#should be ignored because it is just an imitation and the person who is really hurting is the one who needs to be helped
x0x0josephinex0x0 · 6 months
touch-starved | min yoongi
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we are going to ignore how every single one of my writings has nightmares in them, i personally experience very vivid nightmares on occasion so i guess art imitates life or whatever. also we're gonna ignore that this is the second bodyguard imagine i've written, this one was a request so it's a little less embarrassing but still is a little but not enough that i won't post it on the internet because i know y'all shameless too. here we have bodyguard!yoongi x celebrity fem!reader. warnings: stalking/stalkers (not yoongi this is not a yandere situation sorry), mentions of loneliness, a nightmare (obvs its me writing duh), horror movie mentioned...........idk if there's anything else but please do lmk
There is a soft knock at the hotel room door. You check the peephole to see Yoongi standing there, tapping rhythmically on his leg as he waits for you to let him in.
“Well, as far as I can tell, you’re not being followed,” he says as he enters, shrugging off his jacket and throwing it onto the chair by the sofa.
You sit on the sofa, rubbing your temples. “Well, that’s a relief,” you say tiredly.
“All this trouble for a guy you’re not even dating,” Yoongi says mildly, but he’s looking at you with his curious eyes, trying to gauge your mood.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever even talked to him,” you agree, flopping listlessly onto your side. “Remind me never to smile at anyone in public ever again.”
He smiles. “Or wear similar outfits, or go to the same places,” he adds, his eyes gentle. Then he leans against the sofa, facing the wall. “It’s not your fault, though.”
“I know,” you sigh. “You know, I kind of wish it was real,” you admit.
“Why? You like the guy?” Yoongi asks sharply.
“Not really,” you muse. “I mean, he is handsome. But it’s really that if I were in a relationship, it would mean that someone got close enough to me to like me.”
“I know you,” he responds indignantly. “And I like you.”
“You’re my bodyguard. You are paid to like me, so it doesn’t count,” you protest.
Yoongi shakes his head, annoyed. “On a good day,” he says scathingly, “I’d like you even if you weren’t paying me.”
“That’s the nicest thing you ever said to me,” you say, and the tension in the room dissolves as Yoongi gives you a smirk. “Who knew it would be so lonely to be a celebrity,” you say lightly, unable to escape a twinge of bitterness in your voice.
“It’s not all bad,” Yoongi reminds you, nodding out the massive windows at the spectacular skyline view.
You smile at the setting sun. “True,” you allow. “This part I like.” You watch for a few minutes as the sun sinks almost imperceptibly lower. “You must think I’m so spoiled.”
Yoongi shrugs. “I can see how there would be drawbacks. Personal privacy is a luxury that only poor people can afford.”
You tsk at him. “You’re talking in riddles again,” you scold. “It’s a condition at this point. You should really have it checked.”
He grins. “Just say you aren’t smart enough to understand,” he shoots back.
You chuckle, loving the back-and-forth. “Just say you have to pretend to be smart by using big words,” you retaliate.
He bows, his grin wider, as if to say, “you won this round”. “So,” he says, going to the mini fridge and popping a can of soda open. “What shall it be tonight, madame?”
You crinkle your nose in disgust at his butler-like tone. “Something spooky. In honor of fall,” you tell him, handing him the remote.
When he had become your bodyguard two years ago, at the recommendation of your agency, you had learned that he was required to work long into the night at your side. Feeling bad, you had started to watch movies every night when he came around so that he’d at least have something to do. Your relationship had come a long way — he had started out watching the movies from the back of the room, standing by the door, to now, sitting beside you on the sofa. This was representative of your relationship as well — when you had first met he was cold and professional, but now the two of you bantered back and forth in a way that was comfortable and easy. You really couldn’t remember ever feeling so comfortable with anyone, in fact.
It was hard to know when your less responsible feelings for him had begun. Truthfully, you suspected that you had just developed an unhealthy attachment to the only person you spent time around, but there were nights when you’d watch him writing in a little pocket-sized notebook, his long hair falling in front of his face, and imagine how it might have been if you’d met in a normal way — at a college somewhere, where he’d bring you a juice every day and help you study for exams. Now, there was barely a way to tell if what you felt when you saw him — that accelerated heart rate, that quiet thrum of energy in your mind — was real, or if it came from your own foolishness.
You watch him now — his face in the dying sunlight is so pretty you’re almost jealous, and the feeling in your chest pulses in a way that is almost painful. He turns on the TV and scrolls through shows until he finds a promising title: some horror film about an old woman in a spooky old house with a mysterious secret. As you begin the movie he has his arms folded, watching with veiled interest. But he notices the first time you flinch.
“Scared already?” he teases.
“You don’t miss a trick,” you say ruefully. “Pay attention.” You gesture to the screen.
About fifteen minutes later, there’s a knock at the door that corresponds perfectly to a jump scare in the movie, and you yelp in fright. Yoongi gets up, brow furrowed. “Are you expecting anyone?” he asks.
You shake your head no. He looks through the peephole and curses. “It’s your stalker again,” he grumbles, pulling out his cell phone. “Hey, Harvey,” he says, and his voice is calm, but you can tell he’s angry. “I need you to come up to the room and grab something. I was hoping it had already been taken care of.”
The voice of the hotel security team lead says something unintelligible, and Yoongi thanks them before hanging up. He slides the two chains into their places on the door and takes a door jam from his pocket, wedging it between the door and the floor. He grins at your wide eyes. “Don’t worry, milady,” he says, “he can’t get in even if he figures out how to unlock the door.”
“But what if he did get in?” you whisper, spooked.
He shrugs. “I’d kill him,” he replies.
“For real?!” you squeak,
“No,” he says with an eye roll. “But I would incapacitate him in record time. That dude is a wimp.”
He seems to notice you’re nervous, and his eyes soften. “Don’t worry,” he says quietly. “I’ll take care of you.”
When he sits back down, he sits closer to you than normal. Your legs are touching. You look at him quizzically and he smiles. “It’s a small couch,” he says, throwing an arm up over the back of the couch — not around your shoulders, but close enough that you’re blushing.
You try to focus on the movie, but you find that despite your anxiety, you’re beginning to nod off. Almost automatically, you find yourself leaning toward Yoongi’s warmth, and your head finds his shoulder. Giving in to the exhaustion, you find yourself in dreams.
It’s not long before the dreams turn dark. You have been prone to bad dreams as a result of your overactive imagination, but these are more solid than your usual nightmares — stealing from reality and stretching it so that teeth are too long, smiles are too wide, and the hands that reach for you are too strong. You wake up with a gasp.
You’re in your bed. You flick on the bedside lamp and put a hand to your chest, breathing deeply, still anxious. When a soft voice calls your name, you nearly jump out of your skin. Yoongi has poked his head into your bedroom, and is now looking at you in amusement. “It’s just me,” he says, stepping inside. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you say, trying to recover, although your voice still shakes. “I just had a bad dream.”
He grins. “No more falling asleep to horror movies,” he says in a fake-stern voice. “Do you need anything?”
“I think I’d like if you stayed with me a minute,” you confess, your voice quiet, looking at your hands. You are more nervous he’ll say no than you are about the dreams.
When you finally meet his gaze, his expression is unreadable. He walks silently to the side of your bed and sits down beside you. You can’t help but admire how the lamplight casts an alluring shadow on his face before he does something unexpected.
He reaches out, and without looking at you, slips your hand in his.
You stare at him. He has never done this before — never touched you when he could avoid it. You’d always been grateful and a bit disappointed about this. You knew he should keep his distance and simultaneously wished he wouldn’t. To say you’re startled wouldn’t even begin to cover it.
And yet, holding his hand is soothing. You feel your fear fade away, and in a moment of boldness, give his hand a shy squeeze.
He looks at you, then at your interlocked hands. He takes a deep breath. “Well, I need to quit my job.”
This revelation is shocking. “Why?” you ask, suddenly panicked. “If I did something — I mean, I’m sorry if I crossed a line —“
He puts a finger to your lips. “You haven’t done anything wrong,” he says gently.
“Then stay with me,” you say, knocking his hand away from your lips.
“I can’t work for you when I feel the way I do about you,” he explains, almost in a pleading tone.
"What are you talking about?" you ask.
"I love you," he blurts.
You gape at him. "What?"
He blushes. "You heard me."
You look at his hand in your hand, and then back to him. "Are you serious?" you ask him, unable to keep a smile from your voice.
He rolls his eyes. "If you're just gonna make me keep repeating myself, this conversation isn't going to go anywhere." He stands up and places your hand back into your lap. "I'll give you some time to process."
You leap out of bed and follow him. "Wait a minute," you say, grabbing his hand. "How do you know you love me?" you ask him, your eyes searching his.
Yoongi blushes, but he looks a little pleased that you've grabbed his hand. "Well," he says, slowly digesting your question, "I think it's pretty easy to know. Of everyone I've ever met and spent time with, I've never enjoyed being around anyone the way I like being around you. Nobody makes me smile like you do, and nobody makes me crazier."
You blink. "Well, I feel all those things about you."
He raises his eyebrows. "You do?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, I don't have many real friends," you explain, "but I'd rather stay in with you and watch movies than go out, or go anywhere really."
"You would?" he asks.
You give him a pointed look. "Now who's repeating themselves?"
He shakes his head. "I'm just shocked. Are you saying you love me back?"
You look at him, trying to find the answer yourself. Your heart is pounding harder than it did at any scary movie, and the heat of his gaze is making you feel flushed and squirmy. You struggle for words. "I --"
Yoongi throws his jacket and keys onto the couch, and in one swift movement he pulls you into his chest. He places his hand on your cheek. "What do you feel right now?" he whispers, his lips inches from yours.
"It's hard to know," you whisper back. "Completely crazy, but somehow calm. Entirely safe, but terrified. It's like I'm on top of something very high, but wearing a harness."
He gives you a tender smile. "That sounds like love to me." And then he kisses you.
You cling to him as he presses a kiss to your lips, then your cheeks and jaw and nose and forehead. Sighing in relief, you melt into his arms, enjoying the feeling of being adored. After he finishes kissing you, he holds you in his arms for awhile, running his hand down your back in soothing motions.
You carefully monitor your feelings as he holds you, realizing that after all this time alone, you could be a bit out of touch with them. You feel a lot of things -- wild and alive and a little dizzy -- but the undercurrent of your feelings is peace and quiet. It feels right.
"You do need to quit," you say suddenly.
He pulls back. "Why?" he asks, shocked.
"Because I do love you back, and I'm not about to pay my boyfriend to hang out with me," you say. "That's pathetic, even for me."
He laughs, tucking your hair behind your ear. "As you wish, love."
"You can hire your replacement in the morning," you say, kissing him again.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
I'm pro-endo, but I do think that the term "sysmed" is transphobic. I know that anti-endos who force a medicalized view of plurality are harmful, but they will never compare to the harm that transmeds did, and will never even come close to the harm caused by medicalizing transness. "Sysmeds" aren't the result of a vaguely homophobic ideology that strips away the bodily autonomy of gay trans people due to our supposed "fetish" for "real" gay people. Sysmeds aren't what forces people to jump through so many extra hoops for necessary medical care like transmeds are. Sysmeds aren't what gives me a strong fear of the irl gay and/or trans community. As bad as some anti-endo might be, please don't call them a sysmed.
Personally, I feel a lot of the differences you highlight are more due to the scale of the communities.
I've interacted with and seen so many pro-endo and mixed origin DID systems who are scared to interact with online DID communities. Even posting in DID tags here on Tumblr is something many pro-endos with DID are terrified too.
And the only reason this doesn't transfer to IRL plural communities as much... is because there really aren't IRL plural communities yet.
Systems are fakeclaimed so much that most systems don't feel safe coming out IRL, and organization is difficult. But I believe that's going to change which only increases their potential for harming the community. But even putting aside the potential future harm, I feel you're understating the harm already caused to the plural and DID communities.
But to discuss this, it's important to acknowledge that there is a larger divide here than just being pro and anti-endo.
The hatred for groups like The Plural Association isn't simply born of endophobia, but of a larger medicalist philosophy. For this reason, the word "sysmed" is more than just about the comparison. For a few common philosophies included in that framework:
Parts Language is treated as objective fact, and systems who don't use parts language are shamed for it. For the few system medicalists who believe endogenic plurality might exist, this is used as a dividing line. "Endogenic systems are people but CDD systems are part, so therefore we're different." The problem with this is that it erases the many systems who identify as people. Remember: CDD systems identified as different people FIRST, and were later labeled as only parts by psychiatrists.
The biggest threat to CDD systems is people pretending to be systems. The myth that there are a ton of people faking out there faking DID, and therefore making it harder to be diagnosed, is everywhere in these spaces.
The Shame Criterion. Some questionable studies were conducted into diagnosed systems that were deemed to be "imitative DID." The claim is that one difference between "imitative DID" and "genuine" DID is that people with genuine DID are ashamed of their symptoms. These have been passed around in system medicalist spaces, and raised suspicion towards any systems who are too proud or overt. (This is harmful to any attempt at plural rights because it immediately casts doubt on any systems who aren't ashamed enough. It also ignores that people who are isolated without a community of people with similar experiences will be more ashamed than those who have people with similar experiences.)
Dismissing Mixed Origin systems as endogenic. This, while tied to the endogenic question, isn't about it directly. Individuals that believe in endogenic plurality and think it should be kept separate are sure to keep mixed origin systems on the "endogenic" side. They would prefer people with spiritual beliefs about their systemhood, even if diagnosed with DID, to not be allowed into DID spaces. This is a direct threat to the ability of these systems to seek medical care for their disorders.
For all of these reasons and more, the term "sysmed" is about a larger philosophical divide between them and the inclusive plural community than just whether endogenic systems exist or not.
More than just harassment and bullying online, if doctors are aware of and listening to medicalist rhetoric, this could further harm CDD systems who seek diagnosis, reinforcing the myth that there's a DID fad and systems seeking help are jumping on a trend.
The McLean Hospital video that fakeclaimed diagnosed DID systems on TikTok for not being ashamed enough of their systems was PROMOTED here on Tumblr and reblogged by system medicalists, as well as posted to sysmed hubs like r/systemscringe.
This was a video that was deemed so harmful by the institution that posted it that they took it down the next day, but that hasn't stopped others from using it and spreading it as an example of a wave of DID fakers.
This directly resulted in DID TikTokers facing harassment.
And it could make doctors even more hesitant to diagnose people with DID because of the perceived influx of fakers.
It's impossible to measure the impact of system medicalists spreading the video, or the impact of their other rhetoric, but the fact is that their beliefs and the content they spread further stigmatizes all systems who don't conform perfectly to what's perceived as the medical model, and supports ideas that make it more difficult for many systems who would benefit from medical treatment to get it.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: trigger warnings for drugs, mental illness, smoking. The show is pretty dark so the themes are hard to ignore
Chaotic Neutral
Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising
・ Arthur would do well with a partner that is gentle and kind. Someone who doesn’t tell him to ‘man up and soldier on.’ 
・Because of his PTSD, and the impact it has on him in his everyday life. Tommy, who he goes to for support, is very rough with him. With mental illness, forcing yourself to ‘toughen up’ rarely helps. So Tommy’s advice falls short most of the time. 
・As his significant other, you are tender with him. Knowing mental illness yourself (maybe you have your own battles with it, or a family/friend has and you’ve helped them etc,) you aren’t the person to shut down his feelings. 
・You listen. You’re open, warm, and gentle.  
・In front of the fireplace, you settle him down. Taking his mind out of the battle and focusing it on something in the here and now. 
・Tracing all of his freckles; it makes him shiver 
・Arthur’s pet names for you are ‘love,’ ‘sweetheart,’ ‘beautiful,’ ‘gorgeous.’
・Lighting each other’s cigars
・At first he didn’t want you near the business, he saw what it does to him and was scared that you would get hurt. But you have smarts and talents that Tommy sometimes needs. 
・Telling you about his childhood. About the shenanigans, he and his brothers would get up to. 
・You guys would definitely drink together, getting tipsy in your townhouse. Giggling on the floor while Arthur imitates Tommy 
・You know about him and snow. Somedays you partake in it yourself. But because of your emotional support with his PTSD and other grievances - he doesn’t use it that much
・Proudly tells people that he’s going to marry you soon. 
・He has a lot of energy, kind of like a golden retriever. And so you bought a puppy that he could chase around. 
・He loves making cups of tea for you, but usually spills the hot water on himself and you can hear him swearing from the kitchen
・Arthur tries his best to be romantic, but he’s really grateful for everything you do
・Being really good friends with Ada. You have similar opinions and love literature. I can see you working together on something 
・You don’t really like Tommy. You respect him, but you don’t necessarily like him. 
・John is always fun to be around
・And you absolutely adore Esme
・Polly is very intimidating but she knew you’d be a great match for Arthur so she thinks of you as family
Relationship Tropes: 
 ‘I Don’t Deserve You’ + ‘I Love You No Matter What’
Looks Tough, Is A Softie + Looks Like A Softie, Is Tough
‘I May Look Like The Boss, But I’m Not’ (Arthur) + ‘I’m The Motherf*cking Boss’ (You)
NSFW🔞minors dni!
・ 50% dom 50% sub
・ He would like you to take control; show that you desire him and want him. Arthur would love you to push him down on the bed, and strip him naked
・He loves it when you bite on his earlobe and yank 
・Arthur definitely has a mummy kink 
・And I think Arthur would think that sex should be serious. But because of your personality and how you’ve opened his mind, sex becomes something more fun and pleasurable. Rather than critical. 
・Likes it when you wear nothing but his tie... it drives him wild
・Arthur likes to smell you - your hair, your neck. He leaves bites along your collarbone 
・Oh and he is loud. With moaning, groaning and yelling your name. He doesn’t care who hears - just as long as they don’t see. 
・He likes others to know you’re his, and he’ll leave hickeys on your neck. But you usually cover it with makeup or a scarf. 
・He loves bathing together; getting in a hot bath and washing each other’s bodies. It usually leads to sex, or just cockwarming
・And he loves cockwarming ... 
   “Can we do the thing where I-”
“Yes love,” and you move your panties to the side while he pushes his cock inside you. 
・He loves head. It’s what he thinks about most of the day. 
・Arthur will try and reciprocate but he would need a lot of practice. But he’s willing to learn. 
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mcrmadness · 1 year
I have already seen several times this poll on my dash about whether people have an accent or not, and so many keep saying in the notes that everyone voting "no" is wrong and that everyone has an accent.
This is confusing me greatly because I was one of those voting "no", and if I understood the poll correctly, it was not about English but languages in general. And I still disagree that everyone has an accent, because not all languages have accents. Everyone does have an accent in English, yes, but not necessarily in their first language.
My first language, for example, is Finnish. And Finnish has dialects but no accents. Our terminology doesn't even really recognize the word and here it's only used when someone is speaking Finnish with a FOREIGN accent (or maybe with a Swedish accent, if they're from the Swedish speaking areas). But those who have Finnish as their first language, do not have an accent in Finnish. I tried to google this, and I can't find anything about Finnish and accents (in Finnish) - everything only leads to websites talking about dialects. If I google about it in English, I only find articles and videos explaining what the Finnish accent in English is like.
Because of all this, I also have a difficult time telling accent and dialect apart. For example, I do not know which ones in English should be called as accents and which ones as dialects, because my first language only has dialects and I never have to think about accents. I also am unable to imitate different accents in e.g. English, because I just don't know how to do those. I can recognize and tell them apart when I hear them, I just don't hear myself and can't do any accents. My own in English is a mess that can sound like just any accent in English, but usually all the words in my sentences can be from different English accents because my mouth picks the one it can pronounce the best. My main accent could sound American, but then there's the word "water" that comes out with the Australian pronunciation because apparently the vowels just don't like the American order when I say it.
I'm wondering if people who say that everyone has an accent, is just talking from the Germanic language family's point of view. Since English as well as German both are Germanic, and mostly it's been people with either being their first language whom I've seen saying this in the notes. But Finnish is a Finno-Ugric language, and it's so far from the Germanic languages. Talking of them, I'm not sure if Scandinavian languages have accents or dialects, but there are definitely regional differences there as well, I'm just not sure in which category those fall into.
But if ignoring the Nordic and Germanic languages, we also get Slavic languages, and Baltic languages as well as Romance languages. With these I don't know enough to say whether these have accents or dialects or maybe both, because I don't have enough knowledge over those. But then there are also totally different language groups outside the western world (and inside some parts of the western world) that I believe don't have similar accent system that is talked about on that poll. I personally have never studied nor tried learning any e.g. Asian languages, but I've heard there are several that rely a lot on voices - I don't know the proper terminology for that, but basically that the intonation is very important and with a different intonation the word/sound might have a different meaning. What about "everyone has an accent" here? Since isn't accents also a lot about how the language sounds, but if the language is based on the sounds, I don't think having "everyone saying they have no accent is wrong" really applies here.
So, just a thought... could also be that I totally misunderstood that poll, but seeing so many say that everyone has an accent, got me thinking because Finnish very much has no accents in it, and it definitely is not the only language doing so.
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landofzero-archive · 6 months
Your Yorishiro - Trouble talking 4
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Writer: Kanata Haruka
Season: Winter
(Location: Starmony Dorms Common Room)
Adonis: For the time being, this is our situation. When you've received the consultation, please point out any possible issues.
Nagisa: …… There’s no need for you to hold back. Getting constructive criticism on any issues can help us prepare for the actual day.
Tsumugi: Is that so~ If we’re talking about variety shows, I think it’ll be fine, though.
Sora: U~n. Still, it sure was interesting to see Hunter Onii-san thinking in circles~
Adonis: So you really thought so. I was aware that it would be better to keep silent, but……
Tsumugi: Have you thought of something, Natsume-kun? Was there anything that caught your eye?
Natsume: …… Why are you asking mE? I’ve said from the start that I was supposED to only be observing.
Tsumugi: Please don’t say that. Of course if it’s about consultation for your worries, it can’t be anyone but Natsume-kun.
Natsume-kun is the one with the most plentiful experience as a personality in radio shows after all.
Even earlier, the person who stopped Nagisa-kun and the rest’s practice was Natsume-kun. Isn’t there a lot of advice you can give them?
Natsume: Well noW……I just couldn’t help but take a jab at it.
Adonis: On the contrary, if there are issues, please point them out. I’ll be counting on your help.
Nagisa: ……I’m counting on you for help as well.
Natsume: ………
Sora: Shisho~ Sora is asking for your help too. They really do give off the feeling of wanting to do the consultation for people’s concerns~
Besides, for the sake of people asking these two for help, Sora feels like we shouldn’t ignore this.
Natsume: …… I get iT, Sora. I never intended to ignore theM.
I can seE that if I continue to ignore this, it will cause sorrow to a lot of peoplE.
Adonis: …… You’re even going that far. Are we really in that terrible of a condition?
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Natsume: MM. Let me express my frank opinion, thougH. That can noT be called a consultation for your worries.
If it’s a proper comedy show. In which casE, if you just watched variety shows like Senpai suggested, there should be nO particular problems.
HoweveR, the show’s concept that I heard from you before this was ‘An adult-like, calm atmosphere’ righT? If that is so, I can only say it’s noT good.
Nagisa: …… I see. More specifically, which part of it wasn’t good?
Natsume: FirstlY, Ado-chan-kun’s word usage is a little odD? What were you trying tO do?
Adonis: It was that uncomfortable, huh…… The truth is, I was imitating Hakaze-senpai.
This time, I’m Hakaze-senpai’s substitute. I thought that if it’s Hakaze-senpai, he would comply with the TV show’s “An adult-like, calm atmosphere” so I used him as a reference.
Nagisa: …… Ah, I can probably understand how that feels. Because I’m participating in this TV show as a substitute too, for Hiyori-kun.
…… It’s nice if I could serve as a proper substitute.
Natsume: I’ll comment on that in relation to Ran-senpai lateR. For the time being, it’s okaY for Ado-chan-kun to not imitate Hakaze-senpai.
Adonis: Is that okay? In that case, what should I do…..
Natsume: It’s fine to not imitate anyone, you knoW. Ado-chan-kun seems calm and collected enough without doing anythinG.
Tsumugi: That’s right. It could be that the TV show chose Otogari-kun and Nagisa-kun as substitutes because you two already fit the concept they wanted to base the program on.
The two of you already have the “adult like, calm atmosphere” in you. You don’t have to be acting weird for it.
Adonis: Is that so…..? Thank you, Sakasaki, Aoba-senpai. In that case, I’ll try my best as myself.
Natsume: Well anywaY, even if you overthink it, Ado-chan-kun won’t have problems one way or another I thinK.
From mY point of vieW, this time it’s more like a ‘WhaT’s going on with Ran-senpai?’ kind of feelinG.
Nagisa: …… Is that so? Is there something I did wrong?
Natsume: The topics you choose and the way you carry yourself are too eccentriC, Ran-senpai. 
Like suddenly starting a one-liner quiz comedy (1) segment, oR trying to start a seance. What did you use as referencE?
Nagisa: …… Maybe it was the old talk show from the past that I watched for reference. The comedian performing in it was very funny.
…… Because the show’s staff said they would be thankful if instead of making it serious all throughout the show, I could insert something that could make you slip out a laugh.
…… With that in mind, I tried to copy that comedian’s speaking style. So that’s not good, I see.
Natsume: If it’s a comedy-focused variety show, it woulD be exciting, so I thinK it’ll be good.
However, sincE this time they’re looking for an adult-like, calm atmosphere, I thinK it would be better to have a little self control.
Your partner Ado-chan-kun didn’t seem to be particularly able to keep up with you too, sO it was unnecessary.
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Sora: Everyone says that a conversation is like playing catch. It’s important to throw a ball that your opponent can catch~♪
Natsume: Mm mm, Sora is a good kiD♪ What Sora just said is all there is, you seE.
This time since we’re here, it didn’t turn out to be a dialogue format buT the next time would be the real deal where it’s just you two, you knoW.
You shoulD be more aware of trying to keep the conversation going, so that the two of you can understand each otheR.
Nagisa: …… As you said, I might have held off on that awareness this time. Thank you Natsume-kun, Sora-kun.
Natsume: …… StilL, this time Ran-senpai’s talk show is especially scattereD. BuT you didn't seem that bad wheN I was watching your usual activities.
Nagisa: …… Maybe I got too excited. I still don’t know how to adjust when Ibara isn’t here.
Natsume: I seE. You meaN if Ibara-kun is here, you’d be able to do things as usual?
Nagisa: …… Because up till now, I’ve been behaving according to Ibara’s directions.
…… But it seems that Ibara is currently thinking up ways to support me just as I am.
…… That’s why this time I want to show off my earnest self during this job.
Natsume: WelL, it feels likE it would be okay if you do whatever you wanT. But according to what you just said, as long as Ran-senpai has an outline prepared, you would be finE?
If that’s the casE, there iS one good solution.
Nagisa: …… A solution? Is there a way to properly bring out my earnest self?
Natsume: Or rather, would it be more accurate to say that it would be to avoid acting rashlY?
FranklY, all you have to do is to write your own script beforehanD.
You shoulD be able to choose the concerns from the list the show will present to you before recording. It would be easy enough to answer the concerns that you’re already anticipating, righT?
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cringengl · 1 year
MiIeven and lying- what their relationship represents.
The airport and rink o mania scenes show the state of miIeven's relationship really well.
Not only do these scenes set up the whole cali plot line, in terms of what all the characters end up doing (such as El being separated from everyone else) but it also sets up how miIeven is such a performative relationship.
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To make it clear, I have no doubt that El and Mike love eachother, I just believe it's in the platonic sense and that the reason they chose to date was due to their desire to be normal (aka they mistook their friendship feelings for romantic ones because they wanted to conform).
At the beginning of the airport scene, we see a happy reunion between Mike and El. It's clear that Mike is trying to be a great boyfriend by doing everything that a boyfriend typically should, such a flowers, however, the performative aspect quickly becomes apparent when El's smile drops as she reads the tag: "from Mike".
The most damming evidence of all this is when Argyle calls Mike ('s outfit) a "shitty knockoff"- Mike is a shitty knock off of the normal kid he's trying so hard to emulate.
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The sympathy is also strongly weighted towards Will- the 'hug', Mike and El ignoring him, having to trail behind them as El says she wants it to be a day about only them, Will's dejected face and even Jonathan noticing and wishing Will a good day. It all shows that Mike and El haven't learnt from their mistakes in s3 about abandoning their friends for eachother, because if miIeven was going to be endgame, they so easily could have done this and acted like s3 showed them that they should stop being so rude to their friends when they're together- but no.
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The whole day that El plans out is what she wants her life so desperately to be with the lie she makes up, and Mike plays into that. However, the audience is shown how ridiculous their performance is through Will. He's not afraid to be honest about the fact that they don't go to parties, or that El is having trouble and it really does show how Mike being with Will would be staying true to himself, and not doing what other people want him to do.
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Will has always been true to himself, whether it being for wearing bright clothes that got him bullied in middle school, to staying true to his intrest in DnD in s3.
This makes the van scene all the more tragic as Will is not a character that lies, the closest he gets is telling Joyce "I'm not going to fall in love", but this can easily be interpreted as I'm not going to be able to be in a romantic relationship because I'm gay in 80s Indiana.
This is why the van scene is so important to his character- because it's the first time that he's not true to himself, which is why it has to play a fairly big part in s5.
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Now Mike has to make the choice about whether he wants to be true to himself, his queerness and his love for Will, or to keep living the dream life that he and El have created. However, with El already realising that she cannot have a normal life and that maybe that isn't such a bad thing (her whole arc about discovering who she really is as a person, and that she is not the monster, meaning that she doesn't have to imitate the movies she saw in Hopper's cabin anymore), it is all the more likely that Mike is going to end up with Will.
Just like in other famous love triangles, such as Katniss, Peeta and Gale, where Katniss has to choose not only between the two boys, but also how she wants to live her life- through violence or peace, Mike has to do the same.
However, we've already seen how this conflict has played out....
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esotl · 11 months
Performance - Chapter 11 (Part 20)
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring
Characters: Hokuto, Wataru
Translation Directory
It's known as a tragedy, and yet, I can't agree with that assessment.
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Location: Inside a Train
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Wataru: In actuality... I've never once come across one, a person who declares "I want to be like Hibiki Wataru!"
Which is to say, I am indeed still half-baked.
Hokuto: That's because you're out of the norm... No-one can even dream of being like you.
The more I come to know you, the more I feel that distance, too.
Wataru: Eh~ even though I'm close enough for you to touch? Please do your best, Hokuto-kun!
When I first saw you, I was a bit inspired.
"Aah, he's imitating my hairstyle," I thought... "Perhaps he wants to become like me."
Remembering the previous conversation, I held an interest in you...
Your mother must have predicted that, and tied your hair in a braid.
That's why I said she's discerning.
Her preparation is flawless, she knows all about a performer's weak points. Because if you're faced with someone imitating you, there's no way you could be unhappy.
Though, with just a few minutes of talking to you, I could tell you had no interest in me at all...
You only think of yourself, don't you?
Hokuto: Should I not? I don't have time to think about other things right now, and aren't I the one who thinks of myself the most?
There's no-one who thinks of me, of Hidaka Hokuto, so... I'm the one who has to consider me, to produce me.
Wataru: Right. That's the natural and correct answer, people don't really think about others often.
Though I personally don't have much interest in myself~ that seems to be rather unusual.
I'm always thinking about the characters in works of art, and the people surrounding them.
"Hibiki Wataru" is the means by which, the point of contact for interacting with those kinds of lovely things.
Hokuto: You're pretty distorted, aren't you... Are all "geniuses" like that?
Wataru: What do you think? Geniuses, no, all people are slightly different from each other.
You can't analyse all of humanity on an individual level using inflexible interpretations or common consensus.
That's why. You, who is captivated by such things, is rather laughable.
Hokuto: Hmph... I feel like I'm being made fun of by a clown.
Wataru: What a fitting phrase! Ahaha, chatting like this is fun...☆
Hokuto: Isn't this is strangely conceptual for a "chat"?
Wataru: Perhaps it is, by common consensus' standards! You're still restraining yourself, is your braid a chain or something, Hokuto-kun?
Be more flexible!
Relatedly... I just so happen to have tickets for a play being held at a theatre near the next stop!
Would you care to join me?
It's a rather intriguing stage, quite avant-garde... perhaps your sense of values will change upon seeing it!
Hokuto: I refuse. School is starting soon, I shouldn't skip.
Wataru: Isn't it fine every now and then? Let's be bad boys together~♪
Even if you do as your parents say like a good boy, it's not like you'll be rewarded for it, will you?
Hokuto: Don't interpret me like a character from a story.
Wataru: Apologies, it's an unconscious habit! This is troubling though, I didn't imagine you'd refuse.
Even after I went through all the trouble of moving you onto a different train without waking you?
Hokuto: So you're the reason I'm going to be late for school? I thought it was strange for me to sleep past my stop.
Wataru: Apologies, I just love tricks like that!
When faced with unexpected developments, humans always reveal some sort of interesting reaction without fail!
Getting mad, losing their cool, being bewildered, speaking unfavorably of me...
They confront me without hiding their true face behind a mask, or at least, they don't ignore me.
Hokuto: Did your parents not care about you as a kid?
Well, whatever. I already studied the contents of today's lessons last night, so it won't be a huge problem if I don't attend.
Even if I'm not there, I doubt anyone would notice.
I'll accompany you, President. But only for today - it'll be a problem if I'm constantly getting kidnapped to places I don't know.
Wataru: "Kidnapped" makes it sound scandalous... But I'm glad, let's have fun watching a play together.
Both acting and viewing are lonely when done by yourself. Let's snack on popcorn and excitedly discuss our thoughts with each other.
Japan has strict theatre manners, but plays have been that sort of event since time immemorial. Like in Shakespeare's time.
Hokuto: Don't speak like you were there for it, President.
Wataru: I've been doing my research you know, Shakespeare's a classic after all.
As is the play we're going to see today, "Romeo and Juliet"♪
It's known as a tragedy, and yet, I can't agree with that assessment.
Hokuto: ? Isn't it a standard tragedy?
Wataru: If you think about it using the common rules of this fleeting world, yes. But they were surely united after death, no?
One committed suicide, the other committed murder, so they certainly both fell into hell together.
However, "wherever you are is Heaven"... is what's conveyed in the play.
Because they went so far as to repeat such a sentiment over and over, time after time, the ending is not a tragedy.
Death is not the end, nor is it hopelessness. It is proof that they were finally together.
It's a connection, a blessing. That is how I interpreted the story's meaning.
If it's not true, then... Ah, God, Shakespeare, for what purpose did you document the suffering of this man and woman?
To sneer at these pitiful two, or else, to feel self-satisfied in your pity for them?
No - "Romeo and Juliet" is a congratulatory address for the two being united for eternity!
[Chapter 10 • Directory • Act 8]
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simplee-dreaming · 2 years
Who's Your Crush?
A/N: Thank you to the person that requested this! Ler!Steve always has my heart.
Word count: 1035
Summary: The reader is Steve's younger sister, and Steve and Dusting discover she has a secret crush.
“Come on, you were so quiet at school today. What’s wrong?” Dustin asked, following you into your house. 
“Nothing. I’m fine.” 
“Sup, losers,” Steve jogged down the stairs. “Good day?” 
“Something’s wrong with Y/N and she won’t tell me what.” 
“What do you mean something’s wrong?” Steve gave you a concerned look.
“Nothing is wrong! I’m fine!”
“You were really shy today!”
“Y/N? Shy? Are you feeling okay?” Steve asked, placing his hand on your forehead before you slapped it away. 
“Leave me alone,” you dumped your bag on the kitchen counter and walked into the living room. Dustin and Steve shared a look as they followed you. 
“Y/N, what’s going on?” 
“Dustin, how was she acting today?” Steve asked.
“Quiet, shy, filled with nervous laughter, blushed a few times…wait a second…”
Steve and Dustin slowly turned towards you.
“You blushed?” Steve asked you.
“We saw quite a few people today too…” Dustin stroked his chin. 
“Y/N…something you want to talk to us about?” Steve put his hands on his hips. 
“No idea what you mean.” 
“I think somebody may have a crush…” Dustin sang. You went bright red.
“Oh she definitely does. Who is it, Y/N?”
“No one, I swear.” 
“Y/N Harrington, you better tell us right now or we’ll make you,” Steve crossed his arms. 
“I will never say,” you imitated Steve’s stance and raised an eyebrow at him, almost challenging him. 
“Right well, don’t say we didn’t warn you.” 
Steve nodded at Dustin and the two strode towards you. With Steve being much bigger and much stronger than you, it wasn’t long before he managed to tackle you to the ground and sit on your wait, pinning your arms above your head. 
“Because we’re nice, we’re gonna give you one last chance. Who is it?” Steve asked.
“I will never tell you,” you replied. Steve took a deep breath and nodded. Without warning, his hands let go of your arms and dug into your armpits. You screamed and thrashed below him as your arms trapped his hands there. He frantically wiggled his fingers and giggled at you. 
“Give us a hand?” He asked Dustin who grinned and manoeuvred his arms between Steve’s so he could tickle your tummy and sides. You squealed loudly in between fits of laughter, struggling to bat Dustin’s hands away. 
“We won’t stop until you tell us who this mystery person is,” Steve said, his big hands managing to attack your armpits and the top of your ribs at the same time. You couldn’t form coherent words so just squirmed and screamed under their tickling hands. 
“I never knew she was this ticklish, this is amazing” Dustin laughed, squeezing at your hip causing your legs to kick out. 
“You’ll be even more amazed if you get her feet,” Steve winked. You managed to cry out a chorus of ‘no’s’ but Dustin ignored you, giggling as he slid down and sat on your kicking legs. Steve stopped torturing your armpits but kept his hands there. 
“Why did you stop?” Dustin asked.
“Because I need to hear this,” Steve grinned at you. 
Dustin lent forward and scribbled all ten fingers on both your soles. You let out a massive high-pitched scream which definitely could’ve broken glass and your body flopped about as much as it could. You alternated between loud screams and desperate laughs as Dustin quickly tickled your soles and toes, alternating between each foot. 
“Oh. My. God,” Dustin giggled, holding down one foot so he could torture it without you trying to kick. 
“I used it on her all the time when we were kids. Sometimes for fun but mainly when she stole my stuff,” Steve then started tickling your armpits again which sent you into a squeaky yet silent laughter. 
They both finally stopped when Steve noticed the tears streaming down your face so thought they should probably let you breathe for a bit. 
“Are you gonna tell us now?” Steve asked. 
“Tell us what?...OH RIGHT!” Dustin suddenly remembered why they were torturing you in the first place.
“I…I…I can’t,” you said, breathlessly. 
“Why not?” Steve replied.
“Embarrassing,” you whispered. 
“Embarrassing? Y/N, I’m your brother, we’ve already embarrassed each other enough so I doubt this’ll make a difference.” 
“I…I don’t want to say.” 
“Fuck this,” Dustin said impatiently. He went back to quickly torturing your feet which made Steve laugh at your reaction. You squirmed violently and screamed again. 
“NOHO WAIT!” You cried.
“I won’t stop until you tell us,” Dustin said, scratching under your toes. 
“MI-MIHIKE!” You screamed. Dustin stopped instantly and turned to you. 
You went silent.
“Mike?!” Steve exclaimed. 
Your face went bright red as you hid under your arms. 
“Did she say Mike?!” Steve turned to Dustin who was now sitting next to him. 
“Oh-ho ho this is good,” Dustin teased. “Why didn’t you say before?”
“Embarrassing,” you whispered again. 
“You don’t need to be embarrassed about liking Mike…but I am definitely going to tease you for it forever…” Steve poked your belly, eliciting light giggles from you. Your hands left your face to prise his fingers off you but you found them both giving you a sympathetic smile. 
“I will certainly set you up with him though,” Dustin bounced on his knees. “Ohh…wait until he hears about how ticklish you are, he will definitely get you then.” 
You blushed even harder and slapped Dustin.
“Don’t you dare tell him.”
“Or what? Don’t you want the love of your life to tickle you?” 
You smacked him again as Steve roared with laughter. 
“RIght, I think we need to figure out a plan for Y/N to get with Mike,” Dustin said, jumping to his feet. Steve, however, looked back at you.
“Really though? Mike? You couldn’t have gone with someone better? Ow!” Steve exclaimed as Dustin smacked his arm.
“It’s adorable. Now come on, we’ve got much planning to do.” 
Steve and Dustin helped you up so you could all sit and work through this master plan that Dustin was devising. Though, he was adamant that he was going to show Mike how ticklish you are to make Mike fall for you too. 
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clairelsonao3 · 9 months
Writer Q&A
Yay, today's tag game is a Q&A, for which I have @tabswrites to thank! Tess's post is here.
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
Well, I thought it was writing a memoir about the two months I spent on a tall ship sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. The publishing industry thought differently, and now my agent won't return my calls. 😂
Actually, I think all of the ideas that I've actually gone on to execute (except that one, but granted, I only ever wrote three chapters) were good. If an idea isn't good, I probably won't get far with it.
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
I've been asked (in a nice way) why I like to write the things I like to write about in fiction (whump and slavery in particular). I could probably write a paper on it, but it's something I don't mind thinking deeply about. Is it trauma? Is it just personal preference? Is it a bit of both? I probably will never know.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
Making people feel things via my stories. Think about what a powerful gift that is. You created a fictional person and someone cared enough about them (in that moment) anyway to feel an emotion based on what happened to them. I'm actually not always great at expressing emotion in my real life (I mean, who is) and I DEFINITELY suck at telling stories verbally. (Seriously, it surprises people that I can't tell an anecdote to save my life; I get tongue-tied and awkward. I just can't do it). But I love writing stories because it's the best means (sometimes the only means) I know to make a connection with someone emotionally in that way.
But almost literally having to strap yourself down in front of a screen and go days without experiencing sunlight, fresh air, or other human because it's the only way you can finish something you're working on and feel superhumanly compelled to finish? Take or leave.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Characters with stories that simply are crying to come out, and that haven't been told by anyone else. (If they HAVE been told by someone else, I wouldn't need to write them!)
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
Write what you want, not what you think you should.
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
See above.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
The Adored, my YA thriller. I've completed (and published) three other novels, but this is the only one I'll talk about. 😂
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
Bad writers imitate. Good writers steal.
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Wait, do you actually mean "controversial," or do you mean just plain evil? Because I have plenty of villains whose mindsets are just ... not good at all. Assuming you mean just controversial and/or morally gray, Jake from Good Slaves Never Break the Rules has ideals that are noble, but his methods are, well, less so. It's not entirely his fault, though!
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
I think she'd probably hit me over the head with a wiffle bat (I started writing when I was four or five so I feel that would be her weapon of choice) for getting so far away from my roots (i.e. writing romance and things I'm passionate about) and taking this long to get back to them.
I always seem to tag the following people in games they've already done or don't wanna be tagged in, and I expect this one will be no exception.🤣 But I'll give it a shot! And please ignore it if I failed again:
@romanceandshenanigans @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @i-can-even-burn-salad
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vlovers19 · 10 months
“I like him as a person”… I wonder if “as a person” was put here by the editor just like RM is always adding something about “what a good friend” lmao
Idk it seems to me at least Jimin was in love or something. The dumpling incident and the way he was with Tae at that time and later… All shy, then tender, then strained a bit… ya can’t imitate that. The only alternative in my mind is that they were told to “play soulmates” narrative by company, which is honestly… a bullshit? They said no to some songs, so they would say so to something like that.
The question is was the feeling reciprocated? Because I don’t get their dynamics now at all: at times I think they look like soft type of brothers with all these stories about fights and jokes (and scenes like when they imitated a kiss while rehearsal of simple and then grimaced and smiled — that’s smth like “haha sooo funny we’d never really kiss hahaha” to me) and rumors about Tae (hard to not fall for that shit), and at times when something extremely soft happens I feel…gaslighted lmao because jeez I wouldn’t do many of the things they’ve done in 2016-2022 to my siblings, because it feels a bit cringe. There are times of this weird tension idk.
What a weirdly beautiful duo. Sry, just a pure reflection here, because I miss vmin blogs soooo much. Borahae!
Let's be honest. Some of the things in the book are changed to suit the readers. There are various people who will read the book so they would do what they can to satisfy every audiences curiosity but at the same time try to tone things down but just enough to keep you wanting more. It's what they have been doing for so long.
But I want to ask? Why do you feel like this? People have what they call a sixth sense but many choose to ignore it. A lot of people feel something's off with Jimin and Taehyung out of everyone else in the group. This weird dynamics you all are just noticing now because they are in their solo era is something I had noticed a long time ago even while they were in the group but unlike a lot of people, I don't ignore my sixth sense.
Now, we haven't seen the members gathered in one place for a long time but no one questions Jimin and Taehyung's bond with other members. Yet, question their bond with each other even when they see them being close. Even when they call each other soulmates? Even when they try to disprove the rumors around them in their own way. It's not like a full on hate against them. It's more like this boundary most of the fandom has created for them. Almost like a silent warning; we know you are soulmates and all but don't go past that. We don't want to know.
So the sixth sense about whatever might be going on about them is shut off. Most people will rather believe that they are enemies than to reason with that thought nagging at the back of their minds that something is off or weird about them.
Jimin and Taehyung both value friendships. Taehyung is known for even keeping contact with his high school friends. Jimin is more private with his friends but we all know the kind of soul he is. How selfless he is for the people he cares about. Unless a deep betrayal occurred between the two of them. Something neither can forgive each other for then such a thing can happen. Even drifting apart shouldn't be considered because Taehyung wouldn't let that happen. Looking at how close he is with Jungkook who people thought he had drifted apart from should be proof to you. Taehyung loves to mantain relationships and trust me the last person he would want to loose connection with is his fellow 95 liner from Bts who he debuted with, lived with, grew up with, had lots of memories with both the good and bad ones. He hasn't drifted apart from others. Out of everyone in his life, it's Jimin he would rather cut off ties with. Jimin!
Jimin likewise who mantains long term friendships with those close to him like Soonyoung, Taemin amongst others. Out of everyone would choose to be distant from Taehyung while still mantaining friendships with others in the group.
Why are things so different with them? What is up with the two of them? Did they date and break up? Did one of them steal the others beloved? What's with all the secrecy?
But it's none of those things because we can still see even though many choose to ignore it that they have a good rapport with each other but they won't behave like the usual friendships or the usual ship just to satisfy our cravings. They won't do vlives or post their personal pictures for our enjoyment even though they know we desperately want that. They won't let us into that world. They will keep that to themselves no matter what people say about them. Especially now when they will be entering the military, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want the attention on them.
People shouldn't bother about what they will be doing now. They should rather be interested in what happens after their military service because that to me is when the real fun begins. We will really know what's going on. For now, believe in them. Even though people don't want to see them as anything other than the friends they are but at least we should acknowledge the bond they subtly try to show and stop belittling every thing they do because they aren't showing off like typical friends do. I have said enough. Have a great day everyone and let's try to focus on our own lives as well.
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hyenahunt · 1 year
Saga: Release - 15
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring
Characters: Seiya, Jun
Proofreading: moricchiichan (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Seiya: You speak of me like a walking calamity… but if a calamity is what I am, then humanity should already know what measures to take, right?
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Location: Downtown
Time: A little over ten minutes later
Seiya: (Fufu. They all looked so bewildered — it isn’t such a bad idea to imitate my wife sometimes.
I feel even closer to her than before. Personally, however, I don’t wish to cause too much trouble.
Either way, Ibara-kun has been fancying himself a strategist, so I’m sure this will also help to teach him a lesson.
After all, he'll only get a rude awakening from reality one day if he's mislead into believing everything will go according to plan from such a young age.
That delusion of omnipotence anyone must’ve held as a child is very sweet and dazzling, but…
Unfortunately, this disorderly mess of a world shall never be moved by the will of a single person.
Of course, some may argue that’s just what makes it interesting… Oh?)
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Jun: Sensei~!
Hidaka-sensei, good day! Sorry to keep you waiting — I’ve come to pick you up!
Seiya: So you have. Thank you, Jun-kun.
Fufu. You didn’t need to come in such a hurry.
And there was no need for you to come all the way here yourself. You could've simply requested a member of staff to come pick me up instead, no?
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Jun: Mm, well… Nghh~ I'm just not a fan of ordering people around, y’see. Someone like me isn't nearly important enough to be making others do stuff for me~ Not yet, anyway.
Seiya: Now, people don’t give orders to others only when they’re important enough to do so, you see; they start to seem important precisely because they give orders.
Jun: I, uh, see…. Well, anyway, Sensei, why'dja go to the shopping mall instead~?
Our live show today as Eve got put off 'cause something suddenly came up, y'know~?
Seiya: Yes, it seems there was a miscommunication? …Or at least, that’s my justification. It was a deliberate mistake.
Your people were the one who made a sudden change to the plan, so I have no reason to be held responsible.
Jun: …? Uh, so you mean you headed to the wrong location on purpose~? Why'dja do that?
Seiya: Just a whim, really. To be more precise, some people won’t like it if I tell you everything so I'm dodging the question.
But there's no problem with that, yes? The event should have worked out fine without me.
Jun: I mean, yeah, but Ohii-san was acting unusually nervous 'cause you said you were gonna come and watch, Sensei…
He wanted to look presentable so you could come at any moment, and he was completely on edge the whole time. The tension in the air was exhausting, honestly~ It's so awkward when that guy isn't his stupidly smiley self.
Seiya: There was no need for him to be so nervous. Please, ignore me like you would the air.
No — it should be an idol’s job to sing with a smile at any time, even when a missile is heading directly towards you.
In any case, I apologize for not keeping my word to see your performance. It seems I can be too lax at times, or too indifferent to things, you could say.
I must've gotten too used to whimsical behavior from being constantly in the presence of my ever eccentric wife…
Of course, I do love that side of her more than anyone in the world.
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Jun: Uh-huh… Well, it’s not like you were gonna be onstage with us today, Sensei, so all you broke was a spoken promise to come and see us…
It honestly isn't that big of a deal, yeah?
But if you can help it, please keep lying to a minimum, alright? You've got such an important presence, Sensei, that your random whims could probably start catastrophes.
Seiya: You speak of me like a walking calamity… but if a calamity is what I am, then humanity should already know what measures to take, right?
Jun: Come again…?
Seiya: Three, two, one…
Wonderful. Our ride's arrived, so get inside.
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Jun: Sorry? What…?
Seiya: You ran all the way from the station, didn’t you? It was practically a snapshot of youth, but you just got off work, so you should be working on resting your body instead.
I called for this car, so I’ll take you to your dorm.
Care to accompany me for a meal on the way?
Jun: Wha— 'course, I’d be honoured! But I don’t think I should be doing this~ And Ohii-san will worry if I don’t go back soon.
Seiya: Fufu. All you need to do is drop him a line; Hiyori-kun isn’t a little boy, is he?
…Not to mention, he needs to be made a little more aware of just how important you are.
Hiyori-kun and Nagisa-kun are protagonists of the past, former members of fine who brim with their sheer talent and ability
And the one who may eventually stand at the center of this era is Ibara-kun, an inheritor of the blood of God.
Compared to them, you tend to be viewed as a mediocre existence — just there to make the numbers add up, and wouldn’t make a difference either way.
But that’s exactly why I believe that you hold the key.
Because rather than God, the protagonist of this era is humanity itself.
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Jun: Umm, huh…? I guess you're praising me…? Thank you very much?
Seiya: You’re welcome. Well, whether you’ll really become someone worthy of that praise will depend on your effort. I actually expect a lot from you, Jun-kun — quite a bit.
You’re a gutsy boy with a bright future; you climbed up all the way from the pits of hell.
So I think everyone underestimates you more than they should — the lengths they go to distance you from your ‘source of worry’ seem so pointless.
Jun: ……?
Seiya: Well, that’s Ibara-kun’s strategy, or perhaps you might call it kindness… So I won’t try to carelessly throw his plans out of order just for fun.
I shall choose to do nothing, exactly because I can do anything.
(Based on what I’ve seen, their encounter will throw Jin-kun off more, instead of Jun-kun.)
(Jin-kun was always such an earnest, gentle boy.)
Jun: Come again…?
Seiya: Jun-kun, you were born at the bottom of the barrel. So I’m sure your life has been nothing but a climb up. From where I stand now — that’s actually quite enviable.
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Jun: Er, okay… Uh, Sensei, you always pretty much talk to yourself, huh~?
Couldja kindly hold a conversation instead? Or do you not wanna talk to folks as lowly as us?
Seiya: Fufu. Apologies, my wife is usually the one who does all the talking — she'll even say what I want to say, you see…
So to be perfectly honest, I don’t see any need for me to be doing any communication.
I don’t seem to have a strong sense of self, and I don’t hold much of an opinion on anything. As a result, I've left my son mostly to his own devices, although he seems rather dissatisfied with that.
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Seiya: Putting all idealistic arguments to the side… I believe there is no need for a sense of self when it comes to idols doing their jobs.
I am a laborer, or a robot, you see, and the functions expected of me are what I will perform to perfection.
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aeoki · 1 year
Grand Slam - Epilogue 6
Location: Yumenosaki Grounds (Sports Festival) Characters: Tomoya & Sora
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Sora: HaHa~♪ Over here! Can you hear Sora?
Tomoya: Hm? Kurone is holding a camera from the audience…?
Sora: Yes. Actually, it seems they’ll be releasing a certain video in place of “Broadcasting Accidents”.
They’ll be recruiting and combining videos taken of the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” into one big video.
Tomoya: A compilation, huh. Well, that sounds pretty standard and I guess reasonable for a filler in a show.
Sora: Yes. But there will coincidentally be someone talking about strange things in the video. To be precise, someone’s mysterious voice will be recorded.
It’s something that was learnt from the Great Master~ that imitates Sora’s voice. The viewers won’t know whose voice it is.
The voice will be cut in various places. It’ll simply be idle chatter where each and every sound sounds like noise.
That’s why even if they check the video, no one – not even the higher-ups who shut down “Broadcasting Accidents” – would be able to tell it’s something related to the taboo.
Tomoya: Taboo, you say?
Sora: You heard it too, right, Tomoya-chan? The story about the “sea people” and the “bad thing”. It’s just a strange story of the occult.
But if you pay close attention to the voice you hear in the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” video and connect it all, a strange story will rise to the surface.
It’s a taboo story. A story told in Yumenosaki. A story the higher-ups are trying to conceal and pretend it never happened in the first place.
But it seems it’s Sora and everyone’s “producer's” wish for people to pick up on that and reach the truth.
So Sora is giving him a helping hand. Granting people’s wishes is what a magician does.
Turning the “producer’s” wish into reality is what an idol does.
No. Sora can’t be an evil magician, but at the very least, Sora wants to stay as a normal magician and idol.
Is it wrong for Sora to think that?
Tomoya: …No. You’re right and I think you’re amazing.
You really are a genius, Harukawa. You can do the things I can’t do, even if I give it my all, so easily.
Sora: HiHi~♪
Tomoya: …You’ll be crossing a pretty dangerous bridge. It looks like that taboo stuff is really risky and not a laughing matter at all.
It’s something that made the adults shut it down and pretend it never existed, after all.
Sora: Yes. That’s why if Tomoya-chan and the others are scared, you can pretend you don’t know a thing.
But it’s Sora’s task as a magician to pick up the things that were stepped on and made to pretend they never existed, and turn them into something shiny.
No. It’s because Sora looks up to those sorts of magicians.
It might be difficult now but Sora will do that. Sora will do the same thing as the people he loves alongside them.
Tomoya: I see. Well, It’s your life so I think you should live it however you want. I can’t deny that and even if I wanted to help, I don’t think I’ll be very useful.
But at the very least, I’ll remember. I’ll remember those amazing people I came across and met.
I’ll absorb and pile up the sparkles from those amazing people and one day, I’ll be someone amazing too. I’ll turn into an amazing idol that can kick away stuff like the taboo with no issues. 
Then, I’ll hold up all those shiny and sparkling things so high, no one can ignore them.
I’ll show it off to the whole wide world and have people praise it to the skies.
Sora: Yes. Sora was able to tell that Tomoya-chan was “that sort of person”. That’s why Sora told you the truth.
HuHu~♪ Let’s do our best so we can reach the future we see in our dreams.
Just as we’ve been doing so far, today, tomorrow and forever!
Tomoya: Yeah. Let’s give it our all and enjoy our own stories where we’re the protagonists.
Sora: ………?
Tomoya: ? What’s wrong, Harukawa? Did you see something weird again?
Sora: No… Sora can’t see it but he can hear it? Well, either way, it’s more like “seeing” for Sora, though~
Can’t you hear it, Tomoya-chan? There’s a beautiful singing voice and performance from somewhere…
Tomoya: Isn’t that the thing from the Seven Mysteries…?
Sora: “The Earth’s Requiem”? Sora isn’t sure. There’s the ongoing music, the voices and cheers of the audience, the breathing and yelling of the players…
Maybe all those sounds came together and echoed into an underground cave, and it just happened to sound like music?
Tomoya: Oh, I think I can hear it too. It’s a surprisingly pretty and gentle sound.
It sounds like it’s having fun. Like it’s happy.
Sora: Yes. A bustling and happy ensemble…♪
Maybe the people underground are also enjoying our “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival”!
That’s why they’re playing such a lively accompaniment and they’re making things exciting with us!
Tomoya: The underground people, huh. Do they really exist?
Well, no matter who the opponent is, no matter what the truth is, I’m still grateful to have someone see that and give a reaction. From our view – an idol’s point of view…
We’ve gotta do our best to respond and sparkle in return.
…Oh, my turn’s here already.
I’ll be going ahead, Harukawa~ Don’t do anything unnecessary and focus on the job in front of you.
Sora: Yes ♪ Sora will learn from Tomoya-chan who normally does his job well!
Tomoya: Ahaha ♪ Thanks, I’ll take that “normally” as a compliment!
Sora: ♪~♪~♪
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Bunch of questions
Is it necessarily mean someone has a Ni in their stack somewhere if they have an overall plan for their life that they follow, rarely waving away from it, some end vision that they have, of what they want from their country or life, or is it just a general characteristic of   XXXJ’s?
It doesn’t always mean Ni, no, sometimes it’s just IJ. But NJ is the only type who really gets a ‘vision’ of their future life -- an exact image of it -- in their mind, and then knows that’s where they should be headed -- like a vision of their future, an image that may not be complete but that causes them to alter their behaviors and shift in that direction in the belief that’s where their life is supposed to go. Like my ENFJ friend saw a name plate on her desk, and went back to college for a degree in therapy, and now doors are opening to her “for me to walk through.” She still isn’t sure where she will wind up, but an intuitive inner sense drove her in a particular direction and into a specific field of study (therapy).
Is it possible for a XSTJ to build or create somewhat symbolic meaning to their work or way of living? Same way say Alfred the Great did with United England, or do they mostly rely on proven symbolical systems that were present some time before them and during their lifetime(religion, hierarchy or family)?
Alfred the Great created something England had never had before -- he broke the mold and created a new way of existence for the people at the time, based on an inner sense of what would work the best, which is Ni and Te. It was not based on past precedent in any way. So yes, SJ relies on what is proven and certain to work. They work within the system or improve it, but rarely smash it.
What if someone builds their motivation and life philosophy over fact that we need to return to primal way of living (it is very past precedent driven (definition of Si) in general sense, but it was so far behind in time we might as well call it extremely unorthodox) will it be the reason to say someone has Si or not?
To be honest, I would assume that comes from low Si -- an over-idealized and unrealistic view of a previous time, clinging to it, and believing it will solve modern problems to move backward. This is symbolic and representative of how low Si focuses on what it cares about and ignores everything else. It also indicates their lack of “common sense” in a way, because they assume an outdated model is going to work in a separate environment. It won’t.
I don’t really see any difference between Ti and Te.
Well, if you have studied this in depth and read my 60,000 words or so on it, I can’t say anything else to enlighten you. Shrug. One is subjective, the other is objective. Subjective viewpoints are personal and objective viewpoints are not; the more subjective irrationality is involved, the harder it is to pull someone away from an erroneous conclusion with facts, because the facts are secondary to what makes sense to them. TP types are more logical than FJ types, and more inclined to adjust their thinking when their subjectivity is proven wrong, whereas FJs dig harder into “what makes sense to me” and deny the facts.
Go watch The Imitation Game and compare the logic the main character (INTP) uses to the logic his ESTJ military official “boss” is using. That’s the difference. The INTP creates a computer capable of taking on a human workload and doing things faster than people can -- a “compute-machine.” The ESTJ expects and demands results from the computer, otherwise it’s worthless in their mind -- if it does not do what it’s designed to do, it’s an objective failure. ETJs have less patience with tinkering with something that isn’t working, whereas ITP logic can parse out what’s not working and tinker with it until it resolves itself.
Te dom also doesn’t really make sense. Is it more about being driven to organize external environment they YOU think is best or to be actually driven by highly rational goals, let’s say someone lived in a  perfect environment  and there is absolutely no rational reason to break out of it or even try to gain control over it (let’s say it was created by perfect AI) would a Te-dom acknowledge that everything is literally perfect and just sit doing nothing all day, or will they still try to organize everything the way they think it should be ran. Latter seems like a pretty irrational thing to do, but former choice leads to thinking that Te-doms are robots with no emotions or motivations whatsoever, except purely rational reasons to do something.
James Cameron has no reason to make billion-dollar movies, except that he is an artist with a vision and just so happens to be good at making money based off his creativity. ETJs are creative, artistic, impassioned, and often love what they do. In a perfect environment, they would continue doing what they love to do -- which is to create, innovate, and use facts to make decisions and form their arguments. Get my book and read it. It will really enlighten you about ETJs!
On enneagram 1, does having one eternal ideal and sacrificing every other moral laws to it would consider a 1 way of thinking.
This sounds more like INJ. Envisioning an eternal concept, working toward it, and making sacrifices for its benefit, all in the service of a “higher” ideal. This kind of thinking can mean hurting people in the service of this “higher ideal.”
For example, there was a Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew. He clearly deeply cared about Singapore, BUT that his one and only ideal, beyond that he was one the most cynical and immoral leaders to be (betraying former friends, constantly changing political courses (being communist when it was advantageous, then shifting to anti-colonial pro-Malasian to unite Malasia and Singapore and when that failed he started to be very politically west driven)).
I don’t know enough about him to weigh in, but that sounds potentially ENXX more than 1. A 1 can do awful things in the name of ethnic cleansing/genocide (Frollo in Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame, eradicating gypsies in service of his “ideal” world). But the 1 sees themselves as righteous in doing so, and also subject to the judgment of a higher being in a sense.
On enneagram 3, does thinking that cheating to win would undermine all the hard work you done to win be considered 3 (care about the fact about you win as much as care about how you won). I had a friend who once said that using someone else work to make himself look better or cheating to win would immensely hurt his ego, and would be admitting that someone is actually better than you at that thing, is it a 3, cause he was very competitive otherwise.
Some 3s have values and others do not. Some will cheat to get what they want, others will think the way your friend did. Some will take credit for other people’s work to get ahead, others will put in the hard work to get it themselves. But yes, being COMPETENT is vital to any core 3, and caring how it makes them look is also important, since they are constantly managing their image.
And one LAST thing is it a 3 way, when someone really wants to live a mark in the world (and a legacy as a way of making oneself special), but not through making one’s persona famous or remembered, but one’s work. Better yet try to be as anonymous about it as possible, and make person behind the work almost invisible, yet work really hard and hope that this thing will live a mark on a world.
This sounds like a 3 fix, potentially behind a super-ego or a withdrawn type.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 8 months
Literary theorists being AHs to women and PoCs
‘cause if I have to suffer, then you should also know how much of an AH these people are, so you can examine if their theories are even worth believing or if you SHOULD pay attention to their blind spots instead of saying it’s irrelevant to literary discussion. Personally, I think the fact they are unwilling to mention PoCs, particularly Black people and willing to actively dump on women is very relevant to current academic discourse. You can’t ignore Kant’s views on women, and see that the majority of the people who won in the end were people who showed hatred towards women.
Robert Scholes being an AH, Page 26-page 28 (Hilarious, but also homophobic and misogynistic) For context, EM Forster is gay, which makes this really homophobic.
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Picture credit: https://www.brownalumnimagazine.com/articles/2017-03-03/memories-of-bob-scholes
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‘Cause you see folks, the only decent writers in the world are men, cishet men. (notice the sharp sarcasm here).
E.M. Forster on Gertrude Stein (From Aspects of a Novel, a series of lectures he gave)
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Credit: Getty Images https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcSjNW-FA-n5bkXFk2MFmMGMcBy1SJtQj185hrMceQN_8rK2L-6f2cu7Ct-PooBt8M6Mt7ffTDt5SPHpj00
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Granted, a Modernist (and gay himself, openly so at the time he gave this lecture), but still, the dumping on Gertrude Stein seems to be a tradition that extends to other people afterwards (Rowe did it sideways, Lajos Egri, directly). Seriously? Dump on the lesbian Jew trying to encourage ways to describe TRAUMA. OMG, we shouldn’t talk about trauma.
But I disagree heartily--we have entire story structures devoted to dreams that play with sense of time and reality *because* of Gertrude Stein. I mean, how could you conceivably get Inception without Gertrude Stein’s theories of how to move language and time? Besides that, you have Dream Diaries (Japanese), Dream Record (First Chinese then Korean--not imported into Japan because there was a war), and then the whole of Dream Time from Aboriginals which predate her. Non-linear storytelling has and can work--but you need thematic plotting to be stronger and tone plotting to really be tight (pacing helps, but isn’t as critical as the other two). Thank the Modernists for the European white version. I mean, Magic realism, anyone???
If you want to find ways to break linear time and describe trauma itself, and the feeling of missing time--Modernists are your best bet to find techniques to get you there. (Kinda Post Modernists, though I resent the focus on readers a lot--I heartily disagree, BTW, that Structuralists and Post Modernists are the same thing... as argued in this paper here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B0080430767039516. 
Post Modernists tried to find further ways to break the rules and structure by bending to the reader. 
Structuralists tried to impose a bunch of rules and binary. Like say, the panopticon and prison system/School system. There’s rigidity everywhere with Structuralists and Eurocentricism.) Or as the Raw and Cooked put it, a binary of acceptable and unacceptable, when some cultures don’t work off the Bible. So I think this paper here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B0080430767039516
is more likely.
John Gardner, The Art of Fiction for Young Writers, published 1983
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Picture credit: https://blog.bookstellyouwhy.com/john-gardner-and-the-art-of-fiction
No one is surprised that its all men mentioned, right? 
But what makes ignoramuses bad writers is not just their inexperience in fair argument. All great writing is in a sense imitation of great writing. Writing a novel, however innovative that novel may be, the writer struggles to achieve one specific large effect, what can only be called the effect we are used to getting from good novels. However weird the technique, whatever the novel’s mode, we say when we have finished it, “Now that is a novel!” We say it of Anna Karenina and of Under the Volcano, also of the mysteriously constructed Moby-Dick. If we say it of Samuel Beckett’s Watt or Malone Dies, of Italo Calvino’s The Baron in the Trees, or Kobo Abe’s The Ruined Map, we say it because, for all their surface oddity, those novels produce the familiar effect. It rarely happens, if it happens at all, that a writer can achieve effects much larger than the effects achieved in books he has read and admired. Human beings, like chimpanzees, can do very little without models. One may learn to love Shakespeare by reading him on one’s own—the ignoramus is unlikely to have done even this—but there is no substitute for being taken by the hand and guided line by line through Othello, Hamlet, or King Lear. This is the work of the university Shakespeare course, and even if the teacher is a person of limited intelligence and sensitivity, one can find in universities the critical books and articles most likely to be helpful, the books that have held up, and the best of the new books. Outside the university’s selective process, one hardly knows which way to turn. One ends up with some crank book on how Shakespeare was really an atheist, or a Communist, or a pen-name used by Francis Bacon. Outside the university it seems practically impossible to come to an understanding of Homer or Vergil, Chaucer or Dante, any of the great masters who, properly understood, provide the highest models yet achieved by our civilization. Whatever his genius, the writer unfamiliar with the highest effects possible is virtually doomed to search out lesser effects.
Gardner, John (2010-05-20T23:58:59.000). The Art of Fiction . Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
OMG, give this guy a prize, he managed to mention a Japanese man Kobo Abe. /s https://literariness.org/2019/04/15/analysis-of-kobo-abes-novels/ But then fails to mention the names of the authors of some of the novels he’s talking about (I’m literally begging Writer’s Digest, Knopf, etc to force these people to give better citations)
The closest he gets to noting a Black person is noting American Jazz on the page where Chapter 2 starts, and then fails to mention Jazz musicians. No, I’m serious. What makes a person an AH? The inability to mention a single work in 1983 by a female author?
Though the fact is not always obvious at a glance when we look at works of art very close to us in time, the artist’s primary unit of thought—his primary conscious or unconscious basis for selecting and organizing the details of his work—is genre. This is perhaps most obvious in the case of music. A composer writes an opera, a symphony, a concerto, a tone poem, a suite of country dances, a song cycle, a set of variations, or a stream-of-consciousness piece (a modern psychological adaptation of the tone poem). Whatever genre he chooses, and to some extent depending on which genre he chooses, he writes within, or slightly varies, traditional structures—sonata form, fugal structure, ABCBA melodic structure, and so forth; or he may create, on what he believes to be some firm basis, a new structure. He may cross genres, introducing country dances into a symphony or, say, constructing a string quartet on the principle of theme and variations. If he’s looking for novelty (seldom for any more noble reason), he may try to borrow structure from some other art, using film, theatrical movement, or something else. When new forms arise, as they do from time to time, they rise out of one of two processes, genre-crossing or the elevation of popular culture. Thus Ravel, Gershwin, Stravinsky, and many others blend classical tradition and American jazz—in this case simultaneously crossing genres and elevating the popular. Occasionally in music as in the other arts, elevating popular culture must be extended to mean recycling trash. Electronic music began in the observation that the beeps and boings that come out of radios, computers, and the like might sound a little like music if structure were imposed—rhythm and something like melody. Anything, in fact—as the Dadaists, Spike Jones, and John Cage pointed out—might be turned into something like music: the scream of a truck-tire, the noise of a windowshade, the bleating of a sheep.
Gardner, John (2010-05-20T23:58:59.000). The Art of Fiction . Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Iunno, is it glaring to you? It’s glaring to me. Avoid talking about Black people challenge. I can name at least a few off the top of my head. Dizzy Gillespie? Billie Holiday? Ella Fitzgerald? And then he mentions white people before then? I’m groaning.
And that’s the thing, particularly about Black authors/Black people, they are either not mentioned by name, but their work is--WTF, or totally skipped, probably because the whole of Black literature goes against these white men’s structuralism, and postulations. On one hand, I’m glad they left them alone, but on the other, the saying this is the only way, while glaringly missing the obvious really is sickening.
As for dumping on women--well... should we go back to Aristotle being an ass and starting the whole anti-choice campaigns because somehow Aristotle is Jesus, even though Jesus didn’t say anything about Ensoulment at conception? And then indoctrinated white women trying to rescue Aristotle from taking the axe because all of his scientific ideas were wrong? (Just axe him--he was popular with the Victorians for a reason--he was a misogynistic asshole and that reinforced their worldview very well.) (And if you think I don’t have references for the anti-choice statement... oh wait for it... I so have it)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ensoulment Wikipedia, but I found scholarly articles too--not sure you want to be buried with that. Aristotle is not Jesus. !@#$ And Aristotle thought women got their soul later than men, because, as I said, royal asshole, to the point I want to do a whole long rant about how much of an irrelevant ah he was.
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ftblmaz · 10 months
Ugh. Some folk are taking your incredibly thoughtful posts and twisting your words to make it seem like what happened was ok and that everyone should just stop talking about it and not think it was offensive at all.
Yeah I realised after it got picked up I maybe should have proofread and been more clear as I didn’t expect it to go very far. I haven’t been on tumblr for ages and then second day the video happened.
To be clear. It is offensive to me.
I’ll try explain my comment on people being offended on my behalf which maybe is where the confusion lies.
One thing I really hate is people who are not Māori or indigenous telling me how I should feel or going sort of “white saviour” missions. Yes we need allies but some of the way people were reacting on Twitter just frustrated me a bit. Yes call it out but instead of just labelling people as racist or ignorant maybe be like “did you know this thing you are doing is really important to our culture so imitating it isn’t very respectful”.
When I was saying don’t be offended on our behalf. It’s because I don’t think people can be offended if the act isn’t against their people or group. You can find it disrespectful but non-Māori or kiwis cannot be offended because there is no personal relationship to the haka. Like my whole heart and mind was hurt seeing that video whereas perhaps people more removed for our culture were angry. So that’s the difference.
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Hi Em! Just dropping by to say I’m so sorry for what you’ve endured with the rampant plagiarizing and gaslighting. No one who has done such amazing work should have to endure such a thing, and I commend you for picking yourself up and carrying on.
One thing I wonder is (and I hope you don’t mind me asking), I know you made a post quite a while back about how to write medieval smut. If I recall right, there was a line in there where you encouraged writers to emulate the style of authors they enjoyed.
I’m just wondering what the line is for you between someone simply emulating a style they enjoy (per your advice) versus plagiarism? I’m not a writer, only a fanfic enthusiast, so forgive my ignorance. I’m just genuinely curious and you’re always so kind and patient when explaining these things, so figured I’d ask. Thanks!!
Hey, nonnie!
Thank you so much for the kind words. It’s been a little frustrating keeping so much of the aftermath to myself (long story short, she’s still maintaining she did nothing wrong and her edits haven’t really removed the things I took issue with, but so long as there’s no fresh content copied from me I’ll let it lie), but I’m coping! I do wish that the people who’ve chosen to take issue in the people I keep around me hadn’t decided to absorb the plagiariser into their group as some kind of petty ‘fuck you’ to me, seeing as I think I only ever had one interaction with each of those individuals personally, but oh well. They’re not going to make me quit, though I’m sure it’s what they’re all hoping for!
You raise a good point with your query!
Firstly, I want to discuss a layman’s definition of plagiarism. Direct plagiarism is when you attempt to pass someone else’s work off as your own - for example, when you copy parts of someone else’s work as-is and neglect to attribute it to the original writer. Mosaic plagiarism occurs when you borrow small phrases here and there or use the same general structure and meaning of someone else’s work, with synonyms substituted. I’ve been a target of both these behaviours.
Now, if I were to be hyper-specific - when it comes to emulating the way someone writes, I definitely mean more grammatically speaking. For example, I tend to write prose that doesn’t feature a lot of contractions; that is “haven’t” = “have not”, etc. I also like to list those adjectives REAL hard (e.g. “she stared dazed and confused, unknowing, wondering what it all meant”). When you’re imitating someone structurally, you aren’t taking their text, their plot or their concepts. You use their style.
Here’s a hypothetical: I’m someone who is about to start a blog for publishing fanfiction for Aemond Targaryen, even though I’ve never done it before. Last time I wrote something was in high school 5 years ago. If my intent is to write fanfiction and post it online, but I’m not confident in writing, I might choose to emulate another writer. However, because the difference between emulation and plagiarism is sometimes hard to discern, it would probably be a bad idea to find someone who also writes Aemond fanfiction and emulate their style. Just in case I cross that boundary and start plagiarising! So, I’m going to think of another fandom in which a writer I’ve read in the past has a writing style that I want to be influenced by. I’m gonna go to the….. hmmm….. The Tudors (2008) fanfiction archive and seek out my favourite writer there! Now, the characters are different, the plot and content is different, but the way they express themselves might be something useful for me. I’ll do a writing exercise where I stop a scene in that fanfic at a particular point and attempt to continue it myself, writing in what I believe is their style. I’ll read all of it together, uninterrupted, to see if it flows well. If yes, then I’ll use the bit I wrote as an exercise to model my writing style off for that Aemond Targaryen fanfiction I want to do. But I’m going to MAKE SURE that the plot, the characters, the concept is completely different!
I… hope this was an answer, nonnie. It might be long. Thank you so much for asking!
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