bethstyles2 · 1 year
Know I'm 👍
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angelmarie-123 · 2 years
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if you’re wanting to see more, well… LESS 🤭 come check out my fansly 🥰
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heckyrea · 2 years
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what100sworld · 1 year
Y a-t-il une ou deux femmes qui ont envie d’avoir du plaisir cette nuit 💦🍆
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8 Tips for Improving Menstrual Health
Menstrual health is an important part of a woman's overall health. Menstruation is a natural process that happens every month, but it can be uncomfortable or even painful. In this article, I will discuss eight ways to improve menstrual health.
Tip 1: Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy diet is essential for menstrual health. A balanced diet that includes foods like fish, poultry, eggs, beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can help alleviate menstrual discomfort. Avoiding processed foods and excessive sugar intake can also minimize symptoms of discomfort during menstruation.
Tip 2: Stay Hydrated
Drinking enough water throughout the day is crucial for menstrual health. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out toxins and reduce bloating, which is a common symptom during menstruation. Consuming liquids such as herbal teas, fresh juices, coconut water, and plain water can also be beneficial.
Tip 3: Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise can reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps. Exercise improves circulation, which can help to stabilize serotonin levels and reduce the severity of cramps. Some excellent exercises for menstrual cramps include yoga, jogging, cycling, and swimming.
Tip 4: Maintain Good Hygiene
Good menstrual hygiene involves using clean sanitary products like pads, tampons, or menstrual cups. Regularly changing these products to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria is also key to good hygiene. Additionally, keeping the vaginal area clean during menstruation can reduce the risk of infections like yeast infections.
Tip 5: Get Adequate Sleep and Rest
Getting enough sleep and rest during menstruation is important for better menstrual health. Sleep helps to regulate hormones and helps the body rejuvenate. Fatigue and stress are common issues during menstruation and can lead to menstrual cramps and pain. Getting enough rest and avoiding overexertion may reduce the severity of menstrual symptoms.
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liwslust · 11 days
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srobs · 2 years
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Happy days for those #Royals hoping for less press intrusion into their own #sexlives as reports are flying around like some prostate milked ejaculate, that #royalfamily A lister #PrinceWilliam is as progressive in the bedroom as he appears in public life. Personally I think you should do what makes you happy if you’re not hurting anyone else. Surprising allegations though that the man who will be king enjoys taking it from his queen (or whoever) during #peggingsex. While many are reporting on this alleged #sexscandal, no confirmation yet from the Palace if this allegation is true, or if the details regarding the manufacturing materials and size of the phallus preferred by the Duke’s hole will be released. https://www.instagram.com/p/CgrNnobv2M-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shiroselia · 2 months
Carina när hon behöver improvisera ett segment som går ut på exklusivt sexhumor och producenterna ger henne sex (eller sju?) snubbar vars sexliv exklusivt består av missionary med ljusen tända:
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anonymiskabet · 1 month
lang update!
jeg har længe villet skrive en update. om mig og R, vores sexliv, mit sexliv. der er sket en hel masse siden min sidste update, og jeg tror bare jeg har haft en masse at tænke over (warning: langt post!)
om mig og R
først og fremmest, så er jeg så lykkelig med R. jeg føler at vi på kun 9 måneder forstår hinanden og hinandens behov så godt. vi har en vildt god kommunikation, hvor vi kan snakke om alt og ingenting. jeg føler jeg kan fortælle ham hvad som helst og han vil lytte uanset hvad. samtidig føler jeg også bare, at vi er på samme bølgelængde om næsten alt - og selv når vi er uenige, er vi gode til at se hinandens synspunkter og ikke grave grøfter mellem os. jeg synes det hele føles så sundt og rent!
derudover har vores sexliv bare været vildt godt de seneste par måneder. allerede fra vi mødtes første gang var han god, men det er som om, at for hver dag der går bliver han bare bedre og bedre til at få mig til at komme. begynder seriøst at tude nogle gange, fordi jeg får så kraftig en reaktion 🥺🥺
også selvom vi har haft et par dage på det seneste hvor jeg ikke har boet hos ham, har han stadig haft tid til at komme forbi til en quickie 😇
om mig og en ny
på trods af at R og jeg har så godt et sexliv, havde jeg alligevel tid til at ses med en ny fyr for noget tid siden. vi havde matchet på tinder for næsten 2 år siden og skrevet lidt on/off. fik lyst til at skrive til ham igen fordi han stadig så sød ud, og vi endte med at skulle mødes hjemme hos ham.
i forhold til hvordan jeg har haft sex med R, S og ham på j-dag, var det her meget, meget anderledes. jeg plejer at blive domineret/være lidt underdanig og lade fyren bestemme. den her gang var det helt omvendt. det var mig, der lagde op til det, og mig, der tog kontrollen. derudover er jeg blevet helt vant til at blive slikket eller rørt inden sex. this guy gjorde seriøst intet for mig, men jeg suttede og red ham …og jeg kunne faktisk godt lide det 🥺
jeg kom obviously ikke, men jeg var simpelthen så liderlig da jeg kom hjem igen, at jeg kom næsten med det samme. et eller andet med at føle mig så "slutty" gjorde åbenbart et eller andet for mig den dag… jeg tror ikke vi skal ses igen tho. det var en sjov og lærerig oplevelse for mig, men tror ikke jeg får så meget mere ud af den relation.
så han når aldrig at få set mine bryster, selvom det var noget han gerne ville 😇
om C
hvis i troede det var slut med at høre om C, så tro om igen. jeg har nemlig fortalt hende ret meget om mit og R's sexliv. som den eneste af mine irl veninder, ved hun nu at R og jeg er i et åbent forhold.
få dage efter valentins fortalte jeg hende på en meget diskret at jeg og R var i et åbent forhold. det virkede til at komme en del bag på hende, men hun var glad på vores begges veje. som jeg forstod det på hende, var det der overraskede hende at vi er så stærkt og tætknyttet et par, men alligevel må ses med andre. hun var dog meget fordomsfri, så det er dejligt - også at have i hvert fald én veninde som kender lidt mere til vores dynamik.
i fredags var jeg så i byen med hende alene. jeg spurgte hende bl.a. hvordan det gik med fyrene, og hun sagde hun havde været på mange dates, men kun kysset nogen af dem. lidt øv for hende. har set nogle af de fyre hun skriver med, og de virker søde nok. hun spurgte så hvordan det gik med mig og fyre, og jeg fortalte at jeg havde set en siden vi snakkede sidst og fortalte lidt om ham (ham fra "om mig og en ny" ☝️☝️).
jeg sagde så, at han ikke kunne måle sig med min tidligere langtidsbolleven S, som jo var R's ven. hun virkede ret chokeret over det haha. både at jeg havde haft en fast bolleven i over et halvt år, og at han var en af R's venner. jeg viste hende nogle billeder af ham, og hun synes han var cute - og jeg fortalte om hvorfor vi sluttede tingene mellem os, og hun synes det var sødt
hun spurgte om R havde været sammen med andre endnu. jeg sagde "nej, han kigger stadig". hun spurgte hvordan jeg ville have det hvis han var sammen med en anden, og jeg svarede bare sådan "godt. håber han finder en snart". hun virkede til at synes det var lidt mærkeligt haha, og spurgte om jeg ikke ville blive jaloux. jeg svarede lidt bold at "jeg synes det ville være synd hvis andre ikke kunne få glæde af ham" (🤭). senere på aftenen snakkede vi også om tidligere kærester/flings, hvor jeg sagde at "de eneste gange R har fået mig til at græde, har været når han fik mig til at komme lidt for hårdt" 🥺
om C og R
efter vores bytur endte jeg med at overnatte hos C. vi havde kysset lidt i løbet af aftenen, men intet vildt, og intet sensuelt lol. hun slikkede dog salt af min hånd da vi tog tequilashots haha. vi endte med at falde i søvn mens vi lå og snakkede/puttede.
C er meget, meget flot, og det tror jeg ikke der er tvivl om. jeg er bi, men er ikke som sådan tiltrukket af hende, hvis det giver mening. hun er dog objektivt fantastisk smuk, og jeg er ret tiltrukket af, at R er tiltrukket af hende 🥺
jeg fik tanken, at hvis R skulle være sammen med nogen jeg kender, måtte det allerhelst gerne være C. hun er sød, åben og til at stole på. jeg har kendt hende længe, og jeg ved hun altid ville kunne holde på en hemmelighed. og så er hun som sagt også meget, meget flot, og jeg ved der allerede er en tiltrækning fra R's side.
jeg har ikke spurgt om der er tiltrækning den anden vej.
altså jeg tror det, men har ikke turdet lægge for meget op til noget (endnu?). og selv hvis der var tiltrækning, er det jo ikke sikkert hun ville have lyst alligevel.
det går fantastisk mellem R og mig - også med vores sexliv. vi er et mega stærkt par, hvilket også er hvorfor vores åbne forhold kan fungere. C har fået at vide som den eneste af mine irl veninder, at R og jeg er i et åbent forhold, hvilket hun var ret overrasket over. jeg går med tanker om at det stadig kunne være en idé at sætte C og R op med hinanden, hvis de begge kunne have lyst. jeg ved dog ikke om C overhovedet har de tanker eller ønsker.
sorry for det lange post 🥺
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eebooduh · 10 months
Up until recently I was very confident in my identity as an aroace person. However lately all of my friends have been getting into relationships and it seems like all they want to talk about now is their romance and sexlives. We used to meet up and talk about our interests and the world and the future. Now all I hear about is dates and sex. It's not bad to be invested in your relationship and its not bad to want to confide in people about it. I would absolutely not mind talking about it but I wish it wasn't all we could talk about now. I feel lonely while I'm with people I've been friends with for years because we can't connect when we're together anymore. And maybe thats selfish of me but it's not like I don't want to talk about romance and sex at all, I just want to be able to talk about other things too.
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En liste over forskellige ting, mænd har fortalt mig i år:
- At jeg er tyk
- At jeg ville se bedre ud, hvis jeg tabte mig
- At mine bryster er flotte
- At jeg har gode hofter til at bære børn
- At jeg er klog
- At jeg er dum
- At det er godt, at jeg har min naturlige hårfarve nu (blond) og ikke lyserødt længere
- At mine tatoveringer er seje
- At mine tatoveringer nok er skræmmende for børn
- At jeg har bollet med for mange
- At jeg har et nice sexliv
- At jeg er smuk
- At jeg er for høj
- At jeg har en god højde
- At jeg er venlig
- At jeg har daddy issues
- At jeg er sindssyg
- At jeg er stærk (mentalt)
- At jeg burde fjerne min kønsbehåring
- At jeg har en sød stemme
- At jeg er veltalende
- At jeg er naiv
- At jeg har flotte øjne
- At jeg ikke er noget særligt
- At jeg er noget særligt
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mrsfaulkner · 1 year
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Contrary to the author, I have never ever aspired to be a Victorian. I still enjoyed reading about their food, underwear, sexlives, personal hygiene and sleeping arrangements.
Ready to rock my crinoline 🎩
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Why do we watch pornography? How much hours do we spend watching it? Does it make us feel happy? Do we think it is a tension relief therapy or maybe, or we take as learning media for future marital conjugation?
Although these questions are so plain, tough and embarrassing, their focal point (pornography) and the silence surrounding it should be broken. Social institutions should talk about sexual issues to save young people from the looming danger.
No doubt that the realm of sex has been alluring human beings from ancient times upto now, and definitely, that will continue in future times. In terms of dealing with it, sex is still surrounded by some secrecy and precautions in diverse traditional communities. Though the internet era is changing our traditions, to some extent, it has worsened the situation. Internet has promotes sexual indecency so that pornography or explicit video materials are considered as normal to have. This availability of such materials has resulted in a large majority of youths relying on it for sexual pleasures as well as living their fantasies through the digital realm.
Porn and Mental Health
Countless things affect our mental health- genetics, stress, exercise, diet and even not getting enough sunshine may resulted in depression and bad mood. Many of these causes and risk factors are well known and may be incorporated into our treatment in some way. However, how much do we know about the cause of porn addiction?
Watching porn has the most devastating effects on mental health, relationships, brain functioning and depression. This is thoroughly true. It's even worse when it goes side by side with masturbation. Those caught in the porn-masturbation web should without hesitation seek professional help.
Porn and Masturbation as a form of addiction
Do we know that pornography's effect on the human brain is similar to that of drugs?
While it may seem a bit far-fetched, studies of porn-addicted brain scans conducted by the American National Institute of Mental Health have shown that people watching porn experience the same effects or pleasure that drugs give them. A neural circuit in the brain releases pleasure hormone called dopamine, especially when they sexually pleasure themselves using porn. Their usual exposure to porn does not only affect their mental abilities but also cause hindrances in their daily lives and lead them to some form of mental disorder as well.
The reward circuit of the brain of affected individuals show repeated actions and while creating please pathways where the affected brain acquire more and more of dopamine to run off. As long as this habit keep repeating itself overtime, the tendency of excessive porn watching increase too. This is a crucial sign of addiction. Your brain get used to such things.
When masturbating to pornography gives you pleasure, you are thoroughly poisoned
Masturbation is a serious poison. This self-indulgence act is defined as a physical act through which the dopamine would be released. Most teenage pornography consumers think that the idea of masturbating is natural and normal process that every human might indulges in without any problems. This where pornography subconsciously lead them, drag them blindly to the addiction cycle. As earlier discussed, repeating doing the same actions excessively leads to some form of addiction and the brain will create a lot paths of dopamine for pleasure satisfaction. At this time, the pornography addicted person will need to have the daily fix for at least some hours, which would ensure to take out of the persons daily routine besides the mental harm that illustrates in bad mood, nervous attitude, attention deficit and so on.
How to quit?
This time wasted in watching pornography could have been invested in other productive activities. Pornography and masturbation are such a prison and time consuming addictions. Quiting shouldn't be an option.A trusted way to rid yourself of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one whenever you begin to feel the urge to indulge in that bad habit. Here is what you can do:
- Accept that you have a problem and decide to leave it behind.
It is your free choice, no one will decide for you. Be brave and acknowledge that you have a problem that affects you and your loved ones. Make the decision to put an end to this vice.
- Destroy all the pornographic materials.
Get started with secure internet connections and accountability software on all your devices. As you do this, identify thoughts and behaviors that have lead you to seek out pornography. Root out these thoughts and habits and eliminate them from your repertoire. Avoid these near occasions of sin and remove them from your easy access.
- Seek help.
A Minister, a priest, and even a psychologist are the ideal people to give you support and assistance. They will understand and accompany you as you undertake this difficult path. Remember you are not alone, and you owe it to yourself to set up a support network for the best chance of success.
- Go out your comfort zone and socialize with people, be a helper and useful, do not stay still. As Pope Francis told the young pilgrims from Loreto: “… that life is to walk, it is a path. If a person does not walk and stay still, it’s no good, he does nothing.” Keep your day, held in activities such as school, sports, or spending time with other people. These activities will help you to new routines so you do not stay stuck in your addiction.
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Tbh er det jeg har brugt mest penge på den seneste tid er 1) ting til mit kommende arbejde 2) ting til at forbedre mit sexliv. Mit liv Bevæger Sig Meget Hurtigt lige pt
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embraceyourdestiny · 2 years
rip to all the female tops out there stuck being bottoms in their heteronormative sexlives you deserve to fuck a (p(b(thr)ussy
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offer2012 · 2 years
en pige jeg lige havde mødt i går blev ret sur på mig, fordi jeg kun ville have et kys på kinden og ikke munden. jeg sagde jeg har en kæreste, det gider jeg ikke og så blev hun bare træls. en fremmed pige kyssede mig, ud af det blå, på floor efter hende og hendes ven gik apeshit over min mullet og piercinger. min venindes ven blev ved med at spørge ind til mit sexliv og om jeg mon havde et smykke i fissen og om det så gjorde ondt.
det er som om at lige så snart man er åbenlyst queer, at alle mennesker kan gøre krav på din krop og skider på dit samtykke.
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