#smelting plight
captainschaos · 8 months
It's here!!! This is it!!!!! well okay tbh it's still very rough, there's a lot of detailwork that is kind of loose and stuff I'm still theorizing/thinking about, but this is the big look! I also cut down on a lot of the stuff about characters to focus on the timeline itself, so I might make a follow-up post with that stuff because ily council. But this is my interpretation of the scu timeline! I know there's a lot of malleability when it comes to the scu, but even within that there's certain parts I kinda took and ran a bit far with, so hopefully it all makes sense. The line between interpretation of canon and creation of headcanon is thin. Also, since my timeline isn't actually a line, it'd be a bit hard to watch along with, but I'll link the playlist of my personal preferred viewing order anyway HERE! And without further ado, here's my timeline :]
[Long post below the cut- enjoy!]
The Slimecicle Cinematic Universe follows the path of Slimecicle, one of many players who wish to achieve god-power. Players are able to travel between realms with ease, but altering those realms? That takes a considerable amount of power. However, this is not unachievable, and Charlie is one among a group of players attempting to become godlings.
Godling: A being of god-power that can alter realms, and primarily uses it for creation.
Demonling: A being of god-power that can alter realms, and primarily uses it for destruction. 
Realm: What we would think of a minecraft world, a separate place that players travel to when they find new places. 
World: Within a realm, it is the earthen spirit itself. More abstract, but a powerful force to be interacted with, and has some semblance of life, magic, and almost sentience itself. 
Dimension: The Overworld, Nether, and End are different dimensions. 
Player: a person who largely interacts with realms, able to move between many, and able to become a godling if powerful enough.
Wild spirit: a spirit somewhere between a person and a beast, connected to the world as opposed to the way players can interact with realms. While both players and wild spirits can be connected to mobs, the connection is generally stronger and more widespread for wild spirits. 
God-power: Expressed by things like creative mode, op, and VR, powers that can alter realms and enforce some kind of control over players within them. 
Plight: What happens to a godling when they are forced to die without respawning or in an otherwise more permanent/impactful way, an effect other than a mortal death. Can be broken out of, but is incredibly difficult, and can have lingering effects unless truly ended. 
Charlie “Slime” Slimecicle:
Godling of food, enchanting, crafting, and smelting
Plight: DEATH (if worn down enough, he will not suffer a normal plight as other godlings would, but would become mortal and truly die)
Middle child
A shapeshifter by nature of being a slime, and his natural adaptability seems to be related to his proficiency with god-power. 
“Condi” Condifiction: 
Godling of other dimensions
Plight: caged (trapped in a location/pocket dimension of his own, and more importantly, trapped in his own mind in a whirl of penned-up hyperactivity that brings insanity)
Condi, Charlie, and Grizz don’t remember if they’re biological brothers or not, but they grew up together, and Condi was always the most adept, the “alchemist assassin,” who kept them safe. 
Godling of nature, weapons, and tools
Plight: shackled (forced to comply to the orders of the being that killed him, though it may appear as if he has respawned as normal. Can also more generally inhibit his ability to use his own power as he wishes)
Youngest (twin with Bizly)
Has gained animalistic traits from swapping power with Bizly, mainly vaguely bear/doggish. Since meeting they called themselves twins, and through this exchange have no reason to say they do not fit the word. 
Godling of mobs
Youngest (twin with Grizzly)
Plight: muzzled (at the most extreme is forced to disappear completely, being entirely unable to be heard or perceived by anyone. Can also more generally cause his words to lose meaning, and it is supernaturally difficult for him to be taken seriously or listened to.)
The only member of the Council who did not grow up with the group: he was a wild spirit (wolven) that was discovered by Grizzly, and slowly honed shapeshifting powers and traded bits of magic with Grizz to walk with players. 
Demonling of food and nature
Grew personally slighted by Charlie and the Council, and eventually trapped them in a separate timeline of his own creation to attempt to kill Charlie. 
The VR SERIES (videos marked with vr.) and CHARLIE’S ESCAPADES (videos marked with esc.) then happen at the same time, with the final video of the VR Series being when Schlatt’s timeline is created.
Charlie's escapades then repeat in Schlatt’s timeline, followed by NATURAL DISASTERS, HARDEST DIFFICULTY, and 100 DAYS. 
At the end of 100 Days Condi activates the time loop, which he cannot use to break out of Schlatt’s timeline but he can use to bring everyone back to the beginning of it.
CHARLIE’S DREAMSCAPE ESCAPADES (videos marked with drm.) take place in the haze between his death at the end of 100 Days and him fully being transported by Condi to the beginning of the time loop.
The conflict between Charlie and Schlatt begins here. Charlie is a trickster spirit at heart, and it is consistently seen to overlap with his joy in experimentation and creation, leading his pursuit for godly power.
This is one of the first places Charlie goes to try and hold his own among others who are growing in power like he aims to, and he at first struggles, as seen in how he fails to survive for long. However, he quickly makes use of this mechanic in his own way, and uses the forced respawns to tease the others. When Schlatt joins, this is especially targeted at him, to his infuriation. 
Schlatt goes to Carson, who appears to be the leading godling of this realm, to ask for Slime’s removal, but he says that “I’m not sure that I can really do that.” This hints to some sort of power Charlie has that is potentially greater than even Carson and Schlatt, the most powerful entities there. In the same conversation it’s said that Schlatt is a broken record, hinting that he has trouble often with wanting to control others and remove them if they bother him. 
This showcases the conflict of the whole series: The rising godling Charlie Slimecicle threatening the power of the demonling Schlatt. 
Charlie, Condi, Grizzly, and others begin working in a realm where they start experimenting with more control over their world, specifically by exerting control over themselves and their physicality in the plane (expressed through vr use). 
Narwhal is notably present from the very beginning, as a figure of power among the group, and Wheatie is also a member from the start. 
The excursion near the end of the video to the Nether is most notable as it is recalled in a flashback during the 100 Hunters video, specifically when Condi falls into the lava while bridging. 
Notably Schlatt joins this world, and it’s clear Charlie has a slight position of power over him in this place, and it makes him uncomfortable. 
Bizly also enters the scene in this video, first in a beastly purple and gold skin, then mimicking Herobrine, slowly changing from a more beastly form to that of a player. He was a wolven wild spirit found by Grizzly, and as he gave some of his power to Grizzly to assist his path toward godhood, he gained power from Grizzly that helped him act as a player. 
At the end of this video, Charlie, Condi, Grizzly, and others all partake in first a spleefing tournament, then a “gladiatorial bloodbath” which Charlie wins. Bizly watches this battle, and Narwhal and Wheatie both appear to have been utilizing god-power (creative mode) to create the arena, pouring power into it that Charlie proves himself best suited for. This is another of the beginning signs that he excels in this power.
Schlatt is not present for these later events.
The rest of the council is not present, but Schlatt and other figures on the server are. 
This video is largely just an example of Schlatt attempting to show he’s more powerful than Charlie, and Charlie continuing to fuck with Schlatt and generally make things worse. 
Poppies make an appearance in the video, as an attempted and rejected peace offering from Charlie to Schlatt. 
The video immediately starts off with Charlie and Travis claiming that Schlatt seems upset, while he vehemently denies it. 
Schlatt also seems to be using the same kind of worldbending power Charlie has been utilizing in this video (VR), potentially as yet another way to try and maintain power over him. However, Charlie continues to prove he has greater knowledge and control over this power, and then Schlatt injures himself while utilizing the physicality-altering power, and this pushes Schlatt over the edge. 
Schlatt gives an apple to Travis, taking control of him, though the power of the fruit isn’t known to anyone but the goat demonling yet. Travis begins to follow Schlatt and work with him to attempt to capture Charlie and then kill and cast a spell on him. It is with the symbolic death in the grave that Schlatt manages to latch onto Charlie’s spirit and begin creating a separate timeline in which he has control over Slime and the Council. 
The rest of the video is a semi-hallucinogenic experience Charlie has as the spell is cast and he, along with his friends, are trapped in Schlatt’s timeline. 
Travis is killed, and with this lifeforce and the ritual he enacts over Charlie, Schlatt puts his foot in the door to start working toward making Charlie mortal, and finally get back at him for the ways he’s taunted him.
ROLL (esc.): 
Narwhal is given power in a realm of Charlie’s, a compromise to utilize Narwhal’s power and allow Charlie to attempt to expand his own. This was an idea proposed to Narwhal by Charlie not long after the creation of the VR realm, as Charlie started to come into his own in that kind of power and became more and more excited about the possibilities. 
Flowers make an appearance as a protective entity. 
During this video a site reminiscent of Molympus is also created, as an island floating above the land is created by the die. 
Near the end of the video the die is dropped by Narwhal and Charlie gains control of it, and more of Narwhal’s power is passed to him. He is immediately able to use its power far more rapidly than Narwhal, and the world is destroyed by their battle. In the destructive blast, Condi, Bizly, and Grizzly are able to escape with the more powerful Charlie, but the weakened Narwhal and Wheatie fail to escape, and are destroyed, their power shattering and being absorbed by the newest godlings, the Council. 
After the blast, Charlie blames himself for Narwhal and Wheatie’s deaths, so he sets out to experiment with his newfound power on his own. 
This is the most raw of Narwhal’s remaining chance power, which Charlie begins to learn to harness by not being able to control exactly what it does, but by being able to shift how likely each effect may be (changing prices).
Condi and Grizzly, concerned for Charlie, ask him to let them help with his experimentation, and suggest they ask Schlatt to come into the equation as another power on par with Narwhal to help. However, they decide that all will be on equal grounds to hope to preserve everyone equally, so Schlatt is not put in godly status. Bizly is missing from this video, having been pushed to the side by Schlatt, unbeknownst to the others. 
Charlie is the only one with god-power (op) to begin with, but he is walked through much of it by Schlatt.
Grizzly is at one point cornered by Schlatt, and threatened with an apple. Grizzly would have no way of knowing of the fruit’s power, and yet he immediately recognizes it and reacts with intense fear. This is some of the strongest evidence for a time loop, with residual memories that would allow Grizzly, the most affected by Schlatt’s use of apples, to remember it when face-to-face with it. It is also important to note that while Charlie does not seem to remember as much as Grizz, he is the one to send Schlatt away by overpowering him with more apples. 
After this, Charlie says he has given god-power in the realm to all members (op), which Schlatt immediately makes use of to try and seize power. 
After this the whole group slowly devolves into using their power more and more. It’s clear Condi, Grizzly, and Charlie have become just as adept at it as Schlatt, using it for jokes and cheats. 
After the last escapade, Condi and Grizzly suggest they go to their own realm without Schlatt, and Charlie agrees. Because they do not have quite as much control the world becomes far more dangerous. 
This also could be the way they searched for Bizly after he had been missing for some time, as he is more beastlike in origin. This world may even be his creation, not Slime’s, which would further cement why they did not utilize creative god-powers. 
This video also showcases the tendency Charlie and Grizzly are characterized by in wanting to find ways to live amongst the challenges that face them, not necessarily fight to escape. They are far more inclined than Condi to settle in their tower and hunker down there and learn to live with the dangers around them, which is an attitude they continue to showcase in how they handle the timeloop. 
Bizly has returned to the group, and goes along with Condi and Charlie for the next of Charlie’s exercises in his power. 
This is another example of Charlie’s experimentation with randomized power, as a bunch of random people are spawned in and create entropy in their path. 
Halfway through the video, after all three of them have died, Charlie resorts to using his god-powers, but it is too explosive and causes the world to crash. He shows his growth by reining in it quickly though. 
There is an explicit flashback to the escapade to the nether in the VR series, when Condi fell before. This time, he does not fall. 
Thatoneperson is an important figure, and is clearly more than just a hunter. They exhibit godlike power that hints at them potentially being Schlatt in disguise. This would be the chance used to muzzle Bizly, when the ordeal with Thatoneperson being killed leads to his being pushed off the fortress, a death that could be latched onto to muzzle him. This takes gradual effect, and he remains for the rest of the video, but is missing from Natural Disaster. 
In the End fight with the dragon, Charlie yet again exhibits god-power to summon every hunter to fight by their side. 
Charlie’s escapades all repeat in this timeline but under Schlatt’s watch, no longer as a way for Charlie to grow, but a way to torture the Council and weaken them. 
When Charlie eats the apple early in the video, it accomplishes what Schlatt began doing right before the time loop was created: it makes him mortal. He can now truly, fully be killed, if done in a way powerful enough to stop his respawn. 
Immediately after this Charlie is notably able to give Grizzly an apple as a help, not a hindrance, which could be tied to his emerging domain over food. Grizzly’s domain over nature also begins to emerge as he gives poppies that begin to work as protective symbols. 
Schlatt quickly gets them to build him a church, showing how he’s trapped them in a state they forget their own emerging god-power, and taunts them with the light to the command blocks later, showing the torturous pointlessness of the whole experience. 
Grizz becomes shackled by Schlatt at the final volcano, but Charlie is able to take control of the realm from Schlatt and Grizz is able to break out to an extent. Schlatt does still remain in power over the timeline as a whole though, and retreats to regroup.
With picking the chests at the start of the video, the Council solidifies their domains of power as godlings. They had already began developing these, but this used some of the last chance magic Charlie had from Narwhal to allow them to concentrate their power into stronger, more specific areas. This whole video is an example of the Council going all out with their powers, and truly testing their limits. 
When the apple is given to Grizzly and he falls, he becomes shackled again. Though Schlatt is not in this world, he is pulling the strings as this happens in his timeline, and so the shackled Grizzly is still forced against his brothers. However, he strains against his restraints, and manages to make the fight fair enough that his brothers can beat him. 
The wolves were supposed to just be a joke. A joke between twins. Bizly’s wolfish, he wouldn’t really hurt them. If Condi hadn’t spawned them in the nether, it would have just been an illusion, a prank. It was just bad luck. “I may have been the boy who cried for the wolves, but I will not cry for you.” When shackled, and with Bizly muzzled, Grizz forgets that Bizly was the dearest wolf he cried for. 
In Grizzly’s last moments, Bizly, who had been fighting against his own plight for a while now, sees that Grizzly’s being controlled by his own and he can either be shackled in the mind as his body fights his family, or he can be shackled fully as a ghost that cannot act against them. In saving Grizzly, Bizly has to kill him to turn the shackles to a kind Grizzly can fight out of. He barely manages to reach through enough to help them get to the end, but his shackling means he cannot be in the world with them, and even that small effort to help them doesn’t have any real use.
Charlie has forgotten everything. After Hardest Difficulty, the Council continued to try and live their lives, but in the wake of Grizzly’s absence Condi threw himself into research, locking himself in his labs for long stints of time, feeling something was off about Grizz’s “death.” He was eventually caged there, and Bizly faded further under his muzzling as Schlatt used this opportunity to take them all away from Charlie. 
Schlatt then created an environment filled with death: a zombie apocalypse. Natural disasters also, notably, play a large role. This would be the final trial where he wore Charlie down to the point he could kill him.
Each of the Council appears in a diluted way how they can through their plight, and Bizly, having fought his off the longest, is able to work through his in many ways. He appears first out of the Council as Florida Man, accompanied by wild animals that he can interact with as a wild spirit.
Tommy enters, a wild spirit (zombie) who has started to move toward a player form and demonling power very similarly to Bizly. Grizzly ended up trading power with Bizly because they were at similar power levels, but Schlatt is able to give without any side effects because of his immense power, and Tommy comes into power over the 100 days as a demonling under Schlatt.
Charlie finds Condi’s lab where he’s been caged, and reads hints in Condi’s diary that he remembers what was done to Grizzly and is trying to fix it by recreating the world. His caged mind does not recognize Charlie, but Charlie is able to help Condi partially break out of his cage, and he is able to go out into the world though much of the mental caging effects linger. 
“In the new world, Charlie, everyone will be happy. Because I’m going to be a god.” He knows.
Condi is not successful in hopping worlds- he hops times back to the beginning of Schlatt’s timeline. He can’t escape it completely, but can form a time loop so they can try again. It doesn’t seem like it’s worked at first, but it is in the moments between a death and respawn that he can transport them, and so he is able to go back when he “dies.”
The Blood Bachelor’s arena somewhat resembles the arena from the VR series, yet another ritual to whittle down Charlie’s mortality. 
Ranboo is another upcoming godling/wild spirit, this time pulled in by Charlie, talked about more in the section for Beating Minecraft w/ Ranboo. He may have some idea of the fact that the apocalypse was created by Schlatt, twisted to be expressed by his conspiracy. 
Wizzly is the still shackled Grizzly, fighting to regain control of his powers. He has some version of his own knowledge of the timeline as a whole, knowing that Charlie is the “protagonist,” the focus of Schlatt’s attention. 
On day 99, Schlatt comes with apples, his strongest weapon. This is when Charlie starts to remember, and fears him, but the reminder of Bizly and the others pulls him away just before he eats. Bizly, who Charlie can barely remember, but with the knowledge Schlatt forced on him he now realizes has been working to keep him safe even though he’s a faded version of himself. Charlie then goes back, hoping he can bring him back before he’s faded completely, and he’s able to call him and the others for the final battle.
In this fight Tommy is seen wielding god-power, as he has become a demonling over the 100 days.
Charlie uses Condi’s machine to world-hop, and here, in a realm of Condi’s power, Schlatt attempts to finally, fully, kill Charlie. But in the moment where Schlatt kills him and attempts to stop him from respawning, Condi’s power is able to take Charlie not to mortal death, but back to the beginning. They will try again until they are all saved. Until Bizly is unmuzzled, Grizzly unshackled, Condi uncaged, and Charlie survives. 
It is also worth noting that Bizly, Grizzly, and Ranboo were left behind, but at the mention of Charlie, Grizzly summons zombies, saying “let’s do it all again, run it back from the top”, and they are killed too, allowing them to be transported as well as Condi begins the timeloop.
Both of these videos serve roughly the same purpose, as hallucinations/dreams Charlie experiences between time loops. There are many variations of them, all being very rudimentary ways of him changing a world and seeing how he fares, similar to his original escapades when growing his god-power. He begins to encounter Ranboo, a wild spirit of the place between dimensions (hence the enderman/End and ghast/Nether influences) that manages to interact with these dreams as Charlie moves between dimensions/times, and is eventually pulled into the timeline through Charlie’s power. However, he also begins to move toward godhood as a result of being gifted some of Charlie’s power. 
These are the beginning of Charlie potentially being able to not only alter a realm, but create entire realms of his own.
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imaginaryfriend20 · 9 months
Ophelia's Song
The plight of tragedy
to carve his heart into broken
The plight of anger, rushing
along with the broken flow
carved his heart to stone.
His once bright eyes of stars
burnt away to a vast
void, in the stealth black
cloth of the universe.
The bloomed flowers of his thought
sharpened and hardened into
knives and thorns
fragrant of smelted iron...
Nothing would break
the diamond bonds in his heart,
bound for the deadly spear
which will bring fear, of revenge
I know his heart shalln't
beat against mine
to the same rhythm, as once
tranquil skies.
I know that laughter's
ringing melody of
happiness, wouldn't
ring against these halls
of life.
Only sorrow's hand will
bring the peace and the
end of this tragedy.
Only death will
lead us to solomon peace's
So I shall go to seek
mine within the water lilies
in the pond, and I shall
wait until thou seeks and finds
So.... I started to read Hamlet again....
and I got a bit curious about Ophelia's view.
so this is the final product of that curiosity.
this is forever to my muses @lizziesblog @taylorswift
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t3kandson · 2 years
Tumblr media
Wordcount; 1,851
Fandom; The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Sohn Eric & Reader X Kim Younghoon
Characters; Sohn Eric & Lee Juyeon
Warning; mild smut, sexual thoughts, angst, blood Sucking, Car Accident, Vampire Creating and death of a minor Character.
Notes; Chapter 4/14 of Part Three
Earlier parts and chapter here
Dalrae was a petit little thing, her honey brown hair felt soft beneath your hands, her eyes hurting you as you took your fangs to her neck, the way her hands held you warming your skin. You couldn’t take her life, she felt special and you instantly attached yourself to her. You never once fed from her, in the months where you would enjoy walks along the dark night, when she found out you was a vampire she never fled.
When your nightmares came, even though she knew that was of your Y/N, you would wake to her concerned eyes. She would comfort you and lull you back to reality. You had fallen for her hard, but kept yourself slightly back from letting her completely in.
She soon asked that dreaded question, your body stiffing as she begged to be turned after witnessing the after effects of another human meal. The thought of risking her life like Y/N was enough to keep you avoiding answering that question, till she broke down one evening.
“I wish you loved me like her,” she cried in a heap on the floor when you entered your flat. You crept down to pull her close to you smelling her vanilla scented hair. “I’ve already told you this is not the life I want for you,” you said rolling your thumb on her back as she sobbed in your arms. “Yet you turned someone else tonight,” she whimpered. “I told you why,” you scoffed. She turned to look at you, her eyes red and puffy that your heart hurt seeing her so upset. “That I’m special,” she choked, “I’m so special that you don’t want to live forever with me,” she cried. “No, no that’s not it at all, I don’t want any harm to come to you,” you said stroking her face, looking at her quivering lips, glossed with the wet tears fallen from her plight. “I don’t want to watch you die,” you added smiling at her but her face scrunched up. “If one thing in my mortal life’s guaranteed, it’s that your witness my death, I won’t live forever,” she said. “Yeah your right your going to die in my arms, old and after having a fulfilled life,” you said smiling at her, she realised her tears wouldn’t persuade you and dropped her plight.
She had tried to push the conversation twice more and then the day came where she finally got her wish.
Your tear soaked face as you cradled her crumbled up body. Instead of your beautiful Dalrae, it was your Y/N’s face looking at you. A crumbled blooded mess, the car she had been tossed out of, upside down on the road as her breathing slowed. You knew she was dying, her injury’s was too much as she pleaded with you to turn her one last time. The thought of losing her like Y/N gave you no hesitation as you sunk your teeth in to her neck, her coconut essence blood filling your mouth as you tasted her, drinking from her till it was time to let her be your new vampire companion.
Things changed from then, you both hunted, she was gifted enough to know how much to take before death or turning them. You chuckled thinking how thrilled Hyunjae, Jacob & Kevin would be to have another blood catcher in the family, before remembering that was the last place you was welcome, let alone Y/N’s replacement. It wasn’t long before she learnt to make blood capsules, using her gift of persuasion to find volunteer’s. Life was perfect, the nightmares of Y/N slightly lessened, that was till when you saw a face you least expected.
Vampires heard of Dalrae’s skills to collect blood, some vampires not wanting to feast on human life, yet not having restraint to not take life, came to purchase her blood capsules. You had brought a small bar on the outskirts of town, where you had settled down to a new sense of direction in life. You smelt him before you saw him, your body freezing when you took Juyeon in. Your body shook from anger at the sight, If their was anyone you blamed for Y/N’s death, it was him.
The many times he and Sangyeon sent you to watch what Younghoon was doing. The times you watched her, the way your heart vibrated when you saw her beauty. You knew in that second, why Younghoon couldn’t leave her behind. If he never planned to turn her, she would still be alive living a human life. If him and Sangyeon never sent you to see what Younghoon was doing, your heart wouldn’t be barely living and here he was near Dalrae.
You froze in a rush of confusion, you could smell Y/N on him, as if their was a tiny essence of her within him. Juyeon’s face fell noticing your presence as he twisted around to leave. You chased him but by the time you reached the streets of the dark night he had vanished. What was Juyeon doing there? Why did he have a scent of Y/N?
Juyeon’s appearance had restarted the nightmares. Each night you tried to save Y/N, but each night she died. You woke up to the comforting arms of Dalrae and her body lulling you back in the comfort of her arms, often confusing you for Y/N’s. You felt sad that often you allowed Y/N to replace her, in the desperate need to feel as if she was still there. You knew Dalrae knew of Y/N’s ghost and she never failed to be there despite knowing deep down who you had replaced her with.
You woke to her stroking your face as it looked at you worried following another nightmare. You clung to her arms, holding it to keep you grounded as your eyes struggled to remove Y/N’s broken face in your view.
You kissed her hoping that Dalrae would break through your glances, eyes closed tight as your lips took comfort in hers.
Her hands wrapped round your back bringing your body’s close together as you took comfort feeling her skin. Your arousal taking you as you needed to feel every inch of her. As you picked her up to straddle you, her lips found their way to your neck, her fangs brushing your skin. You jolted at the touch,“No don’t,” you said jolting her by her shoulders in fear. “Why?” She pouted looking adorable that you couldn’t help but smile in return, “Because it’s not safe,” you whispered. “Yes it is, Aera does it all the time with Minho,” she said in between small kisses along your jaw. “Dalrae it’s not always that safe,” you said closing your eyes as you enjoyed her lips on your face. “Please let me taste you,” she pleaded as her hands stroked down your chest, as she pushed her core down on to your growing arousal. “No,” you replied with your eyes shut but she ignored you, her fangs taking you by surprise as she bit into your flesh.
You broke the contact, looking at her in shock as she wiped the blood from her lips smearing it against her face. “Dalrae it’s not safe please don’t,” you cried, a few tears leaving your eyes. “Why because you sucked from her blood and almost died,” she spat out moving her body from yours in anger. You froze in that moment, totally unaware how she knew when you kept as much as possible from her about Y/N. “What,” you gasped. “You talk and cry in your sleep,” she said looking at you tears escaping her eyes. “Then you know why,” you said feeling a little sad. “But I’m not her, this isn’t the same situation, you drank from others and there alive, but I’m not them am I?” she cried.
She got her clothes and walked out the door and made her way out the bedroom. “I can’t do this any more,” she said as you followed. Your heart thumping at the thought of losing her, “What why?” you cried. “Because you turn and drink from any one at a moments notice but me it took you a year to turn me,” she said turning to you, tears falling. “I’ve had enough of not being good enough for you,” she said as she got herself dressed. “Good enough, your my world,” you replied holding her shoulders, but she brushed them off, heading for her bag to return to your bedroom. “Please stop,” you begged as she packed her clothes. “Why Eric so I can continue to be second best to a ghost, I don’t think so,” she said wiping her eyes, “Your not second best. Yes I will always love her, but you two are both different and important to me,” you said as she threw her clothes in her bag and turned to you stepping close that your face was inches away from each other. “If she came back tonight,” she started to say before you cut her off, “she won’t come back she’s dead.”
“If she came back, would you go back to her?” she asked you. Your heart froze you knew the answer, it stung and hurt. “That’s what I thought,” she said turning back to the closet.
In the fear of losing her you rushed to her, your fangs emerging into her skin as you drank from her coconut tasting blood. She relaxed into yours, as you drank from her. When your teeth left her skin, she turned to you smiling, her lip crashing into yours as she kissed you walking you back to the bed. You stumbled as you fell landing into a heaped mess, her giggling making you feel safe and secure. She showed her fangs, you tensed a little. she wasn’t a hybrid, neither was you, this would be ok. You let her teeth dig into your neck and you moaned as she suckled on your blood. You hadn’t let any one feast on you, but Juyeon when he turned you, but the thought of her drinking your essence in turned you on. Your hands removing her top, so she was topless in just a bra as her fangs returned to your neck, the stinging sensation alluring you further. Your member bulged and began to hurt, needing to feel her in every way.
Before you could go further, her lips left yours, her hands clasped around her mouth. “What’s Up did you bite yourself? you greedy little mare,” you chuckled as you sat up to take her hands from her mouth. But when you did she started choking as your heart raced. The acid smell attacking your nostrils, the smell your memory refused to let you forget, That you smelt from your own body when Y/N’s blood burned you from inside. “No, no,” you cried as her body went limp, her hand scraping at her chest as she silently cried, tears falling from her eyes, “no, no, not again,” you cried as you watched her skin grey and her body give up as her eyes closed.
Previous Chapter. Next Chapter
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source-of-support · 20 days
Bars of Fool's Gold
Shaun: Hey Doc, I've got something in me that needs a remedy. A lack of reality, I fear its an ill malady. The sort to rob me of my vitality
Doctor: Piss in this cup and zip back up Damn, I see your flow is weak, Let me swab your cheek, I'll get the results back in a couple of weeks. Now I see on your chart you've had trouble with sleep, how have you felt at night before…
Shaun: It's true, everything you said, My words are all jumbled in a knot in my head And I have so many doubts that I can't shut the shouting out At night when it's dark, when my fingers fumble for my pills And I'm startled into dropping them from my shaking hands and my water spills My sanity lay crumbling in a schism I stumble for the window and step on the tablets hearing sirens, fearing prison leaving A thin pantina of reason on the bottom of my feet shining with little moon beams It's court mandated I take my sanity shot every week and swallow my happy pills, so… you see why I lick the residue on the floor and my feet Hoping to swallow every little morsel and eat every bit of sanity mixed with the grime and muck and deceit. As best I may, I scour in succor with my cracked little nails They're so dirty and peeled I can't get enough of it in me to even begin to feel real Tell me straight Doc, will I ever heal? What the fuck is happening to me why am I here?
Doctor: I'm sorry Shaun, My secretary just rang, Your insurance declined the visit Where to begin…? [INWARD THOUGHT] (This man is in schizophrenic shock) Symptomatically speaking, I can legally give no advice.
You've been awfully quiet,
As a writer of rhymes I feel your pain, Take care bro, and understand when I say, A flow so weak is truly hurtful to me personally to see
The strongest dose of reality I can give is
To begin, study the pen, Take your damn meds And listen to new music at night To bring in new insight into the plight you mentioned here about feeling fright And when all else fails When your skills are so weak and frail They break at the first beat from the snare drum Pick your pen up again, Force it to bend to your hand and your mind and your will And give it your all and pour all of your skill into each bar and each bar will hold all of your malice and fear Your hopes and your dreams And your nightmares will seem To be a destiny worth seeing Then, Smelt that bar into a ring of evil Forge the ring with all of your being From the bottom to the top Write it like you're freeing a locked creature in need And crown yourself king of a land full of heathens. The flow you're writing will siphon that evil into the ring And can finally be given to a creature named Gollum to keep.
Shaun, eyes popping wide: Wait, did I hear you right???
Doctor:…Anyway, I appreciate your visit, if you need to see me again - with insurance, Heh Heh.. Ahem… I'm available on the 10th,
Shaun interrupting emphatically: The 10th? That's awfully short for a King to Forge a cursed Ring don't you think, Doc And also what's this about a creature named Gollum to keep it? Hey Doc, Listen to me! I'm talking to you! Why're you calling the guard? I think that's cruel cause they hit so hard, Just give me a chance to listen some more, Wait, what was that? I don't think I heard you You said something about a grimoire. I can't be certain
Guards: We've got him!
Shaun: Give me a sec, Get your fucking hands off me, I'm speaking to the Doc, here, Don't try to stop me!
0 notes
In six days, I will be turning twenty-one years old. When I reminisce on the day’s past, I see nothing but my failures and plights. It is others that remind me how I have grown and how much I’ve succeeded in the face of adversity. This year, like most, is going to be a lonely one. I cut ties with one of my closest friends, someone who wanted to do something special for my birthday, and I crushed her heart and was left cold and empty in the process. I won’t have that reminder anymore. I won’t have anything positive to look back on, only what I, in my state of sleep-deprived mania, had destroyed. 
Though I believe the reasons I ended the friendship were sound (lack of emotional reciprocity, them standing atop an unjust mental high ground, and many other reasons), knowing that someone is hurt and more closed off from the world from something that I did pains me. I wake up wanting to talk with them, tell them how my day went, and listen to their problems just one more time—but I remind myself, “This is for the better,” and “I have to do what’s best for me, even if it hurts.” 
Though I’m not the first to experience the loss of a friend, and billions after me shall too be privy to this feeling, it does not cheapen the individual emptiness that I feel. It doesn’t change the fact that these memories, experiences, way they felt, smelt, and sounded will stick with me forever. It doesn’t change that it’s been like this for everyone I’ve ever met and will ever meet. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m suffering.
Though I post here on this blog to people who will never know my name, face, or really anything about my life other than what I show here, it doesn’t make the pain any lesser, even though venting to strangers is supposed to make you feel better or something. None of it changes the fact that, in six days, I’ll be twenty-one years old. I’ll be holed up in my room, listening to Christmas music, watching the snow fall from my tiny window, replaying memories in my head of times when I was happy, wondering why I ever pushed that happiness away from me.
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Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory- A children's movie in which a god-like figure tortures those below him for personal pleasure under the guise of teaching lessons.
Willy Wonka is shown to be the grandest creator known to man: Able to defy biology through magic concoctions [Candy which defies Entropy, Turning people into fruit, Making people float, etc.]…
This all takes place in a space far too large to exist within the confines of the factory: His genius has allowed him to create a space bigger on the inside than the outside, something only a manipulator of reality could do.
Willy Wonka is shown to be a trickster: His first appearance showcases that he should not be trusted- faking to be an ill, older man and suddenly springing forth with jubilee towards the guest in a quick agile roll- this trait is shared with god’s trickery in the bible [showcasing himself as a burning bush to moses]
Most importantly is Willy Wonka’s “Garden of Eden”- The chocolate room.
This room is full of edible candy, arguably a sort of heaven to the tour guests… However, there is a fruit not to be plucked- The chocolate river… and then Willy Wonka sets the tour guests free to roam, with only the instruction to not consume the chocolate river.
…The person who consumes the chocolate river is punished severely and humiliated amongst their peers while Willy Wonka stares and does nothing, just as god chooses to sit and do nothing to the plight of mankind.
Not convinced? Look towards the Willy Wonka poster- his arms stretched out similar in pose to Christ- surrounded by miniature versions of the tour guests (symbolism of how Willy Wonka views those around him as “Small” and “Insignificant”, as does god)
In summary: Willy Wonka is a god-like trickster figure, this is proven through the obfuscation of his actions, his erratic and eccentric nature, his “Garden of Eden” …
Did you know that on the set of the film the “Chocolate River” actually smelt putrid?...
So too did the “Garden of Eden” harbor sin.. If God has made mankind in his image, and mankind is the harbinger of sin, Is God not the ultimate sinner? And if we place Willy Wonka into the role of God-…
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fatehbaz · 4 years
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A thematic map on environmental racism against Roma communities in Central and South-Eastern Europe developed by ENVJUSTICE – EJAtlas team at ICTA - UAB in collaboration with European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Human Rights activists [...].
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Besides being present in Europe for centuries, Roma communities continue to remain on the edge of both Eastern and Western European societies, segregated apart from their neighboring communities. [...] This map provides a sample of the enormous environmental injustices that Roma communities undergo due to their ethnicity and race in Europe – today. Only in Hungary there are 758 settlements identified at the outskirts of the country in which Roma communities dominantly live. In Slovakia, there are another 281 Roma settlements identified. About half of the 621 thousand Roma people live near or directly on landfills in Romania. In Bulgaria 89% of Roma inhabitants do not have access to water; and in Macedonia there are several cases reported where Roma are forcibly evicted to live near heavily polluted industrial areas [...]. Roma frequently face racism, intolerance, discrimination, and exclusion. [...] Indeed, this thematic map confirms Roma settlements being placed near mining and smelting complexes, former military bases, and landfills. Furthermore, Roma settlements serve as deposits for highly dangerous waste discharges from municipal, industries, and mine complexes.
Often, environmental services, such as green areas or water sources, are used as a direct strategy of racism practiced against Roma. For instance, cutting-off water provisioning in the middle of a heat wave. Forced evictions are also practiced against Roma in the name of green areas restoration. Roma settlements are often segregated by physical walls where local authorities claim it as a “noise barrier” to protect citizens from the highway noise. On a daily basis, Roma experience a strong hate speech and physical violence. Poor health conditions of Roma relate to denial of potable water and sanitation, polluted air, closeness to landfills, flooding sites. In some cases, evictions to heavily polluted mining complexes or water treatment plants expose Roma communities to lead poisoning and radiation. [...]
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The research team consists of Ksenija Hanaček and Federico Demaria (ICTA-UAB), Patrizia Heidegger and Katharina Wiese (EEB), Radost Zahireva (Bulgaria), Mustafa Asanovski (Macedonia), Ciprian-Valentin Nodis (Rumania), Zsuzsanna Kovács (Hungary), Ondrej Poduska (Slovakia).
Map, captions, screenshots, and all text above from: ENVJUSTICE – EJAtlas team at ICTA - UAB. “Pushed to the wasteland: Environmental racism against Roma communities in Central and South-Eastern Europe.” Environmental Justice Atlas.
(If you visit their map online, every one of those listed instances of environmental racism contains photos of each site and specific details about each site, including: summary of the plight; satellite imagery of the landscape; assessment of the scale of the local environmental/health effects.)
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how-masterful · 2 years
One More Thing
Dhawan!Master X reader
summary: After defeating Tzim-Sha on Ranskoor Av Kolos, you take a moment to speak with the dying Stenza Warrior. Turns out the Doctors new friend isn’t all that they seem.
notes: This is a side piece prequelish fic to Call Him Master, basically what would happen if the series followed the rules of the plan in that fic ( the big scene in the final episode where the audience would realise you’ve been a bad guy all along.) It’s something i’ve thought about for a while, it’s not as grand as my usual fics but i just had the sudden urge to write it- and at this point, i’ll take anything my brain wants to write! As usual, and as probably forever, this is dedicated to @plethora-of-imagines ❤
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“I’ll meet you both back at the TARDIS, I think I dropped my phone while we were hiding.”
“Are you sure?” Graham asked, hand softly resting on your shoulder. The day had been hard on you all, Ryan especially looked moved at finally getting closure on losing his grandmother.
“Yeah Graham, I’m sure. Thank you though, you were really brave. Both of you.”
Sometimes, your acting capabilities astounded even yourself. The pair truly seemed to believe you cared about their emotional plight for a second. It was practically thrilling watching them fall for it every single time.
“We’ll see you back at the TARDIS, eh?” Ryan asked quietly.
“Yeah, won't be long!”
You watched them leave, Graham patting his grandson on the back as the pair walked out and back towards the TARDIS. You waited until they were out of view to roll your eyes, your façade of fondness dropping as if you’d simply taken off a mask. Something your lover had lots of experience with.
Tzim-Sha’s voice was quiet, but graveled painfully against the crystalline walls of the stasis chamber. The gas was funneling in from a small vent in the top left hand corner- you’d seen this type of disbursement technology before. He’d be out like a light in 5 minutes flat. Out for a very, very long time.
You turned on your heels, the powerful weapon in your grasp sizzling, aching to be used. Graham and Ryan were definitely gone now, turning the corner and running back to their precious, hypocritical Doctor and her tired old TARDIS. You knew what she’d be doing, all smiles and nose scrunches and inspirational speeches about hope and kindness and the power of friendship. Funny how the Timelord who once prided themselves on their velvet smoking jackets and perfectly bouffant white hair could devolve into an overexcitable children's tv presenter.
“It’s you…”
A smile began to spread itself up your lips, laced with mischief and undeniable smugness. Two fingers reached for your neck, peeling the thin, metal communicator from your throat. You turned the object over in your hand, before bringing a single finger to your lips. Tzim-Sha watched as you shushed, looking back at the small device before sliding it into your back pocket. You didn’t want anybody listening in to this conversation.
“Now we can be honest with each other. Tzim-Sha… wow. How the mighty fall.”
The gun wheezed and hissed as it was lowered, aiming at the floor.
“Not much longer until your permanent power nap, huh?”
“I knew your face… all those years ago. You smelt different to the others, as much artron energy as the Doctor… The Stenza are all aware of your atrocities.``
You smiled proudly. Stepping forward, you allowed yourself to give a mocking curtsey to the imprisoned Stenza warrior. Tzim-Sha snarled behind the glass, not unlike an animal at the zoo.
“I’m glad to know I've got a reputation. Thank you, by the way, for keeping it a secret. But you and I both know I can't take all the credit.”
“And where is he now? This destroyer of planets… this lover of yours. I fail to see why he would let you out of his clutches so… easily…”
Tzim began to cough, the gas surging up his nostrils and escaping out of his mouth in a plume like a smoker dragging and expelling the insides of a cigarette. You smirked, watching the leather clad warrior clutch at his chest, sinking down to one knee and dry heaving against the mist. 
“He… did not seem… the type… to give… his power away… so easy…”
You tilted your head, stepping closer to the stasis chamber as he struggled to regain his breath. Your expression was a mocking picture of sympathy, a callus grin joining uncaring eyes.
“Well, Tzim, we can’t all be slaves to tradition. But then again, it was your cheating at the game that got you here in the first place, wasn’t it?”
You spat your words at the struggling warrior. 
“I only lost… due to your meddling…”
“You’re not the only one. It’s a shame, too,” You began, twirling the gun in your hands and inspecting its glow.
“I thought you were doing quite well. Plus, I meant to thank you- you did make sure my first adventure in ‘The Fam’ was action packed. I was worried I was gonna get a right dud of a debut but thankfully you made it… ok.”
You laughed at the way Tzim-Sha’s lip curled, his features straining to express any form of emotion beyond casual hatred.
“Nothing beats an invasion though, does it? We love a good invasion, it’s like our golf. Never played golf in my life but I do know how to cause an insurrection in less than an hour. But then again, it’s not what you know,” you crouched in front of the stasis chamber, fingers pressed against the glass like a child looking into a shop window. The gun sat abandoned at the floor by your feet.
“It’s who you know.”
“Why… are you here…”
“Ah! Good question!”
You grinned at the Stenza, watching him crumple himself up into a ball at the bottom of his prison. It was exciting watching him squirm for his salvation.
“I might as well tell you, since you’re probably never going to wake up ever again after this- but this next plan, he called it a ‘slow burner’. You can’t just suddenly appear and create a whole new identity for yourself- well, you can, but it still takes a bit of networking. Which is what we’re both doing. He’s off somewhere fancy and boring building his connections, and I'm gaining the Doctor's trust. Honestly it’s quite fun, every day she looks at me like she likes me just that bit more. Like I'm her friend. Breaking her hearts is going to be… truly special.”
You giggled against the glass, ducking your head down to try and get a better look at the Stenza warrior who was drowning in the swirling gas and coughing up a fit.
“A betrayal… a subterfuge… all this time…”
“Shame you won't be able to watch though, considering it’s all happening on earth and, y’know, your bedtime is in like, two minutes. I’ll make sure we get Karl, though! You remember Karl, your target?”
Tzim-Sha sneered with a quivering lip. Recognition of his failure, the defeat that had made him the prisoner of this stupid, empty planet. One you’d already forgotten the name of.
“Just for you, my treat, I’ll PERSONALLY make sure we scrub him of every bit of his DNA and make him the perfect empty storage system. Maybe i’ll use him to keep hold of the CCTV footage of you being kicked off that crane. Definitely one to show the grandkids.”
Tzim-Sha didn’t have long left, that was for sure. You furrowed your eyebrows as the Stenza lay on the floor, its limbs curling around itself like he was falling into the fetal position. Your knuckles rapped against the glass, knocking at the warrior as you tried to catch a look at him through the opaque smoke.
“Hey, i’m telling you a lovely story here! Last one you’ll ever hear! I tell you what, if this is how you’ll repay my company you can kiss that treat goodbye. Maybe i’ll make sure Karl LIVES, just to rub it in. Huh? Would you like that? Extra salt in the wound for ‘Tim Shaw’, the worst warrior the Stenza ever put forward, who didn’t even receive the dignity of his enemy pronouncing his name right? No wonder you ended up here, maybe those DNA bombs did you a favor. Hid you from your own people. What would they say to you if you went home to face them, the absolute failure you are?”
You paused for a moment, staring at the figure within the chamber with absolute disgust. Taking in what you could of his form, the way he curled into a ball to hide from his fate. It was a sad ending, in a way. Something so basic for such a strange creature. You leant in closer, fingers pushing against the chamber. You wondered if he’d already fallen asleep.
Suddenly, you pulled your hand up to cover your mouth, eyes widening. A quick laugh escaped your lips.
“Sorry, I'm just realizing how mean that was. I meant every word, though. So at least you know you fell to rest surrounded by honesty.”
You finally stood, grasping hold of the gun from the floor and sighing with resolute satisfaction. You pulled the gun up to your shoulder, staring down the viewfinder and taking aim. With a single pull of the trigger, you sent a shot into the control panel of the stasis chamber, hitting the inner workings right at the cut off point for the gas expulsion. The wiring sparked in flame, the cut off point exploding into nothing. Soon the gas systems would no longer be filtering out anything nasty, and would be pumping it all straight into the chamber. Tzim-Sha would be as good as dead before you even left the room.
“It’s been fun, Tzim-Sha, it really has. You never forget your first comeback villain.”
Swiftly turning on your heels once more, you turned to head out of the cavernous room that held the stasis chambers. A black clad hand pushed weakly against the glass, fingers squeaking against the barrier as they slid to the floor. You grinned, hearing his arm thunk against the metal grate at the bottom of the stasis chamber. 
“Oh, one more thing.” You called over your shoulder, walking towards the square shaped opening.
“When we finally reunite after all this time apart, and all our hard work comes to fruition, and we stand and watch the universe burn-”
Finally, you stopped. Just at the edge of the darkening room, you turned over your shoulder to glance once more at the dying Stenza warrior. Nothing akin to pity inside.
“I’ll tell the Master you said Hi.”
With a final laugh, you abandoned Tzim-Sha. Leaving him to die in peace, and exciting yourself with the prospect of your grand plan coming to fruition. You made sure to place the communication device back on your neck, slipping your phone out of your pocket, ready to wave in falsified victory when you made it back to their eye line.
The entire way to the TARDIS, you didn’t look back once. Not when the future was this exciting.
It was getting dark. But the sky in the outback always did look better at night. The once quiet sand had began to shift, dissipating outward and circling itself into a storm of flying debris. The once sparse and silent land soon found itself engulphed in the deafening wheeze of an engine, and in place of the disturbed sand sat a large, wooden shack. The figure inside hurried about, restacking papers and placing folders. With a snap of their fingers all the inside lamps switched on, bathing the shack in a warm glow. The figure set the kettle to boil, humming a tune before pouring the warm water into a mug and allowing the tea to brew. The figure moved out of the shacks front door, perching themselves on the front steps of the building, nursing the steaming mug. A brief glance at their phone gave them a content sigh.
“Nearly 2019, nearly there.” They sighed, taking a brief sip from their mug.
They sat for a while, enjoying the sounds of the outback and internally making a list of all the defences they’d need to create, before setting the nearly empty mug to the side. As if on queue, a figure suddenly appeared before them- glowing white, the energy around them seemingly fizzing. The figure on the step grinned, before relaxing back on their hands.
“It has begun.” The glowing figure said simply, voice deep and powerful. The figure on the step nodded once, and the image before them disappeared into the night. 
Oh yes, it definitely had begun. He’d been ousted by the agency, and now he’d set up shop in Australia. Soon MI6 would start to take notice of their agents going missing. Slowly, one by one, the agents would start to appear. Scrubbed of their DNA, empty shells of themselves. Seemingly from extra-terrestrial cause. Just over a year it would take, before everything would finally come together in spectacular fashion. After all the years of pretending and being apart, you two would finally be together once more and have exactly what you both wanted.
With a content sigh, he took the final sip of his drink, rubbing at the stubble on his chin as the sun finally sank behind the horizon. 
In that moment, the Master finally smiled.
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A short-story preview.
Set in a story where years down the line, Fen'harel has yet to destroy the Veil, but his plights are making all of Thedas weary of the modern elves.
Four Dalish elves band together to avenge a massacre. Will they inflict Justice or Vengeance on those responsible? And what secrets will they uncover along the way?
Warning: Violent acts & Character Death.
On the outskirts of Ansburg, a Dalish settlement had been destroyed. 
They had been camping beside the coast, where a river drained off from the ocean. 
They’d thought that the lack of freshwater would make the paths less favorable towards merchants or humans in general.  Their aravels had been pitched and their halla let loose to graze. 
They lasted three days. 
On the fourth day, when two cloaked riders closed in on where the Dalish were meant to be, the stench of death still remained, carrion birds harvested bodies, and a started fire had laid waste to everything.  
Blood ran the river red by the time the two riders reached the desolate camp.
Their movements became slow and they approached with caution; anticipating an ambush, but all they were met with was the silence that the massacre left behind. 
“Maker,” one of the riders mumbled, bringing his arm up to cover his nose.  “Who could have done this? Do you think it could’ve been Fen’harel?” 
“No,” the other rider says, his voice somber and distant. “No, these elves were not his enemies and they did not deserve his wrath.”  As he spoke, he would have abandoned his mount, an older Dracolisk, beside the river. Carrying on by foot, he would assess the carnage.  Bodies lay to waste around him, many of which were missing their pointed ears. It was sickening, deplorable, and a byproduct of fear.  “Even so, this act is unforgivable.” His voice would crack, overwhelmed by anger  and grief. “There are so few of our people left, and the only thing they have done is chosen not to take a side in this foolish war.” 
“The war that we are fighting.” 
“Yes, because even though it is foolish, it can not be ignored.  Not when innocent people are being slaughtered like this.” The second rider would crouch down, to close the eyes of an elf who was staring up at the sky. “Falon’Din enasal enaste.” 
“What are we going to do now, carry on to Tevinter?” 
“We are going to bury them, and find those responsible.” 
The first rider lets out an exasperated sigh. “Lavellan, we don’t have the time-” 
“- Then we make time.” 
The first rider says nothing more, hanging his head in silent compliance. 
They spend their evening in this way, gathering bodies and offering them final prayers. They didn’t have the means to do a proper ceremony, but they would do their best with heavy hearts.  
Nightfall had soon come and gone, and as a new dawn broke across the sky, the two men sat across from each other, swallowing down their rations despite lacking a proper appetite.  
“So you didn’t find your dalish contact amongst the dead?” The first rider would ask, his bright green eyes were growing red, as he fought the  need to sleep.  Only in his mid-twenties, and a recently freed slave of the Tevinter Imperium, he was not used to the constant traveling and combat he had to endure while shadowing the former Inquisitor.  He rubs at his face, hands running across his mutilated vallaslin.  The branches that spread over his cheeks had been cut into and burned by his former master, when he was only eighteen and freshly kidnapped from his own clan. “Perhaps he went after those responsible?” 
“No,” Lavellan would shake his head. “Ryland would have waited for us, had he still been alive and of his own free will.” The older elf  would be fiddling with a string around his neck. He clutched at the sending crystal as if it was his life line with one hand, while the other, a prosthetic, would be clutching a potion. “This group was made up of smaller dalish clans, ones that were left abandoned by their clanmates when they joined Solas. Ryland was traveling with them, to bring them to another encampment on the other side of Nevarra.” 
“That was very noble of him.” 
“Yes, and I’m the one who asked him to do it.” 
“You can’t blame yourself for what happened, and drink your potion.” 
Lavellan would stop fiddling with his necklace, taking to unscrewing the cork of the bottle in his hand. “If we had gotten here a day sooner Ma’hallian, we may have prevented this from happening entirely.”  He would down the bottle in one go, guzzling it’s dark purple liquid, looking as if he’d just bit into a lemon afterwards. “This thing could be a poison.” 
“A poison that keeps you from keeling over in pain.” Ma’hallian would remind him gently, before reaching out to take the empty bottle from the other man’s hands. “And we didn’t get here a day sooner, so we have to keep moving forward.” 
“We will, as soon as the person responsible is brought to justice.” 
The white-haired elf would lean forward, fixing the former Inquisitor with a narrowed gaze. 
The older elf was on the cusp of fifty, with silver streaks in his long chestnut hair and wrinkles overtaking his darkened skin.  These days, his hands shook whenever he lifted his sword, and his amber eyes always smoldered with conviction. “Is it justice you are after, or is it vengeance?”
“The two are not so different, when faced with a situation like this.” 
“We both know that they are.” 
Lavellan hated being shown up by his assistant, someone who could be so callous and shy towards the rest of the world. The boy had spent the majority of his life either in solitude or servitude and yet, he still managed to come out of it with a remarkable sense of responsibility and level headedness. 
“I-” He does not get a proper sentence out, as a distant sound causes his ears to twitch. Ma’hallian hears it too and they rise to their feet.  
Ma’hallian draws a dagger from his belt and Lavellan pulls free his sword from its sheath.  They approach the source of the noise with silent steps, until they are looming over the site of a destroyed aravel. It’s red fabric and splintered wood had made a heavy pile, and something dared to move beneath it. 
“Careful,” Lavellan murmurs, “it may be an abomination that’s risen.” 
Leering forward with one foot, the elf  would kick the debris away, his sword poised to strike down, but he would stop just short of skewering another elf. 
An elf also nearing his fifties, with deep red hair that was coated in soot and streaked with soft greys. His face, while well defined, was covered in laugh lines and scars alike. They danced along his vallaslin for Ghilan’nain, etched in blue to match his eyes.   This new elf stares up at them, as a cough rattles throughout his chest and past his lips.  “Well, hello your highness. I survived then? Unless you managed to finally kick the bucket too.” 
“No, Ry, you’re just that lucky.” Lavellan would put his sword away before holding out a hand, hauling his former partner from the aravel. Eyeing him wearily, in search of any wounds that could prove fatal. 
“Ah well, what can I say? The universe loves me.” Ryland dusts himself off, wincing as he does so, but seemingly unharmed save for a few aches, bruises, and perhaps a concussion after being crushed beneath one of their landships. “How bad is it?” 
“You’re the only survivor.”
 The red-head takes in a sharp breath. “That can’t be right. Where are the bodies?” 
They take him to the people who they had wrapped or covered, ready to be buried, as time permitted them.  He looks them over, with blue eyes watering, before he shakes his head.  “There were younger elves here, children, and a mage. None of them are with the dead.” 
“Perhaps they perished in the fire that ravaged the camp?” Ma’hallain offers, supervising Ryland as Lavellan wanders off to their mounts. “Or animals picked off their remains?” 
“You are  a grim young man, Ma’hallain, but no. The only scavengers in this area are the birds, and they wouldn’t be able to devour  a body within a day, let alone a dozen or so. The person responsible for the siege must have taken them.” 
“And who was responsible?” Lavellan had rejoined them, bringing a fresh pair of clothes to Ryland from his carry on.
“There’s a human settlement nearby, Ansburg? They’ve recently come into new leadership and the man appears to be terrified of us knife-ears.” Ryland would strip there, pulling his otherwise tattered shirt over his head and tossing it to the ground.  Lavellan would hand him the clean one and Ma’hallian would have the decency to look away as he took off his pants as well. “When the local militia arrived, I told them that we had no ties with Fen’Harel or the Qun. They said that they were under orders and at the end of the day, all elves were the same.” 
“Yet they would never claim that all humans are murderers, would they?” 
“Fear is bred by ignorance, highness. They’ll get what’s coming for them.” 
Lavellan would grumble, “Did you at least scout Ansburg when you first made camp?” 
“Course I did, seemed like a normal shemlen village. Smelt of rotten fish and wet dog. There weren’t any elves, but I didn’t find that odd. There aren’t many flat ears left in the smaller settlements.”  
“Did you find where this new leader lived?” 
“It was the first thing on my list, but something seemed off about it. The whole village was sort of dreary, but his estate was shimmery, almost. Like the stones were reflecting the light.” 
Ma’hallian snaps back to attention, his ears drooping just so. “That sounds like warding, and a very obvious one.  I bet he is using it to scare others away, people do that in the Magisterium. Either to scare the already fearful, or to make a spectacle out of something valuable.” 
“So we’ll need a mage?” Lavellans asks. 
“Unless warriors suddenly know how to dispel things? Rogues most certainly do not.” 
“Oh,” Ryland would croon, “Do you know what it sounds like to me? It sounds like a call to Dorian. Tell him I said hello, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to know that I survived.” 
Rolling his eyes, Lavellan would turn away from the other men. Knowing that Ma’hallian was glib due to his many years living in darkness and Ryland was only using humor to cope with the carnage around them. 
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Wordcount; 877
Fandom; The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Kim Younghoon & Sohn Eric
Characters; Characters; Kim Younghoon, Sohn Eric, Lee Sangyeon, Bae Jacob, Lee Hyunjae, Lee Juyeon, Moon Kevin, Choi Chanhee, Ji Changmin, Ju Haynyeon & Kim Sunwoo.
Warnings; Angst and Flashbacks of Death via succide
Notes; Chapter 2/14 of Part Three.
Earlier Part & Chapters here.
The minute you cradled Eric’s lifeless body in your arms, your heart felt strange, something was coming and it made you uneasy. Was it really his death? he had been a pain in your ass since arriving, more so when Y/N appeared. He had stopped you gaining everything you ever wanted, power, an army, but she was your brightest prize. You smelt the Witches blood in her the minute you met her, even if at the time it took ages to figure her scent’s importance, but you reacted to Sangyeon’s sudden interest. You had been with him so long you knew the excitement in his heart before even he did. The smell freezing him to the spot that very day you met Y/N, his inability to place her value piqued your interest. You knew it meant she was important so the thought that she was Eric’s pet irritated you.
You had hoped the many women you made him feast on would make him go off the edge, lose himself, you never expected to realise Sangyeon’s theory that Younghoon was in love with her too would spoil your plan, he wasn’t avoiding training her he was keeping her safe from you. You wanted to break her in in every way possible, but the minute you saw her risk her life, showing her powers to Dade’s army and that she was a Hybrid to you. You felt protective of her, of all people to protect you and your clan you felt indebted to her. You saw in the flash she projected how it would end her death, It was what made you dash to Kevin to save her, the pleas and tears unexpectedly leaving your eyes. But she came back, she came back to save you all and now her heart was breaking, Eric was dead, her soul was splitting into tiny pieces, her hybrid scent powerful you could feel the energy vibrant, you knew Sangyeon felt it too.
“I’m sorry Y/N, he’s gone,” You said to Y/N’s hopeful plight that he was still alive. You watched as she brought a blood capsule to his stiff lips, bursting it into his mouth, silently hoping for life. “He can’t be dead, he can’t be dead,” she cried as she started to do CPR. “It won’t work,” You cried out, “we’re not human, remember,” you added. “It has to be, he’s not dead….. he’s not dead…… he’s not dead,” she wept. Hyunjae held her, tears falling down his face at the sight he was beholden. Then as if your dream became your reality, the sound of her body being forced as her hybrid scent grew. Your body being thrown from them as she spoke the very words you knew was her ancestors language, you felt her channel her ancestors calling to them from her soul with prays of a miracle. The dream flashing in your eyes, her broken blooded body came into sight. You scrambled towards her, but it was too late she had put up her shield, you failed her.
You watched as your dream unfolded to reality, the plea bargain that you knew she would take. Your fists pummelling the shield as if their was somehow hope you could break it. But those words you had heard already followed suit.
You heard Younghoon and Kevin’s plight but you knew as if you was somewhat inside her memory, that she would sacrifice herself for Eric.
You closed your eyes holding yourself together, not wanting to view what you had already dreamed about. The pain that was about to follow attacked you the second the wood splinted into her chest, your legs giving away as you held your hand over your heart. Haknyeon looking at you strangely as he helped pick you off the floor. Your heart tightened as if it was slowly dying on you, causing you to hit the floor again, only Haknyeon being aware of your struggle, while everyone focused on Y/N, Younghoon and Eric. “Your hands Juyeon,” he gasped as you took in the greying colour of your skin. You was dying, somehow Y/N and you was connected. Haknyeon scrambled for a blood capsule passing it to you as you threw it into your mouth, instantly feeling the dry throat ease and your skin return.
While everyone mourned Y/N’s death, you struggled, your emotions felt different, you felt everyone’s pain around you. Everyone reliant on Kevin to fix the situation, the frustration when none of it worked, Eric and Younghoon turning against each other, Younghoon and Eric pressing self distract mode.
But even worse, you was losing your blood control ability’s. Your mind control and ability to support Sangyeon weakening with each day. He had become very frustrated with you and when you couldn’t drink the blood from humans anymore you had pretty much rendered yourself useless. Sangyeon had instead become close with Kevin as you caught them whispering away from you all, making you feel out of the loop.
Instead of dealing with what was happening, you ran somewhere where you could forget, hoping to break what ever curse Y/N had placed on you.
You knew one day you would return, you felt it in your bones, but for now a life of isolation was awaiting.
Previous Chapter. Next Chapter
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
🌹🌹 back at you!
In response to: for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing (https://lady-plantagenet.tumblr.com/post/624973638402228224/for-every-received-in-my-inbox-ill-post-one)
Also tagging @houseofclarence with whom I have discussed this at length ;)
Thank you for sending it back ;5 <3. Since you posted quite a long one I decided to add onto what I had already written. It is an excerpt of this AU I started writing during my ‘A Bygone Era’ hiatus. The premise is: What if Elizabeth Woodville was the posthumous child of Jacquetta of Bedford and John Duke of Bedford? This excerpt takes place in 1452 and both her and Anthony are aged up (she by one year, him by two). It is often disputed whether she was Margaret of Anjou’s maid of honour, but in here I have made her so. There will be some minor tweaks in the narrative obviously (she will probably not marry John Grey), but since I believe in historical determinism some things will remain the same. I have kept the elements of the feud between Warwick and the Woodvilles which predated even the real Elizabeth’s marriage to Edward, and I believe her being of Lancastrian blood would further worsen matters. The sir Hugh John proposal was indeed a part of the real history, and her reaction here quite similar.
Elizabeth of Bedford (Might change the title to something less obvious?):
‘A welsh hero, a knight of Jerusalem..’ started Anthony, before the beggining of his offertory speech was drowned down by his half-sister’s ‘a lackey of Warwick, a suppliant of York’s and a man whose sword be his only fortune’. The proud voice thinned in its emphasis as it hinged onto the last, as if it were the act damnable, proclaimed in an attainder trial. Something unspeakable.
Anthony pulled her from the window seat. little good would it do her to continue staring at activity below, below where the griffin of Montagu flashed at Somerset’s red silkened form as they gestured as much as they spoke. ‘and you, a damozel with beauty as your only dowry, why not a sword to defend it?’. Queen Margaret’s fair daisy was never for want of admirers, for all the Anjou swan’s fabled harshness she unhesitatingly employed and held Elizabeth up. She smelted her, this sixteen year old daughter of her dear old friend, wound her into the finest of protégés.
Perhaps it was some errant strain of the chivalric romance that must have penetrated through that iron-clad skull. Certainly painting that union of her mother’s in a more forgiving light. That union to a knight of the breeds that inspired the poets such as Guilliame de Lorris at their writing desk when concocting their courtly romances. The daughter of the high-born lady, however, was no product of such lofty tales. Borne of the dutiful marriage, conceived in the wake of England’s loss of its French territories. Her goddaughter, her cousin-in-law, Elizabeth of Bedford.
‘My beauty- only? Ha! The name may not be my dowry, but if not that then let the blood. The royal blood of Lancaster, of Bedford’s only child. A sword alone cannot go far enough to protect this part of my dowry, but the golden spurs, the cloths of gold? These are the fortunes I elect in a husband who keeps me’ shot Elizabeth in the manner she had seen the earls of Somerset and Wiltshire affect. Her red-gold Plantagenet hair stirring from her escoffin as she spoke. Hair like the sunset for the forgotten princess damned to slip into obscurity with the imminent fall of Lancaster.
‘Then guard yourself for a future filled with misery and disillusionment, dear sister. For matrimonies are formed of gold and swords, and the less the blood commands, the more diminished its value’ said her half-brother in the grounded manner of his father. The only tone that was the antidote to Elizabeth’s hotness, the sing-song cajoles of their sisters and nurse only ever enboldened, encouraged. ‘To the great Earl of Warwick you will ever be the daughter of Richard Woodville, humble esquire. Should him and York grow powerful.. that is all you shall be’
‘And I ever do love Richard Woodville as a father’ she said cooled and more affectionately ‘and you as a full-blooded brother’ she added clasping his hands within her own ‘but to think how that fool Sir Hugh, believed he would win my heart and hand by having these Yorkist lords compel me for him, well, it is deeply insulting. As for you brother, suggesting I accept?’
He let out a snort at that last one ‘Nothing of the sort. I only think on how far a gesture of goodwill with such lords may serve’ he gave into a loud gulp before continuing, ‘How you may find your prospects even dowdier by the time you are of age. Heaven forfend’ he finished crossing himself. Ever as godly as he was clever, even steeped in shallow youth.
His sister knew for what the sweep of the cross, was dedicated. ‘Gods, again with the eerie premonitions of Lancaster’s fall? You worry for naught. Say, how many have there been like York? Stirring up old resentments? Calling into question the king’s council? Falling like flies during my grandfather Bolingbroke’s reign’
‘But how many had a claim like York’s?’ slipped in a third voice. Stern as it was motherly. The Duchess of Bedford passed from behind the twinned stools on which they were sat. The sarcanet of her ultramarine skirts whispering louder with each quickening pace. The famed beauty’s heart-shaped henin giving her the airs of both a Queen and their fabled ancestress, Mélusine, the spirit of springs and waters. ‘That man was certainly less prickly with his words. I think less prickly about his grandeur too than our great lord Warwick’ she added with all the fabled sardonicism of the French. ‘Now go Anthony, leave your sister to rest, a troubled woman’s chamber and company is no suitable place for a young boy’.
Unquestioningly, the dutiful boy took his leave with a curt bow before dashing to the sparring yard with those his age, or perhaps to a large branched oak, which would generously shade him as he read. ‘Yes, I daresay you were right mother, York sounded all the more like a beseeching father in his letter, rather than a lord to his serf’
‘It is the peace given to men when they are endowed with five sons: Edward, Edmund, George, Thomas and Richard, last we heard. Oh but the sacrifices I would have borne, to have given your father the same peace, my child’ she said gently as she placed her arm of the head that lay in her lap, Scarlett silk rustling against her blue, like blood diluted by the sanguine river. ‘Alas, god had seen what giving the brothers of Kings progeny and long lines of descent does to the stability of England, and must have thought, “houses of Lancaster, York be as you may, but by my leave there shall never grow to be a house of Bedford as there never was one of Clarence” and thus, they seized your inheritance for when I, at your age, refused to remain a widow’.
Elizabeth, acknowledged her mother’s plight. But on certain days, when the Queen’s position waned, and the tethers holding them frayed, the pragmatism confined within cursed her mother for acting on the passions of both their natures. Was I not enough, mother?
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captainillogical · 5 years
Devil’s Ballroom ch.2
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with wife @firstofficertightpants
The place actually happened to be like, right on the edge of Little Homeworld. Outside had full glass windows, tall, that reached the ceiling. Inside the lighting was dim, and a bit smokey. You figured it looked alright enough to head in, and gave the bouncer your ID. He nodded and you walked in. It smelt of cigars, and of cinnamon, and it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. A pretty woman in a low-cut red dress was playing the piano on the stage, and it was some contemporary jazz piece. The low murmur of people talking filled the air in between the swells of music, and the place actually seemed busy with people and even gems enjoying themselves. You liked the vibe. It was.. comfortable. At ease. You looked over at the bar, rather than any of the tables, and saw a spot near the end. Perfect. Right by the bathroom. You headed over and plopped down on the stool. There were three empty at the end, so you took the one in the middle, which had the best view of the stage from back here.
While waiting for the bartender to come back down this side, you took the chance to look  at the people around you. A couple familiar faces.. small town you know? And some new ones. New gems too. You can see Mr. Fryman sitting at a table with Kofi and Nanefua, and they look like they’re playing poker. You try not to snicker since Kofi looks absolutely blasted, and Mr. Fryman is cursing up a storm because Nanefua is clearly winning. You see her wink at Mr. Fryman. You suspect a rigged game.
Your phone chimes a couple times. You pull it out of your bag, and check to see who’s bothering you. Ah. The group chat.
    Alex: ughhh you guys my gmas killing me
    Alex: no seriously mexico fucking blows rn 
    Alex: i cant step outside without feeling like my balls are melting off my body
    Alex: and my brother won’t stop listening to the book of mormon soundtrack
    Alex: im going insane
Your friends are so melodramatic. You type out a couple of replies.
    Y/N: You should be used to mexican summers by now, you go every year.
    Y/N: And for the record, your brother is valid. Book of Mormon slaps.
    Alex: what the fuck youre supposed to be on my side u ass
    Alex: i thought our special thing was wicked. OUR SPECIAL THING, Y/N
    Y/N: I’m allowed to like multiple things. Including musicals. 
    Alex: never. fuck you. also what are you even doing rn come play minecraft with me
    Y/N: Yeah as much as I’d like to, I can’t.
“Y/N! So you finally came to see what this place is all about! What can I get ya?” you hear a familiar voice ask. Turning around to face the voice, you see Bismuth wearing her usual overalls and a rather nice looking bow tie. 
“Hey Bis, how’s it going? I like what you’ve done with the place. It’s nice. And uh, I’ll just take a hard cider for now.” You smile at her and set your phone down for a minute.
“Thank you! After we finished Little Homeworld, I had to find something else to focus on in my down time.” She explains while grabbing your drink from the fridge under her side of the bar, and opens it. “So tell me,” She sits the drink in front of you and leans on the counter. “What brings you out here today?”
You take a rather long sip from your drink before meeting the large gems eyes. On the stage, a tall, beardy man replaces the woman that just finished her piece. He immediately starts this jaunty, irish tune. He’s singing loudly, and it’s not bad. A couple of people are clapping to the tune.
“I just really needed to get out.” You replied, taking another sip from your drink. “I was kinda hoping I’d meet someone new, maybe get another friend to hang out with, since my friends wanted to ditch me this summer.” As you’re saying this, more people join the clapping. It’s getting a bit rowdy. “Or maybe at least get drunk enough to forget how lonely I feel.” You add, shrugging. 
“Well, I can supply the drinks, and at least a bit of company.” Bismuth winks, and turns to the patron 6 seats up waving her over. 
You check your phone again, and there’s more from Alex. AND Harper? She must still have phone service wherever she’s at.     Alex: what are u fuckin doin that so important that u cant play minecraft with ur best friend
    Harper: yeah, Y/N. the heck. Also alex, get lost, she’s MY best friend bitch
    Alex: u had ur chances but u left us so we’re a duo now. u can go
    Harper: excuse me!? I WILL end you.
    Y/N: Oh my god, chill. I’m just out right now, so I can’t okay? 
    Y/N: And nice of you to join us, Harper.
    Harper: fuck you I miss you okay. And I miss constant wifi :(
    Alex: OUT!? What do you mean OUT. its night. u play games with ME during this time
    Alex: for real what the fuck are you doing
    Harper: yeah, you don’t go out without us. Wtf are you doing?
    Y/N: I’m at a bar!!     Alex: WHAT
    Alex: dont tell me its the one place that just opened
    Alex: Y/N do NOT betray me you TOLD ME you were gonna go with me!!
    Y/N: I was. But I was also bored and you’re both gone, soooo. 
    Alex: wow
    Alex: i cant believe youve done this to me
    Harper: hmmm. ;)
    Harper: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;)
    Y/N: What.
    Harper: you tryin to find girls again? 
    Harper: like that one time you went to empire city just to peruse the mall?
    Alex: LMAOOOOO
    Y/N: No.
    Y/N: I’m not trying to find a girlfriend you fucks. Christ.
    Y/N: Also Alex, you’re one to talk. You can’t KEEP a girlfriend.
    Alex: ur just mad i have a passionate and intimate relationship w/ my hand
    Y/N: And it will probably stay that way. 
    Y/N: Besides, so far, no one cute here. So it’s a bust.
    Harper: a bust. Lmfao u just outed yourself :)
    Y/N: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
You put your phone down before seeing whatever Alex attempts to reply back with. It sounds like the current boisterous song is coming to a close, and really, most of the people here are clapping along with this guy. It’s fun. And despite the playful ribbing from your shit-talking friends, you’re starting to have a nice time. You finish your drink, and nod over to Bismuth who catches your eye and nods back. You look over onto the stage, the man having cleared the piano, and see Lapis wiping down the piano and seat. Guess he spilled his drink while playing. Lapis, unlike Bismuth, actually dressed up a bit for the job. Her hair was pulled in a cute, small bun, and she was wearing what looks like a tailored tux with no jacket. The vest fit her quite well. She seemed.. happy. Good for her.
No one had taken up the stage again yet, but the place was still lively with chatter. You see someone out of the corner of your eye move towards the stage, but Bismuth comes over again so you tear your gaze away. 
“Another cider? Or do you want something else this time, Y/N? She asks, cleaning a glass with a rag, and moves on to the next one. 
“Ehh, yeah, give me another cider.” You say as you pull out your phone again. Bismuth sets down the drink in front of you.
    Harper: what a goddamn disaster. she got that from me i think
    Alex: no, youre both disasters separately
    Y/N: Fuck you guys. Give me a break.
You hear the piano start to play again, and someone pulling the mic forward. You look up to see pink hair.. And someone kind of familiar. She’s wearing black slacks, a white collared shirt, and suspenders. The shirt is partially open, and you see part of a pink gem showing through on her chest. It looks like she’s got mascara running down her face. 
And then.. she starts to sing. 
It’s lovely. It’s slow and a bit sad, but she seems to be enjoying herself. She’s definitely done this before. Quite a few of the people around quiet down some, so you can hear her pretty clearly. You drink some, and text your friends.
    Y/N: Guys, I lied. There’s a cute gem here who can sing.
    Alex: holy fuk
    Alex: what
    Y/N: She looks kind of familiar though? I can’t quite place it though.
    Harper: dude theres like near 100 gems now in little homeworld lol
    Harper: you’ve probs seen most in passing? :P
    Alex: are you serious Y/N? cant flirt with human women so u turn to aliens? lmfao
    Y/N: Ohhhhh my god. Die.
The gem on stage sings the chorus with gusto - man she’s really getting into this. You’re kind of taken a bit with her performance. It just pulls you. But also.. She really seems familiar now and it’s bothering you.
    Y/N: No I’m serious she seems really familiar and not in that In Passing kind of way.
    Harper: what does she look like?
    Alex: yeah a description would be nice 
    Harper: TAKE A PIC
    Alex: holy shit YES 
    Y/N: I can’t take a pic. She’s too far away, it’ll be blurry.
    Alex: literally just zoom in lord almighty
    Y/N: Okay. Hold on a sec.
You turn on your camera app, and face the stage. Looks like the gem is actually finishing up her song. Perfect, you’ll snap a pic once she stands up. She finishes, and most of the people are clapping for her. You zoom in, and it’s grainy, but decent enough to make out most of her. You snap the pic.
The flash was on.
A couple people turn to look at you, and you try turning away quickly, horrified, and see the gem looking in your direction before walking off into the crowd of people. You cannot imagine a worse scenario. 
    Y/N: (image sent)
With shaking hands, you take another sip of your drink and wait for a reply. Why is life like this.
    Harper: uh.
    Harper: ummm.
    Alex: wait
    Alex: one fucking second
    Alex: shut up for one second
    Alex: harper isnt that
    Harper: uhh. yeah i think so.
    Alex: lmao i cant believe i have to tell u this
    Alex: bitch do u remember that shit that happened last summer
    Alex: where half the town almost died from that gem shit
    Alex: that’s her     Alex: that’s the bitch who almost killed like, the entire planet
    Harper: you know that night your dad almost died??
As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now. 
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worryinglyinnocent · 4 years
Fic: Animal Magnetism
Summary: Belle finds herself in a predicament when her pet gets into Rumpel’s workroom. Rumpel isn’t quite sure what to make of it all.
Written for the @a-monthly-rumbelling prompt: “How on earth did you get up there?”
Rated: G
Note: Imaginary bonus points if you recognise which Disney film Tibbs is from...
Animal Magnetism
“How on earth did you get up there?”
Belle shouldn’t have been surprised by the sight that met her in Rumpel’s workroom when she went in there to clear away the tea things and give the place a quick onceover with a duster. She had been with him long enough and been witness to enough magical mishaps in this very room that nothing should have surprised her anymore. 
She knew this, and yet, on entering the room to find her cat stuck to the middle of the ceiling, her first reaction had been disbelief. 
Tibbs gave a pitiful mew and Belle sighed, hands on her hips. 
“You got yourself into this, you know,” she said, and whilst she had some sympathy for the poor stranded feline, it wasn’t a lot. She’d had to rescue him from an awful lot of scrapes ever since she’d first found him cowering in the corner of her herb garden in the rain, a sad and soggy moggy.
She had no idea where he had come from, but he had settled into a warm spot by the kitchen fire and steadfastly stayed there, despite Rumpel’s efforts to tell Belle that maids did not need pets.
She’d counterargued that she needed someone to keep her company whilst he was away from the castle making his deals, and Tibbs had just continued to purr like a foghorn in his corner. Now he was a permanent fixture. Literally, if his current state was anything to go by. 
Tibbs meowed mournfully again, and Belle sighed. It was impossible not to be moved by his plight, even if it was self-inflicted. The one rule that Rumpel had imposed on Belle’s cat ownership was that Tibbs was never allowed in the workroom for fear of what dangerous magics he might get into. Most of his hair (or fur) raising escapades had resulted from him getting into the workroom and upsetting one potion or another. 
“You know you’re not allowed in here,” Belle continued. 
Tibbs meowed again. This time he sounded impatient; no doubt annoyed that Belle was spending her time lecturing him instead of getting him out of his predicament. She heaved another sigh and went to fetch a step ladder. She knew that Rumpel would never put Tibbs in harm’s way intentionally. She was sure that despite his bluster, he was just as smitten with the new addition to the household as Belle was. All the same, given Tibbs’ precedent for causing chaos, Belle thought that he might have learned by now to keep his workroom slightly tidier, instead of leaving half-finished spells and potions all over everywhere. For all Belle knew, she might have ended up as the one stuck to the ceiling the next time she cleaned in there. 
Returning with the ladder, she set it up in the middle of the room and looked around at the mess of papers and potion vials on the workbench, unsure if the jumble had been caused by Rumpel or Tibbs. She flicked through the papers, looking for something that would indicated what Tibbs was stuck with and whether or not special measures would be needed to bring him down again, but nothing immediately jumped out at her. She’d just have to go up the ladder and hope for the best. 
“I didn’t think that it was possible for cats to make puppy dog eyes,” she grumbled as she reached the top of the ladder and came face to face with her pet, who was looking at her with a doleful expression, begging to be rescued like the poor, helpless kitten that he was. 
Carefully, Belle wrapped her hands around his tabby-striped middle and attempted to lift him away from the ceiling, but his paws wouldn’t budge. That was when Belle noticed the powder. Tibbs had three white socks and one orange, but today, all four had a distinctly purple tinge to them. 
“Oh Tibbs, what have you been walking in now? Rumpel’s going to go spare if he finds paw prints in one of his ingredients.”
She carefully brushed at the purple powder with one finger, bringing the grains up closer to her face to examine them. The powder was shimmering slightly, and it smelt rather metallic. Rubbing it between finger and thumb, she felt it grow warm under her touch. Whatever it was, it was definitely magical, and probably the cause of Tibbs being stuck to the ceiling. What she didn’t know was how he had ended up on the ceiling in the first place. 
She sat down on the top rung of the ladder and looked at Tibbs from all angles, wondering what she could do to assist him. As the distribution of the light against the ceiling changed with her movement, so she saw the trail of shimmering paw prints wending their way across the ceiling and down the opposite wall. Leaning over, she saw them vanish into an upturned box in one corner, and she sighed. 
“Tibbs, you have plenty of other boxes all over the rest of the castle. Why do you have such a fixation with getting into boxes that are in the one place you’re not allowed to go? Is there something particularly special about that particular box? Are none of the myriad other boxes that Rumpel and I have provided for you up to scratch? And what were you doing walking up the wall anyway?”
The powder was obviously some kind of sticking spell, and it had stuck firm once Tibbs had stopped moving. 
“Oh Tibbs.” She began to stroke his head and in spite of his rather precarious position, Tibbs started to purr loudly at the touch, nudging his head into her hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you down in a minute. I’m sure there must be an antidote around here somewhere.”
She made to climb down the ladder again, only for her stomach to sink to her boots with the realisation that the powder she’d had on her fingers had now stuck her hand to Tibbs’ fur. She was stranded at the top of a tall stepladder, stuck to her cat who was stuck to the ceiling. She could only hope that she wouldn’t end up stuck to the ladder as well. 
Belle looked at Tibbs.
“Right, well, we’re in a bit of a pickle now, aren’t we? We’re just going to have to wait for Rumpel to come and rescue us.”
She wasn’t sure what Rumpel’s reaction would be when he found them both on the ceiling, but she hoped that it would give him a good laugh if nothing else. He had not gone far today and had promised to be back before nightfall, and Belle could see the sky beginning to grow darker outside. He shouldn’t be long, but then, Rumpelstiltskin was nothing if not unpredictable and she really didn’t want today to be one of the days where he got side-tracked by something and didn’t come home till midnight. Or the next day. 
Thankfully, just then, there was a puff of inky magic and Rumpelstiltskin appeared in the workroom. He made to stride over to the bench and stopped short just before he crashed into the stepladder. It took several seconds of him staring at the ladder before he thought to look up to the top of it, his face showing utter disbelief. Belle waved guiltily with the hand not stuck to Tibbs.
Finally, he managed to splutter: “How on earth did you get up there?” 
“The ladder, obviously, Rumpel. Unlike Tibbs I don’t possess the ability to walk up walls.”
“Walk up… Oh, for goodness’ sake.” Rumpel snapped his fingers and the trail of paw prints up the wall immediately became clearly visible. He stalked across the room to the box and picked it up, a sweep of his hand pulling all the powder back inside and sealing the lid. “He got into the sticking salts.” 
Rumpel placed the box back on its shelf and looked up at them. “I take it from the fact you’re still sitting pretty up there that you’re also stuck?”
“I’m only stuck because I got stuck to Tibbs whilst trying to unstick him!” Belle protested. “Maybe if you labelled some of your boxes, we wouldn’t have this problem.”
“There should be no need for me to label my boxes, because curious cats and equally curious maids should not be investigating them. Also, unless you propose to teach him to read, I don’t see how labelling the sticking salts will keep Tibbs out of them in the future.”
Belle had to concede that point.
“Still, I suppose I’d better get you both down. I won’t be able to concentrate on anything with a ladder in the middle of the workroom.” With a snap of his fingers, Rumpel vanished and reappeared at the top of the ladder, a few rungs below Belle, startling her. 
“You couldn’t have climbed up it like a normal person?”
“When have I ever claimed to be a normal person?” Rumpel looked affronted by the implication. “I’ve a mind not to unstick you after that.”
“Ah, but just think how infuriatingly irritating I would be, stuck in here all the time with you whilst you were trying to work.”
Rumpel narrowed his eyes and clicked his fingers. Belle’s hand became unstuck from Tibbs at the same time as Tibbs became unstuck from the ceiling with a yowl, and Rumpel held out his hands to catch him before he could fall too far. Rather shocked at this, Tibbs blinked up at Rumpel for a few moments before nuzzling in against his wrist. 
“No. Stop that. You are a pest and an annoyance. Stop it.”
Belle just giggled, and Rumpel glared at her afresh, before vanishing in a puff of smoke and leaving her alone at the top of the ladder. He was still holding Tibbs by the time she had descended, and she observed the pair for a moment.
“You know, anyone would think you were getting attached to Tibbs, Rumpel.”
Rumpel quickly thrust the cat towards her, trying to deny that he’d been stroking him. Belle knew better, but she also knew better than to draw attention to the fact. She leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you for rescuing us, my brave knight. You know, I think we’ll make a hero of you yet.”
She could tell she’d stunned him when he didn’t make any kind of remark, and Belle left the workroom with Tibbs in her arms and a smile on her face. 
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oblivionfoodcourt · 3 years
On May 25, 1986, a truly unique event occurred which I think has some lessons for us today.  In an effort to draw attention to the plight of the homeless, over 6 million people joined hands in a chain that crossed the United States from coast to coast.  The effort was called Hands Across America.
The event drew support from across the political spectrum, and included participation from many political, artistic and religious figures.  These included Yoko Ono, Oprah Winfrey, Robin Williams, Michael J. Fox, Michael Jackson, Dionne Warwick, Liza Minelli, Kenny Rogers, John Cardinal O'Connor, and the Reverend Robert Schuller, all of whom joined the human chain at some point along its lengthy route. In Washington, D.C., the event included President Ronald Reagan at the White House, and House Speaker Tip O'Neill at the U.S. Capitol. I think this wonderful event, which went on to raise $34 million for homeless charities, is an example for today.  Now that there is such division and mistrust in the U.S., we need a reminder that it doesn't always have to be like this.   As we approach the aniversary of Hands Across America, we could do well to look back and see that we came come together with hopefullness and idealism to do good, and to see the best in one another. hands across america hands across the land i love united we fall united we stand hands across america mother and father daughter and son learn to live as one i can not stop thinking again and again how the heart of a stranger beats the same as a friend learn to love each other see these people over there? they are my brother and sister when they laugh i laugh when they cry i cry when they need i’ll be there by their side we are the river of hope that runs through the valley of fear and there is a lady whose smile shines upon us saying all is welcome here. learn to love each other see the man over there? he’s my brother when he laughs i laugh when he cries i cry when he needs me i’ll be right there, right by his side the kiss never felt so sincere full of countless dreams this earth, it never smelt so sweet cradles a song in it’s great heartbeat learn to love each other see the man over there? he’s my brother when he laughs i laugh when he cries i cry when he needs me
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