#she gone trough ENOUGH
elenadoeslife · 11 months
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mcntsee · 8 months
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summary: Y/N faces hypothermia after a dangerous mission. Kaz helps her warm up by the fire, their bond growing stronger.
warnings: The story contains scenes of peril, violence, and life-threatening situations. Kaz is not fully ok with y/n’s touch, but he fights trough it. Ooc Kaz.
notes: Posting this again because it won’t show up in the #
On a moonlit night, the crew moved stealthily towards their next heist, anticipation electrifying the air. The target: the elusive Heart of Nebula, a gem said to hold secrets from the stars themselves, and worth even more, now resting within the hold of a formidable merchant ship. Kaz Brekker's mind hummed with strategies as he and his crew prepared to infiltrate the vessel, a symphony of darkness and cunning.
The assault began with a fierce volley of blows and flashing knives, the Crows expertly weaving through the chaos of the guards. Amidst the clash of metal and cries of alarm, Y/N's prowess shone bright as she fought with a grace that belied her strength. But in the midst of the turmoil, the situation took a turn.
One of the guards managed to corner Y/N, his arm snaking around her neck while a cold barrel pressed against her temple. The edge of the ship loomed dangerously close, its abyssal depths waiting hungrily. Kaz's icy eyes snapped toward the scene, his cane slicing through the guard before him with lethal precision. Without hesitation, he moved toward the guard who held Y/N captive.
The guard's voice rang out, its venomous tone laced with desperation. "Make them leave, Brekker, or the girl takes a plunge."
Kaz's gaze was as unforgiving as the sea's depths as he assessed the situation. A subtle nod towards his crew was met with hesitation, a collective tension palpable in the air. Yet, the Crows trusted their leader's decision and reluctantly retreated, fading into the shadows like wraiths.
With the other Crows gone, Kaz approached the edge of the ship, his voice a chilling breeze. "They're gone. Let her go now."
The guard's laughter was mirthless, his grip on Y/N relenting just enough for her to catch her breath. "You're quite the strategist, Brekker. But this time, you've lost." Kaz's eyes darkened, "You're the one holding the losing hand."
The guard's response was a cold, harsh warning. "One step closer, and I'll blow her brains out, Brekker."
In the deadly hush that followed, Y/N's eyes flickered to Kaz's, a subtle nod passing between them like a secret shared only between souls deeply connected. In the space of a heartbeat, Y/N's hidden blade flashed into her hand, finding purchase in the guard's leg. The gun wavered, and in that instant, Y/N twisted her body, pushing the gun skyward. The guard's grip slipped, and Y/N tumbled over the edge, disappearing into the inky depths below.
Kaz's gloved hand tightened on his cane as he stared at the fallen guard, fury simmering beneath his calm façade. With a swift, efficient motion, he rendered the guard unconscious, the cold weight of his cane delivering justice.
Breathless seconds ticked by, tension thick in the salty air. Kaz's sharp gaze scanned the dark waters, searching for any sign of Y/N. Relief flooded him as her head broke the surface, her voice piercing through the night. "I'm fine!" A sigh of relief escaped Kaz's lips. Y/N's determination was palpable as she called out, her voice carrying above the water's gentle lapping. "I'll swim to shore. Go ahead."
Kaz watched as she began to swim, her strokes strong and determined. With a final glance at the ship, he turned and walked away, his steps resolute and measured.
As Kaz reached the shore, he cast his gaze over the moonlit waters, waiting anxiously for Y/N’s return. His heart was a relentless drumbeat, matching the rhythm of the waves. The moment her form emerged from the darkness, shivering and weakened, he closed the distance between them. Urgency propelled his actions.
“Get rid of the clothes,” he instructed firmly, his voice laced with concern. “They’re wet and will make you colder.”
Y/N’s nod was slow, her trembling fingers fumbling with the soaked fabric as she undressed. Kaz turned his head, a gesture both respectful and protective. In a deliberate and almost rehearsed motion, he removed his coat and held it out to her. She accepted it with a shaky “Thanks.” her voice barely above a whisper.
As Kaz’s sharp eyes examined her, a surge of worry pulsed through him. The sight of her pale, chilled skin and lips tinged with blue sent an unexpected pang through his chest, a haunting echo of memories long buried. But he shoved those ghosts aside, focusing on the task at hand. Y/N needed him now.
“Y/N,” he heard her voice, fragile and wavering like a whispered plea. “We have to get you somewhere warm.”
Nodding at her, he guided her towards the Slat, their steps slow and deliberate. But soon, it became apparent that her strength was waning, her movements faltering as her eyes fought to stay open. Kaz’s instincts kicked in, and he brought them to a nearby safe house. “Stay awake, Y/N,” he urged, his voice a lifeline.
With the gentlest touch, he grasped her sleeve, guiding her with utmost care. Inside the safe house, the dim glow of the fireplace greeted them. Kaz moved with practiced efficiency, gathering wood and coaxing flames to life. “Take the coat off,” he instructed softly. “I’ll get you blankets.”
Y/N’s trembling grew more pronounced. Her weakened state made even the simple act of unbuttoning her coat a struggle, her shivering fingers fumbling with each button. Kaz watched for a moment, concern etched on his face, before taking a step forward.
“May I?” he asked, his voice low and filled with a rare tenderness, pointing towards the buttons. Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting his as she nodded slightly. A barely audible “Please” slipped from her lips as he delicately unbuttoned her coat. His movements were careful, his touch a lifeline, as he worked the coat off her shoulders.
He noticed Y/N’s weakened posture, her struggle to remain upright, and her eyes that threatened to close for longer with each blink. A gentle tap to her cheek accompanied his soft words, urging her to stay awake. Once the coat was removed, he set it aside, then settled Y/N close to the warmth of the fireplace.
Debates waged within his mind as he assessed the situation. Should he fetch a blanket or offer his own warmth to stave off the cold? Y/N’s sudden cessation of shivering tilted the balance, a sign that he couldn’t ignore. He quickly discarded his clothes, his urgency matched only by his fear. Ghosts of his past slowly attacking his mind. But that fear was replaced with a resolute determination as he reminded himself that he had to help her. For fuck’s sake. She’s dying, do something!
“Y/N,” he called softly, his voice a lifeline in the quiet room. He moved swiftly to her side, his heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and purpose. He hesitated for a moment, the depth of his feelings surfacing before he banished them, replacing them with a driving need to save her.
“Y/N, look at me,” he whispered urgently, his hands cupping her face gently. The storm in his eyes met the battle in hers, a silent affirmation that they were in this together. “Stay awake, Y/N.”
With quick, precise movements, he guided her closer, his arms enfolding her delicate form. He drew her legs over his lap, holding her securely, a barrier against the cold that threatened to steal her away. His heart raced as he whispered her name, a litany of small pleas and encouragements, willing her to hold on.
His hands moved over her body, a desperate attempt to generate warmth. His touch was gentle yet purposeful, rubbing and caressing in a rhythm meant to bring life back to her numbing limbs. A sigh of relief escaped him as her body began to respond, her shivers returning.
“That’s good, Y/N,” he murmured, his voice a mixture of relief and reassurance. “That’s good.”
Y/N’s voice trembled, her weariness evident as she spoke of her desire to rest, if only for a moment. Kaz’s response was a gentle yet unwavering plea. “Hold on a little longer, Y/N. You’re doing good.”
As the warmth of the fire seeped into the room, color began to return to Y/N’s face, a welcome transformation that Kaz couldn’t help but watch with a mixture of relief and gratitude. Her lips, once tinged with blue, regained their natural hue, easing the knot of worry in his chest. He assessed her carefully, the weight of his concern slowly lifting as she regained strength.
Gradually, he eased her down, his touch gentle as he ensured she was comfortable before he rose to his feet. “I’m going to get you some blankets, Y/N,” he announced, his voice soft. Y/N met his gaze and thanked him, her gratitude a quiet melody in the stillness of the room.
Kaz put his pants back on before he climbed the stairs, his steps measured, his mind focused on the task at hand. In the closet, he found a collection of blankets, each one a comforting refuge against the cold. When he returned to the room, he laid one blanket on the ground for Y/N to sit on, then carefully wrapped a second one around her, his movements deliberate yet tender.
Settling back down beside her, Kaz draped the third blanket around himself, creating a barrier of warmth between them. The room was filled with a palpable sense of quiet, an unspoken understanding that permeated the space. Moments stretched on, the fire’s crackle and pop providing a gentle rhythm to their thoughts.
Y/N, who looked remarkably better now, broke the silence with words that carried a depth of meaning. “Thank you, Kaz.” Her voice was soft yet sincere.
Kaz’s response was equally quiet, his tone carrying a hint of vulnerability. “No problem.”
Y/N glanced away briefly before turning her gaze back to him, her eyes holding a mixture of gratitude and something more. “I’m sorry you had to do that,” she said, her words holding a weight that was both apologetic and appreciative. “I know it must’ve been hard.”
Kaz’s mind churned, reflecting on the moments they had shared, the emotions that had surged through him. He hesitated, grappling with his own thoughts before the words emerged, honest and unfiltered. “For you, I would do it again,” he admitted, his voice a gentle affirmation of his feelings.
In response, Y/N’s smile was soft, her eyes reflecting a warmth that mirrored the fire’s glow. “I would do it for you too, Kaz. Anything.” Her words held an earnestness that touched him, a willingness to stand by him no matter the challenge.
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maarigolds · 1 year
Lucy, Lockwood and George, after everything.
(show edition. I'm not going by book canon for this one, so don't worry about spoilers)
At 21 or 22, Lockwood is the first of them that starts to lose his talent.
Which makes sense, since he's the oldest. At the beginning he refuses to even acknowledge it, but Lucy and George figure out what's happening soon enough. For a while he's just ashamed and angry and sad all the time. Then it gets better: Lucy and George get him trough it. He also calls Kipps, and they talk for hours, both coming out of it feeling almost at peace (Kipps has gone back to school and is talking about wanting to become a teacher. Which Lockwood feels like should surprise him, but actually doesn't). 
Lucy is next. It breaks her heart a little (because of skull and all other type 3s) and it scares her a lot. But then she realizes how soothingly quiet the world can be at times, and lets herself think that maybe she will be alright. 
George is last. And the thing is, even though it saddens him to lose the one thing that connected him to ghosts, mainly he's relieved. He's been waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while, and now that it has, he's ready for whatever may come next.
The jobs get more and more rare as they hear, see and feel less and less. Lockwood knows he could hire new kids to replace them, but in truth he doesn't really want to. Perhaps Lockwood & Co. can be laid to rest at last: after all, they've already achieved more than he ever dreamt. So the next time a client calls, he informs her they've shut down and gives her the name of an up-and-coming independent agency he's heard great things about. He only feels mildly guilty about it. 
Even if they're technically not his employees anymore, George and Lucy stay. They don’t talk about it, but the idea of moving out of Portland row and living lives that aren't intrinsically intertwined feels wrong to all three of them: they're a family, after all, and nothing has to change about that.
Still, they need to make money somehow. So they muse about going far away from London, opening a bakery, living in a small house by the sea. But in the end they stay, both in the city and line of work they're used to. Because they do belong there, it's undeniable. George, of course, goes into ghost research and becomes a leading voice in the field, discovering new ways to help agents all over the country. No one is surprised, but everyone is proud. Lucy one day shows up at Barnes' office to ask him about becoming an inspector. It's the last thing either would have expected, but when he asks her why, she says it feels like the best place to be to help kids like her. To stop people like Jacobs. So he gives her a job. She's determined to change things from the inside. Barnes thinks that if someone could, it's her. And Lockwood... well, it takes a while for him to figure it out. But one evening Lucy comes home talking about a kid left deeply traumatized by a job gone wrong, and suddenly he knows. The next day he calls the bank to open up a pro bono clinic for agents and ex agents in need of psychological treatment. After less than a week they already have their first client. 
Slowly but steadily, it becomes their new normal. 
Lockwood sets up a study in the room on the stairs and works mainly from there. George, on the other hand, works at a lab in the City: he is the first to leave in the morning, but he always comes home soon enough to cook dinner. Lucy keeps slightly more irregular hours, and sometimes her job keeps her away for longer than she'd like. But then again she occasionally gets to come home to the adorable view of the boys fast asleep in front of the tv, so that's good.
One day Flo brings them a stray cat she found while working: they name him Donut and spoil him way too much.
Lucy starts gardening. George grows a magnificent beard (Lockwood is not jealous of it). The fridge breaks down and they have to buy a new one. Airf's son replaces him at the shop. They put up a hammock in the backyard, and spend their vacations piled into it. Mrs Burke from across the street knits them all hats for Christmas. Lockwood adds new framed articles on the walls and new knick-knacks on the bookshelves. 
He's not sure when, but one day 35 Portland Row stops being the home his parents left behind and becomes his home. Their home: his, and Lucy's, and George's (and Donut's. And Kipps' when he comes over for lunch on Sundays. And Flo's when she swings by using her own keys. And Barnes' when he stays for tea after long work days).
So they keep going as they have, day after day, year after year, slowly growing older. Wounds heal and scars fade. The sun shines through the kitchen windows on summer mornings. The smell of persian food fills the air every evening. Old rapiers get dusty in the umbrella stand. There aren't any ghosts between their walls, both real and metaphorical.
Everything is alright.
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ninjasmudge · 8 months
What are your thoughts on the two other monkeys? Idk if you ever heard of them, but it's the Red Bottom Ape and Long Armed Gibbon.
i actaually had some pretty lore heavy origin story hcs for those guys a couple of years ago, but i dont think i ever posted them. ill put some of the old art here and paste the lore under a cut cause its LONG (replaced the old swk and maq in the last pic with some more recent ones bc my hcs for them changed so much lmao)
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their lore was well researched i spent days on it but it was a couple years ago lmao, its based on the principals they represent plus which of yin/yang they represent
long armed gibbon- can seize the sun and the moon, distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars
gibbon was born when a seed from a fir tree fell from heaven to earth. it landed on top of an eroded mountian and a tree started growing. after several hundred years, when the tree stretched high enough and was wise enough and the pine cones had gone from dark purple to blue, the trunk split one day at sunrise on a blue misty morning and gibbon walked into the world
red-buttocked horse monkey- who has knowledge of yin and yang, understands human affairs, is adept in its daily life and able to avoid death and lengthen its life
horse was born from a drop of water flung from a trough in heavens stables (part of the reason swk was so pleased to guard the horses when he went)
when she fell to earth she became a river that people often visited and talked around and played in. from this she came to understand human affairs. she also found she could help creatures avoid death or prolong their life by feeding their crops. when she knew enough, she climbed out of the river at sundown and walked into the world
sun wukong, the wise stone monkey- who knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars
stealing from nezha reborn where the myth goes that when nüwe patched the sky, the leftover stone was where swk came from, but im changing it to one of the tiles that was used to create the furnace was dropped, leaving a monkey sized gap where he could later on slot into to keep himself alive in there. the tile was knocked out of the basket by the wind and fell to earth and this was the only one that landed on ffm. you know the story here, he absorbed chi from heaven AND earth which is why hes so powerful
six eared macaque- who has a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things
macaque was born very suddenly when a piece of moon rock broke off and fell to earth on a new moon. the resulting meteor created a huge and sudden flash of light in a forest which created hundreds of stark shadows at once. the shadows condensed and the resulting being wouldnt have lived if it hadnt been a new moon because he needed the next hours of darkness to collect himself into a full being. but before the night was done, a new monkey was born who was able to hear everything in the radius he had collected shadows from, which if youve ever seen a meteor flash, is a long way
somethin interesting abt the things that created them- swks tile was actually heavenly, which is why he represents primarily yang (heaven). his was the only one that was CRAFTED BY heaven. gibbon and horse are both from something that fell from heaven and then the earth changed its form (the tree grew on earth from a heavenly seed, and the drop of water became a river) whereas macaque, representing the yin is fully of earth, the meteor that created him was from heaven but he didnt directly come from the meteor, he came from the shadows it created on earth. his only connection is to the earth
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loubombshell · 1 year
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Billy being protective.
Another day, another mission. Luckily for Y/n she loved her job, she loved the people around her. The missions and her boss. Her boss was her boyfriend, obviously.
Having your boyfriend as your boss makes life much more interesting, she was able to spend her breaks with him or going on special missions, like today.
Today Anvil was there, to protect a very important senator, being threatened. He is supposed to speak in front of a big crowd and needs a lot of protection.
Billy didn't like the guy from the beginning, but he paid well and in the end, that's everything that's important to the Anvil founder.
Y/n put on her uniform and got her bag, to go to the hotel, Billy told her about. Her mission was to stay by his side, near the senator.
The woman used the elevator, moving up into the 20th floor, the doors opened with a cute sound and released her boyfriend, already waiting for her.
"welcome." Billy gave her and blinding smile, which she returned immediately. Both of them walked next to each other, when he pulled her into a quiet corner.
"That's not professional, Sir." Y/n smirked and leaned with her back on a wall, looking up to him with a smirk.
"I love it, when you call me Sir." Billy smirked and leaned down to pull her into a hungry kiss. She responded immediately to him, pulled him impossible closer by his jacket and while he moved with his hands around her waist, holding her in place.
"Isn't your client waiting?" She asked trough the kisses.
"He's an idiot, he can wait for a few more minutes. I've better things to do." He answered but Y/n pulled slowly away.
"Come on, the earlier you start the earlier we're ready, we still have day and night together." Y/n told him, fixing his tie and jacket with a smile.
Billy rolled his eyes, still with a smile and nodded. "Alright." He agreed and fixed her hair, moving with his fingers through her hair.
Both of them, looked around the corner to see, if someone was walking in the hallway. When everyone was gone, they sneaked out and walked down the hallway to Billy's client.
Billy walked through the door, into the room to introduce her to the Senator.
"Senator?" Billy called him. "That's Y/n, she'll be at your side, together with me." He introduced her to him.
"It's nice to meet you." Y/n hold her hand out for him to shake it. He took a step closer and looked her up and down once, accepting her hand.
"Are you sure you can handle this? I'm afraid some big boys are running you over." The Senator smirked.
God, what an asshole.
"Don't worry, I'm educated enough, to know how to handle it." Y/n explained to him.
The Senator chuckled. "I'm just kidding, sweetheart." He told her and patted her cheek and walked past her to go and talk with a man, standing in the doorway.
Y/n took a few steps back and turned to Billy, who was about to go after him.
"No, don't." She stopped him immediately. "It's not worth it." The girl added.
Billy looked down to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't know he's so much of a fucking idiot." He told her.
"It's no problem, I'm old enough to ignore it." She gave him a smile and took her backpack off and go with the others through the plan.
There are only a few minutes left, until the speech was supposed to start. Billy was somewhere in the hotel, to go and check on all the others.
Y/n stood in the room, together with the Senator, she was looking out of the window to check everything there when an arm sneaked around her waist.
It wasn't Billy's arm.
She looked to the side, to look into the Senators face.
"I just wanted to excuse myself for my behavior earlier." He told her with a smile.
"It's not a problem, don't worry." Y/n smiled and tried to take a step away but he didn't let go of her.
"No, I really mean it. I'll make it up to you maybe this evening? I know a good restaurant." He told her.
Y/n gave him a nervous smile. "Look, I'm sorry I don't want to. Besides my boyfriend wouldn't like this." She explained to him.
"Come on, he's not going to find out." He told her.
Suddenly he got pulled away from her. Y/n turned around, to look at Billy.
"Get your fucking hands off of her." He told the Senator.
"What is going on? I didn't do anything to her." The Senator said.
"She is clearly uncomfortable!" Billy yelled at him.
"Why do you even care?! She's just one of your idiotic workers!" The Senator scremed back.
Billy straight his back immediately and walked even closer to him, looking him directly into the face. "I care about her, because I am her boyfriend, do you understand it?" He told him.
"What? I didnt-" He started but Billy interrupted him immediately.
"If you call my people idiotic one more time, I'm gonna fucking kill you." Billy told him and took Y/n's hand to leave.
"Hey! What are you doing? You can't leave, I paid all of you!" The Senator told him.
Billy stopped and turned around to him. "I thought you called them idiotic? I don't think you'll need us anymore. Just like I don't need your money, shove it up your ass." He told him and pulled Y/n out too.
They got into the car and drove away, after talking with all the others to leave. Billy pulled up in front of their penthouse and was about to step out, when Y/n stopped him.
"You alright?" Billy asked immediately. "I'm so sorry, I left you alone with him. I should've known-" He started but she interrupted him with a little kiss.
"You're fucking sexy, when you're being protective." Y/n smirked. "And don't worry about it, I already forgot about it." She added.
Billy laughed and pulled her in for another kiss. "You wanna switch to the back seat?" He asked her.
"Our bed is not far away, you know?"
"I know, I just want to make it more exciting." He said and Y/n laughed about it.
Not even a second later, they switched to the back seat.
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waskatoshi · 11 months
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Miya Osamu x F!Reader
Hogwarts Au! [+18] BratTamer!Osamu, Bratty!Reader, Spanking, Nipple play, Fingering, Clit Slaps, Blow Job, Unprotected sex. Hints of jealous and protective Osamu.
Osamu is feeling like everything in his life is going wrong, so he asks his brother a little bottle of liquid luck, felix felicis.
Miya Osamu was well aware that his luck had been running rather low lately.
His books had disappear.
His broom had gone insane.
A bludger hitted him in the stomach.
He didn't know what he had done to deserve all of this... maybe he got out on the wrong side of the bed, or someone may have cursed him, but what he did know in fact, was that he needed to get his luck back, and quickly.
In five days, his house was going to play against the regent three year champions of the quidditch cup, Gryffindor.
Slytherin needed to win this year competition no matter what, their honor was at stake.
Osamu was day and night analyzing his strategies, weaknesses and good sides. He had come to a simple conclusion: They needed to beware of the lions most dangerous player, their seeker.
His most talented opponent was his own brother. Miya Atsumu.
Osamu was unusually nervous. He wasn't like this on a daily basis, but with his current luck, surely the bludgers would plot something against him.
While Osamu was daydreaming in the couch of the common room, a girl entered trough the Slytherin portrait. When she realized the dazed state of the boy, she approached silently from behind, covering his eyes with her hands once she was close enough.
— Guess who?- She asked in a funny voice.
— Oh, it's you.
You smiled and sited right beside him.
— Whats with the long face?- Osamu looked at you with tedious eyes. He then proceeded to tell you everything about what was happening to him.- Yeah maybe you need to find a four leaf clover or something like that.- You joked. But Osamu didn't laugh. "Thats it!" He thought to himself
— If i don't have luck, i need to make my own.- He murmured. After that, Osamu left the common room without saying anything else.
— Good luck Samu!
Osamu went straight to the library to find what he was looking for: His roommate, Oikawa Tooru.
The dark haired boy was the only person who would help him with this kind of thing, because Osamu wasn't sure of what he exactly needed, but Oikawa would surely know.
— Oikawa!- He yelled in a whisper, bewaring of the old creepy librarian.
Osamu stopped in his tracks, next to him was Toorus girlfriend: A Ravenclaw girl who was too immersed studying to play attention to him. Her head was down with her hair hiding her (probably serious) expression.
Would she snitch on him if she heard something? Would she get him in trouble? As his mind raced in thoughts, he heard a very silent snoring: It came directly from her. She was asleep. In the library.
Oikawa patted the chair beside him, inviting his friend to take a sit.
— Is something wrong?- Asked the brown haired boy. Osamu proceeded to tell him everything he was going through. At The end, he asked Oikawa if there was anything that could bring him luck, or at least, something to recover the luck he already had.- Mmmm. Maybe a little bit of Felix Felicis could help. But it's very difficult to make, so you can't ask a normal student for it, let alone a teacher...
But Osamu knowed exactly who could help him. He thanked Oikawa and went straight to Gryffindors dorm. A few minutes later, the blond twin peeked through the Fat Lady portrait, making sure his brother was there.
— I received your message, I can get the potion with one of my friends, but you would have to wait, at least two days.- Osamu nodded and said:
— Ok, i will wait.
Two days later, his brother went to the Slytherin chambers with a little wooden box. Those two days were Osamu longest days in his life.
His socks had dissapear.
He failed herbology class.
Osamu was so excited, he hurriedly went to his dormitory again to open up the box. The package was cute, it had a yellowish color and a few words written all over it. A message could be read, courtesy of Atsumu.
"you can drink it in one go or save some for the match, good luck (:"
Osamu thought to himself. The best thing to do would be to take little by little every day, so he pulled out the little vial and taked a sip. He waited a few seconds to the potion to make something, but he was disappointed when he noticed that he didn't feel any different from before.
He putted the box under his pillow and went out to the common room. There he saw how you and your best friend played magical chess, and strangely enough, Osamu sat next to you.
— Do you want to go for a walk around the school?- he whispered in your ear, taking you by surprise.
— Y-Yes! Of course. Tsukishima!- you shouted across the room.- Come play against Atsumu's new girlfriend.
— I'm not his girlfriend! - the girl said while blushing.
As you both left the common room, you began to talk fluently. You two have always gotten along, not exactly friends, but rather good classmates or even teammates, but one thing was clear: both felt some kind of tension whenever you two were left alone.
Osamu felt unusually light, changing the conversation from topic to topic and overall going with the flow. Maybe the potion had finally worked?
Without noticing, both reached a dead end.
When you turned around, ready to leave, Osamu tooked your hand, waiting for something. He didn't know exactly what he was expecting, but out of nowhere, a door popped out of the wall.
Surprised, both passed through it. It was a room you had never seen before. It looked like the Slytherin common room, but with a double bed in the middle.
You both heard whispers nearby, so you rushed into the room and closed the door behind you. Osamu began to look around, touching and watching everything. Once he was too bored to continue, he threw himself into the bed and sighed tiredly. Moments later you imitated him, smiling.
After a few comfortable seconds of silence, Osamu took your hands in his own, and timidly began to play with your fingers.
— Samu...- You whispered.
— I really like you.- Your cheeks turned bright red at the sudden confession. Your mind going blank for a few seconds.- I-i don't know why i'm saying you all this, but i just needed to say you that.- Osamus voice was waivering, almost as if he was loosing his strength.- Maybe the potion?
— Its okay, Samu. I, I really like you too.
Osamu looked at you straight in the eyes as he timidly caressed your cheeks.
— Can i?- He asked quietly. You nodded, and moments later, he began to kiss you. His lips were soft and his hands rough, a really nice contrast that went well representing Osamus personality and actions.
Both let yourselves go for what seemed like hours. Without noticing, you ended up sitting on his lap, with Osamu's hands under your skirt squeezing your ass. You were ready to take the next step, but Osamu had other plans.
— We should go back.- He said breaking away from the kiss.
—Don't wanna.- You murmured approaching his lips yet again.
—Do you think I want to do it?- Said the boy frustrated. His dick was hard against his trousers, poking your entrance through the layers of clothing.- We need to go back. We will continue this later.
Osamu had the last bit of potion left in his hands.
He had save it for the Quidditch match against his brother. So when the day came, while all the houses were eating breakfast and talking, he poured the remains of the potion into his cup of coffee.
—Samu!- Shouted his brother, calling him to come over to his table. Osamu walked to the Gryffindors section and smiled to his brother teammates, wishing them good luck and making a little bit of small talk.
When Osamu returned to his seat, he saw you. He smiled and playfully patted your head as he tooked his place besides you. He threaten to kiss you, but he waited for you to finish your cup of coffee.
Cup of coffee?
Osamu widened his eyes in pure shock.
The coffee you were drinking was his, the one that contained the remains of the potion.
— Shit! No! Did you drank it all?
— Mmm? Yes. What happened? I can serve you another cup if you want it that bad.
— No you don't understand! Do you feel weird? Do you feel different?
— Naw I'm good Samu. We should hurry up, we need to win this game. And I promise you, I'm gonna catch the snitch before your idiot brother!
Osamu wanted to die.
It wasn't your fault that you drank the coffee that contained the last drop of Felix Felicis, it was his.
His bad luck had comeback.
The match was in a constant draw.
Osamu was doing his best trying to keep you safe of the bludgers and the Gryffindors attackers, but he was still worried of the potion side effects.
Nausea? Headaches? What would happen to you?
In just a second, Osamu lost you out of his sight.
You were now floating higher and higher than everybody else. Atsumu was right below you following the snitch. When suddenly, you jumped in the air, falling onto Atsumus broom and catching the snitch in the process. The crowd gasped in surprise. All the Slytherins shouted from the stands, yelling your name and jersey number.
Atsumu landed both of you safely in the ground, asking you if you were okay, but immediately after your answer he stomped out of the pitch. Murmuring insults to himself.
Everyone was happy, everyone excepted Osamu. What crossed through your mind?! Were you insane?!
As the Slytherins cheered you, Osamu followed the team from behind. Furious.
The tradition dictated that after winning an important quidditch match, all the slytherin team needed to go to the prefects bathroom to celebrate the win. They usually went without clothes, but this time, all the boys were wearing their bathing suits, due to the female presence of this year.
Osamu was in a bad mood. He didn't want to be there. But when he thought about you being in a tub surrounded by half naked men, he decided that he needed to go.
Your teammates jumped into the hot water, celebrating with butter beer and candy, but Osamu waited until you finished changing.
While leaving the cubicle, everyone saw you happily enter the bathtub. You were wearing a little bathing suit that complemented your skin color a little too well. They were all stunned for a few seconds, but upon hearing Osamu scratch his throat, everyone began to ignore you, or at least ignore your boobs.
Osamu approached you from behind silently, holding your waist with his strong hands while whispering in your ear:
— You are going to say that you feel bad, and we will leave this party.
— But Samuuu.- you whined. He looked at you with a serious expression, waiting.
You got out from the tub, excusing yourself with a silly lie with Osamu behind your back.
And there he saw it: a big purple bruise was starting to form in your ass. He blinked a few times, processing it. What's that from falling onto Atsumus broom? Was that from another guy?
As both of you dried yourselves up, and put some clothes on, Osamu grabbed your hand and started dragging you into the same corridors the magic door appeared the last time.
— I'm going to cure your bruise with magic.- Said Osamu in a low voice. He was absolutely fuming, not only did you drink his potion, you also putted yourself in danger.- Go and wait by the bed.- Silence overtook the cozy place, the only thing that could be heard was the soft crackling of the fire place.- Look, I'm pissed about what you did in the pitch. Yes, we won the game, yes, the potion helped you, but you saw what happened at the last minute. The effects runned out and you fell really hard onto Atsumus broom.
— Yeah.
Osamu sighed, trying to relax himself.
— Now, now. Lift your skirt, I'm going to heal you.
— You just want to see me naked.- He blinked a few times. Were you always this irritating? You were testing his patience a lot today.
He crouched down besides your legs. The position was, intimate but it was the only way he could possibly make the spell correctly.
—Okay.- you lifted your skirt, instantly smiling when Osamu chocked in his own spit.- I was going to say you that i didn't have any panties on, but i guess that's what you wanted the whole time.- Osamu closed his eyes. The sight was... seductive, but in the end, you were making fun of him. Thats how you wanted things to be? Okay, he would play along, and nicely.
He grabbed your ass with his left hand and smiled as you hissed down his touch. He putted a little bit of pressure to the bruised area and said:
—Pass me my wand, I'm gonna cure this bruise, but I'm gonna leave my hand prints here if you don't behave. M'kay?
— Episkey.- The boy murmured while watching the bruise on your ass disappear.
As you turned around, he saw your juices dripping down your thighs. You laughed, trying to play confident, bringing one of your hands to your entrance, and opening it up to show him your gaping hole. Osamus mind exploded. Were you always this dumb?
He standed up, his dick hardening in his pants. You gulped, suddenly feeling nervous. Closing the distance between both of you, Osamu grabbed a fistful of your hair, making you wince in pain. He laughed at you for a brief moment.
— Can I?- He asked. You nodded, agreeing at what you thought was obvious. In contrast with his sweet words, his tongue was practically forcing its way into your mouth. Saliva dripped down your chin and your breath was stuck in your nose. The kiss was too overwhelming.
Was Osamu still mad? You tried to test that, biting his lip with such force that it made him bled. He opened his eyes, astonished.
— You should have listened darling.- The boy threw you onto the bed, cleaning his mouth as you falled comfortably on the white sheets. He was just so hot: his hair was disheveled, his lips swollen, everything about him was amazing.
— How are you going to teach me? Spanking me?
— Yeah, exactly.
You had seen Osamu make many expressions, but none of them were like this. His eyes were clouded with lust, but still piercing enough to make you nervous. The boy approached your figure once more, grabbing you strongly by the jaw and ordering you not to bite. You nodded, feeling small next to him.
Both began to kiss again, continuing with the intensity of the first kiss. Osamu released your jaw and proceeded to lower his hands over your bust, squeezing your breasts roughly. He began to undo the buttons of your shirt one by one, but with how impatient you were for him to fuck you, you taked the shirt off for yourself.
Osamu spent some time playing with your now exposed breasts, biting your nipples and kneading them with his strong hands. Oh how much of a mess had you become. Breathy moans and swollen lips suit you really well. You tried to strip him from his clothes, but Osamu declined.
—Naw, I'm fucking you like this.
—Please Samu. Its not fair that I'm the only one nude here.
— Well its not fair that you drank my potion, so hurry up and get on your knees.- You complained, but still followed his orders. Palming his dick through his trousers you began to tease him a little bit, undoing his black belt and buttons, but taking your sweet, sweet time.
Osamu was growing impatient, so he himself bringed down his underwear, making his dick jump right in front of your face.
You let out a surprised squeal. You doubted that all of that could fit in your mouth, but you were decided to make him curl his toes and moan for you, so you started licking his tip with little kitten licks, savoring the taste of his precum and sucking his balls, but without taking him completely in your mouth. Osamu sighed, pushing his shaft into you.
— Stop that of you want to cum tonight.
You started bobbing your head up and down, trying to take all of his length but it was impossible. Your eyes became teary and you legs a trembling mess, you wanted him to fuck you so, so bad.
— Enough.- said the boy, making you stand up. He manhandled your body so you were lying down over his strong legs. Osamu began stroking your ass, playing with the fat of your thighs and the hem of your skirt. He smiled to himself, would you get mad if he..? Then with a sharp hit, he slapped you. With a loud moan, you squirmed in his lap. Your skin was stinging, but surprisingly, you didn't dislike that. What you did dislike, was the fact that Osamu was laughing at you. He gently caressed the reddened area, asking you if you were okay continuing. You nodded, but the boy wasn't happy about it.
— Use your words. Don't be dumb.
— Yes, I want to continue Samu.
— Perfect.- The boy continued the cycle a few more times: First spanking and then stroking the area.
— See? I told you I was going to teach you a lesson. If I tell you to open your mouth you oblige. If I tell you to scream my name, you do it, it's simple.- You nodded again and again. Blabbering things Osamu didn't understand.- Is it hard for you? Are you too dumb?- He maneuvered your body so your back was against his chest and started touching your pussy with light feathered touches, as if he was getting revenge for your previous teasing. He played with your swollen clit and hardened nipples, licking and saying sweet things in your ears.
— Please Samu. Fuck me please.
— I'm prepping you doll. Let me finger you a little more and you are ready to go. M'kay?
—No Samu, I'm ready please.- You plead with tears in your eyes. You couldn't endure this for too much time. Osamu sighed, slapping your clit with his left hand. The sudden pain made your body jump forward, moaning at the pleasure. He coated his fingers in your juices, thinking what he was going to do.
He made you go on all fours, positioning his dick into your entrance and slowly entering you. He hissed at how good you feel, stroking your now reddened ass and thighs. Meanwhile, you couldn't form a single thought. The only thing in your mind was how full your pussy felt.
Osamu was telling you something, something you couldn't quite catch on, but he began thrusting into you. His thrusts started nice and slow, letting you adjust to his girth, but as the time passed they became fast and strong, making you loose the balance in your hands, and it consequence, making you fall head first into the bed. Your moans became muffled by the soft pillows, but you could still heard Osamus grunts and moans.
— Such a pretty doll, wish you could be always this good. Apologize for taking the potion and I'm gonna let you cum.- Nothing.- Hey? Are you listening?- He grabbed your hair, making you wince in pain.
— M' sorry Osamu, am sorry.- you cried out.
— Yeah that's what I like to hear.
His trusts became irregular, he could feel the knot in his stomach tightened and his abs tingling, so he reached between your bodies and started playing with your swollen clit. Pinching the little bundle of nerves and slapping it a few times. That was the last push you needed to come. Your vision became full of stars and your pussy clenched around Osamus dick.
— Fuck.- He muttered. He wanted to prolong your orgasm as much as possible, but if you continued to spasm around him like that, he would cum deep into your pussy, so he needed to relax himself.
The thought was exciting, he imagined your little hole full of his cum. Would you get mad? Would you cry even more?
But with one final trust, Osamu pulled away, cumming all over the curve of your ass.
As the boy tried to stabilize his rapid breathing, he saw how much of a mess you had become. Your thighs quivering, his cum dripping down your ass and your pretty pussy glistening with your own juices.
— Need to drink that potion again.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistakes you notice)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: smut
• Warnings: explicit content, sexual content, slight Doctor roleplay
Nightly Desires
Levi’s Pov
After the survey corps were allowed to take Eren into their care, the military police also transferred one of their doctors to us. It was one of their conditions if we wanted to experiment with Eren: we needed the best medical care we could get.
That‘s when we where introduced to Doctor (L/n). Not only was she number one of her training class back then, she decided to go further after her training was done and signed up for medical classes which he graduated as number one too.
I would lie if I say she was unknown to me. She did not only serve the king, our soldiers and the ones from the Marrisons got transferred to her too if they needed more intense treatment. It was calming to know that we now got the best doctor inside the walls at our unit.
But the calming feeling she gave me was gone quickly. Instead my heart began to race fast when I was near her and I seemed to lose the ability to speak. Even if she only got mentioned in a conversation I felt my stomach drop.
„Have I told you that Dr. (L/n) and I were in the same training unit?“ Hange once told Miche and me at lunch. I choked on my soup when her name fell and while Hange hit my back they couldn’t stop laughing. „Guess I need to call her if you won’t stop coughing.“
As I was able to breathe again I quickly brushed their hands off me. „Fuck no. And stop touching me four-eyes. When was the last time you showered?“ But Hange saw right trough my efforts to play it cool and just laughed again. „I smell a crush“, Miche started to tease me too. I just mumbled a „Fuck off“ and stood up, quickly leaving the table.
They weren’t wrong though. I indeed found interest in our new doctor. She was an attractive woman and I was just a man after all, so who could blame me?
But what started as an innocent crush turned into a dirty desire. At first I thought about her hands in mine but now I wanted her hands on my whole body and my once so innocent thoughts turned dirty. I was ashamed to say the least but no matter how hard I tried to distract myself, I just couldn’t get rid of those lewd dreams.
That’s how I ended up here, sitting in my office with my cock in my hands, hoping to get any kind of relief. Hoping to get her out of my mind.
With a sigh I let go off my dick as I feel my despair only growing while I think of her. „What the fuck am I doing here?“ I ask myself as I pull my pants back up. Am I getting so worked up about some woman? „Tch.“
I stand up and think about taking a walk when suddenly a wave of confidence rolls over me. Night rest has already begun about 15 minutes ago, but maybe she is still awake. I want to talk to her. Maybe that will be enough so I can at least go to sleep without her haunting my mind the whole night.
Thankful about the empty hallway I quickly make my way to her room, which was next to Hanges. Hopefully they won’t hear me, otherwise I may have to knot their tongue.
But now as I stay here, I feel even more stupid than I did already. I hear her walking trough her room, probably tidying up, which takes my confidence away again and crushes it into pieces. I stand in the middle of the night in front of a woman‘s door because… Because what? Because I want to talk? Because I‘m horny? Because I am crushing madly on her? All of that isn’t a reason for me to knock on that stupid door in front of me. I will just embarrass myself.
Just as I am about to turn around again, the door opens and (L/n) looks at me with a broom in her hands and surprised expression on her face. „Captain!“, she says, leaning the broom against the wall. „What can I do for you?“
Like always all the words I once knew disappear and I just look at her with my mouth hanging slightly open. „Uhm“, I manage to mumble. I didn’t even thought about what I want to say to her. „I don’t know actually“, the truth is all that I can think of.
She smiles and steps aside. „The nights are the toughest. Come in.“ Before I can think twice I step inside her room. A few candles burn and a thick book lies open on her table. „I was just about to bring the broom back in the supply closet“, she explains after closing the door and walking up to me.
I can only nod, distracted by her body glowing in the warm light. She wears under her brown cardigan a top and a leggings that hug her body tightly. „Is everything okay, Captain?“
„Just Levi“ I stutter and watch her nod, waiting patiently for me to answer her question. „Yeah. It’s just- I don’t know actually. I guess I needed company.“ She nods again and looks at me with an understanding look. „The nights can get pretty lonely.“
Silence falls over us and because I am so nervous I can’t quite tell if it’s an uncomfortable silence or not.
„I never really introduced myself“, the woman in front of me raises her voice again. „I‘m (Y/n).“
„(Y/n)“, I mumble before I can stop myself. A beautiful name, a perfect fit for a beautiful woman. (Y/n) giggles at my action, obviously flustered.
„Are you sure you alright?“, she asks again, taking a step closer. Usually I would step away to keep my personal space uninvaded, but she‘s no invader. She’s the first one after a long while I want to have close to me. And the first one ever I wanted to have this close to me. „You‘re face is red. You might have a fever.“
(Y/n) hands find my forehead and then my cheeks, inspecting my face further. „You’re rather hot Levi.“ With a confused frown I quickly feel my forehead and after I feel my normal heated skin, I finally understand.
My confused, then shocked and then embarrassed expression makes (Y/n) giggle again. „And cute too. What a catch“, she coos.
I want to answer something so badly but I never flirted with someone in my whole life, so instead I stay here and listen to my own breath, going heavier with every second that passes.
„Tell me, Levi. Why are you here? There has to be a reason.“ (Y/n)s voice sounds so seductive in my ears that my cock instantly hardened again. „You haunt my mind, brat“, I confess eventually.
(E/c) eyes pierce into mine, taking every little move I make in, then she looks down. „A swelling too“, she whispers, obviously hinting at my penis. „Let me take a closer look, yes? We don’t want humanity‘s strongest being hurt, do we?“
My usually confident self is long gone and I’m completely under (Y/n)s spell. „Maybe you should“, I whisper an answer and let her guide me to her bed. My eyes never leave her face as I walk backwards until my legs hit her bed frame and I sit down on the mattress. Quickly I unbuckle my belt, still being observed by her, while she gets rid of her cardigan, throwing it carelessly on the floor.
She closes the distance between us and places her lips on mine, kissing me with a burning passion I didn’t know could exist in this cold world. Skillful fingers unbutton my shirt quick and brush it off my shoulders afterwards. Her lips start to move down my lips, over my chin to my neck while her hands dance over my chest and my abs, causing goosebumps on my arms. It’s like my skin is on fire and with every kiss of hers she lights up another flame.
„Let’s get to your problem now, shall we Captain?“ The way she whispers my title does something to me that I can’t quite explain. It‘s a high rank and yet I feel so small hearing it from her, but I love it. A whisper a thin „yeah“ and watch her as she pulls down my pants, revealing my hard cock to the rather cold air. „Oh my“, she whispers with a teasing look in her eyes. „That’s what I call a big problem. But nothing I couldn’t take care of.“ And with that her mouth closes around my cock, taking me all in while I try to suppress a moan but fail miserably.
Her tongue is pressed against my shaft as she bobs her head up and down, making my whole body shiver. „Fuck“, I hiss over and over again. I grab the bedsheets tighter as an attempt to ground myself but my head remains in the clouds. „Fuck (Y/n). I’m not gonna last much longer.“
(Y/n) stops and looks up, brushing her (h/c) behind her ears and looks at me with the most devoted smile I have ever seen. A smile that’s contagious as I figure out while the corners of my lips start to rise too.
She gives me a few moments to calm down again, then she climbs on the bed and then on my lap. „Ready?“ she asks me, as she straddles herself on top of me. Too stunned to speak I only nod and watch her as she slowly sinks down.
I feel the warmth of her pussy hugging my dick tightly and I place my head on her shoulder, taking in the sweet, lightly sweaty scent of her skin. „Fuck“, I curse again as I embrace this overwhelmingly great feeling. My hands start to wander, exploring her whole body while I wait for her to adjust herself. Softly I graze over her shoulders and down her back, pausing at her breasts to feel them, to remember the feeling of them in my hands, then let them rest at her hips.
(Y/n)s moans as she starts to move on top of me are heavenly and even though I’m still as overwhelmed like a goldfish on a tree, it’s not a scary feeling anymore. For the first time this excessive overwhelming feeling is something I look forward to feel again. I am not able to do anything other than to sit here and let that woman take care of herself, take care of me, and I don’t think I ever felt better. Pure pleasure runs through my veins and I let out the moans that tickle in the back of my throat.
„Levi“, (Y/n)s whining of my name struck me like a lighting. I want to hear her say my name in this tone over and over again. „Gosh, I‘m close.“
My grab around her hips tighten as I listen to her fall apart on top of me. She takes a few seconds to come down from her high, then she suddenly grabs my cock and starts to stroke it. I let out a surprised gasp, which blesses me with her beautiful giggle again. „We’re not done yet“, she whispers while she works on my dick.
It only takes a few pumps of her hands to make me a moaning mess, spilling my release over her fingers. „Holy shit.“ My breath goes heavy as I try to get my thoughts straight again. (Y/n) is already on her feet again, grabbing a towel from her wardrobe to clean up the mess I made. „Feeling better, Captain?“, she coos, while cleaning herself and me. „Definitely“, I answer and let myself fall back on her bed.
Another smile creeps on my smile as I feel the mattress shift besides me and lock eyes with the beautiful woman again. „Sorry I couldn’t do as much for you as you did for me.“ She returns my smile. „Next time.“
„Next time“ I mumble, smiling even wider. „I would suggest you stay the night“, (Y/n) says. „I mean for medical reasons. In case you’re heating up again, you know.“ Under her confidence appearance, there is a shy smile. „Whatever you think is best, Doctor“, I respond, pulling her next to me.
Through the night I listen to her steady breath, being more relaxed than I was ever before.
Hanges and Miches eyes are glued on us as she walk into the dining hall in the morning. „Ha! Knew it!“, Hange suddenly jumps up, screaming at Miche. „Now give me that sweet piece of ham!“
With a frown I approach the table they are sitting at. (Y/n) left to get some breakfast.
„We made a bet. The winner gets the last piece of ham“, Miche explains while Hange devours the meat. „What bet?“ I ask confused.
„If what I heard was you two fucking!“, they mumbled with a full mouth. „I thought they made it up, or just had a weird dream“, I heard Miche speak up again. „Since you two entered the room together and you still smell like sweat and her, Hange won.“
Loud laughters leave Hanges mouth and even the honey bread I throw straight at their face can‘t tone them down.
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tabbycatto · 9 months
Hello! I'm so happy that there are people who write for Tanner from Scrutinized!
Can I request imagine with Tanner, if so there is a summary:
Tanner as always sneaks into female reader's home, while she is gone. But then she suddenly come back with her friends, so Tanner hides in her closet. And they have fun and decide to play 7 minutes in heaven.
Don't worry about mistakes at least in this work because I'm not a native speaker too.
warnings: Tanner being a fucking creep, description of death, stalking, noncon touching, shit writing, not proofread!
no use of Y/N
words: 727 (somehow)
(sorry it took 2 fucking years to reply omg)
stalker! Tanner x fem! reader
Tumblr media
It’s been two months old routine for Tanner now. Watching, lurking, waiting. He learned the entirety of your schedule, when you go to work, when you sleep, when you wake up. When you’re not in the house, he just loves to go trough your things, today was no different. You went out with your friends on this warm summer evening for drinks. Tanner knew this, he also knew that you are usually gone for at least one hour, which was enough for him to shamelessly go trough your dirty laundry, occasionally shoving a piece of pretty panties in his pocket to smell later. He was proud of his little collection of your things especially your undies. It always left you wondering, searching the whole house for a clean pair, oblivious to this madman’s relentless digits stealing them.
He was in his element, when his ears perked up on the noise and laughter from the main door. He sneaked to take a look at the commotion and there were you with your friend group having the time of your lifes. You all stumbled into your home laughing and chatting with no worry in the world. Tanner had no time to run out of the house and he could not risk being seen. He creeped back into your bedroom and slipped into your spaceful closet. Anticipation gnawing at his ribs.
Some time passed by, there was still loud chitchat, but the bedroom door creaked open. Tanner looked trough the little cranny from the closet. This loverboy almost drooled at the sight of you, he was like a dog in heat. His fingers twitching in desperate need to touch you, caress you, take you, anything. You walked in with a few of your friends, talking. „Come on, guys! We’re not in school anymore! Who even plays 7 minutes in heaven.“ You were protesting. „Yeah, but this will be fun!“ One friend countered, wiggling her brows at you and pushing you further into the room along with your another guy friend, who kept furiously blushing. Tanner’s jaw went tight, his throat bubbling with jealousy, fingers now shaking with rage. „Okay, fine! Just let me go take a piss.“ You pushed trough them into the bathroom. Your friends left the room with laughter, leaving the guy friend alone in the bedroom, waiting for your return. He was nervously pacing around.
Tanner went red with anger. „SHE’S MINE!“ His mind is screaming. He reaches into his pocket, taking out a syringe with lethal poison. He’s slowly stepping out of the closet, inching closer and closer towards that friend of yours. The guy turned around just in time for Tanner to roughly stick the needle into his neck, sending the poison down his jugular. Your friend didn’t even have the time to yell out as he crumbled to the floor in convulsions. Tanner dragged him by his armpits into the closet. After that he dusted off his white coat, adjusting his red tie and hid behind the door waiting for you.
You sigh as you place your hand over the door handle and after a short while you open them. You look around, brows furrowed in confusion, when you can’t see your friend anywhere. You walk into the room, calling his name. The door behind you closes with a loud thud, which startles you. You swiftly turn around and are met with a huge grin of a strange man with an even stranger attire. Before you have a time to scream for help, he’s already clasping a hand over your mouth, his face uncomfortably close to yours. „Shh shh, little one, we don’t want company, now do we?“ He says in a sing song voice, guiding you to your bed, his other hand is on your lower back. You start to struggle in his grip, but he’s too strong. You desperately claw at his chest, kick his shins, bite at his palm, but nothing seems to work. He keeps the sinister smirk on his face. „Now now, sweetheart, stop this struggle before I’ll have to use force.“ His smile never fades, quite the opposite, it widens. You stare at him with fear, your eyes watering. „There, sweetheart...“ he caresses the side of your face, his other hand squeezing at your breast. „i think it’s my turn to play 7 minutes in heaven with you.“
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silvereternitywrites · 9 months
Don’t let your (Human!!!) Mechanic make Mixtapes
Writing Prompt: A pirate ship boards, the human crewmate uses the coms to blast music trough the ship as a terror tactic.
Prompt Source: user fire-sword; subreddit Humans Are Space Orcs
The Captain had listened to this remix exactly once in its entirety and labeled it a terroristic weapon of mass morale destruction before locking it in a drawer.
To be honest, the human crewmate was perhaps a touch more thrilled than she strictly should have been to be given permission to actually use it.
It was horror-rock, falling into that delightful "creep" tune category with synthetic violins that wailed between high and low notes and a bass strumming heartbeat that artificially raised the pulse rate of the listening parties. Aliens... well, she'd found out aliens responded to that unconscious cue WAY more than humans did.
The fact that she knew every beat and bounce and hitch of it, well, that was where the morale destruction came in.
The pirates had boarded in a specific hallway- and they had been subtly guided to this door for a reason.
It was the maintenance crew hallway. The entire floor had holes big enough to reach through or climb through, and the human crewmate? She fit through them, being lanky, tall, and double-jointed. The ceiling had the same grates on either side of the walkway, to allow for access when the gravity was turned off, making it a catwalk surrounded by bolt holes.
The voice was soft at first- only someone who knew the song would know the words. But Human Jazz played them out perfectly to make the Pirates regret ever trying to raid this ship.
The first set of verses were about "burying" something, and every time it said "buried it" Jazz dropped uninterrupted from the ceiling to the floor. Just at the edge of vision, without touching the holes or making a sound, timing her catch of the bars below to the thump of the drum.
And once they were good and spooked, on edge...
She added her voice to the ship speakers, a roar that made the walkway vibrate under their feet for the chorus.
Screaming from above and plasma lighting up the walls told her it was working.
What a shame for them- the pursuit would continue until morale improved. Her morale, or course. All that light would make this more troublesome until it cooled.
The next verse was about what had been buried coming back to bury the singer- it was time to change tactics anyway.
Now her hands reached up through the tiny holes and grates throughout the verse, grabbing and yanking on legs, tentacles, weapon barrels, whatever was in reach, heedless of the burns she was getting or the catch of nails on fabric and skin. Her fake-claw nails were just acrylics, she'd replace them after this, and some bloodstains from a ripped cuticle or two would really sell the idea that something dead and gross was trying to get at them on top of the “detached fingertips”.
As they were coming up on the second chorus, she pulled both hands back down and put them on a panel instead, directing one of the repair-bots with their dozens of arms to dance to the tune, the lyrics printed on it's glowing screen that loomed up out of the dark.
She already knew what she was going to do with the bridge- it talked about disease and parasites, so she was going to yank body parts under the grate and "bite" them with needles full of weak general anesthetics from the first aid kit. She didn't need to actually like, poison or paralyze them, the imagery from the song would make their minds do that for her.
Except-- the thunder of movement, out of sync with the music, headed back up the catwalk at an honestly dizzying speed, and suddenly it was absolutely quiet except her, the repairbot who had now started the fix the plasma damage to the walls, and the music on the ship speakers.
Poking her head up from the nearest access hole, the pirates were gone- with the exception of one, who'd been hog-tied with their own tentacles and blinded with their Captain's hat. Left as a sacrificial offering to the monster for leading their crew into a deathtrap, probably. Well, Jazz didn't want them to think they were too hasty and come back...
She bared all her teeth in the widest, meanest grin, including her sharper-than-normal canines, and whipped the pirate's hat off, the light of the repairbot's torch illuminating her from behind in only brief flashes.
"Buried what I thought would die, don't got no alibi, I buried it," she sang at the alien's horrified face, "I FUCKING BURIED IT!"
The pirate's scream was a noise she couldn't have replicated in a million years. Yeah, driving it home was a good idea.
"RUN! AWAY! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, THE MONSTER'S ALREADY INSIDE! THOUGHT IT WAS DEAD! AND GONE! BUT I WAS SO WRONG cuz it had been so long and life went on thought it was done I never thought I'd live to see THE DEAD WALK!"
"I still don't think you needed to render the enemy so terrified they entered an involuntary coma state," the Captain scowled at the human crewmate, who was slung sideways in her work chair. Again.
"It's not like I knew their species can even DO that, Cap! Besides, it was a bloodless battle that successfully repelled the enemy, right? And we haven't been bothered by pirates in that entire sector since!"
The Captain squinted angrily with all their eyes.
"We're a terror-tale in that sector now," they replied flatly.
"Wait, shit, did I accidentally Flying Dutchman our ship?! Aw fuck, Captain, I’m sorry."
The Captain sighed- finally, she understood the gravity of the iss--
"If I'd known that was gonna happen I'd have picked a better song! Dead Walk is kinda underground, how are other ships supposed to lean on the legend with an obscure Earth song?"
The Captain gave up and left to go drink their 400-year old heirloom spirits. They had never worried they were going to be the Onelle to finish off the 'drink in case of headache-inducing disaster' bottle but it looked more likely by the day.
Song: Dead Walk by RedHook Note: the remix featured here doesn't actually exist because I can't make it. Will update and link if that ever changes!
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frostgears · 7 months
art project
"Oh, that? Art project I've been messing with."
The glass vat takes up most of her kitchen table, filled with uniform muddy brown fluid that reeks of organic solvents, something like nail polish.
"Um… what kind of art?"
"It's kind of a work in progress, okay?"
She says it's easier if she shows you. The vat is wrapped with a half-dozen turns of copper wire; she screws the bare ends into terminal blocks on a messy proto board, plugs cables from that into an antique PC, types a command on a grubby keyboard.
The muddy brown fluid vibrates. Waves cross its surface, forming interference peaks and troughs. Simple patterns grow more and more complex, and then the stuff climbs out of the vat entirely.
Cubes and pentaprisms and planar hexagons hang in the air above churning liquid. You move your head and some of it, seen edge on, disappears. You move back; there it is again. The chemical miasma of nail polish intensifies, and something else.
"That's… how? I've never seen anything like it. Some kind of ferrofluid?" you ask.
"Uh, sure, something like that."
She kills the program. Her hand creeps onto yours, squeezing it gently but firmly. She says, "Shall we go upstairs?"
It's been three weeks. The sex has been incredible, the two of you practically joined at the genitals whenever you're together.
You tell her, incredibly full, that if she ever manages to get more of that strap inside you, you'll probably pass out. The next day, she shows up hefting a bigger one, and proves you right.
You're spending more and more time at her place. It's fine. It's really fine. You have roommates, she doesn't. But you'd like to use her kitchen, surprise her with something that isn't cheap takeout, and you can't, because that vat is in the way.
You ask her if she can move it? She can't. She shrugs. "I don't really cook much, so…"
"I do."
"Yeah… I need the table, though."
You're miffed, but she makes it up to you, by going slow enough that night that you don't immediately pass out. That leaves plenty of time for screaming.
You sleep over. You wake up in the middle of the night to piss, and find her gone. From the bathroom, you see the flicker of LEDs in the kitchen down the hall, smell acetone and… something else. Dusty rooms in empty houses?
You leave her alone. You're too tired; you don't want to fuck this up; you don't know what you'd say anyway. You go back to sleep.
It's been two months. You can't get enough of each other. You've gotten used to takeout, and her pelvis-endangering sexual appetites haven't let up; if anyone you knew saw you bent into the positions she likes to dick you down you in, they'd be shocked at your flexibility.
Most of your stuff is at her place now. (Just not the kitchen utensils.) It's easier that way. Less back and forth, and you're here basically every night anyway, have been for weeks. You want to ask her about moving in.
She can be… grumpy, sometimes. You can put up with it, moving around her moods like water. God knows you've had enough practice in your life. She's in a mood tonight, but you have to ask soon, because your lease is up in a month.
You've stacked the deck as much as you can. Her favorite noodle place for dinner; her favorite perfume dabbed behind your ears; a tight, low-cut minidress for easy access; your lips painted a smeary black, so she can see where they've been later.
"I'm gonna go out for a bit," she tells you, before you can make your play.
You were ready for a lot of things, but not this. Improvise. You put on your best disappointed pout, tug your bodice down a little more.
"Wait, weren't we going to…"
"Later, okay? A friend just texted me that he's got something I need for," she waves to the kitchen.
"Can't he just drop it off?" you beg.
"Nah. Fragile. I'll be back," she says. The door clicks solidly behind her.
Well, shit. There goes your plan for the night. And your… you hadn't worked up to "girlfriends" yet, which is a mistake on your part, you know. But she's out the door.
You give it a few minutes. You can wait patiently.
You've talked yourself into giving it a few hours when you really start to fume.
What the fuck is that godawful vat that's so important to her? How is it somehow a higher priority than you? Fuck it, fuck her, she needs to get this the right way around. She's going to come back to a scene she won't forget in a hurry.
You stomp into the kitchen and face down the vat. The smell is. Wow. Okay. That's a lot. But if it was really deadly toxic, she wouldn't leave it out like this, right?
You're going to drink it, throw it back up, splash some around, tell her she needs to choose because she apparently can't have both.
You're going to drink it, throw it back up, you tell yourself, as you dip a mug in and hold your nose.
Your throat spasms the minute the stuff is in your mouth, forcing it down. It's inside you in seconds, the whole mug.
You're not going to throw it up. You… need more. You scoop more out, lift it to your lips. Swallow. Again. Again.
She does come home to a scene.
"Oh fuck no, you didn't drink it, did you. You did."
"I," you tell her. You burp up a bit. "Absolutely. Did. You can't have." It spills down your chin and drips on your dress. "Both. Okay?"
"Yeah, no, here's the thing, I was going to break up with you. Gods. What a mess." She drops a paper bag down on the little kitchen counter, sits next to you, puts her head in her hands. "I was almost finished with it."
"So was I," you drool. You're so full. You can't get the stuff back out of you, though. You tried. You tried so hard. The vat is empty and it's all in you. Your eyes flutter closed and open and half-closed again.
"Oh, no, not by a long shot, you're not. I'm not wasting another year."
You hear the crinkle of paper. She's opening the bag. She forces a small hard thing into your mouth. It cracks and electricity crawls down all your limbs at once.
"Guess I'm stuck with you," she says, as you sink back to the floor.
You feel cold metal on your skin. She's taken the coils off the vat, she's wrapping them around you. You hear the clatter of the keyboard.
And then your skin starts to roil. The muddy brown fluid is in you, it's oozing out of everywhere, it is you, you're light and heavy at once, and you flow, and you're moving in ways that flesh and bone aren't supposed to move, and it seems like it should hurt,
And then you hear the familiar velcro noise as she tightens the harness of her strap. You don't remember her cock being this big. What the fuck. There's no way she expects you to take that… is there?
She stands over you, shoves it into you. And your new flesh flows to take her. As best you can, anyway. Her thrusts pushes the last dissolving, infiltrated bits of you out of you, the last pain, and now you're just you, and you pass out.
And then you wake up. And she's got a cock smeared with you, and a… smile? on her face. Like you're not what she wanted, but maybe, just maybe, she can work with this. So she starts again.
Later, you realize: You're moved in. So that's good, right? You want to find her and tell her, but you can't get outside the copper circle, and you can't quite form words yet, after what she's done to your throat. Okay. You can wait. You live here now anyway. □
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ashintheairlikesnow · 6 months
Handfuls of Laurel
Sigh Not So | Secrets Hid Away | Shed Tears Aplenty | Fire Down Below | Rolling Down | Won’t You Go My Way? | The Seas No More | The Nightingale’s Song | Bones in the Ocean | For She Was Afraid | Time for Us to Leave Her | To Unchain Me | A Good Time Coming | I Long to Hear You | The Low Road | Handfuls of Laurel |
For @whumptober no. 31, emptiness
CW: Implied noncon, creepy whumper, nonhuman whumpee, captivity
The sun shone warm through the foggy glass windows of Areyto’s beautiful prison, but with his captor’s hand between his shoulder blades, heavy as stone, he couldn’t look up to see it.
Instead, he felt the cool, solid tile against his forehead and the palms of his hands where they were pressed flat by his shoulders, elbows bent. His knees were pushing into the tile hard enough that he knew he’d have bruises later, but bruised knees were more or less a constant in his life, and he barely noticed them by now.
Instead of thinking about his captor’s damp touch and the way he whispered vile praise, Areyto thought about the sweet-green smell of the ferns, flowers, and fruit trees around him, and the way the water in his pool lapped gently against the sides, just a few inches from his fingers.
An ache throbbed within him and he thought distantly of the rotten fruit that fell from the little trees kept in pots in here, how he was also marked and smudged with the browns, yellows, and purples - but no one ever came to whisk him into a basket and toss him out to feed the pigs.
Would that feel like freedom, being tossed in the trough?
Would it feel like anything at all?
The magic that trapped him so completely within his own skin was fading, becoming less powerful day by day as no one reinforced it, but it wasn’t weak enough yet for him to disobey his captor’s demands and direct orders.
Soon, but… not yet.
Not ever, now that the new magician was here.
He’d gotten lucky with what happened to the last one.
He shifted, just barely, moving his painted-over hand to one side, inch by inch, in time with his captor’s hip. He shivered with repulsion when he felt sweat drop from his captor’s forehead onto his back. When his fingertips just barely touched the saltwater that his captor was merciful enough to allow him, he exhaled. A gift, his captor said, that could be revoked any time he wished.
So Areyto stayed still, and told himself to be grateful that his captor had been too hurried this morning to care if his prisoner enjoyed his attentions or not, that Areyto was at least allowed to feel nothing this time.
He was allowed to feel disgusted, and for once not with himself.
There was a groan, pressure beyond any other inside him, and then his captor raked fingernails over his ribs on either side, pulling little more than a distant hiss from between the siren’s gritted teeth. Then he was gone, and where Areyto had been too full, he now felt horribly empty, scraped out and with nothing left of him.
His captor ran a slow hand down from his neck to the small of his back, humming happily at the sight, and then stood and tied the sash of his robe. He was humming a little tune to himself, jaunty and carefree.
“Playing dead fish today, are we?” He asked, good humored and satisfied.
Areyto would have torn him limb from limb if he could, but even his fury was subdued, now, banked embers instead of blazing fire. He kept his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the water at the ends of his fingers, until he heard the rustling as his captor walked away.
“Well,” His captor continued, voice getting quieter as he moved away, “It hardly matters. You will clean yourself and then dress in the clothes I left by the door. Wait for my return.”
Areyto didn’t even bother to look up. He just turned his head to the side and lowered his hips. The tile felt so good. Very little did, any longer. His eyes traveled idly and he watched his captor run fingers down the scratches he’d carved into the inside of the doors, the way the man’s mouth twisted with irritation.
Some nights, as long as his captor was asleep, he found himself able to try - briefly - to escape. Some nights the magic that wrapped him so tightly loosened enough to allow him the first halting steps towards a freedom that he could barely remember ever having had.
Then the net would snap tight again.
“Yes, master,” Areyto murmured. He blinked, slowly. His mind felt like it was mired in mud. “Why?”
“You have no need to know why I give you commands,” His captor snapped. “You only need to obey them. You have half an hour. Then Babbage will come in here and fix your ridiculous hair, you will make him forget you as soon as he is done, and you will come to breakfast with myself and the new magician.” He left before Areyto was forced to whisper his obedience, which was a sort of relief.
If he only had a little more time alone...
But the new magician was here, and Areyto had ruined any chance of bringing her over to his side, getting her to free him.
He’d gotten too scared and too desperate and felt some semblance of hope. He'd been impulsive. He’d tried to sing her into helping him, but the spell had been broken before it had fully wrapped around her, and now... He’d lost what had felt like his last chance. She was someone new who he hadn’t been commanded yet to turn into another enemy, someone who had - however briefly - looked at him like a person and not a thing to be used.
She had touched him so gently, and he could still feel her fingertips along his jaw.
He had made a terrible mistake.
The last magician had been a cruel man who hadn’t sedated him. He’d taken the chance when the pain from the magic had risen to a higher crescendo than what came from disobeying commands. Even that had been a mistake, he'd been half-conscious and mad with the agony the spell wrought as it resettled. The magician had been torn limb from limb before he knew what he had done. This mistake was worse, because he should have known better. Now she’d think of him what all humans thought of him, some sort of evil mindless animal, and she would do as his captor asked. With her would vanish his small slim hope that something - anything - might get better, that he even might dream one day to be free, to go home.
When she had told him not to sing to her, he hadn’t listened.
Stop trying to force me, and I will help you.
She couldn’t have meant it, he had been sure it had been a trick, nothing more. He’d kept pushing, knowing that he couldn’t trust a human to mean a word they said, but… if she had been honest… well he’d ruined that, hadn’t he?
One hundred and fifty years, and he couldn't wait a few days more to grasp at what help he might have found.
And this morning, his voice once again refused to craft a single note without permission. His captor had whispered silence into his very bones while he took him. He felt the slime of his captor’s touch, too. At least he could fix that problem-
Areyto simply rolled into the water.
Saltwater stung along his ribs and in the torn places, but he ignored it, drifting down until he hit the bottom, laying there on his back and seeing nothing above him but a foggy hint of light broken by water.
He felt like a canyon deep beneath the ocean, a place so dark not even the anglerfish lights could show, inhabited only by the absence of life. He had died a long time ago, but his body had never been allowed to follow his mind.
He would have to dress, in a moment, and wear the hated human clothes that itched and felt strange on skin meant to stay bare. He would have to sit while the idiot butler cut off all his hair, and say yes, master over and over again, stare down at the plate while his captor ate and drank and was merry and bright.
He would have to hope his performance of empty humanity was enough to earn him a few fish tossed into the water once his captor was done.
He would have to do all of that, over and over again, in a monotonous emptiness that would never end until he was finally allowed to die.
But not yet.
For now, he could stay here in the water, and who could tell the difference between saltwater and tears?
Taglist: @grizzlie70 @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @theelvishcowgirl @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @bloodinkandashes @squishablesunbeam @mj-or-say10 @apokolyps @wildfaewhump @shrimpwritings @there-will-always-be-blood @latenightcupsofcoffee
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fbs-fc-ur-mommy · 1 year
WARNING :S. A, mentions of terrorism, reader being sold, reader being probably mental unstable, choking, punching mention of kiling blood, and torture. 3 rd person writing
This is an konig fantic trough there's no romance or anything in it it's pure THE DRAMA 💥 feel free to customize your ch.
MINORS read at your own risk
Enjoy your reading
Being in a terrorist band wasn't the best decision, being one of the trusted member wasn't easy and staying for 3 hours in freezing temperatures in a random place in Samara Russia in the fuking rooftop and snowing heavily was the worst decision in your life. You didn't know why are you an terrorist, you don't know who did you even hate the government "What's your even scope in your life, why were you even born, why your parents made you even if they can't even care of themselves"
You remember that day clearly when your mother just sell you cuz of the debs they have with some random cartel gangsters. She just trow you and just said "I don't care what happens about her, rape her, sell her organs or whatever this should cover the half price of it right?" If the known "SAG" haven't show out when you were being almost striped out you'll be most probably one chik selling herself for 2£. He saved you, dressed you up feeded you... You should repay him right? Even if he watched at you like you are the most beautiful thing in the word, even if he touched you, loved you right?
You stares trought your scope waiting for your target to be in your vision, as you looked through your scope, you've heard an sudden sound no...No one sound... YOUR HEARING RUNING FOOT STEPS COMING TOWARDS YOU!
You turned faster than the light that you swear you heared an cracking sound. As you looked you thought that you will faced with an face but instead it was an torso? You lifted your eyes and saw an man.... No... Not an man... Not an normal man it was an probably an special forces soldier.
As you turned your rifle aiming at him he suddenly throw an knife at wrist, penetrating trough bone, as you ignored your pain and raised your dominant leg and kick in his torse, backing naturally and groaning, you creating some distance between. You weren't the best at hand to hand combat so running sounded like an good option, you were an fast runner but your stamina was the dead for you. You either died there or junk him trought the narrow streets. As you jumped from the rooftop you landed the rooftop beneath and using to slide on a leader down the street you runned faster than an CFR train in Romania one time when you were in a mission. The only thing you cold hear was the cracking sound of snow beneath and your heart bumping in your ears. Am crunt realization was that there was one more sound of cracking sound wich was definitely not yours.... You didn't dare to look behind you didn't want to, you didn't want to look ahead either.... The realization that your boss will do things to you again cuz you didn't kill your target ... It feels wrong.... Was this suppose really to repay him? Was this -
And sudden hand pulls you down making your face gone down hard on the ground and as you turned on your back and heavy weight was put on your torso looking at up you could see better than on rooftop. An man with an mask covered his entire face with just two holes for his face and a helmet on his head, his blue ice holes were wide open that it send you chills down the spine his hand come in contact with your throat cutting air and blood to your brain and without hesitating punching you hard enough that broke your nose. Your body went limb but enough to be awere of your surroundings, the cold snow make you fell numb like it was all fake, an dream, an illusion, you wished it was, to wake up form this hell, no... Earth isn't hell.... It is people around you....
He picked you easily by your hair pining you against the wall, checking your pockets for any weapons or anything. Looking at you concerning, he was worried that he put too much force in his punch, he didn't want you to have some shit brain damage, he can't risk loosing important information form you. When he was finished he handcuffed you and put you on his shoulder and walking......
You woke up in a jep moving forward you men armed with guns was looking at you like you were an bomb. You realised that you are being saved from him from your debt...... The tought of being with these guys was making you fell like you were been awaking from your nightmare.
You suddenly remembered all your sins.... The blood......your victims... The crying of your victims... Looking at them like they were an undiscovered species...
Tears start forming for the first time since you're been sold, as you looked at your left you saw yor savior who saved you
-I didn't have an choice! I was forced! I- " you didn't even have the chance to finish your sentence when the man on your right intervened :
-Save your words for later you will need it.
-I swear it wasn't my CHOICE!
-I told you to save your words for later for the ones who want to hear your information and not actually your pathetic apologizes.
-I m sure that they will hear my pathetic apologizes.
-Keep that confidence when your being tied to the chair whore. As he said that he looked trought the right window. As you turned left you saw your protective angel... And as you looked at the rising sun, it was the most beautiful rising sun you saw, maybe it was cuz it was the last time... You will see it.
Haha there's no pt 2 watch me crying cuz this story will flop hahaha I spend almost 2 h cuz I always forget what I was trying to write.
!!! It's cannon that reader dies here!!!!
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
Thinking about the “Usopp loves Darkwing Duck and Sanji loves Card Captor Sakura” thing from ages ago and now I’m imagining them going trough the hardest challenge a weeabo and a western animation geek can go trough: moving in together.
All the merchandise, the prints, the commissions they gave years ago and the buttons from various cons, it’s an actual nightmare for both of them to somehow try and find space for everything. Sanji hates Funko Pops with a passion, Usopp loves them. Sanji has a giant body pillow of some random anime girl and Usopp feels inadequate. The biggest issue however arrives when they try and decide where Sanjis collection of ero figurines is supposed to go. Sorry not sorry but you KNOW he has some of them. It’s actually not as bad as Usopp expected at first but it’s still a challenge to find a place for them because Usopp does NOT want them in the bedroom like Sanji used to have in his bachelor pad
They don’t talk to each other for what feels like ages (Twi hours maximum) and they finally make up when the guilt gets too much. They both compromise on each selling a few of the things they aren’t as invested in, Sanji agrees to move a few of his more risqué figures to a space where he gets to see them but they can easily be hidden if visitors come over, some of the more decent ones like the pinup one of a lady in the bathtub actually are tame enough to be put in a more open spot even Usopp has to admit (plus her sitting on the bathroom shelf surrounded by both of their soaps and haircare products looks quite cute actually). Usopp keeps most of the Funkos on his work desk at Sanjis request. It’s the nerdiest home ever with some clashing aesthetics but they make it work trough the power of love and because both of them are creative people who can incorporate that into their home space.
… also Usopp has started a game where he will just randomly replace his boyfriends figurines and wait for his boyfriend to notice. Like elf on the shelf but more elaborate and with anime or cartoon figurines. Currently Sakura is being carried away by a bunch of Pikmins in the shoe closet. Sanji has noticed she’s gone but hasn’t said anything because that’s not how the game works. He’s supposed to find her and then yell “GODDAMNIT SAKURA!” Before carrying her back to her spot…. He’s already planning his move though and has decided he’s gonna try and put Grunkle Stan in a glass of water in the freezer with a single lone ice Pikmin guarding him.
This is the realest, most accurate thing in the whole world. They'd move in together but they'd be a mess. They have... Very different tastes when it comes to games/shows and they obviously can't decide what to do with the space they have.
But! They also have things in common. The thing is... They like the content in different ways.
Usopp has a huge Alphonse figure. Beautiful. Next to his Gurren Lagann figurines and so, so many robots. So many mechas. He has the three Gravity Falls diaries. All the Ducktales comics. Darkwing Duck was just the start because he's also a huge DC fan and has so much Batman merch. He's got this extremely awesome replica of Junpei's sword from P3. Everything is high quality and he's very, very careful with his merch. He has his own fanarts in a sketchbook and nobody is allowed to touch his games and his consoles. From Play Station to all types of Nintendos. He has so many damn Funko Pops of everything. Typical "For the last time, Sanji, I keep them inside the box because the box is also part of the merch what aren't you understanding-". Not to mention that he's a huge Lord of The Rings fan and he definitely plays D&D and he's also a botanist so you can only imagine how their house looks like-- So many plants-- Forest aesthetic. Except their front door that looks exactly like the Tardis because Usopp was dying to do that ever since he was a kid, and when he showed Sanji the show he fell in love with it and let him do it.
Sanji likes the same stuff but he has a very explicit Lust figure. Next to his adorable Nia and Yoko figurines and so so so so so many cute simple merch. Like keychains and stickers. I am 100% sure Sanji has Gravity Falls pajamas and Ducktales too that nobody but Usopp knows about. I think one of the only man figurines he has is a Starlord one and maybe Shazam merch, but he's more of a Superman type of guy. He saw Lois Lane and fell in love with her instantly. He has a Mitsuru figurine riding her bike and one of Chidori and Junpei he doesn't let anybody touch. That's precious to him. He asks Usopp to draw him stuff and that's why Usopp is always late to his commissions because his boyfriend suddenly wants to be drawn next to Senshi cooking. Sanji doesn't like Funkos but he does like Nendoroids and Usopp hates it because they're so fucking expensive and Sanji is always crying in the background ("But- But-" / "Sanji, we've talked about this-" / "But this little Miku is so cute!"). Sanji also plays videogames but he's more of an Animal Crossing/Cooking Mama/Stardew Valley type of guy. So many Dating Sims, too. Also the Sims, he loves that.
Their bookshelf is a mix between shoujos and so so many shonens but mostly cooking books and artbooks. So many DC comics too. I feel like both of them prefer DC tbh, Usopp is just Batman and Sanji likes Superman and instead of fighting about it they just admit they're really gay for each other. They do watch Marvel movies, though. Sanji really, really, really likes Spider-man and it's funny because he has arachnophobia and he cannot watch the damn movies without shaking when a spider shows up-- Usopp has Miles' jacket and Nikes I am so so sure. While Sanji probably has a Gwen poster in his room.
They argue a lot when it comes to how to use the space they have but!! Sometimes Sanji walks out of their room to make breakfast with Usopp's Batman t-shirt. And sometimes Usopp uses Sanji's Kero themed hair ties to tie his hair. And... They wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
They're also the type to watch/play anything together and go "Hey they're just like us fr" so now they have their house full of ship merch because those ships remind them of them,,, Those are the true romantic gestures.
Edit: Forgot to say Sanji has all of Taylor Swift's CDs and Vinyls and he's a very intense swiftie that makes Usopp wake up at ungodly hours to hear the new albums, while Usopp is like "I guess she's okay??? She's alright idk" because he literally only listens to movie/game soundtracks, indie shit and Cavetown. They both listen to Vocaloid though that is true. I was there. Project Sekai players that's what they are (Sanji does it for the cute girls but ends up staying because the characters are a bit too relatable and Usopp just really likes rhythm games)
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eaingels · 20 days
Until I found you Part 1
Summary: Eloise, a human with Fae ancestry, moves to the Night Court in hopes of finding out where her family came from and why they left. Trough-out her search for answers, she meets the witty, brave and handsome Cassian. Even though, she thinks that she isn't worthy of affection, she can't help but crave his.
Authors note: hello everyone this is my first ever post here, so I hope you like it. English is not my first language so bare with me please. This will discuss topics like being self body shaming and having low self-esteem. If you are not comfortable reading about it, please don't read it. Please leave a comment so I can improve my writing.
Hope you enjoy it!!
"ppfpft" I tried getting the hair out of my mouth while crossing the bridge over the Sidra. There was so much wind today, I regretted my decision of not grabbing a hair tie with me. People around me gave me weird looks as I tried to get a hold of my hair before I gagged on it. I kept walking over the stone bridge hoping that once I was surrounded by buildings the wind would die down. My wishes were granted, I was past the bridge and my hair was done choking me for now. My mind turned to my impending visit to the library and my request to visit the library in the House of Wind. I was so close to finding my ancestors, I could feel it. Almost three thousand years ago some Fae moved from the Night Court to my hometown. And it wasn't until my grandfather and I started digging into our past that we were able to find a connection with the Fae and our family tree. A shred of grief that had found it's home in my stomach rose up of the memory of my grandfather. He had been my best-friend and had never judged me for wanting to have more knowledge. So when he passed away, I made a promise to myself that I would get to the bottom of it.
The big oak doors leading into the entrance hall of the library stood open, inviting everyone to come a take a look. The library itself wasn't too busy, but busy enough for there to be a line at the help desk. I looked around while waiting for my turn when I suddenly heard a loud laugh coming from inside the library. Two men and a woman were walking out the library. Both men had huge black wings at theirs backs and some kind of leather fighting gear on. The woman on the other hand, had glossy blond hair and the finest clothes I had ever seen. She was slim and absolutely gorgeous. Just looking at her made me wrap my coat around my torso to hide myself. Like anyone would notice me. It's like my mother always said, I blend in with the background. Nothing special to look at. I looked at the two men again. One was taller than the other with longer hair and the other had shadows flying around him. It was the taller one that I heard laughing. He was absolutely gorgeous. The kind of man you would read about in the books, the handsome, strong and kind man sweeping the herion of her feet. A spark starting burning in my chest. I had always dreamed of finding my handsome, strong and king man that would sweep me of my feet, but than again I wasn't anything remarkable. The spark in my chest died.
"Can I help you miss?" a soft female voice asked me. I turned forward again. In the time that I had been staring the line in front of me had gone.
"Sorry, yes, uhm... I'm looking for registration records dating back at least three thousand years ago" I said to her. Her eyes widened a little bit.
"I'm not sure if the records we keep here date that far back, but you could try in section four." Not feeling very hopeful I thanked the woman and made my way to section four. Section four was all the way at the back of the library in a dark corner. Clearly no one visited this part. The dusk caking the shelves was evidence of that. I took my coat off, throwing it on a dust covered chair along with my bag and got to work.
Time flies when you are having fun, or so they say. I looked back at the clock every once in a while to mark my progress. It had been three hours since I started looking through the books and so far I had found one name to add to the family tree. It was an exciting discovery, because it proved my ancestors did come from these lands. I was standing on the third bottom shelf trying to get a book trom the the top when my foot slipped and I lost my balance. I was prepared to let myself fall like a whale as there was nothing I could hold on to to save myself, when I felt two warm hands catching me. I looked up to find the handsome winged man from earlier starring down at me.
"It's been a while since a female threw herself at my feet" he said with a large grin on his face. My face must be red like a tomato, because he grinned even wider as he helped me stand.
"I didn't throw myself at your feet" I replied. I hoped he didn't think I did that on purpose. The man was almost two heads taller than me so I had to crane my neck to look at his face. What I saw took my breath away. Tanned skin, deep brown eyes and a couple of faint scars marking his face and neck.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he asked. I shook my head, not trusting my voice. I looked at his wings. Huge black membranes that were folded neatly on his back so they wouldn't bump into things.
"You are human" he suddenly said. The man looked surprised almost like he'd never seen a human before.
"Yes I am. But I listen to the name Eloise."
"Nice to meet you Eloise. My name is Cassian." We shook hands. His so much bigger than mine. "Do you need help with something?" Cassian looked up at the shelve I was, trying, to reach for.
"I was just trying to get that volume down" I pointed to the last book that might hold some information. With a smile Cassian grabbed the book from the shelve and gave it to me.
"Thank you Cassian" I said and walked back to my table. I was so engrossed in the book that I hadn't noticed Cassian sitting in the chair across from me. He himself held a book in his hands one leg crossed over the knee. I smiled at the picture.
"Good book?"
Cassian looked up.
"Very good"
"Quite an impressive skill reading upside down". Cassian grinned and placed the book he was holding upside down on the table. "Can I help you with something Cassian?"
"I'm just waiting to see if you need help with shelving the book". I looked at the open book in front of me. It was a stretch that something would be in here anyway.
"This is not going to tell me something. So might as well put it back" I closed the book and gave it back to Cassian, who took it back to it's place. Meanwhile I got my jacket back on and put my bag across my shoulder. Somehow I dreaded having to leave this place and him.
"Thank you for your help" I told Cassian when he returned to the table. The red stones on the backs of his hands shone in the warm light making them look like rubies as he rubbed his hands together.
"Anytime". His brown eyes held this softness I had never seen before. I made me relax a bit, a very strange feeling so I shook my head a bit. I needed to stay focused.
"Good day Eloise" he said and walked away. Something in the back of my head told me I was going to see him again very soon.
Like for part 2!!
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coming-lieutenant · 9 months
It's me again, I really liked the last sorry so I trough if you're up for another?
I was thinking Hank having crush on younger detective, he finds out that she have a crush on him too and do something about that?
Pretty please 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 ✨❤️
A/N: I’m so here for the Hank love! We need more posts in this tag 😤
Warnings: Brief reference to Hank being sad 😢
Table Talk
Thirteen years. That’s how long Hank Anderson had been a cop. Thirteen long, haunting years of “serving his community.” And he’d seen it all, done it all, been through it all; red ice addicts that were too far gone to recognize themselves in the mirror, brutal murders, and now deviant androids that were responsible for any and all types of crimes. Not to mention the ghosts that topic brought up for him.
Hank felt that in his thirteen years of being a police officer, and his 53 years of life, he’d done it all. He’d grown up, got the career, got the white picket fence and the family, had it all and lost it all. As far as he was concerned, all his life was now was… The same old shit. Day in and day out. Wake up, go to work, get drunk, pass out, rinse and repeat. What he was not, to any capacity, prepared for was meeting her.
She wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, per se. But she was fresh, energetic, so vibrantly full of life. Hank couldn’t even bring himself to be jealous, he was simply too busy being completely enthralled. Day by day, the ice cold casing around his heart melted. For the first time in years, he felt himself smile. Not a sarcastic smile, not an ironic smile, but a genuine smile, simply because she laughed.
Hank found himself doing things he hadn’t done in years. He was planning outfits, he was wearing cologne, he was laughing. His colleagues at the station were baffled, rumors flying about what could possibly have Hank this down right chipper. Slowly, all of the snarky “ex-wife” stickers came down from his desk, slowly replaced with things he was actually interested in, such as music, and even a cheesy “I love my Saint Bernard” sticker.
As the weeks went by, Hank began to feel himself drawn more and more towards her. It was like she had her own gravitational pull, and Hank was but a mere moon, no match for her force. He couldn’t keep himself away. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to mind, and they often found themselves sitting together as they ate lunch. It was a day like any other when Hank started to notice something intriguing.
Like many days before, she sat across from him, smiling as she haphazardly swirled a french fry in a small cup of ketchup. When she looked up at him, Hank saw something in her eye’s he hadn’t seen in years, and he wasn’t sure he could believe his eyes. Was it… Admiration? It couldn’t be. Of course, she lit up his day, but to her? There was no way he was anything more than a grumpy old man. He shakes the thought away with nothing more than a slight twitch of his head, reaching for the salt sitting in the center of the table.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even register that she was also reaching for it, and as their hands brush, he can’t help but notice the cutest little “Oh!” escape her lips. He looks up, watching as the pink spreads across her face as their hands freeze. She pulls her hand back, shyly looking away as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “S-Sorry.” She says, looking up at him with a soft smile. Hank slowly grabs the salt, moving it closer to her, a slightly puzzled look on his face. He sits back in his chair, motioning to the salt. “Ladies first,” he says with a smile. She gently takes the salt, moving with a gentility he hadn’t seen from her before. After all, she was a detective, not Miss Universe. Although, had she wanted to be, he was absolutely positive she’d get it. “They never put enough salt on these things,” she quips, a shy smile on her face as she sets the salt in front of Hank. Hank chuckles softly, smirking as he gazes on her, arms crossed. “They sure don’t.”
As they wrap up their lunch, Hank replays the encounter in his mind. He’s seen her talk to plenty of their coworkers, and he’s never seen her behave like that. As he thinks back on other encounters they’ve had, it slowly dawns on him that she’s only like that with him. He ultimately decides that there’s only one way to find out. He takes a breath, looking up at her. “Can I ask you a… Personal question?” he presses, eyebrows slightly furrowed. A look of surprise washes over her features, but she nods regardless. “Of course. What is it?” Hank leans back in his seat again, tapping his fingers on the table lightly. “Are you… Seeing anybody?” he asks, hoping the question comes off as curious and not pushy. She blushes, shaking her head slightly. “Nah. Why do you ask?” He taps his fingers again, looking at the table for a moment. “Would you like to be?” She looks confused for a moment before the realization hits her. “Are you- Do you mean-?” she stutters, eyes slightly wide. Hank responds with simply a curt nod, not having done something like this in quite a long while. “I could take you somewhere. If, y’know… If you wanted to.” he offers, finally looking back up to her. Her cheeks burn pink as she smiles, nodding excitedly. “I’d love to!” Relief floods over Hank as he leans forward again, smiling. “How does this Friday sound?” She smiles even brighter, “It sounds great!” He nods, a smile creeping onto his face as well. “Good, good. I’ll pick you up at 7.”
“It’s a date!”
“Yeah… Yeah it is.”
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landograndprix · 3 months
Im gonna be probably the only one that’s not on anyone’s side other than Zoe. Y/n suspects that charles is cheating because he isn’t intimate and neglecting y/n and Zoe, while this is very shitty behavior some men or women do act this way when they become so tunnel visioned with their work it doesn’t mean they are cheating. Y/n had no evidence of cheating only a suspicion and she’s already cheating on charles that’s 100% happening. Manon is mad because she has given advice and help to y/n for her relationship and y/n is throwing that advice down the toilet, it gets frustrating when you have to repeatedly give the same advice and tips and they don’t listen and complain that their life sucks. Maybe Charles is cheating maybe he isn’t y/n can’t be saying that Charles sucks and doesn’t care for their relationship when she’s cheating as well. The real victim here is Zoe she’s a baby and her family is being torn apart while yes Lando is comforting y/n this is crossing the line of being appropriate and he isn’t innocent he know she’s having issues with Charles is being her knight in shining armor.
Hard agree on all of these, however I do think y/n has enough reasons to assume he's cheating and especially with Noelle practically forcing her to break up with charles with her 'if that was my man i would've sucked anothers man dick already' mindset, manon being sus of noelle, fans being sus about Charles and especially after him ignoring all her questions and if he just answered why he was talking to Noelle. My girl knows she's wrong for doing what she did but y'know what, if your man wants to start a family (when you yourself were happy to wait for another few years) which doesnt turn out to be easy, you've gone trough hell and back with doctors and all that, physically and mentally taking hit after hit and then for said man to basically dip every other week to 'work' in maranello or to hang out with joris and other friends and then for a British bloke to come and say the right things, girl I think I would end up doing the same, and I'm not talking her behaviour right but my girl didn't know her worth until lando showed up and yeah, not the right thing for him to do either but he was going through relationship problems as well when it started 😭
And it's not like she's jumping straight into a relationship with lando, I think she's smart enough to figure out hers a d zoë her life first! ☺
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