sbnkalny · 1 year
Happy halloween, kalny. i'm here, broke, but with the "CatDogula Halloween Special", Lola's fandom was sealed and she became the darling of BILLIONS of catdog fans throughout Cyberspace And beyond!14 catdog eps and a movie cameo later, everyone forgot the nose crystal.
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shinysamurott9 · 3 months
Since I've been thinking about the series again after replaying some of the games, I wanna share some Megaman Headcanons I have bouncing around. In no particular order:
-X isn't very fond of his armors due to how they serve to upgrade him into a more effective weapon of war, but one of the only ones he actually has a fondness for is the Falcon Armor because he enjoys simply flying with it.
-Zero has the idea to have himself sealed away after the events of X6 but doesn't actually act on it specifically because initially there's reconstructing the world to take care of, but after that he wants to make sure he leaves the world in good hands, or more specifically he wants to make sure X and later Axl will be able to handle things on their own.
-All of Prairie's plushes in her room are custom made by her, including the boss plushes you get for Lvl 4 Victories. This is a hobby she picked up after Zero 4 because she wanted something to give to Ciel whenever she was feeling down. And she later improved her craft and just kept doing it fir herself.
-Ashe regularly holds onto treasures she finds on her adventures if they can't fetch a high price or they come to have some kind of sentimental value. Sone of her notable treasures include: A double gear refresher pickup, a weapon container from X8, a Magnet Beam projector, Magma Dragoon's beads and a Rare Metal from X8. Most of these she doesn't really know what they are so she just calls them whatever she comes up with.
-Ciel is still alive by ZX Advent as she has the same mechanicsl upgrades as the Sage Trinity, she's just still in hiding. Specifically she's hiding in Cyberspace with the help of the Mother Elf, hence why no one has been able to find her.
-Part of Prometheus and Pandora's early life was being used as test subjects for early Model Ws as Albert knew it would be mentally taxing for them and if they died in the process it would still be early enough in their lives that he could just make new ones.
-Prometheus and Pandora, if given the opportunity, would have the ability to use Model A. In canon, only a descendent of Albert can have enough of his DNA to actually use it, Grey being an exception as he was created with the DBA requirement already met to properly fulfill his purpose. However because they were direct creations of Albert, created so early in his plan, he made them as if they were actually his children. So they actually have the DNA prerequisite. It would be cool and I feel like there's enough wiggle room and ambiguity to justify that working.
-Like the Archie continuity, Axl survived until the Elf Wars but died either during or shortly before the final battle with Omega.
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ponett · 6 months
You see Ian Flynn denying The End was in Sonic Superstars? It’s giving that ‘No Fun Allowed’ reaction image
personally i don't believe him when he says that's not The End, but you have to put yourself in his shoes. in the last week ian has presumably received approximately ten zillion messages across every channel people can contact him through expecting him to give an airtight canonical explanation of why The End seemingly has a cameo in the background of superstars, even though it's supposed to be sealed away in cyberspace at the time
anyway the actual explanation is obvious. the hundred moons of mobius are back, baby!!!!!!!
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Azure Soul ( Cyber Elf X redesign)
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Slumbering Mode
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So ummmm hewwo welcomes] back to my self indulgent madness about how sealing a fucking Cyber god actually fucks up way more than it supposed to-
So basically playing more of the abstract aspect of X’s soul/mind being shattered after sealing the mother elf, splitting his mind into four fragments and a remnant.
The “Remnant” is basically what’s left of the Original X, But the memories were scattered when it was “Born”. It takes a more abstract form similar to the mother elf.
When he first manifested struggled to remember to the point that he forgot his Original name. Ended up lost in cyberspace never finding his way/recovered unlike the guardians who were discovered and given new bodies.
The Original’s memories took time to recover, while he was wandering around “Searching” for something that he cannot fully recall. But tries his best to understand and help others from a distance.
Azure is essentially the remains of the Original X, he holds what’s left of his soul and mind.
In terms of personally it’s basically Cyber elf X but is regretful but also weirdly child like.
So yah… I have lots more thoughts of this fancy ass bakugan thing, if y’all are slightly interested-
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vikenticomeshome · 2 days
Cyberchase - Zorgon the Evil Wizard
Let's talk about the Zorgon The Evil Wizard. This was a Cyberchase villain who was only featured in the singular chapter book, "The Search for the Power Orb". We've seen wizards and witches in Cyberchase before, such as Stumblesnore, Melvin (brother of Merlin), and Wicked.
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So, we know what to expect, right?
Before we get to see Zorgon, we already know that this is going to be very bad. He lives on a Cybersite called Mount Doom, so he's a clear reference to Sauron from Lord of the Rings. Digit is terrified of him and horrified at the idea of going to Mount Doom. Zorgon is presented as the second most feared being in all of Cyberspace, just behind The Hacker. This was a comparison to The Hacker from 2003 as well, before his villain decay.
We get to hear about some of his exploits. I'll block the picture for now, since I have a higher-resolution one coming up.
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Once, he turned all the inhabitants of Solaria into pigs. Then, he held hostage all of the water from Shangri-la in a small test tube until he was paid off in cybergold.
The Solaria one is pretty cruel since pigs can get sunburned. The Shangri-la one is something truly special though. The implication here is that he went up against Master Pi and his soldiers and won. I know that The Hacker took over the site once, but it seems like Master Pi allowed it to happen because he wanted to give Buzz and Delete the golden drop test (Keep the jar sealed for peace, or take out the golden drop for infinitely doubling wealth). The idea of Master Pi paying someone off is unthinkable.
Anyway, what does he look like?
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Where do we even start? I've never seen a wizard with a double-pointed hat. That has to be an attempt to imply demonic horns. He's also just so tall. I'm going to assume that Digit is about 2-3 feet tall. Let me try something.
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Ah, so, if we count the hat (and we should, since I think he may actually have horns under there), Zorgon is between 8 and 12 feet tall. There is a point later on where he shrinks them down to the size of mice, but it takes place after this picture. How is this guy second to Hacker in any contest?
But what does Zorgon do when he discovers the kids have slipped into his house?
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He proceeds to trap them with a spell and then test out a new potion he just made up on them. It shrinks them down to the size of mice. He does not take them seriously as a threat in the slightest. This is one of the few times that the kids have been affected by magic/potions from Cyberspace as well. Recall that they were unaffected by Wicked's "Spell of the Mean Green", and they were immune to magnetite poisoning.
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And then he sends his Cybercat Zird to eat the children.
Thankfully, Zorgon has not been keeping his equipment maintained. They find a potion that turns anything it touches to stone, and they use it to turn Zird to stone, so we know that Zorgon can do that.
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The kids desperately search for a leaking barrel containing a potion that will let them grow big again.
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We have a potion that causes anything, metal included, to burst into flames and disappear. We have a potion that causes any object to sprout brown hair all of the place. I don't want to know what he intended to use those for.
The kids find a potion to get big again. However..
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I couldn't find these words anywhere, so I suspect they are gibberish. Given an earlier line about how no one who has entered Zorgon's cave has ever returned, I assume he was going to kill the kids here.
The kids defeat Zorgon when Izzy dumps a random potion on him. It could have been a death potion for all he knew.
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Yeah, Zorgon had a brainwashing potion so powerful that it worked against him. How was this guy second to The Hacker again?
As far as I know, Zorgon has never appeared beyond this point. Presumably he's still out there, brainwashed into being nice. I guess he's not really a villain anymore, but what does he do?
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citrus-cactus · 5 months
The concept of soulmates in Gargoyles is so interesting.
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On the one hand, you have Demona and Macbeth, whose repeated meetings while dealing with the Hunter and eventual fate-sealing pact was something that they (for the most part) were manipulated into by outside, otherworldly, and unknowable forces (including one closed-loop time travel paradox… the idea that they, specifically, were necessary for the Archmage’s plans was one that cannot be attributed to any individual, including the Archmage himself). They are fated to be together, are quite literally bound together by fate: sharing each other’s pain, effectively immortal, because the only way for them to die is for one of them to kill the other. And thus they have been carrying on throughout the centuries, hating each other, thorns in each other’s sides, and yet one of the only constants the other has after 900+ years of living. One of them seeks to end their arrangement while the other is driven to survive at all costs—and thus they are destined to go on existing while remaining pawns in someone else’s game. They are neither able to escape the fate that they (by their personalities) or others (by their machinations) made for them, nor can they ever truly escape each other… no matter how much they (either secretly or openly) might want to.
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And then you have the Coldtrio. Three sides of a relationship triangle comprised of two lovers and a schemer, who were (perhaps) close enough in proximity at the time of their death that their remnants lay mingled for a thousand years, and became the piles of rubble Demona and Xanatos scavenged in order to make their gargoyle version of Frankenstein. Their three souls were corralled into a single magic-and-science animated corpse made from their shattered body parts, three minds vying for control of the body they were forced to share, doomed to exist in a sort of cyberspace limbo and continue the relationships they had in life. Desdemona/Coldfire even used the word “soulmate” to describe what the three of them were to each other… even though one of her “mates” was her love and the other was someone who coveted her from afar and would do anything to “have” her, even against her wishes. Even after they became three separate entities again, both she and Othello/Coldstone felt they had an obligation to track down Iago/Coldsteel and attempt to put an end to his endless scheming.
It’s just fascinating that both of these examples touch on the concept of a soulmate, but then the show takes the extra step of mixing in these less-than-noble but very real emotions of petty jealousy, suspicion, and hate, adds a healthy dose of immortality and dramatic irony to the proceedings, and then spends a significant amount of time telling stories meant to explore the consequences of all that.
Having a “soulmate” in the Gargoyles universe, it would seem, is not something to wish for. At once tragic and horrific, the polar opposite of an ideal, akin to snakes eating each other’s tails. To have a soulmate is to lose a significant part of your autonomy, becoming a participant in an endless cycle of violence in which you are either the pursuer or pursued, tormentor or tormented, one ingredient in a cocktail of clashing personalities shaken together, poured into a glass, and then purposefully dropped on the floor to become shards in someone else’s feet. The part of you that yearns for release will be powerless to enact it because the other parts of you will always have a say, and the sum total of yourself becomes something that is both unwilling and unable to ever truly stop. And then it all comes to a head in "High Noon," when the Weird Sisters—manifestations of fate, vengeance, and grace— very blatantly involve themselves in both.
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I just think that’s neat, is all.
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indigo-ghost-girl · 1 year
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Partial spoilers for Sonic Frontiers
Part 1
Part 3
During Sonic’s final battle with the end, just as super sonic boosts at it at top speed, it suddenly realizes that: This mortal, who has fought gods and won, who successfully took down three of the four titans that sealed it away, who fought to the bitter end it save his friends only to come back and stand against it as his ancient ancestors had: was zooming right towards it, faster than any creature or machine that had ever dared to face it. Radiating an intense golden power, dim in comparison to its own, yet undeniably powerful. That same power the ancient race had used to run away from it, so far and so fast it took a hundred years to catch up with them. The same power that had kept it trapped for eons inside cyberspace.
It never thought it could come to understand the pitiful emotions of mere mortals. The screams of terror and pain that spewed from their mouths like squeaking ants. Yet in that moment, a calculated pang of something it could only classify as fear shot through it.
Perhaps it was the end. The end of the end. It could almost laugh at the irony… That tiny little mortal had been far stronger than it had first believed him to be.
The golden mortal before it was strong, stronger than it could have ever fathomed, even after it had seen his triumph over cyberspace. Escaping it even after fully succumbing to it. He had defeated Gods… from his world. He was a young mortal, fifteen years in age. In time, his strength would inevitably multiply…
He would be exemplary.
Come closer little mortal, perhaps you can continue to serve my will further.
Sonic clenched his fists tighter as he soared through space like a shooting star. Everything he loved and cared for was riding on this one shot at survival.  
His friends had sacrificed their freedom just to free him, he wouldn’t fail them again. He couldn’t. Amy still had to see the world! Knuckles still had his own life to live! Get off that old floating rock. Tails was continuing to grow into his own person! His own kind of hero!
They had all trusted him with all their hearts and minds.
And planet below him, full of people who might not even know what was happening in the sky above them. Half of them probably asleep! Each one of them, had the potential to grow and change for the better. And sage, that little ai girl that had grown into her own caring person despite the circumstances of her creation. She still had to go back to her father, maybe her influence on him could do some good in the long run. For everyone.
Sonic refused to back down now. Refused to let himself fear that giant purple moon he was pelting towards. The vast rocky purple landscape came rushing up the greet him. Craters made by the ancients attempts to drive it away countless of years ago, forever scarred into its surface.
He gritted his teeth and ploughed into its surface, straight into the heart of one of the craters. His fists tore way at the rock, drilling through the power infused rock. He planned to drive it clean through like he had the first titan.
He was well into it when he heard it speak. “Your arrogance has been your downfall.”
Suddenly, a great power forced itself onto him. It suffocated the chaos energy sparking around his body. It struggled for a moment against the energy of the emeralds. The hedgehog flickered a blue for a moment before blazing a golden yellow again. “Nice try,” he mocked. Sonic shook his head and pushed forward into the planet. The further he got, the worse it became. Super Sonics speed faltered and slowed. The closer he got to the centre of it, the stronger the force became.
“Sonic!” called the panicked voice of Sage after him. The hyper intelligent ai could tell something was off. That didn’t make Sonic too confident.
A wave of unfathomable pressure burst down on him again. His Golden quills snapped blue, then gold, then blue. Sonic let out a burst of chaos energy, fighting back its domain once more.
“You wanna try that again?” Sonic shouted, punching the stone of its form faster and harder.
“You tricked me into freeing you!” he yelled, “You put all of my friends in danger!” He curled into a ball and dug into the purple rock, faster than ever before. “You destroyed so many lives! So many people that could have lived long and happy. I won’t let you hurt anymore!”
Finally, Sonic could tell its power was wavering. It seemed to be giving up.
With a newfound vigor, Sonic tore through its form, passing through its core and bursting through to the other side. The sight of the starry sky let a flow of relief and triumph surge through Sonic. A short sigh heaved from him as he turned to see if he had finished it off, a ghost of a smirk on his face.
A deadly silence followed. No explosions, no cracks. No retorts or high and mighty speeches.
Instead, the purple faded and it dissolved, fizzling into purple and red dust. Sonic huffed in a sigh. Had he done it?
A voice called to him. “Sonic!” Sage shrieked, “Get away!”
The purple dust suddenly warped and span. A spherical hurricane of space debree and power.
Sonic turned to put some space between him and it. The space dust jumped on him. He brought up a hand to shield his face. Super Sonic glared about the hurricane. The red lightning zapped among the clouds of sparkling mist. He boldly dashed at the wall of the hurricane. A loud screeching filled his ears as his body hit the wall. It was a grating sound like that of nails on chalkboard. He was flung back into the center against the winds of the swirling void.
“You may have destroyed my form, mortal. however,” came the deep rumbling voice from all around him, “I have found fresh form to take.”
“Oh yeah? And what form is that?” Super Sonic questioned loudly into the cloud, eyes flickering around in panic.
Sage zoomed up to the cloud in panic, just milliseconds after the cloud had engulfed the super hedgehog.
“NO!” she had shouted. Razing the balled fist of the titan, she stuck the wall of dust. A great grinding made the ai pull back the titans hand. She looked over to see the ground remained of the titans two fingers and thumb, a stub.
The ai, not knowing what else to do, ran as many simulations, she could as fast as possible. The first one she ran gave her a terrible red and purple image. It made her fear for the life of her father. Those two together would be far too strong to stand against with the limited resources the planet had.
She ran more and more simulations, taking even the smallest odds into consideration. No, her father’s technology would stand no chance. The ancient’s technology couldn’t be used much either. Even throwing the arch at it would do nothing. She was starting to panic now.
No matter how many she ran the odds seemed hopeless. How much time did she have to figure something out? How long could he reject it? Sonic was so unpredictable it was difficult to hypothesise about. He was always so impulsive.
In an uncalculated moment of impulse, Sage pulled out the titans gun. She recklessly poured her energy into the blast, the bright blue light shining brighter and brighter in the barrel. With a point of her finger the blast shot from the gun. It hit the ball of energy with a zap.
The energy of the gun hummed and fizzed through the air as Sage struggled to maintain the intensity of the beam. The dust zapped and whirred but otherwise wasn’t fazed by the blast.
Sage eventually felt herself began to run dangerously low on energy. She had to stop before something critical happened to her system.
She frowned to herself as the beam fizzled out.
Sage resorted to the last thing she could think of. As much as it hurt her to go against her fathers orders, she had to start simulating sanarios with Sonic and his friends or he would be doomed.
In milliseconds she took to examining what of Sonics memories had made it into cyberspace.
Millions of new options opened to her. Unfortunately, many of them included the chaos emeralds, something she didn’t have access to as the moment. Finally, after several aching seconds of simulations she found a few that just might work. The chances were low and there was no guarantee the everyone would survive but the world would live.
She moved to fly below the now shrinking cloud. If the odds where in her favour at first, she could increase the odds immensely.
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1160: Arrival of Team Dark (And Knuckles) Pt. 2 (Sonic X SSBU)
Meanwhile at The Sidewalks of New Donk City......
Shadow: (Sighs While Walking and Scrolling Through the Christmas Parade Pictures with Omega) I swear. The one time I missed out on a parade this year and it's my float that gets featured.
Omega: It is well-crafted parade float in retrospect.
Shadow: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) It is. Amd it doesn't look like it was tampered with thankfully.
Omega: (Turns to Shadow) If another version of your parade float is given another opportunity to be shown in the public, would you allow me to be it's personal bodyguard?
Shadow: I doubt the general would be generous enough to give my float another go anytime soon, but if I'm wrong, then I say go for it. Just try not to go overboard, especially if you know who somehow gets involve.
Omega: Fear not. I will try to restrain myself from eliminating Eggman for Sage's sake. (Squints his Eyes a Bit) Keyword being "Try".
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly) Look at you having a soft side.
Omega: (Angrily Points at Shadow) Do NOT twist my words and motives, Shadow the Hedgehog! I am only doing this to refrain Sage from ever being emotionally distress.
Shadow: (Smirks a Bit) Cause you care about her?
Omega: (Stares at Shadow For a Few Seconds Before Sighing in Defeat).....To some extent. (Glares at Shadow) Mark my words, if any word on this comes out in any form of transportation, I WILL eliminate you.
Shadow: (Snickers a Bit) We both know Rouge would never let you go through with that in the long run. But I'll pretend this conversation never even happened. (Place his Hand on his Chest) You have my word.
Omega: (Pulls Out his Pinky) Seal of Kept Promises?
Shadow: It's called a Pinky Promise, Omega. And sure. (Wrap Around his Pinky Around Omega's For a Brief Second Before Letting Go) So speaking of Sage, do you have any ideas on what we should get her for Christmas this year? I was thinking about getting some books, but I don't think I have the slightest clue on what she reads to begin with.
Omega: Futuba-Chan has informed me of these VR headsets everyone of all ages playthrough in their daily schedules. Maybe we could give her that instead.
Shadow: (Starts Nodding to the Idea) Yeah, I think that might be something she'll enjoy too. Let's just hope they aren't too expensive to buy.
Omega: From what I've heard, the prices range from $60-$200 depending on which brand you want to purchase.
Shadow: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Is that so? Then how about we try and get the one with the lower price? It'll save us more money and we have a plenty of other people to get gifts for in the meantime.
Omega: Does the select few involves Eggman as well?
Shadow: ('Sigh') Unfortunately. Believe me, I'm not a fan of doing this as much as you are right now, but given that Sage sees us as part of her family as well, it's only fair that we give him something for the occasion.
Omega: I say we order a box filled with stone cold coal and have it delivered directly towards his doorstep. It's what the fatman in a messy mustache truly deserves.
Shadow: (Turns to Omega witha Raised Eyebrow) People sell COAL on the internet?
Omega: The world of the cyberspace is truly an unusual specimen to behold.
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes) Unusual is putting it lightly........
Omega: (Suddenly Stops Walking Before Tapping Shadow on the Shoulder) Shadow. (Points Shadow to What is Above the Two of Them) It appears we have reach our potential stopping stopping point.
Shadow: (Looks Up at the Large Sign that Reads "New Donk Glorious Hotel & Suite" Before Looking Down at the Plave in Front of Him) Hm. We finally found ourselves a hotel around here. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking and Making his Way to the Door) But is this the same one everyone else has been staying at?
Shadow was about to open the entrance door for himself until......
Younger Smash Crew: (Suddenly Rushes Out of the Door) SHADOW!~ (....And Hug Tackles the Ultimate Lifeform into the Ground)
Omega: (Looks Down at Shadow) Does that answer your question?
Shadow: (Groans a Bit in Pain) One way or other....(Glares at the Giggling Huggers) Who's idea was it to hug tackle me?
Hat Kid: (Happily Pops Herself Up Close to Shadow) Guilty!~
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly the Moment He Sees his Little Sister's Face) The Little Gremlin herself. Should've known.
Hat Kid: (Gives Shadow a Big Kiss on the Cheek Before Hugging Him)
Sonic: (Looks Down at Shadow with a Welcoming Smirk on his Face While Putting his Hand Out For Him) Took you long enough to get here, Faker.
Shadow: You thank G.U.N. for that. (Grabs onto Sonic's Hand as It Help Him Get Back Up On his Feet While Carrying Hat Kid with One Arm) It's a miracle we were able to finish those paperworks in time.
Sonic: Again with that? Don't you guys have accountants to do that sort of stuff or something?
Shadow: We used to, but the last accountant we had quit a while ago, so position has been open ever since. (Forms a Bit of a PlayfulSmirk on his Face) 'Less you want to take the job yourself.
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) And waste my time and energy cooped up in the office all day? No thanks.
The sound of soft grunts catches Omega's hearing sensors behind him as he turns around to see Futuba Sakura stretching both her arms out in her tippy toes before her eyes starts to widen as she quickly hides one behind her back, awkwardly giggling and waving hello to her robot friend.
Lavenza: (Smiles Sheepishly at Omega) Please do not mind our simple minded Oracle there, Omega-kun.
Morgana: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) She thought it would be a swell idea to try and play the "Guess Who" game with a bulky robot.
Futuba: (Comically Glares at the Young Couple Behind Her) Well, excuse me for being a tad bit playful here, you little twerps!
Yusuke: (Grabs his Chin) You do know there are other ways to properly greet him, yes?
Futuba: Oh don't join in on this crap too, Inari! Get off my back already!! (Suddenly Hears a Mechanical Like Sound) Hm? (Turns to See Omega Bending his Knees Down) Whatcha doing there, big guy?
Omega: i am lowering my stance in order to give you the opportunity of covering my visual functions.
Futuba: (Stares at Omega For a Brief Second Before Giggling Softly and Hugging Him) You big goof!~ You don't have to do that for me. I really appreciate the thought though~
Lavenza: Is Ms. Rouge here as well?
Omega: She is currently shopping at a well known mall center, dragging Knuckles along with her.
Sonic: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) No way. You guys actually got Knucklehead to leave Angel Island for once?
Shadow: No, he actually asked to come along with us. Says he wanted to get out and explore the world more without any worries at the moment.
Sonic: Exactly what he told me a year ago back the desert. (Forms a Genuine Grin on his Face) Good for him.
Shadow: Yeah. Omega and I are planning on doing the same tomorrow after we get everything settled here.
Omega: In the meantime,, we are also planning on ordering a present box filled with solid sets of coal and have delivered to Eggman for Christmas this year.
Morgana: Wait, people are selling literal COAL on the internet nowadays!?
Shadow: (Shrugs) I'm just as surprised about it as you are.
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) Shoot, if that's the case, you mind adding my name on the Receivers List too?
Futuba: (Happily Raising her Hand Up) Ooh! Add me there too! That way I won't have to feel bad about not getting him anything!~
Yusuke: I would also like to be included in this exchange.
Hat kid: Me too!~
The Gang: (Raises Their Habds As Well) Us three!~
Lavenza: (Raise her Hand Up as Well) Me forth!~
Morgana: (Turns to His Girlfriend Next to Him) You too, Lavenza?
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly at her Boyfriend) I don't see why not. It'd be quite funny even.
Morgana: Pretty sure he would try and destroy everything if he sees a box of coal laying around on his doorstep.
Futuba: I wouldn't worry too much about that. Sage could easily make him not go through with it if we convince her beforehand.
Lavenza: Being Daddy's Little Girl does have it's benefits after all, especially in a younger age.
Omega: If that doesn't work, I could always annihilate him.
Shadow: Omega.
Omega: (Quickly Turns to Shadow) ONLY if the first option proves unsuccessful in the end!......Hopefully.
Shadow: What was thar?
Omega: Nothing.
Morgana: ('Sigh') Well, if you two are certain, then count me in too I guess.
Shadow: Then it's settled. Here's hoping this doesn't cost too much.
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pandhora · 6 months
Premise of Sonic Mars was recycled for Sonic Frontiers.
I discovered that the game's story: Sonic Mars had its premise idea recycled by someone at Sega.
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(Photo Official of The Sonic Fronteirs)
• Sonic Mars = Sonic Frontiers: Sonic has to save his friends from being trapped in a virtual world.
Sonic Frontiers Story: Following the trails of the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic, Tails and Amy fly in the Tornado towards the Starfall Islands, an archipelago of islands forgotten by everyone. As they approach the islands, a wormhole suddenly appears in the sky, sucking Sonic in and separating him from his friends. Upon waking up, Sonic finds himself trapped in Cyber Space, a digital space that resembles places from his memories. He escapes and finds himself on Kronos Island, one of the Starfall Islands. Guided by a mysterious voice, Sonic must now gather the Chaos Emeralds.
When Sonic tries to save his friends, he gains Cyber Corruption. This corruption causes him great pain, but also gives him new powers that he uses to defeat the gigantic Titans that protect the emeralds. Sonic encounters a holographic girl named Sage who wants him to leave the islands. She was created by Dr. Eggman, who is also trapped in Cyberspace after tampering with the Ancients' technology. On Ares Island, Sonic encounters his friendly rival Knuckles, who was teleported here from Angel Island. The mysterious voice that guided Sonic through the islands is released from cyberspace on Rhea Island. This monster is a planet killer that the Ancients tried to stop long ago by sealing it away. Eggman reluctantly teams up with Sonic to stop him and save the world.
What was Sonic Mars?
(Image edited by me imagining what Sonic Mars would be like)
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(Real photo from the Official Sonic Mars game)
The game's proposal was prepared on May 17, 1994 by then-lead designer Michael Kosaka with assistance from Chris Senn and Don Goddard. Opting to frame the game in the Saturday morning show that was still on the air at the time, the hope was to make the first fully 3D game about Sonic and his world. Presented to the management of Sega of America, they gave the green light for the Sega Technical Institute to move forward with the project. When shown what the American side of STI was coming up with for the next chapter of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, Yuji Naka, one of the character's creators, could only shake his head and say "good luck", not being very impressed with what was shown and knowing firsthand the difficulties involved in making a Sonic game.
Shortly after the proposal was accepted, Michael Kosaka left Sega due to problems between him and Dean Lester, the producer of Comix Zone. Without a lead designer, Chris Senn was thrust into the role, with Don Goddard reworking the Sonic Mars script. Eventually, the Saturday Morning premise was abandoned due to disinterest, and the game was completely reworked once it changed systems, becoming the more familiar Sonic X-treme.
The game was to be a tie-in to the TV series Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM), but the idea was scrapped as the TV show was never released in Japan. The game had several playable characters that would have Sonic as the default for Player 1 , while Player 2 would choose from five other characters, such as Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Tails, Knuckles, and Tiara. There would be several endings where Sonic would have to choose between Sally and Tiara. Some special stages were designed as minigames, like the one where Sonic plays air hockey with Robotnik.
In this game, Sonic would save his friends from a virtual world of Dr. Robotnik.
Summary by Michael Kosaka (1994):
While Sonic checks a security alarm in a remote corner of the Great Forest, his friends Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Tails, Tiara and Knuckles discovers a strange message from one of Dr. O.mad scientist is trying to take control of Micro Mobius, a virtual world, and the message is a cry for help from your peaceful inhabitants. The hedgehog returns to Knothole and discovers that Eggman captured his friends and took them to the virtual world. Sonic sets out to save his friends and stop Eggman from reformatting Micro Mobius.
(The information where I found that the premise of Sonic Mars was reused in Sonic Frontiers was through the "Tv Tropes" website where you have all the curiosities about the franchise: Sonic The Hedgehog.)
(If you saw that Sonic Frontiers has references to Sonic SatAm, it's because the premise was reused and also because Ian Flynn wrote both Sonic Archie and IDW.😊)
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prowerprojects · 7 months
Like the Pilot had similar insecurities and now have became manifested by the corruption due to Tails having said feelings too, and [both] is now confronting them in a way? (I hope I worded that properly)
Yep, this is what I was going for! (You got it, but I'll elaborate a little bit)
I think Tails and Knight's pilot (I'm just gonna keep referring to the pilots by their Titans' names, hope it's not confusing) in general are supposed to parallel each other, as with the rest of the core four and their respective pilots (Amy — Giganto, Knuckles — Wyvern, Sonic — Supreme).
Especially I think there's an intentional similarity between the scenes where after Supreme makes their sacrifice Knight encourages the other pilots to seal the titan Supreme in cyberspace, and the scene where after Sonic gets fully corrupted trying to save his friends (his own sacrifice), Tails encourages his friends to help him fight the corruption. Those just have similar vibes, even if the latter will probably be rendered non-canon after the dlc comes out.
All that just to say that I think there might be more of a connection than just having similar feelings, though that's also there.
Going back to Tails and the shadowy figure. Tails says that he was "confronted by another version of himself" which I think Knight could be counted as, technically, since they're supposed to be parallels. Might be a stretch. Though we don't know if it was a fox. Maybe it just felt like him because there's some sort of connection between them. But they didn't necessarily visually see each other. He also said that this version said that he was just a follower and couldn't think for himself.
I think Knight might be projecting their own feelings. They went along with Supreme's plan to seal the End in their Titan, which lead to Supreme's death. If they'd just shown some initiative, maybe they could have come up with a different plan that wouldn't have ended in Supreme's death. They feel that Tails is similar in this way and berate him for it. (Whether they realize that they're talking to another person or just think it's a different version of them and are just self-deprecating is something I don't know)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: Sonic Frontiers
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(thanks @knightsweeties for the super sonic penguin)
So I recently finished Sonic Frontiers and I want to give it a thorough review of the latest installment.
For this review I will be judging on a number of categories (on a scale of 1-10)
The Controls and Mechanics
The Story and Writing
The Open World
The Closed Levels
The Side quests
The Combat and Boss fights
The Music
After I rate all of these I will give my overall rating of the game.
Spoilers below. Let’s blast through with Sonic speed!
The Controls and Mechanics
So Sonic games have been a very mix bag with how Sonic controls and feels. In this game, I would say that it has the best controls of any sonic game since Generations.
Sonic is manageable and has the capability of moving fast. His drop spindash is great to use in the open world, his homing attack is classic, the ring dash and Rail grinding are decent. And the ability to boost is welcome and good for bringing back momentum.
Though I will say sonic does feel a bit slow when not boosting, and in the open world his speed is lacking until it’s maxed out or he has max rings.
But Sonic feels very much sonic and something that felt like such a drag in previous games is now vastly improved.
Sonic has a lot of movement options and the abilities they give him Add for some good travel.
Solid 8/10
The Story
So this is where a lot of people find contention with the game.
The overview is that the chaos emeralds get drawn to these mysterious islands. Sonic and Co. go to see what’s going on and find themselves discovering an ancient civilization and unlocking secrets about the chaos emeralds and about the world around them.
There is an AI called Sage that seems to be antagonizing Sonic and working for Eggman. By sending these robotic behemoths called “Titans” after them.
Sonic finds that he can travel in and out of the island’s cyberspace, and has to save his friends who are in cyber space limbo by beating the titans.
With each island you learn about the ancients through the Koco (Little Rock not koroks) that show memories of the ancients.
(Huge spoilers)
Turns out that the ancient civilization that was on the Island created the cyberspace, brought the chaos emeralds to earth and made the titans to fight against an ancient evil that had been targeting them. In desperation they sealed that evil in cyber space. The evil managed to trick Sonic into destroying the titans to free it and dooming the world and all of existence.
But thanks to Sonic’s friends saving him from Cyber Corruption. And Sage helping him get the chaos emeralds they go and fight the evil villain in Space.
“The End”
Which is according to itself the embodiment of the Void.
Super Sonic and Sage defeat the evil and Sage sacrifices herself to destroy it.
Overall the story is a bit messy, tells a lot and yet very little. The plot of why they are there is the weakest part. It’s not bad, but it’s not the best. I do find the Ancient civilization and “The End” interesting. But I know so little even with the final boss’ monologue (which I loved btw)
What does make it good is the character dynamics. Ian Flynn definitely had a hand in writing this. Now depending on how one feels about the characters can determine how they feel about this story. I find Sonic and his friends dynamics were written very well and while the voice acting was a mixed bag, the character moments were genuine.
I loved that Eggman was starting to care about something/someone just as much as himself. It shows that Eggman is more than just an Egg of ego. But he is in denial over it, it also adds to his unique view of what he values. We also get to find out how he views his adversaries and even his own thoughts through his Egg memos.
Sage was a great character and I hope something can be salvaged of her.
Overall 6.5/10
I wanted more story from it, and I agree with Eggman, im left with more questions than answers.
The Open World
So in the Open World, it is actually more of a semi open world. There are 5 islands.
Kronos Island: The first Island. This one acts as the starting place. It’s mainly tropical and I think is one of the best overall islands. It helps the player get use to the mechanics. The enemies are easier but show the fighting mechanics and has the most exploration material. It acts as the intro to Sage, the map trials, the Portals and establishes the formula of the game. The character you bond with is Amy, and the Titan you fight is Giganto.
Ares Island: The Desert island, This one introduces more mini bosses and makes sure the player learned all the mechanics of the game. Enemies are tougher, Koco are harder to get, and there is more exploration options. But it’s easier to get lost and you can find yourself trapped in caverns for a quick sec if you don’t consult the map. The character you bond with is Knuckles and the Titan you fight is Wyvern.
Chaos Island: Magma island: This one is the most punishing of the three as it expects the user to throughly explore and the hardest to traverse. It does hold the most secret areas and the mini bosses are the most versatile and fun to fight. The companion is Tails and the Titan to fight is Knight.
Rhea Island: This is the smallest and most straight forward island. No titans to fight, no companions, just 7 towers to climb and shut off. It’s actually the most like a Level.
Ouranos island: The final island. It’s more compact than the first 3, but has the most dangerous enemies. The companion you bond with is Sage, and the Titan fight is “Supreme”. The most powerful titan. And in Hard mode, you fight the last boss The End.
The formula for the island is simple
Get Gear wheels from mini bosses or by completing the map>Complete the portal levels to get Chaos Emerald Keys> Collect the chaos Emeralds> complete the island special puzzle> then go get the last chaos emerald that is on the Titan by climbing it via Shadow of the Colossus> Transform into Super Sonic and have the epic showdown
All the islands have Portals that take Sonic to levels where he needs to beat their requirements to get keys to unlock the chaos emerald containers. There are also optional collectibles like memory tokens, Power and defense seeds, and Kocos, purple coins,
Memory tokens are needed to help progress some of the story, but a bunch aren’t needed unless you want some of the background information and character development.
In the game Sonic starts at level 1 in four stats. Attack, defense, ring storage, and speed.
Collecting Seeds and giving them to the elder Kocos up his attack and defense
Collecting Kocos and handing them to the elder ups your speed and ring storage.
Purple coins let you go into the fishing portal which lets you have access to special items or sort cut collecting the previous collectibles.
Overall the Open World is fine. Some aspects are empty, the collection of Koco and upgrading is a bit tedious since you have to go one level at a time. But seeds can be done almost instantly.
It is a bit repetitive, but the movement in the open world is great and you can just run around being sonic for some time. It’s fun
Overall 7/10
I do wish some things weren’t tedious, but it’s still fun.
The Closed Levels/ Portal levels
I really enjoyed them. Each level was a reference to previous Sonic games and levels. The shifting focus of the levels added variety, and while some were more tedious they never felt Awful or a drag. The best ones were very fun.
Now they are required to get chaos Keys but you don’t need to play all of them if you perfect a few. So if a level seems too hard to get all the requirements you have done wiggle room. But personally I like the challenge of getting all the reqs. It does help that you don’t have to do all 4 at once but it’s possible to do. It is more forgiving. Though the movement/momentum is harder to maintain in the closed levels. Which kind of sucks. If it was easier to keep high speed I’d give this a perfect 10
But overall 9/10
Side Quests
The Fishing Minigame is fun.
I enjoy chilling out and catching ridiculous things with Big. It’s not hard it’s a good way to get the bonus content like the egg memos, or get those lost Koco you need to max out your stats without going crazy.
The side stuff with characters is cute. Completing the map with tiny objectives is fun. I loved doing it, and it rewards you by making travel easier,
My only complaints are that there weren’t more of them, adding more to the open world.
Combat and Boss Fights
If you were expecting complex combos and perfect fighting mechanics, you won’t get that. You will get fun finisher moves and clever means of taking down enemies.
Most mini bosses are more like puzzles and you have to figure out how to take them down. It’s usually a fun time and once you know how to fight them it’s usually pretty fair.
The Titan fights as Super Sonic however…
Are on a whole other level of hype.
The gravitas, the epic music blaring as you clash with these behemoths. The fights really help you feel the scope of how grand these robots are. And the quick time events are easy yet SO cinematic.
My favorites are easily Knight and Giganto.
Knight being my favorite finisher.
Depending on how much you grinded and how fast you get use to the titans’ gimmick determines how fast the fight will go. If you been slacking the titans WILL beat your ass.
for what I would want from a sonic game. The hype is there
The music
It f***ing Slaps.
Go listen to the sound track.
Sonic does good music always, but this has to be my favorite collection.
Undefeatable is amazing
And Dear Father nearly brought me to tears after the last boss fight.
The music is the very soul of the game
Final thoughts
This game is an 8.5/10
I will say it does have some problems, some things being empty and each island feeling repetitive. The upgrade process can be tedious. BUT, what it does well, IT does very well.
I think that this Game opens the door for Sonic in ways the last entries haven’t.
Sonic was always about freedom, so giving him a semi open world was great.
It’s been a long time since I felt joy playing a sonic 3D game. But I think Sonic Frontiers is a great game to jump into and one where people can enjoy themselves and characters.
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atwas-meme-ing · 11 months
I keep thinking about how everyone asks, "But how did Big end up in Cyberspace, anyway?"
Ok, look, look: which characters appear in Frontiers? Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Big. We are literally only missing one of the heroes from Adventure, and that's Gamma, who doesn't exist anymore.
So, we know that the Master Emerald remembers everything, right? I mean, Chaos looks like the Ancients. M.E. is pulling Chaos' form out of its memory (and that's something I really need to go into deeper in a longer post).
So, the Chaos Emeralds suddenly disappear. The M.E. probably knows exactly where they are; I mean, it was the M.E. that pulled the Ancients down to the planet in the first place, by drawing in the Chaos Emeralds. The M.E. remembers, either from its own experience or through the Chaos Emeralds and their connection to Cyberspace, that The End is sealed away. It senses the threat. It senses that the world is in danger.
It also remembers another time, very recently, when the entire world was in danger from an evil force, and 6 heroes arose to collect the Chaos Emeralds and defeat the evil.
So the M.E. does the one thing it can do. It summons the heroes. Gamma, of course, no longer exists, and the flicky that powered him is who knows where. But the M.E. can find the others. Amy, Tails, Sonic- they're already in Starfall. So the M.E. only has to summon Knuckles and Big.
It was no coincidence that Knuckles found the portal at about the same time that Sage summoned the Chaos Emeralds to Starfall. The M.E.- and maybe the Chaos Emeralds, themselves- were summoning the heroes. Watch "Divergence"- Knuckles is standing by the Master Emerald when he suddenly looks up at Sky Sanctuary. He goes straight there and almost immediately finds the portal. I think the Emeralds were calling him.
We don't see Big's story. I think it's likely that Froggy was the one who actually found the portal that got Big into Cyberspace. But given that almost all the other Adventure heroes ended up in Starfall, doesn't it seem like just too much of a coincidence that Big just stumbled into Cyberspace?
No, I think the Emeralds summoned them. Not very "loudly," so to speak. Not in a way that they knew they were being summoned. But they had a feeling that they should go to a certain place. And they ended up in Starfall. It's just too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.
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longstorylong · 1 year
So I’m also a dungeons and dragons dabbler and I found something really interesting for Sonic lore:
There’s an eldritch being called Atropus in dnd that takes the form of a dead planetoid/moon called The World Born Dead. It’s the harbinger of destruction and death to all life forms it approaches to complete its goal of devouring all the planets and stars it comes across.
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Sounds familiar right?
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The players see The End in Frontiers as a dead purple planet, which a few people were disappointed by, but this might have been inspired from Atropos in dnd. There’s quite a bit of lore surrounding Atropos, and its implications could be quite cool if it inspired Sonic’s latest unanswered lore.
Apparently, you can attract Atropos to your side of the cosmos by causing a cataclysmic amount of death and destruction, to which Atropos will seek to finish what you started and incorporate (or assimilate 👀) your people into its surface of the undead. Maybe the Ancients saw a similar fate to the echidnas and were fighting over the chaos emeralds, causing Atropus to destroy their home planet?
Chaos was pretty angry finding out the echidnas were attempting to take the power of the emeralds for themselves, and maybe it was out of fear of having Sonic’s world meet a similar fate as his ancestors (granted, The End was sealed in cyberspace at the time, but a global war would have spelled the same bloodshed the Ancients wanted to avoid). It’s so interesting to think about whether the Ancients were fighting with their own or with another alien race.
Even more interesting is the latest tweet going around about how everyone sees The End differently due to its multiple physical manifestations. It makes me wonder how the Ancients saw The End. If there was a war over the chaos emeralds, is The End merely a part of all mortals capable of choosing hate?
Atropos in dnd lore is supposedly only defeatable through its many physical manifestations (the true planetoid believed to drive people mad) and only once all of its manifestations are defeated can it be destroyed, but only if it’s thrown into what is called “the positive energy plane”. And who can harness positive energy?
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The End was released due to Sage’s unwillingness to share information with Sonic, and was only defeated once Sage was allowed to work together with him. Rather than fighting each other, Sage learned to love/sacrificed herself for her father, and Sonic got cyber corrupted for the sake of seeing through his friends’ dreams. Only once Eggman, Sage and Sonic agreed to team up and look past their differences were they able to defeat The End. Love was able to defeat The End, but you can’t really kill death right? Are the chaos emeralds (and the Master Emerald) doomed to attract death’s attention wherever they go? Is The End truly gone for good?
I would love to see how far this inspiration goes if Sonic team was really inspired by Atropus, and if cosmic horrors are now a mainstay in the franchise. Sonic Frontiers was so interesting skdndnfjjd, if you’re still here thanks for coming to my tedtalk 😂💕
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You know, with people asking "what if _ survived" I gotta ask a weird one...
What would happen if Omega somehow survived in your Legends Reborn AU?
Cuz I mean, technically speaking (depending on what you want to take as canon) he did act as an ally during the ZX incidents.
Food for thought I guess on my favorite psychopath.
Strap in it’s gonna be a long one boys
Ah Omega the bastard the Stinker himself the best way to explain him in legends reborn
But the answer to the question. I strongly doubt that Omega would be allowed to roam freely. Especially if you consider that he could have been a HUGE problem to terra if he was set loose there.
However since the Hunters (mainly Axl and Zero pre-X awakening) have been around if Omega were to ever show up to cause trouble Zero and Axl would have dealt with him since ya know No Mother Elf and stuff. He’s powerful but without her presence and other factors he can be dealt with but good luck surviving his bullshit lmaooooo.
Since in ZX and A he’s kinda a secret boss trapped into a pocket dimension this gives me an idea that he was sealed away. Omega is just too dangerous and risky to let him go. So a solution is made to keep him locked away in the set of Ruins and the dimension to ensure he doesn’t cause danger for everyone….yet…
In my interpretation Omega isn’t just Zero’s evil body and shit but rather his own type of cracked up cyber elf. Somewhat akin to the Mother elf in a way. This also affected his appearance as well. He still has Zero’s body but its now a fusion of the armor that he had before, some Cyber elf traits and Draconic quirks. He very much can turn into a monstrous form, but he has shackles around his arms to show that he’s basically trapped/contained. In terms of personality he sort of Chilled out? He's still a menace, a bit of a maniac violent as ever that now only craves battle and destruction but he’s now directionless in a way. Because it turns out living in a cyber dimension for thousands of years can make a person go a lil kooky. But thankfully he goes dormant for long periods of time. Cause again the fucking boredom
Being the menace that he is, Omega did not only cause corruption into the machines that surround the Area to be more aggressive and dangerous. But also causes augmented distortions creating portals to his own version of cyberspace called “Omega Space”, dragging his victims into his own little lair so he can fight/kill them. Cause well this Era is just too boring and nothing ever interesting ever happens aside from dealing with carbons that caught his attention.
These ruins are completely restricted and only Diggers who are S-Class or have very special permission from the guild master are allowed to go to these ruins as they are Rumored to hold incredibly powerful relics and tech but a dangerous monster guards it along with extremely dangerous reaverbots. The only times it is deemed safer to enter is when Omega is “Dormant” but Cyberspace distortions can still happen so it’s recommended to come at least prepared for worst case scenarios.
But at some point something happened that caught his attention. A presence that he hadn't felt for a very long long Long time.
Megaman X and his four pathetic guardians are now in this era! With weaker bodies that match with the Planets population!!
The bastard doesn’t care how and when they made it but doesn’t care. He was ecstatic! Finally!! Sweet sweet revenge!! Finally opponents that not only can put up a fight but also that he would personally reduce them to pieces again! Especially X…he secretly hopes that if that Blue bastard is in this world that would also mean that HE is also around here too!
But also strangely someone else who shares a Link to X himself is around. Bizzare, if he recalled The guardians are the only ones that share a genetic connection to him. But this Boy, unlike the Guardians, is much closer to his “father” compared to the other four.
So young, so innocent so…so…Naive wouldn’t be a shame to see him break under his claws.
He looks forward to meeting him just to crush everything that he knows and loves just like what he did to his dear papa during the Elf wars.
He can wait after all, so there’s no hurry after all. If there's anything that a Digger has is their greed, soon the treasures of his domain will tempt them to come…
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starmeadowsystem · 10 months
Pure of Heart Near Miss: Sonic the Hedgehog (Mainline games)
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This is an easy one, i know lmao. But I'm going somewhere with this, i promise
Admirable Standard: Yes!!
Saved Earth several times, both from Dr. Eggman and other adversaries.
Is a positive influence to friends and foes alike, continually facilitating their character development for the better.
Lifted Tails from a miserable life and took him in as a brother.
Saved Amy from Metal Sonic when she was kidnapped in CD.
Saved the Master Emerald and returned it to Knuckles in 3.
Restored Chaos back into his original, benevolent self while saving Station Square in Adventure.
Rescued Princess Elise several times and convinced her to extinguish the Flames of Disaster to prevent the destruction of all existence in the 2006 game.
After Erazor Djinn was defeated in Sonic and the Secret Rings, he used his wishes to undo his damage (including bringing back Sahara) and sealed him in his lamp so he would never return. He also let Sahara grieve the loss of Erazor.
Eliminated the Phoenix's corruption and literally pieced the world back together after it was broken in Unleashed.
Saved the Wisps and ensured Tails's safety in the final battle in Colors.
Saved the fabric of time again in Generations.
Expressed remorse for unintentionally aiding in the uprising of the Deadly Six and works to fix it in Frontiers.
Helped the Avatar get over their fear of Infinite and liberated the world from Eggman's control in Forces.
Worked to free his friends from Cyberspace and ended up saving all of existence again in Frontiers.
Played Sympathetically: Yes
Lack of Corrupting Qualities: No (see below)
He does show disdain for Amy in several games, but this is in direct response to her being annoyingly clingy to him, and this quality isn't present in Frontiers when she's mellowed out.
Other Qualifying Factors: Yes
Disqualifying Factors
Occasionally acts brash and arrogant.
Admits that part of the reason that he continually spares Dr. Eggman, despite how dangerous he is, is that he finds it enjoyable fighting him.
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If you did end up getting corrupted, I would just seal myself back into Cyber Space because you're just too good for this world
Darlin!, I can 100% appreciate the logic and internal feeling of this action, but I feel that it would defeat the purpose of me riskin’ my life to save you.
I would encourage you to live your life withou regrets and fears. I would implore you to keep your head high and experience the marvels that Earth has to offer. More importantly, I would encourage you to discover yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big discovery, it doesn’t need to be small.
If I’d faced corruption trying to save y’all from cyberspace, I would ask that you’d live your life to the fullest. I did what I wanted to on this planet. And I’d be proud of that. I’d ask fer you to do the same if I ever faced Cyber Corruption.
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