#sense and sensibility wallpaper
mockscreens · 2 years
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thehistoriangirl · 8 months
The Tides Have Veiled [First Interlude]
What's this? Another update? So quickly? Well, this is a peculiar one. Bear with me 👉👈 it'll make sense soon enough.
Viktor x Fem!Reader------Gothic AU/Spooky Sea AU-----1.8K----SFW
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Synopsis: Piltover the Old has an old lighthouse that looms over an abandoned port. From the house in the wailing cliff’s edge, the lighthouse owner watches that the beacon is being lighten up each time darkness arrives, so that monsters wouldn't dare to crawl inland, or so legends say.
Both buildings are haunted, maybe even the man himself, by both past and present ghosts.
Surprisingly, the keeper’s work is beyond turning on the beacon every night— but the rest is on you to discover.
Chapter Summary: At the beginning, there was the keeper that built the beacon...
Tags: Strangers to Lovers| Slow Burn| Tragic Love| Dark Magic| Curses| Reincarnation| Sea Monsters & Mermaids| Dual Timelines
Taglist: @local-mr-frog @lunar-monster @bittercyder
This house forgets too quickly to your liking.
Green wallpaper changed into a boring white one, golden portraits of a broken family burned down in a makeshift fire outside the entrance, there where the smoke could fill your eyes with tears.
The clothes your mother used to wear, loose skirts and puffy sleeves to avoid much friction against her sensible skin burned all the same. Acrid smoke replaced the salty, yet sweet cadence of her essence.
Part of you hoped the same would occur to you, as you’re the last thing of your mother that is left. Even if it’s an amorph, broken shadow, one that would have probably horrified her.
Not belonging there, but neither here.  
A voice calls you from the relucent kitchen, pulling you out of the whirlpool of thoughts you'd been growing used to having ever since she came. Ever since she came and your mother left.
You don't feel your numb fingers from knitting all evening, but you have no choice, as there won’t be any trip to the city to buy clothes this year. Autumn is approaching, the days getting shorter as the wind picks up speed, wishing to take parts of the pitched roof as a souvenir to the end of the world.
Lady Luna Stell appears in your vision, and you can see her long fingers getting bruised and dried with the new chores of housekeeping. She hands you a rusty plater with lemon juice on a pitcher and a single, empty glass.
“Go to the lighthouse and give this to the keeper,” she says, cleaning herself into her stained apron. You stay there, frozen, a lump of fear settled in your stomach.
I can’t go, it’ll call me.
It always does.
The incessant, ruthless sway of the waves crashing against the rocks, echoed in the abyss of the cliff. They call you, and it breaks your heart to ignore them.
“What are you waiting for?” Luna says the disgust dripping from her voice makes you jump on your place, the lemon juice almost flowing over the pitcher’s rim. She scowls down at you. “I swear you’re a useless girl. At least you’re pretty enough to fool a man. You must consider yourself lucky.”
Luna knows the reason behind the strange aura surrounding you like a heavy cloak; the way the midwives first cooed happily at you while a baby, now growing with eeriness and a sense of doubt as you turn into an adult.
You look too much like her—like the madwoman who jumped off the cliff.
You turn away from her scrutiny, leaving behind the house that smells like overcooked meat and salty soup that nobody could eat at lunchtime. Perhaps another reason why Luna seems to be so on edge.
Or maybe the reason lies behind another destroyed fishing boat. All left behind with catch rotting in the sun and nobody on board. The words of your father, and you can only trust them, for you are forbidden to go near the sea.
The sky is clear today, a friendly breeze moving your hair against your face, the echo of your worn-out shoes against the rock, still uneven in the steps, still rough without the caress of feet going up and down, morphing it against its natural state to become it human-made.
You look up at the elongated shadow the lighthouse’s tower cast on it, like a giant that momentarily can hide the sun beneath white cement rock, so vibrant against the bright sunlight that its form is glued to behind your eyelids when you blink away.
The gate is open, the odor of oil painting stuck in your nostrils as you slip inside, looking at the tender garden starting to grow in crooked sprouts someone must attach little sticks to the stems to make them grow upward.
Not someone, but the keeper.
A black mouth welcomes you against the green and white of the gate, and you peek through it, looking neatly inside the lighthouse's ground floor.
Newly wallpaper in blue with wildflowers printed on it covering every wall—the same wallpaper your house used to be before becoming white and geometric; the old furniture all moved here. The squeaky chair you used to read fairytales in, the mattress your mother used to tuck all the way against the window to let the marine breeze in, even in winter.
In this space, everything is as it was used to; time stopping in the round walls of the tower, stopping it from slipping through the door as the only way from here is upward.
“Hello?” you say, your voice climbing the stairs before you are resolute to do it. Polished stairs made of red cedar support each of your feet without noisy complaints; the rail is thick enough to let your mind dare to see down once you're midway toward the beacon’s room.
“Hi?” you ask again, not without feeling stupid now that you are up here. A layer of sweat covering your face, sticky lemon juice falling all over the pitcher.
You’re almost expecting another earful from the keeper once he got to take the messy tray when you hear a grunt, the sound of a metallic object slipping, ricocheting over the wood to lay at your feet.
A golden gear the size of a lemon.
You observe the way it makes the sunlight reflect on the smooth surface, before rising your view to see where you could let the tray and pick up the gear.
The lighthouse keeper, however, is faster.
He stands up from his seated position against the beacon’s power wiring, and now it’s his time for the sun to frame him.
Honey-like eyes widen in surprise to see you standing there, some stains of oil against his pale skin that go down his arms that the rolled-up sleeves cannot cover. It could be the orangey hues of the upcoming dusk, but you can almost see his hair becoming aflame with the light pooling from the wide windows of this room that seems to be suspended in the air.
“Um, hi,” you hear yourself saying, cringing at the sound of your shaky voice resonating around the still space. “Hello. My moth… Mrs. Stell told me to bring you this,” you say, rising the plater slightly. “Where can I put it?”
There are no tables in the room.
From next to him, he retrieves a cane, his stance elegant as he walks toward you.
He’s much younger than you first thought he would be. Maybe a couple of years older than you, but no more than that. What is he doing here as a lightkeeper? You could almost picture him in a fancy suit in one of the so-many parties Luna and your father wanted to drag Adara and you.
For some childish reason, you feel your heart picking up a step as he stops close to you, so much so you can see the two tiny moles adorning his sculpted face; one under his left eye and over the right side of his lips.
Staring is rude, you chastise yourself.
The man points to the closed door behind him. “Good evening, Miss. You can leave it inside there,” he answers, his voice soft and with a cadence you’re sure people can hear once and then remember forever. “The door’s unlocked.”
He kneels carefully, and you can’t stop your eyes from following the movement. A hand grasping the cane as the other picks up the missing gear. The man must have felt your gaze because, after a blink, his golden eyes are settled on you.
He looks almost amused, eyebrows quirked.
You move away, heels quickly following each other as you made your way toward the room. The control panel room, you quickly recognize. With a table filled with books and wrinkled notebooks; a sofa cluttered with papers of machines and cursive calligraphy that flows like water, so easily.
You put the tray on the table, hands piling the books nearby to push them further onto the surface. You also accommodate the stray papers aside, not wanting that your mess of lemon juice get on the pages.
When you emerge from the room, Viktor is waiting for you, playing with an oil-stained rag between his hands.
“I apologize for my rude manners,” he says, his cheeks slightly pink as he extends a hand toward you. “I was caught off guard. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, your fingers sticky from the juice and the sudden sweat that accompanies your frantic heartbeat.
He looks awkwardly from his hand to yours, which is tucked against your stomach.
“Eh,” he says with a wry smile. “I’m Viktor.”
Sheepishly, your fingers graze his palm. And if he finds the texture uncomfortable, you can't see the disgust in his eyes. His hands are slightly cold despite being in constant movement, and you can only hope a hole can open under your feet.
You barely squeeze his fingers, even when he does. Your voice comes out like a trembling breath when you tell him your name.
His eyes squint in amused half-moons when his smile deepens. He tilts his head after a moment, letting go of your hand.
The carefree gestures throw you off guard. He doesn’t know about you, about what people in town say about your mother—about yourself. A desperate part of you wants to know if he's just pretending to like you to keep his job.
For your credit, he doesn’t swipe his hand clean on his rag. Instead, he gestures to the beacon.
“I’m afraid I have to resume work, Miss,” he says, his cane thumping against the floor even when he doesn’t move away. “But thank you for the water. I will return the tray and the dishes tomorrow.”
“I can retrieve them myself,” you hear yourself saying. Because that way you can know if he’s willing to tolerate your presence. You signal to the stairs. “I think it’s enough effort to climb up and down those to make you climb the ones toward my house, too.”
Viktor chuckles. “You’re very considerate, Miss,” he says. Just as your mind is already conjugating the way he will avoid you, he adds: “In that case, you can pass around here at any time. I will be here all day.”
You see the amusement in his eyes, and there’s no way your lips don’t curve upward. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Viktor.”
You turn around, toward the stairs, in case your face can unveil how flustered you feel—a strange kind of hope. Perhaps there could be someone who could make you company. And who could be more willing, than a man desperate enough to take the lonely job of a lighthouse keeper?
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justsleepyrune · 7 months
@fallenlondonficswap ​​@bizarrebazaar13 
Enjoy this little meeting between two who dabble in dreams! For the group swap!
General rating | The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem, Mr. Phantasy, (mentioned) Alexandria Thorne | 701 words
The wallpaper was yellow, peeling at the edges. Not red. Not gold either. It was a tea shop, neutral ground for them both, a place to sit unbothered by the other customers who had each eagerly fled. Any brave enough to stay and gawk had been quickly shoved out by the owners of the small shop with the peeling wallpaper.
The porcelain teacup was pitifully small in the Master of the Bazaar’s long claws. It had to hold it in a delicate grip, emerald gloved hand carefully poised. “How fares the hotel,” it asked, miming taking a sip. Its glowing embers of eyes were fixated on its companion.
The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem smiled. The brass buttons on his coat winked in the dim light of the tea shop. “Ah, as well as it can be. I’ve had a few clients that I’ll have you take a look at.” He brought the cup up to his lips. He didn’t drink. 
“And the game?” Mr. Phantasy leaned forward. The golden detailing on its robes writhed about as it moved, a trick of the light. A snake, cut into three. A tiger stripe bleeding violant. “It has begun to move again, has it not?”
“It has. It’s the new player, he’s been gathering people.” The Manager did not say how those people were gathered. He didn’t need to. They had known each other for far too long to not know what permission he needed to join the game again. “She’s a fascinating one. She might win.”
“Ah, I’m sure you could beat him,” Mr. Phantasy huffed, once again miming drinking tea. “You can manage to be functional quite often.”
The Manager looked to it, eyebrow raised. His hat cast a strange shadow across his face. The yellow wallpaper squirmed behind him. Perhaps it was considering changing to gold. “You’re not getting the hotel,” he clicked his tongue in disapproval. “Goodness, you’d think that you had no better way to spend your time.”
“I spend my time just fine. Always have.” 
“How long have you been,” the Manager paused, “in dispute over music? The wretched sounds you’ve made have haunted my guest’s dreams consistently.”
“They are not wretched. It is music. Music is art.” It stiffened, glaring at him. He knew when to back down, when to phrase things more delicately. 
He took a sip of tea. It did not reach his lips. The surface rippled, a strange reflection. He paid it no mind. “Of course. This new player, she visits me often. I think you’ll meet her soon enough.”
It considered. “I will visit his dreams, perhaps. See what I can glean from them.” It smiled, a sharp gaping maw hidden in the shadows of deepened viric robes. “Give you an advantage, perhaps.”
The Manager laughed. “I would expect nothing less. He is known as the Dauntless Captain. Alexandria Thorne.” The name burst from his lips like a caged thing, a certain sense of the person wrapped in it. In a moment, Mr. Phantasy knew her. Something eager for a home, determined to finish up what she had begun. Climbing through the spider’s web with frightening intensity. His dreams would be unique. 
The Manager smiled. “Now, will you be visiting next week? One of our newest visitors screams at every sign of red or gold. Can’t imagine why, but it’s become difficult to keep him calm. I’d like your,” a pause, “unique talents to make an attempt.”
Mr. Phantasy smiled. “Of course.” It set down its teacup carefully, releasing it from its claws. The tea had cooled, left undrank. “Always a pleasure, May.” 
The Manager smiled, pulling himself up, tipping his hat. “Ah, of course.” 
The wallpaper was red, violant, curled hints of viric and gold hidden in the peeling edges. The tea shop owner let out a soft sigh of relief as the two stepped out, watching them go their separate ways. The Master of the Bazaar, as looming and large as it was, somehow managed to disappear behind a window’s reflection. The Manager, as was sensible, had already arranged for a coach. 
Somewhere, in a snail shell across the Zee, a captain tossed in her bed, dreams tinged viric green.
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djservo · 1 year
also pls show give us another apartment tour I KNOW you've been messing around with it againn 🙏
answering this like 2 weeks late so the first part of ur message is so funny out of context LOL sighhh you simply had to be there <3 I don't think I've done enough to warrant a full-on updated tour, but I'll give u the 411 on the bigger changes
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here's the previous tour if you need a refresher for the layout, which has mostly remained the same (at least the birds eye view for which/where each room is)
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IMO the biggest/most noticeable change (as seen in recent b roll/ask pics) is the addition of these brick columns(?) sorta framing the front door. there was a lot of empty space that was such a lost void to the eyes in screenshots and while the darker wallpaper helped neutralize it, that front area still looked so bare and flat to me. now there's some dimension and #texture and if anything I'm questioning if it looks too busy now LMAO but far better than before
THE DOOR! one of my biggest pet peeves about this apartment was the fkn sad hunk of brown wood ugh like I know it's meant to add to the ~dingy city apartment~ atmosphere, but it just looked so out of place to me like that shit didn't even have a lock tf!! I used TOOL to update all the apartment doors in this building to the dorm ones that came with DU & it makes a lot more sense with the lil peephole, lock, and emergency exit map on the inside. I may recolor it to make it a little more weathered, but I'm defo happier with how it looks now
general furniture changes, as you can probably pick out. I'm switching swatches and swapping things in/out practically every time I open their save so take the specifics with a grain of salt, but I like how things are generally evolving (mainly just filling up dead space). I was torn about getting rid of their projector screen but I stumbled upon the r/TVtoohigh subreddit recently which has made me rethink every TV placement ever in sims And real life LMAO so I wanted something more leveled with their couch. speaking of, upgraded them to a sectional finally. adulthood!!
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I made their kitchen 1 square shorter length-wise so I could flatten out that weird bit between the kitchen and bathroom (if you look at the previous apartment tour, the archway area kinda just juts out and makes this awkward corner by the bathroom door). the extra kitchen space wasn't necessary anyway bc it pretty much looks and functions exactly the same. I moved the fridge to the left because it was partially blocking the window and I always got weird routing issues whenever someone needed an empty counter to cook on, so now there's a designated empty counter for that 🧑‍🍳
I'm phasing out some of the more Loud (for lack of better term) English/real language decor (for example, that silly marihuana poster I recolored) -- definitely not planning on going the full-simlish route, but I feel like some of the wordier pieces can get distracting & I'm trying to be more mindful about what's taking up visual space/attention in screenshots ykwim?? mise en scène or whatever that fuck 🤌 and while I'm trying to piece together a more cohesive/complementary flow decor wise, I also want to be realistic about their ages/tastes -- for example the bella goth pop art piece represents their vaguely trend-forward millennial artistic sensibilities but also their juvenile hornball tendencies don't you think
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agardenandlibrary · 3 months
I shone my torch down the shadowed depths of the staircase. They were carpeted with the kind of hard-wearing short-haired nylon carpet that you find in cinemas and primary schools. It was gold and red to match the flocked wallpaper. I got a strong sense of foreboding, which could have been vestigia or just a sensible reluctance to go down the creepy dark staircase.
Moon Over Soho by Ben Aaronovitch
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literarilylost · 1 year
2023 reading thread
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie (★★★★★)
Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto (★★★☆☆)
The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie (★★★☆☆)
The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) by Suzanne Collins (★★★★★)*
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3) by Suzanne Collins (★★★★★)*
Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #1) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★★★)
Harrow the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #2) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★★★)
Nona the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #3) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★☆☆)
The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex (The Locked Tomb #0.5) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★☆☆)
As Yet Unsent (The Locked Tomb #2.5) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★☆☆)
Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #1) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★★★)*
Harrow the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #2) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★★★)*
Nona the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #3) by Tamsyn Muir (★★★☆☆)*
All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1) by Martha Wells (★★★★☆)
Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries #2) by Martha Wells (★★★★☆)
Rogue Protocol (The Murderbot Diaries #3) by Martha Wells (★★★★☆)
Exit Strategy (The Murderbot Diaries #4) by Martha Wells (★★★★☆)
Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory (The Murderbot Diaries #4.5) by Martha Wells (★★★★☆)
Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries #5) by Martha Wells (★★★★★)
Fugitive Telemetry (The Murderbot Diaries #6) by Martha Wells (★★★★☆)
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson (★★★★★)*
Sylvia Plath Poems chosen by Carol Anne Duffy (★★★★☆)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun (Volume #15) by Izumi Tsubaki (★★★★☆)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun (Volume #16) by Izumi Tsubaki (★★★★☆)
The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler (★★★★☆)
Adelaide by Genivieve Wheeler (★★★★☆)
A MuslimMatters.org publication (★★★☆☆)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson (★★★★☆)
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (★★★☆☆)
The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson (★★★★★)
An Oresteia trans. Anne Carson (★★★★★)
Dracula (Daily) by Bram Stoker (★★★★☆)*
The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie (★★☆☆☆)
The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss (★★☆☆☆)
Palestine Speaks: Narratives of Life Under Occupation edited by Cate Malek & Mateo Hoke (★★★★☆)
System Collapse (The Murderbot Diaries #7) by Martha Wells (★★★★☆)
Minor Detail by Adania Shibli trans. Elisabeth Jacquette (★★★★★)
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (★★★★★)*
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Get to know a blogger.
Thanks a lot to @theinkandtheseafor the tags! <3
Share your wallpaper:
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(yes, I have one of my own artworks as wallpaper, sue me lol) Last song you listened to: Master Passion Greed - Nightwish
Currently reading: I am currently not reading anything, but I am looking forward to having a little time to read "Sense and Sensibility".
Last movie: Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Last show: None
Craving: Watermelon. I want to eat it so much lol.
What are you wearing now: Phantom of the Opera shirt (thanks Ani for this gift <3I will be forever grateful), black yoga pants, and socks.
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Glasses? Contacts? Glasses, I am virtually blind without them.
Last thing you ate: pan-fried salmon with potatoes :D
Favourite colour: pale blue, pale pink, pale lavender, white.
Current obsession: I don't have any hyperfixation at the moment, which is proving to be a tad tiring. So I am trying to find my way back into AC Syndicate lol.
Any pets: Nope.
Favourite fictional character: Cannot truly answer this one, you would not receive just one but a whole list lol.
The last place you travelled: Jeddah. I had to go and do some shopping lol
I will leave an open invitation to anyone that would like to participate! <3 Have fun!
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sheenupuk · 20 days
How To Pick Designers Guild Wallpaper UK For Your Project
Do you want to transform the appearance of the interiors of your home? The ideal solution is wallpaper. This is a versatile and impactful element that can transform the ambiance of any interior space. Irrespective of your objective, whether it is the decoration of your living room or restaurant, it is of utmost importance to pick the right wallpaper design for attaining your goal. The idea is to create a visually pleasing environment.  
Factors to be considered
Per your preference, you can opt for bright and bold space or maybe go in for texture that will create an illusion of additional space. The following write-up will guide you through the selection process of the perfect and appropriate wallpaper design for your desired space. Explore the extensive range of Designers Guild Wallpaper UK collection online.
Determination of the purpose
Develop an understanding of the purpose of the space. The atmosphere of the room should match with that specific purpose. In the case of a bedroom, the atmosphere should be relaxing whereas, for a living room, the environment should be vibrant. If you plan to start an eatery, maybe you want to opt for a trendy setup, whereas for your office, you may want a professional look. Thus, identification of the purpose right from the onset will assist you in selecting a wallpaper design that is in perfect alignment with the intended purpose of the space. Abrasive-resistant Outdoor fabrics can perform better than their indoor counterparts. 
Reflection of your unique style
The choice of wallpaper should reflect your personality. For this purpose, you will have to take certain factors into account, such as patterns, colour palette, and the entire aesthetic. Do you have an affinity for minimalistic designs, or do you nurture the desire for bold and vibrant patterns? In the decision-making process, personal taste will act as the guiding light.
In sync with the existing elements
Consider the rest of the elements within the room, like flooring, furniture, and a host of other architectural features. The wallpaper design should promote these elements instead of trying to overshadow them. A wise approach is to create a balance between the focal point with the wallpaper and at the same time strive for a cohesive look.
Lighting arrangement
You will need to consider the lighting conditions. If the space gets adequate natural light, subtle patterns may help amplify the brightness. Wallpapers with reflective surfaces can incorporate luminosity in dimly lit rooms. Before making a final call, you should ask them to provide samples. This proactive approach is crucial because it will help you see how these samples appear under varying lighting conditions. This step will help you get a better sense of the specific space.
Taking a sensible call
Use the online medium to conduct an extensive study about companies specializing in wallpaper manufacturing. Installation by professional experts enables you to create a harmonious environment. A renowned company will guide you in this transformative journey. Ask them to provide names of clients with whom they have worked before. Talk to some of them to get a better idea about the company.
Source- https://techbullion.store/how-to-pick-designers-guild-wallpaper-uk-for-your-project/
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ellismadden86 · 3 months
What You Should Know About Home Design
In case you are thinking about putting your home design expertise to use at your residence, you definitely understand that there is a lot concerned. This does not necessarily mean that it is a project that is not beneficial, however. If you want to know what it takes to possess great results with home design read on. Set an affordable budget for the indoor-layout undertaking prior to starting any work. Expenses for home-advancement tasks can quickly spiral out of hand if you don't established a paying restriction. When you can be a little adaptable, you shouldn't spend more money than you really can afford. Having a finances can help you be creative as well. If you are designing your children's area, try to consider issues from the point of view. Design inside their area should be sensible and age group-proper. For those who have young children, get lower and check out things at their eyesight degree. This will help you select how to make best use of the area with their room. The very best action you can take to prep for the redecoration venture to to take out clutter. Nearly every house can benefit from a good thoroughly clean-up, emptying of your closets and storage, and removing dusty outdated stuff nobody employs anymore. You can give your items to charitable trust, or offer them at the garden purchase. Figure out how to fresh paint a wall structure prior to piece of art a wall surface. Which could sound like common sense, but in case you are unaware of the caliber of your fresh paint, the way to put it to use correctly, and how very much you need, you can create a chaos or drop a lot of money. Try out seeing a house-advancement retailer for some suggestions on methods and types of painting. Should you be creating a fresh kitchen area in your own home, it really is helpful to make contact with a expert professional. Your opinions might require electric powered and plumbing related operate that is certainly outside your scope of experience. By getting in touch with a professional, they can help you to outline for you the specific task therefore it is done properly and within finances. You can never fail by adding a little plants to no matter what room your are designing. Plant life make fantastic improvements to any room because they give your living space a refreshing and exciting appear. A couple of tactically placed vegetation will significantly enhance the furnishings of your own room as long as you remember to drinking water them! A great idea if you are searching for your decor is always to make sure you are up-to-date with present type styles. You probably will not would like your walls being paid by 1970's wallpaper. When visiting a friend or family member, get notes regarding how they may be designing their home. When you prepare your interior design project be sure you look at the colours that you want to use before purchasing nearly anything. It is vital that a color has the ability to set up a disposition. Bright hues will raise spirits, whilst natural colors can promote rest. Remember thiet ke biet thu nghi duong as you prepare your colour systems to stop having a space meant for relaxation that really gets you fired up. In case you have a little home, get furnishings that will offer several functions. As an example, a safe-keeping ottoman serves as a spot to rest your hip and legs and also a place to stash periodicals and knick-knacks. A futon functions as seating along with a bed for friends. Obtaining furniture that is certainly functional will keep your home looking uncluttered if you have a little room. Anytime venture an decor project, it is more intelligent to pick parts that are incredible as opposed to fashionable. Points of the newest craze will likely be obsolete within a couple of years so that you are more well off beautifying your living space with products which will stay the exam of time. Using this method you won't have to continually maintain modernizing your living space. Set images at eyes stage. Never ever placed pictures up at the top of a wall surface. Passing photographs at vision levels doesn't simply make them quicker to perspective. If you situation photos up great, it can make your ceiling seem reduce. Leaving them at eyes stage produces a nice center of attention and opens your room somewhat. Make sure that you will not forget about the windows and doors of your house. This can serve many different purposes like air flow transfer, stability and light exchange inside your house. Invest in a very good group of entrance doors for every region within your house and strong microsoft windows to save money and improve features. You will find hues that will improve the size of an area, like lighting simple shades that reflect lighting. This is particularly valuable if you are beautifying a crowded room or flat. If you choose the best colors, your home will really feel lighting and open instead of small and crowded. Attempt to match the inner layout of your property using the type that you and the hubby like. This will likely be the place where you spend probably the most time in your life, so it is advisable to feel comfortable constantly to help reduce anxiety during the day. A simple strategy used by indoor-design and style experts is to mount floors which has a reflective surface. This will make any spaces seem bigger than they really are. Light which is available will mirror from the floors and provide light for the room making them show up larger sized plus more pleasing. A great internal-layout tip is to contemplate what's more valuable to you when making big transactions including refrigerator or any other accessories. Will you like type or maybe operate the most significant attribute for you? Lots of goods have to forfeit one for your other in their style. Specialist indoor developers add a center of attention to every place they design. It may be everything from a piece of home furniture or a location withing the room that everything involves. The fireplace, a work of art, a big armoire, or perhaps a contrastingly colored wall can all be utilized for central things. As you now took in the article previously mentioned you surely realize that planning your home could be a great deal of job. Luckily, now you have read through this article, you might be far more prepared than you may have hoped to get prior to. Now all you have to do is put the information you identified above to work with.
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vcinteriors · 3 months
Unlocking Creativity: Interior Designers in Trivandrum Embrace Textures and Prints
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In the vibrant realm of interior design, Trivandrum stands out as a city where creativity flourishes. With a rich cultural heritage and a penchant for innovation, interior designers in Trivandrum are constantly exploring new avenues to elevate spaces. One such avenue that has gained significant traction is the utilization of textures and prints. Let's delve into the power of patterns as Trivandrum's interior designers weave magic into spaces, adding depth, character, and charm.
1. Embracing Traditional Motifs:
   Trivandrum's interior designers draw inspiration from the city's rich cultural tapestry, incorporating traditional motifs into their designs. From intricate wood carvings to vibrant mural paintings, these elements infuse spaces with a sense of heritage and identity. By seamlessly blending tradition with modern aesthetics, interior designers in Trivandrum create visually captivating environments that resonate with inhabitants and visitors alike.
2. Playing with Textures:
   Textures play a pivotal role in defining the ambiance of a space. Interior designers in Trivandrum understand this significance and skillfully integrate a diverse range of textures into their designs. Whether it's the smooth finish of polished wood or the tactile allure of handwoven fabrics, each texture adds depth and dimension to interiors. By judiciously combining textures, designers create sensory experiences that evoke comfort and sophistication.
3. Experimenting with Prints:
   Prints serve as a versatile tool for interior designers to express creativity and inject personality into spaces. In Trivandrum, designers experiment with an array of prints, ranging from traditional motifs to contemporary patterns. Whether adorning upholstery, wallpapers, or soft furnishings, prints infuse spaces with visual interest and dynamism. By carefully selecting and juxtaposing prints, designers craft cohesive narratives that resonate with the inhabitants' tastes and preferences.
4. Harnessing the Power of Color:
   Color acts as a catalyst in the realm of interior design, influencing emotions, perceptions, and moods. In Trivandrum, interior designers leverage the power of color to create captivating palettes that reflect the city's vibrancy and charm. From earthy hues inspired by the lush landscapes of Kerala to vibrant tones reminiscent of its festive fervor, each color choice tells a story and evokes a distinct ambiance. By harmonizing colors with textures and prints, designers orchestrate visual symphonies that captivate the senses.
5. Balancing Tradition and Innovation:
   Trivandrum's interior designers navigate the delicate balance between tradition and innovation, drawing inspiration from the city's cultural heritage while embracing contemporary design trends. By honoring local craftsmanship and techniques, designers pay homage to the region's rich artistic legacy while pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons. This harmonious fusion of tradition and innovation imbues spaces with a timeless allure, creating environments that are both rooted in history and reflective of contemporary sensibilities.
In the dynamic world of interior design, Trivandrum emerges as a beacon of creativity and ingenuity. Through the strategic use of textures and prints, designers in Trivandrum transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary realms that delight the senses and uplift the spirits. By embracing traditional motifs, playing with textures, experimenting with prints, harnessing the power of color, and balancing tradition with innovation, these designers craft immersive environments that resonate with inhabitants on a profound level. As Trivandrum continues to evolve as a design hub, the exploration of textures and prints remains an integral aspect of its design ethos, paving the way for endless possibilities and inspiring a new generation of designers to push the boundaries of creativity.
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excelhomedecor · 8 months
How to Integrate Modern Designs Seamlessly into Your Living Room?
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Integrating modern designs seamlessly into your living room can breathe new life into your space and create a harmonious blend of contemporary aesthetics. One effective way to achieve this transformation is by incorporating Excel Wallpapers, a renowned brand known for its innovative and stylish designs that cater to modern sensibilities.
1. Choose a Focal Point: Select a focal point in your living room, such as a feature wall or the area around your TV. Opt for an Excel Wallpapers design that resonates with your desired modern aesthetic, be it minimalist, geometric, or abstract. This will set the tone for the entire room.
2. Color Palette: Excel Wallpapers offer a variety of color options to suit different themes. For a modern look, consider muted tones, monochromatic schemes, or a pop of bold color to create a striking contrast. Coordinate the colors with your existing furniture and decor to ensure a cohesive look.
3. Patterns and Textures: Modern design often features subtle yet impactful patterns and textures. Excel Wallpapers provide an array of options, including textured, metallic, and 3D designs. These additions can add depth and visual interest to your living room while maintaining a contemporary vibe.
4. Balance and Symmetry: Achieve a balanced look by selecting wallpapers that promote symmetry. Whether through symmetrical patterns or the positioning of furniture and decor, this approach evokes a sense of order and sophistication often associated with modern design.
5. Minimalism: Less is often more in modern design. Choose Excel Wallpapers with clean lines and uncomplicated patterns to complement a minimalist approach. A sleek wallpaper design can serve as an elegant backdrop, allowing your furniture and statement pieces to shine.
6. Furniture and Decor: Coordinate your furniture and decor with the chosen wallpaper. Excel Wallpapers' diverse range ensures compatibility with various furniture styles. Incorporate modern pieces that echo the wallpaper's aesthetic, further enhancing the cohesive look.
7. Lighting: Modern design thrives on the interplay of light and shadow. Consider how your chosen Excel Wallpaper interacts with natural and artificial lighting. Metallic or reflective wallpapers can bounce light, while matte finishes create a cozy ambiance.
8. Contrast and Accents: Introduce contrast through accent pieces like pillows, rugs, and artwork. Excel Wallpapers can serve as an ideal backdrop for statement art pieces, emphasizing their visual impact.
9. Incorporating Nature: Modern design often incorporates elements from nature. Excel Wallpapers offer nature-inspired designs like botanical prints or abstract interpretations of natural patterns. These can infuse a refreshing and contemporary vibe into your living space.
10. Personal Touch: Modern design doesn't mean sacrificing personal touches. Blend in your personality by incorporating personal mementos, family photos, or cherished items that align with the modern aesthetic.
Incorporating modern designs using Excel Wallpapers can effortlessly transform your living room into a stylish haven. Through careful selection of colors, patterns, textures, and complementary decor, you can create a space that seamlessly integrates contemporary aesthetics while reflecting your personal taste and lifestyle.
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printmyspace11 · 9 months
A Nostalgic Revival: The Timeless Allure of Retro Wallpaper
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In the ever-evolving world of interior design, trends may come and go, but some styles possess a timeless charm that continues to captivate across generations. Among these enduring trends is the resurgence of retro wallpaper, a design choice that breathes new life into spaces while invoking nostalgia for the past. Combining the best elements of bygone eras with modern sensibilities, retro wallpaper infuses any room with character, personality, and a delightful sense of history. In this article, we explore the origins, evolution, and enduring appeal of retro wallpaper, uncovering the magic that lies within these enchanting patterns.
A Glimpse into the Past: Origins of Retro Wallpaper Retro wallpaper, as the name suggests, draws inspiration from the past, often evoking the distinct aesthetics of the mid-20th century. The roots of this design style can be traced back to the post-war period, particularly the 1950s and 1960s, when bold and vibrant patterns became emblematic of the optimistic spirit of the time. Wallpaper adorned with geometric shapes, abstract motifs, and kitschy illustrations soon became synonymous with the 'retro' look.
The Evolution of Retro Wallpaper While retro wallpaper may find its inspiration in the designs of the past, contemporary iterations have evolved to encompass a diverse range of styles, catering to various tastes and preferences. Some designs adhere closely to the original motifs, maintaining an authentic vintage appeal. On the other hand, modern interpretations combine retro elements with contemporary influences, yielding a fusion of old and new.
Designers and homeowners alike have embraced the versatility of retro wallpaper, using it to create unique focal points or to add a touch of whimsy to a space. From subtle patterns to bold bursts of color, retro wallpaper offers an array of options to suit any room, be it a living room, bedroom, kitchen, or office.
The Timeless Allure of Retro Wallpaper One of the most significant advantages of retro wallpaper lies in its ability to transcend time and never go out of style. Its capacity to invoke nostalgia is a key factor in its appeal, as it connects individuals with their past and cherished memories. Moreover, retro wallpaper adds character and personality to a space, making it feel warm, inviting, and distinctive.
In an age where minimalism and clean lines often dominate interior design, retro wallpaper offers a refreshing departure from the ordinary. Its vibrant wallpaper colors and intricate designs inject a sense of playfulness and joy into any room, instantly transforming it into a conversation piece. Whether it's a funky geometric pattern in the living room or a quirky floral motif in the dining area, retro wallpaper ensures that the space has a story to tell.
Creating a Balanced Retro Aesthetic While retro wallpaper can breathe life into a room, achieving a harmonious balance is crucial. Pairing retro wallpaper with modern furnishings and decor prevents the space from feeling outdated or overwhelming. For example, pairing a bold retro wallpaper with sleek, contemporary furniture creates a stylish juxtaposition that brings out the best of both worlds.
When considering retro wallpaper for a room, it's essential to take into account the space's lighting and size. Large patterns can dominate smaller rooms, making them feel cramped, while softer, smaller designs may get lost in more spacious areas. Strategic placement and pairing can help create a visually appealing environment that showcases the retro wallpaper's charm without overpowering the overall aesthetics of the room.
Conclusion Retro wallpaper is more than just a design choice; it's a celebration of the past, a tribute to the eras that shaped the world of interior design. Its enduring allure lies in the emotional connection it fosters, as it revives cherished memories and sparks conversations about bygone times. As retro wallpaper continues to evolve and capture the imagination of design enthusiasts, it remains a potent and beloved trend, breathing life and character into modern spaces while preserving the spirit of days gone by. So, why not embrace the charm of retro wallpaper and embark on a journey through time, as you adorn your living spaces with its timeless splendor.
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interiordesigner1642 · 10 months
Reviving Retro: Incorporating Vintage Elements into Modern Interior Design
In the world of interior design, trends come and go, but one style that has stood the test of time is the incorporation of vintage elements into modern spaces. The nostalgic appeal of retro aesthetics has captivated homeowners and designers alike, resulting in a resurgence of vintage-inspired interiors. By blending the charm of the past with contemporary sensibilities, this design approach creates a unique and inviting atmosphere. Let's explore how reviving retro has become a beloved trend in modern interior design.
One of the key aspects of incorporating vintage elements into modern design is the fusion of old and new. This juxtaposition adds character and depth to a space, creating an intriguing visual narrative. For instance, combining mid-century modern furniture with sleek, minimalist finishes can produce a striking contrast that elevates the overall aesthetic. interior decorators in hyderabad Mixing vintage pieces, such as a retro armchair or a classic pendant light, with contemporary furniture helps strike a balance between nostalgia and modernity.
Another way to revive retro in interior design is through the use of vintage colors and patterns. Bold and vibrant hues like mustard yellow, avocado green, and burnt orange, popular in the 1960s and 1970s, can add a nostalgic touch to a room. Incorporating retro patterns, such as geometric prints or floral motifs, in textiles, wallpapers, or tiles can evoke a sense of nostalgia while still maintaining a contemporary feel. This blending of old and new creates a visually interesting and dynamic space.
The revival of retro interior design is not limited to furniture and colors alone. The careful selection of accessories and decor can play a crucial role in achieving a vintage-inspired look. Displaying vintage collectibles, such as antique cameras, vinyl records, or retro telephones, can serve as focal points and conversation starters. Thrifted finds, like vintage mirrors, old-fashioned clocks, or quirky artwork, can infuse a space with personality and charm. These details give a space a lived-in, curated feel that pays homage to the past.
Reviving retro design is not solely about aesthetics; it is also an environmentally conscious choice. By incorporating vintage elements into modern interiors, we reduce waste and promote sustainability. Upcycling and repurposing old furniture not only add character to a space but also reduce the demand for new production. By embracing vintage pieces, we contribute to a more circular economy and lessen our impact on the environment.
Furthermore, the appeal of retro design lies in its timeless quality. Vintage elements have proven their durability over time, which speaks to their craftsmanship and enduring style. Incorporating these elements into modern interiors not only adds a sense of nostalgia but also creates a connection to the past. It reminds us of a simpler time and provides a comforting familiarity in an ever-changing world.
In conclusion: the revival of retro interior design has become a beloved trend in modern homes. The fusion of vintage and contemporary elements creates visually captivating spaces that tell a story. The use of vintage colors, patterns, and accessories adds charm and personality. Moreover, incorporating vintage pieces into modern interiors promotes sustainability and connects us to the past. By embracing the nostalgia of retro aesthetics, we can create inviting and unique spaces that stand the test of time.
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mjsinteriors · 11 months
4 Wallpaper Styles for your Feature Wall
Depleted on seeing that dull, titanic wall in your parlor? Taking into account switching your space to oomph around the energy of your living area? Looking for ways to deal with administering overseeing figuring out changing your living space? Loosen up, we direct you.
The family room is one of those locale of your home that experiences most silly footfall. Right from unessential gatherings, to guests walking around exonerated, to kids looking for a spot to play in the house, the parlor is the on an extremely key level decision that snaps into our cerebrum to take animating idea of the monster number of above needs. Thusly, it becomes key for you to have a parlor that isn't devastating and dull. Obviously, who could genuinely have to attract guests? You can point of reality do this by changing the walls of your living locale.
Playing with the wall is head and ought to be conceivable on a mindful spending plan. You truly need solid locales for to for spend for a to play with the wall in your getting region. It is generally talking as clear as you suspect. Regardless, in case you are a person who isn't shown in the know how of inside social gathering, check out at searching for fit help. This is mulling over the way that fit bearing heads perpetually ceaselessly up being damned.
Thus, under we have recorded some wall complex subject evaluations that are as per a dependable perspective going to change your wall into something remissness and eye-getting. These are two or three sensible upgrades that you can make to your wall, and at whatever point it's done, on a staggeringly critical level observer the allure.
HANG UP MIRRORS Mirrors are one of the most un-suggesting and most spending plan a ton of shaped ways to deal with directing overseeing coordinating playing with the walls and update the presence of your space. Everyone likes to walk around the mirror and look at themselves. Similarly, mirrors are known to reflect light, and fittingly, this makes your room look more plainly obvious. Subsequently, mirrors fill twofold necessities, as passed in the on past lines. Thusly, contemplate switching around mirrors on the walls of your parlor. You can pick one colossal mirror, or you could what's more whenever get little impressions of different shapes and sizes. Have a go at switching them around in an uncommon way, and for certain, your work is done. Mirrors take out the unfilled look of your wall and serve you in each sensible sense, besides. Hence, mirrors are the most sharp decision to resuscitate your walls.
PAINT A Wall painting Expecting that you are a talented arranged capable and taken trust in DIY, this undeniable is for you. Take up your paintbrush, blend the expert inside you, and start painting that unfilled wall in your living area. Have a go at painting a material or getting a thing of beauty cover. Wall sytheses give a substitute energy and take you to an odd spot. Again at whatever point you are done painting, and you feel there are an updates that ought to be made, you can distinctly re-try it. Again inventive creation offers you this adaptability. You could truth at whatever point long haul be told have a go at painting wall materials in the whole of your rooms.
Present Racks Racks seeing this word, the crucially serious issue that enters our evaluations is books. Genuinely, expecting that you have an especially unambiguous blend of books, showing them is this passage. Present racks on the mass of your living area other than set up all of your books there. To be more innovative, you could add two or three creator and pearls to lift up the racks. Another perspective for adding racks is to pick floating racks. They are the best procedure for showing your book framework by staggering editorialists. Other than books, racks could what's more whenever be used to sort out your porcelain. Put several innovative mugs or maybe plates to add tone to your place.
Practice standard idea With everything considered, rehearsing standard succeeding is the most central technique for changing your walls. Have a go at interfacing with a vertical nursery for your parlor. You don't conclusively in all cases require a nursery to enable plants. Plants can be made inside the house, and making them in the getting region is the best space. Clearly, staying aware of them is a piece truly planned unequivocally definitively exactly as expected to water them constantly. Notwithstanding, expecting you feel that having plants is the best way and you should be liberated of the issue of watering them, rush to the market and a few five star stunt plants. You don't need to water them, and clearly, they give a certified look.
Thusly, you ought to now be aware of unambiguous means to manage that unfilled wall in your family room. Theorizing that that you really trust yourself ought to be lost, go ahead and out to us. We are one of the most astounding inside plan relationship in Singapore.
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mcknightqvist88 · 1 year
What You Ought To Know About Interior Design
In relation to decor, everyone can really make the changes the house requirements. It could be less difficult than it might seem. It really requires a few ideas and knowing your choices. After thiết kế biệt thự nhà vườn have ideas, it is possible to change those suggestions into something great. Continue reading for some concepts which you can use at home. Begin your interior design task with a frame of mind table. A disposition table is really a sizeable cardboard screen with assorted ideas for a room pasted on to it and written on it. You will get suggestions from periodicals, on the web and from tv shows. The table provides you with a visible of your very own type, and allow you to design a room that matches your taste. Opt for your shades very carefully when you're checking out painting an area. You would like to select colours who go effectively jointly and enhance the other. You don't want colors that clash and battle for attention. You desire your colors to blend collectively and sense organic. Don't go with too many brilliant hues, or maybe you threat mind-boggling your feelings. Decrease the costs of your respective home design jobs by seeking out the same premium quality styles from bulk merchants. When you discover great-finish decoration that you want but doesn't fit your finances, search for a very similar piece of some other brand name. Designer brand brands are a fantastic option for 1-of-a-sort sections that can't be found anywhere else. Be sensible with any residence redecorating. Avoid making any long term adjustments which are outlandish while you are trying to include individuality to the area. If you opt to put your property in the marketplace in the future, awkward design can turn potential home buyers away. Make sure you can easily transform any insane elements of design you might have integrated. If a fireplace is an area that you decide to decorate, it is important to set up that region effectively. đá cầu thang Hải Phòng is often accomplished by putting properly balanced goods on the mantle. Your complete room may be thrown away if the goods about the mantle are unbalanced. Use trang trí nội thất MoreHome to up grade shelving. Build-on your own bookcases are an economical choice, however they are generally dull and look a bit affordable. So they are more classy, try incorporating a daring wallpapers on the rear of every shelf. Arrange your textbooks and knickknacks to demonstrate the pattern. This straightforward strategy can give a shop-purchased rack some pizzazz without breaking your budget. If you prefer a refreshing seem to your residence, usually do not believe that you have to spend a fortune. Straightforward adjustments to drapery or simply rearranging the furnishings can sometimes give the fresh look that you want. Transforming light fixtures may give a room a brand new appear without having charging a lot of. Place the home furniture within your spaces so that it is nevertheless feasible for customers to stroll close to. Your goal is usually to suit the furnishings in to the place and still give folks sufficient room to maneuver. Steer clear of website traffic jams by permitting adequate place for folks to successfully pass. Have plant life at your residence. You should use clean blooms, ferns, or even cuttings of some modest bushes. Vegetation come up with a house sense far more alive, and they also often bring the outdoors inside of. Plants and flowers have a relaxing influence on most people, and they also can provide the kind of textures that can make a room appear to be a lot more intriguing. Coming up with concepts for interior decorating is usually the hardest portion of the method. Now you get some excellent ideas about what you can do to your residence, you could start some interior design projects of your personal. Benefit from the time spent doing the task and many more so following the jobs are total.
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awesomeforever · 1 year
Published on By OWNER: Marie McCarthy; URL: fiatluxsf.com; FOUNDED: 2011; Opened featured location: 2021; AREA: 500 square-foot showroom; 1,000 square feet total; Buildout cost: $80,000; DESIGNER: Noz Design; TOP BRANDS: Fiat Lux, Venyx, Celine Daoust, BVLA, Digby and Iona; EMPLOYEES: 2 full-time, 1 part-time WHAT DO YOU get when you mix designer jewelry with elevated and vibrant interior design, a high-end piercing studio, a tattoo parlor sensibility and a dash of punk-rock rebelliousness? The newest location of San Francisco-based Fiat Lux, the brainchild of owner Marie McCarthy. By 2021, McCarthy already owned a body art studio that had pushed the medium into the luxury space, as well as a beloved 10-year-old neighborhood jewelry store that felt dark and edgy. It&rsquo;s unsurprising, then, that her second location of Fiat Lux is equally innovative, giving San Francisco&rsquo;s Pacific Heights residents a one-of-a-kind jewelry shopping and luxury piercing experience. Just 500 square feet, the retail space still gives a sense of airy openness. That&rsquo;s due to a combination of thin-profile cabinet showcases lining the showroom walls and well-lit, bright white surfaces punctuated by pops of color. The concept, developed by interior designer Noz Nozawa, is both chic and whimsical, a perfect fit for the residents of posh Pacific Heights. Owner Marie McCarthy (right) with head piercer Perry Doig and interior designer Noz Nozawa. &ldquo;We&rsquo;d just been through a pandemic, and I wanted something joyful. I wanted to make something really over the top, really different from what people have in their homes or that they would traditionally see in the retail space,&rdquo; says McCarthy. As luck would have it, Nozawa was a client of head piercer Perry Doig, and she hit it off with McCarthy just as she was considering opening a second location. &ldquo;We talked nonstop for an hour,&rdquo; says McCarthy of their first encounter. &ldquo;She has titles like &lsquo;The Queen of Color&rsquo; and has been featured in Architectural Digest. I said, &lsquo;OK universe, I hear you.&rsquo;&rdquo; McCarthy says that it was great to go into a project with someone with whom she had already formed a connection. &ldquo;We understood each other, so it made the project easy and joyful. If I could, I would design a new store with her every year.&rdquo; What looks like art on the walls is actually wallpaper surrounded by light blue trim. Local artist Caroline Lizarraga was enlisted by store designer Noz Nozawa to drip gold resin from the top of the wallpaper, which demonstrates the store&rsquo;s rebellious spirit in subtle fashion. A seating area features a vintage couch reupholstered in modern stripe. Pierced with Light While the showroom is light, inviting and conducive to conversation, that&rsquo;s not all there is to this iteration of Fiat Lux. Clients who arrive for a piercing are led from the showroom into a small hallway painted with images of the store&rsquo;s jewelry by local artist Caroline Lizarraga (McCarthy calls this hallway a &ldquo;palate cleanser&rdquo;). Through a doorway straight ahead, clients enter the &ldquo;procedure room&rdquo; &mdash; an unexpectedly large space that feels part medical examination room and part Victorian dining room, with light blue walls, white trim and a stunning art deco chandelier. The procedure room was conceived and built out by Doig, who had envisioned creating a luxury piercing space for years. &ldquo;A piercing studio was once thought of as a scary place,&rdquo; says Doig. &ldquo;I wanted to give people a place that was more gentle, where they could let down their guard.&rdquo; Doig says that the piercing industry itself is only 45 years old, and that for the first 20 years, it had a reputation as being for sexual deviants and the gay community. Then, it morphed into a punk-rock-like subculture, a thing people would do to break from social norms. When Doig was hired as head piercer in 2012, the
original location of Fiat Lux was just a year old, and he and McCarthy shared a vision to show their clientele that piercings could simply be a way to wear more fine jewelry. &ldquo;When I say &lsquo;high-end piercing,&rsquo; it&rsquo;s a mixture of selling jewelry that, piercing or not, anyone would look at and say, &lsquo;That&rsquo;s beautiful,&rsquo; and also having a studio where people come to us because we have a reputation for being welcoming, gentle and attentive,&rdquo; says Doig. &ldquo;We want to give people 30 minutes, 45 minutes, an hour. I don&rsquo;t want people to say, &lsquo;I know this place that does piercings,&rsquo; I want them to say, &lsquo;I have a friend who does piercings.&rsquo;&rdquo; Pops of color and unique touches like jaguar-shaped cabinet pulls lend personality to the Fiat Lux showroom. Wild Kingdom Back in the showroom, the colorful trees and animals on the walls are the first thing to draw the eye. The art appears to be murals but is in fact expensive wallpaper by Voutsa. The master stroke is gold resin drips, painted by Lizarraga, that start at the top of the wall panels and trickle downward. &ldquo;Noz said she wanted me to buy this expensive wallpaper, and then she would destroy it with gold drips,&rdquo; says McCarthy. &ldquo;I said, &lsquo;You are so wild, and I&rsquo;m in. Let&rsquo;s do it.&rsquo;&rdquo; Adds Doig: &ldquo;We had a reputation at the other location for being a little bit punk rock, so we needed to do something that was a little bit destructive. Ruining expensive wallpaper seemed like the perfect touch.&rdquo; The tiled floor is painted with a black-and-white striped snake by Lizarraga with a blue gemstone in its forehead (traditional for snake jewelry), and art deco pendant lighting hangs elegantly from the ceiling. An octagonal showcase occupies the center of the show floor and displays fine jewelry manufactured especially for piercings. Around the perimeter, the wall showcases are painted a cornflower blue that&rsquo;s slightly darker than the wallpaper panel trim. While some jewelry retailers might shy away from bright colors that could compete with their product for attention, McCarthy says the colors help create an atmosphere of joy and wonder. &ldquo;People come in and are inspired, and that translates over to the jewelry. They see the space first and are excited and blown away, then they move to the jewelry and it&rsquo;s like nothing they&rsquo;ve seen, so it really works well together.&rdquo; The piercing room is quiet and elegant with a chandelier overhead. The design by Nozawa fuses vintage and modern, a combination that McCarthy has always loved. In fact, the store&rsquo;s inventory reflects the same blend of old and new, incorporating vintage and estate jewelry with new jewelry by independent designers. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m particularly interested in small-batch handmade jewelry. I find it more sentimental and important,&rdquo; says McCarthy. &ldquo;I have put some jewelry in the Fillmore [Pacific Heights] location that I&rsquo;ve always loved. I had seen one designer 10 years before at the Goldsmiths&rsquo; Fair in London that didn&rsquo;t fit my brand at the time, but at Fillmore, I could scoot the edges of the brand a little bit so I could bring in the designers that I had been personally obsessed with for a long time.&rdquo; Unlike other stores, which often organize their jewelry by designer, Fiat Lux organizes product by theme. &ldquo;I have a case for flora and fauna, one for eye talismans, one for the human condition, one for architecture, etc. It&rsquo;s more difficult than grouping by designer, but I wanted to create a little more magic and story so I have more talking points with the client,&rdquo; says McCarthy. Doig says this strategy helps Fiat Lux to sell more jewelry to each client. If the jewelry is organized by designer, says Doig, it makes it too easy for people to go directly to what they know. &ldquo;So if you&rsquo;re buying based on the designer,
you may not get an opportunity to see what other piece may play well with that person&rsquo;s jewelry. Mixing it up by theme and design element gives people an opportunity to branch out their collection beyond the designers they already know.&rdquo; Straight ahead through the showroom is a short hallway leading to the piercing room. Humble Beginnings At the age of 23, McCarthy dreamed of a space that would combine tattoos and piercing with fine jewelry. Her then-landlord saw something in the aspiring entrepreneur and gave her the money to start the business: Rose Gold&rsquo;s Tattoo & Piercing, which she still owns today. After about 15 years in business, McCarthy decided to separate the jewelry operation from the tattoo parlor. She started with $12,000 and opened &ldquo;the littlest store in San Francisco&rdquo;: a 200 square-foot store in the Mission District called Fiat Lux. (The store later moved to a larger location nearby.) &ldquo;It was dark and punk rock and really cool,&rdquo; says McCarthy. &ldquo;That&rsquo;s how I was at that time, going to rock and roll shows and partying and having fun. Now that I&rsquo;ve grown up a little bit, the new iteration is still punk rock in spirit but a little richer.&rdquo; She explains that her idea &ldquo;has always been exuberance, whether it&rsquo;s in the punk rock black metal version at Mission or the wild atmospheric fizzy colors at Fillmore. It was to go from a hectic color out front to a calming hallway in the middle to the relaxing atmosphere of the piercing room; an amuse bouche to a palliative to duck confit in clear broth. &ldquo;We give a high-end luxury experience with the freedom of being tongue in cheek. People find it refreshing and freeing.&rdquo; 1. LIGHT IN LATIN. &ldquo;Fiat Lux&rdquo; is Latin for &ldquo;let there be light.&rdquo; It&rsquo;s about radical transparency and education, as well as the permanence and impermanence of light, says McCarthy. &ldquo;We&rsquo;ve always been open with facts and education about jewelry, even doing workshops with our clients to help them to better understand the medium. Our logo is the eye radiating knowledge.&rdquo; 2. NEXT-LEVEL PIERCING. When McCarthy began in the jewelry business, she brought her piercing and tattoo shop background with her &mdash; and the goal was to integrate the two. &ldquo;I noticed there was a big part of the population who didn&rsquo;t feel comfortable going into street shops to get pierced, so I wanted to open it up to those people,&rdquo; she says. &ldquo;Piercing can be spontaneous and a fun placeholder for jewelry, or it can be therapeutic.&rdquo; 3. TALE OF TWO VIBES. The location in San Francisco&rsquo;s Pacific Heights neighborhood is vastly different from the original Mission District location. In fact, the Fiat Lux website offers browsers the choice of &ldquo;Punk Rock&rdquo; (Mission location) or &ldquo;Pinkies Up&rdquo; (Fillmore location). &ldquo;It&rsquo;s like a cool punk rocker and their eclectic, cool aunt,&rdquo; says McCarthy. &ldquo;The Mission location attracts tattoo artists, bartenders and hairstylists. I still have that at Fillmore, but there&rsquo;s a new client over there, too. Regardless, our clients are always cool, always interested in seeing something different from the norm.&rdquo; 4. ANIMAL PULLS. One of the many special touches in the Fillmore Street location is the jaguar handles on the jewelry cabinets. But they weren&rsquo;t the first creature-shaped pulls used at Fiat Lux. &ldquo;Fifteen years ago, I got a pair of cobra door handles at a flea market,&rdquo; says McCarthy. &ldquo;I got them home and I was like, &lsquo;Who do I think I am? I don&rsquo;t have French doors, where will I use these?&rsquo; So I used them in the Mission space. I found jaguar handles for the cabinets at Fillmore because I like to have continuity.&rdquo; 5. SNAKE CHARM. In addition to the giant snake painted in the center of the showroom floor, McCarthy jokes that Fiat Lux must have the largest collection of snake jewelry in the world.
Why? &ldquo;They&rsquo;re a symbol of transformation,&rdquo; she explains. &ldquo;I feel like the last three years have changed all of us a lot. So I took that as our spirit animal at the Fillmore location.&rdquo; The snake is also a symbol of eternity and was used in wedding jewelry during the Victorian period, she adds. &nbsp; A marketing person once told McCarthy that she had already alienated half the public by producing &ldquo;F U&rdquo; jewelry, so they should be political on social media as well. &ldquo;I am from the Midwest, so I didn&rsquo;t think we could do it, but it worked,&rdquo; says McCarthy. &ldquo;We&rsquo;re outspoken and don&rsquo;t worry about it. Some people post on our feed that they love the jewelry but wish we would leave the politics out of it. The other half love us because we say and do things like that.&rdquo; What is your team like? McCarthy: &ldquo;Our staff sometimes feels like the United Nations of retail, everyone is so different and weird and delightful. There are no lukewarm emotions, you either love us or hate us. We&rsquo;re very proud to be able to offer simple things like health insurance, Thursday lunches together, mini-golf dates. We are definitely like a small-ish family. We spend a huge part of our lives at work so it better be fun! And we better be happy!&rdquo; Thursday lunches and mini-golf dates sound fun. Tell me more about how closely you work and play with your team. McCarthy: &ldquo;It would not be an exaggeration to say I walk into the Mission location and almost hear birds singing in there. Everyone cooks for each other and takes care of each other. It&rsquo;s kind of awesome. Everyone has a voice and makes decisions together. I never call it my store; it&rsquo;s our store. We do it together and everyone &lsquo;s work is equal. I think people feel that they have a mission here and that their work is fulfilling. We try to have monthly outings where we can hang out with each other outside the shop. We&rsquo;ll play miniature golf and say whoever wins gets a piece of jewelry. We&rsquo;re competitive!&rdquo; You mention charity and development of jewelers. Why are you motivated to give back, and in what ways? McCarthy: &ldquo;We want people to care and be proactive about themselves. We try to do it in a way that doesn&rsquo;t seem like marketing. We really want to help. So we have a black jewelers initiative, but we don&rsquo;t promote it, because it&rsquo;s not about us doing the work, it&rsquo;s about the work. We recognize there isn&rsquo;t as much diversity in jewelry as there should be. We&rsquo;re always careful where we put our money; we want to make a difference. We take applications locally, choose one person and pay for their coursework at a jewelry school here in San Francisco. After they&rsquo;re done, we give them studio time here in our studio and try to help them with job placement. Helping people get their foot in the door where they may not have that opportunity. When people hear about it, people want to help. We mention it because we want people to apply &ndash; we post about it once or twice &ndash; but we&rsquo;re not like companies saying, &lsquo;Look at how good we are.&rsquo;&rdquo;
You describe the Fiat Lux experience as high-end luxury while also being tongue-in-cheek. Can you tell us how that manifests itself? McCarthy: &ldquo;Everyone goes into a jewelry store expecting jewelers to be a little bit shady for some reason. We understand that. And because we&rsquo;re in pursuit of the truth, sometimes we&rsquo;ll use that. One of my favorite examples is I was doing something in the shop and my partner, Alexei Angelides, was selling engagement rings to these two women, and they were special ordering something, so he said, &lsquo;OK, now&rsquo;s the time when you give me all your money and you leave with nothing.&rsquo; I just started laughing. They started laughing too. We&rsquo;re just not afraid to say those things, and it takes people off guard and they think it&rsquo;s funny. They know we&rsquo;re good-hearted and don&rsquo;t want them to buy anything that they&rsquo;re not super excited about. If someone wants to learn about different diamonds, I&rsquo;m happy to sit down with them for an hour and explain diamonds to them and what is or isn&rsquo;t an investment. So they get a high-end experience &ndash; I will take as much time as they need &ndash; but I will also be brutally honest and funny about it.&rdquo; What made you believe you could launch a successful gallery with just 200 square feet and $12,000 in capital? McCarthy: &ldquo;My rent on Haight Street was about $20,000 per month between both shops. I moved the jewelry store and the tattoo shop at the same time, so I was a little cash poor, but I had built a community with a lot of small designers, and they were supportive. And people volunteered to work in the space at the beginning. But I felt good about it and I usually go with my intuition. I wanted to start very neighborhood-y and really interesting without a high price point. I still have very good friends who started as clients from those days. Over the course of a year or two, I started pushing the price point up and getting more inventory, letting it build itself. Eventually I moved the business, opened another business and started doing popups.&rdquo; What was the inspiration for the wall treatment? McCarthy: &ldquo;Usually, we do murals at our locations, but this time, Noz said she wanted me to buy this expensive wallpaper, and then she would destroy it with gold drips. I said, &lsquo;You are so wild, and I&rsquo;m in. Let&rsquo;s do it.&rsquo; The wallpaper takes conventional subject matter like a garden scene, but the faces of the animals are blurred out like a modern painting. Using something that&rsquo;s both vintage and modern speaks the loudest in all the jewelry I carry as well. And people come in every day and ask if it&rsquo;s a mural or wallpaper. I like it when people are confused, it makes it more fun.&rdquo; How much did the design firm influence the overall look of the store or any particular elements? McCarthy: &ldquo;Both of us really love vintage furniture. When you&rsquo;re working with interior designers, sometimes they don&rsquo;t get into that very much. She also found the couch and reupholstered it in modern stripe. She understood that I love the contrast between vintage and modern, and she took that and ran with it. The small seating area in the back, each element came to the shop at a different time. It amazed me how well they worked together. Every time a new piece came, I would send her a text and tell her she was a genius. In her mind, she did it all at once, but I got to experience each piece as it came in, and that was really special.&rdquo; What influenced your approach to jewelry display? McCarthy: &ldquo;I feel very strongly that displays shouldn&rsquo;t be distracting from the jewelry. You really need it to be the main focus. In my other location, I use only wood and natural materials, but because this location is so colorful, I wanted to use more colorful velvets. Somehow they still fade to the background and the back of the cabinets are white. I like to have most of my jewelry out.&rdquo;
Tell me about the area where the store is located. McCarthy: &ldquo;Fillmore Street is a bit of a higher-end neighborhood. It&rsquo;s surprisingly diverse. The dog scene is unmatched. There&rsquo;s a groomer around the corner and she came in to talk jewelry. I had to stop her to tell her, &ldquo;I&rsquo;m sorry, your dog looks like Tina Turner.&rdquo; And she was like, &ldquo;I know.&rdquo; So we may start having an equal number of dog and jewelry pics on our Instagram. People are more interested in vintage jewelry here than in the other location, so I&rsquo;m excited about that.&rdquo; Piercing is a big part of your current business. Tell us how that came to be and why you think that is the case. McCarthy: &ldquo;When I started in piercing, we were piercing with steel and titanium and giant balls, a more hardcore look. We&rsquo;ve been fundamental in pushing the industry into fine jewelry, so it seemed a natural progression for us. In Fillmore, instead of a lot of piercings, people tend to get one or two but with really knockout jewelry. Our piercer, Perry, who I&rsquo;ve worked with for over 10 years, is pure magic and he loves jewelry. I also noticed there was a big part of the population who didn&rsquo;t feel comfortable going into street shops to get piercing, so I wanted to open it up to those people. It can be spontaneous and fun placeholders for jewelry, or it can be therapeutic. We wanted to make a new venue that fit a different clientele.&rdquo; Welded bracelets are also a big part of your current business. Why do you think that is? McCarthy: &ldquo;We opened Fillmore last May, and it was just when people in San Francisco were starting to come out of their hermit caves [from the pandemic]. We&rsquo;re not the first people to do welding, but we talked about it and no one was really doing it anymore. We decided we were interested in it because it&rsquo;s experiential jewelry. We did it for press parties, and people were crying because they were so over the moon. I&rsquo;m interested in it because it also explores temporality, permanent impermanence. Tattooing on one end, to piercing, to welding, to jewelry you wear every day. People are still really into it, but so many people are doing it now that the meaning is getting a little watered down. But it&rsquo;s one of my favorite things to do. I get to sit down with a client for 15 minutes and really have an experience with them. Sometimes I&rsquo;ll ask them about the first piece of jewelry they ever got. Sometimes they&rsquo;re celebrating a relationship. It&rsquo;s as special for me as it is for them.&rdquo; You talk about the importance of recognizing and connecting with your target client. Please describe how you are able to do each one: recognize, and then connect. McCarthy: &ldquo;My target client has broadened a lot. We connect with them through truthfulness and humor. Our main focus is not on money and never has been. I do things all the time because I think they&rsquo;re funny, like we make tiny &lsquo;F U&rsquo; hands and I was crying laughing, thinking of pav&eacute;ing them. But people are buying them. Our clients know we&rsquo;ll tell them the truth and that we&rsquo;ll laugh and have a drink together. It can be honest and open. When that&rsquo;s your approach, your client base expands because everyone can connect with that. I&rsquo;m actually a very shy person, so my deepest thoughts I&rsquo;ll send out in newsletters. Or if it&rsquo;s the pandemic, I&rsquo;ll do stupid funny things like drink water with people on Instagram. But I&rsquo;m extremely honest in those things, and people feel it. People used to come into the store with tears in their eyes and want to give me a hug, and I would say, &lsquo;It&rsquo;s the pandemic, don&rsquo;t give me a hug!&rsquo;&rdquo; You describe the operational side of jewelry retailing as a challenge. How do you overcome that? McCarthy: &ldquo;I started this mentorship program, and I always talk to mentees at the beginning
of their career, and they want to know how they can design and make jewelry while also managing the books and doing social media. I tell them it&rsquo;s impossible and to just do their best until they can hire someone to help them. Every small businessperson struggles with wearing so many hats. It&rsquo;s important to take things off your plate that you don&rsquo;t enjoy or are not good at. I did the books for our businesses forever and I didn&rsquo;t like it; it took up so much of my mental space. When I finally hired a bookkeeper, I wished I had done it long before. The sooner you can hire someone to help you with those things, the better your life is going to be. So even if you think it&rsquo;s a stretch, it&rsquo;s important to get some things off your plate.&rdquo; Is your plan for growth to continue to add new stores, or do you see growth potential in the two existing locations? McCarthy: &ldquo;People are always presenting opportunities to me, and it&rsquo;s very difficult to say no, so I&rsquo;m not sure. It&rsquo;s hard for me to understand how people open stores in different cities; I like to keep everything close to home. I could imagine opening another location in the Bay Area, but also three stores and a web store and a child are a lot of things to maneuver. I was doing a lot of popups in Larkspur, and all my clients there were asking for me to have a store there, and I was like &ldquo;the paint isn&rsquo;t even dry on Fillmore yet.&rdquo; I have always seen growth in Mission so far, between 5 and 10 percent, which is amazing. I really feel like I will never open up the same store. Every location has something a little different. So it would have to have some angle that I&rsquo;m not already doing.&rdquo; Trace Shelton is the editor-in-chief of INSTORE magazine. He can be reached at [email&#160;protected]. For nearly three decades, Suzanne and Tom Arnold ran a successful business at Facets Fine Jewelry in Arlington, Va. But the time came when the Arnolds wanted to do some of the things you put off while you’ve got a business to run. “We decided it was time to retire,” says Suzanne, who claims the couple knew how to open a store, how to run a store but “didn’t know how to close a store.” So, they hired Wilkerson to do it for them. When she called, Suzanne says Wilkerson offered every option for the sale she could have hoped for. Better still, “the sale exceeded our financial goals like crazy,” she says. And customers came, not only to take advantage of the going-out-of-business buys and mark-downs, but to wish a bon voyage to the beloved proprietors of a neighborhood institution. “People were celebrating our retirement, and that was so special,” says says. Adornment + Theory Makes Room for Creativity in Chicago M.S. Rau’s Jewelry Gallery in New Orleans is Museum Quality America’s Coolest Stores: Ten Stores of Distinction Join the Ranks Celebrate Your Retirement with Wilkerson Wilkerson YOUR eGRADING™ QUESTIONS, ANSWERED Sarine North America Inc. A Guide to Google Maps for Your Jewelry Store Gemfind Advertisement Advertisement INSTORE helps you become a better jeweler with the biggest daily news headlines and useful tips. (Mailed 5x per week.) Texas Jeweler Headed to Prison for Cash Advance Fraud Macy&#8217;s Worker Stabbed in Jewelry Robbery; Suspect Shot by Police Best 2022 Emmys Jewelry: What the Stars Wore to the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards M.S. Rau’s Jewelry Gallery in New Orleans is Museum Quality Here’s How to Close More Bridal Sales While The Couple Is In Your Store Diamond Blockchain Firm Gets $30M Investment $10M in Fake Cartier and Other Jewelry Seized in Cincinnati 5 Tips To Prepare Your Ecommerce For Holiday Traffic GENERAL About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms of Use SUBSCRIBE Magazine Newsletter Brain Squad
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