#sav's writing
thomaslightwood · 2 years
Tale of Knights and Secrets, part III
part i | part ii | part iii AO3 | masterlist Thomastair Royal AU: Tale of the Prince and the Servant (can be skipped if you really want to)
I know it has been months since and I'm sorry for this 😭 I was in a writing block. But I managed to finally finish this!
So, Sun @taylorjamie Happy Birthday to you <3 I love you. I know it has been many months but here it is. I hope you enjoy it ❤️
~ Present ~
When Thomas opened his eyes he took a deep breath and felt alive again.
Alastair was sitting on the bed with crossed legs, still holding their hands together. The moment Thomas moved, his eyes snapped open and looked at his face, searching.
“Hi,” he smiled.
“Hi yourself,” Alastair squeezed his hand, his eyes the only thing that showed his anxiety. “How are you feeling?”
Like the ghost of my childhood doesn’t hang over me anymore, Thomas thought.
“Better,” he said, sitting up. “So much better.”
Alastair visibly relaxed.
“Good,” he said, letting out a sigh. “Good.”
Thomas smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. It was a short, comforting kiss. They stayed close, leaning against each other’s foreheads.
“You look at me more intensely than usual,” Thomas said with a teasing smile after a few minutes. “Don’t I look like myself again?”
“You do,” Alastair said, his small smile suddenly melted. “Not that it mattered what face you have.”
Alastair slowly nodded. “Your face was different,” he said, quietly but sure. “But it was still your hands. Your skin. Your scars. Your lips. I would recognize you even in the darkness.”
Thomas blinked a few times, fast, chasing the tears away. He couldn’t stop the doopy smile on his face.
“But still,” Alastair said, his smile back. “I’m glad your old look is back. I like your stupid face.”
Thomas shook his head but couldn’t stop the laughter from his mouth.
Alastair filled the blanks for Thomas. He told him what they had found about the potion. What they were arrested for. How long they have been here.
“Two days?” Thomas said, stunned. “Damn.”
“Damn indeed,” Alastair sighed. “At least we don’t have to worry this damn shit potion will make you sick forever.”
Thomas squeezed his hand. It was wonderful to have Thomas back. Not that Alastair ever lost him… but in some ways they had been apart.
“Do you know what happened to Kamala and Grace?”
Alastair shook his head. “No idea. They separated us. We’re lucky we’re together.”
“Has anyone come to question you?”
“No,” Alastair said and frowned. “This is very weird when I think about it.”
Thomas stood up, starting to walk around. The same old habit when his anxiety was triggered.
“Something is off,” he said, a frown on his face. “From day one a General should have come and personally questioned you. Especially with the accusations being this serious.”
He stopped suddenly, staring at the door. A moment later Alastair heard it too. Steps.
The small chink on the dungeon’s door opened, letting in a light.
“Dinner,” a male voice announced and a plate with food slipped in. “There’s a message from… your friend. She says it’s time everyone hears the whole story of how you met.” 
The chink was closed, and the steps faded away. Alastair and Thomas exchanged stunned looks. Thomas went to the plate and squatted. 
“There is a note,” he looked at Alastair with sparkling eyes. 
He opened it. His eyes were moving as he read. He bit his lip.
“What is it?” Alastair said.
Thomas shook his head. “It’s from Kamala, I think… she… the note says that she thinks everything is in motion and already started.”
“It? ” he said and got up, approaching Thomas. He took the note and scanned it.
There wasn’t much. Just a few lines that warned them to be ready and what Thomas said.
“How did you find out it’s from Kamala?” he turned to Thomas.
“She always does this torsion with the "y","g" and "j". I would recognize it anywhere. And the strange thing the guard said… she said something like that when she and Grace found out we are some famous tale.”
Alastair read the note again.
“Be prepared for what though?”
Thomas shrugged helplessly. “Maybe she has a plan to get us out of here? I don’t know.”
Alastair ran a hand through his face. He hated it when he didn’t know what was going on.
Thomas’ warm hand on his back helped a little.
“I guess we’ll have to wait and find out.”
They didn’t have to wait for long. 
The door of their dungeon was carefully and slowly opened. Half the face of a guard appeared. Probably around their age, brown eyes and curly hair.
“Come on,” he whispered. Thomas recognized the voice as the man that gave them food earlier. “We don’t have much time.”
Alastair and Thomas didn’t waste any time. As quietly as they could, they came out and followed the guard. He moved silently through the tunnels of the dungeons. Thomas rarely has come here, even as a son of the captain of the royal guard. It was a forbidden place and even Benji, who was always a curious explorer, didn’t manage to sneak into it.
The guard clearly knew where he was going. He was short, not just compared to Thomas. He was at Alastair’s nose level. Thomas was tempted to ask some questions but didn’t dare. He was holding Alastair's hand as they moved around. Thomas was completely lost. The thought that they maybe shouldn’t trust the guy crossed his mind but if he wanted to hurt them, he would have done it in the dungeon.
Finally, they reached an exit. The guard unlocked a door and suddenly, they were outside, the night chill but not cold. Fresh air hit Thomas in the face but he didn’t mind. He hadn’t gone out in days. 
“Here,” he whispered as he led them into the bushes. “We’ll be safe here for a while.”
“In the bushes?” Alastair raised an eyebrow.
The guard didn’t seem bothered. “Better.”
He took out another key and as he moved aside another bush, he revealed a door on the ground, probably a forgotten basement. 
“Great, another room under the ground,” Alastair murmured.
The guard shot them a sympathetic look. “This was the only place I could think of. I didn’t have a lot of time.”
They went down the stairs. It was even smaller than their dungeon. There was only a double bed and a table - no room for anything bigger. The guard locked after them and left the key hanging on a hook next to the door. 
“Okay, enough of this,” Alastair headed towards him and the guard’s eyes widened and he made a step back.
Thomas would laugh if their situation wasn’t so bad.
“What do you have to do with Kamala? Why are you helping us?” Alastair bombarded him with questions. “And who the hell are you?”
“Whoa,” the guard took another step back but his back hit the wall. Small room, it is.
“First, my name is Berold,” he said. “I owe Kamala. She helped me a few years ago. When I saw her in the dungeon I knew something was off. So when she asked for help, I agreed,” he hesitantly added. “Are we good?”
Alastair continued to glare at him warily but stepped back to Thomas.
Berold took a deep breath.
“We have to wait for Kamala here. She said that… something is up.”
Just know Thomas noticed how tense he was. Something was telling Thomas it had nothing to do with letting out prisoners. There was something else.
“Is there someone you are worried about in the palace?” Thomas asked gently.
Berold blinked and turned to look at him. He shifted uncomfortably and leaned on the table, crossing arms.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “My husband. He is a knight. Tonight he is on watch. Weird things have been happening the last few days.”
“Weird things?” Alastair frowned.
Berold nodded. “Sudden change of the schedule. Inaccessibility to certain areas. Cleaning weapons. The list is going on. Reggie even told me that he hadn't been allowed to talk with his superiors the whole day.”
“Wait, did you say Reggie?” Alastair said. “As Reginald?”
“Yeah,” the guard eyed him curiously. “My husband. You know him?”
Alastair snorted. “Hardly. He arrested me.”
“Oh,” Berold looked away. “Awkward.”
His lover pressed his lips and looked away. He sat on the bed, his back hitting the wall. He intensely stared at the wall in front of him, his long legs stretched out on the bed. Thomas sat on the end of it, his elbows on his knees.
“So,” he said after a few minutes of silence. “How did you and your husband meet?”
Berold smiled.
Turns out their guard was a talker. And a little bit of gossiper. He told them the story of how he and Reginald met for the first time, just the bad luck of a newbie who got confused in the big palace and a knight kind enough to help him. As Berold started he couldn’t stop. He told them stories from the palace, with him and his husband.
“On our wedding,” he said. “I caught Amice and Mabel hooking up. I almost choked on my wine! I can never imagine them being a good couple.”
“Why?” Thomas siad, curious.
“It’s just that… Amice is a good woman. The best knight. Strict but dedicated, kind when needed, an awesome sword fighter,” he leaned a bit, like he was telling a secret. “You haven’t heard it from me but… Mabel is awful. Amice can find herself a better woman.”
“How so?” Alastair said, suddenly interested in the conversion. 
Berold shrugged. “I don’t want to talk bad about people just like that but… Man, I hate that girl. She’s always trying to get something out of you. Like a vampire. Never leaves you alone until you give exactly what she wants.” he shuddered. “Poor Benji. He chose her because she’s decent with the sword but didn’t know what a leech she is.”
“Hm,” was all Alastair said before looking away again. Berold knew better than to try to talk to him further.
“Tell me about the wedding,” Thomas said, part of him wanting to spare them the awkwardness, the other genuinely curious about this strangers’ wedding.
Berold’s expression softened.
“Oh, it was amazing,” he said. “It was simple. No extravagant stuff, no pomposity. We both hated these fancy things. We came to meet each other’s family. I saw my father for the first time in two years. He can’t visit often, if at all, because he owns a tavern, a nation away from here. Small town, old buildings. It’s adorable actually. My family even had to leave a little early because my niece got sick.”
Alastair and Thomas exchanged looks.
“Berold,” Thomas said slowly. “I know the chance for this is very slim but… Does by any chance your father's name is Armin?”
His eyes widened. “Actually… it is. I… how do you know this?”
He heard Alastair murmuring, “Small world.”
Thomas grinned. “We worked for him for a few days.”
Berold eyes widened. “Oh my gods, really? You know him?”
Thomas nodded. “We do. Kind of. I’m not sure if he’ll remember us.”
Berold exhaled. “Damn, the world is indeed small.”
Thomas opened his mouth to answer but before he could a knock on the door made them all jump.
“This must be Kamala,” Berold said and took the key from the hook. He unlocked it and took a glance at who was standing there before opening it widely. 
Kamala came in and Berold quickly closed after her. She looked like she had a fight with the bushes and lost. Her arm was strangely hanging next to her body. She looked exhausted.
“Kamala!” Thomas jumped from the bed and hugged her. “Gods, what happened to you?”
“I don’t wanna talk about that,” she sighed but hugged him. “And we have no time to lose.”
“What’s going on?” Alastair stood up too.
Kamala ran a hand through her hair. 
“Something is very, very wrong,” she said. “We have been out of prison for hours and literally no one gives a shit. I… Well, Grace insists a coup is in motion. She went to look after the Queen.”
“This is stupid,” Alastair said with a grimace. “She’s smarter than that.”
Kamala pressed her lips together and didn’t answer him. She turned to Berold.
“I need to know who we can trust. Do you have any idea which knights are corrupted?”
Berold looked pale. He stared at her, his fingers touching his parted lips.
“Someone wants to harm Her Majesty?” he whispered. “For real?”
Kamala’s eyes softened. She put a hand on his shoulder. “You deserve answers and I’m sorry we can’t give you the whole story. But we don’t have time.”
Berold took a deep breath. His hands tightened into fists. He looked at them, determination in his eyes. 
“I don’t know which knights are worth your thrust,” he said. “But I know who will know.”
Shortly after, they were back in the bushes, walking to the main hall where Berold’s husband was. At first Berold insisted on going alone. More people, higher chances to get caught. But neither Thomas nor Alastair could just sit and wait anymore. They all went.
Alastair watched as Berold quickly went to the gate and started a conversion with one of the knights. She was nodding as he was talking and then smiled. She told him something and went inside. 
Berold ran a hand through his hair, clearly nervous. After a few minutes Reginald came out of the building. 
He smiled warmly when he saw Berold. He hugged him across the shoulders and kissed the top of his head. Berold started to talk and on Reginald’s face appeared a devilish smile. But as the other man continued the smile vanished. He was listening to his husband, looking more and more tense. 
They haven’t discussed what Berold would tell him but he said he’ll deal with it. He was still talking when Reginald took a look around. He didn’t look at their direction though so probably Berold had some brain cells, Alastair thought.
He saw how the knight’s eyes widened. He was looking at his husband with bewilderment. 
“This doesn’t look too good,” Thomas murmured.
“We don’t have time for this,” Kamala sighed.
“We don’t have a choice,” Thomas noted. 
The poor bastard, Alastair thought as he watched Berold and Reginald talking, quietly but obviously more heated.
Suddenly a loud cry broke the silent night. Reginald turned immediately towards the sound, taking out his sword. Berold took out a dagger out of his cross.
“Our time is up,” Kamala said. “We have to go.”  
“This is suicide,” Alastair hissed. “We don’t have a plan, we’re just rushing into a situation we know nothing about. This is terrible. And where the hell is Grace?” 
“We have a plan,” Kamala said. “Grace and I came with a plan. If we hurry now-”
“No,” Thomas said, surprising both himself and them. Alastair and Kamala looked at him. “You two always come up with a plan on your own, excluding us, always secretive and untrusting. We wasted weeks in the palace, doing nothing while Grace was playing a spy and probably you making an investigation on your own.”
“Fuck this,” he said and got up from the bush. He headed towards Berold and Reginald.
“Stop him,” he heard Kamala hissing at Alastair. 
He could almost picture Alastair’s grin. “What, like, physically?”
He heard the frustrated sigh of Kamala before he was too far away from them. 
Reginald’s eyes widened when he saw Thomas over Berold’s head. There was recognition in them.
“Sir Reginald,” Thomas said. “I know this is sudden, reckless and you have no reason to trust us. I know… how crazy it looks. But we don’t have a lot of time - we believe a coup is happening right now and we have very little time and people to prevent it. We don’t know who is really on our side or just a pretender. But we were assured you are a true knight and can help us. Will you?”
Reginald was still wide-eyed and startled but he put himself together. He nodded firmly.
“It’s an honour for me, sir Thomas,” he bowed and looked at him again. “I remember the very first time this happened. The tragedy that caused. If I can do anything to prevent it from happening, I will.
Berold looked at Thomas, wide eyed. “You… I thought-”
“We have no time,” Alastair's sharp voice interrupted them. He and Kamala were next to him. “The palace is burning.”
All of them turned to it. Alastair was right. It was a small fire coming from the kitchens and all knights, guards and servants were running around, some carrying water, others helping injured people. No one was paying them any attention.
“It started,” he heard Kamala whispering.
“I have a few people in mind I trust,” Reginald said. “Lady Amice is absolutely loyal, I’m sure of it. But I haven’t seen her in two days and I… I’m worried about her. General Cecily, captain Gideon, sir Benji… None of the authorities had answered in the last twenty four hours.”
Thomas and Kamala exchanged worried looks. People they cared about. Their family.
“Gather all the knights you trust, the ones you’re absolutely sure are loyal,” Kamala ordered. “We have to protect the people in the palace. Then send some who will protect the queen to her doors.”
Reginald nodded curtly and turned to Berold. He cupped his face and leaned forward to kiss his forehead and whispered something to him. Berold nodded with a pained expression and kissed his cheek. Reginald let go of him and turned, running towards the building he came out of a few moments ago.
Berold turned to them. “Can I be useful somehow? I’m not the best fighter.”
“Yes,” Kamala said. She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to him. “Find Grace. Tell her about the changes in the plan. Then find us. We’ll go to check on the queen.”
He took a deep breath. “Okay, I can do that,” he opened it and as he read it, he headed off too.
Kamala looked at the fire. “Come on,” she said. “We’ll go catch our imposter.”
The moment they crossed the first corridor, Alastair got lost.
The palace wasn’t as big as the one he was raised in but everything looked the same here. There were barely any tapestries or hangings on the walls, just stairs and empty halls.
Thomas and Kamala clearly knew where they were going. They didn’t hesitate for a second where to turn or which corridor was the right one. 
“Shouldn’t we get weapons before we stumble into some potential assassin?” Thomas said, a little breathy, while they were running.
“No time!” Kamala said in reply. “Charlotte can be attacked any minute now!”
We are complete idiots, Alastair thought. And we’re gonna get killed.
They entered part of the palace that was oddly empty. There were no servants or knights, not even guards. 
“It’s so quiet,” Thomas whispered. “I can’t even hear the chaos outside.”
Kamala was holding a dagger in her hand, the same one she was trying to protect them with when they were arrested. She was squeezing it so hard her knuckles were white.
They approached a door, hiding behind the corner.
“That’s the queen’s office,” Thomas whispered to him.
“Aren’t there supposed to be knights in front of it?” he murmured. “Or at least guards?”
“Yes,” Kamala said, staring at it. “There should be. All the time.”
But the three of them were the only people around. 
A thought creeped in Alastair’s mind that made him cold. What if it was too late? What if Charlotte was already dead? 
They heard approaching footsteps. A servant girl with a plate of croissants approached the door and knocked. She seemed vaguely familiar to Alastair. This was the same girl that served them tea when they first arrived in the palace. What was her name? Martha?
She opened it and entered the room. She left the door open so Thomas, Kamala and Alastair could see inside. 
Queen Charlotte, captain Gideon and lady Sophie were standing there, reading documents. Charlotte was sitting behind a desk, reading a piece of paper with a frown. There were dark circles under her eyes. Gideon and Sophie were quietly talking.
Charlotte looked up and smiled at the girl. “Thank you, Martha,” she said. “You can go rest now. It was a long day.”
The girl left the plate with croissants on the desk and bowed. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
The queen’s attention was already back in the paper and she only waved at Martha. The servant took one last look at the croissants and then left, closing the door quietly. 
“I don’t understand,” Kamala whispered. “It had to happen now. Why is no one here?”
“Maybe they’re targeting someone else,” Alastair said quietly. “What about the king? General Cecily?”
Thomas bit his lips. “But… Why would they attack someone else if the queen is so… so vulnerable right now? Henry doesn’t hold any political power on his own. He can’t rule without a queen.”
“We should check on him,” Kamala said. “And whoever that was during the attack there. Maybe their target isn’t the queen but another person that was there that day.”
Thomas shook his head in disbelief. “This becomes more and more confusing.”
Alastair took his hand and squeezed it. Thomas did the same in return.
“We should stop for weapons,” Alastair said. “Because I’m not going to face a damn assassin empty-handed. We had luck this time - I’m not risking it again.”
“You are right,” Kamala said. “We should be careful. It was stupid and risky to come here unarmed,” she turned around and headed towards the direction they came from. “Come on. Let’s get some weapons.”
Much to Alastair’s relief, there were spears in the armory. Not the ones he would use if he had a choice but they didn’t have the luxury of time. Kamala took a weep and Thomas - an old favourite weapon of his, bolas. All of them took a sword.
Thomas explained that Henry spent most of his time in his laboratory that was on the first floor because of his wheelchair. He was a scientist and Christopher often helped him, even did experiments on his own. They didn’t even bother to check the queen and king’s room. They headed straight towards the laboratory. 
It was still strangely empty on their way to it. Like all people had disappeared. 
When they got closer to the lab they heard voices. They slowed down and tried to step lightly, careful not to make any noise.
This time it wasn’t as easy to look inside as before. For one, there were knights. Maybe not too much, a dozen, but they stood no chance against them. 
“We have to split,” Kamala whispered, her voice barely audible. “If they find some of us, they mustn’t know there are more people who know about the scheme.”
Thomas and Alastair nodded. They exchanged a glance, not daring to speak. Thomas kissed his forehead. With one last squeez of their hands, they let go. 
Alastair didn’t dare to look where they were going. He just headed towards the opposite direction, looking for a hiding place where he could watch what was happening. It wasn’t too hard. The palace had lots of corridors, halls without doors and hiding dark spots.
When he saw the scene in front of him, his blood ran cold.
Grace and Berold were there. They were tied up and covered in brushes. Berold was breathing hard and looked in pain. Probably one of his rips was broken. Grace had a cleft lower lip and blood on her clothes. She was looking murderous at someone. 
Alastair recognized the girl as Mabel, one of the knights who was there for their arrest and someone Berold had said he didn’t like. She was holding a crossbow aimed at a boy’s chest. This must be Christopher Lightwood, Alastair thought. Thomas’ cousin.
One of the glasses on his face was broken. He didn’t seem hurt but he looked wide-eyed at Mabel.
“I’m asking for the last time,” Mabel said, her teeth gritted. “Where is the king?”
“I don’t know,” Christopher said, his breathing hard. He looked her hard in the eyes. “He left a few hours ago. I haven’t seen him since then.”
Mabel narrowed her eyes but before she could say or do something, a voice called for her. She turned to the knight who was running towards her. 
“What?” she snapped.
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” he said, breath bursting in and out. He swallowed before looking at her. “I was told to report immediately after it’s done.”
“Talk,” Mabel rolled her eyes.
“This part of the palace is cut off from the rest of the court. No one will suspect anything and even if they do, they can’t come in.”
“Good. What about Benji?”
“He and the rest of the knights that aren’t on our side are sleeping and locked in their rooms.”
Mabel nodded approvingly. “Nice. Now,” she turned to Christopher. “Where were we?”
Alastair barely blinked and a shadow came out of the dark. Everything happened fast. He saw Christopher shutting his eyes as Mabel released the arrow towards his chest.
Instead of hitting him though, the arrow hit the wall, harmlessly falling on the floor. 
Thomas was holding the crossbow, redirecting it away from his cousin. His jaw was set and his eyes were burning. 
Mabel stared at him, her mouth agape. There were already knights around them, grabbing him. He let go of the crossbow, breaking eye contact with Mabel. 
She pressed her lips together.
“Search the place!” she shouted. “There may be others. Tie him up and put him with the others.”
Shit, Alastair thought. I should get out of here. Kamala and I still can do something if we escape now.
But his body didn’t move. He was rooted in place, his legs refusing to cooperate. He knew, he knew, that if he stayed here and let himself get caught, he wouldn’t help Thomas and his friends in any way. But his chest was heavy and blood was raging in his ears. 
Mabel turned to the guy who reported to her a minute ago. 
“You,” she growed. He flinched. “Go to find the mistress. Tell her we have… troubles.”
He nodded and ran off, without a second glance back.
Pressing a fist to his lips, Alastair turned away and started running, hiding in the shadows. He didn’t allow himself to glance back at Thomas or he wouldn’t be able to walk away. 
The guy had said this part of the palace was cut off. Then Reginald and his knights wouldn’t be able to come soon. It would take them some time. They didn’t have it.
The only other option was… the locked knights.
Alastair almost groaned. Some annoyance creeped in his mind, distracting him from the buzzling anxiety. It made him feel a little more stable.
Unfortunately, he’d have to deal with one very unpleasant ginger.
Thomas was trying very hard not to fall apart. 
Grace was on one side of him, Christopher on the other. He could hear his cousin's uneven breath.
“Tom,” he whispered. “How- What are you doing-”
“I will explain everything, I promise,” Thomas said, swallowing. “Let’s just… let’s just survive this, okay? I’ll tell you everything.”
Christopher closed his eyes but nodded. “Okay,” he said. “Alright. Do you have any idea why-”
“Shut the fuck up,” one knight snapped at them. 
Grace shot him a look, filled with loath but pressed her lips together. She shook her head at Thomas. They had to remain quiet and obedient until they knew what was going on.
Mabel was pacing around the room, eyeing the door every two seconds.
After a few silent minutes and many stolen glances between the four captives, the knight returned, his head popping up at the door. 
“She’s here,” he whispered.
Rubbing hands down her pants, Mabel approached the door and left the lab, closing it. They heard muffled voices and the two knights in their room exchanged glances. 
After a few minutes the voices died down and the door opened. A few knights entered first, with straightened backs and blank expressions. 
After them, followed by Mabel, came the so-called mistress.
On the doorway was standing Martha. The servant girl who brought them tea when they arrived. The girl that they saw in the Queen’s room not long ago.
She looked around the room with a cold, calculated gaze.
Her blue eyes stopped on Thomas for a few seconds then slowly moved to Christopher. She arched an eyebrow. 
“Well, well,” she said. “We have quite the gang here. The godson of the king. The runaway son of the captain of the royal guard. The so-called spy of Her Majesty,” she looked at Berold and smiled mockingly. “Oh, and some useless guard.” 
Berold shrunk under her gaze.
“I heard,” she said, holding her hands loosely behind her back while walking around the lab like she was looking around a museum. “That we have some trouble with cooperating, hm?”
“I said multiple times already,” he said, a hint of fear and anger creeping into his voice. “I have no idea where the king is.”
“It’s alright, sweet thing,” Martha said, picking up the arrow that Mabel intended for Christopher from the floor. “I believe you.”
“You do?” he said, frowning in confusion. 
“I do,” Martha said. “Instead of demanding pointless answers, I’ll give you a simple task that is in your area of knowledge.”
Christopher didn’t say anything, just stared at the arrow in her hands.
“The potion I’m sure we all know about. Some more than others,” she winked at Grace and Thomas. “Need to be improved.”
“You see, the creator of "new life, new home", unfortunately, died a few years ago. Of old age, in his sleep, peacefully. Really good death. But he couldn’t help us develop the potion to the level we want it.”
Martha carefully took a bottle from the table and smelled it, then put it back. 
“I know about your skills, Christopher,” she said, slowly approaching them. “And I truly believe you are capable of fulfilling my desire.”
She stopped in front of him and looked him in the eyes, her face close to his.
“I want you to make this potion not just change your feathers,” she said, her voice smooth and quiet, like she was talking to a lover. “But to change them according to the person’s wishes.”
Christopher’s eyes were wide and unblinking. “I… I don’t think…”
“We’ll leave you with the old man’s notes,” she said with a smile, still gently holding the arrow. “I’m sure with enough time and the right motivation, you can do it.”
He shook his head. “No,” he said. “Gods, I can’t… This would- No.”
The friendly smile vanished from her face, her mask falling completely.
“There is a misunderstanding,” she said, her voice still low but more cold now. “This is not a request.”
Then she suddenly turned and raised her arm - the arrow flew at Thomas’ face.
It took a moment for Thomas to hear the screams over the raging beating of his heart in his ears.
“I will do it! Please!”
Thomas let go a long, shaky breath as the arrow was vibrating, driven into the wall next to his head.
“Don’t hurt him!”
He was hearing Christopher’s pleas, Grace and Berold’s screams. But his heart was the loudest.
Martha turned to Kit with a smile. “I knew we would come to an agreement.” 
She sharply turned her head towards the knights standing next to the wall. “Untie him,” she barked at them. 
At least three knights jumped to comply with her order. Martha turned on her heels and headed toward Mabel, who was standing on the door. Mabel looked at her, guilty. Martha started to talk with her quietly, Mabel nodding. 
Thomas looked at Christopher who was next to the table, running a hand through his hair. Grace was breathing heavily next him, her arm barely touching his.
“We have to do something,” Grace said through gritted teeth.
“What?” Thomas whispered. “They’ll kill us without hesitation. Or at least Martha would.”
“Lady Kamala and Prince Alastair are still free,” Berold whispered. “They’ll come up with something. We have to wait for them.”
Grace shook her head. “We don’t have-”
“I can’t do it alone,” Christopher said.
The room went quiet. Everyone looked at Christopher who was standing unembarrassed, holding a pile of paper. 
Martha slowly turned to him. “What did you say?”
“I can’t do it alone,” Christopher repeated. “I need Grace to help me.”
Martha pressed her lips together and shot a glance at Grace. Thomas was impressed how fast his friend changed attitudes. A minute ago she was determined and furious, ready to chop off someone’s limb. Now she was a wide-eyed, scared, fragile damsel in distress with a bleeding lip.
“Fine,” Martha snorted. She waved at the knights. “And don’t try anything funny,” her gaze landed on Kit again. “What did you and sir Thomas call each other? Brothers in anything but blood?” she arched an eyebrow with a foxy smile.
Christopher didn’t react but Thomas saw how his hand shook. 
More than half an hour passed. Christopher and Grace were working hard under Martha’s gaze. Thomas was getting seriously worried.
Where were Alastair and Kamala? Has something happened to them? Thomas was trying not to think too hard on this or he had trouble breathing properly. 
He glanced at Berold. He was subtly moving the hands behind his back, probably trying to free himself. Thomas suddenly remembered that he had people he must be worried about too. His husband being one of them.
Thomas was so deep into his thoughts he didn’t notice the man that had entered the room until he spoke.
“How long is this going to take?” he asked Martha, frowning. He had pale blonde, almost white hair that clearly needed a haircut.
“Shut up and don’t mess anything up,” Martha said.
He rolled his eyes. “Fine. But we had to be done at this point. This is taking forever.”
“Why don’t you take a sword and fight for the cause then?” Martha said viciously. “Why don’t you do something yourself, Mister My-Face-Is-Too-Important?”
He rolled his eyes. He was tall and slim and obviously not suited for sword-fight. “Stop bitching on me,” he said. “Besides, what about the knights that-”
Then they heard steps.
A lot of steps.
When the nights bore into the ranks of the traitors, it became chaos. Alastair and Kamala straight up went to the room that was the laboratory, almost crushing the door open along with a few knights. Alastair’s eyes immediately found Thomas. Relief washed over him and without paying attention to anyone else, he went straight up to him.
A knight reached him first and freed him from the ropes around his hands. They rushed towards each other.
“Dear gods,” Thomas whispered, his hands on Alastair’s cheeks. “I was so worried,” he said.
Alastair frowned but it didn’t quite work. He couldn’t scowl at Thomas. 
“I should have been worried about you,” he said, his hands on Thomas’s arms. “You were captured by a murderers.”
Thomas just smiled and kissed Alastair. Light and short contact of their lips.
“I love you so much,” he whispered so only Alastair could hear him.
He opened his mouth to reply but didn’t have the opportunity.
Queen Charlotte entered the room.
The fight had died out. They had numerical advantage but the knight-traitors weren’t too much anyway. A knight had captured a girl - Martha, Alastair realized. She struggled in his grip but it was impossible to even move him. She took a deep breath and calmed down as the Queen stood in front of her. Amice and Reginald were next to the Queen. Berold was nearby too. Everyone was staring into the girl.
“Martha,” Charlotte said. She didn’t look angry but just… sad. “Why?”
The girl didn’t say anything. She looked up to Charlotte and just stared at her.
“You cut off the communication of my generals to their people,” she continued. “Tried to poison me. Took some of my knights for yourself,” she went silent, looking around her. “Why, Martha? You wanted power? Revenge? What?”
Martha looked away and slowly shook her head. “What a pointless question.”
Charlotte sighed. “Take her and the knights to the dungeons. Tomorrow morning we will discuss what to do with them-”
“Wait a second,” Thomas frowned. “Where is that guy-”
The shadows moved. Before Alastair could shout a warning a person stepped out of the dark - a pale boy with a dagger. He headed straight to the Queen. Amice saw him and reacted fast. But Berold was closer. He threw himself in front of the Queen just as the boy swinged with the dagger. Instead in the Queen’s body, the weapon bore into Berold’s.
Panic exploded all over the people. Everyone was trying to either protect the Queen or get hold of the boy. Reginald was kneeling next to Berold, terror written on his face.
With the corner of his eye Alastair saw how a few knights caught the boy that tried to stab the Queen. He was slammed into the floor, screaming curses at them. Thomas grabbed Alastair's hand, more instinct than anything. Alastair squeezed it in response.
The chaos was overwhelming.
The next hour was a blur. Reginald was screaming for a doctor, Charlotte barked orders the traitors to be locked in the dungeons until she says otherwise and someone to find a healer immediately. Thomas, along with Alastair, Kamala, Grace and Christopher, were taken to a room with a big bed and told to wait there until it was sure they were out of danger.
Christopher immediately hugged Thomas. They stood like that for a long time. Thomas was shaking as he was telling how they met Grace and Kamala and their plan.
A little before he could finish, the door opened and the rest of his family was there. Sophie straight up hugged him, without muttering a word. His father grabbed him in a short but fierce hug. After he let go he stared in Thomas' face for a long time, tears forming in his eyes.
Gabriel and Cecily welcomed him just as warmly, hugging him too. Gabriel didn't try to hide the tears streaming down his face. He wasn't the only one. All of them were tearing up and hugging each other. 
Someone told him Berold was going to be okay. He needed a lot of rest and his stomach was damaged but he was going to survive. The fire in the other wing of the palace was extinguished. The knights were patrolling around the whole place to make sure the threat was actually gone. They wanted to know how Thomas was in the palace and all that had happened to him in the time he was gone.
Thomas looked around. Alastair and Grace were in the other corner of the room, watching them. Alastair smiled at Thomas. Thomas knew he wanted to give him some privacy with the family he hasn't seen in so long. And Thomas loved him for this. But he wanted to share this happiness with the man he loved.
He kissed his mother's forehead.
“I will tell you everything,” he said. “But there’s something else first. I… Just wait a minute. I’ll be back in a second”
He walked to Alastair, smiling. He took his hands in his and kissed his knuckles.
“Do you want to meet my family?” Thomas said, then smiled. “Properly this time.”
Alastair looked at the crowd that was secretly staring at them.
“I would love to but… Are they going to like me?” 
“They will love you,” Thomas said firmly. “And even if they don't - which is impossible - they will have to learn because I'm planning to be with you for a long, long time.”
Alastair laughed quietly, happily.
He kissed their clasped hands, his lips on Thomas fingers for a few long seconds.
“Alright,” he looked at Thomas, smiling. “I trust your word. Let’s meet your family.”
Words: 6 714
There's small SoC reference and a tiny one from Legally Blonde <3
This was the third and final part! I hope you enjoyed this sequel to the Tale of the Prince and the Servant!!
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demonzoro · 4 months
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"Out of a pure, burning sort of desire, he drew his fingers through the air and whispered a spell. Crimson sparks issued from his skin, rising into the air before coalescing into the loose shape of a butterfly."
drew a small moment from more than a portion of night by @theroyalsavage that i could picture so vividly. the whole fic is a beautifully written fantasy prince sanji au that you should definitely check out!
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bruisedboys · 1 year
🍓 — send in a character + a dialogue prompt for a blurb!
“you can kiss me, you know” with lil baby eddie munson <33
summary: eddie kisses shy!you when he gets back from band practice
shy!gn!reader 0.7k words
Eddie comes home from band practice to find you fast asleep on his bed. Your hair is splayed out across his pillows, your shirt rides up your back, exposing a sliver of skin, and your arm dangles over the edge of the bed.
Eddie feels, for a moment, like all the breath has been knocked out of his chest. There you are, so pretty, so lovely, fast asleep on his bed in his room. He stands in the doorway and takes a few seconds to catch his breath.
When his heart’s stopped racing he moves to put his stuff down, hanging his guitar on the wall next to his mirror and shrugging out of his jacket, throwing it over his desk chair. He’s quiet with his movements but you stir anyway. Eddie freezes, but it’s too late, you’re already awake.
You lift your head off the pillows and blink blearily until your eyes land on Eddie.
“Eddie,” you say, voice raspy but no less sweet than usual.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Eddie says, rushed. “I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep, if you want to.”
You shake your head and it’s maybe the cutest thing Eddie’s ever seen. Your hair is all rumpled and you’ve got a sleepy pout on your lips.
“No. It’s okay, I hadn’t meant to fall asleep, anyway.” You sit up all the way and tuck your hair behind your ears, cross your legs underneath yourself and look at Eddie expectantly. “How was band?”
Eddie has to take a moment to compose himself, to force his breaths to stop coming in so fast. Something about you, all lovely and homey and adorable sitting in his bed, is really messing with his heart. In a good way.
“It was good,” he says, his voice comes out sounding strained. He clears his throat and tries again. “It was good, thanks for asking, lovely. What did you do while I was gone?”
You shrug. “Read my book. Fell asleep. It was boring without you.”
Eddie thinks his heart does a triple backflip. Butterflies swarm in his stomach at your words and your shy smile.
“Is that so?” He asks, trying to sound as cool and collected as he can when he’s the total opposite.
It works. You go all shy, dipping your head to stare at your knees. It’s adorable. Eddie can’t take it any longer, he strides across the room and closes the gap between you, his knees pressing into the edge of the bed.
He gets a hand under your chin and encourages your head up, lifting until you’re looking at him, your jaw cupped in his hand. You’re somehow even prettier up close. Eddie grins.
“I missed you,” he says, because he did, and if he doesn’t tell you he might burst.
You positively beam. Your cheeks go all plump and flushed and your eyes crinkle at the corners. Eddie thinks his heart misses a few crucial beats.
“I missed you too,” you say softly.
Eddie’s eyes are drawn to your lips. It was inevitable. Your mouth is moving around your words, so why shouldn’t he look? He thinks you’ve caught him looking because you flush all over again.
“Eddie,” you say, a little chiding, a lot fond. You look like you’re trying very hard not to smile. “You can kiss me, you know.”
Eddie doesn’t need to be told twice. He bends at the waist to kiss you, his knees pressing into the bed and his free hand moving to brace himself on the mattress next to your hip. His mouth meets yours in a chaste kiss, one that has his heart pounding, though he’s not sure it’s going quite as fast as yours. His hand slips to your neck and his thumb brushes your pulse point. It’s racing.
He pulls back to spare both your hearts and you’re smiling when he does. Eddie moves back swiftly, lest he start kissing you until you can’t breathe. He can’t have that.
“Are you hungry?” He asks, because he’s feeling too much for you and it’s overwhelming. A distraction is very necessary. “We can go to McDonald’s, maybe?“
You smile and nod. “Okay,” you say, then, mischievously, “I’m paying.”
Eddie fakes a glare at you. You’re always offering to pay. He thought it was supposed to be the boyfriend’s job to pay for things. Then again, he’s not exactly in the habit of saying no to you. His glare turns into a fond smile very quickly.
“Whatever you want, angel.”
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faeriecinna · 2 months
I have been WRESTLING with writers block this past week. I mean, I must have stared blankly at my damn laptop screen for like 24 hours combined and wrote about 6 words. Today I thought "fuck it" and decided to try writing with pen and paper again like I'm sat at the back of my highschool geography class co-writing fanfic with my sister and I just WROTE THE WHOLE ASS CHAPTER THATS BEEN BOTHERING ME THIS ENTIRE TIME?????
Science side of Tumblr explain this sorcery
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mci-writing · 10 months
heyy~ may i habe, hcs nsfw of senku, tsukasa, and gen fucking their s/o in the kitchen? like senku you guys fucked up something and waiting on an order, tsukasa takes you while youre making breakfast or something, and gen uses cream from a pastry youre making to lick it off your body? thank you ily i hope i did this right lol.
This has been years in the making, huh?
Sexy Kitchen Times (w/ Senku Ishigami, Tsukasa Shishiou, and Gen Asagiri):
TW: smut, modern/no petrification/post petrification au, small bit of bondage in Gen's part (he ties reader's wrists to the bedpost), no beta whoops, overstim in Senku's part, Tsukasa fucks his s/o next to a still hot stove 🤷🏾‍♀️
Ishigami Senku:
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You had tried warning him from the get-go that substituting the recipe's ingredients with chemicals from his lab would be a horrible idea (esp when he pulled his Bunsen Burner seemingly out of thin air), but nooo he wanted you to trust the science process bc he was more than 1 billion percent sure it would work
Now you were standing in the middle of a nearly destroyed kitchen while ordering from the noodle place down the block, sending your lover a glare he knows a little too well when science experiments that involve you go horribly wrong
He hugs you from behind after cleaning up most of the mess, burying his face in your neck as he pulls you closer to him
This was what your friends deemed the affection maneuver, a move Senku only makes when he knows he might be sleeping on the couch for the night
"Y'know, it's so sexy when you get mad like this, dragonfruit" He'll teasingly whisper along the shell of your ear, pressing soft kisses into your skin while his fingers rub sensual circles into your hips
And for the moment, you completely forget about the kitchen debacle when his lips meet yours, turning you in his hold and helping you settle on the counter. He tugs your top off between kisses, nipping at whatever skin he can reach while his one of his hands happily move to fondle your chest
And, like always, it ends with you riding his cock (bc his stamina maxed out smh), your hands gripping onto his thighs for dear life as his tip nudges at a certain sensitive spot while he times the delivery guy through calculating the speed of your rocking and the pitch of your moans, who is definitely 10 minutes late this time
Your brain is mush by the time the food does get there, Senku happily coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of you with a sweet "Just one more? So I can make it up to you?". It's the closest he can get to you forgetting the whole conundrum and he gets to watch your face shift in overstimulated pleasure
He does still sleep on the couch later that night, but it's only for a couple minutes before you cave and make him eat you out as payback (which you both know is just going to lead to a round of competitive sex, but I'll mind my best)
Asagiri Gen:
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You'd already had an idea this would happen when Gen kept making innuendos about the glaze you'd made for your donuts earlier in the day, but a part of you wasn't really taking his words seriously until he'd told you to wait on the bed
I mean, you couldn't really go anywhere with your wrists tied to the bedpost, but you could hear the small happy pep in his step as he made his way back to you with the icing bag nuzzled snuggly in his hold
"Baby, look what I've got," He eagerly coos as he towers over your body, setting his knee beside you as he slides in closer on the bed. He holds the tip over your lips, squeezing enough for a little bit of the sweet concoction to spill out.
After your tongue swipes the small bit away, he gets to work setting a small dollop on each of your sensitive parts, stopping to admire his work once he finishes
He ensures that you've been licked clean of any stick sweet residue by the time he's finished, keeping track that you're thoroughly prepped before nestling into your welcoming heat
And he happily covers certain areas of your body with the cream again before fully allowing himself to go to town, enjoying the way his cum mixes with the sugary substance on your skin
Shishio Tsukasa:
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"Ts-Tsukasa..." You manage out in an airy tone, tightly gripping the counter as the head of his cock nudges at your entrance. The small sounds you make as he pushes the head all the way in only make him smirk
He leans forward as he pushes fully inside, taking the time to cut the stove off before his hand softly grips your hips and drags you back against him.
"You shouldn't have teased me so much," He softly states into your ear, tugging on the lower back tie of your apron so it hangs freely from your body by the tie around your neck. His right-hand moves to grab at the plush fat of your ass, a smack sounding as he brings his heavy palm down and squeezes as soon as he gets a good grip on it
He easily slides in and out from the perfect combination of spit and lube, the tight hold on your hip allowing him to push and pull against you as he pleases
Each spill of his name from your lips only encourages him to go faster, the breakfast you'd been hard at work creating forgotten with each deep thrust he made inside, stars clouding your mind
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needle-noggins · 2 months
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Where do your roots start
And where do your roots end?
Something about seeing only the worst of yourself in the mirror. Something violent and terrifying, but knowing you only grew that violence in response to violence against you. Knowing your power comes from a place of trauma, something you don’t remember but wish had never happened. But it did, and here you are. There’s something new in you that isn’t the you that you understand and you wish it wasn’t but it is. Violence begets violence and you are unable to control what grows from the seeds that were planted. So you have to live with it and try not to let that violence spread.
You’ve already failed once.
And you see it every time you look in the damn mirror.
For Body Horror Week’s final day, prompt: Roots by In This Moment
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thefirstknife · 16 days
Got the first two little grimoires that you can collect in the Hall of Champions. It's a lore book called "To Old Friends." First two pages:
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Feelings about these old Titan dads. Man.
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Hello. Sav writing to Eris?
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cowboybrunch · 3 months
"would you peel an orange for me" and "would you still love me if i was a worm" are the same question
would you love me needy? would you love me helpless? would you be kind to me and expect nothing in return? if i couldn't speak or hold your hand or do the dishes, would you still be gentle with me? would you wash my hair? would you resent me? would i be a burden to you? am i a burden to you now? and if i am, are you willing to shoulder it? can i rely on you? do you love me? do you love me?
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savage-scarcity · 8 days
Personal head cannon that Konohamaru is kinda what kakashi was to Kushina. Like you can’t tell me Naruto doesn’t send him OFTEN to go check up on Hinata “discretely” when she’s pregnant and she OFC knows he’s there so after a while she just starts to acknowledge him more and more. Pretty soon konohamaru is looking forward to his time spent with Hinata because she’s just so goddamn sweet and kind.
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purplecarseat · 1 year
So on the one hand I know nonhumans are not the most ideal aro/ace representation (when they count at all) because historically that’s all the representation we’ve gotten and we need more regular humans and not just Data etc etc. I know that. But.
every time I see a guy that is
- from space
- a robot
- mysterious third thing
I immediately go oh!! They are like me!
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binbrick · 10 months
accidentally remembered "niall loved declan, and declan loved ronan. so ronan lived." and started sobbing in the shower
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savnofilter · 8 months
you and touya todoroki's marriage was starting to slip off the deep end and it wasnt until you decided that things werent working out for you. he had been more distant and busy, and at first you understand. it wasnt easy being an heir but that doesnt mean that forgetting your existence was on the table. when he's finally sent the papers, he feels blindsided.
that night he comes home and wakes you up from your sleep just to remind you how much he loves you. promises that he'll never forget an anniversary or a birthday again. the way he touches you like he never forgot a spot on your body, effortlessly evoking arousal into your body, and how much you missed his presence and scent overwhelming you again. you try your best not to fall into his charms but that's how you got into this marriage, no?
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scarletfish · 3 months
the first chapter of my andreil time-travel au is up on ao3!
it's vaguely Life is Strange-inspired (but will still make sense if you've never played the game!). Also featuring Jean/Nathaniel, Raven!Renee, and a few other surprises to come :)
link below (and maybe hit me up if you're down to beta read?) you'll echo down the hallways, 4.6k words, summary:
“Give him back,” the man growls. For all intents and purposes, Nathaniel is looking at himself. It’s like looking in a mirror if your reflection was trying to kill you. This is what he gets for messing around with time. "What?" he stalls. “You know what I’m talking about.” Other Nathaniel jabs a finger at his temple. “I remember you. Whatever you did, undo it. Give Andrew back,” he snarls, adding, “And Renee too, while you’re fucking at it.”
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patchworkgargoyle · 1 year
Editor Eddie
Did I write this solely because of the pun? Yes. It was, however, inspired by me wearing my Hellfire shirt and getting ready to sit down and beta a Steddie fic, as well as @inairbinad's Petals in a Storm (which people should go read).
Anyway, here's some extremely fluffy and domestic older!Steddie, with Eddie as a genre fiction/horror editor, in 735 words! Extremely brief and vague mention of a monster eating something's guts.
Red-marked pages lay scattered everywhere, solely illuminated by the hulking, faintly buzzing computer monitor that took up a good half of Eddie’s desk. Lips pursed and eyes narrowed, he held up a sheaf of papers with one hand, the other holding his pen to his mouth while he gnawed on the end. He distantly thought that if he kept chewing the pen might break and he’d look much like the monster currently being described in the chapter before him, red dripping down its chin. It was the third time the author had used the word ‘viscera’ in the same paragraph, and while pens didn’t have guts he knew that the ink would probably taste just as bad as that would. But as the monster was, apparently, ‘gleefully gorging’ on the aforementioned viscera, it probably wouldn’t agree.
He put the pages back down on the pile in front of him and scribbled out a few notes – “less viscera, more… entrails, gore, innards perhaps!” – then hunched over the words to continue reading about how the creature turned its horrifying visage towards the protagonist.
Editing was, mostly, the best job Eddie's ever had. Sure, it could be a slog to wade through a sea of purple literary prose or a desert of adjective-less, action-less nonfiction. Those were part of the job (though he’d grown enough to admit that sometimes he found gems even outside his beloved genre fiction tastes), and something he had to endure before he could climb his way to the fiction department. This, though, a carnage-filled horror romp? This was his bread and butter, his home away from home, his shit. Hell, it had been his life once upon a time. Getting to help up-and-coming authors improve their craft with his own love of storytelling and his lived, horrific experiences was awesome. It was one of the things that made March of ‘86 worth the terror and pain and scars.
Eddie was still slouched over the chapter, making note of a few misspellings, and so fully absorbed in his work that he didn’t hear the door to the office creak open. Hadn’t even heard the knock that preceded it. What he did notice was the plate being slid directly on top of the paper, a flaky croissant placed right in the centre, and Eddie suddenly realised he was really fucking hungry.
“How’s my favourite Eddie-tor doing?” Steve asked.
Eddie’s head fell back with the weight of the agony the pun caused and heard a few vertebrae pop. Glaring, he said, “That pun wasn’t funny the first fifty times you said it, sweetheart.”
“I haven’t said it that much.” Despite his defensiveness, Steve still looked entirely too amused at himself, smirking down at Eddie. The hallway light backlit him, casting him in a near halo of soft warmth, contrasted by the pale glare of the computer screen that highlighted his face and caught on the few grey hairs beginning to show. 
Steve was gorgeous still, maybe even more so after over two decades together. Worry lines and laugh lines alike brought a kind of charm and dignity to his face, and just the sight of those silvery strands in his hair always got Eddie feeling emotional. They were proof they’d survived. That it was over. That they could grow old, safely and with each other. He called them mithril just to see Steve’s nose scrunch and eyes roll at his references. 
“Okay,” Eddie conceded, “maybe just forty times.”
Though he scoffed, Steve stepped closer and wrapped his arm around Eddie’s shoulders, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. “You’ve been locked away in here for five hours, babe, you should get up and stretch. Or at least turn on the light.”
“But overhead lights are the work of the devil, Steve, you know this. I can’t work under those conditions.” Eddie gave a shit-eating grin as Steve, with a deadpan expression, flicked on his desk lamp. “Oh yeah. Forgot that was there.” He had. Really.
“You’re so annoying,” Steve sighed, but Eddie saw the smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“You love it.”
The smile spread like the affection in Eddie’s chest at the sight. Steve bent down again, this time capturing Eddie’s lips in a sweet, slow, familiar kiss that made his toes curl just as much as any hungry, needy kiss would. Barely pulling back, Steve whispered, “Yeah. I do.”
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faeriecinna · 19 days
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And so it has begun....
Research: Initiated
Search History: Questionable
New WIP: Officially underway
Project.Claw, please be kind to me lmao
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synnthamonsugar · 7 months
Hello, Eris Morn Fan... I want to play a game.
The rules are simple: You have 6 hours to write a fanfic, draw fanart, construct a lore essay, meta post, or other piece of Eris-centric speculative or creative content. However, in the course of creating this ... you must exclude The Drifter from her narrative. Platonic or romantic. As a co-starring character, or referential callback.
Not even a "trust" will be permitted.
Should you fail, Seth Dickinson will write into the next Collector's Edition booklet a scene where Eris comes out as lesbian and/or some combination of aro/ace, instantly collapsing both the D2 team's and fandom's interest in her as a beloved piece of M/F ship-bait and romantic prize for the funnyguy of the moment, the only two things women in this fandom (like most fandoms) are allowed to be.
Work quickly... time is running out.
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