#shorts nel relaxation
bonnibuckets · 9 months
“Hi <3 can I request cuddling and singing Leon to sleep after he got back from a long and rough mission? :)”
^^ requested by @clownfuker
Yes of course bae also i have no idea why the post is set up the way it is lmao but not complaining
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— lullaby | leon kennedy
synopsis: leon is tired after returning from a mission and there’s no place he’d rather be than in your arms
content: leon x gn! reader, fluff, singing reader
words: 420 (lol sorry it's short)
note: the song reader is singing is brilla brilla la stellina which basically is twinkle twinkle little star but in Italian (I hc that leon was taught italian before his parents died bc he was around 12 when it happened) taglist 🏷️: @ghostkennedy @adaelines @konigbabe @meowsiee @antidesire @alewesker @d34ng3l
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You were on the couch watching your favorite novella before you heard Keys and the door jiggle. You immediately whip your head around and you're met with your boyfriend’s familiar face. 
“You scared me” you smiled as you tried to stand but Leon beat you to the couch sitting you back down. He didn’t say anything but he practically tackled you and wrapped his arms around you, sending both of you down. As you fell, you grunted and threw your arms around him without a second thought. 
The unspoken understanding you both had about one another was something you both cherished. Your bodies were as familiar to each other as your own. So you knew something was wrong– probably a rough mission, so you didn't push it, 
“Missed you” Leon mumbled into your chest as he inhaled your signature scent he loved so much. “Missed you too” You smiled and rubbed his back gently. You both stayed like that for a minute before he propped himself up making both of you grunt slightly from the weight shift.
He reached out and kissed you, then pulled away as your fingers brushed hair out of his eyes as he looked up at you. “Can you sing Brilla to me? ” Leon whispered. Years ago, he had taught you that song from his childhood– you didn't understand the words, but he told you it was like twinkle twinkle little star, so you didn't question him. At first, your accent sounded funny because you didn’t know what you were saying but as the years went by you could confidently sing that one song in Italian. Could you speak Italian? No, but you knew Brilla Brilla. 
You smiled and gently stroked his head as you began to sing quietly, “Brilla brilla la stellina” Your fingers entangled his hair. “Su nel cielo piccolina” you gently massaged his scalp. “Brilla brilla sopra noi” Leon’s eyes slowly fluttered listening to your slow quiet voice as his arms and muscles relaxed into your loving embrace.
“Mi domando di chi sei” he whispered along with you before closing his eyes. “Brilla brilla la stellina” you repeat lowering your voice. “Ora tu sei più vicina” You smile as Leon clings to you and you gently take your fingers out of his hair and move them to draw circles into his back.  You carefully kiss his head before laying your head back taking a breath as you closed your eyes and felt his weight and warmth make you drift into sleep as well. 
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© 2023 bonnibuckets. ─ do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on any platform without my permission.
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Let me get Nel, Alear and Rosado
With an S/O who’s rather timid and a scared of there own shadow normally but who can fully transform into a dragon then they ether become competent or bloodthirsty (your call)
(FE: Engage) Nel, Alear, and Rosado with a jumpy S/O
Listen if I were in the world of Fire Emblem, I'd be piss terrified of anything that moved abnormally. No telling if some ancient evil is lurking in that tiny ass shadow.
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Nel watches in mild disbelief and confusion as she watches her S/O scream in terror in broad daylight, from their own shadow.
She simply sighs and approaches them, wanting to make sure the alarms weren't sounded throughout Somniel just because they scared themselves.
(Nel) "S/O, I understand that you are tense, but you are literally jumping at shadows. Please rest up."
Nel doesn't mind S/O clinging onto her, but she does find it a little ridiculous.
She has seen S/O morph into a dragon, not too dissimilar from herself or Nil.
They portrayed no sign of feeling fear, and always dispatched of their enemies efficiently.
Something she always respected.
And yet here was that same person getting terrified by Veyle saying hello a little too quickly.
(Nel) "...I will not judge, but I do question on how you came to reach such a state, S/O..."
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(Alear) "S/O, what's wrong?!"
Alear rushes to S/O's side without wasting a single moment.
Only to realize they had screamed because they saw the shadow of an apple dropping on the wall.
She gets being on edge from constantly being in battle but this seemed a bit on the excessive side.
Because at that moment, S/O had yelped in fear upon Alear arriving.
Alear is even more confused since she's seen how they fight.
They could turn into a dragon and crush most enemies that came to attack them.
Hells, she was fairly sure nothing short of another dragon could actually harm them, even in a human form.
(Alear) "I...think we should get Céline to make you some tea so you can relax..."
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(Rosado) "GAH! Gods, S/O, what's wrong?!"
Rosado was sitting next to S/O when they suddenly shouted.
At first, he thought they were under attack.
Until he realized S/O was staring at the moving tree's shadows, blowing from the wind.
...In the middle of the day.
(Rosado) "Whew, goodness, you scared me half to death! You gotta calm down, sweetie!"
He finds it somewhat amusing that S/O can get frightened by such a small thing when they can take down entire garrisons in their dragon form.
Doubly so once he confirms it was nothing traumatic, and S/O was just naturally that jumpy.
He wants to help S/O be entirely comfortable, but at the same time would like to keep his limbs intact if he tried relaxing S/O if they jumped even when he approached a bit too fast.
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kira-kween · 7 months
Chapter Two Glossary
for Wining and Pining (a Caejose/Gyjo fic)
Keep this open while you’re reading for translations to the Italian (and French) words and phrases used in the story!
Here's a link to chapter one glossary. btw I'm not going to repeat translations for things from chapter one.
Italian Glossary:
Rilsassati: Relax
lo farò, te lo prometto: I will, I promise
GM: short for grazie mille (thanks a million)
Sfogliatelle: sometimes just called sfoglia. It's a shell-shaped cream-filled pastry originating from the Campania region of Italy
Famiglia: family
Comare: godparent
Figlio mio: my son
Arlecchino: a famous harlequin/clown character from the Commedia dell' Arte Italian theater (he often crossdresses and was always my personal fave)
Giuseppino: a cheeky way of saying young Giuseppe, which is the Italian version of the name Joseph
Il matrimonio: marriage
Confetti: Italian confetti are different from the colourful paper kind. Literally translating to 'candied,' they are sugar coated almonds given out at weddings. The almond symbolizes the bitter-sweetness of marriage and the beginning of a new life.
Molto facile: very easy
Cognato: brother in law
Festa: party
Buon Natale a tutti!: Merry Christmas everyone!
Presepio: Italian nativity scene. More about the important history of it here
Zi'Anto! Dov è Gèsu?: Slang for "Aunt Antonia, where's Jesus?"
Nel cassetto, amore mio: In the drawer, my love
Sambuca e castagne: Sambuca and chestnuts (yuuuuum)
Figlioletto, aspetta!: little child/little son, wait! Figlioletto is a common term of endearment, a more cutesy way of saying figlio
Mi scusi: Sorry/Excuse me
Benvenuto à Casa Zeppeli!: Welcome to the Zeppeli House!
FIFA CAMPIONI DEL MONDO 2006/FORZA AZZURRI! UEFO EURO 2022: Basically just soccer jargon. Every Italian I know has some variation of these posters up in their homes because soccer is essentially a religion to us
Orsachiotto: Little bear
French Glossary for Polnareff:
Oh non!: oh no!
Putain de merde!: Fucking shit!
Desolée: Sorry
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honeycombhank · 1 year
Today Nel, my love and I, went for a really short walk.
Yesterday was exhausting and today I wanted to really relax and do very little throughout the day.
While on this walk, literally 2 blocks.. a car starts up and REEVVVES it’s engine SO LOUD and it continues to be incredibly loud as it drives past us, it was so triggering and I couldn’t help but have invasive thoughts about these kinds of people and why do they need to use their cars to fill some kind of gap they are feeling, is it an ego boost?? Is it satisfying in some way!? Does it make them feel powerful!? Wtf.
My body started to feel weak, the sensation of anger and confusion and weakness covered my body in a way I can’t fully explain.. do I sit down? Can I make it home before the seizing of muscles begins?
Every step forward is scary and every step forward I feel more and more vulnerable to sounds and anything that requires decision making seems impossible.
I made it in the front door of our home, managed to slip my jacket off on to the floor and the seizure hit.
This is why I can’t yet even go for a walk around the block yet by myself. I’m so exhausted and frustrated and grieving my old self and life.
My plans for the rest of the night are now questionable, idk what will be possible for me or what might make me have another seizure or a spike of emotions that I know aren’t needed.
Living with Non Epileptic Seizures is SO MUCH WORK.
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daniela--anna · 6 months
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CIRCADIAN RHYTHM: Our "human clock"
There has been a debate for several years about the usefulness of adopting daylight saving time or maintaining solar time.
Beyond the presumed or real benefits that this may represent, in terms of energy saving, it is also necessary to keep in mind the effects it causes on the human body.
⏰ In fact...every person sees their life marked by the circadian rhythm (from the Latin: around the day), a real internal "clock" that stimulates and regulates vital functions, coordinated by a group of neurons that resides in the hypothalamus.
This rhythm is the same that also determines the sleep/wake phases, stimulated by sunlight or darkness, and consequently
affects other biological and physiological activities and needs, such as appetite, blood pressure and all vital functions.
For this reason it would be important to repeat our daily actions at the same times of the day, such as waking up in the morning, meals, rests, physical activities, etc.
⏰The human body is a complex machine, which works perfectly if everything is in order.
But, just as in machinery, we can alter some aspects of them in a more or less conscious way.
For example, in an engine we can modify the carburettor, a valve or the muffler to obtain different performances.
Thus, our body also reacts differently to the various stresses that derive from the outside, or to the forces that we ourselves impose on it.
Many of us are used to stimulating the waking phase by drinking cups of coffee or, on the contrary, supporting the relaxation of motor activities by sipping calming herbal teas.
These are just small remedies that help optimize the circadian rhythm, while everything is different if we want to completely subvert it.
For example, staying awake at night is a "force" that our body accepts but cannot tolerate, creating physical problems.
If this happens occasionally, the consequences end in a very short time (subjective) while, if the event is repetitive, this can cause a real modification of our circadian rhythm, with more or less important effects, depending on the subject.
Generally, the body needs to sleep 7/8 hours per night, some need more and some need even less.
This is truly individual but it is essential to get in tune with your circadian rhythm to achieve a quality life, without psycho-physical problems.
RITMO CIRCADIANO: Il nostro "orologio umano"
Si sta dibattendo, da diversi anni, sull'utilità di adottare o meno l'orario legale o mantenere quello solare.
Aldilà dei presunti o reali benefici che questo può rappresentare, in termini di risparmio energetico, occorre tener presente anche gli effetti che provoca nel corpo umano.
⏰ Infatti...ogni persona vede la propria vita cadenzata dal ritmo circadiano (dal latino: intorno al giorno), un vero e proprio "orologio" interno che stimola e regola le funzioni vitali, coordinato da un gruppo di neuroni che risiede nell'ipotalamo.
Questo ritmo è lo stesso che determina anche le fasi di sonno/veglia, stimolate dalla luce solare o dal buio, e di conseguenza
influisce su altre attività ed esigenze biologiche e fisiologiche, come l'appetito, la pressione arteriosa e tutte le funzioni vitali.
Per tale motivo sarebbe importante ripetere le nostre azioni quotidiane ai medesimi orari del giorno, come il risveglio mattutino, i pasti, i riposi, le attività fisiche ecc.
⏰Il corpo umano è una macchina complessa, che funziona alla perfezione se tutto è a posto. Ma, così come nei macchinari, noi possiamo alterarne alcuni aspetti degli stessi in modo più o meno consapevole.
Ad esempio in un motore possiamo modificare il carburatore, una valvola o la marmitta per ottenere delle prestazioni differenti.
Così, anche il nostro fisico reagisce in maniera differente alle varie sollecitazioni che derivano dall'esterno, o alle forzature che noi stessi gli imponiamo.
Molti di noi sono abituati a stimolare la fase della veglia assumendo delle tazzine di caffè o, al contrario, assecondare il rilassamento delle attività motorie sorseggiando delle tisane calmanti.
Questi sono solo piccoli rimedi che aiutano ad ottimizzare il ritmo circadiano, mentre tutto ciò è differente se vogliamo sovvertirlo completamente.
Ad esempio stare svegli di notte è una "forzatura" che il nostro corpo accetta ma che mal sopporta, creandoci problematiche fisiche. Se ciò avviene saltuariamente, le conseguenze si esauriscono in pochissimo tempo (soggettivo) mentre, se l'evento è ripetitivo, questo può causare una vera e propria modificazione del nostro ritmo circadiano, con effetti più o meno importanti, a seconda del soggetto. Generalmente, il corpo ha necessità di dormire 7/8 ore per notte, chi ha bisogno di più e chi invece se ne fa bastare anche meno.
La cosa è propriamente individuale ma è fondamentale entrare in sintonia col proprio rirmo circadiano per ottenere una vita di qualità, senza problematiche psico-fisiche.
⏰Già gli antichi romani costruivano terrazze con la maggior esposizione solare possibile, perché avevano inteso bene quanto la luce ed energia sprigionate dalla stella del nostro sistema, fosse importante per l'energia del nostro corpo e le sue funzioni vitali. Quindi, ognuno può seguire il proprio "ritmo" ma, se vuole ottenere il meglio dal proprio corpo, dovrebbe stare al suo "passo".
⏰Already the ancient Romans built terraces with the greatest possible sun exposure, because they understood well how important the light and energy released by the star of our system was for the energy of our body and its vital functions.
So, everyone can follow their own "pace" but, if they want to get the best out of their body, they should keep up with it.
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scontomio · 8 months
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💣 C&A Donna Short Nero 48 🤑 a soli 18,00€ invece di 35,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/ca-donna-short-nero-48/?feed_id=147374&_unique_id=64e0926b694f5&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=C%26A%20Donna%20Short%20Nero%2048 Il bermuda business C&A donna è realizzato in morbido tessuto elasticizzato, garantendo comfort e vestibilità ottimali. Dotato di due tasche laterali e due tasche decorative dietro, è un capo versatile e pratico. Il modello presenta una gamba relaxed, con un taglio ampio, e un'altezza della vita alta. La lunghezza del bermuda è ideale per un look elegante e moderno. Perfetto per completare il tuo outfit estivo, questo short nero è un must-have nel guardaroba di ogni donna. #coupon #ca #pantaloncini #offerteamazon #scontomio
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h1myname1sv · 1 year
UPDATE: Halfway to Heaven 22/31
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: none Fandoms: Daredevil, MCU, Jessica Jones, The Punisher, The Defenders Relationships: Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson & Karen Page, Jessica Jones & Matt Murdock, Frank Castle & Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock & Claire Temple Characters: Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Jessica Jones, Frank Castle, Claire Temple, Wilson Fisk Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Alternate Universe - No Powers (just for Matt), Non-Linear Narrative, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Hurt Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock Needs a Hug, Protective Matt Murdock, Blood and Injury Wordcount: 23k
The doorbell rings. When the door doesn't open right away, Matt purses his lips, shifting slightly on the doorstep.
"Relax," Foggy says from where he's standing right next to him, Matt's hand in the crook of his elbow. "I promise they don't bite, except maybe the dog."
"Sorry, we don't have a dog. I dunno why I said that." Matt lets out a little exasperated snort. "Though if we did have one I'd—"
The door lock clicks and Matt stiffens in response. Foggy lightly bumps his shoulder into Matt's, which immediately and effectively causes him to revel in this casual physical contact he hasn't experienced in literal years.
The door opens. "Foggy!" a woman's voice sounds.
"Hey Mom!" Foggy says, leaving his side to presumably give his mom a hug. Which. Matt isn't needy, he can cope, he doesn't have to have someone helping him with everything. But even then he still feels almost like a third wheel, an outsider, a newcomer, someone who doesn't belong and can never belong no matter what he tries.
"And I assume this is Matt," Foggy's mom says with a smile in her voice. Matt's brain shorts out for a moment.
"Uh, yes. Thanks for inviting me, Mrs. Nelson," he says, fiddling a little with his cane.
"Oh, call me Anna! Foggy's told me so many terrible things about you!"
"Just kidding, all good things, I promise," Mrs. Nel- Anna says. She pats his arm lightly. "Why don't you two come in. It's freezing out here!"
Matt thinks he can tell where Foggy got his sense of humor from.
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m3kuroshirt · 3 years
House of Assassins Part Two
Link to Part One
Word Count: 1588
Warnings: None
“Oi, Ichigo, your boyfriend is on the move!” Renji called from where he was sprawled across the couch.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Ichigo protested, but even so, he rose from his place at the table to take a look out the window. “Looks like he’s going for a walk.” Ichigo had a distant tone to his voice, as if completely unaware how infatuated he sounded. Renji snorted.
“Right. He’s not your boyfriend at all. Sure,” he replied. A bag of chips rustled as he grabbed a handful to munch on. Jinta felt his irritation rise with every crunch that Renji made as he chewed. He gripped his pencil tightly, but didn’t move otherwise. He breathed in through his nose, out through his mouth. This was supposed to be his time with Ichi-nii, but that damn neighbour had interrupted it again. How was he so good at infringing on Jinta’s time with Ichigo when he wasn’t even in the same house as them? There was a muffled yelp and a thud, loud enough that it sounded like Renji hit the floor. Jinta aimed a glare at his math homework.
“Hey what’s wrong? Is the word problem really giving you that much trouble?” a voice asked. Jinta looked up to see Ichigo returning to the table. He let his glare fade into a pout.
Ichigo smirked and ruffled Jinta’s hair. “Then don’t glare so much.” He plopped himself back in the seat next to him. Jinta sighed through his nose. Ichigo chuckled softly. “Alright, let’s start it over again.”
Jinta wiped the counter over and over with the towel, not realizing it was already dry. He frowned as he thought more and more about the neighbour Ichigo seemed fascinated with. “Hey, Ururu,” he said abruptly, “what have you heard about Kisuke’s new neighbours?”
“Dad, Jinta. You can call him that, you know,” Ururu responded quietly. She was sweeping the floor. “And I haven’t heard much. Just that Ichigo really likes the blue-haired guy, and the green-haired lady sounds fun.”
“Hmph. I’ll call him ‘dad’ when he deserves it,” Jinta muttered. “And that’s not much information. If I wanted to know something so unspecific I could find that out on my own. I thought you girls talked about things like that. What did you even do with Orihime and Rukia all day?”
The trash can creaked as Ururu opened it to empty the dustpan. “We went shopping. We didn’t talk about the boys much at all, really.” She tapped the dustpan on the side of the garbage can to shake any excess dust and dirt loose. “Why are you so interested, anyway?”
“…Ichigo’s the best big brother. He always helps us and makes sure we’re safe and stuff. Plus, he’s the one who comes to see us the most when we’re at mom’s. Now it’s my turn to make sure he’s the safe one. Gotta make sure that blue-haired weirdo is good enough for him,” Jinta admitted, rubbing more furiously at the counter without realizing what he was doing. Ururu replaced the broom in the little closet behind the kitchen table.
“So, you’ll call Yoruichi ‘mom’, but you won’t call Kisuke ‘dad’?” she asked calmly. She adjusted her hair, brushing it out of her face and tying it up in a long ponytail. “And I think Ichigo is really capable of taking care of himself. At the very least, I don’t think he’d want a child to be the one watching out for him.”
“Mom is mom. And Kisuke is…” Jinta’s voice trailed off, and he realized finally that the countertop was dry. He didn’t finish the sentence but started folding up his towel.
“You know they’re still friends, right?” Ururu’s voice was softer than usual, but not timid. More like…gentle. Comforting. Jinta pursed his lips.
“Doesn’t mean mom doesn’t still cry on their anniversary,” he muttered. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I wanna make sure that doesn’t happen to Ichi-nii.” Then he spun around and marched out of the kitchen. Ururu didn’t follow him. She gave a soft, sad smile at her brother’s big heart.
It was two in the morning. On a Tuesday. He had work in a few hours. I don’t have time for this bullshit, Grimmjow thought to himself as he stared down the intruder in his kitchen. The intruder, short with flaming red hair and a scowl on his face, glared back at him in silence. Grimmjow rubbed his temples. All he wanted was a glass of water. And when he’d turned on the lights he’d been surprised to find the young boy on his counter, looking through his cupboards.
“You have thirty seconds to start explaining,” he stated, looking the intruder dead in the eyes, “before I call the cops.” The intruder’s eyes widened. He leapt off the counter, hands up in submission.
“Please don’t! Don’t call the cops, I didn’t take anything, I swear!” the intruder babbled, and Grimmjow felt himself wince internally. The kid sounded even younger than he looked. Grimmjow sighed and pulled out a chair to sit in it. He gestured to one of the other chairs and the young intruder hesitantly sat in it.
“Talk.” It was a command, not an option.
“…I just wanted to see why Ichi-nii is so interested in you,” the young boy muttered. He tugged at his red hair nervously, eyes downcast. Grimmjow narrowed his eyes.
At that, the boy looked up. “Ichigo. The neighbour?”
Grimmjow blinked. “Uh. Who are you? How do you know Ichigo? And why do you care what he thinks of me?” he asked, feeling a little annoyed that he still didn’t know what exactly was going on.
“…’m name’s Jinta. He’s my older brother! Well…step-brother. Sort of,” Jinta admitted. He kicked his legs, eyes back on the floor. “He’s a good person.” Then he aimed a glare at Grimmjow, body suddenly tensing as if ready to attack. “And I’m here to make sure you’re actually good enough for him and won’t hurt ‘im!” The declaration was a bit loud in the silence, and they both paused afterward, listening. No sounds came from above so Grimmjow assumed Nel was still asleep in her room.
With a roll of his eyes, he replied, “what, so you investigate all your brother’s friends like this?” Jinta shook his head.
“No, you dummy! He doesn’t wanna be your friend?”
“Hah?” Grimmjow could feel his irritation growing with every contradictory word the boy spoke. Until…
“He wants to date you!” As soon as the words were out, Jinta slapped both hands over his mouth, eyes wide. Grimmjow froze, eyes also wide, brain whirring and spinning but not actually producing any thought beyond ‘Ichigo’ and ‘date’. Sure, he’d noticed how pretty the other man was, had admired his strength when he assisted Grimmjow and Nel with moving in, and thought he was pretty chill on the few occasions they’d talked since. But…he’d never thought the other was interested in him. And now that the truth was out there…well now he found himself strangely drawn to the idea.
Sounds of sobbing brought him back to reality. “Please…Please don’t tell him I told you! Please act like you don’t know! I…He…he’ll be so sad if you stop talking to him because of this, and…and…and I don’t wanna make Ichigo sad! Please!”
“Woah, calm down…Jinta, right? Relax, I won’t, uh, won’t tell him anything, ok?” Grimmjow tried to soothe. Jinta’s sobs quieted and he sniffled.
“Yeah. I promise.” Grimmjow looked over at the clock above the stove. “You really should go home now, ok? I can walk you over.” Jinta shook his head.
“No, we’ll get caught and I don’t have a good enough story for Kisuke to believe me,” he replied. He wiped his tears and snot on his sleeve. “I’ll climb back over the fence and go in through the basement window. Ururu’s there, she’ll let me in.” Grimmjow raised his eyebrows.
“If you’re sure, then.”
Jinta nodded. “Yeah, I’ve snuck out loads of times. I know what I’m doing.”
Grimmjow opted to keep from pointing out that Jinta had been caught this time. Instead, he just nodded and watched the boy as he left the house, scaled the fence, and dropped down on the other side. He couldn’t see anything more due to the fence in the backyard, but he hoped the boy made it inside as easily as he claimed. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his blue hair and turned to get what he originally came to the kitchen for: a glass of water.
Water acquired and drank, Grimmjow returned to his bed. Only to lay and stare up at the ceiling, replaying the strange meeting in his head. Or rather, one particular sentence. ‘He wants to date you’. Usually, Grimmjow wouldn’t think too hard about those kinds of things, but Ichigo seemed to be different from other people. He didn’t shy away when Grimmjow was gruff. When he helped them move, he took just as much physical work as Grimmjow did. He was strong. He was friendly. He had a smile as brilliant as the sun.
So, this time, Grimmjow let himself fantasize. In the gentle moonlight, it was easy to imagine things. He let his mind wander, wondering what it would be like to date Ichigo, to hold his hand, put his arms around the other. A soft warmth grew in his chest and he couldn’t stop the smile that stole across his face.
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abr · 3 years
The starting point was not a mere insurgency, but a pandemic. Not any pandemic, but a really serious, bad to the bone global pandemic with an explosive infection fatality rate of less than 1%. (...) The premise is simple: take down the economy and deflate a sitting president whose stated mission is to drive a booming economy. In tandem, convince public opinion that actually getting to the polls is a health hazard. (...) If Red somehow wins,(...) Blue proclaims that “under no scenario” Red would be allowed to declare victory. Election Day comes. Vote counting is running smoothly (...) but mostly favoring Red, especially in three states always essential for capturing the presidency. Red is also leading in what is characterized as “swing states”. But then, just as a TV network prematurely calls a supposedly assured Red state for Blue, all vote counting stops before midnight in major urban areas in key swing states under Blue governors, with Red in the lead. (...) That’s what happens. Starting at 2 am, and later into the night, enter a batch of “magic” votes in these key states (...) a statistical miracle of Holy Ghost proportions. Stuffing the ballot box is a typical scam applied in Banana Republic (...). Blue operators use the tried and tested method applied to the gold futures market, when a sudden drop of naked shorts drives down gold price, thus protecting the US dollar. Blue operators bet the compliant mainstream media/Big Tech alliance will not question that, (...) no questions will be asked on how a 2% to 5% positive ballot trend in Red’s favor in a few states turned into a 0.5% to 1.4% trend in favor of Blue by around 4am. And that this discrepancy happens in two swing states almost simultaneously. And that some precincts turn more presidential votes than they have registered voters. And that in swing states, the number of extra mysterious votes for Blue far exceeds votes cast for the Senate candidates in these states, when the record shows that down ticket totals are traditionally close. And that turnout in one of these states would be 89.25%. The day after Election Day there are vague explanations that one of the possible vote-dumps was just a “clerical error”, while in another disputed state there is no justification for accepting ballots with no postmark. Blue operators relax because the mainstream media/Big Tech alliance squashes each and every complaint as “conspiracy theories”.
Com’è andata. 
Tra l’una e le quattro della notte in America, i conteggi dicono che sta per arrivare - sorpresa! - la ennesima SORPRESA AVVERSA AL MAINSTREAM MEDIA, ALLE BIG TECH E AI LORO SONDAGGIARI PREZZOLATI:  i Reds Rep. sono avanti. Al che senza vergogna i conteggi vengono sospesi in due-tre Stati decisivi e quando riprendono avviene il MIRACOLO DELLO SPIRITO SANTO: stesso copione ovunque i “Buoni Blue” fossero indietro, si scopre che “sono arrivati nuovi voti" da quartieri di grandi città dove mediamente votava il 50% ma ora ha votato l’89,25% degli aventi diritto, incluso uno nato nel 1822, tutti voti fotocopia per un solo candidato che girano le cose nella “giusta direzione” coincidente con le anticipazioni dal sen sfuggite che “under no circumstances” sarà consentita la vittoria dei Red.  Se oserete metter la regolarità di detti eventi in dubbio, allora SIETE DEGLI SPREGEVOLI COMPLOTTISTI. 
Benvenuti agli americani nel nostro club: qui SIAMO ASSUEFATTI DA UN DECENNIO intasato di stordimento mediatico prezzolato e masse spintanee di utili sardine idiote a supporto, a veder PRECLUSA la volontà popolare anzi “populista”, fautrice di governi “pericolosi” “anti-la-qualunque” (Europa, inclusività, clima, pandemia, Cina, omosessuali, bambini da non far nascere o da pedosfruttare etc.), incarnati in leader “disgustosi” (cit.). 
Interessante anche l’identificazione del precedente “tecnico” della manipolazione, oramai notorio e che ha portato, dopo anni di inutili denunce, finalmente a multe colossali - taciute dal mainstream media  - alle banche e marketplaces che l’hanno commissionato ed eseguito: la manipolazione al ribasso via futures emessi “ad hoc” del prezzo dell’oro. 
4 notes · View notes
nelvana · 4 years
In which there is one last break
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First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which the dreams are nightmares Previous: In which there are no anomalies
    “They… are still here.” Ceebee was the first to speak up after Primal Palkia had left, ending the battle without a true winner. “They’re deeper in the cave, like Dialga is.”
    “Should we go right after them, then?” Tsuki questioned, shaking out her fur, sending some dirt scattering. “They are… primal now, right? We… should deal with that as soon as we can.”
    “M-Maybe we should take a break first,” Edgar suggested, slowly creeping back out from the shadows to join the others.
    “I agree with Edgar. We’re in no condition to go right back to fighting them,” Damien responded.
    Tsuki sighed, “that is true, but we should not stay long. We do not want them to be causing more damage now that they’ve fully turned primal.”
    “Of course,” Alex agreed, then after waiting a few moments to see if anyone else would say anything, he darted over to his partner. “Nel! You evolved! That was amazing!” he exclaimed.
    Nelvana gave him a shaky smile, “wow you’re shorter than me now, this is so weird.”
    Alex laughed, “you’ve been taller than me before!” he pointed out.
    “Not like this!” Nelvana replied, “this… is actually really trippy, I… I didn’t realize I was evolving until it happened, I- oomph!”
    She was cut off as a warm bundle of feathers barreled into her. Unlike Alex, who had stopped at a respectable distance to give his partner some space, Keahi had sprinted from across the room to dive in and give her a hug. Once realizing what hit her and who it was, Nelvana reached out to return the hug, picking up the torchic to properly wrap her arms around zim.
    “Nel! I was so worried when you took that hit and didn’t come back right away but then you did come back except we couldn’t say anything to each other because of the battle, but now you’re evolved and-“
    “I love you too, Keahi,” Nelvana hummed, cutting off her partner’s rambles.
    Taking a moment to catch zir breath, Keahi leaned up to bump zir head against Nelvana’s, the two taking this small moment together to relax themselves again.
    “How do you feel?” Keahi asked.
    “I… I’ll need to get back to you on that one, I’m still processing everything,” Nelvana admitted with a weak chuckle. “This is probably the strangest day of my life. And that’s… saying a lot.”
    “Hey, how about everyone sit down over here, a bit further away from all that damage, and we can talk things through?” Damien suggested, gesturing over to an area deeper into the cave.
    Nelvana smiled at him, “yeah, that’s probably for the best,” she agreed, and then looked back down at the torchic in her arms. “You’re so tiny now!”
    Keahi giggled, “you just got really tall! Hey, can I sit on your head? You must have a nice view from up there.”
    Complying to her partner’s request as they walked over with the rest of the group to sit down, Nelvana placed Keahi atop her head, the torchic fitting in the space between her ears perfectly now. Keahi giggled again, letting out some “oohs” and “ahhs” despite there not really being much to look at, even at that height.
    Sitting down in a circle together, everyone took this time to breath for a couple minutes and check how they felt once adrenaline wore off. Keahi hopped off of Nelvana’s head, but only to settle zirself onto her lap instead. Alex and Damien sat down beside each other, emptying out their bags to sort through the remaining supplies. As Alex shook out his bag, there was the clatter of stones tumbling onto the floor; Giratina’s rock, a fire gem, and that stone from Lapis Cave. Damien eyed the blue crystal momentarily, peeking over at the similar one he still carried around in his own back. Alex chuckled at the latter item before scooping it up and stuffing it back in the bag, but his hand hovered over the fire gem.
    “Oh hey, I almost forgot, Keahi, I’ve been hanging onto the fire gem Ceebee gave you for your birthday. Do you want it now?” Alex commented, picking up the small crystal.
    “I guess so!” Keahi decided, “There will probably be a time I’ll want to use flamethrower for the range again. Better at least get one boost out of it.”
    “Can’t think of a scenario you’ll need it more for anyway,” Tsuki added with a yawn, “there isn’t really anyone that will be stronger than Primal Palkia, I figure.”
    “Well, you never know, but I could always get another fire gem for if something like that comes up,” Keahi responded.
    Meanwhile, as Alex handed the fire gem over to Keahi, Damien leaned over to pick up the other stone, brushing off some of the dirt with one thumb as he turned it over a couple times in his hands.
    “Hey, Giratina, we have a moment to be able to talk again,” he said.
    “…the battle’s over?” Giratina’s voice faded in, sounding mildly hesitant.
    “Sort of,” Alex answered, turning his focus back to sorting through the rest of the items.
    “…I see. I can… sense Palkia still from here,” Giratina murmured, “are you all okay? I can sense that you’re all here… Oh, Nelvana! Did you evolve?”
    Nelvana let out a mix of a chuckle and a sigh, “yeah, I did. Happened right at the end of the fight.”
    “Well, congratulations! I can tell that is… difficult to pull off in these current times. We’ll need all the extra strength we can get, know that…” Giratina paused. “I am sensing that correctly, right? Palkia is… primal now.”
    “Unfortunately, yes. We were unable to defeat them before it happened, and they ran off right afterwards,” Ceebee told them.
    “Why did they leave though?” Edgar questioned quietly, “I thought they were still going to fight us, but they just… went further into the cave, like Ceebee said.”
    “Now that they’re primal, their instinct is to stay that way. Survival is now the top priority. They must have felt threatened by you all, and didn’t think they would be able to win the fight in that moment,” Giratina explained, “they also instinctively want to be at the center of their home, like how Dialga always stayed at Temporal Tower, Palkia now hides here.”
    “They felt threatened, huh? We might stand more of a chance than we thought,” Alex commented, grinning slightly.
    “Yes! Please, do not lose hope! I still have the upmost faith that you will be able to defeat them, even if they are primal now. You went into that fight without the chance to recover after a mystery dungeon. Now you have that chance. Recover, and go out to rematch Palkia,” Giratina responded.
    “That’s the plan!” Keahi chirped, “thanks for the encouragement!”
    “No problem. I only wish I could do more to help,” Giratina replied, “if you have anything to ask me, just let me know. In the meantime… I do not wish to disturb your break. I will check to see if there is… anything I can do from here to assist you more. Perhaps with the fabric of space tearing more, I may find an opening to provide more assistance. We’ll see. Best of luck to you either way.”
    With that, Giratina’s presence faded from the rock once more. Letting out a sigh, Damien set the rock back down on the ground, closer towards the middle of the seated circle everyone was forming together before turning back to help Alex with inventory.
    Keahi leaned back while still sitting on Nelvana’s lap, zir back touching her chest and zir head feathers grazing the marowak’s chin. Zie quietly fumbled with the fire gem for a few moments, furrowing zir brows as zie thought of something, and then looked up at zir partner, opening zir beak to speak and break the growing silence in the group.
    “What did it feel like, to evolve?” zie asked her.
    “It…” Nelvana paused, furrowing her brows as she did her best to recall the short moment. “I felt like a had a lot of energy, like when you use an attack, except just all over me.”
    “Did it hurt?” Edgar chimed in.
    Nelvana quickly shook her head, “no, it didn’t hurt. It felt more like… kinda like being stretched? But it didn’t hurt, and I could still feel myself getting stronger. I feel… kind of lightheaded though now, actually.”
    “That’s normal,” Alex reassured her, “here you should probably have something to eat. Your body both burned through a lot of energy, and created new energy for yourself,” he explained, passing the marowak an apple to eat.
    “Is that why you went to sleep right after evolving, despite talking about how energized you felt?” Nelvana asked him as she accepted the food, without thinking.
    “Yeah! That’s pretty… much… Wait.” Alex looked up at Nelvana properly, eyes wide as a smile grew on his face. “I forgot you don’t have amnesia anymore,” he whispered to himself.
    “I… Yeah, I don’t,” Nelvana murmured back, taking a bite out of the apple to give herself an excuse not to say anything else at the moment.
    Alex paused, his smile fading, “do you not want to talk about that right now? We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
    “I just… I do but I don’t,” Nelvana sighed, “let’s just… not for now, and I’ll bring it up later when I’m ready, okay? Maybe when I’m done eating this apple.”
    He nodded back, “got it.”
    “Evolution is still a safe topic, let’s stick with that. Hey, Damien, how did you evolve?” Nelvana said, shifting the subject back to what they had been talking about before.
    “Oh, uh… nothing special, really,” Damien mumbled, “I didn’t like… being a gastly, so I did everything I could to evolve into a haunter. Then I evolved right away into a Gengar, since I got a link cable in advance as a gastly,” he explained, “makes me feel the most like myself to actually have arms and legs.”
    “Hey, speaking of having hands, maybe I’ll be able to evolve after this! Or during our next fight with Palkia!” Keahi chirped, “that would be cool! Do you think I’d be taller, or shorter than you, Nel?”
    “Well, I was taller than you even as a cubone, so I’m going to guess that you’ll still be shorter than me when you’re a combusken,” Nelvana answered, “Alex is a bit taller than most of the combuskens at your home, and I’ll taller than him right now too,” she added.
    “Excuse me, apologies for interrupting…” Tsuki spoke up, “do we still have some water packed? I’m quite thirsty,” she requested, looking over at the pair with the two bags.
    “Oh, yeah! That’s one thing we really aren’t low on,” Damien responded, “here, everyone should probably have some water while we’re taking a break, actually. Stay hydrated and all that jazz.”
    Pausing from their previous conversation, they passed out some water bottles to everyone to drink. Fortunately, between restocking back at the guild, and being restored to an earlier state from Dialga before, not much water had been used, like Damien said, so they were able to drink as much as they wanted now. And though they had less food readily available than water, after Dusknoir pointed out that they likely wouldn’t have another break like this until everything was over, they decided to lighten the bags a bit and dish out the remainder of the food to everyone to fill themselves up before what would, hopefully, be the final confrontation.
    “…hey, Alex? Do you think you would have been shorter or taller than me, when you were a treecko compared to when I was a cubone?” Nelvana suddenly asked after the lull of conversation during everyone eating.
    Alex blinked over at her, “oh… I dunno! It feels like ages ago since I was a treecko… I came up to about your knee then, but we can’t exactly use that to compare now.”
    “What did Alex look like as a treecko?” Keahi blurted out, then stiffening slightly and looking up at zir partner to make sure it was okay to ask that now, still uncertain if Nelvana was ready to talk about what she remembered now that she didn’t have amnesia.
    Despite Keahi’s worries, Nelvana smiled back to zim. Truthfully, she still felt uncertain treading this conversation territory, but she knew now that she would need to address it sooner rather than later. She was just thankful that for now they could stick to some easier topics relating to that.
    “He was this tiny boy, with big eyes,” Nelvana began, her voice squeaking as her tone turned to teasing her partner. “You see how sharp he is now? He was rounder before, rounder shapes. He had a rounder face, round little hands, and-“
    “No, stop!” Alex howled, though he couldn’t stop himself from laughing either. “My image is being ruined! Betrayed by my own sister!”
    Keahi laughed, “you’re reminding me of my mom when she gets an excuse to talk about what her kids were like when they were young!”
    “Isn’t that why you asked?” Nelvana responded, sporting a wide grin on her face. “I did my best to tease him as much as I could, did I do well?”
    “…” Keahi grinned back, “yeah.”
    Alex let out a mock gasp, “I knew it from the start, you’re both conspiring against me.”
    “Aww, now I wish I got to see you as a treecko!” Ceebee chimed in, leaning forward and placing her chin into the palms of her hands. “I bet you were adorable.”
    “Alright, alright, the joke has worn out its welcome now…” Alex announced, raising his hands up slightly in front of himself.
    “Fine.” Keahi stuck her tongue out at him playfully, but seemed otherwise willing to drop the subject. “What about you, Nel? What did you look like as a human?”
    “Oh! Well, I… hm, I’m not sure how to describe that, since most of you know what the average human looks like,” Nelvana responded, starting out ready to answer the question before trailing off towards the end, furrowing her brows.
    “You’ve tried drawing yourself before!” Keahi offered, “I have a vague idea ‘cause of that.”
    “Think kind of like… a sawk for the build, except without the blue skin and robes of course, they have hair on their heads…” Alex described.
    “That’s a terrible description,” Nelvana snorted.
    “Bet you can’t do any better.”
    “Too bad we can’t draw that here. The ground is too firm, Nel couldn’t even use her club for that,” Damien commented.
    “I’m not sure how well I can use my club to draw anymore anyway,” Nelvana replied, picking up her club which she had set down by her side to hold it out in front of her to examine more with a small frown.
    “I think we all have a vague idea, with Nel’s old drawings and Alex’s description,” Tsuki said, “if you wish to still go on with your own description of yourself; I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
    “If not, we can wait!” Edgar added, “I’m sure stuff like this will be easier to draw when we get home anyway!”
    “Ah, alright, well let’s see… I still had blue eyes then, and my hair, which was brown, a bit darker than my fur here, was cut pretty short. Some humans grow their hair out longer, but not that often, at least in the dead timeline; it got tangled in everything,” Nelvana told them, “I had pretty light colored skin, kinda light peachy color… And I was pretty tall.”
    “And by ‘pretty tall’, she means nearly six feet tall!” Ceebee exclaimed, “Alex would sit on her shoulder when we were just casually walking around.”
    “Wait no, before anyone comments about how tall that is, how tall were you exactly?” Damien demanded, jolting up from where he was still sitting.
    “Oh, uh…” Nelvana’s face scrunched up as she thought. “Jeez, I dunno. Not like I got many chances to measure myself.”
    “I’d put your human height around five feet ten inches,” Ceebee decided, “I think you were done growing before we went back in time too, so that should be fairly accurate.”
    “Dammit!” Damien snapped, tossing his hands into the air. “I would have been shorter than you.”
    Nelvana laughed, “how tall were you?”
    “I wanna say five feet six inches,” Damien sighed, “I might have had another growth spurt in me, since I can’t tell off the top of my head if that was my height when I was thirteen or when I was fully grown.”
    “You could ask Gardevoir when we get back,” Tsuki suggested, “she might remember.”
    “Maybe… Don’t wanna get my hopes up though,” Damien murmured, turning back to focus on the remainder of his work with Alex.
    “How are you two doing over there, anyway?” Keahi asked, turning over to the bag holding duo. “What’s our inventory looking like?”
    “Are you ready for us to return our water bottles as well?” Tsuki chimed in, one paw curled around the now empty bottle she had drunken from.
    “Oh, yeah, go ahead and pass them over, they won’t be in the way,” Alex responded, waving towards the others to encourage them to give back the items.
    Taking a quick moment before addressing Keahi’s questions, everyone tossed, rolled, or passed over their water bottles; of which nearly all were now emptied. Edgar was one who passed his over, and as he passed by the center of the circle, he floated down to pick up Giratina’s rock as well, sensing them nearing the end of their break, and likely not needing to speak to Giratina if they weren’t going to in this moment. Passing both items over to the grovyle, Edgar silently floated back over to where he had been laying down before beside Tsuki.
    “Alright, so we’re looking at a slight oran shortage… We still have enough reviver seeds because of how many we got in the guild, those should last just fine. And then all other berries and seeds we have not really used at all, we haven’t suffered from any status effects in these fights,” Alex told everyone, waving a hand over the items laying out on the ground. “We’ll split all the items between us, any odd number extras going to Damien. I’ll hang onto Giratina again… and I think that’s it?”
    “That’s the important details, yeah,” Damien agreed, nodding.
    “So… does that mean we will be going after Palkia next?” Tsuki asked, sitting up and looking over the rest of the group.
    “Well, we still need to put this back away but otherwise…” Alex answered, trailing off as he too looked up at everyone else. “…if everyone is ready now, I don’t see any reason we should sit back any longer.”
    “If everyone is ready,” Damien repeated.
    Keahi nodded, “yeah! I think I’m okay to go to the fight, as ready as I’ll ever be at least, but if anyone isn’t, don’t be afraid to speak up! We can wait a few more minutes to make sure that everyone will be prepared and comfortable enough to head back out,” zie hummed.
    There were some nods and quiet responses of confirmation and agreement before the conversation faded out only having the sounds of Alex and Damien picking up various items and organizing them in the bags to break any silence. Edgar bobbed up and down in place for a couple moments before going to offer to help the pair, and when told “thanks, but we can handle it,” he settled for hovering over them to watch instead. Every so often Alex would relay a packing tip to Damien, but the rest of the group didn’t say much in these last moments.
    Or, at least it seemed it would be that way. Nelvana sat in the silence, her mind running in circles as she stewed with a choice. This would be a chance to address something, but it was challenging to form the words in her mouth and then actually have them spoken aloud. She reached for her club again, which she had set down not long earlier to toss Alex her and Keahi’s water bottles before. Rubbing over the now nearly smooth bone with a thumb as she thought, which soon just turned to her gripping the item tightly. Keahi, still sitting in her lap, frowned as zie watched this, zir feather’s ruffled as Nelvana hunched over zim.
    “Are you alright?” Keahi whispered, placing a wing on zir partner’s arm.
    “I…” Nelvana swallowed her breath. “No, there’s… something I need to talk about,” she said, her voice growing louder and clearer as she sat up again, drawing attention back to her.
    “What is it?” Ceebee asked earnestly.
    Nelvana paused for a couple moments, rolling the words over in her mouth one last time.
    “When Palkia… broke that part of the curse, I didn’t just remember my past before getting amnesia,” Nelvana began, rolling the club over in her hands now, staring at it to focus on what she was saying instead of on the others around her. “I remember what happened after we were erased from time, too.”
    Alex glanced up from his work, a mix of emotion flickering in his eyes, “are you saying that as a good thing, or a bad thing…?” he questioned.
    “I don’t know. Maybe both,” Nelvana answered, “what… happened in general wasn’t that bad. We were in… some part of the spirit realm, obviously not one I’ve been in before. We met up, and found that everyone else from our time was there too. In some sort of, uh, limbo, I guess,” she explained.
    “Like a lobby?” Damien asked, biting his lip as he hoped his input would be more helpful than not.
    “Sure,” Nelvana responded, “and we decided to wander a bit while we waited for Gardevoir or someone helping Gardevoir to come find us. You know, say some final goodbyes to old friends and whatnot while we had the chance.”
    “Did you have your memories back when you were in that moment?” Tsuki asked.
    “No, but it was the thought that counted. Alex and Ceebee would remember, and could fill me in about who it was we were about to talk to,” Nelvana answered.
    “You did mention before that you were good at recognizing familiar people, even with amnesia,” Alex added.
    “Yeah, that too.” Nelvana paused. “We… We didn’t find my family there, though.”
    As she went to look up, to stop staring just at her own weapon, she saw Dusknoir tense from across her. Whether he had pieced together that she knew what happened to her family or not, it was evident by this strangely obvious display from him that he knew what happened. Out of the corner of Nelvana’s eye, she saw the light from Edgar’s eye darken, though she didn’t think much of it; if he knew, it wouldn’t surprise her that much, and she wouldn’t blame him for not telling her before.
    “Dusknoir, why did you kill my family?”
    Her question, though her voice was quiet, spoke louder than any yell in this moment, the intensity of such a question paired with the already generally silent room made these words pierce true and clear.
    Dusknoir tensed more, eye widening at the question being so suddenly and bluntly stated to him, nailing him onto the spot like a wooden plank onto the flooring of a house. Instantly Nelvana’s words, drew everyone to stare at Dusknoir as well, waiting impatiently for his answer. Despite this, he appeared far too stunned to say anything right away, so Nelvana went on.
    “We didn’t find my family there, but we found you. You told me that you killed them, trying to use that fact as a leverage against me.” It was becoming a struggle to keep her own words steady by this point, but she pushed on. “So, now I ask, why? Just because they’re related to me? They didn’t do anything against you, or your cause!”
    The long, tense seconds drew on without any response from Dusknoir. Nelvana was gripping her club so tightly now that her hands shook, but she kept her gaze trained on the ghost-type, waiting for him to say something, anything.
    Dusknoir almost seemed to choke as he tried to speak, his body shuddering. He turned to look away, breaking any previous eye contact with Nelvana to face the ground instead, eye closed tightly. He shook again, and then blinked his eye open suddenly as, to everyone’s surprise, inky black tears dripped out of his eye, slowly trailing down his face. Reaching up a hand, he gingerly touched one of the tears, leaving a dark, wet mark on his finger.
    “I can cry…?” he whispered, the astonishment clear in his voice.
    He paused for a couple more moments, staring at his hand with a wide eye as he cried for the first time; at least, the first time in an incredibly long time. Suddenly though, his gaze narrowed, and he closed his hand into a fist, lifting it up to wipe away the rest of the tears with the back of his hand. Dusknoir rose to his full height, looking back down at Nelvana, who still stared back up at him.
    “No, that… isn’t right of me. This is not my loss, my grief, my right to cry, it is yours,” Dusknoir said, “Nelvana, I killed your family for no reason at all. I grew desperate and frustrated after Cee- Celebi escaped my clutches, and I sought for any way to get back at you all. That is no excuse though. How I felt was no excuse for any such actions. What I did was an absolutely horrible thing, and I am deeply sorry that I did that. You are right, they did nothing to earn such a punishment, to rob them of… the choice of where to go, whatever choice there is, after being erased from time.”
    Nelvana blinked, though did her best to hide her surprise at such a response as she narrowed her eyes back at him again. Again, he seemed in every way to being honest, and yet she couldn’t help but have her doubts.
    “Really? You’re really sorry?” she questioned, unable to keep the bite back from her voice.
    He nodded, “yes, I am. And it is alright if you do not believe me. At the end of the day… I did terrible things to you, to all… to all of you. I wanted to save myself so badly that I harmed so many lives, and there is truly nothing I can do to make up for that. But I would still like to try. I have seen now why you fought so hard to bring this timeline back to life, why you still fight now, even at the risk of your own lives. This is a time worth fighting for, and really… I don’t deserve to be a part of it. So, I truly wish to do whatever I can to make up for the harm I did in the other timeline, and make it so I do deserve to be here,” he told them, “so, yes, I am really sorry. And not just to you, Nelvana, but to Grovyle and Celebi as well. I am sorry. You have every right to hate me, but if there is anything I can do to help more, I will do my best to complete it.”
    Dusknoir bowed his head slightly to them, silently signifying that he was done with what he had to say. He remained standing up, though he bobbed in place for a moment as if considering sitting back down again. There still seemed to be some tears welled up in his eye, but they didn’t drip out again.
    Silence returned as it was now the others’ turn to figure out how to respond. Ceebee had her arms crossed over her chest, mouth closed in a pencil thin line as she fluttered in place in the air. Alex’s lips curled back into a snarl, crouched close to a more quadruped stance as he still sharply glared at Dusknoir. Nelvana still gripped her club tightly, finding herself staring back down at it again as she mulled this over. Eventually, she let out a sigh, releasing her grip on the bone slightly and sitting back up straight again.
    “You are right about one thing; I don’t think I can forgive you. And I think I safely speak for Alex and Ceebee when I say that they cannot either,” Nelvana began, “however… I am going to have to give you the benefit of the doubt, and hope that you are telling the truth about how you feel now. Frankly… I’m still processing everything that I was forced to remember all of a sudden. But that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t think it would do any of us any good for me to hate you over something that cannot be changed. I don’t know how much I can trust you, but at least for now, we still need to cooperate. And it would probably hurt me more than help to be thinking about this endlessly and hating you at every moment. So, no, I do not forgive you for what you’ve done. But I’m willing to see what you can do to become better,” she told him.
    Dusknoir visibly relaxed, as if weights had been removed from his shoulders, “thank you.”
    Ceebee bit her lip, and then exhaled, turning to face Dusknoir, “I’ll think about it,” she said, “for now… you’re still just a temporary ally to me, and an enemy at the end of the day. I’ll want to really see change before I can believe in what you’re saying.”
    Dusknoir nodded to this, accepting such an answer without any complaints.
    Eyes turned to Alex next, who still didn’t seem to show any signs of giving his own answer yet. In fact, as he felt the stares on him, he sharply turned away from the group, from Dusknoir, and staring back down at the bags and the remaining unpacked items. Letting out a sharp hiss through his teeth, he grabbed the remaining items and shoved them back into his bag, slinging the satchel over his shoulder, all without turning to look at anyone else again.
    Time continued to drag on, until it became undeniably clear that Alex wasn’t going to give any sort of answer at all, which turned out to be the loudest answer of all. Nelvana’s gaze softened as she stared at the back of her brooding partner. She wasn’t sure where to go from here. It was important for her to speak and leave things dealt with for now, but what difference would it make for him if he were forced to speak up? He needed more time, she figured, and he gave her time to think before, so she was going to make sure to give him the same curtesy.
    “Is everything packed then, Alex and Damien?” Nelvana asked, abruptly changing subjects.
    Slowly, Alex turned to look back at his partner, his hardened expression fading into something more relieved at being released from having to respond to the previous conversation. Still, it was Damien who answered her first.
    “I think so. We should be all packed and ready for the fight now,” he answered.
    Alex nodded slowly, “yeah… So, if everyone is ready, we should go now.”
    “I’m ready now,” Nelvana replied, knowing that it was her that hadn’t been ready before, and thus now confirming that she was would be helpful.
    And, despite everything, everyone else was ready too. At least, as ready as they would be.
    Everyone standing up, Ceebee directed them onwards to Palkia, even though there were no diverging paths to possibly get someone lost. There was only one way forward, and they headed out.
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which the dreams are nightmares Previous: In which there are no anomalies
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poetyca · 3 years
Fasi dell’illuminazione -Stages of enlightenment – Swami Dhyan Giten
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Fasi dell’illuminazione
“Queste sono le tre fasi dell’illuminazione, i tre scorci del satori.
1. La prima fase dell’illuminazione: Uno scorcio del tutto
Il primo stadio dell’illuminazione è un breve sguardo da lontano del tutto. È un breve scorcio dell’essere. Il primo stadio dell’illuminazione è quando, per la prima volta, per un solo momento la mente non funziona. L’ego ordinario è ancora presente al primo stadio dell’illuminazione, ma sperimenta per un breve periodo che c’è qualcosa oltre l’ego. C’è un vuoto, un silenzio e un vuoto, dove non c’è pensiero tra te e l’esistenza. Tu e l’esistenza vi incontrate e vi unite per un momento. E per la prima volta il seme, la sete e il desiderio, l’illuminazione, l’incontro tra te ed esistenza, cresceranno nel tuo cuore.
2. Il secondo stadio dell’illuminazione: Silenzio, Relax, Insieme, Essere interiore
Il secondo stadio dell’illuminazione è un nuovo ordine, un’armonia, dall’interno, che proviene dall’essere interiore. È la qualità della libertà. Il caos interiore è scomparso ed è sorto un nuovo silenzio, relax e solidarietà. La tua saggezza interiore è sorta. Un ego sottile è ancora presente nel secondo stadio dell’illuminazione. Gli indù hanno tre nomi per l’ego: 1. Ahamkar, che è l’ego ordinario. 2. Asmita, che è la qualità dell’Amicizia, senza ego. È un ego molto silenzioso, non aggressivo, ma è pur sempre un ego sottile. 3. Atma, la terza parola è Atma, quando anche l’Amnità viene persa. Questo è ciò che il Buddha chiama non-sé, puro essere. Nel secondo stadio dell’illuminazione diventi capace di essere nell’essere interiore, nello spazio, nella qualità meditativa interiore, nel silenzio e nel vuoto. Per ore, per giorni, puoi rimanere nel vuoto, nella totale solitudine, in Dio. C’è ancora bisogno di sforzi per rimanere nel buco, e se si abbandona lo sforzo, lo spazio scomparirà. Amore, meditazione e preghiera diventano il modo per aumentare lo sforzo nella ricerca di Dio. Quindi il secondo stadio diventa uno sforzo più consapevole. Ora conosci la strada, ora la direzione.
3. La terza fase dell’illuminazione: Oceano, totalità, non-sé, essere puro
Al terzo stadio dell’illuminazione, al terzo gradino del Satori, il nostro fiume individuale che scorre silenziosamente, raggiunge improvvisamente l’oceano e diventa tutt’uno con l’oceano. Al terzo Satori, l’ego è perso, e c’è Atma, essere puro. Tu sei, ma senza confini. Il fiume è diventato l’oceano, il tutto. È diventato un immenso vuoto, proprio come il cielo puro. Il terzo stadio dell’illuminazione avviene quando sei diventato capace di trovare l’essere interiore, la qualità meditativa all’interno, lo spazio vuoto, il silenzio interiore e il vuoto, in modo che diventi una qualità naturale. Puoi trovare il divario quando vuoi. Questo è il tantra chiamato Mahamudra, il grande orgasmo, ciò che il Buddha chiama Nirvana, ciò che Lao Tzu chiama Tao e ciò che Gesù chiama il regno di Dio. Hai trovato la porta di Dio. Sei tornato a casa. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten
Stages of enlightenment
“These are the three stages of enlightenment, the three glimpses of satori.
1. The first stage enlightenment: A Glimpse of the Whole
The first stage of enlightenment is short glimpse from faraway of the whole. It is a short glimpse of being. The first stage of enlightenment is when, for the first time, for a single moment the mind is not functioning. The ordinary ego is still present at the first stage of enlightenment, but you experience for a short while that there is something beyond the ego. There is a gap, a silence and emptiness, where there is not thought between you and existence. You and existence meet and merge for a moment. And for the first time the seed, the thirst and longing, for enlightenment, the meeting between you and existence, will grow in your heart.
2. The second stage of enlightenment: Silence, Relaxation, Togetherness, Inner Being
The second stage of enlightenment is a new order, a harmony, from within, which comes from the inner being. It is the quality of freedom. The inner chaos has disappeared and a new silence, relaxation and togetherness has arisen. Your own wisdom from within has arisen. A subtle ego is still present in the second stage of enlightenment. The Hindus has three names for the ego: 1. Ahamkar, which is the ordinary ego. 2. Asmita, which is the quality of Am-ness, of no ego. It is a very silent ego, not aggreessive, but it is still a subtle ego. 3. Atma, the third word is Atma, when the Am-ness is also lost. This is what Buddha callas no-self, pure being. In the second stage of enlightenment you become capable of being in the inner being, in the gap, in the meditative quality within, in the silence and emptiness. For hours, for days, you can remain in the gap, in utter aloneness, in God. Still you need effort to remain in the gap, and if you drop the effort, the gap will disappear. Love, meditation and prayer becomes the way to increase the effort in the search for God. Then the second stage becomes a more conscious effort. Now you know the way, you now the direction.
3. The third stage of enlightenment: Ocean, Wholeness, No-self, Pure being
At the third stage of enlightenment, at the third step of Satori, our individual river flowing silently, suddenly reaches to the Ocean and becomes one with the Ocean. At the third Satori, the ego is lost, and there is Atma, pure being. You are, but without any boundaries. The river has become the Ocean, the Whole. It has become a vast emptiness, just like the pure sky. The third stage of enlightenment happens when you have become capable of finding the inner being, the meditative quality within, the gap, the inner silence and emptiness, so that it becomes a natural quality. You can find the gap whenever you want. This is what tantra callas Mahamudra, the great orgasm, what Buddha calls Nirvana, what Lao Tzu calls Tao and what Jesus calls the kingdom of God. You have found the door to God. You have come home.”
Swami Dhyan Giten
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kaiju-z · 4 years
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Seon Adventures Episode 25:  2 Weeks Pass
When last we left off Amelia, the Air Genasi Monk; Belli, the Half-Orc Bard; Luctan, the Tiefling Fighter; Malak, the Human Cleric and Mournimar, the Tiefling Ranger, they had just slain the invaders of Nelatha Shadowspire’s mannor, who, much to everyone’s collective surprise, were spawned by Vampires!
We carry on from this point as Luctan spends his last spell slot for the rest of his rest on healing Amelia, before bringing in the called over Ficus, Belli’s older brother and daring Rogue, to aide in the investigation.
As the party get situated in their respective positions, they begin their inquiry on the subject of the assassins. The tired, bloody and bruised group learn information, both old and new as they were, indeed, hired to defend the home from attackers, who conspired to kill Nelatha’s mother. Due to their resemblence, it’s easy to mistake one for the other and thus, they had believed she was still in town.
Nel shares that vampires of varying levels of power also would find interest in such organizations and aide in numbers, maybe finances, as partaking in the trade of assassination was amusing to them.
What more, from Ficus, the party learn that, based on their ring tattoos, are normally sent after high calibre targets. So all this makes sense.
In the process of the discussion, Luctan asks for and hopes for Nel’s honesty, as crudely he puts it, he doesn’t want to be “fucked up the ass” by shady business. This, combined with his question on whether this was connected to Nel’s hand being covered in someone else’s blood, back at one of the Spires were related.
And she would confirm.
Nelatha was, in all essense, a vigilante. Her work as a Bard aided her in collecting lore on various people and she saw it her duty to “Nip” certain people in the “bun”, before they became trouble for the rest of society.
Luck trusted her, ultimately as she had been up front with them on other things, so lying now would be pointless...A peaceful rest of the evening did not come, however, as inter-party arguments would arise.
Before the group could reach their resting point on this night, certain tensions would build to boiling points. Amelia, hurt and tired, in the physical and emotional sense would share conflicting words with Luck, who would turn to a silent state, getting the message fairly quickly.
Belli’s casual innuendos would only worsen the situation, when making jokes about her brother and Luck having sex, which would in turn cause Luck to get annoyed and Mournimar try to defuse the situation, only to argue with Belli over it. Tired and done with everything this evening, the blue and red of the team would head to their rooms, cutting the conversation short and over with for the night.
Malak would be lost in all this and be left to his own devices, as he was still quite new to the party, even with the 1st joined combat they partook in. But his time to shine would eventually come, surely.
The following day, Mournimar and Belli would try and reconcile with each other, as the quick to attach to each other people they were, while Luck tried to follow Amelia, concerned over last night’s end and the state of the woman, who shared her story with him first.
He would try to apologize, uncertain of himself and why they didn’t go with her to the meeting spot with Sabrina. He was certainly frustrated over the sudden change that he partook in from that plan. Something that, as friends they owed Amelia at the least.
Amelia would spill her soul, in turn at that time. Rightfully she had words for not just one tiefling, but the other and their Bard for how she was left to feel for months, since Sa Doma. He was the one there and so she spoke her mind, a load of negative feelings being released on the fighter.
It was upsetting, especially so as Luck knew that her points were more than valid. They were a reality he helped create with his actions and inactions. And failing to make a progress in a good direction at that time, he stood in the middle of the street as she left for a meeting with Sabrina.
Belli and Mournimar would manage to fair better in their own conversation as Belli expressed her own woes. As the Bard, it was her duty to raise people’s spirits and she saw it as her failure to do so the previous night, after the fight. And Mournimar encouraged her to not give up in that regard. But to also be mindful of how others would take private matters of the intimate being discussed. Also timing.
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All the hwile Ficus, Malak and Nel had a cup of tea together.
With the heavy stuff being released out in the open, as time passed Luck had some seemingly better, well, Luck, in talking to Amelia. As he and Belli tried to make a gathering with Sabrina happen, Belli got in touch with the Wizard.
From the conversation, the eager to make thiings right Bard managed to get an approval from Sab, as long as Amelia would be down for it. Thusly, Luck took it as his responsibility to approach Amelia and ask if it would be ok for everyone to meet up with her sister. This time for real.
It was, to say the least from Luck, both his responsibility to Amelia, as her friend and to everyone to point them in the direction. Luctan would admit, for the first time since even before he showed everyone his true appearance, that he liked them. He liked Belli and Mournimar, he liked Burk when he was around and he was sure that, if Malak stayed with them for long, he’d like him as well.
He admitted that he liked Amelia as well. He appreciated her and let her in on a secret, regarding his own confidence. Something, partially as to why he more often than not wore armor even when in-doors. The reason why it was so hard for him to open up to people. Which was why he was also hiding his face, after all. The first people he met, when he came to Seon, from his home, via teleport scroll.
Though by this point it was quite obvious to him that the party were nothing like his attackers, he still held back, sub and consciously about himself so as not to leave himself open. And yet, he would admit it now the vulnerability.
He cared for all of them and wanted the best for them. After everything the lot of them had been through: The Death Cult, twice over, the dopplegenger at sea, the sea itself! Felaren... The Potentia followers in Sa Doma and the improputation of the tiefling, by Burk; and the flurries on the road to Crystalgate. The hezrou!
After all that. After dealing to some extent with everyone else’s history and family shenanigans, he owed it to her and they all owed it to her, to Amelia, to be there for her in the time she got to spend with her own family.
Not just because it was a tit-for-tat, but also because it was something he desired to be there for, legitimately.
The Disaster Duo’s natures and motives regarding Luck, aside, Amelia did ultimately agree to a meeting at the Tabernax Tavern, the spot that had been quickly becoming the party’s meeting spot over the week they had been in Crystalgate for.
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Belli would be their go-between to confirm with Sabrina, via Sending Spell.
And we would get that meetinglater on, during the 2 week time skip that followed. (which is Kaiju-speak for “We couldn’t quite get that done this week, so it’ll happen next session~!)
With the meeting happening, each party member took to their own devices as they prepared for the tournament. When not interacting with one another, casually and through training, they would each look into their CG goals and empowering mechanisms...
Mournimar would invest in buying trick arrows, ones called “Arrows of Sparrows”. Projectiles, which flew twice as far and twice as fast. And for his improvement under Peppery Pete, he would be handed a Gem of Dyun Sight, which would give him 120ft of True Sight. He would be able to see through Illusions and invisibility.
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Malak’s two weeks were his own and for his training he’d receive a special ring. (Which is again, Kaiju speak for: stuff that will be elaborated on next session, because real life).
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In his time of solitude, Luctan was a particularly busy bea. From collecting supplies and renting out Delemmak’s forge during the evenings to build himself new armor... to asking Belli for assistance in messaging Jayne and Nash, regarding the ball and Dak, respectively.
Jayne had arrived not too long ago in Crystalgate and given the ball to a trusted person in Lady Duststone. Belli would point her in the direction of the animal cafe, much to the glee of the gnomish wizard head lawyer.
Nash would update them, regarding Dak. He was well, though he had begun to think Nash was interested in him. As she was a lesbian, that wasn’t the case. So he seemed safe for now...
From those actions, to all the more. Luck would investigate them. The Traveling Gentlemen. Via persuasion, he’d learn about their favorite spot of gathering. The Tabernax Tavern. Something which shook him. They had occupied the same place at different times and had missed each other. The opportunity to catch them early on, missed. Frustrating.
Luck would carry on his search and learn of sounds of spells going off in the woods and someone, Landis, flying around with his wings. Phantom Limb pain enducing.
And then. Then he’d catch a glimpse of Dink, the Orc, out in the open,walking amongst the populace. But by the time he’d get to where he had seen the man, Luck would miss him. RAGE ENDUCING!
For his training, he’d receive the completed Greatsword, enchanted with Luck’s requested spells, in tact. And once per day he’d use a certain one of them to just... relax.
His last notable deed during the two weeks, he’d call Ficus for assistance and hire him to do a service. 12 platinum given to Ficus, 3 of which he’d hold onto and spread down the line as his hirees would spread the required information.
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Belli Narah... Oh, Belli Narah. She had quite the time in her two weeks. Between visiting Cedric and the training, she sepent the remainder, when not around everyone in the party, prepping for and performing on stage with her fellow Bardy Narahs. and she would absolutely KILL IT on stage, outshining all her siblings and her father! Much to Hon’s shock and awe, too!
She would help reconcile the relationship of her father and Ficus, helping them grow as people and as a duo.
And she’d also bring Mournimar again and again to the family in attempts to get them to adopt him. The ranger would end up finding himself the center of a Narah embrace on a few occasions and Morgan would receive the most pats.
For her efforts for the tournament, Peppery Pete would give her special gauntlets. “The Gauntlets Of Heroes Yet Unsung “ As a perfformer and as a Vicious Mockerer, her power would grow.
She’d make peace with Pete, finally. They’d fistbump as he revealed he’d change the name of the Orcish Strength Potion and after some brainstorming, they’d redub it to “ Ichor of the Himbo “.
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Amelia’s time would be special. For her. For Nel. For her and Nel. For her, Nel and Sabrina and eventually, Sabrina’s boyfriend.
Amelia would spend plenty of time with Nel as the two would walk together, talk together and bake together. They’d make, as Amelia had sworn to do, a cake for Old Greg from the South East of Crystalgate.
Through her efforts she grew as a person. Through her trials and tribulations she became stronger and faster and more dexterous.
Her gift from Peppery Pete were a pair of boots, which he begged her to put on, as he was quite disturbed by the monk’s decision to walk barefoot everywhere.
They were the Boots of Speed. Their fame well known in fantasy.
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With all this done. The party would reach level 8.
2 weeks have passed. The Springtime Welcoming Tournament was in coming.
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#29 for Andreil
Thank you for the prompt!  If you want some irony, this could be considered a prequel to Back to the Start.
1:29 p.m.
Neil’s flight left in two hours, the latest possible one he could take and not earn Wymack’s wrath.  They had to leave for Logan if he was going to make it on time, but Andrew hooked his ankle around Nel’s calf to hold him in place.  Neil let himself melt back against him.
Just another minute.  Just one more.
“I can’t believe I won’t see you again for months,” he murmured into Andrew’s neck.
“You just survived four months, you can do it again.”
But Andrew shivered as Neil grazed his neck with his nose, then his lips, and when Neil pulled away there was something deep in those hazel eyes that he had never seen before.  He wanted to hold on, tighter, tighter, until he couldn’t tell where he ended and Andrew began.  Instead he squeezed his eyes tight for the count of one, two, three, then released Andrew’s hoodie and got to his feet.
The car ride was quiet.  Neil’s head was buzzing uselessly, unable to hold onto a coherent thought for more than a few seconds.  Andrew’s hands, strong and calloused and flecked with tiny scars.  The faint light of dawn seeping through the windows, paler here than at Palmetto; the way it delicately traced across Andrew’s face, relaxed in sleep into something beautiful.  Andrew’s voice calling his name, sending a ball up the court where no one but Neil could possibly catch it.
Too soon, they were pulling up to Departures.  Andrew pulled up to the curb and hit the hazard lights.  Neil undid his seatbelt, but couldn’t make himself reach for the door.  He had once counted his remaining days down to zero, had walked away from Andrew and the Foxes knowing this was the end of the line. But the reset button had been hit on his life, and now time was something he actually had.  This should be easy.  They had done this already, with Skype and texting and late night phone calls, with watching each others’ games and reading the press clippings.  Neil had Andrew’s old PSU sweatshirt tucked into his bag, and the taste of him on his tongue.  
This should be easy.
He took a shuddering breath.  “Don’t forget me while I’m gone,” he said, trying for lightness.
Andrew’s mouth tightened, but there was an amused glint in his eyes.  “I’m not the one who needs to worry about that.”
Neil leaned across the console, feeling just the tiniest bit lighter.  Andrew reached up, cupping Neil’s jaw in his hands, fingers toying lightly with the short hairs at the back of his head before pulling him in.  
Even though he didn’t have Andrew’s perfect memory, he could never forget this.  The heat of Andrew’s mouth, the faint graze of his teeth, the slide of his tongue.  Every second of it a question and a promise, one Neil knew Andrew would never break.  I won’t forget you.  His eyes burned.  Here, here in this moment he was safe; he could take the memory of this with him.  
A car honked behind them, and Neil flinched at the sharp sound.  He gave himself a moment to rest his forehead against Andrew’s, relishing their shared breath for just one second longer.  With a shuddering sigh he pulled away, his lips quirking up against his will at the way Andrew’s fingers twitched to hold him in place.
“I’ll watch your game tonight,” Neil said, and laughed, a true laugh, at the flat look Andrew gave him in response.  
The weight of the duffel on his shoulder was a familiar one; the pull of walking away from the one thing that mattered most in the world was too.  But this time, there Andrew’s unbreakable promise.  
He shifted the bag a little and headed towards security, warmth blooming in his chest.
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imagethat · 5 years
Special Day | V x Reader
More V comfort writing~
The sun was rising and gracing the earth with its soft hues. V slept soundly besides you with an arm rested around your waist. You felt Shadow shift at the front of the bed, always acting as an alarm clock. She stretched out her legs before trying to wiggle between you and V. "Not today." You mumbled softly, the amount of blankets you had piled on just too warm for you to want to leave. She seemed to acknowledge your comment and moved back to her usual spot. She'll bother you again in ten minutes. You felt V stir besides you, pushing himself up onto his elbows. "Good morning." He said while reaching a hand over to play with your hair. His voice was deeper in the morning and his hair was messy. Sometimes he'd sleep with his hair in a bun or ponytail to avoid that but not today. He scooted in closer before tucking the blankets back under you both, letting you rest your head on his chest. Your boyfriend was such a calming presence and you adored mornings like these, even if they didn't happen every day. He at the very least tried to have one day like this every week. V pressed a soft kiss onto your head before closing his eyes, reciting only the most lovely of poetry for you. When he had free time, he'd read through sappy romantic poetry just to choose the perfect ones for these mornings. Griffon, despite hating the sappy love stuff, remained silent from his perch on your bed stand. Even the disrespectful little bird cared for you. He'd never tell you though. Shadow let you sleep in longer than usual before finally bothering you two again. You groaned, as if begging for more time. V chuckled before brushing some of your hair behind your ear, giving your cheek a soft kiss. "I'll go make breakfast." He said before getting up, being careful not to let too much cold air under the blanket. You pouted at him as he left. Shadow slowly moved into his place and you scratched behind her ears. When you knew your time was up, she licked your face causing you to giggle and mutter gross. Her weight is undeniable as she nudges you towards the edge of the bed. One time, when you didn't know what she was doing, she had pushed you off the bed Lion King style. You took this warning though and finally got up. You could smell the food before you had even opened the door. Your stomach let out a quiet growl as you made your way to sit at the counter. V looked so beautiful in the morning light, you couldn't help but stare. Griffon and Shadow came out of the bedroom and waited expectantly besides you. "Demon birds can't have waffles." You teased and he hissed back at you. "Well don't tell him." Griffon replied. "Are you to infer that I don't know what my own pet can and can't eat?" V mused. "No no, you've been a lovely… blegh… owner… blegh." Griffon hacked out, hating to refer to V as an owner. V just pointed the end of the spatual at him, mouthing no waffles, before returning his attention to what he was cooking. Griffon slowly scooted towards you and leaned in. "So like you gonna give me some of the goods or what?" He whispered and you placed your head on your hand. Pretending to think about it. "I'm a cool electricity bird that has been your friend forever. You wouldn't leave a friend hanging would you???" He asked and you pretended to think harder about it. "Ima starve." He added dramatically, pretending to be weak. V moved Griffon back from you gently and placed your plate down in front of you. "Thanks." You said. V leaned across the counter and gave you a quick kiss before dishing himself some food. Shadow licked your leg and while V was distracted you handed her down a piece of bacon. "What! Hey!" Griffon demanded, making a big fuss about it. You gave him a little bit of hash browns while V took his seat next to you. After breakfast the two of you got ready and headed out. The first stop was a library, V's personally choice. You waved to the two women behind the counter when you entered and followed V to the poetry section. His eyes scanned across the many book bindings, searching for something specifically but you couldn't tell what. After he found it and you chose a book the two of you checked out and left. You could feel yourself getting excited with each step. Next stop, your favorite cafe. Even the streets on your walk were familiar from all the times you had gone there. Looking in through the all glass windows, there was only a few people. Which is how you liked it. You stopped by either before or after rush hours so you could relax without the huge crowds of people this Cafe drew in with its pleasant atmosphere, good food, and even better staff. "Welcome in!" One of the staff members called out. "You can just take a seat." She added while disappearing into the back to get your orders ready. V and you took a seat by the window and he handed you his notebook. It was one only you were allowed to read, filled with his personal writing. You read through his new works and squeaked in surprise as a girl loudly sat down in the chair next to you. She had a punk haircut only she could pull off and a fiery attitude to match it. "We finally got the printouts for this months events~" She sang, trying to get you interested. Her name was 'Nebula' in the cafe, but only she called herself that. Most called her Nel for short. "And what might we have to do to obtain such a thing?" V mused, playing along with whatever game she clearly had in mind. "Okay!" She said excitedly. "I'm going to think of a number between one and ten! Guess the number." She said and you pondered your answer for a moment. "Negative 1." You said and she pouted. "N-no fair! You have mind powers or something." She whined and you just made a hand motion. She coughed up the paper and pouted before pointing at the paper. Already having gained back her fiery spirit. "There is a poetry reading happening on the 13th! You should come! Oh oh oh! And a jug band is playing on the 19th!" She exclaimed. "A…. Jug band?" You asked, whatever that was you had never heard of it. She nodded enthusiastically. "Just come! Oh! And on the 15th a famous witch is coming to read free fortunes!!!" She said, clearly excited for that event. You had to wonder if she'd ever figure out the man beside her was a part demon or that you were a witch. "I'll make room for that one." You admitted and she squealed happily. The girl who was at the counter originally brought out your standard orders and gave Nel a teasing smirk. "It's not break right now you know." She said and Nel scratched her cheek. "W-well I'm just letting these customers know about our upcoming events." She replied meekly. The girl who greeted you when you came in is Delvin, the manager. She's kind but not without a backbone. You clasped your hands together and pouted up at her. Delvin sighed and gave Nel a quick flick on the forehead. A warning. Before returning to her work. Everyone at this cafe is like a big family and it melts your heart. Nel quickly returned to explaining the upcoming events. V took interest in a few and made a mental note of the ones you seemed excited for. Shortly after Nel was forced to go back to work by Gavin, one of the other workers. He was newer, and a bit shy but still fun to talk to. After you and V finished your drinks, you decided to go to a park together since you still had plenty of time left in the day. The trees here were still recovering from the relentless attack the Quipoth had done. It made you sad to see the earth so disrupted. You bit your lip nervously and V could already tell what you were thinking. "It's you day off, best not use too much energy." He commented. Your mind was already made up though. "Make sure nobody sees me." You quickly said before dashing off deeper into the park. He signed with a smile and watched you leave. This wouldn't be too strenuous. Once you were in the middle of the park you breathed in deeply then crouched down. Drawing a circle with your hands your recited the healing invocation you had learned so long ago. You channeled all of your thoughts into the earth through your fingers. Your body felt warm for a moment and you could feel your essence connect wholly with the earth as it accepted your gift. When you opened your eyes the trees, plants, and even grass looked much better. But admittedly, you felt a bit tired. It was worth it though. You got up carefully and made your way back to V who was leaned against a tree reading. He closed his book and stowed it away when he noticed you coming towards him. He checked you over before placing his hands softly on your cheeks, rubbing small circles with his thumbs. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. Your eyes had shifted down a shade in hue, which was normal when you used your magic. "I'm fine." You assured while placing your hands on top of his. He nodded softly, still worried, and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Would you like to go home?" He asked and you nodded softly. "Only if we can spend the rest of the day being lazy." You replied, which he chuckled at. "As you wish." He mused happily. The rest of the day was spent wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, V reading poetry to you. Shadow laid on your legs and Griffon sat on the coffee table with a pillow underneath him and a blanket wrapped around him. You soaked up every moment of this peaceful day.
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