#self-love spell
A simple spell for broom closet witches to get away from toxic energy
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Self-love candle made from soy wax, scent cubes, rose petals, and cinnamon:
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wandoffire · 5 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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Like / follow for more like this <3
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yourwitchmama · 5 months
Emoji spell to manifest positivity, self love, and anything you desire in your life✨
~Like to charge, reblog to cast~
Put energy into this post to give yourself and others maximum benefits! Spells are all about intention~
Feminine positive affirmation manifestation
Masculine positive affirmation manifestation
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thismommyisforreal · 9 months
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Wishing you a wonderful weekend
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ultra-art-blog · 3 months
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Skyward Sword has my whole heart 🩷
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poisonous-honey · 3 months
Nahida’s Precious Tailor
The little lord of Sumeru calls upon your aid as she wishes for a wardrobe change.
Who’s Here: Reader/Player, Nahida, Wanderer, Kaveh, and Alhaitham makes a short appearance
Contains: Cursing, SAGAU (Self Aware Genshin Alternate Universe), Artist/Tailor Reader, Reader isn’t explicitly shipped with anyone so you can make do however you wish
Note: Inspired by @sunnysolaria. Not their exact ask, I just had fun making this (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ (i.e. this basically word vomit)
Time ticks by as you and Nahida sit in the middle of the Sanctuary of Surasthana. You can vaguely hear the sounds of children singing softly in the background which makes it a bit more eerie to be here, but you push it away to try and focus on the task asked of you. Nahida looks on in wonder as you continue to ponder, not noticing you’ve started to mumble out loud. 
“I knew you liked to waste your own time, but I thought you’d at least be decent enough to spare others from your terrible habits.”
Hearing Wanderer you’re snapped out of your thoughts and turn your eyes away from Nahida to see him arrive. Your mind, still a jumbled mess, can barely recall what he said to make a proper retort. You assume he insulted you so you open your mouth hoping to say any form of comeback.
Of course, you didn’t. 
Nahida quickly spreads her arms wide taking Wanderer’s scrutinizing eyes off your form, allowing you to collect your thoughts better.
“I’ve asked them to be my tailor! They’re helping me think of outfit designs! Some of the ones they’ve already thought of have been fascinating!”
You blank for a sec upon hearing that. You’re happy she liked some of the designs you thought of, but you forgot she could read your mind at all. Trying to shake the thought that she could read your mind whenever she pleases, you turn to Wanderer to shoo him away.
“Yeah I’m actually here for important business, so if you could skedaddle somewhere else for a bit that’d be great.”
He ignores you and keeps his attention focused on Nahida, which has you silently cursing under your breath.
“Why do you even need new clothes? Let alone asking the Player to design and make them for you. Their sense of fashion is atrocious.”
You gasp and put your hand to your chest. You’re about to tell him your clothes were for sure more comfortable than anything he could be wearing, but Nahida cuts you off.
“Before the Player landed in Teyvat, they would sometimes bring up pictures of everyone with different clothes. Some people looked completely different from how they are now.”
Your brow raises as you cock your head. You didn’t think they could see anything outside the game when you were playing. They were too good at hiding everything they were able to do to your device. Or maybe it was just Nahida, that would be better for your peace of mind.
“Oh, so you saw your beta designs? Is that why you asked me specifically?”
Nahida nods her head, “Partly. It’s why I wanted to try something different, but I haven’t actually seen my own alternative designs. I can’t say I’m not still curious to see them.”
Your eyes brighten just a little. “I can still show you if you want me too! It’s all saved to a photo album on my phone. I’d just have to find it.”
She leans in closer to you with curiosity and marvel on her face. You take that as a yes and take-out your phone to start looking for it. During the time it takes you to find the set of pictures Wanderer ends up sitting next to you and staring at all the pictures you pass by. As soon as you find Nahida’s beta designs and hand her your phone, Wanderer starts to come at you.
“Wow, someone’s obsessed.”
Your head whips to his direction, and you look at him with a mix of disdain and embarrassment. The sadistic pleasure is very visible on his face as he continues.
“Over 2000 pictures dedicated to us? And a lot of them seem to be of the same person. I wonder what they’d think if they knew you had sections dedicated to them in your photo gallery.”
Shame shimmers underneath your skin the more he talks. You’re glad he only saw the folder number. You stopped organizing your pictures in folders a long time ago so you can’t imagine how much you have now. If he knew the actual number you’d probably die on the spot. Even so, you don’t want to take shit from this fucking edgelord.
“Oh shut the fuck up! I didn’t know any of you were even real at the time I just liked the game okay.”
He arches his brow and rests his head on his hand, still carrying that shit-eating grin, “The fact you thought we weren’t even sentient just makes this more pathetic.”
Wanderer soon brings up the pictures he saw of himself on your phone which has you combusting on the spot. Nahida continues to stare at her beta designs, ignoring the “argument” going on between you two. She examines them for a bit longer before tapping your shoulder to get your attention and holds out your phone for you to take back.
You quickly take it and hide the source of your shame, giving Wanderer the middle finger while you're at it. You focus as much on Nahida as you can, with him laughing in the background. 
“Did you like any of them?”
Nahida stares at you intently for a moment before saying anything. “Player, would you have preferred it if I looked like one of these designs?”
You’re stunned for a sec before panic quickly sets in. Of course, she was probably reading your mind to see what you thought of them. You thought they were all pretty interesting, but you didn’t want her thinking you thought they were superior. You vaguely hear Wanderer tease you for managing to upset such a forgiving god and Nahida saying that she wasn’t upset, just asking, but it’s in one ear and out the other amidst your frantic state.
“Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no Nahida you got the wrong idea!” You take your phone back out before gesturing to the whole page of beta designs. “Yeah I think these designs are cool, some more than others but that’s beside the point! I like you Nahida even if your dress looks like a shuttlecock-”
“What are you even saying-”
“Stop focusing on the unimportant Wanderer.”
He scoffs at you and rolls his eyes.
“But you’re you. For a lot of these I think they had a different vision of you in mind when drawing these.”
Nahida puts her hands on yours and only then did you realize how much you were fidgeting. She smiles warmly at you, “There’s no need to be so nervous. I was just asking!”
You deflate in relief, “Thank goodness. I guess back to my last question then… Did you like any of them? If you thought one of them was pretty good I could make that for you?”
She thinks on it for a moment and ultimately shakes her head, “I did like a couple, but I’d rather you make me something new! There’s a reason these weren’t chosen, and you said it yourself they don’t make you think of me. I know you put your heart into the clothes you make, so a design made by you, for me, is perfect.”
You smile at her. Her faith in you to make something good for her fills you with pride.
“I’ll do my best for you.”
Out of the corner of your eye you notice Wanderer opening his mouth, probably to talk more shit, so before he can say anything you make a show of stretching and square him straight in his face. He roughly grabs your hand and pushes it away from him, staring at you with the fiercest scowl you’ve seen from him. You merely smirk in his direction.
“Oh I’m so sorry, I forgot you were there. I was just trying to stretch, no hard feelings yeah?”
You put your phone away again and get up to leave, waving goodbye to Nahida and ignoring Wanderer’s pointed gaze as you walk towards the door. Nahida cheerfully waves back and Wanderer silently seethes in his place. 
On your way down to the ground floor of the city you continue to brainstorm multiple ideas to potentially make for Nahida. Dresses, regal robes, bejewelled shirts, and big pants. Should you try to lean into her godhood? Maybe go for a nature theme or add more computer-Esq patterns into the design. Should you give the poor girl shoes? You’re so deep in thought you don’t realize how close you had gotten to the edge of the pathway. A stray tree branch catches your foot, and you trip, snapping out of your mind to see houses and merchant stalls.
Luckily before you could plummet onto some poor person’s roof you’re caught by your arm and roughly pulled away from the ledge and into someone’s chest. You both fall to the ground and a small group of students that witnessed your mishap crowded around you.
“Oh my Archons, are you two okay?” “Do you need any help?” “Can we get you anything?”
“I’m fine thank you, but Player, are you okay?”
You get up and turn around to see it was indeed Kaveh that had saved you from cracking your head open on one of the rooftops below. He’s helped up by one of the others, and he stares at you intently.
“Yes it’s me, but seriously are you okay?”
You hear some of the others murmuring questions, mostly asking if you’re okay. “Yeah I’m fine. Thank you, really.”
You, of course, take this moment to hug him which Kaveh immediately reciprocates. “Gods you need to be more careful. You nearly scared me half to death.”
He peels himself away from you when he notices the others are still worried about you. The few students around ask if you’re sure you’re okay and fawn over you a little before leaving you in Kaveh’s care. As you’re waving bye you feel Kaveh’s hand rest on your shoulder which has you turn to look at him, his gaze still filled with concern.
“Are you sure you-”
“Yes Kaveh. You saved me, I’m fine.”
You grab his hand and hold it in front of you. It looked like he wanted to say a lot more, but he eventually settled and gazed at you softly, tightening his grip on your hand just a bit. “I’m glad. So what’s weighing so heavily on your mind that you can’t look up to notice your surroundings?”
You fidget under his stare for a second, not being able to remember until you see Wanderer flying off somewhere in the distance. It feels like you were hit with a brick as you remember the important task that was given to you. As you turn back to Kaveh to explain, you stop to look at what he’s wearing. It’s his normal outfit, but taking it all in you realize you don’t know what makes Sumeru wear… Sumeru wear. You’re pulled into your thoughts again and about to walk off before Kaveh pulls you back a little, clearly confused.
“Hold on, where are you going??”
Oh yeah, you had forgotten he asked you a question. “Nahida asked me if I could design new clothes for her. I was thinking of ideas earlier, but now I see all of them were lacking. None of them really looked like Sumeru clothes so now I need to do research since,” You look over Kaveh’s outfit again and take a glance at the people around you, “I don’t even know where to start.”
His brows furrow, and his hand moves to his chin. You want to chuckle seeing him do the thinking idle animation, but you don’t want him to start overthinking his existence again over something so trivial. Suddenly, Kaveh grabs you by your shoulders and his face ends up really close to yours.
“I can help you! If you want me to, that is.”
You stare at Kaveh in slight surprise. You guess you should've known he’d want to help with your artistic endeavours.
“You know how to make clothes?”
He falters a bit, but is still as enthusiastic as before, “Well no, but I do know a thing or two about style. I learned more than just how to make a building during my time at the Academia you know.”
He playfully pokes your forehead, and you swat his hand away with a smile. “Yeah I wasn’t thinking. I’d definitely appreciate your help.”
“Perfect! We can start by heading to the Grand Bazaar. Oh, but first I have to drop off my materials. I was on my way to do that before I had to drop everything to keep you from falling.”
You look past him to see a ton of blueprints and rulers and a ton of other materials. Making your way over you start to pick everything up for him, Kaveh soon following suit. You hear him mumbling, hoping nothing broke in his rush. Guilt creeps up your spine seeing him fret over every item he picks up.
“... Sorry.”
His head snaps to your direction hearing you apologize and quickly tries to calm any guilt you currently feel. “Please it’s okay, besides it doesn’t seem like anything’s broken. If you still want to make it up to me then try taking better care of yourself.”
You huff and continue to help him collect his things off the floor. “That’s a tall ask, but I’ll try for you.”
“You better.”
You finish gathering all of Kaveh’s materials and help him carry them on the way to Alhaitham’s despite all his protests saying he could do it himself.
“What are you doing here??”
“This is my house, or did you forget?”
You honestly weren’t expecting to see Alhaitham today. You were pretty sure you caught sight of him in the Academia on your way to the Sanctuary or Surasthana so you assumed he was working. Judging by Kaveh’s reaction, you guess that’s what he was supposed to be doing.
Kaveh scoffs, “Never mind. Player, can you hand me the rest of my things? You can wait here while I put them all away.”
Kaveh carefully brings his materials over to his room, and you decide to sit next to Alhaitham as you wait for him to put them away. He’s currently reading something you have no hope of ever understanding. You’re content to sit here in silence as you wait not wanting to bother him, when he starts talking, not even taking his eyes off the book he’s reading.
“You nearly had quite the fall earlier. You’re quite lucky Kaveh was able to catch you in time.”
It takes you a bit to register what he was referring to, but when it settles you gawk at him, barely believing what he’s insinuating.
“Wait, so you saw me nearly fall to my death, and didn’t even bother to check up on me??”
He closes his book with a snap and turns to look at you. Moments like this make you wish you were able to read him, his passive face making it near impossible to tell what he was thinking. You watch as he reaches for something behind him and pulls out a small heart-shaped gold and green box with a soft glow. He hands it to you without saying a word.
You take it and inspect it for a while, not being able to figure out what it is. You don’t see any clasps or hinges to be able to open it so you’re filled with nothing but questions.
“What’s this for?”
“Consider it my apology for not checking up on you earlier. Open it later.”
You huff and nod your head. Realizing you're probably not going to get anymore out of him you change the topic, talking to him about whatever you feel like as you wait for Kaveh. You’re in the middle of explaining the task Nahida gave you and the research you’re about to do when Kaveh finally steps out of his room.
“Everything's put away, we can head off now!”
You get up excited and skip to the front door, not realizing Alhaitham getting up as well. Kaveh does though and swiftly starts to question him. 
“Where are you going? Back to work I’d hope.”
That has you turning around right before the door.
“I have some things I need to acquire at the Bazaar. Since you’re also going I thought to simply come along.”
You smile, you appreciate the thought, but feel Kaveh won’t in the slightest.
“Oh no you’re not coming with us! Knowing you, you’d try to but in with your own ‘advice’ when you don’t even understand the first thing about art. The clothes our Player is designing are for Lord Kusanali. Any help that you could provide would only serve to make the design a disaster.”
Your face falls as Kaveh starts an argument with Alhaitham, exactly what you expected. You debate dragging him away, but decide against it, saying you’ll wait for him outside. The only sign that he heard you is the slight turn of his head before you step outside yourself.
As you exit you look at the heart-shaped box Alhaitham gave you. You’re far too impatient to wait until you get home to see what’s inside, but you don’t know how to open it. You fiddle with it for a while when you hear the door open and close. Turning around you see Kaveh step outside and shove the box in his direction. 
“Huh? What’s this?”
“Alhaitham gave this to me, but I have no idea how to open it. Can you maybe, help me?”
He complains under his breath hearing Alhaitham’s name, but does take it from you to inspect it. Barely any time passes when he realizes what it is and presses on the jewel in the centre of the box. You flinch as wings suddenly pop out from its sides. Kaveh hands it back to you, and you stare at it with glee. He gave you a Sumeru styled glider.
“What a coincidence.”
You roll your eyes and try pressing the jewel to get the wings to retract, which it does, and tell Kaveh to shush. 
“Give him the benefit of the doubt just this once. I’ll have to thank him later. Anyway, what was the plan again?”
A smile finally forms on his face, and he goes over the plan he concocted “Yes! First we’ll stop by the Grand Bazaar, the Zubayr Theatre will have plenty of costumes that we can look at. I also know a few market stalls that sell fabric-”
You listen to him go on for a while when your eyes start to wander, and it’s when your eyes land on someone rummaging through their clothes looking for something you remember Kaveh’s and Alhaitham’s shared idle animation. He had them earlier, but just to make sure you decide to ask anyway.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you have your keys right Kaveh?
Kaveh stops and turns to you. You see his face contort multiple times, like he’s struggling to decide whether he should feel offended or not, before sighing.
“Of course I do, they're right… Uhh.”
You cross your arms and stare at him with as much disappointment you could muster. You watch as his face turns red as he continues patting himself down. Soon he gives up and slumps.
“... I think I left them with all of my things.”
You raise an eyebrow. “How did you even-”
“I have no idea. Give me a sec I’ll go get them.”
Nahida twirls around in front of a mirror much larger than her, looking at the clothing you made for her from all angles. Her green mantelet swirls around her, the edge covered in padisarah designs and her bell chiming with every movement. The coat underneath a darker shade filled with swirls and flowing behind her legs. The necklace you gave her thumping against the sleeveless white shirt. In case she wanted some type of sleeves you also made white add-on sleeves with golden cufflets. Where the shirt ends, beads were placed to separate the blue and purple scarf around her waist. It had pale yellow ruffles that flowed over her pants. The pants are fairly puffy, also white and stop right above her ankles. You also decided to make her shoes, white and the same green as her mantelet with gold accents and adorned with green jewels at their tips. 
You fidget in your place behind her and mindlessly twiddle your thumbs. She hasn’t said anything yet, and it was starting to get to you. You spent a long time looking over clothes and books with Kaveh to try and understand Sumeru design, but even after all the studying you were still nervous presenting it to her. You’re at least thankful Wanderer hasn’t said anything to spite you yet.
Not wanting to be stuck in suspense any longer you just decide to ask her directly. “So Nahida… Do you like it? ‘Cause if you don’t I can make something else-”
“No I love it!” She turns and lets you see the massive smile on her face, her arms still spread wide. “I especially like the scarf. I’m not exactly sure why, but it reminds me of something I lost. I appreciate it, thank you!”
You breathe a sigh of relief. The scarf is what you were most worried about since it didn’t match the rest of the colour scheme. Especially since Kaveh had quite a bit to say about it, but you felt it to be integral. 
She then turns her attention to Wanderer, who still hasn’t said anything yet. “What do you think?”
He stares at her outfit for a moment, looking her up and down, before sighing and reluctantly giving his own opinion, “It’s… Alright.”
You elbow him in the arm for that which he barely even reacts to. “Oh come on, surely you have more to say than that.”
His brow twitches, “It’s amazing you managed to make anything presentable.”
You scoff and back away from him, “Never mind I don’t want your opinion anymore.”
Nahida claps her hands and grabs both of your attention, “I’m glad you like it too! Maybe our player can design you some new clothes as well!” 
“As if.” “Fat chance.”
You both end up dismissing the idea at the same time. The thought of working as hard as you did for Nahida on someone like Wanderer makes you want to die. He probably wouldn’t even try it on.
You then remember Kaveh wanted you to tell him everything after once you finished up here. Knowing him he’s been letting this eat away at his thoughts, so you should probably head off now.
You relay this to both of them, Nahida nods in understanding before waving cheerfully and Wanderer just walks off, causing you to roll your eyes. You wave back to Nahida and as you turn around you suddenly trip and fall face-first into the floor.
“Oh, sorry. I was just trying to stretch, you got in my way.”
Looking up you see Wanderer, dead faced as usual, but you can see the mirth in his eyes. Kaveh is instantly forgotten as you feel rage fill you and bubble under your skin. He starts to walk towards the exit, and you hop up to follow him, yelling and cussing him out as you try to catch up. Nahida watches on with a small smile, clutching the scarf in her hands.
Thanks for reading! 
Here’s the sketch I made to try and better describe her clothing. I’m terrible at describing clothing and wish I could just beam the perfect descriptors onto the page lmao.
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I’m not exactly happy with the colour scheme (The cloak/mantelet reminds me too much of Collei’s), but this was the first time I’ve designed anything more complicated than a sweater and hoodie lol. I’m still proud I managed to come up with anything. As to why I gave importance to the scarf, it’s ‘cause I tried to make it look like a Rukkhashava Mushroom. 
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“A fungus that grows in layers upon layers, like a sea of clouds, and which mostly grows on trees deep in the rainforest. Therefore, they are considered by the people of Sumeru to be the holy crystallization of Rukkhadevata's legacy. In Sumeru, those who dwell in the forest have a tradition of offering Rukkhashava Mushrooms to the Akademiya, but no one knows what these offerings are meant to be used for. Word has it that the Akademiya always performs a secret annual ritual at the Sanctuary of Surasthana, during which the sages will consume these mushrooms to commemorate Lord Rukkhadevata's sacrifice.”
And here’s her beta designs from Hoyo if you’re interested
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vixeneptune · 10 months
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My aura is so enchanting
My energy has that love spell effect on people
People fall in love with me the moment they hear me
People fall in love with me the moment they see me
People fall in love with me the moment they meet me
I'm so charming, no one can resist my charms
People fall in love with me at first sight
Everyone is mesmerized by my presence and beauty
I fell in love with myself bc I'm so fucking amazing
I naturally attract love bc I radiate love
I can attract anyone I want instantly with just one glance
I can attract anyone I want so effortlessly, like I don't even have to try
I am a magnet for love
People can't help but fall in love with me
I always have the best options in love, literally have a whole simp army after me bc everyone who encounters me ends up falling in love w me
I'm so mesmerizing I charm everyone I encounter
My love radiates for miles and attracts everyone
My eyes make anyone fall deeply in love with me
I have this irresistible charm that everyone falls for
I'm so magnetic, everyone feels so attracted to me
I get too many love confessions daily
I can pull anyone I want with my natural charm and magnetism
Anyone I desire ends up falling deeply in love with me eventually
People easily develop a major crush on me
People fall in love with me in an instant
My eyes naturally have that powerful love spell effect
I make them fall in love with just one look
Everything I do is so charming
My natural energy is enchanting and mesmerizing
people find it so easy to fall for me
My presence inspires people to shower me with love and affection
Idk why my desired people fall in love with me so fast and deep , they become crazy in love and it lasts forever
I'm the girl everyone falls in love with
People love showering me with love and giving me love freely bc I'm so lovable
The moment people meet me they fall under my charms, they become so enchanted by me
I'm the girl who gets anyone she wants instantly
They wonder if I put a spell on them bc of how strongly their love is for me, but no it's just my natural energy
Both men and women develop major crushes on me
I'm so easy to love
I'm everyone's dream girl
I'm literally everyone's crush bc I'm so charismatic and charming
I'm the girl of everyone's dreams
Everywhere I go I get more than 10 people who are in love with me
I already manifested the relationship of my dreams!
Manifesting love is the easiest most natural thing for me
I'm the girl everyone has a crush on
I always attract quality options in love who are willing to give me the world
People feel lucky and blessed to know me
They give me so much love without expecting anything in return
I am the goddess of love and beauty
People wonder what my secret is, why does everyone fall in love with me instantly?
I'm so enchanting and bewitching, my presence captivates everyone around me
It's impossible not to love me, people literally have no choice but to fall in love with me they can't help it
I have too many secret admirers to count
They send me flowers and gifts and spoil me, they do anything to please me just because they love me that much
Why is everyone confessing their undying love for me all of a sudden?
How do i keep getting so many people trying to pursue me and offer me love?
People feel compelled to let me know how crazy in love they are with me
Why is it so easy for me to manifest whatever I want in love? It's like I have magical love powers
Every second that passes with me people can feel themselves falling deeper and deeper in love
Why do I always get anyone I want? Like it's so natural and easy
Whoever I want, wants me 1000x times more
Everyone is captivated and hooked on me like I'm their favorite most special person in the world
These affirmations are included in my love spell subliminal, give it a listen for maximum effects ⚡
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candles-by-mokosh · 10 months
“I am learning to love, cherish, and nurture my body. For it is my home.”
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icanseethefuture333 · 5 months
Random ass question, but what do you think is the best way for a 4/10 girl to become at least a 7 out of 10? I’m aware that “beauty is subjective” but I’m literally below average, 4/10 is being lenient for me lol
How to have confidence in your physical appearance 🎀
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First of all sweetie,
let's not rate ourselves on a scale about how pretty we are! It's really degrading and I feel like you deserve so much better than that. Living in a generation where filters are oversaturated, people using AI to edit their photos, and incels with porn addictions and have never felt the touch of a woman, will call the most beautiful girl "mid". It's so understandable why one's self esteem can feel low at times. You need to change the way you talk about yourself (especially me). Beauty always start from within - as redundant as that sounds. You can't feel pretty if you're not focusing on the reason why you feel this way. A pretty soul (and self concept!) makes a prettier face. Moving on, let's get into the actual tips of a glow up 💖
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Let's address the elephant in the room 🐘: you're not ugly, just acting pitiful
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Have you ever wondered why you have seen those people who are considered "unattractive" or "unconventionallly pretty" by others be in successful relationships or popular with their peers? It's because they have confidence. Have you ever been attracted to someone that may not necessarily fit the beauty standards or be considered a jaw dropping model, but you thought they were cute anyways because of their personality or charm? That's exactly what I mean. You can be a pretty face or have a nice body, but have terrible self esteem. Living in California my whole life I come across this everyday. There is plenty of beautiful people here, but there is also a lot of people with no sense of humor and no offense, but have no personalities. In other words, you can be attractive, but superficial and boring.
To feel beautiful or more like a "10" even on your worst day is mainly having a good self concept. You need to think with the mindset of "I am the baddest bitch even on my worse days and nobody can make me feel different about that, not even me." Our concept can be changed, reshaped, rebuilt, morphed, etc, into any way we want it to be. Our self concept and dominant thoughts are created by our previous past experiences and what people have told us what we are. For example, if you were bullied in your youth and somebody picked on you for your features. Why would you give a fuck about what a bully thinks??? A person who humiliated and traumatized someone at a weak point in their life does not matter. Their opinion, their actions, their thoughts - doesn't matter. You can change yourself anytime you want, we are animals, we are literally mean to be apart of this cycle called life and our habits, attitudes, opinions, etc, can change at any moment. We are meant to grow and adapt. You get to decide who you are, what you feel, and how you wish people to perceive you. Nobody else. So when you repeatedly say things to people like "I'm not beautiful", they're gonna get tired of it honestly and be like "Yk what damn bitch I guess you are ugly!" because it gets tiring to hear someone complain about the same thing even when they just reassured them (again, I'm guilty of this too). So when you depend on someone to make you feel good about yourself, that's just codependency. You are also giving them the power to manipulate you. Don't do that. Be free and be independent, love yourself. It's your self esteem and you cannot be dependent on anybody else to fill that void you have within yourself.
As Katt Williams said, "It's the esteem of your motherfucking self!"
Why it's not your fault you don't 'feel" pretty
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Like I said above, you are most likely a product of your surroundings. Most people are not raised by their parents to have good self esteem or to teach them how to be confident or emotionally secure. There are many environmental factors to insecurity and that it is okay if you are never 100% feeling confident about yourself. People in the media construct this ego to seem "cool" and act conceited as a way to avoid being seen as weak to society. You can be confident and also have insecurities. Confidence is just about being secure with the essence of who you are and setting boundaries when necessary with other people when it comes to that. A confident person doesn't tolerate disrespect.
"Conceited" or confident?: how to avoid confusing the two
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I think the most irritating thing to me that is normalized these days is narcissism and conceited people. People will literally act boastful and cocky then say "I'm just confident". Behaving like a narcissist or saying that you are one is not cute and never will be because it's literally a personality disorder, a mental health condition. Everytime I hear this it makes me want to roll my eyes so far back into my head. Try to avoid being this person with a "God complex" because there's a difference between a person who is being loud and fake with "confidence". A real confident person makes moves in silence and is genuine with themselves. If you have to brag or put another person down to feel like hot shit, then you're not a confident person, period.
Tips to enhance your beauty
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As I said before anon you are already a 10 in my eyes, but I understand how it feels to not feel pretty at times and we all have our days when we are looking "rough". Here are some self care tips I do that helps me feel pretty and pampered physically ✨️
Get some beauty sleep! This is not just a saying. When your body has time to rest it gives you time to reset & have more energy for the next day. Getting plenty of sleep helps prevent dark circles & puffy eyes as well. If you struggle with falling asleep spray lavender pillow spray, drink tea, or play asmr/soothing sounds.
Skincare & hygiene, this is such a crucial step that everyone should practice in their daily lives. All of us have different skin textures and when we neglect our skin it causes a dry, oily, or bumpy surfaces. Now skin texture is totally normal but if you notice the days where you are not washing your face frequently enough, your skin either looks dull, dirty, or you experience more pimples / acne breakouts. Not to mention how dirty we feel when our body is projecting a certain odor. You don't need to have an extravagant routine, but at least try to have about 4 hygienic products (soap, deodorant, lotion, & body spray/prrfume) and 4 skincare products (facial cleanser (I recommend double cleansing!), serum, SPF/Sunscreen, & face lotion).
Mirror work, saying affirmations in the mirror has proven to be helpful for people's self esteem & feeling more confident with their physical appearance.
Change your wardrobe! Start dressing for your body type & how your ideal self would. It might feel uncomfortable at first but you will feel so much more beautiful! You could try finding videos on tiktok of people with your body type to help (for example, if you are plus sized, you could search your desired aesthetic & find people with the same shape as you).
Detox from social media 📱, learn when it is time to take a break from your phone & engage with the real world. Scrolling for hours on your phone can be really harmful especially if you're reading negative comments or watching videos that are self depreciating.
Follow people who uplift you, not tear you down. If you are following people who obviously are negative or affect your self esteem somehow, then you do not need to be supporting them.
Make appointments! Whether that is a doctor appointment or lash, nail, or hair appointments. Take care of your mind, health, and body. You could ask your doctor what vitamins you should take or also seek a counselor/therapist to find the root of your insecurities in a safe place. Also sometimes just getting my hair or nails done makes me feel more confident!
Learn to treat yourself. Buy yourself flowers or a gift you always wanted but never received. This could be anything, it doesn't necessarily mean to spend money. For example, cooking your favorite food, having a lazy day, etc. Remember that you deserve to be happy!
Lastly, beauty spells, glamour magick, and manifestation are popular methods for people who wish to enhance their physical appearance. I do all of these myself and I always feel so hot afterwards!
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I hope you found these tips helpful beautiful ♡!
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gz-missfit · 1 month
I wanna talk about Tubbo and Phil
I know there's some strong opinions from many on either character so I wanna share some thoughts on their relationship from someone who's watched both for a LONG time (way way before qsmp).
Tubbos and Phil's relationship kinda is, the closest I can get to explaining is is Bads and Foolishs, by that i mean is that at first glance you would not necessarily think these 2 had the dynamic they actually DO have. It's easy to get swept up in their banter and chaotic messing with eachother or in the way they mostly communicate through jokes and teasing but those 2 TRUST eachother a LOT.
I'm gonna try to not bring the kids into this cause obviously they don't have the knowledge we as the audience do in this sense, but Phil is not someone who trusts easy, the closets one he has to fully being honest with is Fit and even he doesn't know everything. But Phil trusts capabilities, that's why he trusts Fit so much cause he knows the other veteran is incredibly capable. To bring this back to Tubbo, Phil knows that Tubbo is INCREDIBLY capable and smart, he knows the kid is talented, hard working and determined beyond believe. But those who know Phil also know he's just not good at showing this, but believe me when I say he thinks incredibly highly of Tubbos capabilities.
Tubbo is someone Phil trusts relentlessly, even if he sometimes gets things wrong about him as a character it is never with any malicious intent and he sees that kid as family, meaning he'll do everything to help him if called.
Now to Tubbo, tubbo is interesting because his trust is rare, at least his FULL trust is. Obviously he has people he relies on more than others but true transparent trust is something he really only has with the eggs. He does have people he trusts, he just doesn't want/like to rely on others and it's kinda weaving into his need to be the one that people rely on. Now for me I definitely think Tubbo thinks of Phil as a friend, no doubt about it. And I feel like he's also very aware of how Phil works, a lot more so than others (definitely due to their long term irl friendship too). Tubbo knows where Phil's strengths lie and when he can just ask him for tips or advice, Tubbo knows Phil is reliable when called for, Tubbo knows Phil does not talk about his relationships or emotions a lot. Tubbo has been on the receiving end of a few things no other had to see from Phil yet, Tubbo was one of the only ones who during Purgatory got shown how Phil lost all hope in himself and for his kids (seeing in him being genuinely shocked Tubbo was still fighting for them too), But he also got to see how even with that doubt Phil would never leave someone behind he sees as his flock. Phil sacrificed his wings for Tubbo and both know he'd do it again a thousand times over.
Another moment I like to take as example is very early day of Tubbo joining, it's funny cause u can definitely see a like mentor/apprentice vibe which quickly fizzles out once Tubbo finds his footing in what he is good at. A moment that has always stuck out to me though is the kids disappearance day and those leading up to it. Tubbo was responsible for Chayanne and Tallulah during that time (quick side note, Phil's instant trust with those 2 for Tubbo is HUGE especially the fact that Phil knew Tubbo would take his explanations of how to be there for Tallulah seriously) and once the realization hit Tubbo kinda went into this dooming mindset, he saw himself as a failure and was worried about losing the fact that Phil relied on him, basically afraid of losing his usefulness, he spiraled and was terrified of Phil's response but when it actually came to that day? Phil was nothing but instantly understanding, reassured Tubbo, never lost trust in him with the kids down the line and showed Tubbo where his anger truly falls. It was such a simple moment but Neither have lost any trust in the other when it comes to absolute necessity.
And I think that's where a lot of their headbutting or appeared distrust comes from cause those 2 don't want nor like to rely on others. They're used to being the ones that are relied on! But when it comes down to it, when it comes to push and shove they know the other is someone they could rely on in a heartbeat (when I say necessity I mean necessity btw, like full on life or death)
Because when the people who do not ask for help need to ask for help you know shits bad, and it's a little easier when the person you know is so similar yet so different from you that you're aware this will never be talked about again, it's easier to ignore the heaviness if you've gotten used to hide it with banter and jokes. But a flock will never leave eachother down, even if they don't say it.
(Also Tubbo logging out infront of Phil today and Phil wanting to prank him with a spawn trap only to go "I was gonna put Lava here, but he can't die so no I'm not gonna be a dick" is something like, once Phil is aware of something he instantly adjusts to it, he asked for Tubbos equipment before bringing him a boss mob to fight, gave him food during it etc. Cause again once both are aware of something they do instantly jump in or adjust to it)
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Self-Love Mini Spell
You will need:
Rose quartz
Pink candle
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Self-love doesn’t come very easily to some of us. But loving yourself is the stepping stone to a successful relationship. It motivates us to practice positive behavior. Self-love is not falling into self-hatred or shame when we mess up. If you are doubting yourself and need a little self-love boost, try this little spell daily until you truly love yourself inside and out.
Light your pink candle and hold the rose quartz in your dominant hand. Say out loud while looking in the mirror:
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“I love myself fully and unconditionally. I treat myself with love and respect. I make positive choices for myself. As I will it so mote it be.”
Focus on how you feel and will feel when you obtain self-love. Imagine all the positive choices that lie ahead and picture yourself choosing happiness and positivity. When you are done, blow out your candle.
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Good luck, don’t forget you’re beautiful inside and out!
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wandoffire · 6 months
Spell Jar to promote feelings of self worth, confidence and love.
Rose (healing, confidence, love)
Cinnamon (happiness)
Rosemary (protection, love)
Lavender (peace, strength, happiness)
Pink salt (cleanse, love)
Rose quartz (self love, compassion)
Pink wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need.
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Love <3
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gaypolywitch · 2 years
Divine Love Jar
This spell can be used either to attract love to you, or help you better love yourself. Set your intent and focus on it while filling your jar.
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You will need:
Rose petals
Lavender buds
Rose quartz shards
Clear quartz shards
A jar
After cleansing yourself, the area, and all the items you'll be using, layer your herbs in the jar in whatever order you please, leaving the crystals for last. While filling your jar, chants the words:
"I am worthy of love."
If you don't have these herbs, feel free to make the spell your own! I create all my own spells through research and intuition. If it feels right, I simply let my instinct guide me. Would love to see how others make a jar with similar intent!
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hiddenhearthwitch · 11 months
🌹 Self Love Spell Bath Ritual 🌹
It's super important to make time to take care of yourself and nurture your soul. I created a simple self love bath ritual just for that! Remember, the most important aspect of any ritual is your intention and the energy you bring to it. Trust in the power of self-love and allow yourself to fully embrace the experience.
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Rose quartz crystal (for self-love and healing)
Epsom salt (for relaxation and cleansing)
Pink candles (for love and emotional healing)
Fresh roses or rose petals (for love and beauty)
Your favorite bath oils or salts (optional)
Your intention and positive energy
Begin by setting the mood in your bathroom. Dim the lights, play soothing music, and create a serene atmosphere that promotes relaxation and self-care.
Fill your bathtub with warm water. As the tub is filling, add a handful of Epsom salt. Epsom salt helps to draw out toxins from your body and promotes a sense of relaxation.
Light the pink candles and place them around the bathroom. Their soft, gentle glow will create a calming and loving ambiance.
Take the rose quartz crystal in your hands and focus on your intention for the self-love bath. Visualize yourself surrounded by unconditional love and acceptance. Feel a sense of warmth and compassion emanating from the crystal.
Gently place the rose quartz crystal in the bathtub. As it comes into contact with the water, imagine its loving energy infusing the water, filling the tub with healing vibrations.
If you have fresh roses, scatter their petals on the water's surface. Alternatively, you can sprinkle dried rose petals in the bath. The roses symbolize love and beauty, further enhancing the self-love experience
Step into the bath and submerge yourself in the warm water. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax fully and release any tension or negative thoughts.
As you soak in the bath, meditate on self-love and self-acceptance. Repeat positive affirmations such as "I am worthy of love and happiness" or any other affirmations that resonate with you. Visualize any emotional wounds healing and being replaced with self-love and compassion.
Stay in the bath for as long as you desire, enjoying the peaceful and loving energy. You can also use this time to journal, reflect, or simply indulge in self-care activities.
When you feel ready to end the ritual, thank the rose quartz crystal and roses for their healing energy. Blow out the candles (if safe to do so) and take a moment to express gratitude for the experience.
Once you've finished your bath, drain the water, and rinse off any remaining rose petals. Take a moment to ground yourself, feeling the loving energy you've cultivated within you.
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moonarches · 1 year
💞🌷🐚💝🎀🪞🍓💗i appreciate myself so much and learn to love myself more each day💗🍓🪞🎀💝🐚🌷💞
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