#sister bertrille
atomic-chronoscaph · 2 months
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Sally Field as The Flying Nun (1967)
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cuddlebreak · 2 years
Sister Bertrille 
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mr-e-gallery · 2 years
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(via GIPHY)
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tobacconist · 2 months
A Discourse On Flying, And On The Composition Of Our Magickal Oyntment, touching on the chemick thereof, and its variations between oure Trybes
AS all badde vvitches ought to know, be they yonge or aulde, þe flyinge compound can be mayde up unto three different preparations. namely:- (1)st as the oyntmente, for to rub pon de broome and de bodie (2)nd the pouudre, for to be fed to certaiyne prepared beaftes or blowen into the hearthfyre, & (3)rd as an adjunckt to certayne other formulatyons - whych fhall not be touched upon herein thys booke.
OND aye, thare be menie dyvers receipys for thys compound, whych differ yn menie accord tho theyr authors be well respeckted indiuidually, soch as þe uenerable miftrefs crouch, sister bertrille, ond olde granny grayham; whose produckts are well used by us all and are well endorsed by menie a refpected beldam yn oure communitie for menie yeare.
BUT defpite their disagreementes, alle the uarious receipt whych we have received from the auntient & uenerable bookes of oure ancestors do share five thingys yn common. namely:- (1)st is the fatte of bebbes, rendered pure, or else dried foetus, or the braynes of a manne (2)nd the toad, which is variously seethed yn a potte or else roasted yn an oven, or as ye moft auncient do they crucify hym upon the thorne and let the sunne looke upon hym and wither hym on the rood. (3)rd ys the herbal component, which differeth moft between oure uarious schooles, but yet retaineth certayne fimilarities (4)rth be flyes, for how coulde we flie elsewise? and the best kind are dragonflies, but the fecond beft are moths. and (5)th that there must needs have added to it some of the old powdre or oyle, whych ys well-proved and tested, for hyt to werke.
OFCOURSE brothers & fisters, ye all know well how to flie, either by goat or by broome,& may even have brewed oyle yourselves after thyne own houses arte; yea, let us refpect the variance yn each oure cuftoms,& feek to ymprove oure owne houses arte by the confideration of eachothers noble practifes.
HEREIN is the receipt for the flyinge oyntmente and pouudre, from the verie booke of the dread and venerable madame marcouche herself, by her gracyous permifsion , and wyth adjoinyng commentarie by others: FOR THE POUUDER:- whych hys best fit for goatys ond horsys, may, they must be made to grow accustomed to thys, and neuer should hyt be put yn a mannes mouthe. take ye the withered toad and reduce hym to pouvdre bones and all yn a rough mortar, and to this add gunpowder or brimstone, and hot pepper & muftard, ond alfo flies. and hyt fhould fparck as hyt ys grownd upp. forget not alfo the fodder, whych preuenteth the beafte from exploding, & yt ys mayde of herbys whych vary by cuftom. we ufe þe [text is either missing or redacted] and funflower feeds are goode alfo, for they grow ryght talle nigh unto heauen. and [text is either missing or redacted] now, þe fpecyal ingreedient be þe innofant, which where torne from heir muthers wombe, hyt fhould be fmoked slow wyth appelwood, mugwort, & garlick untill hyt be crysp; ond hyt ys bettre to induce þe vyle slutte to offer hyt up willynglie, doynge hyt of her owne freewill, for thys ys more pleafing to oure master than hyt fhould be taken by force or cunnynge. for [text is either missing or redacted] ond hyt ys beft to haruest þe thynge yn þe seuenth moonth. (ond beware false sellers of thys ingrediment, what adulterate their produckt wyth fillers such as talcum powder, chalk, or asbestos. true baby powder as certified by the vvitches council must comprise atleast 72% human foetus by volume. adulteration with llama or horse foetus is also prevalent, as well as the braines of apes or menn.) mix hyt then wyth the othre poudre, and a portion of wellproved pouucler whych ys ould at thy ouun judgemente; and measure the whole yn thy balance untill hyt fhould feem weightless. then hyt ys fed to the beafte, oft myxed with oats to tempt hym to hyt, and atfirst he feeleth no thyng, but then he starteth suddainely! and with fuch fnortynge untill fmoke billoweth from hys noftrils. and hyt ys ryght fport to fee, how he begyneth to fpring to and fro defperate to relieve the difcomfort yn hys bellie, and then he begynth afarting as hys hoovys take up ynto the ayre. and o hys starteld eyes and kicking leggys. and a flame catcheth insyde the beastys belly ond he belcheth and farteth flamys redh, green ,and yellouu. and hyt taketh a true knave to take holde of hym then! he muft be chained atfirst, left he floate awaiye yn thys. and [text is either missing or redacted] and it goeth without sayinge that the beast must alway be rode backwards. and thys stuffe muft never be taken internally by human beings. FOR THE OYLE; or OYNTMENTE:- [much text is missing or redacted] and many a wytch these daies do add gasoline or diesel to their myxture to extend air mileage, but we oulde dames have always ufed no fuch thynge, for hyt ys a ryght earthlie fubftance and [text is either missing or redacted] ond once a broome is bewitched he muft be [text is either missing or redacted]
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stastrodome · 2 months
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A Froot Loops Origin Story
When he was admitted to the care of the sisters at La Maison du Roi Saint-Louis, Samuel thought he was a goner but, held in the compassionate care of the Roi Saint-Louis’s sisters, Sam started to rebound, particularly as the sisters fed him a kind of coarse cereal with tropical fruit bits. Brought back to his old rambunctious self, Sam asked Sister Bertrille what kind of fruit was in the cereal and she just smiled and said “Monsieur le toucan, c’est les fruits du Saint-Louis!” which Sam heard as “Fruit Lous” which then lead him, from that point forward and forever, to Froot Loops. 
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vintageviewmaster · 1 year
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CONTENT WARNING: This packet contains dated and offensive language (ethnic slurs)/imagery. The images are however presented unedited and in their original form. The below booklet transcription has been censored.
Caption: Boy and dog were found in their “secret place.”
Booklet Description: PICTURE 21. "Did Jamie say where he was going?" "No, Reverend Mother," answered Carmelita. "He just said he knew a safe place." "Perhaps the police will be able--" But Sister Bertrille had a hunch. They all went in the stationwagon to the beach, and sure enough Raffles and Jamie were hiding in the safest place they could think of--the old overturned dory. Pure joy descended on all. The ***** and Raffles stayed thereafter to help the sisters, and all was well!
Packet Title: The Flying Nun Reel Title: The Flying Nun Reel Subtitle: in "Love Me, Love My Dog"; Reel Three Reel Number: B 4953 Reel Edition: A Image Number: 21 Date: 1967
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ourrobotculture · 1 month
The Flying Nun
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“The Flying Nun” is an American sitcom that aired from 1967 to 1970. The show centers on Sister Bertrille, a young and idealistic novice nun at the Convent San Tanco in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sister Bertrille, played by Sally Field, discovers she can fly when the wind catches her cornette, a large, heavily starched headpiece for her habit. This ability is attributed to her weighing under 90 pounds, the high winds at the convent, and her cornette.
The series follows Sister Bertrille’s misadventures as she uses her flying ability to help the convent and the local community, which includes teaching underprivileged and orphaned children and assisting the poor. Her flying talents often lead to humorous situations but are generally used with good intentions to solve problems.
The show was based on the 1965 book “The Fifteenth Pelican” by Tere Ríos and developed for television by Bernard Slade1. It was known for its lighthearted take on convent life and the unique premise of a flying nun, making it a memorable part of television history.
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Es una serie de comedia de situación estadounidense sobre una comunidad de monjas que incluía a una que podía volar cuando el viento golpeaba su corneta . Fue producido por Screen Gems para ABC basado en el libro de 1965 The Fifteenth Pelican , escrito por Tere Rios . Sally Field interpretó al personaje principal, Sister Bertrille.
La serie se emitió originalmente en ABC del 7 de septiembre de 1967 al 3 de abril de 1970 y produjo 82 episodios, incluido un episodio piloto de una hora.
Año de inicio: 7 de septiembre de 1967
Año de finalización: 3 de abril de 1970
Dirección: Max Wylie, Harry Ackerman
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
Para ver el tráiler ingresa al enlace:
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Last year Tumblr hid all of my posts from the tags and didn’t tell me. So I decided for Femslash February I would repost all the gifsets that only my followers got to see.
So to start off, here’s a true rarepair. A one-sided ship from the second episode of The Flying Nun. Dottie’s obvious (if non-canonical) crush on Sister Bertrille.
[Dottie smiles and Sister Bertrille waves hello. Dottie smiles affectionately at Sister Bertrille dancing around a classroom full of kids and singing to students. Dottie smiles at Sister Bertrille and asks if she can talk to her. Dottie smiles at Sister Bertrille as she turns to tell the kids to take a break. Sister Bertrille speaks. Dottie just smiles at her. Sister Bertrille puts her hand on Dottie's shoulder and they go to sit down together. Dottie speaks and gestures. Sister Bertrille listens. Dottie puts her hand on Sister Bertrille's arm as she talks.]
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Sally Field as The Flying Nun (1967)
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This is known as “The Flying Nun” house in Apple Valley, California.
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Built in 1966, it definitely has mid-century modern style.
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It has MCM stone walls and lots of wood. The ceiling is beautiful. The kitchen is lovely, and has 2 ovens.
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There’s a large counter to eat at, too. 
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The large windows have great views of the town.
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Big dining room with stone wall and built-in sideboard.
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Love the retro fireplace.
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Lovely master has 2 doors to a deck and a sitting area. It’s huge.
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Nice walk-in closet.
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Big en-suite bath.
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This is a beautiful bedroom, too. It has a fireplace and nice shower.
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Multiple decks and a pool. 
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This is nice.
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Not only is there flooring in the garage, but there’s a bedroom, too, with autographed walls.
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Beautiful home. Who cares if it looks like its wearing Sister Bertrille’s headpiece?
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Vintage Tv 📺 Characters
Sally Field
Gidget 1965-1966
Character Gidget Lawrence
The Flying Nun
Character Sister Bertrille
Robin Williams
Mork & Mindy ~ 1978-1982
Character Mork
Elizabeth Montgomery
Bewitched 1964-1972
Character Samantha Stevens
James Garner
Maverick 1957-1962
Character ~ Bret Maverick
Diahann Carroll
Julia ~ 1968-1971
Character Julia Baker
Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis
Moonlighting ~ 1985 -1989
character ~ Madelyn "Maddie" Hayes
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tgtcooktown · 3 years
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Examiner, November 2
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: 56th anniversary of Gilligan’s Island 
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Page 2: Happily Never After -- these Hollywood marriages flopped fast -- Cher and Gregg Allman, Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney, Britney Spears and Jason Alexander, Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman 
Page 3: Eddie Murphy and Tracey Edmonds, Mario Lopez and Ali Landry, Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphreys, Sinead O’Connor and Barry Herridge 
Page 4: The many looks of Johnny Depp 
Page 6: Hoda Kotb and fiance Joel Schiffman are expanding their family -- they already have adopted daughters Haley Joy and Hope Catherine and the couple would love to have a boy 
Page 7: Happy anniversary to Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen who are celebrating their 25th year of wedded bliss, Kristen Stewart has been preparing for her role as Princess Diana in the movie Spencer like a trouper by reading biographies and says she wants to know Diana implicitly but one of the toughest thing to learn is how to speak like Diana, grandma Jane Seymour has been putting her pandemic time to good use by spending it with her beloved trio of grandchildren and keeping memories alive 
Page 8: How to learn a second language faster 
Page 9: Family First -- take these steps for healthy holiday get-togethers 
Page 10: A trio of bandits swiped some well-earned medals and ribbons and pilot’s wings from the Virginia home a retired Marine Corps colonel who served in Vietnam -- the detective assigned to the case found the thieves and recovered some of the loot from pawnshops but he always felt bad that some of the most meaningful medals were never recovered so he convinced Medals of America to replace the awards 
Page 11: What to do if you suffer from sciatica 
Page 12: The Flying Nun helped make Sally Field a lasting cultural icon but the actress hated playing soaring Sister Bertrille in the kindhearted but kooky sitcom because the role stunted her sexual growth 
Page 14: Dear Tony -- God gives life choose wisely how to use it, Tony predicts spiritual adviser Deepak Chopra will be in great demand 
Page 15: Reba McEntire has found love again with actor Rex Linn 
Page 16: Dolly Parton has sold more than 100 millions albums but there’s one accomplishment she treasures even more which is her 54-year marriage to husband Carl Dean -- she reveals the couple’s secret to happiness is perfecting the balance between their busy schedules and alone time together
Page 18: For the last 10 years Grandpa Ron has volunteered hugs and talks with local elementary school kids but when the school closed in March due to the pandemic the kids complained they missed him and the school received so many requests that administrators arranged for the pupils to send Ron emails and letters
Page 19: A grandfather who missed doing batting practice with his son and grandson donated a bucket of baseballs for others to use and a note that went viral 
Page 20: Gilligan’s Island -- a boatload of secrets revealed -- drugs, sex, feuds and failures -- Bob Denver as Gilligan, Dawn Wells as Mary Ann, Tina Louise as Ginger, Natalie Schafer as Mrs. Howell, Alan Hale Jr. as the Skipper, Jim Backus as Mr. Howell, Russell Johnson as the Professor 
Page 22: A postal worker in Kentucky went above and beyond the call of duty when he saved the life of an 84-year-old woman on his route 
Page 24: Whoopi Goldberg just announced she’s going for a third Sister Act movie 
Page 25: Five things you should never say to your partner 
Page 26: The Good Doctor -- is it safe to fly? 
Page 30: Cary Grant was shockingly handsome and suave and polished and loved by the ladies and a complete fraud according to a new book 
Page 31: Mask Mania -- check out these creative cover-ups 
Page 36: Tony’s Mystic World -- the power of belief, rare white lobster found off the coast of Maine 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Rod Stewart performing for the virtual Carousel of Hope Ball (picture), Rob Lowe on the beach (picture), Samuel L. Jackson and wife LaTanya Richardson (picture), Stevie Nicks has been mainly cooped up in her L.A. home since the pandemic hit the U.S. and she’s not happy about it because it’s stealing her youth, Prince Harry is looking at the bright side of the lockdown because he and wife Meghan Markle were both there for son Archie’s first steps and his first run and everything, you’ll never see Shaquille O’Neal on Dancing with the Stars because he’s an innovator, Daniel Craig has advice for whoever takes his place as James Bond: Don’t f--k it up
Page 45: Tom Cruise and co-star Hayley Atwell on the set of Mission: Impossible 7 in Rome (picture), Bernadette Peters and Joel Grey lend their star power to a pop-up event in Times Square (picture), Cardi B filed for divorce from Offset but but less than a month later the two were spotted locking lips at her 28th birthday bash in Las Vegas, Phil Collins wants his ex-wife out of the Miami home they once shared that he says he owns and plans to file an eviction lawsuit, Jennifer Aniston has a new puppy named Lord Chesterfield, Mindy Kaling revealed she secretly had a baby boy in September  
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vintageviewmaster · 1 year
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Caption: Carlos petted the dog - and lost his wallet!
Booklet Description: PICTURE 11. Now Carlos Ramirez was in the entertainment business in Puerto Rico, and because of his wealth he was very generous to the Sisters of Convent San Tanco. To show their appreciation for past favors, Sister Bertrille, Jamie, and Raffles formed a committee to deliver a model of a ship from the first grade to grace Carlos' desk. Carlos bent down to pet Raffles, who responded by snuggling his head into Carlos' chest. At the same time the dog removed the wallet from Carlos' pocket.
Packet Title: The Flying Nun Reel Title: The Flying Nun Reel Subtitle: in "Love Me, Love My Dog"; Reel Two Reel Number: B 4952 Reel Edition: A Image Number: 11 Date: 1967
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Warrior Nuns Through TV History
TV nunning is a broad church. Sometimes, it’s all gunfire, demon-dissolving punches and running through walls, as in Netflix’s latest comic book adaptation Warrior Nun. In that show, a mystical artifact gives a non-believing teen superpowers passed down the generations from holy sister to holy sister. Defeat the demons, protect the world, praise the Lord, and so on.
Other fictional TV nuns lead quieter, more cake-focused lives, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t also fighters. You might say that like superheroes, not all warrior nuns wear capes. You’d be wrong – nuns definitely wear capes. They’re called mantles and though roomy and practical, likely represent a significant time commitment with regard to ironing.
Warrior Nun‘s superpowered teen follows in the echoey footsteps of a whole conventful of fictional TV nuns remembered here – some good, some bad, some inordinately fond of biscuits, but all, in their own way, warriors.
Sister Mary Loquacious in Good Omens (2019)
Played by: Nina Sosanya
Allegiance: Satanic nuns of the Chattering Order of St Beryl
Warrior level: Novice
Weapon of choice: Infantilising baby talk of hoofikins and widdle demonic tails
Specialism: Biscuits with pink icing
Most likely to say: ‘Fancy me holding the Antichrist! Counting his little toesy-woesies!’
Getting into heaven? Absolutely not
Demon Crowley and angel Aziraphale may have been Good Omens’ major players, but Sister Mary Loquacious kicked off the whole mess by accidentally confusing the infant Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Prince of this World and Lord of Darkness with the human child of a couple from the Oxfordshire village of Tadfield. Easily done.
Sister Agatha in Dracula (2020)
Played by: Dolly Wells
Allegiance: The Army of the Faithful, St Mary’s Convent of Budapest
Warrior level: Intellectually? Top Tier. She’s Dracula’s ‘every nightmare at once: an educated woman in a crucifix’
Weapon of choice: Wooden stakes and double-barrel wit
Specialism: Scientific rigour and one-liners
Most likely to say: ‘A house of God is it? Well that’s good, we could do with a man about the place, eh sister?’
Getting into heaven? Ja, if she cared to grace it with her presence.
Unfazed, brave, funny and intellectually curious, Dutch-born Agatha put both her faith and folklore to the test when she took on Count Dracula, meticulously gathering research on his powers and learning the rules of the beast to try to use them against him. A true scientist and quite a woman.
Sister Michael in Derry Girls (2018)
Played by: Siobhan McSweeney
Allegiance: Our Lady Immaculate College/Rawhide
Warrior level: Untested in battle but doubtless lethal
Weapon of choice: Apathy, withering sarcasm and eye-rolls
Specialism: Judo (on Fridays)
Most likely to say: ‘Sweet suffering Jehovah’
Getting into heaven? I wouldn’t be the one to stop her.
You won’t find an ounce of sentiment beneath this wimple, Sister Michael’s dry disdain for the pupils at Our Lady Immaculate is expressed only through cutting remarks and declarations of boredom. Not a fan of priests, the French, love songs or… most things, she’s an authority figure for the Derry Girls. Every so often though, like when she turned a blind eye to Erin and co. distributing their banned lesbianism-focused edition of the school magazine, she’ll surprise you.
Sister Jane Ingalls in Orange is the New Black (2013)
Played by: Beth Fowler
Allegiance: Catholicism
Warrior level: Basically nil as she’s a committed pacifist, though she does punch Gloria in the mouth at one point for PR
Weapon of choice: Civil disobedience and the Good Book
Specialism: Activism
Most likely to say: ‘I was afraid nunning was going to be boring!’
Getting into heaven? Sure
As a young novice in the 1960s, Ingalls fell in with the bad nuns and got a taste for non-violent activism. A bunch of protests and a memoir later (full points for the title: Nun Shall Pass), and the church didn’t want anything to do with her, neglecting to cover her legal fees after she handcuffed herself to a nuclear facility, landing her in Litchfield.
Sister Harriet in Hunters (2019)
Played by: Kate Mulvany
Allegiance: Anti-Nazi, Pro-Quip
Warrior level: Top level. A highly capable operative.
Weapon of choice: Gun, blowtorch, you name it
Specialism: Threats of extreme violence delivered in the voice of a Downton Abbey marchioness.
Most likely to say: ‘I will set you aflame, child’
Getting into heaven? There’s some intrigue as to her real deal but she certainly seems to be on the right side of history.
This MI6 agent/Nazi-hunting nun from Amazon Prime’s Hunters is something of a Scary Poppins. She does an excellent line in death threats and action-movie quips. She’s deadly, has a shady backstory, speaks in a cut-glass English accent and is fond of biscuits. In other words: our kind of nun.
Matron Casp in Doctor Who ‘New Earth’ (2006)
Played by: Doña Croll
Allegiance: Sisters of Plenitude
Warrior level: Merciless eugenicist
Weapon of choice: Cat claws and science
Specialism: Incinerating conscious and begging-for-help human cloning experiments without a spark of fellow-feeling.
Most likely to say: ‘Who needs arms when we have claws’
Getting into heaven? Nah. Space prison more like.
The Sisters of Plenitude, healers on New Earth, may have called their work ‘the tender application of science’ but ‘the incredibly painful application of bastard cruelty’ better sums up their human cloning farm. This order takes a lifelong vow to help and mend, but clearly not to do no harm. And their hospital doesn’t even have a shop.
Abbess Hild in The Last Kingdom (2015-)
Played by: Eva Birthistle
Allegiance: Uhtred of Bebbanburg/the Lord
Warrior level: Advanced (but retired)
Weapon of choice: Dagger
Specialism: Throwing buckets of cold water on a sleeping Uhtred and sawing through the necks of dead Danes
Most likely to say: ‘I have killed, and I will kill again I’m sure, but hopefully not today’
Getting into heaven? Big yes.
Hild’s journey in The Last Kingdom took her from nun to warrior and back again. Rescued from attack by Uhtred, Leofric and Yseult, she swore to become a fighter and more-than earned the title. Eventually, her vocation called her back to the church, where she now remains as the Abbess with whom you don’t mess.
Sister Jude in American Horror Story: Asylum
Played by: Jessica Lange
Allegiance: Catholicism and the teachings of Monseigneur Timothy Howard
Warrior level: Complicated
Weapon of choice: Forced commitment to an insane asylum,
Specialism: Guilt
Most likely to say: ‘All monsters are human’
Getting into heaven? Bad things happened under her watch but she does try to atone
The head of Briarcliff, an institution for the criminally insane, Sister Jude is a complex character with a complicated trajectory. She mistreats, but is also also gravely mistreated.
Sister Monica Joan in Call the Midwife (2012-)
Played by: Judy Parfitt
Allegiance: Raymond Nonnatus, patron saint of childbirth
Warrior level: Yoda
Weapon of choice: Forceps and fey literary quotation
Specialism: Sniffing out and emptying hidden cake tins
Most likely to say: ‘My first responsibility is to ensure the consumption of this cake’
Getting into heaven? Hundo P
AKA the best Call The Midwife nun, and an OG resident of Nonnatus House ever since the BBC One series began. Owing to her advanced years and developing dementia, Sister Monica Joan is now retired from midwifery, but in her prime there wasn’t a birth canal in Poplar that hadn’t welcomed her up to the elbow. She’s highly educated and extremely well-read with an instinctive love of beauty, poetry, cake and Doctor Who, which makes her the patron saint of all our hearts.
Sister Sybil in Camelot (2011)
Played by: Sinéad Cusack
Allegiance: Shady but ultimately loyal to Morgan
Warrior level: Witch
Weapon of choice: Dark magicks
Specialism: Child sacrifice?
Getting into heaven? Nah.
When Uther Pendragon banished his daughter Morgan in Chris Chibnall’s 2011 Camelot, she was raised in a nunnery by a sister who was no stranger to the dark arts. When Morgan (played by Eva Green) returned to claim her birthright, Sister Sybil was the one whispering poison in her ear and teaching her how to channel her powers.
Sister Bertrille in The Flying Nun (1967)
Played by: Sally Field
Allegiance: El Convento San Tanco in San Juan
Warrior level: Negligible
Weapon of choice: Not so much a weapon, but her flight-enabling cornette was the big thing.
Specialism: As the title suggests, flight
Most likely to say: ‘When lift plus thrust is greater than load plus drag, anything can fly.’
Getting into heaven? Si señor.
A creation of Tere Ríos’ book The Fifteenth Pelican, Sister Bertrille was the fresh-faced nun-next-door whose cornette combined with the Puerto Rico coastal winds allowed her to fly in the 1960s TV series. According to Sally Field’s excellent memoir In Pieces, the whole experience was more drag than take-off.
Miss Clavel in Madeline (1988-2001)
Voiced by: Judith Orban & various
Allegiance: An old house in Paris/the Catholic church
Warrior level: more sentry than prize fighter
Weapon of choice: Education! (Read: day trips to the circus)
Specialism: Waking up in the middle of the night with a nagging sense that something’s off kilter with her young schoolgirl charges, then singing a song about it.
Most likely to say: ‘Vite, vite mes petits’
Getting into heaven? Mais oui
The headteacher at Madeline’s Parisian boarding school in the Ludwig Bemelmans’ books and their various TV and film adaptations, Miss Clavel is a kindly sort. She gives her young boarding school pupils warm moral instruction and generally manages to extract Madeline from the mouth of whatever tiger she’s crawled inside that week. Not ferocious, as warriors go, but kind and dependable.
Septa Unella in Game of Thrones (2015)
Played by: Hannah Waddingham
Allegiance: The Faith of the Seven
Warrior level: High Bastard
Weapon of choice: Wooden spoon and ignominy
Specialism: Torture and bell-ringing.  
Most likely to say: ‘Confess!’  
Getting into heaven? Not in one piece she won’t after what Cersei did to her
The Geneva Convention didn’t reach the Seven Kingdoms. If it had, then the supposedly holy Septa Unella wouldn’t have beaten Cersei Lannister with a water ladle and made her drink from the floor like a dog before parading her naked to jeering crowds around the city. Not a nun to mess with, unless you’re a Lannister.
Sister Assumpta in Father Ted (1995)
Sister Boniface in Father Brown (2013)
(Briefly) Olive in Pushing Daisies (2007)
Mother Superior in Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
Kassia the Byzantine nun in Vikings (2019)
Warrior Nun is available to stream now on Netflix.
The post Warrior Nuns Through TV History appeared first on Den of Geek.
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