#so the garden got permission from the govt not only to operate as essential business but to expand to produce more
supercantaloupe · 3 years
hi Sasha I hope you’re having a good day! My sleepover question is: what’s something you genuinely think everyone should watch/read/see/experience/do? And on the flip side, is there anything that you love/means a lot to you but genuinely wouldn’t recommend to others?
genuinely i think every person (especially Very City(tm) People) really ought to do some form of farmwork, even if just for a day. i am very grateful for my cushy city student/musician life that allows me to buy food from the store every week but i am also extremely grateful for all the summers i spent growing up going to day camps on farms, doing community service, and helping out in my mom's garden. getting a hands-on (if admittedly those hands are quite dirty) experience of what actually goes into producing the necessary products you consume on a day-to-day basis is both an enriching and humbling one. i genuinely think that people have more appreciation and respect for the things they consume when they have firsthand knowledge of what goes into production, and so much of that circles back to what is produced on farms. furthermore, it also fosters greater respect and appreciation for the people whose daily jobs are to do that production, which is extremely laborious and often quite thankless. volunteer at your local community garden today!!
as for something i love but wouldn't recommend to others, i think i'd have to say playing pit band. i did 4-6 shows in high school where i was in some capacity a pit musician (depending on how you're counting) and while i certainly enjoyed myself enough to actively look forward to/hope for more opportunities to play pit again in future productions, it's a draining and thankless job. especially when i was rehearsal pianist/student music director in high school, i did not actively enjoy a lot of the time i put into the shows i played for. nevertheless, here i am still hoping the drama dept picks an opera with an oboe part next year, lmao, so. anyway, it's not a job that i think would suit just anyone, and i don't think i'd really recommend it to just anyone, either.
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