#secular music programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts
tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Friends should draw you closer to holiness &  Jesus Christ. If they pull you towards sin more than holiness then you should walk away. Obey Jesus Christ over every person. See 1 Cor. 5:9-11
Turn on safe search on your browser settings. Don't stare/lust.
Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television & secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs & alcohol, blasphemy & witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self & sexual partners. Guard your eyes, ears & your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music & repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. Secular music promotes pride, lust, drugs, alcohol, weed, sex outside of marriage, worship of self, sexual partner & money.
Christian music is worshipping & loving our creator & Savior & his love for us. It gives us hope, increases our faith, & fills us with love & joy. Our creator adores when we praise him, pray & preach Jesus. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2  Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 Feed your spirit with the word of God & don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness & walk in the spirit & light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1  Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope & joy. Secular music & TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts & behavior. Be rapture ready. 🙏 Look up BILL OF RIGHTS.
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automatismoateo · 4 years
Psychedelics turned me from a christian to an atheist via /r/atheism
Submitted August 09, 2020 at 06:34AM by SweatyGenitals (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2XJv1Ns) Psychedelics turned me from a christian to an atheist
I’m sharing this story here because I’m wondering if there’s anyone in this sub who’s had a similar experience. It seems like everyone else I know who’s done psychedelics, with the exception of two people, has turned to hippy dippy deistic bullshit and very few people seem to have had the same experience as me. If this is too long for you, there’s a TLDR at the end, but you’ll miss a lot of important details.
I grew up in a very conservative Christian household. From early childhood I was constantly lectured on the horrors of hell, the importance of daily prayer and scripture, how cruel and sinful humans are by nature without God, and how atheists are “arrogant, cold-hearted fools who willingly ignore the truth” (ironic, I know).
I was groomed to be a very devout Christian and frantically tried to be as godly as possible on a daily basis. Not because I felt any sort of connection to God, but because I was so terrified of Hell I did everything in my power to ensure I wasn’t sent there.
I avoided television because my parents told me that the “satanists” in Hollywood put subliminal messages in TV programming to subtly coerce me into becoming loyal to Satan.
I didn’t listen to any music that wasn’t Christian because my parents told me listening to worldly music would make my soul impure and displeasing to God.
I avoided girls like the plague because my parents told me that being physically or sexually “immoral” (which is really just another word for normal) would get me sent to hell.
Didn’t go to secular concerts. Didn’t play video games. Wasn’t allowed to have atheist friends. Only went to Christian schools. You get the idea.
When I hit my teenage years I became a little bit more open minded and willing to listen to other people’s perspectives, but I would always listen through the mental filter of “I need to show this person why they’re wrong so I can save them from Hell” and I was still as preachy as preachy could get.
In my high school, I was only able to associate with other Christians and I always assumed they were sound minded, intelligent people because I had been brainwashed to believe so. Then a new student came along who really intrigued me. I can’t say his real name, so for the sake of his privacy (and honestly, probably his safety too) I’ll just call him Joseph.
Joseph was BRILLIANT. He spoke 12 languages, literally built robots for shits and giggles, and was so articulate he might as well have been a Harvard professor. He really intrigued me, so I decided to strike up a conversation with him. After about an hour of talking I came to the conclusion that this guy was the coolest, most intelligent dude I’ve ever met. Then the alarm went off on my phone signaling that it was time for my afternoon prayer and scripture so I told him I had to leave but I invited him to join.
He politely responded with “no thanks man, I’m not the religious type. Thanks though”
This absolutely blew my mind. All my life I had been told atheists were dumb, arrogant and disrespectful yet the only atheist in my school was polite, kindhearted, soft spoken and LIGHT YEARS ahead in cognition of every other student there. Shit, to be honest, he was more intelligent than all of the teachers there too.
I asked him how he could be an atheist while going to a Christian school and he said he keeps it a secret from his parents because he was afraid of retribution. I immediately started my preachy nonsense and told him he should be more afraid of God’s retribution, he was gonna go to Hell, blah blah blah.
I was expecting him to go on the much feared “atheist rage” that my parents warned me about. But he didn’t. He calmly and respectfully dismantled every circular, presup argument I threw at him with logic and reason, but of course I didn’t listen. We went back and forth for a little while and I eventually gave up and went to pray.
I thought about it for a few days, and I figured I should probably at least TRY to listen to what he had to say because he was incredibly intelligent and treated me with kindness and respect, and that’s gotta mean something.
After a few debates, he asked me if I would be willing to read the origin of species and the god delusion and in exchange, he’d read any two religious books I wanted him to. I agreed and he gave me his two books and I gave him Heaven is for Real and the Case for Christ.
I started reading both books, but of course I read them through the filter of “I gotta figure out how to disprove these so I can save Joseph” instead of just reading them.
Two days into reading them, my parents found them in my room and absolutely lost their shit. They asked me where I got them and I had to say I ordered them online because if I told them Joseph gave them to me, I would never see him again. My mom started crying about how I was gonna burn forever and my dad made me eat 3 pages out of each book then made me burn them, and said I was grounded for 6 months and could only leave to go to school.
I went to school the next day and profusely apologized to Joseph for getting his books destroyed. He laughed it off and forgave me right away. Then he gave me a hug and asked if I was okay, only further dismantling the “asshole atheist” stereotype.
At this point I was pretty close with him so I admitted that I was terrified of going to Hell but I had always wondered if the only reason I was so quick to believe everything I was taught by Christians was because I was too scared to believe anything else.
He said that was likely the reason and I was a victim of social conditioning and brainwashing. I asked him if he ever felt the same way I did and he said yes, but he got over it. I then literally BEGGED him to tell me how he got over it. He told me that he gathered up a bunch of atheist books and documentaries that his parents had banned from the house while they were out of town, took 3 grams of psilocybin mushrooms, and went on a reading/watching spree. He said the mushrooms helped melt away his “ego” (AKA his sense of self and the years of social conditioning that came with it as well as his fear of death and the afterlife) and he was able to view all the information he saw objectively.
I told him my parents said that all drugs were evil and Satan uses them as tools to corrupt our mind and soul, but at this point, I was reluctant to believe anything my parents said and I respected and admired Joseph far more than my parents. He showed me a bunch of informative videos on the transformative power of shrooms and the mental health benefits that come with infrequent use, and I was sold. I told him if he could get me those same two books again I would hide them better this time, and I would try to find some mushrooms.
He ended up hooking me up with both, and I literally cut open my mattress and slid the books and mushrooms inside there before covering the hole up with duct tape and a sheet.
2 months later, my parents finally decided to leave town for their anniversary. The first night they left, I took 3 grams of shrooms and started reading the god delusion. When I first started reading, I was reading from the perspective of a scared Christian but as the shrooms kicked in I could literally feel that mental filter melt away.
It was incredible. My fear of death, God, Hell, and Satan completely disappeared. All social conditioning became completely irrelevant. I wasn’t reading through the lens of a brainwashed Christian. I was just READING.
I ended up staying awake all night and finished both books by morning. I felt completely transformed and no longer afraid of God. But at this point, I wasn’t a complete atheist, more of an agnostic/half-assed Christian.
So at this point me and Joseph’s discourses became far more intelligent and logical as I wasn’t a preachy Christian anymore. I was learning so much from him and starting to feel free from the bondage of religion, but I still wasn’t quite there yet. The lingering fear of Hell still bothered me from time to time.
So Joseph had one more idea. He brought up DMT and how it pretty much solidified his belief in atheism and the fallibility of the human mind in the right circumstances. I didn’t believe him so I did some research on DMT and eventually decided to try it myself.
I did it one night while my parents were out on a date and after the first three hits I blasted off into what felt like another dimension and “spoke” to what seemed like multiple gods. It was cool and trippy as hell, but I was fully convinced that I was dead and in the afterlife.
When I sobered up, I called Joseph and told him what the experience was like.
Then he said these words that converted me to full blown atheism right then and there.
“See how easy it is to trick the brain into believing its met God? Now imagine you were a public figure thousands of years ago, in an age where knowledge was hard to access, and accidentally ingested this stuff or something similar without knowing what you were taking.”
Boom. Instant atheism.
Admittedly I did DMT one more time after this. Not because I needed more convincing, but because that shit was honestly really cool.
Fast forward three years later. I’m no longer chained down by religion. I feel physically, emotionally, and sexually free. I can enjoy music, television, and books that I like with a clear conscience. I can go to fun concerts without worrying about eternal damnation. I can be friends with whoever I want. I’ve never been happier.
Even better, a year and a half ago I somehow managed to convince my dad to take mushrooms and read the Origin of Species and it changed his life too. He’s not an atheist, more of an agnostic. He ended up divorcing my nutjob mother when she refused to change and apologized for all that he put me and my siblings through in the name of religion.
I’m now living with him while going to college and I’m closer to him now than I’ve ever been. I love the new person he’s become so much because I always felt deep down he was a kind soul. I think my mother is too, maybe time will soften her a bit.
Joseph, my Dad and I can’t be the only ones who have had this experience. Has anyone here been through anything similar? I’m really curious to find out.
TLDR: I was raised/brainwashed as a devout Christian. Met a very intelligent atheist at my Christian high school and became friends with him. He convinced me to take psychedelic mushrooms and read The God Delusion and The Origin of Species and the mushrooms helped me read the books objectively and actually learn from them and turned me agnostic. Then I took DMT and became a full fledged atheist and I’m wondering if anyone in this sub has been through anything similar.
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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God said women should remain silent in church and should not teach.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 English Standard Version
The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
1 Timothy 2:12 English Standard Version
I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.
Avoid prosperity gospel (preaching health and wealth over repentance and living holy.) and word of faith gospel (manifest things into existence by speaking about it - only God does that. ) Avoid preachers that believe those two false gospels. Basically any preacher on CBN, TBN or Daystar. Get the gotquestions app and a Bible app that reads to you. Put the New Testament on repeat. Study God's word daily and preach Jesus Christ!! It's a lot more important than you think!! Praise Jesus Christ with your music. 🙌 Be blessed and bless others with love. 🙏
These YouTube channels will help you recognize false teachers that promote false doctrine:
Doctrinal Watchdog
Revealing Truth
Reformed Wiki
Reformed Wiki 2.0
Justin Peter's Ministries
iThink Biblically
End Time Apostasy
Exposing Charlatans
False Teachers
Watch the video Pope Francis and His Lies: False Prophet exposed on the Truth in Genesis YouTube channel. Also watch Are Catholics Saved on the Reformed Christian Teaching channel on YouTube.
Secular music & TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts & behavior. Be rapture ready. 🙏
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television and secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs and alcohol, blasphemy and witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self and bedroom partners. Guard your eyes, ears and your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music and repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2 KJV Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 KJV Feed your spirit with the word of God and don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 KJV Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 KJV Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness and walk in the spirit and light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1 KJV Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope and joy. Secular music and TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Be rapture ready. 
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Secular music promotes pride, lust, drugs, alcohol, weed, sex outside of marriage, worship of self, sexual partner & money. Christian music is worshipping & loving our creator & Savior & his love for us. It gives us hope, increases our faith, & fills us with love & joy. Our creator adores when we praise him & enjoy thinking about him.  Fear & depression are evil spirits according to scripture. Scripture calls them a spirit of fear & a spirit of heaviness. Our God inhabits praise. The joy of The Lord is our strength. Praise God through the storm. Replace the spirit of heaviness with the garment of praise. Study Isaiah 61:3, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18 & Joshua 1:9 Trust God's perfect will, word & timing. He's in love with you. Praise Jesus. 🙌 Pray always & in complete faith & in Jesus' name. 🙏 Study God's word daily. It will fill you with God, his light & his wisdom. Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television and secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs and alcohol, blasphemy and witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self and sexual partners. Guard your eyes, ears and your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music and repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2 KJV Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 KJV Feed your spirit with the word of God and don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 KJV Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 KJV Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness and walk in the spirit and light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1 KJV Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope and joy. Secular music & TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts.
Please share this with your friends and family on social media. 🙏
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television and secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs and alcohol, blasphemy and witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self and sexual partners. Guard your eyes, ears and your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music and repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2 KJV Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 KJV Feed your spirit with the word of God and don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 KJV Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 KJV Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness and walk in the spirit and light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1 KJV Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope and joy. Secular music and TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Be rapture ready. 
Guard your heart from the sin promoted by movies and secular music. They promote pride, lust, blasphemy, violence, greed, gluttony, witchcraft, hate, drugs and alcohol. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts and behavior. 🙏     Please share this.
Watch Pope Francis and his lies: The False Prophet exposed. It's on the Truth in Genesis YouTube channel. I highly recommend the gotquestions app. It has thousands of answers to Bible questions. It even reads most answers and backs all answers up with Bible verses. 
Please share this with your friends and family on social media. 🙏
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Friends should draw you closer to holiness &  Jesus Christ. If they pull you towards sin more than holiness then you should walk away. Obey Jesus Christ over every person. See 1 Cor. 5:9-11 &6:9-11
Turn on safe search on your browser settings. Don't stare/lust.
1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Ephesians 5:18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,
My advice as an ex-addict that quit everything for Jesus: Go to church. Study scripture. Ask God to help you quit. Sobriety is key to letting God's Holy Spirit work on our hearts for the benefit of ourselves and mankind. Studying God's word fills our hearts with himself, his love, his light and his wisdom. God's word is God. Be like Jesus. Fasting and praying for God breaks strongholds that the devil has on us. Humble yourself and confess your sins and pray for God to free you from your addiction in Jesus' name with complete faith that God loves you and will definitely deliver you. Then commit to quitting with God's help. His Holy Spirit inside you will help you. If you quit something for God you will see him break the chains off of you. Remember that we are either a slave to sin or righteousness. Obedience to God brings his blessings. Trust God's word, will and timing. Ungodly addictions have evil spirits behind them. Jesus Christ can free you. Friends should draw you closer to holiness and Jesus Christ. If they pull you towards sin more than holiness then you should walk away. Please share with your friends and family on social media. 🙏Secular music & TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts & behavior. Be rapture ready. 🙏 
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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My advice as an ex-addict that quit everything for Jesus: Go to church. Study scripture. Ask God to help you quit. Sobriety is key to letting God's Holy Spirit work on our hearts for the benefit of ourselves and mankind. Studying God's word fills our hearts with himself, his love, his light and his wisdom. God's word is God. Be like Jesus. Fasting and praying for God breaks strongholds that the devil has on us. Humble yourself and confess your sins and pray for God to free you from your addiction in Jesus' name with complete faith that God loves you and will definitely deliver you. Then commit to quitting with God's help. His Holy Spirit inside you will help you. If you quit something for God you will see him break the chains off of you. Remember that we are either a slave to sin or righteousness. Obedience to God brings his blessings. Trust God's word, will and timing. Ungodly addictions have evil spirits behind them. Jesus Christ can free you. Friends should draw you closer to holiness and Jesus Christ. If they pull you towards sin more than holiness then you should walk away. Please share with your friends and family on social media. 🙏Secular music & TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts & behavior. Be rapture ready. 🙏 Friends should draw you closer to holiness &  Jesus Christ. If they pull you towards sin more than holiness then you should walk away. Obey Jesus Christ over every person. See 1 Cor. 5:9-11
Turn on safe search on your browser settings. Don't stare/lust.
1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Ephesians 5:18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Remember that deepfake videos are possible and will be used against us. The Antichrist from Revelation 13 will use AI, CGI and deepfake technology to fool the world. He will pretend to be the Messiah. Jesus told us to study his word because the power to fool the world will be great. Get the gotquestions app and a Bible app that reads to you. Share Jesus Christ and obey God's commands. Secular music promotes pride, lust, drugs, alcohol, weed, sex outside of marriage, worship of self, sexual partner & money. Christian music is worshipping & loving our creator & Savior & his love for us. It gives us hope, increases our faith, & fills us with love & joy. Our creator adores when we praise him & enjoy thinking about him.  Fear & depression are evil spirits according to scripture. Scripture calls them a spirit of fear & a spirit of heaviness. Our God inhabits praise. The joy of The Lord is our strength. Praise God through the storm. Replace the spirit of heaviness with the garment of praise. Study Isaiah 61:3, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18 & Joshua 1:9 Trust God's perfect will, word & timing. He's in love with you. Praise Jesus. 🙌 Pray always & in complete faith & in Jesus' name. 🙏 Study God's word daily. It will fill you with God, his light & his wisdom. Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television and secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs and alcohol, blasphemy and witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self and sexual partners. Guard your eyes, ears and your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music and repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2 KJV Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 KJV Feed your spirit with the word of God and don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 KJV Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 KJV Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness and walk in the spirit and light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1 KJV Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope and joy. Secular music & TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts.
Please share this with your friends and family on social media. 🙏
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television and secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs and alcohol, blasphemy and witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self and sexual partners. Guard your eyes, ears and your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music and repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2 KJV Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 KJV Feed your spirit with the word of God and don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 KJV Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 KJV Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness and walk in the spirit and light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1 KJV Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope and joy. Secular music and TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Be rapture ready. 
Guard your heart from the sin promoted by movies and secular music. They promote pride, lust, blasphemy, violence, greed, gluttony, witchcraft, hate, drugs and alcohol. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts and behavior. 🙏     Please share this.
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Secular music promotes pride, lust, drugs, alcohol, weed, sex outside of marriage, worship of self, sexual partner & money. Christian music is worshipping & loving our creator & Savior & his love for us. It gives us hope, increases our faith, & fills us with love & joy. Our creator adores when we praise him & enjoy thinking about him.  Fear & depression are evil spirits according to scripture. Scripture calls them a spirit of fear & a spirit of heaviness. Our God inhabits praise. The joy of The Lord is our strength. Praise God through the storm. Replace the spirit of heaviness with the garment of praise. Study Isaiah 61:3, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18 & Joshua 1:9 Trust God's perfect will, word & timing. He's in love with you. Praise Jesus. 🙌 Pray always & in complete faith & in Jesus' name. 🙏 Study God's word daily. It will fill you with God, his light & his wisdom.
Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television and secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs and alcohol, blasphemy and witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self and sexual partners. Guard your eyes, ears and your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music and repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2 KJV Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 KJV Feed your spirit with the word of God and don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 KJV Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 KJV Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness and walk in the spirit and light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1 KJV Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope and joy. Secular music and TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Be rapture ready. 
Guard your heart from the sin promoted by movies and secular music. They promote pride, lust, blasphemy, violence, greed, gluttony, witchcraft, hate, drugs and alcohol. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts and behavior. 🙏     Please share this.
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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Hollywood is controlled by the satanic Illuminati. Satan uses television and secular music to  promote unholy behavior like lust,  pride, greed, violence, drugs and alcohol, blasphemy and witchcraft. They both  promote worship of self and sexual partners. Guard your eyes, ears and your heart. Remember that its called television programming. That's because the enemy wants to program the world to enjoy watching sinful behavior.  Praise Jesus with your music. Satan controls the masses with secular music. It's hypnotic music and repeating lyrics that promote unholy behavior. It's satanic mind control. It's witchcraft. When you study the holy word of God you fill your heart with God. John 1:1-2 KJV Christians must obey Jesus. John 14:15 KJV Feed your spirit with the word of God and don't feed lust or pride. John 15:7 KJV Be careful what you watch. The light of the body is the eye. Your eyes fill you with light or darkness. Matthew 6:22-23 KJV Holiness or sinfulness. Jesus or the world. Strive for holiness and walk in the spirit and light of God. Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:1 KJV Praise Jesus with your music. It pleases God, fills you with love, faith, hope and joy. Secular music and TV programs everyone to enjoy sinful thoughts. Be rapture ready. 
Guard your heart from the sin promoted by movies and secular music. They promote pride, lust, blasphemy, violence, greed, gluttony, witchcraft, hate, drugs and alcohol. Strive for holiness and glorify God with your thoughts and behavior. 🙏     Please share this.
Watch Pope Francis and his lies: The False Prophet exposed. It's on the Truth in Genesis YouTube channel. I highly recommend the gotquestions app. It has thousands of answers to Bible questions. It even reads most answers and backs all answers up with Bible verses. 
Please share this with your friends and family on social media. 🙏
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tonysolomon4jc · 4 years
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This documentary is about one of the best Christian preachers ever. I always post his quotes. His name is Charles Spurgeon.
Lion of Judah
Train your spirit
Power of prayer
Nabeel Qureshi testimony seeking Allah finding Jesus
American Gospel Christ Alone
This is an extremely important video for all people to watch and share.
https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/12381035 #hoopladigital
They shall expel demons by Derek Prince
Here's the link to the book on video:
Google these words to get to the pdf copy of this book:
They shall expel demons derek prince pdf
The Great Tribulation (End Times Bible Documentary 2020)
50 minute documentary about the great tribulation and the end the end of the world.
Please watch and share this with others.
Holiness by J.C. Ryle
George Whitfield playlist
66 books of the KJV Bible
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