#save energy
madworld1905 · 15 days
Small Steps, Big Impact: Your Guide to Living Sustainably
Climate change can feel like an overwhelming issue, but the good news is, everyone can make a difference! Even small changes in our daily lives can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. Here are some actionable tips to get you started on your sustainability journey:
At Home:
Power Down: Electronics continue to consume energy even on standby. Get in the habit of turning off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use. Power strips with on/off switches make this even easier!
Embrace Energy Efficiency: Swap traditional incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs. Consider switching to energy-star rated appliances when yours reach the end of their lifespan.
Wash Smarter: Launder clothes with cold water whenever possible and air-dry them instead of using the dryer.
Thermostat Tweaks: Adjust your thermostat a few degrees in summer (up) and winter (down) to save energy on heating and cooling.
On the Go:
Think Green Transportation: Walk, bike, or use public transport for errands whenever possible. If you must drive, carpool or choose fuel-efficient vehicles.
Reduce, Reuse, Rethink: Carry reusable shopping bags and water bottles to avoid single-use plastics. When buying new items, prioritize quality over quantity and consider pre-owned options.
Mindful Consumption: Avoid impulse purchases and focus on buying items you truly need and will use for a long time.
Food Choices Matter:
Reduce Meat Consumption: Meat production has a significant environmental impact. Consider incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet.
Buy Local & Seasonal: Locally sourced produce reduces transportation emissions and often tastes better! Seasonal fruits and vegetables are fresher and more sustainable.
Plan Your Meals: Planning meals helps minimize food waste, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.
Be an Advocate:
Spread Awareness: Talk to friends and family about your sustainability efforts and encourage them to join You
Support Sustainable Businesses: Do your research and choose to support companies committed to sustainable practices.Stay Informed: Educate yourself about climate change and environmental issues.
Remember, every small step counts! By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can make a positive impact on the planet while inspiring others to do the same. Let's work together to build a more sustainable future for generations to come!
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everydaydeeds · 1 month
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Day 3677 - As I approach approximately one million weeks pregnant, hang-drying the laundry is feeling much more athletic than it used to, but I'm still keeping it up as long as I can!
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randomawesomestufff · 2 months
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No cost. No risk.
Reduce energy when it's most expensive and start saving on your electricity bills.
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battleangel · 5 months
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qualiticsmarketingbd · 5 months
The Best USB Phone Charger
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koolbadges · 2 years
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We've been hand making button badges in the UK for almost 20 years & we send our badges all over the world. Thousands of designs to choose from.
Check out Kool Badges online
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davidl2001 · 1 month
Save Money and Energy with a Tankless Water Heater
Tankless Water Heater Are you looking for a way to save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint? Look no further than a tankless water heater! As the name suggests, this type of water heater does not store hot water in a tank like traditional water heaters. Instead, it heats water on demand, providing hot water whenever you need it without wasting energy, and keeping a tank of…
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icspl · 1 month
Every small step counts! Let's pledge to be more energy-efficient for a better tomorrow.
World Energy Day 2024
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artcalledtheewhip · 2 months
Wash from toe to head
Or if preference backwards
But always wash
Don’t catch a sickness
Around don’t get caught up
Peripherally use the senses
Look out
The Sun brings harm rays
Apply properly
The Wind flows allergens
Swallow pills
The Rain corrosive acidic
Floods mudslides
The Clouds have turned
Tornadic in the night
Thunder snow storms
While out
Glue it, in on the inside
Stick it to your brain
Apply it for stay
Toppled over everything
Scream Girl & Boy, you scream too, loud, also, all scream
Roar to any approaching predator
You may scare it away!
Try your ultimate yell
Think of a movie, any weapons
A book for quick know how
Then run
Screaming only when ampled breathed
Exhausted is nightmare
Save ampled stored energy
Just for running
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inventumpower · 2 months
Looking for Best Energy Audit Company in India?
🌟 Looking to optimize your energy consumption? Look no further! 🔍 Inventum Power stands out as the Best Energy Audit Company in India. Ready to take your energy savings to new heights? Look no further than our top-rated energy audit services! Our expert team will meticulously analyse your industrial facility's energy usage, identifying inefficiencies and recommending tailored solutions to slash costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Don't let wasted energy dim your bottom line – let us shed light on opportunities for improvement and propel your business towards a brighter, more sustainable future. Contact us today to ignite your energy efficiency journey! 💡
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everydaydeeds · 4 months
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Day 3604 - I've got my laundry system pretty dialed in now so that a full load in the washer lines up with my drying rack capacity.
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randomawesomestufff · 2 months
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vjlove21 · 3 months
Workshop + Hot-Seat-Coaching 2-teilig (Video-Training)
Raus aus der Grübelei - Rein ins Leben
Für mehr Energie & leichtere, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen
Dieser Workshop passt zu dir, wenn mindestens 3 dieser Punkte auf dich zutreffen
  Du leidest unter deinem ständigen Gedankenkarussell und darunter, dass es deine Zeit und Kraft kostet, du es jedoch nicht stoppen kannst.
  Einerseits ahnst du, dass dein Leben leichter und fröhlicher wäre, wenn du aufhören könntest, dir ständig den Kopf zu zerbrechen, gleichzeitig hast du Angst vor den Konsequenzen, die eintreten könnten, wenn du dir weniger Gedanken machst.
  Dir ist bewusst, dass deine Gesundheit ein wichtiger Teil deines Lieblingslebens ist und sich diese durch das Durchbrechen, festgefahrener Grübelgewohnheiten immens verbessern kann.
  Du wünschst dir mehr innere Stabilität, Gelassenheit, Ausgeglichenheit. Für dich selbst und somit für die Menschen in deinem Umfeld.  Weil du weißt, dass du besser für dich und für sie da sein kannst, wenn es dir gut geht.
In diesem Workshop erfährst du ...
  warum es dir bisher, trotz all deiner Bemühungen, nicht gelungen ist, das Grübelkarussell hinter dir zu lassen.       
  welchen neuen Umgang du mit belastenden Gedanken finden kannst, sodass sie dich weniger Zeit, Energie und Nerven kosten.
  wie du souverän & klar Entscheidungen treffen kannst, ohne im Nachhinein von Zweifeln geplagt zu werden.          
  wie du in 3 Schritten dein endloses „Alles-Zerdenken“  effektiv und nachhaltig stoppen kannst.                                    
  wie du dennoch deine persönlichen und beruflichen Ziele erreichst.                                                                                    Für freudvollere Beziehungen und ein leichteres, kraftvolleres Leben.
"Das Glück deines Lebens hängt von der Beschaffenheit deiner Gedanken ab."
- Marc Aurel -
Kennst du das von dir?
Du zerbrichst dir viel zu oft den Kopf über das, was war und/oder das, was passieren könnte, anstatt einfach das JETZT zu genießen?
Entweder du grübelst VOR einem Gespräch, oder im Anschluss... oder sogar beides. "War das gut genug?", "Was hätte ich besser machen könnnen?" "Oh man, hätte ich doch bloß...!?"
Es fällt dir sehr schwer, Entscheidungen zu treffen und falls du entscheidest, überfallen dich im Anschluss doch wieder Zweifel... an der Entscheidung...an dir?
Je mehr du Grübelst, desto schlechter geht es dir, es ist eine Abwärtsspirale, aus der du keinen Ausweg findest.
Ganz gleich, ob es um den Alltag, deine Familie, deine Arbeit, dein Leben allgemein, oder deine Gesundheit geht, ständig sorgst du dich und/oder hast Schuldgefühle, weil du denkst, nicht gut genug zu sein.
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Destruktive Grübelei ist eine von vielen Folgen der Erlebnisse aus deiner Kindheit. Mit meinem 3-Schritte-Plan lernst du sie zu beenden, und Raum zu schaffen für konstruktive, hilfreiche Gedanken.
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reineydraws · 8 months
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jason is a grandpa's boy and u cant take this away from me!!! they cook together, they discuss literature together, and when jay comes back, they clean their guns together haha. ofc they celebrate their birthday together too! 😌
✨️🎂 hbd jay & alfie 🎂✨️
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nxtgenenergyltd · 3 months
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Are you looking for a way to save money on your energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint, and increase the value of your home? 🏡
If so, you might want to consider installing solar panels on your roof or on the ground. Solar panels are a great way to generate your own clean and renewable energy from the sun, and they can pay for themselves in as little as 10 years. ☀️
But don't just take my word for it. Check out this blog post by NXTGEN Energy, one of the leading solar panel installers in the UK, to learn more about the benefits and costs of solar panels, and how they can put more pennies in your pocket this 2024. 💰
How Solar Panels Can Put More Pennies in Your Pocket This 2024
NXTGEN Energy offers high-quality solar panels, battery storage solutions, and flexible finance options to suit your needs and budget. They are also MCS Certified, which means you can benefit from the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme and earn money from your excess electricity. 💸
If you're interested in going green with solar panels, contact NXTGEN Energy today for a free no-obligation quote. You'll be glad you did. 😊
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erdameikeyana-blog · 3 months
Belajar dari Mawar
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Mawar adalah bunga yang identik dengan cinta, kebahagiaan dan kecantikan. Maka tak heran para pujangga cinta berlomba-lomba memberikan bunga mawar kepada sang kekasih untuk membuktikan rasa cintanya dan menunjukkan betapa berharga wanitanya sehingga ia layak menerima bunga itu.
Namun dibalik citra baik mawar, terkadang kita lupa bahwa ia juga memiliki duri yang tajam, sehingga kita harus berhati-hati agar tak terluka akibat terkena duri sang mawar. Mawar memang cantik, tapi ia tak mudah disentuh. Ia diciptakan dengan duri yang terlihat menakutkan namun sebenarnya itu adalah bentuk perlindungan bagi dirinya dari lingkungan sekitarnya yang mencoba untuk merusak dan mematikannya.
Kecantikan mawar sering kali digambarkan layaknya kecantikan seorang wanita, namun sayangnya wanita sering kali lupa bahwa ia tidak hanya cantik, tapi sudah semestinya ia memiliki duri seperti mawar. Duri yang digunakan untuk melindungi dirinya dari orang-orang yang berusaha menyakiti dan merusaknya.
Duri yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang wanita itu bernama batasan. Batasan akan melindungi wanita seperti duri melindungi mawar, sehingga tidak ada lagi orang yang dapat merusaknya. Batasan akan membuat karakter seorang wanita semakin kuat sehingga tak dapat dipatahkan oleh siapa pun. Batasan akan menyadarkanmu betapa berharganya dirimu, dan juga menyadarkan orang-orang di sekitar bahwa jika mereka mencoba menerobos batasan tersebut, tak hanya melukai dirimu tapi mereka juga akan terluka. Karena melukai manusia lain sama halnya melukai diri sendiri.
Wahai wanita, kamu memang cantik seperti mawar, tapi belajarlah dari mawar untuk tetap memiliki dan menggunakan durimu. Duri tidaklah jahat, tapi itu adalah bagian dari mawar untuk melindungi dan menyayangi dirinya sendiri.
Tangerang, 14 Januari 2024
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