#shadow is me but im looking at metal sonic :3c
grimsdeadb0nes · 6 months
Let's talk Zeti powers?
In the previous @sonic-oc-showdown, I made a personal-in-mind note of when @nintendoni-art went over Zori's powerset and the mentioning of the Zeti as a race being fairly OP in their own right! Which.... You're not wrong, when you look at it/read about it or just watch them; H o w e v e r Now it's my turn with Zenyx if you dont mind ;3c
As a forewarning, I have my own personal lore (and even a bibble (bible)!) about all things Zeti, so what I present to you may be a smidge different, though I try not to change things too drastically! This is most definitely going to be a bit long (as I will DEFINITELY end up rambling!), so everything'll be under the cut!!
(I will include or reblog some art for this at some point, im just a bit too tired to make anything new rn to accompany it! ;w;)
Let's start with (or I suppose a reminder of!) the base list of what the Zeti are capable of, shall we?
--- and BOY are they Capable <3 ---
Heightened abilities such as Enhanced Speed, Strength, and Durability- and im sure Agility is somewhere in there too! While they may seem enhanced to an average mobian, keep in mind that these (albeit still varying) levels of speed, strengths, and durability are normal to the Zeti themselves! This is like a general average to them, so it's no wonder they happen to see (most) mobians as lesser since their 'average' tends to be much lower. It takes alot to take down even one of these beastly oni, regardless if they're alone or stand as a pack! Well.. if you're not Sonic, I guess! and a metallic virus isn't plaguing the land and people-
Along with these enhanced abilities comes also Longevity; with vast lifespans reaching over 1,000 years at least! They likely experience time differently- in a sense where 1-2 years means little to nothing to them but instead 10-20 years might instead- due to such long lives. Buuut thats just a guess by me. The Zeti will likely be the only still living parts of Sonic's life (Shadow and any bots like Omega and Gemerl aside) by the time Silver's borne time occurs- and I fully believe even Zik is probably still going to be kicking by then too. He's a healthy lil ol' man, I believe in him!
An interesting feat they're capable of as well is Energy Projection; Said energy can often vary in color depending on the user, along with what the energy forms as- whether that be tethers, orbs, spikes, or projectiles of some sort! I can only imagine other ways are possible too! However, In game, the first time we see Energy Projection used is in Master Zik's first boss fight- Zazz nor Zomom used the ability (or even acted capable of doing so) until much later (the boss rushes in the final few stages). And yet, going forward from Master Zik's boss fights, we start to see the others using the ability in some form or another. Now you can either chalk this up to "maybe zazz and zom are incompetent there" but I think, rather, its simply due to the power boost they're getting from the syphoned world energy from eggman's machine.. which just seems obvious to me. (Well that, and I think maybe Zik is just capable of it regardless bc he's Old 'n' Wisened and its easier for him or something bc he's experienced idk; let the old man be cool!!!!) In the various cutscenes during Tropical Coast, them turning on the machine is one of them after all! AND its after Zik's first boss fight, so more fuel to my fire. So slipping in some hc here; Energy Projection seems to be a technique only capable by those with well-trained experience under their belt (Master Zik) or those getting some sort of Power Boost- like in LW with the energy extractor OR the Chaos Emeralds during the Metal Virus (IDW) (though iirc only Zeena uses her energy projection (tethers) I think).
Another capability of this race is their ability to use Electromagnetic Manipulation; the base power any and all Zeti can have, to varying degrees if trained im sure. Essentially this means any devices that require an electric charge or are connected to an electrically compounded grid can and will be fucked up or messed with by a Zeti’s varying capabilities on command, unless EM shielded or the Zeti themself is being suppressed (i.e temporarily by the Cacophonic Conch, or by Tails’ “Zeti Zappers” in IDW). Be it taking control of bots n badniks to simply opening electronic locks and doors. Devices such as Extreme Gear are also not safe, sorry! We've seen in various instances that this can be a ranged ability, as all Six of them perform it flawlessly this way when taking control and turning the tables.
And now we're at an ability I would LOVE to argue about, actually!
So depending on which version of Lost World you play, be it the WiiU/PC or 3DS version, some of them are seemingly Flight Capable. Though even regardless of version, some of them will sorta float here and there for whatever reason. I will give Zor a pass here and i'll explain why later, but I just can't see it, Im sorry! 😂 Despite everything else they're capable of, full on Flight of some degree just aint hittin' with me- so! Im gesturing forward a headcanon or two of mine to replace it, as it feels more likely to me! Yes we're hitting Headcanon Territory! (To each their own tho! If you like the silly flight idea, more power to ya!)
Advantage over Gravity! Or at least the Hex's gravity! The gravity on the Hex seems to be much weirder/lighter(??) than down below on the Surface- given all the floating landmasses and whatnot- meaning the Zeti can often take easy advantage of this depending on the biome or the space for it. In some places and to some people, this can come off as almost a type of “flight” ability, but they aren’t actually flying! They’re simply maintaining air and prolonging their jumps. Their jumps are often skillful and light, flighty and maneuverable. That being said, they’re jumping and acrobatic skills are very powerful! Though of course still various from person to person. However, again due to the Hex’s weird likely lighter(?) gravity, that might mean that if on the Surface Below, the Zeti (or in our case, the D6 due to IDW) may feel a bit weird or heavier than usual, which may or may not affect their usual ease of jumping/etc.
There's a few other things in my bibble I go over, but i'll jump ahead to a more rare capability from the looks of it- that being 'Elements'; and okay while its not technically an Element element, it's close enough to ME. Im of course talking about specific Powers of Manipulation- namely Zor's Umbrakinesis / Darkness Manipulation for example. It's easy to hc that theres absolutely other manipulations, like fire/pyrokinesis and water/hydrokinesis and all that, and BOY do I have a long list of them, but I will shrimply not delve too deep into it! The point is, I think it's safe to assume that some Zeti likely have these types of powers- albeit not very commonly! Zor's is described as "an interest in the dark arts that none of the others dare to dabble in", so its alittle unclear if he was born with these powers or not canonically? But I like to think he most likely was. And back from my 'flight argument' before and why i'll give Zor a thin-ice pass; within the abilities of his Umbrakinesis, I do think this may have an interesting effect on him; sometimes making him "weightless" and why he might be able to "fly" or float around sometimes. It's not that he's flying, it's more just his powers giving him a little extra fun if he's focusing enough.
So Yeah! The Zeti may be a wee bit OP in their own right, but I think they deserve it- who doesnt love silly unbelievably strong evil creatures?
Now In Zenyx's case...
Zenyx naturally has the enhanced Speed, Strength, and Durability- likely being awfully close to rivaling Zavok himself in two of those and surpassing him in one- along with the Gravity Advantage (and Longevity is a given), however, everything else listed needs alittle more explanation on what she's capable of.
Infact, when it comes to Energy Projection- she is incapable of this feat! She can't seem to do it, no matter how hard she tries or how long she went through sessions with Master Zik about it! Regardless if she has a power boost or not! (Not that she likes taking/using boosts of any sort usually anyway, but still). Though when brought up, Zursie does try to put her granbby to ease, as Zursie isn't capable of it either! and neither is Zenyx's father. That being said, I do also hc that not EVERYONE can do it, but its a case of 'more likely of being able to than not', it just takes diligent training usually... usually. SO Zenyx is just the odd one out here out of the Six.
Another specific with her is the Electromagnetic Manipulation; While the rest of the Six are seen to easily do it from a ranged point, Zenyx herself seems to have trouble doing it from a distance. Instead, she has to make physical contact with whatever it is she wants to mess with or control! She just has to give something a lil touch of the hand or even just a finger tap for a connection to be made. If its a badnik for example, if she gives it a lil touch and makes a connection, she can then send it on its merry way to do as she "told" it to. Her not being able to do it from a ranged point seems to confuse most of the others, though Master Zik insists she likely just needs to work on it to better "unlock" the ability. It's likely usual for one to have the ranged ability off the bat, but perhaps sometimes being able to do so just needs to be trained upon instead. She'll get it down someday!
And now for something wholly specific to Zenyx! For context, in my bibble, under the 'Manipulation' based powers, I then have an 'Affinities' section; which is more or less just other types of powers, like Healing for example.
Zenyx has what is known as Beast Blood- getting it from her dad, and him getting it from Zursie, and her getting it from her dad, and him getting it from his dad, and so on and so on. Beast Blood, also sometimes known as Wild Blood, is what makes some Zeti better capable of Beast Keeping.... but also the unique yet concerning capability of "Going Feral". And no, I dont mean feral like im sure alot of people think Zazz sometimes behaves; it's not a basic bad behavior, it's a whole different level of being and mindset in this case. You do not want to cause Zenyx to go Feral, you really dont, it will NOT be pretty. Mercy is not in this state-of-being's vocabulary, you WILL get bitten into and likely MAULED if you are not careful! I Am Not Joking! They will get wild, snarling and hissing and roaring and their eyes change and they are not okay! They very much become Beasts in their own right!!! The downside (upside?) to coming out of a feral break though is typically a massive headache or an ache throughout the body, something similar to instant fatigue- along with hoping they didnt rip into anyone they care about. Its been shown by at least one other zeti in the past that the above downside can be bypassed by trained tolerance, but that guy was a masochistic asshole so who cares. Zursie insists to just try not to give in to it too often,,,
On a lighter note; they tend to have a much much easier time making a deeper connection with the beasts and critters around them like mentioned before (Beasts like Sandworms and those Swamp Crocs (called 'Surprise Crocodiles' in game apparently) and smaller critters like Animal Friends/Wisps/Chao for examples); and because of this, alot of people will be wiry at crossing one with Beast Blood, because you never know what kind of creature they might call for to kick your ass if you upset/threaten them! Sometimes its observed that Ferals actually tend to be alot more empathetic & sympathetic than usual Zeti tend to be if at all, but maybe thats just a Zenyx/Zursie thing. That might definitely just be a Zenyx/Zursie thing....
Beast Blood is a fairly very rare trait, with very few bloodlines having it; Zenyx's family line being one of them. Which is probably good... because it's capable of being really fucking scary sometimes 😭 Those with this beastly trait tend to be called Feral/Ferals, though it's usually used in a derogatory way unfortunately.
also fun semi-unrelated note that i've yet to be able to draw; Zenyx will, can, and does usually run around on all fours alot- i swear i will make this visually work someday! She is a very wild lil creechur dont mind her It's not like she was alone for the first 120 years of her life, what do you expect really?
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minalyce · 3 years
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omg its Him!
(based on this)
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