#skype for sale
samanthamiller · 2 years
I'm only addicted to hugging, flirting, talking dirty, kissing, making out foreplay, sex, after sex cuddling, cozy morning sex, goodbye sex, afternoon sex, midnight sex, hot make-up sex,
.....and sex 😁😘
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hephaestusent · 1 year
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Pirate Character Game Icon This artwork is for sale, Please contact me if to get amazing set of icons based on pirate game theme.
do contact us: [email protected] skype:-hephaestusent
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125bartools · 2 years
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sarahmackattack · 6 months
When's the last time you've spent 24 straight days thinking about crabs?
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This winter,@franzanth & I invite you to embark on a journey of crab facts with our Crabvent Calendar.
Each sparkly sticker scratches off to reveal a crab fact! Learn all season long.
Get one here!
All sales support science education nonprofit, Skype a Scientist! We match scientists with classrooms, scout troops, libraries and more for Q&As about science- all for free! We're lowering the barriers for people to connect with science.
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zukadiary · 7 months
Hi!! I'll be in Tokyo this December to (hopefully) experience one of Kiki's ohirome performances live and I was wondering what the best alternatives to buying tickets as a foreigner might be! I watched the Tokyo performance of Flügel sell completely out on the international ticket site in three minutes and I'm now mildly worried about my own odds next month. It also seems like Skype requires you to live in Japan to get a number, so I'm not sure where to go for that. (Sorry for the essay 😭)
Hi!! (This is absolutely not an essay XD)
The international site is definitely your best bet, so I'll start with my tips for success:
Set an alarm, know what day you want, and make a beeline for it (have a few backups). You will likely have less competition for a weekday during non-working hours
Look up the Japanese holiday calendar ahead of time so you don't inadvertently choose a day that people have off work
Tokyo is worse so this might be useless advice, but I noticed when I bought my Kiki ohirome tickets for Takarazuka that the normal seats sold out before the seats with merch included, despite the price being the same. Try selecting a merch-included seat first maybe??
I am VERY curious about these new Skype number requirements (I have one, but I see that the requirements are new). Out of curiosity, did you try to purchase one? It says "a form of ID" including passport, so I wonder if passport upload and any Japanese address (hotel/friend's address) would suffice? Many legitimate residents have a foreign passport with a foreign address on it, and would presumably be eligible for a Skype number.
If that works, and you're able to get a Takarazuka ID, I would highly recommend, as slim as the chances are, trying your luck at the Japanese general sale as well, since that happens before the international sale (if you have any friends in Japan, you can also ask them to help you verify with their phone number and get a Takarazuka ID that way)
Other options:
How's your Japanese? If it's functional, you can try okepi.net
Have a travel agent get you tickets before you leave
I have no idea of she is still offering this service, but My Favorite Things Japan has handled many ticket purchases for me in the past, in the days before the launch of the first international site. There was a 20% service fee at the time, but the yen is awfully weak right now so it might not be too bad. It's worth emailing to ask.
Good luck, and have fun in Tokyo!
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charliexxxsharpe · 1 year
Valentines day sale 🌹
75% off to all new and returning subscribers until the 14th of February ❤️
Also look out for my valentines day raffle where you can win a Skype date with me 😘
(details to follow soon)
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yasmijn · 5 months
A cold take on Past Lives (2023)
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Aku nggak terlalu tahu sih apa yang aku harapkan dari film ini, tapi kayaknya setelah baca review orang-orang yang sangat positif aku mengharapkan lebih banyak perasaan dari Past Lives. Filmnya bukan yang biasa juga sih... bagus lah, tapi nggak sebagus itu. No tears, no pang in my heart, no strong aftertaste. Kayaknya w mencerna plot dengan terlalu rasional aja jadi buatku kisah Nora dan Haesung itu terlalu romanticized.
Sorry for those who think that film is a masterpiece, we just have to agree to disagree. If you still plan on watching the movie on your own and you hate spoilers, here's your cue to scroll past this post.
Ok here goes. Jadi cerita ini bermula di tahun 2000-an dimana Nora (waktu itu masih di Korea Selatan jadi masih pake nama Korea-nya: Nayoung), dan Haesung, sepasang anak berumur 12 tahun yang saling suka, harus terpisah benua karena keluarga Nora emigrasi ke Kanada. Mereka hilang kontak sampai akhirnya 12 tahun kemudian ketika umur mereka pertengahan 20, Nora mengirimkan pesan Facebook ke Haesung, dan mereka mulai rajin chat, ganti-gantian begadang demi bisa Skype di awal dan akhir hari. Sampai akhirnya Nora bilang ke Haesung bahwa kayaknya mereka berdua harus stop berhubungan dulu karena dia merasa nggak fokus mengejar apa yang dia kejar sebagai seorang penulis di New York. Di saat yang sama, Haesung juga lagi sibuk kuliah dan cari kerja.
Ada sih pengorbanan-pengorbanan kecil yang sama-sama mereka lakukan: Nora bangun sebelum jam 7 pagi supaya bisa Skype sama Haesung. Dan sebaliknya. Tapi yang aku gak suka adalah adegan dimana Nora tanya: "Jadi kapan kamu bisa ke New York?", Haesung jawab: "Paling satu setengah tahun lagi, abis aku exchange". Dan sebaliknya, pas Haesung tanya kapan Nora bisa ke Korea, dia jawab: "Ngapain aku ke Korea? Paling aku bisa kesana setahun lagi." Ok aku paham mungkin dia ngomong gitu karena bete sama jawaban Haesung, but what kind of relationship would it be? I will give you A but only if you give me A in return? Again: what kind of relationship would it be?
Gimana toh? Saling suka tapi ya sudah jelas bagi saya sebagai penonton bahwa mereka tuh nggak sesuka itu untuk memberikan lebih dari waktu tidur mereka. To me, the right thing would be for either of them, at that very time, to fly to the other person and really talk about how they're gonna proceed with whatever they were. Masalahnya, pas Nora bilang mereka harus berhenti berhubungan, sebenernya mereka tuh gak pacaran. Guys, you didn't even make is past the talking stage.
Terus loncat lagi ke 12 tahun setelahnya, di umur masing-masing udah pertengahan 30. Nora udah nikah sama Jew-American bernama Arthur selama 7 tahun. Arthur adalah sesama penulis yang ketemu dia di program residensi penulis. Haesung masih kerja di Korea, dia baru aja putus dari pacarnya, dan dia ngontak Nora untuk bilang bahwa dia akan pergi ke New York. Tiga malem doang di New York, after 13 hours of flight. Haha.
Jadilah selama dua hari Haesung di New York, dia dan Nora keliling-keliling New York sambil ngobrol yang isinya 'What ifs', mengingat-ingat masa lalu, mempertanyakan ini dan itu. Menurut w gak appropriate sih karena kasian aja gitu sama si Arthur. Udah mana menurut w si Arthur ini cowok spineless yang bilang: "That guy flew thirteen hours to be here. I'm not going to tell you that you can't see him or something. He's your childhood sweetheart." Terus pas si Nora pulang malem-malem abis ketemu Haesung, dia gak berenti ngomongin Haesung. Di tempat tidur, si Arthur ngomong lagi bahwa ini bisa jadi cerita yang hebat banget, "..in this story I am the white American husband who stands in the way of destiny."
Man if you're so insecure about your wife why even bother staying in that relationship lah. Menurut w dinamika hubungan Nora-Arthur tuh aneh banget, seakan merasa bahwa Nora tuh nikah sama dia ya emang karena butuh greencard aja (Dimana nggak mungkin juga sih? Orang mereka emang pacaran lama banget sebelum nikah?). I don't know. I just don't like it. Apalagi di adegan dimana Nora bawa Haesung pulang ke rumah terus si Arthur menyambut dengan posturnya yang slouchy dan mukanya yang udah siap nangis - seakan udah siap melepas Nora untuk pergi ke Korea di dalam pelukan Haesung.
Terus kasian banget sama Arthur pas ada adegan mereka bertiga duduk di bar tapi sepanjang malam Nora cuma ngobrol sama Haesung dalam bahasa Korea jadi Arthur dikacangin sepanjang malam 😭😭😭😭😭 Guy's so pathetic.
Beberapa pertanyaan whatifs yang keluar dari mulut Haesung pun buatku nggak cukup believable. Dia tanya, apa ya yang akan terjadi kalau dulu kita nggak berenti ngobrol? Apa kita bakal nikah? Apa kita bakal putus? Apa kita bakal punya anak? Banyak juga dari scene Nora-Haesung itu isinya cuma mereka berdua saling tatap-tatapan sambil senyum-senyum. Terus jujur emosi banget pas mereka bahas jangan-jangan di masa lalu kita tuh dalam doomed relationship ya? Atau waktu Haesung nanya apakah nanti mereka bisa ketemu lagi di next live?
Me watching them both: That's what you should've asked twelve years ago. I mean, why talk about the past and the future when you can talk about the PRESENT?? If you really love her then take her hands, ask her to come back with you to South Korea. Shoot your shot!!
W paham sih kayanya inti dari pertemuan mereka berdua adalah sebuah closure? Tapi terus apa? Kesimpulannya adalah mereka berdua itu sebenernya saling suka tapi momentum itu udah lewat jadi sekarang yang bisa mereka berdua lakukan adalah terus meromantisasi masa lalu? Closure is overrated, people.
I personally don't believe that they will work out, anyway. Nora adalah seorang imigran Korea yang emigrasi dua kali (ke Kanada lalu ke Amerika Serikat), mengejar karir sebagai penulis di New York. She's Americanized, she's no longer the 12 year old Nora Haesung fell in love with. Haesung adalah orang Korea yang konservatif secara pikiran dan juga tindakan. I don't think any of them are willing to give up their life and move halfway across the world for the other person.
And so they settled for the whatifs, at the romanticization of what nice little memories they had from back when they were both twelve years old.
Menurutku pun, sebenernya setelah kedatangan Haesung ke New York, hubungan Nora dan Arthur gak akan bisa kembali lagi seperti biasa. Arthur udah tahu dengan lebih jelas bahwa Nora tuh masih ada rasa sama Haesung, dan mungkin akan seumur hidup penasaran sama semua whatifs yang mungkin terjadi antara mereka berdua. Udah mana di scene akhir itu Nora nangis di pelukan Arthur setelah dia nganter Haesung ke Uber untuk pulang lagi ke Korea. Tega banget Nora, asli deh.
Tldr; I don't think Nora and Haesung have enough feelings for each other to go beyond the staring at each other while smiling stage, or the staying awake til 2 in the morning to Skype with you stage. That is not love. That is mere curiosity of a road none of them are willing to take.
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sailorsally · 10 months
almost slipped and got a us phone number from skype just bc I wanted to participate in yard sale and also occasionally text misha but then I remembered I can talk to him in my head anytime & for free
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its-moopoint · 9 months
Okay. I have to ask.
I‘m a bit out of the loop due to real life tragedies, but I‘m seeing so much talk about Sam skyping from *that* apartment. Many people seem to be confused or even surprised.
So, my question is, and maybe I‘m missing something, but: how is it surprising? How is it confusing?
We‘ve known for a while that he/they bought the apartment that was formerly rented by Starz for Caitriona to live in.
We‘ve known for a while that Sam now officially lives there. We‘ve known for a while that he/they got rid of some of the stuff that belonged to the previous owner (the cheetah statue 😄) and had some remodelling done (for example the bedroom wall).
We‘ve also known for a while that, even though he had the wall color changed, he sleeps in frilly, womanly bedding. He bought a very expensive apartment, got rid of stuff he didn’t like and removed the womanly wallpaper, but he didn’t have any money left/didn’t bother to get new, less frilly bedding? Sure.
What we’ve also known for a while is that he sleeps on the same side as the person who took the fist bump pic with Caitriona in that same bed in that same room and whose hand looks exactly like Sam‘s and nothing like the person she‘s publicly engaged to.
We‘ve known for a while that Caitriona’s cat Eddie, who scratches and bites men who cat sit her, is so comfortable with Sam that she happily curls up on his chest in the bed that‘s been her territory for years. Something she used to do with Simon in LA, the person Caitriona used to live with back then. And also that she stayed at that apartment while Caitriona was in London for less than 48 hours instead of staying in the „new“ flat that is only minutes away. (The flat she‘s posted from a couple of times and where she seems to work.)
We‘ve also known for a while that Sam has been spending his nights at that apartment for years (ever since the selfie of him watching football on the living room floor, sometime in 2016, I think? And lest we forget the fact that Caitriona knows what time he gets up in the morning to go to the gym). Way before he officially bought it. And let‘s not forget that he bought *that* one, even though there were several identical apartments for sale in the same neighborhood at the time.
So…I mean.
I’ve said it before: we have lots and lots of receipts. Some obvious, but from long ago (Sam and Caitriona on a trip to Paris in December 2013; Sam and Caitriona cuddling on set; Sam saying „I love you!“ to Caitriona and kissing her on the forehead at Paley or him saying that he „first“ met her parents when they visited the Outlander set). Others are more recent and subtle (like him tweeting about watching Scrooged on Christmas Eve 2016, while the only place on earth where that very movie was airing at the time was Ireland; or Caitriona admitting to their Ibiza vacation, or them being close to each other‘s friends). You can try to refute all or some of them (long shot, but there are always those who explain it all away or just ignore things that don‘t fit in their picture). And then there‘s THIS. „It‘s more than a receipt to me“, that‘s what I said a while ago and I stand by it.
To me, it‘s confirmation. Because you absolutely cannot explain it any other way.
People can call me delusional or crazy all they want, I don’t care, but I think they‘re lying to themselves if they choose to ignore this and don‘t even doubt the engagement story for a second. Listen, I don’t mean to offend anyone, we all have our own way to filter things, form an opinion and deal with the picture we see. Maybe it‘s easier for some people to just ignore it and *choose* to believe Sam and Caitriona aren‘t lying to us - ignorance is bliss, I know. But still. If you believe it, it‘s a conscious decision. A conscious decision to block out the largest, most important piece of this messed up puzzle.
No, this shipper doesn't have any receipts. She does spread a lot of hot air.
Rolando bought CB's apartment that Starz rented for her when she bought the apartment with T. SS lives in Rolando's apartment now.
The fist bump was CB & T for her WCC charity - not Rolando's.
Rolando cat baby sat for CB when she and T were in London for her marathon.
Rolando wasn't spending nights in her apartment.
The reason she knew what time he was waking up is because Starz built a gym for him on the set and that's where she was seeing him in the morning. This had nothing to do with him living at her apartment but came up in an interview when he said he was waking up at 3 and she contradicted him that it was more like 4/5.
SC were never together in Paris in Dec. 2013.
Rolando's "I love you" to her at Paley wasn't because they were f*cking. 
Rolando didn't meet her parents "first". The entire production did when they visited CB on set.
CB never said that she and Rolando were in Ibiza together, just made a joke about it that shippers turned up into their own story.
Good job debunking anon.
The woman in the Paris pic with a mask is unknown. Just because they say it's C doesn't make her so.
Cat sitting Eddy was Rolando trolling cause: he had already bought the apartment, poor cat had lived there for years so no wonder she was comfortable and she was sick as confirmed by C. Also thanks to me getting mad in that FB shipper group we found out shippers did see C and T at the marathon, holding hands so no, there wasn't anyone on pet duty better than their cool friend Rolando living in their old place.
And yes how to forget all the footage that places Skeleton in that apartment now. But none here wants that speculation do they?
Fist bump has the exact same validity of thumb analysis now, zero. None. Do you know what's worth it? A marriage certificate registered at GRO.
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usa5starit5989 · 1 month
Buy USA Facebook accounts for reliable and targeted social media marketing. Available for instant purchaseSimply thump us- Email: [email protected] Skype: @usa5starit Telegram: @usa5starit1 whatsapp:+1(716)5011667
     Buy USA Facebook Accounts
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Looking to buy USA Facebook accounts? We offer authentic, USA-based Facebook accounts for sale, ensuring instant access and genuine profiles. 
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Avoiding Scams
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When it comes to buying USA Facebook accounts, it's important to be vigilant and avoid scams. Here are some tips to help you steer clear of fraudulent sellers:
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 Buy USA Facebook accounts for reliable and targeted social media marketing. Available for instant purchase
    Simply thump us-
    Email: [email protected]
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slurpydurpy · 2 months
I'm really hurt about my family's ableism, because I have nowhere to go and the only one who hates that more than them is me. I'm hurt that it still hurts me, that I'm still surprised every time they do it. That just makes me feel dumb for letting my guard down. But what else am I supposed to do? I'm always so tired, and I want to believe I can trust them. Inevitably, something difficult about my illness comes up, and all understanding between us disappears. Their support is conditional; they're allies until disability becomes uncomfortable or inconvenient for them. Then I'm nothing but a burden.
The worst is when able bodied people argue with you about your condition. What do you mean it's like that? How could that be true? Who did you talk to about it? Did a doctor tell you that? Did you just Google it?
What the fuck do you want me to do, Skype you into my appointments? Why are you treating my illness like something you can bully into something more acceptable for you? I feel like a retail worker getting yelled at for not allowing a return on a final sale. You can't just "let me talk to the manager" about this until it goes away.
I shouldn't have to prove anything to these people. Every time I get drawn into this argument, I feel sick at heart for days. I just wish someone could look me in the eyes and tell me it's ok to be sick, that I'm not a failure for being chronically ill. I want to be loved in spite of accepting my disability for what it is instead of being considered an embarrassment for not chasing a cure that doesn't exist. Or, at the very least, left alone so they can't hurt me anymore.
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sarahmackattack · 7 months
Oh Shit. Send a Friend a Squid Days are upon us.
Celebrating Squidtember is all about sharing squid. This includes your favorite squid fact, your favorite squid doodle, and today through Wednesday, sending a squid sticker with a cute little squid note, to your friend.
Maybe sign it. Maybe make it anonymous. Surprise! It's a squid in the mail. Why? We're not telling you.
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We have a bunch of stickers to choose from, including squid facts hotline stickers, Firefly squid stickers, and some real fuckin weird ones from the mind of Corey Danks
Like this
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God help him, he might be a genius.
Get your short note ready and send a friend a squid. Hope you have their mailing address. Getting weird with it is strongly encouraged, Especially if you're sending them a handsome squidward.
As is always the case, sales on Squidfacts.bigcartel.com support science education nonprofit Skype a Scientist. We're doing the most to connect people with science. Especially squid, but other science too.
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amazongraphics · 6 months
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besttshirt01 · 6 months
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☑️ Custom T-shirt Design Bundle.This Is Our New Best Selling Custom T-shirt Design For Print On Demand
➔➔Elevate Your Brand's Apparel Line With Custom Print-on-demand T-shirt Designs That Turn Heads And Spark Conversations. Let's Collaborate To Create Designs That Capture Your Brand's Essence And Resonate With Your Audience.
✅Short Feature Bullet Points:
✵high-quality T-shirt Mockups. ✵unlimited Revisions Until You Are Satisfied And Friendly Communication. ✵trendy Graphics That Align With Your Brand's Aesthetics. ✵ Commercial Use License 100% Original And Copyright-free Designs Original Trendy T-shirt. ✵high-quality Designs Suitable For Print And Online Use. ✵source File: (Ai+eps+svg+pdf). ✵fast Delivery On Order Time, Fast Support. ✵unique And Captivating Print-on-demand T-shirt Designs. ✵high-quality Graphics Suitable For Printing On Apparel.
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⟹(Mobile/whatsapp) : +8801641307903 || Skype : Best_tshirt01
👉👉Check My Bio: @best_tshirt01
✅Quality Of Service:
☞☞My Designs Are More Than Just Graphics – They're Powerful Marketing Tools. Each T-shirt Design Is Strategically Crafted To Resonate With Your Target Audience, Helping You Increase Brand Visibility And Drive Sales.
☑️Contact Me Before Ordering:
➔Before Placing An Order, Please Reach Out To Me With Your Brand's Vision And Any Specific Design Preferences You Have. This Initial Contact Will Ensure That The Final Product Meets And Exceeds Your Expectations.
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⟹(Mobile/whatsapp) : +8801641307903 || Skype : Best_tshirt01 ----------
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zukadiary · 2 years
Hello, I’m trying to buy tickets to a show from overseas but the English language site seems to no longer be selling tickets? The tickets page just has a message saying all tickets are sold through TicketPia, which requires a Japanese phone number to use. Where are overseas fans getting tickets these days?😵‍💫
We haven’t been getting tickets these days 💀
Ok real talk though, a lot has changed since Japan was last open to tourists, including deprecating the foreign language ticket sites (RIP, hope they’ll be back since Kishida wants us to spend 5 trillion yen there or whatever), and seriously cracking down on secondhand ticket sales.
Here are the methods I know for sure work right now:
You CAN get a Takarazuka ID that gives you access to the normal Pia ticketing system. I did it with a Skype number which costs about $23 USD a year. VOIP numbers typically don’t accept SMS for verification codes, but in Takarazuka’s case, they allow you to choose between a text and an automated call, the latter of which does work! The recording is in Japanese, so you need to know enough to be able to copy the numbers down. Once you’re in, it seems to be kind of a crapshoot whether your foreign credit card will work or not. They DO accept foreign cards, but some seem not to play nicely for whatever reason. Between my two credit and two debit cards I’ve always gotten one to work. Then once you have all that settled, your reward is you get to join the general sale bloodbath with the rest of the plebeians.
Have a friend in a fan club. Risky because you don’t always know before your departure if you’ll get the ticket, but there have been so many excess lately it’s probably safer than it used to be, at least for now.
Okepi.net is the sanctioned resale service because prices are limited to face value or less. However, it’s less of a resale service and more of a message board where fans can connect with each other to sell and trade tickets, and each fan can set their own requirements (which sometimes include things like "you'll only be considered if you also buy X number of tickets to this other rando non-tkz show no one cares about"). I really only recommend navigating it if your Japanese is really good. Also it’s easiest to use if you’re physically there. I typically use it for any extra unplanned tickets I want after I arrive, because you either need to meet the person to get the ticket, or have a local address to receive it.
I’ve never personally done this because I’ve always been able to navigate the methods above, but the other thing you can consider is going through a travel agency that specializes in Japan.
Good luck to everyone in this terrible new world!
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Please help
I know... you are sick of hearing me ask for help. I am sick of asking for help. But I still need to pay those bills. I am offering readings (tarot and oracle). I usually charge by the time frame. But right now I am doing a "flash sale" (this will run through the end of April in the hopes to make my rent) A three card reading is $25, A 5 card reading is $40 . Anything larger we can talk about. And I do larger readings. Please help by reblogging, or sharing or anything. Please. Readings can be done through skype or zoom or writing. Don't want a reading and still want to help? Cashapp $lunarmagicteatime venmo @kristenjacksonfadich paypal @rockstartarot Help keep a witch and her kids in their home
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