stage-system · 6 months
Headmate Verbality Coining Post
[pt: Headmate Verbality Coining Post /end pt]
Bodily nonverbal systems have stated that nonverbal is a term exclusive to those who are bodily unable to speak at all times. As such, these exist now.
Nonvocal - a headmate who is never able to speak regardless of the body's verbality
Semivocal - a headmate who is only able to speak a little regardless of the body's verbality
Demivocal - a headmate who is only able to speak some regardless of the body's verbality
Vocal - a headmate who is able to speak a "normal amount" regardless of the body's verbality
Hypervocal - a headmate who speaks more than most people regardless of the body's verbality
Vocalflux - a headmate whose ability to speak changes regardless of the body's verbality
I don't care who uses these, just know they were made by a pro-endo! :D
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being fluctuating ability/needs is hell bc society is so weird abt that stuff and assume you dont need accomodations bc sometimes you can do The Thing when im reality most of the time you do The Things Expected youre spending most of your energy on it . youre not doing it in the abled , not chosen effort way thats like second nature and takes nothing for ableds and is taken for granted by them . youre spending what little you have on being more "convient" when it could be easier w/ accomodation .
~ Hosty/Mortis ( it )
[ this is about both physical disability and neurodivergence . op sys is chronically fatigued & semi-vocal autistic ]
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thattheater-kid · 4 months
We’ve got one child alter who’s semi-vocal (mostly nonvocal), so most of the time they can’t and don’t talk because it’s too difficult. Like about 98% of the time they can’t talk.
But when they do speak? That 2% of the time? They say the most intelligent stuff in the most eloquent way. Like they’ll say some shit about politics, science, or religion using long words I don’t understand in the slightest, and that’s the only sentence they’ll say for like two weeks.
- Edited for some terminology changes
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zebulontheplanet · 11 days
I have a question about using nonverbal/semiverbal vs. nonvocal/semiverbal.
So, we're a system and we have a member who struggles a lot with speaking, and we've been using the term semiverbal for him (though from seeing posts of others who are semiverbal, we're kinda wondering if nonverbal would be a better description?). Someone told us that using semivocal would be better because the rest of us/the body is fully verbal.
But we're not sure we want to use the -vocal term because -vocal refers to voice only (as it comes from "voice"), and he struggles with both spoken and written communication, and -verbal seems to be a better description for that.
Is it okay to keep using the term semiverbal (or nonverbal if we determine that's the better term) in our situation? Or is a different term preferred, and if so, do you know of any other terms that would indicate difficulty with both speaking and writing like the -verbal terms do?
Thank you for reading
Hi there. So, this is a very heavily debated topic, however, it has to be said and I know several nonverbal/nonspeaking people who feel the same way. I can’t speak for the whole community, but generally, if the body is speaking, and only one or two, or a couple alters are not able to talk, but the body itself is speaking, then please don’t use the terms nonverbal/nonspeaking and semiverbal.
Know many nonverbal/nonspeaking/semiverbal systems, and they all claim that word because the body itself is unable to speak or is semiverbal.
Again, this is a heavily debated topic. But overall, I personally don’t agree with people who have alters that don’t speak using the terms nonverbal or nonspeaking for themselves. The body doesn’t get the same type of treatment as those of us who are fully unable to speak or are semiverbal. Our experiences are much different. And I think that’s the part that matters. Experiences.
I would use alternative terms, like “this alter is unable to speak” “this alter can’t speak” “this alter is blah blah blah”. You get the point.
But yeah, I hope this explains some. Have a lovely day!
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aroasexualboypussy · 1 year
Hi guys I don't really stutter but I do sometimes like freeze when speaking and have to repeat myself and I also have periods where vocalizing words aloud becomes extremely difficult and people giving me shit about it is emotionally a hit in the chest and makes things more difficult as well so this message is for all y'all with stutters and speech impediments and tics and nonvocal folks and semivocal folks and those whose condition(s) affect their jaw and anyone who has trouble speaking be it by a physical mental or neurological barrier
I am arming you with the power of friendship/community <2. And a sword.
If u saw a typo no u didn't. Edit: Got another one rip me
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habahika · 3 years
El sonido humano, fonema de protolenguaje humano y semivocal; la ल
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guillemelgat · 5 years
Irrationally Long & Extremely Specific (Catalan Vocab Series) - Linguistics Part 1
Here’s the first list out of who knows how many, it’s phonetics-related words! Please send in corrections if you catch them and tell me if there are words you’d like to see; it’s impossible to cover everything even in a list this long!
la fonètica articulatòria - articulatory phonetics
la fonètica acústica - acoustic phonetics
la fonètica perceptiva - auditory phonetics
el so de la parla - speech sound
el fon - phone
l’aparell fonador (m.) - vocal apparatus
la fonació - phonation
l’articulació (f.) - articulation
el pulmó - lung
el bronqui - bronchi
la tràquea - trachea
la laringe - larynx
les cordes vocal - vocal chords
el ressonador - resonator
la cavitat bucal - oral cavity
la cavitat nasal - nasal cavity
la faringe - pharynx
el paladar - palate
els llavis - lips
la llengua - tongue
les dents - teeth
la glotis - glottis
la consonant - consonant
el punt d’articulació - place of articulation
labial - labial
bilabial - bilabial
labiovelar - labiovelar
labiodental - labiodental
coronal - coronal
dental - dental
dentoalveolar - denti-alveolar
alveolar - alveolar
postalveolar - postalveolar
palatoalveolar - palato-alveolar
retroflexa - retroflex
dorsal - dorsal
palatal - palatal
labiopalatal - labial-palatal
velar - velar
uvular - uvular
laríngia - laryngeal
faríngia - pharyngeal
epiglotal - epiglottal
glotal - glottal
apical - apical
laminal - laminal
lateral - lateral
el mode d’articulació - manner of articulation
l’obstruent (f.) - obstruent
l’oclusiva (f.) - stop
l’africada (f.) - affricate
la fricativa - fricative
la sibilant - sibilant
la sonorant - sonorant
la nasal - nasal
la bategant - tap
l’aproximant (f.) - approximant
la líquida - liquid
la semivocal - semivowel
la lateral - lateral
la vibrant / la ròtica - flap, trill
el (mechanisme de) flux d’aire - airstream (mechanism)
pulmonar - pulmonic
ejectiu - ejective
implosiu - implosive
lingual - lingual
el clic - click
la vocal - vowel
l’avançament - backness
anterior - front
quasi-anterior - near-front
central - central
quasi-posterior - near-back
posterior - back
el grau d’obertura - height
tancada - close
quasitancada - near-close
semitancada - close-mid
mitjana - mid
semioberta - open-mid
quasioberta - near-open
oberta - open
l’arrodoniment (m.) - roundness
arrodonida - rounded
no arrodonida - unrounded
la sonoritat - voicing
sonor - voiced
sord - voiceless
l’obertura (de la glotis) (f.) - opening (of the glottis)
el tancament (de la glotis) - closing (of the glottis)
l’aspiració (f.) - aspiration
el temps d’atac de la sonoritat - voice onset timing
aspirat - aspirated
tènue - unaspirated, tenuis
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gwendolynlerman · 5 years
Learn the IPA
The International Phonetic Alphabet for Catalan
(IPA: at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end of a word)
[a]: ànec [’anək], sac [’sak], -
[ɛ]: -, set [’sεt], què [’kε]
[e]: -, sec [’sek], -
[ə]: ens [’əns], naixement [nəʃə’men], que [’kə]
[i]: hi [’i], país [pə’is], i [i]
[ɔ]: o [’ɔ], soc [’sɔk], això [ə’ʃɔ]
[o]: oh [’o], molt [’moɫ], ego* [’eɣo]
[u]: oratge [u’ɾaʤə], suc [’suk], ritu [’ritu]
[ј]: iogurt [јo’gur], Laia [’laјə], llei [’ʎeј]
[w]: web [’web], quatre [’kwatɾə], lleu [’ʎew]
* in Majorcan
All IPA transcriptions are based on central Catalan pronunciation, except when stated otherwise.
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fyddavm · 3 years
Fonética y fonología contrastiva.
Clase 27/01/2021.
Conceptos a investigar:
Fonética: es la disciplina lingüística que estudia los sonidos del habla humana.
Fonología: se encarga de interpretar la manera tal cual en que los sonidos surgen.
Oposición distintiva: diferencia de un fonema.
Rasgo distintivo: características de los sonidos del habla humana.
Fonema: unidad mínima de articulación.
Alófono: sonido propio de la pronunciación.
Vocal: sonido de un lengua natural hablada sin obstáculos.
Consonante: sonido producido con la boca parcialmente abierta, interrupción total o parcial del flujo del aire.
Semivocal: letra que puede pronunciarse sin precibir directamente el sonido de una vocal.
Semiconsonante: que precede a la vocal silábica en diptongos y triptongos.
Palabra ortografía: gramática normativa.
Palabra fónica: sílaba tónica fuerte.
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contraespionajes · 4 years
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1. f.  Variante del fonema /u/ cuando forma parte de un diptongo, bien como semiconsonante, como en agua, bien como semivocal, como en fauna.
2. f. Emoción intensa de amor o ternura que es visible en la expresión de la mirada a través de una videollamada y que constituye una caricia que aunque lejana es sensible.
3. f. Sensación de placer y alivio generada por el agua y percibida por cualquier sentido: vista, tacto oído, gusto, olor, o los controversiales sexto sentido y sentido del recuerdo. Los amantes también lo usan para referirse a la misma sensación provocada por sus aguas internas.
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team-mtal · 7 years
Day 17 - Pet Peeves
Morrow hates when people bite their nails, but he’s not super vocal about it
Taronja hates clicking noices but he isn't vocal about it.
Viridian hates liers and cheaters. She's semivocal about it, but only those who are super close know.
Crimson doesn’t like when people don’t accept assistance given to them. Growing up, she secretly wanted help but didn’t get any until the Belladonna's came along, so to her, it looks like people are being ungrateful. She doesn’t say anything but dies a little on the inside every time.
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least fav is when parents stand outside ur room after you dont come to pick food immediatedly and just get angry when you dont respond like Thanks Sir im only gonna be able to eat less bc now my semivocal ass is panicking at the tone and volume of your voice im gonna fucking cry
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habahika · 3 years
El sonido humano, fonema de protolenguaje humano y semivocal; ya य
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habahika · 3 years
El sonido humano, fonema de protolenguaje humano y semivocal; ra र
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habahika · 3 years
El sonido humano, fonema de protolenguaje humano y semivocal; va व
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