#saruwatari shunsuke
jsdhwdmax56 · 11 months
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I won't believe it if you say you don't love him
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Wireless Tracking System Could Help Improve the XR Experience - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/wireless-tracking-system-could-help-improve-the-xr-experience-technology-org/
Wireless Tracking System Could Help Improve the XR Experience - Technology Org
A new technology developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego has the potential to make the extended reality (XR) experience smoother and more seamless. The technology consists of an asset localization system that uses wireless signals to track physical objects with centimetre-level accuracy in real-time. Then, it generates a virtual representation of these objects. Applications of this technology range from enhancing virtual gaming experiences to improving workplace safety.
This new asset localization system for XR applications uses wireless signals to track physical objects with ultrawide-band (UWB) tags attached to them. A module equipped with six UWB receivers measures the tags’ locations with high accuracy, providing smooth, real-time tracking in virtual representations of the scene. Image Credit: Bharadia lab
The team, led by Dinesh Bharadia, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, presented the technology at the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2023) held in Istanbul, Turkey.
Existing localization methods encounter significant limitations. For example, many XR applications use cameras to localize objects, whether it be through virtual reality (VR) devices, augmented reality (AR) glasses or smartphone cameras, said study co-first author Aditya Arun, who is an electrical and computer engineering Ph.D. student in Bharadia’s lab.
“However, these camera-based methods are unreliable in highly dynamic scenarios with visual obstructions, rapidly changing environments or poor lighting conditions,” said Arun. Meanwhile, wireless technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) often fall short in providing the required accuracy, and ultrawide-band (UWB) technology involves complex setup and configuration.
The new asset localization system developed by Bharadia’s team at UC San Diego, in collaboration with Shunsuke Saruwatari at Osaka University, Japan, overcomes these limitations by providing accurate, real-time localization of objects with centimeter-level accuracy, even in dynamic and poorly lit environments. The system is also packaged in an easily deployable and compact module, measuring one meter in size, that could be incorporated into electronic devices like televisions or sound bars with minimal setup.
The researchers built their system by harnessing the power of wireless signals in the sub-6 GHz regime. “Unlike camera-based methods, these wireless signals are less affected by visual blockages and continue to operate even in non-line-of-sight conditions,” said Arun.
The system uses wireless signals to pinpoint battery-operated UWB tags that are attached to objects. It consists of two main components. One is a UWB tag that transmits a beacon signal for localization. The other component is a localization module equipped with six UWB receivers that are time and phase-synchronized to receive the beacon signal. As this signal travels, it reaches each receiver at a slightly different phase and time. The system cleverly combines these differences to accurately measure the tag’s location in 2D space.
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In tests, the researchers used their system to play a life-size chess game using everyday objects. They retrofitted mugs with off-the-shelf UWB tags, transforming them into virtual chess pieces. As the pieces were moved around on a table, the system was able to smoothly track their movements in real time with centimeter-level accuracy.
“We found that our system achieves 90th percentile accuracy in dynamic scenarios and performs at least eight times better than state-of-the-art localization systems,” said Arun.
The team is currently refining the system. Next steps include improving the PCB design to make the system more robust, reducing the number of receivers to improve energy efficiency, and adding antennas along the vertical axis to support full 3D localization.
Source: UCSD
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singeiji · 6 years
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That dumb face of your is getting damn cocky! That was uncalled for! I just saved your life!
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alejj-0w0 · 6 years
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Shunsuke vs Feilang
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
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These two together-- It’s beautiful
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kudozuki · 6 years
Just a very honest opinion of mine
Sorry but I don’t really see Saruwatari as Banba’s rival. They don’t have the same strength. Let’s face it. He is no match to Niwaka Samurai. He seems to be weak also because of his impulsiveness.
Work harder, Sarucchi if you want to be the perfect rival.
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mina-ahavi · 3 years
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incorrecthtr · 5 years
Banba: Lin-chan almost killed me last night.
Saruwatari: What did you do? A surprise attack?
Lin: I told him Fukuya mentaiko was sold out.
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sinful-liesel · 6 years
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Zero-aim Ninja
“Shut up or I’ll kill you.”
 “You can’t kill me if you don’t have the aim to hit me.”
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animanga-caps · 6 years
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Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Episode 1, Play Ball
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miyayuki5 · 6 years
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subnin-blog · 6 years
°   FISH OUT / OF WATER.   ⁞   ❪   headcanon.   ❫
Saruwatari’s first day of high-school consists of adolescent murmurs, inquisitive queries, bloody fists, and a disciplinary letter sent back home. He’s always been a tough shell to crack; a rather, private individual who purposely outcasted himself instead of the other way around. It’s something his peers at Kitakyushu learned to grow accustomed to, abandoning all hopes of befriending the enigma that was Shunsuke Saruwatari. And it’s also something that Yokohama had to ( unfortunately ) learn the hard way.
Back row, far left, second to the last seat by the door finds itself swarmed with unfamiliar faces and curiosity levels high. Saruwatari is at the center of it all, irritation evident in his tense shoulders and complete disregard of their questions that just keep coming and coming ( his likes, dislikes, differences between Kitakyushu and Yokohama, join this, join that, ‘is that your real hair color?’ ).
He manages ( read: barely ), and it’s a couple minutes before next period begins that someone makes the mistake of putting a hand on his shoulder. It’s something the ignorant fool thinks of as a harmless gesture, but to Saruwatari, it’s equivalent to picking a fight. His fist is the first thing that goes flying, then the offender ( though at this point, he might as well be the victim ) is sent crashing down. Desks are flipped, more fists are thrown, blood is shed, and a teacher intervenes right after the poor guy is knocked out cold.
Saruwatari finds himself suspended for the remainder of the week, and by his return— it’s like he’s back in Kitakyushu.
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alejj-0w0 · 6 years
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Shunsuke and Lin’s fight
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
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“I just need to warm up.”
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kudozuki · 6 years
HTR Ships
They could be platonic, romantic, bromantic, or whatever. It’s up to you on how you look at them.
Banba x Genzo
Banba x Shigematsu
Banba x Jirou
Banba x Enokida
Banba x Yamato
Lin x Saitou
Lin x Martinez
Lin x Enokida
Lin x Yamato
Jiro x Saeki
Jiro x Martinez
Jiro x Saitou
Enokida x Martinez
Enokida x Saitou
Enokida x Yamato
Saitou x Yamato
Saruwatari x Nao (Tbh, idc about these two but still considering them as a ship)
Etc, etc.. Did I miss anyone?
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lindarfernandezblr · 4 years
Ekstrak Biji Melinjo Bisa Menurunkan Obesitas dan Diabetes, Menurut Penelitian di Kumamoto University
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Di Asia Tenggara, biji, bunga, dan daun "Melinjo" di Indonesia adalah makanan tradisional. Para peneliti dari Kumamoto University, Jepang yang mempelajari tanaman dari seluruh dunia untuk sifat obat yang bermanfaat telah menemukan bahwa ekstrak biji Melinjo (MSE - Melinjo Seed Extract) merangsang produksi adiponektin, hormon bermanfaat memperbaiki obesitas dan diabetes. Biji melinjo memiliki kualitas antioksidan dan antibakteri yang tinggi dan diketahui mengandung sejumlah besar polifenol. Salah satu senyawa tersebut, resveratrol, telah terbukti menginduksi adiponektin yang berhubungan dengan gaya hidup seperti sindrom metabolik. Gnetin C, sejenis resveratrol yang berlimpah di biji melinjo, diketahui memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih tinggi dan tetap berada di dalam tubuh lebih lama daripada resveratrol. Namun, mekanisme terperinci yang digunakan senyawa ini untuk melakukan aktivitas biologisnya masih belum diketahui. Kumamoto University's Global Center melakukan isolasi komponen dan identifikasi tanaman bermanfaat dan produk alami dari seluruh dunia dan mengevaluasi kegiatan farmakologisnya. Tim peneliti Dr. Kentaro Oniki menggunakan analisis genetik untuk menemukan bahwa perbedaan dalam tipe DsbA-L (Disulfide-bond-A-like-oxidoreductase-like protein) gen mempengaruhi aktivasi adiponektin. Dengan kata lain, induksi DsbA-L dapat meningkatkan aktivasi adiponektin dan memperbaiki penyakit terkait gaya hidup. Dalam karya terbaru mereka, mereka berusaha untuk menentukan 1) apakah MSE meningkatkan fungsi DsbA-L, 2) apakah MSE mempromosikan aktivasi adiponektin, dan 3) apakah MSE memiliki efek terapi pada obesitas dan diabetes. Dalam studi pertama mereka (double-blind, terkontrol plasebo, acak terkontrol), 42 pria dewasa yang sehat mengambil ekstrak biji melinjo (MSE) secara oral selama 14 hari. Mereka menemukan bahwa mengonsumsi 300 mg MSE per hari mengaktifkan adiponektin pada pria. Mereka juga menemukan bahwa efek bervariasi tergantung pada perbedaan jenis gen DsbA-L (G / G, G / T, T / T) yang dimiliki oleh individu. Efek MSE besar pada pembawa genotipe G / T atau T / T yang tingkat ekspresi gennya dianggap rendah. Mengikuti hasil uji klinis, peneliti lain dari pusat itu, Dr. Tsuyoshi Shuto, dan tim peneliti menguji senyawa tersebut dalam model tikus diabetes akibat obesitas. Dengan mengukur efek MSE pada ekspresi DsbA-L dan konsentrasi adiponektin darah di berbagai jaringan, mereka menemukan bahwa pemberian ektrsak biji mlinjo secara oral setiap hari selama empat minggu meningkatkan ekspresi DsbA-L dan peningkatan jumlah adiponektin yang diaktifkan dalam tubuh. Jaringan otot juga membaik. Gejala diabetes seperti peningkatan penumpukan lemak dan kenaikan kadar gula darah puasa bisa diperbaiki secara signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa MSE mempromosikan ekspresi DsbA-L, meningkatkan jumlah adiponektin teraktivasi, dan dapat menurunkan obesitas dan mengurangi gejala diabetes pada organisme hidup, terutama pada tikus. "Kami percaya bahwa temuan kami dapat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia melalui pengobatan obesitas dan diabetes dengan berfokus pada induksi gen DsbA-L menggunakan ekstrak biji melinjo" kata Professor Shuto. "Kami berharap karya ini berkontribusi pada masyarakat yang lebih sehat melalui penciptaan obat-obatan inovatif dan produk dari tanaman dan sumber daya alam lainnya. Namun, penting untuk memberikan bukti ilmiah yang kuat yang mendukung penggunaan sumber daya alam di negara-negara berkembang dan menggunakannya untuk obat yang bermanfaat penemuan dan kesehatan. " Referensi Jurnal: Bahan Materi disediakan oleh Universitas Kumamoto. Kentaro Oniki, Taisei Kawakami, Azusa Nakashima, Keishi Miyata, Takehisa Watanabe, Haruka Fujikawa, Ryunosuke Nakashima, Aoi Nasu, Yuka Eto, Noriki Takahashi, Hirofumi Nohara, Mary Ann Suico, Shunsuke Kotani, Yui Obata, Yuki Sakamoto, Yuri Saruwatari, Tadashi Imafuku, Hiroshi Watanabe, Toru Maruyama, Hirofumi Kai, Tsuyoshi Shuto. Melinjo seed extract increases adiponectin multimerization in physiological and pathological conditions. Laporan Ilmiah, 2020; 10 (1) DOI: 10.1038 / s41598-020-61148-2 Read the full article
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