#slavoj ?i?ek
¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas? ¡Pa´ Leerlo!
Pedir lo imposible
de Slavoj Zizek (Escritor), José María Amoroto Salido (Traductor)
El más certero y agudo análisis de la actualidad de la mano del más polémico de los filósofos
Reseña en ElPulso.es
Después de unos años convulsos e impredecibles, ¿en qué situación se encuentra el mundo hoy? ¿Qué hacer frente a los impulsos conservadores que frenan la utopía? Slavoj Žižek, «el filósofo más peligroso de Occidente», reflexiona sobre estas cuestiones en este libro único.
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 A partir de una serie de entrevistas, el libro consigue capturar al mejor Žižek, el pensador genuino y torrencial, abordando temas tales como los levantamientos de la Primavera Árabe, la crisis financiera mundial, el populismo latinoamericano, el auge de China e incluso el enigma norcoreano. Žižek deslumbra a los lectores con análisis de películas de Hollywood, de informes policiales venezolanos, novela negra sueca y mucho más. En todos y cada uno de los vericuetos por los que transcurre la conversación, su mente vigorosa arroja luz sobre nuevos e inesperados desafíos. A la par que analiza los problemas actuales, Žižek explora también las posibilidades de transformación. ¿Cuál es el tipo de sociedad por el que merece la pena luchar? ¿Por qué resulta tan difícil imaginar escenarios sociales y políticos alternativos? ¿Cuáles son las bases para la esperanza? Estas conversaciones, apremiantes y originales, ofrecen una introducción accesible y muy sugestiva a uno de los pensadores clave de nuestro tiempo.
«Žižek es el representante más absolutamente genial del psicoanálisis, por no decir de toda la teoría cultural en general, que ha surgido en Europa en las últimas décadas.» Terry Eagleton
«Žižek es hoy lo que fue Jacques Derrida en la década de 1980: el pensador de cabecera de la joven vanguardia intelectual europea.» The Observer
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mizelaneus · 1 year
“We’re about to face a crisis of trust, and we’re utterly unprepared for it.”
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jewelrylove · 2 years
If you have reasons to love someone, you don’t love them.
Slavoj ?i?ek
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Daniel Meridor’s New painting series makes us rethink our place in Nature. Beautiful large scale oil paintings.
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disturbingbookclub · 4 years
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📕 𝗔 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 - https://bit.ly/2THS88e - by Slavoj Žižek: A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name - 34 Untimely Interventions (2020) - https://bit.ly/2THS88e << 🌎 free delivery worldwide
With irrepressible humor, Slavoj Žižek dissects our current political and social climate, discussing everything from Jordan Peterson and sex "unicorns" to Greta Thunberg and Chairman Mao. Taking aim at his enemies on the Left, Right, and Center, he argues that contemporary society can only be properly understood from a communist standpoint.
Why communism? The greater the triumph of global capitalism, the more its dangerous antagonisms multiply: climate collapse, the digital manipulation of our lives, the explosion in refugee numbers - all need a radical solution. That solution is a Left that dares to speak its name, to get its hands dirty in the real world of contemporary politics, not to sling its insults from the sidelines or to fight a culture war that is merely a fig leaf covering its political and economic failures. As the crises caused by contemporary capitalism accumulate at an alarming rate, the Left finds itself in crisis too, beset with competing ideologies and prone to populism, racism, and conspiracy theories.
A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name is Žižek's attempt to elucidate the major political issues of the day from a truly radical Leftist position. The first three parts explore the global political situation and the final part focuses on contemporary Western culture, as ?i?ek directs his polemic to topics such as wellness, Wikileaks, and the rights of sexbots. This wide-ranging collection of essays provides the perfect insight into the ideas of one of the most influential radical thinkers of our time.
📕 A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name - 34 Untimely Interventions (2020) - https://bit.ly/2THS88e << 🌎 free delivery worldwide
Introduction: From the Communist Standpoint
The Global Mess 1 200 Years After: Is Marx Alive, Dead, or a Living Dead? 2 Why Secondary Contradictions Matter: A Maoist View 3 Nomadic // Proletarians 4 Should the Left’s Answer to Rightist Populism Really be a “Me Too”? 5 When Unfreedom Itself is Experienced as Freedom 6 Only Autistic Children Can Save Us! 7 They are Both Worse! 8 A Desperate Call for (T)Reason
The West… 9 Democratic Socialism and Its Discontents 10 Is Donald Trump a Frog Embracing a Bottle of Beer? 11 Better Dead than Red! 12 “There is Disorder Under Heaven, the Situation is Excellent” 13 Soyons realistes, demandons l’impossible! 14 Catalonia and the End of Europe 15 Which Idea of Europe is Worth Defending? 16 The Right to Tell the Public Bad News
…And The Rest 17 It’s the Same Struggle, Dummy! 18 The Real Anti-Semites and Their Zionist Friends 19 Yes, Racism is Alive and Well! 20 What is to be Done When Our Cupola is Leaking? 21 Is China Communist or Capitalist? 22 Venezuela and the Need for New Clichés 23 Welcome to the True New World Order! 24 A True Miracle in Bosnia
Ideology 25 For Active Solidarity, Against Guilt and Self-Reproach 26 Sherbsky Institute, APA 27 Welcome to the Brave New World of Consenticorns! 28 Do Sexbots have Rights? 29 Nipples, Penis, Vulva…and Maybe Shit 30 Cuaron’s Roma: The Trap of Goodness 31 Happiness? No, Thanks! 32 Assange has Only us to Help Him!
Appendix 33 Is Avital Ronell Really Toxic? 34 Jordan Peterson as a Symptom…of What?
📕 A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name - 34 Untimely Interventions (2020) - https://bit.ly/2THS88e << 🌎 free delivery worldwide
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itunesbooks · 5 years
In Defense of Lost Causes - Slavoj Žižek
In Defense of Lost Causes Slavoj Žižek Genre: Philosophy Price: $9.99 Publish Date: October 19, 2009 Publisher: Verso Books Seller: Penguin Random House LLC In this combative major new work, philosophical sharpshooter Slavoj Žižek looks for the kernel of truth in the totalitarian politics of the past. Examining Heidegger’s seduction by fascism and Foucault’s flirtation with the Iranian Revolution, he suggests that these were the ‘right steps in the wrong direction.’ On the revolutionary terror of Robespierre, Mao and the bolsheviks, Žižek argues that while these struggles ended in historic failure and horror, there was a valuable core of idealism lost beneath the bloodshed. A redemptive vision has been obscured by the soft, decentralized politics of the liberal-democratic consensus. Faced with the coming ecological crisis, Žižekk argues the case for revolutionary terror and the dictatorship of the proletariat. A return to past ideals is needed despite the risks. In the words of Samuel Beckett: ‘Try again. Fail again. Fail better.’ http://dlvr.it/R5x5Yc
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tudozsido · 7 years
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A híres filozófus, Slavoj ®i¾ek
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filmloverss · 5 years
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Slavoj Žižek: “Roma Yanlış Nedenlerden Övülüyor” http://bit.ly/2DkCd8T
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slutsandgutscom · 4 years
The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) Philosopher Slavoj i ek and filmmaker Sophie Fiennes reunites for this follow-up to their hit The Pervert's Guide to Cinema, using their interpretation of moving pictures to p... #MoviesIveS… https://t.co/jUebp8qsiN pic.twitter.com/q5YuDBJQ4e
— Sluts and Guts (@sluts_guts) July 19, 2020
The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) Philosopher Slavoj i ek and filmmaker Sophie Fiennes reunites for this follow-up to their hit The Pervert's Guide to Cinema, using their interpretation of moving pictures to p... #MoviesIveS… https://t.co/jUebp8qsiN https://t.co/q5YuDBJQ4e View On Twitter!
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bookbookmeme22 · 5 years
Slavoj Žižek: Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalita...
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nevadarepair · 5 years
Por qué H.P. Lovecraft y Slavoj Žižek hablan de lo mismo
La filosofía y la ficción no solo van de la mano, sino que ésta última a veces asume la forma de un ariete que perfora ideas y conceptos vetustos, e incluso descubre otros completamente nuevos en el proceso. Ese rasgo vanguardista de la ficción…
    copyright © 2018
    from Por qué H.P. Lovecraft y Slavoj Žižek hablan de lo mismo via Por qué H.P. Lovecraft y Slavoj Žižek hablan de lo mismo December 22, 2018 at 05:37PM
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cnbnews · 5 years
邓小平(public domain)
享誉国际的斯洛文尼亚学者斯拉沃热.齐泽克(Slavoj ?i?ek)在中文世界也很有名,他的很多著作都被翻译成了中文。不久前,齐泽克发表文章,题目是“中国的资本主义的社会主义将是我们的未来吗?”(Will our future be Chinese ‘capitalist socialism’? )。其中提到多年前一位认识邓小平女儿的中国学者告诉他的一个有趣的轶事。
来源:RFA 版权归RFA所有, 文章内容并不代表本网立场。 经 Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036 许可进行再版。
湖南湘西再曝疫情 中国非洲猪瘟蔓延
单边制裁生效 中国印度得以豁免
国产品牌崛起 韩国化妆品在中国风光不再
菲律宾称若证实中国在争议岛礁启用气象站 菲将提正式抗议
原文链接:从邓小平临死前的自我评价谈起(胡平) - 新闻评论
本文标签:专政, 中国, 共产党, 开放, 改革, 经济改革, 胡平, 自我, 邓小平
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wei8bo1 · 6 years
test Google快讯 - 齐泽克 OR 苏珊桑塔格 OR 居伊德波 OR 阿甘本 OR 朗西埃 OR 陆兴华 OR 波德
齐泽克 OR 苏珊桑塔格 OR 居伊德波 OR 阿甘本 OR 朗西埃 OR 陆兴华 OR 波德里亚 OR 德勒兹 OR 福柯 OR 巴塔耶 -福柯斯 每天更新 ⋅ 2018��2月6日 新闻 酒井直树x孙歌:欧洲负责生产理论,亚洲负责生产经验? 汉丰网 这种结构在早期人类学中频繁出现,人类学家通过将本地人的经验翻译成西方学术界可理解的成果,而本地人则在学术成果里被哑声为一种经验,而忽视了很多时候成果本身是共同合作的结果。齐泽克(Slavoj i ek)在与格林·戴里(Glyn Daly)的谈话里也层提及过这种东西方互相注视的结构本质上是一种幻想,东方 ... 标记为不相关 查看更多结果 | 修改此快讯 您收到此电子邮件是因为您订阅了Google快讯。 退订 | 查看您所有的快讯 以RSS Feed的形式接收此快讯 发送反馈
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The Death Of Song Of Joy Kharadi
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Gulmohar Orchids is an Unique Residential undertaking of 2 & three BHK super deluxe flats delivered to by Gulmohar Development, one of Pune's eminent Actual Property Builders. A buddy of mine who had booked in 24K Glamoure round a yr again had obtained Song Of Joy Amenities around 7-eight% low cost on listed worth. The piece chosen was Ninth Symphony, with one little alteration: freude (pleasure) was replaced by freiheit (freedom). Bob Dylan was given the award for having created new poetic expressions throughout the nice American music tradition”. Built on a 5 12 months Warranty on Development, solely provided by Gera Developments.
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However, as an entire, it is a strange method, nearly reluctant to supply Mangano credit score the place it's due even whereas giving Lawrence as Pleasure a triumphant stroll throughout a Dallas avenue in a leather-based-primarily based jacket and oversize darkish glasses befitting Gera Song Of Joy Rate Pleasure Amenity any hero value his or her gleamy footwear. Description: Noida, 1850 sq-ft, mid floor with 3 toilets having all amenities you require like hospital and atm. That Smells Great: As smell permeated the room, partygoers have been happiest, with pleasure growing as much as 24 proportion points. All in all Gera-Track of Pleasure is including that zing to the Kharadi real property which is however natural as a property market comes of age.
The couple's new bundle of joy will be part of Simpson's six-yr-old son Bronx from her previous marriage to Pete Wentz, reported Ace Showbiz. Gera Song of Joy Section 1” the identify speaks in regards to the undertaking very well, while the world identify it a holiday you would say it's daily for you. In his provocative, fascinating film, The Pervert's Information To Ideology, cultural Gera Song Of Joy Amenities critic Slavoj Žižek factors to the common adaptability” of Ode To Pleasure. Description: 1350 sq-ft, 3 bedrooms wonderful building consisting of three bathrooms and kitchen, situated in Noida on mid ground is on the market with amenities like shopping mall and college. The music options vocals by The Vamps, singing the lead in English verses, whereas Vishal-Shekhar add the gentle Hindi lyrics publish-chorus. Every song in Ek Musafir Ek Hasina, Phir Wohi Dil Laya Hoon, Love in Tokyo and Shagird was a rage.
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disturbingbookclub · 6 years
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Reading Marx: https://bit.ly/2JK6yCC - free delivery worldwide (right-click & open)
Marx's critique of political economy is vital for understanding the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Yet the nature of its relevance and some of its key tenets remain poorly understood. This bold intervention brings together the work of leading Marx scholars Slavoj Žižek, Frank Ruda and Agon Hamza, to offer a fresh, radical reinterpretation of Marxism that explains the failures of neoliberalism and lays the foundations for a new emancipatory politics.
Avoiding trite comparisons between Marx's worldview and our current political scene, the authors show that the current relevance and value of Marx's thought can better be explained by placing his key ideas in dialogue with those that have attempted to replace them. Reading Marx through Hegel and Lacan, particle physics, and modern political trends, the authors provide new ways to explain the crisis in contemporary capitalism and resist fundamentalism in all its forms. Reading Marx will find a wide audience amongst activists and scholars.
Reading Marx: https://bit.ly/2JK6yCC - free delivery worldwide (right-click & open)
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Living in the End Times - Slavoj Žižek
Living in the End Times Slavoj Žižek Genre: Philosophy Price: $9.99 Publish Date: May 25, 2010 Publisher: Verso Books Seller: Penguin Random House LLC The underlying premise of the book is a simple one: the global capitalist system is approaching an apocalyptic zero-point. Its four riders of the apocalypse are the ecological crisis, the consequences of the biogenetic revolution, the imbalances within the system itself (problems with intellectual property, the forthcoming struggle for raw materials, food and water), and the explosions of social divisions and exclusions. Society’s first reaction is ideological denial, then explosions of anger at the injustices of the new world order, attempts at bargaining, and when this fails, depression and withdrawal set in. Finally, after passing through this zero-point we no longer perceive it as a threat, but as the chance for a new beginning. or, as Mao Zedong might have put it, “There is great disorder under heaven, the situation is excellent.” Žižek traces out in detail these five stances, makes a plea for a return to the Marxian critique of political economy, and sniffs out the first signs of a budding communist culture in all its diverse forms—in utopias that range from Kafka’s community of mice to the collective of freak outcasts in the TV series Heroes . http://bit.ly/2LdqK0Q
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