#san andres
wgm-beautiful-world · 7 months
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Cattedrale Sant'Andrea, AMALFI
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nellarw95 · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Alexandra 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
March 16,1986
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
16 Marzo 1986
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dabid-motozalea · 3 days
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San Andres de Teixido. Cedeira Galicia
Cuenta la leyenda de esta zona, que “A san Andrés de Teixido, vai de morto o que non foi de vivo”, es decir, si no vas de vivo, irás de muerto.
La historia comienza por los celos que San Andrés sentía ante la cantidad de peregrinos que recibía Santiago de Compostela.
Un día lo visitó Dios, acompañado de su discípulo San Pedro y les comentó su queja con la esperanza de arrancar de su interior la profunda tristeza que sentía, a lo que el Todopoderoso le prometió que, a partir de entonces, a su santuario acudirían en procesión todos los mortales y, quien no lo hiciera en vida, tendría que hacerlo muerto y reencarnado en un animal.
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Y ahí está escondida entre los acantilados marinos más altos de Europa.. más de 600 metros de caída.. la pequeña aldea de San Andres
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Así que ya sabéis, dejaros de hacer el camino de Santiago y visitar esta aldea y su capilla en honor al santo que le da el nombre o si no, tendréis que hacerlo después de muertos y reencarnados en un animal, el que sea, no se puede escoger, puede ser un majestuoso águila, un topo ciego, o un escarabajo pelotero (aunque estos están pillados casi todos por politicuchos y demás calaña)
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takunwilliams · 1 year
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CJ san andres GTA
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thereisnoafter · 2 years
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cruger2984 · 1 year
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"Love is acceptance. When you love someone... you take them into your heart, and that is surely why it hurts so much when we lose someone we love, because we lose a part of ourselves."
Andrew was born in Bethsaida in Galilee, and was the son of Jonah and the brother of Simon Peter. He is referred to in the Orthodox tradition as the First-Called (Protokletos). Both he and his brother Peter were fishermen by trade, hence the tradition that Jesus called them to be his disciples by saying that he will make them 'fishers of men'. At the beginning of Jesus' public life, they were said to have occupied the same house at Capernaum.
In contrast, the Gospel of John states that Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, whose testimony first led him, and another unnamed disciple of John the Baptist, to follow Jesus. Andrew at once recognized Jesus as the Messiah, and hastened to introduce him to his brother.
Subsequently, in the gospels, Andrew is referred to as being present on some important occasions as one of the disciples more closely attached to Jesus. Andrew told Jesus about the boy with the loaves and fishes, and when Philip wanted to tell Jesus about certain Greeks seeking Him, he told Andrew first. He is also present at the Lord's Last Supper. and was one of the four disciples who came to Jesus on the Mount of Olives to ask about the signs of Jesus' return at the 'end of the age'.
After receiving the Holy Spirit through Pentecost, Andrew preached the Gospel in many lands. The Chronicle of Nestor adds that he preached along the Black Sea and the Dnieper river as far as Kiev, and from there he travelled to Novgorod. Hence, he became a patron saint of Ukraine, Romania and Russia. According to Hippolytus of Rome, Andrew preached in Thrace, and his presence in Byzantium is mentioned in the apocryphal Acts of Andrew.
Andrew is said to have been martyred by crucifixion at the city of Patras in Achaea, in the year 60 AD. Early texts, such as the Acts of Andrew known to Gregory of Tours, describe Andrew as bound, not nailed, to a Latin cross of the kind on which Jesus is said to have been crucified; yet a tradition developed that Andrew had been crucified on a cross of the form called saltire (x-shaped cross or crux decussata), now commonly known as a 'Saint Andrew's Cross' — supposedly at his own request, as he deemed himself unworthy to be crucified on the same type of cross as Jesus had been. The iconography of the martyrdom of Andrew — showing him bound to an X-shaped cross — does not appear to have been standardized until the later Middle Ages.
Andrew is the patron saint of several countries and cities, including Barbados, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Ukraine, Sarzana, Pienza and Amalfi in Italy,  Esgueira in Portugal, Luqa in Malta, Parañaque and Cainta (in Rizal Province) in the Philippines and Patras in Greece. He was also the patron saint of Prussia and of the Order of the Golden Fleece. He is considered the founder and the first bishop of the Church of Byzantium and is consequently the patron saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The flag of Scotland feature Saint Andrew's saltire cross. The saltire is also the flag of Tenerife, the former flag of Galicia and the Russian Navy Ensign. The Confederate flag also features a saltire commonly referred to as a St Andrew's cross, although its designer, William Porcher Miles, said he changed it from an upright cross to a saltire so that it would not be a religious symbol but merely a heraldic device. The Alabama state flag also shows that device.
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captainamorysailing · 4 months
Traveling Around The Island Of San Andres, Colombia - Sailing To Panama (S02 - EP19)
Join us on an unforgettable journey through the stunning landscapes of the Island of San Andres, Colombia, in our latest video adventure. With its crystal-clear waters and picturesque scenery, San Andres offers an immersive experience like no other.
In this video, we'll travel around the beautiful Island of San Andres, Colombia. After that we'll be sailing to Panama on my boat Shanti, experiencing the beauty of the sea.
My videos are free for everyone to watch, and always will be. However, you can give back (in ways that don't cost you a single penny) Click like & share the content with your friends.
Social media has become a way of life. I post, stories, and pictures of places the boat visits & share beautiful moments. Social Media is generally the best way to keep updated with the adventures.
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sanandresisla · 7 months
Buceo En San Andrés Isla
El buceo en San Andrés Isla es una de las actividades más emocionantes y populares que puedes disfrutar en este paraíso caribeño. Con aguas cristalinas y una diversidad impresionante de vida marina, San Andrés es un destino ideal para buceadores de todos los niveles. Aquí te proporciono información relevante sobre el buceo en San Andrés:
Para bucear, debes tener una edad mínima de 12 años
es una actividad genial y recomendada para personas de todas las edades
Puedes bucear en distintas zonas de la isla
Te recomendamos elegir una escuela de buceo, con piscina para que hagas una práctica previa a tu inmersión. y asi estes mas preparado a la hora de entrar al agua
No recomendamos bucear si tienes problemas con los oídos, columna o presión arterial.
No recomendamos bucear si estas en estado avanzado de embarazo
Recomendamos que a la hora de bucear, escojas una empresa sería y responsable
Te recomendamos visitar lovesanandres.com para recibir más información sobre esta increíble actividad y para reservar.
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vcbarrera · 1 year
San Andrés colombia
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Piccola Cappella, Saint Andrew, Normandy, ITALY
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gabynlopez · 2 years
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Je reprends mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 52461 photos (oui, ça a encore augmenté !).
2004. Pour fêter nos 20 ans d’amitié, Christine et moi partons aux Canaries ! 2ème escale : l’île de Gran Canaria.
- les 3 premières : Puerto de las Nieves, aux allures déjà africaines
- les 2 suivantes : Gàldar, dans son volcan
- entre Gàldar et San Andres
- les 2 dernières : la côte ouest de l’île et le départ
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acrossthewavesoftime · 2 months
Comic Sans Valentines: British of the American Revolutionary War Edition
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So, calling the Las Leyendas/Legend Quest fandom.
I've been a die hard fan of the movies since 2011 when La Leyenda De La Llorona came out (I'm mexican, I was raised in Veracruz, yes, where the last movie is placed).
When the series aired on Netflix I was a little... Worried, it didn't look like the Anima Studios animation and overall I was afraid it might be a gringo bad adaptation, that it wouldn't have good representation and would just be to the liking of the chicanos living in the US and kids from abroad (generally for people leaving outside of Mexico or the gabacho).
So, I'm summoning the fandom (preferably the Mexicans who love the movies, but if you're gringo/american/from somewhere else also feel free to say what you think of it) to tell me what they would rate the series.
It's serious guys, I want to know if I should watch it.
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