#she was still amazing as celaena
ae-neon · 1 year
Reading Throne of Glass (16-18)
Tw: has mentions of rape and suicide
Princess Nehemia has arrived at the glass castle. She and Celaena clicked instantly.
The king departed on a secret voyage.
Kaltain Rompier remains pretty and rich as fuck.
One of the competitors died a mysterious and gruesome death.
The competition to find a Champion for the King finally started. Celaena might have found an ally in Nox Owen.
Chapter 16
Celaena and Chaol are having an early morning jog.
Celaena tells us Chaol is jogging and sweating lightly in a white shirt because she knows I'll eat it up. And I did.
Celaena throws up a lot. Like I get it's a physical reaction. But...vomiting hurts. The intense muscle cramps, the acid in your throat, it hurts. Vomiting like this everyday should and would damage her body.
2 weeks since Endovier. 10 days since arrival in the capital. 3 days since the 1st Test. Less than 1 month total. 4 days til the next elimination. Keeping score cause sjm timelines are hilarious.
Everything Chaol does is amazing.
Nevermind, as all men do, he immediately did something to show me I was wrong lol. Humbled and humiliated as I should be.
He sucked on his lower lip for a moment. “When did you get those?” She knew he meant the three enormous lines that ran down her back. “When do you think?” she said. He didn’t reply, (...) “Those three, I received my first day in Endovier.” “What did you do to deserve it?”
What if I jump through the page and curb stomp him
She stared at him without entirely seeing him as the ash-gray sky turned into the bleakness of Endovier, and the hiss of the wind became the sighing of slaves. No, it's actually so devastating, what happened to sjm?? This is such good writing.
The next day at practice, one of the competitors tries to run. Got killed instantly by the guards. So at least the castle security aren't chumps.
Again Celaena makes it clear that her escape attempt at Endovier was a suicide attempt. During her chat with Chaol the previous day would have been a better time to first reveal this. They also talk about a woman in the mines who was raped and murdered. Chaol asks if anyone tried to hurt Celaena in the same way
She says she would have killed anyone that tried. But a part of her wonders if Arobynn had paid for her "safety"
I think revealing the escape attempt was actually a suicide attempt would have tied all this together better:
Celaena sees what happened to that woman, she thinks about why no one has come for her yet and realises 2 things: 1) they eventually will come for her, maybe not a slave but a high up guard even and 2) if it is Arobynn keeping her "safe" it's not because he cares about her life but about her body
And then when she snaps, all of this leads her to the attempted suicide.
Dying—rather than playing in the king’s game—was the only choice left to him.
Chapter 17
The Queen and the Crown Prince are hosting a ball or a banquet, or something.
What had his father been thinking when he decided to host this contest? Dorian is asking the real questions.
The queen doesn't know about the competition and the criminals living in the castle? Divorce your husband, ma'am
...she was swathed in yards of forest-green velvet and floating scarves and shawls of gold, and her crown upheld a sparkling veil...
...he was wearing an outfit of his mother’s choosing, sent to him this morning: a vest of dark bluish-green velvet, with almost ridiculously billowy white sleeves bursting from the blue-and-white-striped shoulders. The pants, mercifully, were light gray, though his chestnut suede boots looked too new for masculine pride.
The Havilliards are dripped out.
Rhysand is somewhere crying, still wearing black on black when it's not Illyrian Leather Wednesdays
I like Queen Georgina.
She's worried Dorian frowns too much, he smiles apologetically, they talk about letters Hollin has sent from school - Hollin is naughty and hates school, Dorian was always well behaved - and she tells Dorian he needs to start thinking about marriage.
Do you wish to become king and die without an heir so Hollin can take the throne?” He didn’t answer. “I thought so.” lmao
This moment that hints towards Georgina being racist doesn't quite fit for me. There's something weird about how sjm is handling Eyllwe but that needs to be its own post.
Georgina is right. Dorian should marry Nehemia. (Again, if there's a fic, I need it)
But his father never did anything without a reason—and from the few words he’d exchanged with Nehemia, he couldn’t help but wonder if she had her own motivations in coming here, too.
Dorian himself is a rebel who told his father to his face that he doesn't want to rule conquered kingdoms but we're supposed to believe he's suspicious of Nehemia because she's rumoured to side with the rebels and wanted to shut down a labour camp??
Dorian agrees with the second bit not because it's slave labour but because he saw "the horrors Endovier inflicted on Celaena Sardothien's body" ????
Celaena hates the kingdom of Ardalan and it's king because he is actively committing genocide but she's glad the people of the White Fang Mountains were oppressed to the point the women and children took their own lives rather than be captured... Because then Chaol - who is in Rifthold and not Anielle AND already gave up his lordship, so actually completely removed from the situation - wouldn't have to fight someone like Cain???
The answer is no. I refuse
“It’s a pity that Lady Kaltain has an agreement with Duke Perrington,” his mother went on. “She’s such a beautiful girl—and so polite. Perhaps she has a sister.”
I literally told y'all: Kaltain Rompier is hot af.
Sarah J Maas make a woman an antagonist without implying she's hypersexual or a sexual abuser challenge: failed.
I wouldn't be bothered or inclined to ignore something like that but it's 3 for 3 and men are never held to the same standard so just like sjm and her stans I'm gonna ignore what I wanna ignore. Sue me.
I like Dorian but SJM will not convince me to sympathise with a man - a prince of an empire, mind you - because he's bored of his nice life.
The idea that Dorian is dissatisfied and feels trapped by his position in life could and should have been conveyed better than that.
Some nobles started dancing, weaving in and out among each other. Many were his age, but he somehow felt as if there existed a vast distance between them. He didn’t feel older, nor did he feel any wiser, but rather he felt . . . He felt . . . He felt as if there were something inside him that didn’t fit in with their merriment, with their willing ignorance of the world outside the castle. It went beyond his title.
This is better.
I hate when authors write nobles or royals who are so surprised and offended at the idea of marriages arranged for power or the producing of heirs. Be serious for a moment, I'm begging you, you are making your character look insane.
Especially since it seems like Dorian has slept with many of these women before. He feels they are good enough to fuck but they aren't good enough to be his wife?? As if they themselves aren't nobles?? Jail.
This immediately makes him look like not just a misogynistic pos - which can maybe excused within the narrative context - it makes him look like a pompous brat, which clashes severely with his "actually smart and rebellious Prince wearing the mask of a flirty brat"
Dorian leaves the ball, restless and comes across Celaena training but...
There she was. Her golden hair shone as she wove in and out of a knot of three guards, her sword little more than a steel extension of her hand. She didn’t balk at the guards as she dodged and twirled around them. Someone began clapping to the left, and the four dueling figures stopped, panting. Dorian watched a grin spread across the assassin’s face as she beheld the source. The sheen of sweat illuminated her high cheekbones, and her blue eyes sparkled. Yes, she was truly lovely. But— Princess Nehemia approached, clapping. She was clad not in her usual white gown, but rather in a dark tunic and loose trousers, and she clutched an ornately carved wooden staff in one hand. The princess clasped the assassin on the shoulder, and said something to the girl that made her laugh.
Nehemia x Celaena >>>>
If Celaena really is sjm's self insert, she had to have had a crush on a girl around this time
Dorian: omg this assassin can't be alone with the Princess! I must intervene.
The Assassin and the Princess: 🤨🙄😒 ummm, we're literally in the middle of something, please leave?
She shrugged and made to turn away. Irritated, but slightly curious, he grabbed her arm. Her turquoise eyes glittered as she stared at his hand, and his heart quickened when her gaze rose to his face. Yes, sweaty as she was, she was beautiful.
"Aren’t you afraid of me?” She glanced at his sword belt. “Or are you as deft at handling your sword as Captain Westfall?” He stepped closer, tightening his grip. “Better,” he whispered in her ear. There: she was blushing and blinking.
I get what's happening but I still feel more for her interactions with Nehemia and Chaol.
“It simply can’t happen. She’s here to learn our customs, not to spar.”
“She’s a princess. She can do what she likes.”
Yea. I really like Celaena. Dorian is down 15 points.
Dorian and Nehemia sparing is unexpected but okay.
I get why this is happening and if the core 4 were our main characters throughout the series I wouldn't mind but I wish SJM had grown out of having every character be able to physically fight.
Chaol and Celaena being fighters make sense, Dorian and Nehemia being able to weapon play to some extent makes sense as well but I want there to be a clearer distinction between the warriors and the politicians.
Chapter 18
Celaena smiled as she watched the Crown Prince of Adarlan lead the Princess of Eyllwe through the basic steps of fencing.
Consider: polyamory
Ah, the first mention of Sam, Celaena's old assassin boyfriend I think. Everyone and their mom is sad about Sam.
Princess Nehemia lunged, slapping Dorian on the wrist with her sword. Celaena bit down her laughter. He grimaced and rubbed the sore joint, but then smiled as the princess began gloating. Damn him for being so handsome! She leaned against the wall and would have enjoyed the lesson had someone not grabbed her arm hard enough to hurt. “What is this?” Dragged from the wall, she found herself facing Chaol. “What is what?” “What is Dorian doing with her?” She shrugged. “Sparring?” “And why are they sparring?” “Because he volunteered to teach her how to fight?” Chaol practically shoved her from him as he approached the pair. They stopped, and Dorian followed Chaol to a corner. They spoke quickly—angrily—before Chaol came back to Celaena. “The guards will take you to your chambers.”
Excuse you?? Rude as hell.
“That’s absurd!” she cried, and a pinch from Chaol kept her voice down. not to bring irl problems into it but on a serious note, sometimes I really worry about Sarah Janet. Pinching, as a sort of warning or punishment for "acting out" is actually one of the most common precursors of domestic violence.
I'm not saying Chaol is abusive or anything. This story obviously stands alone and has morality which is constructed with its context in mind. But Sarah never stops including serious but subtle signs of domestic violence in her romances - even the ones she herself believes to be best. I'm not talking about forcing someone to hike until they collapse or keeping personal information from them or even lashing out in anger - small things like following up disparaging language with assurances of love, pinching, being overly nice to everyone else but telling one person they have to act a certain way to earn that same level of affection etc the little things slip through the cracks and poison the minds of impressionable people
Celaena brings up her vomiting and the damage to her body. Very well done.
Anyways Celaena and Chaol argue and he orders her back to her room. The second Test is coming up the next day.
The familiar cracks are starting to show - sjm will build up her characters to be a certain way then betray their characterisation through hypocritical thoughts or actions. She does this to try to show the reader that the character is changing how they think for the sake of the love interest but we're two weeks and less than 20 chapters in. It just makes the characters look flaky.
Overall I'm still riding the high of it being so much better than acotar
Chaol and Dorian are both down points
Nehemia and Celaena are precious darlings
Queen Georgina Havilliard is a legend. I love moms being moms.
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lighteez · 7 months
Alhaitham + Cyno + OC (requested)
request: These are all soooo lovely is it possible to get Cyno or Alhaitham top with an OC of mine her names Celaena… ? I also wouldn't mind if it was created for both or them individually or together but that’s just me haha
notes: so... I did a threesome with haitham and cyno and celaena (commissioners oc), and i hope this is good (@_@) if it's not pls tell me so i can re-write it or something! and also srry for uploading slowly, college be hard y'all (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;) I hope you like this sweetie and it was up to your expectations (≧▽≦) thanks for requesting!!
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"Nari! Nari! Guess what?!" Celaena ran up to her friend and saw that he was working on something, "Oh... nevermind, you're working, I'll go tell-"
"I'm done with the work, what is it?" Tighnari took off his gloves and turned around to look at her with a smile. "Are you here for serious business or gossip, like always?" He chuckled and placed his gloves down on the desk.
Celaena sighed and rolled her eyes, "I don't gossip that much!" She stated as her finger tapped on her forearm while her arms were crossed around her chest. Tighnari laughed and nodded.
"Sure sure, anyways- what's up?" He said with a grin.
"Oh yeah, GUESS WHAT?!" She squealed happily while jumping up and down as the male raised his eyebrows at her from the sudden squeal she made. "Alhaitham and I are going to meet up!" Celaena happily stated.
Truth be told that she has a slight crush on him, which made this even more exciting for her. They all knew each other from the akademiya, but she never really wanted to confess her feelings to Alhaitham due to the whole group being awkward if she confessed, but somehow Tighnari and Kaveh found out about her obvious feelings towards him.
"Wait, just you two alone?" Tighnari sounded worried as his ear twitched a bit from confusion. "He asked you or-"
"Yeah, just us two! Alhaitham and I saw each other in the library and we ended up talking about books, but I had to leave so he said he wanted to meet up today so we can talk about books!" She did small jazz hands and did a small victory dance. "I still haven't told Kaveh or Cyno, yet... I'll go tell them right-"
"No!" Tighnari screamed out as he grabbed her wrist to hold her back from running away.
"No what?" She turned to look up at him with her eyebrow raised, being curious as to why couldn't she go tell the others about this.
Tighnari widened his eyes and let her wrist go, realizing he overreacted at her unfinished sentence. "It's uh... I heard that Cyno is a bit busy right now, but Kaveh is free! D-do you want me to go with you to tell Kaveh?" He nervously asked as he took off his equipment and rested them on the chair that was nearby as he dusted his sleeves. Smiling at her.
Celaena turned her body towards him and hummed, "Now why would you wanna go with me? I thought you didn't like gossip?" She smirked, teasing him a bit.
"I do not... well- not that much, but- that's not the point! Let's just go find Kaveh!" He grumbled and grabbed her wrist, leading her to go find Kaveh as she laughed at his embarrassed expression.
After walking around, they finally found Kaveh resting under a tree as he was sketching something on his notebook. "Kaveh! Guess what?!" Celaena ran up to Kaveh and crouched down to meet his gaze as Tighnari crouched down and sat on the grass, his ears relaxing as he felt the warm breeze hit his face after being couped up in his lab.
"Celaena! Nari! What's up?" He smiled, looking up from his notebook as Celaena clapped her hands.
"Alhaitham and I are meeting up today!" She squealed happily, trying not to be too loud just incase if he was walking around the town.
"Woah?! Really?! That's amazing!" He smiled and clutched his notebook with worriedness. "W-where is that happening?!" He chuckled nervously as Tighnari noticed his anxiousness as he spoke.
"He said he was coming over to my house since I have a few books that he's been wanting to read!" She smiled and swayed from side to side, imagining how they would spend their time her house. Just sitting around, talking, laughing, eating, and having fun together. She would've wanted more if he felt the same way, but knowing him, he would probably be clueless that she likes him.
"Really?! That's..." Kaveh looked around with his eyes wide and looked back at her, "That's wonderful!" He cheered softly as the grip on his notebook tightened until his knuckles turned white.
"I know right?!" She happily stated, being excited about this hang out. "I hope I can spend more time with him alone." Celaena sighed in happiness as her mind wandered, not noticing that Tighnari and Kaveh were giving each other a worried look.
"Have you told... Cyno?" Kaveh asked softly.
"No, I was gonna tell him but Tighnari told me not to because he's busy..." She frowned. If she's being honest, she wanted to tell all her friends about it, including Layla, but she decided not to since it was just a small meet up and nothing more.
"Yeah that's a good idea, he's really busy and he barely comes see us! Right, Nari?" He turned his head to the side, giving him a small signal to agree with him as Nari caught on and nodded.
"That's what I told her. Lae shouldn't tell Cyno until he's... not busy." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously as his ear twitched again.
Celaena sensed something was up between them as she finally payed closer attention to Tighnari's ears and Kaveh's grip on the notebook. Clearly, they were both worried about something or possibly hiding something from her. "Something is up... What are you guys hiding from me?" Her eyebrow raised at them as her eyes glanced at them both.
Kaveh and Tighnari both chuckled nervously as they looked at each other and then back at her.
"N-no, we're not hiding anything!" Kaveh laughed and looked away from her eyes as he inhaled deeply and kept his breath.
"Yeah, yeah... We're not hiding nothing at all!" Tighnari chuckled and also avoided her eye contact as his ears gave him away that he was clearly lying about something.
"Nari... I know when you lie, tell me the truth you-"
"Oh hey, guys! What are you doing under a tree?" A soft voice was heard as Celaena turned her head to the side and saw Cyno walking happily towards them, waving at them.
"Cyno!" She jumped up and ran to him, hugging him as she smiled. Cyno froze up and then slowly wrapped an arm around her shoulder, hugging her sideways as his face was flustered. "Guess what?!" She squealed once more while looking up at him.
Cyno gulped and looked at Tighnari and Kaveh looking clearly worried and with shock. "What's up? Did you get a promotion at your job? I've never seen you this happy." He chuckled softly.
"No, I wish! But it's something better than a promotion! Alhaitham and I are hanging out today at my house!" She told him, leaving his embrace as she jumped up and down again with happiness.
"What?" He asked sternly, frozen in place as he kept his gaze on her, frowning. "Alone? Both of you... alone in your... house?" Cyno gulped, clearly annoyed.
"Yeah! Can you believe that!" Celaena smiled as she looked at him and stopped jumping, realizing that he was in shock, or maybe angry? He had an unreadable face right now as she awkwardly looked over to the other two guys as they looked nervous as well. "What's wrong, Cyno? Is everything-"
"Yeah, I'm fine... Anyways- about that date, what are you going to wear to greet Alhaitham?" He chuckled as his usual soft smile returned to his face as Celaena smiled as well. Little did she know that he was hiding his anger behind his smile. Kaveh and Tighnari were the only ones that noticed that unusual smile he gave to her.
"It's not a date! It's just a hang out... and I'll just wear this, no?" She looked down at her outfit as Cyno scanned her outfit as well. He gulped and nodded.
"Well it is a nice outfit, but if you want to impress him, you can outdo this outfit, if you want to of course!" He chuckled as he walked over to the other guys and leaned into the tree, glancing at them both as the two guys looked up at Cyno with a worried smile.
"You're right... But wouldn't it be weird to-"
"No it won't. I'll help you chose an outfit if you want of course..." Cyno looked up at her and smiled innocently again. Tighnari and Kaveh froze, taking glances between them all as Celaena was clearly clueless about what was happening between them.
Celaena sighed and hummed, thinking about it as she nodded. "Sure! He's coming to my house in the evening, so I should get going to clean my house a bit, luckily it's not that messy." She smiled and stood in front of the guys as they all looked at her.
"Great. Then let's go." Cyno looked down at them and smirked, "See y'all later, I'm taking her home." He warned them as he walked to her and grabbed her wrist. Pulling her away from the guys as the two of the guys waved goodbye to them.
Cyno made a mental note to talk to Tighnari and Kaveh later about this and how to prevent her from ever confessing to Alhaitham. They all may be friends, but he had a small crush on Celaena as well, and he wanted to ask her out, but he never knew until recently that she liked Alhaitham. It made him angry at himself for not telling her the truth before.
As they were walking, Celaena noticed that Tighnari and Kaveh were both lying to her. "Cyno? I thought you were busy with work, what happened?" She looked up at him as he kept walking straight, glancing down at her from the side of his eye.
"I wasn't... I just got done with my usual patrol in the desert, so I came back here." He said sternly, not noticing that he was still holding her wrist. "Who told you I was busy?" He asked, preparing himself for the answer.
"Tighnari and Kaveh told me! They both said you were really busy." She shrugged as her house came into view. Cyno sighed and reminded himself that he will talk to them soon about lying to him.
"Those bastards... Just tell me even though if they no next time, okay?" He smiled at her and she nodded as silence came over them. They walked comfortably next to each other as Cyno breathed in and started to calm down.
Once they were in her house, she walked to her room and opend the closet door to show Cyno her clothes. "This is all I have. I don't know what to wear, so do help me out." She begged him and Cyno sighed and remembered what he was doing in her house. If he's being honest, he came with her to talk her out of it and meeting with him, but now he didn't want his plan to backfire so he had to chose an outfit for her.
He walked over to stand in front of her closet and examined the clothes. His gaze went from one end of the closet to the other end, taking his sweet time as Celaena sighed and looked at her closet thinking about doing another shopping spree cause apparently nothing in her closet was good for Cyno.
"Wear this." After what seemed like hours, he reached his hand in the closet and pulled out a pretty mesh top and a skirt that she bought a long time ago, but never actually got to wear it.
The black mesh top matched the checkered dark yellow skirt and she realized that the mesh shirt was see through. "Ah, I should wear a black shirt underneath the mesh top right? that'll be cute!" She grabbed the clothes from his hands as he hummed and shakes his head in disagreement.
"No, just wear it with your bra underneath." He smiled at her so innocently as Celaena looked up at him with wide eyes at his suggestion.
Wearing a mesh see through top without a shirt underneath? Might as well go topless! But at the same time it will be eye catching, especially if it shows her boobs a bit even if they're not that big. "I- What? I don't think that appropriate for lounging around my house with guests here." She laughed, but Cyno didn't.
He stood there and raised his eyebrow at her. "Okay, then wear it right now. Let's see how it looks, if it's not good then we find a different outfit, yeah?" He grabbed her wrist and lead her towards the bathroom in her room, pushing the door open and turning on the kight as he pulled her inside. "When you're done come out and show me, okay?" He shut the door closed and he went to go sit down on her bed.
Celaena stood there in the bathroom with her clothes as she couldn't believe what Cyno said and did. Eventually, after a few seconds she started undressing and putting on these new clothes. It felt weird to change into a different outfit even though she was already wearing this one.
Nonetheless, she looked at herself in the mirror and shrugged. It's not a bad outfit, but wearing a bra with the mesh top only? It was rather risky. She opened the bathroom door and walked out looking down at her skirt and shirt, "Does this look good?" Her gaze went up and Cyno was staring at her with his mouth semi-opened.
His eyes glanced from her head to toe, lingering his gaze on her legs and her bra. Licking his lips, he coughed and put on a smile. "Yeah, looks good. Just wear that one." Cyno smiled and gulped as he realized that Alhaitham will come here to her house and see her in this. "Uhm... Do you like it though?" He asked softly.
"I do, but I still think I should add a black shirt underneath the mesh top, right?" She walked to her closet and searched for a shirt, feeling his gaze on her back as she bit her lip nervously.
Cyno cursed in his mind as he couldn't take his eyes off her legs, thighs, and her bare back. His mind wandered around as he felt his cock twitch in his pants a bit. He realized that he was checking her out and he immediately got up and grabbed a pillow to slap it on his lap.
Once she turned around, he was staring around her room, avoiding her gaze as Celaena rolled her eyes. "Dude, the outfit looks ugly, right? Just tell me the truth." She groaned out and Cyno looked at her eyes.
"No. Looks good." He said rapidly and avoided her eyes again, clearly a bit flustered. Celaena sighed and walked to the bathroom when the doorbell rang.
Both of them jumped from the sudden noise as the girl gasped and realized that it was probably Alhaitham. "He's here?! Now?!" She whispered yelled as she looked at her outfit and she didn't have time to change. She threw the black shirt into her closet and walked out her room quickly, walking out with only her mesh top as Cyno got up from her bed and realized she was going to meet him like that.
He walked to the bathroom and closed the door before heading out her room as well, but it was too late. Celaena opened the door as she chuckled and welcomed Alhaitham as Cyno stood there awkwardly as he came in.
"Oh, I didn't know Cyno was going to be here. Hey, long time no see!" Alhaitham smiled at Cyno and waved at him as the white haired male gulped nervously and waved back.
A chuckle escaped his lips, "Hey Alhaitham. Yeah, nice seeing you as well!" He smiled at his friend as Celaena closed the door and felt awkward.
"Yeah, he was just about to leave! He was helping ne fix something in the bathroom, right Cyno?" She smiled at him, signaling at him to get out as Alhaitham looked at her then back to him with a quizzical look.
"Oh really? Well that's a shame. I wanted to catch up with the others too." He said as Cyno laughed again, walking up to them.
"Don't worry, the others are fine. I just saw them today before I came here. Let's all catch up later for sure, it's been weeks since we've seen each other and play card games." Cyno smiled at Alhaitham as the girl realized that her hair was still in a braid, she gasped softly and started undoing her braid.
Letting her hair fall out from the braid as she threw her rubber band on a small tiny table at the entrance of her door. Since her hair was in a braid, it cascade down with gentle waves as Cyno stopped breathing when he saw how beautiful she looked overall. Her long hair adding more beauty to herself as he tried to catch whatever Alhaitham was saying to him.
"Yeah, definitely. Sounds like fun. I just came here to chat with Celaena about a few books and borrow some." He smiled and looked at her as he realized her braid was down. "Oh look at you, I've never seen you with your hair down. It looks nice." A genuine smile came to his lips as she blushed hard and laughed.
"T-thanks, Haitham. Appreciate it!" She responded as Cyno tried to catch his breath. Truth be told, he didn't want to leave now. He wanted to stay here and ruin their moment, but he knew better than this. He respects both of them, but he didn't want his crush to end up with his friend of all people. He was jealous.
Celaena looked over to Cyno and glared at him, "Aren't you going to leave, Cyno?" She whispered softly, making sure Alhaitham didn't catch her threatening vibe from her.
"I- Uh... Actually no, I've been wanting to meet up with Alhaitham and since I have time now, I can just stay here with you both!" He smiled and turned around as he made his way to her couch and sat down as if he owned the place.
Alhaitham chuckled and nodded, walking over to the couch and sat on the opposite end of the couch. "Hm, sounds fun to me. Like that the three of us can catch up. What do you say, Celaena?" He smiled warmly at her as her heart melted. Who would say no to such a smile from her crush?
"Ah, definitely! I don't mind it one bit! Do you guys want some... drinks?" She smiled, making her way over to the kitchen that was in the same space as the living room.
Cyno and Alhaitham nodded and asked for an alcoholic beverage. "Just beer." They both answered in unison as they looked at each other and chuckled softly.
"Alright. Two beers and a wine." She smiled and went to grab can of beers and a simple cup and her wine bottle. Making her way towards the living room, she set them all on the coffee table as she sat in between them and grabbed her wine bottle and poured herself wine.
Cyno and Alhaitham grabbed their canned beers and opened it, gulping down on the beer a bit as well as Celaena with her wine. After relaxing a bit, Alhaitham was the first to speak up, "So about that book, do you have it still or did you return it?" He settled his beer on the table and looked at her as he leaned back into the couch.
"I still have it! It's in my room, do you want it right now?" She asked, setting down her cup of wine as Cyno hummed and set his down as well, looking at them both as he analyzed them.
He thought about how it'll be like if both of them did end up getting together with one another, but something stirred in him as he realized that sooner or later, they would have sex and it wouldn't be him that would be with Celaena, but Alhaitham. He frowned at the thought and sighed. Keeping his thoughts to himself, the other two continued to talk about the book as she got up and went to her room to go grab it.
"Hey, Haitham? I got a question..." Cyno whispered as he looked at Celaena walking away and disappearing in her room, he turned his gaze over to him and realized that Alhaitham was also staring at her back.
Alhaitham grabbed his beer and looked at him as he drank the remaining beer there, "What's up?" He asked silently and placed the empty can down as he picked up a new beer.
"What do you think of Celaena?" He whispered as he stared ahead and tried to catch any hints of feelings when Alhaitham talked about her.
"We've known her since our time in the akademiya, she's a very nice friend and person overall. She's also smart when it comes to her career if im being honest." He told Cyno as he sipped his beer calmly, trying not to finish it in one gulp.
"No, I mean what do you think about her in the romantic aspect? Do you think you feel attracted to her in that way?" He bit his lip, waiting for the others response as Alhaitham looked at Cyno with a surprised look.
"Why the random question?" Alhaitham chuckled before he responded once more, "But- to answer your question... She's very beautiful and I'm sure whoever ends up with her will be a lucky guy since- well... She's a great person with a great personality and she can make anyone happy." He said softly, sighing.
Just when Cyno was going to respond, Celaena came out of her room with two books and a smile on her face as she walked back to the couch and sat down. "Here! I found both books, I forgot I had the second book in my bag. I was looking for it everywhere." She chuckled and handed them to Alhaitham as he thanked her
Cyno sighed and rolled his eyes, taking another gulp of his beer and set it down on the table. Putting his elbow on the arm rest as he laid back into the couch and put his knuckles on his cheek, turning his head to look at her. His eyes lingering on her thighs as he cursed at himself for staring.
Out of the corner of Alhaitham's eye, he noticed how Cyno was staring at Celaena with so many emotions as he mentally frowned at Cyno.
The chat between Alhaitham and Celaena went on for a few minutes until Cyno threw his head back into the couch and closed his eyes, trying to calm down his racing heart. "Is something the matter, Cyno?" Alhaitham asked and turned his attention to the other male as Cyno shaked his head with eyes still closed.
"No, I'm just tired." He exhaled as Celaena frowned and sighed.
"You can go rest in my room if you'd like. I don't-"
"It's fine, I'll just rest here." Cyno turned his head to look them both and smiled a bit before looking up at the ceiling once more. Both of the others shrugged and kept talking about the book as Cyno was clearly annoyed, so he ended up resting his hand on Celaena's thigh and left it there.
The girl jumped at the sudden sensation of his warm palm on her cold thigh as she looked over her shoulder to see him resting his head on the couch. She didn't pay much attention to it, except for Alhaitham. His eyes lingered to where Cyno was touching her as anger buildup in his chest, trying his best to ignore it and just keep talking to Celaena.
Moments passed and he didn't dare move his hand, all except for his thumb. He was caressing her thigh with his thumb as Celaena tried her best to ignore the sensation. Blushing a bit as she flipped through the book to show him an example of her favorite line in the book.
Clearly, Alhaitham noticed that slight movement as he decided to also rest his hand on her other thigh, caressing his thumb on her thigh, slowly pushing his hand upwards until her skirt was going up.
"Uhm... I forgot that I had another book you might like! Let me go get it!" She awkwardly stood up from the couch as both the guys hand slipped from her thigh as she jogged quickly to her room and widened her eyes.
What the hell is going on? Why were they touching her thigh so nonchalantly and why was she letting them have their way? Celaena tried catching her breath and calming down as she actually went to search for the book in her room.
Once she left, Cyno and Alhaitham looked at each other and frowned. "The hell do you think you're doing, Cyno?" The tall man grumbled softly as he leaned in a bit to make sure his voice wasn't heard.
"I'm just minding my business, you both ignored me so I just wanted to rest a bit." Cyno shrugged and glared at Alhaitham. "And what were you doing?" He raised an eyebrow at him as Alhaitham looked away and coughed, clearly flustered that he was caught as well.
"Nothing. I was simply... Looking at the book and accidentally touched her thigh." He said, trying to sound believable but he failed miserably as Cyno laughed softly and sighed.
"Leave her alone." Cyno whispered as he grabbed his beer and sat up straight on the couch, gulping down the liquid and palced the empty can on the table, tilting his head to the side with a glare.
"Why should I? Maybe you're the one who should leave her alone. She's clearly not interested in us, so I think we-"
"I'm back!" Celaena stated as she scanned the book in her hand, avoiding their gazes as she went and sat back down on the couch. "Here's the book, Haitham." She handed it to him, but the second she sat down, Cyno reached out to her and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards him.
"We should let Celaena answer your question, ain't that right?" Cyno looked at her as he was close to her ear, making me blush and turned her head to look at Cyno. She was completely baffled by his sudden touch as she tried to make sense of what he meant.
"The hell are you saying, Cyno?" She asked with her eyebrow raised at him curiously.
Cyno exhaled and leaned in to her ear, his free hand grabbing her chin and made her look straight at Alhaitham as he whispers into her ear, "Tell him. He's stupid that he doesn't know you have feelings for him." He whispered low enough for only for her to hear as she widened her eyes.
"Don't touch her." Alhaitham spat and removed his hand around her waist pulling her away from him as Cyno glared at his friend. "Leave her alone, Cyno. She's not interested in either of us." He turned his attention to her and looked apologetic towards her before continuing his sentence, "I'm sorry for that. I'm sure Cyno is drunk. I think it's best if we both leave. It's almost-"
Cyno slapped Alhaitham's hand away and grabbed Celaena by the waist, bringing her to sit on his lap as she gasped and looked at them both, clearly shocked about what the hell was going on. "Hold on, what the hell is going on?! Stop dragging me around like some fucking doll!" She stood up from Cyno's lap, clearly flustered and angry as she looked at them both.
Both of the guys kept glaring at each other as Alhaitham stood up and grabbed her arm, dragging her towards him as his arms wrapp around her waist. "Cyno. I'm telling you right now, leave Celaena out of whatever this is, you got it?" He remarked as Cyno stood up and grabbed her arm and dragged her out of his hold as he crashed his lips on hers.
A silent gasp left her lips as she widened her eyes at the feeling of his lips on hers, but before she could do anything, Alhaitham grabbed her and started kissing her neck while glaring at Cyno. A clear blush formed to her cheeks as her lips trembled slightly, feeling Alhaitham's warm lips on her neck. Kissing and sucking on her skin softly.
Cyno looked angry and jealous as he stepped forward and caught her lips into a kiss as Celaena moaned at the overwhelming sensation they both gave her. Making her weak to the knees, however, she didn't mind it at all. She never thought about Cyno that way, but the way he kissed her made her feel weak, or maybe it was how Alhaitham, her crush, was finally kissing her as well.
Tension filled the room as Alhaitham grabbed her waist to pull her ass against his growing crotch in his pants as she groaned in the kiss. She truly wanted to push them away, but her needs started creeping up as well. Her hands wandered to Cyno's chest as she rested her hands there, gripping his shirt as her skirt was rising up, and at this point she didn't care who did that.
Heavy panting was heard as Alhaitham ran his both hands under her mesh top, squeezing her breasts softly through her bra as Celaena whimpered in satisfaction. Cyno's hand was on her thigh, making his way higher until he felt her panties under his fingers. He quickly tugged them down a bit until his hand was resting against her wet cunt, making him groan into the kiss.
The only thing she could do was roll her hips on Alhaitham's growing erection and kissing Cyno back with her hands gripping his shirt as the three of them were pressing their bodies against one another, trapping her in the middle.
Alhaitham moaned as one of his hands slipped to her back and unhooked her strapless bra with one movement of his fingers as he dragged the bra from underneath the top and tossed it on the couch as his hands went back to her breasts to knead them softly, his fingers brushing against her harden nipples making her whine.
Cyno was angry that she was responding more to Alhaitham's hands, that was until his fingers pressed on her clit causing her to break the kiss between them as she gasped, her eyes teary with pleasure as she pressed her forehead to his chest. Letting out noises as Cyno rubbed her clit slowly, his palm gripping her pussy a bit as her legs trembled.
Celaena couldn't get enough of their touches on her body as she slowly started losing her mind to pleasure. Tearing up at how good she felt right now. It's been a while since she last masturbated, but she didn't want to stop now, her crush was finally focusing on her and touching her. Just like she always wanted, but Cyno was not part of her dream. Now the only thing she could do was to make a new dream, having them both at the same time as they treated her like nothing more than a sex toy.
"W-wait... I can't feel my-" Her words caught up in her throat as Alhaitham pinched her nipples and bite down on her neck causing her to tremble hard in their hold, tearing up at the sensation. The mesh top was rubbing against her harden nipples and she lost herself now.
Cyno completely lost his mind as he grabbed her hand and pulled her hand down his pants until her fingers brushed against his throbbing hot dick. He groaned lowly and closed his eyes as he unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out so her hand could wrap around his cock as she moaned and started stroking him slowly, her thumb rubbing circles on his slit as he bucked his hips against her hand. "Fuck... just like that." He whispered.
Alhaitham got fully hard and he couldn't take the pressure of his cock, so one his hands went from her breast to his own pants, unzipping them and pushing his pants down until his cock sprang free and accidentally smacked against her ass. A low groan erupted through his wet kisses on her jaw as he grabbed his cock and pushed it underneath her skirt, to rub against her ass cheeks slowly.
A loud whine escaped her lips and felt hot. Her clit was throbbing in Cyno's fingers at this point as her head was spinning from the overstimulation. "P-please... More~" She moaned and started grinding her hips on Cyno's hand while also rubbing Alhaitham's cock in the process. Her mind going crazy as both males moaned at how responsive she was towards their lewd actions.
Her mouth was begging to be kissed as she looked up from Cyno's chest and slowly started moving her head to kiss Cyno, but Alhaitham's hand left his cock and dragged it towards her jaw, making her turn her head to the side as he crashed his lips on her's. Kissing her with such urgency as Celaena was groaning.
Cyno looked at them kissing while thrusting his hips against her hand jerking him off as he leaned into the other side of her neck and started kissing her there leaving trails of kisses all over her neck and jaw.
Their lustful noises mixing with one another as Celaena got enough, she wanted them now. She pulled away from the kiss and breathed heavily, looking into Alhaitham's eyes and looked at Cyno as well, tilting her head to get Cyno out of her neck. He understood and backed away until he was so close to her face.
"Guys... I don't understand what's happening, but please... I'm begging you both, I need you bo-"
She didn't get to finish her statement when Cyno sat on the couch and pulled her to sit down on his lap, her back facing him as Alhaitham took the signal and walked to stand in front of Celaena, grabbing his cock with one hand as the other hand went to the back of her head and pushed her head until her face was near his cock. "Suck me off then." His raspy voice told her.
Celaena moaned and opened her mouth, taking in his tip first into her mouth, as her hands went to his thick hard cock to stroke it a bit. Slowly shoving his dick into her mouth while humming around him in pure pleasure. When his dick hit the back of her throat, she gagged a bit but she skillfully controled her gagging and her single hand stroked the rest of him.
On the other hand, Cyno was completely baffled at how wet she was. Her cunt was wet as he slowly put his dick in between her legs, rubbing his hips against her and moaning. She coated his dick with her wet pussy and he couldn't take it anymore. His hand went to her stomach, going lower until his fingers rubbed her clit once more. Her noises were muffled by Alhaitham's dick as Cyno took in a deep inhale and looked down at her ass, seeing her move enthusiastically on his dick was the hottest thing ever.
His fingers went to her entrance and he pushed a finger inside slowly, making sure to not hurt her, but his surprise, his finger slipped inside her easily. Celaena moaned again around Alhaitham's cock as her head started to bob up and down, taking him down her throat little by little. Tears sting her eyes with how his dick fit inside her mouth well as Cyno pushed in another finger.
The sensations were overwhelming to her and her nipples rubbing against her mesh top wasn't helping at all. All of them were still fully clothed, as Cyno shoved another finger in. Thrusting three fingers in and out of her, caused her to choke on a moan, tears fallig out of her eyes as Cyno leaned in and kissed her neck softly. Dragging his hot wet tongue on her skin, as his other hand gripped her inner thigh, spreading her legs more and gripping her thigh.
Alhaitham grabbed her hair and tugged it slightly as he threw his head back a bit, groaning deeply as his hips started to move against her face. Shoving his cock deep down her throat, cursing out at how tight her throat was around him. His dick twitched inside her mouth as her tongue was licking him trying her best to satisfy him with just her mouth.
The male behind her got enough and took his fingers out, his cock was painfully throbbing. His hands went to her hips, gripping them as he lifted her up and his dick was pressed against her entrance, slowly pushing her down on his dick. As his tip entered, all three of them moaned at the same time at their different reactions. Celaena's mouth and pussy clenched around their dicks as she cried out in pleasure, slowly sinking herself down onto Cyno's cock and pushing Alhaitham's dick deep down her throat.
Celaena started wiggling her ass, begging to get pounded by Cyno. Her eyes looked up at Alhaitham and moaned around him, wanting him to fuck into her mouth. She truly wanted to get fucked dumb by both ends as the males understood and started fucking her, they couldn't hold back their groans anymore seeing how much she enjoyed taking them at the same time. Seeing her arching her back and responding to their cocks deep inside her, made them want to see her filled with cum until it she was full of it. Making a whole mess of her until her mouth and womb were loaded with their cum.
The thought of it simply sent Cyno over the edge as he picked up his pace and slammed his cock up and down into her pussy. Alhaitham saw his pace and decided to match his pace, thrusting into her mouth earning a loud moan from her. Celaena's eyes rolled back as she was getting fucked.
Their hips kept speeding up, pouding into her as her cunt was clenching around Cyno. Her stomach tighten up, telling her that she was about to cum on Cyno, but she couldn't really speak up about it.
Her mind was foggy at how good they both felt, how long and thick their cocks here. Alhaitham's cock was throbbing as precum was slipping out his slit, slowly coating her throat as she looked up at him with teary eyes, feeling his precum. Cyno also couldn't control himself as he smacked the side of her thigh and thrust hard and deep, hitting her cervix, stayed there a bit as his body trembled. He pulled away until only his tip was in her throbbing cunt, he suddenly thrusted deep inside until his balls smacked against her skin causing him to cum hard all deep inside of her.
She moaned loudly around Alhaitham and cummed hard on Cyno's cock, both their hot cums filling her pussy as Alhaitham felt how her throat closed around his cock until he cummed inside her throat, slowly fucking her mouth until ropes of thick cum were spilled inside her mouth. The three of them were getting out their climaxes as Celaena's legs were pure jelly.
Cyno pulled out of her still cumming outside on her pussy lips just a bit. Alhaitham pulled out too, smearing cum on her lips as he rolled his eyes back and tried to keep his balance. Celaena's voice finally spilled out as she swallowed his cum, moaning and whimpering at how good it tasted. Her hips were aching with how hard Cyno was holding her, her body was still in pure bliss as her mind slowly came back.
Realization came back to her as she widened her eyes and looked down at the floor in pure embarrassment. She was still on Cyno's lap feeling warm cum dripping out her tight fucked out hole. Celaena stood up abruptly and bumped into Alhaitham a bit as she moved to the left, trying to get away from them as they realized what they had done.
"Celaena, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to-"
"No... It's... It was all our faults... I'm sorry as well for not stopping myself, but you guys did that out of nowhere. I was taken but surprise, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. And I also want to say that I'm glad it was you two... I- Sorry for this." She apologized for her desires as both males nodded.
"Yeah, I'm sorry as well... I don't know what came over the both of us." Alhaitham stuffed his cock back inside his pants and zipped it up, feeling embarrassed, "I'm truly sorry, Celaena, I also did enjoy it, but I feel bad for doing it like... that." He stated, sitting down on the coffee table and felt guilty for being so rough with her.
Cyno spoke up, "Yeah, I was just... I'm truly sorry for that Celaena. I feel guilty for doing that for just being jealous. I'll also admit that it was good, but I- We shouldn't have done that to you. I hope you forgive us, truly." He looked down and tucked himself inside and pushed his hands into his face, being red from embarrassment and anger at himself.
Celaena just stood there awkwardly, but she truly didn't hate them for it. It was all their faults for getting ahead of themselves, hell... she was begging for them, so she was at fault to. She got courage and looked at them both, "I do forgive you both, I also hope you both forgive me for getting ahead of myself too, but I still want to know why you both were arguing for?" She asked, her legs squeezed shut as more cum were spilling on her inner thighs. A slight blush came to her face from that sensation.
"Actually, hold that thought. I'm going to uh- clean myself up. Please don't fight!" She chuckled nervously and quickly went to her room, shutting the door closed, but she opened it back up, looking at both males, "Uhm- Please don't fight again, talk it out and then tell me, okay?" She smiled at them warmly as both males looked at one another and then looked at her.
They nodded their heads, both wearing small smiles on their lips, "Got it!" They responded back to her as she nodded and headed back into her room to clean herself in her bathroom and change into some comfortable clothes. Both males looked at each other and cleared their throats before they began to calmly talk to each other to explain what happened between them.
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end note: after reading this uh... i truly hope haitham and cyno weren't that rough with celaena, if they were pls lmk, but i wanted to base this when cyno has feelings for her and find out that she's hanging out with Alhaitham alone in her house, so he basically wanted to make a move on her, but his plans changed so he ended uo invading their time and got really jealous of haitham lol.
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noemyreads · 9 months
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the assassin's blade - sarah j mass
I started reading this book series back in 2020, I immersed myself in the universe and fell in love with it, but for some reasons, I had stopped at the book "the assassin's blade", I was discouraged from continuing with the series because this book was the #0.5, I always had the idea that I would have to go back and reread all of them if I started this one. now, three years later, I decided to go back and the feelings are the same, I felt inside the universe.
I want to start talking about celaena's personality, at first I thought she was boring, spoiled and arrogant, but soon I came to understand and love her. I identify with her a lot and one of the things I've always liked about her character is her ability to be an incredible killer and still enjoy luxuries, tidiness and clothing, all of which tend to be the opposite of all the book heroines. I loved her construction, I say that, about this book and the other 3 I've read, I'm looking forward to reading the next one.
it is hard to read a book in which you already know the future of the characters, there is always that feeling that the reading is moving towards the inevitable sadness, you struggle not to get attached to anyone, but it is impossible.
As for the short stories, I loved them too. I found it amazing how each one of them contributed to celaena's develpment. the pirate king was great to introduce her character, at first I found her so arrogant and full of herself, I ended the story wanting to be her, I thought it was amazing what she did for the slaves. the healer one was my favorite, I loved celaena's involvement with yrene, I think each one taught a lot to another in that encounter, I really hope to see more of yrene in the next books. for me, the tale of the desert was the finalization of celaena's journey of learning, there celaena learned so much... about assassin's skills, friendship, compassion, I thought it was a great tale to close her journey.
spoiler ahead
from there it's downhill, I was waiting for the moment when some shit was going to happen, and when it did I wasn't prepared.
I read three books in which Celaena spoke of Sam's death and even so I felt the shock at the time of his death, I found myself rooting for them to complete the mission and leave together (how? I don't know lol).
it hurt so much knowing how much he was tortured and how celaena was after that, and it hurt even more to understand the origin of “my name is celaena sardothien, and I will not be afraid.”
my rating was 4.5/5, I won't be rereading the first three books in the series, I've seen almost 3 hours of summaries of books 1, 2 and 3 and I feel ready to dive into queen of shadows.
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wondereads · 9 months
July Wrap-Up
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson (10/10)
I've been interested in this book for a while, but I was finally prompted to read it by the TV show announcement. And I can definitely say I wasn't disappointed. If you watch any sort of procedural show, this will be right up your alley. I loved how the actual investigation was laid out with Pip's notes and diagrams in the book. It made me feel like I was solving the mystery right alongside her. The focus is definitely on the murder, but I still got a good sense of Pip's personal life and how her obsession with the case was affecting her and her relationships. I won't lie, one of the most anxiety-inducing parts was her college applications, but maybe that's just me. I managed to predict who the killer was, but the actual story behind the whole thing made my jaw drop. I can't wait to read the rest of the series and see the show!
Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S. Jae-Jones (5/10)
This book is not irredeemable. The plot is unoriginal but not nonsensical or boring, the magic is super interesting, and Zhara has a lot of potential as a character. However, most of the characters are one-dimensional and uncompelling and the writing is...not good. The unending focus on the romance when there were so many other interesting things going on was so frustrating. And then there was the unashamed insertion of what is clearly meant to be BTS (yes, worldwide kpop sensation BTS) that completely destroyed my immersion. Also, the disability rep is pretty dubious. I was pretty disappointed by this read, which sucks because I think it had a lot of potential.
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater (10/10)
This book is like if Pride & Prejudice and Howl's Moving Castle had a baby, and I ate it up. This book perfectly blended a historical romance with engaging fantasy elements. Dora is a wonderful main character; she's lovable and engaging while still have a completely unique personality that really makes her stand out amongst a lot of fantasy romance protagonists. The love interest is suitably snarky while still being respectful and kind, especially to Dora. Their interactions are fun while still being incredibly romantic. The plot works well with the romance and characters, culminating in a very satisfying ending. Finally, I really appreciate the ending for Dora's issue in particular; it works well for her character and is, in my opinion, in good taste. I highly recommend this book, especially if you're looking for a light, quick read!
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas (6/10)
This book was one I just read to move on to the next book. I was told to read this one before Queen of Shadows, so I did. I did find some parts interesting, such as Celaena's time in the desert, and Arobynn Hamel has to be one of the most interesting characters in the whole series. However, I do wish this were an optional installment as it was kind of boring. It didn't feel like we got any insight into Celaena's character, rather just rehashes of what has appeared in previous books, and towards the end I was skimming. Also, I'm sorry, but Sam doesn't really hold any appeal for me. The romantic plotline was rushed and he was acting so weird towards the end.
The Stolen Heir by Holly Black (10/10)
I was so nervous; as the successor to Folk of the Air, The Stolen Heir had a lot to live up to, and it did. I absolutely adored Wren; she is a complex main character who is still easy to root for, and Black has continued to write amazing, unhinged female main characters. As in Folk of the Air, the use of faerie rules to trick the audience along with the characters is done very well, and there's some great foreshadowing in there. Concerning Oak, I'd seen a lot of people online saying he was a Cardan carbon copy, but I really don't see it. He's polite, considerate, and well-raised, but he also has a shocking capacity for violence, which is incredibly interesting. The twist at the end was amazing, particularly concerning Wren and Oak's relationship going forward, and I can't wait to read the second book!
Neverseen by Shannon Messenger (8/10)
I have now officially reread all of the KotLC books I got through previously. Going into Lodestar will be uncharted territory for me, and wow am I glad I refreshed my memory. I forgot a lot of stuff, so it was almost like I was reading it for the first time. Like I predicted, this was a slower one, mostly filled with finding out more about the Black Swan and the Council, and there was a lot of Sophie and her friends wanting to do things that were "too dangerous." I won't lie, it dragged a bit, but it really picked up once Sophie started attending Exilium. I think the twins are a much-needed addition to the main cast to help shake things up and keep the dynamic from getting too worn out. Also, Calla is a particularly strong side character. While I could predict the broad strokes of the story, the actual method of getting there took me by surprise, and there's a huge twist at the end that totally restructures how the rest of the series is going to look. I'm very excited to start Lodestar!
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (8/10)
While this book isn't perfect and is somewhat dated by its use of certain tropes and plot points, The Infernal Devices is without a doubt much better than The Mortal Instruments. It definitely has its similarities (the premise and mystery of birth behind the main characters are notably alike), but it has also really improved. Tessa, while still a little passive and nondescript in terms of character, isn't just a cookie cutter protagonist, and it's actually really interesting to see how the time period affects her opinions. The plot is kind of slow, but it's much less predictable and more imaginative. Also, TID probably has one of the best-written (and best-resolved in Clockwork Princess) love triangles in YA. Both Will and Jem have their own appeal, and they are distinct from one another while still being close in a unique way. I'm enjoying my reread so far!
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (10/10)
Oh, I just loved this book. Gideon is one of the best protagonists I've read in ages; she's snarky and stubborn and incredibly entertaining. Her dynamic with Harrow that is simultaneously filled with intense hatred and co-dependency is so interesting and provides all kinds of interpersonal tension not even factoring in the other Houses. Speaking of the other Houses, even if they aren't all the most likable, they are all strong characters in their own right and each bring something unique to the story. The worldbuilding, as is often said about this book, is a little confusing, but I actually really enjoyed it. It was like a puzzle to figure out, and it helped with the immersion so much since Gideon wasn't dwelling on explaining things she already knew. The plot, despite the characters being somewhat aimless for some periods, was never boring as tension between the characters kept things moving when they were stuck plot-wise. The twist at the end was amazing and shocking and horrifying, and I've already got Harrow checked out in my library.
Painted Scars by Neva Altaj (5/10)
I got this from KU on a whim since I wanted something I wouldn't really have to think about, something quick and easy, but I think it was far too quick. While I think the characters had some potential, everything in this book was way too fast, from the build of romantic feelings to the typical third act "break-up", if you could even call it that. For a book that was only 240 pages, it was trying to do way too much and really should've just focused on the romance.
The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang (10/10)
This book is pretty much perfect. The plot is engaging, the characters are all amazing, the writing style hits hard, and there’s really good social commentary that touches on, honestly, almost every issue out there. Rin has got to be one of my favorite protagonists of all time; she’s the underdog, she’s easy to root for, and our desire for her to succeed almost makes us overlook her glaring flaws. Kuang establishes Rin’s overwhelming need to succeed, to win, to be the last one standing from the very beginning, and it leads to her slow but steady downfall as she must decide how far she is willing to go for the sake of her nation. Rin’s time in Sinegard is an interesting and unique twist on the fantasy school setting, and the tone switch between the time at Sinegard and the time at war is done masterfully. Even the war takes an incredibly dark turn, goes farther than the reader would ever expect, as Kuang draws from real history to write horrors that should’ve been beyond anyone’s imagination. Perhaps the most technically amazing part of this book is that even when she has fallen so far, part of us agrees with Rin; which is the danger of it all, isn’t it?
Half Upon a Time by James Riley (8/10)
I loved this series as a kid, and rereading it was like returning home. It's actually so funny that this book has tons of tropes I love today just in a middle grade format. There's a pretty good level of intricacy to the plot, and the fairy tale elements are tons of fun. There are plenty of familiar characters that each have a unique twist to their story, often intertwining their stories with each other. For example, the Huntsman from Snow White is also the woodcutter/hunter from Little Red Riding Hood. This book also has a fun twist by being from the perspective of the character who guides someone who has fallen into another world. In most other books, May would be the main character, so having Jack tell the story subverts some expectations. The way Jack, May, and Philip interact is a little typical for the genre and time period, though I appreciate that it is heavily implied that Philip has no romantic interest in May. Finally, Jack's mysterious involvement with the Eye and his sword is one of my favorite parts of the book, and it's a pretty fresh concept.
Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce (9/10)
The reread of the Tortall books continues! I actually don't remember Wild Magic and Wolf Speaker all that well (unlike Emperor Mage, which I reread many many times), so this was a lovely trip of rediscovery. I think this may just be a side effect of Pierce's writing style, but Daine seems way older than thirteen. If I had to guess just based on how she acts, I'd guess closer to fifteen/sixteen. Regardless, she's a very fun main character and a little funny in that she's practically the only Pierce MC to advocate for politeness and etiquette. Her relationship with Cloud is a great one, very sibling-like, and I love how she gets closer to particularly Onua and Numair. The plot is interesting but, for me who has a lot of emotional connection to the series, is ultimately overshadowed by the characters.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (DNF @ 35%)
While I found the world of this book incredibly interesting and fairly unique, it was just boring. Literally nothing happened for all of parts one and two, and when something finally did happen it wasn't nearly interesting enough to make me want to continue. I know this book receives high praise, and I may come back to it some day, but my copy was due in the library and it didn't intrigue me enough to renew it.
The Lost Siren by Raven Storm (3/10, DNF @ 56%)
This was an interesting idea for a fantasy romance, but I hated most of the love interests and romantic/spicy scenes were just not good. There was very little chemistry between the main character and most of the love interests, and the constant threat of violence/sexual assault against in the main character totally turned me off. I got past the halfway mark, which is my threshold for a rating.
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor (CR, 27%)
I'm liking this book so far, but I'm getting a very precarious sense as I read it. The setup is done in a way that means very small details could ruin it for me, but so far this book is dodging them like a pro. It's been a while since I read a male main character, but I really like Lazlo! It's incredibly easy to be on his side, and I love that he's soft-spoken and academically focused. I'm not sure how I feel about the introduction of a whole new major POV with a new host of characters 20% of the way into the book, especially since I was under the impression this would be single POV, but it hasn't been too bad so far.
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (CR, 13%)
Similar to Gideon, this book is incredibly confusing, and I'm enjoying it. Harrow is a very different character and narrator from Gideon, and I feel like her sort of stagnancy is a pretty good depiction of depression. What I find most interesting is what appears to be this memory rewrite Harrow has gone through. She seems to have lost a lot of her memories from the first book and just after it, and it seems everyone knows what happened then except her. How interesting...
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justreadertings · 2 years
Till Death Do Us Part Chapter 5
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Ok here it is! Lovely chapter 5! I am so excited for you all to read it, and I’m pretty proud of this one, and EXTREMELY ready to see your guys responses to it. hehe. Ok without further ado, here’s chapter 5 
TW: mentions of violence, swearing
Till Death Do Us Part- Chapter 5
The barn was dark when Celeana arrived. She was a siren, a wraith in the night, clad in the same color as the night itself. The moon highlighted her now built figure. Time in the Staghorns had done its fair share on her body. 
She stalked behind a giant tree, using her dagger as a mirror to watch as men entered in what they thought was in secret. Hoods cloaked them, but she knew it was a façade. Her memories knew what types of weapons men like these held against their bodies. Her back knew it, too.
So, Celaena waited. Waited, perched in a tree, for the men to finish filing in. The air smelt of snow when she finally made her move. She had to lift her mask over her face, not just for her protection- but to not smell it. Aelin remembered that smell, and it was too peaceful a memory for the carnage that was about to occur in this barn. Aelin should not have to see what Celaena was about to do. 
Forty two men. According to the records filled out in a handwriting that made her put her fist through the wall the first time she saw it- those were only forty two of the three hundred men who had broken into the palace of Orynth that night. But forty two was a good start. 
Aelin reached behind her for her precious dagger. It was silver with a green pommel. A hawk was etched into the blade. When she made her first kill- and she always struck home- she was sure to use it, and remind herself who she was seeking retribution for. 
The window Aelin was perched in was bathed in sunlight. Her legs were draped in her casual white gown, tucked up to her chest. Her chin was facing the ceiling as she tried to calm herself in the sun. It was actually starting to work when-
Mala save me, she begged her favored sun goddess.
She peered over to find the person she wanted to talk to least in the world. For the past few minutes, since she stormed out of the War Room, Celeana had been whispering in her ear to do horrible, evil things. Aelin was wise enough to know that without her mother’s crown upon her head, she could not get away with it. But her hold on Celeana was a thread about to snap when she stared into that perfect, beautiful face. 
“Are you ok?” Lyria secured the lavender behind her ear with a smile.
Kill- No. Aelin shut her eyes for a moment. No. We use our words, she thought, even though it sounded like Rowan’s voice in her ears. Damnit. She opened her eyes. 
“I’m fine.”
Lyria tilted her head, golden brown eyes deep with thought. “It’s overwhelming,” she mused. “The men in this palace.”
“I grew up with them,” Aelin deadpanned. Elide was right. She was a cranky bastard. 
Lyria only nodded though. Aelin squinted at her perfectly round face. “I know. And honestly, no matter how many times I’ve been told it, I still can’t imagine it.”
“Well then perhaps I’m stronger than you anticipated.”
Lyria hummed. “I think you’re right.”
Aelin peered up from where her forehead had been resting against her knees. “I’m what?”
“You just-” she sighed. “You kinda amaze me, you know. I know you don’t know me, and you have plenty more important people you should be talking to… but I’m glad I caught you.”
Aelin listened to her melodic voice with great perplexity. 
“Sometimes I wander around this giant castle all day and never pass a single woman. You must have been incredibly strong as a child to deal with such things. To come back here, and be as… frankly intimidating as you are… I don’t know. I just think it’s very admirable.”
It would have been better if she was awful. If she called Aelin a coward for running out of that room, for letting her emotions get in the way. It would have been so much easier if Lyria said that she was too wild to be queen, that Aelin should give up. To give her hope? To make her feel brave? It was the meanest thing anyone had done to her in a long, long while.
It hit her again that this kind, kind woman in front of her… Aelin was married to her fiancé. Currently. As they spoke. Something sick twisted in her gut. 
“Thank you,” was all she was able to say. Lyria tilted her head at Aelin. And though she was smarter than to fall in other people’s webs… Lyria just made her too curious. Aelin was embarrassed at how much she wanted to pick her brain. “What?”
The woman played with the sparkling ring on her finger. “I’m just excited I suppose.”
Irritation plagued Aelin again. Her emotions were wildly out of control as of late. “Excited?”
Lyria nodded, and nudged Aelin with her elbow as if they’d been long time best friends. “To see what kinds of things you do to those old bastards.” 
Celaena wanted Aelin to take the daggers hidden on her leg and in her corset and put them right through Lyria’s chest. She was fucking perfect. Pretty and smart and kind. And she was trying to be Aelin’s friend. If today had taught her anything… she did not have a good record with friends.
But Aelin felt the spirit of her loving mother looking over her shoulder, saying “Play nice, Fireheart. Do not make more enemies. Love, you have enough.”
So Aelin silenced Celeana with a fake smile, and told Lyria, “I’ll see what I can do.”
Lyria nodded her head in respect, acknowledging Aelin’s title. “Let me know if you need anything. I’m always around.”
I’m sure you are, Aelin thought, petty. “I’ll let you know.”
And with that, Lyria drifted back off into the hall. Aelin wondered how quick she’d be to come to Aelin’s aid once she found out everything. Aelin herself could hardly process it. But she couldn’t hide any longer. She needed to get back in that room, with those old bastards, as Lyria so lovingly put it. 
Aelin put her hand on her stomach, on the fire her father had always told was in there. Her mother used to kiss her and Rowan’s bellies when they were sick, but her father had been the one to tell her she had flames in it. He always made her feel so brave. She could use a bit of his strength right now. Even if she was pissed as all hell at him. But she couldn’t think about that now. Or possibly ever. Right now, her country needed her. As per usual.
“After that… brief recess, I’ve made up my mind.”
Aelin watched Rowan stand at the head of the room, hands behind his back. Her eyes swept up and down his tense body. When she had come back into the room, he’d shed his jacket, now only in a casual white undershirt. She tried not to appreciate it too much. 
“I was on the fence, but after this news gets out to the public… I’m not here to take many chances.” His green eyes met hers. “Not with your safety.”
“So what do you suggest?” She asked him, mouth pursed. When she had returned to her seat, something passed between them. A promise, almost. To their country. They could think about the emotional parts of this marriage later. Right now, they had to think about the logistics of both her homecoming, and the potential shitstorm that was coming their way because of it. They had to be adults now, sharing custody of their country with a history of major meltdowns. 
Rowan and Darrow shared a look, which Aelin hated. But Darrow did not speak. He only nodded. Her king met her eyes again. “We are issuing you a full time guard.”
The room was silent as she digested it. Her first instinct was to refuse it. Completely. To throw a fit and demand they have more trust in her. But when she looked around this room of lords, she remembered the last time they’d actually seen her. 
Her vision had been hazy that night, but she had seen her parents council- bruised and bloody the lot of them- standing beside her bed before the healer came in. In respect, they’d all put their hands over their hearts and bowed their heads. She didn’t remember much more after seeing that, only turning her head to see Rowan squeezing her hand. Whispering, more for himself than her, she realized in retrospect, you’re gonna be ok, you’re gonna be ok. 
Aelin knew she would have to be sneakier if she ever needed anything her country would not see fit for her. Or if she ever wanted some godsdamned peace and quiet. But she also knew fighting them would make her look childish. Immature. If she gave in here, they would not see her as disagreeable, and they would put all their faith in this guard. Her lips curved into a smile. They wouldn’t think she was their problem anymore. To an extent, she knew. But still. 
Aelin folded her hands in front of her. “I think that’s a wise idea.”
Rowan narrowed his eyes at her. “Really?” His tone was conversational, but she saw the doubt in his eyes. 
Aelin only smiled. “Yes. I do.” She winked at the youngest lord, Ress, only eighteen when the attack had happened on the palace. “I’m not disagreeable all the time. Just most.” Ress blushed.  He was the youngest guard who made it out alive that night. His dedication to saving their people had gotten him very far in this castle. For that, at least, she was grateful.
Rowan cleared his throat. Aelin almost smiled at that, too. She knew it was awful, but she had too many stressful things to think about as of late, and making Rowan uncomfortable was a good way to blow off some steam. 
“I was under the impression you would take some… coercion.” Ren coughed, but said nothing else. He’d been suspiciously quiet since their meeting had resumed. She narrowed her eyes at him, but said nothing. Rowan cut him a glare, though. “So he will be here shortly.”
Aelin drew invisible pictures on the table with her finger. “Can I get a name for the person I will be spending most of my time with?”
Ren’s teeth must be hurting from how hard he was clenching them. Good, Aelin thought. Insufferable bastard.
Rowan’s eyes narrowed again, and he left a moment of silence to show his disapproval of Aelin’s behavior. “Chaol,” he finally said. “Westfall.”
“What part of Terrasen is he from?” Aelin asked, focusing on her invisible drawing of her cottage from the mountains.
Darrow cleared his throat. “Rowan?”
 Aelin kept looking down, laughing a bit to herself. “He is from Terrasen, right?” The silence in the room had her finally looking up. “Right?”
“He is the very best,” Rowan told her. “He’s lived here for over three years, was trained here by our men.”
Aelin could have sworn the room went colder. The men between them disappeared, and it was really just her will against his. “Where is he from.”
“Answer me.” The demand in her voice was the voice of her father. Yes, she’d watched him pace this room many times with that tone. 
Rowan would not falter at her demand. His steely demeanor reminded her why her sharpest dagger was named after him. “He’s from Adarlan.”
Silence. No one dared to even breathe. “Absolutely not.” Not even Darrow dared argue with Aelin.
“It’s Your Highness.”
Rowan clenched his jaw. “You agreed this is for your safety. Your Highness.”
Aelin shook her head. She couldn’t believe he would do this to her. Aelin couldn’t hide the emotion from her voice. “I will never be safe with an Adarlan man. I thought you knew that more than anyone.”
The door shut behind them with a loud thud. Everyone turned around, in unison. And there, a stocky brown haired man wearing Terrasen green stood, hands clasped behind his back. “I can come back at another time.”
Aelin felt the betrayal of it all flaring in her chest. She wondered if fire sat there, too.
Rowan gestured to the door, and Aelin hated the bruised look in his eyes. He didn’t get to be upset. “Aelin? Meet Chaol Westfall. Your personal guard.”
I hope you all liked it, and as always, if you want to be added to the taglist to join our super secret club where I give you forehead kisses and chocolates, just lemme know! 
Taglist: @leiawritesstories @tomtenadia @fireheart-violet @backtobl4ck @morganofthewildfire @rowaelinismyotp​ @aelinchocolatelover​ @thegreyj​ @foughtconquered​ @swankii-art-teacher​ @booklover242​ @stardelia​ @numbers-colors-fashion 
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bria-doublen-a · 1 year
Book Review: Heir of Fire
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Non Spoiler Section
If you thought the first two books in this series were amazing, prepare to pick your jaw up off of the floor after this one because Sarah J Maas has been holding back. She demonstrates her immaculate skill in character development here, leaving you itching for more scenes with our favorite gang.
Now, this story does introduce some new characters and we jump around between three different perspectives all throughout the book. If anyone loves Celaena as much as I do, I’m sure you’re going to have periods where you’re feeling impatient and dying to get back to her. But let me warn you now: you’re going to have to learn how to share your time. Give these newbies a chance to surprise you.
In Heir of Fire, now that we know Celaena is really Aelin Galathynius, we get to watch her as she navigates a new land (at least new to us) in Wendlyn. All while she grieves the death of her friend Nehemia, and the loss of a great love with Chaol. And the way grief is described in this book is so beautifully painful. I don’t know how else to describe it.
I definitely had to pace myself with this book. It has a bit of a slower start, which means there’s a lot of time for Celaena to process and feel her emotions. This book is where she is at her lowest, so prepare to feel the secondhand depression. Definitely not for the faint of heart, but it only makes the comeback that much more rewarding!
So, what are you waiting for? Go pick up at that book and read!
Spoiler Section
Y’all this one was the best one yet!!!
I’ll admit, I was a bit skeptical in the beginning when Sarah introduced Manon. Well, not skeptical, per se, just kind of...I don’t know, annoyed? I didn’t mind switching POVs from Celaena to Chaol or Dorian, but whenever I had to sit and read scenes with Manon, it just felt like a commercial break in between the scenes of a movie or TV show.
I didn’t understand what her purpose was and I didn’t know why I was supposed to like her or root for her. Do we have any gamers here? Has anyone ever played The Last of Us Part II? (spoilers incoming btw) Introducing Manon kind of had the same reaction I had when I first had to play as Abby, which annoyed the hell out of me because it just felt like it was just to get me to build some kind of relationship with her, only to rip out the rug from under me when Maas tries to surprise us with the reveal that she’s actually a villain.
Obviously, that’s not what happened and obviously, I did end up LOVING HER. Honestly, I don’t know why I expected anything less from SJM! She continues to crash through the barriers of my expectations with her depiction of relatable and complex characters.
That scene where Manon falls in the pit with Titus and the bait dragon and realizes that size and brutality isn’t what matters—it’s the inner strength...*chef’s kiss* That was the moment that I realized that Manon was more than just a murdering psycho without a heart, regardless of how many times she tries to convince us of this. I don’t know about you all, but I’m getting major Zuko vibes from ATLA.  Honestly, I’m so excited to see what’s awaiting for her in the next book.
And Chaol—ugh. I never realized how hard I was leaning on Dorian and Celaena to help carry me through scenes with him until I was forced to watch him do his own thing without them. I’m trying really hard to like him, but he makes it increasingly difficult. Once again, I find myself wanting to know what happened before he came to the castle. What made him leave his family in Anielle? I know there’s a story there and I’m so desperate to know it, because I want to feel more than this bland dislike for him.
I know that Chaol sent Celaena to Wendlyn to protect her and I know that he has intentions of staying here in the castle to help keep Dorian safe as well, but I have problems with the way he explains his thought process here. He still so obviously views Celaena’s heritage and Dorian’s magic as bad things. Things he wishes he could change about them, things he wishes he didn’t know. But Dorian and Celaena aren’t the problem, dude! It’s you!
Dorian even says as much in an argument with Chaol, and I was so thrilled by this scene, because I really thought that maybe I’m being too harsh on him. Maybe I’m blowing things out of proportion, but no! Dorian calls Chaol out on his shit, saying, “you only accept the parts of us you want to accept.” And good for Dorian, because I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Speaking of Dorian, can we talk about how he keeps getting the shit end of the stick? My poor, sweet, Dorian! First, he gets dumped by Celaena (I’m still angry about this), then he has to watch his ex and his best friend get all cuddly (grrrr!), while learning he has freaking magic!!. He’s feeling alone and isolated and like his friends have completely shut him out (because they did) and then finally—FINALLY—we think he’s getting a break when we meet Sorscha. 
The amount of adoration I had for this girl is unreal. She was quiet and shy and kind and just everything that Dorian deserved...and she was killed by the king. Killed. The king freaking decapitated her. Was that really necessary?
Y’all. I was so stupid mad. If anything, Chaol should’ve been the one to die in that scene. A sacrifice like that would’ve been enough for me to forgive him and help me realize that he at least understands the problems in his choices and their consequences. But no. Chaol’s let off scot-free. Once again. *sigh*
Am I being too hard on him?
But let’s talk about Celaena and Rowan. First of all, I was not expecting to like this guy. He was rude and obnoxious and seemed to only want to hurt Celaena. I was never much of a enemies-to-lovers trope kind of gal, but I immediately caught that vibe when we first met him. Still, I found myself excited to see where it was going, because it was clear that Maeve had led Rowan to believe that Celaena grew up like a princess, never having to do a single thing herself. I can’t blame Rowan’s perception of her given what he thinks he knows and what Celaena refuses to open up about.
Aaaaaand, I was right.
I absolutely loved watching Rowan and Celaena grow closer. Even more, I loved the interractions she had with Emrys and Luca too. Every single character, small or large—even the villiains—had such drastic impressions on Celaena and forced her to address each dark corner of her past she tried to ignore.
The scene where she’s having her burnout while trying to protect the ward around the Mistward, where she’s trapped in her mind and the version of herself that uses Aelin as her name comes to her was absolutely amazing. I loved that this was Celaena’s turning point. I was almost expecting Maas to stop calling Celaena Celaena and move on to addressing her as Aelin. 
It was set up perfectly when Aelin came to Celaena, holding her hand out, encouraging her to fight back. The death of Celaena and the rise of Aelin. But I can also understand how confusing that would be. Though, at this point, she already has three names. Aelin, Celaena and Elentiya. I feel like anyone who tried hard enough could keep up.Plus, it would really accentuate the change in her mental state. Celaena never wanted to be queen. Aelin strives to reclaim her land. Meh. Oh, well. Either way, I am incredibly happy with how this book turned out.
All in all, this gets 5/5 stars from me.
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codenamebooks · 2 years
Heir of Fire Book Review
by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass #3) | ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ | Goodreads | CW: death, grief, depression, violence | Series and Novel spoilers
Celaena is in Wendlyn under the watchful eye of Rowan, a prince under Queen Maeve's ruling. Dorian is learning to control his magic with the help of the healer, Sorscha. Chaol forms an unlikely alliance with Aedion, traitor to the throne and loyal followers of Aelin Galathynius. Ironclan witches prepare to help the King of Adarlan.
Full review below the cut!
Sarah J. Maas proves once again that she is a master of storytelling. My mouth was literally left hung open at moments of true shock, followed by amazement that she so carefully leaves hints. Some you can piece together on your own, others you don't learn until the big reveal, some are understood but don't blow you away. Knowing that this story goes on so much further past this book and the next, it's such a careful and genius way to tie together what we've already experienced and open up more plot for us to head towards. The best, and a bit easy, way of doing this was to separate our characters in space (exactly like Stranger Things season 4), so that we had to piece together information that they couldn't. What is that? Dramatic irony.
Another masterful trick in this novel is her focus on mental health. She never names it, but it's so clear the depression that is settled on Celaena and, as we eventually come to learn, Rowan. I am relieved to see characters deal with the grief and despair of the terrible things that happen in their life. It is so much easier to see how brave these characters are when they finally fight for their own lives after putting themselves in harm's way. It even opens up the space for me to be scared since I can see exactly what these actions are doing to the characters as we sit in the gross and scary situations.
The most beautiful thing to come out of this book is Rowan and Celaena's friendship. It has my entire envious heart. We dig into the mental health focus the most here as they build their platonic relationship on mutual trust understanding and a real desire to be better for themselves, the people they care about (even if they're dead), and quite literally the world. I silently screamed out of happiness and unnecessary amount of times.
Celaena herself is the strongest written main character I've ever read, especially for a woman in fantasy. Every move of hers is calculated but more overly powerful as she is still broken for understandable reasons. Overall, she acts on her heart consistently. Even if you dislike characters who think less strategically, you have to appreciate Celaena for being such a stable character that you understand each time that that is what her choice is going to be.
Dorian is still so precious to me, but Chaol is losing ground in my eyes now. I really couldn't have been happier that Dorian found Sorscha. She resonated with me more than I could have ever expected and I want to take her bravery in this relationship with me. But she brought back the flirtatious bastard version of Dorian that I loved. I squealed over them... a lot. Chaol on the other hand, is very useless in this book, especially as a point of view character. His chapters (and Aedion's) were solely used to progress the political plot of this. We couldn't have learned about the King's motives without them but... It was boring. Necessary, but boring. He wasn't rounded out, inconsistent, and was so disloyal to his friends that it was aggravating. I appreciate that we have a character that isn't perfectly on track but I'm disappointed it was him and we had to hear from him.
The least interesting part of the book was the witches. This isn't to say that I didn't become attached to Manon and Abraxos, but they weren't integrated into the plot in this book and I didn't want to be wasting energy on preparing so hard for the future plot.
In the end, I am left with this huge mixture of feelings. There's an extreme feeling of hopelessness (I didn't want to read the last twenty pages because I was so stressed), mixed with an overwhelming hopefulness (I believe in Celaena), and they allow me to be excited for the fourth book (the novella, not Queen of Shadows).
If you loved the promise for magic in the second book, continue reading the series! If you like explorations of trusting platonic relationships, read this book! If you liked strong female main characters, read this book!
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longsightmyth · 2 years
Oh yeah, I mean obviously there are plenty of amazing authors with awesome female characters (like my beloved NK Jemisin 💗) but many S/arah J M/aas stans insist that Celery is an amazing *new* type of female character who’s allowed to be both badass and feminine, when Tamora Pierce did it first, and objectively better. They act like Mrs. Maas was the first person to write the whole “badass and feminine” character archetype, and I’m still wondering why, years later.
I think a lot of people who read YA now didn't read a whole lot growing up, tbh.
I don't mean this as an insult! Not everybody is a reader! But a lot of my friends *became* readers with the advent of Harry Potter (I know goddammit I know), and then Twilight was released at exactly the right time for people who had learned they DID like reading in the meantime, and now it's cool to read!
It wasn't cool to read when I was growing up. Like, I lived through the times of nerdery being uncool. So a lot of people simply... didn't.
So now they're reading all of these Fun New Books (relatively speaking) Packaged For Easy Consumption, and maybe Celaena really was their first exposure to this idea! If that's the case I totally get it - see my complicated feelings on cclare novels - and really legitimately do not know the sources she's pulling from or the frankly better versions of the idea that came before.
Sarah Janet's books occupy a niche not unlike marvel movies, is the tldr of this, I think? Idk.
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✨ B O O K R E V I E W ✨
> swipe to read sinopses
📖 Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3)
✍️ Sarah J Maas
So far my favorite book in the series! Celaena’s character development and growth was amazing! The way she overcame the bad feelings and thoughts was so inspiring — talk about a comfort character!
I LOVED meeting Rowan! He was all moody bastard at first but I grew to like his way, and then… Boom, he’s just a big teddy bear! Lol!
I still don’t know how to feel about Manon, but I do love Abraxos!
The tension between Chaol and Dorian kept me on the edge of my seat, but that ending had me SHOOK!!
Something that threw me off during this book was that there was a lot of new characters in this book and there were times my brain had trouble trying to process all of them!
But honestly, I literally cannot put these books down, there’s so much happening and so much to keep up with! I can’t wait to see how it turns out!!
Sarah J Maas really has me on a chokehold and I’m totally O K with it 🥰
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nyxreads · 2 years
Tower of Glass discussions amazing I love this series! Oh my god don't get me started on the guy who shall not be named who called my girl Aelin a monster I don't think he ever said sorry and honestly his justification for everything was idiotic he was a manbaby to me it's so bad that I actually liked the big bad more than I liked him and she put my man Rowan through some deep traumatic shit
Hello anon,
I know Chaol was manipulated by his King but gosh, I hate how he treated Celaena. Even from the start of the book. But I admire him as a good best friend of Dorian. But gosh, haha, tho I don't hate him anymore after reading TOD but it's not enough for me to like or love him. He's still in my least favorite. Ig I'm a grudge holder lol.
0 notes
witchofhewaterfall · 4 years
Rereading ToG is so amusing because constantly after HoF, Aelin is put down and judged for her life as an assassin by nearly everyone, yet most of their allies in the war came from her contacts she made as Celaena.
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ae-neon · 1 year
Reading Throne of Glass (4-9)
Again. I'm nitpicking, it's just how I enjoy a lot of my media. Overall I'm still giving the story a fair chance. (Except the Nehemia plotline)
Chapter 4
Really great opening paragraph, like honestly so good.
Proof sjm once understood that starvation would decrease breast size. Also proof that misogyny rots the brain cause god forbid Nesta didn't look hot enough for Cassian to fuck during her depressive breakdown.
Sorry, back to tog.
This chapter is great, amazing even.
Everything from Celaena falling asleep on the floor cause the bed feels too different after her horrible year in the mines
-> her reaction to sunlight and the small bits of hope she has
-> her figuring out a way to kill Chaol every 15 minutes.
-> her solemn reaction to the fact that no one else would be leaving the mines in anyway except death.
The scene with the dogs was nice. I like the interaction and characterization going on between these 3 main characters.
The scenery and worldbuilding is good too. We have Ellwye, the West, Wendlyn, The Witch Kingdom, the East, Endovier, Ardalan and Rifthold all mentioned and somewhat defined within narrative context. No info dumping, just small relevant tidbits.
Okay so Celaena is 18, Dorian is 20, Chaol is 22.
It's almost shocking how reasonable sjm used to be.
Celaena's a little crazy but it's fun sometimes. She says she's trying to get under Chaol's skin but she's the one saying he's not very nice and being bothered when he doesn't engage with her.
22 is much better than I thought. But he honestly has to be not only the best swordsman in the country but also a very high up, well connected young lord to be Captain of the Royal Guard.
Me and Celaena locked in, fr. She clocked him as a Lord.
Also characters with a strong sense of justice >>>>> another 5 points for Chaol.
Top tier chapter overall.
Chapter 5
The forest scene is cool. King Brannon. 2000 years ago. Fae. Hope this plays a big role.
If the Fae are just gonna be dudes who run around the same as humans (with pointy ears and magic) why make them immortal? I don't think sjm really comprehends the concept or how otherworldly it really is.
She knew plenty about this forest, knew that the denizens of this place had once been faeries: gnomes, sprites, nymphs, goblins, more names than anyone could count or remember. All ruled by their larger, human-like cousins, the immortal Fae—the original inhabitants and settlers of the continent, and the oldest beings in Erilea.
Just say Elves, I beg of you
Okay but surely the King of Ardalan, aka Dorian Senior, banning magic and making it disappear is an act of magic itself? Like unless bro is god, the simple act of banning magic would not erase its existence.
The King of Adarlan had outlawed it all—magic, Fae, faeries—and removed any trace so thoroughly that even those who had magic in their blood almost believed it had never really existed, Celaena herself being one of them.
This all just happened within the last maximum 30 years. She herself just told us Fae are immortal. How the fuck would they forget they ever had magic? There are humans old enough to still remember.
"It had been a while since she’d contemplated the gifts she’d lost, though the memory of her abilities haunted her dreams." okay so it's happened only in the last 10 years??? That means everyone still remembers. Why not just write that Celaena could barely remember instead of implying it was a common thing.
Still really like her descriptions of the forest and of the faeries.
I'm guessing gnomes left her flowers. We'll probably never see them again.
Chapter 6
Icy rain kept them company for four days, during which time Celaena was so miserably cold that she contemplated throwing herself into a ravine, hopefully dragging Chaol with her.
Her dedication to murdering him is quite endearing, I fear
The weather hits for me rn because it's autumn here too.
...the Crown Prince pulled out of line and came trotting toward them, his dark hair bouncing. His red cape rose and fell in a crimson wave. Above his unadorned white shirt was a fine cobalt-blue jerkin trimmed with gold. She would have snorted, but he did look rather good in his knee-high brown boots. And his leather belt did go nicely—even though the hunting knife seemed a bit too bejeweled.
Dorian the fashionista
Okay wait. The castle is half stone half glass... Can you just see into the castle? How did they even build that. If this was wheel of time or something I'd assume it was a modern skyscraper being seen through the eyes of people who didn't understand that. But there haven't been any other clues to suggest post apocalyptic fantasy stuff... Idk how I feel about this
The writing continues to be good. Celaena's dreams are pretty disturbing and her moment of quiet contemplation while staring at the greenish glow of the glass castle was really solemn and grounding. I think her thoughts about putting kingdoms behind her would have really hit if sjm revealed her identity and still had her refuse to rule.
"She wasn’t fated for anything. Not anymore"
During this scene the weight of her life experiences so far - running from her burning home at 8, losing her magic, being taken in by a man she couldn't trust, being made to murder for a living, being betrayed (most likely by that same man) and ending up in a slave mine - feels real, feels like it's made her truly lonely.
Still, the image haunted his dreams throughout the night: a lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back.
Okay so why didn't sjm give Feyre a moment like this if we're supposed to believe Rhysand is her destined true love.
Chapter 7
There's a sense of life in this story thats really missing from acotar. Rifthold has flags and sigils and trumpets announcing the Prince's return. The horses smell, the city smells, the spices from the market smell, the river smells. Like there's a world here and it's tangible.
Acomaf really is the grave. And stans act like it's her magnum opus. No wonder sjm doesn't talk to them.
From bearded peddlers to servant girls carrying armfuls of hatboxes, everyone paused as the flag-bearers trotted proudly ahead, and Dorian Havilliard waved. They followed the Crown Prince, who, like Chaol, was swathed in a red cape, pinned over the left breast with a brooch fashioned after the royal seal. The prince wore a golden crown upon his neat hair, and she had to concede that he looked rather regal. Young women flocked to them, waving. Dorian winked and grinned.
Nobody in Velaris or the Hewn City or Illyria gives a fuck about Rhysand like this lmaooo
Now that she noticed, there were countless chained slaves working the docks, lifting and sweating, holding parasols and pouring water, eyes on the ground or the sky—never on what was before them. She wanted to leap from her horse and run to them, or to simply scream that she wasn’t a part of this prince’s court, that she had no hand in bringing them here, chained and starved and beaten, that she had worked and bled with them, with their families and friends—she was not like these monsters that destroyed everything. That she had done something, nearly two years ago, when she had freed almost two hundred slaves from the Pirate Lord.
I get what sjm was trying to do but the White Woman Energy™ is off the charts. It's not about you and you being seen as bad. Decentre yourself from the slavery narrative, please and thank you.
Kinda disappointed Celaena didn't spot any other spies or assassins lurking about. She was strangely unobservant for once.
Spears erect, they held rectangular shields, and their eyes were dark beneath bronze helmets. Each wore a red cape. Their armor, while tarnished, was well crafted from copper and leather.
Actual description of uniform and weapons rather than just "Illyrian leathers" "Illyrian knives/swords" BUT why does the description sound like Roman soldiers when we're clearly in a renaissance-esque fantasy time period
No, okay, I don't like the literal glass castle on top of a stone castle. Celaena agrees.
Dorian: you won't compete as yourself, we'll keep it a secret.
Dorian at the entrance to the castle while nobles and guards are welcoming him back: WELCOME CELAENA SARDOTHIEN
They were each armed with a sword, knife, and crossbow, and though they’d been alert while their captain passed by, she knew a crossbow wasn’t exactly a light weight to bear for hours on end. Celaena crept to her bedroom window, pressing herself against the marble wall, and glanced down. Sure enough, the guards had already strapped the crossbows across their backs. It would waste precious seconds to grab the weapon and load it—seconds when she could take their swords, cut their throats, and vanish into the gardens.
Smart, and even adding to her character weight and credibility. She surveys the room, makes a weapon and categorises what she could use to kill. Legit feels like a competent assassin.
Even the clothes are so much better than in acotar. What happened to sjm??
“He has a big heart, His Highness.” hahaha Dorian is apparently out here hoeing, I respect it.
Not the literal throne of glass.
And then there was the matter of Dorian’s sapphire eyes—not even his mother had his eyes. No one knew where they came from.
I hope this matters
The conversation between Dorian Snr and Dorian Jr is loaded with politics:
King Dorian I is a conqueror
Dorian II doesn't want to inherit the empire.
The younger brother isn't really a threat, neither of them take Hollin seriously.
Ardalan is in active war against Wendlyn
Why call Celaena a witch if the race of Witch exists. Why not just call her a snake or temptress or something
Dorian wants to kill his dad. He just like me fr.
Chapter 8
Okay. Chaol has an eagle shaped pommel on his sword. Dorian's sigil is a wyvern. The guy Celaena ends up with can turn into a bird I think. Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel have bat wings. The love interest in Ccity is an angel. SJM has a thing for wings, yes?
Tamlin not having wings is more proof of Feylin not being endgame than anything else you can point to in the text.
Chaol is giving the assassin a tour of the castle... Is he stupid??
The competition begins tomorrow??????
“I don’t understand why you refuse to enter the glass addition,” he went on. “There’s no difference between the interiors—you wouldn’t even know that you were inside it unless someone told you or you looked out the window.”
I lack the visual imagination to understand what the fuck is going on with this building. It really just sounds like a skyscraper
A clocktower made of black stone. Something like you'd see at the Gates of Wyrd. Hmmm. King built a spooky magic tower thing around the birth of his son. The same king magically made magic disappear.... The gargoyle on the tower points to a tile in the garden with a symbol on it. It's feeling very Da Vinci Code rn
A library... I miss Nesta.
The letter exchange between Celaena and Dorian is better than anything in acomaf. I said what I said. Including it for proof:
Your Highness—
It has come to my attention that your library isn’t a library, but rather a personal collection for only you and your esteemed father to enjoy. As many of your million books seem to be present and underused, I must beg you to grant me permission to borrow a few so that they might receive the attention they deserve. Since I am deprived of company and entertainment, this act of kindness is the least someone of your importance could deign to bestow upon a lowly, miserable wretch such as I.
Yours most truly,
Celaena Sardothien
Celaena beamed at her note and handed it to the nicest-looking servant she could find, with specific instructions to give it immediately to the Crown Prince. When the woman returned half an hour later with a stack of books piled in her arms, Celaena laughed as she swiped the note that crowned the column of leather.
My Most True Assassin,
Enclosed are seven books from my personal library that I have recently read and enjoyed immensely. You are, of course, free to read as many of the books in the castle library as you wish, but I command you to read these first so that we might discuss them. I promise they are not dull, for I am not one inclined to sit through pages of nonsense and bloated speech, though perhaps you enjoy works and authors who think very highly of themselves.
Most affectionately,
Dorian Havilliard
What happened to Sarah, when did she abandon romance?
Also. Again. This is supposed to be kept secret but she signed her name??? And Dorian responds "my assassin" any courier or spy would have had them by the balls before the day was done.
IS THAT KALTAIN??? Her ladies are idiots.
Ahhh, classic YA girlhate
Chapter 9
Super short chapter.
Aww, Chaol.
Overall I'm still enjoying this more than I expected.
Again what happened to sjm? This love triangle is building so well.
26 notes · View notes
rowanaelinn · 2 years
Illicit Affairs - Chapter Four
I have no idea what it is with me, I’m writing super fast lately.
No more chapters until I finish house of sky and breath! I can’t wait to read it, I’m ten chapters in and it’s already amazing (no spoilers).
If you were confused by Aelin’s discussion with her father last chapter I’m sorry, here’s a recap someone asked me! By the way, please remember that English isn’t my first language so I still struggle with all the medical related vocabulary.
Word count: 4,080
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She was exhausted, there were no other words for it. As surprising as it was, Aelin was late in her coursework. It wasn’t her fault, she worked hard every day to stay at the top of her class, but schools didn’t teach the same notions at the same time, which meant that Aelin was late and lost. And she hated it.
It didn’t help that her mind didn’t seem to cooperate and instead chose to only think about pine green eyes, silver hair, and full, rosy, lips. It didn’t help that she replayed their conversation in his office over and over again, not better than an obsessed teenage girl.
Her nails were shorter than usual, all ten of them bitten to the skin. Aelin had noticed this particular fact only yesterday but she realized it must have gone on for a few days. What was a little nail-biting anyway?
But no matter how exhausted and anxious Aelin felt, she also felt fucking amazing. She hadn’t woken up purposefully early in years with the only goal to get ready the way she loved. She didn’t know why she decided to go back to her old self now, but Aelin smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror.
This way, she didn’t look like the woman she had tried to be for years. It wasn’t the soft, elegant makeup she was used to doing. No, Aelin went extra. Extra in the way that she felt herself, that she felt good.
Younger she had loved when everyone looked at her, she loved how easy attracting attention had always been. But when you didn’t want people to see you, when looking at yourself in the mirror hurt, being extra was not the best course of action.
It wasn’t that Aelin hated herself, she didn’t. But when she grew up she had spent hours in front of a mirror, exploring her face and body to find one slight difference with Celaena. It was something every twin did, looking for their own identity. But for years now, Aelin wanted to look like her, her own way to never forget her.
Today, Aelin was Aelin.
She tried to ignore how it coincided with her anatomy class. Instead, choosing to embrace herself.
Aelin’s mood improved at the way Lysandra and Dorian complimented her on the way she looked. It changed from the strange stares she was sure to receive from her parents. No, Lysandra had compared her to a fairy. Aelin didn’t know why tears had burned her eyes at this.
Dorian teased her, “Are you sure you won’t let me woo you?”
Lysandra slapped his shoulder, “You’re so annoying.”
Aelin ignored the chill that ran down her spine when he entered the classroom, how assured his steps were. Her heart went wide when his eyes met hers, it didn’t last more than one second but it felt like too much and not enough at the same time. She wanted to push this feeling away as much as she craved for more.
It was an effort to focus on his words and not the way his mouth moved, in how his gestures betrayed how passionate he was, in the small proud smile he bore whenever he spoke about his job.
At the end of the class, Aelin was proud of herself for doing anything else than stare at him. Really, it was a miracle.
Staring wasn’t bad, right? Everyone did it, most of the girls in Aelin’s class were way less subtle than she was. Everyone would hear their giggles every time he told the class an anecdote. Aelin tried her best not to be annoyed, she really did, but it was a failure.
She was about to pack her things up when her phone vibrated, she grabbed it in her back pocket. She didn’t know the number.
< Meet me in my office when your classes are done.
< It’s Rowan, by the way.
< Or Dr. Whitethorn.
Aelin’s cheeks flushed. He was as confused on how she should address him as she was, it made her feel better somehow. He had asked for her number that day in his office the week before. It was just in case he needed to contact her.
She looked up as he was pocketing his phone and Aelin nodded slightly when he looked at her.
Aelin swallowed before she knocked on the door, much calmer than she did the last time she was there. The door opened immediately. If she didn’t know better, Aelin would think he had been waiting behind the door.
“Hi,” she breathed.
“Hello,” he answered before shaking his head, “Please, come in.”
Aelin was surprised when she saw a comforter and a pillow on his couch, breaking the cleanness of the room. He stepped in front of her after he closed the door, going to fold up the comforter. “Sorry about that.”
“Rough night?”
He coughed, nodding when he was done. “Yeah, I- I didn’t go home.”
She wanted to ask why, she wanted to know everything about him, but she couldn’t. “Is everything alright?”
He nodded, “Why?”
She shrugged, crossing her arms to add a layer of protection, “You just seem out of it today.”
His eyes widened in surprise before he turned his head away, going to his desk. Did she know him enough to think he acted strangely? “I’m just tired.”
“Hm, okay.”
“That’s the truth,” he pressed.
“I didn’t deny it.”
He sighed, the sound loud in the near-silent room. Aelin didn’t say anything, waiting for him to either speak or gather his shit up. Why did they always have to see each other when one of them was near their breaking point? “It’s nothing, just some personal matter you don’t want to know about.”
“Says who?” she answered, surprising him and herself. She should have just said she felt sorry for the guy. “You know some of my personal problems if you want to talk about yours…”
He seemed to actually think about it for a moment, his brows furrowing. Aelin wanted to reach out and smoothen the place between his brow with her thumb, her other hand slowly stroking his neck.
Gods, she needed help.
“That’s not appropriate,” he answered, but his voice didn’t have as much resolve as it usually had. It was quieter, as if he didn’t want to say it.
“I’ve been told inappropriate is my middle name,” Aelin answered, trying to joke around.
It worked, a small smile returning to his lips as he looked at her. She wasn’t dressed in one of her jeans and hoodies. She had opened her closet and looked deep enough to find a white off-the-shoulder puffy shirt she had covered with a white corset, a long plain brown skirt covering her legs. Even with the usually warm weather of Doranelle, it was still January and if it wasn’t for her knitted cardigan and thighs under her long skirt she’d be freezing.
He smiled at her outfit, “Nice clothes.”
She smiled too, the two words better than anything else, “Thanks.”
Aelin let herself fall on his couch as if she owned the place, “You asked me here for what?”
He looked as if he forgot why as he said, “Oh, yeah.” He stood against his desk, his hands gripping it on both sides of his body. “Craniotomy.”
Her face turned to the portrait of confusion, “What?”
He crossed his arms, a playful smile on his lips. “Craniotomy. What do you know about it?”
“It’s probably the most done brain surgery, you take out a piece of the skull called the bone flap to see the brain, it’s going back to its place at the end of the surgery.”
“Good,” he praised, “Which case would require a craniotomy?”
Her eyes widened as she recalled everything she had ever read on the subject, “A lot, which is why it’s the surgery you’ve probably done the most. It’s for you what is an appendectomy for a general surgeon. But in short, to diagnose, to take out tumors, to lower pressure, clipping aneurysm… So many things. Why?”
He grinned, “I have one tomorrow, I’m clipping two aneurysms. Basic surgery for me, impressive for you. You’re coming to see it and you’re going to watch me train.”
“What?” Aelin asked, her eyes wide as she leaned forward.
“You heard me.”
“You want me to watch a craniotomy?”
He nodded, “In the OT, yeah. And train with me.”
OT meant operating theater, the room where students or spectators could watch surgeries. She had never been on one, but she knew Celaena had. “Are you sure? You’re supposed to train, not me. I mean, you’re the one performing surgery on a real person tomorrow, not me. I don’t want to distract you.”
“Are those your true thoughts or is this you finding an excuse?”
“I’m never finding excuses!”
He deadpanned her, knowing full well that it was a lie. Aelin sighed, “Let me guess, you won’t let me say no.”
He frowned, “Of course, I’m going to let you say no. I want to teach you, yes, but I also want to respect your wishes.”
And this, the way he gave her a choice, had her heart blooming in her chest. So she said, “I needed to go see my father anyway. And you’ll save me from the subway.”
“You just decided I’ll drive you?” His grin was amused.
She shrugged, “Yes. Professor and driver. Those are two very good jobs, Dr. Whitethorn.”
He frowned, “It’s weird.”
“What is weird?”
“You, calling me Dr. Whitethorn.”
Aelin was silent for a few moments, “I’m not supposed to call you anything else.”
“I know. Still weird.”
She didn’t comment on how it felt for her either.
“You don’t seem impressed,” he said as they walked through the halls of the hospital. They were on the fifth floor, this one and the sixth were for surgery. Patients, nursing room, ORs, everything was here.
Aelin shrugged, “My parents and I lived here until my aunt died, but when my sister… We moved back here. I basically grew up in this hospital.”
Rowan’s brows touched his hairline. “Really?”
Aelin smiled, “Yeah. You see that resting room right next to Room 478?” Rowan nodded. “The light was always broken in it, so whenever Celaena and I would play hide and seek I’d hide there. She knew where I was but the hall and the room were too dark for her to come after me. She used to be terrified of the dark.”
Rowan chuckled with her, opening one of the doors with his pass. These doors weren’t there when Aelin was a child, security had improved. “It sounded like fun.”
“It was,” they turned to the left. “This place was a real playground for two bored girls.”
It felt strange to speak Celaena’s name. Her parents always ignored the subject and Aedion usually toyed around it. It still hurt him. Aelin found it usually painful to think about her, but today she could spend hours recalling everything she did in this hospital. She hadn’t come back here once since Celaena. But she was fine, and not in an ignoring-her-feelings kind of way. She was truly fine.
“It sometimes is a playground for thirty-five years old men, so I can see why two girls had so much fun.”
“The days where both my parents had late surgeries or emergencies were the best. It was not rare for her and me to just sleep here. This nurse, Marion, used to stay with us whenever she worked. We loved her.”
He seemed surprised, “Marion still works here.”
“Does she?”
He nodded, “A true terror for any surgeon who don’t have their head out of their ass.”
She laughed, “Sounds like her. Do you know if she’s on shift today?”
He shrugged, “No idea but we can ask.”
Aelin felt a little guilty for taking so much of his time, “You have to train for tomorrow, I don’t want to-”
“Quit it, Aelin. I have plenty of time for you to say hello to someone who was important to you.”
She smiled then, a pure and bright smile. Coming back to this place wasn’t so bad after all. “Fireheart?” Her mother’s voice echoed through the hall, Aelin turned around to find her mother in her blue scrubs staring at her.
“Mom,” Aelin breathed, her hand clenching around the handle of her bag at the way her mother looked at her outfit.
Disapprovement and distaste were written in every trait of her face, “You look…”
“Amazing? I know, thank you.”
Thankfully her mother didn’t say anything else, “Hello, Dr. Whitethorn.” She greeted him before turning once more to Aelin, “What are you doing here? I thought you’d be home by now.”
Aelin replaced her bag on her shoulder, all her strength used to not bring her fingers to her teeth. “Dad asked me to come so he could give me all the passes and keys I need.”
“Oh, your dad is in surgery, baby. Big accident, they needed all the help they could get. Text him and tell him to bring everything to you at home.”
As the chief of surgery, it was rare for her father to still perform surgery, bureaucracy taking too much of his time. But whenever he could he still put on gloves and ran to a bloodbath. He loved it too much to stop.
“Will do,” she assured her mother.
“Good. Need a ride home?”
Aelin awkwardly pointed between Rowan and her, “Uh, no, I’m-”
“I’m showing her how to clip an aneurysm,” Rowan explained. Yeah, that was what they were doing. Not visiting her favorite nurse. Her parents had never talked about Marion, they didn’t know how much the woman had taken care of Aelin and Celaena. Aelin had never asked, deeming it an old wound that didn’t need to be open once more.
Her mother’s face lit up, “Oh, that’s amazing. If your father finishes his surgery on time maybe you can catch–”
“I’ll drive her home, Dr. Ashryver, don’t worry.”
The five minutes drive from her school to the hospital hadn’t been long, but how would she survive the twenty minutes toward her house? Just her and him, in a confined space. Her imagination already ran wild. Her mother smiled, “It’s very nice of you, Dr. Whitethorn. I’ll see you at home,” she told Aelin who returned the good-bye.
When she left, Aelin hadn’t moved. She let out a long breath that had been burning her lungs for seconds now, “She was so going to say something about my clothes.”
She could feel Rowan’s serious gaze on her body, “Why would she? It’s cute.”
She huffed a laugh, ignoring how pink her cheeks ust be from how hot she felt. “She used to hate how I dressed as a teenager.”
“I assume it was the way you dressed back then?” His eyebrow was raised, his lips turned in a sly smirk.
“It’s pretty mild compared to what I used to wear.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “You’re impossible.”
Aelin struggled to swallow when she felt his hand slide on her back, stopping on her lower back as he guided her through the hall. Aelin didn’t say anything, not daring to say anything.
If her asking about his life was inappropriate, she didn’t know what was the way he touched her now. There was nothing sinful, nothing out of the ordinary, but Aelin’s body had a very special reaction.
Subtly, she got closer to him as she walked. Just enough for their bodies to brush, and she didn’t feel him back away. She knew he was as hyper-aware of her as she was of him.
Her thoughts took another turn as she saw familiar brown hair braided and then gathered in a bun.
She knew she was in a hospital, but Aelin couldn’t help her squeal, “Marion!”
The woman turned around, first, her brows were furrowed but a second later, when she saw who had been calling her name, the woman was shocked. She was still the same, just some wrinkles at the side of her eyes and some grey hair on her head. she also wore all her exhaustion but did only make her more beautiful. She was exhausted because she loved her job.
Aelin walked to the woman and didn’t wait before throwing her arms around the nurse’s neck. The woman returned the embrace directly, and Aelin could feel her chuckle, “What are you doing here, little fire?”
Aelin laughed at the nickname she had given her. She took a step back and covered her mouth with her hands, “I’ve just been told you still work there and I wanted to see you.”
She frowned, slightly slapping Aelin’s elbow. “Of course, I still work here, did you expect me to be retired?”
Aelin chuckled, “I feel like there’s a wrong answer to this.”
“You bet there is.”
It felt good to see her again, she still remembered all the lullabies Marion had sung her. Marion had a daughter just a little younger than Aelin, maybe it was why she always took care of her. “Look at you,” she beamed, “You’re all grown-up.”
“I’m even taller than you now.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “You know how rude you sound?”
Aelin chuckled and Marion’s pager rang, cutting short their reunion. “I need to go, little fire, but we should go to lunch with my Elide one of these days.”
“I’d love to,” Aelin answered and with one last smile, Marion was gone.
“Are you happy?” Rowan asked, she had almost forgotten his presence.
She exhaled, “It doesn’t feel as gut-wrenching as I thought.”
“Good,” he whispered, barely loud enough for her to hear.
“Do you understand?”
He had spent the last thirty minutes showing her how to clip an aneurysm, taking his time to describe everything he was doing, always looking away from his microscope, checking if she wasn’t too lost.
Aelin was sitting on the table next to where he stood, in a teasing mood she answered, “It looks awfully easy. Are you sure you deserve that much money on your paycheck?”
His eyebrows slowly rose, a smirk curling his lips. “Go on then, Miss It’s Easy.”
Aelin swallowed, losing a bit of her confidence. She had just expected him to roll his eyes and tell her she was impossible. He laughed at her pale face, “Not that much of a mouth on you, why’s that?”
She squinted at him, ready to make him swallow his tongue. “Move and let the pro show you how it’s done.”
He chuckled, backing away with his hands raised, “Cocky, Galathynius.”
She rolled up her sleeves above her elbows, her defiant eyes never leaving his playful ones. “Gimme,” she said, talking about the instruments.
Rowan frowned a little before asking, “You’re left-handed, aren’t you?”
“How do you know that? And why?”
He shrugged and probably took it as an answer, “You held your beer with your left hand that night.” How did he remember that small of a detail? “I am, too. It’s a little special for us, as the instruments are made for right-handed people.”
He took her hands and slid the two long instruments. “You just need to hold that one this way,” he turned it a little, so the handling was more comfortable.
The two instruments had a camera built-in that was connected to a TV. Rowan could see everything she was doing in that weird fake brain. He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. And he called her cocky. “What are you waiting for?”
She rolled her eyes, “Men. You’re all the same.”
He chuckled but didn’t get mad, not as Chaol would always get whenever she had the audacity to make jokes. It felt refreshing. Aelin had forgotten to adjust the microscope to fit her height. She was determined to just raise on her tiptoes but Rowan didn’t agree.
“Here,” he said, coming to stand beside her and adjusting the microscope perfectly. Her eyes met his for a second before she breathed her thanks.
She looked into the object and… Yeah. She got why it was hard. All sense of reality was deformed when she looked through that shit. She wasn’t going to admit it, though.
She’d just have to take her time as she brought the tools closer to where she saw the fake aneurysm. Rowan tsked when her clip came close to one of the parts of the brain, breaking all her focus. She looked at him, “You think you’re helping?”
“Your patient is paralyzed.”
She was offended, “I barely brushed it!”
He knew she was mostly joking along, “I’m pretty sure the brain is a quite sensible organ. It’s just like you.”
Her mouth was wide open at the insult, ready to answer something nastier when he came behind here. “I’ll show you.”
Her breathing entirely stopped as his front came in contact with her back. He had to stand close, but it meant for their bodies to touch more than they had in the past. His hands grabbed hers, he was in control of everything. He bent, pushing her head to the side with his, “Let me some space,” he teased.
Aelin was at his mercy, she let him one side of the microscope as she used the other, his torso applying pressure on her back whenever he breathed. She was pleased to know his breathing was as ragged as her, that she wasn’t the only one affected by the contact.
“You need to hold your wrist this way,” he whispered, changing the angle of her hands. “If you don’t then your hands will shake and it’ll increase the chances of cramping.”
Aelin only nodded, relishing on the way his body warmed hers. Rowan kept going as he explained, “You take a deep breath,” he did and so did she, and then he moved their hands.
Aelin didn’t care about the way he played with her fingers, giving her a false sensation of control. He was confident in his movements, no fear or hesitation laced the way he controlled her hands.
Aelin leaned back into him, unable to stop. Rowan’s hands flattered for a second before he kept going, his voice still whispering as he explained everything to her. This, him teaching her, it was… attractive.
With one final move of the clip with their left hand, Rowan whispered, “It’s done.”
Slowly, he guided their tools out of the fake-patient’s brain before slowly putting them on the metal table. He didn’t move, his hands still on hers, his body still covering hers.
Aelin dared to look to the side to find him looking at her with dark, green, eyes. Her breathing turned frantic at the way he looked at her, as if he would devour her. He licked his lips, leaving them parted as Aelin’s gaze settled on them.
She wanted to kiss him, wanted to know how he’d kiss her. Would it be featherlight? Would it feel the way she always felt around him? World consuming? She wanted to know if those lips would be rough or loving with hers.
When she wanted to pay attention to that neck of his, she wanted to lick and kiss every inch of it, discovering the tattoo she knew he was hiding. She wanted to do so many things to him, and wanted him to do so many things to her. But mostly, right now, Aelin wanted to push him to the floor and ride him until they were both breathless and out of this world.
He seemed to think the exact same thing, his hands clenching around hers. She looked back at him then, and Aelin decided to throw all her cares out of the window. She brought her face closer to his.
He leaned into her, her eyes closing. It was going to happen. Years of wonder finally put to an end, she’d know how he hated. How he kissed.
But instead of the warm feeling of a kiss, Aelin was only felt with emptiness and cold. Rowan had pushed himself away, a good six feet between them now as his face rested between his hands.
What the hell.
Aelin’s body was electric, hating her for letting it down. Rowan groaned, a sound full of defeat. “I need to check on a patient, I’ll drive you home right after.”
He left without leaving room to question or discussion. Maybe, maybe he had been right. It shouldn't have happened.
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offtorivendell · 3 years
The Dusk Court, The Hewn City, and Hybern - Part I, The Theory
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Disclaimer: These thoughts are based on my own interpretations of the text, and are obviously not intending to say with any certainty what may or may not happen in future ACOTAR books.
This post was inspired by the amazing Eighth Court theory, which was first posted on Tumblr by @shadow-singing. While my thoughts took me in a slightly different direction than Shadow Singing, this post does not mean to denigrate her original post, which connected so many dots, and has become a widely accepted headcanon. In fact, this post likely would not exist without it, so I give much of the credit for this post to her.
TW: for mentions of canon abuse, torture and child birth related trauma.
This series contains mild spoilers from SJM’s Throne of Glass series, with regards to Celaena’s past - so reader beware.
Like many who read the ACOTAR series, on learning of the existence of the seven Courts of Prythian - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Dawn, Day and Night - my first thought was, what about Dusk? It bugged me, but nothing in the text jumped out at me… until ACOSF.
One of the more popular theories making the rounds of the ACOTAR fandom after the release of ACOSF is Shadow Singing’s mind blowing Eighth Court/Dusk Court/The Prison theory. Like most people who read it, I was instantly hooked, and it’s been a headcanon of mine ever since - do yourselves a favour and make sure you check it out. Once again, the following post is not intended to belittle Shadow Singing’s original theory at all, it just came to me when I was thinking about Merrill, her "remarkable" twilight eyes, and her ancestor, Rabath of the Western Wind, and grew from there. While the link between twilight and dusk is obvious, Rabbath Ammon was an ancient city that was conquered by an Egyptian king in the third century BCE, and was renamed after him, and the Western Wind title made me - eventually - think, look west.
So! What if the Dusk Court used to exist as what is now Hybern? Did the fae who currently live in the Court of Nightmares - in the Hewn City - originally hail from the Dusk Court, and were they escapees from its fall? When Elain killed the King of Hybern in ACOWAR, did she reclaim the Dusk Court throne for its rightful High Lord or Lady? Who would that even be? Merrill, Azriel, Mor… or even Elain herself? Read on for Part I, The Theory.
A HUGE thank you goes out to both @wingedblooms and @nikethestatue for all of the time that they spent discussing ideas with me, their valuable thoughts, and giving this a once (or twice) over when it was done.
PS. This is almost 10,000 words... I'm sorry. There's a very brief summary just below the "read more."
TL,DR: I suspect that the Dusk Court historically existed as what is now known as Hybern, and that the Prison island, while not the Dusk Court itself, contains a group of trapped fae that hail from there. Evidence exists that suggests that Elain and Azriel combined are a metaphor for dusk, and they - or their child - may eventually inherit the Dusk Court.
Where in the World Was the Dusk Court?
While the Prison island will almost certainly play a role in Elain’s personal story (so far Feyre and Nesta have both visited it, in addition to each of them conquering their own "sister peak"), as well as the overarching plot of the second ACOTAR trilogy, I think that the island that holds the prison mountain itself is too small to be an entire court - though I do still think it could be significant.
When I tried to split the map of the Night Court into two, thinking that it had perhaps annexed the Dusk Court at some point so long ago that even the fae cannot remember - perhaps when Rhys’ line of High Lords took power from Mor’s line - I could not make it work neatly… initially, at least.
I went through the following iterations of potential Dusk Court territories:
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Image source: ACOTAR ebook
Option 1 - Southern Night Court
One would assume that the Dusk Court would have been the southern half of the Night Court, given the logical progression from Dawn to Day to Dusk to Night, but while that region would comprise the Court of Nightmares (more on this later), it is isolated from the Prison island, which I assumed was crucial at the time - while they were collecting the Harp from the Prison, Cassian mentioned to Nesta, that Rhys had told him that “this island might have even been an eighth court” (ACOSF, chapter 53). This area could also potentially include Velaris, depending on how far north you drew the boundary line in an attempt to claim the Prison island, which would then create an oversized Dusk Court, and an incredibly undersized Night Court.
If the border was, in fact, much further north than I drew above, further even than the line for option 2, it’s plausible that a previous High Lord or Lady of the Night Court could have been envious enough to attempt an invasion of an overpowered Dusk Court to their south, which could have explained Rhys and Mor’s family history - remember that the line apparently swapped from Mor/Keir’s line to Rhys’ line so long ago that no one really remembers why - but it doesn’t explain why Velaris, the City of Starlight, would have originally fallen inside the Dusk Court.
Option 2 - Northern Night Court
Thinking, then, that if the Prison island was simply part of the Dusk Court, and not the Dusk Court in its entirety, it could have meant that the Dusk Court was actually the northernmost half of the current Night Court; however, that region currently houses the Illyrian Steppes and the Illyrian Mountains, which includes Ramiel. It seems a little unbalanced, at least in my mind, for the original Dusk Court to hold two of the “sister peaks,” - Ramiel and the Prison, with the third being the mountain in “the Middle,” under which Feyre was trapped in ACOTAR - if it is less than half the size of the current Night Court, but it still could have been the case.
However, the reason why I don’t see this happening is that reinstating the Dusk Court, and reclaiming its land from the Night Court, would involve even more angst for the Inner Circle, both politically and emotionally, than I believe SJM currently has planned for this trilogy; it would probably require an entire trilogy on its own to do it justice, instead of having it as a subplot to a book in the Koschei trilogy, as well as a majority cast of Illyrian characters, assuming they were the original stewards of the land. Not to mention that Elain (or anyone else who isn't an Illyrian) wouldn’t be a suitable main character, given she is High Fae, so has not experienced the prejudice that the “lesser faeries'' often do, in particular the prejudice that is unique to Illyrians, and she does not know their culture.
I believe that, if SJM chooses to delve further into an Illyrian-centric storyline, it will be in a future trilogy, and would centre around Emerie, with Cassian and Rhys, and potentially Balthazar, for support. The Valkyries and their respective partners would probably play a secondary role, but in a way that both honours and centres the experiences of the Illyrians, especially the females. This would also be a great way to learn more about Cassian's past, and perhaps see a teenaged or young adult Nyx embracing the Illyrian half of his father's heritage.
Option 3.1 and 3.2 - Eastern Night Court, plus or minus the Prison
In an attempt to catch both the Court of Nightmares and the Prison island, either the purple or magenta lines could have allowed for an appropriately sized Dusk Court (and Night Court); however, these lands would again involve a potential “high fae saviour” plotline for Elain, as they include Illyria. They also lie to the east of Prythian, and not the west - westerly winds come from the west.
Thinking of Rabath of the Western Wind led me to what I think is where the Dusk Court may have been located.
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Image source: ACOTAR ebook
Option 4 - Hybern (but currently under the Court of Nightmares)
Hybern lies to the west - the direction from which we'd see a westerly wind, and the direction in which the sun sets; Hybern is an “island” approximately the size of a Prythian Court, and has a king, not a High Lord - though we don't know what happened after the end of ACOWAR. What if Hybern was the Dusk Court and, at some long-forgotten point in time, conquerors came from another court, in search of land, power or riches, and overthrew the ruling High Family?
As for the Prison Island, I don't think that it was necessarily a part of the Dusk Court, though I do think it could still contain trapped faeries; it's too close to the Night Court to have belonged solely to Dusk. My crack theory is that it was the seat of the High King, and the eight-pointed star was the symbol of a unified, whole Prythian - but that is purely conjecture at this point. The Prison theory and the Hewn City/Hybern theory aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive - some form of both could be correct, and I can’t wait to see what will actually happen.
How Did the Sun Set on the Dusk Court?
It is well-known that SJM draws inspiration from myth and legend when writing her books, combining different aspects of multiple tales into a new, cohesive, whole. Given that a single glance at a map of Hybern, Prythian and the Continent is enough to demonstrate the region’s more than passing resemblance to our real-world Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the European continent, it - plausibly, at least - stands to reason that the stories specific to real world locations could influence the history of their Prythian counterparts.
The Tuatha de Danann and the Daoine Sidhe
This is, of course, purely hypothetical, but I see some potential parallels between the Dusk Court as I’ve hypothesised it, and the Tuatha de Danann and Aos Si/Daoine Sidhe from Irish mythology. Tuatha de Danann translates to Tribe of the Gods, or People of the Goddess Danu, and The Daoine Sidhe, People of the Mounds, are said to be their descendents, a supernatural race who live underground, in a world that is said to coexist with our own. Some stories call this world an alternate universe, and it is known as the Otherworld - the realm of both the gods and the dead.
Rhys said, “We will walk onto that field and only accept Death when it comes to haul us away to the Otherworld. - ACOWAR, chapter 69
We learnt in ACOSF that the priestess Merrill was researching parallel universes, and apparently there were up to twenty six of them; does that mean that there are twenty six possible “mounds” of faeries from the Dusk Court, trapped in one way or another, and scattered around Prythian, or their world? Where could they be?
“Merrill’s brilliant. Horrible, but brilliant. When she first came here, she was obsessed with theories regarding the existence of different realms -- different worlds. Living on top of each other without even knowing it.” - Gwyn, ACOSF, chapter 13
The Ireland of the Tuatha de Danann was invaded by the Milesians, and the Tuatha de, said to be either elves or faeries, escaped into their burrows underground. I suspect that this could parallel the faeries of the Dusk Court, or at least their High Family and other important figures, who would have been more likely and able to flee the invasion that toppled their court. However, given what the Harp showed Nesta when she was under the Prison mountain, I believe that some are more trapped than others.
The Invasion
Warning: minor Throne of Glass spoiler.
While the fae of the Hewn City - and potentially others like them - are metaphorically trapped, they are free to leave their mountain to watch Starfall, and go off to war etc.; other fae may well be fully trapped, since either during the initial invasion, or at some point later on. Whatever was used to trap the faeries underground must have been extremely powerful, and I agree with Shadow Singing that the Harp could have been used in the assault.
I do wonder if the ruling class of the Dusk Court was somehow lured and trapped before the main invasion, as Nesta was shown by the Harp, either on mainland Prythian, or in Hybern, which would make the rest of their court easier to conquer. If you have read SJM’s Throne of Glass series, I could imagine it as having happened similarly to how the King of Adarlan overthrew Terrasen’s royal family.
“I don’t know. He’s been smart about keeping the extent of his power hidden. But he had to resort to trickery and threats to beat us that day in Hybern. He has thousands of years of knowledge and training. If he and I fought … I doubt he will let it come to that. - Rhys, ACOWAR, chapter 20
While the above quote was referring to the Inner Circle’s disastrous attempt to steal the Cauldron from the King of Hybern, to prevent him from taking out the Wall that protected the Human Realm from the faeries, I think it could also potentially hint at how exactly the Dusk Court was overthrown to begin with. Rhys may have also provided us with some more context when he showed Feyre parts of Azriel's interrogation of the Attor.
It didn’t even know I’d slipped inside, but—there: images of the army that had been built, the twin to the one I’d fought against five centuries ago; of Hybern’s shores full of ships, readying for an assault; of the king, lounging on his throne in his crumbling castle. No sign of Jurian sulking about or the Cauldron. Not a whisper of the Book being on their minds. Everything the Attor had confessed was true. - Rhys, ACOMAF, chapter 28
Did the Attor unwittingly show Rhys the Dusk Court just after it had fallen to Hybern? There was no sign of the Cauldron or Jurian, no thoughts of the Book of Breathings; everything the Attor had confessed was true. The King of Hybern appeared to be a man in his forties, which means that, for a High Fae, he is old.
Amren said, “The King of Hybern is old, Rhys—very old. Do not linger.” A voice near my chest whispered, Hello lovely, wicked liar. - ACOMAF, chapter 61
Could he be the same King who took control of Dusk, all those centuries - millennia - ago? Perhaps, but where did he come from?
The Spell-Cleaver Connection
This section is, like this entire post, simply ‘speculation with quotes,’ so I could definitely be on the wrong track, but I suspect that the Day Court, and more specifically a branch of Helion’s family, may have had something to do with it. Could the person who was responsible for conquering the Dusk Court have been either the King of Hybern himself, or his ancestor if he wasn’t alive at the time, and could they have hailed from the Day Court? The imagery of the Day (Court) flowing into Dusk, then the Dusk turning (in)to Night for help, as well as combining history and mythology from multiple origins, is something I can see SJM having done.
Now, as a life-long atheist who purely studied science-based courses, please forgive the following section if I have misunderstood anything but, given Merrill’s ancestor was Rabath of the Western Wind, I think that the history of the city of Rabbath Ammon could have inspired what I suspect happened to the Dusk Court. Initially, I thought that it was purely because both lands had fallen to an invading force, but when I was reading a little further, I thought it could be something more.
Rabbath Ammon was conquered multiple times over its extensive history, including by the biblical King David, then by Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Alexander the Great, and then an Egyptian king in 322 BCE - Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who renamed it after himself… so maybe the King of Hybern was called Hybern, after all. Further, the Day Court is assumed by many to be inspired by either ancient Egypt or Persia; if this is true, could this be another hint to the events of Prythian history?
In addition to both Helion and Hybern sounding like names that could come from the same family (that’s purely subjective on my behalf, I know), both are known for their abilities with spells, and spell cleaving. Helion is even known as “Helion Spell-Cleaver,” though it isn’t apparent as to whether that’s just a nickname, or a family name. But I digress, if the ability to break spells and bargains runs in the Day Court line - Lucien appears to have inherited something like this from Helion, and Feyre has, too - then it is plausible to suggest that the King of Hybern and Helion could have been related, even if only distantly. After all, Tamlin asked Helion for help in breaking Feyre’s bargain with Rhys before he went to Hybern, at Ianthe’s insistence, after Helion refused.
Why, though, would a faerie from a branch of the Day Court’s High Family invade the Dusk Court, if he hailed purely from Day? Given that the High Lord’s magic chooses for itself, I suppose he could have been hoping that the power would leave the bloodline altogether - as Cassian mentioned it could in ACOSF - but it would make more sense if someone from the Dusk Court’s ruling family had married into the Day Court. If the King of Hybern had both Day and Dusk heritage - if he was a “cousin” to Dusk - he could have thought he had a higher chance of being chosen by the High Family’s magic, and becoming High Lord himself after he’d deposed the previous High Lord. The fact that he called himself a King, and not a High Lord, would appear to suggest that this was not the case.
It also sounded like Helion has a family history with the Mask, or perhaps another object from the Dread Trove. This, again, is leaning heavily into crack theory territory, but if either the Mask or the Harp were used to invade the Dusk Court - I assume by a branch of Helion’s family that didn’t get along with the ruling line - then perhaps that is why Helion appeared to be affected more by the Mask than any of the others.
Helion whirled to Nesta, all sensuality vanished. “You truly wore this and lived?” It wasn’t a question meant to be answered. “Cover it again, please. I can’t stand it.” Rhys tucked in his wings. “It affects you that much?” … Helion shuddered, and Nesta threw the cloth over the Mask. As if the cloth somehow blinded it to their presence. “Perhaps an ancestor of mine once used it, and the warning of its cost is imprinted upon my blood.” - ACOSF, chapter 41
If an ancient member of Helion’s family had died while using an object from the Dread Trove, perhaps it could have imprinted some sort of warning into the rest of the family. Once again, this is likely incorrect, but this is ACOTAR, and stranger things have happened.
Why the Hewn City?
But Rhys only said to Mor, “Send word to your father. We’re going to pay him and my other court a visit.” My blood iced over. The Court of Nightmares. - ACOMAF, chapter 41
The Hewn City, home to both the Court of Nightmares and Mor’s delightful family, who act as stewards, has long stood out to many as being odd, for lack of a better term. Why is it called the “Court" of Nightmares, when it is located inside the Night Court? If Keir’s line is related to Rhys’ ancestors, why is he called the “steward,” and not a Prince of the Hewn City, as Varian and Cresseida are the Prince and Princess of Adriata in the Summer Court, to Tarquin’s High Lord? Why does Rhys need Keir’s permission to assemble the Hewn City’s Darkbringer legion for war, when Rhys himself can call the Illyrian army to battle?
I believe that this is because the Hewn City is an offshoot from the Dusk Court, from the time it was located in what is now known as Hybern; When Dusk fell, a cohort from their ruling class/family must have managed to escape, as Aelin escaped Adarlan’s invasion of Orynth and Terrasen. Someone from the then High Family’s line must have escaped with them, and the line chosen by the Dusk Court’s magic has been slumbering ever since. Mirroring Aragorn as the King of Gondor, with Denethor as the Steward, Keir appears to be the caretaker of the remaining Dusk Court, until the High Lord Lady of the Dusk Court returns.
Keir himself gave us hints, with his comment that he had found himself “... sympathetic to Hybern’s cause,” (ACOWAR, chapter 25). Given that Feyre noted that “the Steward clung to power, it seemed,” it appears that Keir may have been considering allying himself with Hybern. Does he know, or suspect, the true origins of the Court of Nightmares? Keir is “older, far older” than Rhys; it is feasible that he has heard rumours of the true origins of the Court of Nightmares, and was seeking to reunite the Dusk Court, most likely hoping to gain more power for himself as a result.
Before Rhys, Keir was nothing more than a sullen child. Yet I knew Mor’s father was older. Far older. The Steward clung to power, it seemed. … And no doubt Keir would inform his almost-allies in the Autumn Court. Or one of these other monsters would. - ACOMAF, chapter 42
Later on, in ACOWAR, Nesta Archeron asked all the important questions; under the guise of informing Nesta about the Court of Nightmares, and discussing the politics behind the Night Court using Keir’s Darkbringer legion, Rhys and the rest of the Inner Circle surreptitiously give us a lot of hints about the Hewn City’s relationship to the Night Court, and - potential - future revelations. Of course, they don't know that what they're saying holds more than one possible interpretation.
“What is the Court of Nightmares?” Nesta demanded. Lucien answered for us. “The place where the rest of the world believes the majority of the Night Court to be.” He jerked his chin at Rhys. “The seat of his power. Or it was.” “Oh, it still is,” Rhys said. “To everyone outside Velaris.” … “And yes. Keir’s Darkbringer legion is considerable enough that a meeting is warranted.” … Nesta’s brows narrowed. “Why not just order them? Don’t they answer to you?” Cassian set down his fork, food forgotten. “Unfortunately, there are protocols in place between our two subcourts regarding this sort of thing. They mostly govern themselves -- with Mor’s father their steward.” … “The steward of the Hewn City is legally entitled to refuse to aid my armies,” Rhys explained to Nesta, to me. “It was part of the agreement my ancestor made with the Court of Nightmares all those thousands of years ago. They would remain within that mountain, would not challenge or disturb us beyond its borders… and would retain the right to decide not to assist in war.” “And have they -- refused?” I asked. Mor nodded gravely. “Twice. Not my father.” She nearly choked on the word. “But… there were two wars. Long, long ago. They chose not to fight. We won, but… barely. At great cost.” - ACOWAR, chapter 18
Why would a High Lord need to “negotiate” with members of their own court? From all that we’ve read, the courts weren’t historically democratic - they were far from it - so this, to me, is a hint that the Court of Nightmares was not originally part of the Night Court. Perhaps the Dusk Court refugees arrived at the Palace above the Hewn City, and negotiated terms of sanctuary from the then High Lord or Lady of the Night Court. I assume that the Night Court was chosen because the two courts had a pre-existing relationship, potentially with alliances by marriage, which could explain Rhys and Mor’s distant relationship, and Rhys calling the Court of Nightmares his "other court" in ACOMAF. If that was the case, the High Lord or Lady of the Night Court would understandably want to reduce the likelihood of a Dusk Court family member making a move for power in the Night Court, hence the agreement to not “challenge or disturb” beyond the borders of the Hewn City.
If this negotiation happened "all those thousands of years ago," it's possible that this was what triggered Rhys' ancestor - the "ancient High Lord with a different vision" - to sacrifice himself to protect Velaris, which had been kept secret for five thousand years before the attack in ACOMAF (chapter 14, 57); some time after the arrival of the Dusk Court, that High Lord may have used the associated disruption to hide a coup that worked in favour for both his personal plans, and keeping the hidden Dusk Court secret, safe.
“There was a time when the Night Court was a Court of Nightmares and was ruled from the Hewn City. Long ago. But an ancient High Lord had a different vision, and rather than allowing the world to see his territory vulnerable at a time of change, he sealed the borders and staged a coup, eliminating the worst of the courtiers and predators, building Velaris for the dreamers, establishing trade and peace.” … “To preserve it,” Rhys continued, “he kept it a secret, and so did his offspring, and their offspring. … Rumor has it that ancient High Lord cast his very life’s blood upon the stones and river to keep that spell eternal. … “But along the way, despite his best intentions, darkness grew again—not as bad as it had once been … But bad enough that there is a permanent divide within my court. … And we allow the Court of Nightmares to continue, blind to Velaris’s existence, because we know that without them, there are some courts and kingdoms that might strike us." - ACOMAF, chapter 29
For all that ancient High Lord’s efforts, though, it appears that "darkness grew again" - language that screams dusk symbolism to me - and that a "permanent divide" remains within the Night Court. Might this be because they are actually two separate courts?
Whether the Hewn City existed then, in any capacity, or whether the Dusk Court escapees built it into what it is today, we'll have to wait to see; though, given the embellishments, they must have had some input into its design, as they appear to be significant - but more on that later. The Hewn City being located under a mountain is significant in that it could potentially symbolise their trapped counterparts of the Court of Nightmares, whether they are still in Hybern, at the Prison, under Ramiel, or elsewhere altogether. As Keir mentioned in ACOWAR, both peoples are "trapped -- stagnant," and he recognises Hybern’s people as "kindred spirits."
Keir frowned up at the obsidian chandelier, fashioned after a wreath of night-blooming flowers -- the center of each a twinkling silver faelight. “There are many similarities between Hybern’s people and my own. Both of us trapped -- stagnant.” “Last I checked,” Mor cut in, “you have been free to do as you wish for centuries. Longer.” Keir didn’t so much as look at her … “Ah, but are we free here? Not even the entirety of this mountain belongs to us -- not with your palace atop it.” “All of this belongs to me, I’ll remind you,” Rhys said wryly. “It’s that mentality that allows me to find Hybern’s stifled people to be… kindred spirits.” - ACOWAR, chapter 25
The word "stagnant" is an interesting choice. We know that SJM is very particular about her wording - creating puzzles out of sentences, spread over an entire series - so the fact that it has only been used to describe three things so far in the series leads me to think that they are connected. The water-wraith from the Spring Court had wholly black eyes, like a "stagnant" pond; wraiths are associated with death, so the word stagnant here makes sense. The Hewn City, Hybern and the Spring Court, however, should not be stagnant - unless something is wrong.
She wore no clothes. Her long, dark hair hung limp over her high, firm breasts—and her massive eyes were wholly black. Like a stagnant pond. And as she moved, the afternoon light shimmered on her iridescent skin. - ACOMAF, chapter 8
The Spring Court had felt stagnant. Hollow. Empty despite its growing life. - ACOSF, chapter 43
We know that Tamlin has all but abandoned his post as the High Lord of Spring, and that given he refused to participate in Calanmai the year Feyre left for the Night Court - having a reluctant Lucien stand in for him - and that he has only gone further downhill since, he probably didn't participate in the most recent Great Rite, either. Has Spring begun to stagnate because it has no functioning, or worthy, High Lord? Or is Spring languishing because it's High Lord hasn't participated in the Great Rite for, presumably, two years now? Did Lucien taking over for Tamlin at Calanmai two years ago even work, given he is not of the Spring Court - and if it did, did anyone complete it for Tamlin the following year? If my interpretation is correct, then ACOSF ended not long before the third Calanmai since Feyre left the Spring Court… what will happen this year?
Lucien mentioned in chapter 21 of ACOTAR that minor dalliances on Fire Night "will help the land, too," and that "here, our crops depend upon the magic that we regenerate on Calanmai" - if no one is regenerating the magic at the High Lord’s level, no wonder the Spring Court is suffering.
“We do this by conducting the Great Rite. Each of the seven High Lords of Prythian performs this every year, since their magic comes from the earth and returns to it at the end—it’s a give-and-take.” - ACOTAR, chapter 21
Similarly, and assuming that Lucien is correct - that each High Lord participates in the Great Rite in some form, even if it's not identical to the Spring Court - if the Dusk Court has not had a High Lord or Lady for, presumably, five thousand years, to participate in this "give-and-take" of magic between the High Lord and the earth, then it stands to reason that it, and its people, would also stagnate.
The final piece to the Hewn City puzzle - one that I struggled to make fit for a while… reader, I started this in early April, send help! - was, why was a transplanted Dusk Court called the Court of Nightmares? I understand that they potentially kept the name of the old Night Court seat of power to help with their ruse, but I couldn't think of how "Nightmares" could have also been linked to the Dusk Court until I read the following quote again, but this time paying more attention to the sentence before the mention of the "bridge" that appears to foreshadow a mating bond between Azriel and Elain Archeron, whom many suspect could inherit the Dusk Court:
I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife. - ACOWAR, chapter 69
Azriel is a Shadowsinger, and with what magic does Keir’s Darkbringer legion fight? Shadows.
What is an alternative term for nightmares? Night terrors.
And, finally, what time of day is a blend of light and dark? When light blends into dark, and not the other way around? Dusk.
Etymological Evidence
SJM is well known for being intentional with her word choice; because of this, it is reasonable to make deductions based on the names of places (and people) that are used in her works. The following is a - most likely incomplete - list of words whose etymology and definitions could suggest a link to the Dusk Court.
The Darkbringer legion fights with shadows, so their name appears to make sense, and not require much additional thought. However, if we think about the Court of Nightmares in the context of dusk, then the sun setting brings the dark of night; the imagery of Darkbringers as the Dusk Court’s potential army, then, is appropriate.
Dusk is the time of day when the sun sets, twilight, the "state between light and darkness." Which two characters are strongly associated with the darkness and the light? Azriel and Elain Archeron.
Hewn City, The
To hew something is to chop or cut it out of something else. The parallel here is simple; the Hewn City was carved from the stone of the mountain under which it sits, but its people were hewn from a different court altogether.
It cannot be a coincidence that Hybern, whose shape and location, in context with the rest of Prythian, so closely resembles that of the island of Ireland, was so named when the Roman name for Ireland was Hibernia, The Land of Winter. Hibernia is derived from hibernus, which means "wintry."
Another word that stems from hibernus is hibernate, and so, by extension, hibernation. To "pass the winter in torpidity and seclusion" sounds very similar to what the Court of Nightmares has been doing in the Hewn City. For those unaware, "torpid" describes a state of being "numb, lethargic, or dormant," and historically also meant "without feeling or power." Not only has the Dusk Court lost its power, but the two characters who many suspect will end up responsible for its rebirth are also known to keep their feelings close; after his argument with Rhys at solstice, Azriel was described as feeling "nothing at all," and Elain, and Azriel, to a lesser extent, also had their agency - their power - removed from them during their bonus scene in ACOSF.
The name Keir is often said to mean dark haired, dark skinned, or swarthy, but a lesser known term that is attributed to it is dusky.
Morrigan, The
The Morrigan is a goddess from Irish mythology, who is associated with both war and fate; she is said to foretell death, doom, or victory in battle, and is the guardian of the dead. The Mor we know from ACOTAR has the power of Truth, which could be paralleled to The Morrigan’s ability to observe fate, although we are yet to know its full extent. Given that Azriel, the person whom I suspect is the heir to the Dusk Court, is strongly associated with Death throughout the series, this all fits. For an interesting theory on ACOTAR-Mor’s potential powers, look at what @silverlinedeyes had to say here and here.
If the people of the Hewn City are truly descendents from the Dusk Court, and the symbology of a hibernating court holds true, then it must all seem like a bad dream to them. Hopefully, they will soon be woken up.
Merrill was researching the theories behind the existence of different realms - other worlds. Many of us initially thought of the worlds that contain SJM’s Throne of Glass and Crescent City characters, but “realm” can also refer to any land, such as a kingdom, country, domain, or duchy etc. What about a court? The use of the word “realm” in that instance could potentially have had multiple meanings; true parallel worlds, such as Erilea, the Dusk Court, and an alternate plain, in which members of the Dusk Court could have been trapped.
The People of the Mounds
The Daoine Sidhe, who I mentioned above in 'How Did the Sun Set on the Dusk Court?' are thought to be descended from the Tuatha de Danann, which translates to either Tribe of the Gods, or People of the Goddess Danu. It is likely significant, then, that the Hebrew version of Azriel and Elain’s names mean the following:
Azriel - God is my help.
Elain - my God has answered me.
As I mentioned earlier, I do think that the Prison will play a role in the rest of the story going forward, but I suspect that it could be one of the ‘mounds’ that contain trapped faeries - perhaps a group of escapees from the Dusk Court, rather than being the Dusk Court in its entirety. Alternatively, if the Prison was significant to a unified Prythian, could the fae have been trapped when then High King Fionn was overthrown by his queen and general? Both? While I do like the idea of the eight pointed star being the symbol of the eight courts of the Prythian of old, I am leaning towards the fae trapped in the wall having belonged to the Dusk Court, as Shadow Singing suggested.
The information that the Archeron sisters combined have gleaned has to be significant:
The Harp showed Nesta a group of faeries being trapped in stone, when she was collecting it from deep inside the Prison.
Fae screamed, pounding on stone that hadn’t been there a moment before, pleading for their children’s sakes, begging to be let out let out let out -- … It was a trap, and our people were too blind to see it… The Fae clawed at stone, tearing their nails on rock where there had once been a door. But the way back was now forever sealed… - Nesta’s vision, ACOSF, chapter 53
Elain could hear both a heart beating through the stone, and the sea, while sleeping in the House of Wind, at least back in ACOWAR - many suspect that it was not Lucien's heart that she was hearing. In addition to Elain hearing “the crashing sea” in her sleep, when she was too far away from the coast for even a fae to hear them, Feyre heard “the crashing sea” when she was at Hybern.
She said, “I can hear the sea. Even at night. Even in my dreams. The crashing sea -- and the screams of a bird made of fire.” - Elain, ACOWAR, chapter 24
Faelights slithered along the bone-white walls, the windows looking out to the crashing sea far below. - Feyre, ACOMAF, chapter 63
Feyre suggested that the jagged stone walls inside the prison appeared to have faces hewn into them.
With the small lights floating ahead, I tried not to look too long at the gray walls. Especially when they were so rough-hewn that the jagged bits could have been a nose, or a craggy brow, or a set of sneering lips. - Feyre, ACOMAF, chapter 18
The use of the word “hewn” could be significant, especially if the Hewn City does hold (some of the) remnants of the Dusk Court. The fact that the fae that the Harp showed to Nesta were “too blind to see” the trap also sounds incredibly familiar:
The King of Hybern said, “The trap was so easy, I’m honestly a bit disappointed you didn’t see it coming.” Faster than any of us could see, Jurian fired a hidden ash bolt through Azriel’s chest. Mor screamed. - ACOMAF, chapter 63
Like Koschei in chapter 71 of ACOSF - “I spend so many months preparing for you, and you don’t even wish to speak to me?” - I believe that the King of Hybern could have been talking directly to Azriel, and that the reason that Jurian shot him with the ash bolt was linked to Az being - unbeknownst to him, but not to others - a potential heir to the Dusk Court line. I think that he may have also recognised Mor. If the Prison does contain fae from the Dusk Court, then the following statement from Azriel gains extra importance.
Azriel just shook his head. “I’ll go. The Prison sentries know me -- what I am.” - ACOMAF, chapter 16
If Azriel is a contender for heir to the Dusk Court, then this line was not just referring to him being a spymaster, or a shadowsinger, but something more.
Further evidence that the Prison contains at least a portion of the fallen Dusk Court was provided by Rhys, when he first took Feyre to the Prison island in ACOMAF. While he mentioned that the Prison was made “before High Lords existed,” and that some inmates remember “those days,” it is significant that the line regarding Mor’s family is in a completely separate sentence, almost as if it was a new thought. Perhaps one to which we should pay attention.
“Where are we?” I said… “On an island in the heart of the Western Isles,” Rhysand said, staring up at the mammoth mountain. “And that,” he said, pointing to it, “is the Prison.” … “This place,” he said, “was made before High Lords existed. Before Prythian was Prythian. Some of the inmates remember those days. Remember a time when it was Mor’s family, not mine, that ruled in the North.” - ACOMAF, chapter 17
The Prison would have been strongly warded before the Dusk Court fell, which was after “Prythian was Prythian,” but what if the “sentries” to which Azriel referred were the more recently trapped fae, some of whom were potentially sacrificed by Hybern in the name of stronger wards - perhaps not unlike Rhys’ ancestor sacrificing himself to protect Velaris? As Amren said - and in keeping with the tradition of Nesta asking the important questions in ACOWAR - we have the following:
“What’s the Prison?” Nesta asked at last. “A hell entombed in stone,” Amren said. - ACOWAR, chapter 21
As I suggested, I suspect that Merrill’s search for different realms is important, not necessarily because she will help Azriel and Elain search for and free those fae in their book - however interesting that would be, there likely isn’t time; Koschei waits for no one - but because it informs us of the possibility of up to twenty six different caches of faeries, who could be trapped in one way or another. Could there also be a portal to a truly alternate realm somewhere in each "mound" that exists in Prythian's world?
Where could the mounds be?
The Prison island, and potentially others in the Western Isles
The Northern Isles
Under the Mountain - Amarantha literally trapped fae there during her reign
Ramiel - means ‘the thunder of God’
The Sleeping Mountains
The mountains in which Neve’s people live and run their mines
The Library under the House of Wind
I’m sure there have been other hints dropped throughout the series that I have missed so far, so please let me know if you have any other ideas!
The Seasonal Imagery Employed Throughout the ACOTAR Series that Symbolises the Dusk Court
I plan to delve further into this topic, as it pertains to individual characters, in a separate post, but I will include the basics here. Many readers have picked up on the fact that Azriel is written as cold, was called Death, the knife in the dark, while Elain Archeron is warmth, spring and golden sunlight personified. While poetic on its own, this imagery is significant in terms of the Dusk Court; dusk is the meeting point between light and dark, a “blend of the two,” if you will, which is why Elain and Azriel together appear to strike the right balance. After all, just like a slumbering beast, a hibernating court will need the warmth of a blooming spring to finally awaken.
The following comprises a brief - I tried, truly - selection of the examples scattered throughout the series with, I assume, the intention to place this imagery in the back of a reader’s mind, ready for that “ah ha!” moment in a future book. I have colour-coordinated the appropriate passages, blue for Azriel (cold, death, dark), pink for Elain (warmth, life, light) and purple for the Dusk Court (the Hewn City, a balance of Azriel and Elain).
First, we have our initial impression of the palace on top of the Hewn City, setting the scene.
Then the darkness vanished. I smelled jasmine first—then saw stars. A sea of stars flickering beyond glowing pillars of moonstone that framed the sweeping view of endless snowcapped mountains. “Welcome to the Night Court,” was all Rhys said. … It was the most beautiful place I’d ever seen. Whatever building we were in had been perched atop one of the gray-stoned mountains. The hall around us was open to the elements, no windows to be found, just towering pillars and gossamer curtains, swaying in that jasmine-scented breeze. It must be some magic, to keep the air warm in the dead of winter. Not to mention the altitude, or the snow coating the mountains, mighty winds sending veils of it drifting off the peaks like wandering mist. Little seating, dining, and work areas dotted the hall, sectioned off with those curtains or lush plants or thick rugs scattered over the moonstone floor. - ACOMAF, chapter 5
Window-side vigils is another theme that is strongly tied to both Azriel and Elain, which @suelky has discussed here, but I digress. After the scene was set by the passage above, we have plenty of examples of winter being dominant; again, some of these are related to Azriel and Elain, others just using the imagery in general, but all of them act to remind us of the importance of death and winter and dark being juxtaposed with life and spring and light.
I watched the light shift inside the sapphire Siphon instead, as if it were the great eye of some half-slumbering beast from a frozen wasteland. - ACOMAF, chapter 22
“She was shunned for bearing a child out of wedlock, and forced to give birth to me alone in a tent in the dead of winter.” - Cassian, ACOSF, chapter15
I was not frightened… Not of the roaring wind as we winnowed into a familiar, snow-capped mountain range refusing to yield to spring’s awakening kiss. - ACOMAF, chapter 42
Even in the middle of winter, she was a bloom of color and sunshine. - Feyre, about Elain, ACOFAS chapter 17
Amren had curled herself into an armchair, bundled in a gray fur coat, as if the nip in the air today were a blast of winter. No Elain, no Morrigan. - ACOSF, chapter 20
Then, to show progression, but again scattered throughout the series, to avoid arousing suspicion, we have hints of spring being on its way.
Her sister’s delicate scent of Jasmine and honey lingered in the red-stoned hall like a promise of spring, a sparkling river that she followed to the open doors of the chamber. - ACOSF, chapter 17
Patches of snow still crusted the hilly, open land, though the first buds and sprouts of spring poked through. - ACOSF, chapter 65
And lastly, we have winter retreating, and spring beginning once more. Significantly, the final chapter of ACOSF begins with "spring bloomed fully," which I suspect symbolises both Elain’s readiness for her own journey, and the fact that the Dusk Court is about to wake from its centuries long hibernation.
Spring dawned on Velaris. - ACOSF, chapter 62
A smile bloomed on Azriel’s mouth… - ACOMAF, chapter 24
Winter had indeed yielded to spring. - ACOMAF, chapter 43
Spring bloomed fully around Velaris. … The city spread before them, glowing in the spring sunshine… - ACOSF, chapter 80
Azriel and Elain are dark and light, winter and spring, death and rebirth. In short, they are Dusk made flesh.
Will the Sun Rise on the Dusk Court Once More?
As it inevitably happens, winter will eventually yield to spring, but the question is: to what extent? I have a feeling that Azriel and Elain will do something that awakens the scattered Dusk Court from its long hibernation, but what could that be?
I let them creep closer, sniffing around, as I said to Rhys, “Surely, my love, they would like to stand now.” Rhys smiled down at me, then at the crowd. “Rise.” They did. And some of those tendrils of power dared climb up the first step. I pounced. - Feyre at the Court of Nightmares, ACOWAR, chapter 25
Warning: minor Throne of Glass spoiler.
We were introduced to the concept of Calanmai in ACOTAR, an apparently important bit of Prythian lore that has been essentially forgotten ever since. Maybe the lack of Calanmai in the books since ACOTAR has been intentional - perhaps SJM is saving it for the sister who is most closely associated with spring?
“Fire Night signals the official start of spring -- in Prythian, as well as in the mortal world,” Lucien said. While his words were calm, they trembled slightly. I leaned against the wall of the hallway, forcing myself into a casualness that I didn’t feel. “Here, our crops depend upon the magic that we regenerate on Calanmai -- tonight.” … “We do this by conducting the Great Rite. Each of the seven High Lords of Prythian performs this every year, since their magic comes from the earth and returns to it at the end -- it’s a give-and-take.” … “The magic will seize control of his mind, his body, his soul, and turn him into the Hunter. It will fill him with his sole purpose: to find the Maiden. From their coupling, magic will be released and spread to the earth, where it will regenerate life for the year to come.” - ACOTAR, chapter 21
A crack theory of mine - even more of a crack theory than this entire post, really - is that if Azriel and Elain are together on Calanmai, their “give-and-take” could trigger the rise of the Dusk Court. If each of the seven High Lords partakes in some shape or form, and we have no reason to doubt Lucien’s information, then the hypothetical eighth High Lord would also do so. Many readers assume that ACOTAR’s Calanmai is at a similar time to the real-world Calan Mai, which occurs on the first of May; this seems to fit, time-wise, with Feyre’s comment that she and Rhys accepted their own mating bond on that night.
“No. When Calanmai came along, he refused. He flat-out refused to participate. I replaced him in the Rite, but…” I’d forgotten. Forgotten about Calanmai and the Rite. I did a mental tally of the days. No wonder I’d forgotten. I’d been in that cabin in the mountains. With Rhys buried in me. Perhaps we’d generated our own magic that night. - Lucien and Feyre, ACOWAR, chapter 3
While I assume that, like Nynsar and Starfall, the Courts’ individual celebrations of Calanmai/Fire Night could vary, it is interesting, at the very least, that while there was no official hunt of a white stag, Rhys did still have to hunt Feyre down, because Mor wouldn’t tell him where she was. Whether the union has to occur on Dusk land, or it just has to be between the heir of Dusk and a partner at any location, I’m not sure; we also don’t know whether the heir of the Court has to be the Hunter or the Maiden - which would be a twist I’d love to see, Elain as the Hunter, and Azriel as the stag, or Maiden! - but I suspect, if this crack theory eventuates, that Elain, spring personified, the lovely fawn with her “doe-eyes,” would make sense as both the stag and Maiden, while Azriel, warrior and spymaster, would appear to be the Hunter.
If I’ve interpreted dates correctly, Fire Night should be pretty soon after the final chapter of ACOSF, in which spring had “bloomed fully” around Velaris; blooms appearing subject to climate, and not the date. Depending on how close the start of Elain and Azriel’s book is until Calanmai, there might not be enough time for this to happen - like I said, it’s a crack theory - but I could imagine that, if Elain gets frustrated with being “stifled” in her further attempts to help her family with the search for the fourth Dread Trove item, as well as being in a worse place due to the stress of her situation with Azriel (she may think that she's lost him as a friend, after the events of solstice, if he has stuck - so far - to Rhys’ order to “stay away”), she may attempt to go after the final Trove item herself, with whatever skills she has been taught by Nuala and Cerridwen, and maybe Azriel himself, in the last two years. This could be the impetus that Azriel needs to throw off Rhys’ order and “get her back” once more, thereby hunting her down. If he finds Elain on Calanmai, and they give in to their feelings, then perhaps they could also unknowingly trigger the rise of the Dusk Court. This reawakening will probably be hinted at subtly throughout the book, perhaps in a similar manner to the kingsflame flower of Terrasen in SJM’s Throne of Glass series, but won't be fully realised until later on.
Will Azriel and Elain Move to Hybern?
While many would love to see the Dusk Court rise to its full former glory - assuming that it was, in fact, glorious at one point in time - both for the people of Hybern, who have been suffering - "stifled" - and for the suspected Dusk Court faeries who may be trapped inside multiple mounds, both literally and figuratively, I don’t think that SJM has the time - or the pages - to properly explore a peaceful ascension to the Dusk Court’s throne, let alone one that is barred by Hybern’s current ruling class, or whatever remains after the end of ACOWAR; SJM’s Throne of Glass, which contained similar themes, had more than one book to do so.
Azriel and Elain taking control of the Court of Nightmares would be a good compromise, as it would symbolise their place as the - again, hypothetical - presumptive High Lord and High Lady to the Dusk Court, while not adding in more events than SJM has the space to write about in their book, while moving the overall Koschei plot along, and leave the possibility open for future books. It would also mean that the sisters all remain together, in the same court, at least for the foreseeable future.
I will interpret the lack of two thrones to be due to the fact that this visit came upon you quickly,” Rhys said with lethal calm… Our loyal subjects,” he added, smiling faintly. - ACOWAR, chapter 25
The Prince and Princess of the Hewn City
Back in ACOWAR, when Mor was discussing the lack of a romantic relationship between herself and Azriel with Feyre, she said:
“ … but it won’t matter if Rhys makes him the Prince of Velaris -- he’ll see himself as a bastard-born nobody, and not good enough for anyone. Especially me.” - Mor, referring to Azriel, ACOWAR, chapter 52
Nesta also told Cassian that, while she was never her father’s princess, Elain was:
“We weren’t always poor. Until I was fourteen, my father was as rich as a king. They called him the Prince of Merchants.” He gave her a tentative smile. “And you were his princess?” Ice cracked through her. “No. Elain was his princess…” - Cassian and Nesta, ACOSF, chapter 14
Further evidence of Azriel and Elain's potential positions of power was provided in ACOFAS, when Azriel stopped their entire family from eating until Elain had returned, at which point Elain sat at the head of the table. Not only this, but Elain is canonically caring and wise, but willing and able to act to defend her people when required - all traits that would make a good ruler.
@mrspettyferr has delved much deeper into this, but Azriel and Elain ending up as the Prince and Princess of the Hewn City appears to have been foreshadowed throughout the series so far.
In parting, I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes about Elain, which I believe both demonstrates her innate goodness, strength and potential, and is also suggestive of the themes with which we have come to associate both her and Azriel.
Days passed. The shadow within me didn’t lighten, and even the thought of painting was abhorrent. Instead I spent most of my time with Elain in her little garden. I was content to listen to her talk about every bud and bloom, about her plans to start another garden by the greenhouse, perhaps a vegetable garden, if she could learn enough about it over the next few months. She had come alive here, and her joy was infectious. There wasn’t a servant or gardener who didn’t smile at her, and even the brusque head cook found excuses to bring her plates of cookies and tarts at various points in the day. I marveled at it, actually -- that those years of poverty hadn’t stripped away that light from Elain. Perhaps buried it a bit, but she was generous, loving, and kind -- a woman I found myself proud to know, to call sister. - ACOTAR, chapter 29
It appears that SJM may have set up Elain’s future arc all the way back in ACOTAR, and it looks like it was always meant to include both Azriel and the Dusk Court.
If you’ve read all the way through this monster, then thank you for your time; if you want to read any more of my thoughts on the Dusk Court, then I have more posts on the way.
If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging. 💜
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wondereads · 10 months
Weekly Reading Update (07/10/23)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas (6/10)
This book was one I just read to move on to the next book. I was told to read this one before Queen of Shadows, so I did. I did find some parts interesting, such as Celaena's time in the desert, and Arobynn Hamel has to be one of the most interesting characters in the whole series. However, I do wish this were an optional installment as it was kind of boring. It didn't feel like we got any insight into Celaena's character, rather just rehashes of what has appeared in previous books, and towards the end I was skimming. Also, I'm sorry, but Sam doesn't really hold any appeal for me. The romantic plotline was rushed and he was acting so weird towards the end.
The Stolen Heir by Holly Black (10/10)
I was so nervous; as the successor to Folk of the Air, The Stolen Heir had a lot to live up to, and it did. I absolutely adored Wren; she is a complex main character who is still easy to root for, and Black has continued to write amazing, unhinged female main characters. As in Folk of the Air, the use of faerie rules to trick the audience along with the characters is done very well, and there's some great foreshadowing in there. Concerning Oak, I'd seen a lot of people online saying he was a Cardan carbon copy, but I really don't see it. He's polite, considerate, and well-raised, but he also has a shocking capacity for violence, which is incredibly interesting. The twist at the end was amazing, particularly concerning Wren and Oak's relationship going forward, and I can't wait to read the second book!
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (8/10)
While this book isn't perfect and is somewhat dated by its use of certain tropes and plot points, The Infernal Devices is without a doubt much better than The Mortal Instruments. It definitely has its similarities (the premise and mystery of birth behind the main characters are notably alike), but it has also really improved. Tessa, while still a little passive and nondescript in terms of character, isn't just a cookie cutter protagonist, and it's actually really interesting to see how the time period affects her opinions. The plot is kind of slow, but it's much less predictable and more imaginative. Also, TID probably has one of the best-written (and best-resolved in Clockwork Princess) love triangles in YA. Both Will and Jem have their own appeal, and they are distinct from one another while still being close in a unique way. I'm enjoying my reread so far!
Neverseen by Shannon Messenger (CR, 23%)
Something I can tell about this book is that it's definitely going to be slower book. Now that Sophie and her friends are with the Black Swan, a lot of the focus is on Sophie's powers and their interpersonal relationships. I have a feeling there's going to be some actual development in the romance angle, but I think it will be ending some of those feelings rather than recognizing them, which is honestly long overdue. I really hope Biana gets some more attention in this book, as she's been kind of neglected in the last two.
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (CR, 19%)
This book is so good so far. This book is funny, sarcastic, compelling, and very confusing, just the way I like them. I'm not super far in, but I already have a connection to the main character, Gideon, and her childhood friend/enemy/employer Harrowhark. I'm quite invested in their relationship, which seems very complicated. The worldbuilding is very interesting so far, especially politically, and the pacing is good. I can't wait to continue.
The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Clarissa Broadbent (CR, 9%)
Finally, this book is kind of a side project to read whenever I'm in the mood for a fantasy romance. It's actually quite good so far, with a pretty good plot and interesting characters. The main character seems to break from the mold of the typical NA romantasy protagonist, and her surrogate father definitely has my attention.
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morganofthewildfire · 2 years
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Thanksvember 2021
Day 1: I Dig You
I'd like to start this off by thanking @live-the-fangirl-life for the amazing fic that is I Dig You. Of course, I love all of her fics, she's an amazing author and everyone should go read her stuff, but this one stood out to me, and has had me coming back time and time again to read it over and over. It's just so sweet and precious, and leaves such a warm feeling in my chest. She just seems to harness the power of fluff better than a lot of authors I've read for, and I adore it so much. But the emotions are so real too, I feel everything Aelin's feeling and I feel everything Rowan's feeling, it's just so great!! I could go on and on listing all my favorite moments and everything that just had me fall in love with this fic, but I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't read it! So please go read it! And thank you once again, livethefangirllife, for providing us with such an amazing story!
Day 2: A Little Braver
For day 2, I'd like to thank @tomtenadia for her spectacular fic A Little Braver. Everything about the premise of this story is perfection, from Rowan being in the airforce to Aelin being a badass firefighter, and then the way it all comes together is perfection as well! The way they hate each other at first, but then fall in love, is so reminiscent of the books, its astounding! And I love how everything isn't perfect in their relationship right away, it's truly shown how their pasts have affected who they are today, and that they have to work hard and choose each other, because that's reality. Nothing is a fairytale, and this conveys that in such a way that's still extremely heartwarming to read. I'm obsessed with this fic, and to whoever has not read it, please go read it now! You won't regret it!
Day 3: For the Love of the Game
For day 3, I'd like to thank @writtenonreceipts for her spectacular fic For the Love of the Game. I love everything about this story! It's just so enthralling and entertaining and I find myself stopping whatever I'm doing to read whenever a new chapter comes out. I said this last year for Runaways, but it still holds true. The way she writes is just so unique and it's so engaging, and just the way she writes plots to is so amazing! Every single one of her fics is different but they're all equally perfect! The premise for this one, with Aelin being a sports journalist and Rowan a professional basketball player, it already sets the stage for the tension between them, and that tension is so well developed! And Arobynn 😒, his character is so well written, and I'm so intrigued by her backstory but horrified for her at the same time. I just feel everything the characters are feeling and it's great! So thank you so much @writtenonreceipts for this absolutely amazing story! If you haven't read it, go read it now!
Day 4: Call It What You Will
For day 4, I'd like to thank @imaginedhaven for her amazing fic Call It What You Will! The chapter she has out right now is so freaking good that I am just so excited for what's going to come! I love Tangled, it's one of my favorite Disney movies of all time, so I'm already enthralled, and the first chapter has enthralled me even more!! And I have full confidence it will be spectacular, because of how amazing her other writing is! from Rules of Engagement, to Hot Professors 😏, Reluctantly Rooming and all her perfect oneshots, I just know this will be one for the ages! Maeve is already written so well, and so is Celaena, the details from rapunzel's character twisted enough to fit Celaena while also still fitting the plot. It's so carefully done that I am in awe of how she managed to do it! Basically, if you haven't read this fic yet, go do it, because I just know it'll be one of my favorites of all time! And thank you one more time to @imaginedhaven for sharing this work of art with us!
Day 5: Fly & Aim
This piece is from ao3, but I want to thank the author kriticize none the less! This fic, Fly & Aim, has captivated me from the beginning and I adore it so much! The fluff has captured me, and rowaelin’s relationship has completely melted my heart! The premise isn’t one I thought I’d love, because I’m not a big volleyball person, but I’ve come to love volleyball because of it! 😍 it’s become one of my favorite fics of all time and I can’t wait to see where it goes! If you haven’t read it yet, please go read it right now! I’m literally obsessed with it 🥰❤️ it is a straight masterpiece and it deserves a million thanks
Day 6: It Takes Two
For November 6th, I’d like to thank @shyvioletcat for her amazing multi chapter It Takes Two! This piece has taken me through quite a world of emotions! From crying to determination to heart melting to complete adoration. This fic has enthralled me from day one and It has not stopped! I love baby fics, hence why I write them lol, and I pounce at any chance to read them! This is one of the best! Their journey is so well written and I find myself completely convinced in their characterization and their actions. If you haven’t read this fic, you must right now! It is a work of art 10000%, and if you don’t read it you are doing yourself a disservice. So thank you @shyvioletcat for sharing this masterpiece with the world!
Day 7: Fire on Fire
For November 7th, I'd like to thank @rowanaelinn for their amazing fic, Fire on Fire!!! This fic has captured my full attention, and I find myself thinking about it randomly during the day just because I'm so intrigued! Arobynn is written extremely well in this fic, meaning he's absolutely horrific and awful, but his manipulation is described so well and is so subtly slithered in that you find yourself empathizing with Aelin so much and really feeling for her. The romance between her and Rowan is brilliant too! It's a true enemies to lovers and I'm so invested already! It's very heir of fire, with the way they have to come to trust each other and I'm so excited to see how it progresses!Basically, if you haven't read this fic, you better go read it now! It's freaking amazing.
Day 8: A Lifetime in Kisses
For November 8th, I'd like to thank @llyncooljones for their amazing oneshot, A Lifetime in Kisses! This oneshot was written for Rowaelin Month day eleven (surprise kisses), and since then I haven't been able to get it out of my head! It's the perfect mix of funny, spicy, and stunningly sentimental, and I cry while reading it every time! It captures their characters perfectly, as well as their relationship dynamic, and it's such a beautiful story of a life full of love, told in only a few thousand words. I wasn't expecting something so sad written for the prompt surprise kisses, but it's somehow heartwarming at the same time. It's just so amazing, and I beg everyone who has not read it, to go read it right now!
Day 9: Dating and Goodreads
For November 9th, I'd like to thank @manonblaqkbeak for her amazing oneshot, Dating and Goodreads! Just the very premise of it, that rowan and aelin are people who get into arguments on goodreads is hilarious 😂. And then of course, they're arguing with each other and then are set up on a blind date together, etc etc, it's just perfect! It's a great balance of humor and love and I adore it! I've reread it multiple times because it's so good 😁. The blind date prompt for Rowaelin Month was one of my favorites, but this fic was one of my favorites from one of my favorite days! Perfect combination. It just fits their characters so well, and it's just a really fun read. So if you haven't read it, go read it now!
Day 10: When Passion Rules the Game
For November 10th, I'd like to thank @themoonthestarsthesuriel for her amazing series When Passion Rules the Game! First of all, whew 🥵🌶. This fic is extremely hot, so if you're looking for a good smut rec, start here for sure. But not only is it that, it's also just a great love story! You see them meeting as strangers, but then you see them falling in love while working through their complicated situation. I've binge reread this fic so many times already because I am that obsessed with it. It's just the perfect combination of everything! Whatever you're looking for in a fic, this one has it. It's extremely entertaining, while also being lighthearted and sentimental and meaningful, which is hard for a smut based work to achieve. But this does because of the magnificence of the author. So if you haven't read it, go read it now!
Day 11: Story Time
This fic. This fic. I have no words except thank you @punkassbookjockey26 for this masterpiece you've created in the form of Story Time. When I read this fic for the first time, I just had to sit back and laugh kind of giddily because of the pure amount of fluff in it. It literally melted my heart. Millie is just adorable, and shy nervous Rowan just trying to figure out how to be a single dad is just so heartwarming. I was obsessed with it from the start. And then of course, Aelin just happens to be the only one Millie feels comfortable with 😁, literal perfection. I'm very excited for what's next in this au, as I've reread this one part so many times already and I can't get enough! Basically, if you haven't read it, you are doing yourself a disservice.
Day 12: Champagne Problems
For November 12th, I'd like to thank @pen-paper-and-ink for their wonderful fic, Champagne Problems! I knew this would be good right away, if only for the song it was based off of. But I also knew it would wreck my heart, and wreck my heart it has. I'm in a state of utter despair for Rowan so far in this, but I just know it's going to make the ending all the more worth it! And I know Sam is going to be very sad 😅too soon, though I can't really be mad. This fic is just so amazing so far, so beautiful and emotionally impactful, and if you haven't read it, you really do need to. Any tswift fan needs to, and of course every single rowaelin fan. It's wonderful and I once again thank @pen-paper-and-ink for this great contribution to the fandom!
Day 13: Who You Gonna Call?
For November 13th, I'd like to thank @charincharge for her wonderful fic, Who You Gonna Call! This fic was made around Halloween of last year, but it's held my attention all the way until now! I've reread it too many times to count. It's just so fluffy and cute, and all three parts of it are equally amazing! The smut in the last one doesn't hurt either 👀. This three parter just truly captures Rowaelin's fluffier, lighter teasing nature and I'm obsessed! So please, if you haven't read it, go read it! And thank you once again @charincharge for this wonderful contribution to the fandom!
Day 14: Among Us
For November 14th, I'd like to thank @alifletcher2012 for this amazing oneshot, Among Us! So this fic is particularly special to me, because I was absolutely obsessed with this game for a good amount of time. I'd play it with my whole english class at school, and then with my friends after school. So seeing it in a fic was kind of a fever dream lol, but a great one. And it is great! It captures their flirty spirit so much, and it's just so light and fun to read! So amazingly entertaining, and if you haven't read it, you need to. This is peak fluffy Rowaelin, and I would like to thank @alifletcher2012 once again for gifting this fic to us poor rowaelin simps.
Day 15: Return to Doranelle
For November 15th, I'd like to thank @sassyhobbits for this wonderfully heartbreaking two parter, Return to Doranelle! This fic simultaneously wrecked me and healed me at the same time. Hurt/comfort is my favorite trope, and seeing rowan help aelin as she comes to term with what happened is really powerful. I've also always wondered what her reaction would be to stepping foot in Doranelle again, and this fic feels very true to canon. Overall, it's just a great read and if you haven't read it, you really need to. The writing is beautiful and moving, and it nearly brought me to tears. So thank you once again @sassyhobbits for this masterpiece!
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