that-bluesybitch · 19 days
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hjellacott · 2 months
Psychology academics are not here to treat you with kid gloves, sweetness and love and tell you what you want to hear
I work in film. I'd already gotten a uni degree, I was happy, and then I got into reading psychology books and became hooked. And when I became hooked, I got myself a BSc in Psychology out of pure fascination for the subject.
I am not a therapist, nor a counsellor, purely because I still work in film, I love working in film, and psychology is a passion which I find extremely helpful in my work and in my life, but I have no desire to spend every day of my life listening to people's drama. Sounds cold? Well, welcome to science.
But obviously in social media one finds all kinds of things, and I'm always interested in anything related to psychology, so one thing I keep finding is people, somehow, always assume if you know psychology you must constantly treat people like they're injured animals and you're a vet? We must be sweet and loving with complete strangers, and treat them with kid gloves, as if the air might hurt them??? It's wacky.
Anybody who knows anything about psychology knows you ought to distance yourself emotionally from mentally sick people, or else it'll kill you. You've got to be a scientist, be objective, not get attached, not get emotionally involved. And it isn't our duty to treat people like they're fragile. Our duty is to be honest, to do what we can to help out, specially for those who are actual therapists, and only when paid to do so, because hey, it's a job.
Psychology isn't there to pamper people, make them feel better and tell them what they want to hear. Psychologists who do that are the shit ones who then cause a ton of trouble. Psychology is a science, it looks at things objectively, and if you're a piece of shit, it's supposed to hold you accountable, to make you responsible for your actions and to help you have the right tools to turn your life around. But responsibility and accountability are essential in any self-respected therapy, so don't expect to be pitied and given a hug if what you need is a bloody wake up call.
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linyarguilera · 2 months
Inteligência Artificial - devemos temê-la ou abraçá-la?
Embora a Inteligência Artificial tenha ganhado maior notoriedade na pandemia, sua construção data de muitos anos antes, e mesmo que em 2022 e 2023 o Chat GPT, Inteligência Artificial do tipo MLL, ou seja, considera palavras e frases complexas, mas as IAs são parte de nossas vidas há anos, estamos acostumados ao Google Assistente, à SIRI, e outras mais, como o Gemini Google Deep Mind, por exemplo.
Como toda tecnologia nova e pesquisa, é preciso que a mesma passe por um comitê de ética, de modo algum a ciência deve ser feita para causar danos aos seres humanos e demais seres vivos no planeta Terra, foi por isso que  a União Europeia em 2023 criou leis que colocam limites nas Inteligências Artificiais. Conduzir um carro sem antes passar por uma autoescola pode ser muito  perigoso, mas se você conhece como funciona a condução do carro e as leis de trânsito, e sendo um bom condutor ou condutora dificilmente causará danos em trânsitos, e o mesmo se aplica à Inteligência Artificial.
Definir o que é Inteligência Humana ainda é muito complexo, portanto ainda não há uma definição unânime do que é ser uma Inteligência Artificial, embora a criatividade seja a combinação de um conjunto de ideias que resultam em algo para o ser humano, e mesmo que as IAs consigam juntar milhares de informações, estas ainda não chegam ao patamar humano, são muito mais especializadas, e portanto não tem autorregulação como assombra os pensamentos de muitos futuristas menos otimistas com as novas tecnologias.
Atualmente um dos maiores medos da humanidade é a perda de emprego para as máquinas automáticas, no entanto faz-se importante salientar que, com o surgimento de novas tecnologias surgem novas necessidades de mão de obra, assim como o mercado não muda mas transforma junto das necessidades humanas. Vejamos por exemplo como o surgimento dos telefones, mesmo não havendo mais a necessidade de mensageiros, surge aí o papel de telefonistas, o semelhante vem para a implementação das Inteligências Artificiais, em que surgirão novos empregos, novas funções, mais serviços para programadores e criadores digitais, e outros mais por trás dos algoritmos.
Há anos só podíamos pensar em músicas com instrumentos analógicos, mas hoje temos grandes hits como o DJ Alan Walker com músicas eletrônicas, isso não baniu outras formas de músicas, muito pelo contrário, trouxe inovações. O Homo sapiens tende a temer o que não compreende, por isso torna-se tão importante que a sociedade conheça e interaja mais com as mais variadas formas de Inteligências Artificiais.
O mau uso das IAs pode sim trazer danos, mas seu bom uso pode trazer melhoras na saúde, na precisão de diagnóstico, liberar tempo de qualidade ao ser humano para atividades mais criativas, e melhora na qualidade de vida, ajudar no combate às mudanças climáticas, ajudar nas mudanças climáticas, automatizar atividades insalubres ao ser humana, atuar na segurança, e claro, criar novas formas de empregabilidade e ajudar a humanidade em suas comunicações para seguir o melhor caminho enquanto ser vivo.
A: Celiny Aguilera
Dissertação preparada para a atividade 1.2 do curso Inteligência Artificial Aplicada À Visão Computacional
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nciwch · 8 months
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The Science, Language, Geography and Hiistory areas of the clasroom 2023-24!
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kammartinez · 6 months
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vgnan-com · 2 years
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
भयानक तरीके से मुड़ा था लड़के का शरीर, डॉक्टरों की नाउम्मीदी के बाद हुआ चमत्कार !
भयानक तरीके से मुड़ा था लड़के का शरीर, डॉक्टरों की नाउम्मीदी के बाद हुआ चमत्कार !
Bent Boy Stands After Miracle Surgery : धरती पर जन्म लेने के बाद इंसान की ज़िंदगी में तरह-तरह के संघर्ष होते हैं. अगर आप शरीर और दिमाग से स्वस्थ हैं तो ये संघर्ष थोड़ा आसान हो जाता है लेकिन अगर आप किसी बीमारी का शिकार हैं तो जीना मुश्किल बन जाता है. कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ उलरिच (Ulrich) नाम के अफ्रीकन लड़के के साथ, जिसे बचपन से ही ऐसी गंभीर बीमारी थी, जो उसे अपने पैरों पर खड़ा भी नहीं होने देती थी. द सन…
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notquitebutter · 2 years
Out of over 700 patients, the newborns who had significantly lower amount of that enzyme were the ones who died of SIDS. That’s a rather good study done over 4 years. I’d like to see how much more you think is needed for a cause of SIDS if not a predictor.
Hey there! I don't really want to get into the specifics of the study because I'm seriously just not qualified- I just have a degree in STEM, andI took anatomy/physiology and biochemistry over a year ago. I would love it if one of the tumblr neuro scientist folk saw this an added their two cents. 
However I can tell you this:
While they did examine 700 newborns it is not that simple. They compared only 26 infants who died of SIDS to 254 matched controls (matched for sex and birth date only) and 35 infants who died from an identified cause other than SIDS to 595 controls.
I can't give you a specific number for how many babies I think should be studied, but I definitely don't think that a group of 26 infants who died of SIDS is enough. Is there something special about this group of 26 infants? Do these 26 accurately represent ALL infants who have died of SIDS? Does any group of 26 people represent the entire population? Probably not.
The basis for matching the controls is also arguable. Is matching for sex and birth date really enough? What about ethnic heritage of the babies? The health of the mother? Infant birth weight? You could argue that MAYBE the size of the control groups (254 and 595) could silence these other variables from the sheer volume, but you definitely can't make that argument for a group of only 26 and 35. With such a small volume studied we can’t be certain there isn’t some OTHER reason the 26 infants who died of SIDS had a lower presence of butrylcholinesterase. Classic case of correlation does not equal causation.
And this is my basic answer without even going into the fact that we don't really know the physiological importance of butyrylcholinesterase yet. We are a long ways from pinpointing exactly how a deficiency in this enzyme could result in death. The autonomic system is so vast with acetylcholine playing a role in many different reactions. So much more research is needed to get us anywhere near being able to claim that a cause has been found for SIDS.
However, I absolutely think this research is valuable and worth following up on in the future. I would say if perhaps this study were repeated and instead studied like, at least 1000 infants who died of SIDS and got the same results, then we would be on the road to saying "Yes, a lack of butyrylchlolinesterase is a definitive predictor or even cause of SIDS, we should test for this"
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
Biopunk is super interesting
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You know what? I will now do a "rambling about punk genre stuff other than Solarpunk" Saturday think. Because I feel like it and because the punk genre are super interesting as a concept. So I want to explore this a bit further.
I kinda grew up with the entire punk-genre thing. Literally. As a kid I got into Cyberpunk when I was like... 12. So, I always had an interest in the genre. That I ended up playing Shadowrun hence was not a bis surprise. (Maybe I will talk about that a bit more one day...) And it was through Shadowrun, that I got interested in one of the subsubgenre of Cyberpunk: Biopunk.
Fun fact: Outside of fanfiction this is the one bit of Cyberpunk that I have actually written quite a bit about. And I just think it is interesting.
Now, to catch everyone up to speed: Biopunk usually (though not necessarily) is set in a Cyberpunk world, but instead or additionally to cyberware, there is gen-modifications happening. And this of course brings new and interesting avenues to explore with it.
See. One idea in this regard that gets played with a lot in Shadowrun, but also other Cyberpunk media, is the entire idea of "cyber psychopathy". Basically, a "ship of theseus" thing. If you replace too much of the human, the human looses their humanity and might do bad things. In comes bioware and goes like: "Sure this, we do not replace the human body, we just alter it." Basically, GMO for the human body.
Now, a while ago I talked about how gene tech is nobody's enemy as it is. BUT... gen tech currently suffers from the issue of people copyrighting gene sequences. Going so far as "you cannot use you non-genemodified harvest as seeds next year, because it has been pollinated with pollen from other gene modified stuff".
What would that mean for a human?
The possibilities for gene tech in medicine would be endless. Cure cancer. Cure all sorts of genetic diseases. Cure stuff that would kill you in real life. And do not even give up parts of your body.
But what if you cannot pay? With Cyberware you can still say: "Fuck it, have your stupid cyber arm back." And give up your arm. But with gene tech... Well, looks like you belong to the company now!
And of course, even more than normal Cyberpunk, this genre is also ripe to explore for the human relation to disabilities. Because, yeah, imagine gene tech could fix all disabilities. What would it do to the way humanity treats disabled people? Are your forced to be cured? And if so... Does your cured body then belong to the company?
So many interesting questions to explore.
The Biopunk stuff I wrote basically featured the set up of "the company" (that also was the state) offering parents of children, that would probably not be born alive or if born alive would die within the first two years of their life, to cure them. For free. And while they were on it, they gave the embryos all sorts of gene treatments, turning them into basically a different species alltogether. But when the revolution came... Welp, the company sat down: "Looks like we own you. Time to be our soldiers."
So... Yeah. Interesting concepts to explore here.
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celinyarguileraart · 1 year
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By: Celiny Arguilera
With copyright
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yssring · 2 years
girls have anwhjere between 0 and 10000,0,00000,0000,000 limbs. keep it in mind ok?
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goodlifevancouver · 14 days
Science World's 7th Annual Science of Cocktails
Unleash Your Senses at Science World’s 7th Annual Science of Cocktails: A Night of Libations, Science, and Surprises! Science World, a non-profit organzation, is thrilled to announce the return of its largest fundraising event, the 7th annual Science of Cocktails, on Thursday, April 11, 2024. This soiree, held at the beloved institution, promises to be a night like no other, blending the best of…
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himanshurashtech · 15 days
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Elevate Your Education: NIET - Alwar's Best Study College
Elevate your education at NIET - Alwar's premier study college. Discover top-notch academic programs, experienced faculty, and a supportive learning environment. Prepare for success with innovative teaching methods and cutting-edge resources. Join us to unlock your potential and embark on a transformative educational journey.
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artemholubievgolubev · 8 months
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American mastodon canvas wall art - woolly elephant
Mastodon - lived in the Pleistocene in the forest zone of North America. It was well adapted to the cold climate of the Ice Age. It was 3 m high, 4.5 m long and weighed 6 tons. The mastodon became extinct 10,000 years ago.
American mastodon canvas wall art. Woolly mammoth extra large wall art print. Prehistoric native american art print for room decor aesthetic, dorm decor, therapy office decor, couples gift, new home gift.
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Also, these paintings will help you in the design of a scientific gallery, museum exposition, educational presentation, scientific work, publication of a scientific article in a magazine.
You can choose these images for your brand logo, product branding.
This exclusive and unrepeatable painting can be purchased here:
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orbitingtheson · 10 months
12 March 2248
Is it wrong that I don't want my crewmate to put a curse on our ship? And does it matter that I don't actually believe in curses or ghosts or whatever?
We're part of a crew of about a dozen on a cargo/passenger cycler, and we cater to people who like their space, their privacy, and their comfort. We do alright, but it's not unusual for us to have as many as half of our suites empty on any given leg of a trip.
So my good friend has the idea to invite some supernatural guests to keep us all company.
I disapprove. And I'm not entirely sure why. Is that ok?
- unsettled
It's ok, but your crewmate isn't likely to find that to be a satisfying reason. Since it's a decision that could theoretically impact the entire ship, you could always suggest a secret ballot to decide.
I've heard of worse starts to a horror story anyway.
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data123science · 2 years
Know The Application of Data Science in the Healthcare Industry
Know The Application of Data Science in the Healthcare Industry
The individual's health is now separated from the frequent life-or-death decisions made at the insurance level of the healthcare system by many levels. While it makes sense for insurance companies, which are trying to limit costs, to serve as a gatekeeper for authorizing medical treatments, the process is usually managed by people who are neither licensed medical professionals nor experts in the field of medicine. The severe compliance requirements placed on medical personnel are one of the main problems with Health care. There should be checks and balances between the medical profession and the pooled risk insurance corporations.
For example, obtaining pre-authorizations for medical treatment is still frequently done via fax machines. It seems incredible that such a dated approach, which can decide whether or not someone receives medical treatment, is still in use in the 21st century when almost everything is now shared digitally. As each health insurance has variable degrees of coverage for a wide range of procedures and treatments, doctors, physician assistants, and other medical office personnel spend upwards of 20 hours each week contacting and arranging with the many health insurers.
How Can Data Science Help Improve the Health Care System?
The high cost and fragmented nature of American healthcare may be addressed by technology in general and machine learning or AI in particular. Massive amounts of data are generated as a result of the health care system. Data scientists can use them to enhance patient outcomes, help people more likely to develop chronic diseases change their behaviors, advance precision medicine, and simplify the digital sharing of patient records while still adhering to HIPAA regulations.
Smart Rooms
IBM and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center started working together in 2005 to build a hospital "smart room" where connected devices would aid in streamlining the workflow of the front-line employees. The suggested features for the smart rooms range from voice-activated temperature settings alerting nurses when a patient leaves their bed and recognizing employees when they enter a patient's room. The series of tasks for a caregiver—based on their assigned role for patient care—will be analyzed and automatically prioritized concerning the specific patient's condition and treatment protocol, thanks to the use of machine learning and AI technologies.
Advanced algorithms can monitor caregiver workload management and notify patient care management when staffing levels need to be increased, when routine work is likely to be behind schedule, and when workloads should be automatically redistributed to available medical personnel. According to IBM's white paper, such implementations demonstrate a 60% improvement in nursing documentation. The majority, if not all, of data scientists' principal duties, include developing the prediction algorithms that serve as the brains of a fully functional smart room system. Although data scientists don't build front-end technological instruments, they create the algorithms needed to react to human contact, forecast and change human behavior, and provide recommendations.
AI and Robotic Surgery
One of the most complicated and dangerous specialities in medicine is surgery. Depending on the type of surgery, the patient may spend an hour or many hours on the operating table as the surgeon and their surgical teamwork to protect the patient's life before, during, and after the procedure. However, a surgeon's ability and physical capabilities can differ. Although it is extremely unsettling, if not terrifying, to consider that surgeons can make errors, they do. After all, they are people. Enter the world of artificial intelligence and robotics, which can keep an eye on a surgeon's movements, help with precision decision-making by giving the surgeon prompt feedback throughout the surgical process and for the patient following the surgery, and collaborate with the surgeon by performing particular surgical techniques.
Check out the IBM-accredited artificial intelligence course in Bangalore for detailed information.
This is a simple algorithmic implementation at first glance. The complexity of human physiology, however, necessitates collecting and analyzing vast information regarding the patient, the surgeon, and the robotic component of this intricate equation. This is where data scientists can create an intelligent algorithmic analytics system that continuously self-updates depending on the continuous environmental data stream, bridging the gap between human and robotic engagement. Data scientists can do much more than only develop AI that can teach itself to play chess by working with medical and robotics professionals; they can also contribute to saving lives.
Wearable Technology and Behavior Modification
Fitbits, Apple Watches, heart rate monitors, and other medical gadgets or fitness trackers that provide consumers with rapid feedback are already in popular usage, so this initially appears to be a simple algorithm. Millions of individuals use smartphones and accompanying apps to monitor their activity levels, sleeping habits, water consumption, macronutrients, blood glucose levels, and calorie expenditure. AI algorithms can be used to inform users about the predictive chance that a behavior will not only raise the risk of acquiring a chronic health condition but also increase their health care expenses. This is relevant to behavior modification and its relationship to healthcare costs. Insurers and healthcare providers can use this information to change health insurance premiums automatically and co-pay amounts or, more precisely, regulate a treatment regimen for an existing ailment. 
The user is swiftly informed of their choice's financial and health repercussions, but they are still free to continue the activity or stop it immediately.
Precision Medicine and Digital Health Records
Training an algorithm to recognize and correctly categorize a set of photos is one of the first topics covered in many machine learning courses. The direct connection to using AI for medical imaging, where the algorithm offers real-time analytics of the CT scan, X-ray, MRI, or another image type, makes this pertinence relevant. By providing a predicted diagnosis, determining whether additional tests are necessary, outlining which tests should be included, and recommending a course of treatment, this procedure can be taken many stages further. 
The patient's primary care doctor, a medical specialist, or any other healthcare practitioner to whom they have already granted access to their private health information may receive all of this information. In the end, healthcare professionals and patients must maintain their autonomy in decision-making and collaborate with AI rather than being subjected to an algorithm that, despite being programmed by people, lacks the full range of human emotions such as empathy and compassion. 
Data scientists are more than just computational quantifiers which are kept in the dark about the outcomes of their labor. They serve as a human bridge between the complicated world of human psychology and physiology and the computational world of computers. 
The collaborative support of data scientists who have developed experience inside the health care business can help decisions at all levels more rapidly, precisely, and with fewer layers of bureaucracy. One career path is to start as a data analyst or junior data scientist for a health insurer or other healthcare organization if you're interested in becoming a data scientist in the field but haven't yet had any exposure to it. Make sure to take data science courses in Bangalore if you are just starting your formal education as a data scientist in a healthcare organization. 
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