#socialist weeb
obsessivelooter · 1 year
Oh yeah, I guess I could introduce myself.
My pronouns are He/Him or they/them if you wanna make me sound cool and mysterious
I have dyslexia and will often trust autocorrect blindly so watch out for that. I also suspect I have ADHD.
My interests are: game dev, trpg-s(not D&D much), Anime, Yugioh, and socialism
I HATE aubergines (I will not call it by its nicer name)
My oshi is @diceydistracted or their official @ @dicequeendi
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otakusocialista · 1 year
La expropiación de las mujeres 
La mujer fue expropiada de todo medio de producción desde hace milenios, es decir, no se le permite trabajar, ni estudiar. Durante milenios su única salida para sobrevivir es la belleza; es un asunto de vida o muerte agradarle a la clase dominante o a lo que más se le parezca . De ahí le viene su paranoia sobre su novio; en conclusión, que no se les va a erradicar ese comportamiento hasta que extingamos el trabajo asalariado y todos por derecho humano tengan acceso a los medios de producción: Maquinaria, tierra y Libertad para todos.
The expropriation of women: The woman was expropriated from every means of production for millennia, that is, she is not allowed to work, study. For millennia his only exit to survive is beauty; It is a matter of life or death to please the ruling class or what seems most. From there comes her paranoia about her boyfriend; In conclusion, that this behavior will not be eradicated until we extinguish salaried work and all by human right have access to the means of production: Machinary, Land & Freedom for everyone. 
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soulpunchftw · 1 year
We got:
* Orange Star! Pew pew, ‘Murica! Just like in real life, they’re the main characters of everything. Our commanders include President Hot Aunt Vibes, Ash Ketchum with wrenches, Steroids Man, GI Jane, and a little old Japanese shop keeper for some reason.
* Blue Moon! Russia but without the unrelenting horror! So many vague communist aesthetics but without anything to show for it, you’d think it was the Democratic Socialists of America. Our commanders include Actual General Winter, Lazy Cowboy, and a rich nepotism baby who fights with human wave tactics (which might be the most Russian thing ever put in a game).
* Gold Comet! Imperial Japan but now with 100% fewer blood-curdling war crimes! Originally called ‘Yellow Comet,’ but someone at Nintendo finally realized that this was a REALLY questionable thing to call an Asian country. Our commanders include an emperor who proves that it’s possible to be both Japanese AND a weeb, the only intelligent person in the entire series, and Grandpa ‘Nam Veteran.
* Green Earth! Slutty Eurotrash with tanks! Very insistent that nothing whatsoever happened between 1933 and 1945, thank you very much. Our commanders include Blitzkrieg Bishonen, the lovechild of Stede Bonnett and Jimmy Buffett, and tank lesbian.
* Black Hole! They’re the Bad Guys! They appear to be aliens, Nazis, and/or Hot Topic mall goths- but their similarities to the people of New Hampshire end there. They’re here to conquer the planet, despoil the environment, and make angry YouTube videos complaining about ’forced diversity.’ Commanders include Literally Darth Hitler, the obligatory dumb brute that every bad guy squad is required to hire thanks to Affirmative Action, Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, a sexier Marilyn Manson, and Scar Fullmetal Alchemist.
Dual Strike, which is (honestly thankfully) not included in the remake, also adds the following commanders: Nuclear Nepotism, a white boy trying to become a rapper, another rich communist, Kamikaze Wario, Don fucking Quixote, meme robot, hobbit ninja, Karen, and Somehow Palpatine Has Returned
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mayax81 · 1 year
I know there's a lot of writing (that I agree with) on villains' struggles in hero society but c4n I also minirant abt how "willpower" is just makeup on "willingness to take abuse" (Aggretsuko corporate work culture & that Kermit "Imma keep it real w/u Shinzo Abe" meme) & the unique intersection BNHA creates by not just being a shounen but also abt the high pressure in moving up in work/school, working overtime being expected & normalized, sometimes to the point of self-harm (& even when the narrative condemns this, No It Doesn't🎂🍴), "Giving it your all!" (all your time to 1 purpose/entity instead of being a multifaceted human being with a life* & natural limits), etc. defined as True Heroism (bc valuing one's own wellbeing is kinda antithetical to the ideal of a hero By Design, & so often characters are forced into situations where saving others means getting hurt; the 2--self & others--are mutually exclusive), and Yet Again none of this being successfully/consistently criticized by the narrative despite being exhibited, just.,..,, The (UA) kids are not alright...
And it's a little thing for sure; it only really shows up anymore in the movies (it was more prominent at the start of the series), but I still needed it off my chest.
The story sometimes just refuses to choose: was [character's action] heroism or unnecessary self-destruction? 🎂🍴 Is the line often blurry? Sure. That shouldn't stop us from making ethical judgments, though.
Like, the last time I brought this up, I got pushback re:vague notions of entertainment value & the shounen genre, but like. Yeah, exactly? Do media tropes not also contribute to, in addition to reflecting, dominating cultural values? If your school & your society & your etc. are telling u to bust your ass** or else you're worthless, that might be something worth looking into & talking about, idk. Maybe Encanto's "Perfectionism is a homewrecker," & TOH's "School needs to accommodate children; not the reverse," and SPOP's "You're worth more than what you can give to other people," and actually sticking to those messages story-wise rather than just Telling one thing & Showing the opposite (🎂🍴) are all just spoiling my socialist feminist American ass rotten. Can't be the only wacky weeb who thinks an otherwise good message got twisted up bad on this one, though :/
Repeatedly putting characters in intense situations has entertainment value, sure, but there's something else going on in another layer to this that Very Much Does make social commentary (and it's commentary I disagree with), and I think because ppl are looking at the entertainment-value layer, they're not thinking to separate the Doylist from the Watsonian perspective or w/e.
If we want the *last* resort for our (both shounen & American superhero) characters to be self-harm sacrifice, then their first resort (& opportunity) should be to receive help; repeatedly being backed into corners where they conveniently can't rely on anyone else but their own self-destructive tendencies doesn't provide growth but teaches them, reinforces in their minds, that this is how the world must be. I can think of a few characters being receptive to help but not being within *reach* of it. I have also seen those same characters willingly shoving down very human parts of themselves in service of the system they idolize. This, too, is a form of self-harm.
A direct example: BNHA won't decide whether Midoriya's martyrdom is heroic or cruel, and I don't think it'll ever cast any of the students' level of dedication in an unhealthy light (even when certain other characters within the story protest, they're being used as a mouthpiece for the immature, or the faint of heart, but never of the author or narrative. Assistance is painted both as goal-inhibition & reward, but not necessity. The rehabilitation was a hero's welcome, not a change in perspective.) Martyrdom isn't a flaw at all here; it's something to be admired, even if this is concealed behind flowery, empty nods to "support" & "interdependence." Because (as class1akids put it) characters aren't allowed to fully meet the consequences of their actions, the story appears to condone those actions (& in kind the system that enables them.) Horikoshi thus can't resolve the systemic issues he exposes because he sides with the system he created (or certain aspects of it), and his MC has to keep believing in heroes. (Sometimes I feel it'd almost have been better if the issues were never touched upon, so that I could see through Midoriya's eyes the way he wants me to.)
I just don't like seeing overworking be glamorized, especially knowing what I know, especially especially wrt children, and I guess I've also become disillusioned, disenchanted, with the concept of self-sacrifice (moreso its overuse in media.) There are multiple avenues to self-harm; it's not always so direct. Moreover, the law of equivalent exchange doesn't apply to self-harm; you lop off your own arm IRL and all you've done is lose an arm--it isn't a guarantee that some fairy will appear and honor your recklessness with an arbitrary reward for hurting yourself. You do unpaid work for your boss, and all you've done is lose hours of your finite existence on an otherwise gorgeous planet. Repeatedly affiliating the two as an author (harm & gain) in people's minds can't exactly be said to have *no* effect.***
Anyway, tl;dr, glamorizing overwork is just one more nail in the coffin for me, I think. And yes, that is what it's doing. It's not really a main issue in the series but so often that little red flag goes up in my head during lulls in the story where we just see the kids doing their work as hero students, reflective of the heavy, excessive, detrimental requirements in our own reality & education systems. Let children be children, etc. Actually, let humans be humans. It really tries to, at times, but fails bc that's antithetical to the underpinning philosophy, social mores, etc.
*Like, if humanity can turn heroism into a profession, then they can give it professional limits, just sayiiing <3 I mean, they do, to an extent, but it's not enough.
**(You can't just OVERwork your muscles to strength; you can't train yourself to need less sleep, water, oxygen...) Overworking for pennies costs workers their time, but this isn't natural--it's man-made (to benefit the few.) If we can't change that system, the least we can do is to begrudge it for how ugly it is, and not kiss its feet the way these starry-eyed babs look at hero society :(
***It Most Assuredly Affected Me When I Was A Lass, I Can Tell You What ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ It's almost like… a huge slap in the face to have the Toxic Trait you avoided, deliberately made an effort to avoid, and succeeded in avoiding by just a hair… be held up and praised even if it is *lowkey,*(🎂🍴) ykwim?
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taxfraudhousewife · 21 days
might i rest in your hands a while and soak up all your light
might i drink the sweat from your palms and the blood from your hangnails
only for a moment
might i hear you scold me for giving up
might your words be fierce with fire and put fire back in me
if i read and learned and hoped and prayed
would i even find you
some internet people are saying the whole israel thing is driving the masses to revert
seemingly normal internet people talking about how they read the quran
it makes me think the price will be high
equal if not more
i know there’s not a finite number of muslims that can exist at the same time
still isn’t there
what if in a hundred years the masses revert
in exchange for forty thousand palestinians
what if it has to be more to buy the masses
what if there really is an order to things
no i am not converting to replace your weight in the islamic equilibrium
thought about it considered it realized i’m being fucking crazy
if you were here if i converted you’d be pissed off at me
say you’re not muslim jesus and you don’t hear my prayers
still the thought of buying future muslims with current muslims is terrifying and fills me with dread
that an order exists and it’s cruel and inconsistent
i hope it means nothing
it does mean nothing unless you can buy current lives with future ones
maybe they mean your god will reward someone (???) for enduring (???) genocidal carnage
by making more random muslims (???)
that’s a can of worms
one that leaves me incredibly grateful i’ve only learned how to worship men
at least plain ol men can’t be blamed for allowing (????) ethnic cleansings to happen on their property
at least on that big a scale
i’ve been kind of a muslim weeb lately
it’s a joke but now it’s getting weird
you’d think its weird
like i keep saying inshallah in russian sentences
and every time i think how if you could hear me you’d roll your fuckin eyes
and call me stupid
i don’t know why i’m obsessed
you muslims are curb stomping my heart
i broke up with the iraqi girl
i think your god made us to torture each other
it was november and i wanted to ask you what to do
half of my decision was prompted by israel
i think the other half was just what happens when you’re far away
only i could watch a genocide and feel sorry for myself
when the bombs fell the shrapnel tore open a scab on my lip
i couldn’t stop the bleeding (never could)
all i could taste was burning skin and wet steel
unwelcome alcohol and terrible adults
i longed for the comfort of you
and sought it in her
you fuckin muslims know how to chew up a fuckin heart
you muslims you men you humans
starting to think IM the problem
you men and girls and dead will turn me inside out and tear me to shreds
it’s down my throat back in my chest where it belongs except it’s different this time
it just hurts without the righteous angry enthusiasm
it’s just going crazy in my room at night
i’m so angry
but in the bad way like the way i’m not supposed to be
in the way that the angry boy who won’t answer the phone is always simmering
did you used to be that too
what did you do how did you stop being a boy how did you man the fuck up
cause i can’t
i miss you dog
i’m trying so hard to be like you
you’re everything i could ever dream of being
you’re so fuckin cool
i can’t replace you in the islamic equilibrium
no one can i know it doesn’t have to be me
i wished it hard
but still if i can’t be like you then what the fuck is anything
deadass i think a lot of happy hopeful thoughts when i think about you
i think you’d like that
got me dreaming about glorious revolution and shit
and garlic nang and you in your truck in the wild west
my toga is so fuckin cool
i sing it to myself
to mushu i tell him your toga asaan was a smart ass guy
he was a socialist and he read books and shit
would it be crazy if i named my first born after you
would i be setting them up for failure with a name like that
it’s crazy and stupid and not a name for me to give
i know
still i relish the idea of people asking why my heir has such a strange name
and telling them he’s named after an esteemed and accomplished anti imperialist activist
cause i can’t say you were good cause that’s basic and i would cry
i’m not man enough to replace that goodness
you can’t replace a guy who saved actual lives and also drank too much nyquil
if you were here i’d bully you for it forever
i’d never shut the fuck up i still never shut the fuck up about it
just incase you can hear me bullying you
you fuckin harami ass i see you now
i hope to giggle with you over our addictions one day
i hope to try hashish with you i hope to watch you hit a fifty nic disposable for the first time
to drink too much with you and ask you what you think of nine eleven
i don’t need to ask everything but at least that
and maybe a summary of what you were really getting into
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ibswarriors2nd · 1 year
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The revolution is never happening because if you take away yaoi from the gay socialist weebs, you will lose half your army.
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floralmemoirs · 3 years
Not to be that girl/ sister/ dyke but I can’t wait to move to ny to be there to protect my baby boy. he lets ppl treat him so shitty!!! We’re the softest in my family and it gets taken advantage of so much and I’m fucking tired of it. If I won’t change for me, I’ll do it for him which has always been more comfortable for me anyway. Omg plssss let someone hurt my baby while I’m there, my pent up rage can use a release and I haven’t felt the euphoria of kicking someone’s ass in so long.
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otakusocialista · 2 years
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dzamie · 3 years
Quick question, of I'm a minor an you follow me first, can I follow you back? I hav nsfw an nsft tags filtered an can filter another one if need be
Ah, didn’t realize I was following a minor, whoops. I try to avoid that because I do occasionally make lewd jokes, and the fewer minors on my dash, the less likely it is that I’ll accidentally do that at a minor (related: if I do that on one of your posts, PLEASE tell me so I can delete it asap).
Similarly, I recommend that minors not follow me because of posts like that. I won’t block you for being a minor, and I do have a “#horny on main” tag for provocative images and explicit text, but often times suggestive text is generally not tagged.
So, ultimately, it’s okay, but like, be forewarned that this blog is not rated G for general audiences. It’s the philosophy I had when I was in middle and highschool, and I turned out to be a bisexual, socialist, furry weeb mostly fine. To use an analogy: this museum has some stuff on the floor. I keep the caltrops and barbed wire in a separate building, and there’s warning signs around the pincushions and jacks, but there are some 4-sided dice and Legos around. It may not be wise to visit without shoes, but I won’t bar the door.
Queerphobes (including terfs) are absolutely not allowed in the museum, though. They are cordially invited to get better opinions before trying again.
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telltaletypist · 3 years
people who followed me for anime shitposts finding out i'm a godless commie vs. people who followed me for socialist hot takes finding out i'm a shitty weeb
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danganronpauntitled · 4 years
Danganronpa Untitled:Character Info
Hanake Gemu-Ultimate Gamer
Blood type:*in progress
Personality: Hanake is a tad bit arrogant but tries to be a bit nice to people he likes but can come off as a bit harsh to people he dislikes
Sumato Chimo-Ultimate intellect
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Is sweet but a bit actually very awkward and nervous,as well as as little confidence in their answers.
Ikari- ultimate lucky student
Blood type:B+
Birthday: 6/24
Personality: Very Intimidating (which is true) to most people but once you get to know her she is very kind hearted and will protect you at any cost
Akishi Joyu-Ultimate actress
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Sweet with a hint of arrogance in her knowledge.She can put up a fight but usually it isn’t the best idea due to her fame from being in a popular family.
Yagin Heibon’na-ultimate mediocrity
Blood type:*inprogress*
Personality:Just done with the world only a couple of people can leave him with a smirk
Jota Damasu-Ultimate trickster
Weight: 95lb
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Loves to play tricks on her friends but when times get tough she secretly helps her friends without the co headmasters knowing her soft side.
Kona Sosharu-ultimate socialist
Blood type:*in progress
Personality:Hot-headed when her friends get hurt and also takes risks a lot which isn’t good as it sounds in a killing game...
Raitu Yaku-Ultimate baker
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:An interesting eccentric little baker who has the greatest taste yet if anyone leaves a half of her pastry she will go berserk..
Okondo Toraburu-Ultimate troublemaker
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Hot-headed at almost everyone as well as being messed up in the head (you’ll see).Will act very depressed or very positive when high (don’t so drugs kids)
Janyaka Nise-Ultimate Fan
Blood type-*in progress*
Birthday- 2/14
Personality-Is a sucker for romance especially for some famous celebrities, Janyaka however acts very harsh to most of her classmates.
Nakoru Ai-Ultimate Charismatic
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Very arrogant yet he is very uneducated and will get confused often however he does have a kind heart.
Mako Fuun-Ultimate Unlucky student
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Very knowledgeable about getting hurt, Will keep her classmates from doing anything that’ll get themselves hurt (mom friend :) )
Ruzuka Roripopp-Ultimate confectionist
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:A very quiet person due to him always having a lollipop in his mouth but when he does remove his lollipop it isn’t a nice thing to see..
Wuta Hottososu(Wuta 2)-Ultimate exterme eater
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Wuta 2 having to be under Wuta’s shadow is more quiet yet when he does speak its either to help a case or to share a tragic eating story
Wuta Jokku-Ultimate Athlete
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Wuta is very arrogant and rude to his classmates and will force them to do all the case work and then take the credit for being the best due to him always wanting to be #1.
Damagaya Niho-Ultimate Japanese Enthusiast(fancy term so we won’t call him a weeb)
Blood type: *in progress*
Personality:One of the only people to cheer Yagin up so he is a bright guy who tries to use his knowledge of anime to help solve cases.Also he reference many anime as well as wears a ninja outfit and a familiar headband just to prove it.
*This post will be updated frequently*
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classicalnacl · 4 years
⭐ - You're allowed to pick three countries to be introduced to the series. Who do you pick and why?
Okay, firstly I wanna thank you for pandering to my pleading for people to send me asks, I live for this and you’ve made my whole ass day.
But I think I would want to meet Alfred, Elizabeta, and Matthieu.
Alfred because he’s my all time favorite, a totally relatable young adult nerd whose aggressively American. I just understad all of those and I think talking to him would be easy.
Elizabeta because I relate to her feral little girl past and TMI, as a young heathen I also assumed I was a late bloomer and would— ahem— grow one. I also trust women pretty openly and feel like she’d be great if I asked questions and would be a nice host for like afternoon lunch.
I think lastly, I vibe with my personal view of Matt, which is like, a soft stoner socialist who has to deal with being the second favorite. I also know he’s a weeb in canon and have to say that I think he’d be fun to talk DBZ with lmao
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shinyworld · 4 years
cant wait to be famous and have fans going thru my tumblr to see what was i like in my early 20′s just to find out that i was a weeb a kpoppie and a socialist
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zololacan · 3 years
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