terrakatten · 1 year
Honestly, I've never felt so content before.
Writing Johan's story, and it causing me to recieve affirmation and kind feedback (which I'd never really had before) has helped me feel comfortable with my artistic side.
It's weird. From elementary to high school, my English teachers always gave some acclamations to my grasp of language- yet similtaneously my ADHD resulted in middling grades. Said lackluster performance led to me also being told that I had to try harder; that there was an inadequacy in me. My parents, while the furthest thing from negligent or mean, were always/are relatively restrained in distributing generous compliments.
I feel like that's the reason I often grapple with an inferiority complex, alongside a sense that I have to prove myself- both to me and to those around me. Even now in college, fairing very well academically and recieving words of genuinely beautiful praise from my English professor, the struggle against a sense of being lesser persists. (Don't worry too hard; I've had a therapist for years to help ventilate these frustrations)
Yet now, I have the final little nudge of support that has more or less perfected my mental fortitude against my self-doubt- at least in terms of my writing prowess specifically (which I hold as a core facet of my identity, so still a significant boost).
I guess I'm writing this out as a sort of thank you to those who checked out Bloodied Snow, even though this is outlandishly personal and out-of-the-blue, as I scarcely used Tumblr to jot down my thoughts until recently.
I'm thankful for feeling at peace with my skills, as it's going to result in me getting some refreshing sleep tonight.
I hope those who read this little letter enjoy a comfortable rest themselves, if only for a night.
Jag älskar er alla, och tack för allt. Jag ska fortsätta med min skrivning imorgon.
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Tre måneder siden mit sidste engangsknald, og det lader til, at min hoeperiode er ovre. Orker ikke at skrive med folk på tinder, har ikke lyst til at tage på dates med fremmede, byturslysten melder sig kun sjældent. Vil gerne bare læse en god bog, inden jeg skal sove, have kaffeaftaler med venner, fokusere på mine uniopgaver og min skrivning. Jeg er vist gået i vinterhi
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arkipaivainen · 4 months
Nämen va fan?? Jag märkte just att vårt universitet har bara en obligatorisk svensk kurss (åtminstone i mitt huvudämne) och att i praktiken man kan inte studera svenska som biämne om man inte studerar vid handelshögskolan. Det är helt korkad om man tänker på det. Tror dom på riktigt att man kan lära sig tillräcklig bra svenska om man bara har en kurs om det? Även jag som har studerat svenska sedan första klass kan inte tillräcklig bra svenska (vilket man säkert kan se på min jävla dåligt skrivning), för att inte tala om dom som har börjat att studera det på högstadium och som inte ens är intresserade av hela språket
Vi har två kurser på engelska, varför inte på svenska också? Jag vet att det antagligen inte är tillräckligt för att lära sig bra svenska, men det skulle åtminstone vara bättre än den situation som vi har nu
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pnskriver · 1 year
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Jeg er stille lige nu. Skrivning på bind 3 er sløvt. Hænger fast og kan ikke komme fri. Er på banen igen når fastheden har sluppet sit tag i mig 🥴 #skriveblokering #forfatterliv #oktavia #pnskriver https://www.instagram.com/p/CnrqniDstC4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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empyrean-realm · 3 years
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Survival Gardening: The Backyard Homestead
With raised bed gardens, high density planting, and some planning small yards can be converted to generate food for your family.
Quarter Acre can harvest:
1400 eggs
2000 pounds of vegetables
280 pounds of pork
50 pounds of wheat
60 pounds of fruit
75 pounds of nuts
Source: The Backyard Homestead: Produce All the Food You need on Just a Quarter Acre.
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kat0223 · 3 years
Vi söker författare och affärsutvecklare
Har du en författares dröm i hjärtat?
Är du intresserad av att läsa och granska texter?
Vill du vara med oss och främja den svenska skönlitteraturen till en internationell plattform?
Vi på Stary PTE.LTD söker både författare (proffs och amatör) och redaktör på distans, arbetstid är flexibell och du bestämmer vart och när du jobbar.
PM för mer info, vi ser fram emot att presentera mer om vad vi gör och hur vi kan samarbeta tillsammas.
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lunabacher · 3 years
Debatindlæg jeg skrev for SEINmag med nyhedsproducenten Amalie Thorlund Jepsen og Mia McCaul som illustrator.
I debatten diskuteres hvorvidt porno burde afskaffes som helhed, på grund af at det blandt andet bidrager til delingen af voldtægtsofres videoer, eller om det bidrager positivt til samfundet.
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aftenrose · 4 years
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jeg drømmer om havet.
inspired by artwork by lionel walden
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duskysnaevsen · 5 years
Be Hopeful
It won’t be long now
Before you’re medicated
It won’t be long now
Before it’s automated
It won’t be long now
Before you’re motivated
It won’t be long now
Before it’s integrated
It won’t be long now
Before you’ve graduated
It won’t be long now
Before you’re liberated
It won’t be long now
Before you’re brought back to life
From a fight you didn’t know you could win
It won’t be long now
Before a light shines bright from within
It won’t be long now
Soon you’re in a better place
It won’t be long now
Soon you’re out of the maze
It won’t be long now
Oh how the moon resembles a face
Oh so sad from being lonely in space
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wp-langblr · 6 years
Dansk Journal Nummer Et
Jeg håber at skrive her hver dag. Jeg vil skrive om min dag og hvad jeg gjorde eller planlægger at gøre. Jeg har aldrig haft en journal og jeg håber det vil hjælpe min dansk bliver bedre. Enhver hjælpe er velkommen!
I dag jeg sov til 1300 fordi jeg var vågen til kl 3 efter arbejde. 1300 er meget sent for mig et vågne op. Typisk jeg er vågen på 0900 men jeg var meget træt. I aften jeg vil går til biografen med min venner og jeg håber at være i min seng før 2300 fordi jeg har klasser om morgenen klokken 8. Jeg vil ikke have at går til klasser i morgen men det er universitetslev. 
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writing-ollypopstar · 6 years
Jeg var for ung til at blive født
Så jeg kunne ikke selv vælge, om jeg skulle
Jeg var for ung til at blive opdraget
Så jeg kunne ikke selv vælge, hvem jeg blev
Jeg er gammel nok til at blive straffet
For de valg som er baseret på min opdragelse
Jeg er gammel nok til at leve
Men det er kun fordi jeg blev født
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Skal skrive et essay i kreativ skrivning om hvad end jeg vil, så jeg skriver selvfølgelig om Pokémon (spillene)
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tweething · 3 years
jeg glæder mig til
den vage sommer
til at sejle på blåt glas
til at kysse dig ensomt
ingen i nærheden
kun os, omfavnet
af stille vandmolekyler
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sjovebilleder · 4 years
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Jesus elsker dig høj, vinkel, udsigter tekst på papir
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empyrean-realm · 3 years
We are taught that urbanization, and industrialization was driven by the people themselves.
Eleven million people migrated from rural to urban areas between 1870 and 1920, and a majority of the twenty-five million immigrants who came to the United States in these same years moved into the nation’s cities. By 1920, more Americans lived in cities than in rural areas for the first time in US history.
Today most Americans live in cities or suburbs, but from colonial times into the early twentieth century a majority of Americans lived in the countryside and worked on farms. Only two percent of Americans live on farms or ranches today, but in 1790 ninety percent of the population did. What caused this shift?
We were told that the people wanted this. They call it “industrial revolution” and say it’s all part of the natural human evolution, but I’m not so sure it’s true.
I bet if we do thorough research, we will uncover that industrial revolution wasn’t driven by the people, but was a combination of both being forced on the people, and people being brainwashed to accept it believing it was a good thing, believing it was humanity making progress and moving forward.
From the little bits and pieces of info I found so far, it appears as though not all people wanted industrial revolution to happen. The government used different tactics to run the people off of their family farms, and herd them into the urban cities.
One of the ways they achieved this was by making it extremely difficult, or in some cases even impossible for the people to remain in the village/country working their family farms, and living a self-sufficient life, which was a lifestyle of their ancestors going back many generations.
The land which freely belonged to the people for many generations was suddenly seized by the ruling power, and the common people were forced to pay high taxes that they could not afford to pay, and so they ended up losing their land and moving to the city looking for work.
This was just one of the many methods the government used to bring about industrial revolution, and fill up urban cities with people.
Wars took all of the able bodied, younger men from the villages, leaving their old and frail fathers to work the farms. The old men were unable to work the land and keep up with the farms, and pay their taxes, and so the farms were abandoned, and remaining family members had to leave to the city looking for work.
Another successful method to drive people out of villages and into the cities was to make the urban city life sound alluring, very modern, interesting, full of opportunities, whilst the country life was deliberate made to look boring, backwards and dull, and completely without opportunity.
In reality I believe we were not told the truth about industrial revolution, and why so many people willingly left the country life to move to the urban cities. With so much poverty, hunger, child labor that we learn took place in urban cities for centuries, I don’t understand why people would willingly leave their family farms where they can be self-sufficient, and always have plenty of food and a roof over their head, and go move to urban cities, where there’s so much struggle starvation and poverty.
Country people are deliberately presented as backwards, ignorant, uneducated, when in reality they are intelligent, and highly skilled. An urban city citizen will not last more than few days without the system.
- Velesa37, The Old Ways
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writeaboutrainbows · 6 years
Vinger flyver uden at være fastgjort Helt uden tilhørsforhold Letter frigjort af tunge tanker Tankerne flyver mod syd Og jeg ligger et sted Helt vingeløs Og tænker tankerne igen Jeg håber ikke de kommer tilbage Jager dem i et håb om sammenhold Men integritet kan ikke flyve Vingerne er fløjet væk Jeg basker lidt med armene Og indser min egen nyttesløshed Alt det andet kan flyve Jeg er byrden der lænker Stenen der ikke ser sollys De kan ikke flyve uden mig Og jeg kan ikke flyve
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