houses, hence men with Scorpio Jupiter and Aquarius Jupiter will be right for you.
Gemini Rising: Jupiter rules 7th and 10th houses hence men with Libra Jupiter and/or Capricorn Jupiter will be right for you.
Cancer Rising: Jupiter rules 6th and 9th houses, hence men with Virgo Jupiter and/or Sagittarius Jupiter will be right for you.
Leo Rising: Jupiter rules 5th and 8th houses, hence men with Leo Jupiter and/or Scorpio Jupiter will be right for you.
Virgo Rising: Jupiter rules 4th and 7th houses, hence men with Cancer Jupiter and/or Libra Jupiter will be right for you.
Libra Rising: Jupiter rules 3rd and 6th houses, hence men with Gemini Jupiter and/or Virgo Jupiter will be right for you.
Scorpio Rising: Jupiter rules 2nd and 5th houses hence men with Taurus Jupiter and/or Leo Jupiter will be right for you.
Sagittarius Rising: Jupiter rules 1st and 4th houses hence men with Aries Jupiter and/or Cancer Jupiter will be right for you.
Capricorn Rising: Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th houses hence men with Gemini Jupiter and/or Pisces Jupiter will be right for you
Aquarius Rising: Jupiter rules 2nd and 11th houses hence men with Taurus Jupiter and/or Aquarius Jupiter will be right for you.
Pisces Rising: Jupiter rules 1st and 10th house hence men with Aries Jupiter and/or Capricorn Jupiter will be right for you.
For Spouse Readings DM
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ezukll Ā· 4 months
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Jupiter in Aries is a very positive and uplifting placement. It's a placement that indicates ambition and positive growth. People with this placement tend to have a bold and passionate personality, and have a tendency to seek out new and exciting ventures. They often have an upbeat attitude and an optimistic outlook on life. They tend to have a strong urge to succeed and to reach their potential, and can see the big picture and have ambitious and inspiring ideas. They may have a lot of energy and motivation to take risks and take on challenges.
Jupiter in Taurus is a very lucky and positive placement. It's a placement that indicates financial abundance and success in material matters. People with this placement tend to have a strong sense of responsibility and practical thinking, and are very committed to working hard and creating long-term stability and security. They have the ability to invest and manage resources very effectively, and can have a natural intuition for good investments and good business prospects. This Jupiter placement can also bring a sense of optimism, joy, and abundance to the native.
Jupiter in Gemini is a very fortunate and expansive placement. It's a placement that indicates success and abundance in matters of communication and knowledge. People with this placement tend to have a very curious and inquisitive mind, and can absorb information very quickly and easily. They are often interested in a wide range of subjects and can be voracious readers. They often have an adventurous spirit and can be very skilled at conveying information and ideas. This placement can lend itself to having a strong desire to learn, understand, and explore new things.
Jupiter in Cancer is a very protective and nurturing placement. It's a placement that indicates a strong ability to protect and nurture those dear to you, but also a tendency to have a tendency to overly protect and worry about them. People with Jupiter in Cancer may have a very sensitive and compassionate nature, and tend to be very protective of those they love. They may be prone to overthinking, and can have a tendency to worry too much and to take on too much responsibility. They typically excel at providing emotional support and comfort, and can have a strong desire to be nurturing and taking care of others.
Jupiter in Leo is a very dynamic and creative placement. It's a placement that indicates a strong ability to bring joy, enthusiasm, and optimism to the native's life. People with Jupiter in Leo are typically very charismatic and cheerful, and have the ability to make other people feel uplifted and joyful. They have a strong sense of pride and can be very ambitious and motivated. They are often drawn to the spotlight and tend to seek out opportunities that allow them to shine. They can bring warmth and a playful spirit to others, and tend to be excellent at making them feel comfortable and energized.
Jupiter in Virgo is a placement that indicates a strong desire to be of service and to do good by others. People with Jupiter in Virgo tend to have a highly disciplined, diligent, and hard-working nature, and strive to help others with their efforts. They have a strong sense of responsibility, and tend to go above and beyond in their devotion to tasks and projects. They are often very observant and attentive to details, and can have a natural talent for spotting problems and helping solve them. They tend to have high standards and an eagerness to do their job perfectly.
Jupiter in Libra is a placement that indicates balance, cooperation, harmony, and a desire for fairness and justice. People with Jupiter in Libra tend to have a very balanced and accommodating personality, and tend to do their best to keep the peace between their relationships and with others around them. They often have a strong desire for peace and stability, and will go to great lengths to keep the balance and harmony in their lives. They can be very diplomatic and open-minded. They tend to seek out compromise and harmony in all of their dealings and relationships, and tend to be excellent communication brokers.
Jupiter in Scorpio is a deeply emotional and passionate placement. People with Jupiter in Scorpio tend to have a very deep and intense personality, and are often very driven and passionate about things they care about. they may have strong feelings and emotions that they hide away, and a powerful drive to discover the truth and to unearth hidden secrets and mysteries. They can be very dedicated and determined, and tend to dig deep to find the answers they are seeking. They can also have an intense desire for power and control, and can be very possessive and territorial over things that are important to them.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is a very fortunate placement that indicates an abundance and expansion of ideas, philosophy, experiences, and possibilities. People with Jupiter in Sagittarius tend to be very open-minded, adventurous, and expansive in their thinking, and they tend to seek out new experiences and opportunities. They are typically very open-hearted and hopeful, and they tend to hold a positive view of the world. They often have a strong sense of direction and purpose, and they can inspire other people with their optimism and enthusiasm. They tend to have a strong desire for exploring and discovering new things.
Jupiter in Capricorn is a very grounding and stabilizing placement. People with Jupiter in Capricorn tend to have a strong sense of responsibility, and a practical and grounded outlook on life. They strive to establish stability and security in their lives, and are often very hard-working and disciplined. They tend to have strong values and a strong moral compass, and they can be very dedicated to their work and their achievements. They can be ambitious and driven, and they can set very high standards of themselves and those around them.
Jupiter in Aquarius is a very innovative and forward-thinking placement. People with Jupiter in Aquarius tend to be very imaginative and creative, and have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world. They tend to have a humanitarian mindset, and they can be very open-minded and inventive in their approach to life. They can be open to new ideas and be very visionary. They can have strong convictions and principles, and strive to bring about positive change. They can be passionate activists and can have a strong social conscience.
Jupiter in Pisces is a very spiritual and intuitive placement. People with Jupiter in Pisces tend to have a very artistic and expressive personality, and a deep sense of creativity and imagination. They can be very emotional and highly sensitive to the emotional states of others. They are often very compassionate and empathetic, and have a strong connection to the spiritual and the otherworldly. They can be very spiritual and in tune with their intuition and the deeper meaning of things. They can have a very strong desire to connect with and help others in spiritual and emotional ways.
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heartlilith Ā· 5 months
Placements That Give Off "Mommy" Energy šŸ’‹
Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?
"Mommy": The feminine version of the "daddy" kink, a strong and dominant woman especially in the bedroom
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šŸ–¤Aries Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars/Rising
šŸ–¤Leo Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars
šŸ–¤Scorpio Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars/Rising
šŸ–¤Sagittarius Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars/Rising
šŸ–¤Capricorn Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars/Rising
šŸ–¤Sun/Mars/Saturn/Pluto Dominant
šŸ–¤Sun - Mars/Pluto/Saturn Aspects
šŸ–¤Venus - Mars/Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto aspects
šŸ–¤Mars - Jupiter/Pluto aspects
šŸ–¤Moon - Mars/Pluto aspects
šŸ–¤Mars/Pluto/Saturn aspecting ascendent
šŸ–¤Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Sagittarius/Capricorn in 1st, 5th, 8th, 10th house
šŸ–¤Mars/Pluto in 1st/5th/8th/10th house
šŸ–¤Sun/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Pluto in the 8th house
šŸ–¤8th house stellium
šŸ–¤Lilith in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
šŸ–¤Lilith in the 1st/5th/8th/10th House
šŸ–¤Lilith aspecting personal planets/ascendent/midheaven
šŸ–¤Fire and Water Dominant
šŸ–¤Fixed and/or Cardinal Dominant
(These aspects in a masculine/male chart could indicate a "daddy" kink as well)
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