#so taigi's been doing ok
nato-ua-alen · 2 years
atsiranda žmonių, kurie mane bando kaltinti nebūtais dalykais. jaučiu pareigą pasisakyti, nes tai gali liesti mano tiesioginį darbą.
Mane kaltina tokiais dalykais, kaip karo monetizavimu. Aš tik nusišypsau, nes žmonės kurie mane pažįsta ir seka mano veiklą, puikiai žino, jog šia veikla užsiimu nuo pat 2013 metu, nuo Maidano. Nuo to meto siekiau bet kokio bendradarbiavimo su Ukraina, nes ten mano šaknys. Ten aš gimiau, ten mano tėčio kraujas. Ir 2015 metais, aš į Donbaso frontą važiavau keliems mėnesiams už savo pinigus. Esu daug kur palikęs savo eurų ir grivinų kas liečia Ukrainą, bet iš šios savo veiklos dar nesu gavęs nei cento ( ok, keli žmonės Ukrainoje po fronto man sumetė kažkiek grivinų, nes jau nebeturėjau nieko, bet to tikrai negalima vadinti uždarbiu :) )
taigi, tai ką darau dabar, yra apsoliučiai altruistinė veikla, o išvada viena, tie kas palaiko Ukrainą yra mano draugas, tie kas jos nepalaiko, labai prašau jūsų pasišalinti iš mano draugų rato, nes mums visiškai nepakeliui. ( nuotraukoje, aš fronte 2015 metais. nebijokite, ten mano užduotis buvo tik sargyba, savanorystė, bei vėliau, kai įgijau pasitikėjimo ir žalgyba. nieko nenužudžiau )
Šlovė Ukrainai Kartu iki Pergalės !!!
Є люди, які намагаються звинувачувати мене в речах, яких немає. Я відчуваю, що зобов’язаний говорити, тому що це може торкнутися моєї безпосередньої роботи.
Мене звинувачують у таких речах, як монетизація війни. Я просто посміхаюся, тому що люди, які мене знають і стежать за моєю діяльністю, добре знають, що я роблю це з 2013 року, з Майдану. З тих пір я прагну будь-якої співпраці з Україною, тому що звідти моє коріння. Там я народився, там кров мого батька. А в 2015 році я за свої гроші їздив на кілька місяців на Донбас. Я залишив багато євро та гривні в перерахунку на Україну, але я ще не отримав ні копійки від цієї діяльності (добре, кілька людей в Україні кинули мені якусь гривню після фронту, тому що у мені більше нічого не було, але це справді не можна назвати заробітком :))
тому те, що я зараз роблю, є альтруїстичною діяльністю, і висновок один, ті, хто підтримує Україну, - мій друг, ті, хто ні, я закликаю вас покинути моє коло друзів, тому що ми зовсім не в дорозі. (на фото я на фронті в 2015 році. Не бійтеся, моїм завданням була лише охорона, волонтерство, а пізніше, коли я здобув довіру та і розвидка. Я нікого не вбивав)
Слава Україні Разом до Перемоги!!!
there are people who try to blame me for things that are not there. i feel obligated to speak because it can touch my direct job.
I am accused of such things as monetizing the war. I just smile because people who know me and follow my activities know full well that I’ve been doing this since 2013, from Maidan. Since then, I have sought any cooperation with Ukraine, because that is where my roots go. There I was born, there my father's blood. And in 2015, I drove to the Donbass front for a few months for my money. I have left my euro and hryvnia a lot when it comes to Ukraine, but I haven't received a penny from this activity yet (ok, a few people in Ukraine threw me some hryvnia after the front because I didn't have anything anymore, but it really can't be called earning :))
so what I am doing now is a promisingly altruistic activity, and the conclusion is one, those who support Ukraine are my friend, those who do not, I urge you to leave my circle of friends, because we are completely out of our way.
Glory to Ukraine Together to Victory !!!
#ukrainewillresist #ukraina #ukrainewar
#українапрацюємо🇺🇦 #українапереможе
#ukrainewar2014_2022 #яАзов
#stopruSSiZm #stoprussicism #nato_ua_alen🇱🇹🇺🇦🇺🇸🇦🇴
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thekingsparty · 4 years
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jaysonblaze · 7 years
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid episode 21 Or How Dan Kuroto is a cheating bastard
Ok this episode continues the awesome streak and ups the ante in impressive ways, learning more about how the Bugster virus came to be in a place I dont think anyone saw coming. Making it a part of the Y2K bug was actually pretty genius and seriously who remembers the Y2K bug at all?
Dan Kuroto again shows his utter dickbaggery with the reveal he framed his father and sent him to prison just so he could create the ultimate game and become a god. Its nice watching Kuroto slip further and further down the slippery slope. I’ve seen a few people getting angry that his dangerous zombie is basically cheating with its level X trick and sure its 100% a cheat move but it perfectly fits the character to be an underhanded bastard and give himself the absolute best powerups he could. Look forward to him going even more insane next episode. I still think he is the strongest candidate for chronicle though even with dangerous zombie being so strong. Chronicle will probably give godlike power to whoever is in the game so naturally he would take it.
Emu is showing way more determination than ever to stop Dan and his evil plan, its nice to see him finally let loose and outright say Dan needs to be stopped before anyone else dies. Also side note it was fucking hilarious to watch him eat shit when Poppi accidentally kicked his chair away.
Taigi is out for Dan’s head and it shows with him absolutely trying his best to murder the guy every chance he gets and even trying to commission something to kill an immortal zombie so he can have the pleasure of basically killing the guy who ruined his life. Taiga also gets the esteemed honour of being the first to make ParaDX untransform back into Pallad.
Hiiro may not realise it but Emu has totally started to effect the way he acts, episode 2 Hiiro would not give a shit if Emu went off to fight and possibly die like everyone's favourite bike did. Its nice to see him become more compassionate towards everyone. They really need a way for both Hiiro and Taiga to use the level 50′s or else one of them is gonna get left behind. I think the level 99′s fix it but not sure.
Pallad didnt do much this episode except warn Taiga that Dan is a cheating bastard and going to break the game with his “im whatever level i want to be thing” soon soon soon he has to get the gamer driver so he can be paraDX level 99 so looking forward to his eventual team up with Emu. Mind you Pallad has not been responsible for anything deaths at all except maybe the person he came from who we have no idea about.
So the main focus of this episode and most likely the next episode is going to be Dan which is good cause I gotta say he is one of the best villains they have done lately and major major props to his actor who seems to be having an absolute ball playing him. When Ex-Aid ends I honestly expect his actor to return at some point because he just seems like he is having so much fun with the show.
Not much else to say about this episode, Dan’s plan basically was the first time losing and getting your shit kicked in is actually a way to advance your plan because every death makes a zombie stronger. Gotta give credit that is a brilliant plan because of course the heroes are going to kick the shit out of you.
Anyway thats it for now, remember if you have any problems with what ive said, got any more theories or think ive missed something feel free to message as always. 
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thekingsparty · 4 years
//lil cat update under the cut. (i said little but it’s really not... i rambled again)
went to the vet again today. vet drained some of the fluid from my boy’s belly to see what we were dealing with and .. we got pretty good news on that as it was simple water. there was no blood (thank god), no urine, no pus.. it was just water, which he explained can be there for a million reasons, but the blood test isn’t helpful bc taigi’s doing well on most ends. he drained about 400ml water from his belly .. there’s some more in, but he gave us anti-water pills now which should get rid of the rest. before giving those he just had to make sure it was water and no blood etc. 
we’re now on antibiotics until the end of the week and likely longer. we been through pancreas trouble with my other cat before, best be safe and keep it up for longer as the pancreas is an insanely big douchebag. vet wants to see if healing the pancreas changes the kidney state as he assumes that the broken pancreas led to the kidneys trying to work double time -> hence bad values and failing. i’m thinking so too cause taigi doesn’t really have a lot of symptoms for kidney failure or pancreatitis, so like.. i don’t think it’s been a thing for too long. katzi had pancreatitis and there was no way not to notice that. 
anyway antibiotics first to see if that can fix things (even if other organs are inflamed etc. antibiotics should help) and once that’s dealt with we’ll see about the kidneys and whether infusions are gonna be a thing. bc values bad, he recommended we get kidney food anyway bc they are currently suffering, so easing up on them can not be a bad thing either way. soooo we did. taigi is such a picky eater, but thank god he likes it for now. i fully expected him to turn around and walk away. 
have a pic btw. i’ve been talking sad stuff all week, lookat my sweet child for a change. taigi and his new food lol. 
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so yes, uh, i’m still worried af obviously and it’s still not exactly looking rosy? but like.. we got a mission and we got shit to do to help him and the vet also said that so long as taigi is as fit and normal and healthy as he is now, we can try all we possibly can and see where it leads us. obviously given his age, there is gonna be an end at some point but like.. not yet, not without a fight. the clinic we go to is rather small, but the 2 vets aren’t cold robots so we’ve trusted them for decades but they don’t have an ultrasound bc smol clinic, which means now with some fluid drained and more hopefully going with the new meds too, we can go have an ultrasound to check on his heart and other organs next week. 
 bc fluid hinders the xrays..  the pic he got was like.. super not helpful for anything below the heart. ultrasound is our best bet to see if his heart is the reason for the water of if the pancreas and kidney shit have affected and made the liver swell etc. oh yes for the new vet we got to take a pic of the xray! following below bc it’s crazy lol.
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you see a shimmer of organs but not really. the white mass is water. it filled up so fast, but we got about half out. before that happened taigi was always around 3.1 and 3.2 kg and with it he’s been on 3.8 this week - after draining today, he’s down to 3.4kg. progress. keeping an eye on that too. 
anyway, i felt like.. adding some pics bc generally we’re feeling ok about this. obviously nobody wants their cat to be sick at all, but we knew something was gonna be a thing and this is something we can actively fight and our cats are stubborn soooo i’m honestly relieved now that we no longer have to wait and imagine the worst. next week will be important.. can we calm down the pancreas? i really hope so. i love him so much, i want to get every extra minute with him i can. 
all in all.. i think i will be able to sleep now for the first night since tuesday.. everything hurts currently lol. i’m so relieved “putting him to sleep” is no longer on the table (for now anyway). good day. 
i hope everybody reason this is having a good day, a good week. lots of hugs to everybody, thanks for being here. <3
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thekingsparty · 4 years
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triggering cat stuff under the cut, so don’t click the thing if you can’t handle, but short story short - me is heartbroken still, me has nightmares and i’m about to try sleeps-ies. goodnight all <3
mom’s slowly shifting towards anger at the vet... instead of utter devastation. part of me wants her to meet the man again in a few weeks when she’s ...further towards anger than now. he would bleed for sure. mom’s not been violent at anybody or anything since high school, but taigi was her child, too. i... know that wouldn’t bring my baby back.. nothing will, ever. but part of me thinks that maybe that would be a wake-up call and that next time he’d take a minute to think about his decisions when giving sick cats meds. like... as a normal human, you go to the vet for help.. you trust them to know what meds can be given at which occasion. if the owner had to decide and research.. we wouldn’t need vets, y’know. it’s just.. i think part of why mom and i struggle so hard is that. it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t his time, it wasn’t supposed to happen. it only happened bc that vet didn’t do his homework and that is the part that hurts. 
what also hurts a lot is that katzi doesn’t cuddle me. she’s always liked mom better and when i touch or hold her she fights and runs off. i feel so lonely. i could always go find taigi and snuggle him for a bit, kiss his head and just enjoy not being alone. i’ve not cried in a few days, but today’s been rough and it just all broke loose on me. i stumbled over a picture i took on the first day of those fckn meds. he was fine. he ate and drank and cuddled and played. then within 3 weeks he was gone. it was so quick we never expected it and then it was too late. mom mentioned yday how she will never forget the last 10 minutes.. the struggle... but also not my reaction. 
i’m not proud of it. i know now that he would’ve needed someone calm and collected as he was probably scared, too, but i full on went into hyperventilating+crying+sobbing+begging+my-heart-is-dying-with-you mode and i think seeing me like this almost scarred her more than watching our baby die? i have nightmares of it every night, so i can only assume she does, too -be it me or taigi. but i also don’t regret being there.. the last thing i wanted was for him to die cold and alone on the bathroom floor. i never would’ve been able to forgive myself for that. 
anyway... it’s been a while since i said anything.. the pain feels like yday, but it also feels like i’ve not held my baby in forever.. so idk honestly. katzi seems so lost lately.. sometimes she’s just staring, or listening like she’s waiting for someone. you always heard taigi bc his claws never quite went short enough not to make sounds when he walked. mom said she hears him every day, i keep seeing him in the corner of my eyes. when i wake... which is every other hour at least, i keep checking under my bed to see if he’s there and then i remember. it’s only been a little over a week, so i know it takes more time. yet i’d give all i have to turn back time.
mom brought up the other day she’s been thinking about seeing whether there’s a cat born on sept. 25th in a few weeks. it would be kinda silly, but... y’know. the fact she went from no more pets ever to i was thinking... is progress in her mental state, too, i think.
in other news tho, the new vet is v nice and currently we can only wait and see. katzi’s getting taigi’s vitamin b cream bc blood test showed her liver wasn’t doing too hot and until in 3-4 weeks we won’t know if that’s bc of the thyroid (vet said it’s likely) or ..just general liver failure, so either way we’re supporting it with vitamin b. taigi only got to use like 1/10th of it. 
aaaaanyway.. i’m sticking to hiatus bc one day is ok like today and the next i can’t even use words well enough to post that i’m online, so yeah.. bear with me. 
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thekingsparty · 4 years
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mnnn after dwts i was gonna write, but laptop started update without asking me & it’s now finally done after 1.5h. my eyes are insanely tired, i’ve basically slept in 1h-sessions last night cause one of the cats kept howling and my sleep currently is so light i hear it and can go check what they need. 
i’ll try get some sleep now and work on drafts orrr photoshop. depends on my condition of my eyes lol. 
as usual lately, cat update under the cut for those who wanna knooow. <3 goodnight all <333
ok so last night was scary. taigi threw up and weakly wobbled back into his fav sleeping place (the tub) without dinner and still refusing to drink from bows. i was so worried and scared i pushed mom a little too far and it escalated and she said a lot of things i’d like to believe she regrets some day. anyway, taigi was doing much better in the morning. he took his meds, ate dryfood/treats with them and mom let him drink from the faucet. according to her it’s my fault he wants that lol, which is silly. he’s had a phase like that a few years ago. 
problem with faucet is, he drinks too quickly, then he throws up. he’s weak anyway and doesn’t eat wet food, so .. throwing up is a big no. so i remembered that about ..a year ago, it got that far that i couldn’t drink at night because if i opened my plastic bottle with water, he would come running and yelling and demanding water. ofc i had no bowl with me so one day, out of fun honestly, i filled a bottle cap with water and he flipped. 
so, to stop him from dehydrating on top of less food and stuff, i’ve spent the day feeding him bottle caps of water. i tried it while he whined for the faucet and bam, he forgot all about the stupid faucet in a second. it’s not ideal, but that way i can control the water flow so to say and he drinks slower. he’s not thrown up, he still only licks the sauce off the wet food, but he’s getting a good hand of dry food twice a day at least for meds so he’s thankfully not going without food in general. less than usual, yes, but not without. i think the antibiotics mess with his stomach, make him nauseous or so. cause he was sick before and he ate fine. it started on the 2nd day of antibiotics that he got even pickier with food. 
anyway, i’ve been feeding him water every few hours and it seems to work, no throwing up happened today. progress. he purrs a lot when pet, which makes me happy. he abandoned the tub for most of the day, went from under my bed (while i was trying to sleep) to mom’s office chair and vice versa. i think that’s a good sign. he came to me like clockwork for half the day to get his bottle caps of water lol. i think we basically filled up his reserves? cause at some point, he stopped coming every hour, then every 2h and then he just came 2 or 3 more times at night. (is 4 am) i fed him some more before sleep so he’d not crawl into the sink (is dangerous) while we try sleep and put some dry food down, he ate a few pieces so i decided to put a lil bowl down, too. he needs dem calories. i snuck past the bathroom after a while and found him hovering over it :3 
we only gotta make it through tomorrow and half of the day after, then it’s ultrasound time and hopefully new treatment to make him feel better. friday back to old vet (lowkey hoping the ultrasound vet gives up meds or something whatever we need and checks him over so he doesn’t have to go to our normal vet in friday.. going out 2 days in a row is v stressful for him). katzi is doing a little better? she’s lowing weight slower currently, not ideal, but a start, we’ll probs not get her blood test back before monday, but that’s ok. she can do it. i’m really curious what she has, but also if taigi’s heart is the issue. i read up on it and like.. if the right chamber isn’t working properly, it pumps blood back into the organs, causing intestine+bowel issues, kidney issues and water in belly. liver could be swollen, it would also explain the pancreas troubles bc it’s part of the stomach-bowel system. it causes high blood pressure in bursts, which would explain why taigi is fab one moment and towards the end of the day he’s getting more and more passive. then he rests for the night and in the morning he’s fit af again. cause he has been yelling mom outta bed for food these days. xD “it’s 8am human, feed me now.” so yeah.. i don’t even know if i wanna hope it’s really his heart. on one hand, they say there’s meds for it (have i spent many hours reason on the internet? yes) and many people are v happy for many years with their cats thanks to those, but there’s also the fear that he’s got something weird or special and there#s no meds. i’m an unlucky person, i’m worried it affects him. we’ll see. 
anyway, nothing is idea and blah, but .. i feel a lot less anxious today. taigi is a picky shit and he’s weak and stubborn, but he has appetite and he wants water and pets, so.. i believe in him and our vet lady. 
i rambled again, thanks all <3
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thekingsparty · 4 years
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i will put a cat update under the cut, also safe to say (and see) i’ve been a bit absent. i don’t mean to be but mental health and stuff is eh. pet sickness triggers under the cut again. taking my boy to the vet again tomorrow so i gotta sleeps now but hopefully i’ll be around some tomorrow after that. <3
blood test results came back today. 
it’s not fip. it’s not what the vet basically dropped on our heads as incurable and untreatable and most likely the case. first thing is, my other cat isn’t endangered, which is a great relief. 
now the bad news, taigi still is very sick. his pancreas values are bad and so are his kidneys. it was via phone today so we don’t know details, but it’s bad. vet isn’t sure where the fluid in his stomach’s coming from now, but it could be the heart or ..something. he’s truly at a loss for now. but what we do know is that the fluid needs to be gone, so that’s the first thing we do tomorrow (today tbh) morning, puncture his furry lil belly to let the fluid out and also see what it is, whether there’s blood (pls no) etc. bc of the fluid, the xray couldn’t get through to taigi’s liver and other organs which means he can’t see those yet, so likely after fluid gone, another xray will tell us more. he said it could also be tumors in the kidneys making them fail, but it’s also likely the pancreas being on strike caused the kidneys to fail, so first thing we also do starting tomorrow is antibiotics. my other cat had pancreatitis and was called dead and antibiotics saved her despite all the vets saying it’s unlikely she’ll make it. (some even said she won’t make it through the week, it’s been years now.)
then he’ll get anti-fluid meds to stop water/fluid from collecting in his belly, hopefully he’ll find the cause and then we’ll try and strengthen the kidneys with infusions twice a week if there’s no tumors, which i hope there aren’t and don’t think there are. i know he’s old and old cats often have them but given that the pancreas is v bad, it kinda fits together? tumors would be like.. extra. pancreas would have no reason to be a douche if kidneys failed bc of tumors i think. but we will see. 
what annoys me the most is that all the signs for kidney troubles are everyday-taigi things. we do the big blood test thing every year and his kidneys (unless vets missed it?) have always been fine and he’s been drinking tons for half his life and peed a lot half his life and he also has an appetite for all kinds of yummy things and demands food etc. all i’ve read was saying how kidney failure in pets makes them stop eating and so they get thin etc. and people are looking for stuff to help with appetite. he’s got none of those issues. so we couldn’t see. the fluid yes, but it’s been only a few weeks and we’ve waited to see if it went away or not. he’s old so we can’t keep running to the vet him with and stress him out. it just bugs me so hard that there was nothing strange to witness, no change .. he’s even started licking himself again recently. not v much but some. i just wish he’d shown us in some form.. like.. anything at all that something is up. he literally hasn’t changed behavior or so at all in years so ack.
anyway, thing is... it’s still grim af and i’m crying my eyes out just thinking about all the maybe’s, but like.. we have a fighting chance now, y’know? we knew he was sick when vet said fluid is a bad sign and fip we would’ve been unable to do anything, we would’ve just been forced to watch, but this? we can fight it. antibiotics, byebye fluid meds, kidney-friendly food, infusions twice a week etc. taigi is a fighter, he always has been and all his other values in the blood test are insanely good. he doesn’t pee without wanting to and he doesn’t seem to be in pain, so i think if tumors are a no and we can find out where the fluid comes from (vet said it miiiiight be the heart) he can have some more time? 
i’m aware even if all goes well, it’ll probs just be like half a year to a year (he’s 18 after all and the kidneys are bad, that’s a fact apparently) but like.. that’s ok. i just refuse to let a bouncy, snuggly, purry, demanding (af) and active lil man go before his time. if he no longer wants to, then that’s cool, but until then we gonna fight. 
anyway, pls bear with me. he is my first baby, my first love. i’m just really afraid, worried, upset and in a constant state of panic. i didn’t have as many panic attacks in weeks than i’ve had since tuesday alone. 
thanks for all the nice messages, they mean the world to me <3
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