#she ra season 5 spoiler
dearladynightmare · 8 months
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How did she know?
Sorry for this huge shitpost, but those were exactly my thoughts when I saw Prime in this scene! Prime and his weird AND touchy relationship with his clones. This is a sick fu**ing cult! And I certainly don’t want to get into detail but he’s a narcissistic jerk and I bet there’s nothing more attractive to him than those cloned versions of himself! XD
I bet he looks at his clones and thinks: „Bloody hell my ass is looking damn hot“
And I also bet if She-Ra wasn’t age-rating 6 Adora would have said that! Or anyone elsexDD
Hope you enjoy!:3
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alexfierroaf · 10 months
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If I had a nickel for every time an abusive cartoon parental figure spent 5 seasons making children’s lives a living hell and then manipulated them in their final moments into feeling sympathy and forgiveness for them in an attempt to continue controlling them after their self-sacrificial deaths, I’d have two nickels. But it’s weird that it happened twice.
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theaccipit3r · 6 months
Happy Halloween!!
To celebrate, here's a biology sheet regarding Etherian sorcery magic and how it works. I also digressed a little bit into the effects the Spell of Obtainment had on Shadow Weaver’s appearance!
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sapphic-chaand · 2 years
ok wait so hold the fuck up. in the scene where adoras dying at the heart, catras telling her to wake up and that shes never given up on anything in her life, right? and adora responds with "its too late, ive failed." she actually says these words. like, mumbles them aloud or something, bc its clear that catra can hear (she responds). sO WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS THAT CATRA THOUGHT ADORAS LAST WORDS WERE GOING TO BE ABOUT HOW SHES FUCKING FAILED AND WE AND CATRA BOTH KNOW THAT BEING A FAILURE WAS LIKE ADORAS #1 FEAR WHAT THE FUCK CATRA THOUGHT ADORA WOULD DIE BELIEVING SHES A FAILURE FUCKING IMAGINE THTA OH GOD
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applecidersstuff · 19 days
For some reason I keep seeing people under posts with ‘chipped Entrapa AU’ saying “I would kill HP if he chopped her hair off” or “he better not chop her hair off” but the only thing he would chop would be her hair bands.
Like guys her power is in her hair. She can lift tons of metal with little strands of it, so why in the name of everything would he rid himself of such weapon? He didn’t cut Catras nails when he chipped her, so I doubt he would do anything about Entraptas hair.
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mallydraws · 2 years
Adora fanart💞
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Entrapta, like Catra, has all the foundations for a corruption arc. Pre-existing deviance, a solid motivation for revenge, climbing up the enemy ranks until she is the head boss's left hand, and then gaining powet over Hordak himself. Like many villain scientists she assists and joins with the good guys from time to time.
What makes Entrapta different is that, through all of this, she ISNT a mastermind, morally grey ends justifies the means scientist. She is in fact a complete cinnamon roll who's hurt by what happened but doesn't hold a grudge at all and has joined the villains because they gave her sense of belonging, and a place to foster her love of science. So you have the top dog villain at the start of season 3 when shes finally got power over Hordak, and she's using it to tell him to love himself, to show him that our flaws are what make us beautiful and they shouldn't be masked, especially if we need help. And in season 5 she's not the sneaky ex villain getting a questionable redemption, she's literally leading the front lines in terms of converting people to the Rebellion, pulling one clone of a million clones out from under Prime and immediately being able to connect with him, being the one to tell Prime to his face he will never understand love, wrecking his brainwashing network, her connection with Hordak leading to Prime's death.
It's... so OPPOSITE to Shadow Weaver, who joined the rebellion about the same time Entrapta overtook Catra in the horde and then disappeared. Weaver has the standard "redemption" arc but doesn't learn a damn thing in her life, has no humility, and is constantly fucking with people's heads underneath her silver tongued words, all stuff Entrapta literally cannot do.
So you have this very compassionate pure of heart character influencing the iron cold leader of the villains, and this incredibly manipulative abusive character influencing the leaders of the heroes.
I think it's interested how shera plays so hard with tropes.
Yes! Exactly! One of my favorite parts about Entrapta’s character is that, in seemingly direct contrast to Shadow Weaver who looks, talks, and acts like a fairy tale Disney villain evil witch 24/7, with even her attempted ‘redemption martyr moment’ just piling more mental scars onto her surrogate daughters,  everything that we’re presented with in the first few minutes System Failure gives us the idea that Entrapta is this typical (albeit sweet-toothed) Mad Scientist soon-to-be-if-not-already-villain. She lives in a classically evil scary castle on a mountain, it’s full of traps, secret passageways, and (conveniently timed) robot zombies, and there’s mutants in the sewers apparently?!? Especially since some fans know her old incarnation was a shallow villain, once she finally crawls out of a vent like a goddamn Xenomorph with welding mask eyes glowing with menace the audience thinks they have her character figured out, and then she subverts these expectations by greeting our heroes with a genuine, cheery, hospitable welcome that still acknowledges the immediate danger they’re facing and her direct involvement in it. And ever since then, all she’s wanted to do is help people and do science (and hopefully make friends with people by doing those two things). Even when she learns She Ra’s most direct and effective weakness, even when she’s given the chance to use that weakness *again* after she thinks the BFS and Princess Alliance left her for dead, she still doesn’t take the opportunity to go full "They laughed at my experiments, but now I’ll show them all! Brand New Day! Muahahahaha!” etc etc. Shadow Weaver WISHES she could’ve climbed the evil corporate ladder as fast as Entrapta did, and ironically she accomplished it by doing the exact opposite approach to SW: Being 100% genuine and honest about her opinions, knowledge, and feelings. And Hordak establishes time and time again that he hates dishonesty in his ranks (mostly because he’s not great at subterfuge and trickery himself) and gains valuable knowledge and self-worth from Entrapta’s genuine honesty. I may be forgetting something, but I’m pretty sure the one and only time Entrapta intentionally, consciously lies about something is that bit in System Failure where she find the lab and says “We’re here! Uh, I mean, of course we’re here, we were never lost.” Of course, just because she never even considers taking steps towards actual, conscious Villainy and Vengeance doesn’t mean we can’t think up AUs where she does go down that path a bit.  One concept that I’ve yet to make into a proper fic is an alternate ending to Season 5 in which she has a more active role in usurping Prime, fully disconnecting him from the other Clones before Hordak does the Darth Vader/Emperor reference, then taking over the Velvet Glove’s army of clones, droids, and drones in order to collect data on the flora, fauna, and magic of Etheria before expanding her DC Brainiac style "data collection” to the rest of the newly entered galaxy. 
anyway thanks for prompting and then coming to my Ted Talk
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Thinking about the significance of falling when it come to Catradora. Obviously the imagery of cliffs, holding on to each other, and letting go are all significant in the narrative when it comes to their relationship. Two instances in particular stand out to me though as notable parallels. Catra falling into the portal and re-emerging as a twisted version of herself is very much in conversation with Adora falling into the chasm in the First One’s Temple and re-emerging as someone closer to the She-Ra that Light Hope (or her original programming) wants her to be. In both cases they’re reacting to having just experienced a mindbending mimicry of their lives together in the Horde before they split up. This is so eerie partially because reality is being expertly bent in both cases since there is a lot of truth woven into what Adora and Catra are seeing.
Adora is forced to literally let go (of her hold on the Cliff, her memories of Catra, her current feelings about Catra)/fall into the chasm. Light Hope has been trying to get her to let go the whole time because Adora’s attachment to other people threatens the First One’s plans to turn her into a weapon. Isolation. Other people are keeping her human. That of course extends to the Best Friends Squad, though it’s true that everyone expects too much of her, even the people she’s closest with. I think that’s one of the things that makes her relationship with Catra bloom in season 5. Catra wants Adora, specifically, not She-Ra. She is protective of Adora the person in a way that other people aren’t necessarily because she has an understanding of her that Bow and Glimmer aren’t going to have since they didn’t grow up with her in the Horde. Once Catra moves on from feeling in competition with Adora, then she can fully embrace her feelings. But anyway, tangent.
Adora being forced to let go/fall from the cliff is just the continuation of the idea that Adora feels like she has to choose the greater good over her own wants such as when she chooses the Rebellion over Catra. In her mind, she feels like there isn’t a choice. She has to leave Catra, even though she doesn’t want to do so. Light Hope is trying to take advantage of that trait for her own purposes, pushing Adora to follow orders and do what is best in the minds of the First Ones.
Now, Catra. Catra lets go of the cliff herself as reality is being pulled apart. This whole scene says so much about where her character is at this point in the plot. First of all, she tries to drag Adora down with her. She can’t stand the idea of Adora being better than her and on the moral high ground because part of that competitive dynamics is very much rooted in Shadow Weaver’s treatment of them both as children. Adora was prioritized. Catra was directly compared to Adora negatively and threatened with harm if she interfered with Adora’s “progress” in any way. Catra and Adora are both self-destructive at two ends of the same spectrum and the pressure/trauma caused by The Horde & First Ones are pushing them to extremes. Isolating extremes. Catra constantly feels a lack of safety and struggles with self-hatred. Catra lets go as she stares Adora in the eyes because she doesn’t feel worth much. I think that’s symbolic of her constantly pushing other people away on purpose as a way to both punish and protect herself.
When Catra re-emerges as Corrupted Catra we can see that her loathing for what Adora represents in her life has been taken to an extreme. I’m a believer that Corrupted Catra is just that. She’s still partially herself, but all of her instincts are taken to an extreme and it’s a raw expression of her hurt. Her pain is being visually symbolized by pieces of her simply being gone. This is another representation of the affect trauma is having on her and her life. That entire scene is brutal and it is good that Adora finally stands up for herself since obviously Catra is not justified in lashing out, but as she stands over Catra’s passed-out body, I think it’s a reminder that circumstances have been out of their control for a long while now. Trauma can isolate and push people away from each other (even when they need each other for healing), as well as away from being able to fully express themselves.
Then season 5 rolls around. Healing. Other people. Wanting. Self-expression. Wonderful things. Catra and Adora being together - what they bring out in each other - challenges both Shadow Weaver and the Horde’s purposes for them. Together, they defy control. You see, if they are able to truly love and connect with each other, then Adora might not conform to what the First One’s want of her and once Catra is able to move beyond the barriers in her relationship with Adora placed there by Shadow Weaver, she can’t be controlled by the Horde anymore either. They are defiance and self-expression and love and I’m totally obsessed with this show, aren’t I?
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kailuuart · 2 years
A while ago now I posted the reference for this drawing, it’s been a few months and I think I like the new one more!
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A while ago now I posted the reference for this drawing, it’s been a few months and I think I like the new one more!
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rainforestgeek · 1 year
Catra vs Hordak
She-Ra ended years ago, but like many things that I love, I still think about it.
Something I've struggled with is how much I dislike Hordak. It was mostly contextualized in terms of why I'm not a fan of Entrapdak (this is NOT an invitation to hate on the ship) but also in why I'm willing to forgive Catra's crimes but not Hordak's. I think I've finally figured out why.
For a long time I thought it was just a double standard, because I'm tired of being made to sympathize with cruel male characters and I also relate to Catra because her traumas reminded me of my own. I always said that Catra's redemption arc isn't about whether she deserves one. Deserving isn't the point - change is the point. So if deserving isn't the point, why am I unwilling to give the same emotional grace to Hordak? And I recently realized what was the difference between Hordak and Catra for me.
Catra chose to change.
Hordak...made a friend?
It felt to me like I was supposed to think Hordak wasn't so bad because he was capable of love when he bonded with Entrapta, even though he continued to strive toward his goals of conquest. Even in the finale, he didn't show regret for the destruction he wrought on Etheria - he told Horde Prime that he'd accomplished all these things on his own, with no remorse for the horror he'd inflicted. He didn't even blame Prime for conditioning him into a warlike person who inflicted horror, which would have at least acknowledged what he'd done was awful.
But that's not what happened with Catra. Like Hordak, she spiraled into a pattern of cruelty because she was struggling with constant pain, felt abandoned, and war was all she'd ever known. What Catra did was plan to do one selfless thing when she understood how important her love for Adora was, by saving Glimmer, then die having done that "one good thing." Then she found herself being given another chance, which she believed she didn't deserve because she understood all the pain she'd caused. She understood that she'd waged war on innocent people, that she'd hurt and manipulated those close to her, and she believed she deserved to die because of it.
I'm not saying that her feelings of remorse are the reason she "deserves" a redemption arc while Hordak doesn't because he didn't "feel remorse." The feelings aren't the point - here's the point: Catra understood what she did wrong and made the decision and effort to change. She decided to face her past and work towards a better future despite everything she'd done. (And while that process did feel quite rushed, I believe that's mostly because the showrunners didn't know if they'd get a sixth season and didn't want to risk it, so they packed two seasons worth of story into one.) We didn't see any of that with Hordak. There was no owning up to his actions alongside him throwing off the chains of his upbringing, and it would have been so much more interesting for his character if he'd shown that recognition and wanting to do better.
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wispy-fox · 9 months
This man-
This man right here-
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Reminds me so much of Wilford Warfstache and it's partially because of that I love him so much already! XD Whether that will change or not, I don't know, but he's definitely one of my favorite characters at the moment. I mean, just look at him!
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How can you not adore him?! Or at least like him a little bit? His confidence/eccentricity, style, mustache and everything else just seems so lovable atm, hehe
Yes, I'm riding the waves of "he reminds me of my blorbo Wilford" and "he's adorable and not a prick like I at first thought" atm, but I'm enjoying it and I love Sea Hawk as of now :3
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weedle-testaburger · 1 year
me after hearing they revealed zoe from ml is gay:
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My trans girl horde clone oc, that I’ve always wanted to make <3
she’s tall compared to other clones (I wanna say 8’3 maybe?)
Her entire story takes place after the whole prime war thing obviously lol, but she has not named herself yet. She’s trying to find something special to name herself after.
(also this isn’t my drawing, it’s just like editing over an image and stuff)
Hmm what else can I talk about.
She’s one of the uh head helpers of the healing committee in the fright zone and beast island. I imagine they try and idk fix that stuff once the war is over, and both of those places seem like total dead zones, so I like to imagine that they start trying to grow stuff there or see what’s making the sky red over there. Or getting rid of the monsters and the vines that make you hate yourself on beast island. 
Anyways uh she helps with that stuff.
I also imagine she somehow makes friends with double trouble, she meets them when she interrupts double trouble getting their final pay check from either the horde or brightmoon. Whichever one works cause honestly, they probably got both. Double trouble gets money. Anyways they become close friends (this isn’t because double trouble is my favourite character and my blog is themed around them definitely.)
Also they probably met before my character even figured out that you could change your gender, didn’t even know what being trans was man. She found out and she’s just like oh my god you can do that !?
Also I think all horde clones eventually thete eyes change colour, because I feel like hordak probably had green eyes originally and then they’d went red so? Idk I like different coloured eyes.
Also she’s actually rather quiet, when she was first disconnected from the hive mind it was such a like shock for her, I imagine the horde clones didn’t really do small talk so she forgets sometimes that she has to like talk to people and that everybody doesn’t already know what she’s thinking.
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The space between htn and she-ra could also read “big sword: identity crisis not sold separately”, or just, “LESBIANS”
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Awhile ago a friend and I discussed a little of Jasper’s thoughts on a handful of existing fictional villains. Gonna post screenshots of some of that conversation for the heck of it.
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(Other villains I didn’t go into detail about but did say he very much enjoys: Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, Megamind, Scar from The Lion King, Zhan Tiri from Tangled the series, Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2. Maybe I should pin down exactly what his thoughts regarding them are.)
Feel free to drop more villains in the ask box for me to give Jasper’s thoughts on!
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favbugnette · 1 year
oi gnt, eu me chamo Juan, vim lá do twitter sou @/adrien90s, espero que possamos conversar e surtar bastante por aqui, se puderem me seguir ficarei mto feliz e chamar na dm pra fazer amizade estou de portas abertas, meus moots são:
the owl house
one piece
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