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chamblerstara · 10 months
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We will be everything that we'd ever need
@wlwgif‘s pride week - day 7 - free choice
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greedandenby · 1 year
This post is a shameless celebration of the GRINDING power that these two unhinged actors have unleashed upon us.
I mean, c'mon. Look at those tiny snatched waists and tum-tums thwump into each other and tell me it wasn't their sole purpose in life (and death). That's commitment.
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Also i cannot thank you awesome gifmakers enough for these gorgeous snippets to obsess over. Eternal love and gratitude.
(Thank you @nalyra-dreaming for putting that first one on my radar: i can never unsee it and my one braincell is now stuck on a neverending thirsty loop because of you 🖤).
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manesalex · 1 year
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Every Alex Manes Scene (204/?)
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
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The Wolf King (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/311658435-the-wolf-king?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=katherineblackmare&wp_originator=%2B4QS4kiShxmWhkeQRd2Fgo%2BQH9qzQQbq7GtziDvyKyrTR8Oz%2Bem%2B1vXpDr%2FkEPXt7z1ayOQTkWTJOvUhvIowh3X8kbHC%2Fqwq374AmsWO7yuMjoTj8Spbn5no1W2rIlaW 
Jack Hunter is an investigative journalist, so when Crowswood, a mysterious, eerie, small town that only he can enter, reports multiple unsolved murders, his curiosity gets the better of him.
When Jack arrives and hears about werewolves hunting people at night, he's more than a little skeptical, but something pulls him deeper and deeper into the forest where the dead bodies were found, and he discovers that it was more than intuition that brought him here, to the werewolves' home.
The Wolf King himself has an obsessive attachment to Jack, but Jack is a man of reason and intellect. He doesn't care if the gold-eyed, brooding werewolf says they're mates. Jack knows he doesn't belong in Crowswood, and he's not planning to stay.
Three new chapters every Friday. I realize the cover isn’t good but it’s not awful and it was the best I could do.
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flyguy · 1 year
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🛒 https://www.amazon.com/shop/flyguy (link in bio) Star Wars The Black Series ROTJ 40th Anniversary Wave is up for pre-order. Also on BBTS (if want to ensure cards are minty) and other good toy e-tailers. #paploo #palpatine #chewbacca #bibfortuna #stormtrooper #ROTJ #40thanniversary #starwarsblackseries #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/317088193_530542015754438_5032438736747601319_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=Tw-dUP-zxwcAX_d21eJ&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfBMtkbu0RisE7J0ao5y-0YRKAyAlFFlwd1QccrcU592UQ&oe=638C8D85
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designdailynet · 2 years
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Light Echo TW showroom, Beijing Visit #DesignDaily for more #architecture and #design DesignDaily.net #architect #interiordesign #designer #home #homedecor #landscape #house #decor #building — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/301118627_1333661677165597_5747616310921940842_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=2QMuUC_1UqAAX8BkNLo&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT8u9h5fSqNzIvng77spIPMjGxbKY7fo4TMHM9SLqbB8WQ&oe=630BAC33
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officialalexmanes · 2 years
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Your greatest fear has been actualized. Your father’s hatred is stronger than your capacity to love.
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queermil · 2 years
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my art for the amazing like a devil’s sick sin by @dankmalexmemes​ for @rnmbb​ 2021
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stydiaeverafter · 3 years
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↳ Day 4: Favorite Outfits
+ bonus—favorite lack of outfit:
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cosmiceverafter · 3 years
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Malex Valentine’s Day  ❤ 
‘favorite kisses’ 💋— @malex-cupid
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band & make the fireflies dance Silver moon's sparkling So, kiss me
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rnmtfln · 3 years
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chamblerstara · 10 months
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Trust me. Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay. Gay it’s gonna be.
@wlwgif‘s pride week - day 3 - tropes: All Vampires are Queer
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oassets · 3 years
Set of 84 Flat Skills and 21Rank icons
Each icon is 256x256 pixels size (PNG)
Transparent background
105 unique icons
Framed version included (210 icons in total)
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manesalex · 1 year
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Every Alex Manes Scene (201/?)
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finding the videos | telling lux
content warning: references to past and recent noncon.
Every crack of thunder, every rolling rumble of it that shakes the house, makes Emory’s heart pound hard. He sits lightly on the edge of the couch, ready to get up and check something else, to rush into his next half-formed idea of how to find Lux. His boyfriend doesn’t handle loud storms well. Lux always flinches at the sharp loud sounds, nearly trembles in anticipation of the next one. Emory can imagine all the ways that that fear came to be: maybe it reminds Lux of the smashing and dropping of things before a yell, and stomping, and a beating; maybe when he was kept in the mindfucker’s cellar and storms passed over, he curled up small and hurting and his nerves were so frayed that it sent terror coursing through him the whole time. Maybe Lux has been hurt during a thunderstorm, attacked and left to nearly bleed out on the hard ground outside, unable to hear if his attackers were coming back because of the pounding of the rain. There are so many horrible things that Lux could have suffered to cause all his smaller fears. There are so many horrible things that could be happening to him right now.
But even if Lux is safe somehow, hiding out with a friend Emory doesn’t know, he’s still scared. It’s a thunderstorm, there’s no way Lux isn’t hearing it, so he’s got to be jumpy. And when Lux is jumpy like that, he needs three things. One, something warm to drink, like tea or hot chocolate. Warms him up inside, gives his hands something to do, keeps his breaths slow and regular. Two, the couch or, even better, their bed. Soft, warm, safe. And three, Emory. The biggest help, Lux has shared, is when Emory is holding him, or when Lux can wrap around Emory, the familiarity of the contact soothing the part of his brain that insists he’s alone and small and about to be hurt.
Wherever Lux is, he’s not feeling safe. Not feeling loved. That’s what Lux missed, in the logic he used when writing that goodbye note to Emory, the one where he said warlocks should be alone. Everyone needs to feel loved. Lux may know how to survive on his own, may be able to go it alone and may believe it’s better not to risk burdening Emory, but what Lux always seems to forget is that bare survival isn’t enough. Comfort is important. Hugs, laughter, assurances, they’re important for survival. Lux is keeping himself alive, but he can’t possibly feel loved right now, so he’s not okay.
Lux is not okay. It’s all Emory can think. Lux learned that there is porn of himself, of times that he was raped, with thousands of views and easy enough to find that Emory stumbled across it by chance. He watched those videos of his own assaults, and in his distress, misread Emory’s emotional reaction, and then thought the best thing he could do would be to leave. Lux thinks he’s all alone. He thinks the world wants to see him suffer, and his loved ones are too burdened by him needing help, and there’s no point in staying safe if it means he’s hurting others by doing it.
Emory just wants his Curls back. Wants Lux safe. His calls to Lux’s phone go unanswered. He’s scared to reach out to Lux’s friends for so many reasons - is it Emory’s place to tell them about those videos? Is he being controlling, like the boyfriend that beat and conditioned Lux, by obsessing over where he went, and wouldn’t it be controlling to go to all of Lux’s friends and control the narrative of his leaving? Lux is allowed to leave, allowed to break up with Emory, allowed to do whatever he wants. He’s an adult, he doesn’t belong to anyone. But he’s hurting, and he thinks he’s alone, and - oh, it’s so complicated.
Another crack of thunder. The wind and rain pelt against the walls of the house relentlessly as if trying to reach Emory, to sting his skin and knock him around, to pay him back for his failure to do something. If he loves Lux so much, he should be out there looking. He should do whatever it takes to bring his boyfriend, his best friend, home.
Why, why is he flinching? It’s stupid, it’s weak, it’s gonna get him killed. It’s so stupid to show weakness around hardened, bitter warlocks.
The sky explodes into furious cacophony for a split-second once again over the safe house, and Lux flinches again.
“Aw, look at the little guy,” Some jackass warlock comments from across the room, and Lux hides his head in his arms with a shaky sigh. The others are playing poker on the floor, bottles of liquor and gauze and a crumpled twenty dollar bill lying in the center as the pot to be won. “He’s shaking.”
There’s laughter, and the crinkling of a beer can. Lux listens even as he jolts again at the next crack of thunder. He needs to hear if they decide to get up and come over to grab and laugh and take out their frustration on the nearest easy target.
“Shut up, Sean,” A witch gripes, and Lux relaxes a fraction, staring at his torn and stained jeans an inch away from his face. Witches can be harsh and sharp with their humor, and they’re always tougher than warlocks, but they’re also quick to call out pointlessly cruel behavior. There are two witches here currently, and they’re a big part of why Lux is able to curl up right now to try to calm down, rather than having to keep on edge and watch all possible threats.
“What?” Sean asks, tossing something into the pot. Sounds like another wad of gauze. He must’ve robbed a store of its first aid supplies or something. “He’s shaking like a leaf over there. Probably gonna start crying any minute. You wanna go tuck him in and kiss him all better? Guy needs to toughen up.”
Sean isn’t wrong. Lux needs to get over himself, sit up, maybe join in the game. He can’t be showing this kind of weakness around other magic users, especially when he’s all alone and has no one to watch his back. Emotion clogs up his throat at the thought of how much easier it would be to slink home and curl up on Em’s couch, safe from cruel jokes and judging eyes.
He doesn’t even think he can sit up, though. Not with the pain he’s in. He can’t act casual, can’t walk out. At most, all he can really do is keep from crying.
“Yeah?” The witch counters, clearly looking between Lux and Sean, considering whether it’s worth shutting down the mockery, or if she wants to join in. Somehow, she finds a way to do both. “He’s in pretty good shape for someone who just got fucked by a gang. You know something about that, don’t you, Sean? How’s that limp coming along?”
A chorus of jeers and ooh’s ring out as the group goes wild at her comeback, and Lux cringes. That was… that was a low blow. Honestly, Lux would rather be laughed at from across the room than hear someone else get mocked for being hurt like that. Sean doesn’t respond, just audibly storms out of the room. Lux can hear the slightly syncopated rhythm of his footsteps, and the laughter that comes as the group watches him limp angrily away.
Sean probably can’t process anything but disgust and hatred right now, but Lux is sure that half of the magic users in this house have been through the same thing. Every one of them hates themselves for it, and will instantly turn around to make fun of someone else for having suffered it.
It’s part of why warlocks should be alone, he thinks. Not safe with non-warlocks, not safe with each other. Lux will be hurt like that again. So will Sean. So will that witch. No amount of dry, cruel humor will change that.
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flyguy · 2 years
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Star Wars Retro Collection Special Bounty Hunters 2-Pack Dengar & IG-88 is up for pre-order with my favourite sticker 😞. > https://amzn.to/3tjx2Px Press release and 14 images: https://bit.ly/dengiggy Expect more two packs (and of course exclusives) in the future as the line seems to have wobbled a bit. #starwars #starwarsretro #dengar #ig88 #vintage #375inch #kenner #palitoy #1977 #hasbro #vintagestarwars #collectall12 #collectall21 #collectibles #toystagram #toys #toycrew #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/274591898_492880812252296_6253987819213017980_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=b2k8Y90QRZ8AX-jnQq-&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_Y2BnotMEsGhGYUGa4kjh7m49jzlMA02ZPSTGMMsl-tw&oe=62199341
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