#self care magick
raining-tulips · 2 years
my practice right now is very self-care, sexy vibes, i'm that ethereal mysterious confident girl and I'm loving it.
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eartheatr · 2 years
⛧Banish Useless Anger
2nd ♑︎
Color of the Day : Maroon
Incense of the Day : Cedar
There are times for righteous anger, but sometimes anger is unfounded or its time has passed. Lingering anger can be banished with this spell, which requires :
A bowl
A glass of water
Ten matches.
Pour half the water into the bowl before you, then hold a match.
Get in touch with your anger. Remember what stoked this emotion. When you really feel the anger, strike the match and watch it burn, bright and hot.
Drop it into the bowl before it burns your fingers. Repeat this with the other nine matches, calling your anger to the surface and dropping the match.
When you're done, look at the spent matches before you. See how much energy was spent on this anger and what a waste it was. Those matches could have been used for other projects like lighting ritual candles or celebratory bonfires.
Drink the water in the glass. Visualizing it instilling peace and love where anger once resided.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 2 months
You don't need to do anything to be a witch. Being a witch goes beyond the superficial images on social media. It's a profound journey of self-discovery, a daily fight to become who you aspire to be. It's about forging connections with yourself and the Earth, cherishing the blessings it offers and the abundance of resources it gives you.. Witchcraft is finding your community and caring for it while prioritizing self-care. No one has the right to define your journey; it's a deeply personal exploration filled with passion and purpose. That's your journey for you to decide.
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enchantedwitchling · 8 months
Witchcraft and Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Witchcraft is not just a craft; it's a path that intertwines with our daily lives. Amid the spells and rituals, it's vital to remember that self-care is a cornerstone of our practice. By nurturing our minds, bodies, and spirits, we empower ourselves to be more effective witches and resilient individuals.
In this blog post, we'll delve into "Witchcraft and Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit," exploring the importance of self-care and suggesting rituals and practices to help you flourish on your magical journey.
1. Grounding and Centering 🌳🌌
Start your self-care journey with grounding and centering. Take a moment each day to connect with the Earth. Stand barefoot on the ground, feeling the energy of the Earth rise through you. Meditate, visualize roots extending from your body into the soil, anchoring you to the Earth's nurturing energy.
2. Daily Affirmations 🧘‍♀️🌟
Affirmations are powerful tools for nurturing a positive mindset. Each morning, recite affirmations that align with your intentions. These affirmations reinforce your sense of self-worth, strength, and resilience. For example, "I am powerful," "I am loved," or "I am in control of my destiny."
3. Bath Rituals 🛁🌸
A soothing bath can work wonders for your well-being. Infuse your bathwater with Epsom salt, lavender, or rose petals. As you soak, visualize any stress or negativity melting away, leaving you refreshed and renewed. This simple practice can be profoundly healing.
4. Moon Meditation 🌕🧘‍♂️
Harness the energy of the moon to nurture your spirit. During the Full Moon, find a quiet space outdoors, and meditate beneath its radiant glow. Visualize the moon's energy filling you with light, cleansing away any emotional burdens, and empowering you for the month ahead.
5. Herbal Tea Ritual ☕🌿
Create a mindful tea ritual using your favorite herbs. As you brew and sip your tea, focus on the sensations and flavors. Allow the warmth of the tea to envelop you, bringing comfort and serenity. This practice can also enhance your connection with herbal magic.
6. Journaling 📓🖋️
Keep a magical journal to record your thoughts, experiences, and spellwork. Journaling is not only cathartic but also a powerful way to track your progress, uncover patterns, and celebrate your successes. Use it as a tool for self-reflection and growth.
7. Self-Compassion 💖🌈
Practice self-compassion in your daily life. Be gentle with yourself, just as you would with a close friend. Understand that setbacks are part of growth, and mistakes are opportunities to learn. By nurturing self-compassion, you'll foster resilience and inner strength.
As witches, our practice is a reflection of our inner and outer worlds. By prioritizing self-care, we infuse our craft with authenticity and power. Remember that you are the most important tool in your magical toolkit, and by nurturing your mind, body, and spirit, you become a beacon of light in the world.
So, let's embrace self-care as an essential aspect of witchcraft. By nurturing ourselves, we empower our magic and cultivate a deeper connection with the universe.
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daydivine · 7 months
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rak-sakaria · 10 months
Hey, your friendly reminder. It's summertime and not only should you drink water but our friends of nature need water too.
Put out a flat plate of water for our little allies and water your plants in the mornings and evenings🩷
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chocolattefeverdreams · 10 months
Now I've been going through my old grimoire and so far, I've got
Tips to know before practising witchcraft
Elemental Witchcraft: Water Magick
Shielding, centering, and grounding
A spell
A few diary entries
Shells (a list)
Cleansing a space
Colour Magick
The Pentacle / Pentagram
Imbolc (notes from a podcast)
Study spells
The Moon: some facts
Moon Magick
Intention and vision boards
Méditations based on the Moon phases
Magickal self-care
Dream Journalling
The books I've read so far are:
Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials: Mabon, Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara
Water Magic by Lilith Dorsey
Air Magic by Astrea Taylor
Fire Magic by Josephine Winter
Earth Magic by Dodie Graham Mckay
Moon Magic by Diane Ahlquist
Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist (NOTE: I'm not quite sure if Diane Ahlquist identifies with witchcraft, so I wouldn't base my entire practice of Moon magick from her books)
Pastel Spells by Orriculum Rose
The Modern Witch's Guide to Magickal Self-Care by Tenae Stewart
The Witch's Book of Self-Care by Anne Murphy-Hiscock
I HIGHLY recommend starting out with the books on self-care for beginner witches, even though there aren't any rules about where you start learning. This is only because it's easy to get burned out or feel overwhelmed by the lack of rules, and we all need reminders to slow down and take care of ourselves nowadays. Tenae Stewart's book tells us to find out for ourselves, while Anne Murphy-Hiscock's book has plenty of ideas and tips for beginners.
The Witch of Wonderlust channel on YouTube has also been incredibly helpful, and I also listened to some episodes of thecomfycozywitch podcast.
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Glamour Magic Daily Routine⛤
Here are some tips on how to include glamour magic in your daily life!
Visualise the water washing away all the negativity when you shower
Say affirmation when doing your skincare
Use moon water to cleanse 
Spray bedding with perfume
Enchanting your mirrors to improve the self image of anyone who looks in them
Enchant your jewellery for protection/confidence
Use correspondences in your skincare routine: do you use coconut oil? Maybe a rose face mist? All those products can be given a deeper meaning in your daily life!
Match the colours of your makeup to your intentions for the day
Enchant your nail polish (bonus: match the colour to the intention, black for protection, red for love, green for prosperity, etc)
Choose a perfume that inspires you for the day
Charge your perfume with the energy you wish to attract
Put sigils in your shoes
Some witches veil to keep their energy from draining and to protect them from others’ emotions, but a beanie works too
If you wear glasses, use them as a tool so that they help you “see clearly”
Put your moisturiser or concealer on in the shape of a sigil before massaging it in
Write sigils on your makeup products, even putting lip balm on could help you mentally throughout the day!
When shaving, visualise any energy buildup being shaved off as well
Remember to love yourself
Witchfully Yours,
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raining-tulips · 7 months
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Self care day step 1: homemade waffles
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eartheatr · 2 years
⛧Seeking Wisdom
1𝔰𝔱 ♎︎
˚ ☽ 𝔳/𝔠 2:20 𝔞𝔪 ⛧ ☽ → ♏︎ 7:47 𝔞𝔪 ˚
Color of the Day : Purple
Incense of the Day : Carnation
Today is the Double Seventh Festival in China. It is traditionally a time when Chinese girls go to local temples in order to seek wisdom. We can also seek out wisdom today.
We need only tap into the energies of the day. Since we are doing our magickal work on a Thursday, we can work with Jupiter and use the colors blue or purple.
Use a candle in one of those colors or in white. If it is a white candle, use a blue or purple marker to write the word wisdom on it.
Light your candle and ask for Jupiter to grant wisdom to you :
Jupiter, I call to you.
Allow me a deeper understanding of the world, of myself,
So I can better understand the world around me.
Allow the candle to burn completely out so that the magick can take effect. Once it is extinguished, bury any remaining candle wax outside.
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prttylittlediary · 2 years
Me and the girls getting ready to drown our lovers after luring them out to sea
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hiddenhearthwitch · 17 days
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Embrace the essence of April with our exclusive care package from the Hidden Hearth! 🌿 Infused with love and nature's bounty, each item is handcrafted to bring serenity and joy to your home. Package is available for Oak Tree subscribers on Patreon, shipping is included in the total price. 💐🤍
✨ Illuminate your space with the warm glow of our handmade beeswax candle, delicately scented with wildflowers. Let its soothing light fill your surroundings with tranquility.
🛁 Indulge in a luxurious spa experience with our rose bath salts and face mask. Infused with the essence of roses, these products will leave your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
🌞 Add a touch of whimsy to any room with our handwoven sun catcher, crafted from organic oranges and foraged twigs. Let the sunlight dance through its intricate patterns, bringing a sense of harmony to your space.
🔮 Purify your energy with our selenite stick, while harnessing the healing properties of rose quartz, moss agate, and raw apatite. Create a sanctuary of positivity and balance within your home.
✨ Embrace the beauty of April and elevate your self-care routine with our enchanting care package from the Hidden Hearth. Order now and let the magic unfold! ✨
Patreon | Shop
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casualwitchbitch · 1 year
Shadow work ALWAYS comes before ritual work. Like, it’s all very well to do a spell for anxiety, but where is that anxiety coming from? Is it straight up fear? Unresolved trauma? Is your nervous system fucked? Is it a mental disorder? Is it generalised or specific? Are your hormones all over the place? Is someone in your life just being a dick? Without doing the work to find the root cause, you can’t know where to point your ritual compass, ya know? Do the shadow work, THEN do the ritual.
Important side note: not everyone is in the right place/time to do shadow work. It can be a lot. Make sure you have the right support (professional if needed!) if you’re gonna do it. 🖤
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mothicbeauty · 3 months
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merbabylvr · 3 months
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bubblegum-gloss · 4 days
How to be beautiful ໒꒱
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Just know I'm not expecting you and that you don't have to become a confident bad bitch out of sudden and it's okay feeling unmotivated. I know sometimes even getting out of bed it's exhausting, don't punish yourself and think you're doing it wrong. This is YOUR journey, everyone has different ones, no one can judge you. Besides, I believe in you <3
♡ Find your definition of beauty. I know the "beauty is in the inside" speech seems overused, but it's true! Beauty is spirit! It's everywhere! Find out what you find beautiful. Is it as simple as a child's laugh?or is it big noses or long hair? Animals and the sun light? Honesty and kindness? Find out what traits you want for yourself, what you find beautiful in other people, what makes you feel fulfilled and what you want in your life!
♡ Focus on what you like. Stop watching that TikToker you know you hate. Don't reply to that racist tweet, believe me, it won't change their mind. Instead, watch an old cartoon you used to love as a kid or read a cringy fanfic just for the laughs. Stop giving importance to the immature people calling you ugly for insignificant things like pimples or wrinkles. When I was feeling bad for not receive the approval that I wanted from certain people, it helped me a lot hearing Melanie Martinez say "Try not to expect shallow people to love you, they don't even have the capacity to understand how amazing you are"
♡ Appreciate and make other people feel good. This is just as simple as saying "thanks" to any person offering you a service (like a waiter, for example) or doing a nice detail for a friend just because. This also includes keeping a gratitude journal, or just think about all the good things that happened during the day before falling asleep.
♡ Culture yourself. Something that always defined me is my curiosity, my hunger to be better and become even more knowledgeable. It's something I'm proud of and I wanna popularize. Learning for fun! Don't read a large, boring and complex book that doesn't interest you because you think you have to. Reading a short book, that may not be as "intellectual" for others but that you find interesting is valid! And learning whatever makes you happy it's also valid!
♡ You may also learn about your hair type and skin type (it's okay if you can't afford expensive products, you may just avoid bad habits) and about nutrition and exercise. (I personally exercise to show love to my body and keep it healthy, not entirely for my physical appearance or weight)
♡ Don't limit yourself. It makes me so sad when I look at comments of girls saying that they can't use the makeup or wear clothes they like because of their body, acne or even SKIN COLOR (I'll never understand why dark skin would be a disadvantage, believe me: your skin is beautiful and it's not a obstacles for anything) Please, your body is not a problem. People who tell you you can't wear crop tops because of your belly are not worth it! And don't put yourself into a box. I'm not someone who complains about aesthetics (most cases they are subcultures, which are not dumb and they should be respected) but it's a problem if you're turning yourself into an stereotype, like the whole bimbo "feminism" thing (that I'll keep repeating: ITS NOT EMPOWERING)
That's all I have to say for now! I really hope this contributes something for you and I hope you do great. Sending blessings for you all! ♡
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