#self rwblog
reddogcollar · 2 years
went thru and gave all my art a dedicated tag until it stopped letting me edit tags. feels like I'm really getting my shit together now
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batt00ny · 11 months
OH and just for clarity. I am reblogging all propaganda but if it is just the same exact phrase reblogged 20 times in the span of 10 minutes I'll just reblog 1. Or really any exact repetition won't get reblogged even if it's over the course of the days of the poll. I qill reblog variations of vote for my favorite said in funny various ways. But if you reblog it 6 days in a row saying "Vote for _" each time I will only reblong once. This hasn't been a problem but I would rather make it clear now
Any propaganda of ANY side will be reblogged! My amount of reblogs siding with a character does not reflect my views. I reblog all propaganda if it isn't just in the tags, so the amount will only be affected by whichever side of the poll is more vocal!!! Rwblogging the propaganda is just for fun and to encourage passion, community involvement and reasons to choose YOUR fave!!!! It's not to make u feel forced to pick one side or the other :3 Pick which you want! Plus if you run into a poll where you're rather indifferent to both characters perhaps the propaganda may help u decide ^_^
Idk I just want it to be fun and not feel rigged!!! Reblog about ur faves! Tell me about your experience with them, favorite moments, quotes, maybe even the self ship crowd out there wanna advocate for their hashtag faves...oc x Canon even.....ANYTHING. just have a blast ok that's the only rule
& ALSO if you reblog with text and don't want it reblogged feel free to say so in the tags, and if it's already reblogged and you want it removed just send a dm or an ask!
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