#so yeah...the goal is to live to be super old and then die in a hospital on morphine...
victimsofyaoipoll · 10 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Amy Rose
WAUGH okay so basically like everyone villainizes her when shipping Sonic with any other character (and 99% of the time its Amy being villainized against a m/m ship ://) but yeah Amy canonically has a "crush" on Sonic and stuff (which is weird in its self cuz age gaps and things but creators smh) and anyways any time people write Sonic in a relationship with other characters they always make her super upset and mad that Sonic isn't dating her etc etc and basically make her a pouting 12 year old because her super hero crush doesn't date her instead of writing her as a supportive best friend to sonic WHICH SHE SHOULD BE WRITTEN AS !!!! and uh yeah if you couldn't tell this makes me so upset because amy is such a good character people should stop ruining her
sonamy isnt even real but people still hate her for her pink girl swag and crush on sonic. amy rose forever victim of girlhatred among sth fans. charm points: big hammer. cute. sillay. constantly in positions of power that make you go how is this 12 year old so responsible.
Relena Peacecraft
She made the mistake of having a crush on the serial killer/child soldier lead character, and also wearing pink. Like, she's one of the OG characters to have a "-bashing" tag on FFN and then AO3. The other half of the yaoi pair was a boy with a butt-length braid, a fake American name, and a priest outfit. Poor Ms Peacecraft never stood a chance.
Relena is a very competent and accomplished character with her own plot lines and goals in a series full of complicated political and military upheavals. The main characters are 5 teenage boys who pilot Gundams, and each boy has at least one potential female love interest counterpart (all of whom are interesting characters in their own right). Relena is the counterpart to the main pilot, Heero. Her importance to Heero and the story is substantial enough that yaoi shippers often feel the need to kill her off specifically, while other female characters get to play the roll of supportive fujoshi friend to the yaoi ships instead. The hate for Relena was truly vitriolic in the height of the yaoi fandom in the mid 90s/early 00s, so much so that the memories of her tortures live on in my memory to this day…
she suffers the indignity of being an implied LI in the most fujobait season of gundam ever and for that she had to die (in fanfiction) just look at any 1x2x1 fic on any platform, be it ffn or private website or anywhere, she gets vilainized to hell and back, if relena does not win this fuckign poll i'm goign to jump off a bridge she was villainised SO FUCKING HARD have you ever tried looking for any 1x2 fic that doesn't have relena bashing. it's impossible. she deserves a hefty victim's compensation from Big Yaoi is all i'm saying.
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Long Poppy Theories Thing - OOC
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Okay, I'm about to just go off right now on a super long rant about my theories about Poppy and what I think is really on play here. There isn't going to be any order to this at all and I will be jumping whatever point from the list I made comes into my mind so, yeah, all over the place.
I'm gonna start off with the world and what I think really goes on. We know from the beginning that the Gods created all life with the intention to give the people they made free will at some point, though when the time came that changed their mind. Only the Goddess Delphi pushed to keep their promise and in response adsorbed all the magic from her tree of life to over power all her brothers and sisters while placing the planet and everyone in her Magic Pouch while she fights all of them. Now, I think that story is false and here is some proof to this.
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Magi Lila mentions this little note along with almost saying something else to Friedrich, though stops herself to check if he could know which he couldn't. Clearly this means there are still Gods around, or, at the least there has to be new Gods roaming Flora. This clearly puts some holes into the story everyone believes. What I personally believe happened is some form of fight broke out with the Gods ending up choosing sides. One lead by the Specter of Fate and the other by Delphi the Iron Matron. Get more into why I just used Delphi the Iron Matron later. This ended with all the Gods and Goddess's losing their lives, though now being reborn as new Gods. I did mention to a mutual that I thought the Specter was behind this, though thinking about it the Veil would be likely as well in order to keep the peace and because maybe it used to be common information, though this lead to wars constantly breaking out and the Gods continuing to kill each other.
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This would explain how one can get such vast amounts of fresh God's Blood and distribute it all over the place and at such a high speed given how many people are reporting it in to the authorities. Not to mention just how strong the stuff is with how it effect the wildlife so who knows what old God's Blood would do.
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That being said, the Specter (or Chicadino, for now) as to be getting this amount from somewhere and I have two theories for that. Either he has some Gods working for him that gives him their blood or the one I'm leaning more towards is he captured a God and just draining them of their blood until they're barely kicking, heals them, and repeats. I assume the latter because of how fast he keeps pumping it out.
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Now for the Specter and I believe that it isn't Chicadino because here in this part of the comic Poda is talking about them and mentions how they're reborn over and over while being bolstered by the blood of the Gods. It makes me think the Specter is a God themselves which ties in to the start. It would mean the Specter has died many times so that could mean the Gods all fighting each other because of The Specter of Fate and Delphi the Iron Matron has happen multiple times by this point.
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Now we get into two of the key players who seem to have been there since the start which are Poda and Silvana. Both seem to have some form of immorality, at least in terms of not being able to die from age. Silvana seems to be the creator of the Veil of Ignorance and one who want's to keep certain information withheld from the world while Poda is a Hand of The Specter of Fate. There is clearly some form personal beef between Poda and Silvana, though neither seem to let it deter them from their main goal.
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Then we have Magi Lila, the only human we know of to exist in this world at the time, though seems to spend most of her time in the Second Rung of the Veil. Seems to have been trained by Silvana and is more than likely her top enforcer when it comes to keeping key information inside the Veil and seeing things go according to whatever plan the Veil has.
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Of course if this image is to go by anything there might've been another human at one point, though Poda killed them or at least did something to them because
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There is this human like hand that was the main source in controlling the dragon that attacked the temple. I assumed Poda didn't fully killed them, rather turned them into a tool for the Specter. Why they're a hand now? Not sure, though if you know Poda, she clearly seems messed up in the head so, yeah.
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Now I'm jumping up to where the comic is talking place and focusing on Mary and her interactions with Poppy. When first meeting Mary instantly recognizes, though when Poppy claims to not know who Mary was mentioned how it must've been another buff opossum who was just older. I personally think Mary is Mystana and has met Poppy before. One might question how, though I believe by this point something has changed and that is this point in time is being reset and is repeating. Meaning when Poppy dies someone resets the timeline to the point of Poppy's birth because they believe they can break the cycle. I believe this is the fourth time based off King Renard's prophecy about Sky Henge Act IV and Mary (or Mystana) seems to be the only one to remember this resets. This has led to Mystana leaving the Veil and choosing to take on the guise of Mary to keep an eye on Poppy. Maybe the comment about the other opossum being old means in the past timeline Poppy was closer to thirty when meeting Mary there.
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Then we get this interaction where she just called Lily a tiny version of Poppy which makes me think she just seems anyone close to Poppy another version of her or perhaps this was the first timeline where Poppy had a child and she was having a hard time adjusting to that. Bit more towards the former for me.
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Of course she also starts to appear a bit more after Poppy is attacked by Poda. Could say this is just Mary being her odd self, though after their first meeting there wasn't much word from Mary other than when Poppy visited her for directions. Makes me think Mary was getting concerned Poppy would die before she normally does so wanted to keep a close eye on her to prevent a premature death.
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Then we get into the vision King Renard had about Sky Henge Act IV. Now, clearly it's an opossum, though in the top right there is a cat paw which I assume is someone attacking the opossum. Then we end up having Poppy and Petuina having to fight because of Chicadino so to me that is clearly the start of the vision.
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This is also more proof because during his episode King Renard said this. A-Tion When Ten Billion Eye's Close Here's Will Open. Assuming the a-tion was supposed to be attention to try and get everyone to listen to him. Then we get this picture where Poppy's removes her mental blocks and in the background we see what I can only assume is Delphi, though she not only has four eyes on her head, though all over her body. Then there's that glowing light which I assume is the one eye opening and that's connect to the stone image of Poppy with the eye on her torso. I'm thinking the magic tumor that King has is him remembering the resets, though I'm unsure why he's having this effect. Then again if Mary is Mystana then she is more than likely more powerful than him and doesn't have this side effect for remembering the other timelines.
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I also think Delphi is speaking to Poppy right here rather than this being a third person thing because if you follow the trail at the last panel it leads off to the side as if someone else was there. I know it was cut off a bit at the end, my bad. Anyway, I believe the original Delphi can talk to her reincarnations and guide them, though Poppy lost the connection has a kid before she could understand it.
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Now, I'm also thinking the whole thing about opossum's having anti magic because their tree was destroyed is a half lie. I think that anti magic was Delphi's God power and she passed it to her people which allowed them to have a field they can activate to cancel out magic, yet didn't prevent them from using other magic, then during the first fight with the Specter Delphi did have to adsorb the magic from her Tree of Life just to defeat him which lead to the magic getting all messed up and no it just something that prevents them from using other forms of magic as well. Now in this fight with Poppy's mental blocks gone she can cause this field as Petuina says her soul patches stopped when the pulse started. This is what makes me think this is what the opossums could originally do.
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Jumping back to the Iron Matron we first get a mention of it here with Silvana calling Poppy by the title. This makes me think either Silvana can remember the timeline resets or Mystana told her sister the first time it happened and they had a disagreement on how to handle things thus Mary going out on her own and doing thins the way she is now.
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However Magi Lila only called Poppy an Iron Matron Candidate which makes me think Silvana may be lying to even her on who Poppy really is which is the Iron Matron. Now, the reason I why at the start I was using Delphi the Iron Matron is because I believe that was her full title so her reincarnations also take the title of Iron Matron, though before Poppy it was a guess on who it was.
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Now this to me confirms that Silvana and Mystana had a falling out as it looks like Silvana is attempting to stop Mystana from leaving with an item of some sort. Then we have the mysterious figure of an opossum wielding a hammer in the distance. Perhaps this is Delphi or a reincarnation which means Delphi's weapon of choice is a Maul (I think that's the right word) for when she fights and of course her Magic Pouch.
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Alright, that's all my brain juices got and all I could honestly think of after over analyzing each and every comic frame by frame to put this jumbled mess of a theory together. In short terms someone is resetting Poppy's timeline because they believe she can be the out to put down the Specter for good and is just starting over and over while changing details each time along with the timeline changing itself. Mystana remembers, though upon telling Silvana they have a fight on how to handle things and go their separate ways, though not before Mystana steals some sort of magic item which makes Silvana not trust others anymore hence keeping the information from Magi Lila. King Renard is remembering too, though in the form of visions which have now caused a magic induced tumor to form.
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You speak german? Like, I am german and i wonder if german is a hard language to learn if its not youre first language. What was your impression on that?
Eigentlich wollte ich deine Frage auf Deutsch antworten aber das ist zu schwer für mich und hätte so viel mehr Zeit genommen😭 also ich mach das einfach auf Englisch
Yes I do speak german! More or less fluently depending on how you judge it haha and also it depends on like how much I practice it.
I’m originally French but speak a lot of english (through my english speaking friends and also internet etc) so these two languages come way more easily to me, which makes it all the more frustrating to search for words/not understand complicated sentence structures/etc in german
I first started learning german when I was 9 and went to Germany for about 2 months for an exchange, and came home early (I was supposed to stay for 6 months) because I didn’t get along with the family (the parents were manipulative and emotionally abusive, and only talked to me in french which was the opposite of the goal: learn german lol)
Then the organisation that organises these exchanges contacted us again to say they found another german family who would match better with us and I convinced my parents to let me go again, this time for 6 months when I was 10 years old.
Then I just had normal german classes for 4 years until I got to high school where I went to Abibac which is a class to get the double diploma for the german Abitur and the french baccalauréat, so I had 6 hours of language and literature in german + 4 hours of history and geography in german /week
Now I’m in my first year of higher education (is this the right name for it? Idk educational systems are all so different it’s confusing) and I have 4 hours of german /week by choice (I could’ve had less or no german, with either more english, or geography or latin…) and it’s super hard honestly, I still have a lot to learn regarding the grammar and my vocabulary isn’t as rich as a native speaker’s.
All in all though I speak better german than most french people lol (though that’s not very hard) and I would definitely be able to survive on my own in Germany
Uh so yeah this got very long and kind of became a life story lol sorry
But yes german is quite a complicated language, mostly because of der/die/das and Akkusativ/Dativ/Genitiv
I feel like I would need to live in Germany and get to practice everyday for several months/years to be fully confident in my level, but I would probably loose most of it again if I came back to France and stoped talking it on a daily basis
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pippuns · 1 year
hello pip seeing you are deeply into tai sui can i ask for your help in understanding cultivation? ive read a couple of different novels and webtoons talking about it but i feel like im missing something. is it that physical and mental diligence give you spirit superpowers?
yeah of course!! or at least what I understand about it since my knowledge comes from 2.5 cultivation novels and maybe too many fanfics, so if anyone wants to correct me, feel free to LOL
cultivation as a genre is a little like wizards/magic or fantasy as a genre, in that while there are certain genre staples, the rules can vary widely depending on how the author builds their world. 
usually, cultivation is advanced through meditation and training of one’s qi (the life force that exists in everything. sort of like chakra from naruto) with the goal of creating or building up one’s core/strengthening their spirit, which allows them to do funky fruity magic bullshit and life much longer than mortal people and/or become immortal. 
although the “end goal” of cultivation can change depending on the setting, generally people cultivate until they die or until they ascend into divinity. it’s often split up into early, middle, late, and peak stages, with each stage allowing the user to become more powerful spiritually and physically. some settings make the distinction between physical cultivators (people whose cultivation primarily focuses on building up the body), and spiritual cultivation (the inverse of that).
since you brought up tai sui specifically, I’ll briefly explain their cultivation system under the cut
1. the “i’m just a little guy” stage
the goal of this stage is more or less just to open your spiritual eyes which you need to cultivate. if you’re lucky enough to cultivate in an immortal sect, that just means you go to a highly spiritual place to refine your spiritual sense by meditation and studying a bunch. if you’re not lucky enough for that, just hope that you have access to enough spiritual stones to absorb their energy so that you don’t die horribly when you open your spiritual eyes LOL
2. open-eyed stage/half-immortals
these fellas can take spiritual energy into their bodies to use, but they haven’t established their foundation and found a Way of the Heart to follow to advance their cultivation. they’re still mortal, but they get to live for a couple hundred years, and if they want to continue cultivating past this point, then they spend that time searching for their Way and refining their spiritual bones
3. established foundation
once you found a Way to follow and base your cultivation on, you construct your immortal spirit and establish your foundation. now you’re actually immortal!! barring an unfortunate murder. and you’re really powerful compared to the two scrubs that came before.
4. ascended spirit
these guys have completely cast off their physical bodies and don’t really need to eat or anything like that. they’re almost the most powerful folks in the setting, but this will not stop them from getting relentlessly bullied by everyone else (qiu sha), even (and especially) if they’re peak masters
5. shed skin
these guys are like. whole natural disasters on themselves. super guys. basically gods. they are very big and very old and probably need to be bullied more.
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badbitch-bookclub · 8 months
Week 2 Thoughts on Lost Gods by Gerald Brom
Chapters 26-50
Thot Pocket: Bomb, I think I am having a different vibe than you over Chet and I am so curious why we have different feelings about him.
Britney Smears: He’s become more interesting over time for sure.
Bomb Weasley: I feel like this story is set up to be a really high stakes mission and super important on all levels. And Chet is just some random dude who is like fumbling his way through. I think all the other characters are much better.
Hell No Kitty: What is your overall feeling about him Thot?
Thot Pocket: Personally I think the book sets up that Chet is kind of a bumbling fool because he can’t even stop being a drug dealer til Trish is pregnant. I think Senoy establishes that this is it for them and it is such a slim chance but it’s the only chance. He’s fumbling but surviving. I can’t imagine any human on that average level could handle that but because of his grandmother he is forced into it. I think him being so bad at it and still surviving is great because it’s like reading old Batman comics. Yes he will survive because he is expected to, but HOW will he. Also I think you’re right that all the other characters are interesting and I think that’s good! I think it makes us care about them the way Chet does.
Bomb Weasley: I’m not sure why but I just like super hate Chet lol.
Thot Pocket: I’ve noticed, because while I don’t love him, you seem like “booo you suck” lmfao
Bomb Weasley:
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Britney Smears: I was def shocked when Ado and Coach got killed so quick. I liked them.
Thot Pocket: I think it’s supposed to make us see the reality of how unforgiving it is. Both of them have goals we want to see fulfilled and in the end it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad Ana didn’t die.
Bomb Weasley: I feel like they died way too quickly.
Britney Smears: Very much so, literally one after another and I was like are you kidding me.
Hell No Kitty: This was so shocking!
Bomb Weasley: I wish Coach got to beat up Chet a bit more just for the drama.
Hell No Kitty: Was fully expecting Coach to have more conflict w/ Chet.
Britney Smears: Same, they buddied up quick.
Thot Pocket: Yeah that was underwhelming with how fast Coach just gave up. I’m wondering if we’re going to see what happens to the souls that float into the air or if they’ll just stay stuck in the winds.
Britney Smears: I hope so.
Thot Pocket: What did you think of the champion games? I think Chet tossing the rings in an act of defiance is great.
Hell No Kitty: This made me like him more, especially because I found him so boring initially.
Bomb Weasley: I agree on the ring toss, but didn’t like the games in general. I wish they were either the main plot of the story or omitted all together. I wish the editors told the author “less is more.”
Thot Pocket: Really? I liked it because it was a gathering of gods and was in line with historical events of how emperors liked entertainment. I feel like it showed their age.
Bomb Weasley: Like I would have preferred it to be the main plot of story, like if he won he got the key back.
Britney Smears: I like the idea of Chet getting the key back after winning the games.
Hell No Kitty: I actually agree! I like it in theory for the reasons you say Thot, but it felt meh in execution. Almost somewhat unnecessary unless they bring it back throughout the story.
Thot Pocket: Like let’s get all these “tropes of hell” out the way?
Hell No Kitty: That’s exactly what it feels like.
Bomb Weasley: Like if it was the whole plot we could have had more world building and understanding of the rules and a more sympathetic villain.
Thot Pocket: See I thought of the champions as world building because they do it every year and more and more is dwindling. So without us having the full history we know that even their godly celebrations suffer because of Green coat work and fewer gods. I keep thinking a lot of Dante’s Inferno compared to this and I like how it just gives you the breaths of the other lives and worlds because they aren’t for long anyways with revolution around the corner.
Bomb Weasley: I just prefer Tolkien type books where the author describes everything in super detail. I’m also just mean to books.
Britney Smears: A quote from actual librarian haha. I like hearing diff opinions. Like I didn’t realize it till I read y’all’s messages and I’m like yea, the pacing is fast! The god blood being in the shape of a star was also cool.
Thot Pocket: We also still have to experience hell. There’s no way he doesn’t go there at least once before the end right?
Britney Smears: He must go to hell eventually.
Bomb Weasley: On a positive note, I did like the “mean while at the ranch” chapters with the crazy grandma. I wish we got a little more of that, but I get that that’s not really the journey.
Thot Pocket: Agreed! I feel like we’re only getting “Trish is sleeping and Trish is not sleeping” but it’s still interesting enough that I’m like “MORE”
Bomb Weasley: Maybe she’ll put up more of a fight in later chapters.
Britney Smears: I’m ready to have Gavin and Lamia explained more.
Bomb Weasley: Me, too.
Hell No Kitty: I really need it explained more haha.
Thot Pocket: I want them on Maury.
Bomb Weasley: Can you hit a ghost with a chair?
Thot Pocket: “The DNA test determined… that was a lie. You are in fact a Lilith” queue Lamia running back stage with a camera following her.
Britney Smears: Someone HAS to run backstage lmao. Like why are these bitches so messed up?
Bomb Weasley: I have a feeling it’s gonna be a little misogynistic.
Thot Pocket: Same. Women are evil etc etc. like the more it goes on the more I feel like we’re going to get justifications for Gavin and 0 for Lamia.
Bomb Weasley: I’m willing to hear her out lol.
Thot Pocket: Same. She could be like “he didn’t compliment my new hair cut” you know what, you go girl. I stan a queen.
Bomb Weasley: I bet Gavin kinda deserved it.
Thot Pocket: Oh yeah. Especially since he “saved her.” It automatically makes her indentured to him.
Bomb Weasley: Exactly. Maybe there will be a plot twist and there’s some Adam and Eve thing going on idk.
Thot Pocket: Maybe they’ll both suck balls and we just root for murder/suicide.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Ohhhhhhhhh, shiiiiiiiiit! Here comes Keiwa-kun, Tycoon! The Tanuki Ninja!
Don't you dare lose Kick the Can, Riders!
-Congrats Keiwa, you're still a finalist!
-Oh yeah, we're super close to... all dying, huh?
-That's tragic, huh?
-Ohhhh, she's in real deep shit.
-God, it keeps throwing me off that the real first verse of Trust Last is "Open up the dungeon" and not "Overrun the dungeon". Not that I hate the real one or anything, it just keeps fucking me up for some reason lmao
-Here comes Neon, lookin' for a field goal!
-That earned you 500 points with Ace, Neon.
-I wonder how many attempts she made already.
-Oh, they just had a bed in there, huh?
-Final boss time!
-"Dude, what? You're gonna die fighting the boss like that."
-Daaaaaaamn, even Tsumuri sees you're fucked up man.
-Usually a Rider game master just... makes you do it anyway.
-"I'll kick your ass, fox man!"
-"Mmmm... if you say so, bull boy."
-Man, Keiwa's been kicking ass with Armed Arrow this whole time. Taira's words must've really stuck with him.
-Ohhhhhhh... she saw something.
-Ohhh... those're their parents, aren't they?
-Ohh.... shiiiit...
-Those fuckers.
-Gotta play the game.
-The Jyamato.
-Man, Azuma's being a bit of a scrub rn.
-The Final Boss!
-Man... Keiwa's really gone through the wringer.
-Ace... you're really old, huh?
-Proper co-op play!
-...not gonna happen today, either.
-Want the world you wish for, huh Neon?
-You see Keiwa and his sister... and then immediately show us the true love wish, huh Takahashi?
-More than anything, Neon wants family that loves and respects her. Hardly an incomprehensible thing to value so strongly.
-Even Michinaga's got a full reason.
-Ace coming out with the hard questions.
-You want it, you fight for it.
-He's so cool...
-Giroli... what's your deal, butler man?
-Jyamato Approaching.
-Ohhhh, he really big now.
-Kick the fuckin' can.
-Keiwa still got Boost helpin'!
-Go for it, Keiwa!
-Last Boss! Over here!
-Seems like the Tanuki found his balls.
-Too nice for his own good!
-Ohhhhh, the Ninja said no.
-Dare ja?
-Ore ja!
-Shinobi kenzan!
-Time to Ninja!
-Sara's just absolutely beaming with pride up there.
-Goddamn, this is such a cool-ass form.
-Ninja AND Boost!
-God, so cool.
-Fuck, I wanna play with that Ninja Dueller so bad.
-Ninja Boost! Grand Victory!
-Let's goooooooo!
-Damn, Neon got the last kick.
-Ok bye Boost.
-She's safe.
-Ninja :)
-Nooooo... Eliminated... :(
-G.G., Keiwa.
-He's lyin' about how much he misses you.
-I suppose his victory was a little short lived.
-You're a real ray of sunshine, huh Michinaga?
-I love how threatening Ace's words of comfort are.
-I wonder if Keiwa touched his heart a little?
-Next Episode: Our last three Riders give that overgrown Knight beast what for!
-And... Monster Form!
-I... uh... kinda wanna know what the fuck that thing even does, it looks ridiculous and I love it.
-I'll miss Keiwa though. ...for about that episode, then he'll be right back in Episode 9 or 10!
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icharchivist · 8 days
From a purely narrative standpoint, I do have to admire them setting a game primarily in a city that in the end you fail to save and everything and everyone you've been interacting with thus far was destroyed. That's pretty ruthless
yeah god.
Like it was definitely the risk out of cutting the game in three parts and extending the Midgar part of the game into one big game, because in the OG this is where you lose. Everything goes wrong, all your plans are backfiring, everything is falling apart, the organization you've been helping is turned into dust and all you have is you and your buddies managing to escape this hell city at the last minute, wondering how they'll even be able to regroup and continue moving on.
Extending a whole game on this portion is just ruthless.
Just to be clear, the city of Midgar is built on two level: one on the ground, and one on a plate that is built above the ground. The undercity is where the poor live. And the city is divided in Sectors, some sectors being on the surface, and some in the under city.
You start the game at Sector 7, it's your home at first. It's in the undercity. It's the part you will fail to save. and in the Remake, in a move i find ballsy, like, and also feel horrified by, they made sure you get to know the people living there. the old woman who basically adopted Tifa and is overprotective of her. The young girl who loves her cats. You learn more about the others members of Avalanche, their motivation for joining.
And all of them are supposed to die, because that's the part of the city you can't save. Sector 7, and the sector built on top of the plate above Sector 7, are going to be destroyed to punish Avalanche, and then they'll frame Avalanche as the people who did the terrorist attack.
And as you fail, Aerith gets kidnapped by Shinra and you have to infiltrates the labs that are experimenting on her to save her, and then you have to escape the city.
And that's where the Remake was supposed to end.
in the OG, though... when you're in Shinra to get Aerith back, after you've been caught and taken into cells, you're suddenly free because of a malfunction and when you wander the corridors, everything is covered in blood. everyone you've seen there have died. Sephiroth has infiltrated the place, slaughtered everyone he met, killed the President, and took his mother back and left. you don't see him at all during this part, and then the son of the President presents himself as the new antagonist and you have to run away, and it's after being gone going to the next city Cloud will talk about Sephiroth and they'll focus on him and on taking down Shinra from starting back from the ground up.
The game though, should be stopping after running away, before going to the next city.
i know Sephiroth will have a bigger part in the ending, but even without him...... that's still a very sad part to end on.
You failed to save your city, everyone who worked for the same goal as you is dead, you now are fugitives, the political regime just changed to something even worse than before, you have nothing, you've failed everyone.
In the OG the fact is, eventually this is where you have to pull yourself by your bootstrap and move on.
But the remake has to make you believe a whole game where you're mostly failing is what you'll get through.
(tbh the original ending to the OG was ALSO super grim. Like, before the movie came out and they decided to make sequel, there was a strong reading of the original ending as "everyone is dead." but the OG is also about accepting death, accepting that things have to come to an end. the remake has been. well. yaknow.)
i suppose it's also why the Remake added others plotlines, if only so the ending isn't sad and is more confusing instead to make you come back for more.
but yeah. this sure was ballsy. god what a game
0 notes
one-strugling-bean · 1 year
Random Thoughts on Homestuck pages 3466-3468 & 3472-3475 (aka, Vriska and John talk about feelings post Tavros’s death)
This conversation right here was the first time Homestuck was genuinely able to impact me on an emotional level. Therefore, I wanna talk about it.
(A quick reminder though: this commentary is purely subjective and no one is forced to agree with it.)
(Actually, as long as you are polite and respectful, I encourage you to discuss this matter with me, and point out anything that you might think I have understood wrong.)
(Also, I have only read up to page 3490, so cut me some slack if I say anything wrong story-wise. And no spoilers please.)
But yeah. Let’s do this.
Sooooooo, Vriska. From my light browsing through the Homestuck fandom, there seems to exist a lot of discourse between the fans that like her and defend her actions, and those who hate and blame her for all the crap she does. Right now, I think I fall somewhere in a grey area between the two, although closer to the latter specter of the argument.
She’s an incredibly interesting character, that’s for sure. For me, it’s her extremely grey morals that make her so.
Vriska is someone who consciously plays the role of the “villain” because that’s who she thinks she has to be amongst her friends, and what troll society seems to ask of her – from her perspective, at least. Also, her ancestor was apparently a super badass pirate lady who did many amazing things, so Vriska feels encouraged – pressured? – to also become strong and live up to her ancestor’s image.
She had a demanding lusus, the kind of lusus that apparently only choose to raise “strong trolls”, and fed off of other young trolls, which charged a young Vriska with the responsibility of killing her kin(?) in order to maintain the high-maintenance spider.
She was definitely shaped and molded very harshly by the conditions of her development and growth. So, the Vriska we are presented to in the comic is someone who would’ve probably been a very successful troll in Alternia society, strong and willing to do whatever it took to reach her goals, but also with the emotional maturity of a 5-year-old. At least by human standards.
This is my interpretation of Vriska. Am I too far off? I really hope not.
Right now, I’m at a point with her where while I appreciate her character – what she brings to the table in terms of narrative – I’m far from being a big fan of her as a person. Because like, she’s a bully. :/
And it’s with that notion in mind that we take a step back from Vriska for a little, and focus on someone else: Tavros, aka, the apparent main victim of Vriska’s meddling.
Tavros is weird by troll standards. Karkat mentioned so himself, at some he said something like he doesn’t think Tavros could ever hate anyone.
He is much gentler and overall nicer than the rest of his fellow trolls, and is seen as “weak” by their society's standards. And that's wgy Vriska, from what I understood, decided that she’d “help” him by basically antagonizing him to hell and back in hopes that he'd grow a tougher shell.
I’m mentioning all of this because earlier, I read the opinion of someone that was trying to defend Vriska’s actions towards Tavros, specifically the events leading up to her acquiring God tier, and later on, his death by her.
Basically, their point was the same Vriska herself was trying to explain to John, that she only bullied Tavros because she liked him, and knew that he wouldn’t survive in their world if he kept being “weak”, so she messed with him to try and toughen him up.
Tavros was simply too much of a coward, and so eventually, when the time came and Vriska needed him to be strong (to kill her so she’d get God Tier) he was unable to do it and ran away, leaving her to die alone from blood loss.
And this is the thing that truly leaves me kind of confused and upset because in case it’s not obvious by now, I actually like Tavros and relate to him, and the whole spiel of “weak vs strong” upsets me quite a bit, and I really don’t understand the point of the person that defended her.
I might have interpreted this wrong and let my bias get in the middle of my critical thinking, but…. isn’t it obvious that Vriska’s intentions when she was bullying Tavros were far from wanting to help?
I'm being genuine here, btw. Because I've read a fair ammount of people arguing this.
This was my train of thought: I don’t doubt she did to some degree appreciate Tavros, but you can’t tell me she wasn’t enjoying having power over him. She would relish in messing with Tavros, call him names, insult him for being crippled (despite, or perphaps, especially because she knew she’d been the one to put him that way). She loved being more powerful than him, and using her advantages to give him hell.
At the same time, I also don’t doubt that Vriska believes she was helping him all this time. That she was the one in the right. That the suffering he get from her was Tavros’s own fault for being so weak. That, while yes, she does feel some remorse now, she was still in the right for killing Tavros. And yeah, by Alternia standards, I guess she is. Can’t argue there. As she told John, he was a much lower-class troll actively disrespecting her, and she had already been super merciful not to kill him before, instead "befriending" and playing with him. But enough was enough and all that.
She still feels guilty about it, but that shouldn't be relevant because whatever her own feelings and other people's beliefs may be, according to their society, she's justified. She had something to back her up.
The crux of the problem is, there’s no Alternia anymore, no Troll society, and most of the trolls that she’s left with don’t really care about the way things are supposed to be.
And this leaves her – and me – with the current conundrum: now what is considered “right”, and where does that new "right" leave her standing?
She doesn’t know. But by her friends' reactions, she probably has some clues.
Vriska is still a teen with feelings, so remorse and guilt are a given for her since she did care about the people she hurt. I’ve also read some people trying to defend her with that – the fact that she’s obviously feeling regret – but I honestly don’t see what that changes. What should that matter, if she keeps repeating the same mistakes?
Regret and guilt aren’t really valid unless they’re able to stop you from re-committing said mistakes, and try to make amends instead. Which, yeah, she tried a few times, but none of those tries were exactly sincere or convincing.
(I was trying to say unbiased here, but I think I blew that by now. Oops.)
When she kills Tavros, I can’t see anything there but an emotionally stunted kid having a tantrum and destroying the core of her misgivings instead of trying to sort through them.
She was upset to realize that Tavros had finally gotten more confident, but only to act against her of all people, and let that emotion fester, blind and control her. This led to Tavros dying by Vriska’s hand in an act of thoughtless violence, although later on, when she finally calms down from the tantrum, she feels remorse and realizes she fucked up. Again.
What happened with Aradia could be interpreted as pretty much the same, right? Vriska got upset, didn’t know how to deal with it, so she destroyed the source of her anger. And when guilt knocked on her door, she could lean on the rules of their society to condone herself.
But again, the reason why now with Tavros things are slightly different is that that society doesn’t really exist anymore and no one really gives a fuck about its rules.
I guess the question right now is how many times Vriska will continue to fuck up this way until she realizes how “weak” she actually is.
The reason why I appreciate her character so much is that I think it just gave me so much insight into the insides of the mind of a bully.
Meanwhile, the reason why I don’t really like her all that much is that she’s just generally a bad person, and has yet to show honest signs of wanting to change for good. As much as I loved her conversation with John, I really don't think that qualifies as such.
I honestly hope this is the last time this crap happens and she finally learns for good now. Maybe John can help her get there. I believe he could.
It just makes me sad that lives were already taken, meanwhile.
RIP Tavros. I liked him a lot, really. Maybe it was just me, ‘cause I’m a bit of a softie myself, but his gentle ways were a breath of fresh air when I was reading Act 5 Act 1. Everyone was so intense all the time, it was kinda nice to have someone calmer I could relate to in all the brashness going around.
But then again, that’s also what made him a target for Vriska, and what eventually got him killed. His “weakness”.
It’s like what Vriska said about Karkat, who’s just as much of a softie beneath all his grumpiness. They probably would’ve thrived a lot better on Earth. The alpha kids’ Earth, I mean. Not sure about ours, sadly.
I am getting sad writing this. Homestuck, why would you do this to me?
Eh anywayyyyyyyy, I doubt ayone will read this, but if you have gotten this far, thanks a lot ^^
Imma gonna continue reading now, have a nice day
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ryssabrin · 2 years
so i'm usually a ship and let ship kind of bitch. like even if a dynamic makes no sense to me and i could never in a million years see a particular pair finding their way around to being romantically interested in each other, i get that fiction is malleable. you can do whatever you want and write those characters however you want and put them in whatever scenario you want to get them together and it's all in good fun.
so with all that being said, i'm about to be super petty and judgmental about a ship. we have weebs on instagram to thank for this utterly unproductive and meaningless vent. major jjk spoilers because ofc this is about the jjk fandom.
i don't think there has ever been a ship that makes me so viscerally uncomfortable and makes my skin crawl so much as people shipping megumi and sukuna does. it's like levi/eren on super steroids.
like i know i'm being a cranky grandma by pointing out that sukuna isn't interested in megumi because he wants to smooch him but instead because he wants to use megumi's powers for his own ends (and is most likely planning on literally consuming him because he is literally a cannibal), but sukuna's interest in megumi reads far too much to me like grooming behavior to ever find it compelling in any way as a ship.
and tbf i can understand watching the fight scene between them in episode 5 (and hearing about the show me/bewitch me/seduce me line) and thinking "ooh yeah a sexy villain ship" and not thinking that hard about it. sukuna being a cannibal isn't even something that has been mentioned in the canon story, only in an author interview. but once the story progresses sukuna only gets worse. the story only gets darker. so all the cutesy memes about sukuna making megumi fucking breakfast or whatever just drive me insane. i just can't find the humor there.
yuuji is willing to die to prevent sukuna from carrying out whatever plan he has for megumi. we as the audience are meant to be concerned for megumi. we are meant to not want whatever sukuna is planning to come to pass. there is a literal artistic parallel drawn between the way mahito fucks with and manipulates yuuji and what sukuna is trying to do with megumi and the audience is meant to be creeped out by it. the fact that people romanticize and find sexy a dynamic where an adult man and mass murderer is planning on manipulating and using a 15 year old boy for some nefarious purpose that will likely end with megumi's gruesome and torturous death is quite frankly revolting to me.
it's all just extra upsetting to me when i think about how so much of the story and so many of the characters are motivated by preventing kids from being abused. gojo's entire goal as a character is a restructuring of the status quo to prevent another toji or another getou or another riko. he is seething with righteous fury when he figures out that higher ups set up yuuji to die and didn't care if it meant megumi and nobara died with him. he specifically intervenes in okkotsu and yuji's cases because he rightly recognizes how fucked up it is to clandestinely execute a child for something that isn't their fault.
i saw a brilliant write up on how nanami and mei mei are narrative foils both in their philosophy towards jujutsu and how they care for the young people in their care. nanami comes back to jujutsu because he knows he can save lives and help people. he makes it clear to yuuji that he is the adult and it is his responsibility to keep yuuji safe. he dies trying to get to megumi to make sure he's safe from toji. he carefully chooses his final words to yuuji so as to not fuck him up. meanwhile mei mei is only in it for money. she won't lift a finger to protect anyone, let alone a child, unless she's getting paid. she has her kid brother wrapped around her finger and expects him to be prepared to sacrifice his life for her. she dips at the first sign of something being too dangerous and it is implied her relationship with ui ui is beyond inappropriate. which character do you think gege wants us to sympathize with more?
we could also look at maki's story, hakari's story, kamo's story, junpei's story, etc. again and again gege shows us kids being mistreated and fucked up because of adults' ambitions. it literally could not be more clear what the dynamic is for the sukuna and megumi storyline and if i have to see one more "teehee it's cute that sukuna only cares about megumi they should totally smooch" meme on instagram i will lose my god damn mind.
this is exactly what i think of when i see those takes about actually looking at a story for what it's trying to say and how it presents itself and not just divorcing the characters from it entirely so you can decide who's the most shippable.
0 notes
obscure-imagines · 3 years
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(*horror genre/smut warning*)
-where do I even start with this dude
-he’s highly intelligent, so boy isn’t going to fall for you easily
-in fact, he will aggressively attempt not to fall for you
-What if you get put in a heart game together or he has to kill you, or maybe you’ll just die- it’s a dangerous world out there
-no, he wouldn’t WANT to like you
-but fuck, every time you’re in the room his eyes are drawn to you
-Trust issue baby
-Opening up to you? not any time soon, that’s for sure :)
-it would take ages for him to even approach you
-he might not, boy has control of himself
-no, talking to him would either be on you to make happen, or accidental
-maybe you somehow end up at a game together
-and you approach him, sticking to his side for most of the game, one taste of you is all it takes
-he can’t just ignore you anymore
-especially since you’re around all the time (The Beach is an odd place, and you’re looking all cute in your beach outfit-)
-he likes to be on his game, 100% of the time
-and being with you is a distraction
-he kind of hates it, but he’s addicted to you too
-the first night you end up cuddling, after a trying game where you weren’t sure if you both made it out alive, Chishiya admits to himself he can’t live without you
-with you asleep, curled up in his arms, he knows he has to make the best of whatever time you both have left
-boy low key sucks at the idea of a relationship though
-thinks of them like a game
-and winning- well, winning is the end goal eh? ;)
-kind of a little nympho tbh
-quickie king
-hates pda, in fact, probably wont even let people know you’re dating, it’s a weakness, it means people can use you against him-
-play with his hair
-he’ll pretend to hate it, but he secretly loves it when your fingers are threading through his strands
-he’s pretty intense
-pretty needy, if he wants something, he’s going to get it: even if it’s your attention, or a kiss
-yeah, baby boy needs some kisses
-and cuddles
-and hugs
-he’ll pretend not to enjoy them as much as he does, but let’s be real, touch starved honey likes being held
-he watches himself fall deeper and deeper in love with you and it sucks because he’s terrified you’ll die/be hurt, but it also pushes him to want to win even more
-keeps you close at all times because you’re the most important thing in the world to him
-you’d be the good angel on his shoulder, and if you’re lucky he’ll listen to you... sometimes, but he’s still a dick head
-it’s kill or be killed, he tries to drill that into your brain
-the type to cup your face and look into your eyes before every game, doesn’t need to TELL YOU he loves you, you can both feel it
-low key, probably will take FOREVER to say ‘i love you’ for the first time, because saying it makes it real
-He almost pays more attention to your visa than his own
-very protective of you
-hates it whenever Niragi is around
-low key keeps note of people who piss him off in regard to you, maybe some guy was rude to you, or tried to dance with you at The Beach, regardless, Chishiya will remember and bide his time to get revenge
-is he ever not planning something?
-boy plans super far in advance, and sometimes, if you’re lucky, he’ll talk with you about all the moving pieces in his mind
-philosophical talks about the game and why you were both chosen etc...
-oddly enough, lots of cuddles, play with his fingers, show him affection
-cute boy brings you little gifs he finds, a flower that reminded him of you, chocolates, etc... 
-he’s actually a pretty great boyfriend because he views everything as a game, like, he wants to be WINNING the boyfriend game fam
-lets get into some fun smutty stuff
-real talk, boy gives me some lazy pillow princess vibes
-but he’s also pretty intense
-I think he’d favour balanced positions
-so spooning sex where he can have his arms around you
-he’ll let you ride it, in fact, loves to watch you ride him
-big watcher boy, loves having something pretty to look at
-mirrors could be fun
-he’s really down for most things
-not hella verbal, can dirty talk but prefers not to
-down for some good old fashioned choking, but won’t ever go too hard on you
-he’s a good switch, that’s my opinion on it
-but any control you have, you have because he’s giving it to you, so don’t forget that
-because all it would take is one sassy remark and he could flip you from behind on top, to being on your back, with your wrists pinned to your chest
-tease boy
-likes to make you shiver
-likes to make you beg for it
-wants you to be whining for him
-lazy, but Chishiya does enjoy power
-home made sex toys anyone? i mean, leave it to this dude to find a vibrator that works during the legit semi apocalypse (or whatever u want to even call the mess that is shadow Tokyo and The Games)
-if you’re super nice, he might let you wear his fun hoodies
-someone, ANYONE, mark this man’s neck up
-low key, as i’ve said, would want to keep your relationship pretty secret, so if you mark up his neck- boy is going to have some explaining to do
-maybe you can bring out the super dom Chishiya
-like... mad Chishiya? are we ready for him? I think not. 
-those collarbones- if you even tease and nip at them a little, man is going to grab your hair roughly, fight me on this
-finding lots of places to secretly hug and talk and kiss
-it’s hard for him sometimes to not stand next to you at meetings, because he wants to hold your hand : (
-soft boy
-get used to the sass master
-he’s.... well, he lies, he gaslights, he’s that kind of dude, but with you he sticks to white lies, catch him telling one and he’ll be impressed
-i’m not going to lie and say this would be sunshine and rainbows
-The Game makes trust difficult, especially because the heart games can be so brutal
-but once you both trust each other, fully, this is a power couple
-Chishiya has that confidence-
-honestly? good luck to all us Chishiya simps tbh
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The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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pilferingapples · 2 years
akallabeth-joie said: @pilferingapples Opinions? Plz? Very much in a mood to discuss meta and characterizations…
y’know what, same, the Mood is here, let’s see how much I can write before I fall over (also I’m myself so this is more thoughts on the relationship dynamics (general) than the relationship dynamics (ship specific, for the most part, but maybe some of that will appear? IDK it’s 2 am) (post I’m replying to is here! making a new one for reply bc Wow That’s Long, but do go look, it’s got lovely synopsis thoughts about all the Ami/Ami pairs, ALL OF THEM) 
Prouvaire and Bahorel - eeey yeah of course I have papersfull of Thoughts on this one:P I think I’ve said it before, but I always imagine their relationship as being very much built on Yes And--it’s the nature of the branch of Romanticism they’re both grown from. And while that makes them ,as you say, A Lot to everyone else, it makes hanging out together feel exceptionally easy and unpressured to them-- here’s someone who will not tell them to Calm Down or Be Practical or dial it back even one bit, or blink and ask terrible mood-killing questions like “why though”  when they have a Brilliant Scheme. Yes they’re dueling each other at midnight with rapiers on the roof of Notre Dame, no  it doesn’t mean they’ve had a falling out, do you have any idea how much coordination this duel took to set  up?  Also I think they’re sort of quietly and subtly set up as a sublime/grotesque duo, like Enjolras and Grantaire-- but a functional one, united and not divided by them both sharing a devotion to the Ideal (which is, of course, Romanticism). Melancholy and laughter/ comedy, one priest-coded and devoted to the Grand Ideas, and one a hedonistic walking scandal deep into the life of the street--but they come to the barricade together, apart from the Quartet of Enjolras-Combeferre-Courfeyrac-Feuilly,  and they die in the same attack (with wounds that amazingly echo Enjolras and Grantaire, yet--the priest-prophet type taken out with a volley of bullets, the earthier member of the duo taken out with one fatal strike) .  They can’t know the Death Thing of course (,..but they would doubtless be Very Satisfied, that is indeed somewhat the point of that) , but given the mutual Romanticism,  there is a seriously nonzero chance they talk about each other this way by mutual agreement. 
Feuilly and Bahorel - man it took me forEVer to come to any solid grasp of how I think they’d interact but then I learned more about French Romanticists and especially French Romanticist Republicans and the Polish cause and like. Oh. OOOOOHHHH OK, Yeah, They Get Along GREAT, mutual Outrage  About Politics buddies. I feel like--given their mutual and undoubtable  level of political commitment-- Feuilly, with his extreme earnestness and borderline baffling faith in humanity, would actually balance well with Bahorel’s greater snarkiness and Old Campaigner jadedness about some aspects of life.   It’s a good vibe? I like the idea of it.  ...Pretty much no one who writes them together writes them like this, but it’s how I see them and in that framework I dig it :P 
Enjolras and Bahorel-  gad I’ve come around to being fascinated by this relationship precisely because they aren’t , by all signs, a particularly load-bearing relationship for each other. They aren’t completing and correcting each other, they aren’t two sides of the same coin, they aren’t Domestic Partners Sharing Everything, they aren’t super invested in each others’ social lives or personal non-revolution activities, they’re not each others’ living Ideal of anything. They’re just. Friends with a shared goal who’ve been through a lot together because of that shared goal. It’s a good kind of friendship to have!  And when I say that, I think they share that goal in a specific emotional way the others don’t ; they’re the two Lifers of the Revolution. They’ve both given their lives to the actual, practical combat-and-conspiracy act of it to a degree I don’t think the rest of the Amis have. Bahorel’s been doing the Street Revolutionary thing for over a decade ; he is literally introduced  in his first line with that. Enjolras is younger and hasn’t been active as long, but he’s made it his whole existence.  I think that (potentially!) gives them a point of understanding that’s unique to them among their friends. 
Enjolras and Joly- I feel like this is a friendship where they don’t really “ get “  each other at all-- Joly is about as far from Enjolras’ High Idealism as he can get and still be Not Grantaire-- but are still nonetheless very fond of each other. Lots of “ are ya winning, buddy?” confused but sincere encouragement on both sides. Also fascinating to me that Joly, not Combeferre, is the friend that Enjolras associates most with Science!
Combeferre and Joly- oh geez I need to go to bed but I can’t not talk about these two now I think?? They’re definitely both medical students (for at least a while!), they’ve obviously got a ton of shared interests (scientific progress! the workings of the human body! Maybe Polyamory In a Utopian Socialist Way??) and they do both serve as something of the Dreamer in their respective wings of the group, but at the same time I feel like the difference between them is really summed up in that moment on the barricade when Combeferre is agonizing over life, death, and the moral cost of killing and Joly’s cheerfully asserting that cats are proof of a loving god. Both are extremely understandable, to be clear! just wow, on a fundamental personality level they see the world in SUCH different ways? Their conversations are probably very in -sync so long as they’re talking about science and progress and then veer wildly into the weeds if they get into PhilosophyXD
Combeferre and Grantaire- oh hey it’s the raging Tire Fire of Doubt!! both of them are drawn to more decisive and pragmatic people ( and especially to the same decisive and pragmatic person, yet) and Combeferre especially surrounds himself with the people most likely to be direct and focused  in a way that’s helpful for the guy whose impulse in a shooting battle is to start musing on the humanity of his opponent. Seriously, it took me a while to notice this, but with the obvious exception of Marius, everyone that Combeferre specifically gets dialogue with--Enjolras, Courfeyrac, Bahorel, Feuilly- is someone who is ..I’ll say “ not real prone to getting bogged in Doubt and Moderation” . And on the other side, the people that Grantaire hangs out with most are...well, gentle and patient with fools , in a way that Combeferre really isn’t but that Grantaire clearly needs. The two of them are , obviously, friends, but I can’t see them seeking one-on-one hangout time often. 
..ok it’s 4:30 and also Tumblr is starting to get weird on this , I’m gonna shut off the Ramble here 
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captain-mcdavid · 3 years
Tumblr media
alternate ending - pt.1
it’s been two years... josh and y/n have moved on and started new lives. but what happens when they find themselves in the same city working side by side? can they move past their previous games and reconnect? or will old habits die hard?
word count: 4.9k
smut: yes | no
warnings: swearing, alcohol
“Oh my god, please Thomas.” You groan, “Please, can you just be serious for one second. One second!” 
He raises his hands in defeat, “Okay, fine.” 
“Thank you,” You sigh, “Now go.” 
“Wait, what am I supposed to say again?” He asks, and you and the videographer share a look before you roll your eyes. 
“Bienvenue à nouveau, fans des habs.” You remind him. “On three, okay?” He nods, and you count down, smiling when it finally goes off without a hitch. “Alright now one more time, in English and then we can all go home.” 
He nods, and then shoots you a wink. You shake your head at him, counting up to three for the last time.
“Welcome back, habs fans!” Thomas says, and Ted, your videographer smiles.
“Done.” He turns off the camera, and you give him a pat on the back.
“We really appreciate you coming in Thomas,” You say, “Thanks again.”
“Anything for you, Y/N.” He smirks, and then he heads out.
“Alright, Ted. I’ll see you soon,” You say, gathering your things. “Have a good night.”
With that you wave and head out of the arena. Setting your things in the front seat of your Range Rover, you grin, taking a minute to admire your new car. This was something that would have taken you five years to save up for with the pay at your old job.
It’s kind of ironic, where you were two years ago to where you are now... You didn’t like your job back in Ohio but you couldn’t say you ever saw yourself coming back to Canada, let alone working for an NHL team. 
You thought you had it all figured out back in Columbus. But after your life took a nose dive you realized you really didn’t. A fresh start was what you needed, and luckily with your vast experience in media, you were qualified for a position that Seth recommended to you. A position as head of media operations for the Montreal Canadiens. 
You were weary at first, because why would you want to work in the NHL after you had a huge falling out with one of the players, but the more thought you gave it, the better the offer seemed. It was in Montreal, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the pay was double what you were getting in Ohio, and it would be a lot more fun.
Not to mention, there were 31 teams in the NHL, and if the one guy you were worried about did ever leave Columbus, there was a ninety three percent chance he wouldn’t come to Montreal. (Literally, you calculated.)
And now it’s been two years, arguably the best two years of your life. You have everything you didn’t have in Ohio; Stable friendships, a job you actually enjoy, a great support system. You’ve gained in every aspect of your life.
You’ve just walked in your front door, when your phone rings. You pull it out of your purse, laughing when you see your bosses name lighting up the screen. “It’s been ten minutes, Reid.” You say, and he laughs. “I’m off the clock.”
“I know, I know.” He responds. “I’m sorry, just this and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Okay, shoot.” You tell him. 
“Tomorrow, media day, I split the players in half for you. We’ll do the first half tomorrow, and then the rest Friday.” 
“Sounds fine to me.” You shrug, “What changed?” 
“We have two new players flying in tomorrow, but they won’t be in until Friday. I figured instead of saving just the two newbies for Friday and rushing you tomorrow with the rest of the guys, we’d just split it evenly.” He explains. 
“Oh,” You say, usually you found out rather quickly when there were trades and new acquisitions, but you hadn’t heard anything today. “I didn’t know we got any new players, trades?”
“Yeah, two trades. I don’t know much, it just happened. New guys are, uh- let me see...” There’s a fast beating in your heart that you haven’t felt for at least a year. When you first started, every time you heard about a trade you’d get a little nervous, cause what if it was him? Eventually those nerves went away, but they seem to have made a comeback all of the sudden. 
You shake out your jitters while you wait for Reid to give you the names, “Here they are, first guy: Joel Edmundson, from Carolina.” You nod, it’s a name you’ve never heard before. 
“Second, Josh Anderson, from Columbus.” 
But that one? It’s a name you’ve heard all too many times. 
Thank god you’re not driving anymore, because you’re sure you would have swerved into oncoming traffic after hearing that. You can feel a chill spread all the way out to your finger tips, a unsettling nervous feeling sitting on your shoulders like a goblin. This can’t be happening. 
He can’t be coming here. 
The phone is still held to your ear, but you can barely breathe let alone get a word out. 
“Are you there?” Reid asks, and finally you manage to just murmur out a noise of acknowledgement, and then you’re hanging up, nearly collapsing onto the couch. You’re in full blown panic mode. 
Within thirty minutes you’ve already fully played out scenario in your head where you quit your job and leave the city, move back in with your parents like a loser and remain single for the rest of your life. And it sucks, but honestly, it sounds better than actually dealing with this. 
If you stay, and let everything play out, you’ll have to see Josh. You’ll have to talk to him, interview him, all while acting as professional as possible so no one figures out that you have history. Now that, that seems just about impossible. 
In a haze you grab for your phone, searching for a specific contact you haven’t used in a while.
“Y/N, nice to hear from you! It’s been a while!” He says, but there’s a note of nervousness to his voice. 
“Seth.” You scold him. 
“I’m assuming you found out about Montreal’s recent acquisition?” 
“Yup, sure did.” You say sarcastically. “Twenty nine other teams that he could have gone to, Seth. Why here?”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” He says, “Ninety three to seven, the odds were in your favor, but apparently you’re just really unlucky.” 
“Super fucking unlucky.” You whisper, and you can hear Seth sigh on the other end of the phone. “Well, know of any other teams that are looking for media op managers? Columbus would be great,” You ramble, “There’s a really small chance he’ll come back, right?”
“Y/N, come on.” Seth says, “Last time I heard from you, you were loving it over there.”
“Yeah,” You admit, “I do, I love it here, but that’s all gonna change now.”
“It doesn’t have to,” Seth says. “You said you guys ended things on okay terms, if there’s no bad blood it shouldn’t be weird?” 
“Okay terms is not good terms. He told me he’d wait for me to figure my shit out, and then I basically pushed him out the door.” You explain, “We haven’t spoken since then, there’s no way that this isn’t gonna end terribly.”
“You can both learn to be civil and professional,” Seth tries, “You shouldn’t have to give up your job because of this.”
“Yeah, well...” You sigh, shutting your eyes tight. When you open them again you’re kind of hoping you’ll be anywhere but where you actually are, with any other reality, but you’re just stuck. “I don’t really see another way this can go.” 
“Don’t say that,” Seth whispers, “Promise me you’ll at least try. Try to make things work, don’t just give up before you’ve even tested the waters. This might end up being not even half as bad as you think it will be.” 
When you don’t respond, Seth continues, “You love your job, you love the city, you have friends... You’ve built a life for yourself there and you can’t give that up over this.”
If it weren’t for those things you would have quit the second you heard Josh’s name, but Seth is right... You’ve worked for everything you have here. You owe it to yourself to at least try to make things work here before you give it all up. 
You rub your temples with a deep groan, a dreadful feeling that you’re gonna regret this sinking in. But you sigh and agree anyway, “Okay. I’ll try.” 
“Yes!” Seth says, “You got this.” 
“Does he know?” You ask quietly. “Where I am? What I do?”
“No,” Seth answers, “I can tell him... If you want me to.” 
“No that’s okay-,” You decide, “He should probably hear it from me. Thanks, Seth.” 
“You’re welcome,” He answers, and you can’t help but smile a little. He was probably the one thing you actually missed from Columbus. “Will you call me in a few days? Let me know how things are going?”
“Yeah, of course.” You answer, “I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
He confirms, and then says a short goodbye. 
You hang up the phone, and then head straight for your wine fridge. There’s a fancy bottle of white wine that you were saving for a special occasion, and while it’s not the type of celebration you were thinking, it definitely is an occasion. You pour yourself a tall glass, grab a chocolate bar, and head to the couch to start overthinking. 
Then you decide within the first ten minutes that thinking is going to do you no good, so you turn on the TV and grab another glass of wine, praying the alcohol will knock you out, because without it, there���s no way your brain will shut off. 
After the third glass and your sixth episode of Schitt’s creek, you finally start to feel tired. Instead of going upstairs and going to bed, you just flop over on the couch, pulling a blanket over your body before closing your eyes, avoiding all the thoughts bumping around in your head. 
They’ll still be there tomorrow you tell yourself, and then you’re out. 
You’re basically tiptoeing around the arena, sneaking players here and there to get their headshots, all while trying your best to avoid him. 
Your plan is working quite well, you’ve manage to go over half the day without a run in. You’ve just finished with Shea, and you only have a few guys left, so you go for another stroll around the main concourse, looking for Brendan so you can get his goal animations done. You’re turning your head side to side, looking out for a short guy when you hear a familiar voice. 
It’s been two years but you’d recognize it anywhere. 
You freeze for a short moment before you’re all but throwing yourself into the room closest to you, which true to your luck, happens to be the men's bathroom. You twist the deadbolt behind you, staring at the door in pure horror. 
It wiggles against the hinges, and then you hear him, “This one’s locked, man.” 
You wait a good five minutes before you finally tiptoe out of the restroom, sneaking back to your office on extreme lookout. You sigh with relief when you’re in the constraints of your office. You’re finally safe now. 
“Y/N,” Reid announces, opening your office door as usual, without knocking.
You give him a small smile, “Hey, Reid, what can I do for you?”
“I found the new guys for you,” He grins, and the smile drops from your face almost immediately. “They’re ready for their close up!”
You kind of feel like there’s a camera that you can look into like you’re on the office or something, because wow, what stupidly perfect timing. 
Normally you’d have the mind to fake a laugh at his dumb joke, but you just shake your head in panic, standing from your chair as you flail your arms. “No-,” You start to say, but it’s too late. 
“C’mon in guys,” Reid moves further into your office to clear the door way and you swear you could literally throw up on the spot right now. 
“Reid- I asked Ted to do their media stuff-,” You try, but it’s too late. 
They walk in, and you slap a hand over your mouth to keep from swearing loudly in front of your boss. That doesn’t stop Josh though, you can’t even look up at him, but all that comes out of his mouth is, “Holy shit.”
You nod your head, your hand slides up from your mouth to the side of your face to act as a shield, while you give Reid your fakest smile. 
He furrows his brows at you, “Everything okay, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, yeah...” You murmur, and you finally drop the awkward hand, crossing your arms with a huff. Your eyes stay trained on Reid, “I just um, I had asked Ted if he would do their media shots and he said he’d take care of it.” You explain, and your boss makes a face at you. 
“Oh how come? Are you not feeling well?” He gives you an out before you can even think of one, and you jump on it immediately, nodding your head quickly. 
“Yeah, just like splitting head ache,” You say, “Nausea, it’s gross. I don’t know what’s going on.” 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks, and you feel terrible because you know he genuinely feels bad, Reid is one of the nicest guys out there. “You can go home, you don’t need to stick around.” He tells you, and you give him an appreciative smile, refusing to even let your eyes wander to the right. 
“That’s great, Reid. Thank you, I really appreciate it,” You’re about to drop, grab your bag and run out the room like the coward you are, but Reid motions to the boys and the overwhelming urge to throw up is stronger than ever. 
“I’ll just introduce you, and then I’ll send them over to Ted, you can get going.” He suggests, and you nod, sucking in a deep breath. “You’re looking quite pale actually.” Reid notes, “Poor thing,”
“Anyway,” He starts, and you force yourself to turn your body to the side, but you still can’t find the courage to look up at him. “This is Y/N, our head of media operations. She deals with all the social media, the interviews and that kind of thing. She’s great, she’s a huge part of our organization.” You give him a short smile in response, thanking him with a light tap on the arm. “Y/N, this is Joel and Josh, they’re gonna be great additions to the team.” 
“Joel, and Josh...” You respond quietly, extending a hand to Joel first, forcing yourself to make eye contact. “Nice to meet you,” You say, and then you move to Josh, holding out your hand to him too, repeating your earlier words firmly. “Nice to meet you,” 
It’s like your body goes cold when you look at him, he hasn’t changed one bit. He looks kind of confused, but accepts your handshake anyway, nodding with an unsure stare. He doesn’t make any move to let go, so you do it for him, pulling your hand from his grasp in a hurry while you grab your bag from behind you. 
“Sorry, Reid. Thanks again, I’ll be in tomorrow.” You tell him, and then you give Josh one last look, before heading straight out of your office. 
Reid looks a little bemused, but watches you leave anyways. You’re basically speed walking out of the arena, trying your hardest to make it to the parking garage in record time, because you actually feel like the air in the massive building is getting thinner. 
“You forgot this.” 
And just like that your heart rate spikes back up. When you don’t turn, or acknowledge him, he whispers your name and there’s a second where memories come flooding back. 
Your body is nearly frozen, you don’t think you could move right now if you wanted to. Josh comes to stand in front of you, and for the first time you’re forced to look at him. Really look at him. 
It’s been two years but you’d still know that expression anywhere. He’s hurt. 
“You work here.” He says, almost like he’s trying to convince himself. 
You bite your lips sheepishly, and you can feel your resolve starting to crumble. You can’t pretend you’re not completely overwhelmed anymore. 
“Were you ever gonna tell me?”
You find the strength to nod your head, but then a second later you’re shaking it to indicate that no, you weren’t. You hadn’t decided what you were gonna do yet, you knew he was gonna find out at some point, but you also knew deep down you were never gonna be strong enough to outright introduce yourself to him this way. You were just hoping when he did find out it wouldn’t be that bad... But here you are. “I was kinda hoping I could just avoid you.” You say honestly. 
He looks tense, like he’s holding back words. When he speaks he’s quiet, and you almost miss the way he scoffs quietly at your response. “Avoid me... Are we really that-,” He stops, leaving the sentence open, because he doesn’t know what word comes next. Neither do you, but you understand. 
You just look at each other for a moment, and it’s now that your emotions finally get the better of you. Tears well up in your eyes, and you just shrug at him, because you have no idea what to do. 
“I love this job,” You say weakly, “And I love living here, but-,”
Josh shakes his head and you stop, waiting for his interjection. “But nothing.” He starts, and then he’s moving one step closer to you, and him simply subtracting another inch shouldn’t affect you as much as it does. You feel your knees start to shake, the tears getting a little bit harder to ignore. 
“This doesn’t need to be weird.” He says quietly, “I don’t want it to be-,” Once again the words are left unsaid but you nod anyway, understanding. “We’ll figure it out, okay?”
You nod quickly, meeting his eyes. You can’t tell if the feeling is warm or cold, but it spreads through your body like wildfire within seconds. You wonder if he feels it too, if there’s anything still here after so long. He drops your gaze and holds your jacket out for you, you take it and then offer him a small smile, “Bye, Y/N.”
And then he walks away.
3 weeks later
“Habs reverse retro, um absolutely, I love these jerseys I think they’re really really cool, so I’m gonna swipe right on these.” Josh says, toying with the tiny phone in his big hands. 
You step in with a chuckle, waving a hand at Ted so he cuts the video. “Alright, you’re done! Perfect,” You say with a laugh, and Josh finally looks up from the phone. You share a glance with your videographer, both of you exchanging a knowing grin. 
“What?” Josh says, and you shake your head with a smirk. 
“Nothing,” You murmur. And Ted starts to laugh. 
“The camera loves you,” He says to Josh, “Almost as much as you love it,” 
He raises his eyebrows at you, “Was I not good?” The corners of his mouth turn up slightly and you just shake your head, trying to hide your wide grin. 
“No, no,” You stop him, and he looks at you skeptically. Finally you shrug and say, “Just maybe next time we do one of these you could like, I don’t know look up at the camera a time or two?” 
Josh starts to laugh, and he shakes his head, looking down bashfully at his feet. “This is not my thing, you know that.” 
And just like that, that stupid feeling is back. Out from the center of your chest all the way to your finger tips. It’s dull this time, but it’s there. You freeze, you’re really hoping Ted didn’t catch on, because you shouldn't know that. 
You change the subject before anything can come of it, and thank god Ted carries on as normal. He didn’t seem to notice, he just flips through his camera bag as usual, murmuring about Shea’s video being even worse. 
You’re not gonna give this anymore time to boil though, so you turn to the culprit, “You’re uh, you’re good to go, thanks Josh.” You say, scratching at the back of your neck. 
He just nods, looking worried at first, but and then half smiles before heading out the door. Once he’s out of ear shot you sigh, grabbing your bag off the chair. 
“Time for a lunch break, Ted?” Cause, wow do you ever feel like you need one. “We’ll film Brendan after?”
“Sounds good,” Ted smiles. 
You nod and then head for the hallway, making sure to go the opposite way Josh did. If you have to walk the whole concourse so be it. 
You shouldn’t be so skittish, you know that... But things have been good the last three weeks. You’ve managed to talk without it being horribly awkward, and no one has found out about your history yet. However, you’re not going to take any chances. The longer you’re in the same room with him, the more likely someone is to slip up, like Josh almost just did. You don’t need to spend a bunch of time with him, just enough time to get your job done. So that’s what you’ve been doing, the bare minimum. Talking only if you absolutely need to. 
The habs were having a great start to the season, not to mention Josh was a huge part of that. He was having the best start of his career, and you weren’t going to ruin it. 
You take a seat at one of the tables in the common area, pulling your book and salad out of your bag with a huff. You would really rather a burger and fries, or something not made up of 90% water, but it was in the fridge and it was easy so you grabbed it. 
You stab the fork into the lettuce, pulling it up one time before you just shake your head and leave it in the container, prodding around at it while your stomach grumbles. 
You look up from your book when your name is called, Joel and of course, Josh are sitting down at a table across from you, an obscene amount of boxed food in their hands. 
Your heart is thumping rapidly in your chest, and you try your best to talk through it, raising your hand in a wave, “Hi, guys.” 
“What’s going on?” Joel asks, “Hungry?”
“No but you sure look it,” You lie, nodding to the boxes they’re holding. 
Joel smiles giddily as they start to open them up, you just grin and then go back to poking at your salad, trying not to pay attention to how good their food smells. You try to distract yourself with your book, but yet again, that doesn’t last long. 
“Hey,” You look up, eyes meeting a complete stranger this time. “I was just wondering if you could tell me where the opposing team locker room is?” 
“Oh, yeah!” You say, standing from your chair to direct him down the hallway. “You’re a player?” You clarify, just to be sure, and he nods. “It’s just down the hall and to the left. Past the equipment room.” 
“Okay...” He says, and you stare oddly as he looks down at his feet and then back up at you. “Thanks,”
He has longer blonde hair, what these stupid boys would probably call a flow, and a long one at that, but he pulls it off. He’s got a nice face with a trimmed beard, and you can tell just from one look at him, swedish. 
He stares at you for a moment and then chuckles uncomfortably, “I’m sorry, worst conversation starter ever.”
Your stomach knots when he says that, and you want to believe that the reason for it has nothing to do with that fact that Josh is sitting right there, watching all of this. You just smile awkwardly, “It wasn’t terrible? More the follow up that could use some work...” You joke. 
“I just saw you sitting here and I thought you were really beautiful, I’m William. I play for the Oilers.”
Your heart is pounding in your ears, and although this guy is really sweet all you can think about is Josh sitting right there and hearing all this, but you try your best to smile anyway, not wanting to be rude. “That’s really sweet of you, thank you.” Maybe at a different time you’d give this guy a chance, because he seems quite nice. You briefly remember seeing a name on the Oilers roster for tonight, William Lagesson.
He’s about to open his mouth again, when a whistle from behind the both of you catches your attention, you turn to see a red head with a toothy grin. “Leave that poor girl alone, Laggy.” The red head snips, and William runs a hand through his hair nervously. 
You laugh, trying to make him feel better, and he chuckles with a shake of his head, mumbling an apology for his teammate. “Can I maybe just get your number?” He asks, and you try not to look as surprised as you really are. 
It’s been ages since someone asked you for your number, and apparently it’s been a long time since you said no too, because you completely forget how.  
Your overwhelming urge to be nice all the time fails you here, and you find yourself saying yes even though you really don’t want to. He’s sweet and all but, you’d rather not do the hockey player thing again. 
At the last minute you finally have the mind to put a fake number in, and you feel bad momentarily as he smiles and says bye, but as soon as you see the empty spot at Joel’s table, you just feel panicked instead.
Josh is gone... Does that mean he didn’t hear?
You pack up your things and then stop beside Joel, he side eyes you and then makes a face and you just frown. 
“Coach texted Josh, so he wasn’t lucky enough to hear that whole thing... Me on the other hand?” He takes an obnoxious bite of his food as he shoots you a wink, and all you can do is roll your eyes, and walk away. “That was hilarious!” Joel calls behind you, and you just wave him off, but really, there’s some relief setting in when you find out that Josh missed that last part. 
When you arrive back at your office, there’s a note from your boss, and a box on your desk. 
“Head home early today. Boys will be preparing for the game. We can finish up on Monday. -Reid” Is written in his chicken scratch on a bright pink sticky note. 
You do a happy little wiggle, and then reach for the box. It smells amazing, and your stomach grumbles at the thought, but then when you open it and realize what it is, you’ve suddenly lost your appetite. 
It’s pad thai and spicy yam chicken... Your favorite. 
You know instantly this isn’t from Reid... There’s probably only one person in the world who knows what your order is. You used to go to that thai place by his house all the time, and you’d always order the same thing. 
You don’t even put your bag down, you just leave the food on your desk and turn the light off before walking out. 
You try your best not to think about everything that happened today on your way home, because it felt like a huge step back after three weeks of progress. 
You stop for some groceries, and take a look in a little boutique, anything to keep your mind busy. When you arrive home you play music almost as loud as it can go, hoping it will drown out your thoughts. Over the last three weeks you’ve done enough thinking about this, you’re tired. 
So you workout, shower, make some dinner, and then you sit down to watch the game, pinching yourself every time you find your eyes lingering on number seventeen a little too long. 
The game is pretty slow, the boys aren’t playing their best, Edmonton is on their game and you just know they’re not gonna come out of this one with the two points, but you watch anyway. You kind of want to turn it off and switch to something else after the second period, but you give in and stick around for the third. 
All is fine and normal until the five minute mark ticks down on the clock. 
The camera spans to the right to follow the players going up the ice, when you hear the commentator say, “Big battle, in front of the net...”
And your heart just about stops, because you have a feeling you know exactly who it is. Guess Joel was wrong... He did hear the whole thing. 
“Anderson, and Lagesson, they’re still tied up together. Anderson is hot.”
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Reader going on a date with some guy who really want to impress her/him and brag about how he never get frightened and how tough he is. Reader believes him and maybe just for fun decide to go to the haunted house in her town.
Beej ofc is furious and super jealous. So he begs Lyds to take him there so he can scare this douchebag who dared to be around HIS breather.
Poor Lyds but at least she can watch how your date loses his shit over there.
pardon my english, still learning
Your english is perfect
I love this concept
Just alittle something
Like your in the haunted house with the guy, and like knowing beetlejuice you're kinda desensitized to this, though you werent too fond of spiders, unfortunately knowing beetlejuice, you couldnt help be on edge, due to him messing with you in the past, even though he wasnt around, a creak of the floor board, or the sudden sound of a door closing caused you jump then laugh, while your date is stone cold.
"Arent you having fun?"
"Nah, this is so boring, nothing scares me"
You frown at this, it was becoming obvious what was really boring here, but you grin and bare it trying to enjoy yourself, it's been awhile since you checked out an abandoned house, so spooky and fun,
Unbeknownst to you beetlejuice, who was now burning red, had convinced Lydia to take him to you, lydia was able to get your location by asking where you were, you never really gave it much thought.
"Alright beej, have fun" lydia waves on
The ghoul cackles "fun isnt the goal here kid, but I plan too, enjoy the show" was the last thing he said before vanishing
Lydia sighs, the two of you were hopeless, between you being an oblivious dolt and beej being a jealous child, it was hard to watch, at least she would get some enjoyment out of it this time, the kid wanders into the old abandoned house, in the mean time she took the opportunity to work on her photography portfolio.
You and your incredibly more boring by the minute date were deep within the haunted house, and he hasnt reacted at all, being brave and tough is one thing, but being so boring about it? Ugh maybe you should call it a night, before you could voice that thought an unfamiliar scream rings through your ears, looking back at the source of the sound, you see your date on their bum pointing in you direction.
You feel your stomach sink, slowly turning around to see nothing.
"What am I missing?" You ask turning back to your date, to see him scrambling to his feet and making a run in the opposite direction, before you take off to chase after them the floor beneath you opens up, several hands pulling you down, in a panic you start screaming, before one hand slaps itself over your mouth.
"FUCK!" Your date screams, how could he leave you behind, easy, that thing could eat you, this was you fault for dragging him hear, when you said you wanted to test his bravery, he though Netflix and chill scary movie edition, NOT THIS, that thing, that rotting corpse, multiple arms and eyes, razer sharp teeth, fuck this.
"Leaving so soon?~"
The man stops in his tracks
"You have y/n, you dont need more company"
Beej rolls his eyes, what a douche, sacrificing you to save his own skin. Beej makes himself visible to the man, nothing special, more toned down then his first appearance, but still a fiery red. "Hey, how ya doing? Pleasure to met ya, and yeah I got you're little girlfriend" the demon sneers that last part "they're mine now, a cute little rump like that doesnt suit a loser like you" the ghoul walks circles around the man, who was now trembling
You thought you were gonna die, but you should have guessed it was beetlejuice, once you were pulled away the arms brought you to the basement of the house, dropping g you on an old dusty mattress, and there you were surrounded by the clones, at first you were baffled as to how they got here, until you put 2 and 2 together, before you could ask any questions you were interrupted by a very loud scream, you scramble back up the stairs with the clones behind you, you were worried about what was happening, while the clones wanted to see what they were missing.
You made your way to the house's entrance and their stood beetlejuice, still a fiery red standing in the door way waving to the poor man he scared the shit out of, while lydia stood beside him laughing
"Oh hey sugar, fancy bumping into you here~" the ghoul turns his attention to you "howbwas your date?" You could feel the disgust in his voice
You sigh "boring, that's the last time I let a coworker set me up" you really didnt feel like confront beetlejuice on what he did, he got you out if a boring date.
"Aw such a shame doll, if you're looking for some excitment, I could show ya a good time" the ghoul pulls you into aside hug while his doubles whistle and holler.
"You wouldnt feel weird dating a living person?" You ask, voice sounding smaller then intended
Beetlejuice's eye nearly bug out, the red was quickly replaced with pink.
"Absolutely not, I would LOVE to marry you"
"That's not what said"
"Lydia call Delia, tell her to start planning mine and y/n wedding" he hollers his clones pulling you aside and congratulating you
Lydia groans "can we go home now! You two are painful to watch!"
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lucisfavoritedemon · 3 years
Crossed Oceans of Time
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Y/n always thought her hope was lost till an unexpected call from an old friend has her traveling across time to save the man she thought was once lost in an ocean of time.
Warnings: angst, fluffy fluff, cursing, hopelessness (idk why I make the reader so depressed)
Word Count: 4122
A/N: This is written for @sweeterthanthis Quote Me On It 6k Challenge. The prompt I chose was “I have crossed oceans of time to find you.” -Dracula. This story takes place during the events of End Game. I have incorporated the quote into the story. It will be bolded AND italicized. All mistakes are mine. 
Everything I had seen had been a blur up to this point. My life flashed by so quick I never had a chance to process it all. Originally born in 1922, I never believed I would be able to see the day when technology would thrive. Here I am in 2023, 101 years later seeing the miracle of technology. 
I am a super soldier. One of the first experiments before Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. I volunteered myself to Dr. Erskine's experimentation, so he could develop a better, more safe serum. 
I fought by Rogers' side in many battles, including the one that would take his best friend. There is something you do not know though, of me and Sergeant Barnes. 
I had fallen for him. Not just a usual school girl crush, no. It was full blown love. Like my body had been struck by lightning the moment I laid eyes on him. 
I could sit and talk for hours about Bucky, and how much he meant to me, but that would be pointless. Bucky was gone and yet I couldn't move on. Something was keeping my heart from finding love again. 
Steve and I fought one last time together to defeat Red Skull. We thought it was the end for us, that we would be with Bucky again, but fate is a cruel mother thing. Oddly enough, the serum in our veins stopped our bodies from dying. It preserved us and helped us stay alive. 
When I woke up, all I remembered was crashing the ship. I had no recollection of anything else after. That's when we found out we were in the year 2012. For 70 years we were on ice. Poor Steve was heartbroken about Peggy, and I couldn't help but wish I was with Bucky. 
Time flew by like it was nothing, and all I felt I did was stand still and watch it go by. Steve and I had parted ways after we got back. I was hired to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. which I didn’t mind till in 2014 it all came crashing down. Almost quite literally. S.H.I.E.L.D. had HYDRA growing right under its nose. I was again left alone with nothing but a shattered heart.
Nick Fury tried to help me get back onto my feet but I wanted nothing to do with him, or anyone anymore. I was too heartbroken to even think about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I really just wanted my Bucky back. That’s all I could ever ask of the world. 
Five years ago, something happened. I felt like my life had fallen apart again. All the friends I had attempted to make, all disappeared. I wasn’t the only one who lost people they loved and cared for. I finally felt maybe other people out there were feeling the same way I did.
Here in 2023, I have been without the love of my life for almost 80 years. I kept asking why I got to live while he was taken from the world so soon. I never got the answer to that rhetorical question, asked to no one in particular. That was till I got a peculiar call from an unknown number. I answered it hoping it would be the reaper I hoped to be greeted by to take me to the love of my life.
“Y/n?” It was a voice I hadn’t heard in almost a decade. One I thought I’d probably never hear again either.
“Steve.” I sounded cheery for once since I had been out of the ice.
“Hey. How are you doing? I know it’s been years since we talked, but I wanted to see if you wanted to go for a drive? Just you and me.” He asked, and I could tell he was smiling some on the other end.
“That sounds lovely, Steve. I’ve been hanging in there. Since S.H.I.E.L.D. and the whole HYDRA thing, I’ve just been laying low.”
“Where are you living now?” Steve queried.
“I’m living in Brooklyn actually. In my old neighborhood. 
“You used to live in Brooklyn before the war?”
“Yep. I actually lived above the antique shop. You know the one.”
“Yeah. I didn’t know we lived so close, yet we never met you till Erskine introduced us.”
“Yeah. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel the way I do now…” I sounded melancholy.
“I’m not too far from where you are. Meet where the antique shop used to be. We can talk more then, I have something I think you would love to hear.”
“Okay. I’ll meet you there.” I said, and hung up quickly. I knew there was nothing he could have told me that would make me jump for joy. He couldn’t say anything that would make my smile come back. It was gone, and faded with time.
I met him where that antique shop used to be, and I could almost picture it all. The cobblestone streets, the kids playing baseball, the world used to be a different place back then. It’s not like it was anymore, and I wish that it kind of was. 
“Hey.” Steve smiled, walking up to me.
“Hi.” I gave a small smile, but he could tell I had sadness written all over my face.
“What’s wrong?” Concern spread across his face.
“Nothing. This is just how I smile now.”
“Whoever took away your beautiful, contagious smile is going to pay.”
“Time took my smile away.”
“”Come on. I want to talk to you about something.” His smile grew wider as he led me to his car. 
He opened the door for me, and I climbed in. I buckled up as he climbed into the driver’s seat. We headed out of the city, down the countryside. The scenery was beautiful, but I still couldn’t bring myself to start a conversation.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine. I have been for 11 years. What’s 40 more gonna do right?” I gave an extremely sad smile.
“Is this about Bucky?”
“There were so many times in my life where we could have met. Maybe just a year longer with him, and I would be able to move on, or maybe not. I was in love with him, Steve. The way I felt the night we first met, it was like everything in my life finally made sense. I felt like I had a purpose.”
“He’s actually the reason I wanted to talk to you.”
“What do you mean?”
“He was alive. I need your help getting him back.”
“What do you mean? That’s impossible. We both watched him die.”
“Remember when all those men were captured from the 107th, including Bucky, back in ‘43?”
“Yeah, and we went to rescue them.”
“Bucky was experimented on by Armin Zola. Turned into a super soldier himself.”
“Okay and?”
“Whatever Zola did to him, it helped him survive the fall.”
“So what I’m understanding is, you knew he was alive this entire time, and you’re just now telling me about it?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I need your help getting him back now.”
“Okay. You keep saying that, but if he is alive, why would we need to get him back?”
“Remember 5 years ago when half the earth’s population just vanished?”
“Bucky was part of that half.”
“And you think we can get him back?”
“I think we can bring back all the life lost 5 years ago. It requires us going back in time though.”
“Time travel? You’re promising time travel in a time where we thought flying cars were going to be a thing.”
“It’s possible though. We’ve tested it, and everything is up and working. We have all the dates in order, we just need the man power.”
“Alright, if it means bringing Bucky back, I’ll do it.”
“Thank you.”
Steve drove us to a huge building practically in the middle of nowhere. There I was greeted by a group of people, one of which I recognized from a brief meeting years ago. The others I didn’t know. I mean one man looked oddly familiar, but I could quite put my finger on where I had seen him before.
“Everyone, this is Y/n. She is an old friend of mine.” Steve introduced me.
“I may be old, but I sure don’t feel like it.”
“Join the club.” Steve chuckled.
“I’m Natasha. We met briefly in D.C. a few years back.” The woman I had recognized approached.
“Yes, I remember you. It’s nice to officially meet you on slightly good terms. While not being utterly terrified by a man with a metal arm.” I smiled slightly, trying to imagine how it would feel to see Bucky once more.
“So how do you two know each other?” The man that I swore looked familiar, spoke up.
“Steve and I fought together during the war.”
“Does that mean she also knew Barnes?” The man questioned.
“Yes. She did. In fact they were together for two years before HYDRA took him.”
“How does he know about Bucky?” I asked, growing concerned.
“It’s a long story.”
“I’m Tony Stark by the way.” The man spoke up, and everything was now coming together.
“I knew you looked familiar to me somehow. You look just like your father.”
“Yeah, well, join the club with everyone who says that.” Tony sounded irritated.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Y/n, it’s alright.” Steve spoke up before Tony could say anything.
He could probably tell I was freaking out. My goal was to help, not make things worse. I could tell by just opening my mouth, I was doing just that. Steve started to rub my back to calm me down.
“Is everything okay?” Natasha asked.
“She’s been through a lot. She didn’t even know Bucky was alive until a couple hours ago.” Steve replied.
“For so long I wished that something would happen so I could be back in his arms again. Now, I have a chance to see him again, and not in the afterlife. He is the man of my dreams, the love of my life. I have never felt this way about anyone before, and the fact that I have tried to move on, but couldn't just shows that I truly did love him.”
“Does she know about him?” Tony asked.
“Not about that. She doesn’t need to know.” Steve stated sternly.
“Know about what? Steve? What aren’t you telling me?”
“Stark, I agree with Steve. If she knew about him, her opinion of him may change.” Natasha interjected.
“She deserves to know the man she loved then will not be the man she is getting back.”
“What are you all going on about?”
“Barnes was the man with the metal arm you spoke of.” Tony blurted out.
“You’re wrong. Bucky would never hurt anyone. He was someone who put others before himself. He would never kill anyone.”
Steve just gave an angry look to Tony. I didn’t know who to believe. Natasha just gave me an apologetic look. I couldn’t read anyone, they all seemed to look angry or apologetic, and I didn;t know who to believe.
“Maybe the Barnes you knew wouldn’t, but over 70+ years, people change.” Tony stated before walking inside.
“Steve? Was Bucky really the man with the metal arm? If he was, I want to know. It won’t change how I feel. I just need to know, so I can help him when he comes back.”
“Yes. He was what the world knew as the Winter Soldier. He isn;t like that anymore. I promise, but he is broken and traumatized from what HYDRA did to him.”
“Understandable. Now let’s go get him and everyone else back.” I smiled, and walked inside. I didn’t have to fake one anymore. I was just happy that I finally had the chance to see Bucky again. That maybe seeing each other again could mend our souls a little bit.
Steve led me to a room where he told me to suit up. I threw on the suit laid out for me, and met the others on the main level. Steve handed me two little vials which he told me would help take me where I needed to be. He told me I was to stay with him to make sure nothing happened to me. I was perfectly okay with that.
We were all ready to find these stones. Steve showed me a picture of the stones him, Tony, Scott, and I were to be getting. I just wanted to get this over with, to be with Bucky once more. I have waited a long time for this moment, and I just couldn’t wait any longer. 
“Everyone ready?” Bruce asked.
“See you guys in a minute.” Natasha smiled.
We all shrunk down, and our groups went separate ways. I made sure to not lose sight of Steve as we landed in our desired time. We all started walking the tattered streets of New York City, and I knew where we had landed.
“Banner, you find the time stone, Stark and Lang, you two get the tesseract. I’ll get the scepter.” Steve directed.
“What about me?” I asked, curious what my task would be.
“You are staying right here. We’ll all meet right back here once we have secured our items.”
“Why am I here then if you don’t need me?”
“In case things go south.”
I roll my eyes, “fine. I’ll stay here.”
“Thank you.”
They all walk off, and I stay put where they told me to. I listen to them talking on comms to each other. They were pretty entertaining if I was being honest. That was until they started saying they lost the tesseract. Things looked hopeless now.
“What are we gonna do now? The tesseract is gone, and we don’t have any more of the capsules.” Scott paced.
“I have an extra capsule that will get me where I want to be. Please let me do this Steve?”
“Fine. I think I have an idea where you might be going. Just be careful okay?” He hands me something, “put it in here when you grab it.”
“I will. I promise I’ll be careful. I’ll see you guys when I have aquired the tesseract.” I smile.
I plug in the time and date that I wanted, and shrunk down traveling back to January 1945. The day Steve and I put the plane in the water. I remember seeing Red Skull holding it that day, right before he disappeared actually. Maybe that’s what Steve meant by ‘be careful’.
I headed straight to the hanger, and climbed inside. I hid until I knew it was safe to come out. Which meant waiting till Red Skull took off. I waited for Steve, and I to start fighting Red Skull. I came out and prepared to grab the tesseract. I had the special case Steve handed me before I left.
When Red Skull disappeared, and Steve and I went to man the ship, I grabbed the tesseract. I plugged in the date to head back, and shrunk down again, heading back to the correct timeline. I arrived as everyone else returned as well. I looked around to make sure everyone was there, but one person was missing.
“Clint, where’s Nat?” Bruce asked, looking at Clint.
“Barton, where is she?” Tony asked, being more stern.
“She’s gone...it should have been me.” He sounded so sad. I felt for him. I knew how it felt to lose someone I cared so much about.
They all gathered by the water mourning Natasha’s sacrifice. I let them have their moment. It wasn’t my place to be with them while they grieved. It just didn’t seem right, or fair to them. I sat in the lab waiting for them to come back, and assemble the gauntlet.
Steve walked in and sat next to me, “how did it go?”
“It went well. It was weird seeing Red Skull and you, and me. I think I managed well though. Why did you give me an extra capsule?”
“I figured you would go and help us, then I’d let you go and be with Bucky. Get the time you lost back.”
“That makes no sense if I lose him in the end anyways.”
“Maybe part of me hoped you would change his fate. That way you never lost him. You would never have to know what it was like to lose him.”
“That’s really sweet of you Steve, but I don’t think that would be right. For me or him.”
“I understand. I just want you to know that your pain hasn’t gone unnoticed.”
“I’m glad it hasn’t, but I really wish you knew how much I needed you too. I didn’t just miss Bucky, you were my friend too.”
“I know, but you haven’t been the same since you thought he died. You have been more closed off, you don’t smile, or laugh like you used to. I just want you to be happy again. I want to see that beautiful smile, and hear your contagious laugh once more.”
“You will again one day. Right now though, you need to help the others make this gauntlet.” I gave a half smile before moving out of the way so the others could do their job.
I sat outside with my eyes closed. Just waiting for someone to walk up to me and make sure I was okay. The light from the sun was dimmed like a shadow moved in front of me. I smiled before opening my eyes, thinking that Steve, or maybe Bucky, was standing in front of me. When I looked, I saw something that looked like a meteor heading right for the building.
I tried to run inside, but it was too late. The ball, or cannon, or whatever had already hit the building. I wiggle my way out from under the debris, but I could tell I had a pretty severe wound on my abdomen. I tried to call out to someone, but I got no response. I hoped that everyone was alright. 
I finally was able to stand up, and walked outside. There I saw Thor standing, and watching someone. I walked over to him, putting pressure on my side to make sure I stopped the bleeding. That’s when I saw Steve walking up to him too.
“What’s he doing?” Steve asked, looking where Thor was looking.
“He’s just sitting there.” Thor responded. “He doesn’t have the gauntlet right?”
“Not that I can see.”
“Let’s keep it that way.” Steve said, walking over to me.
“Who is that guy?” I asked, looking confused.
“That’s Thanos. He’s the reason half the earth’s population disappeared 5 years ago.”
“Did he figure out what we were planning?”
“It’s not the same Thanos. The one from our time, Thor killed him.” Steve said, walking over to him.
“I used to think that destroying half the planet's life would be good enough, but the other half that stuck around seems to be ungrateful. Looks like I may have to destroy this world, and create a new one, one that will be grateful for the world I have provided.”
That’s when Thor charged at Thanos, and the fight began. Tried to fight as much as I could, but I was losing more and more blood every second. I ran at him, thinking he was going to hurt Steve, but he stopped me and threw me against some rubble. I attempted to get up, but the pain was too much to fight anymore.
I watched as Steve prepared to fight by himself. I wish I had the strength to stand up and fight next to him. I just couldn’t bear the pain anymore. That’s when I heard a voice over comms that sounded kind of familiar. 
“Cap, can you read me. On your left.” The voice said, and these vortex-like things opened up, and out walked three people.
Steve turned to me, and saw that I was on the ground. He reached his hand out to me, and I took it, standing up. He smiled at me, and prepared to fight. That’s when armies of people walked through these vortexes. I stayed close to Steve, finding comfort in the one person I knew fairly well. 
“You okay?” He asked.
“I’ll be okay. I just want this douchebag dead. He took Bucky away, and now he wants to destroy the entirety of planet earth. He deserves what’s coming to him.” 
Steve smiled, “you really haven’t changed a bit. More depressed than what I remember, but your attitude is still the same.” He chuckled lightly.
I giggled, and prepared to fight to the end. I didn’t care if I died, I just wanted Steve and Bucky to live. Steve stood at the front of the army he was leading, perhaps into our last battle. I was ready to do anything. I had found my hidden strength to keep fighting till I physically couldn’t keep fighting anymore. That was quicker to come than I thought. I knew I was losing a lot of blood, but I didn’t know how quickly. Turns out when Thanos threw makeup against the rubble, I created an even bigger wound. 
Only a few minutes into the now fair fight, I started to get really dizzy. I tried to grab a hold of someone before I fell, but there was no one around me. I hit the ground and I was out for the count.
I don’t know how long I had been out for, or if I was still even alive. To my surprise, and Steve’s happiness, I was.
“Hey there sweetheart.” Steve smiled, gripping my hand tightly.
“Did we win?” Of course that would be my first question. It was the first question I asked when we came out of the ice.
He chuckled, but his look turned sad, “we won, but we lost at the same time.”
“What do you mean? Did he snap them away again?” My heart was pounding in my chest. The fear painted across my face.
“No. Everyone who disappeared is back, but Tony...he snapped Thanos and his army away, but he didn’t make it.” Steve gave me an extremely sad look.
I squeezed his hand, not even paying attention to the fact someone had just walked into the room. I didn’t even notice the person till Steve looked over to them, and got up. I couldn’t quite tell who it was because where they were standing was kind of dark. That and my eyes were fully adjusted yet, but I could tell they were tall and well built, they also had semi-long hair.
“Go on. She’s been waiting.” Steve spoke up, seeing me stare at them.
The person came closer, and I was met with their mesmerizing blue eyes. I smiled at them as they came over to sit down. He seemed closed off, or just really shy. I couldn’t quite get a read on him for whatever reason. 
“Hey.” He gave a very small smile, almost shy.
“Hey.” I smile more. 
“I’ve missed that smile.” Steve spoke up.
I giggled, “well it’s thanks to you that I feel like I can be happy again.”
The man sitting next to me just looked down. I put my hand out for him to take. He grabbed it very gently. It was colder than I thought it would be. I looked down, and saw a metal hand. He tried to pull away, but I gripped his hand tight.
“You’re not scared?” He asked.
“Because I have crossed oceans of time to find you.” I smile wide, bringing his hand to my lips, kissing it gently.
Steve smiled, “you knew it was him the whole time didn’t you?”
“Of course. Those eyes are unforgettable, and his voice is unmistakable.” I felt the hand around mine tighten, and his smile got bigger.
“I’ve missed you doll. I’ve missed you so much.” Bucky spoke.
“I missed you too. I never thought that I would ever see you again.”
We stared lovingly at each other for a while. Enjoying just taking in the fact that he was back into my life. That I had him back. That the best thing that ever happened to me was back. It was the best feeling in the world, one that I thought I would never be able to feel again. I finally felt like my heart had been put back together, and Bucky held the mold in his hands.
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someonefantastic · 3 years
"can you shut up for once in your life?" for psych. I would specify a character but we all know it's gonna be directed at shawn
Despite being an angst prompt, this wound up being not super angsty but oh well. It’s got found family and that was the goal. Set somewhere in late season 4. Putting it under a read more just in case cause it’s like 800 words. 
Psych - Angst + #11 "Can you shut up for once in your life?"
He's not really sure how they got into this situation. All he knows is that one second, he and Shawn are sneaking onto the property of a farmer (who Shawn believed to be a suspect), Juliet and Lassie hot on their heels, and the next second they're all tied up in a barn.
Actually, perhaps he does know how they got into this situation, considering the answer is currently running his mouth.
"Soooo what exactly is your plan here? Because you've got two police detectives and two police consultants tied up in your barn here. You're already a suspect. It just seems like poor planning."
Now Gus didn’t think it was a really great plan to provoke the guy who kidnapped them, and who also had a barrage of farm tools at his ready. He didn’t exactly feel like being tortured today. Though, he’d have to hand it to Shawn, he certainly knew how to get under someone’s skin. 
The farmer was pacing back and forth, rubbing his muddied hands on his even muddier jeans and muttering to himself. He certainly didn’t look like someone who had a diabolical plan but after four years of doing this, Gus didn’t like to make assumptions.
Well, regardless of Gus’ own thoughts on what Shawn should and should not do, he can always count on Lassie to vocalize them for him. “Spencer, what are you doing?” The lanky detective hisses. Earlier Gus was thankful to have been put between Shawn and Gus but now... he’s not so sure.
“Relax Lassie, I’ve got this.”
“You’re going to get us all killed.”
“I don’t know Carlton,” Juliet finally speaks up, her voice equally hushed, and Gus has to crane his head to see her-- her small body being covered by Lassie’s much larger one. “Shawn has been held hostage a lot, maybe he knows what he’s doing.”
He can’t help but chuckle at that. “I don’t think Shawn ever knows what he’s doing.”
“Gus- guys, come on, what is this? Pick on Shawn Spencer day?"
“And how is that different from most other days.” He can see Lassie smiling to himself out of pride, though Shawn’s voice is quick to wipe that off his face.
“Aw Lassie, you made a joke. I’m so proud of you.” His best friend cranes his head, looking down the row at all of them. “Relax guys, I’ve got this.”
Gus grimaces. That’s exactly what he’s afraid of.
“Excuse me, Mr Farmer Sir. I was wondering if you possibly knew my farmer friend and could call him? He’d help clear up this whole situation.”
The farmer’s head whips towards them. “Be quiet!”
Naturally, Shawn keeps talking. “His name is McDonald, he’s kind of old but he can still get the job done.”
“Oh my gosh. We’re going to die here.” Juliet mutters.
“Regretting vouching for Spencer?” Lassie asks flatly and Gus figures it’s a rhetorical question.
If Shawn hears either of them, it certainly doesn’t stop him. “He’s got some animals. A pig that goes oink oink here, and oink oink there. Sometimes when I visit it feels like here’s an oink and there’s an oink. Oinks just everywhere!”
“I said be quiet!” The farmer shouts, “I’m trying to think!”
“He’s got a cow too.” Gus can practically hear all of them sighing at once. “That animal goes moo--”
The farmer roars and rushes forward, grabbing Shawn by the front of his shirt. Judging by how wide Shawn’s eyes go, Gus has to guess that this was not the intended result. Though he’s not exactly sure what type of result Shawn was hoping to get here.
“You annoying little-” The farmer pauses for a moment, as if searching for the right word and winds up settling on just yelling. “Can you shut up for once in your life!?”
“Hey now!” Gus hears his own voice yell. It’s a little odd, this sudden bought of courage, but then again that is his best friend. Plus he had been shot not too long ago, and Gus couldn’t live himself if anything else bad happened to him. “Shawn may be annoying and never knows when to be quiet, but that doesn’t give you the right to tell him to shut up!”
“Yeah! He may be incapable of being quiet but he’s also the best private detective around here and a great friend!” Juliet chimes in.
Lassie grunts in agreement. “Plus, you’re looking at a pretty hefty harassment charge right there on top of your murder, kidnapping, and kidnapping an officer charges. You might want to rethink this.”
Despite being possibly strangled by his shirt collar, Shawn seems to be beaming. The farmer, on the other hand, looks like someone just knocked the air out of him.
Making eye contact with Shawn, Gus smiles. “Shawn’s an idiot, but he’s our idiot.”
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