#sassy tim
awhitehead17 · 9 months
Lively Intermission
Tim & Jason, Sassy!Tim, Grumpy!Jason, Humour, Injuries.
Summary: What had been a quiet night quickly turns interesting when Tim stumbles upon an injured comrade, one who is less than happy to see him.
Enjoy! :D
Straddling his bike Tim takes a moment to breathe after dealing with a scuffle between two rival gang members. It wasn’t worth his time but it did break up what had been a quiet night so far. The guys weren’t even important gang members either, they were just being disruptive more than anything, and Tim dealt with them easily enough. He put them in their place and sent them on their way in opposite directions.
On his bike Tim brings up his communications map, scanning the area for something to do. It’s only half way through his patrol time but the night has been quiet. Something that is both a blessing and a curse. A quiet night is good because then they’re not dealing with anything astronomically dangerous but on the other hand a quiet night is boring.
Not seeing anything on his map Tim sighs and taps his ear piece. “O? I’m wrung dry here, you got anything for me?” He gets a quick confirmation from Babs on the line before she tells him she’ll get back to him shortly.
It’s as he’s waiting when something grabs his attention.
A drop of rain lands on his thumb. Dismissing it immediately Tim scowls as he cruses the weather. It wasn’t supposed to rain that night, stupid Gotham weather, it’s July, it’s not supposed to be raining this time of year. Another raindrop lands in the same place, this time this one seeming bigger than the last and unlike the last one it carries a smell Tim is all too familiar with.
Upon further inspection he finds that it’s not rain: it’s blood. A couple drops of blood had fallen onto him.
Becoming alert Tim tells O he’s got something and climbs off his bike in order to go and find where the blood is coming from. Looking above where he’s parked there’s a fire escape attached to the side of the building. As he looks up he watches as another drop falls from the sky and onto his bike where his hand had previously been. There’s no visible body on the fire escape so the blood could be from anything, it doesn’t matter though, Tim needs to go and investigate.
Jumping up onto the fire escape he begins searching around until he finds a small pool of blood on the first platform. The blood is on the edge and trickles down the side and off the metal to drop down below. It’s fresh and the iron smell is even stronger here than it had been at his bike. Glancing around further Tim spots a trail of blood leading up the stairs of the fire escape, the blood can be seen on both the stairs and the railing, whatever is bleeding it’s obviously been severely wounded. Tim follows the trail. He’s surprised yet not when he eventually finds himself up on the roof of the building.
At first there’s nothing to see on the roof. It looks as deserted as it normally would be, however the blood still continues along the roof towards the air conditioning unit installed there. This is where Tim sees the trail bend around the unit and out of sight, whatever is bleeding may be behind the unit.
Unknowing what he’s about to approach Tim extends his bo staff and carefully approaches the unit being sure to keep his steps as light as possible. As he gets closer he spots what looks like legs sticking out followed by a body and a very familiar uniform…
“Hood?” Tim breathes out unsure on what he’s seeing.
Jason is the one wounded and bleeding all over the place?
Tim drops his defensive stance and puts his weapon away and walks around the unit so he could see the man fully. The red helmet follows his movements.
“Ugh, replacement, what do you want? How’d you find me?”
Tim blinks, feeling completely caught off guard at the whole situation. “You uh,” he stammers for a moment before finding his words, “you bled on me. I followed the blood trail up here.”
In response Jason snorts although Tim figures it’s either in disbelief or because he’s in pain and can’t think up a retort. Speaking of which, Tim eyes him more closely and only then does he realise the man is holding a hand to his side, there’s blood seeping past his fingers coating his clothes and dripping onto the floor creating a small puddle underneath him.
Without thinking about it Tim grabs his medical kit out of his utility belt and approaches Jason, crouching down at his side. “What happened?”
“Oh you know-“ the man hisses when he shifts, the pain tugging sharply at his side, “the usual. Stray bullet here, stray bullet there, dodge and duck knives left, right and centre.”
Tim pulls Jason’s hand away from the wound to get a closer look at it. Jason is still rambling.
“Lucky bastard got me in the side with a stupid shot. I certainly got him back but I’d rather not gain any new holes in me thanks.”
While he examines the wound, Tim refrains from commenting about his rambling, a sure result of blood loss no doubt, and realises there’s a big issue.
“Hood I may need to do a field bullet extraction as I can’t see an exit point. There’s also the issue of how much blood you’ve already lost.”
When he gets no response Tim glances up but is only met face to face with the expressionless helmet. After doing a quick scan of the area and deeming it clear Tim moves away from the wound in order to remove Jason’s helmet. When he finally sees the man’s face Tim finds Jason looking pale, his eyes spacing out, bruising dotted over cheeks and jaw. Tim shakes his shoulder and it elicits a reaction from the man.
Jason grunts. “What? What’d you say?”
Tim sighs, nonetheless he repeats his words. “I need to do a field extraction of the bullet because I think it’s still in you.”
Jason blinks at him, frowns, and then lightens up grinning weakly. “Oh! No need, I’ve done it already…” then the man proceeds to drop a bullet into Tim’s hand with his blood covered fingers.
Tim eyes widen. “You - you’ve… of course you did, why am I not surprised. Okay with that sorted I’ll patch you up for now until we get you somewhere where we can do scans and properly take care of the wound.”
After placing the bloody bullet into his utility belt – for further examination later on – Tim patches up Jason’s wound. It’s a messy job, one which has Jason occasionally flinching and hissing, but Tim does it as quickly as possible. The bandages will need to be redone but it’ll do for now.
Tim looks at Jason and finds the man’s eyes drooping and his body slumping. Tim knows this next part isn’t going to be easy. Reaching out he shakes Hood’s shoulder, gaining his unfocused attention.
“Where’s your nearest safehouse?”
Tim bites his tongue to stop his frustration seeping through. The fact Jason is even conscious right now is surprising.
“Your safehouse. Where are we going? I would take you to the cave but we both know how well that’s going to go down.”
“Yeah fuck that,” Jason grunts with a frown of disapproval. The man pauses and just as Tim’s about to prompt him again he speaks up with an answer. “Uh, there’s a place, ‘bout four blocks from here.”
Tim bites down another sigh. He has no idea how the fuck he's going to get Jason to his safe house, the man is twice his size in both weight and height, Tim is strong but dragging Jason’s limp ass – cause he ain’t going to be any help in his current state – is pushing even his limits. That’s not including going over roof tops and across fire escapes.
Just as Tim starts putting a plan in place he hears a loud thump come from behind him. Acting on instinct, in one move Tim shoves Jason down to the floor so his face is hidden and in the next he’s on his feet with his bo staff extended towards the threat. He falters when he sees Nightwing cautiously approaching him.
Tim straightens up and watches as the man approaches then as he takes in the scene of Jason pushing himself up right and cursing Tim with every insult under the sun.
“Hey Wing, how’s it going?” Tim asks lightly despite the situation.
Dick glances at Tim, before looking at Jason and back again. He takes a moment to answer. “Just fine thanks. What on earth…”
“Hood decided to spice up what had been an extremely boring night so far.” Tim says cheerfully, grinning when he catches the glare Jason is sending his way.
“Fuck off replacement, I didn’t ask you to be here.”
Dick turns to Tim. “It has been rather quiet hasn’t it. I’m more on edge during these types of nights instead of the chaotic ones. It’s been a while since Gotham’s been this quiet.”
Just as Tim’s about to respond a loud groan gets his attention and he looks over to find Jason keeling over from where he's leaning against the air conditioning unit. Tim looks back at Dick and jabs a thumb in Jason’s direction.
“Are you busy? Can you help me with him?”
Dick nods and together they move towards Jason. “That’s why I’m here. O picked up on what’s happening and called me over knowing to keep it under wraps from B.”
With Dick here it means they can support Jason between them, it’s still not easy considering Jason is taller than Dick but having Dick to lean on certainly helps Tim out.
Ignoring Jason’s swearing as they get him to stand up, Dick glances at Tim. “Where we going?”
Placing Jason’s helmet back on his head, and muffling his grumbling, Tim tells him, “four blocks from here. My bike is below, so if we can get him down to the ground I can ride him there.”
Together the three of them start a slow shuffle towards the edge of the roof.
“Fuck you guys.”
Tim rolls his eyes. “Y’know you can try and be more appreciative Hood. You could always say ‘thank you for helping me,’ or ‘thanks for not letting me bleed to death on a random rooftop.’ Manners go a long way y’know.”
“I’m gonna shoot you replacement.”
Tim snorts. “Sure, I should probably be more concerned but considering you can’t even stand on your own, I think I’m good for now.”
“You’re a ray of sunshine Jay.” Dick comments as they finally reach the fire escape at the edge of the rooftop.
“I’ma shoot you too goldie.”
Dick laughs, unbothered by the threat like Tim had been.
“Sure sure. When you’re better.”
The three of them work their way down the fire escape in silence. Tim would have thought Jason finally passed out but the occasional muffled swear tells him otherwise. When they eventually make it to the ground Dick helps Tim place Jason on his bike and helps to secure him so he can ride without Jason falling off.
“I’ll meet you at the safehouse and I’ll help you get him inside.” His brother tells him as Tim reeves the engine.
“Sounds good,” Tim acknowledges, “see you in a bit.”
With that Dick climbs back up the fire escape and Tim prepares to drive off. Before he moves he hears Jason mumble behind him.
“Why you helping me?”
The question makes Tim pause. For the first time that night Jason sounds anything other than annoyed. There's exhaustion in his tone but it’s mixed with what Tim would class as apprehension.
“Because, despite you denying it, you would do the same for me. Despite us being at odds most of the time we look out for each other.” Before the man could respond Tim changes topic. “Now hold on, it’ll only be a minute or two until we reach your safehouse.”
Tim reeves the engine again and this time takes off, easily navigating his way through the back alleys of Gotham’s streets. He wasn't lying about looking out for Jason, he’ll stick around for a day or two to make sure he looks after the wound and to make sure the man has food and the right necessities he’s going to need. After that Tim will leave him be, especially before Jason makes good on his threat to shoot him, a grumpy and injured Jason isn’t known for his patience or tolerance.
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Omg Sassy Tim "Wright with a W" the passive aggressiveness and also the fact that he kept a tab on who Lucy was interested in.
Totally platonic relationship huh? 😂
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spacedace · 7 months
Found this old snippet and don't really remember of the context for it outside of being a joking exploration of how weird the Fenton/Phantom family tree would seem to outsiders (not even getting into how relationships might be classified differently between the human side & the ghost side)
Anyway gonna drop it here as a prompt lol
Mind the quick reference to dismemberment, there's no gore or detailed description and no one is actually hurt, it's more there for comedic effect, but still wanted to give the heads up on it 👍
Nomad motioned to the towering, vaguely vampire-looking buff dude with literal flaming hair what the fuck, “Dan, this is everyone. Everyone this is Dan. He’s my…” Nomad trailed off and blinked, a look of confused befuddlement on her face as she let the sentence hang for too long.
“Huh…” She said considering, looking up at vampire-dude, Dan apparently, with a confused furrow on her brow. “You know this is the first time I’ve ever had to try and explain our relationship to each other and I’m drawing a blank and what exactly to call you. Uncle? Dad? Brother? Like, I think you could technically be considered all three.”
What the fuck did that mean??? Kon snapped his attention over to meet Tim’s masked gaze, the look of wild confusion Kon was sure was on his own face mirrored there. Around the meeting room confused and worried looks were being shared by the rest of the League. Which like, yeah, what in the Habsburgs was happening here for all of those terms to be applicable?
“Well, you’re Danny’s Mirror, so if you consider him your dad then it stands to reason I’m also your father.” Dan said, hand coming up to his - literally flaming, how did that work? - goatee thoughtfully.
“Yeah but like, I call Danny dad just to piss Vlad off.” Nomad countered, toying with her severed arm with her still attached hand. Kon didn’t think he’d ever get over how casual she was about being literally disarmed and just…not caring. “And I definitely don’t see you as a dad. Uncle?”
The giant of a ghost shook his head with a frown, “Implies that Danny and I are brothers, which could work but gives our relationship kind of a weird vibe. I feel more like his father than anything.”
“Gramps, then?”
Nomad laughed, “Fair, wouldn’t want to take the title of Grampa away from CW. Besides we’re both half Vlad, so I think brother works best here.” She frowned, looking thoughtful, “Maybe half brother?”
Dan considered, “Half-brother could work. Though it gives Vlad more credit than he deserves.”
“Oh come on, can you imagine the look on his face if we went in together on suing him for child support?” Nomad asked, fanged grin wicked. Dan’s face lit up at the idea, and Kon felt like they were rapidly heading towards the two ghosts running off to go and go torment whoever this Vlad guy was rather then them help deal with the current demonic problem at hand.
“Can you please explain what any of that means?” Kon asked, more a squeak than anything else. He was starting to get a headache.
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feelingpure · 4 months
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“You left me in the club.”
FELLOW TRAVELERS 1.07 ‘White Nights’
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
AU of Gotham! Tim Drake! Danny where he doesn’t know the universe he was reincarnated into.
“Robin!” Batman barked. Tim sighed, loudly. Batman twitched.
“What is it, B?”
“Drills. Again.”
Tim rolled his eyes but moved to obey. Speaking to B these days was like speaking to a rather boorish caveman. Simple grunts and single word sentences. It didn't use to be like this but B was loosing his grip on his humanity and it’s Tim’s job to bring it back.
It’s hilarious because he’s the least human of them all. It was odd, juggling his duties as Danny Gotham, his responsibilities as Tim, and his workload as Bruce’s shiny new Robin. Somehow he made it work.
Yeah, sometimes B’s hands are heavy when they’re training. Sometimes he forgets Danny’s name (or at least his human name) and calls for Jason instead. Sometimes, he smells more like booze and less like Bruce.
Danny could handle it. Even if his core quivers with grief. He wished he didn’t have to, but he could and will handle whatever he needs to for his Knight to regain himself. But fuck, that doesn’t mean taking his self destructive habits lying down. He might be Tim right now, but as far as Batman knew, Tim was here on the orders of
Oh, a neutral grunt! I see we’ve upgraded to grunts instead of arm flapping! Holy detective, Batman! Aren’t I glad I learned to speak cave man? Wow! Tim mocked, in his head.
“You’re heading to bed when I’m done with this set,” Tim said.
“This case isn’t done,” Batman growled. Ancients, it was like speaking to a large chihuahua-toddler hybrid. All the barking, all the growling, and all the petulance of a child makes the entirety of how his Knight acted on a good day these days.
“That wasn’t a suggestion,” Tim shot back, sore arms and legs and everything working through the set. Thank the ancients for his healing, or else Tim might actually be dying.
“You don’t give me orders, Robin.”
“No, but Gotham does.” He would know, considering Tim was Gotham.
The head full of greasy- ew, take a shower, B!- hair swiveled towards him.
“You have a direct line to Gotham?”
Tim settled into the final forms of the night. “Gotham sent me. I thought we went over this.”
A beat of silence.
Batman returned to clacking away at the computer. Tim finished his set in relative peace. He moved to the cool down stretches while Batman sulked in front of his computer like a five year old.
“I’m done.” He said, crossing his arms.
“That means you’re done, too.”
“I’m not tired.”
Tim rolled his eyes so hard, he thinks he saw the light. Oh, wait, that’s just Bruce’s last brain cell dying.
“You’re heading to bed. Good luck finding actual crime tomorrow, if you stay up.”
Batman stilled, because he knows Gotham would back Tim up on the threat. Considering the time sensitivity of some of these cases, Gotham’s anger is not something he could risk.
Tim patted himself on the back for effectively playing the good cop and the bad cop on his own. Except ACAB for life because they’re vigilantes and the GCPD as a whole (with exceptions) sucks ass.
He watched as Batman- as Bruce- reluctantly powered down the Bat-Computer. As he stood up, Tim wrinkled his nose.
“Never mind. You take a shower first. I’ll text Alfred.”
“Not necessary.”
“Okay, then you can explain to Gotham why you’re traipsing through his city looking a starved rat and smelling like you took a joy ride in Killer Croc’s excrement. Oh, wait.” Tim snapped, just about done being patient today. Tim whipped out his phone, texting Alfred with one hand and pointing towards the staircase with the other.
“Shower above ground, you weird little mole rat. No cave water for you.”
Bruce makes a weird offended grunt.
“I literally don’t care if you have to walk up to your room to shower in your boxers, B. Most of Gotham’s people don’t have access to a shower, let alone a million dollar bathroom. Fucking use your actual bathroom instead of hosing off.”
And with that, Batman and Bruce Wayne moved to the tune of a pre-teen, who was also, unknowingly to him, the spirit of his City.
“Go home.”
Tim smiled sweetly. Bruce paled. The scary, Gotham loved child patted Bruce’s hand as he sat beside Bruce’s bed.
“Sleep, before I make you.”
Bruce slammed his eyelids shut, anything to not look at Tim’s malicious looking eyes, and allowed himself- nay, forced himself- to rest for the first time in weeks since Jason died.
As Bruce’s dumb self drifted off to dreamland, Tim muttered, “Wuss.”
He settled himself into the chair, napping lightly to make sure Bruce doesn’t sneak out to work when he’s gone.
Alfred snapped a quick picture.
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yesiknowimshort · 1 year
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examples of tim being the cocky sassy boy he truely is and that fanon ignores.
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timdrakeslawyer · 2 years
my favourite genre of tim @ bruce we need more of this
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zantetsukenedd · 6 months
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sometimes i hear people say “the tim being bi thing came out of nowhere :/” but i knew. i knew all along
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I love the entire "battinson is soft-spoken and is edgy/socially awkward" thing and I also love the idea that he cries whenever his children do the smallest things.
But you can't tell me that bruce "punches some officers in a room full of cops and says 'you got me on assaulting three'" wayne doesn't have an attitude. He's pathetic, yes, but he's also a sassy and sarcastic bitch. It's why his children are also feral.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I think Tim and Jason should bond over their significant others being Damian's favorites instead of them.
Bernard genuinely asks his opinion on multicultural lore, folklore, mythology, legends, etc.
Damian seeing the opportunity to use his education for something harmless and enjoyable? Sign him up.
Let them have a mystery board! Let them watch the X Files and Doctor Who and Buzzfeed Unsolved and form inside jokes! " Dames, you're not gonna believe this,"
"Hey, Joker! I'm on your bridge!"
Tim's eye twitches. Bernard just apologetically Informed him date night is cancelled because he and Damian are going to pull an all nighter to catch the tooth fairy.
"When did you lose a tooth?"
Damian looks him square in the eye, " Oh, they're not my teeth." Before nonchalantly leaving.
With Jason it's a whole other beast. There's exactly four people Damian openly favors in this household; Alfred, Bruce, Dick, and Titus. It's a carefully selected pyramid.
Jaime, his amazing boyfriend, overthrew said pyramid.
One night; It took one night of babysitting. That was it.
"Damian's a sweetheart! Honestly, how could someone ever have problems with him?"
"...So he didn't attack, maim, or killed anyone? Tried to escape? Bite your finger off?"
" No? We binge watched Sailor Moon and painted together! It was fun. I do have to go through, Bruce left me some training sheets and,--"
A katana pierces through Jaime's shirt and Damian stubbornly holds him down. " We have two more seasons to complete. "
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snakesanderson · 3 months
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😃 | 18.01.24 vs MTL
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rookieoneil · 1 month
Lucy and Tim in the elevator at the hospital, Lucy is pregnant
Lucy: so…when are you gonna tell your wife about me?
Tim horrified turning to the other people: she’s just kidding, she’s my wife
Lucy: his wife’s best friend that is.
Tim as pale as a ghost: don’t listen to her, she’s lying
Lucy: you have the audacity to call me a liar when you told me your were single!
<random strangers looking appalled>
Tim: you are so in trouble when we get home.
Lucy: you mean you and your wives home?
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thatonekimgirl · 1 year
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The Rookie || Promo for 5x06
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feralrakun · 1 year
[SPOİLER ALERT for Tim Drake:Robin issue 5]
I love how Bernard is the most important thing to Tim. Like Moriarty giving a villain speech about how they're perfect mortal enemies for eachother but only thing Tim care about is his boyfriend who's sleep deprived because of his exam week.
Moriarty: Do you want learn why I become a villain?
Tim: Nah, Im not a therapist you know :/ where's Bernard by the way??
Plot twist: Tim was actually worried for Moriarty not Bernard.
Because he kidnapped fucking Bernard "If god'd sent me to the hell because Im gay, I'd punch him. What he gonna do, Sent me to the hell?" Dowd.
Tim while looking for Bernard with Dick: damn it it been nearly 30 minutes
Dick: oh dont worry Red we gonna find hi-
Tim: Probably he already cursed them in French and nearly get himself killed. I really hope he threw something like a chair to them instead of biting them until they bleed.
Dick *remembering that times Steph bited others in hand to hand combat*: you really got a type, isn't it?
Bernard would call Moriarty a "dramatic wannabe bitch" in French then throw a fucking record player to him.(Its gonna happen, he told me himself while we study)
P.s.: English isn't my first language so apologize for any mistake<33
Ps of P.s.: noticed I accidentally writed "region" instead of "regilion" sorry
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4x12 | 5x17
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aroaceauntie · 2 months
Tim: *enters the room*
Damian: Ah, speaking of Satan.
Bruce: First of all, I think you mean speaking of the devil; second of all, don’t call your brother the devil.
Damian: I did not, I called him Satan.
Bruce, in his Tired Dad Voice™️: Don’t call him that either.
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