Short Prompt #1351
“Such vile creatures, aren’t they?” the guard asked as he sneered at the chained dragon.
The scaly beast lay at his feet, starved and wounded. It could only stare back with equal disdain, lacking the strength to growl or hiss.
Beside the man, a renowned beast slayer stood studying the defeated creature. “Worry not,” they said, “I shall bring an end to this filth.”
“Good. We’ll finally be rid of this thing.”
The guard nodded before turning to leave. Behind him, the dragon watched with wide eyes as the slayer’s spear pointed towards the man’s back and was swiftly thrust through his heart.
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serickswrites · 5 months
Bring VII
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, unconsciousness, wounds
All Right Hand knew was pain. They could smell their own burnt flesh. Could taste the blood that ran down the back of their throat. And it took everything in them to keep their eyes open. 
“If you pass out, Right Hand, I’ll return my attention back to Sidekick. You don’t want that, do you?” Villain whispered in Right Hand’s ear. “You will have sacrificed yourself for nothing.”
Right Hand glanced over at Sidekick. Sidekick still hadn’t regained consciousness and Right Hand was beginning to worry that Villain had done something to Sidekick in the time they had been gone to do other chores after pouring the salt and water on Sidekick’s back. 
“I’m awake,” Right Hand hissed. But they weren’t sure for how much longer. It was taking everything in them to stay awake.
Villain grinned. “I can see that. We’ll see how long you last.” Villain scraped their finger along an open wound on Right Hand’s back. 
Right Hand squealed in pain.Villain laughed as they pushed their finger into the wound. “This could all stop, you just have to say yes.”
Right Hand couldn’t say anything. All they could think about was the burning pain and the encroaching darkness. They had to stay awake or Sidekick would face more torture. 
“No yes? Then I guess I’ll keep going.” Villain scraped another wound with their other hand. “I gave you so many chances, Right Hand.” 
Right Hand’s grip on consciousness began to fade as Villain thrust more fingers into the wounds, pulling and tearing Right Hand’s skin. Right Hand gave a silent plea for forgiveness and mercy as the darkness consumed them.
Tags: @ha-ha-one@skys-fantasy@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@a-place-to-put-poetry@subval01 @smuwfy-side-blog @friendlylandcrustacean@annablogsposts@st0rmm@freefallingup13@lit-lists@saltyontheside@pieswhump@bookworm7543@st0rmm @whump321 @kyommommo @written-by-jayy
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wallylake · 2 years
Hi! I love Smuwfy writings and prompts and I had this idea for some long time now, and i'm going to finally write it! Continuation of this prompt <3
—H-hey!... How did you sleep? — The hero joked with a nervous smile breathing heavily by the chase and fall to villain's luckily carpeted bedroom floor.
— Not so bad, couldn't really enjoy it because someone decided to call at almost 3 am.— The villain said bored, his glowing eyes gazing at the hero.
— Y-yeah, and I'm pretty sure you want to know why... — They played while getting up taking a step back from the villain — And... I... Umm, certainly have a explanation for it! — They anxiously said looking back at the villain, while "holding" their own shoulder.
— And that is...?
— Well, I-I was pretty desperate back there and I then I remembered your portal powers so I thought you could help me, I wasn't really expecting for you to actually pick up the phone, you really sav- I mean- you really helped me right there. A- and- and- — Hero was tripping with his own words, trying to make up an excuse, Villain assumed
— Who was chasing you?— The villain interrupted curious, taking a step closer the hero who kept the distance between them.
Panic started to rise through the hero as they stepped back more and more— Well, Umm- No one for you to-—
— Don't dare to say 'to not worry for' because, you got somehow my number! called me begging for help! — The hero hit the wall of the room and when they tried to surround the villain, he placed both arms on the sides of the hero, preventing them from escaping. — And you don't really are the type of owning favors either run off from a fight, so you better have a good explanation, Hero.
The villain hissed, now being so close to the hero he come to noticed thanks to his dark vission their glassy eyes, and how the hero wasn't even holding his shoulder they just hold their hand there covering something, and deep inside it worried him.
— Is- Is not that easy-
— And why's that? — He asked softly, intrigued on this mysterious attack
— I-.... I- I don't know! — They exclaimed, letting the villain confused — Seriously, I don't know! I was heading home to sleep but then this guy with a helmet, and some fancy looking guns, appeared out of nowhere and started attacking me, I never saw him before!
— Couldn't you fight back? — The villain questioned stepping back from the hero to give him some space
— I thought I could! But then he shot me something and it weaken me, I couldn't use it. — The hero tried to summoned one of his magic daggers but all that come out were little sparkles. — See! It's been like- half an hour and it hasn't come off! Luckily I didn't k-killed me but, man it burned like hell... I'm kinda proud I manage for so long... — They chuckled and looked down at the floor with a mixed of fear and confusion, covering their shoulder where the unknown helmet chaser shot them.
— They never said anything, not even their reason or something? — Villain asked as they head to their their drawer and got out a first aid kit and approach to the hero to check the injury, Hero remained quiet and shyly let them examine it as he kindly sit them on a snug chair aside.
Hero was right, there was a burned mark around ruining in part that zone of the suit, Villain barely recognize it but there was a little dot in the center of the shot, they might have been injected with something and got their power neutralized, the villain assumed.
They opened the first aid kit, and took out a small bottle with water, a piece of rag, he moisten the rag and looked expectantly at Hero, they understand and with a "O-oh" they zipped down the upper side of the suit and carefully take off their black elbow-length sleeve shirt they weared below to let visible the injury, Villain placed the rag it on the burned mark, Hero hissed in pain and Villain shush trying to calm them, he poured the water on top of the rag, they put out the rag and took out from the aid kit some cream and a bandage.
Hero tried to read the villains expression, but the darkness, their jolts and hisses of pain by Villain pouring cream on the injury, also the fact they were still shaken up by their almost dying chase buggering their thoughts; all they could see was his glowy thinking stare, Villain was so in his mind the hero couldn't reach. Villain carefully taped the bandage on the burn.
—... I think they've been following me...
— Wha- — Villain started just as they saved everything and go to his drawer and lazily leave the aid kit on top.
— The last two weeks during my routines, I've felt... In danger, like there was something around... observing me, but I couldn't really pinpoint what... And now this helmet guy appears, exclaiming to- t-to... — The hero carefully put on his shirt and let themself bury in the chair. — Ok, this is what confuses me... And, I really, don't know what is happening so bear with me.
Villain let down a yawn, sit down on the corner of the bed and wave at hero to start to explain, they sighed and shifted on the snug chair.
— When I fought them... They keep exclaiming to "ending what needed to be done" and something about revenge, a- and the crimes I've committed? — They highlighted bewildered — I- I'm a hero!? I haven't committed any... serious crime —Hero said dismissively
— Yeah, sure. I bet you might be in charge for tax evasion or some baby crime, like bad parking. — Villain joked
— Ha-ha, yeah. —The hero laugh mockingly, and let out a yawn, what time it was even? — Here's the other thing, they didn't called me by my hero name, they keep going on and on, taunting me, calling me Night Blade and- I- I don't understa-
— They called you what? — Villain interrupted bewildered, with a shocking stared that worried the hero.
— N-Night Blade? —The hero repeated and as they saw Villain's shifts on his place, and got his hand to his chin thoughtfully, it worried them— Y-you know who that is?...
— What else happened? — Villain interrogated intrigued, more now by the mention of said name, the hero didn't recognize.
— We fought, I kept insisting them that, I wasn't this Ni- that guy —They corrected themself as they nervously saw Villain, and then look down back at the carpeted floor— Then, they shot me and the pain of the burn, how my power weaken, my daggers disappeared right in my hands, I felt-... Helpless, the Helmet Guy kept going on and on, about me being a v-villain- as they sprinted towards me, I was exhausted, I got scared and started running away... That's when I called y-you. — Hero was shaking feeling the urge to cry now processing mostly everything that happened— I-... I-... I mean when I said that I didn't thought you would answer... You saved me from, I bet, a certain death... — Hero whispered relief as some tears trailed down their face
— ... —Villain really didn't know how to respond the hero's gratitude, and he's glad of the darkness for not showing the red on his cheeks, they shake their head and kept thinking, processing what the hero told them and the situation they're got into. —You plan going back to your house?
— W-well, I didn't want to bother for so long. But, I don't know if that Helmet Guy may be somewhere close it... Do you mind if I sleep here? — Hero hopeful proposed looking up to Villain
Villain saw through the dark Hero's crying eyes once more and with a sigh — Let me search for some things.
Villain left the room, leaving Hero alone with their thoughts and the lingering ache in their shoulder, they were exhausted the carpeted floor looked more comfy that it really is, what time it is? How long they have been trying to remain awake? Fuck, right they promised three favors to Villain, what would he asked him to do now? Clean his lair? Say he was the greatest of all in TV, or some villany shit? Hero's let out an annoyed sigh, he really didn't like to be involved with any kind of crime, what were them a villain? ... How did it turned to this? Everything went too fast. What happened? Who was that guy? What have they even done? Who is or was this so called Night Blade? Does Villain know? Why doesn't he tell me? Is he too tired or is hiding something from me?... Does it have to do with their memory? That big lasting lagoon in their mind, missing... They weren't a villain, right?
— Right...? — They whispered out loud, mind feeling too overwhelmed with amount of unanswered question that now feel like an actual headache, they let out a yawn and some tears of tiredness and their helpless feeling that they tiredly clean up, they flinched when they heard the door open up.
— Hey, I got this for you to sleep. —The villain announce coming in with a foldable mattress to sleep, a fluffy blanket and a pillow, tossing to the floor the last two. — So, The mattress is really comfortable I can personally assure you that, and make sure to not sleep on your burned shoulder, kay?
— Thanks, Villain... It means a lot. — Hero thanked softly getting up from the chair, and helped Villain unflod the mattress to sleep and leave it on the floor.
Villain once again flush, not being used to this sincere, quiet, and small side of his supposed nemesis.—... Well, you called me. And now you own me three favors, I'm not letting that go easily you know. — he presume as he tiredly standed up, approach his bed and comfortably slid inside it comfortness. — Good night, Hero
— Oh, I said that, ha-ha! good night Villain. — The hero giggled, taking out his boots, the rest of their suit, doubtfully taking off their mask, fold it and let it aside, grab and adjust the pillow to finally let themself fall, and wrap with the blanket. — "Villain was right, this is really comfortable..." — Was the last Hero thought before drift into their sleep.
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epiclamer · 2 years
Hey, do you know why SMUWFY hasn't posted in a while?
Nope. I am also unaware of that name. Is it an acronym???????????? I’m so confused pls help
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Hey, do you know why SMUWFY hasn't posted for awhile?
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smuwfy-fan-blog · 1 year
The trick I was using to dig up Smuwfy's old posts sadly doesn't work anymore as it wasnt intended by the app
I may have to give up on doing the old posts, but ill still reblog new ones that get posted!
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Regarding your latest post about the VillainxSupervillain story snippet thing... uh... okay so... I am now super invested... and want to make fanart for this.... and man this needs to be a book cuz I have never been the type for love stories especially from villains but this one caught my attention and I am in love with it.... but I just wanted to say that your writing is super amazing, and are there any good villainxvillain story reccomendations or anything??? cuz I seriously need to see more of this type of thing. ANYWHO IT WAS AWESOME AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
Oh my gosh thank you!! I’m so glad you enjoyed! If you ever do fanart of them I would love to see it!! I'll probably do a continuation after I've whittled down some of my asks first.
Also, yeeees join the side of villain x villain shippers mwahaha 😆 Hmmm as for suggestions, I can’t really think of any villain x villain stuff I’ve seen in any actual books or tv shows, I think that’s why I gravitate toward that dynamic so much, because it’s not often used. As for on tumblr, I have a whole lot of other villain x villain fics in my master list if you haven’t read those yet. Also @some-messed-up-writing-for-you does a lot of really fun villain x villain prompts and fics. (I get a lot of inspiration from them)
Hmmm…as I look at the villain x villain tag page now, it looks like smuwfy and I are the ones pretty much running the market 😂😂 I know there are more out there, I'm just blanking. I can recommend a couple favorite specific stories off the top of my head though!
@selene-stories wrote this lovely supervillain x villain snippet.
@yourheartonfire wrote this scientist x villain piece that I adored. It’s kinda civilians x villain, but I count it since the scientist is involved in villainous projects.
If anyone else has any good suggestions, please put them in comments! 😁
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bdsmmaledrawing · 1 year
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I posted 709 times in 2022
That's 621 more posts than 2021!
169 posts created (24%)
540 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 642 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#writeblr - 297 posts
#author appreciation - 267 posts
#not my writing - 219 posts
#heroes and villains - 182 posts
#hero x villain - 116 posts
#writer appreciation - 104 posts
#my writing - 93 posts
#fire & flight - 78 posts
#b's reading recs - 69 posts
#bookblr - 63 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and also because i'm curious how necromancy and healing powers would work together so...i need a running list of things i intend to write😅
My Top Posts in 2022:
Love Letters: Part 2
A/N: I did not intend to write more than two parts for this, it’s shaping up to be a short series🤦I may not know where this is going or where we’ll end up, but god am I excited for the ride😆
Warnings: intimidation, implied threats, slight interrogation, gaslighting (idk if this counts as gaslighting, but I’m putting a warning in because it felt kinda gaslighty to me), minor anxiety/fear, stressful situations, the author not knowing this was to become a series
Part 1 | Part 3 |My masterlist
Hero spent the days after the gala laying as low as they possibly could without disappearing altogether. They didn’t know what to make of Supervillain’s…proposition. But they knew one thing: there was no harm in heeding the criminal’s “suggestion” to blend into the shadows for a while. Hero knew they couldn’t disappear altogether, for their absence might draw more attention than if they were to take a step back from crime fighting. A small step, an easy step. Stop a low tier villain here, break up a petty crime there, but nothing more. Above all else though, Hero had to keep a finger on the underground’s pulse. They didn’t know when or if they’d hear from Supervillain again, so their best defense against Other Supervillain was to be as in the know as much as possible.
Their mind was still reeling from the revelation that Politician was Other Supervillain. Hero didn’t know if they could wholly believe it…but it explained a few things. It explained how Politician had gotten the money for their successful campaign, how things they seemed to want to improve suddenly got taken care of even when they hadn’t garnered the support to do anything about it, and how they’d remained in office despite multiple attempts on their life by the city’s more ambitious criminals.
So, Hero had reasoned over and over again, either Politician was a chess master, Other Supervillain benefitted from their mayorship, or the master criminal and controversial figure were one and the same.
Hero bit their lip, turning the puzzle over in their head again. It was possible Supervillain had lied to them — about everything. But why? And why would they be working with Other Supervillain? Was it under duress? Were they playing a long game to take Other Supervillain’s mantle? What was the angle, and how did Hero play into it?
“That’s a wonderful question, darling.”
Hero whirled around. Other Supervillain stood in the shadows of the dimly lit street. Hero went stock still, their blood running cold, as the master criminal approached slowly. With all the ease in the world, Other Supervillain backed them against the abandoned brick building. Hero’s lips quivered as Other Supervillain crowded them, trapping them against the rough brick. Their eyes darted to either side. Crestfallen, Hero realized they’d wandered into the abandoned industrial center of town. The old factory was the pinnacle of the city’s devastation, and by virtue, the beginning of masked crime.
“You’ve gone awfully quiet, Hero,” Other Supervillain said humorlessly. Hero shrank under their gaze, curling into themselves as Other Supervillain leaned in closer. “I didn’t frighten you, did I?”
“M-maybe,” Hero shuddered. Maybe if they hadn’t gotten lost in their speculations, they wouldn’t have strayed so far from the observed streets. Maybe if they had paid more attention to their patrol, they wouldn’t have wound up trapped between a building and the imposing criminal bracketing them in with their arms on either side. Close, crowded, but not touching. There was that at least. That bit of space that teased clarity, and maybe even a dumb sense of safety.
Other Supervillain studied them closely. There wasn’t an ounce of distinguishable emotion on their face. All Hero could do was stare back at them, wide-eyed and with a tight chest.
“You attended my gala the other night. Why?”
“Don’t,” Other Supervillain interrupted quietly, “think about lying to me. I’ll know, and I don’t have time to deal with you further. Answer my questions and nothing will happen to you.”
“And I’m supposed to trust that? Trust you?” Hero questioned skeptically.
Other Supervillain’s lips quirked in what might’ve been a wry smile. “When have I ever gone back on my word?”
Hero swallowed. Was there any sense in asking them to clarify what they meant by that? If they were talking about their life of villainy or as a public figure? Besides, Hero didn’t know if Other Supervillain knew what Supervillain had told them at the gala, so maybe they didn’t know that Hero knew who they were — if Supervillain was to be believed that is.
“I was following a lead.” A half-truth, but honest enough that Hero didn’t think it could be considered a lie.
“What kind of lead? I need you to tell me everything, Hero. The harder you make this, the less likely this will end amicably.”
“The stolen artifacts. I received a tip that they might be at the gala, and I went to retrieve them,” Hero hesitated, not certain if that was the answer Other Supervillain was searching for, or if they wanted Hero to trap themselves by allowing them to prattle on under the threat of…well a vague threat of being hurt.
“You’re searching for the artifacts? From the museum?” Other Supervillain asked with what sounded like doubt. Hero’s head spun. Fighting crime was so much easier when they could gauge what was going on in their enemy’s head or their next action, but Other Supervillain gave little indication to help them in any way.
“Yeah,” Hero nodded. “They were worth a lot of money. Could fund…I don’t know, but if a villain stole them and sold them on the black market…”
Other Supervillain pulled back slightly, but didn’t drop their hands from either side of Hero’s shoulders. Hero watched them wearily as the other seemed to study them from head to toe. Their breath coming a little easier now, Hero hoped that was all.
“I didn’t steal them. I’m not a petty thief.”
“I didn’t say you were. That’s why it’s called ‘a lead’, you follow—”
“Hero,” Other Supervillain chastised, “I’m losing my patience. Tell me, why did you dance with Supervillain?”
Hero flinched. “I didn’t know it was them, not until later.”
“What made you realize it was Supervillain?”
See the full post
47 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Love Letters: Finale?
A/N: I’ve loved writing this series and am already planning a spinoff or something because there’re still some things I’d like to explore with these characters. Idk when this is happening, because I have a few prompts lined up, but it’s happening 😊 Also just a head’s up that this is about 3.8k words. Happy reading! Huge thank you to @selene-stories for the amazing prompt that kicked this series off and all of your amazing commentary throughout the series💜
Warnings: Implied torture/past torture, blood reference/blood mention, confusion, healing, injuries, past restraints/reference to having been restrained, implied medical scenario, scars, deserved mental breakdown, angst, some fluff
(This is not a prompt)
Series Masterlist | My Masterlist
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Hero inhaled deeply. Their lungs nearly burst from the full breath. Lashes fluttering under their eyes, Hero was almost reluctant to open them, but knew the action was inevitable. They didn’t want to deny themselves the illusion of warmth and comfort of the bed that surely didn’t exist beneath them in place of the cold, damp basement floor and the rough ropes binding their wrists and ankles. Instead, they slipped further into that dream and burrowed deeper into the soft darkness of their subconscious. In the fraying moment between vague wakefulness and unconsciousness, Hero swore their cheek nestled into a cushy pillow that simply couldn’t exist. Somehow, it felt more like a reality to them than the absent chill of the basement that should’ve plagued them.
A sigh escaped Hero’s slightly parted lips. Slowly blinking their eyes open, Hero’s hands curled limply against—Hero’s brows furrowed. Mind swimming, they turned their head to the side and took in the dim room and the nightstand that met their gaze. Like a flood, their memories rushed to the forefront of their mind.
Other Supervillain had saved them. Other Supervil—Politician had saved them and had apparently killed Supervillain and Superhero…
“Dead, probably.”
What was Superhero’s fate? Were they confirmed alive or dead? Which did Other Supervillain prefer? Which did Hero prefer?
Uncertain and afraid of the answer poking around the edges of their mind, Hero curled up on their side and drew the blankets tighter around themselves, nearly burying themselves in the warm comfort of alleged safety. Other Super—Politician had promised not to hurt them, and waking up in a cloud of blankets and pillows surely indicated the truth in that declaration. Soothed for a time, Hero couldn’t fight the heavy closing of their eyes.
The next time Hero peeled their eyes open, golden sunlight peeked through the miniscule part in the heavy curtains of the bedroom Politician had left them in. They couldn’t note any changes in the room, if Politician or someone had checked in on them or if they’d been left to their unconscious state in blissful solitude this whole time. Some part of Hero argued that they could stay here forever, unbothered and unburdened, but the stronger part of Hero knew that they should get up and see just what their circumstances were.
Groaning, Hero forced themselves onto their elbows and fought to sit up against the headboard. Panting heavily, Hero laid a gentle hand on their abdomen. Their eyes widened. Bringing their frail hand to their face, Hero’s eyes narrowed and examined the dry skin of their wrist, and even their nails for any sign of the blood—their blood—that had spilled.
Not even a scratch remained on their skin. By all means, there was no sign of the rope burn or how the rope had peeled and shredded their skin until Hero had believed there was nothing left but bone to scrape at with every shift of their bonds.
Sagging against the headboard with a twist of their lips, Hero studied their limp hands. They wondered, briefly, what had been real and what they’d imagined. Their broken—or were they only bruised?—ribs were real, a fact echoed by the pull of pain in their torso whenever they moved.
Bringing their hands up, Hero went to scrub at their face, but where they thought they’d feel their own skin was only cloth.
Not just any cloth, though, Hero realized with a quick breath. The cloth was strong, nearly solid, the type of cloth used in supersuits. With trembling hands, Hero gently took the cloth from their face and turned the revealed mask over in their hands.
Why had Other Supervillain put their mask on them?
Admittedly, Hero appreciated that the master criminal had put them in something…less blood-soaked and grimy, but why had they given them their mask?
Hesitantly, Hero moved the blankets down the bed and exposed their lower half. The bruises and lacerations they expected to see were gone—if they’d even existed. The most evidence of their predicament lay in healed scars and reddened knees from being forced to kneel for so long. Aside from that, there were no serious injuries. There was only the memory, or the nightmare, of them.
Their lips twisted as they willed their leaden limbs into motion. Their bare toes awkwardly brushed the plush carpet as if they’d forgotten what it was to bear any weight—and Hero hadn’t even stood up from the bed yet. They didn’t know if such a feat was even possible.
Were their injuries truly that bad that they could only be partially healed? Or had more time passed than they’d initially believed upon waking?
Hero’s hands clenched into fists by their sides, the fabric mask crumpling in their fragile grasp. With one last deep breath, Hero hauled themselves to their feet. Their limbs bowed and Hero curled inward, nearly hunched over with drooping shoulders. Too weak to bear the weight of their body, they leaned against the nightstand to steady themselves. Settling a light hand against their stomach, Hero took a hesitant step forward in the hopes that their limbs would remember how to walk.
By the time they’d made it to the bedroom door, a few beads of sweat dotted their brow. Their breaths came in heavy puffs. It took a few embarrassing tries to get a handle on the doorknob and twist it as their eyes dotted with stars. But Hero managed to get the door open and lean against its frame as if they’d collapse.
Squinting out into the hallway, Hero glanced up and down its length in search of a sign—any sign with any meaning. But the hallway was empty except for the light and a long decorative carpet runner that covered its length.
Hero sighed, exasperated by the choice that lay before them. Was anybody here? Was Politician here?
Glancing down at the mask in their free hand, Hero wondered many things. What had they done to Supervillain? To Superhero? How could they be certain that Supervillain was dead but hesitant to declare the same fate of Superhero?
Hero’s blood ran cold. What had they done with the Ancient Sword?
Pushing away from the door, Hero hobbled down the hallway. Stiff and numb all the same, they kept a hand on the wall to keep them upright. More like, the wall held them up as they could not. Slowly progressing down the hallway, Hero sniffed. And sniffed again. Their mouth began to water, but no matter how much their mind urged them on, their body couldn’t go any faster than this snail’s pace.
The warm spice in the air beckoned them. Nearly dragging their exhausted body down the rest of the hallway, Hero stumbled out into a bright kitchen filled with that savory scent and an oppressive heat that billowed from a steamy pot on the stove.
See the full post
55 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
The Lair in the Woods
A/N: I wasn’t really planning on posting anything of mine today, but I’ve had my eye on this amazing prompt by @some-messed-up-writing-for-you for a while now and decided today is the day! Prompt is in blue font!
Warnings: Nearly freezing to death, unedited, medical scenario, HIPPA violation because I think it’s cool if people with healing powers can sense old injuries/illness when examining another person
LMK if I forgot anything!
My Masterlist | Taglist Info | The Lair in the Woods series masterlist
Civilian staggered through the knee-high snow. Clutching their arms tightly around their middle, they tried to hunch their shoulders and tuck their head close enough to their chest to shield their face from the biting wind. It was a useless effort. The snow and howling wind blasted their body until they could hardly keep their eyes open. Trudging through the dense snow for what seemed like an eternity, sweat dripped down Civilian’s spine and collected along their brow. Their breaths were more like wheezes at this point.
They were never going to make it back to their cabin.
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Supervillain let out a long sigh, dropping the papers they were studying back on their desk. “Come in.”
“Uh, Boss?” A henchman they hadn’t seen before poked their head into the office, not even daring to step over the threshold of the door. “We…found someone in the woods…during one of our, uh, one of our patrols.”
“And I care because?” Supervillain sat back in their chair, tilting the seat back slightly to stretch their legs out under their desk, and clasped their hands over their stomach.
“Other Henchman believes they’re a civilian and Right Hand can’t identify them, so t-they sent me to tell you.”
Supervillain studied them for a moment, turning all the different scenarios over in their head. It could be a hero. It could very well be a trap, an attempt to infiltrate their lair, but if Right Hand couldn’t identify them…
Their lair was fairly isolated, and in a storm like this, no one in their right mind would be out and about. By all accounts, their base was impenetrable today. Even if someone from one of the few vacation homes scattered across this mountain had lost their way in the woods, they would’ve known better than to go out on a day like today.
“Where are they now?” Supervillain stood from their desk and pulled on their jacket. Their winter fortress had a notorious heating issue in the sense that the hallways were freezing and only the rooms with a roaring fire or space heater were in any sense comfortable.
“In the infirmary with Right Hand.”
“You’re dismissed.”
The lackey bobbed their head and left without another word. Supervillain shook their head, lips pursed as they put on their weapons belt. They wouldn’t last long in Supervillain’s organization if they couldn’t make a report to their superior without shaking in their boots. Perhaps it was only the cold. Maybe they were still pretty new, but either way, Supervillain expected their resignation on their desk sooner rather than later.
With slow, deliberate steps, Supervillain crossed their office and locked the door behind them. They clenched their jaw against the cold air of the hallway that assaulted them as soon as they’d step foot over the threshold. The shock trailed down their spine, making them grateful for the fur-lined collar and thick fabric of their coat.
They had every intention of ransoming whoever it was that had shown up on their doorstep. Unless it was Mentor. They’d be more than happy to rid the world of the likes of them.
Quickly, they wove their way through the converted ski lodge they’d purchased for a bargain until they reached the infirmary, and with it the warmth of a space heater. The infirmary was on the main level of the lair, and therefore in one of the original parts of the old ski lodge. Supervillain doubted any patients would find must peace given how the wind howled right outside the thin windows did nothing to dampen the sound.
Right Hand had their feet kicked up on Medic’s desk, their laptop balanced on their thighs and their brow furrowed in concentration.
“So, who was dumb enough to brave this storm?”
At the sound of their voice, Right Hand glanced away from their screen, their eyes flashing with annoyance but the frown of their lips faded into an amused smirk when they realized it was only them.
They raised their brows. “I’m surprised Henchman didn’t pass out,” Right Hand laughed. “They might just survive in this job.”
Supervillain chuckled, stripping off their jacket and draping it over a spare chair by the doorway.
“As far as our human popsicle goes, I have no clue. There’s nothing on them personally to indicate any kind of association, hero or rival. I’ve checked every record we have on hero IDs and hacked the Union but so far nothing,” they grumbled. Their attention shifted back to their screen. “The Guild has better cybersecurity, so it might take me awhile before I can get into their system and find their personal records.”
Supervillain nodded. “And their condition?”
“Unconscious, but not hypothermic,” Right Hand said. Sighing, they added, “Medic says the patrol found them just in time. We just have to thaw them out and wait for them to wake up.”
“Lucky them.” Supervillain took a step closer to the medical bays, seeking out their prey.
As they approached the last medical bay, Medic swept through the curtains and ensued they were drawn, their focus entirely on the patient chart in their hands.
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59 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Love Letters (Part 1)
A/N: I had to search high and low for this lovely prompt by @selene-stories because I knew I had it saved in my drafts and it was a MOOD. So glad I found it again because I distinctly remembered the gist of it and needed something more flangsty than angst😅 Prompt and prompt lines (I repeated a line later on) are in blue font!😊
Warnings: betrayal, manhandling, violence, physical assault (in the form of hand-to-hand combat), gunshots/gun references/being shot at, threats, dangerous situations, emotional distress (not necessarily a panic or anxiety attack, but similar emotional state to both)
Part 2 | Part 3 | My masterlist
~ ~ ~
“Dear Hero,”
-the back of the invite read, in beautiful calligraphy; Not a smudge or hint of a trembling hand in sight.
Hero held the paper tighter, not quite sure what it was about it that made their heart flutter and their lips to curl upwards.
“I am delighted to know that you are attending the event. However, it is better to get in with an invitation.”
Hero had trailed their fingers over the letters too many times, even found themself doing it right at this moment. They had frowned the first time they’d read it, but now it brought them an odd sense of excitement.
“With growing fascination,
a potential friend.”
Perhaps attending it wouldn’t do them any harm. They did plan on snatching the artifacts the villains had stolen, anyway, so this way they wouldn’t even have to sneak in.
Besides, they should find out which one of their teammates (or even co-workers?) had left this on their doorstep, shouldn’t they?
Out of sheer curiosity only, their thoughts had lied. Nothing will go wrong, it is just a gift and an invite.
But of course it did, as always it all crashed and burnt, but Hero hadn’t thought it could ever go thisbadly.
“Stop trying to help,” they finally snapped.
But all Supervillain did was beam at them. “But then,” they purred, “what kind of potential friend would I be?~”
There was simply no rock big enough to hide under.
Hero stiffened. Their feet faltered, already weary of the dance they didn’t know but struck completely dumb by Supervillain’s implication. Supervillain tightened their grip around Hero’s hand as their words registered in the shocked mind of the city’s golden savior. Limply, Hero let the master criminal lead them through the steady movements, seemingly undeterred by their sudden stillness and sputtering. “You — what did you just say?”
“I said,” Supervillain started slowly, eyes scanning the crowd of party guests over Hero’s shoulder as they yanked them closer by the waist, “‘what kind of potential friend would I be?~’”
Hero’s veins seemed to strain from how tightly they’d coiled at the non-threatening forcefulness in Supervillain’s voice. This wasn’t at all what they’d expected of the master criminal. And they certainly hadn’t expected them to be the author of the mysterious invitation they’d received for this party. Vigilante, maybe. Teammate, most likely what with all their connections from having grown up in a mafia family. But Supervillain?
They should’ve known. The stationery they’d used was simply too nice to belong to anyone Hero knew and trusted. They should’ve known this invitation was a trap.
“And where,” Hero said through gritted teeth as they tried to regain their bearings, “did you hear that?”
“I wrote it,” Supervillain grinned. “Didn’t you recognize my handiwork?”
Hero swallowed. “So? You’ve caught me, now what?”
Supervillain’s expression fell. Their darkened eyes met Hero’s for the first time since they’d pulled them into this dance. Frowning, Supervillain said, “I haven’t caught you. I’ve saved you from doing something incredibly stupid.”
“Yeah, right,” Hero scoffed. Their breath caught in their throat as Supervillain spun them out and pulled them back in again, this time with their back pressed to their chest.
Supervillain’s breath tickled the delicate skin of Hero’s ear as they leaned over their shoulder. “Politician is Other Supervillain.”
The master criminal’s words were still sinking in as Hero found themselves being spun out and back in again. Wide eyed, they slowly forced themselves to meet the intense gaze of the master criminal still leading them through the agonizingly slow dance.
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65 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Visitation Rights
A/N: I saw this prompt and my mind instantly… well you’ll see😆Anyway, thank you to @nuttynutcycle for this prompt — this probably went in an entirely different direction than any one of us thought it would (if y’all are looking for something amazing and kinda dark for the same prompt, check out @yourheartonfire's prompt fill), but that's why I love writing prompts - you never know what you'll get!
Prompt is in blue font! | Warnings: minor violence, (verbal) fighting, Villain’s heart melting/wholesome fluff, language, about 2.5k words…. I didn’t mean for it to be this long….
My masterlist
Villain straightened and took a half step back to admire his work. The sunlight glistened over the lake outside, his own little slice of paradise, and warmly streamed in through the unobstructed window, pooling right on the fluffy white cushion. It was utterly perfect.
Crouching down he packed up his tools, sliding the drill bit back into its place amongst the others in the hard case. Pencil, measuring tape, level, and —
Villain reeled back, jumping to his feet. Adrenaline coursed through his blood as his eyes landed on the source of movement he’d scene in his peripheral vision. Spotting the jet-black cat circling around the top of the newly mounted window seat, Villain’s muscles loosened.
Tsking, Villain wagged his finger at the unblinking creature. “Vengeance, what have I told you about sneaking up on me like that?”
Purring slightly, the cat answered with a wide-eyed, affectionate tilt of her head, pausing in her ritual of settling into her seat as Villain had previously seen her do. Who knew he’d be a cat person? Who knew that ruthless, destructive, utterly evil Villain would take pity on a sopping wet cat with fear in her eyes, roaming the city streets just miles away from here?
Certainly not Villain.
Sighing, Villain gestured to the window seat, though more specifically the view outside the window as Vengeance turned her back to the room and laid down in the patch of sunlight streaming in through the window. Villain’s heart melted at the sight.
So small. So precious.
It was utterly devious — not to mention embarrassing — how such a tiny creature had managed to waltz her way right into his heart. And it’d only been a few hours! Not days, not weeks, but hours! And already he’d been convinced to install a permanent fixture in the middle of his picturesque living room all for one little black cat with a sob story.
There was no other word for what had happened to him and his villainous integrity in the last few hours once he’d managed to get the poor thing washed and dried…
And then he’d had to bandage himself up. Big cats might like water, other cats might like water, but this cat certainly did not.
But once Vengeance was dry and had began to calm down…
She’d started to mewl. And then she’d started to weave between his legs, pawing at his ankles as she looked up at him, staring straight into his soul.
And that’s how he’d sent six henchmen out to find cat treats and toys and this window seat before dismissing everyone for the day and retreating to his lake house for… well he didn’t have to figure everything out this afternoon. He could make adjustments to his schedule to accommodate Ven as soon as he knew how much work a cat could be.
Leaving his tools to be put away later, he bent over so his face was level with Ven’s and scratched behind her ears as they watched out the window together. She immediately began purring and leaning into the touch, and Villain swore, nothing could ever make him happier. People, even other animals, tended to flinch away from him. Though he supposed the mask and cape and his reputation did that. Even his own henchmen, people he’d known for years, had grown weary and antsy around him. But Vengeance didn’t seem to mind him one bit.
Still, it didn’t stop the scratch marks she’d given him while trying to clean her up sting any less.
“Isn't it beautiful?” The villain gestured to the view below. “Your own window. See, when you're good you get treats.”
Not that he’d actually denied her a treat when the henchmen had come back to their warehouse lair loaded down with bags from the pet store. It was the only way she’d get in the cat carrier.
The cat only purred louder, resting her head against the cushion and turning onto her back, exposing her stomach. The ultimate symbol of trust.
“I think we’ll get along just fine, don’t you, Ven?” Villain smiled, indulging her.
They both flinched, coming into full alertness when the door bell rang throughout the entry way and down into the sunken living room. Villain stood and glanced at the cat, asking if she knew who it might be. Vengeance didn’t provide an answer.
Cautiously, he made his way to the door. Staring through the frosted glass, he could only make out the figure of a woman with wild hair and an average stature.
So much for the remote location and lack of neighbors.
The bell rang again.
Pursing his lips, Villain reached for the doorknob, summoning his power to easily infiltrate the intruder’s mind and wipe the memory of this place — and him — from their mind, all before they could get a word out.
See the full post
89 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ashiristic · 2 years
@some-messed-up-writing-for-you prompt 500! I am not really proud of what I wrote since I wrote it with my head empty. But it was enjoyable! Thank you for the prompt!
No repost but reblogs are appreciated~
The hero's body shook violently as they crouched down the floor. A voice kept on calling them, telling them something they couldn't understand. The voice wants something to claim, something to control, and something to overpower.
The villain wanted to comfort the hero, but the panicked colleagues swarmed around them. Asking what is wrong while the sidekick is wary about the villain, he changes to a defensive stance while his eyes are actively watching the villain and the hero. It's a safety precaution for the villain.
"No, no, please-" The hero stumbled down the floor, their brown eyes teary as they examined everyone's expression. The worried faces gradually become smiling faces in the hero's mind. All of them are telling him to submit. Submit… submit… let them control you…
The hero cried, tears falling down their face as they went into a fetal position while covering their ears. They do not know what is happening and who is the one calling them. The voice seems so familiar, but why can't they remember?
Laughter erupted from their friends as they went closer to the hero. The hero's mind went black. No thoughts and fears. It was silent that not even air could be heard. The hero slowly lost consciousness, not knowing what was happening at all.
A shadow from behind flew behind the hero and covered their eyes. Smiling wickedly as they look at the hero's weakened state. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Its voice is soft, nowhere near caring.
Their body was like being drowned in the water, yet they can't move. Black tendrils dashed towards them, covering their entire body with it. Pulling them lower into the abyss. The hero wanted to scream and ask for help, but it was no use. Nobody can save them, for now.
The hero's unconscious body stood up, their back still slumped down, while their colleagues took a step back away from them. A different aura emits out of the hero and they do not know what is happening.
"What did you do?!" the sidekick asked towards the villain. His anger was visible behind those worried eyes of his. However, the villain shrugged. They do not know what is happening right now, but the aura seems familiar. Weapons clinked as they prepared for battle, while the villain remained still, thinking of the possibilities.
Strings of dark energy rampaged out of the hero's back as they stood up properly and looked at their hands. Like the hero is not themself but another person who took over the hero's body. The hero smirked and glanced at where their supposed teammates were.
"So you guys are the reason they sealed me, huh…" the shadow said as they walked towards them, smirking while they cock their head. All of them prepared themselves for battle, not flinching at the power the shadow has presented.
They all know it is not the hero. No, it is a whole different being that is using the hero's body. "It's been like 12 years since I was last sealed." The shadow said, disappointment traced in their low and dark voice. A black tendril appeared on their index finger, wiggling happily like how a puppy would do to their tail once they saw their master coming.
"And that bastard hero even used my babies for good? How disappointing." They dramatically sighed while they wiped their imaginary tears near their eyes, sneering when they saw how the sidekick grip his weapon tighter.
Everyone is being affected by their sudden take over, and they know these people would fight till their last breath till the hero got free inside the prison they made. It was easy to make that cell after they emotionally attacked the hero without them knowing. Those sayings from their old man are now useful, such a waste, since they didn't even bother trying it.
"That is boring, being sealed in the hero's body for years." The villain tutted while shaking their head. "How saddening." The villain said, their voice oddly low, like they are ready to take down the shadow in any second. The shadow raised their eyebrow, laughing when they realized the other’s intentions.
"You are wasting your power. Nobody can save him." The shadow said, then they brought their finger to their lips. A huge black energy formed in their finger, going into the sky like an enormous ball, and formed into a dragon. "Only he can save himself." Their eyes glowed black, pupils dilated as the dragon roared. Sky bloomed in darkness, covering the sun with its size.
Not caring about anything, the villain dashed forward in the shadow, easily dodging each attack they made. Before the shadow knew it, the villain was already near them, fighting them with sharp double daggers with dark magic imbued on them. Dark tendrils sprinted to the villain's neck, then they immediately put their dagger in their pocket and pulled out the gun in their gun pocket.
"Damn villain." The shadow clicked their tongue as they jumped farther away from their position and stretched their arms in the air, commanding the dragon to attack the villain with all its might. The villain only stared at it, while still avoiding different tendrils attacking them in swift motions.
This is supposed to be an easy fight, but why is the villain so strong? Aren't they supposed to be weak? Weaker than the hero himself, but since the shadow is a strong being, then the villain would easily snap like a twig. But… but why are they fighting the shadow head-on?
The dragon roared in the sky then flew towards the ground where the villain was supposed to be, then the ground shook heavily while the road cracked because of the heavy force. The hero's colleagues only watched in shock while the dragon howled, then glanced at them, threatening to attack the group.
"Stop." The dragon stopped moving and turned to their master. The villain was holding a glowing white dagger against the shadow's neck. Both of them are sitting on the ground while the shadow is in the villain's thighs, back against the villain's chest.
Their hands aren't even restrained, but they know that once they move, then that sharp dagger would slit their neck with no hesitation. The villain's lips were near the shadow's ears as they whispered. Voice commanding and demanding, "Bring me back, my hero, you black tentacle user."
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Short Prompt #1123
“Your abilities are simply incredible!” The villain exclaimed, ranting as they walked in a circle. “How in the world did Hero ever manage to get you on their side?!”
The sidekick paused lockpicking their cuffs. “...You think my powers are incredible?”
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serickswrites · 3 months
Bring VIII
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, unconsciousness, rescue, knife, stabbing
Right Hand wasn’t sure how long they were out for, all they knew is that when they woke, Sidekick was still hanging in their chains, chin still touching their chest. Blood dribbled down their chest, but that was nothing new. Right Hand breathed a sigh of relief as they realized they probably hadn’t been unconscious long. 
They looked up to see what had woken them so suddenly. Hero and Villain faced off in the doorway, bloody knife gripped tightly in Villain’s hand. 
“You took them, so I came. Let them go, Villain,” Hero’s voice was calm and quiet, but Right Hand could see the rage blazing in their eyes. 
“I’ll be doing no such thing!” Villain lunged forward, knife flashing in the light. 
“Look out!” Right Hand rasped, their throat raw from screaming. 
Hero didn’t need the warning. They gracefully sidestepped Villain’s knife and plunged their own weapon into Villain’s side. Hero kicked Villain in the face as Villain hunched over the wound. Villain dropped and Hero continued forward. 
“Can you walk?” Hero asked Right Hand carefully as they started towards Sidekick. “Sidekick needs me to carry them. I can’t carry both of you.”
Right Hand didn’t understand. Why would they need to walk with Hero?
“My vehicle is waiting just around the block. I’ll get us to Base no problem, but I need to know if you can walk.”
Hero was…helping them? “I…I…I can walk,” Right Hand rasped. At least they were pretty sure. 
“Good.” Hero quickly released Right Hand from the cuffs. Right Hand stumbled, but caught themself before they face planted. “Are you sure you can walk?”
Right Hand nodded. “Help them,” they nodded at Sidekick. 
Right Hand blinked as they tried to stand up all the way. The pain was overwhelming. It was going to take everything in them to walk to Hero’s vehicle. They grit their teeth against the pain and looked up again. Sidekick was in Hero’s arms, chin still tucked into their chest, their head resting against Hero’s shoulder. They looked like they were peacefully asleep, but Right Hand knew that wasn’t the case. Sidekick likely had some sort of infection in their open wounds. But they were safe now. Safe and could heal. 
“This way,” Hero said as they started off towards the door. “It’s not far,” they said over their shoulder. 
Right Hand barely heard them. They were so focused on putting one foot in front of the other without passing out. They were so consumed by their pain, by their fight against unconsciousness that they didn’t realize they were outside. 
“Just round this corner,” Hero murmured. 
Right Hand looked up to see Hero’s vehicle in the predawn light. Relief flooded them as they sank to their knees. Right Hand heard Hero’s sharp, “Ah, hell,” as they fell into the darkness that had been encroaching their vision.
Tags: @ha-ha-one@skys-fantasy@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@a-place-to-put-poetry@subval01 @smuwfy-side-blog @friendlylandcrustacean@annablogsposts@st0rmm@freefallingup13@lit-lists@saltyontheside@pieswhump@bookworm7543@st0rmm@whump321@kyommommo@written-by-jayy @straymiku @hopefullywritingahit @idkwhattodowiththisaltiamsorry @freefallingup13
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Short Prompt #1354
“Hello again, little diamond,” the dragon greeted, craning its long neck down to meet their guest.
“H-Hello, my Lord,” the human shyly replied, flustered by the beast’s adoring gaze.
The two of them have been meeting for quite a while now, Human having somehow gained the mighty Mountain Lord’s fancy. The dragon was the guardian of their village, and Human often came to visit them with offerings.
Speaking of, they opened the basket they had brought with them, revealing the newest gift. “I have something for you.”
“Do you?” the dragon asked cheekily, knowing they would never visit empty-handed.
“Yes!” The human showed off the glistening pieces of crystal and ore they had fished up from the nearby river. “I hope they are to your liking?” “My shining pearl, anything from you will be to my liking.”
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Short Prompt #1239
CW: suggestive themes.
“You’re not from around here, are you?”
Civilian whipped around at the voice, frantically searching for its source. “W-Who’s there?”
In the shadows of a nearby park tree, a pair of glowing eyes watched them with amusement. “I believe I asked my question first. It would be impolite not to answer.”
The mysterious figure stepped out into the light, showing themself to be the infamous Villain. “Well?” they pressed.
“I-I’m…,” the civilian nervously stuttered before remembrance crossed their features. “W-Wait! I know you! Your nudes with Hero got leaked today!”
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Short Prompt #1322
"Oh, I wanna beat you up so bad," the villain walked back and forth across the small room, already regretting this team-up. "I–"
"Do it."
"W-What?" Villain paused, looking at the hero in surprise. "You want... What?" 
Hero sighed and reluctantly approached them. "You gain power from people's suffering. So if you snap a few bones of mine... you might be able to break us out of here."
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Short Prompt #1227
“Villain is not to be underestimated,” Hero started, “They are like a tiger, prowling gracefully through the city shadows, waiting to strike. Their emerald eyes are so mesmerizing even the strongest of wills break under their gaze.”
Sidekick gave them a look. “You’re sure you don’t have a crush on them?”
The hero fumed. “Yes! Now stop asking me that! This is like the sixth time today!”
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