#so we can logically and scientifically deduce that 9 months of child is 200k
muffinlance · 3 years
State of the Muffin Report: Year 2
Behold, on this day my fanfic turns THREE YEARS OLD. 
A look back on the last year...
Fanfic Word Counts:
Tumblr media
[id: A screenshot of a spreadsheet showing all stories and word counts. The most relevant info is the summary statistics.
Total words written this year: 97,150
Words per month average: 8,096
Words per day average: 266
End id.]
Serious Face Writing:
Li's Friends: Horrible Pets to Protect You From the Horrible World published, with approximately $2,000 donated to wildlife charity as of this post (*high fives all artists and contributors and buyers*)
1 short story published (in Strange Horizons, hurray!)
1 short story re-pubbed in a "Best of 2020" anthology
Birthed a Tiny Child God. Still wrote 97k. *high-fives self*
Goals for the Coming Year:
Fanfiction: Finish Salvage (...it irks me IMMENSELY that I did not finish it for year two. So. Close.), as well as the Boiling Rock arc of Towards the Sun, and get me a good start on finishing either Cheating at Pai Sho or the second book of Little Zuko. Still deciding which.
Serious Face Writing: Start publishing original fic in serial format online and see how that goes. Get at least one more short story written and subbed to magazines. 
Special thanks this year goes to the amazing artists and contributors behind Li's Friends. Within a year, we went from "hey internet we should make a book" to having an ACTUAL PUBLISHED BOOK and it is making Real Money for charity, does that break anyone else's brain? Ya'll are AMAZING. 
Also, to all the artists and writers who see something on this blog and just RUN with it. I said it last year and I'll say it again: you have all helped build an amazing community here. May our Creativity Perpetual Motion Machine continue turning in the coming year, too. <3
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