#skincare review
becomingitgirll · 2 months
Face icing
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Facial icing is exactly what it sounds like, the process of applying ice to your face. Low temps causes blood to rise beneath the surface of the skin, which has a variety of benefits.
The benefits of icing your face
Reduces swelling, puffiness and tenderness : The cold helps help drain excess fluids from the lymphatic system, which also help decrease facial puffiness.
Lessens the appearance of under-eye bags : The same lymphatic drainage that reduces overall puffiness can specifically reduce the appearance of a puffy under-eye area. Gently icing under the eyes can help release fluid buildup, drain toxins and cause a tightening effect.
Brightens your complexion : Who needs top-of-the-line highlighter when an ice cube can give you the same glow for free? Icing constricts the blood vessels is your face, which can lessen the appearance of pores and wrinkles and make you look lighter, brighter and more radiant overall.
Free and easy to do : You don’t need any fancy equipment or expensive products to ice your face. For exactly zero dollars, it offers an easily accessible way to tend to your skin care needs.
How to safely ice your face
All you need to ice your face is, well, some ice. But Scarso doesn’t recommend it applying it directly to your face on its own, as it could cause irritation and redness.
Instead, wrap an ice cube in a thin cloth, which will protect the skin on your face and your hands, and begin to lightly massage your face. “Rub the ice around your face in a circular motion,” she advises. “You want constant movement.”
Lightly massage the following areas:
- Around your mouth
- Cheeks
- Chin
- Forehead
- Jaw
- Nose
Don’t let the ice rest on any portion of your skin for too long, as it could cause that aforementioned irritation and redness — and even frostbite. And do remember to moisturize after icing your face so that your skin doesn’t dry out.
My personal recommendation and opinion : As someone who suffers from acne, I do not recommend buying the Ice cube mold. The idea that I will icing my face with an ice cube and then put it back in the freezer or add some water to the mold and not be able to disinfect it the right way definitely turned me off the idea of ​​buying this product. But this is my opinion on this product, everyone has a different experience.
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chasejlondon · 6 months
BRAND : @thesaem
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I received this product for free from Picky and THE SAEM in exchange for my honest review.
Really love the cooling effect of this eye stick , which helps with the puffiness under my eyes. Have been using it for a few weeks now and have seen a little difference in the dark circles under my eyes. My under eyes feel much firmer and hydrated. Love the packaging, really cute and handy just to throw in your bag. I use this one mostly during my morning skincare routine and throughout the day when I feel like my under-eyes need a pick me up.Would highly recommend it.
#pickyreview #gopicky #ThesaemJourney #TheSaem #Koreanskincare #eyestick #undereyestick #EyeBalm #EyeBalmStickpicky
@go_picky @pickyrewards
#SKINCARE #skincareproducts #skincaretips #eyecare
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new skincare — thoughts & rambles | april 2024 — week 17
DAMDAM Matcha Boost Hydrating & Restorative Eye Serum
This product looks interesting. I haven’t looked super far into it since I’m not at a point with any skin conditions where I want to use a retinol or retinol-like product like this contains. However, I have had an eye on DAMDAM since they entered Sephora so I’ll keep looking into this brand. I really like the aesthetics of this brand.
Glossier Invisible Shield Priming SPF 50
Yayyyyyy it’s another sunscreennnnnnnnnnnnn ugh. I’m so sunscreened out. Maybe it’s because I can’t use many sunscreens but I am tired of sunscreen. Anyway, this product looks fine. It uses chemical sunscreen so it *should* appear clear on the skin and not give the type of finish a mineral sunscreen would. I personally can’t use chemical sunscreens, I’ve had a reaction to most chemical sunscreen ingredients, so I’m just talking about this one but I couldn’t use it. Nor want to. I’m a bit tired of Glossier.
There will probably be a lull in new releases now that the Sephora sale is done, so I’ll keep an eye on products I think are interesting and talk about those.
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kiddoovanilla · 2 months
Produits terminés 🧺
🌟🧺 On ne m'a rien demandé mais ... Prêts à plonger dans mes produits terminés ? Dans cette revue, je vous emmène à travers les hauts et les bas de mes aventures avec ces produits, des découvertes inattendues aux incontournables de ma routine. Préparez-vous à découvrir mes impressions honnêtes et mes sentiments sincères sur ces compagnons de beauté vidés jusqu'à la dernière goutte !. 🧺🌟
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Day one moisturiser - Beauty Bay
C'était un gel-creme hydratant ultra confortable, on a une petite sensation de frais et un effet repullpé Il a une légère odeur, du au squalane j’imagine, que j'aime pas trop... Ca fait un peu crème médicale mais elle s'estompe vite. Je n'ai jamais eu de sensation de tiraillement dans la journée et il est censé convenir à tout type de peau. Je l'ai surtout utilisé en crème de nuit ces 3 derniers mois car j'ai essayé un changement dans ma routine (je vous en parlerai dans un prochain post 😉). Il a été repackager depuis, je ne sais pas si la formule est la meme (j'imagine que non 🤔) Un format bien généreux comme on aime de 120ml ! j'ai mis un temps fou à le finir (au moins 6 mois!!) mais déçue à la fin du flacon, il va un peu me manquer ! je le rachèterai surement (si je trouve pas mieux une fois que j'ai fini ses remplaçants 😉)
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Hydrance boost mini - Avène
C'était un mini sérum à l'acide hyaluronique reçu dans la box blissim d'octobre 2023. Il n'a aucune odeur et a une texture un peu gélifiée et une application très confortable. Il pénètre rapidement dans la peau mais si on applique rien rapidement après on a une sensation de tiraillement un peu désagréable... 🙃 Appliqué "dans les règles", il a vraiment hydratée ma peau comme il faut ! Je l’utilisais par intermittence (2 fois par semaines max) et m’a duré un peu moins de 3 mois. Il a fini par me piquer sévèrement à la fin du flacon, je n'ai pas la peau sensible donc j'imagine que la formule a "tourné"... C'était une miniature de 10ml, en full size il coute entre 25 et 30€. Envie de le racheter ? Pas spécialement à la base... et si le petit format a commencé à me piquer après avoir utiliser 10 ml, un full size ça va être compliqué ... 😶
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SkinHit Prebiotic+Postbiotic - Beauty Bay
Alors lui ... un sérum qui ne pas pas marqué du tout, mais alors DU TOUT. Je l'ai terminé mais il n'a pas été plus hydratant que ça, je n'ai pas spécialement la peau plus lisse, pas plus matte non plus, mes pores n'ont pas bougés... vraiment un sérum histoire de dire "je mets un sérum" ... il a une texture assez classique, pas d'odeur particulière.. 🤷‍♀️ je ne peux pas vous dire de fuir, il ne fais rien de mal, en tout cas sur moi c'était inexistant et j'au du me forcer le finir ...
Sébo vegetal gel creme 0 défaut - Yves rocher
J'ai mis beaucoup de temps à finir le pot de 50ml, plus d'1 an... il s'agissait de ma creme "dépannage" chez mon copain avant qu'on emménage ensemble. Ouverte en décembre 2022 (déjà???), je l'ai temriné fin janvier et espérant ne pas avoir de réaction (je culpabilisais un peu du gachi potentiel). Elle a une douce odeur et est à destination des peaux mixtes à grasses, elle avait un effet légèrement matifiant. Coté compo, je regarde check de temps en temps mes produits sur l'application SkinBliss et elle contient de l'alcool donc elle est censée asséchée la peau. Je n'ai pas observé d'asséchement particulier, je la touve même plutot confortable pour la journée ! Elle a été repackagée en 2023 aussi mais je n'ai pas vu de communication de la marque sur un changement de formule (je suppose donc que c'est la même 🤔) Je l'ai de nouveau en stock mais ce pot là attendra un peu !
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Citrus brightening cream - Frudia
10/10 (juste pour l'odeur)
Très petit pot, mais vraiment très petit, une miniature trop mignonne en fait ! ... (je me suis faite avoir sur Amazon je n'ai pas regardé la contenance : 10ml 🙄) Je l'ai finit très vite forcément (2 semaines en l'aplliquant uniquement le matin et en jonglant avec la Yves Rocher..) 😂 Très agréable à appliquer, on a une sensation de frais légère, mais SURTOUT une odeur de tarte au citron, de lemon curd INCROYABLE ! Vu la taille du pot, j'ai pas assez d'utilisation pour voir des effets. En tout cas rien de négatif et c'est déjà bien !
Masque hydratant oxygénant Pure Algue - Yves Rocher
Je l'utilisais surtout avant et après le rasage de mon visage, il a une texture gel un peu laiteuse je trouve, qui laissait ma lame glissée toute seule ! Il laisse un effet de peau repulpée juste après vraiment sympa. Il faut bien retirer l'excédent après l'avoir fait posé par contre, sinon il peluche/pèle c'est vraiment pas agréable donc si vous vouliez l'essayer en masque de nuit, vous aller avoir des petites peluches partout sur la taie ! Après, ça reste un masque hydratant assez basique qui fait son taff dans l'ensemble 🤷‍♀️
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Bas à paupières Proof it - NYX
Je suis triste et démunie !! ma base préférée (qui a été discontinuée en plus) est finie ! Je vous prépare une revue sur les base à paupières que j'ai pu tester 🤭 Elle est un peu collante, mais une fois poudrée, mes fards tenaient jusqu'au bout de la journée, elle était sweatproof ET waterproof, pourtant j'ai les paupières grasses mais c'est la meilleure !
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101 ointment multi-balm Coconut - Lanolips 9/10
Un baume multi usage que j'utilisais uniquement sur mes lèvres, il a une texture riche assez grasse que je ne me voyais pas mettre sur mes cuticules, mains ou autres. En plus avec son petit format, je l'aurais vidé en 2 utilisations 🤣 Pour sa fonction de baume à lèvre par contre, c'est une pépite et j'aime VRAIMENT beaucoup l'odeur de noix de coco, très estivale, très cocktail sucré sous les palmier🌴🥥 J'avais les lèvres nourries pendant au moins 3/4 heures (difficile de faire plus pour moi, je finis par le retirer à un moment sans forcement m'en rendre compte 😐 Ce petit format, je l'ai terminé en 1 mois en l'utilisant tout les soirs
Lotion à l'acide glycolic 7% - The Ordinary
Un très grand format qui m'a duré 7 mois ! L'embout initial fourni avec est très pratique pour l'appliction sur le cuir chevelu mais pour le visage pas vraiment.. J'ai donc récupérer un spray d'une brume terminée et c'est tellement mieux !! C'est une des lotion les plus concentrée en acide glycolic que j'ai et j'ai vraiment vu un effet lissant sur mon grain de peau. Je l'ai aussi utilisé sur le corps et je n'ai plus de tâche sous les aisselles et mes coudes sont moins rugueux. Il n'a pas d'odeur particulière, une légère sensation de picotement quand je l'applique sur boutons à vifs mais clairement rien de méchant (je n'ai pas une peau sensible de base aussi). Je racheterai surement cette lotion ... une fois que j'aurais terminé la Pixi 😉
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🌸🧼 Et voilà, c'est la fin de ma revue des produits terminés ! J'espère que cette exploration de mes expériences avec ces produits vous a été aussi divertissante qu'à moi. Restez à l'affût pour de nouvelles aventures dans le beauty universe ! 🧼🌸
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 months
Hello friends, I need some skincare help
I am wanting to come off of prescription Clindamycin for acne because I have to start paying for my skincare by myself soon along with a bunch of other adult stuff
I have dry, somewhat acne prone, sensitive skin and cannot use fragranced products and I used to have oily acne prone skin but that changed when I grew up- I'm 18 so I don't need like peptides and wrinkle stuff, just acne (if that helps)
Do you guys have any acne products that you recommend?
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skin care review of the products i've tried so far. skin type: brown skin, oily problem areas: enlarged pores, prone to hyperpigmentation
origins checks and balances frothy face wash: love it.❤️ i've been using mini sizes of this so far but i'm really tempted to buy a full size and not even bother trying out other face washes which shows how much i like it. clears up blemishes, washes away excess oil and lathers good. imo it's good value for the money because you literally only need a dime size amount. leaves your face with a clean feeling that's just a little "tight".
thayers toner: this is probably the holy grail toner for so many people and will probably become mine as well. i'm currently using the rose petal version and although it doesn't smell like roses (to me) it isn't super drying, is actually a little moisturizing and i have notice a reduction in my pore size. inexpensive and works good. 👍🏾
origins clear improvement active charcoal mask: i LOVE this mask. i wish i could use it every day but it's a detox mask so i only use it once or twice a week. when i do use it i notice that my skin is softer, pore size has gotten smaller and ALL excess oil has been removed. i just purchased the peter thomas roth charcoal mask so i'm interested to see how it compares to this one.
the ordinary niacinamide 10% + zinc 1% serum: i wanted to like this because so many people seem to rave about the ordinary's products but it did absolutely nothing for me. the serum is suppose to target and improve skin texture/dullness, reduce shine/oiliness, blemishes, etc. it did none of that for me. i will say that a little bit goes a long way, it absorbs okay into the skin and doesn't leave behind any kind of residue.
the ordinary caffeine solution 5% + egcg: 😡 i'm conflicted over this product. i'll start with the good: the serum is meant to depuff and reduce dark circles. i had "light" dark circles and the serum got rid of them. however once the dark circles were gone i suddenly started to notice FINE LINES underneath my eyes. wtf did these come from!? 😳😫🤬 after my panic attack, i immediately blamed the product because i hadn't noticed them before (maybe i was too busy noticing my dark circles lol) but now i'm thinking that the product gave me fine lines. yes i know that sounds crazy. i went back to the reviews and after reading, sure enough some of the other commenters did say that the product increased the appearance of their fine lines (or just flat out gave them fine lines) so i guess i wasn't entirely crazy. but here's the odd thing...alot of the reviewers that mentioned an increase in fine lines also mentioned how drying the product was but it was SO FUCKING OILY/GREASY [to me]. it's THICK and it didn't fully absorb into my skin, it kind of just sat there? i know that not everything that is oily is moisturizing and this was definitely one of those examples. if you use this please use an undereye moisturizer afterwards. i really wish the ordinary would put that on their box somewhere… although i'm brown skin i would advise anyone with really fair skin to test this product on their wrist before using it because it does have a yellow-ish tint to it. none of the reviews i read mentioned anything about it "staining" but i also didn't expect to get an "increase" in fine lines so.....😒 not really trying to slam this product, because clearly it works for a lot of people i just wasn't one of them.
origins ginzing oil-free energy boosting gel moisturizer: i wasn't expecting this to work for me but i purchased several origins kits and this moisturizer came in all of them so i figured i would use it. would i recommend this for oily skin? no. but i would recommend this for someone that has normal skin, maybe combo skin or anyone that's looking for a light moisturizer. it does leave a bit of a "glow" after you're done applying it which is why i don't recommend this for anyone with oily skin but i imagine that the glow would look good on probably everyone else lol. this does has a citrus smell to it. it dissipates after maybe 15 mins but if you're very sensitive to smells or just don't like the smell of citrus, i wouldn't recommend it.
in conclusion (or the tldr version): thayers toners are probably the goat for all skin types (especially if you want something that's alcohol free or have dry skin), origins mini products are great to try out if you're deciding whether or not to invest in their full sizes, the ordinary's products did me dirty.
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biophilianutrition · 6 months
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Get Ready With Me
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musiquesduciel · 7 months
The INKEY List - Ceramide Night Treatment Review
Purchase: This was one of the products I purchased when I was curating a skincare routine for myself in July 2021. I remember reading great reviews about it on Reddit and added it to my cart.
First Impressions: It has a slight yellow tint to it and has a caramel-like texture. It feels slimy (less slimy than snail mucin though) but spreads easy. Think a thick gel consistency.
Usage: Since it is a night treatment, I only ever used it as the last step in my night time skincare routine in place of a moisturizer. I used it back in 2021 but kept it aside. I continued using it this year from August 20 to September 12 after pulling it out of my skincare drawer to declutter. This time around, I used it over adapalene. I would say it was 50-60% full when I pulled it out of my drawer this year which lasted me around 20 days. So a full bottle would last 1.5 months with generous use of 4 pumps.
Thoughts: I loved this cream when I used it back in 2021 and love it today. I woke up with the most supple and soft skin every morning. I think it is perfect to go over adapalene, arguably the best moisturizer I have used over it. I never broke out even once while I used this and I even got complimented on my skin the morning after using this.
Final: This is definitely worth a re-purchase. It costed $18.99 when I purchased it 2 years ago and costs $20.49 today. However it seems like it is out of stock everywhere, including The INKEY List website. I hope they don't discontinue this product as I absolutely loved it and is a retinoid staple to have in your routine.
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rinissse · 8 months
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I bought this only because the color is pretty. It's less than $15 but it doesn't add anything significant to my skincare routine, other than very slightly helping calm my skin and adding a layer of hydration. I read azulene can react when in sunlight so I only used it at night. It hasn't really made a difference in my skin. I like the aesthetic of the product but I would not repurchase.
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sidobelei · 8 months
CeraVe Cleansers (cetearyl alcohol)
I have an oily forehead and when i used CeraVe's Hydrating Cream-to-Foam Cleanser, i started to break out there.
I was previously the Foaming Facial Cleanser from the same brand and didn't have any problems with it. I watched a video about the different CeraVe cleansers and didn't make any further research on my own (lesson now learnt).
Since my skin didn't react with the Foaming Facial Cleanser, maybe it was an old formula because the bottle was sitting in a cabinet for a while at home before i used it. I'm too scared to test if the new formula is still harmless because my forehead is healed now.
Now onto the main villain of this story. I hadn't made the link between my breakouts and the CeraVe Cream-to-Foam Cleanser until i saw an Instagram Reel about an ingredient that appears often in CeraVe products that basically helps fungal acne grow.
[Def. Fungal acne looks like small little red or white bumps of 1-2 mm often in clusters together. They look like fungi and often don't have whiteheads. (If they do, it's usually tiny - in my experience.) It usually appears in oily areas of your skin where yeast can grow like your forehead, temples, and hairline. Yeast can also grow in sweaty areas like your shoulders, back, and neck.]
[Def. I'm referring to whiteheads as the white dots that often appear in the middle of a pimple that contains pus. I am not referring to the small hard bumps that are usually the color of your skin (milia).]
Cetearyl alcohol | Cetyl alcohol | Stearyl alcohol
These assholes are the culprit. They act like food to fungal acne and the fungal acne becomes worse with it. Please check if any of your products contain these ingredients if you're struggling with fungal acne. After learning about this, i switched to a cleanser without any of these ingredients and the fungal acne was going away. At least try and stop using that product for a while and see how your skin reacts.
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tiredporkchop · 9 months
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These are my January to June empties for this year! I'll start posting these more often. July will be next! For this month specifically I'm only putting the rating and maybe a couple of comments.
**Disclaimer: These ratings are all based on personal experience and opinion. If I didn't like them, they may simply not work with my skin or routine.**
January 2023 - June 2023 empties:
Tula triple vitamin c serum - 💗💗💗🖤🖤
Tula Triple-Hydra™ Complex day & night serum - 💗💗💗🖤🖤
COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner - 💗💗💗💗💗 → An all time fave! Will rebuy when I'm done with other toners.
Farmacy Honey Halo Face Moisturizer - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel - 💗💗💗💗💗 → Another all time fave, will use as my daily nighttime moisturizer once finished with other moisturizers.
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution - 💗💗💗💗🖤
Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cleanser - 💗🖤🖤🖤🖤
CeraVe Hydrating Toner - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
The INKEY List Azelaic Acid 10% - 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Living Proof no frizz shampoo & conditioner - 💗💗💗🖤🖤
NatureLab. Tokyo Perfect Smooth Conditioner - 💗💗💗💗🖤
Paula's Choice C5 Super Boost Moisturizer - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Light Fluid Tinted Sunscreen 50 spf - 💗💗💗💗💗 → Is now my go-to matte sunscreen, love it.
Tula 24/7 moisture hydrating day & night cream - 💗💗💗💗🖤 → My current daytime moisturizer! Wears super well under makeup.
Beauty Bakerie instabake concealer - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
bliss block star invisible daily sunscreen 30 spf - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
purlisse Radiant Glow Illuminating BB Cream spf 30 - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
Exuviance Age Reverse Day Repair with sunscreen spf 30 - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
fresh rose hydrating facial cream - 💗🖤🖤🖤🖤
pixi Glow Tonic - 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Exuviance Daily Corrector with sunscreen spf 35 - 💗💗💗🖤🖤
La Roche-Posay Pure Vitamin C Cream - 💗💗💗💗🖤
Sunday Riley Good Genes Lactic Acid Treatment - 💗💗🖤🖤🖤
Lancome Advanced Genifique Yeux - 💗💗💗🖤🖤 → I got this 50% off, I don't know if I'd buy it again.. but I think it helped reduce the dark circles under my eyes.
L'Oreal Paris Revitalift Moisturizer - 💗💗💗🖤🖤
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lindalibraloca · 9 months
Alpha-H Advocate Vitamin C and Vitamin A Serum - Skincare basics | Doctors Review
For glowy, radiant skin you need to get the basics right, and the Alpha-H Advocate Vitamin C and Vitamin A Serum feature two of the most powerful ingredients. But are they worth their money? Doctor Anne gives her honest review of the Alpha-H Advocate Vitamin C and Vitamin A Serum. 
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chasejlondon · 9 days
@elengeskin Facial & Body Coffee Scrub /Multipurpose oil
#ElengeSkin #YouthfulSkin #SmoothSkin #Elenge #Vegan #SkinCare #oil #Faceoil #skincareoil #Organic #NaturalSkinCare #skincareproducts #blackskincare #ContentCreator #facescrub #coffescrub #facewash
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crosseyedcricketart · 8 months
a vaguely passive aggressive review of Glossier. they recently were put under new management and refomulated the balm dotcom and discontinued their donations and support to the LGBTQ+ community. so. that sucks. but if you wanted to know how i felt about their products, here you go.
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hazeltailofficial · 10 months
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Avatara Drink Up Thirst-Quenching Hydro Mask
My mom & I both tried out the Avatra Drink Up Thirst-Quenching Hydro Mask. This sheet mask is formulated without parabens, phthalates, silicones, formaldehyde, & fragrance. The fact that this is fragrance free was very important to me, as a lot of scented skincare products make my face itch & break out. We applied the masks to freshly cleansed skin, left them on for 20 minutes, & then followed with the rest of our usual skincare products. There was enough serum left in the packet to apply it to the hands & neck as well. My skin was slightly tacky for a while after that, but it did completely soak in after a bit. I found the mask to be very hydrating, & my skin was very soft after. My mom said that she felt the mask was cooling & moisturizing, & that the extra product helped her dry hands. These masks were $2.99 each from Target.
hazeltailofficial on ig / hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok
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regina-ramos · 1 year
I decided to end my hiatus with an acne series starting with the Vichy Normaderm collection! 
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