#saya op
saya1984 · 6 months
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Today: boys are ready for the ugly Christmas sweater contest! Although honestly I think these are very cute. Though they were a pain in the abs to put on, since the neck holes weren't meant to be functional. Found these in the Christmas ornament section at Target on cute little hangers for $3 a pop. Grandma made me buy them 🥰
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fangirl-saya · 8 months
I read Renfield: A Tale of Madness. And you may want to, too? Possibly?
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My impressions and synopsis below.
Full name: Not given. He's just Mr. Renfield.
Noteworthy moments: (TLDR: Renfield knows Russian!!) Renfield is into modern poetry:
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Seward hypnotizes him:
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Dracula goes out in Lizard Fashion (tm)
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Dracula talks to Renfield through flies. Renfield spends most of the book terribly confused about why he sees what he sees (mostly Harker's experiences).
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Renfield can read Russian fluently:
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Renfield thinks Lucy is like him. He's wrong.
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When Dracula feeds on Lucy, Renfield feels the extasy of it all.
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Renfield gardens and bonds with Mina over the flowers.
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Lucy is the one to tell Renfield he's being used.
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Dracula explains why he chose Renfield (also Dracula is kinda hot):
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But then Dracula tells him that he did offer him eternal life?
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The flower he loved grew on his grave
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Each chapter is broken with a wall of text, which was apparently added after the individual issues were collected into one volume. I think it may have been better without it all. So maybe, on your first read-through skip those, to get it the way it was initially envisioned.
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salteytakesonmanga · 10 months
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Poor Yubashiri, you were too sweet to survive as Zoro’s sword for long.
I love how much care Oda put into designing all the katanas in One Piece. It’s also more than a little insane of him to design such elaborate saya, tsuba, and tsuka for things he’d have to draw ALL THE DAMN TIME.
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leighmeanhoe · 2 months
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k1rishiki · 7 days
convincing myself i'm going to find all my most overpriced grail figures + plushes + clothing for dirt cheap in japan so that when i go and inevitably don't i'll be disappointed
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 4 months
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ダンガンロンパ THE STAGEの江ノ島盾子役の女優であり、ダンガンロンパ3未来編のOP/ED主題歌を歌った歌手であり、ニューダンガンロンパV3の赤松楓役の声優である神田沙也加さんが2021年12月18日に亡くなられてから、今日でちょうど2年が経ちました。彼女の死は2年という月日が経っても未だにとても悲しく、今年も彼女のことを想って何度も涙を流しました。それでも私は彼女が懸命に演じ、歌い、残してくれた作品たちを今でも楽しんでいて、彼女の功績に感謝の気持ちを伝えたくてこの絵を描きました。 さやちゃん、あなたが安らかに眠れていることを心から祈っています。
It has been exactly two years since Sayaka Kanda, the actress who played Junko Enoshima in Danganronpa THE STAGE, the singer who sang the opening and ending theme songs for Danganronpa 3 Future Arc, and the voice actress who played Kaede Akamatsu in New Danganronpa V3 passed away on December 18, 2021. Even after this span of time, her departure continues to weigh heavily on my heart. I have shed tears many times this year thinking about her. However, I continue to enjoy the works she dedicatedly created and left behind, so I drew this to express my gratitude for her accomplishments. Saya-chan, I hope you rest in peace.
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mako-neexu · 4 months
List 5 songs you actually listen to & then tag 10 people. I got taged by @garden-of-mythology-and-fate-go ! thanks!!! (im basing what i listened in 2023 yt wrap bc i dont use spotiyf haha)
Tchaikovsky Symphony no. 6 in B minor op 74 Pathetique
Air in G String - John Sebastian Bach
Heart Attack - LOONA
Yuusha - Yoasobi
The Gleaming - R1999
6. also Vivaldi's Four Seasons ww
Have fun! (or feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to do it): @balladofcreation @derpderpi @randomlywanderingmoth @deltaapollo @namika-saya @akihatohnoofficial
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50spoetics · 10 months
my bandori magical girl au! magical girls coming into “bands” to fight evil together, singing and writing songs to build power. click to read more!
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• reona would be hesitant to fulfill her duties; how couldn’t she? she had school and clubs and the student council to worry about. after meeting chiyu (the ankle biting magical girl!) they train together and reona is more confident to fight as pareo.
• pastel palettes has already covered the first sailor moon OP so imagine them in sailor scouts outfits…the hairpins in their shows can be power and defense boosters. think abt the odangos in sailor moon’s hair.
• chisato has been a magical girl far before anyone in pastel palettes so they train regularly. maya and eve are the least experienced out of them all, so they have one on ones together to bond over it and try and learn new tricks to surprise everyone!
• afterglow and ras forming an alliance when they met up together at a ramen place, tomoe and masuki have a small rivalry and make bets on who can turn the most monsters good. it’s all playful though; after all, they’re all working together!
• ako and rinko fully enjoy their jobs as magical girls, they pride it and hardly keep it a secret. a lot of people who hear ako’s a magical girl believe it’s just a part of her chunibyo behaviors. roselia doesn’t transform with trinkets, and instead rely on magical weaponry. rinko takes this chance to make everyone costumes. lisa even makes cookies with healing factors for everyone!
• hhw is more carefree than the others, seeing their opponents as just another child in need of a smile. they fight with smiles, and it’s rumored that some turned monsters became good due to just looking into kaoru’s eyes. their hypnotic melodies and fighting leave the battles they won with the smiles they had entering.
• popipa are one of the first magical girl groups that popped up. they travel around the town to stop evil from spawning, catching the roots before they can fully manifest. the crime rate has diminished since they showed up, and have become the stars of the town. they’ve used this to their advantage, especially saya, who’s brought more people to the bakery thanks to her image!
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octahyde · 2 months
things I know about kamen rider:
-kamen rider Ryuki like completely changed the game on toku and works in that demographic (including shounen anime) forever
-kamen rider ryukis op is like the funniest thing you can make a video transition too and I will laugh every single time
-Gen urobuchi of saya no uta and madoka magica fame tried to make a season about dark themes except they were fruit samurai
-Ex aid gamer anthrax which I am fucking obsessed with and being up every time my bff Arthur so much as mentions ex aid
-woz again
-the third woz, this time he’s an actual rider.
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saya1984 · 1 year
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Today: The latest addition to my little misfit family. Meet Robert Montague Renfield <3 Took the clothes off some thrift-store Ken :D Gawds my cat's hair is all over him XD
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panicstar · 6 months
I've finished Arthdal Chronicles season 2 and what a ride. I have many thoughts.
I've seen worst, but that is the ending they could come up with? They build an intricate world and story and it fell short. Is there a season 3!? Because that was no finale. Tagon poisoning the waters, sending Tanya to save Arthdal and then thanking her as he died was confusing. Many characters were pointless.....especially Saya. Tealha deserved a bad ending, cmon now.
I should have written for this show lol I would have had Saya be conniving and scheming at every turn. He would be double-triple crossing everyone for his own gain. Ultimaly Saya would have been making alliances with Eunseom, Tagon, Taelha and Tanya only to betray them every single time. But he isn't evil, hes just mad about how hes life was robbed, being locked up in a room for most of his life, you know….yeah no biggie.
The ending fight should have been Eunseom vs Saya vs Tagon. Whoever wins gets to become king (for Tagons case, he remains king). They would tapped into their igutu abilities fighting to kill, fight becomes so intense that Tanya runs in to stop them, she gets injured and all three stop and realize what they are doing. Tagon snaps out of it and goes to stab Saya, but Eunseom steps in and gets stabbed saving his twin. Saya gets hella mad and fights Tagon with everything hes got and fatally stabs him. Tealha shows up all injured from battle and dies. Tagon has his final villain monologue and begs Eunseom and Saya to spare his son, Arok.
Saya still wants to be king so he goes in to fight Eunseom, but Eunseom is OP, so he wins even though hes injured lol Saya admits defeat and surrenders.
The shows ends happily cause reasons. Tanya recovers, then her and Eunseom get married. The epilogue shows that Eunseom indeed didn't harm Arok against his advisors wishes and kept him alive. And we learn that Saya is in prison. Theres a scene where Eunseom visits him in his cell and sets him free. The show ends with Eunseom and Tanya looking outside the window at Arthdal. The end.
Look at me, I was suppose to give my thoughts on the finale not make up a fanfiction story lol Tagon was actually my favorite character. My man had Eunseom, Taelha, Ago tribes, Saya, a pagasus, Tanya, nealthals and gods all trying to kill him and Tagon still outsmarted them everytime. Overall, the ending could have been much better. Leaving it with many open endings doesn't feel satisfactory to me.
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horizon-verizon · 1 month
I realized something...
In a recent reblog about Dune and Chani, I was discussing with OP that the issue isn't that Chani should have been left alone, but both that:
despite what OP was sayaing abt execution being dunt Pt2's failing bc Chani was never important canonically to warrant a change anyway
AND that issue, I thought, was that Chani needed some sort of agency bc of how..."shiny native helpmeet" Herbert already made Chani in a story against imperialist dictators as if gender wasn't already an intrinsic layer of such history and politics
And that I needed to then question why I was so opposed to Alicent's HotD rewrite (even though I've said it several times jic, to myself bc that's just how critical thinking works) in a way that I am not for Chani's when both of their original stories had them arguably stereotypical.
Besides how I don't actually think bk!Alicent was all that stereotypical or that i her case this would be a bad thing:
book!Chani wasn't that politically active or unique as book!Alicent
bkAlicent is part of the ruling class, goes even higher, able to practice real political authority more than Chani ever does while being a woman. Chani is part of the exploited/oppressed class of indigenous folks so her role in the 1st 2 books is *so* questionable
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🎨: 1st-lupotterdraws; 2nd-high_mage (reddit)
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glyhndzkr · 3 months
Mata, M nya Mancing Mania Mantap!
Memasuki waktu indonesia bagian malam, sepi ditemani gerimis, dan nyamuk yang lagi maksa ambil darah di tangan kanan. Ngomong2 ambil darah, kalo nih nyamuk bisa diajak kerja sama buat anter ke lab pk asik kali yak.
Yak, sepi gerimis, ditengah kocar kacirnya mata yang aduhai berkesan, agak memberi space untuk ambil nafas menulis tumblr. Dimulai dari, udah masuk aja buat pre op, padahal masih H-1 official masuk stase. Habis lari 15 km, baru aja rebahan, tiba tiba hape getar 'ayo pre op', rasanya udah kayak squidword baru mo tidur, tiba tiba buka mata gara gara denger spongebob sama petrik berisik di luar.
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Hari official pertama, langsung pecah rekor pasbar poli, 8 orang, tanpa adanya patokan diagnosis mau diarahin kemana, penting asal tanya keluhan umum aja dah sama Riwayat Penyakit Sekarang 10 poin khas di mata dan RP Dahulu secukupnya. 7 sacred? inget sih, cuma kadang ga nemu bahasa yang pas sesuai konteks malah bikin pasiennya 'eh gimana dok?'. Anamnesis, foto 6 posisi, sok ngecek lapang pandang, sama gerak bola mata, dan arahin masuk ruang cek visus dan tekanan bola mata.
Hari kedua, first time, kukira ini jadwal IBS ternyata jadwal photoshoot grup wa besar koas mata yang isinya mungkin dari koas mata paling baru sampe koas mata yang bisa jadi udah residen mata di univ lain, sekaligus jadwal cerita inspiratif, karena menginspirasi segenap teman sejawat lain, agar membordir, atau setidaknya menempelkan namanya masing masing di baju scrub ok nya. Nggih sami sami.
Hari ketiga RS UNS, latihan banting setir dan turn plan A ke B at the time, walau sebenarnya gaada plan B, poli dr Heru. Awalnya udah ngerasa gak enak pas manggil pasien, 'panggilan kepada Bapak Her.. (kok namanya kayak mirip yak) ...u pras (eh sek kok gaenak yo, tp iki pasien og, paling ga sengaja, sama wajarla. Sek coba lanjut dalam hati, 'etyono... Sp... M?!')
ehm! Bapak Supardi, atas nama Bapak Supardi? Monggo pak *dengan wajah tersenyum menahan panik
Keempat, di tengah hari sabtu yang tenang, setelah dipastikan aman hingga waktu menunjukkan pukul 4 kurang, saat hendak berlari dan benar benar udah tinggal pake sepatu dan tet, tiba tiba 'ada yang udah ke igd?' assalaamu'alaikum pasbar! Mau berangkat kok ya ga ngerti kudu ngapaun karena baru pertama kali, mau lanjut bodo amat lari, yaa, kok malah lari2 si leh? ga tanggung jawab ta?
Sampe sana udah ada Febri, anam dan Pemfis kelar, lanjut input data sama bikin ppt buat laporan, eh belum kelar 'ada pasien IGD baru lagi' alhamdu? lillah. Sampe sekitar isya an, udah bikin laporan, isi soap, dapet advis, dah aman lah poko e, bismillah lapar, balik mampir beli penyetan JESE dulu sama Febri, aku beli pancong balap, tapi tiba tiba lagi 'dek ini fotonya gimana, apa ada lesi meninggi, lesi satelit' dor, bener kata aldi taher, semua yang ada di igd, eh di dunia, pasti bingung, tinggalkan ayam dan pancongmu, angkat motor dan sentermu ke igd bersamaku
Balik IGD ngurus lagi pasbarnya. Kelar agak sekitaran jam 8-9 lahya, saat sudah izin pamit dokter igd dan menjemput ayam yang sudah penyet serta pancong yang udah mulai lelah balapan, tiba tiba 'dek pasien baru lagi' subhanallah kalo bukan karena Febri yang baik hati dan saya yang terpaksa mau gamau mah, cuma mba maryam yang ke igd. Prosedur sama. Tinggal ayam dan pancongmu mari menyapa pasbar bersamaku. Balik lagi dan baru beneran pulang hampir jam 11, aaaahh mantap!
Itu baru sepekan, pekan kedua lebih baik? alhamdulillah, hari senin 5 pasbar, hari selasa 4 pasbar, hari rabu kocar kacir pre op, hari kamis ga kerasa kocar kacir, tapi kocar kacir juga ternyata, hari Jumat? mari kita liat habis ini wkwk semoga baik baik saja dan tidak sampai menormalisasi misuh kayak pas ngurus diksar wkwk. Tapi insyaa allah engga si harusnya, karena udah mulai ngerti gimana.
Kesimpulannya sejauh ini di mata, sangat berkesan, dan lebih banyak belajar prosedur manajemen pasien di Moewardi nya daripada belajar penyakit di mata nya wkwk. Masih ada 2 pekan, masih ada yang perlu diperbaiki di depan.
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darishima · 1 year
hey!! i'm casey or dari or samarie :3 he/it/she, nonbinary boygirl + puppygirl, queer & neurodivergent. expect copious enthusiastic posts about midari ikishima. pfp matching with @mrjellything check out our mlp horror au!!
multifandom, mostly anime. i'll mainly post one piece, kakegurui, dungeon meshi, fear & hunger, lucky star, and evangelion. currently hyperfixated on saya no uta, needy streamer overload, and f&h termina!! full list of fandoms is here. i also draw & write sometimes
ao3: darishima instagram: dailymidariikishima / nicorobindaily / luckystar.daily myanimelist: midari-ikishima prns
byf: not spoiler-free for the one piece and my hero academia manga! tagged as #op spoilers and #mha spoilers. not spoiler free for the dungeon meshi manga either but those are untagged
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if-it-isnt-cello · 7 months
Oct 7th (Stage I)
Morning Session
Yukino Hayashi (Japan)
Bach, Preluge and Fugue in B flat major (DWK I):
Chopin, Polonaise in B flat major:
Mozart, Fantasia in D minor:
Karol Kurpiński, Polonaise in D minor:
Chopin, Barcarolle in F sharp major:
Satoshi Iijima (Japan)
Kurpiński, Polonaise in D minor
Chopin, Polonaise in B flat major
Mozart, Rondo in A minor
Bach, Prelude and Fugue in B minor (DWK II)
Chopin, Ballade in F minor
Oscar Jiang (Australia)
Bach, Prelude and Fugue in D sharp minor (DWK II): did I tell you I love Bach's short piano pieces? Anyway. Prelude was lively and sharp, while the fugue surprisingly dolce, almost melancholic.
Mozart, Fantasia in D minor: this one was less dreamy than yesterday's interpretations (I've heard one or two in the radio in passing). More... sharp, with this light quality that I attribute to Mozart.
Michał Kleofas Ogiński, Polonaise in D minor: okay I didn't know this one! In case of polonaises, I always try to listen to the internal rhythm; I know they aren't really made for a dance, but polonaise is a dance, and imo it's important to acknowledge that. Here, I could hear this internal strength, along with a strong sense of what a polonaise is.
Chopin, Polonaise in B flat minor:
Chopin, Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op. 60: a stron (too strong?) beginning---they said in the radio that Pleyel has a strong lower notes voice and you could hear it perfectly here. Overall, a lovely piece, just making you drift on the waves of music.
Rec: Ogiński, Polonaise in D minor.
Intermission with Polish Radio Programme 2: Chopin's demanding pieces are generally too demanding for the participants (bar one, Eric Guo), which the radio speaker finds interesting since after the preliminaries they admitted five more participants. There's more interest in period instruments amongst pianists (you can see in the bios they are interested in playing on p.i.), but sadly the stereotype that period piano is for those who can't achieve much in modern piano is probably still there? + there's technique, but you also need to be able to show the interpretation. A lot of gushing on Eric Guo :) (who played yesterday) i.e., Kurpiński's polonaise that was great, filled with references to C.P.E. Bach and so on. The speakers agree that he was the brightest until now, though, and as for now, the only one very good. Bach's interpretations are called school-etudes, as for how the majority of competitors played his DWK.
Satoshi Iijima: Kurpiński's Polonaise---unfortunately with mistakes, but nevertheless played with ease. Mozart lacked the fantasy, the protoromanticism. Used the four pedals in Bucholtz, tried to use the nuances---very nice.
Oscar Jiang (taught by Dang Thai-Son!): felt at ease with period instruments, but lacked interpretation. Tried to create his repertoire with awareness, but still needs to learn playing in a conscious manner (?).
Saya Kamada (Japan)
Hyunji Kim (South Korea)
Song-Ha Kim (South Korea)
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studentofetherium · 1 year
Whats ur favorite like. Collectible or special edition or merchandise or whatever. That u have.
oh god oh god there are too many answers to this question. here's a few of my favorites!
a pair of Okinawa Electric Girl Saya cassettes. one of them is numbered 14/30. she's my oshi and i have a ton of her merch
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the Kizumonogatari trilogy soundtrack on vinyl
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the Made in Abyss soundtrack on vinyl (one of them is signed!)
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End of Evangelion on laserdisk
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all of Evangelion special edition with the original dub
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the TsukiRe OP on vinyl
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i didn't take a picture because there's a lot of it, but i have a collection of every Yes album released before they switched to CD releases (1969-1987), that took a few years to finish. the rest of their discography has gotten limited vinyl releases too, but they're harder to find, so I'll finish the collection someday
a couple of doujin artbooks! one is for Zaregoto, and the other is for Monogatari. the latter was made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the anime and was not only a collaboration between a ton of different artists, but also non-artist fans, with things like written thank-yous to Nisioisin and the voice actor. i contributed. Nisioisin was given a copy
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the Griffith plush i hugged for an hour after i learned Muira had passed away
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my Maelsteom Wanderer EDH deck, which has been my primary deck for nearly a decade
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a box of movie tickets. every time i see a new movie, the ticket goes in here (the most recent ones were removed for this picture to not dox myself)
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this is a mix of cool, rare, and sentimental, and also just scratches the surface of my collection
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