#she has met Jet and Lapis and she loves them
heirsofremnant · 4 years
An older Rose, starting to wither, with her dusty, old crow.
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unluckyadept · 3 years
Flare of the Morning Star
<<—Previous——————Flare of the Morning Star——————Next—>>
It was the final, desperate day. A day of a turning road in his paths of fate.
For without interference, without trickery… Felix may, perhaps, have been able to soar into a new life of happiness after obtaining a sense of peace.
But of course not.
This IS Felix, after all.
{Lalivero November 3rd, 2020T 6:30 A.M.}
[He felt it before he saw it.]
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[He woke with a start, remembering—]
[He lashed out against it, still only half-awake, hearing a resounding crash of rock against stone.
He staggered out of his room, suddenly sickened by memories. Memories of—]
[He lashed out again, clutching at his head—another crash—]
[Dream? Dream?]
“You’re not dreaming, Felix! We’re under attack!”
[He wasn’t given time to question it—there was a loud clattering noise as something hit the city walls with tremendous force.
He rushed back inside, donning his full armor as the noise continued. When he returned outside again, he was joined by the Beastmaster, similarly geared up.]
“{What’s going on here?}”
[He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t speak.]
“{Something’s hittin’ ya from the southwest!}”
[For once, he was grateful Echo could speak his mind.]
“{From the WEST? There’s nothing but river there, with cliffsides! Even Proxans know that you can’t cross that junction!}”
[Echo hopped, voicing Felix’s own rising agitation.]
“ ‘{Did Proxans come here with war machines!? No! Only the likes of a siege engine has enough power to hurl boulders like an Adept!}’ “
[The sound of the alarm rang out in the city, and his heart sank further.]
“ ‘{Guard the southern gate! There’s only one place these attacks could be coming from; the peninsula to the south!}’ “
[He grabbed his cloak, a sense of urgency rising. Organized chaos poured around them, but he heeded it not; Sheba had it under control, and he had to focus against—]
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[Felix used BURST!]
[There was a hail of large rocks as the small boulder that had been headed for the city was shattered by his defensive use of Psynergy. The two of them ran faster toward the river, with Felix taking to the skies.
Sure enough, as he soared closer, he could see them below—]
[But the troops he saw were nowhere near the most disturbing sight that met his eyes.]
[There was a bridge across the river, from the western bank to the peninsula in question. Just where they never would notice, not until it were too late.]
[His thoughts were disrupted as a rain of arrows came whistling up at him.
Instinct took over, and Arizona swerved sharply before taking a steep dive.]
[Felix used GRANITE!]
[The two of them glowed gold, the Djinn swirling around them as they went right for the enemy.
Several of the arrows found score, but the power of the barrier made them shatter. As for his part…]
[Felix used FORCE!]
[The war machines were knocked over in a massive lash, crashing into those manning them. Arizona shrieked in agitation and sent out a burst of fire, setting them ablaze.]
[An arrow had found score in his shoulder, and the force behind it was enough to knock him down.
Arizona, however, snatched him almost immediately—and Felix directed a blast of aggressive energy their way.]
[Felix used MOTHER GAIA!]
[When the very ground erupted in jets of explosive energy, the remaining forces that managed to avoid the direct blast realized they were up against something that had sufficient strength to overpower them entirely. Horns of retreat sounded, and Felix was let down amidst the rubble.
His shoulder was burning—it was enough to let him know that the arrow had been coated in some sort of poisonous mixture, something that would affect him much worse if he weren’t a Venus Adept. As much as it hurt, he wasn’t sure he could remove it cleanly.
And he had more important things to worry about.]
[Felix used LASH!]
[He hadn’t been fast enough to prevent the retreat, but it was enough to tear out the ropes holding the bridge together, sending the logs tumbling down into the currents beneath. There were more horns, but no further backlash—so he took a moment to stop and breathe.]
“{You okay there, Boss?}”
[He pulled himself to his feet, glowing with brimming Psynergy. The wound would need to be staunched quickly—and he undoubtedly needed to conserve his energy.]
“{Don’t tell me you plan to chase after them.}”
[Of course he did. He had to see how many there were—and drive them off, or else they’d have to deal with this again.]
«You can’t just hope that tyrants go away and leave you alone. It just doesn’t work like that.»
[The dawn was breaking, now. Stealth wouldn’t be an option. They knew he could fly, so he was going to have to choose a different route.]
«Take me across the river. Then, I’m going to need you to take some things back to the others.»
“{I don’t like where this is going!}”
[He couldn’t see them having brought much more than a few hundred men. It would take a fair amount of manpower to build a bridge, after all, but it was still a ways away from the nearest stronghold.
And yet.
And yet, that didn’t explain the distinct feeling of deadly peril he was getting from across the water.]
«I don’t know what I’ll find there. I don’t want to take the risk of losing the Alchemy artifacts.»
[The phoenix screeched and glowered at him.]
“{Don’t be such an ape of a mammal! If you believe there may be sufficient power to overtake you, the least you can do—you mortal fool!—is to heal your wounds and bare your heart! Even the mightiest of empires across all time cannot build a sturdy bridge in such a short span of time! Take advantage of what time you have earned!}”
[He didn’t say anything in response, merely opting to disperse the both of them into a swirl of energy spheres.]
{Lalivero 7:30 A.M.}
“{…expected you’d try something rash. For the love of Mars—it HAS to be that Mars in you that makes you so IMPULSIVE in the WORST possible times!}”
[Felix kept an unamused and unmoved expression as he pressed a hand to the wound, glowing with healing Psynergy now that the arrow had been removed.
The Beastmaster was standing over him, holding the arrow in one hand.]
“{You know that having a second only works when you BRING the second, hmm?}”
“{Do you want to be carried by Arizona, Beastmaster?}”
“{If that’s what it’ll take, then that’s what it takes! I am not letting you go across the river entirely by yourself. It’d be an absolute disgrace to the both of us if I did.}”
[The Proxan’s expression changed to a less aggressive form of exasperation, before cooling off into pity.]
“{Felix, please. You can’t take everything onto yourself by yourself. Yours is a bitter fate, to hold the responsibility to lead others into peril. That is the task that has been assigned to you. You cannot try to avoid it again by attempting to take it all on by yourself. And I know that is hard.}”
[Felix stood, resting his free arm against the wall and closing his eyes.]
“{When I led Jenna and Sheba into battle, it was because we had no choice. There was nowhere they could go, and my path led into danger. With Piers… we needed him, and he agreed to take our roads. But never… sweet Mercy, I never wanted it to come to this…}”
[The Proxan heaved a silent sigh, but Felix continued.]
“{I’m trying, Darzul, but it’s… it takes time to grow and heal. We should both be grateful I had enough presence of mind to stop and think things over even the slightest, and then to accept good counsel.}”
[He looked up.]
“{I want you to think very carefully before giving any advice or making any demands, Beastmaster.}”
“{I’m listening.}”
“{There have to be more forces across the river. I sense Death, in a way more potent than what a small group could bring. There is some real threat over the water, with enough men and resources to build a bridge and… and those machines that could hurl stone and large arrows.}”
“{I’m still listening.}”
“{Keeping both of us shielded will drain me faster. Same to be said for healing. If there is a conflict, the MORE people there are, the FASTER I tire and the less I can do. And you are not a Healer.}”
“{…I see. You fear that if it is a situation that requires a defensive component, the extra strain would result in greater weakness that would not have been present if you were alone. For once, I start to understand, and things begin to make more sense. If that is the case, then I urge you to let someone else serve as healer, so that you can focus your power into other things.}”
“{NOW you begin to understand, don’t you?}”
“{That would leave Prox without a Warrior leader!}”
“{We can handle our own for a few days, Felix!}”
“{If both of us fall, then the lines of Warriors will die out completely! The Mars Clan will cease to exist as a proper Clan, and your power will wane—at the worst possible time!}”
[Darzul tossed aside the arrow so he could put both his hands on Felix’s shoulders.]
“{My advice to you is to trust that Kalora has already helped address that problem. I can say with some degree of certainty that one of the best ways I can see for you to address this is for both Orynar and Kalora to come here.}”
[Felix frowned in thought at this.]
“{…Kalora wouldn’t mind an almost exclusively supporting role, if that’s something you’re worried about. You’ve seen for yourself how good she is in that position. And you’d benefit from the strength she can provide. Orynar can serve as the second offense-based Psynergy user, ready to assist retreat if need be.}”
“{If I give one of them the Teleport Lapis… will they be willing and able to retreat if need be?}”
“{Of course, though I don’t like that tone suggesting you intend to be left behind. That’s not how this works.}”
[Felix looked up with a very serious expression.]
“{Darzul, you have never seen me unleash my full power, and you weren’t there when Venus Lighthouse was lit. So I forgive you for this. But you truly don’t know exactly how bad it could get if I have to use my strength to its greatest capacity.}”
[The Proxan frowned at this.]
“{What, are you saying that it would affect those with you as well?}”
[Felix gave an exasperated expression.]
“{Yes, it would! Unleashing the power of the Morning Star is not a precision-strike movement! All of her harshest forms of channeling are such that decimates a wide area! For Life’s SAKE! I caused entire LANDSLIDES when I was young just out of getting worked up! Do you have any idea what could happen?! I don’t, not really, and that’s a grave thing to take into consideration!}”
[The Beastmaster drew back at this, putting a hand to his face as he brooded over this new information.]
[And then, he looked up, a pained expression of understanding on his face.
For he understood, now, even if Felix didn’t really yet know on his conscious mind—
After having been a source of destruction that harmed those close to him already—the lighting of Venus Lighthouse almost killing Sheba, the mighty power wielded having killed his parents—he didn’t want to suffer such a weight of guilt again.
And he almost paled as he considered what COULD happen if Sheba came with them and were harmed. He was quite sure Felix might literally lose his sanity if she were deeply injured.
And he honestly doubted that even he, Orynar, and Kalora combined wouldn’t make a dent in what would come of Felix’s rage overtaking him… what would come of the energy inside him overpowering his human form and mind.
On some level, Felix knew all of this. And he felt trapped by his own power, which—when put under mental strain—took all of his will to keep in check.
Darzul let out a heavy sigh, smoke curling through clenched teeth as his dragon features shifted into narrowed eyes.]
“{You’re going to need to talk to Sheba about this.}”
[He turned to face his friend again.]
“{She is the Lady of Lalivero, and she knows your capabilities better than anyone else you might speak to. Maybe even better than you can safely judge. This is her town, so she should have a say in how you plan to deal with this piece of information. And you? You’ll listen to her.}”
[It wasn’t so much said as a command or a threat, but rather an observation of fact.]
[Felix stood.]
“{Then let’s go hold counsel.}”
{Lalivero 8:00 A.M.}
“You’re not going by yourself.”
[Felix watched as Sheba took a few slow steps around the room.]
“If it is something you can handle alone, then it would still be wise for others to be there. And if not… then by definition, you will need help. If you intend to by using Psynergy, then you will need assistance to keep you from weariness. AND assistance to take your place as healer.”
[She glanced over, lowering her eyelids to an unimpressed look at the Beastmaster.]
“Felix is a wanted man in Tolbi because of what Proxans did. The use of fire especially. It would make things worse for him to be openly seen with multiple Proxans.”
[Darzul spread his hands apart.]
“Lady d’Lalivero, does it really matter what they think if the main threat they pose is on the battlefield? They already hold resentment; it’s not as if holding back will help, here.”
“I will not have any of you starting an inferno. No. I respect your other Warrior’s abilities as a healer who can hold her own… and within a dynamic that Felix and I knew for years, she would be able to fill a role. Doing this, however, is a risky move to make. Risky to your own defenses as well as risky to your culture.”
[She looked up at Felix.]
“I don’t even have to use Mind Read to read your mind on this one. Based on what the two of you have told me, you intend for the Teleport Lapis be used to take me out of danger.”
[She shook her head, an unmoved (but unbothered) look on her face.]
“I will not abandon my people, and I will not allow anyone to take me against my will ever again, Felix. That is not how this is going to work.”
[She resumed her very slow pacing.]
“We will go out to meet them.”
[She looked over her shoulder at Darzul.]
“If I ride out to speak with them, they will not attack on sight. They will think to capture us and to bring us into their camp, and then we will be brought before their greatest commander. Then, I will be able to speak with them. And more importantly, I will be able to use Mind Read.”
[Felix spread his hands apart, taking on an urgently adversarial argumentative pose.]
“Sheba, if we are ‘captured’, in truth or in ruse, they will almost certainly separate the two of us. If I am to be at my greatest power, I must have the Sol Blade on my person.”
“You can have it in your bag. And they won’t separate us if you act as my ‘translator’.”
“That won’t work. They know you speak their language.”
[She gave a soft laugh.]
“Ha! No, they don’t! I never let that on while I was captive there. There was always a translator at hand when they wanted to speak with me. And besides—they won’t know who I am until we are well into the camp. They expect some timid, frail, submissive creature—not a Hero, daughter of Yegelos.”
[She turned to face Felix.]
“If you and I are to hold the south together, Felix, then you can be my guard. We shall make a striking pair, you and I; and they will answer to the might of the Anemos, if nothing else.”
[Darzul raised a hand.]
“I have an observation to make.”
“It’s been how long since Felix routed them?”
“…At least an hour, probably more. Why?”
“They know that there is a powerful Adept capable of flight. Even if they don’t know it’s Felix, they probably are expecting an attack. Felix wasn’t satisfied with dispersing them, but went to the effort of forcing them into a retreat.”
“Frankly, Lady Sheba, your idea might work if it were not for the fact that I am quite certain they have already retreated an hour’s march further West, back toward whatever their nearest camp might be. You will find no horses across the water, and if you approach by air, you will be recognized as a threat and attacked on sight. This leaves you an hour behind to start with, and even as you advance, they will retreat. You might go all day without even catching sight of them. And once you do, it shall be in a place where they have a defensible position.”
[Sheba frowned at this, thinking it over. Darzul looked over at Felix.]
“Diplomacy is ideal, but even Proxans will have a large group of Scholars with them when attempting to lead a peaceful discussion. Trickery could be effective, but it is the most treacherous of paths. I do not recommend this at all. Not until you are sure of what you are facing.”
[Felix held a hand to his face, thinking this over.]
“Well, if we are taking a path that’s not {[the dragons’ road]}, then the best thing to do would be to make it a scouting mission.”
“Now that’s more reasonable and feasible. And we can help. Even if it could take all day. As long as we’re smart about it, we should be able to all keep out of sight.”
“Since when did I say you were coming, Beastmaster?”
“Felix brought me here for moral support. And you and I both know he’ll be less distracted if he feels there are options that ensure you are not left entirely alone in the case of disaster.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“This really would work better with horses if we wanted the chance for an expedient retreat. I don’t suppose you have a way of making a bridge?”
[Felix gave an exasperated sigh and slipped his fingers into his hair, thinking back on the several times he was obliged to do so on their journeys.]
“I do, actually… so we might as well get ready. If you’re right about them retreating, then we may have a long day ahead of us.”
{Northern Gondowan 4:15 P.M.}
“I really would have thought we’d see something by now.”
“Something other than tracks, at any rate.”
[Felix glanced up at the sky, frowning.
The sun was low in the sky, now. There was only about an hour of daylight left.]
“…If we don’t find them by nightfall, that will require we either make camp or turn back.”
[He was already imagining the process of starting a campfire, making a shelter. It would be rather cold…]
“Making a fire so close to an enemy encampment is very dangerous.”
“I’m aware of that. But what would the alternative be? We should take shifts, not force you to keep things warm.”
[The Proxan gave an unreadable expression at this, before turning away.]
“…I guess I forget how sensitive you are to cold.”
[Felix lowered his eyelids slightly at this, picking up on the fact it wasn’t the other man’s first answer.
He chose not to dwell on it, though, as he was pretty sure he wouldn’t like the answer if his friend had gone to the effort of avoiding speaking his mind in such a grave situation.]
“If I’d believed we’d be traveling into the night, I would have brought more robust supplies.”
“I suggest we stop here for a while.”
[Felix looked over at Sheba.]
“We’ve been riding for hours. Surely the horses could use a rest?”
[The Proxan gave an amused and proud grin.]
“It’d take more than that to tire out a Proxan war horse! But, perhaps you’re right. We do want them rested and fresh enough to take off if we find ourselves in need of an expedient retreat! Or a charge, as the case may be.”
“The three of us against an entire encampment? During a scouting mission?? Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Oh really now? Says the man who has the instincts of a Minotaur.”
[Sheba gave an amused huff at this, leading to Felix making an unamused expression.
Still, the three of them came to a halt. While Darzul busied himself tending to the horses, Felix used Psynergy to make the site both more comfortable and more defensible.
Within a few minutes, the three of them were all sitting down, with Felix distributing some jerky and bread.]
“{You seem distracted.}”
[Felix didn’t look up at this. Darzul blinked at the use of the Lalivero language, but quickly decided to busy himself with feeding the bird of prey that was with him.
Felix frowned slightly.]
“{I suppose I am.}”
“{Why don’t you tell me about what we’ll do after this is over, then?}”
[He looked up.]
“{Because I can’t foresee what exactly we’re up against. I don’t know what the future might look like. I don’t know if I’ll be in it.}”
[He had to tell her, didn’t he? After all, she could literally read his mind.]
“{I have seen Pride be the downfall of great Warriors, Sheba. The last words of my successor were… he asked how they could lose. And his cohort… she noted how they were superior in every way, but were still defeated.}”
[He clenched a hand into a fist.]
“{I don’t want to make that same mistake of overconfidence. Arrogance is deadly.}”
[He took her hand in his and turned to look her in the eye.]
“{Sheba… the only thing I know for certain is that they won’t get to Lalivero again. You will be safe, even if that’s by being in the eye of the storm.}”
[She put a hand to his face.]
“{Safety is more than just absence of injury, Felix. Safety is being able to travel as you will, to talk to whomever you please, to host whomever you like, to show kindness to anybody, to speak your mind without fear, to be generous without anxiety. To build in peace, to celebrate in tranquility.}”
[He closed his eyes as she continued.]
“{If you don’t want to talk about it until later, then I understand. Just don’t lose sight of it, alright?}”
[He could see it. He could hear it. Oh, it was so, so close. So close that it hurt.
More than anything else right now, he just didn’t want to lose it.
He wanted to go home. Home, now, where his friends were. He wanted to prepare feasts before the fire, with rich spices and a bounty so plentiful that all would have their fill.]
He just wanted for this madness to end. For the sun to rise, to celebrate their deliverance from such a dark, oppressive shadow.
To dance, to laugh, to sing.]
«I promise you, I haven’t lost sight of it.»
[He closed his eyes and held her close.]
«The desire and determination to return to living those days again is the main thing that keeps me going.»
{Northern Gondowan 5:00 P.M.}
[After a long day of preparation and riding, Felix had almost begun to wonder if they’d actually managed to drive them off entirely.]
“Is it just me, or is that smoke in the distance?”
[Felix squinted and looked to the horizon.
Sure enough—faint, but present—there was distinct smoke somewhere far ahead of them.]
“They must be settling down for the night, then. I imagine they’ll have patrols.”
“I don’t doubt that. We should be wary of leaving the cover of the forest, though.”
“Are we going to continue with Cloak, then? The sun’s setting.”
“No… not exactly, anyway. I want to get an aerial view.”
“You’ll be highly visible.”
“I meant from the mountains. I don’t have time to climb there. Besides, if I need to cause a landslide to block off the road, then…”
“Well if that’s your intention, then the rest of us should turn back.”
“I’m not leaving him behind. I can use Hover to fly alongside him.”
“Sheba, landslides can be very unpredictable. I would feel better if you kept a bit of distance so I had room to work.”
“Oh, so that’s your definite plan now, then?”
“Yes. Last time I caused a landslide—which WAS an accident, mind you—it took them several months to clear it out. By then, it would be winter. They can’t keep troops stationed this far out for that long; the food and fuel supplies would be far too expensive to maintain.”
“Felix, the pass in the Silk Road was much narrower than the valleys between these mountain ranges.”
“True, but the path they took doesn’t take up the whole valley. Don’t underestimate what I can do.”
[Darzul brought his horse to a halt.]
“Well, in that case… I’ll wait here for you two doves to return. The horses will get spooked, and this is probably as close as we can get while being out of range of a natural disaster.”
“I need to do this by myself.”
“I mean it, Sheba. If nothing else, I would like it if we didn’t leave one of my best friends by themselves in hostile territory. If there’s anyone behind us, I don’t want us to get flanked and taken by surprise.”
“…Alright. But only because you have a point.”
“Thank you. Now—”
“But I need you to promise you aren’t going to intentionally go after them by yourself.”
“I promise.”
{5:15 P.M.}
[The sun had set by the time he reached his vantage point.]
“Oh my Stars…”
[There were thousands of them. Tens of thousands, surely.]
[Thoughts were racing. Trying, trying to think of options.
And there was only really one option.
With this many people, even blocking the road would not be enough.]
“Arizona, I’m going to need to land.”
“{You ARE crazy.}”
“Tell me something we don’t know.”
“{What is your plan, exactly?}”
[It wasn’t enough; he had to do something drastic, and he had to do it quickly.]
“You aren’t going to like this. Just take me up to a harsh dive; I’ll benefit from the force of momentum with this.”
[As they climbed up into the air, he looked out at the last rays of the setting sun.
It was strange how calm he felt in this moment, knowing what he was about to attempt.
And Time itself seemed so slow as they reached the peak of the climb and started diving down.]
“{Last chance to change your mind!}”
[There was nothing for it. He had no choice—the forest in the south and the river near the city would have turned away most opponents, but it served only as an inconvenience and a source of resources to an army practicing scorched-earth tactics.]
“Not happening, this time!”
[The rush of adrenaline was filling him with even more energy, even as he felt disassociated from his own feelings.
It wasn’t going to be enough to just cut them off with a landslide; that would only delay the problem for a few weeks. No… for something this drastic, he would need much more. Much, much more.
For this, he was going to have to move mountains.]
<FLX to ALL >: > -Abrupt blast of adrenaline rush fear, thrill, apology, and warning-
[All at once, there were deafening sounds as dozens of enchanted watches went off simultaneously.]
[He jumped down, bringing his hands down to SLAM on the ground, sending out a massive shockwave.
But that was nothing compared to what came next.]
[It started as a low rumble. A distant sound, as if of thunder.
The ground seemed to buzz, as if a large vehicle was tearing by.
But by the time everything began to shake, it was already too late—and even the nearing army seemed to recognize that.
The horrific blast of potent Elemental energy was explosive, shattering the landscape as if a series of caverns had utterly collapsed.
If Tolbi took the town, they’d take the Lighthouse. (If anyone could find a way to bypass the protections—even so far as to just build right alongside the Lighthouse to the top—it would be the empire that had been researching Alchemy for over a century.) And that would be the beginning of the end… so defeat was not an option.]
[He had no choice of it.]
[Such was his fate, such was his destiny.]
[If that is the price he must pay…]
[If his life were the only offering necessary to ensure the protection, safety, well-being, and tranquility of all those who were relying on him…]
[Then it was a small price to pay.]
[Weyard’s Venus Lighthouse let out a howl!]
[There was a SCREAMING noise of shrill energy as a pillar of light shot into the sky, blinding as the Sun.]
[He demolished the buffer that was always in place, the internal regulation of his physical being that kept Psynergy in check, and throttled the extent of what he could manage before feeling drained with fatigue from the cost of serving as a conduit to such incredible forces of nature.
His sense of connection to himself, to reality, to his thoughts, faded away as the presence of Venus filled him with light.
The presence of hopes, of dreams. Of growth and new life, of rebirth and discovery. Of the thousands of brimming vessels of joy, of delight and of wonder.
The presence of Life. True Life, the inner light, the mysterious splendor.
The garden of wonder that lay at risk.
And he would protect it. He would protect it with everything he had. With all that he was, with all that he could be.
Petty tyrants were doomed to fall. It was not their fate to conquer the world. For the Undying spirit was the root of the Tree of Life—
Undeterred by solid barricade, it always, ALWAYS would push against the unyielding, crushing weight with the power to SPLIT stone, and turn it to rubble.
And so, with all that Was, fueled by the burning determination of countless streams…
The shield arm plunged deep, as if in water; and, grasping the ridge of long forgotten things…
He UPROOTED the spires within his reach.]
[The roaring sound was deafening as he unleashed the power deep within: not deep within himself, but within the very roots of the world.
Tearing up the landscape, the continent roiled as the mountain ranges were brought together, sealing the main part of the forces off from being able to invade.]
[But now—now, when he was filled with the unflinching resolve of the unshackled Spirit—]
[He wasn’t going to just leave it there.]
[Felix used DESERT GASP!]
[There was a maddening howl of unearthly intensity as the dust was scattered from the force of a decimating blast of energy.
And it seemed to the soldiers that a sandstorm engulfed the legion, for grains of burning energy tore among them, scouring both flesh and blade.]
[It roared as if enraged, and the army was tossed about as the very earth beneath them shattered from a surge of sudden explosive force—]
[Felix used GAIA’S RAGE!]
[And he was gone, lost in the chains binding him to the world, pulling on the yoke of all that needed him, the thousands he must protect, would die to protect from tyranny—]
[But the Mars in him roared in objection. This was not enough. They would be back, unless the power of the empire was shattered, once and for all.
He couldn’t risk losing everything.]
«They must be stopped»
«They must be stopped»
«They must be stopped»
«They must be stopped»
[He was indeed his father’s son. And like his father, there lay untapped power—the power to stand against the strong, to fell the mighty by causing their strength to become their downfall.
A fitting counter to the might of Tolbi.
And so, he turned all his muster to one final blow. One last strike, what little he had left before collapsing—the fitting final sting against the strongest army the modern age had ever seen.]
[Felix used CRUEL RUIN.]
In some other world, he was able to bring the sunrise. The sunrise he had imagined.
Oh, Felix could imagine such elation; the horn of triumph drowning out the roar of the sea against the sight of the fleeing enemy, their power of oppression scattered and toothless. The sheer joy at seeing freedom, with the knowledge that they would be safe and could rebuild and prosper.
That he could bring his friends to a true Venus harvest feast, and they would sing and dance, and he’d put flowers in her hair, and gift Raychel and Brandish a part of the spoils as victors. He would work at the forges and hammer the praises into an emblem that would hang above the fireplace for the rest of their days, to celebrate the day when the oppression of violence was broken.
Sheba would sing like an angel, and the food would be more than one could eat—for days on end. And he would laugh and they would travel, and he would take the others to see the wonders of the Lighthouses.
And they’d finally be free to be together, and he would not be afraid.]
Instead, that was only the beginning. of the war that would follow.
<<—Previous——————Flare of the Morning Star——————Next—>>
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Alternate Next Gen (Relatives): Brook Rivers
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Brook is the son of Lily and Dorian. As a young boy, Brook enjoyed watching his mom and his aunts perform in water shows and would always watch them along side his cousins and it was because of the influence with watching their respective moms that they started their own water show where they started calling themselves “The Captivating Cousins”. The main difference between him and his mom is that he doesn’t belittle his youngest cousin Lapis and sees her as a strong battler and a great gym leader when it’s time for her to take over the gym, he, along with Gale and Rosemary also let Lapis join them for their water shows when she isn’t busy training or taking exams. Brook does care about his looks but he cares more about his Pokemon than how he looks and will always groom and care for them since he sees the Pokemon as the main stars of each performance. In a lot of performances, Brook will play a more heroic role as such his Pokemon represent the role he takes as being a hero. Brook will mostly do research about their shows to make sure that what they’re doing is accurate to how it was in whatever time period or whatever setting they’re doing. 
His Pokemon:
Mantyke- Mantyke hatched from an egg given to him by his parents after Dorian’s Mantine laid an egg. As Mantyke is still young, he gets uneasy when he isn’t near Brook and always stays near him, especially when he’s swimming in the pool with him. Mantyke is very friendly and enjoys swimming and playing with the other baby Pokemon that Brook’s cousins have and they in turn like playing with him. He loves swimming and diving under water and he enjoys having Togepi and Pichu ride on his back so they can enjoy the water with him. Togepi, Pichu, Mantyke and Azurill are known to be the mascots and stars of many of the water shows the cousins create together and he enjoys taking part in the water shows as he gets to be with his friends and his surrogate father. Mantyke loves to swim with his Dorian’s Mantine when the two of them are able to swim in a large body of water, he always has fun swimming with other Water-type Pokemon and he loves taking his pseudo siblings for a swim along with him and his father. Mantyke often acts as the older brother between him, Lapis’ Togepi, Gale’s Pichu and Rosemary’s Azurill and he acts as the peacemaker between the three of them, as well as making sure all of them are happy which he does when by performing a small water show for them if they’re upset. Mantyke has a special bond with Lapis’ Togepi, Gale’s Pichu and Rosemary’s Azurill, the four of them see each other as siblings despite none of them being the same species or sharing parents.
Caught in a Dive Ball.
Ability is Water Absorb.
Moves are Water Gun, Supersonic, Aqua Ring and Air Slash. Locked moves are Hydro Pump, Air Cutter, Agility, Mirror Coat, Ice Beam and Round.
Dewott- Dewott was given to Brook by his grandparents when he was a Oshawott after the two of them went to a trip to the Unova region. As a Oshawott, Dewott was pretty clumsy and a little bit of a airhead, often tripping when he would walk or he would make a mistake during rehearsal for a Water show. While he was clumsy and a little bit of an airhead, he did have a temper that would rarely come out or it would come out if he got annoyed enough and he would go into a frenzy. After evolving into Dewott, he became less clumsy and became more focused and serious which surprised his trainer and his trainer’s cousins. Dewott is an honorable Pokemon and doesn’t like anyone who plays dirty or cheats during a battle, finding those kinds of people or Pokemon to be weak and he can’t stand it when he sees a big Pokemon picking on a small Pokemon and he will fiercely protect the smaller Pokemon from a bigger Pokemon. While Dewott doesn’t understand much about the water shows, he does enjoy the plays where he gets to battle with his trainer by his side. Dewott has a sweet tooth for chocolate, to the point if he eats one he’ll lose his stoic face and happily munch on the chocolate. Dewott has a brotherly bond with Lapis’ Wartortle and Gale’s Prinplup though all three of them often fight for Rosemary’s Brionne’s affections.
Given in a Pokeball. 
Ability is Torrent.
Moves are Razor Shell, Revenge, Iron Tail, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Sacred Sword, Night Slash, Rain Dance, Double Team and Aqua Tail.
Poliwrath- Brook caught his Poliwrath when he was a Poliwhirl, thinking it would be cool if he had a Poliwrath while his cousin Lapis had a Politoed, he caught Poliwhirl and got a Water stone from a store but to his confusion his Poliwhirl wouldn’t evolve when he gave him the Water Stone. After a Nurse Joy explained that perhaps Poliwhirl needed to train some more before he evolved, Brook took that as advice and trained his Poliwhirl as hard as he could in any body of water that he could get to as well as on land. It wasn’t until the two of them were swimming that Brook had ended up getting too close to some Tentacruel and they ended up attacking him and his Pokemon. After a hard fight, Poliwhirl had evolved into Poliwrath to protect Brook. Poliwrath is a very strong and protective Pokemon, he’s also very serious and takes time to train himself with both swimming and martial arts. Poliwrath isn’t easily deterred by anything that may be in his way when it comes to the water shows or just swimming in general, he also enjoys playing the role of a hero Pokemon with his trainer. He also teaches children who visit the gym how to swim when he isn’t needed in a water show, he enjoys being with children.
Caught in a Lure Ball.
Ability is Swift Swim.
Moves are Submission, Mind Reader, Dynamic Punch, Hydro Pump, Power-up Punch, Ice Punch, Dive, Drain Punch, Bubble Beam and Poison Jab.
Buizel- Brook caught his Buizel while he and his family were on a trip to Sinnoh, Buizel was rather shy and was about to get away from the large amount of people he saw but when he laid eyes on Brook he felt more at ease with him and let himself be caught by Brook. Buizel is very shy around people and Pokemon he hasn’t met before but when he gets to know them he’s more excited and happy to meet others, often claiming to be their friend. Brook started training with Buizel in an attempt to get him to open up more, it took a while but he did start opening up and became less shy and more brave and determined. Despite Buizel’s more determined and brave nature, he still doesn’t like performing in a water show due to stage fright so he prefers to have more low known roles such as being a background Pokemon instead of battling. Buizel still enjoys helping out his trainer and his cousins with their shows so he’ll also use his moves to create beautiful background and effects, Brook, Gale and Rosemary are okay with what he does and has no issue with his work.
Caught in a Fast Ball.
Ability is Swift Swim.
Moves are Rain Dance, Aqua Jet, Water Pulse, Ice Punch, Water Gun, Double Team, Echoed Voice, Aqua Tail, Hail and Secret Power.
Ludicolo- Ludicolo was caught by Brook when he found Ludicolo dancing and playing with children near the city, seeing how well he was dancing he figured that Ludicolo would be a good member for his team so he caught Ludicolo, Ludicolo didn’t mind and was perfectly fine with having a trainer. Ludicolo is a cheerful and jolly Pokemon, he enjoys dancing to music and entertaining young children who come to the water shows. Ludicolo is a capable battler and enjoys dancing while he battles, which is something Brook uses to his advantage. Despite how he looks, he still is a Pokemon who is protective of his trainer and the Pokemon gym, as such he will fight with all he can if either is in danger. Ludicolo is also protective over children and always protects them or helps them should they need help, he’s often known as being a protector for other young kids.
Caught in an Ultra Ball.
Ability is Rain Dish.
Moves are Teeter Dance, Giga Drain, Nature Power, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Whirlpool, Razor Leaf, Water Pulse, Energy Ball and Hydro Pump.
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Meet: Hunt Country Kitchen and Bath Studio
Hunt Country is not only known for its rolling hills and open countryside. The timeless, rustic-inspired interiors that make up farm houses, barns, and historic estates are very much a part of what encompasses the horse country charisma. Meet Hunt Country Kitchen and Bath Studio, one of our new Scouted busineses who specializes in outfitting spaces with that perfect Hunt Country charm.
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Hunt Country Kitchen and Bath studio is a design studio with many years of experience in Interior Design and specializing in kitchen and bath design. They are proud to specify Wood-Mode and Brookehaven fine custom cabinetry. Offering product lines to complete your project such as: Francios & Co. custom hoods, Water Street Brass solid brass hardware, Rohl sinks and faucets, Emtek hardware and more, Hunt Country Kitchen and Bath Studio has an immense array of resources to turn your vision into your living space.
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Hunt Country Kitchen’s award-winning Design Principal, Kathy Gray, has her degree in Interior Design and has focused her career on kitchen and bath design for more than 25 years. Kathy won the Sub-Zero Wolf Design Contest awarded for regional design covering the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, West Virginian, and Kentucky. Her projects have been published nationally in books and magazines including Great American Kitchens, This Old House, Fantastic Kitchens, Nashville Home and Garden, and more.
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L.A. TO V.A.
Raised in Los Angeles, Kathy has her degree in Interior Design from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising.“I developed a love for cooking and architecture as a child. Upon graduation I decided to focus my career on kitchen design; it seemed to be a natural fit,” Kathy says.  “After graduation I walked up and down Robertson Blvd (located in Beverly Hills/West Hollywood Design District) looking at the different design showrooms deciding where I was going to work! I found the most beautiful design studio. They specialized in German custom cabinets. I walked in, met the owner and talked him into hiring me! This was a fantastic opportunity. Marshall, the owner, is an architect and I learned so much working for him.”
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Kitchen renovation project with Interior design by Daniel J. Moore Design and Kitchen Design by Hunt Country Kitchen.
After Califorinia Kathy relocated to Nashville, where she worked for a design showroom specializing in kitchen and bath remodeling. Just in case you are wondering how Kathy landed in Horse Country, VA...“While in Nashville I rediscovered horses, and finally fulfilled my childhood dream of owning a horse. When the opportunity to relocate to Virginia came about, my number one priority was to find a good location for myself and my horses. I landed in Orlean. I love the community. I have wonderful friends, neighbors and clients.” Kathy often flies back to L.A. and Nashville to do additional design work for past clients. 
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Recently completed guest house above a stable in Orlean 
Kathy recently completed a project in Orlean, VA in which she designed a custom mahogany bar as well as remodeled several bathrooms, pool house, new party room, guest house above the stable (pictured above), and a media room with a bar/lounge.
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This seems like a fairly intense undertaking, one that requires not only skill, but a passion for design. “My love for design allows me to design both beautiful and functional spaces for my clients.  I often have the opportunity to rearrange wall layouts – finding those extra few feet or inches that can really make a difference to the overall design. In addition to kitchens a client will often ask me to the with the adjoining rooms, developing spaces around the kitchen such as family rooms, breakfast rooms, laundry and home offices”, Kathy says.
Although a traditional home, the clients wanted the lower level entertainment space and bar to be a nod to the Modern Design of the 1940s. “I was thrilled at this opportunity”, Kathy says,  “The bar is reminiscence of the bar at the Ritz Carlton in Paris.
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The bar cabinetry and paneling is all constructed of beautifully matched Ribbon Mahogany wood…even the drawer boxes and their custom dividers are made of Mahogany. The tall columns support “floating” glass shelves in front of large custom framed mirrors. The countertops and back bar shelf are polished natural brown lapis. This stone has a high mica content that shines beautiful iridescence patterns when the light hits it just right! 
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Another feature of the bar are the wall sconces mounted to the columns in a brass finish which have a wonderful art-nouvelle feel to them. The adjoining media room features complimentary wall sconces mounted on paneled columns topped with beautiful molding detail.
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Custom kitchen for a Vienna home
Hunt Country Kitchens can design and install your kitchen or work with your with interior designer, architect or builder. Kathy loves collaborating and working on a team brining her speciality in all things kitchen, bath, and cabinets to the table. 
We are so happy to have her, Hunt Country Kitchen and Bath Studio, and the beautiful spaces she curates in Volume 7. Visit Kathy and her Afghan hound Jet at the showroom in downtown Marshall.
Be Sure To Tell Her Scout Sent You!
Hunt Country Kitchen and Bath Studio  8393 West Main Marshall, VA  C: 540 364.5402 Follow on Instagram: @huntcountry_kitchen&bathstudio
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Alternate Next Gen (Main Cast): Lapis Waterflower
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Lapis is the daughter of Lana and Misty. Like both of her mothers, Lapis loves Water-type Pokemon and loved being with them ever since she was little and due to watching a lot of Misty’s Pokemon battles she decided that she wanted to be the next Gym Leader of Cerulean city as such she trains hard to be the next gym leader. She also joins her cousins with their water shows when she isn’t training her team. Much like Misty, Lapis is a sweet girl and she loves Water type Pokemon and like Lana, Lapis will often make outrageous jokes about how she met Lugia or fished up a Kyogre, she’ll often try to keep the joke running before she says that she’s kidding. Lapis had inherited Misty’s temper and she inherited Lana’s icy glare when angry, making Lapis a rather scary person when she’s angry. Lapis enjoys fishing and is an expert at fishing, she also enjoys making her own lures much like Misty does. Lapis is a very strong swimmer, being able to swim for a long time and being able to hold her breath under water longer than any one else. Lapis cares about all of her Pokemon, always praising them when they do something good and encouraging them when they need it most. Lapis can be rather shy when she meets someone for the first time, but after warming up to them for a while she can be a lot more energetic and lively around them.
Lapis has a Key stone attached to a hair tie. She also received a Z-Ring from Lana on her tenth birthday.
Her Pokemon:
Togepi- Togepi hatched from an egg that Lapis received from her grandparents. As Togepi is still young, she gets upset when she’s not near Lapis and will often cry when she doesn’t see Lapis or if she isn’t in Lapis’ arms. When she isn’t crying about not being near Lapis, Togepi is a cheerful baby Pokemon. She loves having fun with the other baby Pokemon that Lapis’ cousins have and they in turn like playing with her. She also loves playing in water so long as she has a flotation tube around her. Togepi, Pichu, Mantyke and Azurill are known to be the mascots and stars of many of the water shows the cousins create together and she enjoys taking part in the water shows as she gets to be with her friends and her surrogate mother. Togepi often grants Lapis and her cousins good luck and she shares the joy she gathers with them before and after a show, especially when she’s in a very good mood. Togepi is very friendly towards other Pokemon, she’ll often make friends with other Pokemon and will be upset if she has to say goodbye to them it’s due to this that Pichu, Azurill and Mantyke have to cheer her up, which always works. Togepi has a special bond with Gale’s Pichu, Rosemary’s Azurill and Brook’s Mantyke, the four of them see each other as siblings despite none of them being the same species or sharing parents.
Caught in a Friend Ball.
Ability is Serene Grace.
Moves are Morning Sun, Metronome, Extrasensory and Dazzling Gleam. Locked moves are Ancient Power, Draining Kiss, Swift, Water Pulse, Wish and Mystical Fire.
Wartotle- Wartortle was given to Lapis by Professor Oak when he was a Squirtle, she had picked him to be her starter Pokemon. As a Squirtle, Wartortle was insecure due to the constant bullying of his siblings at the Squirtle breeding facility because he was seen as weaker than the rest of them, it also didn’t help that he went a long time without getting picked as other trainers would pick Bulbasaur or Charmander. He has promised himself that if he didn’t get picked this time, he would run away from the lab and live in the wild so when Lapis had picked him as her starter he couldn't help but cry in happiness and relief at the fact he was finally picked. After he was taken in by Lapis he started to train as hard as he could so he wouldn’t disappoint his new trainer to avoid being released or given back to the lab. During a badge evaluation test, he had evolved into Wartortle and was extremely proud of himself for his evolution. When he evolved, he lost his insecure nature and became more proud and confident in himself. He does get embarrassed if someone praises him for a good battle or if he does good in a water show, to the point he can’t help but blush when he gets praised. Wartortle has a brotherly bond with Brook’s Dewott and Gale’s Prinplup though all three of them often fight for Rosemary’s Brionne’s affections. He eagerly waits the day he can evolve into Blastoise so he can Mega Evolve.
Given in a Pokeball.
Ability is Torrent.
Moves are Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Shell Smash, Skull Bash, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Ice Punch, Dragon Pulse, Mega Punch and Aura Sphere.
Golduck- Lapis had caught Golduck while she was on a fishing trip with her family, she had reeled in Golduck much to her family’s surprise. Wanting to battle the one who fished him up, he engaged Lapis in a battle with her Wartortle. After being beaten, he accepted Lapis as his trainer much to Lapis’ surprise but she accepted nonetheless. Golduck is a mature and intelligent Pokemon, he’s able to talk to Lapis through telepathy and fully respects her for her battle style due to how she was able to beat him with another Water-type, which is why he wanted to join her team. When he witnessed Lapis and her cousins performing in a water show, he was confused at first but after participating in one he found some enjoyment in it and was happy to participate along with his teammates. Golduck enjoys swimming with Lapis when he gets the chance to, he also enjoys training with his teammates and her cousin’s Pokemon when they need some training. He always trains himself to strengthen his Psychic attacks.
Caught in a Lure Ball.
Ability is Swift Swim.
Moves are Psychic, Hydro Pump, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Psyshock, Scald, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Aerial Ace and Rain Dance.
Lapras- Lapras had from an egg that Lana’s ride Lapras had laid, she had grown to like Lapis the most out of all of the cousins so Lapis had caught her and added her to the team. While Lapras may be young, she’s still interested in battling and is happy to train up to battle for Lapis. Lapras is kindhearted and gentle, she also likes to help her trainer and her trainer’s cousins with anything they might need and she has fun participating with the water shows the four of them come up with. Lapras can still be a little shy when meeting new people but she has warmed up to Lapis’ family and is just fine when around them, she’s still getting to know other humans but she’s taking baby steps. She also enjoys playing with the baby Pokemon, acting as if she’s their big sister and she has no trouble giving them rides on her back since not all of them can swim like she can, she had fun finding ways to play with them. Lapras mostly battles to make her mother and trainer proud of her and she gets very excited when Lapis and Lana’s Lapras praise her when she’s training or in practice battles.
Caught in a Dive Ball.
Ability is Hydration.
Held Item is Mystic Water.
Moves are Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Surf, Water Pulse, Frost Breath, Thunder, Psychic, Sparkling Aria, Sheer Cold and Dive.
Seadra- Seadra was caught when he was a Horsea while Lapis was fishing, due to Horsea needing a body of water to train and battle in, he was made right at home in Lapis’ care. As a Horsea, he was very shy and didn’t enjoy being near other Pokemon that were bigger than him as such he would mostly stick around by himself or be near the baby Pokemon of the gym since they were around the same size as him. After evolving, he lost his shy nature and became a lot more braver and fierce. Seadra also enjoyed battling and would spend his time training on his own, he later got to know his team and the other Pokemon in the gym which allowed him to get used to training with others by his side but he still prefers to be on his own. He enjoys being near Lapis but he isn’t fond of the water shows her and her cousins put on from time to time and doesn’t participate in them, preferring to continue training. Lapis and her cousins don’t mind as they don’t to force any of their Pokemon to participate if they don’t want to.
Caught in a Lure Ball.
Ability is Sniper.
Moves are Agility, Dragon Pulse, Bubble Beam, Muddy Water, Flash Cannon, Dragon Dance, Aurora Beam, Octazooka, Whirlpool and Icy Wind.
Politoed- Lapis had fished up her Politoed when he was a Poliwag. When he was a Poliwag, he always knew that he wanted to evolve into a Politoed as he always admired how they were good at singing and wanted to sing like them. Lapis knew that so she had gotten a King’s Rock for when he was ready to become a Politoed. After he had evolved into Poliwhirl, he had started training even harder to become ready to evolve into Politoed. Once Lapis decided he was ready, she gave him the King’s Rock and had him evolve again. After becoming a Politoed, he had enjoyed using his voice to intimidate his opponents or just using his voice while battling. Politoed also enjoys participating in the water shows, mostly by using his voice to create sound effects to sound like there's a monster during certain stories and he always gets excited when he hears comments about how others were surprised or scared when they heard his cry. Despite his deep voice, he’s very friendly and jolly and he does apologize if he scares someone in the audience, which makes everyone grateful and they find him cute.
Caught in a Lure Ball.
Ability is Water Absorb.
Moves are Bounce, Perish Song, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Voice, Hypnosis, Ice Beam, Metronome, Scald and Earth Power.
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heirsofremnant · 5 years
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Name: Esmeray Belladonna
Nickname: Esme, Essi, ‘Sunshine’ by Yang, ‘Kitten’, ‘Hairball’ & ‘Bitch’ by Jet
Age: 15
Gender: Female/Cis
Siblings: Older Brother (3 yrs) Elio Belladonna
Parents: Yang Xiao Long (Mom), Blake Belladonna (Mommy, Biological Mother), Jaune Arc (Biological and Surrogate Father)
Orientation: Heterosexual
School/Year/Team: Plans for Beacon Academy/Will be first year at age 17/ Will be on team YELO
Aura: Yellow
Semblance: Intangible, this Semblance allows Esme to phase through solid objects. She can phase through anything and everything and her Semblance lasts for a longer duration than most. Esme has the fault of her Mom and depends on it far too much during a fight, her perfect defense gives her the best offense.
Weapon: Gun Gauntlets that are combined with extended arm braces that reveal large blades for close combat. Named ‘Luna Fallacy’.
Emblem: Two crescent moons with a Full and Half Moon in between.
Personality: Outgoing, Charismatic, Kindhearted, Thoughtful, Analytical, Adventurous, Pushy, Stubborn, Short-Tempered, Independent
Voice: Myriam Sirois (Akane Tendo, Ranma ½)
Esmeray has been told since she was young that Jaune may have helped make her and was indeed her “father”, he was not her Dad. Instead of calling him “Dad”, Esme chooses to call him “Uncle Jaune”. He comes around on Birthdays and special occasions to see her and give her presents, but doesn’t see her as anymore his kid as Mars or Morgen are.
Esme grows up wanting to fight and be a huntress like her “cool mommies”. The two of them are her idols and she looks up to her Aunt and Uncles as well.
She is a snuggler and loves to curl up with a book under a warm, toasty blanket.
Many question where her lilac eyes originate from and the gene actually is present in Jaune, her biological father. Having blue eyes, he carries the gene for both green and purple eyes as well. That trait ended up showing in Esme, which turned into a happy accident; mimicking her Mom’s.
If you want to get on her good side, and are allowed to, rub the ears. She melts instantaneously.
Esme, holding a strong personality, is usually a ‘take charge’ type of woman, not willing to wait around on others to do something that she could easily do herself.
She hates whenever her big brother Elio babies her.
Her great uncle Qrow helped her design the scythe-like blade addition to her gauntlets.
Esme is very close with her Grandma Kali and Grandpa Ghira. Elio and Esme often spend summers with them and sometimes bring their cousins Mars and Xing along to enjoy the island made specifically for Faunus.
During her late teens and early twenties, Esme has plenty of one night stands with her male classmates. She is left disappointed with each and every boy.
She looks up to both Xing and Lapis when she is small, wanting nothing more than a big sister. The older girls often braid her hair, play dress up, and teach her all about make up and video games.
Mars is practically her older brother and she adores him, but often comments on how dorky he can be.
On the flip side, Esme and Jet hate one another since they first met. Jet views her as a little, annoying brat and Esme just sees a big, mean jerk. As children, they’d often get into arguments and fights, throwing insults and barbs at one another.
As they both grow into adults, however, the tide seems to change for the both of them as far as how they feel for one another. Perhaps Jet isn’t such a pain after all…?
Esme loves sushi and sashimi. Her favorite thing to do is read poetry and classic novels. She always loves having warm or draped clothing over her, such as her cardigan or Jet’s tops.
She’s 5′6″, smaller like her Mommy Blake.
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heirsofremnant · 6 years
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Esmeray (Esme) Yang Belladonna (Based upon Kitty Pryde and Cheshire Cat)
Nickname: Esme, Essi, ‘Sunshine’ by Yang, ‘Kitten’ by Jet when they’re older, ‘Hairball’ & ‘Bitch’ by Jet too
Age: 14 (22 when she and Jet begin their affair)
Gender: Female/Cis
Siblings: Older Brother Elio Belladonna
Parents: Yang Xiao Long (Mom), Blake Belladonna (Mommy, Biological Mother), Jaune Arc (Biological and Surrogate Father)
Orientation: Heterosexual
School/Year/Team: Plans for Beacon Academy/Will be first year at age 17/ Will be on team YELO
Aura: Purple
Semblance: Intangible, this Semblance allows Esme to phase through solid objects. She can phase through anything and everything and her Semblance lasts for a longer duration than most. Esme has the fault of her Mom and depends on it far too much during a fight, her perfect defense gives her the best offense.
Weapon: Fighter Gauntlets that are combined with extended arm braces that reveal assassin’s blades for close combat. Named ‘Eclipsing Danger’.
Emblem: A black cat half phased through an object.
Personality: Outgoing, Charismatic, Kindhearted, Thoughtful, Analytical, Adventurous, Pushy, Stubborn, Short-Tempered, Independent
Voice: Myriam Sirois (Akane Tendo, Ranma ½)
Esmeray has been told since she was young that Jaune may have helped make her and was indeed her “father”, he was not her Dad. Instead of calling him “Dad”, Esme chooses to call him “Uncle Jaune”. He comes around on Birthdays and special occasions to see her and give her presents, but doesn’t see her as anymore his kid as Mars or Morgen are.
Esme grows up wanting to fight and be a huntress like her “cool mommies”. The two of them are her idols and she looks up to her Aunt and Uncles as well.
She is a snuggler and loves to curl up with a book under a warm, toasty blanket.
Many question where her lilac eyes originate from and the gene actually is present in Jaune, her biological father. Having blue eyes, he carries the gene for both green and purple eyes as well. That trait ended up showing in Esme, which turned into a happy accident since her eyes mimic her Mom’s.
If you want to get on her good side, rub the ears. She melts instantaneously.
Esme, holding a strong personality, is usually a ‘take charge’ type of woman, not willing to wait around on others to do something that she could easily do herself.
During her late teens and early twenties, Esme has plenty of one night stands with her male classmates. She is left disappointed with each and every one of the ‘boys’.
She looks up to both Xing and Lapis when she is small, wanting nothing more than a big sister. The older girls often braid her hair, play dress up, and teach her all about make up and video games.
Mars is practically her older brother and she adores him, but often comments on how dorky he can be.
On the flip side, Esme and Jet hate one another since they first met. Jet views her as a little, annoying brat and Esme just sees a big, mean jerk. As children, they’d often get into arguments and fights, throwing insults and barbs at one another.
As they both grow into adults, however, the tide seems to change for the both of them as far as how they feel for one another. Perhaps Jet isn’t such a pain after all…?
Esme loves sushi and sashimi. Her favorite thing to do is read poetry and classic novels. She always loves having warm or draped clothing over her, such as her cardigan or Jet’s tops.
She’s 5′7″, smaller like her Mommy Blake.
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