maradigma · 2 years
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SessKik Weekend Day 1: Regal
In which Kikyo has to calm her demon doggo boyfriend down from mauling whoever’s pissing them off at that moment.
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tmetta · 2 years
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I couldn’t resist the day 3 prompt for sesskik weekend and had to draw them watching over their kids “training”
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
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Sesskik Weekend - Day 3: Family/Protectors of children
And here's my final entry, by far my favorite of the three days, both story-wise and art-wise. Hope you enjoy!
Read on FF.net//AO3
The whistling tune of the Soul Piper's call enveloped Kohaku when he regained some manner of corporeality and consciousness. He opened his eyes slowly, knowing all too well what its presence meant, prepared, deep in his heart, to obey that call, no matter if he was full of regrets, no matter if over the past months he had found himself truly wishing to live out his life as best as possible, in a world at peace, with those he treasured…
But he wasn't alone in that dark, spiritual space where the Piper's music echoed beautifully.
Kohaku gasped: Sesshomaru seemed to glow underneath ethereal spiritual lights with Tenseiga, the sword he seldom wielded, clasped firmly in his sole hand.
"You will not claim the boy's soul," his voice echoed firmly: Kohaku gasped again, raising a hand towards his stalwart protector.
"Lord Sesshomaru…!" he gasped.
"Stay back, Kohaku," Sesshomaru said: the words were harsh, but the tone of his voice was not unkind. Kohaku froze where he hovered, in the midst of that vast darkness.
The sword in Sesshomaru's hold seemed to shine: Kohaku frowned, identifying the source of that glow as… spiritual powers? How was that possible, in the hands of a demon lord like him…?
It wasn't just any spiritual power: it was the very same power that had purified the shard that no longer resided in the nape of Kohaku's neck. Lady Kikyo… what had she done?
Tenseiga continued to glow threateningly, and Sesshomaru raised the weapon towards the Soul Piper. It continued to play its flute, its eyes opening slowly… until they didn't.
The tune drifted into nothingness, and the spiritual energy pulsating from Tenseiga seemed to demand for Sesshomaru to take action in a new way, even as the Soul Piper drifted back into nothingness. Kohaku blinked, utterly perplexed by Sesshomaru's intervention… by whatever the demon lord's choice would mean, going forward.
"Lord Sesshomaru…" Kohaku said, shivering. "I didn't mean to burden you, or Lady Kikyo. I…"
Sesshomaru frowned as he drifted closer to Kohaku: he raised Tenseiga in Kohaku's direction and Kohaku briefly thought he had lost his patience, and that he'd chosen to cut Kohaku down himself.
The blade swung down upon him.
Kohaku awoke suddenly, in the very same cabin Sesshomaru and Kikyo had brought him to a few days ago, in order to remove the Jewel's shard for good.
"Kohaku!" Rin's voice broke the silence, and Kikyo's hand touched his cheek delicately.
"You've returned to us," she said, kindly. "It seems he was successful."
"W-what… what happened?" Kohaku asked, pushing himself up nervously: his hand moved towards his neck… where an unwanted, unsettling presence had once dwelled. He had noticed its absence when his soul had dwelled in that odd, spiritual plane: the shard was no longer there. "Lord Sesshomaru came to me, he… he scared the Soul Piper away! Lady Kikyo…!"
"That man is full of surprises," Kikyo smiled fondly at Kohaku as he sat up properly. "Over the past weeks we devised a way to preserve your life. As for the shard…"
She raised it: it was pristine, so much it almost seemed white rather than pink. Kohaku let out a soft laugh, a nervous one, as his eyes shifted towards the beaming, joyful Rin.
"Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kikyo saved you!" she exclaimed, rushing in to hug Kohaku: for once, the boy didn't seem to hesitate to hug her back. "You're safe, Kohaku! You are!"
"T-thank you. Thank you…" Kohaku said, gazing at Kikyo with helpless, tearful eyes. She smiled fondly at him, nodding her head in his direction.
"If even I have found this life of mine may be worth living, after all… your soul, as well, deserved to be saved from a fate that was forced upon you," Kikyo said, earnestly. "The purity of preserving a life is far greater than the one in sacrificing it for the alleged right reasons, Kohaku."
"I… I don't know if I understand, but…" Kohaku admitted, hugging Rin still. "Thank you, Lady Kikyo. And Lord… Lord Sesshomaru?"
The demon lord was not present in the room just yet, and only then did Kohaku realize he had returned to this plane of existence far faster than Sesshomaru had. Kikyo smiled, shaking her head reassuringly.
"Tenseiga led him on a mysterious path to find you, but he will return to us when…"
It had only been five minutes since the shard's removal, if even that. Yet, in that moment, Sesshomaru's protection had faded from the world of the living while he traveled across lands of the dead to save Kohaku's soul. Kikyo had poured some of her spiritual powers into Tenseiga, and Sesshomaru had found greater potential in the weapon than ever before: no longer was it relegated to saving souls moments after their demise… but he could contest the souls that would be claimed by spirits, both wicked and good-natured alike: Kohaku, being a child, had been sought by the Soul Piper, and Sesshomaru, wielder of the sword of the Netherworld, had the power to ensure Kohaku's soul would be spared.
At the very beginning of their efforts to save Kohaku, the purified shard had been removed from the boy's neck. It rested in Kikyo's hand now… and as pure as it was, as distant from dark, evil thoughts as it might be, it still served as an unintentional beacon for the rest of the Jewel, in Naraku's possession.
The small hut suddenly was overcome by a suffocating miasma, its source unsurprising and utterly predictable. Kohaku fished for his face mask in his pocket, intending to offer it to Rin… only for the miasma to stop short of reaching them, once Kikyo rose to her feet.
"L-lady Kikyo! Lady Kikyo!" Jaken screeched and coughed, yanking the door of the hut open and sneaking inside it. "Outside, it's…!"
"He has come for the final shard," Kikyo said, serene and stern, her brow furrowed: the powers she wielded seemed revitalized somehow, Kohaku realized, for she kept the miasma at bay while betraying absolutely no effort to do so. "I had hoped Sesshomaru would have returned before this moment… but I may need to confront Naraku myself."
"Lady Kikyo…!" Kohaku gasped. Jaken winced, too.
"D-do not be reckless! Lord Sesshomaru will be cross if you jump into danger…!" Jaken squeaked. Despite herself, Kikyo smiled at the imp.
"You needn't worry for my safety, Jaken. Not today," Kikyo stated, closing her eyes:
She could feel the bond between them as Sesshomaru's sword guided him through the pathways beyond this world. He would return soon… but even if he didn't, he carried a part of her with him, the power she had infused his sword with. Just so, she carried him with her, in the emotions he had woken within her very soul, in the purpose he had granted her, in the strength she had found in his companionship.
He was with her, and she was with him. Together, they were everything Naraku had hoped to be and never would. Together, their power far outdid that of a Sacred Jewel.
Together, they would protect these children… their family.
Thus, she stepped forward, powering her barrier further and chasing away the dark energies Naraku had unleashed upon the small cabin.
She pushed the door open anew, finding Naraku's typical army of lesser demons waiting in the large plains before them, ready to attack. His newest creation, Byakuya, hovered near the very source of the festering demonic corruption, Naraku himself. The smug smirk that ever decorated his face was a most unpleasant sight… but Kikyo certainly hoped it would be the last time she would ever glimpse it.
"I see you have finally removed the shard from Kohaku's neck, Kikyo," Naraku said. "Yet his soul has not been claimed. Saving his life was a valiant effort… but one that is ultimately meaningless. I will take that shard today."
"You certainly shall," Kikyo declared, raising her bow and nocking an arrow to threaten Naraku away from her protegees.
"You cannot hope to maintain that barrier forever," Naraku declared. "Even one as powerful as you, Kikyo, would lose their strength over time. Is it you hope to recreate the past? The great priestess Midoriko and the demon that hunted her certainly created something beautiful. Is that what you hope to achieve by standing your ground against me today?"
"Trapping myself, and you, in an endless struggle of evil and purity?" Kikyo asked: a slight smirk tugged at the side of her mouth. "What a revolting notion."
Naraku let out a devious chuckle as he hovered closer. Kikyo's arrow gleamed with spiritual power: the fragment in her hand seemed to have a will of its own, wanting its power to infuse the arrow with which she would destroy Naraku… and yet she didn't loosen the arrow. The barrier around them remained as sturdy as ever.
"This is the fate you choose, however. Revolting as you may claim it is, we shall be entwined for eternity if your plan is what I've understood it to be," Naraku said. "A purified shard, is it? You trust the purity will cleanse away the corruption I have poured into the Sacred Jewel? Your arrogance knows no boundaries, Kikyo."
"No one is quite as boastful as you are. Do not pretend to lecture me about my shortcomings when you're smitten with your own," Kikyo snapped. Naraku laughed anew.
"Harsh words won't change the inevitable…"
"Kikyo! Kikyo!"
The familiar voice caused Kikyo's eyebrow to twitch: even so, the barrier didn't shift, although Naraku's attention shifted briefly.
"Ah. I see you've arrived, Inuyasha," Naraku said, smirking down at the half-demon and his entourage.
The half-demon and all his friends rushed into the scene at haste, and it was no surprise that the demon slayer would cry out in anguish upon realizing her younger brother was in danger. Only Kikyo stood between him and Naraku's reach… she didn't realize her brother was alive once again, by his own power, until Kagome gasped, revealing her realization in loudly:
"Kohaku's shard…! Kikyo is holding it!" she exclaimed. Sango, on Kirara's back, paled upon hearing those words. "Sango, Kohaku is still alive!"
"E-eh…?" Sango's lips parted: yes, her brother was there… she could see him, plain and clear, hugging Rin within that cabin. He wasn't dead… the shard was gone. Somehow, Kikyo and Sesshomaru had preserved his life.
At least, he was alive for the time being: Naraku certainly appeared determined to kill everyone here and now, going by the strength of his miasma, as well as the army of demons he commanded callously.
"Kikyo! We'll distract him: get away!" Inuyasha bellowed, drawing his sword and leaping towards Naraku and his minions.
Even so, Kikyo didn't move an inch.
Inuyasha, as ever, battled fiercely against Naraku: his friends took to doing the same thing, but their efforts were futile. Where one monster was slain, three would take its place. Naraku seemed amused, no doubt marveling over the sheer power the Sacred Jewel already granted him… the power he hoped would increase further once he had completed the Jewel. It was only a matter of time…
"Kikyo! Kikyo!" The demon slayer rode towards the barrier, and Kikyo gritted her teeth as she allowed it to weaken slightly, just so the woman could cross its boundaries. Sango leapt off Kirara's back as soon as she could do so, running towards the cabin at haste. "Kagome says…! Kohaku!"
"Sister!" Kohaku exclaimed, rushing up to hug the woman once she reached them. "Lady Kikyo and Lord Sesshomaru… they saved me. They took the shard and I lived anyway…!"
"They… t-they truly saved you?" Sango dropped to her knees, tears of relief pouring from her eyes.
Still hugging her brother, she turned towards Kikyo, whose position didn't change in the slightest so far. The barrier was back to its full power, now protecting Sango and Kirara as well.
"Thank you for what you've done. I can't imagine I could ever repay you for it, but… both Rin and Kohaku should be taken to safety," Sango said. Kikyo's brow furrowed as Jaken protested Sango's words, whether over outrage of her apparent dismissal of Kikyo's ability to protect them… or over believing he, too, should have been part of the group that deserved protection. "I can take them to…"
"It would be of no use. Keeping them in the battlefield is as irresponsible as removing them from our protection," Kikyo stated. "Perhaps the latter is even more so."
"But…! You can't fight as easily if you're protecting them, can you?" Sango said. "You would be of great help, Naraku is…!"
"I will fight him. His final moments are at hand. But first… I must wait."
"W-wait?" Sango repeated, blinking blankly.
Kikyo breathed deeply before a smile graced her smooth features.
"He's coming."
Sango didn't understand what Kikyo's words meant. She knelt where she did, still embracing Kohaku…
She gasped when the blade of a sword slashed across the air, within their barrier.
Slowly, a portal was crafted by that blade. It was similar to the Meido Zangetsuha technique, and yet… it evoked a different sensation. It connected to something else, something beyond most their understanding…
And out of that portal stepped Sesshomaru, his brow lightly furrowed as he sheathed Tenseiga once more.
Kikyo lowered her bow, at last. Her eyes softened as she gazed into those of the demon lord, who raised his sole hand to cup her cheek.
"It is time," Sesshomaru said. Kikyo nodded.
"Naraku has made his appearance. This is the moment to strike," she said. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes before pulling his hand back.
He clasped Tenseiga by the sheath. Kikyo frowned as he placed the blade upon her hands, and the pulsating spiritual energies she had poured into the weapon before engulfed them both.
"Sesshomaru…" Kikyo called him.
"Wield this blade. I will provide the opening you seek," Sesshomaru declared.
He trusted her wholly, fully, as he stepped away and towards the enemy. Jaken, Kohaku and Rin called for him, but no words reached his ears as he dashed forward, into the fray where Inuyasha, Kagome and Miroku battled fiercely so far…
Before their eyes, Sesshomaru's body began to change. Clothes were replaced by fur, the stoic stern demeanor shifted into a wild snarl… and he grew in size abruptly, vastly, outdoing the largest of Naraku's demons, if not Naraku himself.
"Is that…?!" Sango gasped.
"Lord Sesshomaru's beautiful true form! He will not allow that vermin Naraku to get away with this!" Jaken roared fiercely, gazing at Sesshomaru with undeterred reverence.
Kikyo's brow furrowed: this was the final battle, and it would happen on their terms, not Naraku's. Sesshomaru rammed Naraku with his body, knocking him down, poisoning him with another kind of venom, different from Naraku's miasma. The battle between them was fierce and no less chaotic when the other three continued to fight as well, with Miroku reducing the crowd of demons with his wind tunnel, Kagome attacking Byakuya relentlessly, and Inuyasha with his wild, massive attacks with Tessaiga, aimed towards Naraku…
"I cannot take action from here. I… I must reach Naraku," Kikyo frowned, glancing at Sango. "Your nekomata…"
"You need us to get you closer?" Sango asked. Kikyo nodded firmly. Sango swallowed hard. "Can you… keep the children safe?"
It was an easy request to fulfill: she erected a new, static barrier upon the three under her and Sesshomaru's protection before joining Sango on the back of Kirara.
"Lady Kikyo…! Sister!" Kohaku shouted from within the barrier, gritting his teeth. "Go! Defeat Naraku!"
"Lady Kikyo!" Rin shouted too, hoping to encourage her along with Kohaku.
The priestess smiled kindly at the children before focusing on the battle anew: Sesshomaru had taken wounds, but he brushed them off carelessly. Her brow furrowed as they flew closer to the core of the conflict, finding that Inuyasha wasn't holding back his attacks… and neither was Sesshomaru, something that could result in both brothers injuring each other rather than their foe. Kikyo breathed deeply, watching as Kagome shot holy arrows in quick succession at Byakuya, who had taken some damage even if he had dodged most of the projectiles. She had to be pondering the weaknesses of Naraku and his incarnation, wanting to find anything her arrows could destroy that wouldn't regenerate immediately afterwards…
But Kikyo knew that Naraku, as he was now, had no greater weakness than the Sacred Jewel, corrupted and festering, in his grasp.
"And here comes the holy priestess…!" Naraku declared, upon glimpsing Kikyo on the back of Kirara. "The shard… it will be mine!"
"Not for an instant…" Kikyo whispered, drawing an arrow anew and aiming it towards Naraku. "Your rotting, festering evil will not strengthen any further, Naraku!"
"Your powers are no match against mine!" Naraku roared, but Kikyo released the arrow regardless of the monster's boast:
The holy light of her arrow gleamed brightly as it broke past multiple barriers of the demon's defenses. The glowing arrow tore into the corruption and reduced Naraku's strength with that sudden, surprising blast.
"That is…!" Kagome gasped, from the ground: she could sense that Kikyo's arrow had uncovered the Jewel's location if just briefly, and she aimed her next arrow in that direction as well.
Sesshomaru attacked him anew, attempting to tear at the rotting, reforming flesh that once again attempted to cover the weak spot in which the almost-complete Jewel nestled: twisted appendixes of the great demon conjunction continued to swirl around that weakness, and some of them rushed out towards Kikyo.
"You have done well," Kikyo told Sango, who had been steering Kirara away from the many threats that attempted to attack them.
"Hang on…!" Sango exclaimed, tossing her hiraikotsu to destroy the tendrils of evil that reached towards them.
A flash of yellow power cut across Naraku's body, next. The rotting chunks of corrupt beings were sucked away, into a void… and then, a burst of purity struck the area of the Jewel once more. All those attacks at once ensured that the regeneration of Naraku's shields and protections over the Jewel could not be achieved as fast as before. Sesshomaru's large demon form continued to tear and rip into every chunk of demon Naraku's body was comprised by, with no regard towards the miasma or the corruption, immobilizing his foe as best as possible.
"There!" Kagome shouted. "Kikyo, the Jewel…!"
"Kikyo!" Inuyasha roared as well. "Shoot now!"
They spoke with full trust in her abilities while not understanding, not truly, what she intended to do. But Kikyo had no time to explain, not anymore. She leapt off Kirara's back, to Sango's utter astonishment, diving fast, head-first, towards the now cleared spot in Naraku's wretched body, where the corrupted Jewel sought its final shard…
Her eyes closed as her hair came loose in the wind. Her hand, instead of reaching for a holy arrow, clasped the hilt of the beautiful sword Sesshomaru had entrusted to her.
In her control, Tenseiga gleamed brightly. In her grasp, the spirituality inherent to the demon's weapon seemed to burst into life.
It was everything the Sacred Jewel could never be. A perfect balance between demonic forces and spiritual ones.
Its power had been dormant for as long as Sesshomaru had failed to understand what he did now: he had granted Tenseiga to Kikyo willingly, trusting her as his equal, as the partner he had accepted by his side. The enemy he now fought against was no longer vermin to exterminate for the sake of remediating his slighted pride…
Now, Sesshomaru fought to protect those he had grown to care for, from the depths of his demon's heart.
Just so, Kikyo's quest for revenge against the monster responsible for her lifetime's tragedies had lost much of its former importance: she would protect this world, as well as the valuable lives of those she had met in her journey.
Together, they embodied an ideal union of spiritual and demonic. They were true balance, for that was what they had wanted to be. The trust between them bridged their souls together… and through that union, the birth of a new world would be within their reach.
Kikyo dropped the shard: it spun on its way down, drawn towards the Jewel that longed to be complete.
That single shard fell into place, and the pulse of spiritual energy shook Naraku: it would take his every effort to fight back against that purity, to corrupt it before it could purge the Jewel from his influence…
The tip of Tenseiga swung down, connecting with the Jewel on the very spot upon which the pure shard had fallen.
A blast of energies, demonic and pure alike, shot across the land, the oceans, the sky.
Most of those near Naraku were flung off with the power of that blast… most, save for Sesshomaru, whose claws tore across the crumbling body of the wretched being who could no longer sustain his own power… not without the Jewel, a crutch through which he had ensured his survival, constantly, for almost a full year.
He was but the weak, craven, dishonest Naraku once more. A blend of corrupt demons and a human soul even more corrupt than the fiends it had drawn to itself…
The power of Sesshomaru's unyielding fangs and talons, and the spiritual blade Kikyo stabbed into the spot where Onigumo's heart once beat, destroyed every remnant of the demon aberration that was once known as Naraku.
The overwhelming light surrounding her served to help her focus on her own shape, her own soul, once more. Slowly, she seemed to grow aware of the strange, spiritual space in which she drifted… a space that didn't appear all that unfamiliar. She couldn't seem to process what had happened just yet… but when the figure before her formed into a recognizable shape and presence, it became much easier to remember the events that had brought her into this plane of existence.
Before her stood a regal, beautiful priestess clad in armor, wielding a sword much like the one Kikyo had held earlier, in what had felt like moments ago but might have been a lifetime, instead. The priestess's serenity didn't hide the gratitude she felt, and she bowed her head towards Kikyo in a gesture of true respect.
It wasn't only gratitude for having saved the last remnants of her soul after so many years, she knew: it was gratitude for breaking the cycle of relentless violence between humans and demons. She had refused to prolong Midoriko's legacy any further, and Midoriko herself now thanked her for it: Kikyo had found a way to stop Naraku, to break apart his desire to lock himself with her in another endless battle, one where Kikyo's longing for a life of her own would never matter in the least. Their endless battle would have only been about him… his selfishness, his greed, his desperation for her acknowledgement through any means: if that acknowledgement came in the form of utmost hatred, he would welcome it gladly so long as she spared a glance in his direction.
Even now, adrift in that spiritual space, the concept sickened her. That her life could have become nothing but a single speck of goodness battling a sea of corruption, all be it because of that demon's wretched desires…
But she had been freed from such a fate. Another demon, to be precise, had offered her the means to attain actual freedom from those designs.
And in doing so, she had grown to feel something quite unexpected towards that very demon. Something she had never anticipated she would experience at all, not towards one of his kind… and yet the tears that surged in her eyes now could not have any other explanation.
She didn't want to follow Midoriko into ascendence and peace. She had failed to follow her example: she had crafted her own path… a path that had brought Kikyo closer to humanity than any priestess was supposed to be. Just so, the man who had accompanied her on this journey had, as well, drifted closer towards the barrier that was supposed to separate them as entirely different beings. A barrier that was knocked down and destroyed with ease by the blade they shared, by the children they had protected together…
She didn't want to go… not just yet. She knew she was supposed to, she knew her natural lifespan was well and truly spent… but she didn't wish to do so. Being a normal woman had been her dream, her deepmost, muffled wish… and he had told her she was extraordinary by nature. He couldn't understand that she had never felt more like a normal woman, with needs, desires and careless, innocent wishes, than she had while in his arms.
She wanted to be with him. Deep down, she wanted him and their small, odd, perhaps mismatched, family. Rin, Kohaku, Jaken, A-Un… she longed to see all of them again. If just the one more time, if just to say goodbye…
She wanted to go back. She wanted to go back. She wanted to…
"… she's waking up! She is!"
Warmth. A strong, comforting presence… and warmth, powerful, swirling warmth holding her tightly against something soft…
"Lady Kikyo!"
She had been in those arms before. She had heard those voices before.
"Lady Kikyo!"
She drew in a sharp breath, well before opening her eyes.
Her chest rose and fell. She shivered, and the embrace around her tightened further.
"She's… she's breathing!"
"I told you, she's different! Her scent is like… like the old Kikyo!"
That loud voice, terribly familiar, could only have belonged to one person. His words seemed to bounce back and forth within her mind as she struggled to come to terms with reality: she was breathing. She was breathing. She was…
Her heart was beating.
She had a heart, to begin with.
Her eyes opened gradually, taking in the sunlight she was shrouded from under the shade of an old tree. The breeze brushed against her face, the scent of spring drifted by… her stomach churned with hunger. Her joints ached from effort, it seemed. Her breaths kept coming and going, one after the other, in flowing succession…
And once her eyes focused, she found an intense golden stare upon her.
Sesshomaru held her. His stoic expression was unreadable for most, but not for her: he was concerned over her wellbeing. He held her tightly, unconcerned with whoever might see her in his arms. He had nothing to hide, nothing to feel shame for… not when his heart flooded him with emotions he finally had recognized as a source of strength rather than weakness. He held her so tightly…
Kikyo gasped: he held her with both arms.
"S-Sesshomaru…" she said. His eyes softened upon hearing his name from her lips.
"Kikyo!" Inuyasha exclaimed: she knew he was nearby, but she seemed entranced in Sesshomaru's hold, unable and unwilling to tear her eyes away from him.
"You have awoken," Sesshomaru said. How she had grown to recognize the subtleties in his voice, the small sprinkle of happiness that nobody else would be able to sense in his tone…
But she could, for she knew his heart just as well as he knew her newly beating own. She understood him and he understood her: that very mutual understanding had brought them to walk a path together, knowing not where it would lead them, but not needing to know, either: as long as they walked side by side, nothing would deter them, nothing would stand in their way…
Not even Naraku.
"Is he…?" Kikyo blurted out, struggling to regain his bearings. "Naraku, is he…"
"He is no more," Sesshomaru answered. Kikyo might have smiled upon hearing the news, but the shock of her circumstances prevented her from doing as much.
"Kikyo…" Kagome's voice reached her, and Kikyo gritted her teeth as she glanced to the side at last: Inuyasha's most faithful companion knelt beside her, eyes wide with amazement. "You purified him out of existence, somehow. When the light from Tenseiga faded… we only found you and Sesshomaru in the wreckage. The Sacred Jewel is… it's gone."
"Destroyed," Kikyo said, blinking weakly. Kagome nodded.
"And you were human, once more," she said.
Kikyo trembled upon hearing those words. Kagome offered her a tearful smile and a nod as Kikyo glanced at Sesshomaru next. His hands pulled her closer as she shivered, confused, grateful, astonished… the emotions she felt seemed to swell and threaten to burst at the same time. He pressed his brow to hers in a reassuring gesture, and Kikyo closed her eyes as her hand reached out… to touch his left. What hadn't been there, before…
"What happened?" she asked. "Sesshomaru, your arm…"
"When I returned to this form…" Sesshomaru said. Kikyo gazed at him in utmost confusion. "It was part of me once more."
Kikyo let her gaze drift down towards his hip… where a new sword sat, one she had never seen before. Sesshomaru nodded slowly at her perplexity.
"Bakusaiga. A weapon of my own," he explained.
Kikyo smiled slowly, her hand reaching up to his face. Her fingertips ever traced the lines across his cheeks until she cupped his face, in a gesture so intimate she could sense Kagome pulling back ever so slightly, no doubt feeling out of place upon witnessing their exchange. A choked gasp from Inuyasha followed, no matter if he had been aware, not only of the alliance between Sesshomaru and Kikyo for some time now, but of what the nature of their bond had become ever since they had begun searching for the method to save Kohaku's life.
"I… I wanted to return," she admitted. Sesshomaru frowned. "To Kohaku, to Rin… to you. I asked to return…"
She couldn't explain any further before his lips caught hers. Her hand slipped towards the back of his head, fingers sliding across his silver hair, and the passionately beating heart in her chest flooded her with every delightful, blissful emotion that assured her of her humanity, of the success in her strange, mysterious rebirth. She couldn't know what had happened, or how… but his warm breath, his smooth scent, the touch of his hands, the soft friction of their lips, all of it came together to remind her that she was alive… alive, free to live on by his side.
Tears spilled down her cheeks when they parted, as soft laughter left her lips. She pressed her brow to his, delighted to be held closely by his strong embrace: it seemed as though he was as unwilling to let go as she was to pull away…
The land upon which they'd fought against Naraku had been corrupted by his presence, then purified by Kikyo's actions. The beauty in their world suddenly seemed more real than ever before as she gazed around herself, as though seeing everything for what it was, for the very first time…
Rin, Kohaku and Jaken's smiles greeted her as she let her gaze travel across the three of them, sitting right beside them as she languished in Sesshomaru's arms. Both their group and Inuyasha's own had converged at this large tree, underneath which Sesshomaru held her so tightly. Inuyasha and Kagome were the ones standing closest to the tree, while the monk and the demon slayer stood further away, watching over the scene with small smiles: the monk remarked something Kikyo couldn't understand fully, and his companion laughed softly at his words just as the child fox leapt on his shoulder…
Everyone had survived? The Jewel and Naraku were gone. No trace of either of their presences had been left behind… and the world was infinitely better, far more beautiful, for it.
"Lady Kikyo!" Rin exclaimed: she and Kohaku crawled closer towards her once her kiss with Sesshomaru ended.
Even as she turned her head towards the children, Sesshomaru pressed his face to her neck: he breathed her in, so fully focused on her that he seemed not to know or care that he had taken injuries of his own while battling against Naraku. His broken breastplate, the damage upon his tunic… none of it meant anything, for Kikyo lived. It was a new opportunity at life… one where she would finally live for herself rather than to fulfill everyone else's demands and expectations. A life of freedom unlike any she had known before… a life unburdened with the Sacred Jewel's protection, or with Naraku's wretchedness.
"You're alive…" Kohaku smiled between tears, reaching for her hand as Kikyo raised it towards him. "You're alive, Lady Kikyo, I… t-thank you. Thank you. I… I wanted you to live on, and I wanted you to live, too…"
"Kohaku…" Kikyo smiled warmly, squeezing his fingers gently before her gaze drifted towards Rin. Her hand let go of Kohaku so she could caress the child's face delicately. Rin gasped happily upon feeling her warmth, clasping Kikyo's hand with her own.
"You're warm, Lady Kikyo," Rin said, closing her eyes. "Lord Sesshomaru… Lady Kikyo is warm!"
"Indeed she is, Rin," Sesshomaru responded, breathing in one more time as he sat upright, ensuring Kikyo's head would rest comfortably upon his chest.
"The children were safe, Lady Kikyo!" Jaken declared next: he stood between Kohaku and Rin, waving his staff proudly. "Your barrier stood around us until you fell, and by then, I, Jaken…!"
"He screamed and hid behind a rock," Rin giggled. Kikyo's smile warmed as Jaken squeaked, mortified by the girl's declaration.
"W-why you! Don't just spout such nonsense, Rin! I was right there, with you and Kohaku…!"
Kikyo laughed softly, pressing her face against Sesshomaru's collarbone. Their small family had survived the ordeal of Naraku's final battle… they were still here, together, smiling at each other as Jaken reacted explosively to Rin's childish teasing: they lived, and they would continue to do so for many more years, in a peaceful world unlike any they had known before.
Movement to her side revealed that Kohaku was raising something in their direction… Kikyo's eyes focused upon it to find it was Tenseiga, in its proper sheath.
"Your weapon… I picked it up before you woke," Kohaku explained, gazing at Sesshomaru.
Kikyo smiled fondly as Sesshomaru tightened his right arm around her body, using the left to take the weapon wordlessly. Kohaku smiled and bowed his head at Sesshomaru… as the demon lord brought the weapon to rest upon Kikyo's chest.
"Sesshomaru…?" she said, perplexed. He gazed at her as intensely as ever.
"Tenseiga… is our weapon," he said, simply.
Her smile warmed anew, and her hand came to rest upon his own, interlocked upon the blade they had shared. A blade that connected their energies, swirling within it as the ideal balance of spiritual and demonic power that had saved their world.
Kagome let out a happy sigh at the sight of the pair sitting underneath the tree, even if Inuyasha, beside her, twitched with discomfort.
"Inuyasha…" she raised an eyebrow, and he winced, scratching the back of his head.
"I know, I know, I've had time to wrap my head around it, Kagome," he said, grimacing. "But it's still hard to believe that bastard could be with her sometimes, y'know?"
"I'm not sure the Sesshomaru we used to know is… well, the one who's with her right now, if that makes any sense," Kagome said, with a weak smile. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "When you first severed his arm, he wanted to seize one of your father's swords against his designs. He wanted to use Tessaiga to destroy, while you chose to use it to protect a human life. Is it really that unreasonable that Tenseiga's potential only unlocked fully when Sesshomaru finally wanted to protect humans from the depths of his heart, rather than over prideful reasons?"
"You mean… he protected those two before to show everyone how powerful he was?" Inuyasha grimaced. "But ever since he met Kikyo…"
"There's a new purity to his heart that… to be frank, I didn't think was possible in someone like him," Kagome giggled, smiling at Inuyasha. "So… maybe this is for the best, isn't it?"
"Well… Naraku is finally gone," Inuyasha said, smiling much more earnestly. "And Kikyo was the one who did it. The one he wronged the most… I guess it's only fair, eh? Even Sesshomaru believed so."
"And now they get to live on together," Kagome smiled brightly. "She's reclaimed her human life… and their future will be even more beautiful now that Naraku is gone."
"All our futures, I think," Inuyasha said, smiling at Kagome as well. She grinned brightly.
"Yes! I always meant to help defeat Naraku, I did, but I have so many things I wanted to do still, like…!" she exclaimed… before her face's emotions froze over suddenly. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.
"Kagome? What is it?" he asked. She blinked blankly once, then twice…
"I-Inuyasha…" she said, eyeing him warily. "The Jewel is… gone."
"It is."
"And… we can't get it back, can we?"
"Why would you want it back at all?" Inuyasha said, grimacing. "After all the trouble it caused…! I don't even want to be a full demon anymore, so why would you want to…?"
"Inuyasha, I can't go back to my time without the Sacred Jewel!"
It was his turn to freeze, much as everyone else froze when Kagome's so-far placid demeanor changed into her common, temperamental state. Inuyasha's jaw dropped, as Sango, Miroku and Shippo eyed them warily.
"So… does that mean Kagome gets to stay forever?" Shippo asked. Miroku shrugged.
"Oh, goodness…" Sango sighed, smiling weakly as Kagome and Inuyasha seemed moments away from losing their minds to panic.
"W-we have to…! There has to be a way!" Inuyasha squeaked, eyes shifting towards Sesshomaru and Kikyo. He leapt towards them, landing right behind Kohaku: "Kikyo! Sesshomaru! Use Tenseiga to help Kagome return to her time!"
"M-my high school dreams… I was finally about to start high school…!" Kagome whimpered, dropping on her knees as she stared hopelessly at the sky. Inuyasha winced upon hearing her words, gesturing at her again.
"Come on, Sesshomaru…!"
"Be quiet," Sesshomaru responded, curtly, his eyebrows twitching with plain annoyance.
"I can't be quiet! You have a sword that can do anything! K-Kikyo! Please…!"
"Do not speak to her so crudely. She is no servant you can command so callously," Sesshomaru growled: Kikyo, in his arms, couldn't hold back a soft laugh over her lover's harsh response and defense of her against his younger brother.
"Sesshomaru, you…!" Inuyasha growled, raising a fist in the demon lord's direction.
The others seemed to laugh at the silly exchange between the two siblings. Kagome continued to mourn her high school years, even after Kikyo intervened in the argument to promise to look into what Inuyasha was asking of them…
"It's hard to believe that Sesshomaru ever could become… such a family man, I suppose," Miroku said, smiling as he rubbed his palm gently: the disappearance of the wind tunnel still felt like a dream come true, one he wasn't sure he could give full credit to just yet.
"I suppose they do seem to be quite a big family… including Inuyasha and Kagome?" Sango remarked, laughing softly: Miroku and Shippo joined her laughter as Inuyasha rushed towards the disheartened Kagome, urging her to join him in begging Sesshomaru and Kikyo for their aid to resolve her predicament.
In the midst of all the strange rejoicing over Naraku's demise, a small, childish voice spoke to Jaken with undeniable mischief:
"Lord Jaken… do you think Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kikyo will have more children?"
Jaken winced, and Rin grinned brightly at him. He cleared his throat, flustered visibly as he folded his arms across his chest.
"That… may be within the realm of possibility, but how should I know?! Pesky Rin, Lord Sesshomaru's plans are his, and his alone…!"
"Indeed they are, Jaken," Sesshomaru stated, and Jaken winced: of course he had heard his answer…
Rin giggled again, amused by the imp's flustered reaction. Once more, their small family shared a laugh, even if Sesshomaru hardly seemed amused, as opposed to the others. Kikyo, however, offered him a tender smile that echoed a sentiment he felt, deep in his heart: profound gratitude over the day their paths crossed, and over the peaceful future they had fought for and preserved, for their family's sake.
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sesskik-weekend · 2 years
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SessKik Weekend, Day 2: Equals
Art by mights_illust on instagram, posted with permission here as well ♥️
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demoneyez · 2 years
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Sesskik Weekend Day 1: Regal
Happy Sesskik Weekend everyone! I’ve made edits for this lovely event so I hope you all enjoy! I’m super excited to see what everyone has planned!
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chit-a-to · 2 years
I honestly don't know if this has been done before 😅 but...
I tried to curate all of the important dates in Inuyasha fandom. Mostly are celebration events for pairings and families that are canon per Rumiko Takahashi (appear or mentioned in the animanga), held both on tumblr and twitter, but I also put some rare pair/crack ship events in it. I was hoping that by collecting it all in one place, then we could have a one big timeline for (nearly) all our weekly or monthly events 😁 So it would be easier for artists and authors to track which event they wanted to participate in or maybe it could be used to just simply keeping up with their schedules, because after writing it all down I've realized that our fandom's agenda are packed 😂😂
Some of the events I wrote already have fixed dates for this year's celebration, but there are others that haven't as well. For those with no specific date yet, I put the estimation when will it be held e.g. mid September, end October, etc., based on its last year's schedule.
So, without further ado, here is the timeline based on what I've managed to gathered:
January 10th–16th: #InuNoTaishoWeek (twitter) (host: @InuNoTaishoWeek)
January 16th: InuParents Day (host: @inuparentsday)
February 14th: Inuyasha Sugar & Spice event (host: @inuyasha-sugar-and-spice)
February 14th: KogKag Secret Admire event (host: @kogkagsecretadmirer
February 14th: SessKag Valentine's Bingo (host: @sesskagevents)
first week of March: #InuKagWeek (twitter)
March 5th and 6th: MirSan Day
March 14th: Inuyasha Sugar & Spice event (host: @inuyasha-sugar-and-spice)
mid March: #MirSanWeek (twitter) (last year: March 20th–26th)
March 29th: #InuKagversary (twitter) (ending date of the anime)
last week of March: #SessRinWeek (twitter)
all April: Kagome's Hanakotoba Matsuri (host: @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri)
April 1st: Inuyasha's birthday (unoff/hc/not confirmed by RT)
mid to end April: #InuKagMoroWeek (last year: April 19th)
April 30th: Kagome's birthday (unoff/hc/not confirmed by RT)
April 29th–May 1st: #SessKikWeekend (host: @sesskik-weekend)
mid May: #SessKaguWeek (host: @sesskaguweek) (last year: May 10th–16th)
May 22nd–28th: #InuFleetWeek (host: @inu-mothership)
all June: Inuyasha Pride Month (host: @inuyashapridemonth)
June 12th–18th or 13th–19th (TBD): #InuKagWeek (host: @inukag-week)
June 18th: #InuKagversary (ending date of the manga)
June 21st: Inu-spiration 3 (host: @inu-spiration)
July 3rd–30th: KogKag event "Sparks Fly" (host: @fuckyeahkogkag)
July 18th–24th: SessKagWeek (host: @sesskag-week)
last week of July: #InuBrothersWeek (twitter)
all August: #InuKyoMonth (twitter)
mid to end August: #InukagFluffWeek (host: @inukagfluffweek)
third week of September: #HisuiWeek (twitter)
mid to end September: #Inuyasha Sins Week (also coincides with #Sins And Virtues Week)
end September - early October: #MorohaWeek (last year: September 19th – October 1st)
early October: (still) part of #MorohaWeek
October 16th: Inuyasha anime anniversary (first episode aired)
October 25th–31st: Trick or Treat: A KogKag Halloween (host: @fuckyeahkogkag)
last week of October: #HogoshamaruWeek (host: @hogoshamaruweek-2021) (last year: October 25th – 31st)
November 1st–13th: #Inuvember (host: @inuvember)
November 3rd: Inuyasha's birthday in Chinese fandom (unoff/hc/not confirmed by RT)
November 13th: Inuyasha manga anniversary (first chapter released)
December 4th: Inuyasha's birthday (unoff/hc/not confirmed by RT)
last week of December: Inu Secret Santa (host: @inusecretsanta) (last year: December 19th–24th)
I feel like I've listed as much events as I can, as precisely as possible, but I can't help thinking that maybe there are events that I missed or I've put in the wrong dates 😅 So... if it's possible (and if it won't bother you), I would like to ask for help from some mods in each events to recheck the dates/estimation of your event that I've put in the list above. Or maybe there are several events that I forgot to add, it would be such a great help if you could tell me which are those 🥺🥺
After all the data are confirmed, I'm thinking of converting this written timeline into some sort of calendar agenda so that it would be easier (and more pleasant!) to look at and easier to share across platforms, too, because it'd be just like sharing pictures 😁
I wanna say thank you in advance for anyone who's willing to help me check and review the list, and also sorry if I'm putting another stuff to your to-do-list 😭😭 I appreciate and extremely welcome any kind of help as well as criticisms and advises, it means so much to me 🥲🥲 Once again, thank you so much everyone! 😭😭🙏
cc. mods from each events
InuParents Day: @ruddcatha @neutronstarchild @dawnrider @superpixie42 @fawn-eyed-girl
IY Sugar & Spice: @clearwillow @dawnrider @keichanz @lemonlushff @omgitscharlie @underwater0phelia
SessKaguWeek: @kagkik @every--heart
InuFleetWeek: @fawn-eyed-girl @mrfeenysmustache @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @sapphirestarxx
Inuyasha Pride Month: @anisaanisa @callmegri @livinginthefifthdimension @fandomobsessions016 @gaykagome @InusSunflower
InuKagWeek, Inuvember (and soon InuKagversary 🤭): @inukag
KogKag event: @nikkxb @ezielovesbirds @commandercrouton
InuKagFluffWeek: @lavaffair @emberstreak
Inuyasha Sins Week: @lemonlushff
P.S. I'm sorry to mods that I haven't tagged. I tried to find your un but I couldn't find it so 🥲 I hope this post gets to you somehow so that you'd be aware that I'm currently mapping a timeline for your event 😂
P.S.S. If anyone's wondering, I didn't put all SessRin ship events in the timeline because they have so many events in just one month, that if I attempted to put every and each one of them, all the scheduled events will overlap. That's why I think it'd be better if SessRin shippers made their own calendar agenda.
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inuyasha-events · 2 years
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Hanakotoba Matsuri (1st-30th), hosted by @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri
Inuyasha's birthday (April 1st)
Inuyasha Fandom Awards Nomination Period (April 1st - April 15th), hosted by @feudalconnection​
SessKag Discord Drabble Night (April 29th), hosted by @sesskagddn​
Kagome's birthday (April 30th)
Book Club Meeting (April 30th), hosted by @inuyasha-fanfiction-book-club
SessKikWeekend (April 29th - May 1st), hosted by @sesskik-weekend
Inuyasha Fandom Awards Voting Period (April 29th - May 13th), hosted by @feudalconnection​​
Fleet Week (May 22nd - 28th), hosted by @inu-mothership​
Book Club Meeting (May 28th), hosted by @inuyasha-fanfiction-book-club​​
Inuyasha Pride Month (June 1st - 30th), hosted by @inuyashapridemonth
InuKagWeek (June 12th - 18th), hosted by @inukag-week
InuKagversary (June 18th)
SessKagu Week (June 20th - 24th), hosted by @sesskaguweek
Inu-spiration 3 (June 21st), hosted by @inu-spiration​
Book Club Meeting (June 25th), hosted by @inuyasha-fanfiction-book-club​​
Please let us know if there are any events we missed!
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maradigma · 2 years
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SessKik Weekend Day 2: Equals
Obligatory badass SessKik for this one because Their sheer power is simply unmatched 👌🏼✨ And yes we were robbed of them joining forces and fighting together.
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maradigma · 2 years
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SessKik Weekend Day 3: Family / Guardians of Children
For the last one I wanted to give them some chill domestic family days + tired babysitter Jaken 🤠, with a cute little kiddo too! He’s a boy and his name is Hayataro, and there was a team effort of the discord members to decide on what he’d look like and his name, and this is more or less what we figured! Personally, I think any child of SessKik would be so darn beautiful they might look kinda androgynous, until they hit puberty and then it’s a bit more clear. But yeah, they’re gonna be ridiculously pretty either way.
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sesskik-weekend · 2 years
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SessKik Weekend, day 1: Regal
Art by mights_illust on instagram, reposted with permission here as well ✨
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
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Sesskik Weekend - Day 1: Regal
Here's my first entry for Sesskik Weekend! Fic chapter under the cut!
Also read in: FF.net//AO3
“Lord Jaken, does Lord Sesshomaru have other children?”
The question was casual, inane, easily answered with a straightforward ‘no’, but the imp demon ever proved incapable of exerting any manner of restraint when it came to personal questions about the great demon lord he served. He gasped, as though the young girl’s attempt to learn more about the stoic demon was unacceptable, and he eyed the child with pure outrage too, as though the implications of the possibility of Sesshomaru’s offspring were too affronting a concept to be conceived.
“What sort of question is that, Rin?!” Jaken exclaimed, shaking his two-headed staff inn her direction.
The child walking next to him, clearly, saw no threat in the imp’s actions, perfectly comfortable around his explosive reactions that were always more bark than bite. She marched next to Jaken as they followed Sesshomaru, with A-Un behind them as they progressed across a pristine forest, untarnished by the dark forces of Naraku’s taint. It was a beautiful place, of the sort Rin most enjoyed marauding through with her two companions. But as the child never held her tongue whenever any thoughts crossed her mind, it became clear that their perfectly peaceful morning would be disturbed by one of Jaken’s usual rants.
“Lord Sesshomaru is a great demon lord, and one as grand as he would never waste his time in innocuous concerns such as procreation with lesser beings, for no one in this wide world could ever hope to measure up to the greatness of Lord Sesshomaru! What could you possibly be thinking by asking such a question, you foolish girl?!”
“Lesser… beings? Procreation?” Rin repeated, puzzled. Jaken, unconcerned with the propriety of discussing such subjects with a human child as young as Rin, failed to understand that all such subjects were utterly foreign for the girl.
“No woman in this wide world could ever deserve Lord Sesshomaru’s attention, let alone his affection! He is far greater than any other great demon lord, and has no need to concern himself with petty, meaningless matters like offspring to further a legacy!” Jaken declared, proudly. “For a woman to become his wife, she would have to be a graceful, elegant, well-mannered and reputable maiden, competent on the battlefield and not getting in his way clumsily! She would have to share his goals, to earn his respect and prove herself a grand lady worthy of calling herself Lord Sesshomaru’s consort! In short, she would have to be… as regal, as dignified, as magnificent as Lord Sesshomaru himself!”
On and on he rambled, praising his liege lord with every breath he took… until Jaken’s feet, powering ever onwards, found him bumping face-first into Sesshomaru’s leg. He winced as he realized Sesshomaru had stopped walking abruptly, and Jaken froze on the spot: was he offended by his words somehow? What had he said that could be worthy of offense? He had praised him, as he ever did! There was no reason for Lord Sesshomaru to react adversely when…!
“Jaken,” Sesshomaru’s deep, stern voice rang in the meadow, his empty sleeve swaying in the wind. “Take Rin and hide.”
“E-eh?” Jaken blinked: were they in danger?
On cue, the perfectly peaceful forest saw itself disturbed immediately, deeply, by the arrival of a dark miasma: Jaken yelped, dragging Rin to hide behind a tree while Sesshomaru stepped forward, his hand on Tokijin’s hilt.
The creature entered his field of vision before long: the miasma that accompanied it, pouring from its open jaws and nostrils, seemed to rot the world around it. Its hide was thick and scaly, of a purple hue, while its eyes glowed red. Spikes protruded across its limbs and back as it crept towards Sesshomaru on all-fours, leaving a trail of rotting slime in its wake.
It was but vermin, easily disposed of. Sesshomaru clasped Tokijin firmly…
The sound of a bowstring snapping froze him on the spot.
He was familiar with the sound… though not quite as familiar with the sudden outpour of pure energy that accompanied the arrow.
The projectile flew seamlessly, striking the creature through the neck: on impact, the creature collapsed, its corpse’s corruption dwindling and fading under the extraordinary powers of purification that had struck it. Even the forest, temporarily marred by the corrupt energies of the creature, returned to a pristine state in a matter of instants as the powers of that single arrow smoothed over the dark energy until it faded from existence.
Sesshomaru frowned, lowering his hand. This presence… it wasn’t unknown to him, not entirely. He had sensed it before on occasion, typically if Inuyasha or Naraku were nearby. But as the latter had vanished beyond detection and there was no sign of the former, let alone of his rambunctious group, it seemed their encounter had been entirely casual: had they chosen to travel through the same locations in their respective journeys to track down the elusive, festering demon conjunction that called itself Naraku?
She stepped forward then, and his golden eyes met hers. She lowered her longbow, regarding him with her deep gaze, not hostile, not friendly either. Whether she had overstepped boundaries without knowing it, or if her choice to cut down the creature had been fair game in the great demon lord’s mind, she waited for Sesshomaru’s next move to decide her own.
He stepped towards her, unafraid, unyielding, unrelenting. The priestess didn’t draw another arrow. Instead, she studied him intently with her dark, intelligent eyes until he reached a halt, still at a safe distance from her, but now facing her directly.
“You seek Naraku,” Sesshomaru stated, without the necessary inflection in his tone to signal a question.
“As do you,” she answered, her voice serene and deep. “This should not be an impasse between us, should it?”
“The demon you’ve slain is vermin. It was not my quarry,” Sesshomaru answered, firmly. She nodded in his direction.
“It seemed unlikely that it would be. You would have slain it to protect those who travel with you, but perhaps it is for the best this way.”
Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed. The priestess didn’t seem to expect him to take her words as insulting, trusting him to set aside his pride when it came to the slaying of that single demon: the voice of a laughing child reached Sesshomaru’s sensitive ears as Rin raced towards the area where the arrow lingered, still purging the area from the dark energies of the corrupt demon.
“Is it your nature to cut down every demon in your path?” he asked, not knowing why the question had spilled out of his mind and through his lips. The priestess studied him intently.
“Isn’t it yours, as well?” she inquired.
“I am a great demon. You are a priestess,” Sesshomaru remarked, simply. To his surprise, she smiled slightly at his statement.
“How odd,” she said. “Perhaps there is more purity to a great demon than I ever thought possible. You are the first of your station I have come across, after all.”
“Purity?” he repeated, with a skeptical scowl. She smiled and closed her eyes.
“I don’t aim to offend. There is less purity to me than there should be, ideally. One of your kind… surely you can sense my true nature, can you not?” she said. Sesshomaru frowned. “Pure has become impure, impure has now become pure. Good now has become bad, bad has become good. To live is to die, to die is to live. Such is the fate I have been burdened with”
She bowed her head in a display of respect in his direction, and she stepped away. Sesshomaru’s heart lurched as he felt the urge to raise a hand and reach for her… an urge he couldn’t comprehend. His sharp eyes fell upon the priestess’s figure, following her as she marched through the forest anew, purposeful, calm, unafraid. She knew her own power, just as she knew her vulnerabilities. She seemed to trust her strength... just as much as Sesshomaru trusted his own.
“L-Lord Sesshomaru, sir…!” Jaken squealed, rushing up to his liege lord at haste. “W-was that…?! Was it foul Inuyasha’s priestess, Kikyo?!”
“Do not utter that name before me, Jaken,” Sesshomaru snapped, and Jaken winced before clumsily covering his mouth with his hands. “One like her… belongs to no one.”
With that, Sesshomaru began walking too… on the same trail the priestess had vanished through, moments ago. Jaken froze, jaw dropped as Rin approached, beaming happily.
“Did you see, did you see, Lord Jaken?!” she exclaimed. “It was like you said! She was regal, like Lord Sesshomaru!”
“W-what did you say?! It’s… a priestess! A common-born human woman brought back in a vessel of…!”
Jaken fell silent instantly upon sensing a sharp glare from Sesshomaru, shot in his direction. The imp glanced at Sesshomaru warily a mere instant before hearing the words that always sent a terrifying, cold chill through his body:
“Jaken: be quiet.”
It almost felt as though his soul had left his body: why on earth had that woman showed up exactly when she had?! It was bad enough that Rin would be so nosy, attempting to find a mate for Sesshomaru that he never had needed… but now, it seemed that Sesshomaru himself deemed this woman worthy of not only a longer conversation than any he’d held with Jaken across the past months, but of far more attention and respect than he’d granted anyone else. That untrained priestess who traveled with Inuyasha only seemed to annoy him, so what was so different about this one…?
He wanted to tell himself there was no difference, that Sesshomaru’s choice to follow on the woman’s path was but a coincidence, and he would continue to tell himself as much across the coming days… but there was something in the air when, a mere few hours later, the footsteps of the great demon lord and the holy priestess brought them to march side by side, in respectful silence. It chilled Jaken to the bone, much as it overjoyed Rin… for, perhaps, Jaken’s words had been prophetic: it seemed that the woman walking beside Lord Sesshomaru now was, by Sesshomaru’s own judgment, as regal as he was.
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
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Sesskik Weekend - Day 2: Equals
Here goes my entry for today! Once more, fic chapter under the cut!
Read on FF.net//AO3
Sesshomaru had never felt respect for those who lacked the power to defeat their own enemies and sought others' assistance. His disdain for that kind of weakness had only bolstered his spite towards his half-brother: even upon being granted the strongest sword crafted for their father, Tessaiga, Inuyasha had sought allies with variably ludicrous skills in order to make his stand against Naraku. A demon slayer, a monk with a wind tunnel curse, an inexperienced priestess, a child fox, a forked cat demon… they were weak, not unlike Jaken or Rin. Yet Inuyasha didn't travel with them to protect them, the way Sesshomaru traveled with his own companions: he relied on them. He needed their aid, even if, as unworthy as he may be, the half-demon was, by all nature and logic, far stronger than any of his allies.
He had never understood Inuyasha's choices, and he had never meant to understand them, to begin with. His father's bestowing of Tessaiga unto Inuyasha was, in the end, a sign of pointless compassion towards someone too weak to be worthy of such a boon. One who required further aid in order to defeat a foe like Naraku while bearing that extraordinary blade could never hope to be worthy of respect.
The same was true for countless other fools, namely those who sought the Sacred Jewel: Inuyasha, of course, was one of them. But that wolf demon, as well… and the wind sorceress, attempting to gain his assistance through the pitiful offer of shards from the broken relic. Requiring that wretched object to bolster your own strength was, evidently, a sign of weakness: Naraku was the weakest of them all, chasing down those shards and collecting them to find power he had not earned, power he had never proven worthy of… it was repulsive. At times, the creature's very existence could be affront enough for Sesshomaru to set aside his pride and personal resentment towards Naraku, only to wish to slay him on principle alone. A weak entity such as Naraku did not deserve its own existence, and Sesshomaru would be glad to delete it for good by casting him into the Netherworld through Meido Zangetsuha…
Thus, perhaps, it would seem odd that one with such convictions would have found his beliefs easily brushed aside when a certain priestess with deep, mahogany eyes spoke words he had never believed would leave her lips:
"Sesshomaru: I need your help."
Similar words had never meant anything to him. Anyone who begged for his assistance had immediately appeared inferior in his eyes from that moment onwards. Anyone who wanted to shield themselves behind Sesshomaru's strength was, inherently, admitting to their own weaknesses. And yet…
And yet he knew the priestess was not weak. He knew Kikyo's strength personally, for they had traveled together after a chance encounter in the forest. Theirs was no alliance between the weak-willed: their paths had converged, simple as that, and they had respected each other's needs across their association of months now. When she had wanted to spend time in that village, protecting children while that wretched, two-faced man awaited the chance to let his true self come to the fore of his mind, Sesshomaru had relented. When the purity of Mount Hakurei had prevented him from saving Rin, Kikyo's own arrow had slain the very man she had grown acquainted with during her period in that village. Just so, when Naraku meant to strike her down, he had hesitated upon finding Sesshomaru standing by her side: they had fought the wretched, strengthened demon together and he had fled in the end, swearing he would destroy Kikyo now that he had successfully discarded his weak, human heart. An ironic claim coming from an entity that was all weakness, of course.
Throughout this journey, Kikyo had never expressed to needing Sesshomaru's aid at any point in time. He hadn't done so, either. They had respected each other's boundaries, unspoken as they had been, unless the situation called for intervention: now, however, something had changed. Something related to the boy who had sought to travel with Kikyo merely a few weeks ago, Sesshomaru suspected.
They sat outside a small hut they had taken temporary residence at, speaking quietly now that the children and Jaken were safely asleep indoors, once the mantle of night had fallen. Sesshomaru watched her with intent, waiting for the priestess to explain herself after surprising him with her latest statement.
"You wish to slay Naraku," Kikyo finally started. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. "He has earned no end of animosity from countless people, and he has done as much intentionally. He must be slain, and I trust that we will succeed at accomplishing that task… but only once the corrupt Sacred Jewel is complete once more."
"I have no interest in that trinket," Sesshomaru stated. Kikyo nodded.
"Your strength is your own. There's an honesty to your stubbornness that can be commendable, for certain," she said. "But Naraku is most unlike you. His power does not come from the Jewel alone, but it has certainly bolstered his strength greatly: I intend to turn the Jewel's power against him."
"He can be defeated whether that Jewel is complete or not," Sesshomaru said, but Kikyo shook her head.
"You have already slain him in the past, from my understanding, and he reconverged into a single, twisted entity in Mount Hakurei afterwards: for as long as he holds onto the Jewel, it will be impossible to cut him down for good. I know you understand this. A demon of his power was never going to prove strong enough to overcome your own power, Sesshomaru… but the Jewel ensured otherwise."
"In order to attain our revenge, you believe the Jewel must be fully restored," Sesshomaru stated. "I've said it makes no matter whether it's complete or not, for my power would not be overcome by his blend of inferior demon powers, stolen from countless others. You appear convinced of the opposite: explain yourself, Kikyo."
"A purified shard, merged with the rest of the Jewel, may have the power to overcome the darkness he has been infusing into the rest of the Jewel while it has been in his grasp," Kikyo said. Sesshomaru frowned. "You have witnessed the power of purification against demons. You know a strong enough burst of spiritual powers can purify miasma, renew a rotting forest into a flourishing glade: it is no different to what true purity can achieve if it's given proper form within a shard of the Sacred Jewel. Once merged into a single object, the dark energies will fail to stand against the pure ones: the Jewel will be purified once more, and Naraku's influence upon it will be broken. Just so, the Jewel's bolstering of his power will cease at once. At that point, no amount of regenerative abilities will suffice: if we strike him then, he will be defeated."
"This is what you seek?" Sesshomaru asked. "To request my aid in your scheme to defeat this scum?"
"Yes… and no," Kikyo said, lowering her gaze. "The truth is… you may understand why this choice, my one plan to defeat Naraku, troubles me. That final shard… I have ensured to purify it constantly. In doing so, I have severed Naraku's control over Kohaku. His heart belongs to himself once more. But Kohaku… by all means, the boy would not survive at all were it not for the shard embedded in his neck."
Sesshomaru frowned. The concept of fighting against Naraku side by side with the priestess was rather agreeable, for she was as strong as Sesshomaru himself was, and he didn't doubt such a battle would result in their victory. But that wasn't the sole reason why the priestess had sought him out tonight. Now, upon confessing her inner conflict about this hurdle, Sesshomaru's heart should not have pounded with a hint of compassion or empathy… and yet it did.
Kohaku was a fighter. He was a boy, but one trained to slay demons, even if lesser demons. Kohaku, then, was a child, and one that Kikyo often protected by defeating their foes before he could so much as raise his sickle. He was Kikyo's ward, just as Rin or Jaken were Sesshomaru's. She had successfully protected him thus far… therefore, she was not merely pleading with Sesshomaru so he would help her protect him. No… whatever she wanted, it was not as simple as that.
What would he do, were he faced with a similar conundrum? If Rin's life were a necessary sacrifice to slay Naraku… he would refuse to accept it. The girl was his to protect. Her life, her safety, had set Sesshomaru on this hunt: Naraku had attempted to lure him into becoming part of his wretched conjunction of demons by holding Rin hostage. The arrogance of that lesser creature, the despicable Naraku, could never be forgiven. True strength was not simply found in defeating the enemy one had set his sights on… but in doing so on one's own terms, rather than allowing the foe to choose the manner of their defeat. Sacrifices… they were only for the weak to make. One who called himself truly strong would not be burdened by the need to make any manner of sacrifices…
"What would you ask of me?" Sesshomaru asked. Kikyo, heavily silent now, turned her head towards him. Their eyes met… and he identified a spark of emotion in her gaze. He endeavored to ignore the unnecessary, irrational acceleration of his heartbeats at that sight.
"Your sword, Tenseiga," Kikyo said. Sesshomaru frowned. "I cannot presume to fully understand how it works, even after what you have achieved with it. I suspect you can use it to cut down the pallbearers from the Underworld…"
"You can see them?" Sesshomaru asked, brow furrowing slightly. Kikyo nodded. He wouldn't remark on it any further… but meeting someone who had the skill to see the pallbearers without Tenseiga, or any other means to identify them, certainly was impressive.
"Unfortunately, I do not know if seeing them, and being able to dismiss them, would suffice in the case of Kohaku," Kikyo confessed. "If Tenseiga's sole power is related to cutting them down… I fear Kohaku may be beyond our help."
"Naraku won't take him," Sesshomaru declared. Kikyo hummed softly.
"Even if he fails at that endeavor, I fear this battle will drag on for many years if you're correct," she said. "Until the Jewel is complete, Naraku will continue to command corrupt powers he has not earned, concoct webs of evil and spread his cruelty as far and wide as he dares go. I haven't the faintest hope that he might ease up in the future… he is always scheming and plotting against us all."
"Vermin," Sesshomaru stated, curtly. Kikyo raised her eyebrows.
"Do you believe there is any chance that your powers through your weapon, Tenseiga, might be able to bring Kohaku back to life, permanently?" she asked. Sesshomaru frowned. "He is a child. His life was cut short too soon, and he was but a pawn for Naraku for all this time. The cruelty he has seen and faced… no one should have had to endure it, to feel their own body and mind slipping out of their control, forcing them to commit the cruelest of acts on behalf of someone hellbent on tormenting them. He could not forgive himself for crimes that are not his own. He came to us ready to sacrifice himself to ensure Naraku is killed. By now, he has found belonging among us, a kinship with Rin, and he respects you deeply. I have asked… and he has said that, were he to find a chance to live on, he would like to take it. Even so, he believes and trusts that I will make use of his shard when the time is right… and I intend to. But doing so at the cost of his life… my resolve to do so has crumbled, pitiful as you may find it. Ensuring his protection has become as important to me as slaying Naraku is."
"Vermin such as Naraku should never force you to sacrifice one you intend to protect," Sesshomaru said. Kikyo frowned slightly.
"He has already stolen countless lives…"
"He should have stolen none. Least of all yours."
His words, ever blunt and harsh, stopped Kikyo on her tracks. A soft silence settled between them, as a familiar and yet utterly foreign sensation seemed to resonate painfully in Kikyo's hollow, bone-and-clay body. A sensation she had experienced long ago over another silver-haired man with golden eyes… one whose boisterous, aggressive behavior had hidden unexpected depths and heartfelt need for belonging that she had found to be common ground between them both. Then there was Sesshomaru… and his coldness hid something else. Was it a need for companionship he had never acknowledged, not even to himself? An eternal quest, perhaps, for one to regard as his equal…?
An impulsive, foolish thought that perhaps she could be that person dared blossom in her mind briefly, only for Kikyo to quell it all over again, immediately.
"You ask this for Kohaku's sake," Sesshomaru said. "What of you, Kikyo? Do you refuse to seek a new life for yourself?"
"I have long outlived my natural lifespan," Kikyo said, shaking her head. "The sole purpose of my resurrection is to live long enough to see Naraku defeated."
"You did not return to this world on your terms," Sesshomaru remarked. Kikyo frowned. "Others had designs that you discarded and set aside. They were weak… you were strong."
Kikyo eyed Sesshomaru warily: he was guarded once more, that sharp determination peering through his narrow eyes.
"You have chosen this purpose for yourself. You could have easily chosen another," he declared. Kikyo let out a soft huff.
"To what end?" she asked. "This life I was given, even the previous one… the power I wield entails responsibilities I cannot shirk away. Otherwise… the powers themselves would be corrupted. I would become… an ordinary woman."
Sesshomaru's brow furrowed. Kikyo's hands trembled lightly upon her lap as she raised her gaze at the moon shining above them: her pale complexion seemed to glow underneath that light.
"One such as yourself… could never be an ordinary woman."
His words shook her, perhaps more than the wind that rushed through the night, across rustling tree branches and blades of grass before their eyes. She raised her gaze at Sesshomaru, and he met her eyes with his own, as defiantly as ever.
"That is a rather bold thing of you to say, Sesshomaru."
He didn't respond to her bashful words… he didn't remark on the fact that she was smiling, ever so slightly, upon speaking them.
"Perhaps there is a purity to accepting the impure after all," she said, closing her eyes. "That being said… my circumstances are far more dire than those of Kohaku. He retains his body whereas mine is a vessel, as you know. Without the souls of the dead, I would have long lost the ability to walk this land. I do not ask that you resort to impossible means to provide a true body for myself… I only ask that you assist me in finding a true method to liberate Kohaku from the chains of death, should they attempt to claim him as soon as his shard is removed. Whatever light I may be able to provide to him might prove insufficient, lest I offer him my remaining lifeforce altogether…"
"It will not come to that," Sesshomaru stated. Kikyo lowered her gaze.
"If it did… I would ask of you to ensure that the opportunity to slay Naraku doesn't go to waste," she said. "The purified shard… it might suffice, but there is a chance that it wouldn't. Not in vain were the Priestess Midoriko and her own demons trapped in the Sacred Jewel: her purity could not vanquish them completely."
"Demonic and spiritual powers, merged into one," Sesshomaru said. Kikyo nodded.
"Counterintuitive, isn't it?" she said, with a sad smile. "Demons have sought to slay me all my life. I have, in turn, slain them. I believed we were poised to be enemies for however long I might have to live… and yet now I sit by a great demon lord, hoping for his aid in saving the life of one boy. Perhaps there is, indeed, a balance to be found between both our powers, Sesshomaru… a balance where both of us are closer to each other's essences than is apparent at first sight."
"There is nothing demonic about you," Sesshomaru stated. Kikyo laughed softly.
"Odd that you would say so with such conviction, considering the nature of my resurrection in this body. Truthfully, I do not know if you've said this as an insult or a compliment. You are a curious man," she said. Sesshomaru frowned.
"You claim to be impure, but your circumstances have not dampened your powers in the least," he said. Kikyo raised her eyebrows. "Were you any lesser than before… a body of clay and bone would not wield the powers you do. Your spiritual strength remains true. Any choices, thoughts or wishes you may have, for your personal benefit, would be unlikely change that."
"Spiritual powers are different from demonic ones," Kikyo said, softly. "Thoughts, emotion… they cloud a priestess's mind easily. Wanting something beyond what is meant to be yours… it is a sign of humanity I cannot succumb to. Were I to pursue my wishes blindly, selfishly… I would be no better than the likes of Tsubaki."
"Nonsense," Sesshomaru said. Kikyo smiled weakly.
"You would defend my honor from my own words, Sesshomaru?"
"You wish to end Naraku. If wanting anything is sufficient excuse to dampen your powers, you would not be as powerful as you are now," Sesshomaru said, firmly. Kikyo's fingers clutched at her hakama. "If balance is what it takes… perhaps it is not the balance of purity embodied in you, and demonic strength in me. Perhaps…"
"It takes both kinds of energy, in each of us?" Kikyo asked, softly. Sesshomaru frowned. "Your healing weapon and my kinship with the dead. My need to save this boy's life…"
"It is not a need. It is a want," Sesshomaru stated. Kikyo pursed her lips. "A priestess without purpose beyond liberating this world from Naraku's thrall would not doubt to cut down this boy. You are all the stronger for hesitating."
Kikyo gazed at him, and this time it was his turn to find a conflicting depth in her soul: she couldn't fathom the selfishness that characterized her kind. Humans stood in the perfect intersection between demons and priestesses... and where Sesshomaru had looked down upon them, Kikyo had, possibly, envied them in silence instead. They were not burdened by pursuits of power unless they chose to be, unlike demons. They were not burdened with the restraints of existing for others, unlike priestesses. They had a choice. A choice neither she nor Sesshomaru ever had in their own lives… a choice they might have ignored regardless, even if it had existed. He had wanted, sought power… she had wanted power of her own, for wholly different purposes. Little by little, however, his own need to protect those under his wing had grown inside him… the very need that had guided Kikyo from the first moment. But in all her rationalizing and interpreting the nature of demonic and spiritual powers, it seemed she had gaps in knowledge… namely, knowledge that would have resulted from looking inwards and understanding herself better than she did thus far.
"If Kohaku can be brought to life with our joined powers…" Sesshomaru said. "There is a chance we may yet do the same with you."
"Do not give me such hopes," Kikyo whispered, lowering her head. Sesshomaru frowned. "I don't… what would I do with a new life, were I granted one? My… my time has passed. My time is over, I…"
"You could stand beside me… as my equal."
His words brought a frown to her face, even if they rippled through her body with such impact it almost felt, almost, like she was alive again. She shot him a keen stare, one he responded with his own.
"Is that… your sole purpose in bringing me back, fully?" Kikyo asked. Sesshomaru's brow furrowed. "Answer me, Sesshomaru."
"My sole purpose in bringing you back is to grant you what your first life did not," Sesshomaru said: "A choice."
Kikyo's eyes widened. Again, the breeze blew through the night, bringing strange sensations with it, too. His sincerity could not be doubted… he was not one to lie, or to masquerade his purposes behind half-truths. He wanted her to choose for herself what to make of a new life… and as selfish as it might be, he still hoped that, in the freedom she might attain if this venture succeeded, she would still choose him.
A light smile spread over her lips as she rose to her feet slowly. Sesshomaru frowned but said nothing. He had no reason to be ashamed of what he'd said, no reason to feel ridiculed… and yet that fear surged inside him until he realized her footsteps had carried her closer to him: she knelt right next to him now.
His heart picked up speed once more. He had grown accustomed to her soothing presence, to their long, nighttime conversations regarding their upcoming plans. There had been friction too, whenever Kikyo had been upset by Sesshomaru's dismissiveness of Inuyasha, but even in those regards, their discussions had reached a certain level of respect and understanding of each other's priorities and needs. She had never wanted or cared to share her past with Inuyasha with Sesshomaru, whose prideful nature did not care, either, to hear such tales. Deep down, he could not help but wish it had been him who had met the priestess in life, rather than his brother…
Her eyes seemed more alive to him than those of countless other beings he had crossed paths with, the depth of her emotions more tangible and real than that of anyone who counted themselves amongst the living. Someone like her deserved more than a cursed existence, both in life and in death. He would set her free from those restraints…
But he knew she would be the one who would choose to do so for herself.
"This choice you offer…" she asked, softly. "It can only come about once our quest has been successful. Kohaku must be saved. By then… I shall make that choice."
"Is that so?" Sesshomaru asked: his pounding heart raged with an unnatural emotion he had no recollection of experiencing before as his eyes lost themselves in her beautiful features. He felt the urge to say she had already appeared to have made her choice… but the words, as it often happened when he spoke with her, didn't find their way to his lips.
"Is this agreeable with you?" Kikyo asked.
"It is your choice," he said, finally.
Kikyo smiled, lowering her gaze. Focused as he remained on her, he watched carefully as she raised a small hand, hardened over the years of work as a priestess, of combat and archery… and she placed it carefully atop his own.
"The balance we spoke of… I fear I do not understand its nature just yet," she whispered. "A lifetime of effort might not suffice in helping me unravel it. But perhaps… it isn't with our minds that we must understand it, but with our hearts. Something unthinkable for me as I am… for I do not have a heart."
"You remind yourself of it too often for that to be the truth," Sesshomaru said. Kikyo glanced at him in confusion. "Your soul remains yours, whether in a body of clay or a body of flesh, it makes no matter. Do you feel nothing, Kikyo?"
She shivered as he frowned, angling his body towards hers. His hand clasped hers, and she could feel his warmth even if her body couldn't translate it properly… a sad huff left her lips as she shook her head.
"I feel echoes. Ripples of long-lost and suddenly reclaimed emotions I never believed I'd experience again. But were this a real body…"
"It will be, in time. What you have experienced in this one is no less real for it."
Kikyo didn't know how he found ways to dispense wisdom in this way, taking her by surprise with his insight into her soul and her inner struggles. But the more he saw through her, the more he seemed to understand her, the more she understood him. Where there had been distance in the past, now their very souls seemed to be bridged perfectly. That balance she couldn't quite unravel, the perfect collision of their conflicting energies, seemed to lead them to cancel each other out… and once they did, their eyesight would be cleansed from the fogs that had long burdened them. One, with the beliefs of humanity's inferiority. The other, with beliefs of demons' uncontrollable brutality. Suddenly, they found in each other everything they had believed their kind lacked…
And in the union of their lips, they understood the true connection that existed between beings of natures quite as different, and just so, quite as similar to each other's.
The innocent spark in Kikyo's soul upon kissing him took the form of a wild fire inside him. His sole arm surrounded her waist, reeling her closer, deepening their exchange beyond what was appropriate, for suddenly no barriers, no boundaries, seemed to exist between two souls as perfectly matched as theirs…
Her thumbs caressed the stripes over his cheeks gently once their kiss ended. Her brow pressed to his, his nose brushing hers…
Tenseiga, at his hip, pulsated with surges of energy unlike any Sesshomaru had sensed before. And yet he wanted to ignore it if just for one more moment of this, one more moment of her…
A simple request for his aid and assistance in one complicated quest to save a boy's life had changed gradually, bestowing upon them not only the power to preserve Kohaku's existence, but to genuinely resurrect Kikyo… and in doing so, affording her the choice to finally experience a life lived freely, for the very first time.
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sesskik-weekend · 2 years
Thank you everyone for taking part in SessKik Weekend 2022 !!! 🙌🏼
Your works were gorgeous and your contributions made this weekend especially beautiful and unique. It was a true pleasure to celebrate the ship of Sesshomaru and Kikyo with y’all, you rock!
🌹If we somehow missed your contribution for the event or forgot to reblog it — please make sure to let us know!!🌹
See you all next year! ⛩⚔️
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sesskik-weekend · 2 years
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Happy Wednesday, ladies and gentlemen 📣 Only two more days left to SessKik Weekend! 📣
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sesskik-weekend · 2 years
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Happy Monday! ❄️ 4 Days until SessKik Weekend ❄️ 
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la-hannya · 2 years
I wanna thank everyone who participated in @sesskik-weekend every bit counted. Y'all are amazing.
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