#september basically didn’t happen for me tbh
teehee ive returned... ok so now im in college and just like I thought, I am not a fan. the academics are fine but theres a decent amount of work all the time and its stressful to me cause it feels never ending. I will do my assignments weeks in advance but it seems to never give me enough time to relax. well not that I can relax at my dorm, my roommates are so annoying and loud and are all messes and project it outward. however, I did stop sh around september 2022 so its been four months since then. but also whenever something happens where another person is upset and takes it out on me or theres a somewhat valid problem I cant help but think about doing it which is normal. but I think its gonna come back soon and im fine with that. it makes me happy. its almost like a form of self care for me cause I can actually get all the bad feeling out of my system and just onto my arm instead. like its fine and I truly think that. anyways another issue though related to how bad my dorm is because of my roommates is that I finally told my parents about how terrible it is and that I dont even sleep there anymore (but I only go back home like once or twice a weekend each month when I have breaks) and I fully am just going home cause I have break or need to catch up on homework... but now they just think im not addressing the issue and not facing my dorm situation which, uh yeah obviously im not going to. when I dont come home on weekends on breaks to get away from the dorm, I just stay at someone else's house or dorm on school days and weekends. like??? I literally do not have the capacity to be there. but now im getting really triggered at home too because I told my parents about my issue... which why are they responding like that. id rather just off myself than have to live at my dorm or home. I really need to sh. I know my living situation issues are temporary but they make me feel really bad and become unproductive and fat. all I do is hide away in my room at my dorm all day when im not out for classes and gorge of fat disgusting pig food. im so fat now. I need to loose weight im always bloated and fat looking. if I was skinny I would at least be 3/4 happy inside my body and the 1/4 of unhappy in caused my external forces that make me upset inside can just be fixed my sh. tbh I need to make my sh not eating and working out too much instead of cutting cause hiding the cuts is so annoying like I dont feel like wearing long sleeves in the summer again. I need to not eat any processed foods and get on track to just have no appetite (I didn't for like a week long time period in the beginning of January). anyways im just really upset now and turning to my venting on here cause I dont want to bother anyone with my problems anymore since clearly telling my parents the most basic issue ever is not being received well. like really. just make you child happy. but nooo they dont know about how suicidal I am and any of my other issues cause I dont tell them. they just dont dress anything either. like I need a breast reduction and my mom was just like well talk about that later... well it is much later now and guess what, still haven't talked about it. id rather just die right now. I cant endure 3 more years of college at the place im going right now. I just cant live in the state I do right now and need to move. everything would be solved. but for now, all I can do is loose 20 pounds and be skinny and smart so I can exist in a physical state thats tolerable to me. I just need a break from everything else though. ok ill probably return later but at least this vent right now stopped me from racing downstairs and picking out a new xacto for a real release. ok bye bye 
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ultimablades · 1 year
For the character ask game: Sanson, the one and only, obviously! Or if you've already answered for him, how about Alphinaud? :D
I’ll do both because I love both of these characters!!!
[vibrates at a frequency b that could shatter glass] I love him a normal amount.
1: sexuality headcanon: gay gay homosexual gay
2: otp: Guydelot is the love of his life — i always imagine that he wasn’t trying to find a relationship or didn’t have a lot of interest in them because he was so focused on his duty and his goal of creating a bard unit that it was very “that’s something that will happen later in life,” so his feelings for Guydelot are unexpected and also hit him like a train
3: brotp: the WoL once again lol but I also love his relationship with moogles??? They are his little friends???
4: notp: the WoL lol. I make jokes about Nourval having a crush on Sanson post SB just cause Sanson was nice to him but he knows it won’t go anywhere and I think it’s funny to imagine him being frustrated by a silly lil crush. But I don’t actually ship them.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: I think Sanson is an okay singer. Not great like Guydelot, probably not good enough to be a bard. But he’s better than he gives himself credit for and will sing with Guydelot when they’re alone
6: favorite line from this character: it’s hard to choose one but the first ones that came to mind were him saying that he’s nervous but knows things will be okay with Guydelot by his side, him telling us to tell Nourval Guydelot is in a drunken stupor, and him saying he needs to write the view from the churning mists down so he can share it with Guydelot 🥲🥲🥲
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I related to him a lot tbh which is probably why I always headcanon him as a September virgo…sometimes I’m like there’s definitely a lil projection going on here but—
But I think a big one is getting so focused on small details, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture, which I think he does a lot in the HW quests
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: him walking right into Nourval’s very obvious trap…baby girl please
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? He’s Mon petiti Chou, he has never done anything wrong in his life
My baby boy, my son who I birthed and raised myself
1: sexuality headcanon: gay but he hasn’t realized it yet
2: otp: he’s only 16/17 so I don’t ship him romantically with anyone, he’s too young…but I think his big ole puppy love/idol worship crush on estinien is cute, and I think he has a lil crush on Arenvald too (again, very much in a baby’s first crush on someone who’s older than them kinda way)
3: brotp: I do really love his friendship with Arenvald and I wish we got to see them hanging out more! And his friendship with Kai-shirr is sweet too
4: notp: basically anyone who is an adult LOL but especially an adult who is twice his age
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: I’ve always thought he was a trans boy
6: favorite line from this character: hmmmmm i really like when he tells Vauthry he needs a mirror cause it will capture the horror he sees before him better than a painting could. Imagine getting burned by ALPHINAUD
7: one way in which I relate to this character: when we first meet him, he was very much a know it all who thought he knew best lol. I was really bad about being a know it all when I was younger and I try to be mindful about those tendencies in myself now that I’m older
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the entire buying a sword incident…baby boy please
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? If you look up a picture of a cinnamon roll, it would just be a picture of Alphinaud
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Waaaa anyong haseyo yorobunn, my last post bahas buku Indonesia etc and after that post on Friday, not so much but quite a lot of things happened in my life.
Itu pas nulis itu kan Jumat ya, sebetulnya pengen ngerjain slide hari Jumat itu tuh di Radcam, tapi ga kesampean. Mostly karena mager aja sih ke departemen. Terus Sabtu literally ga ngapa-ngapain sampe dichat sama Iris kalau lagi cinema national day apa ya, jadi semua bioskop tiketnya cuma £3 which is a very good deal karena biasanya nonton weekend bisa sampe £15, atau in my case £11 karena member Curzon. Ujungnya total beli £3.95 sih karena kena booking fee £0.95. Kami nonton Bullettrain di Odeon yang jujur layarnya kecil dan jauh banget kaya lagi nonton kuliah dosen.
Overall tapi menghibur lah ya untuk hiburan seharga £4, at least I paid the sound karena di rumah gabisa dapet sound seheboh itu. The movie is also fun, it’s a bit too tiring karena betul-betul gaada break (there’s always some action going on!), but the color tone and the palette is pretty. Makes me want to go to Japan/Tokyo tbh.
Minggu nggak ngapa-ngapain. Literally di Kasur doang seharian.
Kemarin Senin di rumah doang tapi berujung harus ke city karena laptop tiba-tiba gabisa di-cas. Apparently si chargernya rusak huhu, berujung beli charger baru for £30.
During the whole 2 days on the weekend I started to think about how much growth I’ve had (or not had) during my 2 years in Oxford, karena emang udah 2 tahun kan sejak 19 September 2020, which is when I stepped on this land of Oxfordshire. Kalau dipikir-pikir sesungguhnya I had not much of growth. I am just the same person I was before. Ada sih satu hal: I didn’t expect to be the “outgoing” yes-person I am now (especially when I started to ask people to have lunch with me/ when I said yes to people asking me to have dinner/lunch/hang out together with them). But then I also realized that I enjoy being by myself a lot more(?) here. Oh, one thing that I’m certain of: I grew in terms of mental health awareness. I took that step of registering myself on the uni counseling service. I had that moment of despair, of knowing I can’t do anything more on my own, that I had to ask for help.
In terms of living away from home alone, I did feel like the IFP one was more challenging, so there’s nothing new about that. I’ve lived in a country in which I don’t speak the language before, so at least in this aspect, I kinda win. Oxford is a pretty easy and comfortable place to live in (compared to Rueil-Malmaison).
Am I getting smarter? Or in any way more knowledgeable? Not really… I feel like it’s really difficult to measure this one since I had no way to know for sure. I definitely can say that I know MORE about what I am doing now, but not necessarily being knowledgeable about it. I noticed that I started to have more interest in social sciences and humanities though. I started to care more about politics, equality, diversity, and the economy -- basically the things that are the most oblivious to me at least when I am in Indonesia (because I was in a comfy bubble that I didn’t feel like I had to care about it at all). But here, everything is different. I started to ask questions about how colonialism affected us as humans, how history shaped us, of who I am right now.
Kemarin randomly baca tentang siapa aja alumnus Uni of Ox karena si UK baru ada PM baru kan setelah BJ turun, Liz Truss, yang lahir di Ox dan sekolah di sini juga ambil PPE. Terus I found that Stephen Hawking lulusan Ox juga (dan lahir di Ox juga). Paling shocking (gatau ya kalian shock apa nggak, but I did) si Stephen Hawking ini orang tuanya dua-duanya went to Ox as well. Kalau ga salah Bapaknya did PPE and Ibunya did Med apa ya. But intinya, ga heran Stephen Hawking was a genius karena di-raisenya di lingkungan keluarga yang juga gak kaleng-kaleng.
Now look at us. Well, paling gampang: me. My parents are 1st generation from their families who went to college. Their parents didn’t even go to school! Or maybe they did, but sekolah dasar Belanda aja mungkin (?) – I had to ask my Mom and Dad again about this. My Dad even told me that he had to use those oil-lit lanterns to study at night when he was in elementary school. And Stephen Hawking? I bet he had already had a lightbulb during his school years. But yes, look how FAR I have to run and jump and keep up if I want to be let’s say as successful as Stephen Hawking??? Or probably not me, but my kids. Is it possible? Ofc, dengan Kun Fayakun, nothing is impossible. But will it be easy? Def not.
It is not fair. It always isn’t. But what can I do? I can write a whole book ranting about this so-rotten system that’s been there forever and blame it, but then so what?
That’s why recently I talk (and think) about growth. How can I measure it? How far back should I think about it? It’s so difficult to see and compare yourself with others (which thankfully I rarely do, until recently). Especially when people you compare yourself to come from a REALLY different growing environment, a different world. But it’s always good to compare yourself to your previous one. See your growth. It might be there, it might not be there, it might be small, or big. Doesn’t matter. What’s important is to keep going, to not quit.
30.18 15:41 pm 06/09/2022
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schumigrace · 2 months
2, 7 and 25 for the song asks!
2. three last songs you listened to
I have exclusively been listening to podcasts recently so I had to go surprisingly far back in my listening history for these lmfao
Flicker - Niall Horan
It's Time - Imagine Dragons
Anything Can Happen - Tors
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved
Portrait of a Dead Girl - The Last Dinner Party (basically this whole album tbh, I did not understand the hype™ about Nothing Matters so expected to just kinda like the rest but alas. it grew on me quickly)
Wonderland - Taylor Swift I used to hate this song icl. 1989 is my least favourite tswizz album but listening to it now that I've outgrown my "I hate all pop music bc I'm not like the other girls" phase I love a good jam to it
Velvet/Jenny Francis - Stormzy I have no idea when I listened to this but I was never a fan of Stormzy and then one day this was on repeat for like a month straight
25. three favourite songs of 2017
HOW are these 7 years old ?!?!?!??!?! 😭😭😭 that makes no sense whatsoever
September Song - JP Cooper
Sometimes - Gerry Cinnamon
Scott Street - Phoebe Bridgers this is particular will always have an extra special place in my heart
three song asks
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seahdalune · 4 months
SeahDaLune's 2019 art recap
(Note: this is a reupload of a thread i did on twitter a few years back. so these are really old.)
Since the decade of 2010 is almost over, I decided to make a thread of my best drawings from 2019! (Yes, 2019. I didn’t like the others, sooooo...)
January! I still lined my drawings with a pen back then... I would’ve lined my drawings now, but I’m now way too used at not lining XD The character I drew was a Pokémon FC called Sam, and was originally going to be one of the protagonists of an unmade comic.
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February! I stopped lining my drawings starting from this one! Let’s just say I didn’t feel like erasing the lines that day. The character I drew here belongs to Sashley on YouTube! I remember being super proud of the fanart I made. I find it terrible TBH. [2023 note: wow, that's a name i haven't thought of in a while. does she still make animation memes? wait, she does still make animation memes.]
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March! Nothing much to say, as nothing interesting happened that month. I remember being extremely busy with drawing someone’s OC for payment on DeviantArt though. This is one of the payments I drew! Still quite messy, even if it’s relevantly cleaner than the Sashley fanart.
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April! This is where my coloring FINALLY starts looking better (If you just looked at one of my pre-May arts, you might see it) This character is actually a whale version of my OC, Yevi-Wii! Or maybe she’s a FC? I don’t know! I kinda want to redraw her soon. [2023 note: i never drew her ever again]
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May! AKA my birth month! I drew a lot of my Deltarune AU characters on that month. This is one of the AU characters! He’s just a younger version of canon Seam. I should draw young Seam again.
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June! I drew Ralsei a lot for some reason. I don’t think I knew how to draw goat bois back then. Not that I know how to now. This is one of the many Ralsei’s I drew! I, uh... don’t like it as much as I did then.
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July! This is one of my top 3 favorites of 2019! The character here is Jevil! I used to like Jevil a lot. I like him now, just not as much as back then. I honestly like how happy he looks.
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August! As I had just came back from America, my drawings were looking rusty. Thankfully, I managed to warm myself back. This is smol Muffet. She is very very smol. I now realize that I drew tons of child versions of Deltarune/Undertale characters.
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September! As it was the month of Undertale’s anniversary, I drew something Undertale related! Yes, this is an Undertale character. I honestly cannot get enough of Undertale. Play Undertale. Praise Undertale. And don’t forget to pat the dog.
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October! A month after that, is Deltarune’s anniversary! I drew Kris for this, as Kris is... very intriguing to me. I am rather proud of this one! I also love how it was captured by my phone too, as most of the time the drawing looks super crappy when taken picture.
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November! Unfortunately, art block happened that month, so I couldn’t get anything properly done that month. So have a scribble of my BNHA OC, made on November.
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December! The reason I have two here is because I couldn’t decide which one to choose! I modeled the clay figure after my camp friend J chan, who loved Todoroki! As for the drawing, it’s my OC Jei. He was originally an adopt I made, but I loved him so much so now he’s my son. [2023 note: i lost contact with J chan around 2020, when she deactivated her discord. that was my only form of contact with her so i basically lost her for good... though, i never talked to her much outside of camp after getting her discord so it was probably for the best. playground friends stay as playground memories, yaknow.]
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And that’s the all the art highlights of 2019! (And the 2010s decade TBH) Thank you for supporting me on Twitter for the last 2 years! Mutuals, followers, or even the rando’s who retweeted my art! I appreciate all of what you did, as you helped me push my art to what it is now!
People I’d like to specially thank: [the many names that i either still talk to or have lost contact since] And many others I might have forgotten.
That’s all I have to say, so have a great New Years! And hope you have a great 2020s as well! Bye, 2010s! We will miss you!
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automatismoateo · 7 months
Ultra religious father wanted a minister to visit me when I was really sick with my heart via /r/atheism
Ultra religious father wanted a minister to visit me when I was really sick with my heart So I had open heart to replace aortic valve last year and my Uber religious father wanted to bring a preacher in. I told my parents absolutely not. My mom protested and said maybe your dad needs someone. I told them they could do that on their own time. Also that I didn’t want the whole church to know my business. When I was finally released from the hospital I found all these church bulletins around with my name on the prayer list. I have never attended that church. I went with my dad for a few weeks after he had back surgery because he needed a driver. Prior to that I had gone a few times over the years to see my nieces in a Christmas play. Really miffed me tbh. Mostly because they stand around saying shit like “praise the lord!” No. Praise the doctors who spent years studying and training to heal others. Praise modern science that a solution was available. Praise best practices and a lifetime of scientific research that prevent infections and complications. Unrelated but I had a major head injury a few years ago. Have plates in my face. Shortly after I started having seizures. The first time I knew something was happening but didn’t know what. Was at my folks house. Had this feeling like I was going to fall out when I was pissing of all things😂 I was aware enough to scream out and then fell off the commode and smacked my head on the floor. I remember having this inner monologue for a brief second that went “oh that really hurt but I don’t care!” then everything went totally black. It makes me wonder if that’s what it’s like when you die. It’s comforting actually. Knowing that I was in pain but also in that moment that sensation of pain was overridden by basically an I don’t give a shit attitude. Submitted September 22, 2023 at 08:09AM by ManufacturerPlus6601 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/kh8NO6G)
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asunas-junk-drawer · 7 months
September 19th
i had no idea what to wear today. i just went with a black tank top and jeans with sneakers. i dont really think it matched. but its okay. i was particularly insecure about my hair though. i was trying to cut it with scissors as of recent during lunchtime, but my friend astro was being a bitch and ripped away the scissors from me. even when i told her that i was just trying to cut off my split ends, since im insecure…
i did stand up for myself tho… i told her to give them back to me and she actually did do that. she did back off thankfully. im working on trying to get her to understand boundaries as well. also today, she saw that i was texting some weird guy who goes to our school (she literally looked over my shoulder just so she could see……,,,,..). then she went on a rant and went ‘stop texting him, block him’. but like the thing is that im literally a lesbian????? plus i know that hes weird (well call him fei. hes kind of a weirdo who has a hentai pfp for his instagram acc. plus astro says that he watched hentai during class….). but like all he does is send memes to me…! plus i don’t even like him, but im pretty sure that astro doesnt know that since i made a comment about him being kind of fine. i never clarified if i was being serious or not so I guess thats kind of my fault. but she just kept on saying that and stuff…. im thinking of dumping her but the problem is that shes apart of my friend group and has a lot more influence over it than I do (meaning that if i do that, then i might get kicked out of it………). which is bad since i dont have any friends at school other than them, and i wouldnt say that im close with them tbh…….
when i came home, my siblings and parents weren’t there. i did things as normal, but i wanted to go into my old room (my grandma, who is visiting from mexico, is using my room right now, which means that I’m forced to sleep in the living room and have all my clothes in some spare room that we have….) so that i could search for some dresses for homecoming. while searching, i decided to get some heels that were inside of this little box. my grandma had some of her stuff on top of it, and I had to move it away to actually get to the shoes. Underneath the stuff, was fifty solid dollars. i stole it. It’s justified though because my grandma is a total bitch. i won’t go into too much detail, but she basically wants my dad to go back to mexico with her so that he can take care of her or something idk…. to reach this goal of hers, shes been trying to make my parents fight, so then she could get into my dads head and convince him to go back with her. She’s tried doing this once before.
when my parents got back home, my mom told me about stuff that happened with my grandma. She told me that while they were at the self checkout aisle for Walmart, that she forgot to scan a couple of items and technically stole from the store because my mom was distracted from my grandmas rambling. my mom got mad at my grandma because she didn’t like a doll that my mom picked out for my baby sister (the doll had a darker skin color). Basically my grandma was being colorist and kept saying that it was ugly just because of that…. (My mom literally has darker skin while my grandmother is racially white, but ethnically mexican). So yeahhh….
i don’t regret stealing those fifty dollars. My grandma is blind anyway…. It’s not like she’d notice lol
Listen to this. it’s a good song.
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returntosaturn271995 · 8 months
Sunday, September 10th: Girl talk, girl work
"I will form good habits and become their slave."
Dramatic? Of course. Whose journal do you think this is?
Today I consoled Cole on the ending of his relationship with Lisa and in the spirit of remembering some of my favorite relationship-ending gems here are my favorite texts that I sent:
Erin Burks: Someone doesn’t have to be a life partner to be one of your soul mates. You learned from each other.
Cole: Yeah exactly and they’ve been checking in on me and explaining their perspectives from when we were all together. Just all reassuring that this was the right thing to happen.
That’s really well said. I like that statement a lot
Erin Burks: I like it too. I feel like there’s a lot of unhealthy, inflexible rhetoric about love You built a relationship with someone you loved and it didn’t last forever. That’s still beautiful. And next time you’ll know yourself a little more. Relationships can end without failing. And tbh, a lot of the time they fail without ending and that’s how you get old people screaming at each-other on the sidewalk. Basically: You didn’t waste time, it wasn’t a mistake. It’s okay to feel off-center and unsure, but you will love again. And one day she’ll be an old girlfriend you tell a wild sex story about to your son so he knows his dad was a big pimp back in the day.
Erin Burks: I hope you get so much pussy there’s just like a chalk outline of your bed like “here’s where the murder took place” Lisa’s sweet, but you’re going to meet some fucking BAD BITCHES
Cole: Hahahaha
Erin Burks: And watch like 2 1/2 to 6 months from now she’ll send you a text like “hey can we talk?” And you can be like “mmmm I can emotionally support you when I’m done getting a blow job from someone who is really trying to impress me”
Cole: You are something else hahaha
Cole: Yeah that’s what my family told me too. And to be happy this didn’t happen later like you said too
Erin Burks: I was gunna say, your romantic purpose has been in healing someone else while your needs weren’t being met That’s a mindfuck
Cole: Yeah it definitely made me question my self worth a lot through out that time
Erin Burks: That’s natural, I do it too But sooooo not a reflection on you The more space you get and the more positive experiences you get the more you’ll wonder why you tried so hard
Cole: That’s what I really hope will happen
Erin Burks: And that’s right around the time she’ll hit you up for emotional support Like that’s exactly what will happen
Cole: You know what’s funny, my dad said that would happen too
Erin Burks: Because that’s human nature ---------------------------
Also going to start including more texts in here. Maybe a daily text that I find funny.
Of me. That I said.
I'm proud to say I also hit all of my goals today. Zero alcohol imbibed. I finished up my daily recovery run and hit 15 K for the week. Also have hit my fastest mile time yet: 8:15. Lame? Fuck you. That's a decent mile time.
Seriously who am I arguing with? One day this journal is going to be used as evidence of my descent into madness.
Anyways, for dinner, I made teriyaki steak and roasted brussel sprouts and had some alarmingly-teal-colored boba milk tea from Hannah's supply. While I cooked I also listened to a podcast that absolutely shredded the book "God and Man at Yale", it's interesting as an early relic of conservatives hating universities for "indoctrination" and the threat to individualism...while demanding that schools do a top-down structure that enforces the preaching of conservative rhetoric and hammer down on any dissent.
The irony, much like my passport, was lost due to the owner's intellectual hubris.
Which reminds me, I'm going to check in about getting my passport renewed and actually going on the Amsterdam/London trip. Martyn said he would host me for a couple of days and I frankly would love an adventure right about now.
My hair is currently washed and in tight braids for some beach waves and I'm wearing a two-piece silky tropical pajama set. I just spent the last four hours putting together a PowerPoint for work that I thought would be able to squeeze in before our meeting tomorrow. Yep. Idiotic.
Feeling like procrastinating? Put it off for a bit. Trust me.
Now I'm going to eat some grilled cheese and read a chapter of The Rachel Incident before bed because I am very le tired and have been a tre good person today. (Compared to who I could have been, a hungover monster creating her own chaos.)
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ahkjdkdlksji · 2 years
Hi, it’s another post………..OF ME BEING CRITICAL
This time, it’s about the marauders, lily, petunia, and Snape!
Marauders era! Basically: james and Sirius being jerks while also having good grades despite clearly not studying and just focusing on pranking(and bullying) kids. Remus is a prefect but doesn’t do anything when he sees james and Sirius pranking(and bullying) kids. Peter is just there and helps with the pranking(and bullying). Lily is also a prefect, defends Snape but james and Sirius never seems to get a proper punishment for bullying Snape so she’s clearly not doing her job properly. Snape is obsessed with lily, is bullied by james and Sirius and hates them with a passion. Petunia hates lily, is obsessed with being normal and thinks of lily as a freak because of magic.
Sirius brings Snape to Remus when he’s in his werewolf form, james saves Snape and Sirius’s only punishment is to have more house points deprived, clearly, dumbledore is biased. Snape gets bullied, no one does anything and watches him get sacked by the marauders. The prefects there does nothing to report this to teachers and heads of houses. Lily defends Snape again, still not reporting this to the staff. Snape calls her a mudblood and gets bullied even more.
Lily’s friends are biased and has told her to stop being friends with Snape just because he’s friends with people whose families follow Voldemort. In my opinion, he’s probably friends with them cause he’s bullied and they’re the ones who can bring him protection. He probably had to prove himself in some way to actually become friends with them.
Lily falls in love with james even though she hated him before???? Why???? How the fuck- anyways, she falls in love with him. He obviously reciprocates her feelings, i still don’t understand how she fell in love with him tbh. They literally have a child. Petunia definitely doesn’t approve but they don’t care, honestly lily, just listen to petunia for gods sake, if you wanted a better relationship with her, don’t befriend Snape, you had a better sibling bond before you befriended him. Peter betrays the marauders for some reason and follows Voldemort. Still don’t know why he did that.
They choose Peter to be the secret keeper when Dumbledore is still available, like, dumbledore’s right there, still well and healthy. If you didn’t want anything to happen to you because of the prophecy, then why did you decide to have a FUCKING CHILD IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR???? Like, you’re supposed to be the brightest witch of your age, please, be smart for once, and do the correct thing, instead of having a fucking child in a war. You love each other, yes, but choose the right time to have a child, please, or just don’t.
Then dumbledore basically manipulates Snape into being a spy for him. Snape, your life would have been fine, your subject of obsession is already dead, there’s no reason to actually do something like that for a fucking dead person. Like, you can mourn their death in peace, but just, continue your peaceful life. And then because of that one dumb decision of his, Voldemort kills him because he thinks that Snape is the owner of the elder wand. WRONG ANSWER, DICKHEAD. IT’S DRACO MALFOY, and then Harry gets the elder wand.
Petunia is still alive, dumbledore sends harry to her despite probably knowing how much petunia hates magic from lily. He fucking put a baby, in front of a doorstep, in a very cold night in September, with a piece of fabric and a letter. What the fuck. Despite not being the secret keeper, he’s the fucking guardian of harry, bruh, he also did nothing to help Sirius when Sirius got sent to Azkaban.
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omegastation · 3 years
Alright, here I am. I was gone for a while because I almost had a burn out. We have been swamped with work since the beginning of the pandemic (I work for an official mental health organization), I did two jobs at the same time, and I got so stressed and anxious I ended up having jaw pain like I talked about before here. It was so bad, and it was a wake-up call. I realized I couldn't keep going on like this. I've always been the type to ask myself questions like "What should I do? What would be productive?" instead of "What do I want to do? What would be fun right now?". With everything that happened around us, it also became a sort of mission. I had a lot of responsibilities, and I could see that I could always do more, you know? But it never stops. There are always things to do and people to help, and overworking myself isn’t a solution. It’s not even a way to live. 
I genuinely have to work at taking care of myself, so I'm trying to do that now and avoid the worst of depression. I also had to dealt with grief, unrequited love and feeling like a failure (because on top of everything I thought it would be a good idea to do a Master and realized I just couldn't). Anyway...... It's hard, but writing, reading and knitting have been really helpful. I'm back at work now but I'm being careful. And people around me are making sure I don't overwork myself again.
And I wasn't back here because I felt terrible about not playing MELE like everyone else, like being so far behind because of mental and physical health issues. It's ridiculous really, because I would be the first to say that there is no such thing as a "true" fan - but I felt like a bad fan. I was stuck in ME1, I was way behind everyone else. It felt like I had to catch up or I would be seen as someone who didn't care. It was just frustrating to me.
It's still frustrating. Nausea is a major issue. I'm hoping my appointment with the ophthalmologist will help (they couldn't receive me before the end of September...) but in the meantime I basically can't play too long. Driving the Mako is really the worst (have to lie down after) so I can't explore planets. But that's okay, I accepted it now. It's not the end of the world if my playthrough isn't complete or if I take my time. I can still play and have fun.
I'm very happy to say I finished ME1 this weekend and had a great time. I'll make a separate post about it.
I hope you're all okay. I'm going to reply to every message, private or sent to my inbox, and genuinely apologize for not having done so sooner. If I missed something (I probably did, tbh), don't hesitate to tell me. I'm also going to queue things. I'm already seeing gorgeous edits, gifs and fanart and that makes me happy.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (September 14th-September 27th)
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Oblivio Sentimonster
tbh at this point, we might as well just go, “more akuma-turned-sentimonster.”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Alya don't learn anything from her experience as Scarabella
*sees “Simpleman” trailer*
Welp, we have a DNB before the episode is out (two technically because I’ve predicted Marinette with all four kids for like--ever).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow:
Marinette will at some point get akumatised and become even more OP than Chat Blanc and create a whole universe with life and diversity and desires to live in there with no crushing responsibilities, but it will be portrayed as a bad, bad thing and we will have to torment ourselves by seeing Adrien and the other heroes ignoring the fact that their "most beloved friend/romantic interest" is mentally broken and they will keep telling her to go to "sweet baby Adrien" to have a family with.
Naturally, Luka will act either OOC or will be "miraculous"-ly absent, if not disappear from the show altogether at that point so Marinette won't even have a chance to be comforted by an actually good friend.
I call dibs on this ending.
The way they’d spin is probably that Marinette is being selfish wanting to live in her “own little world” and she’s not thinking about everyone else.
This would also probably be another case of the whole “it wasn’t your fault you were akumatized, it was Hawk Moth” thing being through completely out the window because it’s Marinette’s fault, you guys.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien learns his father is Hawk/Shadowmoth and justifies not telling Ladybug because 'She's keeping secrets from me, too!'  This is presented as perfectly valid and understandable reasoning.  Bonus if there is no acknowledgement of the fact he is keeping this information from everybody else beyond blaming Ladybug for THAT, too.
I hate that this makes sense because he WOULD be that petty.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien/Chat Noir will continue down the path of unnecessary roughness and violence.  By the time he switches sides and joins the villains for whatever bullshit reason they try to blame on Marinette/Ladybug, his behavior will have degraded so far that he was already acting overtly villainous while he was ostensibly still on the heroes' side.  This is never acknowledged beyond some oblique comments about how Ladybug should have noticed how unhappy he was and bent over backwards to fix it.
That’s what she gets for nOt aPpReCiAtInG hIm eNouGh.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien's spitefulness and/or screwing around as a nominal superhero explicitly causes civilian casualties that are only reversed by Ladybug's cure.  Marinette blames herself for their deaths; so does the narrative.  Tikki, Alya, and others act as the writers' mouthpieces to berate and blame Mari for her failures, despite her being the only reason that Adrien's victims aren't STILL dead.  (Bonus if the same 'logic' is applied to Shadowmoth's victims.)
Well SHE’S the one with Miraculous Cure, so clearly--
Anonymous asked:
DNB: It's eventually revealed that Adrien is directly responsible for the heroes having to continue fighting Hawkmoth/his implied successor well into their adult lives; while Gabriel is ultimately dealt with during the series' run, Adrien isn't willing to give up his 'heroic' lifestyle, and ensures that the Butterfly Brooch ends up in Lila/somebody else's hands.  Bonus if their reasoning for blaming Marinette is that a Reveal hadn't happened yet and Adrien 'didn't want to lose her, waaaah...'
And of course they’ll make him look sympathetic because he didn’t want to rat out of his father (if he’d been the one to see the reveal and no one else)!! Can you blame him???
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The concept of getting therapy/psychological help and support is mocked through an akuma lampooning the concept.  This stems from the writers getting spiteful/annoyed by so many observations from the fandom about how badly most of the cast needs some form of psychological aid, with the episode supposedly 'proving' that it's not needed/would only hamper the heroes more than help them.
Because a therapist would’ve told Marinette to dropkick Chat into the void.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: If SentiAdrien is a thing, Felix winds up as a body backup drive so the series can have the Angstrese of SentiAdrien being destroyed without permakilling their golden boy.  The horrifying implications of Felix's fate are completely glossed over; who cares what happened to his mind/personality/soul so long as Adrien's okay?
oh my god what if Astruc brags that this is why Felix’s model is a copy of Adrien’s and that this is a reference to how Adrien replaced Felix during the making of Miraculous
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Simpleman" will be basically "Reverser" 2.0 (very cringe scenes of Ladybug and Chat Noir being rendered useless by Akuma of the Week will be depicted as hilarious)
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Now that Kagami is on the Adrienette train she'll drag Luka on board with her. Then they'll think of schemes to get them together and meanwhile fall in love with each other and O Fortuna, I need some Pepto now. *GAG*
Single people aren’t allowed to exist unless Astruc can claim they’re aro/ace.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Post-Reveal, Adrien will reject Marinette while accusing her of only being interested because he's Adrien.  The fact that he only wanted her because she was LADYBUG is never addressed, retconned, or denied outright, expecting the viewers to ignore all evidence of his obsessive/controlling behavior.  Marinette must then pursue and 'prove herself worthy' of his love in a semi-reversal, with Adrien remaining a manipulative douchenozzle the whole time.
*flashbacks to comics that existed all the way back in Season 1 about Adrien rejecting Marinette because he “””loved both sides of her””” but she didn’t love Chat Noir*
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Marinette will be given little to no heads up that Alya was dropping off her and Ninos siblings.
I imagine we won’t get confirmation on that.
(though also “Rocketear” seems to confirm that Nino is just impulsive about asking Alya on dates sooooo)
Anonymous asked:
For simpleman, we don’t need burrow to know Marinette will regress into season 1 tendencies.
Okay but Season 1 would be better than this.
Anonymous asked:
Don’t need burrow to know the kids will either not be scolded for how they acted or not be changed by any scoldings in their next appearance (bonus if they’re even praised for something along the lines of “saving paris”)
*”The Puppeteer” and “Christmaster” flashbacks*
Anonymous asked:
I just realized another episode comes out in like an hour so I think my DNB is that rolands charm will look very similar to the mayors. Sorry if it’s lame but that’s all I know rn from his late costume
There’s a joke in here somewhere about “all old man charms look the same!!”
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nancylou444 · 2 years
I just think some people took things out of context and ran with it. I watched the podcast and he did own up to it and took accountability (we knew they talked it out privately, but now we have him stating it for the public). I think people got upset with him saying Jared was drunk, since some hellers will take that, twist it, and run with it to hate Jared. (And maybe few people were upset with the Jessica Alba comment, which imo I didn’t think he needed to bring up, but hey it is what it is). Also some claim there are inconsistencies with some of the stories he told, if there is I totally missed it, because I was mainly looking for the “negative comments” he made about Jared. Besides this podcast was shot back in September before he started filming Rust, which isn’t important I guess. Also the main thing I’m seeing is hellers wanting Jensen to release his spn commentary podcast he “allegedly had in the works”. It’s basically the “release the tapes” thing all over again, which will blow over since Jensen said they scraped it. Tbh, that’s one thing I don’t believe ever happened, because why would you scrape an idea you’re pitching when your bosses gave you the go ahead. That’s just one thing that doesn’t make sense to me, but oh well he said this 4-5 months ago, so it’s in the past now. Anyway that’s my take on everything.
Thank you darling for this insight. 💖
If one watches the podcast with hate in their heart to begin with, that is all they are going to get from it.
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braindeadmaggot · 2 years
~I don’t think I have ever been so mad at One Piece canon info before~
I was snooping through the OP wikia last night, getting more info for some fics and I came across this.
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(^source: Miscellaneous Straw Hat Info)
According to the Vivre Card Visual Dictionary (written by Oda-sensei himself and released on September 4, 2018), the Straw Hats arrived on the Grand Line in February and Sunny-Go set sail in March.
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(^source: Chapter 106)
How I ask.
Please tell me this is a mistake.
Back in 2012, I created a spreadsheet that recorded (to the best of my calculations) each and every day of their journey.
Ace and Luffy made a pact to set sail when they turned 17; in Sabo’s honor. It’s safe to say that Ace left on his 17th birthday, January 1, 1519, because why would he wait. Luffy as well. Why would he play around on Dawn Island with Dadan and the other bandits longer than needed since he knows he needs to catch up with Ace. Seems pretty reasonable that he’d leave right away, right?
So let’s say Luffy leaves on his 17th birthday, May 5, 1522. He almost immediately meets Coby, he saves Zoro, meets Nami, beats up Buggy, and then the three of them continue on their Romance Dawn adventure before they meet Usopp. That’s a full week.
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Now according to this calendar (which you can also find mentioned in Thatch’s death theory here and the birthday theories here), it should have taken them roughly 23 days to get to Reverse Mountain.
Also, the calendar includes some filler arcs (but I don’t consider most canon) to help get a better feel of the flow of time. In the past, Oda-sensei had included proper moon phases in the manga to show how long it had been between arcs but he hasn’t done so in recent years, especially with the current loophole about the Minks’ Sulong happening twice so quickly between arcs giving the impression that a month had past between Zou and Wano (I have yet to confirm this. I stepped away from the fandom for several years and am very behind on things, but I will investigate this further in the future.)
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From Reverse Mountain to Water 7, it takes about 34 days, with Enies Lobby occurring the next day, Two days after (according to Chapter 431), everyone in Water 7 is rebuilding the city, Iceburg starts the Sunny blueprints and Garp arrives. Looking at this now, after so many years, I can’t remember why I have it at 5 days. Maybe the anime was different from the manga, or maybe I added in the filler episodes. I really don’t have time to look that up right now tbh, I reread the manga 7 times and rewatched the entire anime series 4 times just for this calendar, I trust 20 year old me. But anyway, it’s basically about 40-43 days from Reverse Mountain to Franky joining.
The Vivre Card Dictionary dates - February 18th to March 25th - is 35 days between. Now that length of time sounds pretty reasonable but taking into account that Luffy’s birthday is in May, did he really stay on Dawn Island for several months after he turned 17? Did he leave early when he was still 16? Or did their East Blue travels take nearly a year? None of those seem plausible to me and I had a lengthy conversation with @cyriusli​ about this last night. It doesn’t make sense.
Also, if the Vivre Card Dictionary dates are canon, whether Luffy waited or East Blue was a very very long journey, by the time they get to Saboandy pre-timeskip, their ages are now incorrect. Sanji would be a year older as his birthday would have been during the Arabasta Arc, more specifically the day of the war. Perhaps that’s why they didn’t celebrate as the survival of an entire country was at stake, and given what we know now about Germa 66, maybe Sanji hates his birthday and never told anyone.
However, if we go back to the calendar above, they are in Water 7 recuperating after Enies Lobby on July 3rd. Nami’s birthday. It could be safe to say that the Water 7 pool party was for her as well.
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Some Franky Fam guys pour her drinks, she cheers with Robin, and Sanji makes this epic looking 7 course dinner “cake” to impress a bunch of little kids but who’s to say it can’t be a “birthday cake” as well?
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It’s the perfect time for a secret birthday and since they pretty much saved the island from CP9, who says she didn’t get any gifts. Heck, Luffy spent so much of their money on the party for these people that she couldn’t do much shopping during the filler arc. Wouldn’t it be rude if no one gave them gifts after such generosity? Yes, Thousand Sunny is a gift, but still; that was A LOT of barbecue. And they were very much broke when they arrived on Thriller Bark which was why she was so happy to get all of the treasure. Oh well.
I don’t trust the Vivre Card Dictionary. I refuse to believe Oda-sensei’s facts on this. I’ve had these headcanons for over a decade and for them to crushed like this is too painful. Maybe someone who has actually read the dictionaries can shed more light, or if any of you have better theories or a more accurate calculation of this, please share it with the class. My brain hurts and this headache hinders with my writing, I don’t think I can finish Flight Benefits like this. My life is a lie and I’m having an existential crisis while I’m still this young. SOS - send help.
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years
Spring/Summer/Fall 2013 - The End(?)
Click here for an appropriately sad Swiftgron breakup playlist.
I don’t know if it’s important or not but Dianna wishes several friends a late happy birthday on twitter, apologizing for missing the actual day through this spring and summer.  It seems like maybe she’s going through something (like a bad break up?) because it’s not like her to miss friends’ birthdays.
March 26, 2013 - Maybe a relevant tweet?
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April 7, 2013 - Dianna tweets a photo of James Dean in a day dream like setting:
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April 16, 2013 - The article that outed them:
Someone made a fake article that said Swiftgron was dating:
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Dianna tweets seven times that day which is a bit much for her.
The hashtag here stands out to me:
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The fake article goes viral and all week people are tweeting about the possibility that Dianna and Taylor are dating.
April 23, 2012
It seems to culminate on this day.  Many people are buzzing about Swiftgron and this actress tweets:
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That’s right at midnight.
About 12 hours later Dianna deletes her public Tumblr:
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On that same day Dianna reblogs several things on her private Tumblr.  These two stand out to me:
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She reblogged both of these posts and the only hashtag they had in common was “#lost love” - she was searching that hashtag.
I think it’s very clear that today is the day Swiftgron 2.0 broke up.  I believe they were forced to by their management teams due to being outed.
April 24, 2013 - Taylor seems regretful/stressed out she screenshots her text to Austin and posts:
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I think Dianna’s obviously upset about this and as an act of defiance she tweets at Taylor a few days later (Taylor does not respond.)
April 29, 2013
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Instead Taylor posts on Dianna’s Birthday (April 30) a silly google search (very DIanna in nature tbh) with a play on the lyrics from 22:
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Taylor had the week of Dianna’s 27th birthday off of the Red tour (it was scheduled like that) but as far as we know they did not hang out.
May 4, 2013 - Ours
At her first show since their supposed break-up, Taylor performs Ours as a surprise song. She introduces it by saying: “This is a song about how, when you fall in love everybody starts to give you their opinion. I imagine it could be really hard to make a relationship last, I wouldn’t know. But, given that everyone is giving you their own opinion about it, I think that the only opinion you should really listen to is yours and if you love that person, that should be all that matters.”
Dianna dyes her hair brown and goes to Morocco a week later with Ashley (”You searched the world for something else, To make you feel like what we had”) from about May 11 - May 14 or 15.  While there she attends the A Small World relaunch. ASW could be viewed as a bit “sketchy” if you will.  I think this is where she befriends Olivia Wilde.
This is Dianna’s first (known) trip to Morocco (Derek Blasberg is there too) but she seems to be drawn there over and over again after this, even marrying Winston Marshall there (and possibly meeting another boyfriend, Gus Wenner there.)
May 19, 2013 - Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas
Taylor wins 8 awards and says this during her acceptance speech:
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This and the performance of Ours makes me think Taylor is bitter about a break up right now, even though publicly she broke up with Harry back in January.
This is also the event where Taylor is famously grossed out by Justin and Selena’s hetero nonsense and does this:
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It seems like as always, Taylor has a lot going on right now...some kind of drama with Justin is boiling but it’s possible she’s also referencing her breakup with Dianna in her acceptance speech.
Dianna pops back up in NYC.
May 20, 2013 - WLW icon Kristen Stewart apparently spends the night at Taylors?
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May 28, 2013 - Taylor plays Haunted on the Red Tour and gives a speech:
"This is a song that I haven't played on this tour so far. It came up when one of my friends tweeted the lyrics to it today and it reminded me that I haven't played this song in about two years. It has to do with the fact that, you know people talk about ghosts all the time. You just kind of imagine it being this supernatural thing, but there's another kind of ghost and it's just a person who is out there walking in the world or just doesn't love you anymore and that's a whole different kind of being haunted." Seems like she’s really going through it.
July 2, 2013 - Anniversary of Hyannis Port trip and interesting private Tumblr post from Dianna:
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Bad things happen this summer.  Cory Monteith passes away and Taylor is assaulted at a meet and greet by a DJ.
July 2013 - Dianna buys a house in LA (I Wish You Would)
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August 2013 - Dianna’s whosirmesir moniker gets outed and she stops blogging under that tumblr account.
August 14, 2013 - Taylor is in a weird place according to the Lover diaries:
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1.  she seems to have basically written The Lakes here
2.  she’s really harping on themes she ends up addressing in I Know Places, Out of the Woods, and Wonderland
August 29, 2013 - Dianna steps out with restaurateur Nick Mathers.  
Not sure what to make of this one.  Dianna seems to date two types of men:  1. teeny bopper actors for bearding and pr purposes (it generally seems) and 2. rich businessmen.  Nick is type 2, but their relationship is reported on as if it’s PR.  “Sources” call up gossip sites to fill them in on the relationship and both their projects get plugged along with announcements on them as a couple:
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I don’t know if they were more or less legit but she goes out with Taylor five days later...
September 4, 2013 - The Fun! Concert:
Swiftgron’s last pre-Kaylor public sighting - they go to a Fun! concert in LA
It’s just a split instant of video footage but Sarah Hyland uploads this to Vine and it does not look like Dianna is enjoying herself:
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Note:  It kind of looks like DIanna has her arm around Taylor’s waist and also the person to the right of Taylor is Selby Drummond who is still friends with DIanna as of writing of this masterpost (December 2020) and who still appears to be a fan of Taylor’s.
Dianna does look miserable but I do think it’s interesting they seem to be making an effort to hang out on the two year anniversary of their public (perhaps private as well) first meeting.
Dianna tweets about the concert the next day:
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September 6, 2013 - Taylor plays Speak Now as the surprise song on the Red tour.  Interesting given the timing of Dianna and her new boyfriend being public just one week before this.
September 8, 2013 - Taylor plays Sad, Beautiful Tragic for the first time ever live and gives this speech:
"I kind of feel like playing a song I've never ever played live before. This is um a song that I wrote about how you know just because something's over doesn't mean it wasn't incredibly beautiful. Cause another lesson I've learned is not all stories have a happy ending and you have to learn how to deal with that. So this is a song about a story that didn't end so happily but was still supposed to happen. This is called Sad, Beautiful, Tragic."
I don’t think this song was originally written about Dianna but I do think at this time while they stumble through the last phase of their relationship Taylor was inspired to sing it.
October 2013 - Taylor writes I Wish You Would, a song inspired by an ex who had recently bought a house near her driving past her house.  It’s thought to be about Harry but Harry didn’t buy a house in LA until March 2014.  But of course we know Dianna did buy a house near Taylor’s in LA earlier this fall.
November 11, 2013 - The music video for “She’s Just Another Girl” premiers starring Dianna looking stunning in high fashion drag, dressed up as the lead singer, and lip syncing the words to the song:
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Some lyrics to the song include:
All of my friends say I should move on She's just another girl, don't let her stick it to your heart so hard And all of my friends say it wasn't meant to be And it's a great big world, she's just another girl
I could be reeling them in left and right Something's got a hold on me, tonight Well maybe all of my friends should confront The fact that I don't want another girl
I think it’s at least possible that Dianna was drawn to this project because the lyrics resonated to her given what she was going through with Taylor at the time.
November 12, 2013 - Day of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show rehearsals and Dianna posts this (now deleted) picture:
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November 13, 2013 - Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show where Taylor performs and Karlie Kloss walks the runway.
Dianna posts this picture (now deleted) of her at Emma Stone’s birthday party from 11 months previous:
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It’s likely she’s looking at Taylor in this photo who was seated across from her.
It’s a very random picture to post.  It wasn’t titled as a throwback and it wasn’t an exact year after the picture was taken (prompting some kind of happy birthday shout out to Emma Stone or anything) - just a random picture of Dianna smiling, likely at Taylor. 
November 17, 2013 - Dianna posts a (now deleted) photo about missing someone:
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November 21, 2013 - Taylor posts lyrics from a hopeful love song about a troubled relationship:
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December 9, 2013 - Dianna listens to Pale Blue Eyes
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Lyrics are about being emo over a lost love with Blue Eyes:
Sometimes I feel so happy Sometimes I feel so sad Sometimes I feel so happy But mostly you just make me mad Baby, you just make me madLinger on your pale blue eyes Linger on your pale blue eyes
Thought of you as my mountaintop Thought of you as my peak Thought of you as everything I've had, but couldn't keep I've had, but couldn't keep
Linger on your pale blue eyes Linger on your pale blue eyes
If I could make the world as pure And strange as what I see I'd put you in the mirror I put in front of me I put in front of meLinger on your pale blue eyes Linger on your pale blue eyes
Skip a life completely Stuff it in a cup She said, "Money is like us in time It lies, but can't stand up" Down for you is upLinger on your pale blue eyes Linger on your pale blue eyesIt was good what we did yesterday And I'd do it once again The fact that you are married Only proves you're my best friend But it's truly, truly a sinLinger on your pale blue eyes Linger on your pale blue eyes
December 11, 2013 - You know the drill...Dianna posts a now deleted photo to Instagram:
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December 13, 2013 - Dianna posts an attention grabbing photo on Taylor’s Birthday
Conclusions - Swiftgron very clearly goes through a rough breakup due to being outed. 
Then they attempt some sort of reconciliation - even hanging out (date night?) on the second anniversary of their Fairfax Flea Market meetcute, but it goes wrong.  
Taylor is on tour for much of this time and Dianna is posting angst ridden and peculiar Instagram posts exactly at the time Taylor meets Karlie.
Click here to keep reading!
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aprillikesthings · 3 years
My itinerary is NUTS
I think I have one reservation left to make (the city pass) and then I don't have any Iceland expenses until I'm literally there?
This is all subject to cancellation For Obvious Reasons:
Thursday, September 9: Fly in just after 6am (which my body will think is 11pm...), buy snacks and possibly alcohol at the duty-free, take bus to Blue Lagoon, stay as long as I like (or until I get hungry--their food is expensive even for Iceland), take bus rest of the way into Reykjavik. Drop off suitcase at my guesthouse if they let me. Find and eat food. Buy some groceries (at Vegan búðin if I can) and/or yarn, depending on timing. (Guesthouse check-in is 3pm.) My plans are loose after that depending on how early I realize I feel like I've been run over, but general shopping-as-sight-seeing seems likely. I'm hoping to make it to like, 9pm before passing out. Jet lag, PMS, and lack of sleep vs. my body always perking up in the evening: who will win?!
Friday: Gonna have a city pass that gets me free entry into a bunch of museums plus bus fare. I need to look up the museum list on a map; I know there's some I really want to see like the open-air museum, and some that aren't a priority. I think it also gets me up the elevator to the top of Hallgrímskirkja? (Note to self to look up the hours of things; a lot of museums have pretty short hours.)
Saturday: Daytime plans are loose. Might see some things that the museum pass doesn't cover, like The Phallological Museum. (Edit: need to rent trekking poles!) That evening I have a reservation for a bus/hike to the volcano, though. :D :D :D (Here's hoping the weather cooperates. If the lava gives us a good show--it's been super off-and-on--that's a nice bonus!)
Sunday: Depending on soreness/exhaustion level, and how shy I'm feeling, go to church at Hallgrímskirkja, despite the service being in Icelandic. (They do have an English-language service once a month, but not while I'm there.) Go to the big Olympic pool with the twisty slide I remember from when I was a kid, maybe?
(The guy who does most of the youtube videos for Grapevine has a walking tour, but it's a little pricey. I'd get to meet his dog Polly, though!)
That's the afternoon/evening I have tickets to see Björk at Harpa, though; assuming it's not postponed. I might be too busy vibrating in excitement to do anything lolol.
Monday: bus tour along the South coast! Pretty beaches! At least one waterfall! A glacier? I forget what else is on the list tbh but it's a like, 9-hour trip, phew.
Tuesday: get my rapid-antigen covid test required to get on the plane home. Otherwise a chill day. Go swimming if I didn't on Sunday. Maybe even if I did, there's certainly enough pools, lol.
Wednesday: Golden Circle bus tour (Þingvellir, Gullfoss, the geothermal park with the geysir Strokkur). It also stops at a farm that's famous for ice cream made from the milk of the cows that live there, which is pointless for me (who knows, maybe they'll have fruit sorbet?), but going by pictures and reviews you also get to pet Icelandic sheep and horses and cows, which is the real reason I picked the tour that included the farm, lol.
Thursday: Take city bus to Keflavik, get off near where my old house was (I've looked, there's a stop really close by), walk around awkwardly with a wheely suitcase for ...I think I have two hours? before getting back on that bus to take it the rest of the way to the airport four hours before my flight leaves because right now coming and going takes longer than usual due to having to present the negative covid test. Ponder buying Brennivín despite the fact that I rarely drink anymore. I will probably buy some candy including Opal licorice, though. Possibly this is when I fill my suitcase with enough presents for people that I have to check the damn thing lol.
Looser things to fit in around other plans: walking or bicycling along the waterfront area, including getting a selfie with The Sun Voyager (a big metal sculpture thing). Taking the ferry to Videy island to walk around and enjoy the views. Lazily perusing a bookstore's English section. Drinking tea or coffee in a cafe while knitting or reading. Eating too many baked goods and drinking far too much coffee.
I have a list of people I plan to send postcards to, which reminds me I need to text some people for addresses. (The list is admittedly short, in part because mailing postcards to the states from Iceland is like $2 a pop, and sending it from Iceland is like half the point.)
There's also an assortment of goofy tourist-trap types of things like Perlan (museum-y stuff), and FlyOver Iceland (which is basically a high-tech immersive movie). There's a place that dresses you up like a Viking and takes professional photos for $100 that, honestly, looks dorky but fun. I think there's one that replicates the aurora, as well?
Speaking of which: there's already been some pretty strong aurora activity this year, so if there's a night with an aurora and decent weather, there's tour companies that either drive you to a more remote location or put you on a boat to see it without the light pollution of the city.
My original plans included going out dancing/drinking one night--the bar scene in Reykjavik is notorious, and I wanted to at least stop in at Kiki Queer Bar for a bit. But the recent spike in cases has been attributed to people (including locals) going to bars/clubs, where it's impossible to social distance and people have to yell to talk to each other and nobody is wearing masks.
In general my plan is to eat the free cold breakfast at the guesthouse every morning, eat less-expensive grab'n'go meals or ones I make at the guesthouse when I can, and limit myself to an average of one (1) meal in a restaurant most days. Partially because food in Iceland is just expensive. Partially to limit my exposure. (Outdoor dining is limited during a time of year that's likely to be 50f with wind and/or rain, okay.)
I fully expect that I'm going to be more thorough/paranoid about mask-wearing than the locals. I know the tour buses all require and enforce mask-wearing, and IIRC the ones I reserved are all smaller groups (less than 20). But I'm already at way more risk than a lot of tourists who rent cars/campervans and only see people at waterfalls and campgrounds and gas stations.
What happens if I test positive before I leave? I get to quarantine in a non-fancy hotel in Iceland for ten days on their dime. They even bring food to your door. This is obviously not ideal for many reasons, especially if I do actually feel ill, so yeah. Gonna be careful about the masking etc. while I'm there.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
September 29: 3x09 The Tholian Web
Today’s episode, The Tholian Web, was completely new to me and I came in with no expectations at all. I wasn’t sure about it at first but ultimately I really liked it!
In uncharted territory looking for lost ship the Defiant. Space appears to be breaking up. Idk but for some reason this sounds very familiar.
Like truly I don’t know what this is reminding me of but hasn’t space broken up before?
And now there’s a mysterious object! Nothing is going Kirk’s way today at all.
“Fascinating.” / “Explain.” Truly the root of this relationship.
It’s the Defiant! Looking ghostly.
Uhura’s on the case already. You don’t need to tell her how to do her job.
Scotty and Sulu looking badass together.
Conveniently, it’s another constitution class, allowing all the sets to be reused. (Though also I do think it makes sense only a large ship like that would be in uncharted space.)
Look at them in those suits. They look like they’re going to the grocery store in May 2020.
How do they know this isn’t an illusion? Because “we can see it, but the sensors don’t pick up anything” screams “illusion” to me. I wouldn’t want to beam into open space!
The triumvirate + Chekov, fourth wheeling again. (My mom suggested he’d be incapacitated soon, which is fair--he IS the red shirt in this scenario.)
All of this is feeling very familiar--missing ship, unusual space phenomenon, people going mad--but I'm not sure if it's repetitive or classic.
NO mutiny ever? That seem unlikely. Also didn’t Spock literally commit mutiny? Chekov would appreciate knowing this.
Kirk manages to look intense even through the space suit.
I find it really weird he doesn’t know the captain of this ship. Like, first off, he knows everyone, and second, there only about 12-14 constitution class vessel Captains so I really do think they know each other.
“Spock, stay with me.” Don’t have to tell him twice.
Lol the ship looks so silly just...drifting away. Adorable, but silly.
Seeing an Asian man in sick bay reminds me how few Asian people there are in Starfleet. Like... 1.
“What the devil?” That’s a Southern man there.
Is the ship actually dissolving or is it an ILLUSION? (It’s actually dissolving.)
Uh, the transporter’s not working? That’s not good.
I love how Scotty hears that and immediately abandons the bridge, like there is NO other man for the job.
O’Neil’s face when Kirk asks to be beamed aboard is hilarious. Human embodiment of the :O emoticon.
“You too, Spock.” He delays ordering Spock back to the ship because he KNOWS Spock’s going to argue.
“Completing the data set” yeah okay. He just doesn’t want to leave Jim alone. Especially in the extremely suspicious circumstances of there being 4 people and 3 transporter spots.
He’s vanished!
Spock is NOT having this.
The fabric of space is very weak here. Sounds legit. And there are many alternate dimensions that are very close at hand. So in other words... Kirk is literally stuck in an AU right now.
This is sorta like The Alternative Factor but way better.
You know it’s serious when they break out the fish eye lens.
When Bones rushed in, I was expecting him to sedate Chekov but Spock has it covered.
I feel like Spock is extremely concerned for Chekov here. Like it’s subtle, but just the attention he’s paying to him. And Sulu is obviously very concerned too.
His “environmental unit” only has so much oxygen. What a great name for a fancy spacesuit.
Spock will not believe Jim is dead!! Never. (This is the plot of the whole episode in 8 words essentially.)
That’s an alien!
“According to the Federation, this area is free space.” ...Okay, that sounds a little colonialist. In his defense, he doesn’t press the point. He basically says, kay, we’ll go as soon as we’re finished rescuing.
And I appreciate the Tholian’s respect for that even though surely he must feel gaslit by Spock--rescuing WHO there are NO other ships??
Also I like the look of the alien.
Nifty lab equipment there.
Wow that orderly was easily disabled lol. I guess Chapel hypoed him but it really looked like she just tapped his shoulder and he fell.
Hmm, there are still 30 minutes left so something tells me this Kirk rescue mission won’t work.
Captain Kirk is not in his designated area. I repeat Captain Kirk has wandered away from his designated area.
The space was disturbed by the Tholians. I guess they weren’t factored into the delicate calculations.
Something about this exchange really screams Southerner meets Alien. Like more than most McCoy and Spock exchanges.
You can tell Spock is thinking about this whole "nothing’s being transmitted, it’s just the nature of space; everyone's already sick" thing but also not caring because CAPTAIN KIRK.
Now they’re being fired upon! A lot is happening here.
“Renowned Tholian punctuality” lol. Always a sense of humor on this one.
Spock’s face when Sulu questioned his order was 100% “Did I stutter?”
“I know you don’t like to use the phasers.” Because he’s a pacifist.
Well he changed his mind on those phasers fast enough.
“You’ve lost Jim.” UM no I think NOT.
Everything happens so much.
“That is the mark of a starship Captain like Jim.” I mean Spock is no Jim but there’s no need to be rude about it
“Doctor, go to your room and do your homework.”
Aw, the ships are kissing.
Now they look like little weaving shuttles. Adorable.
Hmm, it IS a web. Appropriately named episode.
“We shall not see home again.” Lol Spock way to be the Most Dramatique as always.
Tholian web screensaver Windows 98.
No, not a funeral!!
“This service requires my attention, Mr. Spock.” Crying emoji.
(I’m with Spock in almost everything in this ep but come on, you can’t ban McCoy from Kirk’s funeral, that’s just rude.)
This seems more like an assembly than a funeral tbh.
[agonizing scream] is also how I feel about Kirk “dying” and that’s why Generations isn’t real.
AOS Kirk would 100% approve of a brawl at his funeral.
Sulu and Uhura <3
“Each of you must evaluate the loss in the privacy of your own thoughts.” Spock definitely will.
Wait, that was it? The whole eulogy? Both Kirk and Spock really suck at eulogizing the other.
McCoy probably could have skipped this honestly.
Wait, Kirk left his space husband and his BFF a final in-case-of-death message? Noooooooooooooooo I can’t.
McCoy is so insistent they watch it and Spock is like “nah, that makes it too real, not gonna do it.”
“The Captain’s last order is the top priority.”
Why does everyone always assume Spock wants power? He obviously doesn’t. He could be a Captain if he wanted, probably. He’s early enough in his career where he still has time to become a Captain, too--eventually he does! Most of his career and literally every statement he’s ever made would kinda imply he’s not interested.
Also, if he didn’t care about Jim and he just wanted to take over the Enterprise, he would have left 3 hours ago? Like multiple people were saying he should? Including Bones??
“He was a hero in every sense of the word.” True.
McCoy is being VERY mean today.
And now he’s mad at him again for fighting the Tholians instead of leaving without Jim! Like which is it! What did he do wrong? At least pick a specific thing to criticize lol.
"I need not explain my rationale to you or to any other member of this crew." That’s true but also all I can hear is “I love him. I’m in love with him. I must have him back.”
What is that art work on the wall? That’s new.
I don’t get how Bones isn’t getting this. He KNOWS about the “warm, genuine feeling.”
Vulcans clearly aren’t immune to the...space weirdness. But yes, another pot shot at his alienness is always welcome lol.
“I AM in command of the Enterprise.” You tell him.
Finally, the secret message!
Omg Jim is literally dead and he’s still reassuring Spock. What a good boyfriend. I know this is the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but you got this bb.
Now he’s lecturing them both from beyond the grave and getting everything right and they’re just standing there like chastised schoolboys.
That “take care” was so soft.
“It does hurt, doesn’t it?”
“What would you have me say Doctor?”
Like??? I can’t stand this.
Uhura! At home.
I like that twirly thing they have in their quarters; very efficient use of space and also I want one.
I also love that her chair has crocodile arms.
Kirk shows up in the mirror just to be dramatic and disappear again.
“Of course you saw him. We’d all like to see him.” Lol. Yes, yes, he’s still with us... in our hearts.
If the Tholians complete the web, what will they do with what’s inside? Eat it?"
“Are we any closer to the cure for space weirdness?” / “No. Except also yes.”
Love all the vague science that goes into solving their problem at the last minute but also extremely quickly by any objective standard.
Is Chekov restrained with seat belts?
Whereas Uhura’s just chilling. She knows what she’s about.
Ghost Kirk! Ghost Kirk!
"Do you suppose they're seeing Jim because they've lost confidence i you?" Damn bones, harsh. I thought we were done with this.
Pretty distressing that everything relies SO much on Scotty lol--arguably the MOST critical single member of the crew.
“I’m  sorry.” Glad to hear him say it, finally!
“He would just say ‘Forget it Bones.’“ Adorable.
I feel like everyone’s simultaneously thinking, ‘Okay, we ALL see that, right?”
I am overwhelmed by the longing in that shot of Spock trying to reach Kirk through the dimensions. Like, we’ve established everyone loves him, everyone misses him, everyone wants to see him, but Spock actually approaches him and tries to meet him...
“We were separated. He couldn’t touch me.”
I want to know Scotty’s opinion on Spock’s crazy statue.
So Spock shouldn’t have fired those phasers? Because they... did something... bad to the dimensions? But what other choice did he have, other than to leave without Kirk?
Wasn’t Scotty literally just saying this wasn’t fixable? And now he’s like ‘eh, I can fix it in 20 minutes and get you 80% power’?
The antidote is derived from a nerve gas used by the Klingons...that’s honestly rather hilarious. They’re good for something I guess.
“It simply deadens certain nerve inputs in the brain.” / “Any decent brand of Scotch’ll do that.” Starfleet’s finest lmao.
Lmao Mccoy's no longer drugging the crew he's straight up killing parts of their brains with booze and deadly nerve gas. The man must be stopped.
Noooo don’t give Scotty the whole bottle. We’ve already established the ship doesn’t run without him.
They still gotta get out of the web.
If I shipped McCoy/Spock I would DEFINITELY ship it in that little moment where they look at each other over the glasses.
I have no idea what happened but they seem to be free. Bye Tholians!
Kirk back in the chair where he belongs <3
“No problems worth reporting”--I mean that is technically true, I GUESS.
Kirk is trying to get the gossip.
“Only what one would expect when humans are involved.” / “What humans?” The oxygen hasn’t fully returned to his brain, I see.
Also he is completely lying about understanding McCoy’s explanation.
Sulu and Chekov are having a great time listening in. Collecting future gossip for the cafeteria.
“M-my last orders. That I left for both of you.” He’s adorable.
"The crisis was upon us and then passed so quickly that w-we...." Lol yes the crisis came and then 4 hours later, it was passed! Just like that.
I totally get that Kirk wants them to admit they watched the tape. It was his orders that they watch it first, plus he knows he said helpful stuff and he wanted to be helpful! But I also get why they don’t want to admit they saw it, because it is rather awkward to admit they watched his last words when he’s... not dead.
That was a great ep overall! I really enjoyed it.
My only two complaints are that there wasn’t enough Kirk, and I wasn’t fond of Bones’s characterization. I mean, I get that he was affected by the... space weirdness and maybe his usual prejudices were purposefully exaggerated to show that but it still felt like he was constantly piling up on Spock and in the most unhelpful way. Like, they often disagree, in part because they have different general philosophies, and Bones often misunderstands Spock. But Bones wasn’t really offering anything helpful in terms of command advice, and his criticisms were both repetitive and incoherent. Did he want Spock to leave Jim behind or not? Was firing the phasers bad or necessary? Is Spock doing too much to save Jim or is he just out to get rid of him and take command? And again, he had like 6 moments where he said something cutting and cruel and...one or two of those go a lot farther to show the point. I also just... Bones really, really doesn’t get Spock, and I can see how he’d get meaner given the space aggression. But he’s not cruel. And he and Spock are friends, and he does know that Spock loves Kirk more than anything. So I did not find him IC overall.
But I did really like Spock and his characterization. I could feel all the emotion in him, so pent up and controlled but so present--especially in the moment when he held the tape Kirk made, but in so many other places as well--the “funeral,” the first moment after Kirk failed to materialize, reaching for him on the Bridge...
I also liked this portrayal of Spock in command. He is a good commander and he has obviously grown a lot since the Galileo Seven. But he’s not Jim, and the show is clear about that. Kirk is not replaceable and his job is not easy. I’m not even sure that Kirk would have done much different than Spock--he wouldn’t have left without one of his crew, and that probably would have involved firing on the Tholian ship. But when Spock did it, it really felt like he was overwhelmed, frustrated, and not thinking--he didn’t want to, but then Scotty said he should, and he did. Kirk would have made the decision, not been pressured into it. Would it have mattered? It comes out to the same, but I think it would have been a different scenario. Kirk only ever makes his own decisions--then he can own them, no matter what. That didn’t feel like Spock’s decision, and it affected others’ confidence in him (cough cough McCoy).
I would have to watch again to see if I thought there was any other choice.
This ep made me think of the cave scene in ST09 where Ambassador Spock meets Kirk and thinks he is HIS Kirk, come on purpose to find him. Because obviously Kirk is like that: he comes back from the dead, he finds Spock no matter what, he comforts and reassures and supports him no matter what. He would cross dimensions, he’d travel through time, he’d become No Longer Dead, if that’s what Spock needed.
I was a little disappointed that we didn’t see Kirk’s adventures in the AU lol. I think he was lying about being alone in the other universe. I want to see the fic where he was actually in the AOS verse lol.
Even though there wasn’t enough Kirk in this ep, I appreciated how strong his presence was anyway, seeing everyone love him so much, and seeing just how effective he is as a Captain by comparison with Spock, who is good and who did get them out of the situation, but who lacks that certain... Captain’s quality.
And it outright was a great Spock episode, and a good Spock and McCoy ep except for all of the OOC-ness in McCoy. I’m starting to feel like actually there’s a pretty significant amount of Spock and McCoy stories (this one, The Paradise Syndrome All Our Yesterdays, even Bread and Circuses) and I wish there were more Kirk and Bones stories, too. They are best friends after all!
Next is Plato’s Stepchildren, which is a pretty meh episode, but not awful.
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