#sarawat pulling tine away from pear
weilongfu · 2 years
Aphrodite Siblings PJO AU - Pete & Yo encouraging their siblings (Tutor, Tine, Theo, Pi, Pear) to lean into their sexy sides
Written as a continuation of the Aphrodite Sibling Sleepover
As was typical of almost any time Tutor found himself sleeping over with a teenage Pete, after getting comfortable in pajamas ("Twinsies!" Pete declared as he pulled out matching pajama tops for him and Tutor), the application of high quality skin care ("For the love of god, MOISTURIZE THIS TIME," Yo yelled as he threw a bottle at Tutor from across the room), and a few beverages ("TEQUILA IS MY FRIEND," Pi shouted just before Theo tackled him away from the bar), it was eventually time for, "Frank discussions of sex and sexuality," as Pete called them.
"It's important as children of Aphrodite and Venus," Pete said as he blocked Tutor's path into their shared bedroom. "You have to embrace both emotion and sexuality, and that includes finding ways to feel sexy and comfortable in your own skin."
"Okay, but why do I have to have that conversation with you," Tutor grumbled. "It's increasingly odd to have your twin brother provide tips on how to get your boyfriend off."
"Well fortunately for you, today's topic is embracing your sexy side, and not discussing sex," Pete said primly. "Pi isn't ready for that."
"I'll be honest and say he's not ready to discuss his sexy side either," Tine said as he poked Pi's boneless form. "Are we sure he only had one shot in that bottle of juice?"
Theo picked up Pi's wrist and let it drop back onto the couch. "Yeah, no this is about one and a half. Who decided to do a heavy pour today of all days?" Pear quietly looked the other way, nudging the bottle of liquor away from herself.
"We're still working on Pi's case slowly but surely. In the meantime, the rest of us," Yo said firmly, "Should talk plainly with each other."
"On the subject of feeling sexy?" Tine wrinkled his nose. "I mean, Sarawat still just likes touching my chest so... I guess I'm good? Is it feeling sexy if I've started to come around to that?"
"Maybe it's sexy if you wear that leather harness I saw Pete buy for Ae yesterday," Theo said as he walked to the bar. "Just put your pecs front and center."
"Eh? Leather harness? Isn't that expensive?"
"If you're interested, I'll tell you who I worked with to get that for Ae," Pete said while patting Tine's thigh. "He does good work and it's worth the price. Genuine, ethically sourced, cruelty free leather."
"Please, no," Tutor said as he collapsed into a couch on his own. "If Fighter catches you wearing that, he'll want one."
Tine immediately recoiled. "Has... Has Fighter been watching?!"
"What? NO!" Tutor sat up and waved his hands. "Gods no. But if you and Sarawat are going to continue to stay in the barracks, make sure your door is shut."
Tine's face immediately turned red and Yo sighed. "Well, how about you, sister dearest. Want some catalogues for comfortable, affordable, and practical lingerie?"
Despite the blush growing on her face, Pear giggled. "That exists?"
"Mother sent me a few catalogues from some designers. Apparently the support is fantastic and the designs are pretty."
"Oh, well then sure. I'll take a look. It wouldn't hurt to just see if there's anything I like."
"As for you," Pete said as he watched Theo take another sip of liquor. "Have you considered-"
"I am not wearing a jockstrap and football socks for Akk's locker room fantasy. Thank you," Theo said plainly.
"Is that why you wouldn't let me get the hoodie I wanted from Closet Two the other day?" Pi mumbled into a couch cushion. "I really wanted that-" Before Pi could finish, Theo ran over and slapped his hand over Pi's mouth.
"If you finish that thought, I'm going to tell everyone about the video you wanted to send Mork." Pi's eyes widened in fear and he tapped out on Theo's arm, but there was no avoiding the stony glare Tutor gave both of them.
"...what video?" Tutor said quietly.
Everyone in the room stood still before Theo picked Pi up and ran for a bedroom to barricade themselves in. Tutor gave chase and all hell broke loose again.
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patandpran · 4 years
Keeping it Quiet - An OhmFong fic
Finally filled this ‘secret dating’ prompt for the anon! I am still not over this pairing so.. enjoy!
Summary: Four times Ohm and Fong almost revealed that they were dating in secret and one time that they did…. 
Featuring a wise Earn, a drunk Phuak, a clueless Tine, love bites and a kissing booth.
It was Phuak’s going away party and Ohm and Fong had been dating officially for about a month. They had always been an inevitability but since it was so new to both of them, they wanted to keep their relationship to themselves for the time being.
They were meant to be celebrating Phuak’s departure for his studying abroad trip but Ohm couldn’t help but bring along a monthversary gift for Fong as well. It was something small so he was able to conceal it quite easily until he and Fong finally had a moment alone.
At the height of the party, Ohm dragged Fong into Phuak’s bedroom and closed the door behind them. Fong gave him a questioning look but followed anyway, unsure of where he was being led. Once they were sure that they were alone, Ohm pulled out a small wrapped parcel and handed it to Fong.
“What is this?” Fong wondered and looked up at Ohm with wide eyes. “Is this something for Phuak?”
“Nope. It’s for you.” Ohm muttered shyly. “Today marks a month of us being together.”
“Ohm, you are ridiculously sappy.” Fong accused with a grin on his lips. “I love it.”
“Open it.” Ohm urged, eyeing the present anxiously.
Fong obeyed Ohm’s order and gingerly unwrapped the package, being sure not to rip the wrapping paper. Ohm bit his lip in anticipation as Fong opened up the box that held the necklace that he had purchased for Fong. It was a simple silver chain with a dangling bar that read ‘F+O’ on the side that would face Fong’s heart.
Upon reading the inscription, Fong whispered, “I love it, Ohm. Thank you so much. Can you help me put it on?”
Fong turned and Ohm helped to put the chain around Fong’s neck. Fong tucked it under his t-shirt and turned back to face Ohm. “I feel guilty that I didn’t get you anything.”
“Knowing you are wearing that is the perfect gift.” Ohm hummed with satisfaction. He was about to lean down to kiss Fong when someone came barging into the room.
“What are you two doing in here?” Phuak slurred as he stumbled into the room.
Though it was not as if they were being caught in the act, both Ohm and Fong froze as Phuak approached them and threw his arms around both of their shoulders. He was completely drunk and Phuak was not exactly perceptive on a good day so it didn’t seem like he had any sense that something was going on between Ohm and Fong.
“We were just, uh, reminiscing.” Fong responded lamely and Phuak seemed satisfied with the answer.
He nodded before pressing a sloppy kiss to both Ohm and Fong’s cheeks. “I love you guys. I’m going to miss you so much… are you guys going to be okay without me?”
“We love you too, man.” Ohm reached behind Phuak and squeezed Fong’s wrist with a fond look in his eyes. “As much as I think we’re going to miss you, I think we’re going to be just fine.”
The whole gang was at a CtrlS concert when Sarawat winked at Tine from the stage. Everyone was dancing and having a great time and Tine waved back at his boyfriend. Fong saw this and felt a bit jealous about the fact that Sarawat and Tine could be so open about their affection while he and Ohm were still choosing to keep their relationship under wraps fro the time being. They wanted to see where things would go but Fong could not wait to be able to hold Ohm’s hand in public without worrying about his friends noticing.
Ohm looked at Fong and could tell that Fong was deeply thinking through something as Fong’s brow was furrowed in thought. Tine, Man and Boss were in the throws of an epic dance party so he felt emboldened enough to reach over and squeeze Fong’s hand with his own. It was over before it even started but the look of relief from Fong was well worth the risk.
“You know that I am ready to tell everyone whenever you are.” Ohm shared and Fong nodded appreciatively.
“Tell everyone what?”
Ohm and Fong prickled when they heard the question come from behind them. Green had posed the question and Dim was standing there with an arched brow as well. Ohm and Fong exchanged a look before Fong blurted, “Uh, tell them how ridiculous they look dancing like that!”
Green narrowed his eyes, clearly suspicious but Dim shrugged it off, convinced. Dim wandered off to join the dance circle and Green followed behind shortly but not before giving them another suspicious look before joining the rest of the group.
As soon as they were left alone, Ohm gave Fong an apologetic look and Fong gave him an understanding look. They were going to have to decide sooner rather than later to tell the group because keeping a secret like this was starting to weigh on the pair of them.
“So, have long have you and Ohm been together?” Earn asked casually one night at L C Hol.
Fong turned to her immediately and whispered, “How did you know? We haven’t exactly told anyone.”
Earn’s eyes widened in surprise at this. She never really understood why people decided to keep things like relationship a secret but she obviously respected her friends enough not to blow it. She looked over at Ohm who was sitting further down the table and he smiled back at her and  Fong.
“Sorry.” Earn answered, keeping her tone lowered. “I don’t mean this to be rude or anything but.. it’s kind of obvious that you guys are together, at least to me. You can tell by the way that the two of you look at each other. It’s the same as how I look at Pear.”
“You and Pear are a thing?” Fong sputtered, completely thrown off by Earn’s words.
Earn chuckled at how oblivious Fong was. “Yeah, we’ve been girlfriends for almost a year. I guess you’re about as perceptive as Boss because he tried to ask her out a few months ago. Needless to say, we set him straight about the viability of that endeavour. I guess maybe you don’t have to worry about any of the guys finding out if you all are like this…”
“As much of an insult as that is, it’s kind of a relief to hear.” Fong relaxed slightly. “We’ll tell people when we’re ready.”
“There’s no rush.” Earn shared supportively, putting one hand on Fong’s shoulder in a comforting gesture.
“When did you know that you and Pear were ready to tell people?” Fong wondered, feeling a bit self-conscious but still wanting to know the answer.
Earn considered this for a moment before responding, “I think you will just know. It won’t feel like you need to hide it anymore and second guess anything. But, honestly, it’s nobody’s business who you are dating and if you two aren’t ready, then keep it to yourselves. Being in a relationship is such a personal thing. You don’t owe it to the world to the share every last part of yourself. Do what you need to do to feel happy with the person that you love. Nobody is going to judge you for taking your time to share it with others.”
“Thank you, Earn.” Fong shared and wanted to hug her with all his might.
“You look like you could use a hug.” Earn opened her arms wide.
Fong accepted the hug without a second thought and couldn’t wait to tell Ohm later that night about what had happened.
“I don’t want to go to class.” Ohm complained, his head resting on Fong’s chest as they both lounged on Fong’s bed.
“Well, no boyfriend of mine is not going to be a slacker.” Fong shared, trying to sit up but the weight of Ohm’s head kept his pinned to the bed.
Ohm flipped himself so he could look at Fong and wrapped his arms around Fong, trapping him even more. “It’s just one class. Come on, let’s just stay here for a few more minutes. Pleaaaaaaaase?”
As tempting as it was to spend the rest of the afternoon lying in bed with Ohm, they had a project due that day and Tine was relying on them to show up. Fong flailed around and tried to wriggle out of Ohm’s grasp but Ohm just tightened his hold on Fong.
“Ohhhhhmmmm! Let me go!” Fong cried out in protest. “Don’t make me bite you.”
“Go ahead.” Ohm shared casually. “Maybe I’ll be into it. It’s never too late to discover a new kink.”
“Seriously, how old are you?” Fong rolled his eyes and Ohm laughed fondly at the reaction.
Ohm pressed a kiss to Fong’s cheek and nuzzled his face into the crook of Fong’s neck, dropping kisses there as well. As much as it was difficult to resist Ohm’s kisses, Fong’s need to keep a perfect attendance record outweighed the current situation. Fong poked Ohm in the side which caused Ohm’s arms to release enough for Fong to make his escape.
Fong immediately ran from the bed an slipped on his shoes, slinging his book bag over his shoulder. Ohm chased after him, laughing all the way until they were running through the halls of the dorm to make their way to class, Ohm hot on Fong’s heels.
Once they got to class, both of them looked ridiculously dishevelled. Tine gave them a relieved look when he saw that they had made it. He remarked, “Took you two idiots long enough. I thought I was going to have to do this presentation alone.”
Ohm and Fong shrugged apologetically. Tine narrowed his eyes at Fong and asked, “Do you have a love bite on your neck?”
Fong’s hand flew up to his neck and he pulled his collar up, hie cheeks burning with a blush. Ohm just smirked and said, “That’s why we were late. Fong got attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes so we had to run to the store to get some medication before class.”
“Oh…” Tine answered, although he did not seem thoroughly convinced with the answer.
Thankfully, Tine did not have time to question it any further as the professor walked in to start the class. Fong elbowed Ohm in the ribs but Ohm just continued to grin proudly.
The music club was hosting a fundraiser carnival and everyone had pitched in to help set it up the booths. Tine, as the secretary, had enlisted Ohm and Fong to set up and run the kissing booth. There was a list of freshmen who were signed up in shifts to be the ‘kissers’ so all that Ohm and Fong had to do was take the tickets.
Aside from the screaming girls, the booth was running smoothly until one of the freshmen did not show up for their shift. Fong, in a panic at the ever-growing mob of angry people who were expecting a kiss, called Tine over to figure out what to do.
“What the hell should we do? One of your volunteers didn’t show up.” Fong muttered to Tine, trying to be discrete as Ohm attempted to satiate the frustration of the people in line. “It looks they’re about to revolt if we don’t do something quick.”
Tine checked through the schedule on his clipboard and frowned, “Everyone else is busy right now. Ohm or you will have to jump in for the time being until I can figure someone else to jump in. You guys are both single so it won’t be an issue, right?”
The idea of someone else kissing his boyfriend made Fong feel ill. He assumed that Ohm would feel the same way but he didn’t feel like it was the right time to tell Tine about their relationship without at least consulting Ohm first.
“N-no.” Fong stammered. “That’s fine.”
“Sorry, Fong. I’ve got to run. Green just set fire to the barbecue.” Tine rushed away before Fong could object. “I’ll send someone over as soon I can!”
Fong groaned before returning to the booth and leaning in to whisper to Ohm. “One of us has to step in…. I can do it if you want…”
“Ohm’s eyes widened in surprise before he stood up to his feet and walked to inside the kissing booth, plopping himself down on the stool. “I’ve got it.”
The entire line cheered with excitement as Fong felt a wave of nausea roll through him. He hated the idea of a complete stranger kissing his boyfriend but, without outing their relationship, there was nothing he could do. He knew Ohm was doing it because he didn’t want Fong to so Fong forgave him as he took the first ticket from an extremely excited girl.
Fong watched as she approached Ohm and sat on the stool across from him. She closed her eyes and began to lean in. Ohm looked at Fong and mouthed ‘sorry’ before turning his attention back to the girl.
Before he registered what was happening, Fong found himself standing between the girl and Ohm. The girl was no kissing his stomach and he was sure it made for a bizarre image to any outsiders. Ohm gave him an amused look and the girl pulled back in surprise.
“Uh, sorry.” Fong muttered, “But I can’t let you kiss him.”
The girl furrowed her brow, “Why? I paid the money. Shouldn’t I get the kiss?”
“He’s taken.” Fong explained and turned toward Ohm who was looking at him with a steady gaze.
“By who?” The girl protested, growing more and more upset by the situation.
“Me. Actually.” Fong shared and the girl stood up and countered, “I don’t believe you. Kiss him if he’s actually your boyfriend.”
Without missing a beat, Ohm stood up, directed Fong’s shoulders to face him and pulled Fong in for a kiss. The girl stumbled back in surprise but Fong and Ohm were too wrapped up in the kiss to give it a second thought.
They both melted into the kiss and were somewhat exhilarated by the fact that they were display their love for each other so publicly. Finally they could be themselves without constantly worrying about what others thought and might read into their every interaction. It was incredibly freeing.
When they finally separated after what felt like an eternity, they heard a small crowd cheering in support of them. Ohm and Fong turned out to see Tine, Wat, Earn, Pear, Dim, Green, Man, and Boss cheering them on. Some of them look surprised by the kiss but most of them just looked extremely happy for Ohm and Fong.
Ohm took Fong’s hand and turned to the girl, “Sorry, uh, there will probably be someone here soon that you can kiss.”
“You two are so sweet. Sorry for giving you trouble.” She responded before rushing back to the front of the line where her friends were gushing with excitement.
Ohm and Fong approached their group of friends. Earn was beaming at Ohm and Fong proudly and Tine was looking a little dejected, “Why didn’t you guys tell us sooner?”
Pear elbowed Tine in the ribs and he winced. She scolded, “This is NOT about you, Tine. They needed to take their time and so, they did.”
“Thanks, Pear. Yah, we just wanted to keep things between us for a while as we figured it out.” Fong explained, squeezing Ohm’s hand.
“Sorry for making it about me.” Tine stated. “I think you make a great pair. It kind of just makes sense.”
“You guys look great together.” Sarawat chimed in with a small smile.
Fong blushed deeply and Ohm slung his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder, proud that they could be so open with their relationship now. Ohm responded, “Thanks.”
“We still need someone to be in the kissing booth.” Tine piped up, flipping through his schedule again to see if anyone was free. “The only single person here is Boss and he is… already in the kissing booth working his ‘magic’.”
The group all turned to see Boss making kissy faces at the lineup as he sat in the booth, waiting for his first victim. Everyone shared a laugh at this and Ohm and Fong were just happy how normal everything felt.
Nothing had changed… In the best possible way.
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earthfluuke · 4 years
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so @tharntypesupportclub & i were both doing the same ship tag the other day, and i got earnpear and they got saratine. when asked ‘who spends the most while out shopping,’ we both answered pear and tine respectively. we then continued to say that earn and sarawat would carry all of their bags for them. and, because of that, this fic was born.
it’s completely ridiculous and silly, but i think it’s cute. whipped boyfriend/girlfriend culture as well as mlm x wlw solidarity? what could be better!
Sagging further into his chair, Sarawat sighs. Elbow nudging the girl in the chair next to him, he asks, “How long have we been here?”
Lifting her head from where it’s rested against the wall behind her, Earn clicks open her phone. Flashing him the screen, she says, “At least an hour. Probably longer.” She lets her head fall back again with a hard thunk. “Why do we agree to this every time?”
“Earn, Earn!” Pear skids to a halt, thrusting a soft cream sweater into her girlfriend’s hands. “What do you think? Will it match that black skirt I just bought? The one with the gold belt?”
“Wat!” Tine appear beside him, holding two shirts next to his face. “Which one? I have nothing like the blue one, but the striped one would go so well with these brown pants I found.”
Two sets of wide eyes blink hopefully at them. Sarawat shoots Earn a knowing glance, to which she only nods. “Oh, right; that’s why.”
Tine is helping Pear find a necklace to go with a dress she picked out when a store clerk approaches them with a smile and a coo. “You make such a lovely couple. It’s so nice seeing a young man so invested in his girlfriend’s interests.”
Tine shares a glance with Pear before the two of them burst into a fit of giggles. The poor store clerk, bless her, looks so confused. Quick to compose himself, Tine shakes his head and wipes a tear from his eye.
“You misunderstand,” he tells her. “We’re just friends.”
Pear nods next to him, swallowing back the remainder of her laughter. “Tine is really cute, but he’s not exactly my type.”
“Aw.” Tine slumps down to rest his cheek on top of his head and lets out a dramatic breath. “But I have just as nice of a chest as Earn does.”
“Don’t believe everything Sarawat tells you.” Swatting him away, she runs her fingers through her hair as she pouts at him. “And stop messing up my hair. I spent extra time curling it this morning.”
Tine resorts to poking her in the side instead, chasing after her when she jerks out of the way. “And why is that? Excited for your date? Still trying to impress your girlfriend even though you’ve been together for ages, and you’ve got her completely whipped?”
“You’re one to talk!”
Their banter only continues, and at some point, the store clerk just walks away.
“Sarawat,” Pear calls sweetly. He turns around, and just as he tilts his head down to look at her, she’s shoving a stack of dress shirts, all a mixture of different rusty orange and red tones, into his arms. He clutches them to his chest, blinking at her in confusion. But before he can ask any of the questions rushing to his mind, she says, “Tine says he likes this color on you best.”
With none of those dozens of questions answered, he can only ask, “Okay. So?”
She huffs, nose scrunching in frustration. “So, I’m doing you a favor. Now, come on.” She spins him around in the direction of the fitting rooms and nudges him towards them with a hand to his back. “Let’s see which ones he likes best!”
There’s not much he can do; Pear asked something of him, and honestly, he doesn’t know how to say no to her.
“Every time we come here, you never buy anything,” Sarawat points out. They’ve been dragged into a shoe store and have taken refuge on a long leather couch. “Come to think of it, I don’t think you’ve ever even tried anything on. And you seem to like clothes well enough.”
“I do,” she says, fixing the beret atop her head. “It’s just easier to shop online. Less stress, less of a time commitment. Besides, I couldn’t shop for myself if I wanted to.”
As if on cue, Pear comes towards them, three shoeboxes in hand and a smile on her pretty, pink painted lips. “I saw a few more I want to get in my size. But.” She calls attention to the boxes, lifting them a bit higher for emphasis. “I can’t with my hands full. Could you watch these for me? Please?”
Sarawat finds it funny that she thinks she even needs to ask, what with the way Earn’s gaze softens as she holds her hands out to take them. Pear’s smile widens, and she places the boxes onto her lap. Leaning down to press a quick kiss to her cheek, she scampers off down another aisle.
“See what I mean?” she says, holding onto the boxes with one hand as she rubs the lipstick stain from her cheek with the other. “Can’t shop for myself when I’m with Pear. Not enough hands.”
Scoffing, Sarawat says, “You give in to her so easily.”
Earn raises an eyebrow. “Really?” She points behind him. “Want to try that again, hypocrite?”
Turning in the direction of her finger, he sighs when Tine smiles at him sheepishly. He can only wordlessly hold out his hand to take his boxes from him and mutter to Earn, “Not a word.”
Pear has a personal vendetta against whichever member of her family cursed her to be so short. Sure, people find it cute, but it’s not cute at all when she has to stand on her tips toes, bounce on the ball of her feet, even jump to try and get something off the high racks of clothes.
Just as she’s about to give up on the cutest yellow sundress, a hand shoots above her head and grabs onto the hanger. Her savior soon turns into her enemy when he only holds it over her, swinging it back and forth teasingly.
Pear doesn’t know why she’s surprised to find Tine smirking down at her when she turns around. She’d happily wipe that satisfied look off his face, if only she could reach. Instead, she juts out her hip, puts one hand on it, and holds the other one out expectantly.
“Come on,” she says. “Give it here.”
Tine hums in thought, “I don’t know. Should I?”
“Yes,” she says, easing up a bit, hoping the littlest bit of sweetness can get her what she wants. “Please, Tine?”
“I don’t know,” he sings, burying any of Pear’s plans on taking the nice route. This absolute tree of a human is playing dirty; so can she.
“If you don’t, I’ll tell Sarawat,” she threatens, though it seems to do little. Tine only holds the dress up higher. With no other choice, she goes in for the kill, “I’ll tell Earn then. Oh, I see her now. Earn!”
Tine shoves the dress into her face before she can continue. Hanging it over the crook of her elbow, she grins and pats his arm. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
Sarawat is used to sitting in front of fitting rooms with Earn, waiting for their respective significant others to model whatever clothes they’ve chosen, but there’s something different about it this time.
Tine steps out in a light blue sweater in that typical style he favors – high neck with a white collar poking out. His hair is slightly tussled from tugging it over his head, and he’s looking at Sarawat for approval.
He motions him forward with the wave of his hand. “Come here,” he says. Tine only tilts his head to the side, and god, could he be any cuter? He waves faster. “Come here.”
When he steps close enough, Sarawat wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him in between his legs. He ignores the little yelp Tine gives, burying his face in his stomach instead. The fabric of the sweater is soft, and Tine’s signature scent has already started rubbing off on it.
Chuckling, Tine cards his fingers through his hair. “Does that mean you like it?” he asks as he strokes his hair. Sarawat hums, and Tine just laughs some more. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“This is so unfair,” Sarawat mumbles.
“It’s rude,” Earn agrees with a firm nod. “Why will they hold each other’s hands but not ours?”
Tine and Pear stop walking and turn around to look at their significant others with matching smiles. “Because the mall is about to close, and Pear is as short as a middle school student,” Tine answers.
Adding to his point, Pear chirps, “And Tine is tall enough to see over everyone, so I won’t get lost in the crowds.”
“You could hold my hand,” Earn grumbles.
Pear fixes her with a soft, amused look. “You’d have to let me carry some of those bags then, sweetie. I’ve offered, but you won’t let me.”
“Why would I let you carry them?” Earn asks, as though the very idea of doing so offends her. “I can carry them for you; you don’t have to do anything other than stand there and look cute.”
“And hold my boyfriend’s hand apparently,” Sarawat interjects.
“Do you want me to take some of the bags you’re carrying then?” Tine asks. When he reaches out to grab for them, Sarawat holds them closer in defense. Sighing, Tine shakes his head. “Boyfriends.”
“Girlfriends,” Pear sighs along with him in solidarity.
They start walking again, sharing a fond look as the two behind them start up their complaining again. They’re both ridiculous, but they love them. So it evens out.
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petekaos · 4 years
i think about you (every night);
Pear falls in love with Earn over an assortment of late nights.
Pear realises she’s falling in love with Earn when she looks at the moon.
It’s late, but Pear is still riding on the high that has coasted her through this day. She and Earn had been out shopping for new guitar strings, and Earn had taken her hand in the middle of it all, dragging her along to a new café she had seen down at the corner of the road. Pear didn’t know it then, but she had felt a tingle go down her spine when Earn had grasped her hand around hers and interlinked their fingers. Warm, safe, steady. It had just been for five minutes, but the look Earn had given her after that had said it all. I love you. I’m going to wait for you. Pear had responded the best way she knew how, and that was to offer her a small smile, one she didn’t even know was bubbling up inside of her, and order her coffee. 
Now, she sits, hand cupping her chin and thinking about Earn. Her heart flutters as she pictures her standing in front of the school on the stage, guitar strapped around her and singing, in her element. Her voice is like dripping honey, soft and soothing to Pear’s ears, reassuring her that everything will be okay. Her mind has been going double time, not letting her lay her head down on the pillow and rest. She’s never felt like this before, never looked out at the moon and hoped that someone else was looking back at it, that they were tangled in the stars themselves. She’s never wanted to press a kiss to someone’s mouth so much before, never wanted to hold their hand and play with their hair so much before, never wanted to go on endless café dates with someone so much before. Pear has never wanted someone to stay so much before. 
She wants. She wants to hold Earn’s hand, take care of her, tuck her in when it’s night and she’s stressed out about finals. She wants to kiss her, take her out on dates, listen to her play guitar in the privacy of their home together. She wants to cook for her, make sure she eats well, bring her food when she’s at band practice. She wants Earn to place a steady hand on hers when trying to teach her guitar, let all the love songs be about her, sing to her. She wants to look at the moon without her, and not simply hope that she’s looking back. She wants to look at Earn when she’s pointing at the moon. Pear grips the edge of her desk, her hands digging into the wood, and as her heart shudders in her chest, she realises she’s falling. 
It’s never felt so scary. But it’s also never felt this good.
“I can’t be with you.”
Boss stares at her from where he’s sat, his hands clenched together, so hard his fingers are turning red. Pear can’t bring herself to look at anything else. Her heart is beating loud in her chest, reverberating off of the walls of her ribs like a butterfly taking flight for the first time. The room is dark and cold around her, dampening out the sound and focusing a bubble around her, as her lip trembles and her nails dig into her thighs. 
“Stop that,” says Boss, reaching out to calm her down. She flinches back, and he takes his hands off of her immediately. The bed frame digs into the back of Pear’s knees, and she finds herself inching away from him, like he’s going to yell at her, hurt her. Her breath shudders through her throat as she tries to close her eyes and exhale out through her nose. “Stop that. Pear.”
She manages to look up at him, and his eyes are so fragile that she’s sure she could just reach out and break them. He’s not mad. He seems... worried. Pear bites down on her lip and struggles with a, “What?”
Boss runs a hand through his hair, and she can see that he’s shaking, too. Like he doesn’t know what to do with himself. “You...” he says, swallowing. “I’m not mad at you, or anything. I don’t--I don’t want to be with you.”
That knocks the floor out from underneath her feet. They’ve been spending weeks together, going on what seemed to be dates, and Boss would bring her food, tuck a blanket in around her, text her to make sure she got home okay. Her hands cease from digging into her thighs. “You don’t?” she says, with wide eyes. Pear spreads an hand out into the air. “What about the--the café dates, and all the Instagram stories, and... and...”
“Well,” says Boss, fiddling with his hands nervously. Pear doesn’t ever think she’s seen him this real, so genuine and human, and not just someone he thinks he needs to be. “I was just trying to be your friend.”
“You...” she starts, and then stops. Pear doesn’t know what to say. Her breath eases, calms down, runs back through her like a river. Boss was just trying to be her friend. She’s never had one like him before, one that devotes his time to put effort into their relationship, one that wants to make sure she’s okay, one that wants to be good to her. She supposes she does have Tine, who does all of the same things, but she’d known from the start that he was moon-eyed over Sarawat, and that he’s never had any ulterior motive. “I--so you don’t want to date me?”
Boss laughs, and the world shifts back into shape. “No,” he says. “I thought you were dating Earn, anyway?”
The moonlight shines through the window and dances across the floor as she looks down, her heart tightening in its secure place behind her shaky ribs. Earn. With her guitar, and her ease at making Pear feel like she’s the only girl in the world, and her beautiful voice, setting into Pear’s life like it’s always been there. Like it’s always been floating, honeyed, in the wind. A small smile creeps over her face when she thinks about her, and if she focuses hard enough, she can hear her song drift through the window and warm her to the bone. When Pear sees Earn, everything else falls away.
“Not yet,” she mumbles, and Boss lights up.
“Not yet,” he says, jumping over to join her on the bed. Pear is at peace again, her breath steady. “That means there’s hope! So, you like her?”
Pear exhales. “I...” she starts slowly, before deciding to be brave. “I do like her. She--she’s wonderful. She’s sweet and creative and smart, and being around her makes me feel... makes me feel at home.”
“She’s all you think about?” teases Boss, nudging her side.
Pear smiles, a quiet little upturn of the mouth. “Yes.”
“When do you think love began?” asks Earn, looking at her from up under her eyelashes. Pear’s breath catches in her chest. Earn is sleeping over; her condo needing some repair work done and Sarawat and Tine not having a free bed. Her hair is out of her ponytail, flowing in free waves. She’d taken a shower before bed, and Pear had dried her hair, letting her fingers fall through it, and combing it down softly. It had been far too intimate, enough to leave Pear bursting at the edges as they had sat down and eaten dinner together; instant noodles with too much soup. “The band’s put me in charge of writing a love song, that’s all, and I don’t know where to start.”
Pear can’t help but feel a little disappointed, but she powers through it, pulling the blanket up over herself. They’re sharing one, so it rucks up automatically over Earn as well, coming to rest up under her chin. Pear’s devastated by how quietly gorgeous she looks in that moment. “What do you mean?” she asks, instead, trying to buy herself some time.
“Someone had to be the first,” says Earn, settling down underneath the blanket. The small yellow light from the lamp lights her features into something gentler and softer, and Pear is giddy with the thought of being able to see her like this. 
She looks out at the moon, the one that she looks at every night when it’s visible, both when it’s just a sliver and also when it’s full and hanging. Pear hopes, every night, that Earn is looking up at the same moon. “I think it started the first time when someone saw the moon,” she says, so quiet it’s barely audible. “You can’t look at it and not feel... something. Or maybe love has always been a human emotion, something we’ve always kept hidden deep inside of us. The world has... it has so many things to love about it. Like the wind. Like being able to... to look at the sky and know everything will be okay. Or like eating with someone.”
Pear swallows and looks at Earn, afraid she’s given away too much. But Earn looks up at her like she’s seeing her for the first time, and puts a hand over hers, under the blanket. The tenderness of the action renders Pear useless. “I think you’re right,” she says, glancing over at her guitar before looking back at Pear. “I think love will always exist as long as people do, and the moon does.”
“Maybe we’re all just different forms of love tied together,” says Pear, exhaling, curling her hand tighter around Earn’s.
“Maybe we are,” says Earn, smiling. “I think you’ve got the best combination.”
“You’re thinking about Earn,” says Tine, as he puts the plate of food down. Pear tugs her stare away to look down at the dish, realising it’s her favourite. She presses a kiss to his cheek gratefully as he sits down, pulling his chair in. Tine smiles at her, cheeky as always. “You were looking at the moon.”
Pear points a fork at him. “You think about Sarawat when you look at the moon, so don’t even try.”
“He’s my boyfriend,” says Tine, and Pear can’t dispute that. “She likes you, right?”
Pear’s heart trembles. She does. Pear knows it in the way that Earn holds eye contact with her when she sings about love. “Mm,” she says. “I think... I think she does.”
“You should get together,” says Tine, nudging her feet underneath the table. “She makes you happy. You glow whenever you talk or think about her. Your Instagram is filled with your pictures together. She lights up whenever Wat manages to bring you up in conversation.”
“Maybe--” starts Pear, and her breath hitches just thinking about it, “maybe after the concert.”
Tine stops eating as he catches her gaze drift to the sky outside. It’s cloudy, but if she squints hard enough, there’s just a sliver of the moon visible through the grey clouds. “You,” he says slowly, as if he’s just realising it, “are in love.”
Pear knows that, already. She’s known it ever since the first time she looked at the moon and all she could think about is Earn tangling her fingers with hers to watch it with her. “Don’t you think feelings are amplified at night?” she says, causing Tine to blink. 
“I mean,” he says, “I guess? I’d dream about Wat, you know. He would haunt me, even in my dreams. And at night, when you’re alone and the world is quiet around you, that’s when your thoughts push to be known.”
“You dreamt about him?” asks Pear, recalling every night since that fateful day. Earn haunts her, even in her dreams. “Really?”
“I still do,” says Tine, and now his gaze is drawn outside. “You dream about her?”
“All the time,” says Pear, and it really clicks, then. She can’t imagine her life with anyone else apart from Earn. She’s liked, maybe even loved her, for so long, and so quietly. “Almost every night.”
Tine grins, spreading across his face and lighting his cheeks up, his eyes scrunched. “I hope it works out,” he says, putting a hand over hers. “I really hope it does.”
Pear looks at him, and smiles back. “I think it will.”
“You sang about me, didn’t you?”
It’s the night after the concert, and Earn is sleeping over. Her eyes are wide, and for a moment, she’s caught; vulnerable. There are no repairs happening at her condo, there are no pretenses. This is real. Pear had dried her hair again, they’d eaten together again, and Earn is now comfortably clothed in Pear’s T-shirt and shorts, and Pear’s heart shudders in her chest as she says the words. She knows--she doesn’t want to assume--her hands shake--
“I did,” says Earn, and it’s such a far cry from her cool and confident persona that Pear wants to wrap her up and hold her close. “It’s always been about you.”
Pear laughs, like a gentle tinkle in the air. “I can’t believe us,” she says, hiding her face in her hands. Earn coaxes them back away, allowing her to look at Earn, with a small smile on her face and like she’s just been handed the whole world. “We... we should’ve gotten together sooner.”
“I told you I would wait for you,” says Earn, and suddenly Pear remembers the one look she’d given her on the day they’d bought guitar strings together; the first time Earn had held Pear’s hand. She had, in her own way. “You needed time.”
“Maybe I did,” says Pear. Memories of tonight’s concert flash by in her head, all in colour and glowing, of Earn looking at her while singing a song about the moon, and how love begins every time someone takes a peek at it, and thinks of someone else. Pear recalls how she knew she’d fallen for Earn when she’d looked at the moon. “I’m ready, now.”
Pear shuffles forward, into Earn’s arms, and kisses her softly. It’s everything, all at once. One of Earn’s hands settles on her waist, gripping her gently, and Pear can’t stop herself from melting into her touch. It’s warm, it’s safe, it’s steady. When Pear pulls back, and Earn presses a tender kiss to her forehead, she giggles and her heart sets free like a bird. Earn’s arms wind around her, content with pressing more kisses to the corner of her mouth, to her cheeks, wherever she can reach.
“When did you know?” asks Earn, barely audible. Pear knows what she’s asking.
“When I look at the moon,” she says, and Earn laughs, a familiar sound and yet one Pear can get drunk on. “When I look at you. Every single second I’m with you.”
“So you fall in love with me a little more every night?” says Earn, and it’s said with her usual charisma and swagger, but there’s a hint of something real there. Pear smiles, a soft little thing she now knows she has inside of her, and sees it for what it is.
“Every night.”
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patovpran · 4 years
Celebratory night (Ohm x Fong)
Here it is, as promised, an Sarawattine, Earnpear and Ohmfong fic. There's more of the last two but oh well. I also tried mentioning Man and Boss cus i felt bad I was excluding them from this.
The group aka Sarawat, Tine, Pear, Ohm and Fong gathered in front of the architecture building, waiting for Earn to check the grades of her final exams. The boys were sat on the stairs while Pear chose to sit at the end of the concrete fence next to them. The plan was that if everyone passed, they'd go out drinking tonight and now it was only Earn who was left to find out if she passed or failed.
"Pass!" She screamed as soon as she came through the door, other students immediately turning to see who it was while the group cheered. Pear immediately jumped off of the fence and run to hug her meanwhile the rest got up.
"Proud of you!" She gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and Earn's smile got even bigger.
"I knew you'd do great." Sarawat smiled and put an arm around her shoulders before turning to the group. "We can drink!"
Another cheer erupted from them before they laughed. Earn and Sarawat high fived before Sarawat walked down to Tine's side.
"We need to go grocery shopping so we'll meet you later at the usual spot."
"Sounds good." Pear said and took Earn's hand. "Do you have any plans or do you want to go to the new cafe with us? I heard they have amazing coffee and cakes."
The pair she was referring to was Ohm and Fong who stood next to each other, unnecessary close but no one commented and neither seemed to mind. Tine smirked to himself when he had noticed. He wondered how long was it possible for them to stay oblivious of the other's crush. There was also a bet going on between the group that started about three months ago when they all realized the rest also noticed that the two were overly friendly with each other. Even Man picked up on it and he hasn't spent as much time with the two as the rest.
"I could go for it." Fong nodded.
"Sure. Why not?" Ohm shrugged, seemingly nonchalant but they knew he was happy to get a chance to spend more time with Fong.
"Awesome!" Pear jumped once in her spot before waving at Sarawat and Tine. "Bye."
They said quick goodbyes before they went two separate directions. The cafe was only a five minute walk away from the architecture building but with the hot weather outside, they all let out a breath of relief as soon as the cool air from the AC hit them. Even though the cafe was new it was buzzing with people but they managed to find a table to fit them all.
"Oh, look! The strawberry one is on sale today." Pear turned the menu to Earn for a glance before putting it down, her mind quickly made up. She took the rest of the time to watch Ohm and Fong. They had they heads leaned into each other, almost touching while they debated what should they try.
"Triple chocolate one is a classic." Ohm said, pointing at the picture if it.
"Yeah but it's really hot out and you might feel nauseous later. It's hard on the stomach." Fong looked up at him for a moment, slightly moving back as the blush appeared on his face. He probably didn't even realize how close they sat. "There's one with a chocolate pudding if you want chocolate. That shouldn't be too bad."
"That sounds good too." Ohm nodded as he flipped the page. "They have raspberry cheesecake!"
He said with a smile, happy because he knows Fong loves that. Fong hummed in approval and they leaned back in their chairs, turning their attention to Earn and Pear.
"All set?" Ohm asked before calling for the waiter after everyone confirmed they have their order. They chatted about their finals and the results for a while before their cakes and drinks came to the table.
"Want a bite?" Earn asked as she held a piece of her red velvet to Pear.
"Noup, just you eat." She said before taking a bite of her cake. "How are yours?"
"Really good." Fong responded while Ohm finished his bite.
"Fong was right." Ohm nodded to himself before looking up. "This one is not as heavy."
"I'm brilliant." Fong joked.
"You are." Ohm said seriously, focusing on his cake that they weren't even sure he realised he had said it. Fong stared at him for a moment while Earn and Pear exchanged a knowing look, smirking.
"I'll win." Earn leaned in to whisper to Pear who just rolled her eyes.
The four of them sat and talked for about an hour and a half before they decided they should go home and get ready for their night out. Their dorm buildings were in different places so they had to say goodbye when they left the cafe.
"Ohm will confess first." Earn said as soon as they were far enough so that the two couldn't hear them.
"Additional bet?" Pear raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend, stopping and holding a hand out to her.
"Additional bet. Winner gets one wish." She added before they shook their hands. Earn was confident she'd win this one if not the one with the group. It was just a matter of time before Ohm slipped.
Two hours later Earn was getting ready to do her make up when her phone rang. She was sure it was her girlfriend and got surprised when she saw Ohm's name written on the screen. Curious, she was quick to answer.
"Hey, uhm…do you have time?" Ohm sounded nervous, she noticed. She got up from the floor amd sat on the edge of her bed.
"Is everything ok?"
"No, i mean yeah, everything's fine. I just, uhm, I need an advice." She raised her eyebrow, leaning back on her arm waiting for him to continue. "So I've thought about trying something different…fashion-wise."
"Ohh..I'm listening." Ohm wasn't a much of a fashionista. She only saw him wearing very casual clothes and their university uniform and that's about it.
"Could you maybe come over? It'd be easier and you can go through my closest too and match something I didn't even think of." She smiled at how adorably nervous he sounded.
"Of course. I'll be there in 20 minutes." She had already got up and went to pick up her make up bag. That is getting postponed until she helps Ohm. After getting everything she needed, she texted Pear she'll meet her in the club before walking over to Ohm's dorm building. When she got there, Ohm was leaning against the wall and scrolling on his phone. He immediately turned his attention to her when he noticed she came.
"Hi." He pulled the door open for her and they continued to his room. Earn wasn't sure what to expect but his room wasn't necessarily clean and orderly but it wasn't overall too bad either. Probably the messiest room she ever entered was Boss' but he was quick to somewhat clean it so she and Pear could comfortably walk around if they wanted.
"So what were you thinking?" She dropped her purse on the table before walking over to Ohm who stood by the closet.
"I have some dress shirts that I never wore. I mean, they're not that fancy but still…I'm not sure I'd suit them." He answered truthful, already reaching to take them out.
"Everyone suits a button up." She said as he looked at them. "Let me rummage through your clothes a bit and I'll give you few outfits and you can see if you like any."
"Sure." Ohm what down and watched and Earn picked out clothes, throwing them on the bed and occasionally saying something to herself. "Ohh?! Why did you hide this one from me?"
Ohm looked up as she took out a one side black, other side white button up and hold it up with an amazed face. He shrugged as he touched it gently.
"I honestly forgot I have it." He brought it once when he had sudden urge to try something different but never actually got around to wear it.
"You're wearing it." She said firmly. "Freedom of choice revoked. I'm sorry."
He barely had time to react when she threw the shirt at his face and turned around to find long black jeans plus shoes that match.
"Go dress." She pointed at the bathroom while going to grab her make up bag. When she still saw him in the same place when she turned, she shook her head. "Well?"
"Oh, yeah. Ok." He quickly checked if he was holding everything Earn had thrown at him before leaving and letting Earn to do her make up. Some time later he got out and she turned, mascara in hand, and smiled.
"You look great!" She closed the tube and rushed to him.
"Isn't it a bit too much?" He asked, checking himself out in the mirror. "Maybe I should just change. Yeah, I'll do that."
He tried to escape back into the bathroom but Earn was faster to push him and he fell on the bed. After that she disappeared into the bathroom before waking out with hair gel in her hands.
"Today you're dressing to impress and I can promise you, Fong will be impressed." She sat next to him and turned him to face her. "Besides, I can be seen as overly dressed too but who cares? Sometimes you feel the need to."
"F-Fong? That's not…I'm not.." Ohm shook his head and blinked way too many times for it to be necessary.
"Don't ever try to fool me." She said casually, opening the packaging and scooping a bit of gel. "Now sit properly so I can help you look even hotter."
Ohm done as he was told and they sat quietly as she styled his hair. In the end, his hair was slicked back with just one strand falling over his forehead. She checked him out completely, nodding proudly before moving out of the way so that he could see himself.
"Oh shit…" His eye went once he saw himself. For finishing touches she tucked only one side of his shirt in, rolled up his sleeves and gave him other earrings that better matched the vibe.
"See? You look stunning. Everyone in the club will be drooling over you." She joined him by his side abd they looked together at his reflection in the mirror. "Fong might get a heart attack."
"He doesn't like me like that." She watched as his mood instantly dropped and she wanted to scream that Fong most definitely felt the same as him but she didn't want to overstep.
"You never know." She smiled up at him. "Don't give up just yet."
"Thank you." He gave her a side hug while giving himself one last look in the mirror.
"You're very welcome." She smiled before sitting down on the floor. "Now just let me finish my make up and we're ready to go."
"Sure thing."
"Don't be dramatic, you'll be fine." Tine said as he watched Fong panic over a video call.
"You know how I am drunk." Fong pointed out. "The chances of me accidentally confessing or worse, kissing him, while intoxicated are high."
"If it happened, I'm sure the outcome wouldn't turn out to be so bad." Tine said just as Sarawat exited the bathroom.
"What's going on?" He asked, dropping next to Tine on the bed.
"He's worried that he'd drunk confess." Tine filled him in.
"It's not too bad." Sarawat shrugged. "I mean I did it."
"Shut up." Tine laughed before focusing back on Fong. "I mean you can also not drink."
"Yeah right...as if any of you would let me get away with not drinking." Tine rolled his eyes while Sarawat made a face, showing that Fong was not in the wrong.
"Don't stress over it. You'll be fine." Tine reassured. "Now go get dressed and don't forget to meet up with Pear first."
"Mhm, I know." He nodded, muffled shuffling coming from the speakers as he got up from the bed. "By the way, how come Earn and Ohm are coming together?"
"No clue." Tine turned to Sarawat for an answer but he shrugged, also not having a reason.
"She didn't say anything to me besides the message in the group chat."
"Hm...well, anyway, I'll see you guys later. Bye!" They said their goodbyes and both Fong and Tine went to get dressed before leaving to meet up at their usual place before going together to the club. The club was 15 minutes with car and the four agreed to take one taxi and find a table for everyone while Earn and Ohm took another one, notifying them they'll be a bit later than usual.
"Did she tell you anything?" Tine asked Pear as they sat down. Sarawat and Fong disappeared to get the usual starting drinks.
"Nothing much. She just said she had to help him with something." Earn and Ohm didn't usually hang out alone so she was very curious what the thing was but didn't want to pry.
"Appetizers are served." Sarawat and Fong placed them around and sat down. Tine checked the messages and noticed one new in the group chat.
"Just in time. They're here." Tine said and pocketed his phone just as the two walked into their field of vision. It was little to say that everyone was shocked. The two were a sight to see.
Earn's hair was curled and she wore a short red dress along with heels and finished her statement with blood red lipstick. Next to her was Ohm who never looked as styled and the two were quick to catch attention.
"Holy shit." Fong said with his mouth wide open, very obviously checking out Ohm. The latter sat down casually next to him seemingly oblivious of everyone's dazed expressions. Earn joined her girlfriend's side, very proudly smirking as he looked around and, more specifically, at Fong's expressions.
"I feel very underdressed right now." Tine spoke up, staring at him for moment longer before turning to Earn. "Your doing I'm guessing."
"He asked, I delivered." She shrugged, pulling the drink closer to her. "What do you think, Fong?"
Everyone immediately turned to him who still stated at Ohm dazed. They locked eyes and Fong felt as if he could pass out any time soon, his heart was beating fast and he felt a little weak. If he had panicked before, he sure as hell isn't holding up well now. Not knowing what to say, he quickly grabbed the glass of tequila and downed it before giving Ohm a times up.
"...-look great." He swallowed the 'you' but Ohm seemed satisfied with the answer. Earn and Pear, Sarawat and Tine exchanged looks before smiling and following Fong's lead. Soon enough, Ohm being last, everyone's first round was quickly gone.
It was safe to say that that night was a wild night. After few drinks, Fong got very confident and started openly flirting with Ohm, his new look apparently tugging his last string that was holding Fong back from doing so. Ohm wasn't sure how to react at first, thinking Fong was messing with him, but as the night went on, he started flirting back. The group found the whole ordeal very entertaining and most importantly, they were sure that now both knew the other liked him which meant the bet was done.
"And as expected…I'm right." Pear grinned, her pride even bigger drunk. She slammed her hand on the table before gesturing to everyone to pay up while the duo disappeared somewhere, doing who knows what but most likely the very obvious thing. The group groaned but reached for their wallets and threw bills into her hand. "And you…" She pointed at Earn. "...that is yet to be seen."
Pear put the money in her bag just as the two returned to the table. Everyone noticed the messy state they were in but instead of commenting, Sarawat held up his glassed and yelled.
"Celebratory drink!"
"Cheers!" The group added after him and slammed their glasses together. Their group officially had another couple.
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reservethemoon · 4 years
people think love's for show
Hi everyone! It’s been a long, long while since I last posted here, but I was inspired to write a quick little something for this in the interim of working on some larger fics (which, granted, have been in the works for literally ages, but here we are). I’ve been seeing a whole bunch of posts about ohmfong and I have to say that I have also low key been thinking about their potential as a couple since I’d noticed just how often Ohm stares at Fong lmao. Anyways, here’s my first (and hopefully not last) contribution to the ohmfong agenda. I hope you don’t hate it.
Also available on AO3 if that’s what you prefer.
Look it wasn’t exactly their fault that no one had realized they were dating okay. It wasn’t like they were even hiding it, necessarily.
It’s just that it was easy to miss the quiet way that Ohm and Fong loved each other when there were others around them that loved so loudly. Dim and Green’s near constant fights and loud sex were nearly legendary around campus at this point. Man and Type argued just as consistently, if more like bickering than anything else. Sarawat and Tine were just on another level of chaos, what with the cheesy lines, the grand romantic gestures, and the psychotic delusional fans that either tried to tear them apart or shove them together in public.
Ohm and Fong weren’t like that. Adding onto the fact that they were close friends and therefore knew each other quite well and spent nearly all of their time together, it was simply not who they were. They loved quietly and in private, with small shows of affection that meant everything.
They’d gotten together without much fanfare either. One day sometime around when Sarawat and Tine had first gotten together and skipped off into the sunset in domestic bliss, Fong had turned to Ohm and asked if he wanted to hang out and eat together just the two of them, Ohm had agreed, and so they’d done so.
And then they’d done it again, and again, and again; until eventually one day Ohm had turned to Fong and asked calmly, “Ai Fong... are we dating?”
Fong considered it for all of ten seconds before shrugging.
“Yeah. I think so.”
“And you want that?” Ohm was more hesitant in asking this, his eyes avoiding locking with Fong’s.
“Yeah.” smiled Fong fondly, taking Ohm’s shaky hand into his own and interlocking their fingers. “I do.”
And that was that.
Of course, at first they weren’t sure if it would work out now that they had both agreed that it was a romantic relationship, and so they’d decided that they would wait to tell the others; but days turned into weeks, into months, and still they hadn’t said anything, couldn’t help but feel like it wasn’t the right moment yet.
“We’re so obvious about it.” argued Ohm “If they haven’t figured it out by now, then maybe they don’t deserve to.”
Fong just laughed, loud and light and amused, and didn’t disagree.
It all came to a head one rainy day as their newly extended friend group all gathered around in Tine and Sarawat’s condo for a night in with all of their friends. 
Everyone had managed to make it by the time Fong and Ohm had run inside to take shelter from the downpour. Type was squeezed between Man and Boss at the table as they laughed and poked fun at Sarawat, who was for once not connected by the hip (or the lips) to Tine. Tine and Green were sitting with Pear, who was one move away from being perched on Earn’s lap, as they all talked calmly where they sat in a circle on the floor. Phuak, Phukong and Dim were bickering as they puttered around in the kitchen, hopefully making dinner.
“Ah! You guys are here!” Tine cheered as he waved, noticing them as they walked in.
“You guys are late!” called Phuak from the kitchen “I had to have these heathens help me instead!”
Fong laughed, “Okay, okay, I’m coming!”
They pulled off their coats and Fong walked into the kitchen where a grumbling Dim and a relieved looking Phukong were just leaving.
Phuak was mumbling inaudibly under his breath as he aggressively stirred something in a large pot, like a spurned witch.
Ohm turned and walked over to where Tine was sitting, clapping his shoulder affectionately as he sat down.
“What did I miss?” He asked. Tine sighed heavily as he shook his head, Green perked up and Earn and Pear just looked on, amused.
“Well I know that Phuak has his cute little chinese girlfriend now, and you’re clearly seeing someone even if you haven’t told us who exactly-” Green’s eyes narrowed, but Ohm wasn’t particularly bothered. His relationship was his business and it didn’t necessitate other people’s meddling; and with the kind of friends he had, there would certainly be plenty of meddling and good natured ribbing, which he would love to avoid just for a little while longer. “-but do you think that Fong would be interested in meeting one of my friends? I know he hasn’t had a new girlfriend in a while.”
“I already told you, Green. Stop trying to set up my friends, and if you’re so into this idea, then just ask him yourself.” Tine said, clearly exasperated.
Green frowned. 
“It’s not like I’m pimping off my friends or anything Tine, I’d just set up a meeting if he was interested in meeting her.”
“Dinner is served!” smiled Fong as he walked over and passed Ohm a bowl of the soup Phuak had clearly been making, their hands brushing a little. Ohm smiled at him fondly as he sat down, leaning in a bit so that Ohm and he had their shoulders pressed together affectionately as they dug in.
“Well speak of the devil.” said Earn, with a raised eyebrow which Fong returned.
“Were you talking about me?” he asked.
“Well, I was just wondering if you were open or maybe interested in meeting a friend of mine for a date?” asked Green.
The others leaned in subtly, clearly anticipating some interesting drama; things had been rather quiet lately.
Ohm twisted around to look at Fong, who he found was already looking at him as he paused a moment to eat some more soup, a glimmer in his eye that could only mean mischief.
“No, sorry.” he said, his voice trembling almost unnoticeably, clearly trying not to laugh, even if his eyes were tender. “I already have someone I love.”
Ohm tried to keep his expression neutral so as to not give up the game, but it was clear that no one was really paying attention to his reaction anyways.
Pear gasped dramatically, a hand coming up to cover her open mouth. Tine raised his eyebrows in surprise as whatever he’d been about to say was promptly forgotten. Earn laughed at their expressions as Green shrieked loud enough that Ohm was sure that Tine and Sarawat would be hearing about it from their neighbours for days.
“Wait, you’re in love with someone?!” exclaimed Phuak as he darted across the room to sit down in the rapidly expanding circle.
“Yes.” said Fong with a bright grin. Ohm smiled a small private smile that no one seemed to take notice of.
“Do we know her?” asked Boss, cocking his head to the side and looking much like a puppy.
“You could say that, yeah.”
“Well, go on. Give us the details! Don’t just leave us in suspense!”
Ohm laughed and shook his head, patting Fong’s knee as he stood.
“I’m going to get more soup, you want some?” he asked, noticing Fong’s now empty bowl.
“Sure, thanks.” Fong said fondly, handing over his bowl, and locking eyes with him, a smirk on his face.
Ohm wandered into the kitchen and spooned soup into the bowls, listening as the group’s well-intentioned prying and awful advice drifted over.
Yeah, Sarawat and Tine were certainly going to be fielding several noise complaints over the next few days.
It was really no surprise then that as his mind wandered, his hands inevitably strayed.
“AHGK!” he let out a bitten off cry and a curse as he accidentally touched the still boiling hot pot as he returned the ladle to the pot.
The laughter continued but for one person.
“Ohm!” called Fong, a concerned note to his voice as loud footfalls preceded Fong into the kitchen. “Are you alright?!”
“I’m fine, Ai Fong. I just let my thoughts wander off and wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing.” He said sheepishly.
Fong grasped the wrist of his injured hand lightly, inspecting the state of the quickly reddening skin for a moment before forceful dragging him over to the sink where he ran the water for a bit before gently tugging his hand to run it under pleasantly cool water.
Ohm hissed as the water fell but didn’t move. 
“You have to be more careful, Ohm.” said Fong, his mouth and brows pulled down in concern.
“I’m fine, Fong.” said Ohm “It isn’t even that bad of a burn.”
“Still, you should be more careful. I hate it when you get hurt like this you know.” said Fong as he reached up and brushed a stray bit of hair behind Ohm’s ear before cupping his face tenderly, locking their gazes together intensely.
Ohm went pink in the ears, but smiled bashfully and nodded, his own hand coming up to cover Fong’s and link their fingers before he pulled back slightly and pressed a soft kiss to Fong’s palm.
“I know.” he said softly.
“Oh wow.” said a voice from the kitchen door.
Ah, right. The others.
“Wait, then the person that Fong is in love with...is OHM?!” exclaimed Phuak. Crowded behind him were the rest of the current occupants of the house, all stood in varying levels of shock and amusement.
“Since when were you two even dating?!” exclaims Tine.
“You didn’t know?” asked Sarawat, looking at Tine fondly, but with a furrowed brow. “I’ve known for months now.”
“You knew?” asked Phuak.
“Well I mean, at first I thought that was just how your friendship worked, but then I noticed they only behave that way with each other.”
Fong laughed and exchanged a look with Ohm, a smirk on his lips that made Ohm want to kiss it right off.
“Hmm, something like five or six months now?”
“Six in two weeks if we go from the first time we went on a date, but five if we go from when we actually established that we were dating.” Clarifies Ohm.
“You’ve been dating almost as long as Sarawat and I?!” Tine’s face is confused.
“Okay, Green and the rest of us not knowing I understand because we aren’t close,” cackles Earn “but how did you two also not know?! Don’t you spend basically every day together in class?”
Tine sputtered for a moment. “They literally don’t even act any different than normal!! How was I supposed to know if they didn’t say anything??!!”
“Well, I mean,” Pear looked apologetic “You aren’t the most aware person when it comes to romantic cues, Tine.”
“I am so!” scoffed Tine.
“I confessed to you twelve times and you didn’t believe me until I took drastic measures, Tua Woon Wai.” But even that came out mushily and so Tine could do nothing but reach out and take his hand.
“Saraleo.” Truly only Sarawat and Tine could make nicknames like ‘Nuisance’ and ‘Asshole’ sound fond and warm.
Ohm and Fong exchanged amused looks.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” asked Phuak, looking like he’d been hit upside the head with a shovel. “Did you not think you could?”
“No, that’s not why.” said Fong. “At first we just weren’t sure if it would become anything and so wanted to keep it quiet for the sake of the group. But then we just...never found the right time to say anything.”
“We also weren’t looking forward to the crazy loud teasing you all will unleash upon us.” said Ohm, with a dry look as Earn, Boss and Man’s faces became more menacing, excited to have a new target for teasing.
“Well this has been fun, but I’m starving so can we go sit back down and eat now?” asked Phukong dryly, with a raised brow.
The others agreed as they moseyed back over to the tables laughing and joking and ribbing at each other like nothing had happened. Phukong sent them a wink before going and joining the others.
“Well, that went well.” said Fong “Not sure why we were so worried, I guess.”
“Yeah, well we’ll probably never hear the end of this so get ready for that I guess.” said Ohm, with a shake of his head.
Fong leaned up and pressed a quick but adoring kiss to his forehead, lingering just long enough to shift down and press another to his lips. Ohm basked in the warmth that surrounded them in their little pocket of space and made his whole body tingle.
“Hey, I love you.”
“Love you too, idiot.”
Ohm could hear it a million times and still never grow tired of the rush of warmth those words sent careening through him.
They gathered up their food, then Fong reached down and took his hand before turning back to their waiting friends.
“C’mon.” he said with a gentle tug on their entwined hands. “Let’s go.”
Ohm nodded and squeezed his hand as he followed him out.
He felt like he could face anything so long as Fong held his hand in his.
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2getherweek · 4 years
Once again, a very big thank you to all of you who participated in this week and made it amazing with your incredible creations! And of course, a big thank you to those who supported the artists, because you are equally important❤️ In this post you can find links to all things created for this event! If any of your works is missing from this list or you want us to change something, please let us know.
Everyone, I present you, 2getherweek’s masterpost!🌈
Day 1: flowers | festival | song inspired
For love is just in Tine by @eternal-fandom-life
[festival, sarawatine] Tine is confused, Sarawat is pining and everyone else just wants to go home.
Intro: Flowering by @flamevbirdv
[flowers, sarawatine] A bodyguard au. In which Sarawat’s a very famous singer and Tine’s a glorified babysitter. Oh, and they are in love.
i love you by @svt-district
[flowers, sarawatine] Tine has a hard time saying those three little words, so he turns to flowers.
365 flowers by @zeskiyo
[flowers, sarawatine] Tine has never received flowers in his life. Ever. But when he starts getting them daily, for months, will his plan to find out his secret admirer's identity work out?
kiss me to let the whole world see (that there’s nobody else for me) by @cu-tine
[festival, flowers and song inspired, sarawatine] Sarawat knows that Tine’s been working himself down to the bone. Well, good thing that there’s a festival nearby.
He pulls away, looking at Tine in fondness and affection, pressing his forehead against his. “Tine. Please?” His tone was desperate, but it was also laced with concern and anxiety. “Just this once?”
A beat passed and Sarawat was about to ask again before Tine tightens his grip around him, cuddling closer to his chest. “... okay.”
you by @sara-wat
[festival and date, earnpear] Basically, Earn and Pear being cute and going to a festival together.
it’s you by @brghtwn
[song inspired, sarawatine] One look at him and Sarawat knows. This? This is more.
fanart by @aerialbolditalic
[flowers, sarawatine] Tine, the sunflower child and Sarawat, the boy on fire.
fanart by @nerd-squash
[flowers and lost, sarawatine] Wat & Tine on a meadow picnic date.
fanart by @zattez
[song inspired, sarawatine] What if Tine photo bombed Wat’s pic in the Scrubb concert before he bumped into Wat later with his over excitement?
And the photo had been Wat’s lock screen until one year later before finally meeting Tine for real.
fanart by @hourtohournotetonote118 [flowers, sarawatine]
gifset by @pining-sarawat
[festival, milphukong] AU in which phukong falls in love with the lead singer of the rhytm. when he brings him food, mil recognizes him and asks him out.
gifset by @teepakorns [song inspired, sarawatine]
gifset by @kuwentista
[song inspired, sarawatine] Sarawat & Tine: Memo by Years & Years.
gifset by @ficklefackle
[song inspired, sarawatine] Sarawatine’s love story + scrubb songs as the soundtrack.
gif by @lovetine [flowers, earnpear]
2gether girls as flowers by @torfight
gifset by @sara-wat
[song inspired, sarawatine] Sarawat and sweet tooth by cavetown.
gifset by @brghtwn
[song inspired, sarawatine] One look at him and Sarawat knows. This? This is more.
gifset by @saifahzonn
[song inspired, sarawatine] …and if you listen to a Scrubb song when you are in love…
2Gether in Flowers by @kuraioshiro
Day 2: stars | love letter | lost
here i am lifting up my heart (to the one who holds the stars) by @cu-tine
[stars, love letter and lost, sarawatine]
5 things Tine loves, 5 wishes Sarawat wants to come true, and 1 time they both said what they truly feel out loud.
Tine wants to know, wants to know so bad why Sarawat never hesitates when it comes to him. He wants to know why he’s choosing to be with Tine even when he can do literally anything else with all his talents.
Why? Why?
Sarawat looks back at him, the stars reflecting in his beautiful irises, taking Tine’s breath away at the sight of them. He smiles, a soft and small one, lifting his hand to put it on Tine’s cheek, a wave of electricity erupting throughout his skin from the touch. “Because I love you.”
Lost by @samcedeswannabe [lost, sarawatine]
do better by @blueskycafe
[lost, milphukong] "The day it all comes to a head, it’s closer to night than day and it’s supposed to rain soon."
Four times Tine lost in Wat’s eyes by @zattez
gifset by @pining-sarawat [stars, earnpear]
gifset by @lovetine
[lost, fongchat] In this world, it is too common for people to search for someone to lose themselves in. but i am already lost, i will look for someone to find myself in. In which chat and fong have been in love with their respective best friends for so long, but are willing to let them go just so they can see them be happy. in their lost souls, they find each other by chance.
2Gether & Lost by @kuraioshiro
gifset by @kuwentista [love letter, sarawatine]
gifset by @transking [lost, sarawatine]
gifset by @torfight [stars, mantype]
gifset by @saifahzonn [stars, sarawatine]
gifset by @holden-caulfieldlings [stars, sarawatine]
🎶 let this playlist guide you home🎶 by @pastel-butnotreally-angel
love letter by @sara-wat
Day 3: soulmates | rain | coffee shop
Trivia: Your name by @flamevbirdv
[soulmates, sarawatine] Sarawat and Tine are soulmates, or at least, Tine is Sarawat’s.
the chaser by @torfight
[soulmates, mantype]
Man loves his soulmate mark. It’s in the neatest handwriting he has ever seen, so tidy and precise that it looks like it’s been typed out. His owner must be a reliable responsible person, which is exactly what Man thinks he needs in his life, because he’s the opposite.
Type doesn’t like his soulmate mark. It’s messy and it looks weird scribbled on his right hip. Worst of all, it’s so generic. No, krub? He has already heard it thousands of times in his life, and he’ll probably have to hear it as many times before he actually finds the one.
my eyes will always return to you by @sara-wat
[coffee shop, sarawatine]
Tine and Sarawat like studying at the same coffee shop. They keep pinning after each other, but then one day there is only one table (ohmygod there was only one table).
The Bond by @samcedeswannabe
[soulmates, sarawatine]
Soul mate AU where soul mates can hear whatever music your soul mate listens to and you’re forced to sing whatever song your soul mate is singing.
in a hundred lifetimes and any version of reality (i’d find you and i’d choose you)  by @cu-tine
[soulmates, sarawatine]
Sarawat and Tine are soulmates. They love each other in every reality they live on. They’re meant to be with one another.
But why is it so hard for them to be together?
mango smoothie by @blueskycafe
[coffee shop, earnpear] Pear doesn’t drink coffee.
fanart by @zattez
[rain, sarawatine] Ghibli redraw.
coffee shop date by @nerd-squash
fanart by @yansqing
[soulmates, sarawatine]
gifset by @holden-caulfieldlings [rain, sarawatine]
Sarawat & music by @kuwentista
[soulmates] “You don’t need to understand music. You just need to feel it.”
gifset by @brightwin [soulmates, sarawatine]
gifset by @ramcatcher [soulmates, sarawatine]
gifset by @holden-caulfieldlings
[soulmates, sarawatine] Two people connected by the red thread of fate are soulmates.
gifset by @transking
[soulmates, manboss]
“Have you ever felt really close to someone? So close that you can’t understand why you and the other person have two separate bodies, two separate skins?” ― Nancy Garden, Annie on My Mind
Americano and Blue Hawaii by @saifahzonn
gifset by @svt-district
[coffee shop, mantype] Aren’t you gonna ask how I know that you’re here?
There’s only one coffee shop near my workplace, it’s not hard to find for someone so nosy.
moodboard by @watttine
[rain/coffee shop, sarawatine]
Sarawat is a barista at a coffee shop near his University. On a particularly dull day, a boy rushes through the door of the coffee shop, seeking shelter from the rain. With his sweet smiles and bright eyes, he warms Sarawat’s heart.
Day 4: hands | family | apologies
i finally found where i feel i belong (and i know you’ll be there with wide open arms) by @cu-tine
[hands, sarawatine] Tine never did liked his hands, or understood the concept of family, but thank god he has his friends to help him with that.
“Why are you always so stubborn?!” Sarawat screams back, a threatening scowl on his face. “Listen to me, for once!”
“I always do!” Tine snaps, crossing his arms over his chest. “But you never listen to me! Can you please, for once, just stop being your oblivious self and accept what I’m saying?!”
words unsaid haunt our minds by @sara-wat
[apologies, milphukong] It was about time Mil apologized to Phukong for a couple of things.
speak out or get out by @blueskycafe
[apologies, dimgreen] Dim has never been the greatest at communicating.
gone fishing by @blueskycafe
[family, earnpear] Earn is gay. She’s sure now, more than she has ever been, and the proof comes in the form of a beautiful girl named Pear.
gifset by @torfight [family]
Sarawat & Tine + Guitars by @kuwentista [hands]
gifset by @holden-caulfieldlings [apologies, sarawatine]
Day 5: beach | sleepy cuddles | date
White as Milk by @samcedeswannabe
[beach/date, mantype] Humans start out at birth with milk white blood. The more crimes they commit. The darker their blood becomes.
Trivia: Fantasy by @flamevbirdv
[date, sarawatine] A fake married AU. Sarawat and Tine act as a couple in national television.
routine by @torfight [sleepy cuddles, mantype]
running start by @blueskycafe
[beach, Phukong & Fong] Fong is looking forward to getting out of the city.
fanart by @sara-wat [sleepy cuddles, sarawatine]
gifset by @kuwentista
[sleepy cuddles, sarawatine] “don’t be afraid you will fall because i’m going to hug you like this all night.”
moodboard by @watttine [beach/date, earnpear]
Day 6: tattoo | fairytale | promise
Dressing up by @blueskycafe
[promise, manboss] “You can still come,” Man reminds him. “All it takes is a text to Mom and she’ll set another place.”
true love’s kiss by @salaleo
[fairytale, sarawatine] It’s laughable, really, how Tine’s life had inexplicably evolved into a Disney movie after meeting Sarawat. What next? Maybe he’ll make conversation with that bird perched on the windowsill.
Alternatively: Tine reconciles his (and Sarawat’s) romantic endeavours with reality by making fairy tale references, because at this point, he’s not so sure he’s not the reincarnation of fucking Cinderella anymore.
gifset by @kuwentista [tattoo, bright]
gifset by @saifahzonn
[fairytale, sarawatine] ...as the same way he found his princess, the other one find his love and happiness in a little nuisance.
Day 7: “you don’t really mean that” | “ why didn’t you tell me?” | “ you love me as if I deserve you”
just say that you’ll always be there (and so will i) by @cu-tine
["You don't really mean that" / "Why didn't you tell me?" / "You love me as if I deserve you", sarawatine]
5 times their friends snooped in on Sarawat and Tine, and 1 time they finally left them alone.
“Seriously, Wat?! I am so disappointed in you!” He hears Tine’s voice exclaim. Man stiffens, not used to the harsh edge of Tine’s tone. When the words sunk into his brain, he immediately turned his head to where the voice came from, ready to defend Sarawat for whatever Tine is angry at him for.
The remark dies on his tongue when he sees the scene in front of him; Tine was kneeling on the grass, still in his cheerleader getup, a first aid kit right beside him. Sarawat was sitting on a bench in front of him, otherwise looking exhausted and beat but also... smiling. Not quite evident, but it was still a pretty small upturn of his lips that was directed at Tine.
all-nighters by @blueskycafe
["Why didn't you tell me?", phukong/fong]
Fong is rubbing tiredly at his eyes, his white, over-sized sweater and hair rumpled from sleeping. He looks incredibly fragile, like he should be tucked beneath heavy blankets and have his forehead kissed. (Not that Phukong would do that, because that would be weird and friends don’t usually do that.)
gifset by @kuwentista
[“You don’t really mean that”, sarawatine] “Do you want to try? Try to get to know each other? You don’t have to like me very much. Just keep your heart open for me. I really mean it.”
Day 8: free choice
come on and dance with me baby by @cu-tine   
Sarawat really didn’t want to go to this party, but he’s so glad he did.
Sarawat furrows his brows when something more... pleasant, fills his nose. Vanilla, he thought idly, the scent calming his tense nerves, not that overpowering but just right to make Sarawat’s head go dizzy from it. The guy smells like vanilla.
The guy immediately steps away from him, and oh gosh everything felt like a movie from the way the guy’s head turned to look at him, in slow motion, his hair flying to the side along with his head. Sarawat feels all breath leave his lungs when he was met with the most gorgeous boy ever.
animated video (with a tik tok audio) by @nerd-squash
fanart by @so-na-gi [sarawatine]
gifset by @kuwentista
My Boy Sarawat Going Through Various Emotions AKA He’s Done With Everyone and Everything.
gifset/playlist by @holden-caulfieldlings [sarawatine]
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jojotichakorn · 4 years
Fix-it fic for after ep. 5 of 2gether
soooo , a while ago i got a prompt from @youre-my-shine-xoxo that turned out to fit really well with the ending of ep 5 , so i decided to mix the actual prompt with a fix-it of sorts . it features the explanation for the last scene of the episode from tine’s pov , as well as the boys making up and getting together ! enjoy !
One might think that having a fake boyfriend is certainly the weirdest and stupidest situation one can find himself in. However, there is something worse than simply having a fake boyfriend – realizing you’re actually in love with him.
And how, pray tell, is one supposed to tell his fake boyfriend that he wants him to be his not-so-fake boyfriend now? And, anyway, how would one go about it without getting rejected?
“No, this is clearly not going to work out”, Tine thought, “I have to stop this before it goes too far”.
The thing is, there was no way Sarawat liked Tine. He was popular, surrounded by fans, who were mostly girls by the way, and generally pretty detached from everyone. He teased him and called him a nuisance and showed absolutely no signs of liking Tine. And why would he?
But, if Tine kept up with this fake relationship, knowing now that every time Sarawat lookув at him, every time he toucheв him, every time he sфтп to him – his stomach would do a thousand backflips and his brain would keep reminding him that Sarawat was not his to have.
All he had to do now was simply think of something to tell Wat. Like… him wanting to pursue someone else. But who? And then it clicked.
“Hey Wat”, Tine exclaimed, as soon as Sarawat picked up the phone, “I washed your football jersey”.
“So?” the voice on the other end sounded slurred, but Tine could still hear a hint of annoyance in it as well.
“Nothing”, Tine said, thinking that was yet another confirmation of Sarawat having no feelings for him. He didn’t tell him to wash the jersey, because it meant something – it clearly didn’t. He was just teasing him again. “Where should I give it to you?”
“No need”, Sarawat said, confusing Tine for a second. “I will go get it myself”.
Wat arrived very quickly. The second Tine opened the door, he felt the smell of alcohol coming off of him, “Are you drunk?”
“Where is my jersey?” Sarawat asked, looking around the room, Tine’s already half-rhetorical question left unanswered.
As soon as Tine pointed to the bed, where the jersey was, Sarawat grabbed it and was about to leave.
“Wait!” Tine said, a little worried for Wat, and also knowing that if he didn’t do what he was planning to do that day, he would never have the guts to do it.
“What?” Sarawat asked, challenging Tine. After a second of silence, he was about to leave again, when Tine stopped him.
“Hey!” Tine said, trying to think of any excuse to keep Sarawat there until he could finally do what he had to. “A senior at the club asked to see our video”, he said, also feeling guilty for helping Pear, despite Wat asking him not to.
Sarawat sighed, quickly grabbing one of the guitars and started playing an unfamiliar song. Though Tine tried to keep up at first, he eventually stopped playing and simply looked at Wat. He was wondering what happened – why he was drunk. Maybe, it was just a regular night out with friends. Though, Tine felt he knew his fake boyfriend well enough to know that that didn’t sound like him.
But, he also felt butterflies in his stomach, when Wat was singing. It happened every time. He knew it was stupid, but every time Sarawat sang something like this, Tine felt like he was singing to him.
Sarawat was always so beautiful when he sang. To be fair, he was always beautiful, but there was something uniquely attractive and charming about him, while he was singing. Especially if it was simple like this – just the two of them in the room, a guitar and Wat’s voice – the most amazing voice Tine had ever heard. And it was a big deal for him to think that because he was also listening to Scrubb songs every day, but even they didn’t measure up unless they were sung by Wat.
“Pull yourself together, Tine!” he thought to himself, standing up and switching off the camera.
Sarawat was about to leave again, when Tine stopped him, finally having the strength to say what he had to. “Sit down first”, he asked Sarawat. It was the moment of truth. He needed to put that lie out there, or he would never be able to do it and end up heartbroken over a boy, who didn’t ask to be involved in his mess in the first place.
“I will seriously be hitting on Pear”, Tine finally said, trying to seem confident. Sarawat remained silent. “Did you hear what I just said? I said I will seriously hit on Pear”.
“You will hit on her”, Sarawat said, poison clear in his voice, “So I’m just your secret lover?”
“Wait-“, Tine said, confused as to why Sarawat was so upset. Everything was going to shit for some reason, and that wasn’t the plan.
“Should I act heartbroken?” Sarawat yelled. “Should I cry?”
“Hey!” Tine exclaimed. “What is wrong with you?” Tine knew exactly how harsh that sounded, but he couldn’t stop – it would be unfair to both of them. He would be lying to Sarawat in a much bigger way, not to mention hurting himself, if he didn’t end everything that very second. “I just want a girlfriend. Why are you-“
And then Sarawat kissed him. He fucking kissed him, and Tine still wasn’t sure what was going on, when Wat was already pulling away, saying something about him being reserved. And then Sarawat went for another kiss. Tine looked at his lips, and he wanted them. He wanted him so much. But, he knew none of this was real. Sarawat was very drunk and clearly upset about something, and Tine couldn’t use him like that. He knew Wat didn’t actually want to do any of this. So he pushed him away.
“I think you should go now”, Tine said, looking down. Sarawat did just that.
Sarawat didn’t show up at uni the next day. And the day after that. And another couple of days, which made Tine really worried. What the hell could upset Wat so much that he got drunk senseless and then skipped multiple days of uni in a row? He tried to ask Man and Boss, but they refused to explain.
The thing is, the more Tine thought about Sarawat, the more he regretted his decision. And the more he thought of his feelings, the more he realized just how raw and real they were. They were the kind of feelings you tell about, even if you are going to be rejected.
So, Tine was about to go out and look for Sarawat himself, when he saw the familiar silhouette with the ever-present guitar on the back. Tine rushed to him immediately.
“Wat! Are you ok? Where were you? Why did you skip? How are you? Is everything fine?” the questions poured out of him all at once.
“None of your business”, Sarawat responded. “I can’t talk right now… Or ever”.
“Please, Wat”, Tine pleaded.
“Why do you even care?” Sarawat rolled his eyes.
“Because I-“, Tine began desperately, his tone catching Sarawat’s attention. “Can we just… talk in private? Please?”
Sarawat was silent for a second. “Sure”, he finally said, and Tine nervously dragged him into an empty classroom.
“Listen, Wat”, Tine started. “And I mean listen. Don’t interrupt me, let me say what I have to say and then reject me or punch me or whatever it is you prefer. So-“
“Wait, what? Why would I-? Reject?” Sarawat looked confused.
“What did I just say?” Tine looked exasperated.
“Sorry, sorry”, Sarawat raised his hands in defeat, gesturing for Tine to continue.
“So, first of all, I lied. About wanting to pursue Pear”, Tine looked at Sarawat, who had a blank expression on his face, and sighed. “I mean, she’s cute and all, but I was never actually interested in her. And I wasn’t sure why I even wanted to flirt with her in the first place. Until I realized that it was because-“, Tine took a second. “Because I was trying to distract myself from the fact that I was clearly developing feelings for someone else”.
“Listen, Tine, if you called me here to talk about your love life, I am really not interested”, Sarawat said bitterly and was about to turn around and leave, when Tine caught him by the sleeve.
“You promised to listen”, Tine said accusingly. “But, man, I am going about this all wrong, am not I?”
Sarawat just blinked in response, and Tine let go of his sleeve.
“Ok, ok, just-“, Tine breathed in heavily. “I like you. And I mean, like-like you. You know the way we are fake boyfriends? Well, I would very much like for us to be real ones. And I know you don’t feel the same, but I think I would actually burst, if I didn’t tell you, so…”
Sarawat was standing in the middle of the room, his mouth slightly opened, his entire body completely still.
“Oh, so now is literally the only time, when you have nothing to say, then?” Tine asked, almost laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
Sarawat coughed, looking like he’d just come out of some kind of a trance. He swallowed, “I’ve kind of been in love with you for the past year… And by kind of I mean like really in love, like seriously a lot and I-“
Tine didn’t let him finish, quickly crossing the room and pressing his lips to Wat’s. Sarawat needed a second to recover, but he started to respond quickly, and soon they were just full-on making out. It was the most exhilarating feeling, the whole room spinning, both their hearts jumping out of their respective chests.
When they eventually had to stop kissing due to the unfortunate need for air that every human being has, they were both grinning like idiots, their bodies still comfortably close to each other.
“So, what are we gonna do now?” Sarawat asked, smiling.
“Hopefully, a whole lot more of this”, Tine responded, pressing their foreheads together.
“Definitely, but I do have to ask you something…” Sarawat said nervously, and Tine nodded for him to go on. “What do you think about us becoming an actual couple now?”
Tine giggled. “I literally told you I want nothing more like a second ago, dummy”.
“Right, I just-“
“Can’t believe this is happening?”
“Yeah”, Sarawat breathed out.
“Well, you best believe it, babe”, Tine said, winking, which made Wat laugh and press a quick kiss to his now boyfriend’s lips.
Both of them were entirely content and just so, so happy.
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emisfritish · 4 years
Picking a smile onto your face
Pairing : Sarawat / Tine (2gether the series)
Summary : “God, you’re secretly the worst romantic aren’t you ?” Earn teases Sarawat, only for Green to laugh out loud at the words. 
“Secretly ? Come on, there’s nothing secret about it !”
Or- Tine is still down about losing his bracelet and Sarawat isn’t about to let that go without fixing it (Post ep. 11)
Notes : Yes I just wrote this in two hours because of the feelings this episode gave me. But my boy Tine looked SO. DAMN. DOWN. the entire episode and I just needed Sarawat to make him feel better, with a side of Earn exposing him for the true romantic he is. 
Sarawat is sitting on the bench in the music room, tongue between his teeth and focusing on the threads of leather that he is currently trying to tie together when he hears someone enter the room. He quickly whips towards the door, afraid to see Tine there, but relaxes instantly when he notices that the person who just made their way in is none other than Earn, who waves at him. 
He knows that doing this here is dangerous and that Tine could walk up at any moment, but it’s not like he could do it at home, and he wants to be done with the surprise as soon as possible so it’ll be one less worry in Tine’s head. God knows the boy has had too many of those already recently. 
He nods towards Earn in greeting, before turning back to the task at hand and refocusing his attention on what he was doing before she entered. 
“What’s up Wat ?” she asks him, and he shrugs his shoulders, eyes still riveted on the leather. 
“What are you doing there ?” he asks her absentmindedly, and she sits next to him on the bench, eyeing the leather in his hands curiously. 
“I said I would meet Pear here, she’s coming to meet me and we’re going out to eat,” she explains, and Sarawat whips his head up towards her in shock. 
“Wait, isn’t Pear out with Tine ?” he asks, waiting anxiously for her answer. 
“She is. I guess they’ll be here in about 15 minutes or so,” she responds with a shrug, and Sarawat gulps at the words. 
Shit, he has to speed this up.
“What are you even doing ?” she asks, frowning towards the leather that he’s turned all of his attention back on, wanting to be done by the time Tine gets here.
“I’m making a bracelet,” he explains, not taking his eyes off of it. 
“Okay… Why ?” 
Sarawat shrugs, before he lifts his head up towards her and nods towards the table in front of them. 
“Could you please pass me the pick and the scissors ?” he asks, completely ignoring her question, and Earn frowns more but gets up and retrieves the items for him without protest.
When she hands them, Sarawat thanks her quickly, before taking the pick between two of his fingers and taking the scissors in his other hand, carefully cutting the pick right in the middle to make two even halves. He uses the scissors to pierce two small round holes on each side of the now cut in half pick, and smiles when he sees the result. Not bad, honestly. 
He gets up to put the scissors back on the table, and when he comes back to sit on the bench he sees Earn looking at him, shock and outrage written on her entire face. 
“Why did you do that ?! Who even cuts a pick in half that way ?!” 
Sarawat wants to laugh at her expression, imagining it’s very close to the one he wore the first time he witnessed Tine do the exact same thing. Truly, there was a reason she was one of his best friends. 
“Only special people,” he says with a smile, before focussing back towards the bracelet and weaving the pierced pick onto one of the threads that he had let loose, before tying it carefully with the others. Once done, he nods to himself and repeats the procedure with the other bracelet he’s made and the second half of the newly cut pick.
“Sometimes, you’re really weird. You know that right ?” Earn says, and Sarawat chuckles. He doesn’t even have to lift his head to know that she’s probably staring at him with so much judgement right now. 
“I know,” he says with another shrug, and she punches him on the shoulder lightly.
Sarawat chuckles again, before he takes off his own bracelet and holds his old bracelet and one of the new ones he’s just created in each of his hands, holding them at face level in between hima and Earn.
“What do you think ? Can you tell the difference between the two ?” he asks her, and she moves forward to study them carefully.
“I mean… Not really,” she says, squinting her eyes, and Sarawat smiles proudly at her answer.
Good. He hopes Tine won’t be able to tell either then. 
“I still don’t know what all of this is for though,” she says with a frown, and he sighs, preparing himself for the teasing. 
He moves away to put the scissors and his old bracelet back in his bag, before moving back in front of Earn and giving her his arm, wrist held in front of him.
“Can you tie this up for me please ?” he asks, putting one of the new bracelets in front of her face and she nods before taking it. 
“Sure. Because you know… You removing your bracelet to replace it with one that’s almost identical makes complete sense,” she says with a roll of her eyes, tying the bracelet nonetheless, and Sarawat smiles at her words. 
Her sarcasm was truly one of the things that he appreciated the most about her.
“It’s for Tine,” he finally says to explain once she’s done, and she lifts her head up towards him, question clear in her eyes.
“So you made a bracelet for Tine ?” she asks, and he nods in answer. 
“That doesn’t explain why you had to remove your own bracelet and end up with three almost identical ones…” she says with a frown, and Sarawat opens his mouth to explain his reasoning before he is cut off by Tine, Pear and Green making their way into the music room.
Sarawat instantly puts his hands back down and hides the new bracelet into the palm of his hand, closing his fist around it. 
Pear sends a smile their way before making her way to the back of the room to get her stuff, and Sarawat sees Earn’s face soften immediately. God, his friend is so whipped for her girlfriend. 
Tine and Green instantly beeline for them though, and Sarawat turns towards Tine and smiles at him when he sees the huge smile his boyfriend is sending him.
“Hi, did you have a good time ?” he asks, and Tine nods his head enthusiastically. 
“It was great. Green told us so many embarassing stories about P’Dim, I’ll have to tell you all about them !” Tine says laughing, and Sarawat chuckles at the words. 
He’s always down for stories to embarrass his P’.
“Anyway, are you ready to go home ? I think P’Dim is coming to meet Green here and Pear and Earn have a date,” Tine nods towards Earn, and she lifts one thumb up and nods indicating that he is correct. 
“Yeah. I just have something to give you first,” Sarawat responds, and Tine turns curiously towards him. 
“What is it ?” he frowns lightly and his eyes travel all around Sarawat’s face, probably trying to guess what this is about.
“Here,” Sarawat simply tells him, lifting his hand towards Tine and dropping the bracelet in his palm once Tine raises his hand to meet his by reflex. 
Sarawat is attentively staring at Tine’s face to see his reaction, and he’s not disappointed when his boyfriend’s face lights up immediately and he notices the huge smile that overtakes his face. God, he’s missed that smile. 
“You found it ?” Tine asks incredulously, and Sarawat smiles back towards him and nods in answer. 
“Yeah, I found it while I was unpacking our bags this morning. Looks like it wasn’t lost after all Tua Woon Wai,” he says fondly, and Tine rushes forward and hugs him tight with both arms going around his shoulders. Sarawat in turn puts both of his arms around Tine’s waist and drops a kiss against his neck, before hugging him close. 
“Wait, isn’t that the bracelet you were just…” Earn starts to say, only for Sarawat to cut her off by pulling away from the hug and glaring at her. She is not ruining this for them. Ruining this for Tine. 
“He was just what ?” Tine asks curiously, and Earn who obviously got the message that she shouldn’t say anything just shrugs. 
Tine turns towards Sarawat, and he only smiles reassuringly. 
“That I was just showing her. I was just telling her that I found it when you guys came in,” he justifies, and Tine sends him another one of his megawatt smiles. 
“I can’t believe you found it, you’re the best Wat !” he says enthusiastically, and Sarawat feels fondness grow for his boyfriend. “I’ve got to go and tell Pear that it’s back !”
With those words, Tine moves away from the group and goes to join his friend, excitingly showing her the bracelet and obviously happy when Pear shares his excitement, leaving Earn, Sarawat and Green alone. 
“Okay, are you going to explain why you just lied to your boyfriend and pretended that you didn’t just make this bracelet 10 minutes ago ?” Earn asks, her hands on each of her hips and tilting her head towards him.
Sarawat sighs, before he turns towards the other two in the group and whispers. 
“Look, Tine and I had bracelets like those and Tine lost his during the trip we took with the music club. He was really sad and blaming himself about it, and he’s been taking everything as signs that our relationship is going to implode lately… I just wanted to reassure him and make him happy,” he says sheepishly, and he sees Earn’s face soften at his words, before she shakes her head fondly at him.
“God, you’re secretly the worst romantic aren’t you ?” she teases him, only for Green to laugh out loud at the words. 
“Secretly ? Come on, there’s nothing secret about it !” the other boy teases, and Sarawat glares at him, huffing when it doesn’t do anything to deter Green from exposing him at all. 
“Did you know that P’Dim told me that Sarawat begged for him to let Tine into the music club because he wanted to be close to the boy he’s liked for more than a year ? He also totally rigged the activities we had during the club outing so he could be alone with Tine, and he…” 
Green starts to expand, whispering so Tine and Pear won’t be able to hear them, until Sarawat quickly puts one of his hands over his mouth. 
“Okay, I think that’s enough out of you,” he says with a frown, starting to feel his cheeks growing warmer. 
Earn and Green both laugh, and his friend just shakes her head fondly towards him. 
“Sarawat the romantic, who knew ?” she asks, and Sarawat rolls his eyes, before turning back to look at Tine and Pear who are talking animatedly. 
God, he’s going to be teased forever for this, if Earn’s shit eating grin is anything to go by. And he knows it’s about to get worse when Man and Boss get wind of this. However, when he sees the way Tine laughs freely for the first time in days and the happy smile he sends his way when he turns towards Sarawat to look at him, he knows that every second of teasing will be worth it. 
He’d happily endure it all if it meant keeping that smile on Tine’s face for longer. 
And yes… Maybe that does make him a romantic. But he really doesn’t care when it gets him Tine.
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bluescarletdiamond · 4 years
2gether the Series Ep 5 Commentary
It’s literally 4 am, I have a drawing final to finish by 9 am but I’m tired and I can’t look at this drawing anymore so this is what I’m doing for my break :)
Section 1/4
Aww they are walking together
Ooooh he only likes seeing Sarawat perform :)))))
It doesn’t bother him that much ;)
dfslksvksf NO ME GUSTA
he really out here just wanting everyone huh
that’s what he gets, don’t do that to my mans 
He got so excited AWWW
“I have been waiting for you here” BITCH IM SCREAMING SO HARD RIGHT NOW
also why does Sarawat look so fucking good
omfg this mans I can’t haha
He reminds me so much of kai here I can’t 
YALL I’m sorry I keep mentioning kai from exo but Tine REALLY DO BE LOOKING LIKE HIM
Sarawat has a lovely voice
Why are they not playing in time lmao
use a pick brother
He said some ‘bruh’
omfg I cannot this is a disgrace to all guitar players, he is so lucky that Sarawat and I love him or else oof
Sarawat do be right though
He memorized or whateva
oh? his Adams apple?
It’s not even that much makeup lol he looks the same
Wow he really just did that 
Major oof
okay maybe not a major oof
Oh he really just stared at his chest like 
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 damn this flirt lmao
they really do be drunk 
We love a hugging moment
oh what the fuck lmao
He really do be cupping his cheek huh
Sarawat just wants to sleep over :)))
Section 2/4
Why did he bring his guitar? Where did he keep it? Where did he pull it out from like??
The little blush on Tine’s face (I know it’s from him being drunk) but it’s so cute
Sarawat’s singing yessssss
oh Tine do be singing! And nicely as well :)))
The way that they looked at each other oh my heart
BRO mans did not just write him a whole ass song 
His higher register is GORGEOUS
It’s crazy that he’s calling him weird lmao
:((((( My bb
bruh he’s hiding his moobs lmao
I like that He’s not weird out by it
He’s so dramatic I hate him
He’s gripping that cup of water HARD
Okay demanding I low-key dig it lmao
also that water looks crispy for some reason
wow we love a bisexual
also where have I seen this mans before?
Love that he was trying to listen to Sarawat
Pear, Tine knows as little about guitars as you do lmao
Interesting theory but no Tine lol that ain’t how it works
Section 3/4
omfg the way he looked at the box lmao
this mans I cannot
Ooh that a whole ass apple pencil
Lol what lmao but I support
damn he bailed on his guitar practice just for him
Tine has such a beautiful smile I can’t
that girl is me
He’s so bold and I fucking love it like wow I love that he doesn’t shy away from it
Tine is so cute too like wow
also that look they shared :))))
“I think I found the one” “Should I give up” BOI WHAT KIND OF LOGIC
I already know Sarawat is about to pull up
Damn I hate being right sometimes
Section 4/4
He still has his jersey :((((((((
I know this man is getting drunk right now :///
I :) Love :) Miscommunication :) 
That was a fast ass post damn and how does someone knock out that fast
if only you knew
what does that even mean… am I missing something 
“So” bitchdaflskd
my mans does not look okay
my bb is probably so embarrassed :(
He looks high lmao
He really is a whole ass mess right now
tine is paying attention to the chords but not the words :(((
Sarawat do actually be playing that guitar tho
He really looking at Tine like that huh
jk I knew that would happen :(
Random: Tine’s shirt reminds me of that orange and white popsicle, the sherbet one 
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…. what
oh we heard
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“So I’m just your secret lover” Sarawat bb as much as I love you, he did say that the terms were that you’d be his fake boyfriend so it’s not like he’s actually being unfaithful
BUT with him pursuing Pear, it’ll make this “fake” boyfriend thing confusing to the people who believe it
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He was passionate too
Everything about it is just woah
His right hand, clutching Tine’s neck
his left hand cupping tine’s cheek
The passion and determination seen on his face
the coloring
the timing
It really just had to end there huh OSDJFOI:J FUCK I can’t watch the next one, a girl’s got to sleep ugh
Anyway, this ep had me all over the place, there’s going to be a new ep today so my ass has to catch up once I’m done with these finals and work today :)
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earthfluuke · 4 years
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welcome to part 3! i’m very excited about this one, so i hope you all enjoy it! 
just a reminder: i based some parts of the nymphs off of the nymphs from greek mythology, but for the most part, they are whatever i made them up to be.
parts: 1 / 2 / 2.5 / 3
Sarawat has the entire town fooled, but Earn is smarter. She knows her best friend, knows when there’s something he’s hiding. Finding resources and deciding if the land is stable enough to move in on doesn’t take this long. Weeks have gone by; enough is enough.
It should surprise her to find Sarawat entangled with a boy adorned in flowers, eyes taking over his face when he catches a glimpse of her. And it should surprise her even more when she finds herself chasing after them when they dart down the opposite side of the hill to the banks of the river. But neither can compare to the slack jaw, awe struck shock she feels when she sees her.
Ankle deep in the water, the girl stands proud. Back straight, arms stretched to her sides, her palms lay flat, fingers spread with the threat of forming another wave. Her brown eyes hold fear when they bore into Sarawat but morph to protective when they flicker to the flower-draped boy. Sun light reflects off the pink and gold scales that outline her cheeks and round over the curve of her temple.
To anyone else who happened to be blessed by her presence would consider her mystical, magical, otherworldly. But the only word that comes to Earn’s mind is beautiful.
Everything around her – Sarawat, the flower boy, the forest in front of them and the field behind – disappears, and there’s nowhere to look but at her. Her desire to go forward is just as strong as her need to pull herself back. Potential of scaring her off keeps her grounded, and all she can do is watch her through the hazy, golden halo her mind – or is it her heart? – has set around her.
Sarawat breaks her free. Hands shaking her arms, he begs her, pleads her, to keep what she’s seen to herself, to not under any circumstances tell anyone else in town, to please, for him.
“Who is she?” she hears herself asking between his cries. She looks over his shoulder towards the girl. She’s calmer now, at ease, as she takes the boy’s – the one she can only assume belongs to Sarawat – hands into her own. Her softened features send Earn’s heart into double time.
“I don’t know,” Sarawat answers quickly before he goes back to his frenzy. “But, Earn. Please. For me. For him. Tine; his name is Tine. Please don’t tell anyone about this. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. Just please. Please.”
She finally looks to her best friend, and she cannot remember a time he’s looked more serious, more scared. His fingers dig into her, but they shake at the same time. This boy must be special, if he can turn Sarawat to this.
“I won’t tell,” she finally swears and accepts the bone crushing hug she’s pulled into.
A condition comes with her promise. Not because she needs anything to maintain her secrecy but rather because she’s desperate.
She follows after Sarawat and parts ways with him at the apple tree. Canvas in her satchel, easel strung over her back, she sets her makeshift studio out along the banks of the river. Cups of paint circled around her, she picks out a brush and loses herself to her art.
She starts with the bases – the pale blue sky, the dark green grass, the teal river she shades to appear crystal. Fluffs of clouds and sharp tree branches follow. Final touches in the forms of a cluster of cattails growing at the edges of the river and the lily pads floating atop it near complete the painting. But there’s one thing missing.
Every so often, she lifts up her brush to glance at the river, pay close attention to it to catch bright eyes or mirrored scales. Luck comes to her just as the sun sets. When she goes to switch brushes, she spots her, the girl from the river, the beautiful mystery, the one thing missing from her painting.
Eyes peeking over the surface of the water, they watch her. She doesn’t raise up any further, but Earn has what she’s come for. It’s a rush job to add her into the painting, but she can’t contain her excitement.
She tip-toes towards the river as to not scare her. She bends, bends, bends over until the tip of her nose is a mere breath from the girl’s forehead. Only then does she duck away, quick movement startling Earn face first into the river.
She watches from beneath the water as the girl disappears downstream. The current that follows her carries one word to her ear: Pear.
Her mistake isn’t one she intends to make again, and it comes with consequences. For the next week, there is no sign of Pear. Earn remains optimistic, continues to believe that she will return when she once again feels safe. But by the seventh day, she’s beginning to grow discouraged.
She waits until the sky turns a golden orange, pink sprouting out from the setting sun, to add it to her painting. It’s the same scene she’s been painting for days, but this one is brighter, a burst of color against the familiar neutrals she now paints like they are second nature.
Sudden water droplets drip onto her pant leg, and her head is whipping to the side before she can stop herself. She’s met with a cheek covered in pink and gold scales, and now that she’s close enough, she takes note of how they also dip down her neck.
Pear isn’t looking at her, gaze instead set on her painting. Earn doesn’t dare move, barely lets herself breathe, as she steps closer. Her foot – also covered in scales that dissolve up over the outside of her calf – hits a cup filled with pink paint.
Picking it up, she dips in a webbed finger. It comes out the same color as the paint, the same color as her scales, and in one last surge of curiosity, she presses it to the very center of the canvas.
She looks both surprised and terrified to see that she’s left her mark on something that isn’t hers. Taking a step back, she’s ready to bolt within seconds. But Earn doesn’t give her the chance.
Quickly covering her own finger in red paint, she places her fingerprint next to the one Pear left. Turning to her, Earn offers her a soft smile, one that reaches her eyes and tells her everything is just fine. Pear returns it, and she feels a small flame warm her heart.
It only grows when she dips her finger back into the paint and decorates the entire frame. By the time she’s filled half the canvas, she motions to Earn’s hand. Too afraid to make the wrong move and send her hiding back in the depths of the river, she stays still. With an unsatisfied huff, Pear takes it upon herself to lift her hand and press her paint covered finger back onto the painting.
The feel of her hand wrapping around her wrist engulfs Earn’s chest with fire, and she burns. Her insides are impossibly hot from a single touch, and it worries her to think of what anything more could do to her.
She cools herself down by littering red fingerprints in the spaces between Pear’s pink ones. By the time they’re done, the image beneath is unrecognizable. And yet it’s the most wonderful painting Earn has ever made.
“You look happy,” Sarawat comments as they journey back to town.
“Maybe I am,” she says, readjusting the canvas in her arms. Stroking over the raised bits of paint, only just dry, she hugs it close to her. The distance between her and Pear dulls the flame in her chest, but it sparks at the thought of having this small piece of her. “I don’t think I really knew what happy was until today.”
Two canvases are heavy, but the extra weight is a small price to pay for her to see Pear waiting for her in the grass beside the river.
Setting up the extra easel, Earn gifts her with her own set of brushes. Lips pursed and eyebrows arched, she holds the brushes in the flat of her palm, running a tip through the bristles and watching them bounce back in intrigue. This innocent curiosity along with the tiny gasp she gives all but melts Earn into the ground below.
It’s trying to get the brushes to fit between the webbing in Pear’s fingers, but their attempts are finally met with success. “You can paint whatever you like,” Earn tells her, timid and gentle, nerves of scaring Pear away still bubbled high in her stomach. “There are lots of colors to choose from, see?”
Uncapping each cup, she offers Pear the pink. Familiarity hits her, and her smile outshines the sun. She’s off from there, and Earn should be as well. But each time she turns to her canvas, she’s drawn to the one beauty her art can never replicate.
Pear’s strokes are calculated, careful. And yet her wrist bends just so, loose and at ease, languid lines bleeding over the page. She’s very much the river she resides in; the calm stream flows freely, quiet and serene. But then there’s a wave, a crash against the banks, whenever she makes a mistake. Suddenly, she’ll still, wait, and Earn prepares for the flood that never comes. She breathes deep, exhales slow, and returns to tranquility.
The end product isn’t much more than a collection of lines with the occasional stray fingerprint. But it’s Pear, and for that, it is everything.
“What shall we paint today?” Earn asks, back to Pear as she adjusts the canvas along the ridge of the easel. Having watched Earn’s creations, Pear had become less keen on the abstract of her lines and wanted something more realistic. They’d begun with flowers, moved up to small frogs that politely sat still when Pear asked them to, advanced with the forest of trees on the opposite side of the river. Any mistake Pear makes is met with kind reassurance, a helping hand atop hers that guides the brush the correct way, a smile that she eventually returns.
Brushing off her hands on her pants, she turns to meet a held out hand. She accepts it easily, because of course she does. It fits nicely in her own, even around the webbing, and she dares a stroke of her thumb over the scales that cover her knuckles. They’re cool and smooth and unlike anything else she’s ever felt.
There’s a light tug, a shake of her arm, and it calls Earn’s attention upwards, to Pear’s pretty face and desperate eyes. They’re endless, large enough to hold oceans, captivate Earn to the point of no return. Only when Pear squeezes her hand does she break away to ask, “You want to paint me?”
The nod she gives is shy but firm. She’s head set despite her concerns, and Earn is in no position to deny her. She allows her to position her how she wants, tries and ultimately fails to keep her breath even when Pear pushes her every which way until she’s satisfied.
Behind the easel, she’s focused, pinched brows and scrunched nose taking over her features. Earn truly does her very best to maintain her far off gaze, but she cannot help but be magnetized back to Pear. Art is creating art before her; not staring is futile.
Time passes too slow and yet too fast, and Pear is shifting from foot to foot with her bottom lip between her teeth. Seeing her brush set aside, Earn gets up and circles around to the opposite side of the canvas.
Altogether, it’s a messy attempt. Edges are jagged, colors blur together. But there are lighter brown highlights that show the sun reflecting off her hair and curved lines etched into the center of her lips. Small details that Earn has only mentioned in passing decorate her portrait, and it sets her ablaze once more. The hopeful glances Pear gives her, hands clasped together in front of her chest, do little to extinguish it. This girl will char her to a pile of ash, but if her way to go is by the slope of her smile and the hesitant flush to her cheeks, then by all means, take her.
“It’s lovely,” she says. Her shoulders sag in relief, and Earn takes the opportunity to grab her hands once more. “I’ll have to find a frame for it. It’ll look so nice in my room.”
Smile widening across her cheeks, Pear pulls herself closer, giggling high and sweet, jingling bells sounding through her ears and heart. Earn lets their arms drop, dangle between them as her head tips forward. There’s still a space between them, but it’s enough. Especially when Pear doesn’t back away.
Guitar strings strum behind them, and they draw Pear from her canvas. Gaze up the hill, she’s distracted long enough for Earn to notice.
Setting down her brush, she swivels to look up towards the apple tree, towards where the notes are drifting from. “You want to listen to the music?” she asks. “We can; I’m sure Wat wouldn’t mind a bigger audience.”
She’s tugged backwards just as she moves forward. Both of her wrists are caught, and suddenly she’s being swung around the field, twirled around and around and around. It’s dizzying, and her vision kaleidoscopes; she can make out colors, patterns, but not much else. Catching a flash of Pear’s face, her wide smile, she’s serenaded by the giggles she gives as they fall into an unled dance.
Time passes, the song changes, but they still move together – in, out, back, forth. And then she’s falling, crashing into the shallow end of the river, water beneath her and Pear atop. She catches her by the shoulders, holds her up, and when the shock wears off, she realizes this is the closest they’ve been.
It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at once. She wants to stay, try for more, test the figurative and literal water with her. But there are boundaries, hurdles, stepping stones they have yet to get past, over, around; barreling forward head on will only get her hurt.
She’s held down as she goes to sit up, and she dares a glance. Wide eyes are hard to read, but at the very corner, small enough to miss, there is that ferocity Earn saw the very first day she’d spotted her. There is fear and pause, but along with that is passion, the very thing that keeps her strong and steady.
That passion drives her forward. Hand cupping the side of her head, Earn fits her fingers below her ear, threads them through her hair. Chin tipping up, still not daring a full lurch, her eyes flicker to Pear’s lips and there’s an intense want, an unquenchable need.
Patience dwindling, fire growing, she inches further. And that seems to be enough. Fists in her shirt collar, eyes on hers until they finally shut, Pear closes the gap Earn is too afraid to.
Every sense bursts to life at once. Scents of damp grass, river water with a touch of floral; sounds of dragonflies buzzing by and a familiar tune taught to her by the elders in the village floating from the top of the hill; touches of brown tendrils brushing across her cheeks as their heads tilt, soft skin and hard scales contrasting beneath her palms; tastes of apples and finally and yes; and the sight of the most beautiful girl, most beautiful creature, most beautiful anything that graces this very earth flushing pink and dipping her head when they pull apart.
Her fluster doesn’t deter her far. She lets herself be held, and Earn’s heart, spirit, soul soars far from her body. No more spaces between, no more hesitations. She pulls her back, waits for the slow sigh Pear gives against her lips before she deepens.
The fire roars on, and slowly the embers turn to ash.
Her return is met with a tangle of limbs and lips against her ear. Stepping back to steady herself, her hands come to rest upon the curve of Pear’s spine, fingers dancing up and down the ridges.
“Hello,” she breathes through a laugh, tilting up her chin when Pear nudges beneath it. “I’m sorry I haven’t come for a few days; my parents needed my help around the house. But I snuck a few of the tarts my mother made into my bag. Will that make up for it?”
Pear doesn’t go for her bag, for the treats. She instead goes for her mouth, bleeds relief and happiness and I missed you into it. Hands pressing against her waist, pushing their torsos closer, she turns to her jaw, her cheek, her nose, to brush all of her emotions there as well.
Earn lets her, soaks in every second. Only when she pulls back, gives a satisfied giggle, does she return the affection. Butterfly kisses flutter about her skin, followed by the whispers of longing and the promise of it will never happen again.
It has only been a few days, but the effect is strong. Paint brushes untouched, canvases downturned, her inspiration had fallen from her, dropped over a cliff into the abyss. Here – grass blades tickling her ankles, the coolness of scales beneath her fingertips, her beautiful nymph in her arms – her imagination bursts to life; it spills back into her. And as she rests her forehead against Pear’s temple, she cannot help but think the muse never left. It has only been waiting for her to return to it, for now it resides here. In this meadow, by the lake, with Pear.
Knee to knee, shoulder to shoulder. Not even a breath of air can pass between them, not with how close they’re sitting. Pear’s forearm pressing heat into hers, they look out towards the water. Sun shining down, the ripples crystalize under the light.
Earn turns to the nymph at her side. She’s blinded by the reflection of her scales and wonder of how someone like her – so astonishingly, mind-bogglingly perfect – can exist; and alongside that, how she has the pleasure of existing with her.
Fingers finding the root of a long stem beside her, she plucks upwards. A water lily – jasmine pearl, white petals fading to purple – fills her palm, and she goes to tuck it behind Pear’s ear.
Reaching to touch it, eyes questioning as they look to her, Pear doesn’t even realize how very fitting the scene is. The flower is her twin: a delicate, gorgeous bloom that captivates anyone who stumbles upon it, making it impossible to look anywhere else. It’s breathtaking. It’s stunning. It’s her.
“I can’t make you a flower crown,” she admits. Pushing back some of her hair that dares to fall over the flower, she offers her a smile. “But you deserve to get flowers as beautiful as you are from someone who loves you.”
Distance closing, she whispers, breath fanning against Pear’s lips, “And I’d like to be that someone.”
Earn sees a smile stretch across her face before her eyes shut fully and their lips come together. There are so many things to feel all at once. Love, desire, a raging fire. But more than anything else, happiness spreads through her, bursting wide like the flower behind Pear’s ear. Happiness, she thinks as their hands come to hold each other. This is it.
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weilongfu · 4 years
The jersey or you
Sarawat/Tine, Contains Lemon!
Summary: Tine has no idea what to do with Sarawat's jersey. He has no idea what to do with Sarawat either, but he manages to work it out (finally). Sarawat also finally gets to touch Tine's boobs.
Wei: Do I want to write Tine jacking off while wearing Sarawat's jersey or Sarawat and Tine finally fucking? @thewickling : Both. Wei: Damn, you're right. I do want both.
@sarah-yyy You can also take this as an apology for dragging you into Thai Drama hell... But I still think you should watch some other ones to soothe the pain!
After receiving Sarawat’s jersey, Tine had tossed it somewhere in a corner, completely out of sight and mind. And if he occasionally took it out to look at it whenever he was wondering what the fuck was wrong with Sarawat (and definitely NOT remembering the sight of Sarawat’s chest or, ahem, any other parts of Sarawat he might have been privy to), no one had to be the wiser. Especially since he made it a point to toss it back into the same corner. But it was after one particularly confusing day, getting Sarawat’s hot and cold signals after getting caught recording a video with Pear, that Tine picked up the jersey and called Sarawat.
“Oi Sarawat,” Tine had said the moment the call connected, but immediately pulled the phone away from the blaring sound. “Why is it so loud?”
“None… of your business!” Sarawat’s pronunciation seemed to slur at the ends of his words. “What… What do you want?”
“I still have your jersey.”
“So what?”
“So don’t you want it back?”
“I’m so pissed off!”
Tine looked at his phone. “Are you saying you’re pissed off at me?” 
“No, I’m talking to my friends.” Despite Sarawat’s excuse, Tine could tell Sarawat’s tone of voice meant he was mad at him. He firmly chose not to think about how he knew what Sarawat’s tones of voice meant.
“You still haven’t answered me about your jersey.”
“I’m so pissed off!”
“You said that to your friends already!”
“This time, I’m saying it to you!” Tine blinked in confusion. “Keep the damn jersey!” Before Tine could defend himself, the call cut off. 
“What a bastard…” Tine frowned and looked back at the dirty jersey on his bed. “This thing probably reeks by now…” Tine lifted it to his face, trying to get a sniff just to confirm his suspicions. 
He was surprised to find that his assumptions weren’t exactly correct. The jersey smelled of grass and sweat, of sunshine and musk, of the inside of a guitar case, but primarily, of Sarawat’s deodorant. The combination brought back the sharp memory of Sarawat’s bare chest, and the screams of all the girls around them as Sarawat had tossed it to Tine. Tine could almost picture the beads of sweat dripping down, down, down to a place Sarawat hadn’t exposed to anyone except Tine on accident.
Tine’s eyes snapped open (when had he closed them?!), and he yelped, tossing the jersey back into the corner from whence it came. He then immediately snatched up the rest of his laundry and stormed right out.
The next day, the reveal of all of Sarawat’s photos on his phone and his cryptic message had sent Tine into another daze. Regardless of what he had told Ohm, Fong, and Phuk about the plan to get Green to go away, Tine had to acknowledge that this was no longer just a game or simple plan. Sarawat was going for something more. 
And the more Tine thought about it, honestly thought about it, things started to make sense. 
Sarawat’s jealousy, the things he said so casually, the way he acted after Tine admitted to using him to flirt with Pear, even the way Sarawat had introduced himself for their joint recording, all of it made sense. 
“Sarawat. Has a crush. On me?” Tine stared himself down in his bathroom mirror. “I mean, what’s not to like!” Tine straightened out his shirt collar and rolled up his sleeves just so. “I’m handsome and cute! I’m Mr. Chic! Why wouldn’t anyone, man or woman like me!” Tine then looked down into the sink basin, unable to bear the sight of his own hopeful expression. “So what does Sarawat like about me?”
The mirror failed to reply.
That night, Tine dreamed of Sarawat’s song. Not too much of one thing or the other, but just right, just perfect, for Sarawat. 
In the days that followed, it was as if Sarawat had disappeared. No matter how much Tine looked for him during club or while Green chased him across campus, Sarawat couldn’t be found. Of course, it could have all been explained by Sarawat’s guitar practice for the concert in a few weeks, but Sarawat had always seemed to just pop up casually. As if practice didn’t matter for someone as talented as he was. 
Sarawat was also making it a point to ignore Tine’s texts and calls. Tine had sent no less than twelve messages in the last five days. None of them had been read. All calls had been rejected. 
“You’re being very mean,” Tine said to Sarawat’s jersey. “How dare you ignore your fake boyfriend.” Tine paused for a moment. “Oh… That’s what it is.” Tine sat down next to the jersey. “Uh… Should I say sorry?” The jersey was quiet, but Sarawat’s name printed on the back seemed to dare Tine to try.
“What do you know? You’re just a jersey.” Tine picked the jersey up to throw it back into the corner, but the motion caused Tine to catch a whiff of its smell once again. A brief hit of the smell of Sarawat, and Tine felt one knee wobble which was a stronger reaction than the previous time. 
“It’s nothing,” Tine said as he tossed the jersey away. “I don’t miss Sarawat.”
Another week later and Tine was eating his words. The absence of Sarawat, a real absence, had revealed all the strange nooks and crannies that Sarawat had fit himself into in Tine’s life. The guitar lessons, the breakfasts, the company, all of it was something that Tine had overlooked, but now found he sorely missed. 
That night, Tine lay in bed, but his eyes continued to stray to Sarawat’s jersey. After half an hour of failing to sleep and failing to avoid looking at Sarawat’s jersey, Tine pulled it out of the corner and stared it down.
“Fine. We’re uh… having this discussion,” Tine announced, more for his benefit than anything else. “I was… not being very sensitive and you’re being very mean by ignoring me. Even if I know you’re not actually ignoring ignoring me. And uh… Geez, why am I saying this to a jersey. It can’t even talk back.”
Tine covered his face with his hand and sighed. “I think… I miss you saraleo.” Tine could almost hear Sarawat’s voice saying, “Tua woon wai,” in reply. 
Tine peeked at the jersey from behind his fingers. “Good, uh, talk I guess. Don’t tell anyone.”
Another few days passed and the feeling of missing Sarawat had turned into a full on ache. Tine applauded his own acting skills, even if the looks Pruk, Ohm, and Fong seemed to share proved he wasn’t fooling anyone. 
In his room, Tine had taken to sleeping with Sarawat’s jersey next to him, reminding him of the missing musician. However, even though Sarawat had handed it over, soaking wet with sweat, the majority of the smells had faded.
“Or maybe I’m too used to the smell now?” Tine wondered aloud. Tine held the jersey up in front of him. “So… Was I supposed to wear it? Would Sarawat like it if I wore it?” Tine picked at his own t-shirt. “What’s special about wearing someone else’s jersey anyway?”
Pulling off his shirt in one motion, Tine pulled Sarawat’s jersey over his head. Although they were similar in build, the shirt felt slightly bigger on Tine. 
“There’s no way his chest is that much bigger than mine… Is there?” 
Tine tried to think back to the moment where Sarawat had pulled his jersey off and thrown it at him. A flash of heat pooled in Tine’s stomach as he remembered that he’d seen more than Sarawat’s chest before. Followed by the remains of Sarawat’s scent on the jersey, Tine found himself growing aroused. 
Fidgeting as he felt his boxers grow tighter, Tine scrunched up his face. “It’s normal! It’s okay to think another guy is hot! Even if I do… like… girls.” Tine glared down at his own erection. “Fine, I’ll prove it!”
Tine pulled down his boxers and tried to think of the most beautiful girls he’d ever seen. His fingers gripped his dick just the way he liked it and Tine laid back and tried to enjoy himself. First it was the beauty he saw in the Swim Club, her swimsuit had been very cute and yet sexy. Then it was a girl from the Drama Club, Tine remembered her practicing her lines and her expressions had been beautiful. 
Minutes later, after Tine had run through almost all the girls he thought were beautiful and sexy, he was still hard and hadn’t made any progress in getting himself off. 
“Why am I feeling guilty?” Tine sighed harshly and beat his fists against his bed. “Fine, just this once then!” Mumbling an apology to Sarawat, Tine pictured the taller boy’s body. And at last, his body responded. 
“Ngh… Not… fair…” Tine whined as his hand moved even faster. Sarawat’s naked sleeping body was now all he could see behind his eyelids. Tine found himself panting just a bit as he allowed his other hand to trail up, pulling the fabric of the jersey up closer to his face and inhaling deeply. The warmth of Tine’s body had caused the release of just a bit more scent, another reminder of Sarawat. Tine felt betrayed as his dick jumped in his hand, releasing a spurt of pre-ejaculate at the thought of smelling Sarawat properly at the moment. 
“When did I become such a pervert,” Tine complained. “It’s all your fault, saraleo!”
“My fault?” Sarawat choked out.
“Yeah you- WHAT?!” Tine sat up and pulled his blanket around himself as he found Sarawat standing in his doorway. “What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?!”
“I… Your door…” Sarawat gestured at the door, but his eyes didn’t leave Tine’s blanket covered body, as if he had developed x-ray vision to see Tine’s body underneath. “You had it unlocked.”
“Bullshit! Did you steal my key?!” Sarawat leveled Tine with an unimpressed stare, but it was off by quite a lot. “Okay, so did one of my friends let you in?”
Sarawat bit his lip and took another step closer. Tine pulled his blanket up higher. “I might have asked…”
“And they said yes?!”
Sarawat sighed. “Your friend Ohm said, ‘Anything to make Tine stop pining.’”
Tine felt his face turn even redder. “I AM NOT PINING!”
“You… You’re wearing my jersey.” Sarawat pointed to the bit of sleeve poking out. “You were…”
Sarawat walked closer anyway. “Were you…”
“I’m not answering that!” Tine’s eyes widened as Sarawat continued to approach. “You. Stop right there!” Sarawat dutifully paused, now just inches away from Tine on his bed. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“You said it was my fault right? So then…” Sarawat licked his lips and Tine was helpless but to track the path of Sarawat’s tongue. “Should I help you?”
“Why would I let you help me?”
“You’ve been asking me to help you with Green. Why not help you with this?”
“Because this is… Because… I’m not…”
“Did you miss me?”
Tine scrunched up his face. “In your dreams!”
“I did dream about you.” Sarawat’s words were a shot to Tine’s heart and Tine cursed himself for his dick jumping in renewed interest. “I dreamed about your smile, your idiotic introductions... and your chest.”
Tine groaned and flopped back into his bed. “You were doing so well, and you ruined it.”
Tine felt his bed shift as Sarawat sat next to him, however, his hands did not move. “Did you miss me, tua woon wai?” Sarawat asked softly as he leaned in and Tine caught a whiff of Sarawat’s cologne and wanted to squirm. “Miss me so much you decided to wear my jersey?”
Tine felt his cheeks burn. “It’s just been sitting around so I figured you’d given up on it.”
“Given up on the jersey or given up on you?”
Sarawat leaned in closer and closer until Tine blurted out, “Do you actually like me?” Sarawat leaned back and blinked. “You’ve been jealous and forward and angry and possessive and do you actually like me? Like this isn’t just you trying to help me get rid of Green?”
“Are you just realizing this now?”
Tine smiled weakly. “Yes?”
Sarawat rolled his eyes. “Yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Don’t become dumb after you just had a moment of briliance.” Sarawat reached out and patted Tine’s head. “Yes, I like you.” Sarawat’s expression changed just a bit. “Do you like me?”
Tine slowly lowered his blanket. “I think… I might?”
“Should we test it?”
“What? Test? How?”
Sarawat leaned in. “Can I kiss you?” Sarawat’s lips approached and Tine found himself unwilling to back away. “Just one.”
“J-Just one then.”
Sarawat’s hands cupped Tine’s cheeks, his hands gentle and warm. Sarawat’s lips were the same, soft pressure and a gentle nip against Tine’s bottom lip. And yet, Tine could feel his heart flutter as he kissed back. Sarawat moved to pull away and Tine chased after his lips, chasing the feeling and Sarawat obliged. One kiss turned into two into three into five and so on. Their positions shifted and Tine felt denim against his bare thighs and warm hands traveling up his chest. It was only once they squeezed his pecs that Tine realized what had happened. 
“Saraleo!” Tine tried to slap Sarawat’s hands out, but Sarawat gave another squeeze and pinched Tine’s nipples and Tine shuddered at the feel of Sarawat’s guitar calluses. “Ah?!”
Sarawat kissed Tine’s neck, sucking a mark into it. “I really really wanted to touch your chest.” Sarawat gave Tine’s nipples another pinch before nipping his neck. “But now… I really really just want to… make you un-chic. I want to mess you up.” Tine felt his breaths come in shorter and shorter as Sarawat’s words bounced around in his head. “Will you let me?” Sarawat moved to pull the jersey off of Tine. Before pulling it off, Sarawat pressed a kiss over Tine’s heart before kissing Tine’s nipple, making him shudder. “If you don’t say no, I won’t stop.”
“I…” Tine arched his back as Sarawat kissed his other nipple and even bit it. “Shit. Sarawat…”
“Does it feel good?” Sarawat’s right hand caressed Tine’s back, supporting him as he continued to kiss Tine’s chest and collarbone. “Do you like it, tua woon wai?”
“How can you call me that now?” Tine groaned as Sarawat finally pulled the jersey off of him. 
“Should I call you something else?” Sarawat laid Tine back down on the bed and pulled off his own shirt before looming over Tine. “My dear? My heart? My sweet? My Mr. Chic?”
Tine decided the only way to stop Sarawat from talking until he exploded was by kissing him silent. Sarawat complied with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. His tongue flicked against the tip of Tine’s, just like his thumbs did with Tine’s nipples. Tine returned the gesture, his uncertain hands mapping out the expanse of Sarawat’s chest despite how many times he’d seen it already. Sarawat hummed in approval as he continued to kiss Tine.
Sarawat’s hands then moved lower, caressing Tine’s waist and hips before tracing the inside of his thighs. Sarawat pulled away to look at Tine as he did so and Tine only nodded before pulling at the waistband of Sarawat’s jeans. Sarawat smirked and stood up to take them off along with his boxers. Tine couldn’t help but follow the lines of Sarawat’s body down to his crotch where erection also stood, hard and leaking. 
Sarawat moved to cover Tine’s body with his own again and Tine’s hands followed the same path as his eyes before grasping Sarawat’s dick. It wasn’t much longer than his, although potentially thicker. Tine gave it an experimental tug, the feeling of another man’s dick in his hands foreign, but not wrong. Sarawat did the same and Tine whined. 
“Do you have condoms?” Sarawat murmured into Tine’s ear as he nibbled on Tine’s earlobe. 
“Why… why would I have condoms?” Tine blinked. “I haven’t…”
“Then let’s just do this.” Sarawat kissed his way down before engulfing Tine’s dick with his mouth. 
“Sa-Sarawat, wait! Ah!” Tine’s body curled up against his wishes around Sarawat’s head. Sarawat didn’t mind and continued to suck on Tine’s dick like it was his favorite popsicle and flicked his tongue against the slit. “Ngh… Going to… Sarawat… Wait… I want to…”
Sarawat pulled off and looked up at Tine, lips shiny and slick with his spit. “Want to what?”
“Can I… Can I try on you?”
Sarawat sat up and kissed Tine. “Do you really want to?”
“Well… If you’re going to…”
“That’s not how this works, tua woon wai.”
“Saraleo! See if I ever do anything nice for you!”
“You are already the nicest thing. What else do I need you to do?”
Tine mimed throwing up before shoving Sarawat back and swallowing down his dick. The rapid movement was a mistake as Tine could feel his throat wanting to gag on the intrusion. But Tine pulled off enough to prevent himself from any disasters and tried a slower approach. 
Regardless of how Tine fumbled and awkwardly moved, Sarawat only stroked his back and shoulders. Only offered him soft praise and the occasional moan. As Tine worked, Sarawat nudged his body around so that he could do the same for Tine. Tine moaned around Sarawat’s dick as Sarawat worked almost aggressively to make him cum. And although Sarawat pulled on Tine’s scrotum and stroked his perineum with a gentle but firm finger, it was Sarawat who came first. 
This time Tine did cough and sputter as the bitter fluid hit the back of his throat. But this didn’t deter Sarawat, who did not lift his head until Tine moaned, signalling his orgasm. Tine thought he saw a hint of a strange expression on Sarawat’s face over the taste as well, but Sarawat sat up and simply wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before going in for a kiss.
Tine obliged and jolted shortly after. “I can taste it in your mouth.”
Sarawat only shrugged and Tine rolled his eyes at such a typical response. “So do you like me?”
Tine sighed and pulled Sarawat down next to him before pulling the blankets over them. “If I’m letting you touch my chest before I give a proper answer, I must like you.”
“As usual, your logic is infallible.”
“Are you trying to make me not like you?”
Sarawat’s reply was to pull Tine close enough for TIne to hear his heart beating in his chest. And as the two drifted off to sleep, Tine knew Sarawat’s answer. 
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to give him shit over it in the morning anyway.
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patandpran · 4 years
Finding the beauty
This idea was planted in my head by @bbrightwin and Love and Film’s instastory. It’s not a date but what I imagine to be their pre-show routine as girlfriends... I have never written wlw before so forgive me if it isn’t soft enough... Enjoy!
Pear tied the scarf in Earn’s hair and took a step back, looking at her gorgeous girlfriend. There wasn’t often that Earn let Pear dress her in any way so this was a special moment of compliance that Pear was completely going to taken advantage of. She rested her chin on her girlfriend’s shoulder and stared into the mirror. “You look beautiful.”
Earn immediately pouted, “Does that mean I don’t look beautiful on a regular basis?”
“Excuse me.” Pear rolled her eyes and grabbed Earn’s shoulders and turned Earn to face her. “You are the most gorgeous woman on this planet and don’t let anyone ever make you feel any less than that.”
Earn stuck out her tongue at Pear and Pear playfully pinched her girlfriend’s cheek in retaliation. Earn crossed her arms in defiance, “Well, I’m not your dress-up doll, contrary to popular belief.”
“Sorry.” Pear felt the desire to pout but she resisted the urge. She was usually the one to get her way in the relationship so when Earn was resistant, she knew she had to be a little more giving than she’d usually be inclined to be. “Do you want me to take it out? I just thought it would look nice for the show.”
“I’m just kidding.” Earn turned back to face the mirror and ran her hand through her hair. “I like that I will have a bit of you onstage with me anyway. When I get nervous, it’ll remind me that you’re there with me.”
Pear relaxed slightly and jumped up to sit on the ledge near the mirror. It was sometimes a benefit that Earn was the only girl in the band as it meant she got her own change room so she always had a moment to collect herself before going out onstage. This also meant that she could have a few minutes alone with Pear before the show to centre herself as there was nothing more grounding than her girlfriend’s coming presence.
“What if we added a braid?” Pear suggested, rubbing her hands together as if she were just itching to get her hands on Earn’s hair.
Earn sighed dramatically before surrendering to Pear’s request. As if she could say no when Pear was looking at her with those doe-like eyes. Earn sat down in a chair and waved Pear over to work her magic. “Go for it.”
“Thank you!!” Pear squealed excitedly before advancing on her girlfriend. She dropped a sugar sweet kiss on Earn’s cheek before letting her fingers dance expertly through Earn’s hair, adding small braids throughout Earn’s soft black hair.
Earn watched as Pear took strand upon strand of hair and daintily turned them into braids as if it was as of an action as breathing. Earn had never been particularly interested in beauty, fashion or hair so it was a bit of an experience when she first met Pear who loved nothing more than to give someone a makeover or refer someone to a new type of skincare.
Earn knew that it came from a place of love instead and whatever Pear was offering was always a way to compliment or highlight someone’s existing beauty rather than make them look like a completely different person. That’s why Earn had fallen so hard for Pear: her girlfriend found the beauty in anyone and everyone.
“Perfect!” Pear declared and pulled her hands away from Earn’s hair. “That was the finishing touch we needed.”
Of course Earn had allowed Pear to pick out her outfit for the show but always insisted that it be something that she would not feel constrained or too rigid in. They had settled on a gauzy sweater than slightly hung off of Earn’s shoulder and a comfy pair of black jeans with rips in the knees. Earn had a lucky pair of Vans that she had to wear for every show that she played so the outfits usually had to be arranged around that criteria.
“Are you sure?” Earn wondered, feeling suddenly a bit self-conscious about the way that the sweater fell off of her shoulder. She stood up from the chair and pulled nervously at the hem of her sweater. “Is it too much skin? The last thing I want is people to be looking at that instead of my guitar playing.”
Pear gathered Earn’s hand in hers and brought them up to her lips to press a gentle kiss to them. She dropped them slightly and murmured, “You could wear a clown suit with and ride a unicycle and people would still notice how talented you are. Please try not to worry about what you look like.”
Earn felt her cheeks grow hot and her gaze dropped to their joined hands. “You know I don’t take compliments well.”
“Well, take them because I am going to keep showering you with them whether you like it or not.” Pear assured her and tucked a stray piece of Earn’s hair behind her ear.
Before Earn could respond there was a knock at the door that caught their attention. Both Earn and Pear looked to the door and yelled in unison, “Come in!”
The door creaked open and a sheepish looking Sarawat stuck his head into the room, “Hey- sorry to interrupt guys but we just got our five minute call.”
“Thanks Wat.” Earn responded and gave her bandmate a thumbs up. “Be there soon.”
“Sounds good.” Sarawat gave a curt nod before his eyes lit up. “Love the braids. I wish my hair was long enough for that.”
“Keep growing it out and we can try.” Pear promised, beaming at Sarawat. “I’m sure Tine wouldn’t mind having a bit of extra length to run his hands through.”
“Pear!” Earn blurted out in embarrassment. “Keep your thoughts to yourself.”
“I think Pear is speaking from experience.” Sarawat smirked devilishly.
Without a second thought, Earn slipped off her shoe and threw it toward the door, “Get out of here! You should be the one called nuisance!”
Sarawat pulled the door closed to protect himself from the flying shoe. Earn and Pear could hear his satisfied laughter getting quieter as he escaped from Earn’s wrath. Earn turned her attention to her girlfriend who was looking quite happy with herself.
“I do love playing with your hair.” Pear whispered flirtatiously as she reached up toward Earn.
Earn gently grasped Pear’s wrist and pulled it toward her chest so that Pear could feel her racing heartbeat. “Five minutes. I’m scared.”
Pear’s energy quickly shifted to what her girlfriend needed which, at the moment, was support. She wrapped her small arms around Earn and hugged her close. “I am in the crowd. If you ever feel like you’re getting too nervous, just look at me. I will always be there no matter what.”
Earn let out a steady breath and pulled away from the hug so that Pear was at arms length. She studied Pear’s face which was radiating love and comfort and immediately felt her nerves and anxiety begin to dissipate. Pear was the perfect antidote to the poison that was Earn’s self doubt.
“I love you.” Earn stated plainly before pressing her lips against Pear’s.
Pear relaxed into the kiss and made sure to pour every ounce of love and support into the contact as possible. She believed in Earn more than she believed in anything else and wished that her girlfriend could see just how amazing she was but, until she did, Pear was there to remind her daily of that fact.
The kiss was broken by Sarawat screaming from the hallway, “One minute, Lovebirds!”
Earn and Pear pulled apart. They both burst into giggles at Sarawat’s ridiculous interruption. Pear pressed one more kiss to Earn’s lips as a promise before backing away toward the door. “You can do this. Trust yourself and know no matter what happens, I love you too.”
“Even if I trip and fall on my face?” Earn challenged.
Pear smiled widely, “Especially then. You are especially sexy when you are tripping over things.”
“I knew my clumsiness was your kink!” Earn exclaimed, her eyes widening in accusation.
“You know me so well.” Pear laughed before opening the door so that Earn could slip out and make her way toward the stage in time for the show to start. Earn ran out past Pear and Pear called after her girlfriend, “Break a leg!”
Earn turned around quickly and waggled her eyebrows suggestively, “I know you’d love that!”
“You are awful.” Pear called back, waving at Earn. “But I still love you. Good luck!”
Earn ran up to the stage, grinning from ear to ear. This is the headspace she needed to be in before a show and thanks to Pear, she was exactly where she needed to be. When she ran out on stage with her bandmates, Earn immediately searched the crowd for her girlfriend and found her standing right at the front beaming up at Earn.
‘You can do this’ Pear mouthed and Earn knew that as long as Pear was in the crowd, she could.
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petekaos · 4 years
What did you think about the last episode!!
hi hi! so uhhh... this is going to get long and i’ve combined like 10 other asks i want to address, so your ask may be answered here! if you want Rahul’s Take On The 2gether Finale, then brace yourself.
...I didn't really like the last episode, I feel like it could've been a lot better/more emotional
I dunno if it's because I didn't like the last 2 episodes but even though the show literally finished I'm not emotional? The last episode I felt actually really happy watching was ep 9 but now I'm just 'ok, that show finished.' I'm sad bc I thought I would have a stronger reaction to the ending and them getting back together but I'm just meh :/
Really don't want to sound like those annoying people but damn really no kiss scene
I liked the ending, it was okay I guess but gmmtv better prepare for a shitstorm bc so many people didn't lololol
Honestly the best and well written episodes were ones where they still weren't a couple, like 8 and 9 were amazing
Although the finale was good, I feel llke in the future when I want to rewatch my favorite moments from this series, I will go for the first 10 or so episodes more often than not. It kinda feels like 2gether peaked around episodes 7-10, which is perfectly fine!! It was all in all a great series that did what it wanted to do and I’ll always cherish it but, I probably won’t rewatch much of the last two episodes
They made pam even worse!! Before she had her talk with tine anyway!!
My thoughts on the finale: could've been a lot better, could've been a lot worse
2Gether really felt like a giant inflatable castle that was carefully blown up for the past 12 weeks only to let it rapidly and poorly deflate in the end
The ending was fine and was expected but for me it's underwhelming in the sense that the past episodes, especially 4, 8 and 9 were really written in comparison so the finale is kinda meh bc I knew there was gonna be a happy ending. But still the YouTube comments and what some people on tumblr are saying is ridiculous, I don't want to even think about Twitter but imo I don't think any of gmmtvs other shows can top dbks ending like that ending was perfect,
i honestly love that 2gether focused so much on the story and the emotion and became so successful without all the usual fan service. i hope the whole industry takes something away from that! but i still felt like the finale was a little emotionally stunted when it came to tine/sarawat. i just wanted a big YES, I CHOOSE YOU moment, and tine's reappearance and the bracelet scene just didn't do it for me. you know what would have, though? a kiss. or a hug, or holding hands, or something sweet
okay, my friends! here is my opinion on the 2gether finale first, and then i’m gonna address what i personally hold of the more negative response the fandom has shown. i generally thought the finale had... a solid ending. i went into it with absolutely no expectations apart from sarawat’s song and a happy ending, because i knew it would be messy and not as good as ep 4 or 9 etc, considering the sheer amount of open storylines that were left to be resolved in one episode. i knew it would polarise the fandom--but i personally thought the ending was fine! a bit cliche, a bit rushed, but it was okay and it was a good enough ending for me to put 2gether behind me, the first season at least. the bracelet scenes and shots were amazing, the song was incredible (although i wish they would have had sarawat sing a bit more), the conversation pam and tine had was solid as well! there were a lot of things i liked about the finale and bright and win killed their solo acting as always. however, there are some things i wanna get into more detail about that i feel could have been done better, not only as a finale but as a show itself.
time allocated for the storylines. or: plotlines in general. this has been my bone to pick ever since episode 10. not gonna lie, this wasn’t good, especially from ep 10 onwards. there were so many storylines and plotlines that were dragged out further than necessary, and so many plotlines that should have started earlier. best example for this is mil and phukong, the mil redemption storyline should have started in ep 10 and should have had him be sincere for once, and the mil/phukong storyline should have actually made sense from the beginning and started in ep 11 at the latest. the mantype storyline should have also started a bit earlier than that and given us an explanation as to why type was crying at the retreat. however, mantype did pull it off!
writing! this ties in with the first point. the writing felt a bit inconsistent in the last two episodes and it’s a pity, really, that this is one of the downfalls :/ all the actors in this series, from the mains (bright, win, mike, toptap, frank, drake) to the side characters (gunsmile, love, gigie, film, etc.) are such good actors and it’s unfortunate that the last three episodes were a bit :// in terms of writing and plotlines. they all did the best they could with what was written and that... yeah.
conflict. this has to do with the first two points. the finale felt rushed. that’s something that i don’t think anyone really can argue? and i expected that, so i wasn’t too disappointed by it or anything. obviously it would have felt rushed considering the fact that they had to wrap up 3 or 4 episodes’ worth of storylines in one episode, which was a blunder on the writers’ part. the conflict fell flat, then. if they had had pam come in earlier and had tine and sarawat spend more time away from each other, we would have gotten an explosive reaction. i really do think that after they got together for real, the writers struggled to find conflict to keep the story going, jumping from tine’s insecurities to mil to pam for no reason whatever. i think it would have been much better done if we had mil as an antagonist wrapped up and on the road to redemption in ep 10 and had pam come in there, with tine’s insecurities as a b plot. i feel that would have been a bit more gripping. but, hey, guess that’s just me!
order of filming. this has to do with people saying that brightwin’s chemistry was off in the finale. i don’t think it was off, per se, but it was definitely lacking when we compare it to their chemistry in ep 4 or 9 or 10, y’know? that’s because i believe the finale was filmed earlier, when bright and win were still getting to know each other and figuring out how well they could improv. and they can improv, from what we’ve seen! so there really is nothing i can say apart from the fact that it’s a bit disappointing that they decided to film such a pivotal scene at the beginning. if it had been filmed in the end, it would have definitely been better!
flashbacks. the finale needed all the time it was gonna get, and i am disappointed by the amount of flashbacks they used, honestly. i would have cut down on the number of sarawatine flashbacks and used them sparingly when they reunited, because that just... makes sense and evokes emotion in the viewer, you know? the only flashbacks that served well were type’s view of everything and phukong and mil, because they were new. it just... felt a bit inauthentic.
pam. or: the girls in general. there is nothing i can do here but SCREAM. pam should have come in way earlier and replaced mil as the centre point of conflict for ep 11 and 12 to have been as good as the rest of the show, or ep 4 and 9 at least. her character fell so flat and the conflict she brought with her fell so flat as well, honestly. the girls should have been done better--more of earn and sarawat! more of pear! they could have tied into the plot effortlessly!
mil and phukong x mil. yeah this is a... whole ass bulletpoint, unfortunately. call me a clown all you want for expecting him to have at least a half assed redemption arc in the finale but goddamn was that... not good. really bitter over the fact phukong was straight up okay with being a “replacement” for tine even though... that doesn’t even make sense. i just... yeah, this wasn’t good. i feel super bad for frank and drake because they deserve a well written show or at the very least a well written storyline for all of their chemistry and work they put in, considering the fact that they are so so young. i could go on about a good mil arc for ages but i just... yeah i’m writing a fic, so y’all will see.
the reunion. this stems from the flat conflict and the rushed-ness of it all, but yeah. it wasn’t particularly hard-hitting, but i still enjoyed it because it’s sarawat and tine. this has to do with when they filmed as well, and just... because the angst didn’t start early enough for it to hit home. and i really do wish we’d had a scene after that with the both of them, alone. a lot of their things happen with a lot of people around them... and nah.
one year later. bro. bro. bro. the music club thing was cute! but i would have just... loved to see them alone, y’know? a scene of them being alone and intimate, just sitting next to each other on the couch or at a football game or sarawat continuing bringing the cheerleaders snacks, even a year later. them going to another concert. anything where they were just... alone. i wanted to see them together! we got that with mantype and we even got that fucking... scene on the roof where mil and phukong were just fuckin around? yeah? i would have loved to see that with sarawat and tine so much. (also btw pretty sure the rooftop scenes with mil and phukong is also where drake and frank took this photo and it made me so happy dhsndh like... the shot where mil took his hand off phukong’s eyes? i called it immediately and my partner was like ???)
intimacy. chemistry. the biggest thing everyone is talking about. now comes the part that y’all all wanted to know if you’ve been reading this far lmfao, my take on the fact that was no kiss in the finale! and my take is... i expected there to be no kiss in the finale somewhere deep within, and honestly i’m fine with not having a kiss. my only problems with all of this are first of all, that we didn’t get a proper kiss in the entire series and had sarawat kissing tine one-sidedly. secondly, i would have loved verbal intimacy as well! an i love you, or y’know, some hand holding, anything! this is also due to the fact that i believe the series was filmed relatively early on. i just wish... again, that they would have been alone one year later and we could have just seen them being domestic, as we have already seen them!
so those are some of my thoughts on the finale. considering the fandom’s response... i can see why people are upset or disappointed but i don’t think it’s, like, that justified to throw the whole show away as well. yeah, the ending wasn’t perfect, but if you’ve enjoyed the show as a whole... maybe it’s okay, y’know? like, personally, i don’t think i’m ever going to rewatch the finale. but i do love the earlier episodes and i am gonna watch them back at some point, probably! it’s all well and good and valid to criticise the lack of intimacy and kissing in the finale i guess, but if you’re a straight girl then maybe... watch your words. 2gether has portrayed a wonderful love story between two men and to see straight people throw it away as “bromance” or say it’s the “straightest bl of all time” or whatever because of the lack of kisses is kind of hurtful. i am completely open to discussing this with lgbt people, mlm specifically, and you can come talk to me about your thoughts if you’re a straight woman as well. all i’m asking for is that you maybe show a little bit of empathy and respect, y’know? i also do think 2gether peaked around episode 9/10 and i’m fine with that! it gave me so much more than characters and relationships--it gave me the fandom and everyone here and words cannot express how grateful i am for all of you. maybe the last few episodes were poorly written and the finale wasn’t everything y’all hoped for... but i did and do love this show. i cannot wait to see where brightwin go next.
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patandpran · 4 years
Summary: To say that Tine was oblivious was an understatement. To say that Sarawat was head over heels for this oblivious idiot was also an understatement. So how did the universe settle this predicament? With snacks and the guise of guitar lessons, of course!
This is an old one that’s been on Ao3 for a while but I thought I would share it here.
To say that Tine was oblivious was an understatement.
To say that Sarawat was head over heels for this oblivious idiot was also an understatement.
So how did the universe settle this predicament? With snacks and the guise of guitar lessons, of course!
It all started when Tine approached him to ‘pretend’ to be his boyfriend to get Green off his trail. Sarawat denied Tine’s request at first but who could deny those puppy dogs eyes that Tine gave him every time he asked for something and didn’t get his way? Sarawat certainly couldn’t. It had been fun, at first, for Sarawat. This secret mission. Teasing Tine, getting to know his quirks and seeing to what lengths Tine would go to learn more about him - what with all the false information floating around in the #Teamsarawatswives groups.
Sarawat especially loved when they bonded over music. He pretended to judge Tine’s ‘simple’ or ‘basic’ taste in music by throwing out names of obscure Thai bands that his bandmates liked but he liked Scrubb just as much as Tine did. Whenever he played music for Tine, he couldn’t look at the other young man for too long or his hands would freeze up and his heart would threaten to pound right out of his chest.
Tine listened - actually listened to his music. Sarawat could tell from the focused look in his eyes and the soft smile on his lips. He wasn’t like the hoards of screaming girls who would come out to their shows just to see him for his ‘looks’, Tine looked beyond that and really saw his music for what it was.
But then Pear came along and everything got much more complicated. Before Pear entered the picture, Sarawat had tricked himself into believing that he and Tine might remove the ‘fake’ from the label of ‘fake dating’. It had felt like they were on a path to something….. something more. Sarawat had even been so bold to share his feelings openly with Tine but Tine brushed it off as an attempt to practice ‘flirting’.
The final straw was when Tine brought Pear to the music fundraiser when he had so persistently asked if Sarawat’s band could play ‘Everything’ by Scrubb and then Tine hadn’t even stuck around to listen to the song. The only thing that made up for the mishap was how profusely Tine had apologized after the show which is where Sarawat decided to take a big risk.
“Please forgive me. I will do anything.” Tine whined in a way that brought a satisfied smirk to Sarawat’s lips.
“Anything…?” Sarawat challenged, pulling his guitar bag strap over his shoulder.
Tine let out a frustrated sigh. “Yes…. Anything!! I feel bad and I want to make up for it.”
“Okay.” Sarawat took a hold of Tine’s wrist and pulled him closer so he was practically whispering in Tine’s ear. “Buy me snacks and meet me in my dorm in thirty minutes. I want to teach you so more chords. It’s embarrassing that my boyfriend can’t play more than the eight basic guitar chords.”
When he released him, Sarawat was delighted to see that their close proximity had inspired a smattering of pink to spread across Tine’s cheeks. Tine took a moment to regain his grasp on reality and tore his wrist away from Sarawat’s grasp. “Fine. You got it. See you in half an hour.”
Sarwat watched as Tine stormed off in a flurry of whispered curses and excessive exasperated breathing and stomping. As much as he wanted to feel emboldened by the exchange, he knew that Tine’s interests lay elsewhere but that maybe, just maybe, he could refocus Tine’s gaze to someone who was already happy to be at his side.
Sarawat was lying on his back, strumming his guitar lazily when a harsh knock sounded from his door.
“I gave you the key already.” Sarawat called out, not willing to move an inch from his comfy post. “Let yourself in.”
“Are you at least decent? The last time I came here you were completely naked.” Tine’s voice chimed out from behind the door.
Sarawat grinned at the memory and set his guitar aside of the mattress. “Do you want me to be naked? I can make that arrangement…”
“NO! NO! NO!” Tine burst through the door and some of the snacks that he had procured as per Sarawat’s request spilled across the entryway. “That is not what I meant!”
Sarawat chuckled and got to his feet, leaning down to collect some of the fallen treats. Tine leaned down and started to collect up the mess as well.
“You really are cute when you’re flustered.” The words fell from Sarawat’s lips before he could even try to stop them.
That’s the effect that Tine had on him. He had always been calculated, careful and quiet but then Tine had to go and mess that all up. Sarawat didn’t mind the change one bit. It made him feel braver and bolder than ever before. It made him connected to something. It made him feel like he actually wanted to be seen by someone.
Tine started to respond but Sarawat cut him off instead. Sarawat settled down onto the edge of his mattress and patted the seat beside him. “Anyway, thanks for the snacks. I’ll eat them later. Why don’t we get right down to it? We’ve got a lot of work to do.”
“I will have you know that P’Dim said I have improved a lot since I joined the club.” Tine blurted out defensively as he sat down next to Sarawat.
“Sulking doesn’t make you a better guitar player.” Sarawat advised as he attempted to pass Tine his extra guitar.
Tine held up his hands and stuck out his bottom lip. “Wait! Can you play ‘Everything’ for me first? I missed it today and I really want to hear you play it.” “That was not part of our deal.” Sarawat responded but couldn’t help but feel a warm fondness blossom in his chest because of Tine’s request. “But… I guess seeing an expert play a song wouldn’t be a bad way to start a guitar lesson.”
Tine rolled his eyes as Sarawat settled the guitar into place on his lap. Sarawat bit his lip for a moment, recalling the chord progression of the song before letting his fingers strum across the guitar strings. He felt Tine’s hot breath on the back of his neck as Tine moved closer to listen the song.
As always, Sarawat disappeared into the music and let the notes lead him through the song. He saw out of his periphery that Tine was bobbing his head to the music and closing his eyes to listen even more closely. Sarawat poured everything into the lyrics, his feelings for Tine, the frustration at seeing Tine with Pear or even Green, the excitement and fear that he felt when they were close like this, the absolute black hole of possibility that opened every time they shared space together. He knew that Tine couldn't possibly understand this from a simple song but Sarawat hoped that some of what he was feeling was being conveyed through his performance.
His fingers lingered over the guitar strings after he played the final chords of the song and let his voice sink into silence. Sarawat closed his eyes and internally wished that he could somehow freeze time to remain in this moment but that just wasn’t how reality worked. He only had so much time left with Tine and maybe their wasn’t much point in ruining or tainting what they had with a sudden love confession.
Tine’s soft words pulled Sarawat back into reality. As he opened his eyes, Sarawat noticed that Tine had shifted himself so that he was sitting in front of Sarawat so that all that was between them was Sarawat’s guitar. The sudden change in proximity startled Sarawat into letting out a small gasp of surprise. “Oh.”
Tine’s hands hovered for a moment before they rested on top of Sarawat’s guitar. Tine watched Sarawat with such an unreadable intensity that Sarawat had to look away to not trick himself into believing that something had actually shifted between them.
“That was…” Tine’s words were shaky and uncertain, very much unlike Tine. “That was… beautiful. I can’t believe I missed that earlier. I am so, so sorry.”
A fiery frustration lit up in Sarawat and he looked up at Tine again with a challenging glare. “You wouldn't have missed it if you hadn’t been chasing after Pear.”
Tine shook his head as if he, too, was frustrated with himself. “I know. I know. I don’t know what I was doing…”
“You were using me…. to impress her.” Sarawat explained plainly, dumbfounded again by Tine’s disregard for anyone but himself. “And I was - I’m still trying - to impress you.”
As soon as they passed through his lips, Sarawat wished he could take them back. This isn’t how he had wanted this to go. Not at all. He had wanted Tine to realize the gravity of his effect on Sarawat, the authenticity of the connection between them but this… this was embarrassing. This felt wrong.
The silence was thick in the room and Sarawat couldn’t help but wish he could rewind back to that afternoon. He should never have invited Tine to his dorm. He should have encouraged his friend to go after Pear so that they could end this ridiculous charade that no one was falling for beside him.
He needed to escape. He needed to feel nothing. He wanted to get away from his feelings - as he usually did. He moved to get up but Tine’s grasp kept him in place. Sarawat dared to look up at Tine, a desperate look on his face. “What?!?”
“You did.” Tine’s voice was small and his gaze was somewhat unfocused, as if he was waking up from a dream. “You do.”
“I do… what?” Sarawat barely whispered, his heart racing anxiously in anticipation.
“Impress me.” Tine’s words came out with a chuckle, as if he was making light of the situation which was so annoyingly Tine.
“You don’t get what I mean.” Sarawat groaned. “You are so god damn oblivious Tin-“
Sarawat’s accusation was interrupted by the presence of Tine’s lips pressed against his. Sarawat barely had time to recover from the surprise as Tine boldly deepened the kiss. His mind was reeling and he wondered momentarily if this was another of Tine’s ‘love lessons’ but that thought was shattered as the kiss continued. Sarawat suddenly cursed the guitar that kept from being any closer. Tine brought his hands up behind Sarawat’s neck, much to Sarawat’s delight and guided the kiss confidently. Sarawat was suddenly thankful for Tine’s previous experience as he did not have much himself. But just as he was starting to get self-conscious about his kissing ability, Tine pulled away.
“I think you’ll find that I’m a bit more observant than you’ll give me credit for.” Tine murmured as he rested his forehead against Sarawat’s, a proud grin on his swollen lips.
“I don’t know if I would go that far.” Sarawat breathed out giddily before pushing back so that he fell back on his pillow. He needed a moment away from Tine to recover from the intensity of the kiss.
Tine pulled Sarawat’s guitar away from his lap and placed it on its stand before climbing atop the mattress and lying down next to Sarawat, as they had done many times before. Except this time it felt much different. Clearer somehow.
“Again. I’m sorry.” Tine explained and Sarawat turned to face Tine. “I honestly didn’t think that you actually meant the things that you were saying. I thought you were using this all as an opportunity to give me a hard time just for your own entertainment.”
“I mean, it kind of has been a form of entertainment.” Sarawat responded, brushing some of Tine’s hair away from his forehead. “Seeing what kind of things made you blush and let down your guard…” Tine nosed Sarawat’s hand out of the way. “Things like that?”
Sarawat suddenly became nervous again, questioning how quickly things had changed. “So… is this just some sort of extended apology situation? Like a ‘pity party for hurting Sarawat’s feelings’?”
“No. Oh my god, no.” Tine reached out and took Sarawat’s hands in his as if to reassure him. “Although I would throw a GREAT pity party.”
Sarawat ripped his hands away from Tine’s and affectionately flicked Tine in the head. “You are so full of yourself!”
Tine laughed but quickly his gaze became from serious as he recaptured Sarawat’s hands. “I don’t know when it happened but I feel something for you. I might be oblivious but I can’t ignore that there is a connection between us and I think it would be a complete waste if we don’t try to explore what it is.”
“But what about Pear…?” Sarawat blurted out before he could stop himself.
Tine grinned shyly. “The other day I stayed after practice to help Pear rehearse a bit and she totally called me out for the way I look at you. She asked if there was anything she could do to help and we came up with a bit of a plan…”
Sarawat fumbled over his words and Tine put a shushing finger to Sarawat’s lips before he continued to explain, “… we wanted to see how you would react to me leaving early from your performance with her and what you might want me to do to make up for it. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t ask to touch my boobs again!”
“You knew I would get jealous?” Sarawat stammered.
“I hoped you would.” Tine chuckled. “Plus, it was harmless because Pear is dating Earn.”
Sarawat rolled onto his back so that he was staring up at the ceiling, his mind positively reeling at the turn of events. “Turns out I’m the one who is oblivious.”
Tine gently guided Sarawat’s head back to face his, placing a quick peck on Sarawat’s lips. “Well, now, we can be oblivious idiots together.”
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patandpran · 4 years
The Nuisance and the Handsome Prince - A Sarawatine Medieval AU - Chapter 14
Tine is an aspiring Squire who has been training his whole life to work alongside the Kingdom’s finest Knights. Sarawat is a Prince who, on the outside, seems fierce and unapproachable. He is disinterested in any of his royal duties, namely his Knight training. What happens when Tine is assigned to be the fierce and handsome prince’s Squire?
Find the Masterpost here Read on Archiveofourown here.
A week of training went by and every moment that Tine had to endure sharing space with the Prince was torture. Man had inquired further about Tine’s father’s fate and his location but the information was being kept under secure lock and key. Fong tried his hand at gathering gossip from his usual networks but he had not found much success either. As much as Tine wanted to focus on the impending Trials, he felt as if his mind was being pulled into too many conflicting directions.
One morning, after practice, Ohm pulled Tine aside. “Tine, you are not yourself.” Ohm challenged, his brow furrowed in concern. “What is distracting you?”
Tine spotted Lord Mil lingering in the background, obviously waiting for his Squire to follow him. Mil looked at Tine as if he was the cause of some plague and Tine had to tear his gaze away from Mil’s. Ohm looked at his friend sympathetically. Tine was almost sure that Mil knew something about who Tine was and his connection to the castle’s prisoner. He had felt like someone had been following him since Mil and his altercation with Phukong as their witness.
“You should ask your Knight.” Tine hissed defensively, which earned him a confused look from Ohm.
Ohm reached a hand out to rest on Tine’s shoulder. “My loyalty remains bound to my past.” Ohm assured his best friend and Tine felt as if he had been punched in the chest. Ohm continued, “Whatever it is. I’m here for you.”
“We can’t talk here…” Tine explained. “There’s both eyes and ears on us.”
“What if I told you I knew a way out of the castle?” Ohm whispered, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“I don’t have time to play games like when we were children, Ohm.” Tine warned, his tone thick with intensity. “If that’s the truth, I need to go beyond the wall to see my brother.”
“Be right there, my Lord!” Ohm looked back at Mil and tried his best to give the Knight a genuine smile.
As much as he and Mil got along, there was still a small part of Ohm that was slightly worried about what Mil might do to him if he ever stepped out of line. The consequences would likely not be a pretty sight.
“I will have Fong arrange it.” Ohm explained, quickly turning his focus back to Tine. “You should go tonight, though, before everything gets locked down for the Trials. Mil will also be announcing his opponent soon… I fear that your Prince might be the one the Lord chooses…. but I must be off!”
“He’s not my Prince…” Tine grumbled in what he knew was a useless objection as his friend hurried away to meet up with Lord Mil who was still shooting daggers at Tine with his eyes.
And, as if the universe truly wanted to punish him, Sarawat walked toward Mil with a somber look on his face. Mil smirked in Tine’s direction when he noticed that Tine saw Sarawat approaching and when Sarawat was near enough, Mil threw an arm around the Prince’s shoulders and pulled him into an embrace.
The sight made Tine’s blood chill but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. He had long since made his choice about refocusing on the path of his family, hoping that it would save Sarawat in the process but now a wave of regret shot through Tine like an arrow. He also knew he had no right to such feelings when he was the one who had put the distance between he and Sarawat. For now, Tine had to focus on the task at hand: getting beyond the castle walls.
Mil wished he could get Sarawat to listen to his warnings but the Prince wanted nothing to do with he wanted to share. Every day after practice for the last week, Mil had attempted to cut Sarawat off after practice to be able to speak with him but the Prince somehow managed to slip away. After a few days, Man and Boss got in the way as well, and Mil knew too well that Sarawat had put them up to the task. Even after leading Sarawat away from Tine and the field, as soon as they got to their dressing corners, the Prince had snuck away before Mil could go after him, likely hiding up in the East Tower as he did most days.
The worst part was that Mil couldn’t even find the other Prince. It was as if Phukong had disappeared from the castle entirely but Mil was sure that younger Prince was actively avoiding him after the confrontation that they had had the previous week. For years, Phukong had been following his every move and now Mil could not help but feel rather… lonely. He knew his actions were responsible for the distance that Phukong was putting between them but he was simply doing what he thought was best for the Kingdom.
“Ohm, shall we go on one our late night walks this evening?” Mil asked as his Squire helped him take off his armour.
Ohm got a worried look on his face and Mil felt something twist in his stomach - not even the person that had been hired to be at his side wanted to be near him. Mil had endured years of being repulsed by his own reflection but ever since had started his Knight Training, he felt like he was finding his confidence again. Unfortunately, it seemed like that was going to be tarnished at the eleventh hour.
“I am not available this evening.” Ohm muttered anxiously.
Mil relaxed slightly and raised an eyebrow, “Are you meeting up with that servant from the Kitchen?”
“His name is Fong.” Ohm spat out defensively but immediately shrunk back when he remembered who he was talking to. “I apologize, my Lord.”
“Ohm, please.” Mil urged, almost desperately. “I did not mean to belittle you. I was honestly just curios.”
“I…. yes, I am meeting with him.” Ohm murmured, his cheeks growing pink.
Mil smiled slightly as the tension diffused between them. He put a supportive hand down on Ohm’s shoulder. “I hope you have a lovely evening with… Fong. I guess I will need to find something to amuse myself with then…”
“Have you seen Prince Phukong lately?” Ohm wondered, feeling a bit bold. “It seems like he has been occupied with something. I have not seem in the castle corridors or the field.”
Mil swallowed slowly as he felt like a lump had appeared in his throat at the mention of Phukong. “I do not know… maybe I ought to look into his whereabouts…”
Ohm cocked his head to the side and gave Mil a sympathetic look. “Do I have permission to speak candidly, my Lord?”
“Even if I refuse, it won’t stop you from sharing your thoughts.” Mil responded, trying to appear more positive than he actually felt. “And please just call me ‘Mil’. We are far beyond formalities.”
Ohm nodded before continuing, “I wonder if sometimes you care so much that you scare those you care for away. Like a bear that you wear on your crest, you just want to protect those that you love but sometimes your attempts to protect come across as vicious attacks instead.”
Mil felt his jaw clench at the truth that was in Ohm’s words. He hated that his Squire could so easily see through him when he spent so many years building up the armour to mask how he felt. He didn’t want to appear weak but in trying so hard to remain strong, he had inevitably hurt those he cared for the most.
“Thank you, Ohm.” Mil practically whispered. “I think I know what I must do.”
The one exit that Tine had used the first time to sneak out of the castle had been quickly discovered after he first used it. Now, guards were stationed at that very spot but he did not have to conceal himself because Tine was leaving the castle walls as someone’s special guest.
“You know, Tine, when I first saw you, I wanted nothing more than to steal you away from the Prince and employ you as my Muse.” Green explained, his arm hooked securely onto Tine’s as the guards lowered the drawbridge out of the castle.
Tine blushed deeply at the compliment. He had not seem much of Green since the Ball and he was happy to be in the Tailor’s company again. They were also accompanied by Green’s assistant, Pear, who was an adorable young woman that looked like more of a doll than a real human being. It was quite refreshing to be surrounded by such positivity when Tine was usually so blanketed in worry and confusion.
When Green had showed up at the door of his Quarters, Tine had wondered what the hell was going on but then he quickly realized that Green was his ticket out of the castle. Green quickly explained the plan to use Tine as a ‘measurement reference’ for the Prince’s official garments for the Knight Trials festivities as it was too dangerous for Sarawat to venture beyond the castle walls so close to the Trials. The reality was that Tine would sneak away as soon as they got to the village to seek out his family while Pear and Green did their required shopping before meeting up again and returning to the castle.
“You know, when I first was employed by the Royal family, I did not see my family for a full year.” Green had explained. “I am happy to reunite you with yours in any way that I can.”
Once the bridge was down, Tine, Pear and Green made their way out on foot. As they made their departure, Tine noticed that one of the Castle wall’s main archers was giving him a suspicious look but he decided not to give it too energy as he was willing to take a risk to be able to connect with his family.
As soon as they reached the centre of the village, Green nodded to Tine discreetly and Tine peeled away from them, disappearing into the crowded square. He did not have much time to connect with his family - every moment that he had was precious.
There was a soft knock at the East Tower’s door. Sarawat instantly jumped to his feet, wondering who could possibly be disturbing him in his private Quarters. Man, Mil, Phukong, and Boss knew to never disturb the Prince when he was up there and the only other person he had ever invited up there was Tine.
The reality that Tine was potentially on the other side of the door made Sarawat’s heart jump into his throat. He smoothed out his hair, took a deep breath and threw the door open.
The Queen stood in front of Sarawat with a kind smile on her lips but a serious look in her eyes. “May I come in, son?”
Sarawat felt himself relax slightly as he gestured for his Mother to enter the East Tower. The Queen swept in and drank in the space. She had never been in her son’s private tower before but she quickly saw that every item in the space reflected his temperament perfectly.
“Is everything all right, Mother?” Sarawat wondered, a bit nervous about how she might respond.
The Queen gave him a gentle nod, “I just came to discuss the announcement that you are to make once you become Knighted.”
“I…” The thoughts fell from his mind. The month had passed too quickly and while Sarawat knew it was his duty to announce who he was planning to propose to, he dreaded the reality of his situation with every fibre of his being.
“I hope that you will be able to choose someone that you love.” The Queen explained. “But you should also choose one that will be good for the Kingdom.” His Mother’s sage words hung in the air as Sarawat’s mind raced. He had no idea what he was going to do and the person that he had imagined being by his side seemed to have other ideas about their future.
“I hope that you know that I just want you to be happy, my son.” The Queen expressed and approached Sarawat slowly, bringing her fingertips to gently touch her son’s face. “You know what is best but if you ever need any guidance, look to the night’s sky for answers.”
Sarawat felt the comfort of the contact immediately and leaned into his Mother’s touch. He closed his eyes and wished that he knew what to do and what was the right path. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the moon hanging in the air and his Mother had disappeared as if she were a phantom.
Once again, Sarawat was left alone with his thoughts.
As soon as he got to the door of his family home, Tine felt like he wanted to burst into tears but he also knew he needed to be strong if his Mother was beyond the door. He knocked on the door and Type slowly opened it, looking more exhausted that Tine had ever seen him.
Tine pulled his brother into an embrace on the threshold of the door. The relief that shot through him was palpable. Type was not the kind to enjoy these kinds of physical contact but Tine just couldn’t help himself.
“We should get inside.” Type murmured and Tine let him go.
Tine was swept inside by his brother and quickly asked, “Where is Mother?”
“She is in the town square, trying to see if she can catch any whispers about Father’s wellbeing.” Type explained and made his way to the table that stood in the centre of the room. He sat down slowly. “Do you have any news?”
“I am sure Man has shared with you all that he knows.” Tine answered and sat down across from his brother. At the mention of Man’s name, Type perked up momentarily before Tine continued, “But I am trying. Prince Phukong also shared with me that it is likely that the investigation will take a few weeks at least but I will exacted my revenge and saved Father by then.”
“… And how do you plan on doing that without signing your own death sentence?” Type responded dryly, concern apparent in his eyes.
“I am still working out the details.” Tine answered and felt nervous sweat sprout on his brow.
The reality was that he had no idea what he was doing and he was hoping that Type would offer some sort of answer but it seemed like his brother was too exhausted with worry and by being overworked to share any advice on the matter. “I have something for you.” Type rose slowly and exited the room before returning with something sheathed in a cloth.
Tine studied the item with confusion. It was not as long as a sword but resembled the same shape. Type approached Tine and passed the heavy item to his brother before explaining, “Father forged this before he was attacked. He wanted to give it to you after the Trials as a congratulatory gift but… I think you need it now.”
Tine slowly unwrapped the velvety cloth to reveal a dagger with the same handle design as his sword. The dagger was quite compact but the blade was lethally sharp and glinted in the candlelight. On the blade, four words were etched: REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
Tine felt his lower lip begin to tremble and felt Type put one supportive hand down on his shoulder and gathered strength from the contact.
Mil made his way to Phukong’s private quarters and while he was sure the Prince did not want to see him, he wanted to make amends for his previous actions. While he was not exactly regretful for what he had done, he knew that there was better ways to deal with such matters and making up with Phukong felt like a step in the right direction.
He knocked on the door lightly and waited patiently to see if the Prince was even in the room. Mil chewed on his lips anxiously before he heard a muffled “Come in” from through the door. There was no way that the Prince knew it was him but Mil let himself into the room anyway.
Phukong was turned to face the window where the moon hung high in the night. He seemed to be lost in his work as Mil slowly approached him. He was working on a portrait of the night sky and Mil could not help but feel as if his breath was swept away by the Prince’s undeniable talent.
“That is beautiful, Kong.” Mil muttered as he walked toward the Prince.
Phukong immediately stilled and dropped his paintbrush in surprise. He turned to face Mil with an anxious look on his face. Mil suddenly regretted entering Phukong’s space but Phukong shared, “Mil. I…have been meaning to come find you. How has training been going?”
The whole thing felt so formal. Mil loathed it but knew he was also responsible for the change in their relationship. It seemed that the younger Prince no longer admired him, but instead, he feared him, just as Ohm had predicted.
“I know you have been avoiding me, Kong.” Mil shared gently and kneeled down next to where Phukong was seated. “I wanted to come here and apologize.”
A shocked look danced across the Prince’s face and it melted Mil. Phukong murmured, “Really? I didn’t think that was really in your vocabulary.”
The joke dissipated any remaining tension that hung between them. Mil reached up and mussed   Phukong’s hair fondly and the Prince let out a nervous chuckle. Mil responded, “You know, I don’t think it is usually but I will make the exception for you.”
“I’m honoured.” Phukong shared warmly.
A cough caused the Prince and Mil to look up toward the door. Chat was lingering on the threshold of the Prince’s Quarters, a serious look on his face. Mil wondered momentarily how Chat had found him but also knew that he was one of the best trackers in the Kingdom so it did not surprise him either.
“I apologize for the interruption but I believe this is important.” Chat explained before turning his focus to Mil. “My friend, I think you should know that a certain enemy of yours ventured beyond the castle walls this evening…”
Phukong put one hand on Mil’s arm. “Mil. Think before you act.”
Mil jumped to his feet, shaking the contact of Phukong off easily. “I am sorry, My Prince, but I cannot ignore my Duty.”
“I thought you were different, Mil.” A dark look appeared in Phukong’s eyes. “But as it turns out, you really are just like your Father…”
Phukong shot from the room at such a speed that Mil could not even try to stop him. The Prince’s words rung in Mil’s ears and while Chat gave Mil a sympathetic look, Mil felt as if Phukong had stabbed him right in the heart.
You really are just like your Father…
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